Rechargeasia 161

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WHAT HAPPENED to 3D Printing?

Top 10 AI Tech "Forces Shaping Today’s Cartridge Remanufacturing Industry" A white paper from Actionable Intelligence February 21-25, 2018





Message from the Publisher

RECHARGEasia 161st Issue - November/December 2017 ̎ ฯ г ၷ ˊ


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My conversation with

谷歌呼吁更好的网络开放, 中国重申网络主权政策




China Reasserts Cyber Sovereignty Policy as Google Pleads for Better Access


New Actionable Intelligence Report Explores Hurdles Facing Remanufacturing Industry


Can McAfee and Xerox raise the bar on print security?



EVP Global Sales and Marketing for Clover Imaging Group

Founder and CEO of E&S Solutions

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McAfee 和施乐可以提高打印安全性吗 ?


What Happened to 3D Printing? 3D 打印发生了什么?


刘强东谈创业公司关注的 4 点经济常识

Liu Qiang Dong Addressed Four Basic Economic Points for Startups


股改上市新三板 荆楚民企“蛇吞象”- 展望远东股 份十周年辉煌龙勤

Tenth Anniversary Celebration of HuBei Far East: Three New Board and Ambitious Target


李广连当选为中国计算机行业协会耗材专业委员会 秘书长

Tony Li Was Elected Secretary of China Computer Industry Association, Printer Consumables Committee

28-29 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2018 30 Cybersecurity Experts Warn of Major Attack Threat 31 Secure the Printers, Experts Urge Humankind Must Be Careful with Robots

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15 15 42 43

43 44

Top 10 AI Tech

Seiko Epson Enters 3D Printing

十大 AI 技术

爱普生进入 3D 打印

Epson Expands Its Robot Lineup 爱普生扩大其机器人阵容

Yeehaw Wand Brings 3D Printing Design to Everyone

Half of Americans Expect Fully Automated Stores in Future

3D Printing Can Help with Counterfeit Money


3D 打印可以帮助识别假币

宽幅喷墨打印市场将 20% 增长

Stratasys Showcases New 3D Printing Software

Wide Inkjet Printing Market Will Grow 20%

Stratasys 展示新的 3D 打印软件

法国科学家研发出可用喷墨打印机制造的太阳能充 电器

Yeehaw Wang3D 打印设计服务于每个人


3D Printed Mask Fools iPhone Face Recognition System 3D 打印面具迷惑 iPhone 人脸识别系统

French scientists have developed a solar charger that can be made using inkjet printers

Dow Chemicals Joins 3D Printing Crowd


陶氏化学加入 3D 打印人群

Scientists Research and Develop Washable Electronic Circuit Devices

GE’s Atlas Printer Hits Markets


How Much Ink remaining, The Unknown Technology?



GE 的 Atlas 打印机冲击市场


Top 10 3D Printing News from 2017 2017 年十大 3D 打印新闻

US Office:

China Office:

Tel: 626-569-8238 Email:

Tel: 86-10-5126-5580 Fax: 86-10-5885-8747 Email:

24 "4, 5)& &91&354 ឰஔ˄ࠒ 32

东芝和 Western Digital 即将和解


Remanufacturing the Samsung MLT-D116L Drum Unit

25 ͍ˊᤃц

By Mike Josiah

天威 CoLiDo AMSS 金属 3D 打印机在香港首次亮相

SmarTech Announces First Medicine-Focused 3D Printing Event SmarTech 宣布首个以医学为重点的 3D 打印活动


% ੪ӿˇႍ

3D Printer Makers Expand Offering for Healthcare Professionals 3D 打印机制造商扩大提供医疗保健方面的服务

Materialise CEO Fried Vancraen Receives AMUG Innovators Award Materialise CEO Fried Vancraen 获得 AMUG 创新者奖

50 51

3D 打印,为什么普及没有想象中快?

3D Printing, Why Hasn’t Been Quickly Applied Than Thought? 阿联酋计划在火星上建立 3D 打印巡逻车

UAE plans to build 3D printed patrol car on Mars 纽约机构倡议 3D 打印模块为无家可归者提供避难所

New York Agency Advocates 3D Printing Module Provide Shelter for the Homeless

52 53

科学家研发 3D 打印细菌墨水“Flink”

Scientists Develop 3D Printing Bacteria Ink "Flink"

Print-Rite 被评为中国知识产权全国示范企业

HP Launches New PageWide Printer 惠普推出新的 PageWide 打印机

Stratasys Narrows Loss for Q3 Stratasys 第三季度亏损 缩小


Dutch designers use algae to make 3D printing supplies Scientists Successfully Develop New Algorithms to Reduce 3D Printing Time

Konica Minolta Mobile Print Enhances On-The-Go Printing with Improved Interface 柯尼卡美能达移动打印使用改进的界面增强了即 时打印功能


Internet of Printing


Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Printer

互联网打印 施乐 VersaLink C500 / DN 彩色打印机


佳能发布新概念 8 款喷墨打印机

Canon released a new concept of 8 inkjet printers



Epsons’Center for Digital Printing Experience Open in Guangzhou


惠普公布四季度财报:净利润同比增长 29% 各部 门业务全面增长

HP Reports Fourth-Quarter Earnings: Net Profit Up 29% YoY, Overall Growth Across All Sectors 惠普以 10.5 亿美元收购了三星的打印机业务

HP acquired Samsung's printer business for $ 10.5 billion

荷兰设计师利用藻类植物制造 3D 打印耗材 科学家成功研发缩短 3D 打印时间的新算法


Print-Rite named China’s National Demonstration Enterprise of IP Rights


Print-Rite CoLiDo AMSS Metal 3D Printer Debut Launch in Hong Kong

Hedge Funds Raise Stakes in Canon 基金募集提升佳能股份

三星 MLT-D116L 硒鼓再生组装


Toshiba, Western Digital Reportedly Close to Settlement


惠普发布 5 大系列 18 款全新彩色打印机

HP unveiled 18 new 5-color printer series


China 's Strategic Path Toward Building Strong Manufacturing Power 以色列公司 XJet 推出新型增材制造系统

Israeli Company XJet Introduces New Additive Manufacturing System


我国首台高通量集成化生物 3D 打印机研发成功

China's First High-Intensity Integrated Bio-3D Printer Developed Successfully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35


Contributors Mike Josiah Technical Director of UniNet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. Read his article "Remanufacturing the Samsung MLT-D116L Drum Unit" p32

Louella Fernandes With over 20 years’ experience in the print industry, Louella Fernandes is a respected and globally recognised analyst focusing on the evolution of business printing. Louella is currently Associate Director for Print Services and Solutions at Quocirca. Read her's article "Can McAfee and Xerox raise the bar on print security?" p10

Ryan Luo Ryan is currently an associate editor for CyberAsia 360. He graduated from UCSB in June 2017 and is currently working on consulting and media-related projects. In his spare time, he enjoys learning and reading about topics such as artificial intelligence, 3D Printing, Cybersecurity, Cryptocurrency, and programming languages. He is also an avid breakdancer and loves watching movies. Read his article "What Happened to 3D Printing?" p12



November/ December 2017

Dear Readers, Winding down 2017, we reflect on what this past year has been like? Was it a year of the status quo, business as usual? Or was it a year of exploring, learning, and transforming? I believe we all have gone through the year with both shared good works and unfortunate mistakes. However, in the progress toward self development, we must appreciate each of these moments. Be they temporary setbacks or moments of triumphs, they all keep us engaged and alive. It is these types of dynamics that keep things real! We, as human beings, are inventive. Almost magically so. This allows us to live in a world of reality and yet invent a future that is foreseeable and tangible. This combination keeps us both present and forwardlooking. We tackle daily challenges while captivating our imagination, keeping life so enticing. Our minds alternate between these two worlds of real and magical, all the while propelling us forward with surprises and accomplishments. At the same time, we deal with all types of personalities—our clients, our customers, our employees, our partners, and our competitors. Relationship matters. In this issue, we share with you some of their most memorable and stories to end the year on a positive note. No matter what had occurred in 2017, victories or setbacks, they all have value and meaning. Embrace them, store them. This will be the treasure box we call wisdom. Whether you set new resolutions in the New Year or continue to work on the ongoing ones, keep doing what you believe in. And while moving along at the fast pace of daily life, please remember, once in a while, to pause for a moment to appreciate what is happening around you, be surprised, be cherished, and be happy! Happy New Year 2018!

Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher


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China Reasserts Cyber Sovereignty Policy

as Google Pleads for Better Access Apple’s Tim Cook and Google’s Sundar Pichai were in attendance this weekend at the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, China. There, they would have heard Chinese President Xi Jinping, in a letter read to delegates, again reassert the doctrine of cyber sovereignty, the idea that each country has the right to govern the Internet how it likes within its own borders. Xi said the world should respect that sovereignty, foster a

spirit of partnership, advance development, safeguard security, participate in governance, and share the benefits.

Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Opening Ceremony of the Fourth World Internet Conference

Building a community of common future in cyberspace has increasingly become the widespread common understanding of international society,” he said. “China’s door to the world will never close, but will only open wider.”

China this year codified the concept of cyber sovereignty into law. These and earlier rules have kept many prominent Western tech companies from operating in China, or severely crimped their operations in the Middle Kingdom. Facebook, Twitter and Netflix are all banished. Google pulled its search operations out of China in 2010, and its YouTube and Gmail programs are no longer accessible from within China. Crypto-currency Bitcoin is also banned. China’s Alibaba is increasingly a competitor with U.S.-based Amazon on fronts that range from home shopping to cloud computing. Driven by an ecosystem that spans games, music and messaging, China’s Tencent now approaches Facebook in terms of market capitalization. And Baidu positions itself as a global market leader in artificial intelligence and driverless cars, rivaling Google, among others. SOURCE: digital/asia/china-asserts-cybersovereignty-google-pleads-foraccess-1202629455/

Google's Sundar Pichai


Apple's Tim Cook

Alibaba's founder Jack Ma

161st Issue - November/December 2017


New Ac onable Intelligence Report Explores Hurdles Facing Remanufacturing Industry Established in 2009, Ac onable Intelligence is based outside of Boston, Massachuse s, and delivers market research and custom consul ng related to the markets for home and office digital imaging hardware and the consumables used in these machines. The firm’s website, www.Ac, features more than 3,000 posts and a racts hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world, making it is the industry’s des na on website for industry news and analysis. The Ac onable Intelligence team understands that the printer and supplies business has changed and is dedicated to providing prac cal, accurate market analysis that clients can use to succeed.

Media Contact: Charles Brewer 1-508-528-1297

FRANKLIN, Mass., Dec. 20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The ink and toner cartridge remanufacturing industry has reached an inflec on point. Established in the United States in the 1980s, the remanufacturing industry quickly became a global enterprise and remanufacturers have refurbished billions of cartridges over the past thirty-plus years. Although the industry is well-established and remanufacturers con nue to generate billions of dollars in sales each year, remanufacturers are finding it increasingly difficult to thrive and grow as they cope with 21st-century market demands, especially relentless pressures from newly built compa ble cartridges, which are o en marketed without regard for intellectual property (IP). In “Forces Shaping Today’s Cartridge Remanufacturing Industry,” Ac onable Intelligence, the world’s leading research firm following the markets for printers and copiers and the supplies used in these machines, explores the current state of the remanufacturing industry. The 39-page report, which is currently available free of charge at www.Ac, analyzes the regional remanufacturing industries supplying some of the world’s largest cartridge markets including China, Europe, and North America. “Now in its fourth decade of opera on, today’s remanufacturing industry doesn’t look much like the one that back in the 1980s used to poke holes in sides of cartridges to refill them with ink or toner,” says Charles Brewer, Ac onable Intelligence’s founder and president. “Today, the industry is as high-tech as the cartridges it remanufactures. The leading companies are ISOcer fied and employ thousands of workers at state-of-the-art factories worldwide.” Mr. Brewer observes that the remanufacturing industry is mature and is experiencing consolida on and a decline in the number of remanufacturers. “The next five years will be pivotal as the industry con nues to consolidate and demand for remanufactured product declines as more and more end users move to compa bles.” Focusing on remanufacturers in China, Europe, and the United States, “Forces Shaping Today’s Cartridge Remanufacturing Industry” examines where the industry is today; how it got there; and what the future holds for remanufacturers worldwide. The report maps the current compe ve landscape and differen ates between the various categories of cartridges vying for market share. In par cular, the report analyzes the impact that IP-infringing cartridges (a.k.a. “clones”) have had on the remanufacturing industry. “Forces Shaping Today’s Cartridge Remanufacturing Industry” is a must-read report for anyone involved in the digital imaging consumables market. Click here (h p:// to download a copy at no charge.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Can McAfee and Xerox

raise the bar on print security?

BY -06&--" '&3/"/%&4

With over 20 years’ experience in the print industry, Louella Fernandes is a respected and globally recognised analyst focusing on the evolution of business printing. Louella is currently Associate Director for Print Services and Solutions at Quocirca.

McAfee’s MPOWER event in Amsterdam on 29th November shone a light on artificial intelligence and machine learning as the industry continues to grapple with an evolving and complex threat landscape. With printers a key element of today’s IoT landscape, McAfee’s partnership with Xerox offers strong potential to raise the profile of the need for a proactive approach to print security.

Machine learning, AI and analytics shaping new threat landscape In a landscape where cyber attackers are constantly innovating, McAfee described how the emergence of pseudo ransomware and adversarial machine learning will shape the future cybersecurity landscape. With the advent of big data and IoT, machine learning can enable faster and more accurate threat intelligence. McAfee Investigator, launched in October 2017, leverages AI, analytics and machine learning to collect and visualise cyber threat data. This has strong potential for malware detection on endpoints such as printers.

Reviving the Xerox partnership Background McAfee is once again facing life as a standalone security player, having been spun out from Intel in April 2017. The move was intended to give McAfee more independence to pursue ‘pure-play’ cybersecurity, particularly around IoT, having had few ties to Intel’s core hardware strategy. Less than eight months since its spinout, CEO Chris Young says the company is working to accelerate innovation and growth. As proof of its intentions to move into new security areas, it has announced its first acquisition, Skyhigh Networks, a specialist in cloud security.


Although Xerox and McAfee first partnered on print security in 2013, it is only more recently that the two companies have begun raising the profile of the partnership. Given that both companies have reset their businesses in 2017, it is perhaps opportune for them to now breathe new life into their partnership. With the heightened awareness of IoT security, Xerox is leveraging its partnership with McAfee to raise the stakes around the need for a robust and proactive approach to print security. In particular, the new Xerox CISO, Dr Alissa Johnson, is proving to be a powerful evangelist for

161st Issue - November/December 2017


McAfee CEO Chris Young says the company is working to accelerate innovation and growth IoT security, clearly demonstrated at an MPOWER session which she hosted with Christaan Beek, McAfee’s lead scientist, entitled Securing IoT is not a Mission Impossible. Networked printers and multifunction peripherals (MFPs) are well established as IoT endpoints with multiple points of vulnerability, and the need for better security defences cannot be overstated. While all print vendors offer a range of embedded hardware and software security features, Xerox to date is the only one to partner with an established security vendor.

Xerox' CISO, Dr Alissa Johnson is proving to be a powerful evangelist for IoT security Device detection. In order to detect and alert on any changes to a print device, Xerox ConnectKey Technology runs a firmware verification test, either at start-up or when activated by authorised users. McAfee’s whitelisting technology is embedded in all Xerox ConnectKey AltaLink products and constantly monitors and protects against malware. Document and data protection. This is enabled through either PIN or card release features to ensure documents are not released to

Today, Xerox security solutions span three key aspects:

unauthorised users. ConnectKey-enabled printers also let users lock down ‘to/cc/bcc’ email fields, limiting scan destinations to only those individuals

Intrusion prevention. This includes user authentication, roles-based access control and audit trails. Xerox ConnectKey Technology will also intercept attacks from corrupted files and malicious software. System software is digitally signed so any attempts to install infected, non-signed versions will result in the file being automatically rejected. Print files will also get deleted if any part is not recognised as legitimate.

with internal email addresses. Xerox ConnectKey devices also integrate with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO), a product that allows IT administrators to unify security management across endpoints. In addition, Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) integration provides visibility of Xerox MFP endpoints to enforce security policies and compliance.

QUOCIRCA OPINION As high-profile attacks continue to dominate the headlines, the attack surface expands and cyberattacks become more opportunistic, it is vital to protect IoT devices such as printers. This means implementing a multi-layered approach that tackles the multiple points of print security vulnerability. Organisations must identify, patch, update and replace vulnerable print devices on their

network. It only takes one rogue device to enable an attacker to gain access to the network – through an unopen port, for instance. The Xerox ConnectKey platform offers strong security credentials which are further enhanced by McAfee technology. In order to truly raise the bar on print security, Xerox should further leverage the McAfee

relationship to offer advanced capabilities around machine learning, analytics and AI. In today’s IoT landscape, effective threat detection, prevention and remediation will be key to advancing print security. With deeper functionality in this area, Xerox has the potential to deliver strong print security differentiation in the market.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


What Happened to

3D Printing?

BY 3:"/ -60

Ryan is currently an associate editor for CyberAsia 360. He graduated from UCSB in June 2017 and is currently working on consulting and media-related projects. In his spare time, he enjoys learning and reading about topics such as artificial intelligence, 3D Printing, Cybersecurity, Cryptocurrency, and programming languages. He is also an avid breakdancer and loves watching movies.


you read tech news nowadays, you’ll hear about all the hot trends such as artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency (Bitcoin especially!), but 3D is noticeably absent from the discussion. Back in the early 2000s, 3D Printing was on everyone’s mind. People talked about how it would disrupt the industry with its revolutionary design and change the world of manufacturing as we know it. Fast forward to 2017, though, and 3D Printing has all but vanished, with only the occasional article about a 3D-printed house or weaponry tool. So what happened to 3D Printing? Was it just another gimmicky technology that was hyped but ultimately failed?

To answer that question, we went to the ‘Inside 3D Printing’ Conference in San Diego, California. The overarching answer to our query was this: the 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing industry is alive and well and remains a robust and growing industry. But why, then, has 3D Printing disappeared from the public eye? According to a spokesperson from HawkRidge Media, unless one is an engineer at school or in the industry, the value and applications of 3D Printing are probably not wellknown to the public. In addition, many companies are limited in their ability to showcase their breakthroughs due to client


confidentiality and intellectual property restrictions. For example, Verbatim, which is owned by Mitsubishi Chemical, produces flexible filaments that can be used to create car tires or the soles of shoes. The spokesperson, however, states that while Verbatim works with big brands in the automotive and shoe-making industries, they are unable to disclose which due to client confidentiality. But perhaps one of the biggest reasons why 3D Printing has left the spotlight is because the industry has moved from the B2C arena to focus mostly on B2B, especially in the manufacturing sector. Before, most 3D Printing companies focused on creating toys and models for consumers, touting concepts like customization, and while that has remained partly true, many companies realized that there was a greater market in the B2B sector. As a result, despite the lack of mainstream media coverage, the industry has been steadily growing. At the conference, I had the opportunity to interview different companies, learn about their products and services, and listen to their vision of the industry future.

Current Achievements The first company I spoke with was ChemCubed, a customized developer of specialized jettable nano composite emulsions for additive manufacturing. As a company of nearly 20 years in the printing business, they actively work with clients in the

161st Issue - November/December 2017 Aerospace, Biotech, Automotive, and Marine industries. One of the products they exhibited was a component that can conduct electricity using their own conductive silver ink and can be printed in as little as 3 minutes. Moreover, the knowledge and skill set their team possesses allows them to create customized solutions to specific design problems. Another company I spoke with was Reynolds Advanced Materials. Though their company has an extensive product list, I was shown two specific products: a coating substance and a specialized silicone mold. The first product is used to paint finished 3D products to hide imperfections, add another layer of protective coating, and on occasion make the product waterproof. The silicone mold, on the other hand, is created by painting an object or item that needs to be mass-produced, and then using the mold to produce it. Other companies focus on more niche areas, like Schoon Corporation, a company that produces spools for 3D printers. Spools, as opposed to other additive materials, are a thin yet reliable and flexible material that won’t produce imperfections or clog the entry points of the printer. In addition, it is non-toxic, which is important to their customers who are mostly in the academic areas. Although the company has only been in the business for about 2 years, Schoon has learned to avoid the mistakes of their predecessors and looks forward to the future. Of course, 3D-printing an object can be tough when one does not have a design in mind. That is where HawkRidge Systems comes in, a company that focuses on designing the software to help users model and modify the objects they wish to print. Moreover, their complementary printer has additional features that provide important user information like the estimated cost to produce a model and estimated time to print. It also tracks the progress of the object being printed. There were many more companies showcasing their products but regrettably, I couldn’t cover them all. However, it is quite clear that these companies have found viable business models for their products in the marketplace, and all of them are optimistic for the future.

The Plan for the Future But what is the future of 3D Printing? Where is 3D Printing headed? I've been told that the key is materials. Being able to print materials, like metal or steel inexpensively and efficiently, is the disruptive breakthrough the industry needs. A few speakers, though, emphasize that in order for 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing to achieve mass market adoption, the way in which companies interact with their clients must change.

FEATURE ARTICLES Steven Kim of SAP and Ken Burns of Forecast3D came to the stage and discussed three barriers that prevented mass adoption of additive manufacturing technologies. The first barrier is that additive manufacturers are producing solutions for the wrong problems and far too late in the product cycle, when manufacturers had already invested in the production of products. Second, there is no reliable and universal metric that is understood by both parties. A lot of manufacturers based their metrics on purely financial cost and return, while Additive Solution returns and benefits are much more nuanced and don’t always rely on a dollar figure. And finally, Ken mentions in his presentation that there is still a negative perception towards 3D Printing. When 3D Printing was still in its infancy, many designers and engineers adopted the technology, but ultimately concluded that its costs far outweighed the benefits. Even though the technology has matured and advanced, many are still hesitant to try new Additive Solutions. To remedy these barriers, Steven and Ken proposed a new business process. The first is to deal with the product cycle by using SAP software and working closely with clients. The SAP software will then identify any potential issues or inefficiencies in the manufacturing process. Doing so provides a systematic and simple way to explain a business problem and showcase metrics to the companies in a way that makes financial sense to them. Then, after the problem is identified, a company like Forecast3D comes along and provides the additive solution. Moreover, to prevent any bias, Ken states they often target early adopters or warehouse and supply chain managers who are more open to new technologies. By presenting a clear picture and utilizing maturing 3D printing technology, Steven and Ken believe that the industry is poised to make greater waves in the manufacturing industry and eventually achieve mass adoption.

CONCLUSION Even though 3D Printing remains a young industry, the field has matured immensely at the B2B level. Although it still faces many challenges, such as mass adoption in the market and negative perceptions, the industry has progressed with more reliable models, better materials, and faster printing speeds. Moreover, as Steven and Ken demonstrate, the industry has gradually formulated a plan to penetrate the manufacturing industry, and the 3D Printing industry may soon see broader adoption for its solutions in the future.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Top 10 AI Tech

The artificial intelligence industry is booming despite warnings from Bill Gates, Stephen hawking, and Elon Musk about the dangers inherent in AI. Here are the ten hottest AI techs right now, according to Forbes tech author Gil Press

which basically means producing text using computer data, with applications in customer service, report production, and business intelligence summaries.

SPEECH RECOGNITION which involves transcribing and translating human speech in computer-usable format, for applications such as interactive voice response systems and mobile.

VIRTUAL AGENTS such as Siri and Alexa, which are becoming increasingly popular in customer service, home management, and support.

MACHINE LEARNING PLATFORMS which produce algorithms, APIs, training and development tools, data, and computing power to deploy various models into applications and other devices.

AI-OPTIMIZED HARDWARE which is currently used in deep learning applications and involves graphics processing units and appliances designed to run AI-oriented jobs.


DECISION MANAGEMENT which is currently done by engines that insert rules and logic into AI systems to act as initial setup, training and also provide ongoing maintenance and tuning.

DEEP LEARNING PLATFORMS which are collections of artificial neural networks with a number of abstraction layers used to teach AI pattern recognition and classifications skills.

BIOMETRICS w which are systems built to enable more m natural interaction between humans and machines, including image and touch recognition, speech, and body language.

ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION which involves scripts and other tools enabling the automation of human actions as a way of enhancing business process efficiency.

TEXT ANALYTICS AND NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING which are used in cybersecurity. Their purpose is to teach machines to understand sentence structure and meaning, intent, and sentiment through statistical and machine learning methods.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Epson Expands its Robot Lineup Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, "Epson") will exhibit prototypes of three new models of industrial robots developed to meet the wide-ranging needs of manufacturers. Prototypes of the vertically articulated N6 and VT6 robots and the T6 SCARA robot will be shown at International Robot Exhibition (iREX) 2017, which will run from November 29 through December 2. Epson plans to launch sales of these robots in fiscal year 2018. Epson's N series of compact 6-axis robots is capable of performing tasks in tight spaces more efficiently than earlier robots thanks to a uniquely engineered "folding" arm. The N6, which will join the N2 in the N series, was developed to meet the needs of customers who want to transport relatively heavy objects and transport objects over a wide area. Floor-mounted, the N6 has a 6-kg payload capacity and an arm length of 1,000 mm, both considerably larger than the N2. The N6 is ideal for tasks such as loading and unloading electronic components and automotive parts to and from test equipment or shelving and removing medical products. It can reach a wide range of places such as high and low shelves using a smaller installation footprint than earlier 6-axis robots. These features will enable the robot to increase productivity and the efficiency with which factory space is used.



because of the expense and trouble involved in building production lines. Epson is bringing down this barrier with the affordably priced and easy to install VT6. Drawing on the miniature controller technology it developed for its T series of SCARA robots, Epson equipped this entry-level robot with a built-in controller. Among the many possible uses for this robot are machine tending applications in which components or workpieces are loaded into and unloaded from test equipment. Equipped with a built-in controller, the T series of SCARA robots are designed for installation simplicity and maximum usability. They are ideal for automating simple material handling tasks. The T6 has doubled the payload capacity (6 kg) of Epson's T3 robot and thus can transport larger, heavier objects. This robot can be outfitted with heavy end-effectors, such as dual end-effectors that can hold two objects at once, to help manufacturers increase factory productivity.

T6 Engineered for maximum usability and a low total cost of ownership (TCO), the 6-axis VT6 is built to automate simple, repetitive material handling tasks that humans find tedious. Manufacturers have been reluctant to automate material handling tasks that add little value

Epson invites you to visit the Epson booth (No. IR3-42) at iREX to view a variety of exhibits and demonstrations. These include a demonstration of the WorkSense W-01, Epson's autonomous dual-arm robot announced on November 22 that will go on sale from this winter.

Half of Americans Expect Fully Automated Stores in Future As many as 52% of Americans expect brick-and-mortar stored to probably become fully automated within the next two decades, a Pew Research Center survey has found. Add to this another 13% that say they are certain this full automation will take place and we have a majority of two-thirds expecting automated stores within their lifetime. A similar portion of the 4,000+ respondents in the survey expect goods deliveries to become fully automated within the next twenty years. These results suggest that more and more businesses will start using drones, robots or other automation technologies to service their customers, with humans left to provide customer service at a high degree of personalization. As automation advances, jobs will be lost, with those that represent physical activity in highly structured and predictable environments the first to go. These jobs represent 51% of the U.S.

Americans expect a range of tech advances to occur in the next 20 years % of U.S. adults who say the following happen in the next 20 years Doctors will use computer programs to diagnose and treat most diseases


Most stores will be fully automated and involve little human interaction


Most deliveries in the city will be made by robots and drones instead of humans People will create most of the products they buy at home using 3-D printer Definitely will not

4% 7%











Probably will not

SOURCE: Survey "Automation in Everyday Life" conducted May 1-15, 2017

36% Probably will

7% Definitely will PEW RESEARCH CENTER

economy and generate $2.7 trillion in wages. The only comfort for people employed in these jobs is that the transformation will not happen fast.




161st Issue - November/December 2017

My conversation with



GOLDBERG & ELLIOT EVP Global Sales and Marketing for Clover Imaging Group

Founder and CEO of E&S Solutions

EDITOR’S NOTE: In order to survive in today's ever-changing market environment, it's critical to know when it’s time to adapt by modifying both the way in which we think and behave. This transition within a business setting, however, is so much easier to talk about than to implement. Our Conversation Corner aims to provide a dialogue with industry seniors from successful business entities to understand their thinking, logic and culture, as well as their new practices, in order to provide guidance to those businesses in need of transition. Having said that, below is our conversation with Luke Goldberg and Ian Elliot, who have generously shared their insightful thoughts on our industry changes and the necessary steps to implement changes if our own in an effort to adapt. by SUNNY SUN

Business Model: from a Transactional to Contractual one. What does this tell you – device-as-a-service? Our business model from the past ten years feels like a fixture of a simple buy-and-sell transaction process. I trust most of you feel rightly so. In today's market environment, the simple transactional business model is no longer practical or sufficient enough to sustain our business, while all the big data, artificial intelligence, and IoT, or Amazonnation of things are playing a major role in the selling and purchasing processes. We need to change to be able to continue our growth or even to survive, calling for the survival of the fittest, to the new environment. Our printing market has changed and is sure to continue its fast pace of change. One true, unfortunate fact is that printing supplies and collections have become such plentiful commodities that the margins have become razor-thin, and the current business model becomes difficult to sustain. The question comes to what will be a workable, sustainable model? I had an opportunity to catch up with Mr. Luke Goldberg, EVP Global Sales and Marketing for Clover Imaging Group, and Mr. Ian Elliot, Founder and CEO of E&S Solutions. I share with you their insights on the challenges and opportunities (still) in the aftermarket industry.


It goes without saying, following a successful example is a smart route to travel. Thus, it is prudent to understand the successful model tested and practiced by CIG.

A contractual business model means value added service or additional business channels for growth. CIG - the leading company of the aftermarket industry is transitioning from a transactional business model to a contractual business model. It means that more services are provided to the dealers and channel providers. The goal is to empower them with more tools to be more successful. CIG’s philosophy is that dealers’ success will be our success, and it is a win-win game. People say only a good strategy navigates a successful business, and the ultimate success comes is demonstrated by how your business reacts to the current market environment and adapts to its changes. The marketplace we live in changes at a fast and constant pace. As the nature of business changes, so does the way of thinking and attitudes toward them. Even OEMs, like Konica Minolta, do not see themselves as a print company, but a technology one. One CEO from a major airline does not project the company as one operating an airplane with wings, but a technology company with wings. Change your thinking logic; a new approach is the first step and key in transiting a business model to one that adapts to the marketplace.

161st Issue - November/December 161st Issue - November/December 2017 2017

How can you transform your business with limited resources? We spoke a lot about the transformation though it seems to be easier talking about it than actually implementing it. There are two reasons: one is our habitual behavior. We tend to think or go with our familiar path. Our brain is hard-wired toward a certain familiar path. We need to change that. Secondly, we need new talent pools for changes. People are the key, and the success of the enterprise depends on talented people who create the products that meet the market needs.

Social Media Outlets or E-commerce platform With the changes of the internet and connectivity we have today, social media holds much more power in terms of promoting your products and your business. However, what would be the most effective way to do this, with limited resources, skills and knowledge? The answer is a completely different skill set needed to accomplish this goal. For the traditional industry like ours, it will be challenging. Rest assured, however, it is achievable with more learning.

Compete at a different level, on a different playing field. With the world continuously changing, so are the business practices and the playing field we are in; and changes have become a business norm. How to quickly adjust and absorb the knowledge and required skills will be the key, and deemed to be a lifelong project. That is how we human beings have evolved and advanced, to where we are today. And we can rest assured that the process will continue indefinitely. Speaking of lifelong learning and the new market environment that has offered us new opportunities--we must take an advantage of it, and do so immediately! The option is either that you become like the disrupters in the changed new marketplace or you maintain the status quo and become the one to be disrupted. To become the first option will allow you to be ahead of the game.

IN CONCLUSION: Like any industry, when the market reaches maturity it calls for changes, as outdated business models or business approaches no longer operate well in the changed marketplace. An organization must have a strategic vision. Investing and allocating resources in a new infrastructure will be rewarded with winning, especially in times of technology disruptions. To any transformation of an organization, the human side of the equation--changing ways of working, mindsets and behaviors--is critical to the success of the transformation. As for the printing industry, Mr. Goldberg believes that for the next 20 years print still matters, and printing supplies still have ample space to grow. Growth, however, will be within the space of "contractual" vs. "transactional" business models: in the workflow processes, managed print services, or even the IT sector or print security. Listen to your customers and put corresponding action plans in motion. Next, get set and go. Let’s explore together and find our key to unlock the doors to success!

161st Issue - November/December 2017



Seiko Epson Enters 3D Printing

Seiko Epson has become the latest company to announce a foray into 3D printing, following in the footsteps of rival HP. According to author Charles Goulding, Seiko Epson will be able to utilize its piezoelectric technology in 3D printing, as it is particularly well suited to liquid applications. That’s on the good news front.

On the potentially bad news front is the fact that while Seiko Epson’s 2D printing business, like HP’s, is a mature one, its 3D printing foray will require a lot of investments and a new management system, if the Japanese printer maker wants to be able to keep up with its larger rival. Yet, given that it has been developing its 3D printer for five years and not talking about it much, chances are it has prepared to take on HP, even if not exactly as an equal.


Yeehaw Wand Brings 3D Printing Design to Everyone

A new app can turn anyone into a 3D designer with a simple spoon-like drawing tool and a round plate that you can tilt and spin to see your design from all angles. The app displays what you are drawing on the screen of your smartphone or tablet and once you’re ready you can either send it to the company to print it, buy the app with a printer, to have it printed at home, or take it to a 3D printing service center. The app is made for simple designs but with a little bit of skill you could also create some more complex shapes.



3D Printing Can Help with Counterfeit Money

German researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have found a way to 3D print microstructures on bills to make money counterfeiters’ lives harder. The leader of the team, Professor martin Wegener explains that while there are already a lot of microstructure anticounterfeit features in bills currently, most of them are twodimensional. 3D printed microstructures, on the other hand, are both unique and complex, which makes it much harder to reproduce by the counterfeiters. Essentially, the microstructure, which is just 100 micrometers, is a grid of fluorescent dots that can be arranged in any one of thousands of combinations. The bills featuring the grid are read by a machine to determine its presence. The grid can be used on products as well as bills, by the way, which expands the practical applications of the technology significantly.


Stratasys Showcases New 3D Printing Software

Stratasys has showcased at formnext a new 3D printing solution dubbed GrabCAD Voxel Print. The solution features voxel-level control over the whole process, from design to printing, allowing them to create properties that were previously impossible to achieve. The new solution, Stratasys says, lets users manipulate thousands of printing materials at the voxel level and accomplish innovation until now impossible. The solution works with the Stratasys J750 3D printing system, turning it, according to the company, into the world’s premium platform for experimentation, discovery, and innovation. On it, users can manipulate the material concentration, color, and structure, to create new textures and properties.

161st Issue - November/December 2017



3D Printed Mask Fools iPhone Face Recognition System

A Vietnamese cybersecurity company says it has proved the iPhone X’s face recognition feature is not as secure as it was touted to be. Bkav 3D printed a mask of a man’s face and then fooled the phone into unlocking upon “seeing” the mask.

The material will be available from next year. In addition to the support material, which the company promises will allow users to create complex, intricate objects, Dow will also start marketing soon a 3D printable liquid silicone rubber. Dow partnered with German RepRap on this product, a manufacturer of fused filament fabrication 3D printers.

07 Image: Bkav

The iPhone X was hyped as supersecure because of its face recognition system that, Apple said, only has a one in a million chance of getting fooled. The company said they’d tested it with Hollywood-grade masks but the phone’s TrueDepth camera was not fooled: it projects and analyzes more than 30,000 incvisible dots on the phone owner’s face to recognize it. The Bkav guys, however, knew exactly how to fool the camera and produced a face mask based on 3D scans of the phone’s owner and combined with 2D images of his eyes. Apparently, this was enough to fool the system.


Dow Chemicals Joins 3D Printing Crowd

Dow Chemical has unveiled at formnext its first foray into 3D printing: the EVOLVD3D platform. The company said the family of products seeks to address the needs of a diverse group of users in a cost-effective way. The first product to hit markets is the EVOLVD3D universal support material, a water-soluble substance that, according to Dow, can be used as support with a variety of filaments.

GE’s Atlas Printer Hits Markets

GE’s laser powder bed fusion metal 3D printer dubbed Atlas has officially become available, offering a large build volume and customization options. The device is the first in a series bearing the same name, which is in fact an acronym standing for Additive Technology Large Area System. The first Atlas features a build area of 1.1x1.1x0.3 meters along the X, Y, and Z axes. This makes it larger than the previous recordholder in the build volume category, Concept Laser’s X LINE 2000R. The device utilizes a 1kW laser and a 3D scanner to create objects, with strict control of powder release to lower costs and of the air flow in the build area to have a better handle on the quality of the print job. According to 3D printing Industry, the Atlas would fit best with the needs of the aerospace, carmaking, and oil and gas industries, as it is perfect for building large-size items and it can be customized for any of these specific industries’ needs. The Z axis can be extended to up to 1 meter, and more lasers can be added, depending on what the user needs to print.


థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర 161st ࣲ Issue - November/December 2017



Top 10


3D Printing News from 2017 #3

The end of the year is time for all sorts of lists and we are no exception. Here is a list of the top 10 developments in 3D printing we saw this year, compiled by









161st Issue - November/December 2017


Print-Rite CoLiDo AMSS Metal 3D Printer Debut Launch in Hong Kong The Print-Rite CoLiDo AMSS Metal 3D Printer Launch Luncheon was successfully held in Hong Kong, December 6th, 2017. Proudly presented by Print-Rite, the media luncheon featured the introduction of Print-Rite CoLiDo AMSS Metal 3D Printer. Print-Rite’s R&D General Manager – Mr. Philip Su and Product Manager of Print-Rite 3D Business - Mr. Hugo Wong provided an in-depth insight into the growing business of metal 3D printing and the prowess of Print-Rite CoLiDo AMSS Metal 3D Printer.

AMSS Metal 3D Printer The AMSS Metal 3D Printer is under the Print-Rite 3D printer brand CoLiDo™, applying Print-Rite independent-developed Additive Manufacturing Selective Sintering (AMSS) metal 3D printing technology, which has a similar procedure to FDM printing. It allows more corporates to use metal printing in their business to p p y improve productivity.


marTech, in partnership with have announced the first business-oriented 3D printing conference focusing exclusively on the applications of the technology in medicine and dentistry. The event will take place in Washington DC on January 22 and 23 next year. Among the speakers will be executives from 3D Systems, Carbon, EOS, HP, GE Additive, and Materialise. Startups in the field will also be present at the conference to share their plans about securing a place on this growing market. SmarTech analysts will tell the participants where the 3D printing industry is heading in medicine and dentistry,

SmarTech Announces First Medicine-Focused 3D Printing Event

including which applications of the technology will realistically become mainstream in these sectors in the future and which ones are still in the early stages of adoption.

managers, executives, and

The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine and Dentistry targets

printed dental devices: a market

investors interested in learning about new opportunities in 3D printed prosthetics, implants, and medical models, among others, and 3D bioprinting and 3D that will hit $5 billion by 2021.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Siemens Healthineers’ syngo.via open app platform

3D Printer Makers Expand Offering for Healthcare Professionals This year’s annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America will see a host of innovations in 3D printing that will help the healthcare professionals improve their diagnostic, operating, and overall performance results.

The IntelliSpace Portal 10 interfaces with workflows from Stratasys, which partnered with Philips to improve patient care and clinician experience through advancing 3D printing applications in medical modeling.

Among the solutions offered are a joint one from Materialise and Siemens Healthineers, which are making the Materialise Mimics imprint software suit available to hospitals globally. The software models 3D anatomical models to be used in surgery training and planning. Via Siemens Healthineers’ syngo.via open app platform, the suit will also be made available to radiologists. Philips was also among the companies featured at the start of the annual meeting, with the latest version of its IntelliSpace Portal 10 – an advanced visualization and quantification platform, which is particularly useful in the radiological diagnosis of cancer. This latest version has several enhancements specially geared towards cancer diagnosis and will also simplify data and offer lower costs.

Philips' IntelliSpace Portal 10


Talking about medical modeling, Stratasys was also featured at the annual meeting of the RSNA with its BioMimics capability for 3D medical models. Utilizing Stratasys’ Polyjet 3D printing technology, the BioMimics solution offers functionally accurate replicas of organs and tissues, with vascular replicas also to be made available as a capability from next year. Another 3D printing major, 3D Systems, also partnered with Philips on medical modeling to improve the outcomes of patient care through better planning and execution of treatment. In addition, 3D Systems introduced its new virtual reality software, D2P Volume, at the meeting. The system provides clinicians with the opportunity to create 3D anatomical models using medical imaging data.

Stratasys’ BioMimics

161st Issue - November/December 2017


Materialise CEO Fried Vancraen Receives AMUG Innovators Award The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) today announced Fried Vancraen, founder and CEO of Materialise, as the recipient of its esteemed Innovators Award. The award is bestowed on those that have cultivated innovative ideas that in turn have advanced the additive manufacturing industry. The Innovators Award will be presented at the 2018 AMUG Conference, which is now in its 30th year, following Mr. Vancraen’s onstage appearance during the conference’s Innovators Showcase. Previous recipients include technology creators Chuck Hull, Scott Crump, and Carl Deckard, inventors of Stereolithography, Fused Deposition Modeling, and Selective Laser Sintering, respectively. Paul Bates, AMUG president, said, “The list of award finalists, named by AMUG members, was quite impressive, which made selection challenging and makes the award quite prestigious. However, Fried rose to the top of the list because of the breadth of impact from Materialise’s software and services as well as the long-lived passion he has for making the world a better place through the application of additive manufacturing.” After receiving a Master of Science in Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Wilfried (Fried) Vancraen discovered 3D Printing while working as a research engineer and consultant at the Research Institute of the Belgian Metalworking Industry. Passionate about this new technology called ‘rapid prototyping’, and firm in his belief that it could help create a better and healthier world, Mr. Vancraen founded Materialise in 1990, where he remains CEO to this day.

Materialise was established as the first rapid prototyping service bureau in the Benelux countries. Immediately after its foundation, the company concentrated on researching and developing solutions for transferring data to rapid prototyping machines in industrial and medical applications. Today, Materialise is a global company that provides open and flexible platforms that enable users in industries such as healthcare, automotive, aerospace, art and design, and consumer goods to build innovative 3D printing applications that make the world a better and healthier place. Mr. Vancraen holds several patents related to the technical and medical applications of 3D printing and remains committed to using the technology to make positive changes in people’s lives. In recent years, he has been awarded the RTAM/SME Industry Achievement Award, has been selected as the most influential person in Additive Manufacturing by industry professionals and TCT Magazine, and has been listed as one of the five leading players in this sector by the Financial Times. He is also the recipient of a 2013 Visionaries! Award from the Museum of Art and Design in New York, and most recently, an inaugural inductee into the TCT Hall of Fame. On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Mr. Vancraen will take the stage for a casual, relaxed interview during the 30th annual AMUG Education and Training Conference. In the Innovators Showcase, he will respond to questions asked by the host and conference attendees with the intent of getting to know

the man behind the company and gaining guidance from his experiences. Paul Bates noted that the Innovators Showcase is unique in that it is structured to be an intimate conversation between two friends that just happens to be witnessed by over 2,000 AMUG Conference attendees. Designed for both novice and experienced additive manufacturing users, the AMUG Conference agenda topics range from technology basics to advanced applications to business considerations. Although the agenda is still in development, AMUG anticipates having nearly 200 presentations, workshops and handson training sessions.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Toshiba, Western Digital Reportedly Close to Settlement Toshiba and Western Digital are nearing a settlement that end litigation between the firms which continues to be an obstacle to finalizing an $18 billion deal by Toshiba to sell its semiconductor business to a consortium led by private equity firm Bain Capital, according to a report by the Reuters news service. The settlement – which has not been finalized – would give Western Digital the ability to participate in upcoming capacity expansions, including a new fab line at Toshiba's Yokkaichi Operations site and a greenfield fab planned for next year in Northern Japan, according to the report, which cites unnamed sources. A deal would also extend the joint venture agreements between the two firms beyond 2021, when they start to expire, the report states. Toshiba had taken steps to shut Western Digital out of investments in new capacity after Western Digital took legal steps to prevent the sale of the Toshiba chip unit. Western Digital maintains that joint venture agreements between Toshiba and SanDisk – which Western Digital acquired last year – require Toshiba to seek Western Digital's approval before selling its memory chip unit.

Innovation Network Corp. of Japan (INCJ) and the Development Bank of Japan – means that more than 50 percent of Toshiba's the business will be held by Japanese entities, something that both Japan and Toshiba's board pushed for. Western Digital had sought to acquire some or all of Toshiba's semiconductor business, but Toshiba preferred other bids, reportedly out of concern for Western Digital's ultimate stake in the business. The structure of the Bain-led consortium – which also includes Hoya Corp., the

However, the legal entanglements with Western Digital have proven to be a stumbling block for Toshiba in trying to close a deal with the Bain-led consortium. A settlement would presumably pave the way to close the deal.

Hedge Funds Raise Stakes in Canon Five hedge funds have lifted their holdings in Canon recently, plus none other than Goldman Sachs, which upped its stake in the Japanese imaging major by 47,722 shares to 348,220 shares worth some $11.85 million. Among the hedge funds that bet more on the company were Crossmark Global Holdings, Arrowstreet Capital, Conning Inc., parametric Portfolio Associates, and NorthCoast Asset Management. The combined holdings of institutional investors in Canon comes un at 1.21%. crossmark-global-holdings-inc-purchases-sharesof-148665-canon-inc-caj.html


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Print-Rite named China’s National Demonstration Enterprise of IP Rights Print-Rite - the world’s industry leader in the development and manufacture of high quality aftermarket printer consumables – just named a China’s National Demonstration Enterprise of Intellectual Property Rights from China Intellectual Property Bureau in 2017. As a Zhuhai, China-based company, Print-Rite was the one and the only to honoured this name for its Intellectual Property Patents. To this day, Print-Rite has over 2,662 registered patents for at home and abroad. The range includes thousands of products, including Ribbons, Inks, Inkjet Cartridges, Laser Cartridges, Toners, OPC, Chips, 3D Printers and more. In 36 years Print-Rite truly believes that the efforts should be made to speed up

to blaze a trail in innovation-oriented development and apply technological innovation to industrial development. It will also live up to the honour awarded

HP Launches New PageWide Printer HP released earlier this month a new version of its PageWide printer that is up to 70% faster than the older one. The new PageWide XL 5100 and Xl 6000 series include both printers and multifunctionals capable of achieving print speeds of up to 24 D/A1-size prints per minute.

by steering the whole printing industry in China to a road of healthy and robust growth through the implementation of the ‘Made in China 2025’ strategy.

Stratasys Narrows Loss for Q3 Stratasys reported a net loss of $10.2 million for the third quarter of the year, versus more than double that, at $20.8 million, a year earlier. Earnings per share increased, to $0.08 from zero in the third quarter of 2016. The EPS figure beat analyst expectations, sending Stratasys’ shares 4.3% higher after the release of the Q3 report.

Stratasys’ CEO Ilan Levin

Cash was stronger, at $302.8 million, including cash equivalents, with $4.6 million of cash from operations generated during the reporting period. The results suggest that Stratasys’ efficiency drive is starting to pay off.

They feature lower operating costs and quick turnaround times that are bound to increase their attraction for the target market of architects and engineers. The printers will hit markets in the United States and Canada this December and the rest of the world starting in 2018.

By business segment, revenues from 3D printers fell by 6%, while revenues from printing materials and services both improved, by 3% and 5%, respectively. This suggests that even in 3D printers materials are becoming the main revenue drive, which was only to be expected as it makes the most business sense: materials need to be replaced much more often than printers.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Konica Minolta Mobile Print Enhances On-The-Go Printing with Improved Interface Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc., a leader in technology and IT services, recently introduced the Konica Minolta Mobile Print app, a solution that offers an improved interface commonality between iOS, Android and Windows environments. It also expands on the company’s growing Workplace of the Future™ product line of innovative technologies for borderless work spaces. Compatible with many Konica Minolta MFPs and Production Print engines, the Konica Minolta Mobile Print app is a free download from the Apple App Store, Google Play or Windows Store. This easy to use app features: Recognition technology designed to ID and register compatible Konica Minolta devices and perform mobile operations

A versatile set of advanced print functionalities typically available only with print drivers, including secure print, specifying page range and simplex or duplex output

Support for enhanced security options such as User Authentication and Account Tracking

Support for a wide array of printing options and settings, including stapling, hole punching, binding and tray selections

Planning. “Mobile

users access a lot of information from their devices and need to be able to maximize

Extensive Konica Minolta device support

functionality on the Kevin Kern

“Mobile devices are at the center of how people work today,” said Kevin Kern, Senior Vice President, Business Intelligence Services and Product

go, from printing to scanning to

storing files. This app enables all of that and more in a secure, intuitive, IT friendly package.”

Internet of Printing Zeewolde, The Netherlands, 6th December 2017, Internet of Printing BV (IOP) is a new company based in The Netherlands, and set up to serve the Printer Supplies Reseller Community in EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa). The company is founded by Mark Dawson & Oded Yakobowitz each of whom have a wealth of experience working with Supplies Resellers in these territories. “Many such Resellers face challenges brought on by the maturity of the


market and the changing purchasing habits of enterprise users. Price compression of traditional 2D printer supplies shows no sign of reversing and is contributing to falling top and bottom line performances in many businesses.”

Mark Dawson

Mark Dawson

IOP’s stated mission is to help these Resellers find new revenue streams and execute strategies which drive up their gross margins. IOP has several programmes available to achieve this.

161st Issue - November/December 2017


Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Printer The Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Printer ($769) deploys lightemitting diode (LED) arrays, rather than actual lasers, to etch print images on to paper prior to applying toner. The C500/DN is close in print speed, print quality, and ongoing running costs to the lower-priced Editors' Choice Brother HL-L8360CDW, as well as the pricier Dell Color Smart Printer S5840cdn, another of our top picks. (Both the Brother and Dell models use actual lasers.) But it's a little more expensive to buy and use than some of its competition, keeping it from earning an Editors' Choice nod. Even so, the Xerox C500/DN is an excellent standalone color laser-class printer for medium-size offices and workgroups that need to print thousands of pages each month. Xerox offers two versions of the VersaLink C500 ($612.03) at Amazon, the C500/N and the C500/DN. The primary difference between them is that the latter, which lists for an additional $100, has an auto-duplexing print engine that prints two-sided documents automatically. Xerox sent me the duplexing model. It measures 17.5 by 16.9 by 18.4 inches (HWD) and weighs 61 pounds. That's about 5 inches taller and 13 pounds heavier than the Brother HL-L8360CDW$323.35 at Amazon, and about 3 inches narrower but 21 pounds lighter than the Dell S5840cdn$999.99 at Dell. Paper input capacity out of the box is 700 sheets, split between a 550-sheet cassette and a 150-sheet multipurpose tray. If that's not enough, you can increase capacity to 1,250 sheets by adding a second 550-sheet drawer ($299). You can also add a 2,000-sheet high-capacity sheet feeder ($650), for a total of 3,250 sheets. Also available is a combination cabinet/printer stand with casters ($249). By comparison, the Brother HL-L8360CDW holds up to 300 sheets by default, expandable to 1,300 sheets, and the Dell S5840cdn holds 650 sheets, expandable to 2,300 sheets. The C500/DN has a 120,000-page maximum monthly duty cycle and a recommended monthly print volume of 8,000 pages. That's twice the volume of the Brother HL-L8360CDW, but 30,000 pages fewer than the Dell S5840cdn. It also comes packed with 2GB of RAM for fast imaging. Setup and configuration are handled from a 5-inch color touch screen, which comprises the entire control panel. The panel itself is customizable in several ways, including the ability to create and/or download workflow profile apps. Xerox provides preconfigured apps for most scenarios, downloadable from Xerox App Gallery. The control panel can also be configured to provide customized home screens and layouts per individual user, a feature Xerox calls Simple ID. Unfortunately, though, the C500/DN doesn't come with Wi-Fi and other features associated with a Wi-Fi radio, such as Wi-Fi Direct—not without the $49 wireless network adapter kit, anyway.

Connectivity, Security, and Upgrades Default connectivity options consist of 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet, USB 3.0, and near-field communication (NFC) Tapto-Pair. Other mobile printing features are: Apple AirPrint, Google Cloud Print, Mopria, Xerox Print Service Plug-in for Android, Xerox Print Management and Mobility Service App, and Xerox Print Management and Mobility Suite. In addition to the Simple ID display configuration feature mentioned earlier, other notable security features are: Access Controls, Audit Log, as well as Self-Signed, Path Validation, and Revocation List certificate authentication methods. (Path validation denies or permits connections based on where the traffic is coming from, as does Domain Filtering and IP Address Filtering.) Additional security features include Port Filtering, Role-Based Permissions, Secure Print for controlling access to documents with PINs, and Smart Card Enablement, which restricts access to users bearing electronic ID cards. Those last two security features require add-ons. Secure Print, for instance, requires what Xerox calls the Productivity Kit, which consists of a 250GB hard drive ($199), and Smart Card Enablement requires the company's External Card Reader with RFID ($199). The hard drive can also act as a print server for queuing up print jobs in the order they are submitted to the printer. SOURCE:


161st Issu Issue - November/December 2017


Cybersecurity Predictions for 2018 When it comes to cybersecurity and the future, one thing is certain: attacks will only increase. Beyond this, it’s prediction territory, so here are the predictions from industry experts compiled by Forbes tech author Gil Press.

Vul nerabi V a lit ities es in n th h e I nte terne e ne n t o f T hin ings will in b ecome more dangerous but willl not be add dres e sed e by ad dequ q ate qu at le egis islat is ation at ion in n the US. S In Eur uro ope, 2018 wi w ll see e th he entr ntry y into nt ef e fect of the Ge th G neral al Data Protection Regulatio on.

Cybera C Cy e ttacke ers wil willl use met m ada a ta pre previo viousl u y sto t len n in major ha hac cks su uch as Equifax, OPM, and Anthem to launch h new w, p prec recise attac t ks tac ks, in n whi w ch c the they y will use e big b dat d a algo g rithms, created through machine learning g and le lev e era e gin g g AI. A

There Th e wil w lb be more o at a tac a ks k aim ai ing to o subvert t wo -st step ep autt he hen tication as welll a s more sofftwa are sup u ply chain ain i at atta tacks. ta

A hack ackerss group u sp s ons o ore or d b by a gover v nme ment will laun aunch aun c a five-da d y DDoS attack on a c ritic ti al a US gov g ernmen entt a gen en g cy an and n shutt it down in a sh dow show ow of str s eng ength. Th T iss war w nin ning, though not a s specific, comes from other expert exp rts, rt s too too..

North Korea a and its enem m ies will wage a cyberw cyb erwar erw ar on each othe o he her with h No North rth Ko Korre rea with th t the latte te er empl p oyi o ng g the Ru ussi ssian a app pproa pp o ch c of spread ding “ffake news” s to de desta sta tabiliize th he adv versary a .


201 20 0 8 coul c oul ould d see s ee the he fi firs rst cy cyber beratt attac ack on o crritic cri i al ic a US inffra rastru tructu c re. ctu

The fake news boom and improving te tec echno hno nolog no o ies og e s th h at a mak ma e i t near n ear arr im a impos po pos o s sible s ib le sib e to o verify fy y an n ph photo oto t or to or a rep e ort ep ort wi w lll spa spark sp r an an aut utthen hentic catiion n dri r ve e tha hat will co ha come me dow me do o n to rep reputa e p uta tatio o n m ana a g gem e ent em ntt us u iing ng te techn e chn hn n olo o o gy y tha h t all ll ws peo llo people ple to pl o ve v rif r y t hei h ei r iden he i den denttit de t itt y tity th thr h oug ough h a sy syste syste stem m that that a re at ecor co ordss an o n in int ntera ra acti tion ion o onl on n y thiss perso pe erso so on can hav av ve. e

201 1 8 will w ill see se e e t he e convergen ence n ce e of o dat data a securii ty and data privacy as it beco o mes es obvious that these are interrelated rather th han sep para a te issues..

The da d ta stolen in t h iss ye year’s r’s large l a rg rge-sc -scale ale attack att ack co ould d be ma m de d ava availa ila able b on n th he dark we in web n bu b ulk lk and d be us used d fo for o futur tur ure e , more e specifically y ta targ rge rg g ted atttac ta ks. k

Som banks and assset manage Some gers rs wili l begi gn using n cha ng chatbo tbotts to mak tbo make e paym paym ayment en s easi ent easi asier e and er nd cyb y erc e rim r ina inals l cou could l try t to t im mper e son er so o ate ate users er of the h ba b nk’s services by y taki taking ng over their d ices. dev

161st Issue - November/December 2017

Data governance will i ga g in more prominence nex ext year ar as bu busin iness sses ess inc ncrea nc ease ea e the heir efffortss he t pro to protec tect sens ensitive ve dat d au usin s g tech e nol nologi ogical ogi cal tools.

Ide d nti ntity ty the heft f cou o ld d rea reach ch a new w lev vel e nex e t y r beca ye yea ecause se of al a l the per p son o all on ally y iden e tifi tifiab able ab e infform ormat ation publicly available l .


#17 Both cybersecurity pros and cyberc cyb ercrim c imina m n ls wil w l u se s mor mo e m ach h ine ne le lea e rni rn ng n and d AI A in n th h eir ir wo w rk, k po p ten te tia ti lly ll bringi g ng cyberconflicts to another level, with a lot mor o e use of aut u oma ma atio t n. n

AII wililll a also lso be used d in behavioral b h biometric data-based identification to reduce cyberthreats. As a whole, biometric ide d nti tific ti c atii o on wil will il take ake k ce cente t r=te = sta t ge nex ta n t year, rep plac ac cing ng tw two-s o-s - tep ep au a the th nti nt cat ca ion o with h mu mul u ti--sste ep so olutio olu t ns. ti n ns

In n cry cr pto pt cur cu ren e cie ci s, s one on of th the e most popul popul pula ar oness will one wi ne n xt yea yearr beco ecome e the h ta targe rg g t of a majjor o att at ack th t at cou o ld eff ef ect c ive vely y killl it.

As cyb y ers ersec ec cu urit ri y expe x rts t fo focus cus us th their eir ir attten tenttion ti n on n clo cloud ud d a and mo mobil bil ile, e, att ttack ack c ers er wi w lll foc ocus oc us the heirss on n mainf infram rames: ram es: s: ma mainf infram rames es sup su por p t 29 b lio bil lion n ATM ATM tra transa nsacti nsa c ons on ct n a dai daily l bas basiis and 87% % off cr cred ed ditt card di d trrans n act ction ct ions, ion s whi s, which c mak ch makes es the hem m a gr g ea at target for hac cker kers. s.

More busi M bus u nes nesses ses an and d orga rganiz nizzatiion o swi swill tur tu n to Saa aaS aa S c ybe y rse e cur curity ity so solutions but these soll uti utions ons will ll bec be ome om mo more r vul ulner nerr a bl e t o a ack att ackss as cybe ercrrimi im nal alss targ t rg rget the them more than befo ore.

T ere The r is goi re g ing n to ng t be b an a infl influx flu ux x of o cyber cybe cy ber bersec e sec cur u ity uri regula reg ulatio ula ions io ns alo ns l ng g the the th e lines ess o off tth h he e GDPR GDPR PR.. PR

2018 201 1 8 w ill i ll be a to tou o gh g yea yearr f orr the t he e tr t a ave ve v l i nd ind d ust ustry: t ry: fr f r aud fraud audste sters ste rs wil will l l targ t arg arget et pe p son per onal a inff orm rmati t on in booking d ata a and travele ler profi files, such as credit cards an a d passporrts, ts which c will prom mpt the h in ndus u try us r to ry o co ome m u up p w h new wit e data prottecttion o solution io o s. s

There e will be b a b oom oo o m in Io IoTT cybe c yb rsecurity sol o utiionss ass th t rea re ts abo b und u in n th his i con c nec co n ted d world.

Dro D roness ca an b beco c me m a new field for f ha acke ke ers t tes to t t thei h r skil i ls as man a ufa u ctu t rerss in such a rush to make superdrones that they y are i oring the ign th h issue of o cy cyber e sec er e uri ec urr ty. y.

The domi o nant cybe y rse e cu cur u ity ty ap appro p ach pro ac will shift frrom reactive to o predi d cti ctive ve e as cybers e ecu ecurritty beco comes co es in nte teg e rat a ed d int in o the h software de evelopme p pm nt proces e s.

Ent E nterp e ris rise iisse rans ansome omewar omewar om w e will will be e a big ig g th hiing ng g next year and nd it m may well damage e a lot of b inesses a bus ass cybersecurity cybersecur solutions solution are are sti st ll lag ag ggin ging g be behind e hackers’ acker cker ke s’ s tools tools of o the tra trade ad de d e.

Finally, in 2018 as before humans will remain the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. There is a major shortage of cybersecurity talent that cannot be eliminated so quickly and easily, so businesses will begin training their own cybersecurity professionals.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Cybersecurity Experts Warn of Major Attack Threat After WannaCry and NotPetya earlier this year, cybersecurity experts are expecting another major cyberattack soon.

The chief technical officer of IBM Security Europe told the Financial Times that it was “alarmingly quiet” at the moment but he feared there may be another attack before the end of the year.

in ffuture attacks. For some experts, the two attacks were actually a bl blessing in disguise – a wake up ca call for the cybersecurity industry a and all potential victims to start p putting more effort into protecting th themselves. FFor others, however, what we have now is the calm before h tthe storm as hackers plan their future attacks. These attacks, the pessimist say, may be a lot more devastating. The WannaCry attack, for instance, did not result in a lot of financial gains for the perpetrators, so ga now, perhaps, cybercriminals no are biding their time, being a more careful about their future m attacks, to ensure greater a gains. g

One could call him paranoid but in cybersecurity paranoia has turned into a survival instinct. After last year hackerss allegedly connected to the e Russian intelligence servicess leaked a number of NSAdeveloped cyber weapons into the dark web, there has been growing worry that these weapons are being prepared to be used in another cyberattack of the scale of WannaCry and NotPetya.

WannaCry was a ransomware attack that struck devices running Windows OSs and demanded payment to unlock them, wreaking havoc on the British healthcare system. NotPetya took offline the radiation monitoring system of the Chernobyl power plant and also affected the operations of global companies including Maersk, Merck, and WPP.


According to experts interviewed by the FT, both attacks were launched using some of the leaked NSA weapons and more are being worked on in the dark web to use

TThe way to tackle this threat is through collaboration between all stakeholders, the experts say. For example, US cloud storage services provider Rackspace has already set up a collaboration alread forum on cybersecurity that involves titans such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and PayPal.

161st Issue - November/December 2017


Secure the Printers, Experts Urge A growing number of cybersecurity experts are bringing the business world’s attention to the security of printers – printers that can be used as a back door by cybercriminals and can become the channel for wreaking havoc on an entire company’s network. Printers are a weak link because many of them these days have a hard drive that stores digital copies of all print jobs ever done on the device, offering criminals access to a lot of sensitive data, and because they are linked to the network and this makes them really a door for, say, ransomware that can then be spread across the network. Earlier this year, says Alistair Millar from Altodigital in a story for Dealer Support, someone hacked 150,000 printers simply by sending to them documents for print in a bid to raise Alistair Millar

awareness of how printers can become a firm’s weakest link in security. Now, a lot can be done with a direct firewall on the printer but how do you secure a company against human errors and bad judgment? Apparently, by enhancing the security measures around printing jobs using software. There is software for secure document release, which has users authenticate

themselves before they gain access to a document from an encrypted print server. There is also software that deletes and overwrites documents that stay too long on a device’s hard disk without anyone authenticating themselves to collect them. Encryption of everything that can be encrypted is also a good option.

Humankind Must Be Careful with Robots There are currently a quarter of a million robots used in the United States alone, and the number is higher for Japan and China. Tech companies are constantly working on new, better robots to take on chores or more complex tasks including policing and military drills. As robots are programmable devices, some experts are beginning to worry about what we only read about in sci-fi books and watch in genre movies: killer robots.

One such expert, Robert Siciliano from cybersecurity firm Hotspot Shield, gave as an example drones that can bomb humans without a human pilot. What if, Siciliano asks in an interview with Fox Business, the drone makes a mistake? Of course, there is also a scarier question: what if someone hacks the drone and gives it a new target? Robots can effectively become weapons of mass Robert Siciliano destruction, which is why already 22 countries are lobbying the UN to ban killer robots – devices that can identify targets and strike them without human control.


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Remanufacturing the Samsung MLT-D116L Drum Unit By Mike Josiah and the Technical Staff at Uninet

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide.

The Samsung Xpress M2825 printer engine is based on a 29ppm, 600 DPI laser engine (4800 x 600 effective output per Samsung). These machines have a first page out in less than 85 seconds, and come standard with 128Mb of memory depending on the machine. The MLT-D116L drum unit is rated for 9,000 pages, The HY Toner (MLT-D116S) is rated for 3,000 pages and the STD yield toner (MLTD116S is rated for 1,200 pages

CURRENT MACHINES RELEASED SO FAR* FOR THIS SERIES ARE: Xpress M2625 Xpress M2626 Xpress M2675 Xpress M2676 Xpress M2825 Xpress M2826 Xpress M2835 Xpress M2836


drum PCR (Optional)  Three #4, ¼” long self-tapping screws (See Text) Small tube of silicon sealant. (See Text) Double Sided Tape. (See Text) Toner magnet cloths Conductive Grease 99% Isopropyl Alcohol Cotton or Foam cleaning swabs Replacement

2) Remove the drum drive gear on the right (gear) side of the drum axle. Pull it off straight so the center shaft of the gear isn’t damaged. See Figure 1 3) Remove the two screws from the End cap on the gear side of the cartridge. See Figure 2 4) Press in on the tab and remove the end cap. See Figure 3

1) Place the cartridge so that the drum is facing you and the drum gear is on the right.

5) Remove the single screw on the contact side end cap closest to the drum. See Figure 4

Figure 1

Figure 3

Figure 2

Figure 4

Xpress M2875 Xpress M2876 Xpress M2885 Xpress M2886 Xpress M3015 Xpress M3065

While the cost for new cartridges is not very high, they are fast and easy to do. The MLTD116L drum lists $58.99.* *As of August 1st 2017

REQUIRED TOOLS 1) Toner approved vacuum. 2) Phillips Head Screwdriver 3) Small Common jewelers Screwdriver 4) Flat blade razor knife 5) Drill with a 3/32” Drill bit (See Text)


161st Issue - November/December 2017


Remanufacturing the Samsung MLT-D116L Drum Unit


Figure 14

Figure 5

Figure 7

Figure 15

Figure 8

Figure 6

Figure 16

6) Press in on the tab to release the end cap. See Figure 5 7) On the gear side, press in slightly on the drum axle and remove the drum. The drum axle snaps in place, pressing in allows easier removal. See Figure 6 8) Remove the PCR.

Figure 9

See Figure 7

9) Remove the PCR cleaning roller. See Figure 8 10) Remove the two screws and wiper blade. Lift the blade up by inserting a small screwdriver through the outside wall. This way you won’t damage the alignment pins. See Figures 9 & 10

Figure 10

Figure 17

11) Clean out all the waste toner. 12) Clean the felt seals.

See Figure 11

13) Install the wiper blade and two screws. See Figure 12

Figure 11

14) With low pressure air, clean the PCR cleaning roller. 15) Install the cleaning roller.

Figure 18

See Figure 13

16) Clean the PCR with your preferred cleaner and install into the cartridge. See Figure 14 17) Remove the3 axle out from the old drum and install into the new drum. Make sure the locking pin fits into one of the gear slots. See Figure 15

Figure 12

Figure 13

18) Coat the new replacement drum with your preferred drum lubricant and install. Make sure the drum axle snaps into place. See Figures 16 & 17 19) Clean and replace the conductive grease on the contact plate in the contact end cap. See Figure 18


161st Issue - November/December 2017

ASK THE EXPERTS Remanufacturing the Samsung MLT-D116L Drum Unit


Figure 20

Figure 19 Figure 25 20) On the contact side, install the end cap and screw. See Figure 19 21) Install the remaining end cap and two screws on the gear side of the cartridge. See Figure 20

Figure 21

22) Install the drum drive gear. See Figure 21 23) Using a flat chisel type razor blade, slice off the three plastic rivets on the chip holder. Remove the holder. See Figures 22 & 23 24) Replace the chip.

See Figure 24 Figure 22

Figure 26

At this point you have a choice on how to attach the chip holder. The easy simple way is to use Double Sided tape under the holder. Over time Tape can fail though. The other option is to drill out the rivets and insert screws. When you drill the holes though you will most likely drill right into the waste chamber. Because of that we recommend you place a small amount of silicon caulk on the screws to seal the holes up. 25) Place the holder over the chip and drill three holes into the rivets using a 3/32” drill bit. See Figure 25

Figure 23

Figure 27

26) Place a small amount of silicon caulk onto the tips of the screws and insert the three #4 ¼” long self-tapping screws into the holes. See Figure 26 27) Install the PCR separator onto the cartridge under the white plastic arms. (This prevents the PCR from getting a flat spot). See Figure 27 28) Wrap the cartridge with either the protective paper wrap the cartridge came with, or with a plain piece of paper to help protect the drum. See Figure 28


Figure 24

Figure 28

Western Cybersecurity Companies China Cybersecurity Companies




Biometric Systems Could be the future of Cybersecurity

Words of wisdom and industry insights from Mr. Ashok Banerjee, CTO of Enterprise Symantec

 Top 10 Cybersecurity Events for 2017  New Approach in AI learning leads to CAPTCHA break  US Utilities Will Splash $7 Bln on Cybersecurity by 2020  US Senate Looks into Blockchain’s Cybersecurity Applications  SEC Says Data Breach Could Have Resulted in Illegal Trading  Biometric Systems Could be the Future of Cybersecurity  Singapore Government Allocates $16 Mln for Cybersecurity R&D


ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

Liu Qiang Dong Addressed Four Basic Economic Points for Startups

ѶूˌេѹˊНՃТ ฌᄊ གፃเ࣢គ

刘强东说: “根据我 12 年创业经历发现的一个基本规律,叫‘一拖三’。 不管是在哪行哪业,一家创业公司能够取得成功,有四点最重要, 而且这四点基本能够判断一个全新的商业模式是否有价值。”


̡ᆸࠄභᤊ௧త᧘᜶ᄊǍ ̡

到了未来,转型做了软件和服务,市值维持了 20 年的高利润,

22004 年前,我们做了 6 年的传统零售,那时


候 候内部制定了一个“倒三角”的体系。京东

为什么?核心就是 IBM 的团队在适当的时候提前做出转

商 商城用了十几年的体系,最底下的是“团队”,

型,找到行业一个新的增长点,也发现 IT 行业开始从这个硬

是 是最基础的。






是看好这个人,是一帮聪明的 80 后,他们能吃苦,有激情,


我们就会投资这个团队。 对于任何一家企业,团队都是最重要的。比如 IT 行业

任何一个人的资源、能力是有极限的,每一家公司都有 发展瓶颈的时候,团队很重要。

IBM,在 80 年代、90 年代初的时候,IBM 卖一台电脑 /PC 机 净利润可以赚到 1 万块钱,他卖大型机、小型机,卖一个都 可以赚几十万美金。 但是 90 年代 PC 机还是暴利的时代,中国联想、宏基、


ˀ ˀኮϢֶ̗ᤇ௧Ϣ఩ҬἻϢᆶ͈ᤇ ௧Ϣᣄ͈Ἳ‫̉ښ‬ᐏᎪᤇ௧͜ፒᛡˊἻ ௧ త಩ॷඋૃᄊ௧Ϳᄊၹਗ਼ʹᰎǍ త

戴尔等等都在纷纷做 PC 机的时候,IBM 转型了,做服务,

经济发展了几百年,全世界任何一家公司成 经

做软件。转型之后不久,整个 IT 行业就只有 IBM,虽然最近

功 功的过程,都是因为提供了好的用户体验,

半年 IBM 也遇到了新的困点, 但在 PC 后时代他们占领了先机。 任何一家企业,一般 7 年 -10 年都会遇到一次大的转型。 IBM 在 90 年代,整个 PC 行业非常有利润的时候,他就预见


转型成功的 IBM 找到了,一家大企业有软件和服务巨大需求, 他的用户体验做得很好,所以成功了。 微软也是如此,苹果公司更是如此。


ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర


͊͵ʷመ‫ˊ׸‬വरἻ‫ݠ‬౧ˀᑟܵં ᤈ˔ᛡˊᄊੇవᬌͰἻతՑᦐ௧ద ᫈ᮥᄊǍ 大家可以看看,最近二三十年以来,全球不 仅仅是互联网,就拿传统的行业比如航空公 司来说,十几年来,航空公司几乎在任何国

思自己的商业模式和团队有没有问题,如果经过思考,您能 够确定商业模式没有问题,团队也没有什么大问题,剩下唯 一要做的一定要坚守、坚守、再坚守,一定要坚持到最后不 能再坚守的时候。 各位创业者在设计自己的公司的时候不妨回答一下这些 问题:


 你的团队有没有比别人强一点?


 你的用户体验有没有比别人好?

空公司,最近十几年,除了中国之外,全球航空公司 70-80%

 有没有降低行业成本?


 有没有提升行业的效率?







美国 Costo 的成功是因为把零售行业的成本,过去整个 行业需要 15%-22% 的成本,他一下子降到只需要 10% 了, 去销售产品,而且能够获取利润。这才是真正的核心竞争力。

现在仍是创业最好的时刻 一个国家,当 GDP 增速下来,出口不行,这些国家都 发生一个重大的改变就是品牌崛起,松下、索尼是在日本


GDP 增速低于 8% 的时候,三星、LG 崛起也是韩国的 GDP


增速降到 8% 以下的时候。







ੈឭНՃဘ᧛ืඋѾ๧᧘᜶Ἳ಩ॷ ឭᄊࡃ௧஍ဋǍ





全球化, 这个国家在全世界的业态里仍然是相对比较有限的。

有跟京东商城无关的新兴业务剥离的话,京 东的成本也是不到 10%。

未来 20 年,就是全球化的中国品牌崛起的时间,也只有

未来十年技术高度发展,各行各业都会迎来很好的机会, 这是我们在座创业者未来十年可以说是百年不遇的美好机会。



家乐福、大润发等等,他们的费用率至少是 15%。如果京东




本加起来不到 8%,跟国美、苏宁相比,我们成本降低 5060%。 看一家零售公司核心的效率就是库存周转天数。国美、 苏宁大概是一万多个到两三万的品种,他们的库存周转大概 是 60-70 天,京东在库管理的 200 多万个品种,品种数量是 国美苏宁的 100 倍,但是去年,我们的库存周转天数却是 30 多天。 在优秀成功的团队基础之上,你把用户体验,成本或者

每个创业者有没有静下心来好好分析,技术的进步在哪 些行业会带来机会?我该找什么样的合伙人,投资人,该从 哪儿起步,要做一些分析,不能盲目抄袭、跟风。 即使像 BAT、京东已经存在的领域,你只要能找到一个 有别于我们的一个特殊的竞争力,都可以做。 2004 年我做电商的时候只有 36 个兄弟,我们没有融资, 没有技术。2004 年,中国电商?阿里在 2001 年已经拿到 10 亿美金雅虎的投资,当当已经拿到 C 轮融资 2750 万美金,卓

效率三者, 至少做到一点, 同时另外两点又没有减损的情况下,

越网已经是 7500 万美元卖给亚马逊,美国有一个做 IT 起家的,


专门做 B2C 的电商,叫新蛋,在美国销售额 20 亿,每年净


利润是 5000 万美金。




就是我们一路走来没有抄袭、 模仿任何一家公司的商业模式,




我们花了 10 年把品类全部扩充完,但是后来做 B2C 的,





互联网发展的现状,已经有很多新兴的互联网创业公司的模 式是严重违背了最基本的经济常识的。 创业者的公司如果出现困难,我希望大家第一个时间反

无论哪个行业,你必须要有创新,要做得跟别人不一样! 无关于 BAT 跟京东在不在这个行业,在于你的创新有没有给 客户带来有用的价值。



ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

Tenth Anniversary Celebration of HuBei Far East: Three New Board and Ambitious Target

ᐧஈʽ࣊ழʼ౜ ᕗംඟ͍þᙩ՜៶ÿ 展望远东股份十周年辉煌龙勤

ࣲ థ ெἻ˗‫ڎ‬ຬӒ ᄵ ᳧ а ࣊Ἳ ‫ښ‬ ᤈ˔̿ஔᐲ᫕ ՐЛ‫ڎ‬ᄊۢ ࣊Ἳ ຬ Ӓ ᤊ ˌӬᡕሙ੿

ѹˊ‫ڈ‬ᬲὊ੍ᑈ̀ ࣲ᧛ ᚸԀ఻ࣜ౏ᄊˑ࢐્੍Ὂ ᡌѣ̀ʷ౎̵௄ੈదnj ̵దੈழnj̵ழੈЛ ᄊѹழԧ࡙˨᡹Ἳ ࠄဘ̰̀௄҂



Ճἷ ̿ ʾ እ


ሦþ ᤊ ˌ ᐧ

ঌ ᤴ ԧ ࡙Ἳ

͋ÿἸ ᤁ ౏ ̀




Ճᥙឰ̀ЛုᏲ ెᛡˊᤃ ͸̡ Ԡҫ̀ӡևࣲࣼЧำ үǍ ӡևࣲࣼЧʽἻНՃ ᗉ̃᫂ʸঃ௚ᒱឈἻӡࣲ౏Ἳ ᤊˌᐧ͋Б఩̀Ꭵᠫ᧛nj࠶੿షnj



ழ Լ ᫽nj ʷࣲʷए ழᡵᡕᄊ ԋԾ݉ᤜǍ ຬӒᤊ ˌӬᡕሙ੿ᐧ ͋దᬍНՃੇቡ


ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

̆ ࣲ థἻ ฌ в ᠫ వ ᧛ ˞ ʺ ЋἻ ࣲ థ߹ੇ̀ᐧ͋҄ஈᤵἻ ᐧᇾ̽ ᆊ Ǎ‫ࣲܹ̔ ښ‬ਫ਼ ૈྡʽ࣊ՑἻΧन‫̀ݽ‬ᙩ՜៶ ᄊ൦͓Ἳ‫ښ‬ஆ᠔̀Լາʽ࣊Н ՃúúАӨनԧሙ੿ᐧ͋దᬍ Н Ճ ᄊ 01$ ᮊ ᄬ ՑἻ ‫ ܍‬ᛪ ̀ សᮊᄬᄊቇᄇǍᏫᤈԶ௧ʷ˔ ࠵ ࠵ ᄊ न ቫἻ Н Ճ ‫ࣲ ښ‬ థ ெ ੇ Ҫ ஆ ᠔ ˇ ႍ ूúú᭾‫ ڎ‬-( ᬷ‫ڄ‬௃ʾ͍ˊ -( ӑߦᇏዠἻ௧ຬӒᄵᯫࠒඟ ᖹ͍ˊஆ᠔ˇႍ ू௃ʾᮊ ᄬἻᤊˌᐧ͋ੇҪᡌՔ‫ڎ‬ᬅӑἻ ੇ˞˗‫ڎ‬੪ӿᏲెᛡˊ‫׭‬ʷવ



దþಞᑠ ᇏዠ 01$ ᆯᴂÿ









ࣲ థ ெἻஆ᠔



ᄊ -( ᇏዠ̃ˊᦊၷ̗ጳ൤र




ԧ̃ˊᦊἻద Րܱዚ˄ࠒἻ








ழ ̗ ֶ ᳬ ᓤ ᇏ ዠ



"$4 nj"$) nj"$4



ԣ ॑ ዠ #-5 $ ‫ ܍‬К ̀ ࿘ ࠒ



ѹᤵᄊ಩ॷ˄ѾԣᄱТ੿షἻ ‫ښ‬૘ѣ఻ʽ᝺ᝠnj߷ᜉ࿘ྲᄊ





 ࠄဘ˟౜ʽ࣊Ἳथቡဘ͍̽ˊἻ


 ˘ࠝၷগᩗ‫ڱ‬Ἳࣜү̗ˊӤጟἻ


 ࣋ࡍʷࣜʷ᡹ἻՌͻЛု࣊‫ڤ‬Ἳ

௧ॖ‫־‬੪ӿ᠏᧚ᄊ˟᜶‫ڂ‬ጉἻ ௧ᇏዠၷ̗Ԉ‫׸‬ᄊ಩ॷ੿ష˨

 ࠄˊᠫవᚸՌἻੇࡃᛡˊᴝ݀Ǎ ώ൥˨ᬅἻੈ̓СՏᇷਝᤊˌᐧ͋ᄊԧ࡙ᗢᗢெʽἻொெࠄ ဘНՃᄊʾʷ˔ࣲ̋ᄬಖἰ



ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

Tony Li Was Elected Secretary of China Computer Industry Association, Printer Consumables Committee

ౄࣹᤌेᤥ˞˗‫ڎ‬ᝠካ఻ᛡˊө͘ Ᏺె˄ˊ‫ނ‬ր͘ሜ˺᫂ ᤃெἻ ࣲ˗‫ڎ‬ᝠካ఻ᛡˊө͘Ᏺె˄ˊ‫ނ‬ր͘ေ ̃͘​͘ᝬ‫ښ‬ဩ๒‫ڎ‬ᬅ࡙͘˗ॷˡᛡǍ͘ʽἻгၷ௑̽ᬷ‫ڄ‬ᗉ ̃᫂ౄࣹᤌेᤥ˞˗‫ڎ‬ᝠካ఻ᛡˊө͘Ᏺె˄ˊ‫ނ‬ր͘ሜ˺ ᫂ἻҒܹ‫ޏ‬ᬷ‫ڄ‬঴ፃေᐟࣼ‫ेڎ‬ᤥ˞࣢ҬҞሜ˺᫂ǍᏲె˄ ‫͘​͘ނ‬᫂ˑ͛njҞ᫂͘և௚ӨnjҒሜ˺᫂सਦйἻᏲె˄‫ނ‬ ͘ေ̃स๟nj͸ᕦຍnjొ๒ณnjౄᔮᩤnjൗ᫺ॐ኎ѣࣞవ൓ ͘ᝬǍ ˑ᫂͘‫͘ښ‬ʽԧ᛫ᒱᣯἻҒሜ˺᫂सਦйϢࢺͻ঴ፇἻ ழ௰ሜ˺᫂ౄࣹᤌࡃ‫ܫ͵ݠ‬ေ஋ऊ֗ө͘​͘ր˨ᫎᄊТጇἻ ̿ԣ‫ܫ͵ݠ‬ေˊЯnjˊܱ֗‫ڎ‬Яnj‫ܱڎ‬Тጇ኎᫈ᮥԧ᛫̀ࡃ ᐌ໦ᝯǍ ౄࣹᤌሜ˺᫂᛫ᇨὉþ᣿ԝїࣲἻᛡˊፃԋ̀ʷᣃᠫູ டՌἻ‫ڎ‬Я͖ሒ͍ˊ˨ᫎᤰ᣿ࣳ᠔ᄊவरἻࠄဘ̗̀ˊᄊӤ ጟἻ˞‫ڎ‬ЯၵᒰЛု੪ӿᏲెᛡˊᄊԧ࡙ᖹᤵ̀ఞదऀᄊቤ ̂ԧ࡙ဗ‫ܒ‬Ǎళ౏гၷ௑̽࠲ሥౝᦡՌө͘ࢺͻἻ˞ө͘ੇ րѹᤵఞܳ̔ืnjߦ˸ᄊ఻͘Ἳ‫ˊ͍ښ‬ԧ࡙ʽἻੈ̓˷࠲ፙ ፞࠭੽੪ӿᏲెழ࣊‫ڤ‬ἻҰҧ͍ˊन઩ఞܳ‫఻׸‬Ǎÿ ࣲἻౄࣹᤌЏၷѹቡгၷ௑̽ࣳᅌ੤ˡҩኄʷࡓ ˗‫ڎ‬ἷဩ๒Ἰ‫ڎ‬ᬅ੪ӿᏲె࡙᜿͘Ἳ ࣲἻႀг


ၷ௑̽˟ҩᄊဩ๒Ᏺె࡙ࣃᡤӤࣳᤌ፞ ࣲᚡᐏЛုతܸᄊ ੪ӿᏲె࡙᜿͘Ǎᒭ ࣲᡑἻ‫ښ‬ౄࣹᤌЏၷᄊࣜᮗʾἻ


гၷ௑̽ѹҩ੪ӿᏲెᛡˊథѯ úǒгၷ௑̽ǓἻ࠲‫ܱڎ‬Џ






̰ ࣲᄊ˗஡ྠవἻԧ࡙҂ᔮ஡nj᜵ိྥឦnjΩឦnjᬁ



ౄࣹᤌЏၷᤉК੪ӿᏲెᛡˊӡОᣒἻˊ፛ѡဘἻϢѣ ॢ ܸ ұ ҧἻ Ᏺ ె ˄ ‫͘ ނ‬ ᫂͘ˑ͛Џၷ᛫ᇨὉþᄱ ηౄࣹᤌЏၷѣ͊Ᏺె ˄‫͘ނ‬ሜ˺᫂ʷᐌ͘ፌ ˄‫֗͘ނ‬Ᏺెᛡˊࣜ౏ ৳ ‫؞‬Ǎÿ ࠫ ̆ Ᏺ ె ˄ ‫ނ‬ ͘ ଌ ʾ ౏ ᄊ ࢺ ͻἻ ˑ ͛ ͘ ᫂ ଢ ѣ ̀ ї ག ࠙ మǍ ̵࣏మ˄‫͘ނ‬ᑟܵδ႑ ᛡˊԔదᄊʷ̏‫ݞ‬ᄊ᜻ ѷ ˁ ҹ ݀Ἳ ळ ᮗ ᛡ ˊ Ϥ क ԧ ࡙Ǎ Տ ௑ ू ូ ᜶ ฌ ਓᝍхʷ̏Ᏺె͍ˊᄊ С ভ ᫈ ᮥἻ ˞ Ᏺ ె ᛡ ˊ ̂ ԩ ఞ ܳ ద ᄞ ᄊ ஋ ኖἻ ࠲˗‫ڎ‬ᄊ੪ӿᏲెᛡˊ ଎Քʷ˔ழᄊԧ࡙ᡑགǍ



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ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర Wide de Inkjet je Printing g Market a e Will G Grow o 20% 0%

ࠕࣨ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ࣊‫ܙ ࠲ڤ‬᫂

ᬤ ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿऄၹᮗ۫ˀலੱ ‫ܛ‬੪ӿऄၹᮗ۫ˀலੱ सἻ࣊‫ڤ‬ᭊරે፞‫ܙ‬᫂ ‫̭ݠ‬Ἳ67 ‫ˊࢺښܛإ‬ᮗ۫ᄊᤂ ၹᡕ౏ᡕࣹฅἻ67 ‫إ‬ӿˁ͜ፒ ᑛӿᄱඋదᅌᓤ॑ᓥˠnj੾ӿ ెநܳನnjֶ̗ழᮣnj࣊‫ڤ‬Ғ ఀࣹ᫫኎ྲགἻࣃፃ̰˨Ғᄊ ਗ਼ܱࣹշἻੱ࡙҂̀ࠒࡐᜉᯏnjಖኤ੪ ӿnjጰጻӿᔉnjဝၕᯏֶ኎ᮗ۫Ἳ˅ᤇ దˀலੱसᄊᡖҹἻҰ଎̀‫إ‬ӿ࣊‫ڤ‬ᭊ රᄊ‫ܙ‬᫂Ǎ ࢺˊၹ 67 ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ੿షᄊ͖ҹࣃ ፃᝨ̡̓ᄺ҂̀ХᎿ‫ݞ‬ᄊళ౏Ἳ̭ՑἻ ࠕࣨ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ࠲‫ˊࢺښ‬ᮗ۫ԧ૙ఞҫ᧘ ᜶ᄊͻၹἻӴదఞܸᄊ࣊‫͋ڤ‬ᮩǍોᤈ መᡖҹἻ67 ‫إ‬ӿ࠲ੇ˞ళ౏ᄊಖюᦡ

ᅌࠕࣨ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ੿షᄊ ᤉ൦Ἳᤪຒੇ˞࣊‫ڤ‬ெ ᡖ᧘᜶ᄊʷᮊ੿షἻ੪ӿ࣊‫ڤ‬ ԧ ࡙ ᣾ ᤴἻ ᮕ ฾ ళ ౏ ࣲἻ 67 ੪ӿ࣊‫͘࠲ڤ‬Ꮲ႗Ἳ஝ᆊ ӿ ᔉnj ᣄ ӊ ᜉ ᮗ ۫ ˷ ࠲ ͘ ద ̿ʽᄊ‫ܙ‬᫂Ǎ ेҒἻ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿᄊԧ࡙ॢ ܸሮएʽԩх̆‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ੿ష ᄊԧ࡙֗࣊‫ڤ‬ᄊᭊරǍᄬҒˊ Я̡‫ܣ‬௿᥆ᝣ˞Ἳ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ੿ షࣃᤉКᰴᤴԧ࡙రἻ‫ܛإ‬੪ ӿ‫ֶ׸‬ӑࣃԩ४ܳவ᭧ᤉ࡙Ἳ ੇవফᤴᬌͰnjࠕࣨ੪ӿ࣊‫ڤ‬ ঌᤴੱसǍᥧ˦Ἳ᭧ࠫ‫إ‬ӿ̗ ˊᄊঌᤴԧ࡙Ἳࠕࣨ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ ԡద‫̏ד‬ழᄊԫӑք὎

ᎶἻ˞‫إ‬ӿ఩Ҭ͍ˊଢῚࣹ᫫ᄊऄၹ ቇᫎἻԻ߹Л໘ᡜࢺˊ‫إ‬ӿၷ̗ᄊྲ൴ ᭊරǍ

ᬷᏆ੪ӿἻᝨᰴᤴ੪ӿԫ ४ఞፃเ


ֶ᠏˞ဍ ఩Ҭᒰʽ ֶ᠏˞ဍnj఩ҬᒰʽἻࣀ पӑੇ࣊‫ڤ‬ቤ̂ཥག ૶ፒᝠἻੈ‫ܛإࣨࠕڎ‬ӿ҅᝺ ‫ܬ‬ᄊ҄ᤵ‫׸‬ద ܳࠒἻХ˗ ܳ஝̿ၷ̗Ͱೂֶ̗˞˟Ἳܸ ܳ஝ֶ̗ভᑟࣀपˀܸἻֶ̗ Տ᠏ӑˑ᧘Ǎ᭧ࠫெᄞ˔ভӑnjܳЋӑ ᄊ࣊‫ڤ‬ԫӑἻࠇਗ਼ࠫ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ᝺‫ܬ‬ᄊভ ᑟnjሷࠀভnj᠏᧚ᄊ᜶ර˷ᡕ౏ᡕᰴἻ ௄᝷௧ၷ̗‫׸‬ᤇ௧ၹਗ਼ἻԶదવద੿ష ͖ҹἻ᣿ᆶᄊֶ̗᠏᧚֗߹ؓᄊ఩Ҭ੦ ௧ԩᑈᄊТ᪄Ǎ

͖ᑈҮාἻᛡˊᬷ˗ए࠲ ˀலଢᰴ ᙊཀྵੈ‫ܛإڎ‬੪ӿᡑ൦ᣗ௹Ἳ ͮԧ࡙᣾ᤴǍ‫ښ‬ӝ۫Ѭ࣋ʽἻ

ఞ፯ᓤnjఞᓬᑟἻဗδ‫إ‬ ӿ࠲ੇ˞˟஽॥

‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ᝺‫ܬ‬ၷ̗͍ˊ˟᜶ᬷ ˗ ‫ ښ‬ፃ เ ԧ ᣺ ᄊ ဩ ʼ ᝈnj ᫂ ʼᝈ֗ဗຜ๒ӝ۫Ǎ‫ڤ࣊ڎ˗ښ‬Ἳ҂




വ࠲᣺҂ ̣ЋǍࡃԧ࡙ᡖҹ౏ᄺἻ













஍ᣥѣǍ ᬤᅌ‫إ‬ӿ᝺‫ܬ‬੪ӿᤴएᄊҫঌἻ







ၷ̗Ǎళ౏Ἳ+)' ࠲ଢΙఞᰴ஍nj፯ᓤ











ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

ܱ޵ઑ᥋Ἳข‫ॴڎ‬Աઢሙ ੿НՃᄊሙߦࠒ̓नԧ̀

ʷመழ੿షἻၹАͻ˞ழᄊᑟ ᧚ԦऄἻѾၹև‫ڊ‬ᄊАູ౏ፌ ੤఻ЍႃǍࠄᬅʽἻ߲௧ᘙᏫ ༧ำᄊܺ᫺ᑟႃ෉ἻԻ̿ၹ‫إ‬

French scientists have developed a solar charger that can be made using inkjet printers

ข‫ڎ‬ሙߦࠒᆑԧѣԻၹ‫ܛإ‬੪ ӿ఻҄ᤵᄊܺ᫺ᑟЍႃ٨

‫ܛ‬੪ӿ఻౏҄ᤵǍ ᤈ̏Իઉԯᄊᘙྟੇవࣳ ˀᰴἻ߲௧ႀʷመ࿘ྲᄊ࠮ႃ ‫܈‬நጸੇἻԻ̰̿ܺ᫺ᑟ̡֗ ᤵА˗૭૦ᑟ᧚ἻᤈΎ४ᤈᮊ ੿షఞҫᤰၹǍʷ˔‫ࡏڏ‬Ի̿ ᜂ੪ӿ‫ښ‬ႃߕ᝺‫ܬ‬ʽἻੋᏨ࠲ ఞܸᄊᘙྟ‫ښࠀڍ‬Ի̿૭૦ఞ ܳАጳᄊˌ᜵ʽἻඋ‫ݠ‬ʷ˔ᑀ ӊἻཀྵՑંᤈ˔ᑀӊᤌଌ҂᝺ ‫ܬ‬ʽǍ ˔࠵௑ࡃԻ̿੪ӿѣ౏ Ꮻ˅








ͿᤇԻ̿ਇ៶ં߲ӿ‫ ښ‬5



ηৌ౏ູ Ꭺፏ

Scientists Research and Develop Washable Electronic Circuit Devices

ሙߦࠒᆑԧԻຍฤᄊႃߕႃ᡹᝺‫ܬ‬ ᔮ‫ڎ‬ҔೄܸߦnjਓܸѾ֗˗‫ڎ‬ᄊሙߦࠒСՏᆑԧʷመԻ ຍฤnjઢͩ֗ᤩඡႃߕႃ᡹Ἳ˞అᑟԻቈਖ਼ႃߕ᝺‫ܬ‬नѹ̀ ழᄊ࣊‫ڤ‬Ǎសႃߕႃ᡹௧ၹङ͉Ἳ߷Л֗ဗδᄊ‫ܛ‬ඵ҄ੇᄊἻ ࣳ᧔ၹ͜ፒᄊ‫ܛإ‬੪ӿ҅੿షǍ ழ‫ی‬ጰጻႃߕ᝺‫ܬ‬௧۳̆ᆃ‫ܛ‬མ֗ӿ҅෴‫ܛ‬Ἳࣳᤰ᣿ಖ юҫࢺ੿షၷ̗Ꮻ౏Ἳ ᆃ‫ܛ‬མᄰଌӿ҅҂ጻྭʽ̿ၷ̗ѣᬷੇႃߕႃ᡹Ǎសጻ ྭ‫ښ‬௿ᤰฤᛨ఻˗ፃԪ̀ܳ᣺ ൓ᄊฤ๦ǍᄬҒ࣊‫ܸܳڤ‬ ஝Իቈਖ਼ႃߕ᝺‫ܬ‬Ѹভႃߕᦊ͈Ἳ‫ښ‬ฤ๦௑ࠔ௜ᜂ૯‫ڮ‬Ἳࣳ ˅ႀ̆ˀᤩඡᏫˀᒾ఩Ǎស੿షᦐ᜻ᥘ̀ᤈ̏੿ష᫈ᮥǍ Хᆑቃፇ౧ԧ᛫‫ښ‬ǒᒭཀྵᤰ᝭ǓాঃʽǍ Ҕೄᆃ‫ܛ‬མ˗ॷᄊ 'FMJDF5PSSJTJ Ӱ‫ܣ‬ឭǍþ࠲ጰጻጜ፥ ᣁӑ˞ҪᑟভႃߕЋ͈ἻԻ̿˞ӞႥδϤἻϤकᮗ۫֗ྭᐏ Ꭺ኎Лழᄊऄၹᮗ۫੪ʾ۳ᆩǍÿ ዛРေࢺܸߦ 3PNBO4PSEBO ஔ૿᛫ᇨὉþ஝ߚጰጻֶ

֗ভᑟவ᭧ἻԻቈਖ਼ႃߕ᝺‫ܬ‬ᄊ੿షԧ࡙෥దಪవভᄊᬪ ᆾǍÿ






མ֗ (3. ੿షऄၹ̆‫ˊ׸‬ᮗ۫Ǎ


౏ູ Ꭺፏ



ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర



̓‫͘˗ͻࢺښ‬ԧ ဘ੪ӿ఻ጇፒଢ ᇨ‫ܛ‬ඵၹ߹ͮΚཀྵԻ ̿ ੪ ӿἻ ‫ ܛ إ‬੪ ӿ ఻ ‫ ͵ ݠ‬ೝ ฾ ‫ ܛ‬ᄤ ࠔ ᧚὎ ՊܸԈ‫ܛ̆ࠫ׸‬ඵᄣ ଍ద͵ˀՏ˨‫ܫ‬ք὎

ࣳੇ˞̷ࠫቤ̂ࠫ੤ᄊ᧘᜶੤඀Ǎ ࣲ੪ӿᏲె˗ၹᔇྟ᫈ ˇˀˤἻᎿ‫ڎ‬ǒ$PNQVUFSǓాঃ កᤘЛုతࣀᄊ ˔ֶ̗˗ኄ ˔ࡃ௧ࣜᔇྟᄊ‫ܛ‬ᄤἻᝣ˞សԈ ‫׸‬௄̿͠උᄊ੿షἻԻᑟ᜶ඃ‫ښ‬ ᤈ˔ˀᡑᅋᄊ࠵ˌ᜵ʽǍ Ꮏ‫ڎ‬ʷͯ˄ಝͻࠒἻᘿ౞̀















ጼ Ἳ Ѿ ᄪ ࣲ Ύ ၹ ጼἻ


ᔇ ྟἻ)1 ྟἻ)1 ࣲ


Ύၹᔇྟ ΎၹᔇྟἻՑԧ

ηৌ௑Ἳ͸‫᧚ܛ‬ᰴ᣺ ̿ʽἻ

࡙ਫ਼ ࡙ਫ਼దԈ‫׸‬੪

How Much Ink remaining, The Unknown Technology?




ၹ ̀ ᔇ ྟἻ

‫ܛ‬ඵᤇ͸ܳ࠶Ἳ ᥧ̏ˀ˞̡ᅼ ᄊ੿ష὎






͍ ˊ Ꮖ ʹἻ ʷ ੻ᏲెᔇྟԈ

ࣲἻ ˗ ‫ ৼ ڎ‬௿ Ք ˗ ‫ڎ‬


˄Ѿࡍႂឰ̀˄ѾἻ þၹ̆‫ܛإ‬

̀ ̀Ǎ

੪ӿጇፒᄊЦద෴‫ܛ‬δద᧚ೝ฾ ႃ᡹ᄊ෴‫ࠔܛ‬٨ԣᆸࠀ෴‫ܛ‬δద

ԧ ࡙ ᔇ

᧚ᄊவข ÿǍ

ྟҪ ྟҪᑟெᡖ‫ܭ‬

ా Ἳ᜶ᆡᝍࠛ ాἻ


ᆊᬲए एᡕ౏ ᆊᬲएᡕ౏ᡕܸὊ


దᄊҪᑟੱ ੱ ܸ҂ దᄊҪᑟੱܸ҂គѿ ௧աԔᜉᏲెὊదᄊᏲెˁ੪ӿ ఻దᐏጇἻेគѿˀ௧వНՃᏲ ె௑Ἳᩚࠀ̀੪ӿҪᑟἻࣳᝮै ស੪ӿ఻Ύၹ̀᭤ԔᜉᏲెἻ఻ ٨ˀ́δξἻΎ፥ξ˺ੇʷጮቇ ஡Ἳ˞Ԉ‫ࠀ҄׸‬В᠊౎൜֗᭜ဍ ౎൜ଢῚΚ૶Ǎ ˁʷᓊ̡ਇ៶˗ᄊˀՏἻᤰ ࣢Ᏺెʽᄊᔇྟ˞ʷ൓ভΎၹἻ Ԉ‫׸‬ᤕ̆ЛုଢϏ 3ἷ3FVTFnj 3FEVDFT 3FDZDMFἸ ᄊ ԍ ҧἻ ద ᄊ˷࠲ᔇྟ᝺ᝠੇᬍࠀҫዠ൓஝Ǎ ᔇྟͻ˞ᏲెΎၹ᧚ᝮॺᜉᎶἻ ေऄԻ̿ஈиੋຍᭆԈ‫׸‬ႀ̆ൗ Сʹ 8&&& ᄊˑಫ᜻ࠀἻᔇྟ‫ښ‬ ൗฯ௧Ի̿᧘иᄊἻ‫ࣀښ‬पӑቤ


‫ܛ‬ᄤ௧ՔʾᄊἻ๯ʹᄊྲভࡃ௧ ᜶ՔʾืүἻ‫ܛ‬ᄤᯫЏ᜶δᬪˀ ͘ᒭࣂࡃड़ʾื๹Ἳࠄဘᄊҩข ࡃ௧᜶Ѿၹ‫ݞ‬᛫᭧सҧἻੋ௧᠇ ԍǍ ৼ௿˄Ѿᄊ಩ॷ‫ܛ̆ښ‬ໟᝠ ஝Ǎབྷԧจ੪ӿ੿షἻԔေ௧‫إ‬ ٙᬄᤃద˔ႃ᫾Ἳᤈ˔ႃ᫾ҫབྷ ࠮ᒱ‫ܛ‬ඵෳᒑnj‫إ‬ѣ‫ܛ‬ඵǍԻ̿ ᤰ᣿ᣥ᤟ፌ੪ӿ݀ܳ࠶ҫབྷ‫ܛ‬ඵ ᄊηՂἻ౏ͥካ‫࠱إ‬ѣԝ‫ܛ‬ඵᄊ ஝᧚Ἳᤈ௧ፒᝠவข˨ʷǍ ෳᒑ‫࠱إ‬ѣԝᄊ‫ܛ‬ໟܸ࠵ʷ ᒱভʷᓊἻਫ਼̿ࠔ௜̗ၷግᝠᄊ

ឨࣀ࠮ᒱካˀюǍਫ਼̿Ἳৼ௿࠲ ᤈ˔ሦ˨˞ᤃͫᝠ஝Ἳᤈ௧ʷ˔ ͯᄊ̄ᤉ҄஝૶ἻԻ̿᛫ᇨ


ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

ᄊ ൓ࣦἻ˷ࡃ௧ ͯǍ

ՂूएॢᰴǍᏫे‫ܛ‬ඵ๯᭧ᰴ̆ ೪᪫ᄊ௑ϋἻन‫ݽ‬దАቈᤩ೪᪫







ሦ˨˞ድᆸᝠ஝Ǎ‫ܛ‬ᄤʽᄊᔇྟ иదᤈ˔஝૶Ἳ˷ࡃ௧ඈ൓






᧚ᄊ Ἳ˷ࡃ௧МѬ˨ʷἻ


ཀྵՑᤈ˔ ͯ̄ᤉ҄஝г᧘ழन

ʹ ᄊ ॎ ԫ ࠲ ‫ ܛ‬ඵ ̰ ᮆ ᭧ ଎ ѣǍ

‫ݽ‬ᝠካἻᤈನ ൓᣿Ցࡃંʷ˔





Ѿ ၹ ᤈ መ ᭎ ᕥǍ ྖ ௿ ၷ ᄊ ‫ ܛ‬ඵ


ೝ฾˄Ѿ‫ڎ˗ښ‬ᄊ˄ѾՂ௧ $/





Έᑟ‫ܛ‬ᄤҜ͸‫᧚ܛ‬ೝ฾ Έᑟ‫ܛ‬ᄤҜ͸‫ܛ‬


Έ ᑟ ᄊ ੪ ӿ ఻Ἳ ‫ښ‬


ద੪ ద੪ӿ݀ᄊ‫ܛ‬ᄤʽ᧔ၹ


ᄊ ᄊ‫ܛ‬ඵፒᝠካข֗ৼ


௿ ௿௧ʷᒱᄊἻᤈˁΈ




ͻ ˀ ௄ Т ጇἻ ԥ வ ‫ښ‬






ʷ ̏ ᰴ ቫ ‫ ܛ‬ᄤnj ੪ ӿ ݀ ݀࿘ቡᄊֶ̗ʽἻԻ ̿ ̿ᄺ҂‫ܛښ‬ᄤ߷ஊͯ Ꮆద ᎶదጚАǍ ᄤअᦊᄊ೪ ᄤअᦊᄊ೪᪫̿ԣ -&% ౏ ᤉᛡ๯᭧ೝ฾ Έ ᤉᛡ๯᭧ೝ฾ἻΈᑟ‫ښ‬ ࣲ ̆Ꮏ‫ڎ‬ฌв̀ᤈ˔˄ѾἻ˄ѾՂ ˞ 64 # Ǎᤈመ੿ష௧ ᤉᛡ‫ܛ‬ඵ͸᧚ᄊਖᅼǍᏫᏲࡊҒ ᄊਖᅼᤇ௧Տ᣿‫ܛ‬ໟᝠ஝ʷዝᄊ ҩข౏ࠄဘᄊǍ ‫˄ښ‬Ѿ˗ἻΈᑟ᝺ᝠ̀ܳመ ‫ܛ‬ඵਖᅼᄊவವǍ‫ֶ̗ښ‬ʽἻΈ ᑟऄၹᄊ௧ʼᝈॎᄊ࠵೪᪫Ǎᤈ ˔ᜉᎶᄊጺᓬ‫ڏݠ‬ἻҖ᭧ʽԻ̿ ᄺ҂ʷΟᄊԧАᜉᎶ̿ԣԳܱʷ Οᄊଌஆ٨Ǎ े‫ܛ‬ᄤ˗‫ܛ‬ඵ෥దᄊ௑ϋἻ ᤈ˔࠵ʼᝈ೪᪫ˁ๯ʹ˨ᫎἻ͘ ॎੇʷ˔ዝͫЛԦ࠱೪᪫ᄊဘ៶Ἳ ᤈನԳܱʷΟଌஆ٨ଌஆ҂ᄊη

˨ᫎ౏Ѽல‫ܛ‬ඵඋᣗድᆸᄊ๗ᏲǍ ᤈ˔஝૶֗Ғ᭧ᄊͥካϙᤉᛡඋ

ᤈ ᤈመ੿ష௧ᤰ᣿‫ܛ‬


ࡃԻ̿४ᅼ‫ܛ‬ᄤ˞ቇ֗‫ܛ‬ᄤЍ໘ ‫ܛ‬ඵ௑ϋᣥѣᄊˀՏἻᤈː˔ϙ

ᣗnjᅿ൤ἻࡃԻඋᣗድᆸᄊᅼ᥋ ‫ܛ‬ඵၹ̀ܳ࠶Ǎᤈ˔஝૶͘‫ܛښ‬ ᄤʽᄊᔇྟˀலᄊግᝠἻࣳՏ᯶ үሮऀ౏˞ၹਗ਼ଢΙԻ᜽ӑᄊ͸ ᧚௭ᇨǍ ௄᝷௧‫ד‬ʷࠒᄊҩขἻੈ̓ ᦐᄺ҂ᦐᬲᝓ߹Ꮏᄊೝ฾҂अᤇ దܳ࠶Ǎਫ਼̿‫ܛ‬ᄤ͸᧚᝺ᝠᄊѺ ᛲἻࡃ௧δᬪ‫ࡊښ‬Իᑟܳᄊ๗ᏲἻ ˷ˀ͘ѣဘ‫ܛ‬ඵ๗Ᏺ෥̀njͮ௧ ᯶үሮऀ௭ᇨ‫ܛ‬ඵᤇదʷགགᄊ ဘ៶Ἳʷࠀ௧᯶үሮऀ௭ᇨ‫ܛ‬ඵ ࣃፃ෥దଢᇨఞ૱Ἳͮࠄᬅ‫ܛ‬ᄤ ᧗ᤇదʷགགǍᤈ˷௧‫ښ‬δઐ੪

ӿ݀Ἳඋ‫ݠ‬བྷԧจᄊ੪ӿ݀Ἳႃ ᫾ࣰདྷ෥ద‫ܛ‬ඵ͘ᝨ੪ӿ݀ࠔ௜ ૯‫ڮ‬ǍᏫ੪ӿ఻͍ˊ‫ܛښ‬ᄤ᧗༟ ฌᄊ௑ϋἻ˷උಖሦᄊࠔ᧚ܳ༟ ฌܸጞ ࢻԿͻ˞з͸Ǎ ηৌ౏ູὉࣱܺภႃᑨᎪ



ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

Canon released a new concept of 8 inkjet printers

佳能发布新概念 8 款喷墨打印机 近期,佳能(中国)有限公司在 北 京 推 出 8 款 腾 彩 PIXMA 喷 墨 打 印 机新品。分别为无线家用打印机智能 TS308TS9180/TS8180/TS6180/TS5180、专 业商务传真一体机、旗舰版 TR8580、 学生一体机无线型 TS3180,以及家用 打印机 TS208。 8 款新品在外观设计、输出品质、 操作便携及功能性等方面进行了升级, 更加贴近家庭打印的多样化需求。与此 同时,佳能还发布 1 款磁性照片纸 PS508 以及 1 款手机 App Message in Print 1。 此次佳能发布的新品融入了‘新 概念打印’设计理念,力求从打印机到


打印介质再到打印 APP,为用户提供全 程的打印新体验。



约 32%,更容易放在紧凑的书房空间、




了然地展现在 4.3 英寸触摸屏上,操作 更简单。前部纸盒和后端托盘的双进纸 设计,让消费者便捷地选择进纸方式。

高品质一体机 TS9180 新概念打印机 TS308

专业商务传真一体机旗舰版 TR8580

TS308 可以便捷地将打印机连接到


Wi-Fi 或者智能手机上,TS308 光滑的 网格式图案设计,也可对文档复印时的 拍摄和校正,起到辅助性作用。

高品质照片一体机 TS8180 TS3180/TS208

创新的功能,TS308 也被命名为“新 概念打印机”。

此次推出的磁性照片纸 PS-508 也 堪称打印介质的新概念。PS-508 共有两


种规格,分别为 4"x6" 和 5"x5",正面为

“触摸”操作。机身采用与智能 手机屏幕大小的 5 英寸光学触摸屏,



TS9180/TS8180 采用了新的 6 色墨水系




细腻、亮丽的画面。TS6180 采用新的 5

机旗舰版 TR8580,采用更紧凑的外观




性设计,可吸附于冰箱、白板或者其它 磁性面上,并通过自由剪裁,轻松获得 个性专属的 DIY 冰箱贴。 ౏ູ Έᑟ˗‫ڎ‬


ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

爱普生新品 SurePress L-4533AW 数码标签印刷机

Epsons’Center for Digital Printing Experience Open in Guangzhou

爱普生数码印刷体验中心在广州开业 近 期, 爱 普 生 ( 中 国 ) 有 限 公 司


仅是爱普生“科技 + 本地化”市场策







开 业, 并 发 布 了 爱 普 生 新 品 SurePress





个过程, 加强对产品和解决方案的了解。






验中心, 不断完善业务网络和服务模式,


L-4533AW 数码标签印刷机。 数码标签印刷技术以高速度、高

据了解,爱普生 SurePress L-4533AW 数码标签印刷机配备了爱普生微压电打

满足用户需求。 此次爱普生数码标签体验中心不

ηৌ౏ູ Ꭺፏ

印头,可提供更高的品质的颜色还原 ; 使用独家研发的 SurePress AQ 七色水性 颜料墨水,满足了客户对特殊介质的印 刷需求。 另外,爱普生 SurePress L-4533AW 在印刷前没有化学药水与制版的需求, 在印刷时也无须注意对位问题,加上人 性化的触控面版操作界面、自动化的颜 色管理等优势,让短版工作更有效率。 该设备稳定,维护保养便捷。 爱普生数码标签体验中心展出了 有效率的工作流程,为用户提供更优质 更贴心的产品体验方式。一直以来,爱

爱普生新品 SurePress L-4533AW 数码标签印刷机



ࣲ థࣲ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ థ ঴ኄ ర HP Reports Fourth-Quarter Earnings: Net Profit Up 29% YoY, Overall Growth Across All Sectors

ৼ௿Н࣋‫ߣپ‬ए᠉ઑὉьѾ๧Տඋ‫ܙ‬᫂ Պᦊ᫃ˊҬЛ᭧‫ܙ‬᫂ ৼ௿̭ܹԧ࣋̀తழᄊኄ‫֗ߣ᠉پ‬ ࣲЛࣲ᠉ઑǍઑշ௭ᇨἻৼ௿ኄ‫پ‬ ᠉ߣьѾ๧Տඋ‫ܙ‬᫂ ἴἻՊᦊ᫃nj Պ‫ڡ‬ӝᩙ‫׬‬ᤁ౏Л᭧‫ܙ‬᫂Ǎ ৼ ௿ ኄ ‫ ߣ ᠉ پ‬ь ᖹ ஆ ˞ ̣ ᎿЋἻඋԝࣲՏరᄊ ̣ᎿЋ‫ܙ‬᫂ ἴὊьѾ๧˞ Ἵ ̣ᎿЋἻඋԝࣲ Տరᄊ Ἵ ̣ᎿЋ‫ܙ‬᫂ ἴǍ౏ᒭ ̆ે፞ᤂᖹˊҬᄊьѾ๧˞ Ἵ ̣ ᎿЋἻඋԝࣲՏరᄊ Ἵ ̣ᎿЋ‫ܙ‬᫂ ἴǍ

ழኖ႕֗ኄ‫ߣ᠉پ‬Պᦊ᫃ˊ፛ ᯫࣞᛡ஋߾ %JPO8FJTMFS ‫ښ‬᣿ԝʷ ࣲ˗ܸᦊѬ௑ᫎᦐ‫ښ‬ҐѓੇవἻ଎ѣழ

首席行政官 DionWeisler

首席财务官凯瑟琳•莱斯雅克 (Catherine Lesjak)

ֶ̗ࣳੱ࡙̀ҫѾሉࡉ̎ࢷ 1BMP"MUP Н HP acquired Samsung's printer business for $ 10.5 billion

惠普以 10.5 亿美元收购了三星的打 印机业务

Ճᄊ % ੪ӿ఻ֶ̗Ǎৼ௿НՃ‫ښ‬ʷ͋ ‫ܦ‬௚˗᛫ᇨἻᤈ̏ұҧΨΎஆКඋԝࣲ Տర‫ܙ‬᫂̀ ἴἻ᣺҂ ̣ᎿЋǍ ৼ௿ 1$ ˊҬၵᒰᡔ᣿̀Х̵ழˊ ҬǍৼ௿НՃᐧ͉ʽ๩ጞ ἴἻৼ௿Н ՃᄊඋΓӴ ἴǍ

近期,据国外媒体报道,惠普宣布,以 10.5 亿美元的价格收购三星电

*%$ Ѭ ౢ ࣎ $SBXGPSE%FM1SFUF ᤰ ᣿



功能打印机产品来颠覆拥有 550 亿美元规模的 A3 复印机市场。多功能打印 机在操作上更简单,同时性能与复印机拥有相同的水平。

ܸዝѿ˗ᖍ४࣊‫͋ڤ‬ᮩǍՏ௑̵̓൤‫ښ‬ ழᄊᮗ۫ᤉᛡѹழἻ̭Ցᄊඋᣗ࠲͘ఞ ҫ‫ڈ‬ᬲἻͮ௧̵̓൤‫᧔ښ‬ԩᄊˑಫவข

惠普公司总裁兼首席执行官 Dion Weisler 在声明中表示:“随着惠普在


打印机行业的复兴,我们很高兴能够将整个行业中最优秀和最聪明的人聚集 到一起。惠普将凭借 30 多年在打印机市场的经验,加速实施新战略,发现 新的市场机遇,为客户和合作伙伴提供最独特、最具有创新性的解决方案。” 作为收购协议的一部分,惠普还将同时拥有超过 6500 个三星打印机相 关专利,并且还将得到三星接近 1300 名研究人员和工程师,他们在激光技术、 成像电子和零部件供应等领域都是经验丰富的专家。

ட˔ ᠉ࣲἻৼ௿ᄊьᖹஆ˞ ̣ᎿЋἻඋ ᠉ࣲᄊ ̣ᎿЋ ‫ܙ‬᫂ ἴἻˀᝠКලဋԫүᄊॖ‫˞־‬Տ උ‫ܙ‬᫂ ἴǍৼ௿ ᠉ࣲьѾ๧˞

另一方面,三星还将通过公开购买的方式向惠普进行 1 亿到 3 亿美元的 股权投资。


ηৌ౏ູ ᒑ᝭ሙ੿

Ἵ ̣ᎿЋἻᰴ̆ ᠉ࣲᄊ Ἵ ̣ᎿЋǍ

ஃѣ‫ܙ‬᫂ᤴए ᙊཀྵৼ௿ᄊ঴ੇవ‫ښ‬వߣएʽ๩ ̀ጞ ἴἻͮᤈʷ‫ܙ‬᫂Ԃඋᩙ‫׬‬ᮩᄊ‫ܙ‬



ࣲ ࣲ థ֗ థ ঴ኄ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర ర


HP unveiled 18 new 5-color printer series

新品发布会,推出了 5 大系

惠普发布 5 大系列 18 款全新彩色打印机

列 18 款全新彩色打印机,不仅面 对中小企业推出的产品,同时还针 对家庭用户推出相关系列,以满足 各个用户在更多场景下的彩色打印 需求。 在这 18 款打印机中,惠普为 家庭用户带来了 7 款全新彩色打印 机,另外 11 款彩色打印机面向中 小企业用户。 惠普彩色激光打印机系列 M100 和 M200,专门针对小型企业, 采用彩色激光打印,大幅度提高了 彩色打印速度,配合原装墨盒可带 来专业级的效果。这 2 款产品还配 备了最高 250 页的大容量进纸盒, 可实现多数量连续打印。同时还支 持 2.4G/5G 双频 Wi-Fi 连接和《HP Smart》 惠 普 移 动 打 印 App, 让 其 在使用时更加的便捷。

᫂࠵४ܳǍৼ௿ᯫࣞ᠉஋߾ $BUIJF-FTKBL

ߕ੪ӿ఻ˊҬ ̣ᎿЋᄊஆ᠔Ἳសᦊ᫃



൤‫ੱښ‬सἻស̔௜‫ ښ‬థѺ߹ੇἻᤈਓ





॔Ӱ஝૶௭ᇨἻѬౢ࣎ͥᝠኄ‫ߣپ‬ एᩙ‫׬‬ᮩ˞ ̣ᎿЋǍьѾ๧̰ԝࣲ Տరᄊ Ἵ ̣ᎿЋʽ๩҂̀ Ἵ ̣ ᎿЋἻՌඈᐧ ᎿѬǍ ৼ ௿ Н Ճ ᛫ ᇨἻ ᬔ ԝ ᦊ Ѭ ᮊ ᄬἻ

‫ڤ‬Ǎ൥൓ஆ᠔ΨΎৼ௿࠲௚ࣲូடՑᄊ ᄝѾᮕ฾ଢᰴᒰඈᐧ Ἵ ᒰ Ἵ ᎿЋǍ

ˊ፛࡙మ ‫ښ‬ᖍ४ ͯ஝ᄊ‫ܙ‬᫂ՑἻѬౢ࣎ͥ

ኄ ʷ ᠉ ߣ ඈ ᐧ Ѿ ๧ ˞ Ꮏ Ѭ ᒰ Ꮏ

ᝠৼ௿НՃ ᠉ࣲʽӧࣲᄊஆК࠲‫ܙ‬

ѬǍѬౢ࣎ᮕ฾ඈᐧ ᎿѬǍ ࣲҒἻ

ԳܱἻႀ̆ৼ௿НՃઆᠫ̆ဘదˊ Ҭᄊੱस֗டՌἻʼ௡ˊҬˀܺԻᑟ˞ ࣲʾӧࣲᄊ‫ܙ‬᫂Ϣѣ᠈࿹Ἳ-FTKBL շងѬౢ࣎Ǎ‫ݝ‬᛫ᇨἻʼ௡ႃߕᄊ੪ӿ ఻‫ܛ‬ᄤΙऄ᧚උৼ௿НՃᄬҒᄊ੪ӿ఻ ‫ܛ‬ᄤѾ๧ဋఞͰǍ

᫂ˀ҂ ἴǍХ‫ښ‬ጱጞஆᄨ᣺҂ѹጢै

'BDU4FU ូಊ௭ᇨἻѬౢࣱ࣎‫ک‬ᮕర

8FJTMFS ࠈ ࣋ ᝠ ѳ ࣲ Я ᜇ ր Ἴ

ᄊ Ἵ ᎿЋՑἻႀ̆ $&0 ৼྲడ௚

ৼ௿ኄʷ᠉ߣូடՑඈᐧஆᄞ˞ Ἵ

̡Ἳܸጞ˞НՃᓬᄵ ̣ᎿЋᄊᠠ

ࣲԅ͊๗ৌᐧ͉ʾᡨጞ ἴǍ

ᎿЋǍ ৼ௿ᮕᝠἻ ોིᎿ‫ڎ‬ᤰၹ͘ᝠюѷἻ


ᯫ ࣞ ᠉ Ҭ ߾ ќ ၍ ၀e ᖈ ள ᬶ Б



ἴἻ᣺҂ Ἵ ̣ᎿЋǍᬤᅌʼ௡ႃ


᠉ࣲ౏ᒭ̆ે፞ᤂᖹˊҬᄊඈᐧ୏ ᘙஆᄞ˞ Ἵ ᎿЋ҂ Ἵ ᎿЋǍ ηৌ౏ູὉҒᅳᎪ


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

3D Printing, Why Hasn’t Been Quickly Applied Than Thought?

% ੪ӿἻ˞̤˦௿ԣ෥దਇ៶˗ঌ὎ ᜂሦ˞ᮬ᜸ভ੿షᄊ % ੪ ӿࣃមၷ ࣲἻХ௿ԣ˞̤˦ ෥దਇ៶˗ঌ὎ ᤃరἻ߷භἷ&:ἸН࣋ូᆑ ઑշἻԝࣲચಊЛုᔵ‫ڊ‬Я ࠒНՃࠫ % ᝣᅼἻѬౢፇ౧Ὁ Զద ᄊ͍ˊ࠲ % ੪ӿጪК НՃ੍႕ᰴएἻ ᄊ͍ˊᝣ˞ ស੿షॢ᧘᜶Ἳ̯ͮ‫ښ‬កͥХ᧘ ᜶ভǍЛုతܸ % ੪ӿ఻ၷ̗ ‫ ׸‬4USBUBTZT НՃ̎ܺԣெవ‫ڡ‬ӝ ঴ ᜇ 0NFS ,SJFHFS ឭἻþ % ੪


ӿ఻ᤈನᄊֶ̗Ἳੈʷᄰᝀ४‫ښ‬ ֶ̗ᝣគʽᤇߛ‫ښ‬ʷ્੍̏Ǎÿ ̵ᝣ˞Ἳ % ੪ӿˀܸ͘᜻വԩ ̽͜ፒ҄ᤵˊǍ᜶ࠄဘᄰଌ੪ӿ ᭆ͈Ἳᬔ̀੿ష֗ెநভᑟଢӤ ˨ܱἻ͜ፒၷ̗᜺ঐᄊ᭩ழ˷ᭊ ᜶ʷࠀ௑ᫎǍ‫͵ݠ‬ᝨ࣊‫ڤ‬ਝਓѾ ၹ % ੪ӿ὎̿ࠀ҄ӑᄊ‫҄ెܙ‬ ᤵࠄဘ࣊‫ڤ‬Ѿ๧ǍઑշѬౢὉ






ఞᰴǍᄬҒἻ % ੪ӿਫ਼Ύၹెந


% ੪ӿऄၹᄊԧ࡙᡹य़Ի Ѭ˞ʼ˔᫽඀ἻԔ‫ ͻ҄ی‬

ࢺᜉ݃Цᄊ҄ᤵ ੪ӿతጼᭆᦊ ͈Ἳࡏࡏ଎ᤉǍᄬҒἻతܸᄊऄ


‫ښ‬ኄʼ᫽඀Ἳతጼᭆᦊ͈ࠫ ెந᭽एnj᛫᭧А໏ए֗Ꮏ

ᄊҪᑟভᝨᤈᮊ੿షᡰሏతጼᭆ ͈੻᧚ၷ̗ᤇదʷࠀࣀᡰἻඋ‫ݠ‬ ᤇ௄ข໘ᡜᢼᣚ᧚̗‫ښ‬ᰴພnjઈ фѤ኎வ᭧ᄊ᜶රǍ % ੪ӿᛡˊ



ˀՏἻ % ੪ӿἷ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵἸ

ώҰ %੪ӿ᎖ᆁֶ̗᝺ᝠ॰ဗἻ


ҫᤴ଎Ք࣊‫ڤ‬Ǎ4USBUBTZT ᝣ˞Ἳ



ѭҟnjᨛߘੋՑ፞఻೚ҫࢺἻ %



न‫ݽ‬ᡑ൦Ǎ҂ ࣲҒՑἻ %








᭧Ғᄊ્੍௧Ἳଢᰴెந֗ᣄᆶ ͈ভᑟἻ̿ᆸδ੪ӿఞҫድᆸnj Ի᭥֗Ի᧘‫ܭ‬Ǎ þੈ̓ፃ࣢ឭ % ੪ӿ௧ʷ መ Ц ద ᆡ ‫ ڮ‬ভ ᄊ ੿ షἻ ͮ

ྭǍÿ0NFS ,SJFHFS ሦἻ᜶࠲ழ ᄊၷ̗வरळК͜ፒၷ̗᣿ሮἻ ᯫЏ᜶ᡵᡕ᜺ঐʽᄊᬪᆾǍᒭࢺ ˊ᭩֑न‫ݽ‬Ἳ̡̓ᄊТฌགʷᄰ ௧᭥ˀலଢᰴ̗᧚౏ᬌͰੇవἻ ͮ % ੪ӿ߹ЛᄱԦǍ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵ ᄊ͖ҹ‫᧚̗Ͱ̆ښ‬ᄊࠀ҄֗ોᭊ ၷ̗Ἳ‫ڂ‬൥߲ˀ͘ణܸ̽̿᜻വ ၷ̗˞ྲढ़ᄊ͜ፒ҄ᤵˊǍ


4USBUBTZT ᄬ Ғ త ᄺ ‫ ݞ‬ᄊ ˔࣊‫ڤ‬ἻѬѿ௧ᓈቇᓈܹnj

ුᢼnj๗ᠠႃߕ֗ӞႥδϤἻ‫ک‬ ௧ߛ‫҄ࠀ᧚ܸښ‬ӑᭊරᄊᛡˊᮗ 三个应用阶段


% рйк╙┐╦ЗсВН

рг▓ р░е╓Ч р░ер░╛ржГ рж┤сКД р░░

UAE plans to build 3D printed patrol car on Mars █л╟Нр╢ЛтАл▌атАмсЬ╢рйк╙┐сДКр╛ес┤СрйЛс░дс░лс╝╗ р╢И╦ФсГБ╠бсжРр░жр┐Ш╩╖рпД╠ДсДКснКр╢╗╟Н сдГр░░с╝╗4USBUBTZT рйЗ╦ЮсЙЗраЗсДК╬ЩрдД тАл╫╕тАмс╝╗╦Ю╨есБ╖╠Ч " тАл█МтАм╒Всо╗р░╗сДК снЖсжК═И╟НсдИ╩╖раА╙нсзЪревра╡с╝╗╘╢╧в

смБсРПсжЯсЭа╤│тАл┌ЪтАмр╝врпб╩╜рдесЙб % рйк╙┐рв╕сд┐св╝

╦ФснЖсжК═И╟НсВА╠Жр╢Ир▒╢со╗р░╗╩╜╘╗ сСЯ╘╢снК╩╖╦ФрйЛ╤Ч╦ФснЖсжК═Ис╝╗р╖ере╣ сЬ╢╨│сдЙсЫб▄╕рй╗сзЪсБ╖╠Ч╟Н р╡дтАл┌ЪтАмр╕╛сЮПра╡рй╗сзЪ % рйк╙┐▄╕ тАл█МтАмснЖ═И╘╗сЫбржнсДКсИЙр╛▓р╖Фсв╝╨Э╒Г╦╖ сЭг╦Юс╝╗сАШсл╜р╢А % рйк╙┐сдЗрпДр╕Врй╛ ркЮ▄╕сЬ╗р┤╡сДКр╖Фсв╝снЖсжК═И╥Дсд╡с╝╗═о рал╠Жсез╠ПрйЗ╠ФсзЪсгЧ═░сДКраА╥Д╙СсЭб ╙нрйЛсПиса┐св╝╥Дсд╡с╝╗сдИрпДсВбрпзр░Ю═Ц сбХсДК╥Дсд╡ро╡рд░╟Н


╦ЧтАл ┌ОтАм% ргКтАл╠Ж▄л┌дтАм╤║р░░сл╜р╢А╟Н смФ╠Арйк╙┐сЭ║тАл▄мтАмр░╡св╢сДКсдВсЦ╣сНе


ркРсаасБ╣╦и▄▒с╝╗ % рйк╙┐р▒Жроис░┤рпХсДК



смБргЛрйзр╢ЛсЭЭраг═Шс░Всп║ % рйк╙┐рв╕сд┐св╝

р╡е▄▒с╝╗═╗╦Юр╝врпб сЭа╤│сДК╩╖



сжК╤мс╝╗сдФрк▒сЭа╤│╠Ж рг▓ р░е╒Фр╝в

р╢ЛсЭЭро╡сЭг╦Ю╥В рг▓╠╡═ГсСЯтАл┌ЪтАмр╝врпб




тАл┌ЪтАмсО┐тАл┌ОтАмс╝╗ % рйк╙┐рй┐р░╖ргГсНГ рдитАлсдк▌╜тАмр║Т╠░╘ФтАл╥Д█МтАмсд╡сг┐р║Ъ╥ВраА

р╝врпбр╡╣р╢ЯтАл┌бтАмсоКсДмсДКсКвтАлргГ═╗рв║▄мтАмсНГ рдитАл▌╜тАм╟Н


╥Д╙Срв║╨жсДКсБ╖╠Ч╥Дсд╡с╝╗ % рйк╙┐ тАл ┌О ╦Ч ┌ЪтАмсДК рдД сБ╣ р╗Х ╒Сс╝╗ тАл┌О ╦Ч ┌ЪтАмс╝╗ 4USBUBTZT сдерк╣сНМрйк╙┐р▒ЖроисмМ═Й╟Н ╦Ю р╡ес╝╗4USBUBTZT ╤Е раА тАл ┌ЪтАмрпЪ рг▓╒Ф╦ЧтАл┌дргК┌ОтАмрмО╤г р╡ЬраА╥Др▒Ж роис╝╗р╢ЛсАШр░жсДК╒ПсЛЭр▒Жрои═Йр▓лсмМ═░ с╝╗╠┐р╗ШсбЬрв╜▄╕сДКр┤РржРржн╘ФтАл█МтАм ╥Д═╗снКр╢╗╟Н0NFS ,SJFHFS сИжс╝╗ ├╛ % рйк╙┐рй┐р░╖тАл┌О╦Ч┌ЪтАмсБ╖╠Ч

New York Agency Advocates 3D Printing Module Provide Shelter for the Homeless

сМ▒сМЮр░╗р▒Ю╧ПсЭм % рйк╙┐р┤╡тАл┌▒тАм ╦ЮрпДраТ╘╗реЖсПирмв╬ЩсеШсм▓рйЮ

╥Дсд╡сЫб╦КсДКр║ЦсдйсАЛсЖ╕раДсдЗсдК╦АтАл▌атАм сО┐тАл┌ОтАм╟Н├┐╦ЧтАл┌дргК┌ОтАмсДК═Ц╥╣тАл╠Ж┌ЪтАмс╝╗ ╩╖рпЗр▒╜соКро┤рй┐р░╖сЬВсзФсБ╣с╝╗тАл╥Д▄нтАмсд┤ рдП═ШсндргвржМ╟Н 4USBUBTZT сДК ╤╣ тАл ╠б ▌╜тАмсВВ сЮ░ рг│ сЦН рек ╠А '%.с╝╖'VTFE %FQPTJUJPO .PEFMJOHс╝╗р╜╜сЪ╕р╖ЬсИерйЗтАл█МтАмс╝╕рй┐р░╖ ╦Д╤╛с╝╗сг╜╠н╦Юр╡гсдИ╠прпз % рйк╙┐ р░др▓йре╖сДКрй┐р░╖╟Н═о 0NFS ,SJFHFS сЭг╦Юс╝╗ % рйк╙┐сЬ╢риЗ╤нраДроИ╘лроЯ╦Ф сЫб╦КсДКсБ╖╠Чр╕╖сИо╟М╦Юр░Ю▄│═Н╦КрйЮ рмМ╘кс╝╗╙нсне╩╖раТ╦и╥зсдКсдК╦А▄╡╟Н % рйк╙┐сЫб╦К╦Арпз╤ЧраТ╨Э╒ГсДК╙░ рднс╝╗ре╣соМреОрйЗ╒М╥зрй▒▄╕рдДсБ╣тАл┌дтАмр░А рйжр░ж╘зрбЩсДК╥Тр░А╟Н р▒Пр║╣ р╝Ир║жро┤слХ

сМ▒сМЮ╩╖раТсВАрлЫтАл▐ПтАмрдесКУргО "OESFBT

сДКр╝зр╕│р▓┤р▒╢ сСорйдр▒╢╟Н)PNFE соКсДм

5KFEGMBBU саЗсаКсДК╤╣риУр░╗р▒Ю 'SBNMBC р╡д




р░╗сДК % рйк╙┐р┤╡тАл┌▒тАмс╝╗рмв╤г╠А╩╖соК▄╕сР┐

╠б═Г╤╣рдер░ЗрпСржнсДКре▓тАл═▒рбР█МтАм╙Э╟Н %


рйк╙┐сДК▄▒тАл▄зтАмр┤╡тАл┌▒тАмрпзр╢н╙Сси╕╙КрбПсДК сПл

)PNFE соКсДм╤╛сБ╣р░│сЬВ╨Н╤м╤╛сБ╣ сДКтАл█ЗтАмсД░тАл┌б┌ШтАмс╝╗╬ОсБ╣сМ▒сМЮргГсНГ▄╕сзЪ▀ЫтАл┌ЪтАм

р┤╡тАл┌▒тАм╨псжКсЬЙспПрпзсБ╣╘╗тАл┌АтАмроЖ╤╛сБ╣сДКсБ╖р╛н тАл▄ИтАмрои % рйк╙┐сПлрйЗ╟Н


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

CREDIT: Bara Krautz /

Scientists Develop 3D Printing Bacteria Ink "Flink"

ሙߦࠒᆑԧ % ੪ӿጺᖘ‫ܛ‬ඵþ'MJOLÿ ᔚ ᳪ ˇ ᐏ ᥨ ေ ࢺ ߦ ᬓἷ&5)

੪ӿጺᖘ‫ܛ‬ඵᜂ֑Ր˞ þ'MJOLÿ Ἳ ̽᛫ þҪ





ጺᖘၷྭᄱࠔᄊ % ੪ӿ‫ܛ‬ඵǍស %



੪ӿጺᖘ‫ܛ‬ඵᜂ֑Ր˞ þ'MJOLÿ Ἳ ̽᛫ þҪ


ழᄊ % ੪ӿࣱԼԻ̿੪ӿ መ


૶ᆑቃ̡ր̮ፁἻ'MJOL ˞ၷྭӑ






ᖘመዝ͘ॖ‫־‬ᆑቃ̡րሦ˨˞ % ੪ӿ


૶ᆑቃ̡ր̮ፁἻ'MJOL ˞ၷྭӑ


եదᤈ̏ጺᖘᄊ % ੪ӿ‫ܛ‬ඵ௧



ႀʷመၷྭᄱࠔভඵіᑛ եదᤩ௚

ᖘመዝ͘ॖ‫־‬ᆑቃ̡րሦ˨˞ % ੪ӿ



ᄊþၷྭӑߦࢺԈÿੋþᤚͿࢺԈÿᄊ ྭေྲভἻᤈ̏þࢺԈÿԻ̿‫ࣱښ‬Լʽ ੪ӿἻၹ̆҄ᤵ̡ᤵᄕᐩ˨ዝᄊˌ᜵Ǎ

ጺ ᖘ ‫ ܛ‬ඵ ̗ ၷ ጪ ዛ ጜ ፥ ጉἻ ‫ښ‬ 4&. ‫ڏ‬ϸ˗նጳ࿄ፇ౞

ጸੇἻեዾᄊຉՌ۲Щ๯ΎጺᖘຉՌ ྭߛำǍ ᤈመጺᖘ‫ܛ‬ඵԻၹ̆Џᤉᄊၷྭ

ᔚ ᳪ ˇ ᐏ ᥨ ေ ࢺ ߦ ᬓἷ&5)


ӞߦऄၹǍΓ‫ݠ‬෵Ⴅདྷ͞৤ᏨἻ % ੪


Ϝӭᑊᖘ QVUJEBἻԻ̿Ѭᝍదඉӑߦ

ӿࣱԼᑟܵ҄ᤵ۳̆ጜ፥ᄊ % ͞԰

ጺᖘၷྭᄱࠔᄊ % ੪ӿ‫ܛ‬ඵǍស %

ྭ᠏ᔭᦧ ᜂӑࢺԈܸ᜻വၷ̗Ὂల

ᛪʸ౏෵ႥՊመ૯͞Ǎ % ੪ӿᄊጜ፥ ጉ˷Ի̿ၹ̆ᄕᐩረೲnjၷྭ͜ਖ٨ ֗ጸጻӊᒛἻ߲ᄊ˗ቡভΎХᜂ̡ʹ

CREDIT: Manuel Schaffner, Patrick A. Rühs



ᬔ̀Ӟߦऄၹ˨ܱἻᤈመጺᖘ‫ܛ‬ ඵԻၹ̆ᆑቃᬌᝍ᣿ሮੋၷྭᒛॎੇἻ ၵᒰၹ̆ೝ฾ᯍၹඵ˗ඉጉᄊ͜ਖ٨Ǎ % ੪ӿᄊጺᖘþ᣿໚٨ÿ˷Իၹ̆ᆃ ෴෺໤Ǎ សᆑቃ‫ڄ‬᫳ᄊᆑቃੇ౧ᄬҒࣃ‫ښ‬ ǒሙߦᤉ࡙Ǔాঃԧ᛫Ǎ

% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

Dutch designers use algae to make 3D printing supplies


࣎ & S J D


%SPT ԧ௚̀ʷመႀᘰዝ҄ੇ ᄊ % ੪ӿၷྭెநἻᤈመె ந௧Իે፞ဗδᄊǍ ,MBSFOCFFL ֗ %SPT ʷ

ᕳР᝺ᝠ࣎Ѿၹᘰዝೲྭ҄ ᤵ % ੪ӿᏲె

ᄰ‫ښ‬ၹˀՏዝ‫ی‬ᄊܹཀྵెந ౏੪ᤵԻ੪ӿᄊၷྭᐑՌ ྭὉᘰዝೲྭǍ̵̓ࣃ ፃनԧ̀ʷመ۲Щำ ᘰ ᄊ வ ขἻ ࠲ Х ཌ

࣢ၹᄊֶ̗Ἳӊ઺ฤ ԧඵၫἻ‫ڦۈ‬ೋἻ ᯀЦ኎Ǎ̵࣏̓మ ᑟܵ̿ʷመవ‫ڡ‬ӑ

ࣰՑᣁӑ˞Ի %




ెǍ ᘰ ዝ ᤰ ᣿



᝺ᝠ࣎ᄊ % ੪ӿ

መ๳ዠ౏ၷ᫂Ἳᤈ መ๳ዠԻ̿ͻ˞ၷ ྭ‫܈‬நੋዥՌҎԔநǍ ૶᝺ᝠ࣎ឭἻᤈመ ဗδెநԻၹ̆҄ᤵՊመ

ᘰዝನֶᄬҒ൤‫ښ‬ ᳘ ྲ ˝ #PJKNBOT 7BO #FVOJOHFO Ӱྭᯞ࡙ѣǍ

Scientists Successfully Develop New Algorithms to Reduce 3D Printing Time

ሙߦࠒੇҪᆑԧ᎖ᆁ % ੪ӿ௑ᫎᄊழካข

ࣲ౏ % ੪ӿ੿ష४҂̀ᗶ





0LXVEJSF ਫ਼ࣜᮗᄊ‫ڄ‬᫳‫ښ‬੪ӿ఻


ᣄ͈˗ᦊᎸ̀ C TQMJOF ᣿໚ካขǍ










వᭊ᜶஝࠵௑ᄊ੪ӿ௑ᫎ‫ښ‬ˀ҂ % ੪ӿ఻ᄊ੪ӿᤴएᡕঌࡃ



% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

China 's Strategic Path Toward Building Strong Manufacturing Power

˗‫ڎ‬ᡌՔ҄ᤵू‫ڎ‬ᄊ੍႕᡹य़ By 朱森第 (Zhu San Di)


中国机械工业联合会副会长、特别顾问, 教授级高级工程师

ҒїࣲଢѣгࢺˊӑἻ‫ॆڀ‬҂ࢺˊӑ௑రࠫ҄ᤵˊᄊ ᧘᜽ἻࣳฌКᚸՌழ੿షἻ᣾ᤴଢӤХ҄ᤵˊǍ൤‫ښ‬ ࢺˊӑᄊ‫ࠒڎ‬Ἳ̰ࢺˊӑԋԾᤉሮᄊ᜻॥ᄺἻԧ࡙҄ ᤵˊ௧ᤈ̏‫ॹࠒڎ‬ཀྵᄊᤥહǍ˗‫҄ڎ‬ᤵˊ൤‫ˇ̆ܫ‬ႍ

˗‫҄ڎ‬ᤵˊᄊᄬҒԧ࡙ඵࣱἻԻၹʷԲភ౏ഐ ઺ὉܸᏫˀूǍ˗‫҄ڎ‬ᤵˊ௧˗‫ڎڎ‬ඟፃเᄊ۳ᆩ֗

ᤈːᐧ໽ื˨ᫎἻ൤‫̆ܫ‬ԧ࡙ᄊТ᪄᫽඀֗ଢӤᄊ᧘ ᜶௑రǍ




๎๙Ἳ଎ᅌ˗‫҄ڎ‬ᤵˊड़Ғ ҒదूืծἻઢᅌ˗‫ڎ‬

࡙Ἳ˗‫҄ڎ‬ᤵˊࣃᢀᢶˇႍ҄ᤵܸ‫ڎ‬ҒѵǍ ࣲ






















Israeli Company XJet Introduces New Additive Manufacturing System

̿ᓤѵНՃ 9+FU ଎ѣழ‫҄ెܙی‬ᤵጇፒ ̿ᓤѵНՃ 9+FU ၹᬝၬెநᤉᛡ % ੪ӿἻ˟᜶ ੿ష௧ጪዛ‫࠱إ‬Ǎဘ‫ښ‬សНՃં GPSNOFYU ळКʷ˔ழ ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵጇፒἻ‫̀ूܙ‬ːᮊ੿షǍ 9+FU $BSNFM ". ጇ ፒ ጳ ː Լ % ੪ ӿ ఻ ጸ ੇὉ $BSNFM ֗ $BSNFM Ǎ੪ӿ఻Ի̿Ύၹጪዛዢ ߕ‫੿࠱إ‬ష੪ӿːመ࿘ቡᄊ౞थెந֗ஃ୞ెநᄊ෴ ‫ܛ‬Ǎ 9+FU ᯫࣞੰᛡ߾Ъѹ‫) ̡ݽ‬BOBO (PUIBJU ᛫ᇨὉ þጪ ዛዢߕ‫੿࠱إ‬ష௧࿘ྲᄊ % ‫੿ܛإ‬షἻ߲᧘ழࠀ˧̀ ᧛࡛֗ᬝၬᄊ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵǍХ̵‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵ੿షΎၹዠఴἻ ͮੈ̓ᤰ᣿Ѿၹ˄ద੿షͻ˞‫ܛإ‬੪ӿἻࠄဘ̀ᄾ൤ਓ ˧ʽᄊቊᆡǍᝍх̀੪ӿ᭤࣢ድጺᄊːࡏ౞थెந֗ஃ ୞ెநǍ߲‫ښ‬ေ᝷ʽԻ̿੪ӿܳመ౞थెநǍÿ ηৌ౏ູ ӿ҅ႃߕ‫ښ‬ጳ


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ֗ థాঃ ঴ኄ ర

China's First High-Intensity Integrated Bio-3D Printer Developed Successfully

ੈ‫ڎ‬ᯫԼᰴᤰ᧚ᬷੇӑၷྭ % ੪ӿ఻ᆑԧੇҪ ெἻ౓ࢷnjӒ̛njʽ๒njࣹ ࢷ኎‫ڡ‬ᄊሙߦࠒ‫ڄ‬᫳‫ࢷ౓ښ‬ԧ࣋̀ੈ ‫ڎ‬ᯫԼᰴᤰ᧚ᬷੇӑၷྭ % ੪ӿ఻Ǎ ‫᧘ࠒڎ‬གᆑԧᝠѳᮊᄬ˄ࠒጸក͉Ἳ ᤈԼጋ੮˚ࣾᣁӑ֗ऄၹᭊරᄊၷྭ ੪ӿ఻Ἳ̽᛫̀ੈ‫ڎ‬ၷྭ % ੪ӿ᝺ ‫ܬ‬ᄊᮇ࠹ඵࣱἻ˷ਓ֊ᅌੈ‫ڎ‬ᄱТᮗ ۫ᄊᆑቃඵࣱࠄဘ̰̀ˁ‫ڎ‬ᬅЏᤉඵ ࣱþࣳᡫÿ҂þᮗᡫÿᄊᡵᡕǍ ૶̮ፁἻសሙᆑੇ౧࡛̆ӡʼ̋ ‫᧘ࠒڎ‬གᆑԧᝠѳþ᭧Քำʹ٨೚ᄊ Ҫᑟెநˁᰴᤰ᧚ᬷੇӑၷྭ % ੪ ӿ੿షनԧÿᮊᄬᤂᛡኄʷࣲᄊੇ౧Ǎ ᮊᄬᯫࣞሙߦࠒnjྱ݀ӭͯ౓ࢷ ૹឳᮻၷྭሙ੿ᐧ͋దᬍНՃᗉ̃᫂ १ᩇেஔ૿ឭἻþᰴᤰ᧚ᬷੇӑၷྭ % ੪ӿ఻ÿᬷጪ̀ ͸ᮊ੿షѹழ ֗ቊᆡἻХ੪ӿ‫݀إ‬ԻЪࠔܳመ੪ӿ Ԕေࣳܳᤰ᥋өՏἻ̰ᏫࠄဘࠫӞႥ ֶ҄ᄊܸ੻᧚ሷࠀ҄‫ܬ‬Ǎ ૶̀ᝍἻᤈԼၷྭ % ੪ӿ఻ᄊ Т᪄੿షѹழ˞þሏங҄ᤵॲࡏౢੇ


૶ .$5 ੿ ష ԧ ௚ Ꮸnj ౓ ࢷ ႃ

ష‫҄ెܙښ‬ᤵἷ % ੪ӿἸᄊՏ௑Ἳ





ງएnj࠱ጳ ʹʹሥnjηՂቈᤩງएnj࠱ጳ $5 ੿ ૯͞኎‫ڂ‬ጉ҄ጞǍ.$5

ᝏnj௄ጺᑊ ᝏnj௄ጺᑊ૯͞ἻԻ‫ښ‬ጳࠄ ௑Ԧᯠ ௑Ԧᯠ଍҄੪ӿԠ஝Ἳ ࠄဘ ࠄဘࠫ % ੪ӿֶ̗

ϸ੿షἷ.$5ἸÿǍᤈᮊ੿ష௄᝷௧ ۳ᆩԔေᄊଢѣἻᤇ௧੿షࠄဘἻ‫ک‬ ႀ˗‫ڎ‬ሙߦࠒ֗ࢺሮ࣎ᒭ˟߹ੇǍ

௄ ௄૯᠏଍Ǎ

这台生物 3D 打印机, 可以打印所有的组织器官

‫᧘ࠒڎ‬གᆑ ԧᝠѳᮊᄬ˄ࠒ ጸ ᝣ ˞Ἳ ኄ ʷ ̽ ᰴᤰ᧚ᬷੇӑၷ ྭ % ੪ ӿ ఻ ᄊ ੇ Ҫᆑ Ҫᆑ҄Ἳˀͮ଎ᤉ̀ % ੪ӿ ੪ӿӞႥ٨೚nj̡ࢺ ጸጻ٨߾ᄊ ጸጻ٨߾ᄊ˚ࣾᣁӑᤉሮἻ ˷˞ழᕲኙᤥଢῚЛழᄊᝍхவ ವἻ࠲଎ү˗‫ڎ‬ழᕲѹ҄ˁनԧǍ ‫᧘ࠒڎ‬གᆑԧᝠѳႀԔ‫᧘ࠒڎ‬ ག۳ᆩᆑቃԧ࡙ᝠѳἷ ᝠѳἸnj ‫ࠒڎ‬ᰴ੿షᆑቃԧ࡙ᝠѳἷ ᝠѳἸ ኎டՌᏫੇǍ ࣲἻ‫᧘ࠒڎ‬གᆑ ԧᝠѳ଎ѣᯫ˔᭧Քำጺᑊ % ੪ӿ ᄊ᧘ག˄ᮊǍ

中国首台高通量集成化生物 3D 打印机

ηৌ౏ູ ழӨᎪ


ࠕ ᰴ



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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : 21 22 23 FEB

Hong Kong International Stationery Fair

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30Nj 31


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56 58

1NjNj2NjNj3NjNj4NjNj5NjNj6NjNj7NjNj8NjNj9Nj 10Nj 11Nj 12Nj 13Nj 14Nj 15Nj

Remanexpo @Paperworld

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1NjNj2NjNj3NjNj4NjNj5NjNj6NjNj7NjNj8NjNj9Nj 10Nj 11Nj 12Nj 13Nj 14Nj 15Nj


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China Sourci



1NjNj2NjNj3NjNj4NjNj5NjNj6NjNj7NjNj8NjNj9Nj 10Nj 11Nj 12Nj 13Nj 14Nj 15Nj 16Nj 17Nj Business-Inform 2017

Chinese Export Commodities Fair 2017






1NjNj2NjNj3NjNj4NjNj5NjNj6NjNj7NjNj8NjNj9Nj 10Nj 11Nj 12Nj 13Nj 14Nj COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2017

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1NjNj2NjNj3NjNj4NjNj5NjNj6NjNj7NjNj8NjNj9Nj 10Nj 11Nj 12Nj ISOT 2017





1NjNj2NjNj3NjNj4NjNj5NjNj6NjNj7NjNj8NjNj9Nj 10Nj 11Nj 12Nj 13Nj 14Nj 15Nj 16Nj


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Kbo/23.25-3128!Ofx!Efmij-!Joejb xxx/jnbhjohtpmvujpo/jo

16Nj 17Nj 18Nj 19Nj 20Nj 21Nj 22Nj 23Nj 24Nj 25Nj 26Nj 27Nj 28Nj RechargeAsia Expo Turkey 2017 Gfc/33.37-3128!!Jtubocvm-!Uvslfz!

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Middle East 2017

Cebit 2017





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ITEX 2017


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18Nj 19Nj 20Nj 21Nj 22Nj 23Nj 24Nj 25Nj 26Nj 27Nj 28Nj 29Nj 30Nj 31 Svttjb!

World of Digital Print Expo

ReChina Expo 2017

Central Asia office 2017

Nbz/29.31-3128!!Kblbsub-!Joepoftjb! Nbz/!35.37-3128!!Tibohibj-!Dijob!





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Paperworld China 2017





12Nj 13Nj 14Nj 15Nj 16Nj 17Nj 18Nj 19Nj 20Nj 21Nj 22Nj 23Nj 24Nj 25Nj 26Nj 27Nj 28Nj 29 RemaxWorld Expo 2017

DPS World 2017





16Nj 17Nj 18Nj 19Nj 20Nj 21Nj 22Nj 23Nj 24Nj 25Nj 26Nj 27Nj 28Nj 29Nj 30


14Nj 15Nj 16Nj 17Nj 18Nj 19Nj 20Nj 21Nj 22Nj 23Nj 24Nj 25Nj 26Nj 27Nj 28Nj 29Nj 30Nj 31

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