The installation and the performance The Jewish Resistance Monument revisited have been developed by the art collective Mikel van Gelderen, Marianne Theunissen, Gennaro Postiglione, Jeroen Werner and Jurjen Zeinstra in collaboration with the historian Loes Gompes, during a four months collaboration.
The work was presented at Amstel 41 gallery the 22nd, 23rd and the 25th of February 2014, in occasion of the yearly celebrations of the Jewish Resistance and of the February strike.
The installation takes off by a reflection on a possible new vision for monuments, memorials and other commemorative forms exploited by the research project Recall. REcall is a research project funded by EU-Culture programme that challenges the investigation of new forms of interventions on Conflict Heritage and Landscape with the aim to overcome the trauma connected and with the precise goal to avoid the reduction and limitation of action around commemorative spaces.