JUNE 2010 •
JUNE 2010
JUNE 2010 •
JUNE 2010
JUNE 2010 •
JUNE 2010
JUNE 2010 •
目 录 11 Message from the Publisher 79 卷首语
2010 年6月
总第074期 JUNE 2010
Managed Print Services: Impact on the Supplies Market By Cathy Martin and John Shane
42 106
2010 ReMacau Expo Closed
18 80 82
The Integrated Printhead Cartridge
警惕仿真耗材 Alert: Imitation Consumable Supplies
打印市场增长点:低端、彩色、行业项目 Print Market New Growth: Low-end, Color, Industry Projects
油墨制造业面临艰巨挑战 Printing Ink Manufacturing Industry Faces Formidable Challenges
喷墨技术对陶瓷产业升级的影响 Inkjet Technology Impacts on Ceramic Upgrade
20 86 22 86 26 84
By Yang Lijun
带头墨盒将何去何从 浅析打印机耗材的回收难题 An Analysis on the Problem of Recycling Printer Consumables
RechargExpo 2010 Sponsorship Packages 2010年中东东南亚办公耗材展赞助项目 RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010: Visa on Arrival
ReMacau 2010 澳门国际打印耗材展落幕
2010年中东东南亚办公耗材展签证和入境 RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 Event Schedule
The Hunt for Spent Cartridges 寻找废弃空盒 By Alwin Morgenstern & Art Diamond
IDC MarketScape Finds Leading Hardcopy Vendors Aggressively Investing in Managed Print Services Programs IDC预测文件管理系统(MPS)将引领未来打印市场
Worldwide Forecast Data and Analysis for the Monochrome Laser Market 黑白激光打印机的全球市场分析数据
Lyra Forecast Report Discusses the Demise of the Simple Snapshot Photo Print Lyra最新的预测揭示了快照打印机的消亡
Pre-Show Promotion: How to Quadruple the Results of Your Trade Show Marketing 展前推广:如何使你的展会推广获得加倍效果
喷墨耗材市场全面解析 A Complete Analysis on Inkjet Supplies Market
By 雷振超 2010年上旬耗材市场调研分析 Consumables Supplies Market Research for the First Two Quarters of 2010
三合一喷墨一体机市场占有率达七成 Three-in-one Inkjet Market Share Reaches 70%
展会推广招商的6个关键环节 Six Keys in Show Promotions
JUNE 2010
Konica Minolta Contributes to Minimize Environmental Impact with a New MFP for Emerging Markets 柯尼卡美能达利用新的多功能一体机协助新兴市场企业减少对 环境的影响
Ricoh Helps Businesses Track Carbon Footprint of Printing Practices with New @Remote Green Reports 理光利用新的@Remote绿色报告帮助企业在印刷过程中跟踪 碳足迹
Epson WorkForce 520 All-in-One Delivers Superior Performance, Speed and High Image Quality for Small Business 爱普生为小型企业推出性能、速度和图像质量卓越的 WorkForce 520一体机
Kodak Introduces "Virtually Invisible" Security Inks 柯达研发出隐型安全油墨
柯尼卡美能达独创“碳中和”植物型聚合碳粉 Konica Minolta Creates "Carbon Neutral" Plant-type Polymerization Toner
惠普MPS新解决方案在京发布 HP's MPS new solution released in Beijing
En Ch Note: By 文志宏
Recharge Asia is the original bilingual publication for the recharger industry in English and Chinese. The following symbols denote the language in which the article appears: En English Ch Chinese
Tel 1-626-309-0858 Fax 1-626-309-0878
Remanufacturing the Okidata B-2500 MFP Series Toner By Mike Josiah Cartridge Okidata B-2500 MFP成像卡盒再生
Tel 86-10-5126-5580 Fax 86-10-5885-8747
北美油墨等印刷材料价格上涨 Ink and Other Printing Materials Prices Raise in North America
埃申特CP1215彩机三辊浅析 Ascent CP1215 Color Machine Three Roll Analysis
爱普生获中国低碳经济突出贡献奖 Epson Won an Outstanding Contributions Award in China on Low-carbon Economy
AOAO还是LED?从节能型看打印设备未来发展 AOAO or LED? Energy-saving Equipment Perceives the Future Development of the Print
美国对中国和印尼铜版纸征收惩罚性关税 United States Imposed Punitive Tariffs on Coated Paper from China and Indonesia
施乐公司第一财季陷入亏损 Xerox Enters into the First Quarter Loss
照片打印机选择四要素 Photo Printers Choose Four Elements
West Point Products Recognized with Seven Readers' Choice Nominations West Point 公司获选读者首选品牌提名
Sinobase Receives STMC Certification Sinobase公司获得STMC认证
SpencerLab Releases an Independent Comparative Print Quality Study SpencerLab发布一个关于比较打印质量的研究报告
Printable Technologies® at IPEX 2010 Printable Technologies® 公司出席IPEX 2010展会
惠普多款成像卡盒涨价 缺货将持续到七月 HP's Various Toner Cartridge Models Prices Increase, Outof-Stock Items will Last until July
SME Development Associates Specializes in Asia, Latin America, and Middle-East Markets 中小企业发展联合会专注于亚洲,拉丁美洲和中东市场
外企纷纷将印尼作为生产基地 Foreign Companies Will Have a Production Base in Indonesia
台湾上福将以彩色墨粉盒切入中国大陆耗材市场 General Plastic Industrial Company Releases New Color Toner Cartridges to China Market
喷墨与激光打印机污染指数比较 A Comparative Index Between Inkjet and Laser Printer Pollution
江苏省无锡市审结一起假冒耗材注册商标案件 The Conclusion of Wuxi Registered Trademark Counterfeiting Consumables Case
Katun® Corporation Introduces Katun® Staples for Use in a Wide Range of Popular Copiers and MFPs Katun®公司为大众型的复印机和文件处理系统推出Katun® Staples系列兼容产品
APEX Releases CE278/285 Replaceable Toner Cartridge Chips 艾派克公司推出CE278/285型可替换芯片
MSE Develops Breakthrough Color Solution MSE研发出突破性的彩色解决方案
ILG Releases Alternative Color Print Cartridges Drums for HP CP6015, CM6030, CM6040 ILG公司发布惠普 CP6015,CM6030,CM6040彩色打印机兼 产品
佳能全面升级核心大幅面打印技术 Canon Large Format Printing Technology to Comprehensively Upgrade its Core
工信部:我国一季电子信息产品出口增36.5% MIIT: China's Electronic Information Products Export Growth 36.5% Last Quarter
格之格成像卡盒一季度销售增长超四成 G&G Cartridge Sales Grew over 40% in the First Quarter 珠海赛纳上榜“税收贡献百强”企业 Zhuhai Senna Ranking "Tax Contribution One of the Top Hundred Enterprises" 天威耗材绿色经济装全线上市 Print Rite Supplies Equipment Lists as "Green Economy" Across the Board
2010 RechargExpo South East Asia Exhibitor List & Information 2010年中东-东南亚办公耗材展展商信息
JUNE 2010 •
Publisher’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to news@rechargeasia.com.
Art Diamond
Art Diamond President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC) Mr. Art Diamond is a 52-year veteran of the imaging industry, having worked in this field continuously since 1955. He is currently President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC). DRC is a high technology consulting, publishing, and trade show management firm that formed in 1968. Now headquartered in Ojai, California, DRC is a chemical engineering consulting firm involved in toner, ink jet, and imaging media production and marketing.
Alwin Morgenstern
Alwin Morgenstern Chief Operating Office of freerecycling.com Alwin Morgenstern is a 25 year veteran of the recycling industry, currently serving as Chief Operating Office of freerecycling. com--a recycling and engineering company he co-founded in 2003. freerecycling.com (http://www.freerecycling.com) specializes in printer cartridge, plastic, and cell phone recycling and has pioneered recycling logistic networks nationwide. It currently serves more than 14,000 customers nationwide. Morgenstern was responsible for the development and execution of trade show management for the First European Cartridge Recycling Show, R&R Europe, in 1993 in Frankfurt, Germany. Prior to freerecycling.com Morgenstern developed, the first European toner printer cartridge collection system in Germany with over 8,000 participating companies. For five years Morgenstern served as CEO for a subsidiary of the largest German based RWE Entsorgung AG waste management company in the Czech Republic where he was responsible for a newly constructed processing center for toner recycling and resin recovery. Additionally, he established the center’s European headquarters. He known internationally as an expert in recycling and collection systems, especially for printer consumables and cell phones. Morgenstern received a Master of Science degree in Engineering and Organization from the Aachen University. He can be reached at: 949.285.1310 or alwin@ freerecycling.com Read their article “The Hunt for Spent Cartridges” p12
Mike Josiah
Mike Josiah Technical Director, Summit Technologies division of Uninet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. Read his article “Remanufacturing the Okidata B-2500 MFP Series Toner Cartridge” p54
RechargeAsia offers to announce your 2010 fairs, trade shows and conferences free of charge. Simply send us your conference information on a regular basis. In appreciation, we shall be happy to provide you with free copies of our international magazine for distribution at your event. Please contact: Jessica Hao Email: jessica@rechargeasia.com
JUNE 2010
Message from the Publisher Dear Readers, Happy June! Summer is just around the corner and we are heading into the second half of 2010! Time indeed does fly, however, and this year has already seen lots of “happenings” in the imaging industry. We have heard wonderful success stories achieved by persistence, good old hard work and a willingness to go that extra mile. Throughout the industry, thanks to these extra efforts, sales numbers are up and spirits are good, and this in turn is sure to lead to continued progress. People are connecting and reconnecting with each other at the many opportunities presented by the many industry events going on. And Recharge Asia Magazine was there; bringing you the latest industry news. We had the pleasure of participating in the “On Demand” show in Philadelphia in April, gaining a clear understanding of printing and the management side of the business, as well as how the supply market plays its role. We were also at our industry’s senior toner conference in Marina Del Rey in May, the former Tiara conference now being presented by Pira International. As usual, the conference gathered high-caliber industry speakers offering attendees industry wisdoms, market trends, and breakthroughs. And of course we are excited to present our own event: RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 on July 14-16 at the Jakarta Convention Center, in conjunction of Festival Komputer. Over many busy months and tireless efforts, RechargExpo is gearing up for a huge successful. To give you a little taste of the local cultural, we are hosting a spectacular gala dinner on the evening of July 14 at the Sultan hotel. With exquisite Indonesian cuisine and a traditional dance show, be sure to market your calendar for this exciting party! In the end, as usual, many high quality articles are compiled this month for you to enjoy. Don’t miss these great pieces: The Hunt for Spent Cartridges by Alwin Morgenstern and Art Diamond on p.12, The Integrated Printhead Cartridge by Yang Lijun on p. 18, Managed Print Services: Impact on the Supplies Market by Cathy Martin and John Shane on p. 38, and Remanufacturing the Okidata B-2500 MFP Series Toner Cartridge by Mike Josiah on p.54. Warmest regards,
Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher
JUNE 2010 • 11
The Hunt for Spent Cartridges By Alwin Morgenstern, FreeRecycling.com & Art Diamond, Diamond Research Corp. The ink and toner cartridge remanufacturing industry depends upon spent (empty) cartridges collected from end users in the field. Collecting or recovering these “cores” or “empties” as they are sometimes called, has become an art and a business in itself. After the collection process has yielded hundreds or thousands of these cartridges a professional core broker will sort them out by condition, machine make and model. The most desirable cores are brand new cartridges that have been used just once. They are called “virgins.” The least desirable empties have been used and recycled many times and owing to excessive wear on rollers, gears, and other components, are in such poor condition they cannot be properly remanufactured. These are called “end-of-life” cartridges. Disposing them in an environmentally friendly manner represents one of the most vexing problems facing the remanufacturing industry today. Charles Brewer, President of Actionable Intelligence, a consulting group based in Franklin, Massachusetts, told Recharge Asia magazine “The ink jet and toner remanufacturing industry is struggling to find spent cartridges. The supply has withered for a few reasons. First, demand for new cartridges dropped last year as high unemployment rates resulted in less printing which translated into fewer cartridges entering the empties stream.” “Second, the demand for remanufactured cartridges grew as companies looked for ways to cut their printing costs in the poor economy. The increase in demand was exacerbated by a shrinking number of virgin cores.” “Third, various collection programs implemented by OEMs and third-party supplies vendors have become very efficient. The lifecycle ‘loop’ has been more effectively closed so many empties never make it to the open market. The scarcity of empties has driven the price of many cores up, if they can even be located!” SOME NUMBERS John Shane, a Director of InfoTrends (Weymouth, MA), estimates
JUNE 2010
annual sales of OEM and aftermarket toner and ink jet cartridges at about $70.4 billion. This figure includes both printer and copier sides of the market for all office and production applications. Of this amount, ink jet cartridges for desktop devices account for about $29 billion Said Shane, “The total worldwide demand for all-in-one type laser cartridges is approximately 225 million units. Of this amount, the non-OEM, reman share is approximately 30%-35%. In the US, the non-OEM reman share is 35-40%.” Shane added, “Worldwide, the non-OEM share of ink jet cartridges in the aftermarket is approximately 20%-25%, while in the US, the reman share is about 15%. CARTRIDGE DISPOSAL Original equipment makers (OEMs) such as Hewlett-Packard, Canon, Lexmark and others know that aftermarket rechargers run on empties. Spent cores are the lifeblood of the remanufacturers. One of the most powerful competitive weapons the OEMs have is their ability to capture spent cartridges and dispose of them by taking them apart, sorting out the scrap metals, recovering working parts that are in good condition, and grinding up the cartridge shells for sale to scrap plastic dealers. By doing this, they are controlling their products “from cradle to grave” in an eco-friendly manner. Remanufacturers, on the other hand, have no solution for the disposal of “end of life” cartridges. While they can argue convincingly that remanufacturing is the highest form of recycling, how they dispose of a useless cartridge is another matter. If they send it to a landfill, they are defeating the noble aim of remanufacturing. DOWNCYCLING Downcycling is a much better solution to the disposal problem. The term means converting a discarded product into raw material that can be used in another, however different product. Australian rechargers have mastered this approach by 1) an effective scrap plastic collection system that includes beverage and shampoo bottles, and other scrap plastics, and 2) a chemical solution to the effective alloying of styrene, acrylic, polyester, vinyl and other mixed plastics and casting or extruding the melt into structural beams, planks, benches, walkways, signs and other indoor/outdoor forms. No such consolidated collection network exists among rechargers in the United States or Europe. One of the problems with downcycling is that it is a labor intensive process. Thus, there is a need for cheap labor to perform the manual separation and sorting of cartridge components.
JUNE 2010 • 13
The Hunt for Spent Cartridges
By Alwin Morgenstern & Art Diamond
For some OEMs, these operations are being performed in Mexico. We understand from the Clover Technologies Group website they are running these operations in Mexico and Vietnam. Table 1 lists the components and their percentage share (by weight) of a typical toner cartridge. Table 1 COMPONENTS OF A TYPICAL TONER CARTRIDGE (In Percent by Weight)
The best solution for mixed plastic disposal is to find a technical application in which these heterogeneous materials can be reused. Even waste toner has found a variety of markets that range from road paving to waterproofing paint to plastic lumber and many other applications. COMPETITION GETS TOUGH The economic crisis of 2008-09 has intensified competition between OEM and aftermarket companies. If anything, it caused businesses to think twice about the cost of imaging supplies (ink, toner, paper), prompting them to try aftermarket sources. This opened the door a bit wider for remanufacturers. At the same time, across the entire spectrum of printer and copier users—SOHOs (small office, home office), SMBs (small and medium size businesses), corporate and government offices— many put a freeze on the purchase of new imaging hardware. This aging of the printer and copier population again favored the recharging community as they already had the inks and toners on hand to service existing models. Several other factors next came into play. Some OEMs(1) have installed collection boxes(2) at office discount superstores and offered a bounty for each returned cartridge. The most effective strategy used by the OEMs is to package a free, authorized return shipping (ARS) label with the original toner or ink cartridge. This scheme diverts the precious cores away from remanufacturers. [Note 1: The most effective tool the OEM is using, free world wide shipping and return labels for different countries in the world, already prepackaged with the original toner or ink cartridge] [Note 2: Large retailer like Office Depot and Office Max are collecting 14
JUNE 2010
for or with an contract recharger to collect empty cartridges not and OEM, but no remanufactured cartridges are excepted at their location.] Pushing back, large retailers like Office Depot and Office Max are contracting with rechargers to collect empty OEM cartridges. COUNTRY CODES To further strengthen their position, OEMs are now encoding ink jet cartridges with country codes to protect their U.S. patent rights on cartridges first sold to customers outside the United States. At present, in the Jazz Photo case ( Jazz Photo Corp. v. Intl. Trade Comm.) the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) found that “products which are patented and first sold outside the United States cannot be remanufactured or refurbished and then resold in the United States without infringing the U.S. patents which cover those products.” According to attorney Edward F. O’Connor, Esq., whom we just quoted (see Recharge Asia, December 2009, pp. 20-22), “The biggest single legal obstacle to the remanufacturing industry remains Jazz Photo v. ITC.” This Catch 22 restriction, coupled with country codes embedded in each ink jet cartridge, is blocking worldwide trade in spent cartridges. The industry awaits a solution as the Jazz Photo case is being resurrected in an appeal by Ninestar Technology Company, Ltd. and Town Sky, Inc. against the ITC. This action is expected to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court later this year. COMPATIBLES & COUNTERFEITS So-called “compatible” and counterfeit cartridges represent another legal bear trap for rechargers. In this instance, the remanufacturers are on the same side as the OEMs—an unholy alliance to rid the industry of unauthorized, newly minted cores. They are both dedicated to driving these products from the market. Any remanufacturer that unwittingly refurbishes and resells either a compatible or a counterfeit core is risking an expensive lawsuit. The trap is in distinguishing a compatible or counterfeit core from the real cartridge. EXCHANGE RATES Another issue plaguing the reman industry in its hunt for spent cartridges is the exchange rate between the US dollar ($) and the European euro (€). Up until recently, European cartridge brokers were using their strong currency to buy up cores in the U.S. But, as the graph in Figure 1 illustrates, the value of the euro has been falling steadily since December 2009, ranging from $1.512 to $1.2727 dollars per euro. If we take as an example one of the most sought after ink jet cartridges, the HP 57, the current price is $6.80 per empty. At today’s exchange rate of $1.00 = 0.79€, a European recharger would pay 5.37€, while in December 2009 it would cost only about 4.50€, or 19.4% less! Obviously, European rechargers have a
JUNE 2010 • 15
The Hunt for Spent Cartridges
By Alwin Morgenstern & Art Diamond
big disadvantage today in the hunt for spent cartridges. Figure 1 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES: $/€
we know, few if any have such a program. The big weakness in the rechargers’ position, one that is casting a long shadow on the aftermarket, is that few, if any, of these companies have a practical return program in place. It’s the dark side of the recharging industry. Where do end-of-life cartridges go? Of course, OPC drums are removed and sold for their scrap aluminum. Other metal parts might be salvaged, but it is destination unknown for the residual toner and cartridge shell. No doubt that a fair percentage of these useless cartridges end up being tossed into a landfill. If American rechargers were properly organized, they might solve this problem by sending all end-of-life cartridges to a central dismantling site, perhaps in Mexico. That capability would enable the remanufacturing industry to boldly state: We are the greenest of them all!
Source: http://www.x-rates.com/d/USD/EUR/graph120.html (©2010x-rates.com)
Table 2 lists the spent ink jet cartridges in highest demand worldwide. One reason for their popularity is that they work in all countries and bear no country specific information. While they serve older model printers, they are still in great demand. Table 2 SPENT INK JET CARTRIDGES IN HIGHEST DEMAND
Of course foreign exchange values are quite volatile in today’s world economy. If the American dollar weakens, European rechargers will again pay fewer euros for each cartridge. At the moment, the flow of spent cartridges to Europe may either be choked, or there might be some adjustment in price. In short, European rechargers had an advantage in 2009 owing to a more favorable exchange rate. In 2010, however, they are paying about 20% more. GREENER THAN THOU The debate rages on. Who is greener? Is it the recharger who reconditions a cartridge so that it can undergo another life cycle without expending the energy required to produce a new cartridge and most of its components? Or, is it the OEM who recovers each spent virgin cartridge, disassembles it, recycles and reuses all parts in good working condition and then grinds up the remaining plastic and sends it to be downcycled into some low tech application? We’d say the answer would be “the recharger,” but only if he or she had an effective return program in place. Unfortunately, for all 16
JUNE 2010
ON THE HORIZON Recalling the words of attorney Ed O’Connor (above), a ruling in the ongoing case of Epson vs Ninestar, et al could create a barrier that prohibits shipping spent toner and ink jet cartridges for recharging and remanufacturing freely across national borders, unless they were first sold in the United States. Such a decision would benefit American rechargers, but seriously impact rechargers in every other country. We believe, however, that such a ruling would create “bad law” as it would affect every other imported product first sold in a foreign country. To use, repair or refurbish any automobile, computer, camera, appliance, etc. first sold outside the U.S. would constitute patent infringement. That finding, favorable to Epson, would most likely be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, dragging the case out for many more months at great cost to every named defendant. Indeed, most defendants have already abandoned the case, which means that Epson might win it by default.
内容纵览: 随着全球空盒价格的持续走高,后市场产品的价 格 压力也越来越大。那么全球每年数以亿计的成像 卡盒市 场,究竟最终都被哪些人狩猎瓜分?到底是什么 造成了 当前空 盒价格 的提升 ?《亚 洲再生 业》杂 志特约 专家 Art Diamond先生与国际知名资源回收再利用网站研 究员 Alwin Morgenstern先生一道,通过本篇文章为您详细 剖 析废弃成像卡盒的市场走向和态势。
JUNE 2010 • 17
The Integrated Printhead Cartridge By Mr. Yang Lijun, State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Zhuhai A printhead cartridge is the integration of a printer nozzle assembly and an ink supply tank. When the ink is consumed and the old, spent cartridge is replaced with a new one, the printhead is also changed. This feature ensures a continuation of the high output definition and print quality as the printer nozzles are replaced, thereby avoiding the degrading effects of wear and tear on the nozzles. However, this integration of tank and printhead increases cartridge cost. Since the manufacturer will not pay this increased cost, it is passed on to the consumer. That’s the reason the price is relatively higher than non-integrated cartridges. HP’s printhead cartridge, reportedly, has the largest share of revenue among its ink jet cartridge line of products. Lexmark, Samsung, and Canon also offer these printhead cartridges and there is still a large market potential for them. However, as the financial crisis sweeps the globe and pressure is on production cost increases, the printhead cartridge stands at a crossroads. In this article, I review the development history of printhead cartridges and explore its future prospects.
and its accessories, or razors and blades, the big money is in the consumables. Consumers enjoy high quality printing when they purchase a low cost printer, but pay dearly, over time, for the new integrated printhead technology. MARKET OPERATION Although the price of printhead cartridges is high, many people keep using them because they still own the printer and are reluctant to invest in a new one. However, some smart consumers have chosen to refill the cartridges to save on the replacement cost. Generally speaking, if the ink quality and refill operation
meet their requirements, there will be no harm to the nozzle and the output quality will be satisfactory. The actual number of refills possible ranges from 2 to 8, depending on the quality of the cartridge and the cost per page is reduced in this manner. MARKET DEVELOPMENT
As a result of the continuous development of new technology and the constant upgrading of hardware and software, printing speeds are now about 10 times faster than previous systems. The newly released Epson printer, in particular, reaches a speed of 38 ppm which almost equals the speed of moderately fast laser printers, thus meeting the needs of many end users for faster printing.
OEMs, on the other hand, claim that refilling is harmful to both printer and cartridge. This is not true. From the year 2009, OEMs have launched empty cartridge retrieval and recycling programs because of prominent environmental problems and the issues of intellectual property (IP). But for printhead cartridges, the situation is different. The refilled printhead cartridge can have the same output quality and performance as long as it is refilled with quality ink, under stringent quality control and processing conditions. Sometimes, there is little or no quality control for the remanufacturing of printhead cartridges and no guarantee of quality or follow-on service. But, hopefully, the remanufacturers of integrity will prevail in the long run and the low quality producers will gradually fall by the wayside. In a relatively short time, factories that reman printhead cartridges have sprung up all over. As a result, OEM sales of consumables have decreased and their market share shrank. OEMs are upset, but they cannot find a way to beat these small workshops since there is no IP issue and the reman process is environmentally friendly. In this situation, the OEMs have no choice but to start their own recycling program that shrinks the international pool of empty printhead cartridges available for remanufacturing. As a result, the aftermarket remanufacturers are facing a difficult situation: fewer spent (empty) cartridges to refill and an increase in the price of available empties to reman.
Printers that use an integrated printhead cartridge are cheap. These low machine prices are affordable for practically everyone. But, this is bait for an expensive replacement cartridge. Just like cars
The participation by OEMs in remanufacturing makes remanufacturing more difficult and the supply of empty cartridges tighter. How to solve this problem? Many companies have been
COLOR After years of rapid development in ink jet printing, hardware technology and finer nozzle diameters, print quality has been continuously improved. Image resolution has increased from 300 dpi to today’s 600 dpi. The latest HP printhead cartridge has reached 1200 dpi resolution, guaranteeing image color and picture quality at an outstanding level. Photos have been enriched from “pockmarked” images to prints of high-definition and true color. The printed image looks like the real object. Epson, Canon, Brother and HP are all publicizing such an advantage for their machines. OEMs have been constantly improving the quality of their ink, and Epson even claims their Durabrite™ ink is stable for 100 years. PRINTING SPEED
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searching for a solution. The refill kits and refill tools now in the market are compatibles developed for printhead cartridges. Although they appear in various kinds and shapes, ranging from a simple syringe to complicated refill tools, they are all original products for printhead cartridges produced by manufacturers of compatible printer consumables. If you Google™ the word “refill kit”, you will get over 1,940,000 relevant references from which you can see how large is the number of refill kits available. Ninestar, Skyhorse, Pelikan and many other manufacturers of compatible printer consumables have introduced their own refill tools which are either simple or complicated to operate. Consequently, the results of refilling are not always satisfactory. After market testing, these refill tools might meet some of the needs of professional customers, but fail to meet the needs of the entire market. Therefore, the market demand is small. However, according to a market research study by an authoritative organization, refill tools will capture 15% to 20% of the market share for compatible printer consumables. Unfortunately, the author has not found a relatively good product which is both convenient to operate and achieves good print quality. The author holds that developing refill tools for integrated printhead cartridges is the only choice for manufacturers of compatible printer consumables and a way of saving money for its customers. CARTRIDGE REFILL KITS OEM participation in remanufacturing reduces the chance for manufacturers of compatible printer consumables to sell printhead cartridges and prevents the compatible market for ink cartridges from expanding. On the other hand, refill tools have gained development space and become a kind of original product in the compatible market. The author saw a refill kit at Ninestar’s booth at the Zhuhai Exposition and found that their refill kit is easy to operate. From a communication with their technicians and information on their website (http://www.ninestarimage.com/refillvideo), the author learned that this kind of refill kit is self-patented and designed according to the principle of a vacuum ink filling machine. The product guarantees a print result equivalent with remanufactured ink cartridges and attracted many visitors at the Exposition. This product from Ninestar is probably available in the market now. The author has the honor to share a photo of the product with our readers (see below). Ninestar declares that its product has the following advantages: 1. Cost Saving. It can refill 8 times, which equals up to 8 ink cartridges. 2. Environmentally Friendly. It can be reused for many times, which reduces pollution to the environment. 3. Patented Structure. It incorporates a unique ink filling design which is compatible with the ink filling machine.
4. Smooth Printing. There is no residual air after refilling. Printing can be resumed immediately instead of after removing any residual air. 5. Easy Operation. People of any age and any gender can do the simple refilling work.
Newly developed ink jet cartridge refilling tools appear on the market one after another, and there are few industry associations in the domestic Chinese market to control or standardize the entire compatible industry. This kind of situation won’t last long. Manufacturers of compatible printer consumables can do nothing but follow OEMs. If an OEM decides to completely remanufacture its products, there will be no way out for the printer consumables supplier. At that time, there will be no market for them but to sell refill tools. The essence of doing business is to make a profit. Then how can Chinese consumables manufacturers make money? AN AFTERMARKET STRATEGY The author holds that powerful enterprises such as Ninestar, who is the industry leader, is supposed to take the lead to unite large companies at home to form a strong industry alliance and achieve a win-win situation in the industry. Among all the manufacturers of compatible printer consumables in the world, Chinese companies account for more than 80% of the total. These companies fight each other abroad, which benefit the consumers overseas but reduces the profit of manufacturers of compatible printer consumables at home. The author urges the consumables industry at home to plan the development of compatible printer supplies and to form an industry association in which the members share the pace of reunification and the mutual benefits of that collaboration. I believe this is the best strategy for the Chinese compatibles industry.
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RechargExpo 2010 Sponsorship Packages RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 will attract the visitors you want to bring to your booth. Market research findings have proven that buyers' memories are increased when exposed to a multi-sensory experience. RechargExpo has developed a Sponsorship Package that doubles your exposure by offering both pre-show sponsorship and on-site sponsorship opportunities. RechargExpo is here to help strengthen and reinforce your marketing efforts. Let us maximize your marketing campaign by providing you with your target audienceusing the right media, at the right time, in the right place.
Visitors Invitation - $450
Direct Mail insert - $450
Benefits include: • An excellent opportunity to notify your customers of your presence at RechargExpo 2010 • Your logo and your marketing message is printed on the post card • Serves as your direct-mail marketing campaign with pre-printed mailers
Benefits include: • An excellent opportunity to notify your customers of your global trade events • Your logo and your marketing message printed on the card, attached to a RECHARGEasia magazine page • Serves as a direct-mail marketing campaign ready to send to your customers
Pre-show e-Newsletter - $450
Ad in Show Guide - $900
Benefits include: • An excellent opportunity to notify your customers of your new innovations and products on display at RechargExpo 2010 • Your logo and your marketing message is printed on the newsletter • Serves as your direct-mail marketing campaign with pre-printed newsletters
Benefits include: • An excellent opportunity to showcase your newest innovations and newest products • Continuing ability to brand your company and your products • Maximize your marketing dollars
Internet Web Banner - $450 Benefits include: • An excellent opportunity to notify your customers of your presence at RechargExpo 2010 • Your logo and your marketing message on a global network with round-the-clock 24/7 presence • Serves as a direct electronic mail marketing campaign to all of your customers 20
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Show Badge - $1950 Benefits include: • On-going brand recognition • 3000+ plus repeated exposure • Your ad and message printed on the back Lanyard - $1800 Benefits include: • On-going brand recognition • 8000+ repeated exposures
RECHARGEasia • JUNE 2010 •
RechargExpo 2010 Sponsorship Packages
• Your exclusive messages displayed by all visitors on the show floor Show Bag - $1950 Benefits include: • Constant brand recognition • 3000+ repeated exposures • Prestigious exposure with a large color impression area for your logo and your marketing slogan Hanging banner in/outside exhibition hall - $1950 & up Benefits include: • Constant brand recognition • Unlimited repeated exposure • Prestigious exposure with a large color impression area for your logo and your marketing slogan Business Center - $1500 Benefits include: • Constant brand recognition • Unlimited repeated exposure • Prestigious exposure with a large color impression area for your logo and your marketing slogan
Show Banner - $1200 Benefits include: • Constant brand recognition • Unlimited repeated exposure • Prestigious exposure with a large color impression area for your logo and your marketing Gala Dinner Sponsor - $1800 Benefits include: • Prime networking opportunities • Show your appreciation to your customers • Connect directly with your customers by giving a speech at the reception party • Impress our customers-increased exposure on this premier level will increase your credibility and ultimately your business To purchase one of our sponsorship packages or for more information, please contact: Ms. Jessica Hao, Recharge Asia US office: 626.309.0858 China office: 86.10.5126.5580 Indonesia office: 62.21.612.5668 Email: info@rechargexpo.com
RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010: Visa on Arrival Short Term Visit Visa on Arrival (VKSK) / Visa on Arrival Explanation: • Visa on Arrival is given to foreign citizen or citizen of certain territory whom wishes to visit Indonesia for traveling means, social and cultural visit, business trip, or governmental assignment by taking consideration to the principle of benefit, profit, and will not cause security disturbance. • Visa on Arrival is issued on arrival by immigration officer at appointed immigration checking points. • Visa on Arrival is valid up to 30 (thirty) days, and due to certain reasons is extendable by the authorization of General Director of Immigration, but not convertible into other types of visa. • Immigration officer is entitled to refuse and/or to cancel foreigner Visa on Arrival according to his/her authority. • Visa Fee: 1. Visit up to 7 (seven) days: US $ 10.00 2. Visit up to 30 (thirty) days: US $ 25.00 Short Term Visit Visa on Arrival / Visa on Arrival Application Procedures To be submitted personally by applicant to immigration officer
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at the visit visa locket on arrival at immigration check points by attaching the following requirements: • Completed departure: arrival card • Legitimate passport which is valid at least 6 months at the date of entry into Indonesia • Visa fee payment receipt • Not listed in the refusal of entry clearance list • Has a return ticket or ticket to the third country Countries/Territory Which Can Obtain Visa on Arrival Facility: Arrival Ports Arrival Ports (Immigration checking points) which may issue Visa on Arrival: 1. Airports Medan: Polonia Pekan Baru: Sultan Syarif Kasim II Padang: Tabing Jakarta: Soekarno-Hatta, Halim Perdana Kusuma Surabaya: Juanda Bali: Ngurah Rai ManadoL: Sam Ratulangi
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RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010: Visa on Arrival Continued
not be converted to obtain other immigration permit. Countries Which Benefit Non-Visa Short Term Visit Facility • Brunei Darussalam • Chili • Hong Kong Special Administration Region (SAR) • Macao Special Administration Region (SAR) • Malaysia • Morocco • Peru • Philippine • Singapore • Thailand • Vietnam Arrival Ports All appointed Immigration checking points.
Yogyakarta: Adisucipto Surakarta: Adisumarno Mataram: Selaparang Balikpapan: Sepinggan Makasar: Hasanuddin Kupang: El Tari Batam: Hang Nadim Semarang: Ahmad Yani Bandung: Husein Sastranegara 2. Sea Ports
Transportation As one of the most populous cities in the world, Jakarta is affected by transportation problems. It is therefore advisable to make use of the city’s public transportation instead of renting a car. A wide range of colorful transport choices ranging from minibuses to motorized rickshaws (bajaj) are available to visitors. For information on how to get around in Jakarta, please visit: http:// wikitravel.org/en/Jakarta RechargExpo and Festival Komputer will be held at Jakarta Convention Center. Designed to serve the world’s business, professional and government leaders, the Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center is the largest and most well equipped expo facility in Indonesia offering versatility, modern efficiency, and traditional Indonesian hospitality. Its strategic location is in the heart of Jakarta's business district, near the Jakarta Stock Exchange.
Visa Free Short Visit Explanation • Visa free short visit is non-visa visit which is given as a waiver for foreigner from certain countries visiting Indonesia for purposes of holiday, social-culture, business, and governmental assignment ( in conjunction with Presidential Decree year 2003, no. 18, chapter 1 on Visa free short visit). • Visa free short visit is valid for 30 (thirty) days and could not be extended except due to certain condition and authorized by The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, moreover this visa could
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BALAI SIDANG JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER JL. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270 PO BOX 4916 JKT 10049, Indonesia Phone: (62 21) 5726000 Fax: (62 21) 5726523/28
RECHARGEasia • JUNE 2010 •
RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 Event Schedule Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center Notes:
Event Schedule
An early bird special is offered for ticket to Gala Dinner & Traditional Dance Show at just $35 USD. Please contact the following to reserve your spot:
TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2010 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Booth Build Up Exhibitor Move in
Wednesday, JULY 14, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
Show Day 1 Gala Dinner & Traditional Dance Show (Sultan Hotel, Jakarta)
THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Show Day 2
FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Show Day 3 Move Out
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US office: 626 309 0858 China office: 86 10 5126 5580 Indonesia office: 62 21 612 5668 Email: info@rechargexpo.com
Any products, materials or equipment which have not been removed by Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 03:00 WIB, shall be removed by the organizer and any risk or cost incurred by the removal shall become the exhibitor’s responsibility. Time schedule for set-up period is fixed; there will not be any extended time.
RECHARGEasia • JUNE 2010 •
IDC MarketScape Finds Leading Hardcopy Vendors Aggressively Investing in Managed Print Services Programs In a major assessment of the managed print services market, a new IDC MarketScape report from International Data Corporation profiles and ranks the leading hardcopy vendors offering managed print services worldwide. IDC MarketScape vendor analysis reports utilize a rigorous scoring methodology that produces a definitive assessment of each vendor’s current market capabilities and strategies for competing in the future. “Managed print services is a game-changing trend that will have significant impact on the hardcopy market well into the future,” said Michael Orasin, research manager, Hardcopy Software and Services. “The growth of print services will continue to escalate as companies of all sizes comprehend the savings that can be realized under such programs and vendors compete to gain share. The majority of vendors are either aggressively investing in services that they have had in place for several years or, seeing the adoption trend, working to initiate competitive programs to remain relevant.” The report, IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Print Services 2010 Hardcopy Vendor Analysis, evaluates the current capabilities and future strategies of 10 vendors. Current capabilities include each vendor's menu of services, how well a vendor delivers and executes these services, and how well these services align to customer needs. The future strategy evaluation focuses on each vendor's high-level strategic decisions and underlying assumptions about offerings, customer segments, business, and go-to-market plans for the next three to five years. The vendors included in the analysis are Canon, HP, Konica Minolta, Lexmark, Océ, OKI Data, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh/IKON, Toshiba, and Xerox/Fuji Xerox. In addition, the report considers five other vendors (Kyocera, Mita, Sharp, Samsung, and Epson) that are either in the planning stages of developing managed print services programs or have initiated some unique programs for their channels. To succeed, hardcopy vendors need to hone their strategies and capabilities to meet the print management needs of their customers, especially in large corporations. In addition, vendors need to offer proactive monitoring (onsite and remote) and support for heterogeneous environments, customer financing, and integrated services dispatch and billing systems. Other key success factors will be a vendor's ability to reduce delivery costs and to expand its services portfolio beyond fleet management/ optimization. Vendors that can expand into related services spanning enterprisewide needs, such as business process document management, print procurement, and imaging/archiving, will be most successful.
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The IDC MarketScape methodology placed Xerox, HP, and Ricoh/IKON in the “Leaders” category. The companies were recognized for their robust portfolios and well-defined go-tomarket strategies targeting growth in both direct and indirect channels. Both companies have also embraced cloud computing architectures as a means of delivering scalable, consistent managed print services to both large enterprises and SMBs. Xerox also stood out for its extensive and adaptable delivery infrastructure and its integrated suite of enterprise print services. HP was recognized for the manageability of its hardware devices and the strength of its IT outsourcing services. The assessment acknowledged Ricoh/IKON’s deep expertise in the managed services market and a well thought out set of offerings. The vendors named to the Major Players category were Toshiba, Pitney Bowes, and Canon. About IDC MarketScape IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors. For more information about IDC MarketScape reports, please visit: www.idc.com
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Worldwide Forecast Data and Analysis for the Monochrome Laser Market Lyra Research, the digital imaging authority, has released four new reports that provide worldwide forecast data and analysis for the monochrome laser market. The monochrome laser reports— Monochrome Single-Function Laser Printers: Worldwide Forecast, 2006–2013; Low-End Monochrome Laser MFP Market Worse Than Expected in 2009: Worldwide Forecast, 2006– 2013; Midrange Monochrome Laser MFP Market Flattens Out: Worldwide Forecast, 2006–2013; and High-End Monochrome Laser MFP Market Still in a Slump: Worldwide Forecast, 2006– 2013—are based on key findings from Lyra's Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service (IAS) second-half 2009 Forecast 360. Monochrome Single-Function Laser Printers: Worldwide Forecast, 2006–2013 explores how the global economic slowdown caused a severe decline in shipments and revenue for the monochrome single-function laser printer market in 2009. It discusses how corporate layoffs drastically reduced workforces, which in turn reduced printer requirements. Companies slashed IT budgets and replaced older printers only if they malfunctioned
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and could not be repaired. As a result, unit shipments of laser monochrome devices were down 40 percent through three quarters of 2009. As the economy begins to improve, the monochrome laser market will start to rebound in 2010, but managed print services and migration to shared multifunction devices will slow growth in this market. The report includes worldwide shipment, revenue, and installed base data from 2006 to 2013 for personal, workgroup, departmental, centralized, and enterprise single-function monochrome laser devices. The data is broken down by region: North America; Latin America; Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA); and Asia Pacific. The report also analyzes the economic potential of each segment of the market. Low-End Monochrome Laser MFP Market Worse Than Expected in 2009: Worldwide Forecast, 2006–2013 examines how low-end monochrome MFP shipments began to decline throughout the world during the last quarter of 2008 and how a large correction to the low-end of the monochrome MFP market occurred in 2009. In 2009, once thriving low-end market segments experienced plummeting shipment and revenue growth rates. The migration of models into faster segments and the continuing decline of fax-based device shipments continued to contribute to a drop off in this segment, with the poor economy accelerating these trends. The report covers low-end A4- and A3-size monochrome MFPs with print and/or copy speeds up to 20 ppm (Segment 1) and 21-30 ppm (Segment 2), including fax-based, printerbased, and copier-based models. It features Segment 1 and Segment 2 A4- and A3-size monochrome MFP shipment and revenue figures and a breakdown of low-end monochrome MFP shipments by region: North America, Latin America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. Midrange Monochrome Laser MFP Market Flattens Out: Worldwide Forecast, 2006–2013 discusses how the midrange monochrome MFP market had been growing slowly in 2008 in terms of unit shipments. This growth was fueled by strong increases in shipments of A4-size MFPs, counterbalanced by declining shipments in A3-size MFPs. In 2009, the recession caused the situation to change drastically when potential buyers took themselves right out of the market for both A4- and A3-size models. The decline in shipments of A3-size models might have been worse if it hadn’t been for the fact that some customers opted not to acquire A3-size color devices and instead acquired monochrome A3-size MFPs.
The report covers midrange A4-size and A3-size monochrome laser MFPs with print/copy speeds of 31-40 ppm (Segment 3) and 41-69 ppm (Segment 4). It includes a comparison of A4- and A3size monochrome MFP shipments, Segment 3 and Segment 4 A4and A3-size monochrome MFP shipment and revenue figures, insight into the migration to A4-size models, and a breakdown of midrange monochrome MFP shipments by region: North America, Latin America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. High-End Monochrome Laser MFP Market Still in a Slump: Worldwide Forecast, 2006–2013 discusses why the recession impacted the high-end segment of the monochrome MFP market earlier than it affected other monochrome MFP segments. The decline began in mid-2008, when limited access to credit, which is often required to purchase these expensive devices, caused the market to falter. Customers who normally would have purchased MFPs for high-volume walk-up environments or for central reprographic departments deferred purchases between 2008 and 2009. In 2009, customers canceled many purchases outright or deferred them indefinitely. Commercial printers also found themselves with excess capacity because overall print volumes dropped dramatically in 2009. The report covers high-end monochrome laser MFPs with speeds
of 70-90 ppm (Segment 5) and 91 ppm and up (Segment 6). It includes worldwide shipment and revenue figures for Segments 5 and 6 and a breakdown of high-end monochrome MFP shipments by region: North America, Latin America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. “The monochrome laser market has been the bedrock of the office printing market for more than two decades, but as we enter the post-recession era, there will be many challenges for monochrome laser vendors. Print usage and hardware acquisition practices are changing as a result of increased interest in the cost of
printing, concern for the environment, and greater use of managed document services to control print costs. Players in the office printing market will need to understand the changing dynamics of printing and where the opportunities lie. Certainly, single-function printers and A3-size MFPs are facing significant pressure, and there is definitely a greater interest in A4-size MFPs. Color still looms large for the future. However, monochrome print capability will still dominate most office and home office applications, and there is still opportunity for printers, especially in the emerging markets,” commented Larry Jamieson, director for Lyra’s Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service. Visit www.lyra.com to learn more about how Lyra can be your strategic business partner.
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Lyra Forecast Report Discusses the Demise of the Simple Snapshot Photo Print The demand for simple snapshot photo prints continues its downward spiral. Although digital image capture rates are increasing, cost-conscious consumers are printing fewer of these images. A new report from Lyra Research’s Hard Copy Supplies Advisory Service (SAS), Competition Increases as Digital Photo Print Volumes Slow: Snapshot Dye-Thermal Photo Media Forecast, 2006–2013, discusses how despite the negative signs, the photo imaging industry is plowing ahead and broadening the ways that homes, retailers, and wholesalers can produce digital prints. The demand for simple snapshot photo prints continues its downward spiral. Although digital image capture rates are increasing, cost-conscious consumers are printing fewer of these images. In many cases, electronic screens, photo-sharing Web sites, and low-cost digital memory have replaced photo albums and shoe boxes full of prints. The worldwide economic recession also has contributed to the first ever decline (albeit small) in consumer digital photo print volumes and it is expected that the recession will have lasting effects on the photofinishing industry. A new report from Lyra Research’s Hard Copy Supplies Advisory Service (SAS), Competition Increases as Digital Photo Print Volumes Slow: Snapshot Dye-Thermal Photo Media Forecast, 2006–2013, discusses how despite all of the negative signs, the photo imaging industry is plowing ahead and broadening the ways that homes, retailers, and wholesalers can produce digital prints. Specifically, the report explores snapshot dye-thermal media shipments and revenue for home photo prints and photo prints made at retail kiosks, minilabs, and photo booths. It compares dyethermal snapshot media shipments and revenue for home and retail locations. It also discusses the battle for retail dominance between ink jet and dye-thermal photo printing systems.
Insight into the Battle for Retail Dominance Between Ink and Dye-Thermal Photo Printing Systems Lyra believes that home photo printing volumes have peaked in major economies and that a significant market shift has occurred. Retailers and wholesale printing environments are now producing a growing share of photo prints using silver-halide and dyethermal technologies, and, increasingly, ink jet systems. Lyra’s latest snapshot dye-thermal photo media forecast report discusses how over the next five plus years, dry technologies—ink jet and dyethermal—are expected to gradually replace existing wet—silver halide—minilabs in retail locations. Dry technologies deliver print quality and operating costs comparable to those of traditional silver-halide technology, along with lower capital costs, reduced energy use, smaller footprints, little maintenance, and no toxic waste. Dry labs also offer many specialty photo formats, including indexes, collages, and photobooks. The battle between ink jet and dye-thermal technology for silver-halide print volume will drive the dye-thermal photo media market. Commenting on the outlook for the dye-thermal photo media market, Andrew Lippman, senior analyst for Lyra’s Hard Copy Supplies Advisory Service, says, “Overall, the digital photo print market is pretty sluggish. In order to continue to be a player in this already stagnant market, dye-thermal must win the battle for ink jet for silver-halide retail print volume, and the key to victory is relationships with large retail photofinishers.” Visit www.lyra.com to learn more about how Lyra can be your strategic business partner.
Pre-Show Promotion: How to Quadruple the Results of Your Trade Show Marketing Promotion is a critical leverage point in trade show marketing. By applying a modest effort in planning and executing promotional strategies, you can double, triple, even quadruple the results of your investment. Trade show marketers often get so preoccupied with designing and building their booths, they can forget to concentrate on driving qualified traffic. There are a number of important reasons why an investment in promotion is critical to your success: • You cannot expect show management to do all your recruiting for 32
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you. • Business buyers generally plan their trade show time in advance. The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) found that 76% of attendees use pre-show information for this purpose. • A fabulous booth is not an end in itself. The end is only reached by attracting qualified traffic. • Front-end and back-end promotions extend the impact of the event over a longer period of time and deepen the resulting connections with customers and prospects.
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RECHARGEasia Pre-Show Promotion: How to Quadruple the Results of Your Trade Show Marketing Continued
Your Trade Show Promotions Strategy A trade show marketing plan must include an integrated strategy for communications to support your objectives. The strategic planning process is actually easier than you might think. Let the optimal promotions emerge naturally from your show objectives. Here is an example. Sample Business Event Promotion Strategic Planning Grid
your booth. But not just any traffic. You want qualified prospects only. Think of it this way: You are f ront-loading the sales qualification process. An effective pre-show strategy employs two prongs: • Targeted communications to registered attendees. The first step: cull the pre-registration list you receive from the show organizer to eliminate non-prospects and competitors. • Communications to your house file. These people are already interested in doing business with you. If they are not planning to attend the trade show, your invitation will serve as a useful part of an ongoing relationship-building communications stream. Pre-Show Promotional Tactic Checklist
In this example, if your objective at the trade show is sales lead generation, and you will declare success based on the number of qualified leads, then you want to select promotional strategies and pre-show tactics that support them. This table suggests some hypothetical pre-show promotional tactics that might emerge. Notice how the promotional tactic is specifically selected to support measurable objectives. The neat thing about this approach is that it narrows the tactical field to the elements that will be most effective in meeting your goals. And it provides useful ammunition against the random tactical ideas that inevitable come up during the marketing process. Budgeting for Promotions According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research, marketers spend a mere 6% of their entire trade show budgets on promotion. This makes no sense. How have marketers lost sight of the essential principle underlying everything they do? We have learned time and again how deluded is the attitude of “If we build it, they will come.” To counteract this 6% promotional spending average, Jefferson Davis, President of Competitive Edge, an event training company, advises his clients to budget 15% for promotion. “Exhibitors’ single biggest frustration when they get to a show is that they don’t get enough visitors, or they don’t get enough of the right visitors. That says that the current average spending you see reported in the industry is not working. So, my conclusion is, if you spend more than average, you'll do better. To find the money, you can manage your costs better in other areas.” Davis includes both pre-show and post-show promotions, including lead fulfillment and follow-up in his 15% recommendation. Executing Your Pre-Show Promotions The most-cited goal of a pre-show promotion is to drive traffic to
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Business marketers have used all kinds of tactics in pre-show marketing communications. You can use this checklist as a jumping off point. Just be sure you don’t get enamored of the fun and creativity of all this, and forget that your objective will be optimally supported by a set of tactics that grab prospects’ attention and persuade them of the value of following your suggestions. Your objective is not simply to gain awareness; it’s to drive an action. Also keep in mind that you only want qualified visitors to come to your booth. An aggressive offer should only go to very targeted audiences. With lists that are less qualified, use a message and offer designed simultaneously to attract the wheat and to repel the chaff. • Print up stickers with your booth number and the name, date, and city of the trade show. In the months before the event, affix the stickers to all kinds of communications—invoices, letters, packages, whatever you can think of. Provide each sales person with a batch of stickers, too. • Create an electronic ad or tagline that can be dropped into your regular electronic communications (your website, e-newsletters, solo email). • Create a mini-site off of your company website that describes your activities at the upcoming trade show. Populate it with your press releases, product announcements, exhibit hall hours, contact information for staff working the show, speaking engagement schedule—whatever will inform or excite your customers and prospects. Mention the URL in all your correspondence before the show. • Send out free passes to the exhibit hall, or discount registration offers to the trade show. • Send a letter plus a map of the exhibit hall, with your booth location highlighted. • Advertise in pre-show issues of your leading industry trade publications. • Produce a show appointment book. Set up appointments with your key customers. Send each one as your confirmation the book with that appointment hand-written inside. • Do what everyone else does: send a coupon, puzzle piece, or
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RECHARGEasia Pre-Show Promotion: How to Quadruple the Results of Your Trade Show Marketing Continued
key that can be redeemed for a gift at the booth. But also do what only a few do: narrow your target for this promotion to attendees who are likely to convert to qualified leads—and not every name on the list. • Offer a time-limited incentive, to create a sense of urgency. “The first 30 people to visit our booth will get a special prize!” • Use testimonials from last year's attendees. • To get past gatekeepers at the executive suite, try a dimensional mail package. • When you rent the list of pre-registered attendees, review it carefully to eliminate competitors, students, and other exhibitors, as appropriate. Keep an eye out for obvious duplicates, as well. • Never use less than first-class mail. Don't be among the pre-show mail pieces that attendees will inevitably find in their in-boxes on returning from a trade show. • Develop a series of contacts using all the media options available to you: letter, fax, postcard, telephone, email, personal visit from a sales rep. • For a stronger impact than the mail: have your sales people drop off invitations to customers and prospects by hand. • Stress the benefit. Don’t say “Visit us at booth number x.” Say why. Why should recipients take the time to visit you? Are you offering a
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show special? Launching a new product? What’s in it for them? • Send your targeted list a coupon for a free gift that they can pick up at the booth. • Promote your trade show special offer. • Try mailing to the list of the trade show's prior year attendees. • Send a personal letter from a senior executive at your firm. Include the dates and locations of your trade show activities, and explain why they should come. Use the executive’s personal letterhead stationery, and mail it first-class. • About 5 weeks in advance, have your sales people call their clients to set up appointments at the trade show. Create a master schedule of expected visitors, and make sure you don’t overbook in relation to the booth space and demo stations available. If prospects are unwilling to commit to a specific time, ask them to name an afternoon or a morning period when they’ll come by. Follow up appointment-setting calls with a confirmation letter, and then an email reminder a few days before the trade show. • Make sure that appropriate staff will be ready and available to meet with the customers and prospects you invite. Match the seniority and technical level of your staff to the customer wherever possible. You don’t want the CEO of your prospective new account meeting with a junior marketing assistant.
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Managed Print Services: Impact on the Supplies Market By Cathy Martin and John Shane
Managed Print Services (MPS) are becoming increasingly popular among companies as a way to better manage print and save money. By way of definition, MPS consists of professional services that may involve any combination of monitoring, consolidating, controlling, and optimizing the printing and imaging infrastructure of a business. On average, MPS offers customers 25%-30% savings on printing costs. In one specific example from HP, Viacom using HP Managed Print services will reduce its printed pages by 12.5% annually, which is forecast to cut energy consumption of its printing fleet by over 66% and reduced their paper usage by 10 million sheets. InfoTrends anticipates that MPS will achieve across-the-board growth of 22% over the next five years. This growth will extend through three tiers (Supplies & Break/Fix, Print Management, and Advanced Services), four categories (Hardware, Supplies, Solutions, and Services), and five channels (OEM Direct, OE Dealer, IT Reseller, Facilities Management/Professional Services, and Supplies). There are varying levels of sophistication within MPS. Some are basic that focus only on supplies and reordering while others are more sophisticated than that and look at the whole system and document workflow through an organization. Customer adoption is also an important consideration for MPS. It takes customer education to be sure the customer understands the benefits they can obtain by putting MPS in place. Customers also need to be comfortable with sharing information about their imaging devices which may have been very private information in the past. Chart: U.S. MPS Impact on Supplies 2010
While the future looks bright for MPS, it may come at the expense of products that are directly impacted by MPS including hardware especially printers and supplies as demonstrated in the chart below. InfoTrends expects that MPS will not grow revenue for these markets but will likely lower revenue for hardware and supplies due to device optimization and other means. One of the major benefits of MPS for customers is cost reduction which may come in the form of device consolidation for a whole fleet of products, as well 38
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as cost improvements and infrastructure optimization. Chart: U.S. MPS Market Forecast $M
This growth is causing disruption in the supplies environment and it is expected to continue. InfoTrends research indicates that the MPS share of the supplies market in the office environment is expected to grow from 12% to 30% during the forecast period, validating this disruption in the market. Specifically for supplies, MPS means: • Less print in the workflow • More duplexing of pages • Lower cost per page through the: o Migration to more cost-effective devices o Cost pressure on supplies o Incentives to use third-party or aftermarket supplies o Controls on color • Shifting opportunities for supplies channel participation • Cost per coverage pricing model MPS represents a threat to the supplies market but for some, MPS is also an opportunity. To bring costs lower, MPS providers often use aftermarket, compatible or remanufactured supplies as they are often a cheaper alternative. Some aftermarket companies have acknowledged this opportunity and have acted on it including West Point Products, Supplies Network, and SP Richards. On the vendor side, product providers that offer hardware and software may have to give up margins for product sales but will likely gain additional Chart: Marking Supplies Distribution Channel Share
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Managed Print Services: Impact on the Supplies Market
margin through the solutions and services offered to customers. Distribution channels are expected to be impacted by MPS as channels of all types are looking at how they can implement MPS to secure their customers’ attention. The chart above highlights the fact that MPS sales for supplies are going to come from somewhere. It could very well become its own hybrid channel which will further alter the distribution scene. Some channels will win and some will lose in this scenario but it is critical all companies no matter where they sit in the channel to at least be aware of MPS and position themselves for it. For some channels that carry supplies, they will have a clear-cut role in MPS and for others it will not make sense. For example, printer dealers/VARS would make sense for MPS but perhaps not at a warehouse club. On the surface, MPS can raise more questions than answer them at this time. For instance, how will legacy copier vendors manage making OEM supplies available to unauthorized MPS providers? Or will they have to forsale that sale to protect their authorized resellers? MPS promises to disrupt how supplies are bought and delivered. The chart below, based on an end-user survey, shows that more than half of the users that are under an MPS contract are using more non-OEM branded supplies. This is a clear movement to non-OEM when compared with the overall market. For the nonOEM remanufacturers, this can be a true opportunity as long as they can offer a consistent, quality product that is fully compatible and communicating with the printer and the MPS system. For the OEM, this should be an area of concern. Hence, many of the OEMs are moving into MPS in a big way with programs that are vendor agnostic acknowledging that organizations have multiple brands of devices in use. It seems that at the moment, the OEMs’ initial focus has been on the enterprise level of customer but will start to move their MPS more downstream to smaller companies. Nearly all OEM companies are offering some form of MPS in the market. In any case, the full impact from MPS in the supplies market is
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Chart: General Category of Supplies Company Opt to Use More of
not yet fully understood. How much and where will MPS reduce the
overall volume of print in the office environment? How will MPS change the dynamic between OEM and aftermarket suppliers? How will MPS shift print volume between classes of devices? How will MPS impact distribution channels? One thing is for sure, MPS is expected to control 25%-30% of supplies in the U.S. and Europe (excluding paper) by 2013. This growth requires that MPS and its impact on supplies be understood and acted upon. Since this is an area of such great interest, InfoTrends has launched a new multi-client study investigating the impact on the supplies market for the United States and Europe. Study results will include significant research through extensive primary research to endusers and MPS providers through structured surveys and personal interviews with these groups. The study will use a combination of primary and secondary research to determine the market opportunities and threats for the supplies market, given the increased adoption of MPS by companies of all sizes. The research will include the U.S. and Western Europe (i.e., U.K., France, and Germany). For any questions or information about this study, please contact Scott Phinney at 781-616-2100 or scott_phinney@infotrends.com.
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2010 ReMacau Expo Closed ReMacau Expo was held at The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel on May 13-14. The 2-day event attracted 44 exhibitors and more than 1,520 visitors from home and abroad. Both the exhibitors and visitors are satisfied with the new show for the printer consumables industry.
Seine Image and etc.. The famous big companies and the newlyjoined exhibiting companies brought out new and competitive business opportunities.
Splendid Exhibition Venue Macau, with its unique mixture of Portuguese and Chinese culture, is one of the most crowded tourist resorts in Asia. In Macau, people can enjoy enough choices of inexpensive accommodations and lots of delicious foods. The exhibition venue, the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, voted the best MICE Hotel in Asia at the 2008 CEI Asia Pacific Industry Awards, is the perfect blend of luxury and convenience. Its exhibition hall is one the best in Asia. The state-of-the-art space and facilities with the highest degree of quality service of the Venetian Macao offers a totally fresh experience to the exhibitors and visitors.
International Visitors
Breakfast Briefing ReMacau Breakfast Briefing was held at Naples Meeting Room of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, on the early morning of May 13th, just before the opening of the show. Over 90 industry professionals f rom China and abroad participated in the ReMacau Breakfast Briefing. ReMacau Breakfast Briefing provided attendees with most updated information, facts and figures. It provided a good opportunity for the industry insiders to have direct communication with leading industry expert and helped the attendees develop a better understanding of the current market. Attendees of the Breakfast Briefing received latest industry information and started seeking for business opportunities from the very beginning of their trip to ReMacau Expo.
As many as 1,520 visitors from the printer consumables industry, who are from more than 50 countries and regions, came visited ReMacau Expo 2010. On the early morning of May 13, many visitors arrived early, waiting in long lines for registration. “The large number of overseas visitors� is one of the highlights of ReMacau Expo 2010. Macau, an international tourist resort, has mutual visa exemption agreements with many countries. No visas are required for visitors from those countries, which makes it is more convenient and less costly for overseas visitors to attend the show. Visitors came from 55 countries and regions. New Business Opportunities 44 companies exhibited at ReMacau Expo. Besides some familiar companies like Ninestar, Jiaxing Tianma and so on, the show also attracted new companies like Dynamic Inkjets, Fast Company,
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Konica Minolta Contributes to Minimize Environmental Impact with a New MFP for Emerging Markets Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce that the company has started shipment of a new digital monochrome multi-functional peripherals (MFPs), bizhub 184/164, for emerging markets. As the latest in the bizhub series, it features superb environmental performance with the industry’s top class*1 low energy- consumption. All of Konica Minolta’s products including MFPs always pursue global environmental consideration throughout the life cycle from research and development to procurement, production, distribution, sales, usage and recycling. In the case of bizhub 184/164, it overall contributes to the environmental conservation by achieving more than 50 percent reduction in energy consumption compared to the level set by the International Energy Star program.*2 It also features biomass-based polymerized toner, compact and lightweight design, and reduction of packaging materials. Having excellent eco-functions and featuring Simitri HD polymerized toner with superior image quality, Konica Minolta will provide this feature-rich 3-in-1 model printing, copying and scanning to middle to small size offices in the emerging markets. Main features of the bizhub 184/164 1. Industry’s top class energy-saving performance By significantly reducing energy consumption to minimize environmental impact, bizhub 184 realized a TEC value *3 of 1.01 kWh for bizhub184 and 0.92 kWh for bizhub164. Through minimizing the energy consumption, bizhub 184/164 contributes to reduction of CO2 emissions. 2. Resource- and space-saving compact and lightweight design In pursuit of resource-saving, the light weight body of the bizhub 184/164 is merely 23.5kg. Compared to the conventional machine (bizhub 163), body size has been reduced by approximately 30 percent, number of parts by approximately 35 percent, and packaging material by approximately 40 percent.*4 In addition, with its compact footprint (width x depth: 570 x 531mm) having output paper tray within the main unit, bizhub 184/164 can be placed even on desktops. 3. Adoption of eco-conscious polymerized toner “Simitri HD with Biomass” *5 Konica Minolta is early to pay special attention to a polymerized toner (Simitri toner) with energy-saving manufacturing process, and started research and development of emulsion polymerization technology using biomass-based toner materials since 2000 when it began manufacturing. In terms of carbon neutral, the usage of biomass-based materials results in absorption of CO2 by photosynthesis contributing to environmental performance
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even during disposal. Thereby Konica Minolta`s Simitri HD with Biomass greatly reduces the total environmental impact throughout the life cycle from production to disposal. 4. Excellent functionality By adopting polymerized toner with uniform and smaller particles that is used in high-end machines, the bizhub 184/164 sharply reproduces thin lines and small text. Together with printing, copying and scanning as standard functions, it can cut paper volumes by combining several pages into one sheet known as “N-in-1” copying. The bizhub 184/164 also features basic functions required in the middle to small size offices. The operation panel is simply designed and front access to the unit makes changing the toner cartridge and replenishing paper simple and convenient. *1. Top class in Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) value for A3 size monochrome MFP, 16-18ppm, as of April 2010 *2. Energy-consumption obtained using measurement methods defined by the international Energy Star program for 230V machine. Please refer to the graph below. *3. Typical Electricity Consumption: Energy consumption values obtained using measurement methods def ined by the International Energy Star program in a conceptual week. It is based on the assumption that average usage of MFPs in the office is five days of operation with sleep/off repeated, plus two days of sleep/off.. *4. Comparison by mass volume *5. Biomass: Renewable biological organic materials except petrochemicals Energ y-saving desig n to significantly reduce energy consumption
Space-saving compact design
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Ricoh Helps Businesses Track Carbon Footprint of Printing Practices with New @Remote Green Reports Ricoh Americas Corporation, a leading provider of digital office equipment and advanced document management solutions and services, introduced @Remote Green Reports, the latest enhancement to Ricoh’s @Remote Product Suite. @Remote Green Reports allow businesses to monitor, assess and report imaging fleet performance and employee printing trends in support of internal sustainability and/or cost reduction goals. With @Remote Green Reports, users can track month-tomonth trends in energy and paper consumption of their Managed Ricoh @Remote Compatible document output devices, allowing them to monitor fleet performance and the possible environmental
impact device usage operations have on such areas as CO2 emissions(1) or conservation of forests(2). This tool collects data from Ricoh networked multifunctional products (MFPs) and securely transmits the information to a Ricoh data center. The data is then processed into green reports that are made available to users via a secure, password-protected Web site. The critical environmental metrics include month-to-month energy consumption comparisons(3) of the Ricoh devices and the amount of time each device spends in each power mode operation, stand-by, energy-saving/low-power and sleep which varies greatly depending upon usage patterns and office workflow. These metrics allow businesses and IT centers to better manage their fleet in an effort to increase energy savings for instance, adjusting the timers of devices, identified by @Remote as under-utilized, to go into a low power mode quicker than the factory default. @Remote Green Reports can also monitor, per device, the print output by page, reporting the percentage of jobs that are printed in duplex or combine mode (multiple-images on one page) and report resulting paper savings. The tool calculates and trends approximate CO2 emissions, paper and power consumption, as well as tracks approximate device paper and utility costs, for month-to-month comparison. @Remote Green Reports can be customized with local data to estimate more accurately what the business saves on paper and device utility costs. Additional graphs and charts aid in tracking environmental performance of the fleet over time. “@Remote Green Reports are a key enhancement to Ricoh’s Total Green Office Solution our approach to helping customers personalize their document management solutions for the goal of reducing their environmental impact,” said Shun Sato, Senior Vice President, Corporate Marketing Ricoh Americas Corporation. “The ability to manage resources efficiently balancing environmental responsibility with productivity – is essential to organizations today. With @Remote Green Reports, decisions and policies on 46
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energy and paper reduction can be made based on actual usage trends, and not mere speculation.” @Remote Green Reports are an important tool in Ricoh’s robust Managed Document Services (MDS) program, which focuses on total cost of ownership, business process improvement, security and compliance, and environmental sustainability. Beyond conducting assessments, implementing solutions and providing on-site and offsite management of fleets, Ricoh MDS uses a change-management approach to help customers change their document output practices across their organization, streamlining processes and cutting costs. About Ricoh Americas Corporation Ricoh Americas Corporation, headquartered in West Caldwell, N.J., is a subsidiary of Ricoh Company, Ltd., the 74-year-old leading provider of advanced office technology and innovative document imaging products, services and software, with fiscal year 2009 sales in excess of $21 billion. Ricoh’s fully integrated hardware and customizable services and software help businesses share information efficiently and effectively by enabling customers to control the input, management and output of documents. Ricoh Americas Corporation, directly or through its network of authorized dealers, markets and distributes products in North, Central and South America. (1) CO2 emissions: Source: USEPA – Department of Energy (2) ForestConsumption: Source: http://www.conservatree.com/ learn/EnviroIssues/TreeStats.shtml (3) Power Usage/energy consumption comparisons: tracks and trends power usage on a month to month basis ie) Green Reports show how much time a device spends in standby mode vs. energy saver mode vs. in “off ” condition. Information about Ricoh’s complete range of offerings can be found at www.ricoh-usa.com.
JUNE 2010 • 47
Epson WorkForce 520 All-in-One Delivers Superior Performance, Speed and High Image Quality for Small Business Epson America, Inc., a leading provider of superior performing desktop printing solutions, introduced the world’s fastest all-inone in its class(1) the Epson WorkForce® 520. With professional image quality, built-in Wi-Fi®, a 30-page automatic document feeder and the ability to scan directly to PDF and e-mail, the WorkForce 520 is specifically designed to provide small business owners with a superior, affordable all-in-one printing solution. “Small business owners and independent contractors understand that time is money, and having an all-in-one like the WorkForce 520 to minimize time spent on daily operating tasks is crucial so they can focus on other projects that contribute to the success of their business,” said Robynne Lee, product manager, Consumer Ink Jets, Epson America, Inc. “By combining the world’s fastest print speeds, built-in wireless printing and scanning, and high performance features, we’ve designed an impressive all-in-one that keeps pace with small business needs.” The WorkForce 520 delivers fast ISO PPM print speeds of 15 ISO PPM black and 5.4 ISO PPM color(2). ISO PPM speeds are based on a new international standard f or measur ing pr int speed, which is designed to give consumers an “apples-to-apples” speed comparison across all printer manufacturers as well as true performance. With Epson’s exclusive fade(3), smudge- and water(4)-resistant DURABrite® Ultra inks, the WorkForce 520 produces professional output at incredible speeds to increase efficiency in the workplace. It provides small business owners and professionals who work from home with superior performance while quickly producing high-quality text, graphics and marketing materials. The WorkForce 520 delivers high-performance 2400 dpi scanning, including direct scan-to-PDF for archiving important documents and scan-to-e-mail to easily send invoices or proposals. It also offers standalone color and black and white copying, and the capability to fax documents directly from a computer5. Additional Epson WorkForce 520 Features: • Five individual ink cartridges for replacing only the color that is needed • Produces approximately twice as many prints with two black cartridges(6) • Saves up to 50 percent of paper supply with manual, two-sided printing(7)
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• Uses up to 70 percent less energy than a laser printer when printing daily jobs(8) • ENERGY STAR® qualified Epson MicroPiezo® print head technology with smart nozzles delivers ink droplets in as many as three sizes, some as small as three picoliters, delivering sharp, laser-like quality text while optimizing print speeds Overview • • • • • • • • •
World’s fastest all-in-one in its class1 Easy wireless printing 15 ISO ppm black/ 5.4 ISO ppm color1 30-page Auto Document Feeder
Smudge, fade & water resistant Sharp text quality High-speed fax Individual ink cartridges 2x more prints with Dual Black cartridges1
Eco Features • • • • • •
Uses up to 70% less power than laser printers1 Save up to 50% on paper with manual, two-sided printing1 ENERGY STAR® qualified RoHS compliant Designed to be recycled1 Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWaySM Transport Partner1
Pricing and Availability The Epson WorkForce 520 ($129.99*) is currently available through major computer, office and electronic superstores, a variety of retail stores nationwide, mail order, PC manufacturers, the Internet, and Epson’s own retail site, www.epsonstore.com. About Epson America Inc. Epson America, Inc. is a leading provider of an extensive range of printers, 3LCD projectors, scanners and point-of-service printers that are renowned for their high quality, functionality, innovation and energy efficiency. Epson America is a U.S. affiliate of Seiko Epson Corporation, which employs more than 70,000 people in 106 companies around the world. Seiko Epson is committed to its ongoing contributions to the global environment and for the second year in a row has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, an indicator for leading companies in economic, environmental and social criteria. Note: (1)Fastest in its class; 50% faster than the competition printing black text in default, single-side mode, in accordance with ISO/IEC
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RECHARGEasia Epson WorkForce 520 All-in-One Delivers Superior Performance, Speed and High Image Quality for Small Business
24734. Compared to ink jet all-in-ones priced at $199 or less, as of September 2009, based on independent testing. (2)ISO PPM is based on the new international standard for measuring print speed. Black and color print speeds are determined in default, single-side mode in accordance with ISO/IEC 24734. Actual print times will vary based on system conf iguration, software, and page complexity. See www.epson.com/printspeed for details, including complete ISO reports. (3)Display permanence based on accelerated testing of prints displayed under glass in indoor display conditions; album permanence based on accelerated testing of prints in dark storage conditions. Actual print stability will vary according to media, printed image, display conditions, light intensity, temperature, humidity and atmospheric conditions.
Epson does not guarantee the longevity of prints. For maximum print life, display all prints under glass or UV filter or properly store them. (4)Water resistance on Epson Glossy Papers, Epson Matte Papers and plain papers, when using genuine Epson inks. (5)For sending faxes only. (6)Two Black cartridges allow about twice as much black printing as compared to printing with a single Black cartridge. (7)Some applications and/or functions, like two-sided printing, may not be supported by Mac. (8)Compared to the best selling monochrome and color multifunction laser printers available for $499 or less as of January 1, 2009. Actual power savings will vary by product model and usage.
Kodak Introduces “Virtually Invisible” Security Inks
Kodak Introduces Virtually Invisible Ink for the NEXPRESS Production Presses, Opening Up New Security and Inventory Management Applications. Adding to the diverse capabilities of the KODAK NEXPRESS Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions with Print Genius, Kodak is introducing a new virtually invisible clear ink. KODAK NEXPRESS Red Fluorescing Dry Ink is clear to the naked eye, but becomes red fluorescing when illuminated with an appropriate
ultraviolet (UV ) light source. The ink can be used to print unobtrusive images and non-reproducible bar codes on various printed materials, which then can be read with specialized bar code readers. The NEXPRESS Red Fluorescing Dry Ink enables a wide range of security and inventory management applications, including certified documents, such as medical prescription pads, drivers’ licenses and event tickets. “ This innovative expansion of the NEXPRESS Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions allows digital print service providers to enter the lucrative and growing secure documents and ‘track and trace’ markets,” said Steve Fletcher, General Manager, Electrophotographic Printing Solutions, Vice President, Kodak. “The amazing versatility of the family of KODAK NEXPRESS Digital Production Color Presses is designed to help print service
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providers stay on the forefront of a demanding, quickly changing marketplace.” This new ink allows clear bar codes to be printed inline and can encompass variable data printing, allowing each printed piece to be marked with unique information. The NEXPRESS Red Fluorescing Dry Ink can be easily exchanged with other Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions, allowing print service providers to efficiently move between various types of printing projects. The new ink creates opportunities for current NEXPRESS Press customers to offer new services to their existing customer bases and enter new markets. It will allow commercial printers to expand their digital print operations into secure documents and other businesses, and will provide book printers with new ways to take advantage of inventory management and automation improvements. Commercial printers can also use the clear bar code for their internal workflow for downstream finishing and binding operations. The NEXPRESS Red Fluorescing Dry Ink is the latest addition to the NEXPRESS Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions, which also allows dimensional printing that creates a raised-print, 3D effect; coating applications, which can be used to increase durability or add watermarks; clear protection and gloss coating using the nearline KODAK NEXPRESS Glossing Unit; color gamut expansion with red, green, and blue dry inks; and MICR applications for secure, machine-readable documents. Kodak worked with bar code reader pioneer InData Systems to develop a red fluorescing dry ink application that would be widely adaptable in the field, allowing it to be printed on a variety of backgrounds. InData Systems of Skaneateles, N.Y. is a world leader in bar code reading products designed for the bar code security industry, which uses covert or hidden bar codes for
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RECHARGEasia Kodak Introduces “Virtually Invisible” Security Inks
product authentication, tracking, and information retrieval. “This new ink from Kodak opens up a number of new markets for digital printing,” said John Hattersley, President of InData Systems. “It’s a huge breakthrough, because now one printing application can include both a pass/fail authentication system and include a significant amount of unique, identifying information.” The red fluorescing bar code itself is the pass/fail authentication. It is difficult to counterfeit and if the bar code does not light up for the UV reader, the document is not genuine. The NEXPRESS Press with Print Genius has an advantage over conventional inks for this application. Offset inks, liquid toner, and inkjet inks tend to spread when printed. The NEXPRESS Press can create very sharp lines in the 2D bar codes enabling higher read accuracy with smaller bar code sizes. This makes the bar codes less intrusive. This feature can be used in a wide range of secure document
applications, including identification documents, event tickets and coupons. The bar code itself can encode additional information that might verify the information on a secure document, such as a lottery ticket, pharmaceutical prescription pad or school transcript. Clear security images can be used instead of barcodes for lowerlevel security applications or verification of documents with UV illumination only without the need for a bar code reader. For applications such as passports, credit cards or drivers’ licenses, the bar code can encode the identity information about the bearer (such as birth date) making it more difficult to counterfeit or alter sensitive documents. Additionally, the bar codes can aid in inventory management, indicating specific handling for versioned textbooks, catalogs or other products. The fact that the ink is clear with normal lighting has both
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security and aesthetic benefits. On many backgrounds the ink will appear nearly invisible without the UV light, enhancing its effectiveness as a security tool and allowing the bar code to be placed in locations where a standard black-ink bar code would not be acceptable. Like all NEXPRESS Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions, the red fluorescing dry ink creates prints that are recyclable. The dry ink also contains no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Kodak will show off sample applications using the red fluorescing dry ink at Ipex 2010, stand 9-E320. Attendees will be able to see a golf admission ticket and a membership id card with an authentication images and a science textbook cover with the bar code information optimized for work flow automation and inventory management. The new NEXPRESS Red Fluorescing Dry Ink will be available commercially in June of this year.
Also at Ipex, Kodak is unveiling the new Print Genius website showcasing the innovation of the KODAK NEXPRESS SE Digital Production Color Presses and the technology under the covers that enable photographic quality, high productivity, and lowered cost of ownership. In addition to the suite of customer solutions delivered through quality control tools and options for managing and maintaining peak quality throughout a production run, Print Genius also supports the value-added applications and solutions of the Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions, including the use of the new red fluorescing dry ink. After May 18, visit the new Print Genius website at: www.kodak.com/go/PrintGenius
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Remanufacturing the Okidata B-2500 MFP Series Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah and the technical staff at Uninet Imaging A division of Summit and Uninet Products
Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. First released in June 2008 the Okidata B-2500 machine is based on a 17ppm, 600 dpi MFP engine that has a first page out in less than 13 seconds. These machines can print, copy, fax and scan. The printers come with a starter cartridge rated for 2,000 pages and the standard cartridge (56120401) is rated for 4,000 pages at 5% coverage. These machines use a somewhat unique method of telling the printer a new cartridge has been installed. Instead of a chip on the cartridge they use a Key card that is inserted separately into the printer (See Figure 1). These reset cards need to be replaced each cycle. When packaging the cartridge it is a good idea to tape the card to the top of the bag so the user does not forget they have to insert the card for the cartridge to work (just like the OEM does)
The machine based on this engine are: Okidata B2500 MFP Okidata B2520 MFP Okidata B2540 MFP These cartridges are fairly easy to do, and with a retail cost of $159.00* very profitable too! *As of April 2010 Required Tools 1) Toner approved vacuum. 2) A small Common screw driver 3) A Phillips head screwdriver 4) Needle nose pliers 5) Size T-7 Torx driver Required Supplies D e d i c a t e d O k i d a t a B - 2 5 0 0 To n e r Dedicated Okidata B-2500 Reset Card Conductive grease 99% pure isopropyl alcohol Cotton swabs Soft, lint free wipes 1) Remove the 2 silver pins, one from each side of the cartridge. Pry them out with a
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Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 1 An interesting item about this system is that the cartridge does not have a toner end detection system. It is all controlled by the reset card.
small jeweler’s screwdriver and then grab them with wire cutters to remove them. See Figure 2 2) Remove the Torx screws and plate from both sides of the cartridge. The Torx screws used in these cartridges are size T-7. See Figure’s 3 & 4
Figure 2 www.rechargeasia.com
3) Pry out one of the side panels, and separate the two halves. See Figure 5 4) From the gear side of the drum half, take a small punch (1/4”) or screwdriver and drive the metal axle pin out. This
• JUNE 2010 • 55
Remanufacturing the Okidata B-2500 MFP Series Toner Cartridge
Figure 5
Figure 8
axle is fairly tight. Make sure you do it from the gear side, (the keyed Side), if you try and drive the axle out from the opposite side, the axle will not move and you may damage the drum ground contact inside the drum. Remove the drum. See Figure 6
damaged in any way, it should be replaced. 7) Re-install the two screws and the wiper blade. See Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 9
Figure 6 5) Remove the PCR and clean with you preferred cleaner. See Figure 7
8) Clean off all the old conductive grease f rom the PCR contacts, and replace with new. Remember, whenever using conductive grease more is never better. Only use a small amount (Match what the OEM had there). See Figure 10
keyed end with a marker so you know how to orientate it when installing it. The side marks in Figure 13 show the orientation of the flat or keyed edge, the top mark in Figure 14 shows the keyed edge location.
Figure 13
Figure 7
Figure 10
6) Remove the two screws on the wiper blade, and the blade. Clean out the waste chamber. See Figure 8 NOTE: Be very careful not to damage or distort the thin Mylar Recovery Blade next to the wiper blade. If this blade is bent or
9) Install the cleaned PCR. See Figure 11 10) Install the drum into the cartridge. See Figure 12 11) Install the drum axle from the hub side. Make sure the keyed end of the axle is installed first. It is easier if you mark the
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Figure 14
See Figures 13 & 14 12) On the toner hopper, note the location of all the gears. See Figure 15
Figure 18
Figure 22 18) Pry off the metal bushings from both sides of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 23
Figure 15 13) Remove the four loose gears from the hopper. See Figure 16
Figure 19
Figure 23 19) Remove the developer roller. See Figure 24
Figure 16 14) Remove the gear from the fill plug area by pressing in on the tab. See Figure 17 Figure 20 f rom the contact side of the developer roller. Press in on the plastic tabs on the back side of the holder to remove it. Be careful not to lose the contact! See Figures 21 & 22 Figure 17 15) Remove the fill plug and dump out any remaining toner from the hopper. See Figure 18 16) Remove the screw and holder from the gear side of the developer roller. Press in on the plastic tabs on the back side of the holder to remove it. See Figures 19 & 20 17) Remove the screw, holder and contact
Figure 21 www.rechargeasia.com
Figure 24 20) Remove the two screws f rom the doctor blade. See Figure 25 NOTE: The doctor blade in these cartridges actually consists of three parts. An upper metal brace, the doctor blade itself which is a very thin sheet of metal and the lower metal brace. Be very careful when handling the dr. blade as it is very easily bent. 21) Remove the upper metal brace, being careful not to damage the alignment RECHARGEasia
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Remanufacturing the Okidata B-2500 MFP Series Toner Cartridge
wall and under the copper contact. Install the Doctor Blade next making sure the lip is facing down and the blade fits over the alignment pins correctly. See Figure’s 31, 32 & 33
Figure 25
Figure 28
pins. The pin on the left side is normally tight so more care should be taken there. See Figure 26 Figure 32
Figure 29
Figure 26
remove the roller, just make sure it is clean. See Figure 30
22) Remove the Dr. Blade. Lift it out from the slot on the left side of the hopper. Again, be very careful not to damage it. Clean the blade with a cotton swan and alcohol. See Figure 27
Figure 33 26) Replace the upper metal brace and the two screws. See Figure 34
Figure 30 25) Replace the cleaned Dr. Blade assembly in the hopper. Install the lower brace first inserting the tail through the cartridge Figure 34
Figure 27 23) Remove the lower metal brace. Lift it out from the left side as the right side has a tail that runs through the cartridge wall. See Figures 28 & 29 24) Clean out any remaining toner from the hopper. Make sure to get the feed roller and foam seals clean. It is not necessary to 58
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Figure 31 www.rechargeasia.com
27) Clean the developer roller with a clean lint free dry cloth. We do not recommend any chemicals be used at this time. 28) Replace the developer roller into the cartridge. The long metal shaft side goes to the gear side of the hopper. See Figure 35 29) Replace the metal bushings on both sides of the developer roller shaft. See
31) Replace the screw, holder, and contact on the contact side of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 39
Figure 35
Figure 42
Figures 36 & 37
install the two metal pins. See Figure 43 Figure 39 32) Clean and replace the conductive grease on the developer roller and the feed roller shafts. See Figure 40 Note that the feed roller contacts also run to the Dr. Blade. This helps ensure that the toner is properly charged throughout the hopper. Figure 43
Figure 36
36) Install the metal plates and screws. See Figures 44 & 45
Figure 40
Figure 37 30) Replace the screw and holder on the gear side of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 38
33) Fill the hopper with the Okidata B-2500 toner. Replace the fill plug. See Figure 41
Figure 44
Figure 41
Figure 38
34) Replace all the gears on the hopper as shown. See Figure 42 35) Place the two halves together and www.rechargeasia.com
Figure 45 37) Install the drum cover if available. It needs to be taped in place. Use a RECHARGEasia
• JUNE 2010 • 59
Remanufacturing the Okidata B-2500 MFP Series Toner Cartridge
brightly colored tape so the user will notice it. See Figure 46
a lint free cloth moistened with Isopropyl alcohol. Repetitive Defect Chart OPC Drum Developer roller PCR
Figure 47 Figure 46 38) After the cartridge has been tested and bagged, tape the Key card to the top of the bag so the user will see it. This key card is installed into the printer separately from the cartridge. See Figure 47 Printing a Test page: The simplest way to test a cartridge is to
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make a copy. To do this place the original face down in the feeder. Press the copy key, number of copies desired and the start key. Cleaning the Scanner: If copied and transmitted pages come out with marks on the pages, but the reports are clean, the scanner is dirty. To clean the scanner, open the scanner cover. Wipe the scanner window down with
75mm 50mm 29mm
• JUNE 2010 • 61
West Point Products Recognized with Seven Readers’ Choice Nominations West Point Products, a leading provider of premium replacement imaging supplies and related products and services, has been recognized with a company-record seven Readers’ Choice Award nominations for 2010. While the company has regularly been nominated for Readers’ Choice Awards in years past, 2010 has yielded the highest number of nominations for the company in a single year. Listed in seven separate categories on the ballot, West Point Products is nominated for all but two awards in 2010. By casting their votes online at Recharger’s website, West Point Products supporters subscribing to the magazine will be able to vote for the company in the following categories: • Best New Product or Service: AgriTone™ • Quality Leader - Toner • Best MPS Offering: Axess™ MPS • Best Customer Support • Best Article: Scott MacKenzie - Moving Forward with MPS • Best Ad Campaign • Recharger Green Award “The Recharger Readers’ Choice Awards have become a great way to celebrate our industry’s successes,” said Tom Day, West Point Products CEO, “We would like to thank everyone who took the time to nominate West Point Products. It is always an honor to be recognized in this way, but especially when that recognition comes from our valued business partners. We take
our commitment to our customers’ success very seriously, and appreciate these nominations as acknowledgement that our efforts continue to make a difference for our customers.” Recharger subscribers were given the opportunity to submit nominations online at Recharger’s website during the month of March. The Recharger Readers’ Choice Awards will be presented at a special ceremony on July 13, 2010, at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV. ABOUT WEST POINT PRODUCTS West Point Products has been a leading manufacturer of premium replacement imaging supplies since 1972, having built its business by
adhering to its self-prescribed 5 Pillars Of Success: Quality, Service, Selection, Integrity, and People. In support of this commitment to its customers, West Point Products has become one of only a handful of companies in the imaging industry to hold both ISO 9001 and STMC certifications. As further testament to West Point Products commitment to its customers, it continues to lead with innovative products and service offerings, including Axess™ MPS, a suite of MPS products and services, and AgriTone™ Premium Replacement Cartridges, remanufactured cartridges with high levels of Bio-content. Locations include Gananoque, ON, Washington, PA, Jacksonville, FL, Houston, TX, Denver, CO, Irvine, CA , Calgary , AB , and the company’s headquarters in Valley Grove , WV . West Point Products produces exclusively in the United States and Canada.
Sinobase Receives STMC Certification Sinobase branch factory, Dongyue Digital Technology Ltd received STMC certification in May 2010 after completing a rigorous STMC training programme. We are trained by certified trainers and verified to be compliant with STMC quality test method.
• STMC certified • Sinobase Industrial Park is under planning and selection now in order to catch up the development of markets and meet the needs of our customers.
About STMC The Standardized Test Methods Committee was formed in the US, and its objective is to seek out approved standardized test methods and educate remanufacturers to use these methods to quality test their products. About SINOBASE Year 2010 is the historical landmark for SINOBASE Group. • 10th Anniversary • Shenzhen New Plant – Dongyue will hit 100,000 pieces exfactory cartridges in Q2 2010 62
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SpencerLab Releases an Independent Comparative Print Quality Study SpencerLab Digital Color Laboratory, the premier consulting, test and analysis organization for the digital imaging industry, released a white paper summariz¬ing the results of an independent comparative print quality study of the HP T300 Color Inkjet Web Press. The White Paper is available at Ipex 2010 at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, United Kingdom, Booth 12-AB150, and by download, at no charge, f rom the SpencerLab website. The SpencerLab division of Spencer & Associates Publishing, Ltd. was commissioned by HP [NYSE: HPQ] to perform an initial comparison of the print quality of the HP T300 Web Press with 133-line and 175-line Offset, on comparable media. SpencerLab analysis found that the overall print quality of the T300 Web Press with ColorPRO media was comparable to 175-line uncoated Offset; the print quality with commercially available, un-optimized plain paper was generally comparable to 133-line uncoated Offset; and with coated media, print quality of the T300 in some areas exceeded 175-line coated Offset. Testing utilized documents, appropriate for the range of intended applications, from the SpencerLab Printer Test Suite (ver. 4.2) — an industry standard to facilitate the evaluation of Print
Quality. On-site printing was supervised by SpencerLab personnel and the analysis was performed by a skilled team of SpencerLab analysts, noting the areas of tints & blends, images, text & lines, and color gamut & black density. SpencerLab is looking forward to analyzing and documenting the continued progress of inkjet web press print quality. Visit the SpencerLab website for updates, as available. About spencerlab digital color laboratory Celebrating 20 years of service, Spencer & Associates Publishing, Ltd. has earned an international reputation for expertise in Color Print Quality and Consumable Yield. Its independent test divi¬sion, SpencerLab Digital Color Laboratory, is internationally recognized as a leader in unbiased, third-party digital imaging and printing tests. Leading vendors have relied on SpencerLab to provide Print Quality, Ink/Toner Yield and Cost-per-Print, Throughput Speed, and Usability and Reliability benchmarking for a variety of printing technologies – ink-based, toner-based, and many others. SpencerLab provides leadership in quantitative and qualitative comparisons – test and evaluation services, compliance certifications, benchmark test software/hardware, and focus group management.
Printable Technologies® at IPEX 2010 Printable Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of software as a service (SaaS) web-to-print and personalized marketing solutions, reported that it will be exhibiting at IPEX 2010, May 18-25, in Birmingham, England and making a number of major announcements during the conference including the upcoming support of PDF/VT, the new international standard for exchange and printing of Variable Data Print (VDP) jobs, in the FusionPro® VDP 7.x Product Suite. Printable’s committed support of the PDF/VT standard, soon to be published as ISO 16612-2, is based on a number of benefits
to the marketplace. When rendered by the Adobe® PDF Print Engine 2.5, PDF/VT enables all the benefits of a PDF workflow to the world of VDP including the PDF imaging model, more flexible preflighting, reliable proofing, and predictable color based on modern ICC color management. PDF/VT also provides a robust metadata infrastructure to enable sophisticated runtime controls for VDP print production. “Printable™ is committed to meet the growing industry demand for VDP technology,” said Coleman Kane, CEO and president of Printable Technologies. “PDF/VT technology provides clear advancements to VDP workflows that will benefit the entire 64
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industry. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our Adobe partnership as the VDP marketplace continues to progress and develop.” In addition to announcing the support of PDF/VT, Printable will be making other major announcements during the conference. To learn more about Printable’s support for PDF/VT, and other new solutions, IPEX 2010 attendees are encouraged to visit Printable in hall 9, booth F313. About Printable Technologies Printable is a leading provider of technologies for intelligent marketing for both enterprise users and print service providers. Built on open-architected collateral management technology, Printable offers both online corporate storefronts (available in both Software as a Service [SaaS] and server versions) and scalable variable data publishing (VDP) software to produce powerful personalized marketing campaigns. Printable technology integrates easily with a wide variety of ERP and content management applications, as well as production workflows from HewlettPackard, Canon, Xerox, Kodak and more. For more information about Printable Technologies, please visit: www.printable.com
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SME Development Associates Specializes in Asia, Latin America, and Middle-East Markets
SME Development Associates is a professional business management consultancy and advisory practice, established by Randal Long, after retiring as Chief International Development Officer at Sir Speedy, Inc. With nearly 30 years experience consulting and advising owners of small- and medium-sized enterprises in both the USA and other countries, Randal continues his passion for assisting profitable growth in small business organizations. Randal Long brings his many years of hands-on experience, and an MBA education, to support an unusual set of expertise which has been found v a l u a b l e by owners and managers of businesses s e e k i n g assistance in moving their organizations and financial results forward. Fifteen years of successful development and support experience in Latin America, Asia & India, and the Middle East comprise the foundation for a specialization in helping American businesses expand to new markets through export of both goods and services. More than three decades of management
can be as different as the words Lightening and Litening Bug. Randal Long and his associated professionals know the difference. If you are: Thinking about doing global business? Hearing that this is great time to expand into new markets? Ready to take a leap forward with new revenue stream? But are: Afraid that differences in language is a barrier Worried that exporting and importing is too complicated Concerned that regulations and procedures are too difficult Go to: www.smedevco.com for a free discussion of your international vision and readiness to grow your business.
support and advisory consultation, with business organizations ranging f rom start-up to $7 Million+ in annual revenues, provide proven value to Randal’s clients. Success or failure in international expansion 66
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• JUNE 2010 • 67
Katun® Corporation Introduces Katun® Staples for Use in a Wide Range of Popular Copiers and MFPs Katun® and Swingline® introduce a new line of cost-effective, high-quality Katun® Performance™ staples for European markets Katun Corporation, t h e w o r l d ’s l e a d i n g alternative supplier to the office equipment industry, is pleased to launch a new line of Katun® Performance™ staples compatible with a wide range of machine applications. Partnering with Swingline, a trusted name in stapling for over 80 years, Katun provides its European dealer/distributor customers with a new and growing line of staples providing OEM-equivalent performance and significant long-term savings versus OEM staples – across a wide range of OEM models, including Canon, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, Sharp, and Toshiba machines.
“This line of Katun® Performance™ staples utilizes an exclusive, easy-to-install cartridge design that offers OEM-equivalent performance to the end-user,” says Bob Moore, vice president of product development. “The design is the result of extensive collaborative efforts and testing by Katun and Swingline to ensure consistent and reliable performance. In addition, these new staples have been extensively tested to ensure compatibility in most of the current and popular OEM sorter/finishers available in the European marketplace. Like the OEM staples, Katun® Performance™ staples utilize sharp chisel points that provide excellent paper penetration and reduce the potential of jams and mis-staples.” As with all Katun® Performance™ products, these staples may be ordered via the Katun Online Catalogue – Katun’s one-stop Internet resource that allows registered customers to locate and order thousands of Katun products while accessing real-time information about their orders and accounts. About Katun Corporation Headquartered in Minneapolis, Katun Corporation is the world's leading supplier of OEM-compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors, fuser rollers, parts and other select products and services for the office equipment industry. With over 30 years of expertise, the privately held Katun now serves more than 18,000 customers in more than 150 countries. For more information, or to access the Katun Online Catalogue, visit Katun online at www.katun.com.
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APEX Releases CE278/285 Replaceable Toner Cartridge Chips 20th Apr. HP速 released to the domestic market a series of new printers with 6 AI functions, which have aroused great attention.12th Apr. After repeated tests, APEX took the lead to release CE278/285 replaceable toner cartridge chips of these HP速 new arrivals. Full emulation technology, complete compatibility with our Unismart system, comparable function with OEM products,
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no worries about hardware updating or serial numbers problems. ASIC design makes our chips low in driving voltage and power consumption, high in stability and communication speed, which indulges your products face up to HP速 printer updates leisurely. And great convenience comes from the flexible combination with Unismart system. This product, as the new generation, is released to be the substitute of CB435/436, and the hot chip in the year of 2010. To know more, please log on www.apexmic.com
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MSE Develops Breakthrough Color Solution Micro Solutions Enterprises (MSE), the industry leader for quality compatibles, Intelligently Re-engineersTM solution to address historical industry wide color quality issues. According to Craig Faczan, Marketing Manager, “MSE prides itself on overcoming challenges posed by OEM technologies and color has traditionally the most challenging product lines for the entire industry. In particular, the HP 4600 has been one of the most challenging products to make consistently in large scale production. From its initial release, MSE has addressed the inherent difficulties with this particular cartridge. Through continual investment in technology we have developed 4 patents and several patent-pending technologies on this cartridge. Even
though the 4600 is nearly 8 years old, MSE is committed to continuous improvement and is still innovating. To date, MSE has 10 patents and more than 20 pending.” Luke Goldberg, SVP MSE Global added,” MSE is committed to providing cartridges that are true alternatives to the OEM and in the color market this is of heightened importance. The only way the aftermarket will increase its penetration into the color market is prove to OEM users that there is a TRUE viable alternative. That is why MSE will continue to invest in leading edge, patented technologies because ultimately it ensures the sustainability of our market” MSE’s LATEST patent pending technology addresses and virtually eliminates traditional 4600 issues related to streaking/ backrounding and toner buildup. This innovation will significantly reduce failure rates on this model and is also being investigated for
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other models such as the HP 4700, HP 5500 and others.
About Micro Solutions Enterprises Micro Solutions Enterprises (MSE) manufactures a full line of high-quality compatible monochrome, color, MICR and JUMBO toner cartridges. The company utilizes more than 30 patents and patent-pending technologies in their Intelligent Re-engineering manufacturing process. MSE’s manufacturing capacity exceeds 300,000 toner cartridges per month and 100% of all MSE products are proudly manufactured in the USA. The company owns and operates more than 260,000 square feet in California and Pennsylvania as well as additional distribution facilities in Canada, the Netherlands, Brazil and Israel. MSE offers full solutions for outsourcing, private labeling, private packaging, and blind drop shipping. The company also offers award-winning sales training, customized marketing materials and additional valueadded services.
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ILG Releases Alternative Color Print Cartridges Drums for HP CP6015, CM6030, CM6040 ILG (International Laser Group) adds OEM alternative color cartridges and print drums for HP CP6015, CM6030, CM6040 Series Printers: CB380A* (Blk toner), with a 16,500 page yield; CB381A (Cyan toner), with a 21,000 page yield; CB382A (Yellow toner) with 21,000 page yield; CB383A (Magenta toner), with a 21,000 page yield; CB384A (Blk drum), with a 35,000 page yield; CB385A (Cyan drum), with a 35,000 page yield; CB386A (Yellow drum) with a 35,000 page yield; CB387A (Magenta drum), with a 35,000 page yield. These additions bring ILG’s OEM alternative color SKU count for HP products to more than 95. The HP CP6015 series printers are among HP’s top-performing color laser printers for small to medium sized businesses. These top wide-format printers allow the client to print material up to 12” x 18” and banners up to 12” x 36”. The HP CM6030/CM6040 multifunction printer series is designed for large workgroups and offers efficient workflow features. ILG offers an extensive line of HP and other quality OEM alternative products in both monochrome and color. ILG’s
premium quality toners are 100 percent guaranteed. Each and every ILG printer cartridge is tested to ensure excellent color quality imaging and sharp high-density print results. ILG test prints more than 3 million pages per month and conduct multiple pre and post production tests as part of the company's quality assurance program. About ILG ILG’s in-depth product lines consist of more than 550 SKUs (including 165 SKUs of color product). ILG offers nextday delivery through the company’s four strategically placed distribution centers. ILG is also one of the world’s top privatelabel contract manufacturers and distributors of quality OEMalternative imaging supplies. Visit www.ilglaser.com for more information.
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U N I N E T A B S O LU T E B L AC K TONER & COMPONENTS FOR THE XEROX PHASER 4510 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the release of Absolute BLACK™ toners, Smartchip™ and key components qualified to use in the Xerox Phaser 4510. The Phaser 4510 printers are the fastest monochrome desktop printers currently offered by Xerox. Rated at 45 ppm, these versatile printers offer other notable features including 1200 x 1200 dpi print resolution, edge to edge printing, and a host of add-ons (additional paper trays, output trays and optional hard drive). Toner cartridges for this engine are the all-in-one type, which are very familiar to rechargers. Smartchips are offered for both the standard capacity 10,000 page cartridge and the high capacity 19,000 page versions.
are rated at 11,000 and 19,000 pages.
UNINET ABSOLUTE COLOR TONER & COMPONENTS FOR THE SAMSUNG CLP-600 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the launch of Absolute COLOR™ toners, Smartchip™, drum, and key components qualified to use in the Samsung CLP-600. Uninet further expands its’ extensive line of Samsung products with these new remanufacturing solutions. The CLP-600 printer is rated at 20 ppm and offers print resolutions of 2400 x 600 dpi. The OEM toner cartridges are rated at 4,000 pages black and color.
U N I N E T A B S O LU T E B L AC K TONER & COMPONENTS FOR THE KONICA MINOLTA PAGEPRO 5650 EN Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the launch of Absolute BLACK™ toners, Smartchip™, drum, and key components qualified to use in the Konica Minolta PagePro 5650EN. While better known for its extensive line of color printers, Konica Minolta introduces the Pagepro 5650EN, a 45 ppm, 1200 x 1200 dpi monochrome laser printer targeted for high end printing applications. This model is really versatile and capable of printing anything from a postcard to banner sized documents. The printer comes standard with PCL 6 and Postscript 3 emulations, and features a maximum monthly duty cycle of 200,000 pages per month making it an outstanding heavy duty printer. OEM toner cartridges
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For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit www.uninetimaging.com.
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Message from the Publisher 六月, 之前,我的两个同事为了更好的宣传我们 2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗 材展,被派驻往印度尼西亚当地了一段时间。自从他们回来后就一直跟我述 说对印度尼西亚的诸多感触,其中最常谈到的,恐怕就是我们之前对印度尼 西亚的诸多误解。虽然我们已经从很多统计数字以及新闻信息里可以很容易 了解到,印度尼西亚作为东南亚地区经济发展最为迅速的国家,所拥有的市 场魅力和利润潜力,但是恐怕你只有真的身处在当地,才会真正的意识到, 这个在东南亚人口最为众多的国家,究竟有着怎样广阔和优越的经济环境。 而我不禁想到在一年前的这个时候,亚洲再生业集团总裁 Sunny Sun 女士率 先高瞻远瞩的提出,将 2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展移往印度尼西亚首 都雅加达。在当时,这样的决策不得不说是冒着极大风险的,这将意味着亚 洲再生业将放弃已经在新加坡延续了三年之久的基础和资源,而许多影像耗 材的业者,对于印度尼西亚也明显是有很多怀疑和猜测的。但是随着我们推广脚步的加快。越来越多的后市场 企业的领导者,开始对印度尼西亚市场显示出浓厚的兴趣和意向,而我们也逐渐加深了对印度尼西亚的了解。 在此我也要特别感谢 Malindo 影像技术有限公司的 CEO,Kam Woon 先生,连续 6 期在《亚洲再生业》杂志 上撰写专栏,从不同角度为我们介绍和宣传印度尼西亚的经济情况、行业现状以及风土人情。通过他的介绍我 们对于印度尼西亚的误读开始转化为一种好奇和向往。而接下来展会和 Festival Kamputer 的合作,共享展会 资源,又再次把 2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展推向了一个新的高度,更加坚定所有人对于印度尼西亚的信心。 随着亚洲再生业的全球推广脚步的加快,印度尼西亚终于开始以其在后市场领域的巨大吸引力,吸引全球影像 耗材领域各大企业的参与,我们欣慰的看到,这个本来陌生而疏远的地域,正逐渐成为后市场的又一炫目亮点。 现在我们期待这个别具潜力的市场,能为所有后市场的企业带来新的收获。 如今,2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展已经到了最后的筹备阶段,很多参展商已经开始计划自己的旅行 和展位的搭建,在此我们也特别要提醒您,持有中国,韩国,美国,等近 100 个国家和地区护照的个人,可以 在印度尼西亚当地机场进行落地签证,所需费用不过 10 美元左右。同时展会将在 7 月 14 日当晚在雅加达苏丹 饭店举办盛大的欢迎晚宴,竭诚的欢迎您的光临。 六月,让我们一起为即将到来的 2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展做好准备,迷人的雅加达正在对您张开 双臂。 执行编辑 刘师同
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The Integrated Printhead Cartridge
带头墨盒将何去何从 国家精细化工实验室珠海中心 杨立军 带头墨盒,是喷头与墨仓集成在 一体式墨盒,当墨水用完后更换一个 新的墨盒,它意味着同时更换了新的 打印头,它可以实现较高的打印精度, 保证打印质量,由于喷头随着墨盒更 换,因此不会因为喷墨头的磨损而使打 印质量下降。但这种墨盒设计结构增加 了成本,而这些成本生产厂家是不会买 单的,自然这些成本就转嫁到产品上, 所以此类墨盒的售价都比较的高。目前 HP的喷墨产品主要以带头墨盒为主、 Lexmark,Samsung,Canon均有此类 产品,且此类产品市场容量还非常大, 但是随着金融风暴席卷全球,成本压力 大幅增加,这些带头产品将何去何从 呢? 下面我们从以下几个方面回顾一下 带头墨盒的历史,展望一下它未来。 一、从喷墨技术的色彩上分析 喷墨打印耗材经过多年的快速发 展,硬件技术飞速发展,喷嘴精细度 不断提升,带头墨盒的喷嘴分辨率从 300dpi发展到现在的600dpi,HP最新 的带头墨盒更是提高到了1200dpi,它 保证了颜色,图片细腻程度上的突出表 现。图片从“麻子脸”时代进入到还原 真实色彩的清晰图片效果时代,打印出 来的图片几乎和现实的实物一模一样, 例如现在Epson,Canon,Brother, HP都在以这些作为产品的优势进行宣 传,Epson产品更是夺得头筹,且OEM 厂家都在不断的提升改良自己的墨水质 量,特别是Epson的Duribrite墨水更是 宣称100年不变,HP产品在带头墨盒上 更是如此宣传。 二、从打印速度方面来看 由于各项新技术的不断发展,硬件 和软件的不断升级更新,从最先的一分 钟几张到现在的几十张,特别是最新的 Epson的新款打印机,其打印速度几乎 达到了惊人的38ppm,速度接近于激光 打印机中速机,这样就满足了很多消费 者对速度的要求。
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三、从打印成本上来讲 带头回收具有打印机价格优势,价 格不贵多元的价格基本上可以人手一台 打印机,但这是陷阱,打印机为诱饵, 然后是昂贵的带头墨盒,如同汽车与它 的配件一样,消费者在享受高品质的打 印效果的同时也在为的新技术买单。 四、从市场运作分析 虽然带头墨盒的价格很高,但是既 然买了打印机,就继续用。但聪明的消 费者却不是,为了节省打印成本,他们 发现了填充。在用完新的后自行向使用 完的墨盒中加灌墨水,一般来说只要墨 水质量好,操作正确,充灌后的墨水不 会对喷头造成伤害,且打印机质量还满 足打印要求。根据墨盒本身质量的好坏 可以填充2~8次甚至更多次不等,这样 打印的成本就大大的降低了。 五、从市场发展来看; OEM宣称,填充有害打印机,有 害墨盒,请不要相信,从2009年开始, OEM都开始带头墨盒产品回收计划了。 因为环保问题已经非常突出了,其次不 带头墨盒涉及诸多专利问题,但是带头 墨盒的回收再生就不同了,只要企业有 好的墨水,较硬的质量控制队伍,墨 盒经过专业的处理,就可以和OEM新 的墨盒有一样的打印效果,甚至不需要 质量控制都可以做再生回收墨盒(质量 没得保证,售后没得保证)。一时间, 带头墨盒回收加工 厂遍地而起,结果 OEM不舒服了,他 们的耗材销售不断 萎缩,市场不断缩 小,OEM急了,但 又没有办法收拾这 些小作坊,因为没 有专利问题,而且 是环保,所以大家 都可以做。OEM没 办法了,只有开始 自己搞回收了。所
以在这个环境下,国际间的带头回收市 场越来越小,由于OEM的加入,国际物 流渠道被切断,这就使得兼容厂家面临 艰难的困境。 六、从市场前景上分析; OEM加入了回收渠道,这使得回收 难度加大,空壳紧张了,那么如何解决 这些问题呢?其实很多企业多年前就在 探索了,目前在市面上就可以看到的很 多Refill Kit,Refill tool等,都是针对这 些带头墨盒而开发的兼容原装产品,虽 然形状千奇百怪,但是都是填充带头墨 盒,产品从简单的注射器到较为复杂的 填充器,都是兼容厂家的OEM产品,你 在Google里面搜索Refill kit,你就可以 得到1,940,000多个相关介绍,就可 见一般了。纳思达、天马、Pelikan等许 多兼容厂家都推出了一些填充工具,这 些工具要么操作简单,要么操作复杂, 但是填充后的质量都不是很理想,这些 产品经过市场的沉淀,可以满足部分专 业客户的需求,但是并没有满足市场的 需求,所以市场需求不大,但是根据专 业的市场调查,填充市场在未来会占据 兼容的15~20%的市场份额,但笔者至 今还没有发现市场上有一款比较好的产 品即可以解决方便填充,又能保证填充 后的打印质量的产品出现。笔者认为, 带头墨盒的发展对于兼容耗材企业而 言,此条可能是唯一的途径,对消费者 也是最好的一种成本节约方式。
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七、从OEM的战略角度分析 OEM加入回收,减少了带头系列 流向兼容厂家,阻止带头回收兼容市场 的扩大,这就必然为空壳的渠道设置了 最大的障碍,但是填充工具也得到了 它的发展空间,成为一款兼容市场的 原装产品进行发展。笔者此次在珠海展 会上看到一款填充器,特别是产品演示 视频吸引,发现此款产品操作简单, 经过与有关技术人员沟通和最近该公 司网站http://www.ninestarimage.com/ refillvideo上得知,此款产品是自助知识 产权的产品,采用真空灌墨机的原理设 计,保证了和厂家生产的回收墨盒具有 同样的打印效果,且展会期间很多客户 对此产品非常感兴趣。预计现在已经上
市了,该产品有以下优势: 1.节约成本,填充最多可达8次, 相当于8个墨盒。 2.绿色环保,可以持续使用,减少 对环境的污染。 3.专利设计,采用独特的加墨设 计,与灌墨机灌墨具有同等功效。 4.打印流畅,填充后无需清理打印 头附近的空气,可直接打印。 5.简单易用,老少妇孺皆可操作, 填充一步到位。 此为厂家宣传,笔者操作后,确实 简单易行,大家一试便知真假。 虽然这些新的填充器不断上市,但 是国内耗材行业缺少行业协会对行业的 统筹,不为长久之计,兼容耗材是跟随
者,如果OEM 100%回收,那么兼容 就只有死路一条,除了填充,就没有市 场可谈了。生意应该是赚钱,那么中国 兼容耗材如何钱赚,笔者认为应该让具 有实力的企业例如纳思达之类的国内领 头企业牵头让国内有规模的企业联合起 来,形成坚强的产业联盟,实现产业共 赢的局面。中国兼容耗材企业占全球的 80%以上,但是80%的国内兼容耗材, 在国外在混战,这为国外的消费者带来 的好处,但这是在压低国内耗材企业的 利润的基础上产生的,笔者呼吁,国内 的耗材协会统筹这个行业的发展,协调 起来,建立统一行动步调,互惠共赢的 行业,打断OEM对行业的垄断,这才是 中国兼容耗材的出路。
An Analysis on the Problem of Recycling Printer Consumables
浅析打印机耗材的回收难题 对于打印机耗材环保处理一直是业界较为关注的话题, 最新统计数据显示,近5年来,国内新产生的鼓粉盒和喷墨 盒等打印机耗材共计10亿个以上,不过此类耗材难以进行环 保处理而令人无奈。何时实现大规模环保回收、处理和再利 用,已成为打印机耗材业界的期盼。 耗材价格居高不下 近年来,打印机迅速走进千家万户,鼓粉盒、喷墨盒 等打印机耗材需求旺盛。据环境保护部2008年公布的分析 结果,2007-2012年间,国内彩色鼓粉盒的年均增长率为 20.5%,到2011年将装载6600万个;喷墨墨盒及墨水正以年 均20%左右的速率增长。 据相关统计,目前我国各类激光打印机约有1800万台, 每年约需成像卡盒7200万个。国际品牌产品依靠技术垄断和
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“低价卖打印机,高价卖成像卡盒”的赢利模式,形成了较 高的价格。而高价格也催生了大量的假冒伪劣,和为迎合用 户打印成本降低需求而形成畸形灌粉模式。假冒伪劣往往以 国际品牌正品形式出售,攫取最高达200%以上的暴利。 兄弟集团董事长桥本安弘在接受记者采访时表示,虽然 每个厂商都有自己的运营模式,但针对中国市场价格战引发 的连锁反应,打印机的降价已成必然。厂商为了保证利润, 耗材价格自然被抬了上来。 厂商回收态度不一 据了解,国内成像卡盒等打印机耗材的回收再利用率仅 为1%。回收难除了由于国内尚无完善的回收体系外,假冒伪 劣产品存在的巨额利润空间,催生了众多“马路游击队”, 用完的成像卡盒成为不法商贩制假造劣的原料。 声言视环保为生命的惠普公司,1992年起就在世界27 个国家推广开展了“地球伙伴行动”,回收了数千万个成像 卡盒。可在中国似乎力度不够。记者了解到,在惠普销售 点里,销售柜台热情推销,废弃墨盒回收箱却设在冷清的 角落,鲜有提及。而在打印机销售的主销渠道商场和电器城 里的惠普柜台,见不到一个回收箱,也无墨盒回收的相关宣 传。 此外,北京墨盒回收的黑市却红红火火,一个墨盒的回 收价高达70-80元。黑市回收的墨盒是墨盒小厂灌冲墨水销 售用的,典型的假冒行为。但这种假冒,却客观上对墨盒的 循环利用做了“贡献”。 为何回收行动在中国总是雷声大雨点小?对此,桥本安 弘指出,回收是个庞大的课题,不仅是厂商,对消费者也
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浅析打印机耗材的回收难题 续
是如此。目前消费者还缺乏耗材回收的意识,大部分消费者 不支持甚至不了解厂商的回收活动。 据悉,兄弟集团已在日本、欧美等国家实行了耗材回收 措施,通过设置回收箱和邮寄等方法,遵循各地的法令法规 及习惯而选择适当的方式进行。耗材回收后,兄弟集团的再 利用中心以及各地制定厂家进行再利用处理。 相关政策即将出台 近年来,社会对打印机耗材本身引起的环境污染问题越 来越关注,相关环保标准体系正在逐步建立。2007年,原国 家环保总局制定了《环境标志产品技术要求再生鼓粉盒》的 标准。目前,《环境标志产品技术要求鼓粉盒》和《环境标 志产品技术要求喷墨盒》正在征求意见过程中。 目前打印机耗材应在落实循环经济促进法的基础上,进
一步制定相关的行业标准。国内知名打印机耗材专家龚滨良 认为,一是建立耗材行业标准可以有利于规范目前鱼龙混杂 的耗材市场,让消费者买到真正的合格产品,同时改变消费 者对国产耗材的成见,有利于国产耗材的做大做强。 业内人士认为,中国应加强针对墨盒、成像卡盒等耗材 回收的立法,促进相关耗材在生产、使用、回收等各环节的 完整规范的管理机制。通过扶持打印机生产企业有偿地对废 旧墨盒、成像卡盒进行回收及对消费者环保行动进行奖励的 方式,一方面有效推进国民环保意识的进一步提高,另一方 面打击假冒伪劣等不法商业行为,从而创建一个健康有序的 耗材回收和循环再利用环境。
RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010 Event Schedule
展会日程 2010年7月13日 星期二 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
2010年7月14日 星期三 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m 6:00 p.m.
展会时间 欢迎晚宴及特色表演 (地址:雅加达苏丹饭店)
2010年7月15日 星期四 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
2010年7月16日 星期五 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
展会时间 撤展时间
请注意: 联谊晚宴及传统舞表演入场券提前预定者将享受35美金的优惠价,订座请联系 以下办事处: 美国办事处:626 309 0858 印尼办事处:62 21 612 5668
中国办事处:86 10 5126 5580 电邮:info@rechargeasia.com
7月17日凌晨3点以后主办方有权利移走任何没有撤出展馆产品、材料以及设备,由此产生的任何风险和成本由展商承担。 展会的日程时刻固定,无任何延长时间。
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RechargExpo 2010 Sponsorship Packages
协助您拓展您的商业领域 ——2010中东-东南亚办公耗材展赞助方案 市场调研已证实当购买者身处多感 观的环境之中,他们的认知会加深。 本届2010中东-东南亚办公耗材展 现提供展前赞助、现场赞助等多种方 式,以加强观众对您产品的认知度。通 过最恰当的媒介,在合适的时间、正确 的地点传达给您和您的目标观众,以此来 最加强您的市场运作效果。 赞助项目: 观众邀请函
让您的客户知道您在本次展会存在 的一个绝好的机会!您公司的商标和市 场标语将被设计在我们的明信片上! 展前新闻的电子邮件 450美金 您公司的商标和市场标语将被设计 在我们广泛派发的新闻消息的电子邮件 上,为您之后的市场运作做铺垫。 网站横幅标语广告 450美金 让您的客户知道您在本次展会存在 的一个绝好的机会!您公司的商标和市 场标语将全天候不间断出现在互联网首 页上 直邮嵌入广告 450美金 您的公司商标和市场标语将被设计 印刷在我们的宣传品上,随《亚洲再生
业》杂志邮寄到所有的行业客户手中. 会刊广告 900美金 一个绝好的机会展示您公司的最新 动态及产品,与此同时您的公司及产品也 将获得品牌化宣传效果。 展会徽章 1950美金 可提供3000份以上的徽章,你的广 告和信息将会打印在背面,公司的品牌效 应会得到回报. 参展人员胸卡挂绳 1800美金 可提供制作8000个以上的挂绳胸 卡,所有参加展览会的人士将会看到您 公司的独家信息。 展会资料手提袋 1950美金 可提供3000个以上的展会资料手提 袋,一块属于您多彩醒目的专区,您的 宣传语和企业形象将被展示在上面。 展厅室内外的 悬挂横幅 1950美金及以上 此挂幅无数量 限制,横幅上将会 醒目的显示你的公 司商标和市场宣传 标语。
展示中心——会议室 1500美金 展会现场,将规划出一片大而醒目 的专门区域,供您宣传您的公司和产品. 欢迎晚宴 1500美金 可借助晚宴衷心答谢您的客户,在 宴会上发言以直接增进您和您的客户之 间的互动,增加您的商业信誉度和知名 度。 如果您有需要加入我们本届2010中 东-东南亚办公耗材展的赞助方案或了 解更多赞助信息,请您联系: 亚洲再生业公司 美国办公室:626.309.0858 中国办事处:86.10.5126.5580 印度尼西亚办事处:62.21.612.5668 电子邮件:info@rechargexpo.com 官方网站:www.rechargeasia.com
RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2010: Visa on Arrival
2010中东-东南亚办公耗材展:签证事项 凡是短期因商或旅游抵达印度尼西亚,持有指定国家或 地区护照的合法公民,可享有印度尼西亚落地签证服务。 签证费: ●1、申请访问时间多达7(包含7)天的:10.00美元 ●2、申请访问时间多达30(包含30)天的:25.00美元 申请短期访问签证/签证入境申请,所需提供资料以及要求: 由申请人亲自在抵达入境检查站时,附带以下资料提供 给相关工作人员: ●入境资料登记卡 ●有效期在进入印尼入境之日起6个月以上的合法护照 ●签证费收据 ●不在拒绝签证的名单列表当中 86
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●有回程机票或到第三国的车票 以下国家/地区可以获得到落地签证: 美国、阿根廷、澳大利亚、荷兰、比利时、巴西、丹 麦、阿拉伯联合酋长国、芬兰、匈牙利、印度、联合王国、 南非、奥地利、巴林、保加利亚、捷克、塞浦路斯、爱沙尼 亚、斐济、伊朗、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、德国、加拿大、 韩国、科威特、卢森堡、马尔代夫、埃及、挪威、老挝、拉 脱维亚、利比亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、马耳他、墨西哥、 摩纳哥、巴拿马、阿曼、法国、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、中 华人民共和国中国、俄国、瑞士、沙特阿拉伯、新西兰、西 班牙、台湾 、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、苏里南、 瑞典、突尼斯、希腊、冰岛、柬埔寨
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A Complete Analysis on Inkjet Supplies Market
喷墨耗材市场全面解析 喷墨市场由于中小型通用耗材厂商受到金融危机的影 响,加上连供系统导致的墨盒产品滞售现象,喷墨耗材出货 量2009年同比降低了2.7%。这是不久前发布的《中国打印耗 材市场2010-2014年预测与分析》向我们传递的新消息。
都在百元以上,一个墨盒正常情况下只能打印200张,单张黑 白打印成本都在0.5元以上,这是大众难以接受的。 也因为如此,刺激了国内通用墨盒、灌墨、连供市场的 繁荣,尤其最近几年原装耗材厂商和通用耗材厂商之间的竞 争愈加激烈,产品技术和质量上的提升和不断拓展的细分市 场,吸引众多厂商凭借各自的产品优势参与争夺耗材市场。
喷墨打印机市场经过多年的发展,已经从最初的单色 加彩色的组合墨盒,逐步发展到分体墨盒,在技术上有了飞 跃,逐渐成熟。虽然喷墨打印机在价格上相比激光打印机要 便宜很多,但作为主要耗材的墨盒却是一次性的,一旦墨水 用完就要报废了,而喷墨打印机原装墨盒,售价普遍昂贵,
原装耗材方面,最近一两年,厂商已经逐渐意识到, 一味的通过手段,限制兼容耗材的发展,是行不通的,这年 头,道高一尺魔高一丈。通过深入了解市场,厂商发现兼容 耗材主要受到家庭用户和一些中小型企业用户的青睐,他 们虽然很清楚,原装耗材打印质量好,但对打印成本更为敏 感。为此,以爱普生、惠普为代表的一线厂商,已经喊出降 低耗材成本的口号,并且付诸于行动,例如运用在爱普生ME 系列机型上的墨盒,目前单张黑白文本打印成本已经降到0.2 元左右,接近激光打印机。
兼容墨盒是由第三方的生产厂商推出。它们相比原装耗 材,优势在于价格,售价一般只有原装墨盒的一半,比较适 合那些动手能力差,对打印质量要求并不高,但对打印成 88
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本比较在意的用户。虽说通用墨盒市场假货较少,但品牌众 多,鱼目混珠,质量层次不齐。
目前市面上墨水质量差别很大,又很难鉴别,虽然很多经销 商号称自己是进口墨水,可谁又知道是真是假?如果墨水的 颗粒物大小和悬浮颗粒稳定性达不到要求,会直接堵塞或者 沉淀后堵塞喷嘴,造成墨盒永久性损坏,得不偿失。 从实际使用效果来看,灌装墨水打印数量很难保证, 一般只有100-130张,在多次填充以后,填充难度增大,打 印量却越来越少,即便和兼容墨盒相比,在使用一段时间之 后,打印质量上的差别也会明显,变淡、断线那是常有的 事。
一些品牌较好的例如格之格、天威、格力、幻彩等,拥 有自己的研发部门和成熟的解决方案,手握多项专利,通过 对进口墨水进行再次5μ、2μ、1μ过滤,使墨水的纯度达 到最大,保证不会堵塞打印头和喷嘴的同时,提高了打印品 质。从打印质量上来看,和原装墨盒非常接近,有些墨盒甚 至还内置芯片,计算墨水消耗,使打印更加经济。 一些品牌较差的,墨水质量根本无法保证,虽然价格便 宜,但打印效果差,墨水容量少,还容易导致打印机出现机 械故障。从我们走访鼎好多家经销商了解到的情况来看,兼 容墨盒虽然是一个相对折中的省钱方案,但市场认可度并不 高,很多消费者觉得既然放弃使用原装耗材,要用就用最便 宜的,否则冒风险,不值得。
连供系统时下正在流行,它采用特殊的连续供墨设计, 将一次性的墨盒改装成了可以永久使用的墨盒,让墨水源源 不断通过导管供给到墨盒,实现连续打印。当连续供墨系统 内的墨水打完后,能在专用加墨口添加墨水。其实早在2002 年,这一设备就已经出现。家庭用户由于打印量有限,所以 优势体现的并不明显,而一些以盈利为目的的商务输出用 户,由于打印量大,希望控制成本,所以对连供系统情有独 钟。
灌装墨水早在十多年前就已经出现,是相对原始、暴 力的一种方法,用注射针筒或一些辅助工具向墨盒中填充墨 水。由于投入成本很低,每次费用只有10-20元,所以受到 相当一部分用户的欢迎。我们其实并不认同这种方式,因为
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目前市场,名气比较响的品牌有另色鬼、天威、西通、 画时代、格之格等,它们的连供系统售价在60-150元不等, 后期耗材投入成本相比原装耗材能够下降70-80%,100毫升 的连续供墨售价仅8元,经销商称可打印1000张左右,算下 来单张打印成本只有0.08元,足够便宜,诱惑多多。 当然,需要提醒用户的是,如果不是多次使用,连供系 统的价格优势是没有办法体现的。在使用的过程中,由于特 殊的结构设计,劣质墨水很容易产生沉淀堵塞墨头。遇到这 种情况,只能花钱维修。我们在和经销商沟通的过程中,他 们不止一次的表示,很多用户只知道追求便宜,却不注意使
用维护,导致系统故障率很高,佳能和惠普的喷墨打印机并 不适合连供系统。 编后按:一直以来,打印机厂商一直采用类似于“剃须 刀和刀片”的定价模式,也就是以低利润,甚至零利润销售 打印机硬件,通过墨盒获得利润。然而随着兼容耗材阵容的 强大,这一销售模式正受到前所未有的挑战。对于消费者来 说,绝对是天大的好事,可以根据自身实际使用情况,选择 不同类型的耗材,降低使用成本,而对于打印机厂商来说, 也并非末日到了,有竞争,才有进步,或许能够找到新的利 润增长点。
Consumables Supplies Market Research for the First Two Quarters of 2010
2010年上旬耗材市场调研分析 作者:雷振超 天极网调研频道 打印市场从来都没像今天这样,不仅继续得到企业等传 统用户的关注,还得到来自家庭用户越来越强烈的关注。打 印机、一体机等打印设备价格与家庭用户价格承受能力逐渐 挂钩,在市场中形成良性互动。此外,电脑、数码相机产品 的快速普及,在这种变化中更是功不可没。 但聪明的消费者很快就发现一个问题,打印设备本身 的价格也许是大幅下降了,但使用成本却一如既往的居高不 下——耗材价格不菲。有的时候,耗材的价格甚至都高过打 印设备本身。如何选择耗材才能保持较低的使用成本,成为 消费者急于了解的问题。
同时,很多人会认为原装产品的质量虽然好,但价格也 比较高。而且名牌的兼容耗材产品质量也有保障,且价格略 低于原装硒鼓,其总体打印效果与原装是相差不多的。因而 在2010年上旬,兼容耗材赢得了近1/3的认可度。
图2 2010年4月上旬成像卡盒品牌排行榜 品牌产品人气不高不低
图1 2010年4月上旬耗材类型分布 原装耗材与兼容耗材 经常使用打印机的用户会深有体会,用原装硒鼓在打印 机上打印出的文字边缘清晰、黑色均匀、图片逼真生动,但 使用其他产品替代时效果就差远了。2010年上旬耗材类型分 布中也表明消费者对原装耗材非常认可。 92
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一台好的激光打印机最关键的部件是成像卡盒,也称为 感光鼓。它不仅决定了打印质量的好坏,还决定了使用者在 使用过程中需要花费的金钱多少。在激光打印机中,70%以 上的成像部件集中在成像卡盒中,打印质量的好坏实际上在 很大程度上是由成像卡盒决定的。 在2010年4月上旬成像卡盒品牌排行榜中,惠普成为消 费者最关注品牌,人气比例超过15%,尽管大幅领先榜单的 其他品牌,但需要注意的是,其他品牌的人气并不是特别 低。可以想见硒鼓市场的竞争局面不会平静。
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选择:原装成像卡盒、兼容成像卡盒、重灌装的成像卡盒。 打印质量肯定是客户首先需要考虑的因素,毋庸置疑,原装 成像卡盒显然是最佳选择。原装成像卡盒由于在设计过程中 精心考虑了与打印机其他部件的整合,制造过程一丝不苟, 因此可以创造理想的打印效果,大大好于其他兼容产品。而 重灌装的成像卡盒由于制造过程中采用手工方式,打印质量 更是良莠不齐,难以得到保证。注重打印质量的用户一般会 毫不犹豫地选择原装成像卡盒。事实上,随着人们观念的不 断进步,以及兼容再生耗材产品质量的不断提高,原装成像 卡盒的优势地位已经不断受到撼动。 惠普最受消费者关注 墨盒主要指的是喷墨打印机(包括喷墨型多功能一体机)中 用来存储打印墨水,并最终完成打印的部件。墨盒对于整个 喷墨打印机来说具有相当重要的地位。一些低端打印机,2盒
图3 2010年4月上旬激光打印机品牌排行榜 为何人气不及打印产品市场? 这份榜单中出现的品牌,大多也是打印设备市场上的 “大鳄”,比如惠普、佳能、爱普生、联想。最明显的莫过 于惠普,在2010年4月上旬激光打印机品牌排行榜中,它就 以绝对优势当选最具人气品牌。这样的人气显然对耗材市场 产生了巨大影响。但在耗材市场的人气不及打印产品,原因 何在? 这还得从成像卡盒的类别说起。成像卡盒有整体式(或称 一体式)和分离式两种。一体化成像卡盒在设计上主要是把碳 粉暗盒及感光鼓等装在同一装置上,当碳粉被用尽或感光鼓 被损坏时整个成像卡盒就得报废。用这类成像卡盒的机型主 要是惠普及佳能机型,这种独特的设计加大了用户的打印成 本,且对环境污染的危害很大,却给生产商带来了丰厚的利 润。分离式成像卡盒碳粉和感光鼓等各置在不同的装置上, 而感光鼓一般的寿命都很长,一般能打印达到二万张的寿 命。只需换上被耗掉的碳粉就行了,这样用户的打印成本就 大大的降低了。用这种成像卡盒的主要是松下、爱普生等。 对于激光打印机的用户来说,在更换成像卡盒时有三种
墨几乎就是1台打印机的价钱了。因此在购买打印机时,必须 要考虑墨盒的情况。在2010年4月上旬墨盒品牌排行榜中, 惠普以越40%的人气比例夺冠。同时,市场上还有两个品牌 在其后虎视眈眈,一个是爱普生,另一个是佳能。 惠普在墨盒市场的人气优势,一方面与成像卡盒一样, 得益于它在打印设备市场的领先地位;另一方面,与惠普优质 的彩色墨盒产品也有很大关系。照片打印在家庭用户使用中 占据相当的比例,而喷墨打印机在图片打印方面颇具优势, 因此,整体而言,家庭用户对彩色墨盒的需求还是非常旺盛 的。这样的需求反映到市场中,便成为惠普墨盒人气超高的 主要推动因素。
图5 2010年4月上旬喷墨打印机品牌排行榜 惠普、爱普生、佳能三强鼎立
图4 2010年4月上旬墨盒品牌排行榜
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比照2010年4月上旬喷墨打印机品牌排行榜,发现喷墨 打印机市场的排名情况同样与墨盒市场出现重叠的情况。从 这个方面讲,目前国内耗材市场仍以原装耗材为龙头,因为 原装耗材厂商具有深厚的打印技术功底,可以直接决定墨盒 的结构和销售价格,无论是消费者还是兼容耗材厂商都无法 改变。
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如何选择墨盒,这首先需要了解墨盒的分类,然后依据 消费者自己的需求做出相应选择。 从现在市场上墨盒的组成结构上来看,总的来说,可分 为:分体式墨盒和一体式墨盒。 一体式墨盒就是将喷头集成在墨盒上,当墨水用完更 换一个新的墨盒之后,也就意味着同时更换了一个新的打印 头。使用这种墨盒可以实现比较高的打印精度,而且能够保 证打印质量,由于喷头随着墨盒更换,因此不会因为喷墨头 的磨损而使打印质量下降。不过这种墨盒设计结构增加了成 本,而且此类墨盒的售价都比较的高。
分体式墨盒是指将喷头和墨盒设计分开的产品。这种结 构设计的出发点主要是为了降低打印成本,因为这种墨盒不 是集成在打印喷头上的,墨盒在无效时打印喷头可以继续使 用,同时也简化了用户对墨盒的拆装过程,减少了对打印机 人为损伤的机会;但这种墨盒结构也有明显的缺陷,那就是喷 头会得不到及时更新,打印机随着工作时间的增长,打印机 质量就自然下降了,直到喷头变坏为止。
Three-in-one Inkjet Market Share Reaches 70%
三合一喷墨一体机市场占有率达七成 低价、低端喷墨一体机是市场关注 的重点产品,其中三合一机型受关注的 程度要高于四合一喷墨一体机。很多经 销商表示,目前三合一机型500元左右 的机器关注度最高,其次就是1000元左 右的四合一喷墨一体机。此外IT168产 品经销商反馈的信息基本相同,三合一 低价喷墨一体机在关注度前十中占了七 成,四合一喷墨一体机仅占三成。 三合一喷墨一体机主要是那些 SOHO办公用户和小型企业用户购买使 用,个人和家庭用户关注也比较多一 些。而四合一喷墨一体机主要是一些 中小型企业及部分SOHO办公用户在关 注。 部分产品市场与特性: 排名第一的产品是佳能MP 198三 合一喷墨一体机,这款机器在09年的关 注度一直都非常高,这款机器主要的特 点是价格低廉,经销商表示这款机器安 装连续供墨系统非常方便,因此用户关 注非常高。 爱普生ME300在09年的关注度一 直排在第一位,这款机器在关注度上基 本上能够和佳能MP 198持平,爱普生 ME300稍微占有一定的优势,但是在市 场经销商反馈,很多用户选择佳能MP 198喷墨一体机是因为这款机器的墨盒 使用的830和831墨盒,这两个墨盒在 佳能很多机型上都可以使用,由此厂商 愿意大力投入制造各种兼容耗材,其中
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连续供墨在市场中卖得非常不错。 很多人很难想象爱普生ME office 600F会排在前三位,这款机器面前市 场售价为1050元,这款机器主要适合 SOHO办公及小型办公用户,其低廉的 市场售价占了绝对优势,相比爱普生后 期发布的MEoffice 650FN机器只有网络 功能和中文显示的差异,而爱普生ME 650FN面前市场售价为1700多,相比 ME600F差价600多块钱。所以很多用 户宁愿放弃使用中文操控机型,而选择 爱普生ME 600 F。 惠普 Officejet J4580是惠普最便 宜的四合一商喷一体机,对于中小型企 业来说,购买商喷一体机的目的是为了 满足小批量文件输出,HP J4580机器 在墨盒容量和稳定性上相比普通喷墨一 体机占有一定的优势,因此中小型企业 关注HP J4580较多一些。佳能 PIXMA MX328也是一款全能喷墨一体机,外观 比较适合,售价相对比较低廉,千元出 头,适合时尚型SOHO办公用 户和中小型企业用户购买使 用,这款机器能进入前5主要 也是凭借实力。 佳能MP258是佳能09 年年底发布的新品,这款机 器继MP 198以后的又一款 经典产品,市场售价基本和 MP198差不多,但是在性能 上有了新的改观,佳能MP 258可创建加密PDF文件,还
有自动照片修复功能,非常适合soho 办公用户、家庭用户、学生用户购买使 用。 惠普F 2288是一款非常低廉的三 合一喷墨一体机,外观时尚,非常适合 家庭、SOHO用户购买使用,这款机器 非常受关注的原因是机器售价低廉,其 次是性能比较优越,独特的网页打印 功能,还有一触式访问HP Photosmart Essential,帮助轻松去除红眼,能够更 加轻松的实现照片输出。 爱普生ME200能够进入关注度前 十,不是因为它的市场售价非常低廉, 而是因为这款机器在市场上的影响力非 常大,由于销售时间较长,销量较大, 很多兼容厂商也大力投入了这款机器的 兼容耗材的生产,比如连续供墨系统和 兼容墨盒,在使用中的稳定性较好,因 此还有很多用户在关注这款机型,目前 爱普生ME 200喷墨一体机已经停产一 段时间,但是目前市场还有部分尾货。
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Six Keys in Show Promotions
展会推广招商的6个关键环节 作者:文志宏(和君咨询集团合伙人兼连锁研究中心总监)
作者介绍: 文志宏,和君咨询集团合伙人兼连锁经营研究咨询中心总监。集操盘手\咨询师\培训师于一身的特许连锁 经营实战专家。 在特许连锁经营领域10年实战经验和管理咨询经验。曾参与多家知名连锁企业的创建和管理。
展会是推广特许经营品牌、招募加 盟商的重要途径。良好的参展策划与实 施,将使特许经营企业获得更好的品牌 推广和加盟招商的效果。那么应该怎样 策划和组织好一个参展活动呢?笔者结 合数年展会推广与招商的经验,为特许 经营企业提供一些建议。 一、企业自身情况评估 在决定是否采取展会方式推广特许 经营项目前,企业需要对自身情况进行 评估,主要考虑以下几个方面: • 通过明确特许经营项目的定位、 特点、招商对象,评估该项目是否适合 于展会的推广。比如,一个关于农村养 殖的项目或者小型农资产品特许加盟的 项目,其招商对象一般是农村个体经营 户或养殖户,那么可能就不太适合通过 在城市举办的展会进行推广招商。 • 根据特许经营推广的阶段计划, 决定是否通过展会进行招商。比如,在 特许经营导入期,特许经营模式还不成 熟,所发展的特许加盟店也具有一定的 尝试性,这个时候一般不适合通过展会 进行大规模招商。 • 结合特许经营推广招商的目标市 场,来考虑参加哪些区域的展会。例如 计划启动华北市场,最好考虑参加华北 市场的展会,而不是去参加华东的展 会,哪怕你的企业总部就在上海或江浙 地区。 二、展会的选择评估 并不是所有的展会都适合特许经营 企业参加,参加一个展览需要投入大量 的人力和财力,一个错误的参展选择, 98
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对企业来说是一个巨大的浪费。因此在 参展前,要对展会的情况进行较为全面 的评估,以期获得良好的效果。一般来 说,可以从以下几个方面对展会进行评 估和选择。 1. 展会的主题定位 适合特许经营招商的展会大致可 以分为特许专业展会、创业投资展会、 行业展会三种类型。特许专业展会的参 展观众意向相对明确,专业素质相对较 高,是特许经营推广招商主要选择的展 会类型;创业投资型的展会也可以考虑 参加,但是因为涉及面比较广,参展观 众也相对分散;行业类型展会(比如美 容行业展、食品行业展等等)也可以考 虑参加,行业展会的好处是不仅仅可以 吸引对本行业具有一定经验的人员或机 构加盟,还可以在参展同时与行业的上 下游企业进行沟通。 2. 展会的影响力 现在的展会越来越多,展会的品 牌化程度也越来越高。毫无疑问,展会 品牌影响力越强,展览招商效果越好。 评估展会影响力,除了展会的主题定位 外,还需要了解展会的主办和承办方、 展会的规模、展会地点、展会举办过多 少届以及往届展览的情况、展会召开前 针对目标观众投放的广告情况等等。比 如,目前,全国各地每年有很多关于特 许经营的专业展览,但影响力最强的当 数中国连锁经营协会在北京举办的“中 国特许加盟大会暨展览会”,该展会 已经连续举办了7届,规模一届比一届 大。2005年5月14日在北京中国国际贸 易中心盛大开幕的第7届中国特许加盟
大会暨展览会,一共有180多个特许经 营品牌参展,每日的专业观众达到数万 人。 3. 展会的管理、配套服务 一个好的展会,在展会的管理、服 务上都具有很高的专业性,这一点在你 与展览的组织机构进行联系沟通以及他 们提供给你的参展说明书或参展手册就 可以看得出来。专业的招商展会往往还 提供加盟说明会的场地服务,如果你想 强化展会推广招商效果,这是一个很好 的选择。 4. 参展的方式以及费用情况 这涉及到你参加展会的直接成本投 入。不同的展会由于定位、规模以及地 点的选择不同而有不同的价格。了解参 展的费用情况,有利于对参展的投入产 出进行量化的预测分析。 5. 小心展会骗局 近几年国内的展览业蓬勃发展, 展会行业管理的落后给不法分子提供了 骗取钱财的机会。展会骗局时有发生, 特别是在特许经营展会领域。这些展会 骗子往往打着某某政府部门或行业组织 的名义招揽参展商,有的是完全杜撰的 根本不存在的行业协会、合作会等等。 在招展的过程中,也往往夸大招展的情 况,声称某某某某企业都已经报名,目 前已经有多少企业报名参展等等。一旦 你相信了对方,等你把参展费用汇到对 方的帐户后,当你再和对方联系,对方 已经消失得无影无踪。所以,在选择展 会的时候,一定要对展会的主办、承办 单位相关背景进行审慎的调查了解,不 要掉进了展会骗局。
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三、选择好的展位 当决定参加一个展览后,进而要选 择一个合适的展位。不同的展位可能带 来不同的效果。一般你可以根据展览组 织方给你提供的信息来选择适合大小的 展台,除了展台的大小选择外,展位的 选择还要考虑其他一些关键因素。 1. 位置 展厅也象超市和百货商场等零售 卖场一样,也有人流动线规律。在预订 展位时,展会的承办方会给你提供一个 现场平面图,根据平面图,你可以知道 哪里是展厅的入口,哪里是出口,哪条 通道是主通道。然后,平面图的布局情 况,来选择展位。根据笔者的经验,最 好的展位当然是展厅入口的第一个(或 第一排)展位,其次是沿着主通道两侧 的展位,再有就是端头展位。所谓端头 展位,就是在比较大型的展会中可能展 位被分成很多排,每一排两端的展位就 是端头展位,它们就像超市端头货架的 位置,往往能够吸引比较多的眼球。
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2. 通透性 选择展位时,还需要考虑展位有 几面是墙体、几面是通透的。最普通的 展位是三面墙体只有一面通透面向观众 的,这种展位布置起来比较简单,一般 只需要在三面墙体进行设计就可以了, 缺点是因为三面墙体限制,不方便进行 造型设计,而且只有一面通透,吸引 力相对较小,也不是很方便与观众的交 流。 比较好的展位是有两面或三面通 透的展位,只有一面或两面墙体,这样 的展位在设计布置上花费较少,而且能 够吸引几个方向的人流,观众能够走进 来,因而能获得比较好的展览效果。这 样的展位一般处在展厅入口处或者端头 处。 还有一种是四面都没有墙体的展 位,比较大,往往是几个标准展位合在 一起的,其特点是方便做造型,容易制 造气氛来吸引观众进入,不利之处是展 厅四徒无壁,不方面设计形象墙或贴挂 宣传图片。这种 情况比较适合做 特装展台,但是 设计和布置的费 用比较高。 3. 借势 如果你的 特许经营项目是 一个比较新的项 目,还不够知 名。假如资金条 件允许,应尽可 能选择位置好、 通透面比较多的 展位,这样容易 获得好推广效 果。如果费用预 算比较紧,也可 以考虑一些其他 的借势技巧。比 如,选择一个紧 挨着某一个知名 品牌的展位,可 能这个大名鼎鼎 的“邻居”会给 你带来很大的人
气。 4. 提前确定展位 经过审慎考察,如果你已经决定参 加某个展会,这个时候一定要抓紧时间 与展览的组织承办方把展位确定下来。 有影响力的展会中的好展位总是抢手的 “香饽饽”,稍有迟疑就可能被别的企 业甚至可能是你的竞争对手捷足先登, 你当然不愿意失去这样的好机会。 四、如何做好参展前的准备工作 1. 成立参展工作小组 参加展会涉及一系列的工作,因此 在确定了参展后,有必要成立一个参展 工作小组来负责展会前期的准备、展会 现场实施、以及展会后的跟踪评估等工 作。该工作小组由相关人员组成,并指 定一个主要负责人。工作小组需要制作 一个参展计划,将参展的相关事项一一 列出,以免有所遗漏。 2. 准备好宣传材料和相关沟通工具 作为以特许经营推广招商为目的的 展会活动,在参展前需要准备足够的宣 传资料和相关的沟通工具,这些资料和 工具包括: • 企业宣传手册或彩页 • 介绍该特许经营项目的招商手册 • 介绍特许经营项目的录像带或光盘 • 观众登记表 • 加盟申请表 • 名片,包括展会现场人员以及特 许经营项目负责人的名片 3. 做好展台的设计与布置 尽管在展览过程中,展台的工作人 员是展会活动成败的决定性因素。但毋 庸置疑,一个漂亮的展台比一个空荡荡 的白色台板要更加吸引人。在确定了展 位后,接下来就需要对展台进行设计和 布置。很多情况下可以把这些工作交给 专业的设计公司,他们会更加得专业, 即便如此,作为参展企业你也需要对整 个设计和布置进行把关。 展台的设计需要考虑一些基本的环 境因素,包括: • 人流情况:观众会从哪个方向过 来,也许需要据此来调整展台设计或安 排 • 展厅高度:特别是做特装展
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台的时候需要考虑可否案值高的、突出 的物体 • 走道地板颜色:一般来说,可以 使用一个与走道颜色有鲜明对比的颜色 作为展台内部的颜色 • 走到的宽度 • 展会有关展台设计和布置得其他 要求或限制 另外,展台的设计与布置还需要考 虑一些细节,比如: • 灯光,包括灯光的亮度和色彩, 不要让你的展台显得太暗,特别是你希 望突出的东西,一定要明亮。 • 文字,文字一定要精炼,包括招 贴画上的文字也一样,展台上的文字不 需要太多,否则效果会很混乱或者无法 引起观众的注意。 • 重点,对于需要重点突出的商品 或物品,要展示在展台中最醒目的地 方。 • 对桌子、展示台的摆放布局要合 理,不要太拥挤,要让观众容易方面进 出。 • 如果有录像或光盘播放,最好放 在过道边上,这样容易吸引观众。 4. 对展览现场工作人员进行展前培
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训 很多企业花了大量的资金去做一 个漂亮的展台,但是却没有意识到展台 工作人员对展览效果的关键作用。据调 查,在国内的参展企业有90%以上的企 业缺乏对展览现场工作人员的展前培 训。笔者经常注意到在特许经营的展览 上很多展台现场人员的不佳表现对企业 带来负面的影响,而这些不佳的表现实 际上通过展前的培训就可以避免。展前 的培训可以包括以下的基本内容: • 基本礼仪与着装要求 • 特许经营基础知识 • 特许经营项目介绍以及加盟政策 • 现场沟通技巧 • 常见加盟问答 • 展会现场特殊情况处理 5. 参展前的预热工作 展览现场也和零售卖场一样,人气 的营造对展览的效果有比较大的影响。 除了展览现场的策划和人员的表现以 外,在展览之前,还可以为展览做一些 铺垫性的预热工作,比如: • 给你的意向加盟商打电话,邀请 他来展览现场进行观摩和咨询; • 通过电子邮件等方式,将参展计
划告知哪些可能对你的特许经营项目感 兴趣的人; • 通过相关媒体发布你的特许经营 招商计划,同时告知可以到展会现场来 咨询等等。 五、展会现场的管理与技巧 1. 展会现场的组织管理 成功的展会活动需要良好的组织管 理,需要对展会现场的工作进行分工协 作。一般来说,一个展台需要有推广人 员、展示人员、展台经理几个不同的分 工。 • 展台经理是展台现场的负责人, 负责展台现场内外的一切组织工作,包 括展台现场工作人员的管理、日程和人 员的调整、解决突发的事件,充当现场 人员的后勤等等。展台经理需要有较强 的领导能力,并且具备吃苦耐劳的精 神,他(她)应该是每天第一个来到展 台、最后一个离开的人。 • 推广招商人员是负责吸引观众并 向观众推介特许经营项目的人员,他们 的沟通技能往往决定了参展是否的效 果。一个好的推广招商人员,能够很快 抓住观众关切的问题并迅速吸引住对 方,甚至让对方在现场就做出加盟的决 定。 • 演示人员。有的项目可能需要专 门的人向观众演示产品,这既能够体现 专业性,也是一种吸引观众的好方法。 2. 展会现场的沟通技巧 • 准备。在展会开门前,需要做好 各项准备工作,比如产品的展示陈列、 加盟宣传资料、用来演示的电脑等等, 还有工作人员站立的位置等等。充分的 准备会使你即便非常的忙碌也能够井井 有条,或者即便还没有多少观众过来, 也能够营造出热烈的气氛。人们往往不 愿意去门庭冷落的展台。 • 接近。推广人员应该站在一个靠 近走道的的位置,主动寻找眼神交流。 如果你的眼神得到回应,应该主动向对 方打招呼问候,并通过友好开放的问题 让观众停下脚步来了解你的项目。比如 “先生您以前在哪里看到过我们这个品 牌?”等等。 • 概括。当观众表示兴趣,你
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一定要能立即抓住对方想要了解的关键 要点。概括性地介绍项目与众不同的特 点,特别需要说明的是,一定要精练, 有3-5个关键要点就可以。 • 介绍。当观众表现出想进一步了 解的意向,你可以邀请他(她)坐下 来,详细介绍他(她)所关心的内容, 包括解答对方的疑问。并且在沟通过程 中了解对方的背景、经济实力等,以判 断对方的合作意向以及是否符合加盟的 条件。 • 总结。当你了解到对方的背景和 需求,并介绍的项目各方面情况后,最 好是能对沟通的关键要点做一个总结, 这样更容易强化对对方观点和需求的理 解。 • 登记。在整个沟通过程中,你需 要填写一个观众沟通情况的记录表,将 对方的背景情况,加盟意向等等记录下 来,其中包括观众的电话、电子邮件等 等。 • 资料。往往在展会现场很难将所 有的细节谈透,这个时候你最重要的是 把对方的基本意向、联系方式等等了解 清楚,并且给对方提供相应的加盟项目 资料以便对方进一步了解,也可以预约 对方在展会后的某一天进一步面谈。 • 评价。每谈完一个,最好对沟通 的过程做一个回顾和评价,看看哪些环 节需要改进。在每一天展会结束后,全 体工作人员也需要对当天的情况进行总
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结评价,一起探讨更好的方法和技巧。 3. 提高展会招商效果的一些方法 • 加盟商现身说法 如果你现有的加盟商愿意来参与你 的加盟招商活动,那是最好不过的事情 了。加盟商现身说法往往比你更能够说 服有意加盟的人。 • 现场签订意向协议 在展会现场就促成签订意向协议, 也是一种比较好的方法。一般的情况是 只需要现场交纳少量的现金作为保证 金。有的特许经营企业甚至在展览现场 将已经签约或者已经签订意向协议的地 区公布出来,以此营造一种“机不可 失,时不再来”的紧迫感。当然,特许 经营需要建立的是一个长期稳定的合作 关系,不是仅仅靠招商技巧就能够取得 成功。 • 举办加盟说明会 如果有条件,可以在展会同时举办 专场加盟说明会,邀请展会现场观众参 加,这样能够避开喧闹的展厅进行专门 的推介,效果往往不错。专业性展会都 能够有偿提供开办说明会的演讲厅,不 过一般都需要提前进行预定,作为开办 说明会的企业,也需要提前作好准备。 六、展会后的工作 很多企业在展会结束了之后,有关 展会的一切工作也结束了。既没有对意 向加盟客户的后续跟踪,也没有对展会
工作的总结评价,从而使展会效果大打 折扣。实际上,展会后要做的工作并不 复杂,但是收效却会不错。 1. 对有加盟意向的观众进行跟踪 • 展会结束后一周内,根据展会现 场的观众登记表和记录表进行优先排 序,可以通过电话、传真、电子邮件等 方式与他们取得联系,并向他们提供进 一步的资料信息,或者邀请对方在总部 或样板店来进行参观以及进一步的沟 通,让后进入正常的加盟资格审核、谈 判的程序、直至签约的程序。 • 对放弃加盟的观众,应表示致 谢,并希望他们提供意见和建议。如 果可能,给这些观众寄送一份小小的礼 品,让他(她)有一个意外惊喜,这样 即便他(她)不会成为你的加盟商,也 可能成为你的品牌的忠实顾客。 2. 展会效果的评估 展会结束一周之内,有必要对展会 的整体工作进行评价。包括对展会的投 入与收效情况、参展的技巧等等进行总 结,这样的总结将是下次参展获得更大 成功的基础。
Note: If you have any qu estion about the rem an ufa ctu rin g tec hn olo gy or if you have other pu zzles you need to solve, you may contact Recharge Asia Magazine for more help. We als o we lco me yo u to sha re yo ur ex pe rie nce an d rem an ufa ctu rin g tips. Email: news@rechar geasia.com
如果您有任何关于 再生方面的技 术问题,您可以联系我 们,获得帮 助。我们也将非常 高兴的与您一 起分享您关于打印 耗材再生方面 的经验和心得。
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2010 ReMacau Expo Closed
ReMacau 2010 澳门国际打印耗材展落幕 ReMacau 2010 澳门国际打印耗材展览会于2010年5月 13-14日在澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店会展中心成功举办。作 为第一届在澳门开办的打印耗材展览会,无论是展馆环境等 硬件设施,还是参展商及观众数量都好于预期。同期举办的 ReMacau早餐会也以其浓厚的学术氛围和融洽的交流环境, 受到了与会者的一致好评。在主办方井井有条地安排下, ReMacau 2010 澳门国际打印耗材展览会于5月14日下午4时 圆满落幕。
免签证,国际客商前往澳门旅行十分便捷,因而在ReMacau 2010澳门国际打印耗材展览会的专业观众中,海外观众的比 例较高。和国内相比,前往澳门的部分海外客商可以无需办 理签证便可直接抵澳,大大简化了参观海外展会的人力和物 力。本次前来澳门参观的海外专业观众分别来自五十多个国 家和地区,ReMacau澳门国际打印耗材展参观观众呈现了极 高的国际化程度。 新展商 新机遇 ReMacau 2010澳门国际打印耗材展览会共有海内外44 家参展商。除了耳熟能详的一些大展商,如珠海纳思达电子 科技有限公司、嘉兴天马打印机耗材有限公司等以外,还吸 引了一些新成立的公司前来参展,如美国Dynamic Inkjets、 珠海凡思特环保科技有限公司、珠海赛纳科技有限公司等。 新展商的加入为ReMacau 2010 澳门国际打印耗材展增加了 活力和新的亮点,对前来参观的专业观众和采购商来说,无 疑是带来了更多商机。
城市充满魅力 展馆尊贵气派 ReMacau2010第一届澳门国际打印耗材展览会在位于澳 门 仔的威尼斯人酒店会展中心举行。澳门具有得天独厚的 地理优势,是商务旅游及购物娱乐的国际化都市之一,城市 设施及会展配套非常完备。而身为荣获2008 CEI Asia Pacific Industry Awards 亚洲最佳MICE 酒店的澳门威尼斯人酒店, 更是集尊贵气派与完善配套于一身。其无以比拟的宽敞空 间、国际化的顶尖设备和最高质量的服务都让展商和观众体 验到了全新的参展感受。澳门威尼斯人便捷舒适的免费接送 服务也让前往ReMacau澳门国际打印耗材展更为便利。 参观人数高于预期 海外观众多 截止于5月14日展会闭幕,本次赴ReMacau2010澳门国 际打印耗材展览会的观众达1520余人,高于展前预期。尤其 是5月13日展会第一天,许多专业观众早早地就赶赴展会现场 等候开展。上午十一时展会迎来了人流高潮,登记处前人头 攒动。在主办方有条不紊的安排下,观众们有序地进行登记 和入场。 海外专业观众多是本届澳门国际打印耗材展览会的一大 亮点之一。澳门作为一个国际化的旅游城市,与很多国家互
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早餐会反响良好 2010年5月13日上午8:00-10:00,ReMacau Breakfast Briefing在澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店金光会展中心Naples会议 厅成功举办。 早餐会现场吸引了90多位来自世界各地的行业人士参 加。与会人员共同听取了由行业知名分析师Charlie Brewer所 带来的名为“经济危机过后:数字影像行业的最新趋势”的 专题报告。报告着眼于当前的打印输出市场,内容涵盖了行 业发展机遇、区域发展趋势、打印设备与耗材等各个方面的 热门话题。 早餐会现场气氛热烈,嘉宾的演讲精彩纷呈。来宾们在 享用早餐的同时,也能互相聊聊各自公司行情、结交更多行 业内的朋友、跟新老客户进行了预先的交谈接触。很多参加 人员表示,行业专家所带来的专题报告帮助他们更深入了解 和把握国内外行业前沿趋势,同时早餐会活动也为他们提供 一个很好的相互沟通交流的机会,让他们一早就开始收获澳 门之行。
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Alert: Imitation Consumable Supplies
警惕仿真耗材 ——耗材回收不规范造就的暴利 作者:彭福朝 “先生有墨盒、硒鼓需要卖吗?” 一些熟悉的声音在中关村的电脑城附近 到处都有,耗材回收已经成为他们的职 业,在电子城的很多角落都能看到他们 和路过行人的谈话,从这个现象我们看 到耗材回收市场的前景。 耗材回收覆盖面超乎想象 目前耗材回收已经从传统的摊点开 始蔓延到网络上,很多耗材回收商利用 发达的网络,铺天盖地的发布很多耗材 回收信息,并且把最热门的耗材型号发 布在网站上,进行明码标价,从这种现 象能够看出耗材回收的前景是非常广阔 的。
等。 每当我们走到中关村时就能发现路 边上有很多墨盒回收的摊位,其中最集 中的是在海龙电子城和中海电子市场这 一条街上,每隔不远在地上放着一个墨 盒回收的小广告牌,一般来中关村买耗 材的用户,他们可能就会在路过时把空 墨盒卖给他们。 网络回收覆盖全民 惠普 Q2612A
设摊点现场收购 由此笔者对耗材回收市场走了一次 走访调查,通过笔者和耗材回收商的交 谈了解到,耗材回收他们已经有一个指 定的供货点,直接卖给耗材生产厂商, 只要是热门的打印耗材,需求方那边无 论多少他们都需要,有些比如热门的耗 材根本不愁卖不出去,而且耗材回收利 润非常高,有时好的时候一天能赚好几 百。 通过笔者的了解,目前像佳能的 830墨盒、8310墨盒非常热门,一套回 收价在60元左右,佳能40和41墨盒回 收价更高,一套空墨盒在70元左右,当 然前提是必须保证墨盒没有任何损伤。 成像卡盒方面,惠普12A成像卡盒比较 热门,一个成像卡盒大概值30到50元不 108
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在百度上只需要输入墨盒回收等 字样搜索,耗材回收商家的信息就全部 显示出来了,很多回收商都提供上门回 收,现金支付的承诺,而且很多耗材回 收商自己专门建立的网站,用来回收耗 材。网站上有各种耗材回收的报价,特 别是一些热门的耗材型号成为他们回收 的重点。 耗材回收不规范是仿真耗材的根源 随着成像卡盒、墨盒再生技术的不 断成熟,由于兼容耗材竞争相对比较激 烈,有些耗材生产商为了避开和兼容耗 材的正面冲突,他们从原装耗材与兼容 耗材之间找到了一条所谓的“出路”, 就是仿真耗材的再生利用,通过对原装 耗材的回收,通过加工包装,批发给一 些经销商,然后由经销商出售给用户, 经销商和生产商从中都能得到高额的回 报,特别是经销商,他们可以把仿真耗 材当原装耗材卖给客户,从中赚取高额 的利润。
通过调查显示,目前仿真耗材生 产商他们主要瞄准品牌知名度高,而 且销量非常好的厂商,仿做这些品牌 的耗材,特别是惠普成像卡盒、墨盒, 市面上的仿真耗材非常多,其中惠普 的Q2612A的仿真成像卡盒最多,目前 12A成像卡盒的再利用技术非常成熟, 再生仿真耗材在效果上和原装耗材没有 什么差异,而外观方面仿真耗材生产商 他们也开始在不断的完善,使得一般的 用户很难识别真伪。 一般Q2612A仿真成像卡盒的再生 成本在100元左右,生产商批发给经销 商的价位在200元左右,由此可以看出 来生产商的利润非常高,远远高于兼容 耗材的利润,而经销商出售给用户以原 装的市场价为准,一般一个12A成像卡 盒能卖450元左右,批发价200元,零 售价为450元,利润达到了百分之百以 上。而当经销商有利可图时,他们会想 尽办法把仿真耗材当原装耗材销售给用 户,最终的受害者是我们的消费者。 当然不是所有的回收耗材都拿去做 仿真耗材了,一般仿真耗材生产商只针 对部分非常热门的耗材下手,而且不会 做太多品牌和型号,这样他们会非常专 业的保证后期的打印质量,但是仿真耗 材都是通过灌粉,加墨,然后再包装, 每个细节都要求相对较高。 学会识别耗材真伪 下面笔者为大家介绍一下惠普耗材 的真伪识别,只要用户稍微看一下
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耗材真伪识别的技巧,大部分仿真耗材 都是能够被消费者识破的。 更多耗材真伪识别技巧:慧眼识耗 材 打印机耗材真伪鉴别汇总 1. 通过成像卡盒的积分换奖标 签上的20位条码,为广大客户鉴别真 假硒鼓。具体方法是—客户通过编辑 短信hc(空格)加20位礼券号码发送至 106680023888,即可即时得到反馈。 客户也可以通过原装耗材查询 www. hp.com.cn/hccx 输入20为礼券号码查 询真伪。如果该号码被造假者复制,系 统中有同一号码查询将即时通知客户, 并提醒客户及时提供销售人员名单。 2. 通过直邮和发放宣传资料的形式 广而告之鉴别真假的方法。具体总结如 下:看防伪标签是否晃动变色。不变色 的一定是假货。如果晃动变色,但以下 地方也可以证明是假货。 显影鼓的两头白色塑料件是否有生 产批次号
显影鼓是否是翠绿色,假冒硒鼓的 鼓芯为金属色
成像卡盒的封条上的英文标识 (LOGO)是否瞒天过海印成“bp”,而 非hp
假墨盒内包装袋颜色偏浅,质地很 薄;原装墨盒的内包装袋为深蓝色,质地 很厚实
原装墨盒内包装袋有透气孔;假墨盒 经常没有孔 原装墨盒上的墨头没有使用过痕 迹,假墨盒上的墨头有凹痕,证明是用 过的墨盒
惠普墨盒外包装辨认方法更新 以往是通过触摸墨盒外包装背面印 有产地、日期处的字样是否有凹凸感, 作为墨盒真假判断的依据。 现在,请大家注意,此方法不适用 于惠普801系列墨盒。 惠普801系列墨盒印刷产地、日期 等字样的位置是在外包装底部,采用蓝 色字体印刷,触摸字体无凹凸感,触摸 手感平滑。
Print Market New Growth: Low-end, Color, Industry Projects
打印市场增长点:低端、彩色、行业项目 近日,根据IDC预测,2010年中国打印外设整体市场出 货量将逐步回升,年增长率达到2.9%,并且总出货量将突破 1,000万台。市场增长点主要体现在低端增长、彩色增长、行 业项目增长上。 IDC最新发布的《中国打印外设市场季度跟踪报告(2009 年第四季度)》显示,虽然2009年前三个季度中国打印外设 市场持续低迷,市场出货量一直低于同比的2008年前三个季 度,但是2009年第四季度市场供求都出现了明显的反弹,出 货量同比和环比增长分别达到31.4%和17.4%。并且带动了 2009年中国打印外设整体市场实现小幅上涨,出货量约为 988万台,与2008年相比上涨2.0%。在严峻的经济形势下, 用户更倾向于购买价格较低的各类打印产品,厂商也进行了 各种降价促销活动以促进销售,因此整体打印外设市场销售 额比2008年下降3.6%。
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IDC亚太区研究副总裁霍锦洁女士说:“2009年亚太地 区打印外设市场总出货量达到2, 536万台,其中中国在亚太 地区保持市场份额第一,达到39.0%。因此各国际厂商都最 为重视中国市场的状况。我们预期,各厂商仍将投入大量精 力与资金开展中国业务,推动中国打印外设市场的稳定高速 发展。” IDC中国计算机系统研究部高级分析师陈颖说:“在当前 经济出现明显稳定回升态势的情况下,很多企业的经营状况 还没有根本好转,还有不少行业的增长主要靠政府投资的支 持。打印外设市场的增长很大程度上依赖于企业和行业的发 展,因此我们对于2010年中国打印外设市场应保持谨慎的乐 观预期。”根据IDC预测,2010年中国打印外设整体市场出 货量将逐步回升,年增长率达到2.9%,并且总出货量将突破 1,000万台。
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陈颖认为,当前中国打印外设市场存在以下特点和发展 趋势: 1.低端增长 2009年初开始,在金融危机的影响下,打印外设产品的 购买力明显降低。企业或个人即便是进行了购买,其预算支出 都大幅降低。低端产品的销量出现大幅回升。喷墨打印机产 品小于70美元价格段的产品份额在2009年第一季度为53%, 至2009年第四季度上升为79%,例如佳能iP1180/1980,惠普 Deskjet D2568及其后继机型Deskjet D2668的销量都明显增 长。在喷墨多功能市场上,价格较低的三合一产品的市场份额 也从2009年初的大约60%上升至73%。 在激光打印市场上,由于惠普低端产品出现严重缺货, 极大影响了整体市场的销量。但是,从第三季度开始惠普的 缺货情况逐渐改善,其他各主要厂商也都投入力量,重点推
广低端产品。例如三星也在第三季度恢复生产了其两款低端 主打型号ML-1641和ML-2241,市场反映良好。IDC认为, 在2010年无论是喷墨产品还是激光产品,低端低价型号仍将 保持良好的市场需求。 2.彩色增长 2009年在整体打印外设市场受到严重影响的情况下,彩 色激光产品仍然保持了17.5%的年增长率,特别是彩色激光 多功能产品,更是实现了63%的高速增长。相对于黑白激光 产品,彩色激光产品的总出货量仍然很小,只占到全部激光 产品的不到5%。但是各大厂商都对其非常重视,在2009年纷 纷推出主打新品,例如科尼卡美能达MagiColor 1600W、联 想 C8300N等彩色激光打印机,松下KX-MC6008CN、联想 MC8300DN等彩色一体机。 在数码复合机产品里,科尼卡美能达、理光、震旦等 厂商也都发力彩色数码复合机市场。 2009年推出的低端新品,科尼卡美能 达bizhub C200e、震旦ADC-208、理 光MP C2030等都实现了跨跃式增长。 当前,入门级A3幅面彩色数码复合机 价格已经低至人民币2万至3万元。一直 以来,高昂的产品价格是用户购买彩色 数码复合机的最大障碍,目前价格的大 幅下降极大的降低了购买彩色产品的门 槛,因此未来有望出现用户对此类产品 接受度的大幅增长。 3.行业项目增长 为了应对经济危机的影响,2009年 年初以来中国政府对基础设施、制造业 等行业投入了大量资金拉动经济增长。 来自政府、金融、电信等行业的采购对 激光产品的销售起到了重要的促进作 用,而农村医疗设施改革、税控系统改 革、金融系统设备更换等项目也给针式 打印机市场带来了极大的需求,积极推 动了市场的销售。IDC认为,政府采购及 各行业项目的采购将有力保证2010年打 印外设市场的平稳增长,各厂商应继续 保持对政府及项目需求的高度重视。
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Printing Ink Manufacturing Industry Faces Formidable Challenges
油墨制造业面临艰巨挑战 哥本哈根会议后,低碳经济成为各 行业及人们生活要求的标准,终端客户 对于碳排量数据的关注越来越强,也促 使了碳足迹成为人们最关心的话题。 碳足迹是由二氧化碳和其他温室气 体(GHGs)组成的,甲烷和一氧化二 氮等也包含其中。这些气体都是随着产 品的整个供应链排放的,而且会贯穿从 原材料处理到产品回收和最后处置的整 个过程。 随着来自品牌产品在市场的影响力 不断增大,品牌产品的碳足迹是多少? 欧洲很多客户都要求印刷企业提供生产 印刷品的二氧化碳排放量。对油墨制造 商而言,这可是一项艰巨的挑战。尽管 油墨在印刷材料中所占的比例相对较 小,但要想计算出它们的碳足迹是十分 困难的,因为油墨的配方不相同,而且 涉及到化学品种类也不计其数。 当印刷企业用同样的印刷机和油 墨在不同的耗材上印刷的时候,能源的 消耗量也会发生变化。从某种程度上来 说,能源的消耗水平是可以与二氧化碳 的排放量划等号的。为此,有专业人士 建议,建立一个能被整个行业接受的碳 足迹体系,但实施起来却困难重重, 有部分专家提出,与其这样的计算碳足 迹,不如从小事做起,提高能源利用 率,以降低成本和改善环境,从宏观上 控制低碳经济环境。 一家欧洲油墨公司的营销总监说: “不仅我们的客户拥有可持续发展计 划,我们自己也有。显然我们非常重视 碳足迹的问题,并且已经做好了引进这 个理念的准备。”瑞典的宜家公司通过 2010年最新一期的产品目录向我们展 示出了它和其他大型零售商对可持续发 展和降低碳排量的重视。该公司印刷了 1.98亿份不同语言(28种)不同版本 (54种)的产品目录,并希望能将每本 目录的二氧化碳排量降低到去年(0.69
的碳足迹进行了分析,其中包括对其8 条不同的油墨产品线的评估。这家零售 巨头还指出,印刷和其他供应商不但要 拥有一个经过认证的环境管理体系,而 且还要对自己消耗的水、电等资源进行 监控。 印刷油墨的原材料供应商也希望能 通过碳足迹数据,向客户展示出其产品 的环保特性。 DSM树脂公司的创新经理 JanBesamusca说:“随着碳足迹逐渐 引起越来越多人的关注,我们相信它将 成为衡量一个企业或一种产品的可持续 发展力的有效方式。”为了帮助印刷企 业解决环保、健康和安全等与碳足迹有 关的问题,太阳化工还推出了一项咨询 服务。Andrzejewski先生说:“我们设 计和生产了一系列能帮助客户改善碳足 迹的产品,这些产品中含有大量可生物 降解和可再生材料,并且能减少垃圾、 提高生产率和降低能源使用量。”太阳 化工希望能通过各种方式满足客户的环 保需求。 印刷过程中实施的低碳经济表现 在: 1.新设备更省电、高效 能源成本目前已经成为了印刷机 在设计过程中重点考虑的一个因素。对 于使用旧设备的印刷过程来说,凹版印 刷与轮转胶印的碳足迹之间没有什么区 别。印刷过程的碳足迹会随着设备的老 化而变化。新设备的耗电量更低,因此 碳足迹就更少。从总体上来说,使用新 设备的凹印过程比使用新设备的胶印过 程具有更高的能源效率。 2.纸张可降解更具低碳优势 欧洲每年都会对大约5000万吨废纸 进行分类回收。此外,作为欧洲最大的 纸张生产国,芬兰的森林种植量已经超 过了砍伐量,并能吸收3000万吨二氧化 碳。
千克/本)还要低的水平。 据了解,太阳化工刚刚发布了自己 的第一份可持续发展报告,并对其在25 个国家的170家企业的碳足迹和环保表 现进行了分析。此外,他们还对其产品
印刷业的一位环境专家表示:“在 欧洲国家,80%的纸质印刷品都是可以 回收利用的。”纸张首先可以用来印刷 杂志,而在回收之后,可以用来也能刷 报纸,最后还可以再用来生产折叠纸
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箱。换句话说,这种材料的重复利用次 数是非常惊人的。 纸张作为一种可生物降解材料固然 有一定的优势,塑料是从石化燃料中提 取出来的,它的灵活性较高,质量轻, 在运输过程中减少二氧化碳的排放,因 此也能给环境带来一定的好处。 3.电子媒体比印刷业更低碳 从可持续发展的角度来看,欧洲 印刷业需要在能源消耗和碳排放等方面 与电子媒体展开斗争。目前印刷业,也 包括纸张制造业面临的最大一个问题就 是无法有效地展示出自己的环保能力。 英国最近对媒体买家所做的调查显示: 50%的受访者认为纸张具有较高的碳足 迹,而80%的受访者认为电子媒体比纸 张更加环保。 4.油墨制造商在努力生产绿色油墨 欧洲凹版印刷协会的统计数据表 明,如果一个人每天阅读一份报纸,那 么他一年相当于使用另外28千克二氧化 碳;而如果每个人每天花30分钟的时候 在网上阅读新闻,那么他每年要用掉35 千克为氧化碳。为了满足客户的需求, 油墨制造商都在努力生产绿色油墨。比 如含有生物基原料和节能特性的新型油 墨。如,太阳化工近日就为单张纸印刷 市场推出了一款快干油墨,它能帮助印 刷厂显著降低能耗。 虽然碳足迹看起来比较复杂,但 有很多欧洲的印刷企业和终端用户都打 算引进这个理念,因此,油墨制造商也 在随时关注这些客户的需求。这也是促 使欧洲人对碳足迹格外关注的一个主要 原因,当今,消费者要遏制全球变暖的 意识正在越来越强,而制造商也意识到 在能源价格持续攀升的情况下,降低能 源消耗本身也是节约成本的一个有效途 径。
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Inkjet Technology Impacts on Ceramic Upgrade
喷墨技术对陶瓷产业升级的影响 陶瓷行业真正的印刷时代正在到 来。去年意大利陶瓷展最大亮点之一就 是喷墨印刷产品大量出现。现在,正如 人们的预期,瓷砖设计王国的高新技术 正在被瓷砖生产大国逐步接受,并呈现 出流行的趋势。 瓷砖的设计方向是对天然建筑材料 (石材、木材等)的仿真,设计的关键主 要是对表面纹理、质感、层次的处理。 现代建筑陶瓷设计已经从最早的丝网印 刷时代,过度到眼下的辊筒印刷时代。 丝网印刷是一种平面印刷,不能实现对 瓷砖凹凸造面印刷,因此,很难实现表 面的多元、立体效果。从这个角度看, 丝网印刷是一种平面印刷,或者说是一 种刚性印刷。辊筒印刷包括丝网辊筒和 橡胶辊筒。与丝网印刷相比,辊筒印刷 是一种柔性印刷,其突破在于可以实现 凹凸面得印刷,从而使得砖的表面层次 更加丰富,对自然的仿真度更高。 喷墨印刷改变了传统的接触式压力 印刷,实现了与砖面不接触的“凌空” 印刷。这种技术不仅印刷凹凸面(可以 有4cm的落差)、斜面无障碍,而且不 再受限于局部纹理的重复叠印,使得 片与片的纹理不一样,纹理的变化更丰 富,仿真效果更佳。电脑控制的喷墨印 刷“凌空”操作法,可以实现多角度、 高致密性上釉,完全呈现瓷砖立体造面 设计效果,使瓷砖图案宛如相片之美。 与喷墨打印技术相关的还有干粉干压技 术。这项技术是通过模具制造出具有凹 凸面的坯体,再喷墨打印。 事实上,瓷砖生产领域的喷墨印 刷技术多年前已经在意大利发展的很成 熟,但出于国际竞争的需要,这项技术 早期被限制出口到作为竞争对手的中 国,仅局限在欧洲等地陶瓷企业应用。 目前,这一地区已有200多台喷墨打印 设备投入生产。2009年广州陶瓷工业展 上,意大利SERTAM公司首次在欧洲以
进的技术向中国这个大市场开放。 从一年多来中国市场的响应来看, 华东企业在这方面继续显示出一贯的 “技术派”的血统。诺贝尔在今年初采 用意大利Kerajet数码喷墨印刷系统, 率先推出数码系列产品。在近期的上 海展会上,人们也看到了斯米克采用德 国—意大利合作技术INK-CID数码喷 印系统生产的釉抛砖、致臻幻彩两大系 列产品(这两款产品据描绘精度最高可 达924dpi)。冠军则推出了辊筒印花和 喷花打印一体的皇品数码系列。而在广 东,主流企业对喷墨印刷技术的反应则 较平淡,目前已知的仅有金牌亚洲采用 意大利进口NEWTECH喷墨印花机,推 出了所谓的阿凡达系列。 佛山主流企业为什么对引进喷墨技 术相对比较审慎。主要原因可能还是成 本问题。应该说,喷墨印刷机本身的市 场价格并不很高。如PINK系列48mm× 48mm规格大小的喷墨印刷机销售大约 在140万人民币,大规格的要400-600 万。但该公司提供的Sicer数字墨水就 要100万/吨,最高的是普通色料的近20 倍。目前广东主流企业正忙于建立二三 线市场的销售网络,以抓住城乡市场勃 发的机会,快速扩张规模,形成规模经 济。 相反,一线市场竞争一直相对饱 和,尤其是欧洲本土陶瓷品牌近年来加 大了进入中国市场的力度,导致高端市 场竞争更加激烈。因此,对广东主流企 业来说,目前“向下”发展的机会成 本更低,真正动心思做好高端市场的很 少。华东企业快速引进喷墨印刷技术显 然意在稳固高端市场传统的领导地位。 而对于一般企业来说,引进最先进的喷 墨印刷技术,主要还是为了以此为抓 手,拉升原本羸弱的品牌形象。 由金融危机引发的欧洲先进喷墨印 刷技术对中国的开禁,正是当前低碳经
外的地方展出PINK系列喷墨印刷机。一 般认为,意大利人这么快向中国出口喷 墨印刷技术,主要是因为百年一遇的金 融危机令欧洲国家陶瓷产能锐减,设备 企业为了自身的生存发展,不得不将先
济大背景下,推动中国陶瓷制造向“低 碳化”升级一个很好的机会。首先,喷 墨印刷对比丝网、辊筒印刷,后者因为 换版和冲洗等原因导致大量色釉料浪 费。而前者因为采用墨盒装色釉料,不
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易造成浪费,从而也就最大限度降低了 污染;其次,过去印刷设备不完善的情 况下,出于市场竞争的需要,生产商往 往要通过使用优质的、不可再生的高级 原材料来弥补表面设计的不足,或者干 脆简化设计,靠原材料本身的化学属性 和精湛的烧成工艺来实现浑然天成的仿 真或超现实表面效果。现在印刷技术日 臻完美,企业应该可以简化原材料的使 用,通过更普通的、更环保的原材料与 喷墨印刷艺术的完美结合,既达到“低 碳”的目的,同时又实现产品的高附加 值。 因此,出于以上产业升级的双重 效应,我们希望有更多的主流企业引入 欧洲先进的喷墨印刷技术。而确实,也 只有更多的主流企业介入这个市场,才 能带领本行业重走当年陶机“引进—消 化—吸收—创造”的老路,进而推动喷 墨印刷核心部件如墨水、喷头、控制系 统等的国产化。可以想象,喷墨印刷技 术一旦走上了低成本的国产化——“中 国制式”道路,行业内很可能又将诞生 一个“科达式”的上市公司。
Note: If you have any question about the remanufacturin g technology or if you have oth er puzzles you nee d to sol ve, yo u ma y con tac t Re cha rge As ia M ag az ine for more help. We als o welcome you to sha re yo ur ex pe rie nce an d remanufacturing tip s. Email: news@rechar geasia.com 如果您有任何关于 再生方面的 技术问题,您可以联系 我们,获 得帮助。我们也将 非常高兴的 与您一起分享您关 于打印耗材 再生方面的经验和 心得。
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Konica Minolta Creates "Carbon Neutral" Plant-type Polymerization Toner
柯尼卡美能达独创“碳中和”植物型聚合碳粉 2010年4月22日,世界迎来第41个“世界地球日”,遍 及世界各地的环保主题活动提醒人们,在应对全球气候变化 这个最大挑战的同时,需要制定和推行相关的环保政策和举 措,提高能效、推进可再生能源的利用,进一步推进低碳经 济,绿色经济的发展。 作为对社会、对环境负有高度责任的企业,全球领先 的办公设备厂商柯尼卡美能达早在进入中国市场之初就一直 为中国的环境保护事业做出自己的贡献,始终致力于从原材 料开始至产品报废的整个产品生命周期中,充分考虑节能和 环保要求,努力实现在全世界范围内推广“要同时实现最小 的环境负荷和最大的经济价值”的环境经营方针。柯尼卡美 能达一直主动积极致力于环境保护工作,从产品的开发、制
产生二氧化碳,而不会吸收二氧化碳。但是柯尼卡美能达使 用植物类资源作为碳粉原材料,这些植物类资源在成为碳粉 原材料之前会通过光合作用吸收二氧化碳(CO2),其二氧 化碳(CO2)吸收量与碳粉进行焚烧处理过程中产生的二氧 化碳排放量相当,所以对碳粉进行焚烧处理后地球上的二氧 化碳(CO2)量将不会增加而是保持平衡。柯尼卡美能达独 创的植物性碳粉可以有效削减石油类资源生产的传统碳粉被 焚烧后,不断增加的二氧化碳排放量。
造、流通、销售、服务、废弃到再利用,始终注重减少对环 境造成负担,并率先利用“碳中和”环保新理念指导产品开 发,推出植物型Simitri HD和Simitri聚合碳粉,从生产、消 费、排放等多环节减少对环境的不良影响,成为业界领先的 聚合碳粉生产商。
2000年起,四种颜色碳粉(青色、品红、黄色和黑色)均采 用植物类原料生产。 与传统碳粉相比,Simitri HD和Simitri碳粉采用聚合工艺 生产,能耗更低,可减少超过1/3的CO2,NOx和SOx等有 害气体的排放,而这些气体是导致全球变暖和酸雨的主要元 凶。与过去的传统碳粉相比,Simitri HD碳粉的使用量更少。 因采用了经过升级的聚合技术,与传统的研磨碳粉相比,具 有尺寸较小,颗粒形状趋于一致等特点。采用Simitri HD碳 粉进行打印时,色域更广,色彩鲜亮饱满细腻、图像层次丰 富、色阶过度平滑,效果逼真。此外,Simitri HD碳粉采用低 温定影,如此卓越的碳粉在获得更好图像质量的基础上,可 使机器更高效运行,既降低了能耗,又提高了生产力。 自2001年起,柯尼卡美能达将植物性Simitri HD和Simitri 聚合碳粉广泛应用于其数码复合机、打印机及生产型打印设 备等各类产品中。为了推动环保事业发展,柯尼卡美能达将 会持续改进Simitri HD和Simitri植物型聚合碳粉,进一步强化 环保对策,推动低碳、绿色经济的发展,为建设循环、节约 型社会而做贡献。
符合“碳中和”理念的植物型聚合碳粉 碳中和是指通过计算二氧化碳的排放总量,然后通过其 他方式把这些排放量吸收掉,以达到环保的目的。柯尼卡美 能达改变传统的碳粉生产工艺,使用符合碳中和理念的植物 类原料生产碳粉以降低二氧化碳的排放,达到保护环境的目 的。
高清高效的植物型聚合碳粉 早在2000年,柯尼卡美能达就开始生产环保型Simitri HD 和Simitri碳粉,其原料约有9%来自植物类资源。此外,从
与传统碳粉相比,Simitri HD和Simitri碳粉采用聚合工艺 生产,可减少超过1/3的CO2,NOx和SOx等有害气体的排 放。 在循环使用复印纸张时,原纸张上的碳粉会在分离后 焚烧。当纸张不再循环使用时,纸张和上面的碳粉会被一 起焚烧。无论哪一种处理方式均会在燃烧时产生二氧化碳 (CO2)。 传统碳粉生产工艺使用石油类资源生产碳粉,由于石 油类资源在成为碳粉原材料前,并不会吸收空气中的二氧化 碳,所以这类碳粉随着使用过的纸张被焚烧废弃过程中只会
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HP's MPS new solution released in Beijing
惠普MPS新解决方案在京发布 HP为亚太地区用户带来创新、环保的新产品、新解决 方案和服务,是用户保持良好现金流的最佳选择。2010年4 月,惠普在北京发布了一系列全新的打印解决方案服务以巩 固其在企业文印管理服务(MPS)的领先地位,包括:HP MPS Smart Decision套件——综合了前端功能和后台服务的下一台 技术平台,可改善管理体验;扩展的MPS文印管理服务包括: HP文印管理服务上集成了惠普文件管理扫描仪,推出惠普文 印环保解决方案,该计划今年年初已成功在中国实施,这展 现出惠普环保的打印策略以及惠普对企业客户的承诺。推出 以下扩展解决方案组合:针对企业用户全新推出移动打印技 术,这是基于惠普ePrint策略的首款解决方案,也是与RIM公 司(Research In Motion)策略联盟的结晶,HP Exstream解决 方案。
惠普公司亚太和日本地区打印及成像集团企业文印管理 事业部副总裁墨盛杰(Pierre Mirlesse)说:“亚太地区的客户 通过MPS可以获得业内最全的智能设备、软件和工作流程解 决方案产品组合,从而加速企业客户的发展,以此获得真正 的竞争优势。现在,惠普的文印管理服务能够帮助CIO将混 乱的打印及成像环境变得井井有条,轻松监督和控制打印设 备,更好的管理环境”。 2006年至2009年,惠普打印管理解决方案在亚太区保持 了高达35%的年度增长率,并成功为2500位用户提供了打印 管理方面的服务。中国惠普有限公司打印及成像系统集团副 总裁 企业文印管理事业部总经理胡大刚也指出:“近年来, 越来越多的中国企业开始意识到,高效管理打印不仅能够切 实降低成本、提高工作效率,还能减少企业对环境的影响, 为企业发展带来更多的竞争优势 ”。 IDC的第四季度报告《文印管理服务——全球市场和供 应商分析》(1)调查中也确认了惠普在全球MPS中再度排名首 位,这也充分印证了其MPS的领导者地位。调查显示,惠普 在打印设备制造商中占据了最大的MPS市场份额(2)。 中冶南方工程技术有限公司的信息网络中心主任黄湘武 说:“让我最满意的是仅惠普一家公司提供的解决方案就能 120
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同时满足我们全体员工的需求,这对公司的发展无疑作出了 贡献。我终于不用为我们的信息安全担心,HP 文印管理解决 方案的实施让中冶南方信息中心能更轻松地管理和监控整个 打印环境”。 优化基础设施以节约成本 通过MPS产品组合和多功能打印机,惠普已经帮助众多 公司节约高达30%的整体打印成本;其中一家公司预计节约 75%以上的打印能耗。 管理打印环境以增加可控性并提高效率 如果想要增加IT的可控性并提高打印设备的使用效率, 前提是拥有完善的网络基础架构。只有从整体流程上来优化 基础架构、充分考虑终端用户的打印需求,并从整体策略上 平衡部署打印设备,才能确保获得最大效率和成本节约。 — HP MPS Smart Decision套件是综合了前端应用和后 台服务的全新下一代技术平台,可有效改善打印设备管理体 验。该平台将数据转换成信息,由惠普文印管理服务(MPS)的 服务团队根据这些信息来帮助用户优化打印及成像环境,远 程管理和维护设备组等一系列解决方案,从而满足客户的需 求。 — HP MPS Smart Decision套件提供全球统一标准的交 付流程和功能,能帮助客户从策略性角度了解打印设备的状 况、优化打印设施的架构,并获得实时信息,从而简化企业 客户的设备组管理工作。 IT主管通过HP MPS Smart Decision套件可以远程管理设 备组中的打印机和多功能打印机,从而提高公司对打印环境 的可控性。 持续贯彻绿色IT文印管理策略 根据IDC 2009年针对惠普客户进行的绿色IT调查显 示——将近70%的受访者把“能耗成本”作为采用绿色IT的 首要考量指标 (3),绿色IT已经成为亚太和日本地区企业的首 选。 今年年初,惠普就在中国推出了文印环保解决方案,并 将其作为环保打印解决方案实践的一部分。惠普文印环保解 决方案是一个涵盖工具、软件、服务、硬件和专业知识的产 品及解决方案组合,可以帮助企业客户减少打印对环境的影 响并节约成本。 惠普文印环保评估服务是这项实践的一部分,能帮助企 业客户评估他们的能耗、用纸量和碳排放量,并向其推荐能 够降低能耗、回收更多材料并节约成本的方法,同时减少打 印对环境的影响。 创新:改进工作流程以提高效率 现在,惠普创新推出的文印管理解决方案能有效改进
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工作流程、降低成本、提高效率,同时实现高度整合的数字 文印管理环境和业务流程。 惠普ePrint企业移动打印解决方案是HP MPS企业打印管 理解决方案中的一部分,可以帮助用户部署云系统,无论在 何地都可实现无线一键打印。惠普与全球移动通新无线解决 方案领域的领导厂商——RIM公司合作开发惠普ePrint企业移 动打印解决方案,公司员工只需通过黑莓设备就能打印,从 而有效提高工作效率。该解决方案是一个无需驱动程序、独 立的、无需预约的网上打印解决方案,能确保用户获得安全 和按需的打印体验。 HP Exstream Command Center可无缝接入HP Exstream 软件平台,提供一个管理文件打印和交付任务的集中平台。 该产品可让用户通过HP Exstream规划、编排并优化各种复杂 程度的生产工作。 HP Exstream已在全球500多家企业成功实施,是一套完 全集成的软件解决方案,可以帮助用户创建、管理并根据客 户需求提供定制化的服务,如大批量打印、按需打印以及交 互式打印环境。从前端办公人员制作的个性化信件和方案, 到个性化文档、邮件和网络实时文件打印,以及需要批量打 印的定制账单和声明等等,HP Exstream都可以帮助用户创建 并维护业务所需的工作流程。 HP Exstream Application Manager可以让用户集中管理 和共享HP Exstream文件上的内容。只需简单的软件环境, 用户就可以中轻松添加、更新、同步和保护共享对象(文件内 容)的完整性,极大提高效率和生产力,从而降低文件处理成 本。 惠普解决方案体验中心——根据企业现实工作环境设计
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和搭建,企业客户可以在此了解并体验到HP MPS最新的产 品和解决方案,亚太地区首个惠普解决方案体验中心目前已 在新加坡启动。随后将在亚太地区开放更多解决方案体验中 心,包括印度、香港、台湾和澳大利亚。该中心提供演示的 业内领先的解决方案均来自惠普以及惠普解决方案业务合作 伙伴计划招募的合作伙伴。
惠普2010春季新品 优化设计为中国 一直以来,惠普都非常重视中国用户的需求,并致力 于为中国用户创造“绿色”、“高效”的产品和解决方案, 实现最佳的应用价值。据了解,惠普此次发布的新品如HP LaserJet Pro M1136黑白激光一体机,在很多方面都考虑到 了中国的国情和中国用户的使用习惯,并极具“中国化”的 特色: 针对中国用户身份证复印的特殊应 用,惠普在新品中首次应用了“身份证复 印技术”,实现了身份证双面复印的功 能,即用户分别扫描二代身份证的两面之 后,可一次性打印在一张纸上。 针对中国部分地区传真传输信号不稳 定等情况,惠普从硬件和软件方面都做了 进一步优化。新品中的“传真到PC”功 能就可将接收到的传真直接以图片形式存 储在电脑中,直接实现电子化存储,减少 了纸张浪费。 针对中国汉字构造的特殊性,惠普还 对设备的打印程序进行了优化,以确保用 户能在不增加耗材使用量的前提下清晰打 印较小的汉字。 此外,惠普还在控制面板设计、产品 体积和静音降噪等方面进行了优化,以提 高用户使用的便捷性,并最大限度地减少 能耗和空间使用成本,同时大幅降低噪音 污染。这些有针对性的产品优化在贴近中
国用户实际打印需求的同时,也无不体现出惠普“为中国” 的品牌理念。 智慧易用为中国 一直以来,安装驱动程序是用户使用打印机时必须跨 过的一道门槛。很多用户都曾遭遇过重装电脑操作系统后, 一时找不到打印驱动程序光盘的尴尬。特别是对那些没有光 驱或网络配置的用户来说,目前以光盘或网络来安装打印驱 动的传统操作方式更是多有不便。惠普此次发布的新品应用 了独有的“智慧驱动”技术,引领了新一轮商务打印的“智 慧”潮流。 · 作为行业首创技术, 惠普智慧驱动安装技术可以使 客户在装机后仅仅2分钟内即可开始打印工作,只要通过USB 连接到上网本、笔记本电脑或者台式电脑即可,无需CD安装 盘。惠普智慧安装技术免除安装CD驱动的要求,同时为客 户提供直观的安装操作界面,只需用USB将打印机连接到预 装Windows操作系统的电脑,打印机就可以开始自动安装。 便捷的驱动程序智能安装,能极大简化用户安装驱动程序流 程,尤其对风靡中国市场的无光驱的上网本用户来说,打印 将更加轻松简便。 惠普首创的“自动开关机技术”在不影响输出效率、实 现智能操控的同时,能将能源消耗降低3倍之多。惠普自动启
动技术具有智能感应技术——例如当打印机被分配打印工作 时——感应系统将自动地把打印机从“关闭”模式唤醒,配 合惠普“零秒预热”技术,即便打印机在自动关机模式的情 况下启动,也可以更快地打印出第一页。这项创新的技术符 合日常商务办公环境中零散打印为主的应用特点,在不影响 办公效率的前提下,能大幅降低能源消耗。中小企业可以将 设备设置为自动关闭,当打印机没有感应到打印活动时,或 者在每天预定的时间,便进入自动关闭模式。 集打印、扫描、复印、传真四项功能于一身的M1213nf 配备网络打印服务器,全面满足多个用户的各种文档处理需 求;全新“智慧驱动”技术,让用户免去了安装驱动程序的繁 琐,实现设备即插即用;自动开启/关闭技术,无任务状态下能 耗接近于0,在接受到新任务时自动唤醒,最大限度降低能 耗;更重要的是,M1213nf是惠普推出的售价最低的四合一激 光一体机产品,让小型工作组及家庭办公用户以更低的门槛 获得更“全能”,更“智慧”的办公文印解决方案。
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Ascent CP1215 Color Machine Three Roll Analysis
埃申特CP1215彩机三辊浅析 埃申特公司自2009年10月28日推出自主研制的HP彩机 CP1215系列的三辊(显影辊、充电辊,、供粉辊)。进入市 场以来,得到了各用户的认可,为使用户更加了解埃申特 CP1215彩机的三辊及市场需求等情况,应用户的需求现简要 分析如下: 1.彩机耗材市场的前景分析 随着办公用户对彩色化的需求增多,打印质量的要求越 来越高,“彩色商务”已开始流行,目前只要花2000元左右 就能买到一台称心如意的彩色激光打印机。彩色激光打印机 低廉的打印成本和出众的打印质量已进入众多消费者的采购 计划。彩色办公成为一种发展趋势。随着彩打激光市场的扩 大,彩色硒鼓耗材的需求越大,促使彩色硒鼓研发与生产也成 为各大耗材企业的重点项目。 2.彩色激光打印机的显影 彩色激光打印机目前主要采用的是单组份非磁性接触式 显影方式,此种结构将碳粉中磁性材料去除,显影机构主要 部件是显影辊,由橡胶、聚氨酯(PU)材料制成,出粉刀大 部分为金属结构,或金属表面附层。碳粉完全由自身粘附力 与静电场力吸附在显影辊表面。显影辊表面与成像鼓之间完 全接触。碳粉静电力与打印机内部静电场对显影和成像结果 十分重要。 在彩色硒鼓中由于技术性原因,磁性跳跃式显影 方式不能使用。因磁性材料是灰色。会覆盖掉其它色彩。故 现阶段彩色激光打印机所使用的均是单组份非磁性接触式显 影方式。此技术主要应用在彩机的一些OEM厂家如:佳能、 HP、 三星、利盟、 兄弟、爱普生。此种结构硒鼓优点是碳 粉转印率高。大多数采用无废粉仓设计方式,其输出图像层 次性不及磁性跳跃式显影技术。
彩色激光打印机中分为一次性成像与四次成像技术。 四次成像技术的典型例子是 HP 1500、2500、2550 系列 的 打印机。一次成像技术的主要有两类:一种是 “垂直 式”有HP1600、2600系列的 ;另外一种是“水平式”有 HP CP1215、HP CP1515系列以及CP2020系列。 EPSON C1100 、 Xerox C525A虽然也是采用四次成像技术,但其显 影专利技术又不相同。此技术为施乐公司独创的双组份跳跃 式显影技术,有机器的可以看看此两款打印机,是磁辊结构 的,但磁性物质基本不参加成像过程,而是载体。 在非磁性接触式显影技术的成像卡盒内,四次成像技术 结构的彩色激光打印机中,四个成像卡盒装置在一个大的圆 筒中,四种颜色成像卡盒必须依次转动到与OPC成像鼓相接 触的部分完成显影的整个过程。而一次成像技术是将四个独 立成像卡盒设计排列在固定位置,可一次性将碳粉直接转印 到纸张上,使成像过程定位更加准确、速度更快、更稳定, 所以极大提高了打印的精度。 RECHARGEasia
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显影辊应具有以下特征: ① 有适当的硬度值,硬度影响显影辊与OPC之间转动的供 粉量(原材料和制作工艺决定着显影辊的硬度); ② 表面粗糙度要有均匀性; ③ 小的直线度(允许范围内); ④ 限位圈的尺寸要精确(不能偏大或者偏小),限位圈影响 显影辊与OPC之间的距离; ⑤ 有强的环境适应能力,以及强的耐磨性。 从表1我 们可以看出 从性能以及 成本上使用 目前超高性 能的PU橡胶 是我们的最 佳选择,据 我们所了解 目前市场上 生产显影辊 用SI橡胶的 OEM厂家有 2家,用ECO 橡胶的OEM 厂家有1家, 表1 原材料上对比分析显影辊 用PU橡胶的 OEM厂家有3家,埃申特所采用的就是超高性能的PU橡胶生 产,所以品质等应该是各耗材厂家的首选。 5.2 ASD充电辊与OEM的参数对比
6.埃申特彩机三辊的优势 完善的工艺以及自动化的生产设备能有效保证产品在生 产过程中的一致性; 原料选自日本; 与光导鼓的匹配性强; 对光导鼓表面的损伤性小; 环境适应能力强,耐磨性好; 电性能稳定。
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AOAO or LED? Energy-saving Equipment Perceives the Future Development of the Print
AOAO还是LED?从节能型看打印设备未来发展 “AOAO”是Auto On Auto Off的 简称,也就是自动开关技术。AOAO是 惠普在近期发布会上提出的一项节能技 术,通过自动开关设备节约大量的能耗 问题。相比近期炒得火热的LED技术, AOAO似乎节能方面更胜一筹。
而LED全称为光能放射二极管阵列 的光扫描成像技术,即经过数字化加强 的发光二极管图像控制技术。采用了密 集LED阵列作为光发射器,将数据电信 号经LED转化为光信号,并照射到感光 鼓成像。LED打印机也是电子成像打印 机,采用一组发光二极管(LED)而不是 激光来感光成像的。 该技术主要特点是LED阵列成像系 统的体积较小、输出分辨率最高、彩色 扫描、首页输出速度快。而LED属于固 体冷光源,寿命是传统光源的10倍, 使用寿命可达6-10万小时。在环保方 面,LED光源发射能量小,不会电离空 气产生臭氧,而且不含汞元素等有害 物,低能耗、低碳排放的环保型数码打 印设备,为低碳时代的彩色办公制定了 全新的标准。 以上所有这些优点在LED打印机上得 到最佳体现。而LED打印机与激光打印机 相比,从原理上LED技术和激光技术均需 在成像鼓上生成潜像。所不同的是,激光 技术是激光头发出一束激光,通过棱镜及 其他机械装置的转动是激光束在成像鼓的 轴向上移动,通过成像鼓自身的转动使激 光束在成像鼓的径向上移动,构成与实际 图像对应的二维潜像。而LED技术是对应 的发光二极管照射成像鼓,在成像鼓的轴 向上成像,通过成像鼓自身的转动在成像 鼓的径向上成像,构成与实际图像对应的 二维潜像。 由于光源的不同,打印单元内部的 结构也不同,激光打印机需要大功率的激 126
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光二极管,发热量较大,而且还需要复杂 的机械与光学组件来达到感光过程,所以 发热量与耗电量相对较大,同时产品体积 也较大,可靠性也会有所降低。 而LED打印机的光学组件系统简
单,较小的电压即可点亮LED二极管, 耗电量与稳定性相对较高,而且打印机 的体积可以设计的更小巧。早期的激光 打印机在工作中会产生臭氧,对环境 和健康会产生不利的影响,虽然各大品 牌在极力研发降低臭氧的排出量,但是 无法消除。相比之下,LED打印机不会 产生臭氧,对环境的清洁和健康非常有 利。在环保、节能等方面,LED技术具 有先天性的优势。 然而惠普AOAO技术的横空出世似 乎将激光的命运带来转折,AOAO打印 技术能使惠普激光打印机的休眠能耗降 低到1瓦,相比大部分的10瓦左右的休 眠功耗,节省了10倍甚至数十倍的能耗 降低,于此同时还不影响工作效率。 惠普创新的自动关闭技术,用户可 以将设备设置成自动关闭,当设备一段 时间后没有感应到活动,或者是在每天
预定的时间打印设备将自动关闭。因为 在使用打印设备的过程中,用户实际使 用打印机的时间仅仅是几个小时甚至更 少,大部分时间机器处于待机状态,如 何有效的降低该状态下的能耗消耗,并 且在启动的时候等待时间不宜过长,都 是用户关心的问题。 AOAO技术很好的解决了此类问 题。如果您的设备也包含了自动开启技 术,用户可以决定设备是否在每天预定 的时间自动启动,(还可以排除某天, 比如说周六和周日)或者是在感应到活 动时自动启动。除此之外,用户还可以 决定设备在感应到何种活动时启动,比 如说打印请求、控制面板活动或者接受 传真。用户选择的活动越少,越能节省 更多的能源。 一项小小的技术就能节省大量的电 能消耗,所以用户在计算成本的时候, 不要停留在仅仅关注采购成本、耗材成 本、纸张成本、维护成本,因为能耗成 本在综合成本中也占据着重要的地位, 假设一台打印机平均耗电量每天为10千 瓦时,如果每天节能50%,一年将节省 1825千瓦时电能,这仍然是一笔不小的 开支。 节能环保早已成为全社会关注的核 心话题之一,对于打印机这样一个商务办 公的能耗、污染大户来说,生产厂商从 企业责任角度进行产品、技术改造责无 旁贷。与此同时,国家有关部门出台了一 系列有关打印机、复印机产品能耗的强制 条例;而经济危机所带来的全民节省意 识,又从客观上成为了打印机节能环保应 用推广过程中的催化剂。总之,“节能打 印”、“环保打印”正当时。 编辑观点:AOAO技术称为自动开 关技术,待机功率仅为1w,接近0秒的 启动时间,显然给激光打印技术带来更 长时间的存活能力。LED尽管是大势所 趋,能更好的解决节能减排问题,但 在价格和性能方面并不能更好的满足 用户,激光技术相对来说更加成熟, 而机器的性能和成本相对来说更加低 廉,AOAO技术同时降低了设备的功耗 问题,让激光产品的性价比更加凸显出 来。看来,LED能否取代激光技术还是 一个未知数!
General Plastic Industrial Company Releases New Color Toner Cartridges to China Market
台湾上福将以彩色墨粉盒切入 中国大陆耗材市场 目前,激光打印机、复印机及一体机已成为办公自动 化的主要设备,其附属产品——打印耗材也走入IT舞台的中 心地带。随着彩色激光打印机日益盛行,因此相关耗材的销 售量更是方兴未艾,彩色墨粉盒更是受到了消费者的广泛关 注,因此兼容耗材将快速发展起来。 面对打印机、复印机的原装耗材、假冒耗材、兼容耗材 的竞争格局(大陆市场份额5:3:2),未来大陆市场随着政 策制度、消费认知、兼容耗材品牌等内外环境因素的转变, 高质量兼容耗材的品牌市场定有所作为。然而综观大陆国产 兼容耗材,在彩鼓方面仍存在着不少问题,许多经销商及用户表 示销售或使用过国产彩色兼容耗材,因质量表现问题以致于流 失既有的客户且造成打印设备损害,因此纷纷放弃使用国产彩 色兼容耗材,回归使用原装耗材的局面。近期上福全球科技也 已经同国内相关的销售渠道接触,并进行产品的试用,初期 来看在彩鼓方面,获得响应相当不错反应,在质量方面更是赢 得青睐。 上福是如何能做出质量与价格让消费者喜爱的产品,进而 肯定上福的技术能力呢?这完全来自我们用心于每个产品的制 作过程: (1)企业宗旨:自成立一路走来,上福全球科技始终以最 精优的品质深获客户青睐,并以最热忱的动力努力实践「想 尽办法,让我们的产品成为市场的最爱」的经营理念在欧美 等先进国家取得市场的成功。 (2)质量方面: 在ISO9001质量管控流程下,一切作业流程 皆符合标准。使用日本、美国等高质量原料辅以精密检测仪 器的进料检查,到生产在线的先进制造设备与稳定制造工艺,最 后包装完成至仓库的出货前检查,层层把关下,能确保恒一 的产品质量表现,有信心让每一个产品在打印机上的打印表现 都是最完美的。 (3)专利方面:上福公司本着尊重原厂的专利与智财权的精 神,在产品的开发之前,先研究原厂专利技术,再经由自己 的开发小组,透过专利回避与创新,进而开发出自己的知识 产权,最终请国际专利律师对该项产品做审核,并申请通过 专利认证。 (4)服务方面:即将成立的中国分公司,将坐落于昆山市花 桥镇,以缩短台湾与大陆的服务距离,达成实时就近服务之 目的,迅速且便利地利及服务中国大陆市场。 上福成功的秘诀=质量+专利+服务。凭借着高端彩色兼 容耗材,上福将扭转兼容耗材产品于国人心中不好用的刻版 印象,脱胎换骨地转换为优质且可靠的形象,尽全力为客户 创造更高附加价值,让消费者买的放心、用的安心,共同创造 互惠互利的双赢局面。
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北美油墨等印刷材料价格上涨 Ink and Other Printing Materials Prices Raise in North America 随着富林特北美公司和伊格森德纸板公司于今年4月纷纷 宣布涨价,包装印刷企业也将面临生产成本的继续上涨。 富林特北美公司已经宣布要将所有用于单张纸印刷、液 体包装和卷筒纸胶印的能源固化油墨和涂料价格上涨6%,并 从即日起正式生效。 原材料成本增长和供应短缺是造成这次油墨和涂料价格 上涨的主要原因。印刷业及相关供应商要继续与原材料成本 上涨和基础材料短缺做斗争,因为这对于印刷耗材制造商来 讲至关重要。 富林特集团美国公司的供应链副总裁DianeParisi解释 说:“我们看到几乎所有的原材料价格都在上涨,并影响了 世界各地的印刷耗材制造商。这样下去,后果不堪设想。” Parisi女士说:“在原材料的产能方面,目前最令我们 不安的一个问题就是丙烯酸。我们的供应商需要用丙烯酸来 生产在富林特能源固化油墨和涂料中用到的丙烯酸酯。”而 北美地区最大的一家丙烯酸供应商已在最近大幅度削减了产 能,另外一家则因火灾停止了生产。其结果势必会导致耗材 制造商的原材料短缺。” “我们的研究和预测表明,原材料成本上涨和供应短缺 的问题在短期内不会得到解决。” 富林特集团的单张纸油墨经理MichaelPodd指出,该集 团的全球采购公司已经尽可能地将上述因素给消费者带来的 影响降至最低。但不幸的是,这些能源固化油墨上涨的成本 已无法在供应链、生产制造和原料配比等环节中消化。 伊格森德纸板公司也宣布要提高其白纸板Invercote和折 叠纸箱板Incada在欧洲的销售价格。此次涨价将从5月10日 开始,具体的方案是在欧洲国家每吨涨价100欧元,而在英国 每顿涨价100英镑。 该公司表示原材料价格的快速上涨是促使他们做出上述 决定的主要原因。
施乐公司第一财季陷入亏损 Xerox Enters into the First Quarter Loss
爱普生获中国低碳经济 突出贡献奖 Epson Won an Outstanding Contributions Award in China on Low-carbon Economy 以“创能·储能·节能”为主题的“2010第四届中国绿 色制造年会”日前在京召开。多年来坚持以“绿色可持续经 营”的爱普生(中国)有限公司再次荣获了2010中国低碳经济 突出贡献奖。 爱普生(中国)有限公司对产品生命周期的管理有明确要 求,使产品在各个环节上力求环保。从产品的设计、选择、 制造、运输、使用到再生过程,都强调减少和避免对资源的 消耗和环境的污染。 爱普生(中国)有限公司环保理念表现在公司各个管理层 面,爱普生通过各种形式普及环保知识。2009年10月率先在 国内推出第一条环保回收“绿色热线”。通过热线消费者不 仅能了解产品及耗材回收的相关政策与信息,还可以得到答 疑解惑的帮助。爱普生今年又增设了环保回收网点,更加方 便用户实现“爱护环境、循环利用”的绿色心愿。
美国对中国和印尼铜版纸征收 惩罚性关税 United States Imposed Punitive Tariffs on Coated Paper from China and Indonesia 据华尔街日报报道:美国与中国之间的贸易争端日前再 度升级,美国决定对从中国进口的铜版纸征收惩罚性关税, 涉及价值超过2亿美元的产品。美国商务部同时决定对从印尼 进口的同类产品征收惩罚性关税。铜版纸通常被用于印刷企 业年报和高端杂志。 美国商务部称,该部进行的调查认定中国与印尼出口商 向美国“倾销”铜版纸。该部决定对从中国进口的产品征收 30.8%-135.8%的关税,对印尼同类产品征收10.62%的关 税。 美国2009年分别从中国和印尼进口了价值2.133亿美元和 4,690万美元的铜版纸。
据报导,施乐公司(XRX)公布,第一财季业绩从上年同期 的净盈利4200万美元,每股盈利5美元,转为亏损4200万美 元,每股亏损4美元。扣除一次性项目,该公司当季每股盈利 18美元。季度营收同比增长33%至47亿美元。分析师平均预 期该公司当季每股盈利13美元,营收46.5亿美元。
MAY 2010
照片打印机选择四要素 Photo Printers Choose Four Elements 由于兼容耗材的发展,近期照片打印机下市的产品,在 中国市场销量看好。 面对如此繁多的产品,我们该如何选择?
料墨水可以更好的保存,颜料墨水的另一大特点,不易在普 通纸上洇墨,这样能够表现更好的文本质量,这使得颜料墨 水也被广泛使用在商用喷墨打印机中。
打印分辨率是衡量打印质量的重要指标,它决定打印图 像时所能表现的精细程度,它的大小决定打印机的输出质量。 一般来说,分辨率越大,其反映出来可显示的像素个数也就 越多,可呈现出更多的信息和更清晰的图像。 为了能够清晰地打印出照片,选用的打印机起码应该具 有 1200*1220dpi 以上的分辨率。这里需要注意一点,决定
解决了分辨率和墨滴大小之后,就是选色的问题。照片 色彩异常丰富,采用三原色打印往往显得力不从心。所以, 目前不少照片级的打印机产品都采用了 6 色甚至 7、8、9 色 墨盒,除了原来的 4 色(黑色与三原色)之外,再增添了淡青、 淡红等色彩,这样的改变可以让色彩过渡更加自然,明显改 善照片的打印效果。因此,建议选用 6 色或以上墨水的打印机。
照片的整体效果,不仅仅是横向分辨率,纵向分辨率同样重 要。根据人眼的特点,分辨率越低的部分越容易让人发现瑕疵, 因此在选购照片级打印机的时候,不应只关注数量较大的那 个分辨率,同样要关注较小的。如果最高分辨率有 4800dpi, 但 低 分 辨 率 只 有 600dpi 的 打 印 机, 其 打 印 效 果 往 往 和 具 有 1200*1200dpi 分辨率的打印机效果差不多。 一般来说, 4800*1200dpi 的分辨率已经足够家庭用户使用了。 二、墨滴大小:应在4pl以内 打印机喷头的墨滴大小同样是决定打印精度的重要指标。 这是因为打印分辨率的 dpi 只代表每英寸内能够打印多少个 墨点,但打印机能否良好地控制打印墨点的大小,却是使打 印的照片图像看起来是否带有颗粒感的关键所在。因此,照 片级的喷墨打印机一般需要具有较小的墨滴,其墨滴大小应 该控制在 4pl(4 微升)以内。 越来越多的打印机开始使用颜料墨水,这主要是因为颜
四、耗材:墨盒、喷头综合考量 喷墨打印机耗材费用主要是墨盒费用,考虑的因素有: 墨盒的绝对价格与打印张数、是分色墨盒还是多色墨盒,墨 盒是否与喷头一体,是否有相应的兼容墨盒或填充墨水等等。 爱普生打印机的喷头做在机器里面,是长寿命喷头,它 的墨盒不带头,价格相对便宜,尤其是其兼容墨盒已相当成 熟和普遍,价格又低,后期的费用相对较低。 佳能的较新机型都采用了可更换的喷头和分体的墨盒, 其喷头的寿命较爱普生的要短些,但比喷头与墨盒一体那种 喷头要长得多,价格又远比爱普生的喷头便宜,加之墨盒又 可以分色更换,效益最经济。 惠普和利盟在技术上是一脉相承的,均使用喷头与墨盒 一体的那种墨盒,长处一如它的广告语,每换一次墨盒就等 于有了一个新打印机。短处也很明显,成本较高。
喷墨与激光打印机污染指数比较 A Comparative Index Between Inkjet and Laser Printer Pollution 激光和喷墨打印机的健康指数
墨水粉尘★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆
废弃耗材★☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆
噪音控制★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ 由于工作原理不同,激光打印机在 噪音控制上做的更好,通常都在 53dB 以下,非常适合在安静的办公场所使用。
激光打印机的成像卡盒如果发生漏 粉,在高温工作中容易挥发出有害气体; 喷墨打印机如果使用了劣质墨盒,挥发 的雾化气体也会影响健康。
相比较其它问题,回收处理不当的 废弃墨盒成像卡盒对环境和健康的危害 更加严重,该问题虽引起重视,但科学 的回收机制仍需完善。
电磁干扰★★★☆☆ ★★★☆☆
臭氧 ★★☆☆☆ ★★★★★
任何电器都会产生电磁辐射,例如 我们经常使用的手机、电脑、显示器、 医疗器械等,无论是激光还是喷墨,打 印机也不会例外。
激光打印机工作时会加热碳粉,碳 粉微粒加热就会产生臭氧,长期吸入臭 氧对人体是有害的;而喷墨打印机则不 存在此问题。
• JUNE 2010 • 129
佳能全面升级 核心大幅面打印技术
江苏省无锡市审结一起假冒 耗材注册商标案件
C a n o n L a r g e F o r m a t P r i n t i n g Te c h n o l o g y t o Comprehensively Upgrade its Core
T h e C o n c l u s i o n o f Wu x i R e g i s t e r e d Tr a d e m a r k Counterfeiting Consumables Case
佳能日前推出 3 款 12 色大幅面打印机 新品,全面升级了核 心打印技术,并导入 最新研发的机械平台 和先进图像处理技术, 可精准描绘创作者的 作品,辅助用户输出 完美图像。包括 iPF6300、iPF6350、iPF8310 在内的 3 款 12 色新品悉数亮相。在打印机内部,打印机架影响着喷墨位置 的精准度,佳能此次推出的 12 色新品提高了影响喷墨输出位 置精度的打印机机架、小车单元和导轨的精度与刚性,强化 了打印机本身的机械构造。此外,佳能 12 色大幅面打印机新 品在改进诸多核心技术的基础上,还结合图文图像领域对高 效率、大批量输出的需求,提供质速兼备的输出体验,从根 本上降低图像输出的打印成本。
外企纷纷将印尼作为 生产基地 Foreign Companies Will Have a Production Base in Indonesia 据国际日报报道:鉴于印尼市场地位越来越重要,目前 已有有来自中国大陆、台湾、日本和越南共达37家企业准 备把生产基地转移到印尼,涉及的业务包括成衣、电子、鞋 类、钢铁和皮革等,投资总值约达5.2万亿盾。其中,32家中 国大陆企业准备在今年把生产基地转移至印尼,成为转移工 厂数量最多的地区,此外3家台湾企业、1家日本企业和1家越 南企业也准备在印尼建立生产基地。经济统筹部长工业与贸 易方面助理艾迪近日在雅加达表示,自发生全球金融危机之 后,国际社会越来越重视印尼的经济发展及其前途。特别是 在制造业方面的外国投资家,都把印尼看作是转移生产基地 最好的选择。 另据国际日报报道:印尼投资协调署(BKPM)主席吉 达近日表示,受印尼经济走势良好和市场潜力巨大的影响, 日本电子产品制造商松下公司计划在年内把日本国内和越南 的生产工厂迁到印尼。吉达称,松下公司准备投资400至450 亿美元,把公司建在爪哇岛外。 根据最新发布的中央统计局(BPS)的数据显示,印尼 民众的购买力在不断提升。根据中央统计局的数据,去年印 尼人均收入达到2590美元,比前年的2270美元提高了14%。
MAY 2010
近日,江苏省无锡市滨湖区人民法院在第十个知识产权 宣传周之际,审结了一起假冒注册商标案件,被告人徐某犯 假冒注册商标罪,被判处有期徒刑 2 年,缓刑 2 年,并处罚 金 8 万元。 因家庭负担重,原先做回收旧墨盒、成像卡盒生意的徐 某经朋友介绍,2008 年初从他人处购得无商标标签的墨盒、 成像卡盒及假冒惠普、佳能、三星等品牌的注册商标标识、 防伪标签等物品后,经清洗、翻新、填装碳粉、贴牌等程序, 制造假冒注册商标的惠普牌、佳能牌、三星牌硒鼓、墨盒等 商品,并将上述假冒产品销售出去赚取利润以贴家用。2008 年 5 月 27 日,公安机关在徐某住所查获其制造的假冒品牌的 墨盒、硒鼓等物共计 500 余只,价值共计 121025 元。 法院认为:被告人徐某未经注册商标所有人许可,在自 己制作的同一种商品上擅自使用两种以上与其注册商标相同 的商标,情节严重,其行为已构成假冒注册商标罪。鉴于其 庭审中自愿认罪,可予以从轻处罚。根据徐某的犯罪情节和 悔罪表现,对其适用缓刑不致再危害社会,可对其宣告缓刑。 据此,法院依法作出上述判决。
惠普多款成像卡盒涨价 缺货将持续到七月 HP's Various Toner Cartridge Models Prices Increase, Outof-Stock Items will Last until July 日前,记者在市场采集行情的时候发现惠普部分成像卡 盒价格普遍出现了涨价现象,于是随即询问了某规模较大的 分销商,获悉惠普53A/Q7553A、惠普CB436A、惠普49A/ Q5949A等多款成像卡盒北京市场已经面临缺货状态,价格将 出现小幅度上扬。特别是惠普CB436A成像卡盒货源更是紧 张,平均价格已经上涨了40元。 另外,此次原装耗材货源紧张原因在于惠普有意降低了 产量。从08年的金融风暴开始,全球的经济就处于下滑阶 段。包括IT办公外设厂商在内,为应对经济衰落致使的需求 降低现象,全球制造厂商大多数采取降低产量策略。然而, 出乎惠普预料的是,国内市场并没有想象中那么悲观,市场 需求依然旺盛,从而导致渠道缺货。 或许耗材厂商已经开始针对中国市场追加产量,但是从 增产至销售环节至少还需要两到三个月调整时间,也就意味 着到7月左右缺货情况才会得到较大改观。
格之格成像卡盒一季度销售 增长超四成 G&G Cartridge Sales Grew over 40% in the First Quarter 国内打印耗材品牌“格之格(G&G)”宣布,今年第一 季度,格之格产品的销售额相比去年同期增长了33.7%,其 中成都市场增长25.9%,位居全国前列;在格之格的系列产 品中,成像卡盒产品的销售在第一季度表现最为强劲,同期 增长率高达46.1%。格之格致力于为不同需求的消费者提供 专业的打印解决方案,其喷墨墨盒、激光成像卡盒、集成芯 片三大核心产品的行业规模均已达到全球第一。
珠海赛纳上榜 “税收贡献百强”企业 Zhuhai Senna Ranking "Tax Contribution One of the Top Hundred Enterprises" 2010年4月是全国第19个税收宣传月,近日,珠海市国 税局与市地税局联合在重要媒体上公布了《关于表彰珠海市 2009年度“税收贡献百强”的决定》,赛纳科技榜上有名。 珠海市政府对受表彰的百强企业给予了高度的评价, 《表彰决定》指出,本次受表彰的100户企业税收贡献达92.9 亿元,占全市税收收入总额的35%,彰显了纳税百强企业作 为珠海市经济发展生力军和“领头羊”的地位。而受到记者 关注的是一家成立不到四年的珠海打印耗材行业的新企业— 珠海赛纳科技有限公司,超越了许多国营大企业成为珠海税 收贡献四十强。据业内企业介绍,珠海赛纳科技的产业发展 速度极快,现已成为全球兼容激光打印耗材行业的龙头企 业。 珠海赛纳科技有限公司成立于2006年4月,是一家年轻 而富有朝气的公司,主要从事的行业是生产、制造及销售与 激光打印机配套的激光成像卡盒产品,短短几年时间,已发 展成为兼容激光耗材产业的代表企业,在产业规模和产品销 量上,都已跃居全球行业的前列。
天威耗材绿色经济装全线上市 Print Rite Supplies Equipment Lists as "Green Economy" Across the Board 近期,全球最大兼容耗材制造商天威(Print-rite)宣布: 为争取中国消费者更广泛的产品体验和品牌认知,天威推出 定位于满足用户基本打印需求、具有价格优势的“实惠”耗 材品类——绿色经济装,发力中低端耗材市场。 绿色经济装以兼容墨水、加粉乐系列、兼容碳粉系列及 DIY 连续供墨系统系列等产品为核心,品质标准达到文本打 印品质常规要求,打印表现流畅,适合日常办公和家庭打印。 目前低调上市一月有余,部分产品持续受经销商追捧,厂商 订单已排期到 2010 年底。 绿色经济装的推出,是天威拓展中国内地市场的策略之 一。天威中国区营销负责人介绍说:“天威绿色经济装,涵盖 了常用耗材及补充类耗材,如兼容墨水或碳粉、连供系统等, 消费者不仅用得越多,省得越多,而且通过使用鼓励自主加 墨或加粉的绿色经济装,减少了耗材废弃物的丢弃,为环境 保护作出贡献。” 而天威也有意识通过绿色经济装的推行,进一步贯彻自 身环保理念。据介绍,绿色经济装产品基于消费者立场和环 保目的的设计,有增无减。如 100ML 吸塑装墨水系列的尖嘴 设计,使加墨干净利落,不脏手;独特的装箱可选方式,缩 减了仓储空间;DIY 连续供墨系统系列,客户可自主选配安 装工具;加粉乐系列选用长寿命鼓芯,配专利废粉袋和加粉 海绵,使用户便利,更利于环保。 天威绿色经济装产品已在部分城市全线上市,以 100ML 吸塑装墨水系列为主的热销产品已然供不应求。天威将向内 地更广泛的市场推行绿色经济装,相信不仅带给消费者以最 高性价比的实惠,也为“低碳中国”作出贡献。
工信部:我国一季电子信息 产品出口增36.5% MIIT: China's Electronic Information Products Export Growth 36.5% Last Quarter 工信部发布数据显示,今年一季度,我国电子信息产 品进出口额达到 2057 亿美元,同比增长 42.7%,占全国外 贸进出口总额的 33.3%,其中出口 1190 亿美元,同比增长 36.5%。电子元器件等基础产品出口增势明显。 一般贸易出口增速有所提高。一季度,一般贸易出口 193 亿美元,同比增长 57.8%,高于出口平均增速 21.3 个百 分点。
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2010 RechargExpo South East Asia Exhibitor List & Information 2010年中东-东南亚办公耗材展展商信息 Guangzhou Dameid Paper industry Co., Ltd 广州大美纸业有限公司 Booth NO.: A001 Website: www.dameid.com
Xiaoye Digital Technology Co., Ltd 上海晓业数码科技有限公司 Booth NO.: A025 Website: www.xiaoyeshuma.cn
Huzhou Yuhua Stationery Co., Ltd 湖州裕华办公用品有限公司 Booth NO.: A002 Website: www.hzyuhua.com
TNY Trading Co.(Indonesia) Booth NO.: A026 Website: www.ciss-printerink.com
Guangzhou Pengyang Office Consumables Co., Ltd 广州鹏扬办公耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: A009 Website: www.jf-toner.cn Guangzhou Yuhan Paper Booth NO.: A012 Website: www.gzyuhan.cn EBS Enterprise Limited 美高国际控股有限公司 Booth NO.: A015 Website: Rechargeast Booth NO.: A016 Website: www.rechargeast.com PT DP Dataproducts Indonesia Booth NO.: A017 Website: www.dp-dataproducts.com Eurotrade Booth NO.: A019 Website: www.etmag.com Hangzhou Flourish Ink Cartridge factory 杭州惠航墨盒制造厂 Booth NO.: A020 Website: www.vipciss.com Zhuhai Jialianxin Imaging Products Co., Ltd 珠海市佳联信耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: A021 Website: www.jx-image.com TonerTeck Corp. Booth NO.: A022 Website: www.tonerteck.com Crayon Trading Co., Ltd Booth NO.: A023 Website: www.revo-print.com Advanced Computer Technology (HK) Co., Ltd 安信达科技有限公司 Booth NO.: A024 Website: www.act100.com
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Bcinks China 百川打印科技有限公司 Booth NO.: A027/ A033 Website: www.inks.com.cn Shanghai Anerya Environmental Technology Co., Ltd 上海安而雅环保科技有限公司 Booth NO.: A029 Website: www.anerya.com Copycare Office Products(India) Booth NO.: A030 Website: www.copycare.in Guangzhou Henghui Technology Co., Ltd. 广州市恒晖科技有限公司 Booth NO.: A031 Website: www.hhkj2007.com Shenzhen Green Printer Technology Co., Ltd 深圳市高林打印技术有限公司 Booth NO.: A032 Website: www.greentoner99.com Wuqiao Huike Imaging Technology Co., Ltd. 吴桥县惠科办公耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: B001 Website: www.huikeimaging.com Oliser Indonesia Booth NO.: B002 Website: www.oliser.co.id Tianjin Zhonghuan TCOA Electronics Company Limited. 天津市复印设备公司 Booth NO.: B003 Website: www.tjcopyco.com.cn Nano Inkjet Corporation 东莞印可捷纳米喷墨制品有限公司 Booth NO.: B003B Website: www.nano-inkjet.com Smart Fame International Industrial Limited 骏兴国际实业有限公司 Booth NO.: B005 Website: www.chinaciss.com
Static Control Component,Inc. Booth NO.: B006 Website: www.scc-inc.com Total Solution (Indonesia) Booth NO.: B007 Website: www.totalsolution.cc Nikko Group Pte., Ltd. Booth NO.: B008 Website: www.nikkogroup.biz Fantac (China) Co., Ltd 泛太克(中国)有限公司 Booth NO.: B009 Website: www.fantac.com.cn Union Technology International (MCO) Co. Ltd. (UTec) Booth NO.: B010 Website: www.union-tec.com Prime Success Company Limited Booth NO.: B011 Website: www.prime-success.com.co Copytron Technologies Pte., Ltd Booth NO.: B011B Website: www.copytron.com.sg AEBO Science Technology Co., Ltd 南京爱宝文仪有限公司 Booth NO.: B012 Website: www.chinaaebo.com Guangzhou Zhono Electronic Technology Co., Ltd 广州众诺电子科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B012B Website: www.zhono.com Dalian Fujisan Office Equipment Co., Ltd 大连富士山办公设备有限公司 Booth NO.: B013 Website: www.fujisan-ttr.com Guangzhou Dingrui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd 广州鼎瑞电子科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B014 Website: www.kalonhk.com PT Jaya Indah Abadi Booth NO.: B015 Website:
APLUS Electronic Science and Technology Co., Ltd. of Zhuhai 珠海艾嘉电子科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B016 Website: www.abcolor.org Zhejiang Sunrising Office Consumable Material Co., Ltd 浙江晨光办公耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: B017 Website: www.zjcg.cn Tianxin Modern Office Equipment Co.ltd 天星现代办公设备有限公司 Booth NO.: B018 Website: www.newtotal.net Hangzhou Paradise Bird Co., Ltd 杭州天堂鸟电子耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: B019 Website: www.ttnms.com Imaging Printing Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd 印美打印技术(深圳)有限公司 Booth NO.: B020 Website: www.imageprintech.com Printer Color Technology Co., Ltd 印彩科技 Booth NO.: B024 Website: www.printercolorltd.com Shenzhen Backer Office equipment Co., Ltd. 深圳贝克尔办公设备有限公司 Booth NO.: B048 Website: www.backercn.com Youth Technology Development.,Ltd 优胜科技 Booth NO.: B022 Website: www.youth99.com Nanjing Gv Co., Ltd 南京金思维办公用品有限公司 Booth NO.: B023 Website: www.inkandmaster.com Rainmaker Imaging &Empties Supplies Ltd 永利富打印耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: B025 Website: www.rainmakerimage.com Sinotron United Pte., Ltd Booth NO.: B026 Website: www.sinotron.biz Tianjin Suncopyer Official Equipment Co., Ltd 天津市纵深办公设备科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B027 Website: www.suncopyer.cn Misiland Industrial (Nanjing) Co., Ltd 南京美西兰实业有限公司 Booth NO.: B029 Website: www.misiland.com.cn
Omnimetric Technologies Sdn.Bhd Booth NO.: B030 Website: www.omnimetric.com Zhenji Digital Technology Co.Ltd 真迹数码科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B034 Website: www.shine-age.com JiaXing Yazhong Ribbon Co., Ltd 嘉兴亚中色带有限公司 Booth NO.: B035 Website: www.klidar.com Union Computer Suppies Limited Booth NO.: B035B Website: www.unioncomputersupplies.com AnHui HuaBang Specialty Paper Co.,Ltd 安徽华邦特种纸业有限公司 Booth NO.: B036 Website: huabangzhiye.cn.gongchang.com Rechina Asia Expo 亚洲打印耗材展览会 Booth NO.: B039 Website: www.rechinaexpo.com Ningbo Shunyun Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. 宁波舜韵光电科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B042B Website: www.shunyun.cn Foshan Yat Sing ( Rixing) Office Supplies Co. Ltd, 佛山市日星办公设备有限公司 Booth NO.: B044/B045 Website: www.yatsing.cn Richeng Technology 珠海日辰数码科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B046 Website: www.richeng.com.cn JiaShan XianFeng Office Equipment Co., Ltd 先锋办公设备有限公司 Booth NO.: B049 Website: www.cnxf.com.cn Mega Laser (Singapore) Pte Ltd 激宇(国际)私人有限公司 Booth NO.: B050 Website: www.megalasers.com Inkstar Office Appliance Factory of Tianjin 天津市赢事达办公用品厂 Booth NO.: B052 Website: www.inkstar.cn Kuroki Ind.Co.,Ltd 黑木股份有限公司 Booth NO.: B051 Website: www.kuroki.com.tw JiaShun Digitech(Shanghai) Co.Ltd Booth NO.: B053、B054 Website: www.jsdigitech.com.cn www.rechargeasia.com
Kangzhixin Science & Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd 东之昕科技(深圳)有限公司 Booth NO.: B053B Website: www.dongzhixin.com Print-Pro Technology Co.,Ltd(Hong Kong) 鹏博科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B055 Website: www.printpro.cn Pana Corporation Booth NO.: B056 Website: www.pana.in Jiaxing Tianma Printer Consumables Co., Ltd 嘉兴天马打印耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: B057 Website: www.skyhorse.net.cn Indian Toners & Developers Ltd Booth NO.: B057B Website: www.indiantoners.com Scitop Ltd Booth NO.: B058 Website: www.scitop.net Shanghai Xichuang Powder Equipment Co., Ltd 上海细创粉体装备有限公司 Booth NO.: B059 Website: www.chemmachine-3j.com Wuhan Pointrole Information Technology Co., Ltd 武汉宝特龙信息科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B060 Website: www.pointrole.com HZ Shengpa Plastic Film Co., Ltd. 惠州市圣帕塑胶膜有限公司 Booth NO.: B062 Website: www.hzshengpa.com Ascend Precision Accessories Co., Ltd 佛山市埃申特办公配件有限公司 Booth NO.: B064 Website: www.fsascend.com Afealty Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd 深圳觉夫科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B065 Website: www.afealty.com Wuhan Zongxiang Imaging Co.,Ltd 武汉宗祥显影材料有限公司 Booth NO.: B066 Website: www.zongxiang.cn Liaoning Fine Chemical Tech Co.,Ltd 辽宁精化科技有限公司 Booth NO.: B068 Website: www.pro100.cn Wuxi Jiateng Magnetic Powder Co., Ltd 无锡佳腾磁性粉有限公司 Booth NO.: B069 Website: www.wxcanton.com RECHARGEasia • JUNE 2010 • 133
Zhuhai Kemei Electronics CO., Ltd 珠海市柯美电子有限公司 Booth NO.: D002B Website: www.ikemei.com Xiamen Colorfly Digital Science Co., Ltd 厦门丽彩飞扬数码科技有限公司 Booth NO.: D003 Website: www.colorfly.com.cn Tesen Printout Device Co., Ltd. 中山天星打印器材有限公司 Booth NO.: D004 Website: www.tesen.com.cn Indocart Booth NO.: D005 Website: www.indocart.co.id RechargeAsia Magazine 亚洲再生业杂志 Booth NO.: D006B Website: www.rechargeasia.com EOP21 Pte., Ltd Booth NO.: B070 Website: www.eop21.com PT. Mitra Cipta Makmur Booth NO.: B070B Website: www.mitra-copyrent.com
Suqian Feida Digital Paper Co., Ltd. 宿迁飞达数码纸业有限公司 Booth NO.: B077 Website: www.jssqfd.com UniNet Imaging Inc Booth NO.: C001 Website: www.uninetimaging.com
Tianxiang Modern Office Appliance Co., Ltd 嘉善天祥现代办公用品有限公司 Booth NO.: B071 Website: www.skyflying.com.cn
AFEX International(HK) Ltd Booth NO.: C002 Website: www.afex.cc
Ningbo R.D.C Office Equipment Co., Ltd 宁波荣大昌办公设备有限公司 Booth NO.: B072 Website: www.nbrdc.com
Power Com 传美讯电子(科技)有限公司 Booth NO.: C003 Website: www.trendvision.com.cn
Yusens Digital Photo Paper Co., Ltd 宇森数码相纸有限公司 Booth NO.: B073 Website: www.yusens.com
Ptc Holding Ltd Booth NO.: C003B Website: www.ptctoner.com
PT.Malindo Imaging Technologies Booth NO.: B074 Website: www.malindoimaging.com
Guangzhou Fusica Digital Co., Ltd. 广州奥达数码产品有限公司 Booth NO.: D006 Website: www.fusica.com.cn JetTrue Media Digital Image Material Co.,Ltd 真善美数码影像材料有限公司 Booth NO.: D007 Website: www.photopaperchina.com
Roots Co.,Ltd Booth NO.: C005 Website: www.rootskorea.co.kr
CNJET International Industry Limited 科恩特国际实业有限公司 Booth NO.: B075 Website: www.cnt-mfg.com
Beijing Sun Dragon 北京圣龙影像耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: D001 Website: www.sdcartridge.com
ACM Technologies, Inc. Booth NO.: B076 Website: www.acmtech.com
Prinko Image Co., Ltd 珠海市普林科打印耗材有限公司 Booth NO.: D002 Website: www.zhprinko.cn
The final Exhibitor List & Information will show in 2010 RechargExpo South East Asia Show Guide, If it have any changed, Show Guide shall prevail. 最终展商信息将刊登在2010中东-东南亚办公耗材展会刊上,如有部分调整,请以会刊信息为准。
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