RechargeAsia magazine December, 2010

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目 录 11 Message from the Publisher 69 卷首语 FEATURE ARTICLES


专题文章 By Art Diamond & Ronelle Ingram


20 80

Asia Imaging Fair 2011:Expand & Diversify at the World's Largest Print Expo


2010年打印机市场的“大事纪” 2010 Highlights in the Printer Market


构建耗材行业完整标准体系(二) Constructing a Complete & Standard Supply Industry System Part 2




"Please Help!" 请求帮助


Latest InfoTrends Study: Production Print Services in North America InfoTrends宣布正在进行关于北美打印服务的新研究


Planning for 2011: Three Questions to Ask (part 2) 制定你2011年市场计划的三个关键问题


How to Track Clicks in Your Email-Newsletter Campaigns

By Ronelle Ingram

By Andy Shore



2010年上半年中国打印外设市场大幅反弹,预计全年增长率为 14.6% The Printer Peripherals Market Rebounded Sharply in the First Half of 2010 in China – An Estimated 14.6% Annual Growth Rate


Epson 与 Medea International达成和解 Epson Reaches Settlement with Medea International


台湾打印机市场多功能事务机已是兵家必争之地 Strong Competition in Taiwan's MFP Market


打印机市场酝酿多元化格局 Printer Market Becomes Diversified


UV油墨规模2014年有望达到72亿美元 UV Ink Market Expected to Reach US$7.2 Billion by 2014

2010 年12月






A 'GREEN' Solution System: American TonerServ Corp American TonerServ公司:“绿色”系统解决方案提供者


HP Puts Pressure on Counterfeiters in Africa Market 惠普关注非洲耗材市场造假行为


环保耗材与人体健康 Environmentally Protected Supplies and Human Health


广义耗材拓展研讨会纪实 General Supplies Record Development Seminar


从技术变革看激光打印产品的发展和变化 A Technological Prospective to View Laser Printing Advances and Development

Profiles in Service: The Office Industry Trade Associations






New Compact Color ImageRunner Series from Canon 佳能推出全新ImageRunner彩色整体机系列


Epson Artisan 725 Premium All-in-One Printer Featured on "The Talk" 爱普生推出Artisan 725系列多功能一体机


HP Launches ePrint Cloud Service and Four Web-enabled Printers 惠普发布ePrint云打印服务和4款网络功能打印机


Ricoh Americas Corporation & Kodak's Print On-Demand Solutions Group Renew Creo Color Server Technology Relationship 理光公司宣布与柯达的按需打印解决方案集团的战略合作关系 将延续


Serial Impact Dot Matrix Printer from OKI Data OKI研发出全新针式打印机


佳能办公解决方案提供了高效办公和节约成本 Canon Office Solutions Provides a Cost-Efficient and CostCutting Solution for the Office


富士施乐践行绿色环保 Fuji and Xerox Conduct Green Practice


北京莱盛喜获STMC国际标准认证 Beijing Laser Receives STMC Certification Meeting International Standards




Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3100 Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah

施乐Phaser 3100型成像卡盒再生




By史洪杰 毕明珠 浅析色带带芯质量评测方法 Analysis: Quality Evaluation Methods with Ribbon


Tel 1-626-309-0858 Fax 1-626-309-0878




International Laser Group (ILG) Appoints Nick Huff as Vice President ILG公司任命Nick Huff为业务主管


Oasis Imaging USA Closes Oasis Imaging美国分部即将关闭


Cartridge World India Wins ET Retail Awards Cartridge World公司荣获印度东部销售大奖


Katun Corporation Announces the Acquisition of Media Sciences Toner Business Katun 公司宣布收购Media Sciences公司的碳粉业务


Future Graphics Conducts Free STMC Training for Customers in China Future Graphicsg公司为中国客户举办免费的 STMC认证培训


Clover Acquires ERS Clover公司收购ERS公司





惠普欧洲首家专卖店开张 HP's First Store Opens in Europe


日本研制出气味打印机 Japan Develops a Printer that Emits Scents 兼容打印耗材选购的两大误区 Two Gray Areas in Compatible Printing Supplies Purchasing 罗兰以身作则在澳回收大量空墨盒 Roland Sets a Good Example in Australia Collecting a Large Number of Empty Cartridges


英设新规限制空运打印机墨盒 British Set New Rules: Restricts Air-Shipping Printer Cartridges 爱普生电子纸技术再获突破 Epson Breakthrough in Electronic Paper Technology Google Docs或将整合云打印和设备同步功能 Google Docs Will Integrate its Device to Synchronize Cloud Printing



Static Control Releases Universal Developer Roller for Lexmark, IBM and Dell Printer Cartridges SCC公司推出利盟,IBM和戴尔打印机成像卡盒兼容显影辊


MSE Releases HP 5500 Toner Cartridges with SCS Technology MSE公司推出惠普新型5500系列打印机再造成像卡盒


Katun® Corporation Introduces Katun® Business Color Toner for Use in Canon ImageRunner C5180/CLC 4040-series Digital Copier/Printers Katun®公司发布应用于佳能ImageRunner C5180/CLC 4040数 码打印机的彩色商用碳粉


Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd Adds New Minolta C350 Copier Toner to Its Products 珠海玖润研发出全新美能达C350型复印机碳粉


Future Graphics Releases Kaleidochrome Brand Color Chemically Produced Toner (CPT) and OPCs for Color Future Graphics公司推出 Kaleidochrome® 品牌彩色化学碳粉 和OPCs产品


EFI Makes iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch Printing Easy with PrintMe Connect for AirPrint EFI 推出服务使iPad, iPhone and iPod 的AirPrint打印更加便捷


Tel 86-10-5126-5580 Fax 86-10-5885-8747

冲电气推出防伪追踪系统:可辨别打印耗材真伪 Oki Introduces Security Tracking System: the Authenticity of the Identifiable Printing Supplies




天威耗材全国环保之旅在沈阳启动 PrintRite Supplies Trip to National Environmental Protection Opening in Shenyang Province 格之格联手文一朝阳集团 Ninestar Makes Alliance with Chaoyang Group


102 加拿大禁止空运大容量打印机墨盒 Canada Bans Air Shipment of High-Capacity Printer Cartridges 惠普任命钱越为中国区打印及成像系统集团总裁 Qian Yue is Appointed HP-China President of Imaging and Printing Group

En Ch Note:

Recharge Asia is the original bilingual publication for the recharger industry in English and Chinese. The following symbols denote the language in which the article appears: En English Ch Chinese





Publisher’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to

Art Diamond

Art Diamond President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC) Mr. Art Diamond is a 54-year veteran of the imaging industry, having worked in this field continuously since 1955. He is currently President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC). DRC is a high technology consulting, publishing, and trade show management firm that formed in 1968. Now headquartered in Ojai, California, DRC is a chemical engineering consulting firm involved in toner, ink jet, and imaging media production and marketing. Read his article “Profiles in Service: The Office Industry Trade Associations” p 12

Ronelle Ingram

Ronelle Ingram VP of Technical Support for Steven Enterprises Ronelle Ingram is a writer, speaker, author of Service with a Smile and is a regular columnist for copier and imaging industry publications, like Recharge Asia. She began her technical career as a tool-case-carrying copier service tech. She is VP of Technical Support of Steven Enterprises in Irvine, California. Ronelle is past President of the Business Technology Association. A UCLA graduate, Ronelle has taught thousands of office equipment professionals throughout the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. Ms Ingram’s greatest credential is her 40+ years of hands-on experience of managing very profitable service and telemarketing departments. Read her article “Profiles in Service: The Office Industry Trade Associations” p12 & “Please Help!” p24

Andy Shore

Andy Shore Social Networking Manager BME Andy Shore is a marketing and social networking expert at Benchmark Email (, an email marketing service. Read his article “How to Track Clicks in Your Email-Newsletter Campaigns” p30

Mike Josiah

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. Read his article “Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3100 Toner Cartridge” p46





Message from the Publisher My Dear Readers: The year 2010 has just zoomed by, as usual, mostly without much conscious awareness. It’s that time of the year again—we celebrate our life with glittering and twinkling Christmas lights and the wondrous scent Douglas fir. Looking back, we conclude the year with still another celebration: one of hard work and accomplishment. More patents were granted for new technologies, more ISO standards were implemented, more tests were conducted to reach the highest quality control, and more green initiatives were promoted. In all, armed with the best tools, we've made monumental steps not only toward closing the gap with the OEMs, but toward our striving to become the true OEM alternative. As you undoubtedly know by now, we at Recharge Asia continuously dare to try new things in the hopes of bringing our readers the latest and best possible tools for success. It is with this in mind that we are thrilled to announce the addition of a new regular column: “Industry Insights!” This new forum will be chaired by veteran industry leader, Mr. Art Diamond, and will focus on the goings on in the recharger industry. We welcome all industry experts to share their thoughts and insights with our readers through our new platform. Just as good information is a tool that can aid in good decisionmaking, poor information can in turn lead to poor decision-making. Hear the experts, get informed and use these tools we are happy to provide to help you succeed in this ever increasing competitive market. Another “tool” we are happy to provide is our brand new “Asia Imaging Fair”, taking place in Beijing in April 2011. Why should you and your products be represented there? Simply put: to expand, to merge, to team up, and to network within the largest consumables region in China! Do not miss it. Period. Still further “tools” are our informative articles. As you also undoubtedly know by now, we truly value opportunities to promote collaborate efforts. In this issue, we've researched and communicated with all industry-related associations around the globe to keep you posted with what they can do to help your business develop in targeted regions. Be sure to read “Profiles and Services: The Office Industry Trade Associations” by Art Diamond and Ronelle Ingram, p.12. Some of our other informative articles include "Please Help!" by Ronelle Ingram, p.24; “How to Track Clicks in Your Email-Newsletter Campaigns” by Andy Shore, p.30; “Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3100 Toner Cartridge” by Mike Josiah, p.46; and “Asia Imaging Fair 2011: Expand & Diversify at the World’s Largest Print Expo”, p.20. Happy “tooling”,

Ms. Sunny Sun



DECEMBER 2010 • 11


Profiles in Service: The Office Industry Trade Associations By Mr. Art Diamond & Ms. Ronelle Ingram Mr. Art Diamond is a 54-year veteran of the imaging industry, having worked in this field continuously since 1955. He is currently President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC). DRC is a high technology consulting, publishing, and trade show management firm that formed in 1968. Now headquartered in Ojai, California, DRC is a chemical engineering consulting firm involved in toner, ink jet, and imaging media production and marketing.

Ronelle Ingram is a writer, speaker, author of Service with a Smile and is a regular columnist for copier and imaging

industry publications, like Recharge Asia. She began her technical career as a tool-case-carrying copier service tech. She is VP of Technical Support of Steven Enterprises in Irvine, California. Ronelle is past President of the Business Technology Association. A UCLA graduate, Ronelle has taught thousands of office equipment professionals throughout the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. Ms Ingram’s greatest credential is her 40+ years of hands-on experience of managing very profitable service and telemarketing departments. For more information, you may contact Ms. Ingram at ronellei@ or 714.744.9032 A FRAGMENTED INDUSTRY There is no faster way for a vendor to access a foreign market than through existing trade associations or buying groups. These organizations, many of which are non-profit, are generally established to serve the manufacturers, dealers, retailers, rechargers and end-users that comprise a particular industry or industry segment. The office industry aftermarket can be described as composed of many segments. in which are operating a fragmented array of copier dealers, distributors and service organizations, cartridge rechargers, parts and component manufacturers and distributors. These players range from the smallest Mom & Pop garage and basement operations, to multimillion dollar, international corporate enterprises all doing business in the shadow of the original equipment makers (OEMs) such as, Hewlett-Packard, Xerox, Ricoh, Brother, Samsung, etc., etc. BRINGING VALUE TO THE MARKETPLACE The value that these service organizations bring to the marketplace takes many forms, most of which benefit both sides of the trade equation—the manufacturers, rechargers, dealers and distributors

on one side, and the buyers, buying cooperatives and end-users on the other. Working under the best circumstances, these associations provide some or all of the following benefits: • Set quality and performance standards • Establish product labelling & packaging standards 12



• Endorse companies that meet certain product standards • Endorse companies that meet codes of good business practice • Enable buyers and end-users to purchase products with confidence • Lobby for favorable legislation • Speak with one voice for their industry • Educate members and public on benefits of aftermarket consumables • Update members on the latest developments in technology • Conduct trade shows and seminars to facilitate networking. In this two-part article, we have attempted to profile the leading trade associations that serve offices large and small— SOHOs (small offices, home offices), SMBs (small to medium size businesses), and corporate facilities. We believe that familiarity with, and membership in, these organizations will prove beneficial to all players in this expanding, international market. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT MAILING EQUIPMENT DEALERS AIMED serves as the trade Association of Independent Mailing Equipment Dealers in the mailing, shipping and office automation industry. AIMED’s purpose is to provide profitable growth for the entire dealer channel. With a 35 year history of joining together as independent mailing equipment dealers, AIMED represents over 300 dealers throughout the United States. The AIMED goal is to enhance the opportunities for profitable industry growth through the entire independent dealer channel. AIMED provides extraordinary opportunities for members in the areas of industry specific benchmarking, education and



DECEMBER 2010 • 13


Profiles in Service: The Office Industry Trade Associations

By Art Diamond & Ronelle Ingram

information. AIMED members receive the Mailing Equipment Quota Index, Postage Meter Placement Index, the AIMED Benchmark Study, and Profit Making 101. AIMED sponsors conferences, seminars, legal assistance, affinity programs, vendor discount programs, Website and the Network quarterly newsletter. As an advocate for members, they are the liaison within the industry to facilitate change and encourage continuous improvement. Their ancillary services encompass legal, financial and affinity programs that enhance and protect the business of their dealer members. Peer Group Support Exchange through Member2Member provides valuable ideas and information with fellow AIMED dealers and industry professionals As an AIMED Associate vendor member, you will enjoy the opportunity to introduce your products and services to dealers as well as develop business relationships. AIMED offers three levels of Vendor membership including Silver, Gold and Platinum which includes: • Direct access to the industry’s leading dealer distribution channel • Listing on the AIMED web site with a direct, live link to your corporate web site • Joint-marketing with AIMED to dealer members through the Discount Program and the Affinity Partner Program • Opportunity to participate in the Vendor Showcase during AIMED conferences • Opportunity to sponsor a special networking event or educational/training program at conferences such as the welcome reception, golf outing, lunch and learn • Automatic recognition and high visibility as a sponsor at all AIMED events • Free registration for one employee to attend the National Conference • 10% off registration & program fees for additional attendees at AIMED events • 50% off for one employee attending the Fall Conference • Advertising opportunities on the AIMED web site through the home page link BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION Founded in 1926 and headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri USA, the Business Technology Association is the not-forprofit trade association that serves office technology dealerships, resellers, manufacturers, distributors and service companies. Its core members, independent dealerships, consult, sell and service hardware, software and supplies with the goal of helping businesses maximize their investment in office technology. Through the association's various educational programs, information, research, legal services, guidance and publications, BTA member dealerships are positioned to be the premier source of office technology used by businesses throughout the United States. BTA has approximately 760 member companies, 85% are office technology dealerships. The 14




remaining 15% are hardware and software manufacturers/vendors, distributors and service companies. Over the years, BTA has played a significant role in helping dealerships achieve higher levels of success. BTA's educational programs address such topics as managed network services, financial benchmarking and managed print services. In recent years, BTA district organizations have increasingly offered educational and networking events as well, providing dealer attendees various opportunities to learn f rom leading-edge presenters, interact with one another and learn about the products and services of sponsoring exhibitors. These events are planned and hosted by BTA member volunteers. Beyond its educational programs, BTA offers a growing array of member benefits. The BTA Marketplace is the latest among BTA’s discount offerings. It provides BTA member dealers with the opportunity to take advantage of discounts and value-added offerings from participating BTA Vendor Associate members. Another member benefit is the BTA Scholarship Foundation, which offers educational scholarships to the children of BTA member dealers. The scholarships can be used at colleges and accredited vocational trade schools. BTA provides members with a monthly magazine, Office Technology, weekly e-mailed Hotline, monthly educational webinars, various educational offerings, regional conferences and BTA Legal Hotline. BTA’s general counsel, Robert Goldberg, who has served in the role since January 1977, helps to ensure that vendors' contracts are fair and equitable. He can assist dealers and vendors in correctly handling personnel matters and guide them in appropriately pursuing any business dispute. Goldberg is available to counsel members at no charge as part of their BTA membership. Members also have access to a library of sample contracts, agreements, and forms that can be customized for a specific dealership. “While BTA—previously known as NOMDA (National Office Machine Dealers Association)—has been around for many years, those who have not taken a look at the member benefit offerings of the association lately should take another look,” said BTA Executive Director Brent Hoskins. “In recent years, BTA has made great strides. Its leadership team has concentrated on increasing the value of membership, adding a number of benefit programs. The result is a vibrant association that is seeing membership grow year-over-year. Whether it is for dealers or vendors, BTA is well-positioned to offer all in the office technology industry the guidance, tools and support they need to ultimately help them boost their botttom line.” Created and governed by member dealer volunteers, BTA is dedicated to helping strengthen the dealer channel of distribution. Vendor membership is available at various levels depending



DECEMBER 2010 • 15


Profiles in Service: The Office Industry Trade Associations

By Art Diamond & Ronelle Ingram

upon yearly revenue. Not a member of the office technology industry’s leading dealer organization? Then visit JoinOnline. COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION CompTIA is a non-profit trade association advancing the global interests of information technology (IT) professionals and companies including manufacturers, distributors, resellers, and educational institutions. CompTIA is the leading provider of professional certifications for the information technology (IT) industry. CompTIA chairs and manages the Initiative for Software Choice. Currently CompTIA offer 11 certifications that include network and systems knowledge. Since 1982 CompTIA has supported and led the global IT industry through educational programs, market research,

networking events, professional certifications, and political advocacy. CompTIA has a global reach, serving members from offices in Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. CompTIA is known worldwide as the leading provider of vendor-neutral IT certifications. CompTIA certifications identify IT professionals who prove their aptitude in various fields, such as security, network administration, computer repair, and server administration. CompTIA certifications help employers identify knowledge based IT accomplishments. CompTIA offers corporate and non-corporate (individual) memberships. Members receive discounts on certification testing, CompTIA events and full access to the CompTIA also provides its members with a wealth of business tools, resources, and educational content that is designed by industry experts to help grow your IT business. All CompTIA members have f ree access to in-depth industry research on important topics such as cyber-security, managed services, the IT workforce, and green IT. CompTIA members receive discounts on all CompTIA certifications, business credentials, virtual meetings and conferences including regionally presented Breakaway. All CompTIA members are eligible for valuable discounts on premium services such as car rentals, shipping, insurance, and office products. CompTIA is member driven and is led by an elected board of industry professionals. All proceeds are directly reinvested in programs and initiatives that benefit their members and the industry as a whole. CompTIA also gives back to the industry through the CompTIA Educational Foundation, which provides education and training to individuals under-represented in the IT industry, such as at-risk youth, dislocated workers, disabled workers, and veterans transitioning out of the military. As the IT industry’s leading trade association, CompTIA provides members with targeted networking opportunities, valuable 16




industry research, helpful business tools, and global leadership and advocacy. By joining CompTIA, you gain instant support from a powerful association whose main goal is to advance the interests of the IT industry. You can reach our membership department at or phone 866-835-8020 in the USA or in China or call +8610 8261 7799 x 6518 GLOBAL REMANUFACTURING INDUSTRY GENERAL ASSEMBLY GRIGA is an international assembly, with meetings planned at least once each year, for the global cartridge remanufacturing industry. Its mission is to convene national leaders on the basis of equality, communication and collaboration, so as to enhance worldwide understanding of trends, directions and standards in the development of this industry. Another goal is to promote eco-f riendly remanufactured products and to educate consumers, businesses and government agencies on the economic and environmental benefits of remanufacturing. By publicizing the remanufacturing philosophy and by uniting leaders in many nations, GRIGA’s objective is to unite the industry and sustain a robust and steady demand for remanufactured imaging products around the world. GRIGA’s charter meeting was held in Zhuhai, China on September 25, 2010, one day prior to the Remax Asia Expo and at the same venue—the spacious Zhuhai Airport expo center. This inaugural event ran flawlessly, with the precision of a fine, Swiss watch. It was highlighted by inspiring speeches and discussions presented by Representatives from businesses, trade associations and industry media from the four corners of the world. Co-Chair of the meeting, Mr. Arnald Ho, observed, “This event signals a new era of international communication and collaboration for imaging industry players worldwide.” INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. IBPI is the premier buying group, headquartered in Scottsdale, AZ, that provides independent commercial copier and printer dealers with industry best pricing and programs. Since 1987 IBPI has built an outstanding reputation, based upon its bringing tremendous buying power to its dealers. IBPI's membership is comprised of nearly 300 member dealers located throughout the United States representing combined annual sales in excess of $3.3 billion. IBPI's programs enhance its member companies by enabling them to retain their identity and independence in their marketplaces, as well as contributing to their profitability. The backbone of IBPI’s longevity and steady growth is comprised of members buying from participating vendors and new members being actively recruited though current member referrals. IBPI is member-owned. Each dealer member receives one share of IBPI stock upon a one-time initial membership fee of $1,500. There are no annual dues or fees charged to IBPI members. There


is a minimum required yearly purchase from IBPI vendors to maintain membership status. As stock holders, yearly dividends are usually earned and returned to the membership. By recruiting member dealers from every conceivable OEM affiliation, independent wholesalers and distributors; IBPI has been able to negotiate cost saving terms in the industry from a select group of quality vendors. Expanding their original focus from the products and supplies associated with copying equipment; IBPI now has preferred vendor programs that provide compatible and OEM supplies, software, leasing, printers, shipping and freight, web site development, marketing support, and sales development. IBPI has membership covering all 50 U.S. states-from Alaska to Florida, from Hawaii to Maine. Membership is comprised of an equal amount of small and medium sized dealers, with nearly 10% of the membership categorized as large dealers. All dealer membership applications and preferred vendor acceptance are reviewed and approved by the IBPI member Board of Directors. Through IBPI negotiated member discounts, on products purchased from IBPI preferred vendors in 2009, members saved between $25,000 (average Small dealers) to $165,000 (average Large dealers). IBPI Preferred Vendors receive greater exposure, along with penetration, into the largest buying group in the industry. Executive Director Randy Horshok says, “IBPI represents the largest buying group purchasing power in the U.S. office equipment industry. Members have a collective annual sales volume exceeding $3.3 billion.” INTERNATIONAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL The International ITC is a not-for-profit 501 (c) (6) trade association that represents the interests of the world's imaging supplies industry, including: office machine retail and repair; office supply retail and remanufacturing; computer retail, repair and networking companies; and, all related industry suppliers. The Int’l ITC seeks to unify and advance the interests of the different elements of the aftermarket imaging supplies industry, including remanufacturers, distributors, ser vice providers, manufacturers, resellers, dealers, information technology providers and corporate and government buyers. According to Executive Director, Ms. Tricia Judge “We exist to protect the rights of these groups to conduct business in an atmosphere of free enterprise.” The Int’l ITC benefits its members by: • Representing their interests in legislative and legal matters that affect the viability of the industry. • Advancing product improvement. • Educating its members in business and technology issues. • Enhancing the image of imaging supplies and related services. • Promoting diversity and choice within the market for imaging

supplies, devices and services. The Int’l ITC also represents its membership at meetings of the federal program called Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT), which will lead to a new federal certification program in the purchase of printers and consumables. Once concluded, 95% of Federal purchases will be required to meet EPEAT criteria. EPEAT is a system that helps purchasers evaluate, compare and select electronic products based on their environmental attributes. The system currently covers desktop and laptop computers, workstations and computer monitors. Registered products are rated as “gold,” “silver” or “bronze” depending on the percentage of 28 optional criteria they meet above the baseline criteria. EPEAT operates an ongoing verification program to assure the credibility of the registry. The list of EPEAT participants is a “who’s who” of OEMs, with only a handful of aftermarket representatives. The Int’l ITC promotes the use of remanufactured cartridges in these printers, while also monitoring the suggestions of the OEM representatives. The Int’l ITC has taken the issues of its members to every level of government, on a federal, state and local level. It has worked with the Federal Trade Commission to ensure that toner “scam artists” don’t taint the image of aftermarket supplies. It has filed “friends of the court” briefs in many important cases, including two that went before the U.S. Supreme Court. It has also worked on a curriculum to introduce our products to future buyers: American schoolchildren. The Int’l ITC also continues to protect the integrity of the STMC Certification program. The STMC certification symbol has become the most-recognized symbol of quality in the imaging supplies industry. It is a quality assurance program that is simple and affordable. It also generates income for our certified members because premium products command premium prices. It says that its producers put quality first. Cheap products can’t compete. As of today, more than 120 companies have been STMC certified in dozens of countries around the globe. STMC certification helps prove that aftermarket products can and do compete with those offered by the OEMs. Hewlett-Packard, in particular, has waged a propaganda campaign assailing both the quality and the environmental benefits of remanufactured cartridges. The Int’l ITC has responded to each and every one of the “reports” issued by HP and exposed their flaws. On several occasions, Int’l ITC staff has actually visited customers to directly refute these OEM claims. The Int’l ITC is not merely a U.S. organization. It also works together with its sister associations, including: ITC-Canada; The Latin American Cartridge Remanufacturing Association (ARTLA); The European Toner & Ink Jet Remanufacturers


DECEMBER 2010 • 17


Profiles in Service: The Office Industry Trade Associations

By Art Diamond & Ronelle Ingram


Association (ETIRA), the Australasian Cartridge Remanufacturers Association (ACRA), the Association of Japanese Cartridge Remanufacturers (AJCR), the United Kingdom Cartridge Remanufacturers Association (UKCRA), and several others.

WORLDWIDE DIRECTORY OF TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AIMED Association of Independent Mailing Equipment Dealers Mr. Rick Chambers, Executive Director 11310 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO 64114 888.750.6245 e-Mail: Website: BTA Business Technology Association Brent Hoskins Executive Director 12411 Wornall Road, Suite 200 Kansas City, MO 64145 Tel: 816.941.3100 e-Mail: Website: CompTIA Computing Technology Industry Association World Headquarters 1815 S. Meyers Road # 300 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181-5228 Tel: 630.678.8300 e-Mail: Website: CompTIA Computing Technology Industry Association China Prometric, Raycom Info Tech Park Tower A, Unit 405, 2 Kexueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100080 Tel: + Ext. 6518 e-Mail: ETIRA European Toner & Ink Jet Remanufacturers Association Vincent van Dijk, Secretary General Grieglaan 7 4837 CB Breda 18



The Netherlands Tel.: +31.6.414.614.63 Fax.: + e-Mail: Website: GRIGA Global Remanufacturing Industry General Assembly Mr. Arnald Ho, Co-Chair Print–Rite Holdings, Ltd. 10/F, Block A, MP Industrial Centre, No. 18 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan Hong Kong Tel: 852.2140.9133 e-Mail: Mr. Art Diamond, Co-Chair Diamond Research Corporation 530 West Ojai Avenue, Suite 108 Ojai, CA 93023-2471 Tel: 805.640.7177 e-Mail: IBPI International Business Products Inc. Mr. Randy Horshok, Executive Director 7336 E. Deer Valley Rd., #110 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Tel: 480.393.1694 e-Mail: Website: I-ITC INTERNATIONAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL Ms. Tricia Judge, Executive Director 3157 N. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 340 Las Vegas, 89108 Tel: 702.838.4279 e-Mail: Website:

SGIA SPECIALTY GRAPHIC IMAGING ASSOCIATION Mr. Michael Robertson, President & CEO 10015 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031-3489 Tel: 888.385.3588 e-Mail: Website: UKCRA United Kingdom Cartridge Recyclers Association Mr. Keith Moss, Chairman First Floor, Cheethams Mill Park Street, Stalybridge Cheshire SK15 2BT UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 01706 525050 Fax: 01706 647440 e-Mail: Website:



DECEMBER 2010 • 19


Asia Imaging Fair 2011: Expand & Diversify at the World’s Largest Print Expo When Recharge Asia magazine convenes its new Asia Imaging Fair, April 27-29, 2011, it will offer not just an expanded program, but an expanded industry scope as well. Recharge Asia is linking up with the world’s largest print exposition to occupy a total exhibit space of 35,000 square meters (~375,000 square feet) at the China National Convention Center in Beijing. This unique event will feature an expanded list of 450 Exhibitors displaying a wider variety of narrow, wide, and superwide format printers, imaging media, ink jet inks and toners. Tens of thousands of Visitors are expected to attend, eager to learn how to reach out for new business opportunities, essentially based upon their existing knowledge and experience with imaging methods and materials. According to Ms. Sunny Sun, Publisher of Recharge Asia magazine, “This is a rare opportunity for rechargers to expand and diversify their businesses into closely related sectors of the imaging industry. We recognized this show as a chance for our readers to benefit by adding new products and services to their company offerings and seized upon the opportunity to be there!” EXHIBITOR PROFILES Visitors will tour five individual sections that include pavilions featuring Cutting and Acrylic Equipment; Digital Engraving; Display Equipment; Inkjet & Toner Printing and Consumables; and, Sign Systems. EXHIBITOR SCOPE • Compatible, remanufactured and renewable consumables for printers and copiers • Ink cartridges, toner cartridges, ribbons, toner, ink and CISS • Chips, OPC drums, various rollers, sleeves, empties and other components and materials • Manufacturing, remanufacturing, filling, testing equipment & tools for printer consumables • Photo paper, register paper, color inject paper, thermal paper and other office printing papers

• Technologies, information, packing and other services for printer and copier consumables ORGANIZER: • Recharge Asia Magazine • Reprographic Science and Engineering TC of China Instrument and Control Society (CIS) • China National Electronics IMP. & Exp. Corp (CEIEC) • China-Office Automation Association (COAA) • Office Machinery Panorama Magazine Show Features: • The brand-new professional exhibition in copier domain • Share the visitor resources of the biggest China sign expo • The global grand event of printing industry based in Beijing • Help more enterprises involve in the government procurement market Among those exhibiting are: Afex , Beijing Beifang Office Equipment, Color Imaging, Ebest. Katun Corporation, Lanjie Parts Company, PhotoC, Static Control Components, and many, many others. SEVEN REASONS TO ATTEND Here are 7 reasons why your presence at this singular event is essential to the growth and sustainability of your business: 1. To expand the scope of our industry from remanufacturing alone to include the manufacture of ink jet and toner consumables for both narrow and wide-format applications 2. To merge all print-related industry sectors into this Annual Forum 3. To team up with one of the longest running print shows in Northern China 4. To attract and host the crowds of visitors expected from China’s sign industry 5. To attract major financial institutions and government agencies in the Beijing area, thereby affording attendees the opportunity to establish major corporate accounts 6. To catch up on the latest technical and marketing trends in toner and ink jet imaging and media 7. To network with manufacturers, vendors, distributors, associates and prospective customers ABOUT RECHARGE ASIA Rec harge Asia Cor por ation is a publishing and e vent management organization that tracks and chronicles the aftermarket imaging industry. Recharge Asia magazine






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Asia Imaging Fair 2011: Expand & Diversify at the World’s Largest Print Expo


publishes breaking news, in-depth features, product releases, company profiles and how-to articles. With its focus on the fast-growing Asian market, it is printed and distributed to many countries around the world in two languages: English and Chinese. Most readers and subscribers are those who represent the industry’s leading manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, parts suppliers, and research organizations. Editors: For additional information and photographs, please contact: In the USA Ms. Sunny Sun, Director RECHARGE ASIA Tel: 626.309.0858 Fax: 626.309.0878 e-Mail: In Asia Ms. Jessica Hao, Sales Representative RECHARGE ASIA Tel: +86.10.5126.5580 Fax: +86.10.5885.8747 e-Mail: Attendees: For registration details, visit:






DECEMBER 2010 • 23



Please Help! By Ronelle Ingram Ronelle Ingram is a writer, speaker, author of Service with a Smile and is a regular columnist for copier and imaging industry publications, like Recharge Asia. She began her technical career as a tool-case-carrying copier service tech. She is VP of Technical Support of Steven Enterprises in Irvine, California. Ronelle is past President of the Business Technology Association. A UCLA graduate, Ronelle has taught thousands of office equipment professionals throughout the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. Ms Ingram’s greatest credential is her 40+ years of hands-on experience of managing very profitable service and telemarketing departments. For more information, you may contact Ms. Ingram at ronellei@ or 714.744.9032 My apology to 300+ friends and business associates who received an email f rom my hijacked email address book sent f rom a mischievous server in Germany. I too received and opened this email with the subject line: ‘Please help!’ I quickly discover that hundreds of people actually opened and read this fraudulent email which request $3200 be sent to bail me out of a compromising situation. Supposedly, I had lost my money, passport, cell phone and was stranded in Malaysia. I must admit, the plea was more realistic than a similar email request from a senior counsel general of a third world country requesting assistance that will earn the recipient $10,000,000 in cash. At 4 a.m., on the morning the email was sent, I started getting calls at my home from my friends on the east coast. Intellectually, my friends knew it was a hoax. Emotionally, they wanted to make sure I was all right. The calls, emails and casual comments have continued for more four months. People read and remembered this email. This entire episode reinforced the fact that email communication and advertising is alive and well. A broad range of business people, including a couple OEM Presidents and other industry heavy weights actually opened, read and responded. If a malicious stranger f rom Germany can create a readable email, image




what trained marketing managers from your own company can accomplish. Email, when managed properly is a very cost effective way to spread your message. Here is a refresher course of dos and don’ts of business email. Lessons I learned from this mass email distribution: The majority of people who responded by email, did so from a mobile device. Emails are getting to the readers on an immediate basis. Take one look at a group of business people with bowed heads and busy fingers or stylists and you know their mobile device has an addictive hold on an ever increasing percentage of the connected population. Another interesting facet of the fake email odyssey was the variety of comments I received. The exact same email sent to everyone produced comments of me being arrested, mugged, and imprisonment in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Asia, China and Australia. Everyone got the amount of money requested, $3200, correct. Evidently, people focused more on what I wanted them to do, than why I was in need. Correct, current Email addresses should be treated as small pieces of gold. Seek, capture, record and use these individual threads of useful information. Encourage all your employees to continually work to increase and share the email addresses in their data base. As a company, continually increase the number and appropriateness of your email list. This requires both farming and weeding. Exchange of ideas is always helpful. Most business people have perfected the skill of viewing, opening, accessing, deleting, saving for later or reading emails in less than 5 seconds. Email reading and Web site reviewing have become entrenched in our daily routine. Web sites and emails can be two of the strongest or weakest areas of your businesses expertise. Before you start an email campaign, make sure your Web site is up to date, visually appealing, provides appropriate information and displays an accurate representation of your company. Upon receiving a




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Please Help!


take-action-now email, the reader will often investigate your Web site first. More customers will probably visit your Web site than your showroom. Your web site and emails are a direct reflection of your company. Take some time to actually look at each page or link of your Web site. • Is there out dated information? Are some of your offered links no longer accessible? • Are your most current products being showcased? • Are there photos and bios of your management team? • Are your company address, phone numbers, email address, Web site, contact information and business hours easily located on line? Here are a list of guidelines to considering when using email as an economical marketing and advertising tool. • Systematically and continually collect email addresses of your current and prospective customers. Encourage employees to gather businesses cards and forward email addresses from appropriate sources. Regularly add these addresses to your email list. • Make your subject line short and accurate • Have the incoming email address identifiable as coming from your company or a specific person from your company • To avoid being diverted by scam filters; avoid using in your subject or text of your document, ‘Discount, free, save’ or other suspect words. • Enable one click unsubscribe, and double click opt-in subscription process. This will protect your company legally from beginning considered a spammer. It will maximize a professional business tenor of your communication with your customers. • Consistently will strengthen your brand recognition and build up anticipation. Send your email messages at the same time on the same day of the week / month. • Balance familiarity with over exposure in emailing frequency; daily, weekly, semi-weekly, monthly quarterly. Find a balance that is most appropriate for your business and audience. • Statistically, Tuesday or Wednesday will increase the frequency of your email being opened and read. • Send specialized before and after holiday messages a couple days before or after the event. Holiday acknowledgements can add additional interest and relevancy to your message. • When setting up a new requested subscriber, build immediate trust with three communications. Automatically acknowledge and thank for a new subscription within one hour. Or manually acknowledge within 8 business hours. Send your most recent communication, e-newsletter or link, or special offer with 24 hours. Follow-up within one week with one additional




communication. This builds familiarly and trust. • Create or buy a canned template with your logo, complete company name, a specific person’s name and professional title, Web site address, telephone number, email address, email-afriend and unsubscribe link. Be professional. Open with a person’s name when using an email software package. • Short and informative messages have a better chance of being read than long and involved communications. • Provide something worth reading. What’s in it for the reader? Provide useful information / education, a specially priced offer or business appropriate humor or trivia. • Track your list. How many are opened, bounced, checked through, responded to, etc. • Consistently monitor, refine, add to and delete from your email list. • Offer an email-a-friend link with newsletters or other informational or educational material. This will aid in the gathering of new email addresses. It is an excellent way to gain referred contacts. Your email campaign can start small and be handled manually in house. As you gain email addresses, it can be outsourced for a simple periodically emailing of your information to a few hundred addresses for under $10 per month. It can grow and be extended to customized newsletters going to tens of thousands of subscribers. Every email that is sent by anyone representing your company should have a pre-designed, customized signature that includes your company full color logo, and complete contact information. Additionally, your company’s slogan or motto, upcoming event, color logos of your key OEM authorization and certifications can be included. A green statement or earth sustainability pledge are becoming increasing popular as part of the signature lines. It is all part of branding and non-intrusive advertising. On some business emails, a final paragraph of legalize is included that explains who has the right to read, use or not use the information. I’m not a lawyer. So I will not express an opinion on use of such a disclaimer. I regret that my friends and business associates becoming a part of my hijacked email address expereince. However, my belief in the power of email advertising was expanded. I am often involved in business discussions about the value of advertising via email versus US postal service, yellow pages, print ads, Internet banner ads, etc. This International Internet hoax proved to me that people do open, read and respond to their email. Even when the subject matter is “Please help!”




DECEMBER 2010 • 27



InfoTrends Announces a New Study Entitled Production Print Services in North America InfoTrends has announced the launch of a comprehensive new study entitled Production Print Services in North America: An Evolution in Progress. The double impact of market trends and an ailing economy are pushing print service providers of all types to become more innovative, productive, and cost effective. It is therefore particularly timely to understand how all types of print service providers (whether in print-for-pay or print-for-cost environments) are reacting to this challenge. Steve Adoniou, an Associate Director at InfoTrends, stated, “We’ve researched the commercial and in-plant print markets thoroughly over the years, but this is our first major study that will

involve a combined approach covering both types of print service providers. We believe that this will offer unprecedented insight into these environments.” Through a combination of e-mail surveys, phone interviews, and desk research, InfoTrends intends to: • Indentify key growth services and print applications and quantify their future growth • Understand the impact of industry consolidation on these key industry segments in terms of downsizing, merger & acquisition, profit margins, access to capital, outsourcing, etc. as these elements apply to the various segments.

• Obtain profile information regarding growth and/or success factors by each type of print service provider segment. • Profile the installed hardware and software products used in commercial, quick, digital, and in-plant printing environments. • Identify product purchasing plans and how these relate to growth strategy. • Measure the impact of digital print hardware as well as software tools for Web job submission, variable data, and other functions • Compare how trends are impacting print-for-pay and print-forcost environments differently. The results of this study will reveal how changing customer

behaviors and economic pressures are shaping the future of production print services in North America. About InfoTrends InfoTrends, a Questex company, is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at

Planning for 2011: Three Strategies to Consider (Part 2) Last month, in this two-part article series about planning for 2011, we asked three questions to help you evaluate current marketing practices and next year’s plans (view Part 1 of the article in Rechargeasia magazine’s November issue). This month, we offer three marketing strategies that will help position you to achieve your goals. 1. Maintain a persistent, comprehensive marketing presence. The industrial buy cycle is a well-documented and often complex process that buyers engage in to identify and procure products and services meeting their needs. It is essential that manufacturers and suppliers get found in the early research phases of the buy cycle, when potential customers are looking for vendors who can meet their needs. Otherwise, you may be shut out of a number of business opportunities. In order to be found early in the buy cycle, you must maintain a persistent marketing presence where buyers begin their products and services search—online. Research shows that buyers have significantly reduced their reliance on traditional information 28



sources such as printed catalogs, trade shows, and trade magazines, in favor of online resources. The Industrial Buy Cycle Survey reported the top three most frequently used sources for searching for products and services to purchase are search engines, supplier web sites, and online catalogs. From the beginning to the end of the buy cycle, the supplier that is eventually selected is exposed to the buyer many times. The company may have first become visible through an Internet search, or exposure to its online catalog, or a banner ad on an industrial site, or any number of other ways. Therefore, build a comprehensive and persistent online presence to reach buyers and increase opportunities to gain customers. 2. Commit to marketing programs that deliver real leads, real fast. By real leads, we mean real people with full contact information and an expressed area of interest. Real fast means you get leads in your hands almost as soon as they are generated. This type of data and timing is what your sales team needs to be successful, and it’s



marketing’s responsibility to provide it. While branding and visibility do play an important role in marketing, lead generation is still a top priority. Think twice about investing in lead generation programs that deliver only anonymous clicks to your Web site. Your sales people can’t do anything with that list—and neither can you for follow-up marketing purposes. In the same vein, avoid marketing programs that deliver leads after they’ve already gone cold. Your prospects are on Internet time, and if they express interest in your company and products, they expect a response in 24 hours or less. If they don’t get it, they will move on to other vendors. Marketing programs such as provide you with leads containing full contact information and area of prospect interest. And, as soon as the lead is generated, it is available to you online, helping ensure that you can reach out to a potential new customer in a timely manner. 3. Discuss your marketing challenges and goals with media partners. Each year presents new challenges in marketing planning, whether it’s a tough economy, constrained budgets, company strategy shifts, a decline in effectiveness of traditional marketing, or changes in

the buying behavior of your customers. You don’t have to face these challenges alone. You should take the time now to discuss your marketing challenges and goals with existing or potential media partners. Before committing program dollars for 2011, find the partners you are most comfortable with and who offer the best programs to meet your needs. Here is a checklist of questions to ask media partners; based on their answers, you should be able to better allocate your marketing dollars and choose effective programs: • Do they have the attention of your target audience? • Can they keep your company visible to prospects and customers at all times? In other words, help you maintain marketing persistence. • Do they offer a variety of integrated marketing solutions aligned with your goals rather than trying to fit you into cookie cutter programs? • Do they deliver targeted, quality leads with full contact information in a timely manner? • Do they provide reporting you can use to measure the performance of your marketing and justify your marketing investments?


DECEMBER 2010 • 29



How to Track Clicks in Your Email-Newsletter Campaigns By Andy Shore In this article, you’ll learn how to: • Increase the success of your email campaigns • Keep your customers focused • Use a strong call to action The success of your email-marketing campaigns cannot be determined without proper focus on what reports are telling you, and reporting on click-throughs is a critical way of determining how engaged your audience is. Unfortunately, a lot of email marketers throw around words and phrases such as “Google Analytics”, “tracking”, and “metrics” without really knowing how to translate link reports into successful email-marketing campaigns. Here are some tips on how you can use links and reports to boost your return on investment and customer interest. Cut back on images Simply stated, the more images you have in your email, the greater the chance that subscribers will leave your email to visit the Web version. And if subscribers go to the Web version, you can’t track via email analytics where they clicked or where they went after they visited your website. Keep your image count low to reduce the chance of subscribers’ leaving your email. Set up Web tracking Understanding which links were clicked on in your email is a great start, but expanding that process to your website is even more important. With Web analytics, you’ll know which pages your customers visited on your website, which products they’re browsing, and where they abandoned their shopping cart. Create good landing pages A landing page is more than a place to send customers when your email threatens to be too text heavy; it should be a gateway to other parts of your website where customers can learn more and make purchases. With email, you’re only as good as where you send your customers after they click on that link.

with links is tempting, but remember that you want to keep your customers focused. Too many links can overwhelm subscribers and turn them off altogether, giving you no data on their preferences. Instead of cramming 50 links in your newsletter, put in five focused ones. Track more than product browsing For every customer who goes right to your product page, another visits your testimonials or how-to pages. Are you getting that data? Use analytics and email-link tracking to see where your customers went, outside your product and sales pages, when they left your newsletter. Tracking visits to your sales pages is great, but remember that customers can visit any area of your site, from your About Us page to the newsletter sign-up area. Close off those dead ends Like traffic after a football game, customers tend to bottleneck in certain places on your website. When your customers click on links in your email newsletter, check whether a large number of subscribers dropped off at a certain page, and make changes accordingly. Use a strong call to action The standard call-to-action link, “Click here”, may get the job done, but you can get more clicks if you move beyond that overused phrase. Try links that say “Find out more on our Top 10 most-popular brands” or “To use your summer barbecue to the max, keep reading.” Give customers a nice tease on where you’re sending them, and you'll see your click-through numbers jump when your reports come in. To really get the good data and make the most of your clickthroughs, you need to do more than check out reports to track links. If your email newsletter contains solid, interesting links, your subscribers will not only spend more but also look forward to every email you send.

Don’t go overboard with links Packing your newsletter 30



ABOUT THE AUTHOR Andy Shore is a marketing and social networking expert at Benchmark Email (, an email marketing service.




DECEMBER 2010 • 31


A ‘GREEN’ Solution System: American TonerServ Corp American TonerSer v Corp. (ATS), a leader in the highly fragmented $6.0 billion printer supplies and services industry, reports it has introduced its new brand, Rival™, for its own remanufactured toner cartridges. The Company has increased its own manufacturing capabilities in its Tonertype division in Tampa, Florida. ATS said that all Rival™ products meet all manufacturer specifications, are STMC certified, and are 100% guaranteed to be free from defects in materials and workmanship. “A lot of companies talk about ‘Green’ solutions. We are bringing one to the marketplace. E-waste is a growing problem, with more than 400 million cartridges, 1.9 billion pounds of solid waste, discarded annually. It takes 450 years for a laser cartridge to decompose and America uses 375 million gallons of oil to make these cartridges. Our compatible cartridges, guaranteed to be of equal quality to more expensive OEM brands, will help divert millions of cubic feet of material from waste disposal and use 80 percent less energy in their manufacture,” said Chuck Mache, CEO of American TonerServ. “It has always been a goal to build distribution first and then brand our compatible cartridges. Now that we are manufacturing our own Rival™ line and selling it through the distribution we have built, we have greatly enhanced our ability to control the collection of the core cartridge once it is used by our customer,” Mr. Mache explained. “The price of the core cartridge has driven wholesales pricing up to companies like ours who have traditionally purchased from remanufacturers. These price increases have contributed to an erosion of our gross margins. Now that we are manufacturing and selling our own Rival™ brand and collecting our own cores from the end user, we’ve lessened our dependency on purchasing from the remanufacturers. While we will continue to purchase from select remanufacturers and wholesalers, Rival™ gives us a clear cost advantage over more traditional purchasing methodologies,” Mr. Mache said. American TonerServ Now Averaging More Than 1,500 Toner Cartridge Sales Daily: 50 Percent Growth in One Year American TonerServ Corp reports it is averaging over 1,500 toner cartridge sales per day, a 50 percent increase compared to approximately one year ago despite the very difficult economic conditions. Chuck Mache said that, “Through the first 10 months of the year we have sold more than 300,000 cartridges and with the addition of new customers that we are on-boarding now, we are very optimistic about a continued sales ramp up.”




“We offer one of the most complete lines of toner cartridges available. Our aftermarket cartridges perform comparably to an OEM cartridge, but are less expensive and significantly better for the environment,” Mr. Mache concluded. Third Quarter Revenue Tops $8.5 Million; $25.4 Million Year to Date American TonerServ Corp reports continued record revenues for the first nine months of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009. Financial highlights for the 3rd quarter ended September 30, 2010 include: • Revenue increased 10% to $8,513,838 compared to $7,760,601 reported for the third quarter of 2009 • Gross profit increased to $2,003,742 compared to $2,000,083 reported for the third quarter of 2009 • Adjusted EBITDA increased 114% to $130,879 compared to $61,200 reported for the third quarter of 2009 Financial highlights for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 include: • Revenue increased 18.3% to $25,428,103 compared to $21,493,092 reported for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2009 • Gross profit decreased 1.6% to $6,115,177 compared to $6,215,305 reported for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2009 Chuck Mache commented: “It has been our intention from the onset to become the leader of this industry and we are proud of our progress and revenue growth through the first three quarters of the year.” “While we continue to emphasize increasing sales, we have additionally focused our efforts on implementing cost cutting strategies throughout our headquarters and our subsidiaries. The results of these efforts are recognized through the significant Adjusted EBITDA growth in the third quarter of 2010,” said Mr. Mache. American TonerServ Moves to Increase Its Own Compatible Cartridge Manufacturing by Expanding Into New Florida Facility: Increased Revenue Growth Foreseen American TonerServ Corp. reports it has expanded to a new facility in its Tonertype division in Tampa, Florida. The move expands Tonertype’s square footage from 13,500 to nearly 30,000 and is set up to manufacture up to 15,000 compatible toner cartridges per month. Tonertype had been manufacturing a small amount of cartridges specifically for



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A ‘GREEN’ Solution System: American TonerServ Corp


the local markets in Florida. The decision to expand production centered on a change in the economic environment in the compatible cartridge market and the continued revenue growth of ATS. The Company recently announced a 23 percent increase in revenues for the first six months of 2010 to $16.9 million. Mr. Mache said that: “When we acquired Tonertype in 2007, the economics in the industry favored outsourcing to remanufacturers versus building cartridges in-house. With the prices of cores rising so dramatically in 2010, causing wholesale cartridge prices to rise and putting margin pressures on the company, we've opted to expand our expertise of manufacturing compatible toner cartridges.” “Our quality from Tonertype has always rivaled that of the OEM’s and compatible manufacturers, and while we will continue to make significant additional purchases from our selected strategic vendors, our expanded facility and increased manufacturing is

designed to increase our margins on certain select sku’s. This is all made possible by our continued revenue growth,” Mr. Mache said. About American TonerServ: American TonerServ (OTCBB: ASVP) is a leading marketer of compatible and original-equipment-manufactured toner cartridges. The Company is strategically building a nationwide organization to efficiently serve the printing needs of small-and medium-sized businesses by executing on key organic growth initiatives designed to build sales distribution across the country. In the more than $6.0 billion recycled printer cartridge and printer services industry, the company offers top quality, environmentally friendly products and local service teams to its customers. Please visit: for more information.

HP Puts Pressure on Counterfeiters in Africa Market HP has hit out against the threat of counterfeit printing supplies in Af rica, stressing the importance of striking back at the organized criminal networks behind the illegal activity. “There is no shortage of unscrupulous thieves who want to defraud unsuspecting customers,” says Amir Hassan, Imaging & Printing group manager for Af rica, speaking at a gathering in Luanda of major regional partners. HP co-operates closely with African authorities to jointly protect unwitting customers and honest businesses in the




region from counterfeit products. Over the last five years, HP helped seize more than 700 000 counterfeit printing supplies and components in the region as well as packaging material and machines for assembling fake printing supplies. Through its anti-counter feiting programmed, HP actively educates its customers and partners to be vigilant against fake printing supplies. It also supports local law enforcement authorities to help dismantle illegal operations that manufacture counterfeit printing supplies for HP printers globally. In the region which covers Europe, the Midd le East, the Mediterranean and Africa - from the end of 2008 through September 2010, HP helped authorities seize around 5.1 million finished counterfeits and components. In H P ’s fiscal year 2009 alone, the number of illicit items seized represented more

than twice the amount confiscated in the previous year. Globally, over the last four years, HP conducted 4 723 investigations in 88 countries resulting in 3 733 enforcement actions (raids and seizures by authorities), confiscating over 47.23 million units of counterfeit products and components. Investigations and actions have occurred on every continent except Antarctica. According to the Business Action t o S t o p C o u n t e r f e i t i n g a n d P i r ac y (BASCAP), the estimated market for counterfeit merchandise is $750-billion globally. The Imaging Consumables Coalition of Europe, Middle East and Africa (ICCE) indicate that there’s an 8% counterfeit rate in the nearly €30-billion market for printing consumables in Europe, the Middle East & Africa.



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New Compact Color ImageRunner Series from Canon If today’s office theres hardly enough room to place a color printer as well as a fax and scanner, so multifunction solutions have become more and more popular in the office environment, Canon just releasing the imageRUNNER C1030 series as an alternative to all the other color letter-size multifunction products available out there. The new multifunction device picks up where its predecessor, the Color imageRunner C1022 Series, left off, offering enhanced output speed, or letter-sized print speeds of up to 22 pages per minute (ppm) in color and 30ppm monochrome at up to 600 x 600 dpi resolution (2400 equivalent x 600 dpi) and scanning of documents at up to 20 ipm at 600 x 600 dpi. This actually means these two new printers support duplex-printing while also coming with a faster warm-up time and short wait times between jobs, handling concurrent print, copy, scan, fax and send jobs a lot more smoothly than before. The Color imageRunner 1030 Series targets smaller corporate workgroup environments, satellite offices and executive suites and offers authentication and management tools consistent with other Canon systems. For example, the latest MFP from Canon integrates with both the imageWare Enterprise Management Console customer utility and imageWare Remote, a management tool available to Canon Authorized Dealers to proactively and securely manage service and usage. Standard features on the Color imageRunner C1030 models




include: a tilting 3.5" color LCD interface with a scroll dial for easy operation, a 350-sheet standard paper capacity for up to 8.5 x 14" media (expandable to 850 sheets), UFR II LT printing, 768 MB of RAM, 10/100 Base TX Ethernet connectivity, a variety of Memory Media ports and color send capability. Faxing, PCL and PostScript 3 (emulated) printing are available options. The new MFP is available in two versions, an “iF” model, that comes bundled with standard features including PCL5c/6 support and faxing capabilities and a "base" model configurable with printing and fax options. “We are confident the expansion of our Color imageRUNNER platform will further distinguish Canon as the provider of choice for small businesses and corporate environments seeking a cost effective option with advanced technologies and solutions,” said Sam Yoshida, vice president and general manager, Imaging Systems Group, Canon U.S.A. “Like the imageRUNNER 2500 Series introduced earlier this year, the Color imageRUNNER C1030 Series offers businesses a streamlined solution, combining excellent durability and simplicity of operation in a small package.” The two models come with enhanced security. The standard Department ID and User ID limits access to authorized users while the new User Authentication for Send function secures business information by requiring users to positively authenticate against an LDAP server before using the standard Color Send capability. The new Serverless Secure Print o p t i on p ro t e c t s d o c u m e n t o u t p u t a n d centralized security and output tracking is available with standard firmware-embedded support for Canon’s uniFlow v5.0 optional solution. The Color imageRunner C1030 and C1030iF are now available through Canon authorized dealers and Canon Business Solutions at the manufacturer’s suggested price of $2,595 and $3,095, respectively.




DECEMBER 2010 • 37



Epson Artisan 725 Premium All-in-One Printer Featured on “The Talk” Epson America, Inc., a leading provider of superior performing desktop printing solutions, announced that the Epson Artisan® 725 premium all-in-one featured today in a busy-mom segment on CBS’ new daytime hit show, “The Talk”, was given to each of the 250 audience members. With an invaluable combination of superior performance and image quality for everyday printing projects, the Artisan 725 boasts the world's fastest 4"x6" photo print speeds(1), built-in Wi-Fi® n(2) and Ethernet networking, a 2.5" color LCD screen and memory card slots for PC-free printing, and full-featured copying and scanning capabilities. “The Artisan 725 is an impressive all-in-one with beautiful output, creative capabilities and very practical, efficient features for today’s moms who have demanding schedules,” said Dr. Gadget®, consumer technology television and radio personality. “I’m excited to introduce the Artisan 725 to the ladies hosting “The Talk”, as well as offer a unit to each of their enthusiastic audience members just in time for the busy holiday season when they'll need it most.”

The Artisan 725 provides a range of practical and creative features for a variety of printing needs. Using the convenient front touch panel, users can easily preview, select, enhance, and print high-quality photos without a computer. This all-in-one also offers automatic two-sided printing, the ability to print photos and documents wirelessly from the Apple® iPhone(3), and unique features such as creating greeting cards, coloring book pages, stationery, note paper, and custom CDs or DVDs. “The Artisan 725 all-in-one is designed to help busy moms

show off their best creative projects quickly and easily,” said Julie Ernest, product manager, Consumer Ink Jets, Epson America, Inc. “The Artisan 725 seamlessly blends convenience and creativity with superior performing features and fun applications for your printing, copying and scanning needs. Whether it’s used to create




birthday invitations, holiday greeting cards, print photos, or copy recipes, the Artisan 725 is the ideal solution for any mom, including those who love ‘The Talk’.” The Artisan 725 uses Epson’s six-color Ultra Hi-Definition Claria® ink and exclusive MicroPiezo® print head with DX5™ technology, delivering clear text and vivid, true-to-life photos. It also features exceptional image enhancement tools, including builtin Auto Photo Correction to automatically evaluate and correct images and red eye, and color restoration capabilities to easily bring old, faded photos back to life. The Artisan 725 ($199.99)* is currently available through major computer, office and electronic superstores, a variety of retail stores nationwide and Epson’s retail site, The Artisan 725 comes with a one-year limited warranty and free lifetime phone support(4) with quick and convenient product exchange. Key Features • Ultra Hi-Definition prints from the world's fastest 4" x 6" photo printer1 — brilliant 4" x 6" photos in as fast as 10 seconds1; DX5 MicroPiezo technology provides the finest color and detail without sacrificing speed • Built-in wireless and Ethernet networking — built-in wireless (Wi-Fi CERTIFIED n)1 and wired networking; print, scan, and access memory card slots1 from any room in the house • One-of-a-kind projects — easily create coloring books, personal note paper, invitations and greeting cards using your own photos • Results ready to share — lab quality photos are smudge, scratch, water and fade resistant • PC-free photo printing — easy-to-use touch panel with 2.5" LCD • Perfect photos made easy — Auto Photo Correction and red-eye removal • Versatile paper handling — automatic two-sided printing and two paper trays for plain and photo paper • Bring old, faded photos back to life — easily restore the color to faded photos • Print directly from your cell phone — supports iPhone and other mobile devices1 • Individual ink cartridges — replace only the color you need • Professional looking CDs / DVDs — print right onto ink jet printable CDs / DVDs without labels • Easily charge portable devices — free up a power outlet; charge cell phones and MP3 players1 • Epson Preferred program — one-year warranty and free




DECEMBER 2010 • 39


RECHARGEasia Epson Artisan 725 Premium All-in-One Printer Featured on “The Talk”


About Epson America, Inc.

lifetime customer phone support1 • Quickly print from your mobile device — print photos, office documents and more, see for details Eco Features • Estimated power consumption for one year is less than two dollars1 • Save up to 50% of your paper supply with automatic, two-sided printing • Save even more by printing multiple pages on a single sheet • Supports printing on recycled paper • Designed to be recycled1 • ENERGY STAR® qualified • RoHS compliant • Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWaysm Transport Partner1

Epson is a global imaging and innovation leader that is dedicated to exceeding the vision of customers worldwide through its compact, energy-saving, high-precision technologies, with a product lineup ranging from printers and 3LCD projectors for business and the home, to electronic and crystal devices. Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises nearly 80,000 employees in 102 companies around the world, and is proud of its ongoing contributions to the global environment and the communities in which it operates. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Epson and Claria are registered trademarks, and Epson Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark. Artisan is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. (1) Compared to ink jet, photo all-in-ones priced at $299 or less as of April 1, 2010, based on independent testing. (2) Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n certified; level of performance subject to the range of the router being used. Visit 11nbasics_glossary.pdf for more information. (3) See for more information on optional phone applications. (4) Epson provides phone support, without charge, for the life of the product. Telephone toll charges may apply. For more information, please see the Artisan 725 fact sheet or visit

HP Launches ePrint Cloud Service and Four Web-enabled Printers HP announced four new web-enabled printers, as well as a new ePrint cloud service with storage, print scheduling, printing management, and remote access from any email-enabled device. The HP Photosmart e-All-in-One printers are offered in four models ranging from $100 to $300, says HP. HP did not mention the operating system behind the printers, nor did it offer in-depth technical details for any model except for the high-end, $300 HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One model (below). A photo taken by at the announcement, however, suggests that the next model down, the $200 HP Photosmart Premium e-All-in-One is all but identical to the Linux-based HP Photosmart Premium with TouchSmart Web multi-function inkjet, announced a year ago as the “world’s first web-connected home printer”.




HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One




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RECHARGEasia HP Launches ePrint Cloud Service and Four Web-enabled Printers

At presstime, HP had yet to respond to a request for OS details, but it would seem that all four new printers are based on Linux. The e-All-in-One printers are not, however, the WebOS-imbued printers that HP recently said it planned to offer in the future. (HP’s pending acquisition of Palm and its Linux-based Web’S operating system is expected to be completed soon.) All four HP Photosmart e-All-in-One printers are designed to access the web and new ePrint cloud services (see farther below) without requiring an attached PC. The four printers are as follows: • HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One -- This top-of-theline $300 multifunction fax printer (pictured above) is notable for its advanced fax functions, duplex printing, and 50-page automatic document feeder. Featuring print speeds of up to 32 pages per minute (ppm) in black and 32 ppm in color, the printer supports up to 600 x 600 dpi print resolution for black and 9600 x 2400 dpi for color, says HP. Measuring 18.43 x 17.8 x 11.14 inches, the HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One is equipped with a 2.4-inch color touchscreen and memory card reader for direct photo printing, says HP. Ethernet and USB ports are provided, as well as 802.11n wireless connectivity, says the company. Fax speeds are said to reach three seconds per page, with 300 x 300 dpi resolution, and the device can store up to 90 fax pages. Up to 50 copies can be made at up to 32 copies per minute (cpm) in color and 33 cpm in black, with scaling offered at up to 400 percent, says the company. The 8.5 x 11.7-inch flatbed scanner offers up to 4800 dpi optical scanning resolution, and up to 19,200 dpi with “enhanced” scanning, says HP. The printer is also said to offer 48-bit scanner bit depth.


with HP TouchSmart enhanced touch technology, says HP. Featuring two-sided printing, the Premium e-All-in-One can be customized with print apps such as Fandango and Coupons. com. Judging from the detail on the shot shown above, the new model offers printing, copying, scanning, and fax.

HP’s earlier Photosmart Premium with TouchSmart Web

The earlier model (pictured above) ran on a Freescale ARM11 i.MX31 processor, offered 802.11b/g, Ethernet, a USB port, and a WebKit browser, and measured 18.0 x 19.3 x 7.8 inches. Providing color printing, scanning, copying, and fax capabilities, the unit featured performance of up to 33 ppm in black and up to 32 ppm color, said HP.

HP Photosmart Plus e-All-in-One

HP Photosmart Premium e-All-in-One

• HP Photosmart Premium e-All-in-One -- The spitting image of the earlier HP Photosmart Premium with TouchSmart Web (see image below), the new e-All-in-One model pictured above provides WiFi access to the web, as well as a 4.3-inch touchscreen,




• HP Photosmart Plus e-All-in-One -- This mid-range $150 printer (pictured above) is designed for “lab-quality photos, everyday documents, and creative projects”, says HP. Equipped with a 3.5-inch HP TouchSmart touchscreen, the device is said to print web content such as coupons, recipes, quick forms, greeting cards, HP Games, crafts, and news. • HP Photosmart e-All-in-One -- Equipped with a 2.4-inch



HP TouchSmart screen, this entry-level web printer costs only $100. The printer offers photo printing features such as an autoengaging photo tray and direct access to the Snapfish online photo service. ePrint floats HP printers into the cloud The new ePrint cloud service lets e-All-in-One users, as well as users of other ePrint-ready HP printers, store documents online. In addition, users can print from any email-enabled device to any new ePrint-enabled printer from anywhere in the world, claims HP. The ePrint service is said to “transform printers into publishing platforms” by providing online print customization apps, as well as scheduled timed delivery of content. For example, users can set up the service to automatically download and print out news from or Yahoo! at particular times, or download the latest creative after-school activities from Disney, says the company. The service also provides access to HP’s ePrintCenter, providing print management services to tailor various content using standard templates. Here, users can register their products and receive updates according to their preferences, configure devices, track ePrint jobs, and browse and suggest new print apps, says HP. Because the ePrint service uses “Google Cloud” services, it offers access to Google Docs, Photos, and Calendar directly from ePrintready printers, says HP. Print apps are also said to be available from partners including Yahoo!,, Facebook, Live Nation, Crayola, Reuters, DocStoc, and Picasa Web Albums. Each HP ePrint-ready printer, including the above e-All-in-One

printers, is given a unique, simple email address that “allows the sender to deliver a print the same way they would send an email message,” says HP. HP ePrint apps are provided for both desktops and smartphones, enabling remote printing of Microsoft Office documents, Adobe PDFs, and JPEG image files, among other formats, says the company. HP iPrint Photo app debuts on Android HP also announced that its HP iPrint Photo app is now available for Android. The apps offers direct wireless printing to HP inkjet printers connected to a local WiFi network, says HP. Other versions are already available for Symbian, Windows Mobile, the Apple iPad, as well as the iPhone and iPod Touch. A Snapfish by HP mobile app will ship for Android sometime this summer, says the company. Stated Vyomesh Joshi, EVP, Imaging and Printing Group, HP, “We know that our customers want an easy way to print their content, anywhere, anytime. We’re making that a reality today by giving people the power to print from any web-connected device -- smartphones, iPads, netbooks and more -- to any printer in our portfolio above $99.” Availability HP Photosmart Premium e-All-in-One will be available in September for $200, says HP. Availability and pricing for the other printers include HP Photosmart Plus e-All-in-One (August, $150), HP Photosmart e-All-in-One ( June, $100), and HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One (September, $300).

Rioch Americas Corporation & Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group Renew Creo COLOR Server Technology Relationship The Production Printing Business Group (PPBG) of Ricoh Americas Corporation today announced the continuation of its strategic relationship with Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group. The implementation of the new CREO C-81 Color Server with the RICOH® Pro C901/C901s Graphic Arts Edition is the next evolution of this relationship. Ricoh’s new Pro C901/C901s Graphic Arts Edition will offer CREO’s Color Controller C-81, which will provide open connectivity to digital workflows, putting the power of an existing PRINERGY Digital Workflow System within Ricoh products. “CREO has over 30 years of leadership experience in graphic arts,” stated Carl Joachim, vice president of marketing for PPBG, Ricoh Americas Corporation. “Ricoh’s continued relationship with

CREO will underscore both companies ability to deliver full color and imaging needs to customers while continuing to optimize workflow solutions to a multitude of digital production printers and presses.” CREO Color Servers feature color consistency, powerful processing, and compatibility across all avenues of printing. The Color Controller C-81, which features built-in qualities such as SMS and email notification, support for the ADOBE PDF Print Engine 2, and JDF connectivity for integration within Graphic Arts workflows, will help customers increase productivity and improve flexibility while continuing to boost profits. “This is the second time Ricoh has chosen a CREO Color Server to drive its flagship engines,” says Chris O’Connor, Vice


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RECHARGEasia Rioch Americas Corporation & Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group Renew Creo COLOR Server Technology Relationship Continued

President, Global Business Group for Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group. “We are pleased that our professional color management and open connectivity for an integrated, automated workflow continues to serve our partner and their customers with excellence.” The CREO C-81, which also offers a fast learning curve for immediate use and error reduction, out-of-the-box color and image control, market-leading document printing features and advanced built-in Variable Data Printing (VDP) capabilities, will be unveiled with the new Ricoh Pro C901/C901S Graphic Arts Edition during GRAPH EXPO at the Ricoh booth, # 2017. Full availability of the new CREO C-81 Color Controller will begin in early first quarter, 2011. About Ricoh Americas Corporation Ricoh Americas Corporation, headquartered in West Caldwell, N.J., is a subsidiary of Ricoh Company, Ltd., the 74-year-old leading provider of advanced office technology and innovative document imaging products, services and software, with fiscal year 2009 sales in excess of $21 billion.

Ricoh’s fully integrated hardware and customizable services and software help businesses share information efficiently and effectively by enabling customers to control the input, management and output of documents. Ricoh Americas Corporation, directly or through its network of authorized dealers, markets and distributes products in North, Central and South America. About Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group develops highperformance CREO Color Servers and workflow solutions for a wide range of digital production printers and presses. CREO Color Servers offer the digital printing industry leading workflow connectivity solutions. They utilize intelligent, JDF-enabled automation of all print-production steps to help drive business performance and profit.

Information about Ricoh’s complete range of offerings can be found at

Serial Impact Dot Matrix printer from OKI Data The new Microline (ML)1120 Serial Impact Dot Matrix (SIDM) printer designed for general business and point-of-sale applications was made available today by OKI Data Americas, which markets its products under the OKI Printing Solutions brand. Joining the manufacturer's existing line of 9-pin impact printers, the ML1120 handles a wide range of applications from invoices,




receipts, inventory reports and spreadsheets to packing slips. "Increasing end-user productivity, the ML1120 is ideal for today's fast-moving business environments with its reliability, fast print speeds, paper handling and ease of use," said Howard Foster, SIDM Marketing Manager, OKI Data Americas. According to OKI Data, the ML1120, whether in super-speed draft, high-speed draft, utility or near-letter quality modes, offers the fastest print speeds in its class up to 275 characters per second (cps). The device has a reliability rating of 10,000 hours Mean Time Before Failure3 (MFbF) which is 67% longer than its closer competitor, offering maximum end-user productivity. Performance is rated at 18,000 pages per month with a memory buffer size of 64K. Considered versatile and easy-to-use, the ML1120 prints on cut sheet paper and continuous forms up to five parts. The device features zero-tear and autopark positions, a rear push tractor and bottom pull tractor as well as a cut sheet feeder option. Additional product features include: standard parallel, serial and USB 2.0 connectivity; Epson FX, I BM ProPrinter and OKI Microline emulations; UPC A, UPC E, EAN 8, EAN 13, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128 (A, B, C), and PostNet Bar Codes; and Energy Star compliance 4-million character ribbon life. Optional on the ML1120 is an external network print server. The ML1120 pricing starts at $220 in the U.S. and Canada.




DECEMBER 2010 • 45


Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3100 Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah and the technical staff at Uninet Imaging A division of Summit and Uninet Products

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. First released in April 2008 the Xerox Phaser 3100 is based on a 20ppm, 600 dpi MFP engine that has a first page out in less than 13 seconds. These machines can print, copy, fax and scan. The printers come with a starter cartridge rated for 2,000 pages and the standard cartridge (106R01379) is rated for 4,000 pages at 5% coverage. These machines use a somewhat unique method of telling the printer a new cartridge has been installed. Instead of a chip on the cartridge they use a Key card that is inserted separately into the printer (See Figure 1). These reset cards need to be replaced each cycle. When packaging the cartridge it is a good idea to tape the card to the top of the bag so the user does not forget they have to insert the card for the cartridge to work (just like the OEM does)

These cartridges are fairly easy to do, and with a retail cost of $178.00* very profitable too! *As of February 2010

2) Remove the Torx screws and plate from both sides of the cartridge. The Torx screws used in these cartridges are size T-7. See Figure’s 3 & 4

Required Tools 1) Toner approved vacuum. 2) A small Common screw driver 3) A Phillips head screwdriver 4) Needle nose pliers 5) Size T-7 Torx driver Required Supplies Dedicated Phaser 3100 Toner Dedicated Phaser 3100 Reset Card Conductive grease 99% pure isopropyl alcohol Cotton swabs Soft, lint free wipes 1) Remove the 2 silver pins, one from each side of the cartridge. Pry them out with a small jeweler’s screwdriver and then grab them with wire cutters to remove them. See Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 1 An interesting item about this system is that the cartridge does not have a toner end detection system. It is all controlled by the reset card. 46



Figure 2

3) Pry out one of the side panels, and separate the two halves. See Figure 5 4) From the gear side of the drum half, take a small punch (1/4”) or screwdriver and drive the metal axle pin out. This axle is fairly tight. Make sure you do it from the gear side, (the keyed Side), if you try and drive the axle out from the opposite



• DECEMBER 2010 • 47


Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3100 Toner Cartridge


9) Install the cleaned PCR. See Figure 11 10) Install the drum into the cartridge. See Figure 12

Figure 5

Figure 8

side, the axle will not move and you may damage the drum ground contact inside the drum. Remove the drum. See Figure 6

Figure 12

Figure 9

Figure 6 5) Remove the PCR and clean with you preferred cleaner. See Figure 7

f rom the PCR contacts, and replace with new. Remember, whenever using conductive grease more is never better. Only use a small amount (Match what the OEM had there). See Figure 10

11) Install the drum axle from the hub side. Make sure the keyed end of the axle is installed first. It is easier if you mark the keyed end with a marker so you know how to orientate it when installing it. In the picture show the side marks show the orientation of the flat or keyed edge, the top one show the keyed edge location. See Figures 13 & 14

Figure 13

Figure 7 6) Remove the two screws on the wiper blade, and the blade. Clean out the waste chamber. See Figure 8 NOTE: Be very careful not to damage or distort the thin Mylar Recovery Blade next to the wiper blade. If this blade is bent or damaged in any way, it should be replaced. 7) Re-install the two screws and the wiper blade. See Figure 9 8) Clean off all the old conductive grease 48



Figure 10

Figure 14

Figure 11

12) On the toner hopper, note the location of all the gears. See Figure 15 13) Remove the four loose gears from the hopper. See Figure 16


16) Remove the screw and holder from the gear side of the developer roller. Press in on the plastic tabs on the back side of the holder to remove it. See Figures 19 & 20

Figure 15

Figure 22

Figure 19

Figure 16

Figure 23

14) Remove the gear from the fill plug area by pressing in on the tab. See Figure 17 Figure 20 17) Remove the screw, holder and contact f rom the contact side of the developer roller. Press in on the plastic tabs on the back side of the holder to remove it. Be careful not to lose the contact! See Figures 21 & 22

Figure 24 doctor blade. See Figure 25 N OT E : T h e d o c t o r b l ad e i n t h e s e cartridges actually consists of three parts. An upper metal brace, the doctor blade itself which is a very thin sheet of metal and the lower metal brace. Be very

Figure 17 15) Remove the fill plug and dump out any remaining toner from the hopper. See Figure 18

Figure 21

Figure 18

18) Pry off the metal bushings from both sides of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 23 19) Remove the developer roller. See Figure 24 20) Remove the two screws f rom the

Figure 25 RECHARGEasia

• DECEMBER 2010 • 49


Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3100 Toner Cartridge


careful when handling the dr. blade as it is very easily bent. 21) Remove the upper metal brace, being careful not to damage the alignment pins. The pin on the left side is normally tight so more care should be taken there. See Figure 26

Figure 29

Figure 32

24) Clean out any remaining toner from the hopper. Make sure to get the feed roller and foam seals clean. It is not necessary to remove the roller, just make sure it is clean. See Figure 30 Figure 26 22) Remove the Dr. Blade. Lift it out from the slot on the left side of the hopper. Again, be very careful not to damage it. Clean the blade with a cotton swan and alcohol. See Figure 27

Figure 33

Figure 30

Figure 27 23) Remove the lower metal brace. Lift it out from the left side as the right side has a tail that runs through the cartridge wall. See Figures 28 & 29

25) Replace the cleaned Dr. Blade assembly in the hopper. Install the lower brace first inserting the tail through the cartridge wall and under the copper contact. Install the Doctor Blade next making sure the lip is facing down and the blade fits over the alignment pins correctly. See Figure’s 31, 32 & 33

Figure 34 27) Clean the developer roller with a clean lint free dry cloth. We do not recommend any chemicals be used at this time. 28) Replace the developer roller into the cartridge. The long metal shaft side goes to the gear side of the hopper. See Figure 35

Figure 31

Figure 28 50



26) Replace the upper metal brace and the two screws. See Figure 34

Figure 35


29) Replace the metal bushings on both sides of the developer roller shaft. See Figures 36 & 37

install the two metal pins. See Figure 43

Figure 39

Figure 43 36) Install the metal plates and screws. See Figures 44 & 45

Figure 36

Figure 40

Figure 37

33) Fill the hopper with the Phaser 3100 toner. Replace the fill plug. See Figure 41

Figure 44

30) Replace the screw and holder on the gear side of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 38

Figure 41 34) Replace all the gears on the hopper as shown. See Figure 42 Figure 38 31) Replace the screw, holder, and contact on the contact side of the developer roller shaft. See Figure 39 32) Clean and replace the conductive grease on the developer roller and the feed roller shafts. See Figure 40 Note that the feed roller contacts also run to the Dr. Blade. This helps ensure that the toner is properly charged throughout the hopper.

Figure 45 37) Install the drum cover if available. It needs to be taped in place. Use a brightly colored tape so the user will notice it.

Figure 42 35) Place the two halves together and

Figure 46 RECHARGEasia

• DECEMBER 2010 • 51


Remanufacturing the Xerox Phaser 3100 Toner Cartridge


See Figure 46 38) After the cartridge has been tested and bagged, tape the Key card to the top of the bag so the user will see it. This key card is installed into the printer separately from the cartridge. See Figure 47

Cleaning the Scanner: If copied and transmitted pages come out with marks on the pages, but the reports are clean, the scanner is dirty. To clean the scanner, open the scanner cover. Wipe the scanner window down with a lint free cloth moistened with Isopropyl alcohol.

Printing a Test page: The simplest way to test a cartridge is to make a copy. To do this place the original face down in the feeder. Press the copy key, number of copies desired and the start key.




Repetitive Defect Chart Figure 47

OPC Drum Developer roller PCR

75mm 50mm 29mm



• DECEMBER 2010 • 53


International Laser Group (ILG) Appoints Nick Huff as Vice President Huff is a seasoned professional in business development within the copier dealer channel, and has extensive experience in MPS solutions, f rom dealer training to business opportunity assessment. Huff said: “I joined ILG to connect my MPS leadership and training expertise with the leader in cartridge production and technology”. Prior to joining ILG, he was regional sales manager for LMI Solutions. He was instrumental in dealer development and their MPS marketing solutions as well as dealer training. Huff also has a background in OEM copier sales with Sharp Business Systems, where he was responsible for hardware sales as well as service and software platforms management.

Cartridge World India wins at ET Retail Awards Cartridge World India has been recognized at the Economic Times Retail Awards 2010 in India, winning two awards for innovation. It saw off stiff competition to secure the awards for Innovative Franchise Model and Innovative Business Concept of the Year. The awards took place on 22 October in Mumbai, and were organized by the Economic Times, India’s largest daily financial paper. In securing Innovative Business Concept, CW India beat Big Bazaar, a part of the country’s largest retail chain, as well as Tata Teleservices.

It also beat India’s largest clothing retailer, Raymond Group, and TTK Prestige, a subsidiary of the Indian conglomerate TTK Group. Tejas Zaveri, Head of Marketing and Franchise Development for Cartridge World (South Asia) commented: “An award of this proportion is probably a first for the printer cartridges remanufacturing industry and franchising in India. “The award is very special keeping in mind the rigorous process followed to select the winners (by Ernst & Young) and the brands that were competing for it (Big Bazaar, Tata Teleservices, TTK Prestige, Raymond’s, etc.).”

Oasis Imaging USA Closes Oasis Imaging Products USA is set to close by the end of the month, citing a decline in the US market. Oasis Europe says that it is unaffected and is investing in a new facility. The firm explained that there has been a decline in the US market and it was “just no longer viable to keep the company running”. Oasis Europe explained that it operates as an independent business because the two firms drifted apart when targeting different markets. This led to Oasis Europe’s General Manager Emery van Donzel acquiring all of the shares in Oasis Europe from its former American owners, on 1st January 54



2010. Global Marketing Manager Bob Stiles said: “ We will be closing shipping on the 29th October because of a decline in the US economy and we felt it was just no longer viable to keep the company running.” Oasis Europe will continue to supply solutions to the industry and is currently investing in a quality, technology and research department in its Dutch facility. Emery van Donzel commented “Being an independent company Oasis Europe will however continue to supply solutions to the industry. In fact, right now Oasis Europe is investing in a state-of-the-art

QTR (Quality, Technology and Research) depar tment in its D utch facilit y in Wijchen. He added: “The focus of Oasis has always been on reliability, high quality and consistency. This is how Oasis earned its reputation. With the new investments customers can expect further improvements on these crucial aspects of their business.” Oasis was formed in 1988 its European office began in 1996. For morinformation about Oasis please visit:



DECEMBER 2010 • 55


Katun Corporation Announces the Acquisition of Media Sciences Toner Business Acquisition Combines Fundamental Strengths of Two Aftermarket Color Leaders Katun Corporation, one of the world’s leading alternative suppliers of imaging supplies, photoreceptors and parts for the imaging industry, announced today that it has acquired the toner cartridge business of Media Sciences International, Inc., a leading independent manufacturer of color toner cartridges and solid ink sticks for office color printers. As part of this transaction, Katun will also become the exclusive Master Distributor of the Media Sciences ink stick product line. Carlyle Singer, president and CEO of Katun Corporation, states, “Katun is excited to add these quality products to its portfolio, as Media Sciences has successfully pioneered the new-build color space for non-HP printer applications, which is strategically aligned to Katun’s development of the color aftermarket for copier and multifunction applications.” Media Sciences’ selection of color toner cartridges and solid ink sticks for color printers effectively complements Katun’s existing

color and monochrome product lines – providing an even greater range of product selection across office equipment platforms for customers in multiple channels. Katun’s worldwide distribution capabilities will continue to support high service levels, while Katun’s technical strengths will drive an increased emphasis on new product development. “Our combined R&D capabilities will ensure our customers continue to receive compatible products that offer unsurpassed quality across multiple technology platforms,” said Singer. “At the same time, these new capabilities will enable us to accelerate new product launches to our customers.” “The common philosophies and values that our two companies share, make this acquisition a win for all parties,” concluded Singer, “as both organizations have built their businesses on offering similar value propositions: quality products, high service levels and overall customer value.” About Katun Corporation Headquartered in Minneapolis, Katun Corporation is one of the world’s leading alternative suppliers of compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors and parts for the office equipment industry. With nearly three decades of expertise, Katun now serves more than 18,000 customers in 150 countries. For more information, visit Katun online at About Media Sciences Media Sciences International, Inc. is a leading independent manufacturer of color toner cartridges and solid ink for office color printers. As a premium-quality price alternative to the printer manufacturer’s brand, Media Sciences’ newly manufactured color toner and solid ink products for use in Dell®, Samsung®, Xerox®, Tektronix®, OKI®, Ricoh®, Konica-Minolta/Minolta-QMS®, Epson®, and Brother® office color printers deliver significant savings when compared to the printer manufacturer’s brand.





Future Graphics Conducts Free STMC Training for Customers in China Future Graphics (FG), the global leader in aftermarket imaging supplies, demonstrated its commitment to technical support and training in China by providing free STMC training for its customers. The training session was conducted by Mr. Will Niederstadt, a 20-year industry veteran, and took place from August 23rd through September 1st. Six different Chinese businesses attended the training, which sent a total of 50 representatives to achieve certification. Participants included Beijing Laser Hi-Technology Co. Ltd.; Jie Sheng (Zhuhai) Technology Co. Ltd.; Pacific Plastic Product (ShenZhen) Ltd.; Zhuhai TopColor Image Products Inc.; Zhuhai Top-Print Technology Co. Ltd. and Zhuhai Kolion Tech. Co. Ltd. - Jet Rise. Future Graphics believes that compliance with international standards is important when building a global brand and STMC certification is essential in helping build that brand. Mr. Dick Yu, General Manager, Future Graphics China, said, “Since STMC certification is viewed favorably around the globe,

it’s an important step in the development of the remanufacturing and recycling industry. We are happy to help our customers gain this certification with greater efficiency.” Mr. Du of Beijing Laser agreed. “STMC certification provides a more systematic method to regulate quality,” he added. “Now that we have professional testing standards, we have clear guidelines in which to conduct quality management.” Future Graphics is the global leader in aftermarket imaging supplies. FG combines the market knowledge of the world’s leading value-added distributor, and the technical expertise of the largest manufacturer of toner and OPCs for the imaging aftermarket. The result is unmatched resources capable of delivering first-to-market matched systems to remanufacturers around the globe. FG is also the source of superior MK Imaging® brand OPCs and toner and Kaleidochrome® brand color toner and OPCs. FG ships from three North American and nine international distribution centers. For more information about STMC, contact or go to

Clover Acquires ERS According to a statement issued by Clover: “ This acquisition advances Clover’s strategy to be the leader in environmental solutions and supports the diversification and growth of its collection programs including laser and inkjet cartridges, cell phones and small electronics.” Fo u n d e d i n 1 9 9 0 , a n d headquartered in Erie, Pennsylvania, ERS is a global provider of environmental solutions including the recycling and collection of printer supplies and small electronics. ERS will operate independently in the market and will continue to service its customers. Jim Cerkleski, CEO of Clover Holdings, commented on the

acquisition: “ We are excited about this acquisition because it advances our diversification and growth strategy. We will continue to expand our collections programs and remanufacturing inf rastructure as we diversify into new and emerging markets and dr ive our ‘rec apture, remanufacture, remarket strategy.” Both companies will continue to operate independently in their respective markets but “will work together to leverage potential synergies in the future”.


• DECEMBER 2010 • 57


Static Control Releases Universal Developer Roller for Lexmark, IBM and Dell Printer Cartridges Static Control has released a new universal developer roller that can be used to remanufacture more than a hundred different cartridges used in more than two dozen Lexmark-based printer models. Damaged, worn and out-of-round developer rollers can cause print defects such as light print, banding and/or back grounding. After years of research and development, Static Control has designed a new universal developer roller optimized for use with Static Control toner to produce excellent print quality in remanufactured cartridges for use in the following printers: Lexmark Optra X Lexmark Optra T Lexmark T620/622/640/642/7644/634/632/630 Lexmark T520/522 Lexmark Optra SE Lexmark X640/X642/X644/X646 Dell M5200 Dell W5300 Dell 5310/5210n IBM InfoPrint 1532/1552/1572/1332/1352/1372

Static Control Releases Chips for HP CP4025/CP4525 MFP Printer Cartridges Static Control has released color chips needed to remanufacture introductory CE260X and standard CE260A through CE263A color cartridges. Static Control’s replacement chips provide reliable, full functionality and maximum resistance to OEM firmware changes. Static Control Releases Toner, Drum, Chips, Wiper Blade for Samsung SCX5835/5636 and Dell 2335 Printer Cartridges Static Control has released the toner, drum, chip and wiper blade

to remanufacture cartridges used in Samsung SCX5835/5636 and Dell 2335 printers. The chip is for high-yield cartridges only, but Static Control will provide instructions to its customers on how to convert low-yield cartridges to high-yield cartridges. Static Control customers get free, on-line step-by-step cartridge remanufacturing technical demonstrations through the companys View on Demand Webinars at

MSE Releases HP 5500 Toner Cartridges with SCS Technology Micro Solutions Enterprises (MSE) has utilized its patent pending, SCS technology for the 5500 family of cartridges. The 5500 has been a major challenge in the industry and many would agree the hardest cartridge ever released. The industry has struggled with a myriad of issues on this model from leaking, streaking, dirty print, to back rounding and more. But MSE now offers HP 5500 toner cartridges with SCS technology, part of MSE’s new Absolute Color Technologies. Gil Wazana, vice president of Sales said on this new application, “With several manufacturers discontinuing the 5500 and a growing level of frustration with the consistency of this product, we saw an opportunity to utilize our Intelligent Re-Engineering process to provide a true OEM alternative to the market. Although an older device, the 5500/5550 is still HP’s lead A3 color printer product and continues to be in high demand by distributors, MPS providers, and dealers, which have resorted to only selling the low margin OEM. We are excited by the results generated with the SCS and are confident that our customers will be able to successfully place and retain this product in their customers' environments.” 58



MSE is the largest USA based remanufacturer and is acclaimed as one of the leading edge innovators in the marketplace. MSE has pioneered the process of “Intelligent Re-Engineering” as applied to remanufactured printer consumables which is a protocol that employs patented technologies, proprietary processes, and stringent testing methodologies all with the goal of providing the markets best alternative to high cost OEM print consumables. MSE has multiple certifications and accreditations including ISO 9001 AND 14001. Coupled with our engineering prowess MSE also prides itself on offering the highest levels of after sales support to its dealers through its consultative sales and marketing programs. MSE is a global entity with sales and distribution in Canada, Europe (UK and the Netherlands), Israel, Brazil, California, and Pennsylvania.



DECEMBER 2010 • 59


Katun® Corporation Introduces Katun® Business Color Toner for Use in Canon ImageRunner C5180/CLC 4040-series Digital Copier/Printers The launch of these toners further strengthens Katun’s tradition of providing excellent color products for use in Canon office equipment Katun Corporation, the world’s leading alternative supplier to the office equipment industry, is proud to introduce Katun® Business Color toner for use in Canon iR C5180/CLC4040-series digital copier/printers. These toners are ideal for the office environment, featuring OEM-equivalent image density, overall print quality and yields, while also offering excellent color reproduction and significant cost savings versus the OEM toner. “These Katun® Business Color toners are the perfect choice for departments and workgroups that primarily print business color documents, including spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, etc.,” says Joseph C. Wagner, Katun’s vice president of marketing. “While end-users in business color environments don’t typically expect the precise color matching that customers often require in graphics environments, they do still have high expectations when it comes to color reproduction and print quality – and these Katun® Business Color toners will easily meet or exceed these expectations. As more and more organizations use business color applications, a growing number of office equipment dealers are turning to Katun as their primary source for color imaging supplies.” These color toners offer OEM-equivalent image density, print

quality and yields, and are ideal for the sharp text and line details necessary to add emphasis to important business documents. In addition, these toners have been tested and approved for forward and reverse compatibility with OEM toner. Katun® toner can be installed before or after OEM toner, with no degradation in copy quality. As with all Katun® products, this Katun® Business color toner may be ordered via the Katun Online Catalogue – Katun’s onestop Internet resource that allows registered customers to locate and order thousands of Katun® products while accessing real-time information about their orders and accounts. About Katun Corporation Headquartered in Minneapolis, Katun Corporation is the world's leading supplier of OEM-compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors, fuser rollers, parts and other select products and services for the office equipment industry. With more than 30 years of expertise, the privately held Katun now serves more than 18,000 customers in more than 150 countries. Customers can access the Katun Online Catalogue at

Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd Adds New Minolta C350 Copier Toner to Its Products Recently, Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd launched new copier toner cartridge suitable for use in Minolta Bizhub C350/C351/C450. To meet different demands, Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd provides two kinds of this toner, the compatible one and the remanufactured one. Here is feature for both C/M/Y/K: Toner load: 230 g, print yield: 11500 pages. Deal to good quality and competitive price Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd offers, this toner is hot welcome. At present, Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd has sold this copier toner to Middle East, Australia, Europe and North 60



America and feel confident to engage a large market. About Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd is a hi-tech enterprise suppling remanufactured/compatible toner and ink cartridge. Main products cover most popular brands of printer and copier, such

as HP, Samsung, Brother, Xerox, Lexmark, Minolta, OKI, Canon, Panasonic, Ricoh, etc. With acknowledged teams, Zhuhai Longrun Image Trading Co., Ltd is able to povide good quality as well as good price, fast delivery time and service. For more information please vist: www.



DECEMBER 2010 • 61


Future Graphics Releases Kaleidochrome® Brand Color Chemically Produced Toner (CPT) and OPCs for Color San Fernando, CA – Future Graphics, the world’s leading supplier of high quality aftermarket supplies for the imaging industry, has begun shipping its world renowned color chemically-produced toner (CPT) and color OPCs under the Kaleidochrome® brand. Kaleidochrome is the same high-quality CPT and color OPCs that customers have always received from FG, sold under the same item number. There is no reason to re-qualify because it is the same product, producing the same high yield; the same superior fusing and the same OEM-like print quality.

Customers with questions are encouraged to contact their FG sales representative. Future Graphics is the global leader in aftermarket imaging supplies. FG combines the market knowledge of the world’s leading value-added distributor, and the technical expertise of the largest manufacturer of toner and OPCs for the imaging aftermarket. The result is unmatched resources capable of delivering first-to-market matched systems to remanufacturers around the globe. FG is also the source of superior MK Imaging® brand OPCs and toner and Kaleidochrome® brand color toner and OPCs.

FG ships from three North American and nine international distribution centers.

EFI Makes iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch Printing Easy with PrintMe Connect for AirPrint Mobile Device Users can Now Print Anytime, Anywhere EFI™, a world leader in customer-focused digital printing innovation, released PrintMe® Connect for AirPrint, a f ree software application that enables direct printing from Apple® iPad™, iPhone® and iPod touch® iOS 4.2-enabled devices to EFI Fiery®-driven printers or multifunction peripherals (MFPs). Targeted at enterprise and mobile print environments, PrintMe Connect for AirPrint is one of the first offerings available to support Apple’s new AirPrint platform and iOS 4.2. EFI, a leader in mobile printing solutions for over nine years, extends its flagship line of PrintMe mobile and cloud-based printing applications with this latest offering. “With the launch of PrintMe Connect for AirPrint, EFI is satisfying one of the top requests from iPad, iPhone and iPod touch users everywhere with a solution for printing directly from these mobile devices to a broad array of more than 250,000 Fierydriven printers and MFP’s installed today,” said Toby Weiss, general manager of Fiery and senior vice president, EFI. “Following on the heels of our recent PrintMe enhancements, this unique offering enables business professionals to easily and quickly print from any application on their Apple device to almost any Fiery printer. No existing corporate printer fleets out there today work with the new iOS 4.2 software – until now.”




With AirPrint and the iOS 4.2 software, people using Apple devices will find a print function automatically enabled on their device and can select a printer on their network and print. Once installed by a corporate IT department, PrintMe Connect for AirPrint will show all available Fiery-driven printers* as destinations on a user’s printer list. There is no need for the individual user to download an application or for the enterprise to purchase a specific iOS-enabled printer or upgrade or modify existing printers or MFPs. About EFI EFI is a world leader in customer-focused digital printing innovation. EFI’s award-winning solutions, integrated f rom creation to print, deliver increased performance, cost savings and productivity. The company’s robust product portfolio includes Fiery® digital print controllers and solutions; VUTEk® superwide digital inkjet printers, UV and solvent inks; Rastek™ UV wideformat inkjet printers; Jetrion® industrial inkjet printing systems; print production workflow and management information software; and corporate printing solutions. More information is available at



DECEMBER 2010 • 63


UNINET WELCOMES ISSAC JAHRAS AS WEST AFRICA SALES DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly announces the expansion of its sales force with the appointment of Issac Jahras as Sales Development Representative for the region of West Africa. Mr. Jahras will be in charge of executing sales strategies and initiatives for this region, as well as increasing business development opportunities to foster UniNet’s continued growth. Issac Jahras, a proven sales professional, brings to UniNet a wealth of experience of over 10 years in the areas of sales and customer service in the USA, Europe, and Africa. In addition, Mr. Jahras possess extensive knowledge in the West African market, and his bilingual French-English skills make him a great addition to the UniNet International Sales Team. Issac Jahras’ assigned sales region includes Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Burkina Fasso, and other West African countries. Please contact Mr. Jahras at

UNINET APPOINTS JOSEPH (YOSI) FISCHER AS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER FOR U.S & INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly announces the expansion of its sales management team with the appointment of Joseph (Yosi) Fisher as Business Development Manager for the U.S and International Markets. Joseph Fisher will be in charge of developing sales strategies and initiatives for the U.S and international markets, as well as increasing business development opportunities to foster 64



U n i N e t ’s c o n t i n u e d growth. M r. Fi s h e r j o i n s UniNet with more than 12 years of experience in the imaging industry in the areas of sales and management. Prior to joining UniNet, he held key sales and management positions at MSE, and PTI to name a few. Nestor Saporiti, Uninet President and CEO commented, “The addition of Joseph Fisher to our sales team strongly positions UniNet to engage the highly competitive and high growth toner remanufacturing industry, his extensive experience in the industry uniquely qualifies him to lead UniNet into new markets worldwide.”


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet introduces Absolute Color® toners, Smartchips™ and key components qualified for use in the HP CP4025/CP4525. These printers are the leading, high end color laser printing solutions from Hewlett Packard. Based on the similar design of the earlier CP1215, CP2025 and CP3525 model printers, the CP4025 is rated at 35 ppm and the CP4525 at 42 ppm. Both models offer the same 1200 x 1200 dpi printing and PCL6 and HP’s Postscript 3 emulations. The black toner cartridge comes in two versions; an 8,500 page version that will work in either the CP4025 or CP4525 printer models and a high yield 17,000 page cartridge that works only in the CP4525 printer. Color cartridges come in only one version (11,000 pages) that works in both printers. UniNet offers toners and components qualified for use in



DECEMBER 2010 • 65



this engine to remanufacturers as a great alternative to the high cost of the OEM cartridges given that each new cartridge is priced USD$285.


The Okidata 30 ppm printers feature 1200 x 1200 dpi printing resolutions with a first page out time of only 5.5 seconds. These low cost printers are popular throughout the world. Toner and drum units are separate units, with toner available in three different sizes depending on the printer model. The B410 utilizes a 3,500 page cartridge. The B430 will take the 3,500 and 7,000 page cartridges, and the B420 will take the 3,500, 7,000 and a 10,000 page cartridges. UniNet offers all three versions of toners and smartchips for both US and European versions of printers.

Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly announces the launch of conversion kits for use in the HP P1102 and the HP P1606. These conversion kits will convert an HP P1005/P1006 cartridge into the newly released HP P1102 cartridge or a HP P1505 cartridge into a HP P1522/1606 cartridge. When a new cartridge is introduced into the market it is impossible to find empties for the first three to six months. This limits the remanufacturers’ ability to provide their customers with the newest cartridge releases. UniNet has released these conversion kits early in the cartridge life cycle, allowing the remanufacturer the opportunity to capture a significant market share of these new and popular cartridges. These kits include an end cap and drum bearing plate that

For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit

are mounted on the cartridge after a small cut is made in the cartridge body. UniNet also offers the whole range of products for remanufacturing these cartridges, including toners and key components.

UNINET ABSOLUTE BLACK TONER & COMPONENTS F O R U S E I N O K I D ATA B410/420/430 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet introduces Absolute Black® toners, Smartchips™ and key components qualified to use in the Okidata B410/420/430 series monochrome printers.






DECEMBER 2010 • 67






Message from the Publisher 十二月, 又是一年即将过去了!每近年尾,这样的感叹都会惯性的出现。或多或 少,我们都忍不住自己进行盘点,这一年里,究竟做了些什么。而且不管是 否你有意而为,当你身处于某个行业或者特殊领域,当这个行业进行回顾和 盘点的时候,你也不知不觉成为其中或轻或重的无法忽视的一笔。 对于所有的影像耗材后市场的参与者来说,这一年也许值得庆幸,影像 耗材的市场需求日趋增长,经济效益逐步的提高。市场的多样化和消费群体 的增加,加快了兼容再制造耗材行业整体复苏的步伐。而经历过经济危机后, 整个行业的细分程度和整体生产力水平又有了新的提高和改善,这又为企业 未来获得更大的市场发展空间提供了潜在的机遇。而越来越多样的销售渠道 和消费群体的加入,使得每个耗材后市场人员对于这一领域未来的前景充满 信心。 也许是福祸注定相依,喜忧总是掺半,这一年又也许让许多人觉得压力重重。在此起彼伏关于不正当竞争 的怨憎之声里,我们可以感觉到在当前的兼容耗材市场,不规范不公平的现象依然存在,盲目价格竞争的恶性 循环带来的不利影响也依然存在。同时由于利益的驱动,造假制假仿冒伪劣的各种伎俩,还在大行其道,不断 的冲击着市场,他们的横行严重的损害者消费者利益的同时,也在挑战着所有影像耗材企业的忍耐底线。当然, 作为最大的竞争对手,来自 OEM 的压力和限制,则一直是耗材市场博弈当中最暗潮涌动交锋激烈的一幕。 当然,这一年也许会让你觉得奔波和劳碌,越来越多的行业展示平台的推出,越来越多样化的市场推广手 段的选择,也许会让你觉得疲于应付。 总之,这一年如往年一样普通,却又如此不平凡。也许当下你未必觉得,但是当现在试图回顾的时候,你 发现你用了你全部的热情和关注,去认真的对待和享受了这一年里的每一天每一刻,那么无论怎样,你都是值 得尊敬的。 所以,请允许我代表亚洲再生业杂志,向在 2010 年里每一个为了影像耗材行业而在不断努力和奋斗的你们, 表达我们最真诚的敬意和问候。 明年,我们相信真的会更好!

执行编辑 刘师同


DECEMBER 2010 • 69


2010 Highlights in the Printer Market

2010年打印机市场的“大事纪” 2010年在打印机市场上,主要的 品牌厂商都在更新其策略以实现新的价 值。 惠普面临前所未有的挑战 自从1984年HP推出全球第一台桌 面激光打印机开创激光打印产业以来, 惠普一直通过持续的技术创新,为激光 打印产业发展赢得了广阔空间。可以说, 二十多年来,惠普在打印市场方面作出了 不可磨灭的贡献。 在2010年三星、富士施乐、佳能都 宣布自己在过去的一年中获得了较高发 展的同时,惠普在2010年却在这方面保 持低调。不可否认的是,惠普依然是中 国激光打印外设产品整体市场和黑白激 光打印机市场的双料冠军,但竞争对手 业绩的增长,无疑意味着市场老大的占 有率下滑。 2010年4月,惠普在北京召开了盛 大的新品发布会。在这次的发布会中,惠 普不光发布了多款面向于中小企业的产 品,同时也对旗下的MPS业务(企业打 印管理服务)进行了大规模的宣传。早 在2009年宣布与佳能继续合作的时候, 惠普就希望借此合作推动企业打印管理 服务业务,目前惠普拥有着2400家以上 的企业打印管理客户。 显然,打印机市场越来越细分,各 大品牌早已祭出五行旗,从不同的角度 去影响到最终用户,比如爱普生,把打 得起用得起的ME系列拓展到教育这个 细分市场,也获取了50万台以上的惊 人销量,再比如OKI,这个“LED”技 术虔诚的推进者,在绿色节能环保主题 影响下的打印机市场,OKI多年的耕耘 终于开始开花结果,所以说,不怕你的 特色多得花了眼,就怕你没特色。细分 市场必然是今后打印机市场较量的胜负 手。 格之格与联想联手:中国首台自主打印 机问世 2010年中国制造的打印机问世。这 是我国第一台独立研发、拥有自主知识




产权的打印机。在2008年,联想将手机 业务撤出的资金投入纳思达,随着联想 投资公司入股,纳思达旗下的鼓粉盒生 产企业珠海塞纳电子科技有限公司合并 进行了重组,成立塞纳国际有限公司。 现在联想与纳思达密切合作,计划投入 更多资金,扩大纳思达激光打印产业的 规模。目前,格之格的兼容成像卡盒和 再生成像卡盒的总数量已经占全球兼容 耗材市场的10%,能够同时生产400多 种适用于佳能、惠普等各品牌全系列激

行了全面更新。 2010年爱普生采用了 全新、统一的墨盒系列,其绝大部分新 品都可以使用同一型号的标准容量墨 盒。而针对工作组设计的产品则可以采 用大容量和超大容量墨盒进行打印,用 以满足多用户环境下的大打印量需要。 2.惠普家用和商用喷墨产品使用的 耗材分别采用了低价格和超大容量两种 策略。其针对学生和家庭基本打印需求 推出的产品中,低价格的一体式墨盒得 到推广设备耗材。最新的商用机型中,

光打印机用硒鼓产品,产业规模跃居全 球兼容与再生成像卡盒行业的第一位。 中国自主研发打印机,打破外国品 牌对中国的垄断局面,对耗材领域形成 新的变化格局。格之格此次的新品为黑

则配备了超大容量的全颜料墨盒,墨盒 体积和墨水容量在目前的喷墨产品中还 无人能及。 3.佳能墨盒的改变更多体现在对中 低端产品与高端产品的区别方面。其中

白激光单功能打印机,这只是第一步, 而后会研发黑白激光多功能一体机设 备,然后转向彩色激光机,最终目标是 能够达到覆盖各产品线、满足不同用户 需求的打印机和多功能一体机产品线。

低端产品全部转向了一体式墨盒阵营, 高端产品中则仍然采用了颜料黑色墨水 与染料墨水同时使用的分体式墨盒。

喷墨打印机市场上的三足鼎立 喷墨打印机市场早已经形成了三足 鼎立的态势,爱普生、佳能、惠普占据 三甲的趋势持续了好几年,爱普生素以 喷墨打印技术闻名,惠普拥有良好的渠 道,而佳能似乎有些不同,它自家的数 码相机产品在市场中占据了较为重要的 地位,佳能喷墨打印机的流行,一方面 得益于其数码相机形成的品牌号召力, 另一方面,与佳能更懂得消费者数码照 片打印需求不无关系。 2010年商用喷墨产品成为市场的中 坚力量。在过去,激光打印机主攻商业 用户,喷墨打印机主攻家用,针打则针 对专业市场,但这一楚河汉界现在被戏 剧性打破,也让商用喷墨成为市场的明 星。 事实上,喷墨产品除了在硬件上的 竞争外,最关键的则是耗材的竞争。为 满足不同商务用户的需求,低价、大容 量、超大容量都随之登场。 1.爱普生不仅完成了其商用和家用 喷墨产品线的布局,而且耗材也随之进

部分厂商调整发展区域市场 经济危机让用户看到节省办公成本 的重要性,促成了各厂商节能环保打印 解决方案的顺利推行。与此同时,迫于 市场压力和降低运营风险的考虑,各打 印机厂商纷纷下调了各自对于未来市场 的预期,渠道策略调整的重心开始逐渐 转向受经济危机影响较小的区域市场。 1.富士施乐将继续拓展渠道规模、 扩大城市覆盖和经销商类型,同时提升 经销商实力。 2.三星为了找到平稳发展的机会, 进一步加强了对三至五级市场的覆盖能 力。三星的另一策略重点放在了挖掘核 心经销商的外延价值,通过对核心经销 商的支持以及资源投入的倾向,从而带 动三星整个渠道体系的能力提升。 3. 爱普生的渠道策略核心内容则是 加强形象店面的建设--在全国重点城市 增加4S店的建立与管理,用来进行爱普 生全线产品的展示,以及与用户的交流 互动。爱普生公司在今年也同样发布多 款打印机新品,而针对学生用户来说, 则是一款白色钢琴漆的面板材质的爱普 生ME33,它是爱普生ME30的升级



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产品,外观时尚也更适应家居风格。 可见,加强区域零售店面覆盖、支 持行业渠道和核心经销商,都是打印机 厂商在区域市场销量提升的重要支撑, 而如今在经济环境疲弱之时,区域市场 又很好地扮演了避风港的角色。可见, 无论在什么情况下,建设和把牢区域市 场都将是打印机厂商2010年战略中的重 中之重。 2010年打印机市场明星效应回潮 90年代,刚刚进入中国市场的打印 机品牌为了迅速打开知名度,纷纷采取 了明星代言的模式进行品牌推广。朱茵 代言爱普生、孙燕姿代言利盟等都令人 印象深刻。爱普生也因为朱茵的走红, 品牌影响力获得飞速提升。 2010年这个市场环境逐渐稳定,市 场格局久久不变的环境下,也许是由于 金融危机的刺激,几个品牌都“嗅”到 了突破的契机,纷纷抛出明星代言术。 1.首推佳能。 8月31日,佳能在上 海宣布将启用国际巨星成龙成为全新佳




能PIXMA喷墨打印机代言人。同时发布 了十款新品,其中包括了八款面向家庭 照片打印的腾彩PIXMA喷墨打印机,以 及两款LiDE系列扫描仪新品。 2. 在同一天8月31日,惠普惠众打 印机携手著名演员佟大为开展了“惠普 喜上加喜故事征集与传递”活动。此次 推出的惠众打印机,是惠普首次以390 元+49元的“超低购机价格+超低墨盒 价格”,共同打造出最便宜的打印系 统,让家庭用户轻松拥有“喜上加喜” 的打印体验,尤其是选择了佟大为作为 快递员送惠众打印机“喜上加喜”的创 意可谓时机恰当。此举也让人联想到去 年新版《红楼梦》杀青前,惠普组织媒 体参观红楼剧组,并现场演示新红楼剧 组中惠普打印机的使用情形,可以说惠 普打印机的每一次与娱乐界“触电”的 时间点都是经过缜密策划的。 3.爱普生秉承一贯的务实态度,在 代言明星的选择上,也是保持力推新人 的姿态。其实,当初朱茵签约爱普生之 前,并不是很知名,而签约爱普生后的 大红大紫虽然不能说是代言 爱普生的功劳,至少也证明 了爱普生的眼力。在2008 年的10月,爱普生签约了当 初的新人阿兰和快男魏晨, 两年后的2010年6月,在爱 普生学习型打印机的发布现 场,阿兰已褪去当年的青 涩,显然她两年来借助爱普 生也获得一定的成长。 4.一向低调本分的 OKI,也终于走了出来,在 2009年9月,OKI与日本国 宝级乒乓球运动员福原爱在 北京举行了代言签约仪式, 被人们昵称为“瓷娃娃”的 日本著名乒乓球国手福原爱 担任OKI打印机在中国市场 的品牌形象代言人。而经过 渠道商的反馈,福原爱的代 言在一定程度上提高了OKI 打印机的品牌形象。 明星效应,可能不会 带来立竿见影的销量,但是 不可否认,明星所具有的公

共人物属性,则能够提升产品的可信赖 度。尤其在打印机产品逐渐下沉,越来 越接近最终用户的今天,明星营销的确 不容忽视。 2010年低碳、环保、绿色打印成为趋势 全球气候变暖、能源危机已经成为 目前世界各国最关注的课题,2009年 12月7日—18日在丹麦首都哥本哈根召 开的《联合国气候变化框架公约》第15 次缔约方会议暨《京都议定书》第5次 缔约方会议(也被称为哥本哈根联合国 气候变化大会)上,中国政府提出了到 2010 年实现单位国内生产总值能源消 耗比2005年降低20%左右、2020年可 再生能源在能源结构中的比例争取达到 16%、争取到2020年中国单位GDP二 氧化碳排放将比2005年下降40%~45% 等一系列目标。俄罗斯宣布,到2020年 俄罗斯的温室气体排放量将下降25%。 也就是说,在1990年至2020年期间, 俄罗斯将保证温室气体的总排放量减少 逾300亿吨。欧盟则承诺于2050年减排 95%,在2020年前减少30%。 低碳、环保、绿色已经从口号转变 成为衡量产品的标准和指标。在打印耗 材行业也无所例外,所以各大品牌都把 产品研发的重点放绿色打印,节能环保 的方面。从产品设计到产品生产环节无 不体现着这一理念。 1.富士施乐就将节能环保理念贯穿 于产品的整个生命周期(包括研发、生 产、使用、废弃)当中,并连续多年荣 获日本节能大奖。 富士施乐力图降低设 备在运行、待机、节能、休眠等不同模 式下的整体能耗,例如采用专利的乳化 聚合墨粉技术,可以减少二氧化碳排放 量;在业界推出““生化塑料”,最大 化地降低废弃的打印机对环境的损害; 对温度和定影加以控制的技术,降低了 温室气体的排放。 2.爱普生公司提出了《2050环境愿 景》,“将产品完整生命周期中的二氧 化碳排放量减少90%”这一方面实现了 爱普生良好的企业社会责任,另一方面 也给爱普生带来了实实在在的核心竞争 能力。爱普生所推出的ME系列产品, 墨盒容量更大价格更低,微压电打印


能耗更低、更加省电节能,全色防水颜 料墨更加适合双面打印、更省纸,绿色 环保更健康,无处不在的表现着绿色打 印,低碳环保的办公理念。 3.三星在中国论坛上发布环保低碳 打印机。 3个系列6款产品是真正意义 上的低碳产品了。 无论是灵动系列、逸彩系列和全 景系列全部采用超小体积设计,实现最 大化的抗压、抗震,极大的降低包装成 本。同时,3个系列的产品同时采用了 静音功能,逸彩系列和全景系列5款产 品采用的是三星独有的NO-nois静音技 术,在工作时噪音得到有效减少。它使 办公环境更加安宁,可以与图书馆阅览 室的环境相媲美。 耗材产品市场的竞争日益激烈 2010年耗材市场的竞争已经趋于白 热化,尽管原装打印机生产企业通过各 种手段维护和争夺耗材领域这一附加利 润市场,无可否认的是2010年兼容耗材

特别是再生再制造产品的耗材已经逐渐 获得与原装耗材同等的市场的地位。 2010年仅在兼容耗材领域,就先 后有山东富美,珠海天威,邯郸汉光等 数十家企业宣布赢得不同省市地区的政 府采购订单。这不仅宣告了兼容耗材正 在得到越来越多的认可与信赖,也标志 着优秀的耗材企业正凭借自身的综合竞 争力赢得更大的发展空间。也正因为如 此,原装耗材生产企业无法容忍自己所 创造出的巨大市场空间,被后来者逐渐 分享,因而在2010年可以看到更多的发 生在原装制造厂家和后市场耗材制造厂 家之间的纠纷和斗争事件。从成像卡盒 到组件产品,从墨水到碳粉,乃至芯片 都有这样的事情发生。 然而,作为原装耗材和兼容耗材的 共同敌人。假冒、劣质耗材也因为受到 巨大的利润空间的吸引而蠢蠢欲动,因 此,无论是原装耗材的打假行动还是兼 容耗材企业的维权行为,所针对的无非

就是那些损害消费者切身利益的假冒、 劣质耗材的制造者。从而造成在2010年 的打印机市场特别是耗材市场,上演着 一出如三国演义般精彩而曲折的大戏。 随着国内政、企信息化建设的纵深 推进,医卫、社会保障体系等信息化项 目的政策支持,以及税控等专项市场的 深化,政策法规的不断调整和完善,在 信息化端末应用处理领域,会不断迎来 新一轮的发展机遇,各主要打印机产品 和打印机企业也面临着更多的市场挑战 和机遇,从而使未来的打印机市场更加 繁荣多姿!


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Constructing a Complete & Standard Supply Industry System Part 2

构建耗材行业完整标准体系(二) 国家印刷及办公自动化消耗材料质量监督检验中心 (接上期) 3.增加电子产品的回收利用,减少 消耗 我们也看到:越来越多的人关注环 保这个问题,为此提出了各种回收和再 利用的建议和方法。 惠普在亚太地区已推出的主要环保 举措和计划包括: (1)亚太和日本地区全面的回收计 划:在11个国家和地区设立200,000 多个客户联络点。 (2)使用70%到100%的可回收塑料 来制造新惠普打印墨盒,实现从日常塑 料瓶到高科技惠普墨盒的突破。 (3)在亚太和日本地区减少使用大的 包装材料:新设计的激光打印机鼓粉盒 组件减少使用40%-45%(约168 万公 斤的)的包装材料。 (4)惠普新改良的“低熔点”黑色墨 粉和球形黑色墨粉能提供高质量打印, 同时让消费者每打印一张纸即可节约 10%-15%的打印系统能耗。 联想打印机提出“Just for green” 理念:即从产品的设计、生产、客户应




用到回收的整个过程中,都以绿色环保 为第一使命,以最小的社会运营成本和 消耗,完善客户的打印应用,实现与自 然环境的和谐共生。 建立打印机耗材的绿色回收制度。 其具体举措如下: (5)在全国建立正品耗材回收网点, 无偿回收废弃墨盒,面对大客户则实行 签约上门回收的方式,以鼓励用户关注 环境保护; (6)在联想专卖店里设立专门的墨

进行环保回收。耗材绿色回收计划是爱 普生(中国)有限公司从2001年就开 始在中国推广实施一项环保行动。通过 设立回收网点接受客户交投、与企业客 户签订回收协议上门回收、鼓励客户等 形式,持续开展使用完毕的爱普生正品 墨盒、鼓粉盒组件回收活动,并对回收 的墨盒、鼓粉盒组件进行环境无害化处 理,将其变成再生资源,形成良性的循 环。 广东省是全国及世界办公耗材再生

盒、鼓粉盒组件回收箱; (7)借助联想强大的渠道和服务优 势,联合经销商、服务商共同回收正版 墨盒、鼓粉盒组件,覆盖全国范围大部 分的1-6级城市。 爱普生 (中国)有限公司继开通 “绿色热线”和设置“环保回收箱” 后,2010年开始,爱普生再次加大了耗 材环保回收的推进力度,增设16家爱普 生4S店为回收网点,同时在爱普生4S 店和爱普生印像馆开展“耗材回收,环 保行动”促进活动,从而有效促进用户 更方便地将使用完毕的爱普生正品耗材

业最发达的地区,有从事拆解成像卡盒 (cartridge)的大中小型企业数百家, 每年从废卡盒中拆解的废墨粉达数千 吨,废墨粉中有些可以再使用,但打印 或复印品图像质量不理想。大多数废墨 粉达不到用户使用要求,但这些废墨粉 成为不法商人骗取钱财的货源,能够继 续使用的墨粉充当原装墨粉卖给用户, 坑骗用户;不合格或不能使用的废墨粉 最终被倒掉,现在利用废弃墨粉作原料 生产再生墨粉的技术已在广东省实现, 这样也从根源上杜绝了废弃墨粉给环境 及人类健康带来的危害。 4.构建完整的耗材行业标准体系 标准是伴随着人类文明程度的提高 而产生的,充分发挥标准在规范生产和 管理,提升质量和水平,规避风险和保 障秩序方面的重大技术支撑作用,是保 证经济、社会和人类的全面发展的一项 长远性工作,耗材行业标准体系,应立 足当前、面向长远,立足国内、面向世 界,提升水平、注重实效,对保障我国 耗材产业调整和振兴规划的实施,对经 济、社会和人类的发展产生深刻影响。 打印耗材应在落实循环经济促进发 展的基础上,加强针对耗材回收的相关 法规文件,进一步制定相关的标准,促 进耗材产品在生产、使用、回收等各环 节的完整规范的管理机制,规范目前耗 材行业鱼目混杂的局面,让消费者买到 真正的合格产品,扶持企业有偿地对废 旧耗材进行回收及对消费者环保行动进 行奖励的方式,推进国民环保意识



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的进一步增强,创建一个健康有序的耗 材产业。建立打印机耗材行业标准至少 有以下两个好处:第一,有利于规范目 前鱼龙混杂的耗材市场,让消费者买到 真正的合格产品;第二,改变消费者对 通用耗材的成见,有利于国内通用耗材 的做大做强。 标准体系是一定范围内的标准按 其内在联系形成的科学的有机整体。 也可以说标准体系是一种由标准组成 的系统。完整的标准体系应包括基础通 用标准、产品标准、方法标准和管理标 准,而目前我国耗材行业的标准大多关 注产品标准和方法标准,没有一个从耗 材产业出发,系统、规范、全面的标准 体系,导致整个产业不能有序、健康发 展,形成目前耗材市场OEM、通用、假 冒产品4:1:5鱼目混杂的局面。 从标准体系上来讲,目前耗材行 业缺乏一个组织能够领导行业有识之士 系统地分析标准现状,包括国家标准、 行业标准的现状分析,强制性标准和推 荐性标准分析,标准体系结构和布局分 析,标准数量和质量分析,标准之间的 协调性分析,标准的缺失和滞后分析, 标准的适用性和时效性分析等。通过标 准现状分析,发现存在的问题,并提出 工作建议和改进措施。构建一个具有长 远发展目标的标准体系,这也是耗材行 业在解决回收再利用问题的同时也必须 要解决的问题。 即使在产品标准的制定方面也遇 到种种困难,中国计算机行业协会耗材 专业委员会在2003年开始制定墨盒标 准,此举受到了国内各通用耗材厂商的 热烈欢迎,由此可见,耗材行业标准的 出台,对于规范市场发展,可以说已经 到了刻不容缓的地步,但在制定标准的 后面隐藏着原装墨盒厂家与通用墨盒厂 家间巨大的利益冲突。而标准一直“难 产”的原因主要是,原装墨盒和通用墨 盒厂商之间的利益难以协调,因为两方 面的人参与制定标准,“任何一个利益 个体都会采用自己的方法争取自己的利 益。”同样由全国信息技术标准化技术 委员会牵头制定的鼓粉盒组件相关国家 标准以及由全国复印机械标准化技术委 员会牵头的墨盒、鼓粉盒环境保护要求




国家标准等等也存在同样的问题,导致 其迟迟不能出台。 全球打印耗材产业发展迅猛,其中 90%以上打印机色带、70%以上打印 与喷绘兼容墨盒、30%以上复印机打印 机激光鼓粉盒组件在中国制造,这其中 又有80%的耗材是由广东省生产的,打 印耗材产品是广东省主要产业,在制定 耗材标准方面,广东省走在了全国的前 面,自2006年至今,先后颁布实施了 DB44/T 305-2006《喷墨打印机墨盒 通用技术规范》,DB44/T 623-2009 《打印机耗材再生产品生产控制要求 再生鼓粉盒、再生喷墨盒》,DB44/T 692-2009《激光打印机鼓粉盒通用技 术规范》,DB44/T 693-2009《墨粉有 害物质限量要求》等标准,上述标准的 制定填补了国内耗材标准在鼓粉盒、墨 盒生产、销售和检验领域没有标准可依 的空白,DB44/T XXX-20XX《再生墨 粉生产过程控制及质量要求》地方标准 已在制定过程中,通过逐步完善耗材标 准以期达到规范产业的目的。 四、国家印刷及办公自动化消耗材料质 量监督检验中心 国家印刷及办公自动化消耗材料质 量监督检验中心(以下简称国家耗材质 检中心)于2007年2月经国家质量监督 检验检疫总局批准在广东省珠海市质量 计量监督检测所筹建(隶属于广东省珠 海市质量技术监督局,具有独立法人地 位的事业单位,是法定质量计量监督检 测机构),它坐落在具有 “世界打印耗 材之都”美誉的珠海,是目前国内唯一 的印刷及办公消耗材料产品国家级检测 中心。 国家耗材质检中心全面贯彻 “公 正、科学、廉洁、优质、高效”的质量 方针,以“客户至上、质量第一”为宗 旨,不断改进完善管理体系,并始终保 持管理体系运行的有效性,推行科学的 管理模式,坚持第三方公正性地位,并 不断提高全体员工的技术水平和管理能 力,完善各项检测手段,坚持公正、科 学、准确、客观,把国家耗材质检中心 建设成人员高素质、技术过硬、管理科 学、设备先进、服务优质的技术机构。

国家耗材质检中心以科技领先、技术精 湛、客户至上、服务第一的宗旨,致力 于集产品检测、科研开发、风险预警三 位一体的质量监督检测机构。 国家耗材质检中心设有物理性能 实验室、图像分析室、化学分析室、仪 器分析室、质量技术部、业务部、办公 室。现有人员28人,其中博士、硕士、 本科生的比例高达92%,高级专业技术 职称人员达到35%,初步形成了一支专 业齐全,人员层次结构合理的高水平检 测队伍。 国家耗材质检中心第一期实验室设 在珠海市新香洲人民西路133号的广东 省珠海市质量技术监督局大楼的4、5、 6层,实验室总面积约2500平方米,拥 有价值近1500万元的国际先进、国内 一流的检测设备。第二期将建在南屏 检测基地占地16800平方米,建筑面积 18000平方米。 国家耗材质检中心具有承担打印耗 材、油墨、办公文化用纸、印刷品、电 子信息类产品中有毒、有害物质产品的 监督检验、各类专项检验、国内外的委 托检验以及仲裁检验的能力。同时也承 担和参与国家标准、行业标准的制修订 工作,承担研发新的检测技术和方法, 并对地方同类产品检测机构及企业进行 技术指导和人员培训。

Note: If yo u ha ve an y qu est ion ab ou t the rem an uf ac tur ing tec hn olo gy or if yo u ha ve oth er pu zz les yo u nee d to solve, you may con tact Recharge Asia M ag az ine for mo re hel p. W e als o welcome you to sha re your experienc e and remanufactur ing tips. Email: news@rechar

如果您有任何关 于再生方面的技 术 问 题 ,您 可 以 联 系 我们,获得帮助。 我们也将非常高 兴的与您一起分 享 您关于打印耗材 再生方面的经验 和 心得。



DECEMBER 2010 • 79


Asia Imaging Fair 2011: Expand & Diversify at the World’s Largest Print Expo

在世界上最大的打印行业展览会上拓宽你业务的多样化 作为全球影像耗材领域最为重要的展览的之一,北京国 际办公设备耗材与数码影像展将于2011年4月27日-29日在北 京中国国家会议中心隆重举办。此次展会是由亚洲再生业牵 头,多家影像耗材领域专业组织联合举办招商的。展会涉及 范围广泛,包括了复印、打印耗材的各个产品领域。本次展 览具有非常明显的特色,如携手政府采购的组织机构,协助 更多的企业介入政府采购的进程;与中国最大的国际广告四 新展联合进行,扩展更多的喷墨领域的观众;联合中国最大 范围的复印机领域的专家、企业和零售商,组织一个复印机 领域的盛会;多家海外行业媒体联合观众邀请。本展览旨在 打造一个以北方区域为中心的行业交流平台,并将为所有希 望能够进一步扩展自身发展外延的企业提供机遇。 《亚洲再生业》杂志出版人Sunny Sun 女士表示,“本次 展会将是一个耗材市场企业同仁们扩大和多样化自己业务,加 深和密切影像耗材行业同相关的行业业务关系的难得的机遇。 我们认为这将作为一个机会,来让我们的读者受益,从而有机 会增加新的产品和服务。我们呼吁并期待广大影像耗材行业的 同行们抓住这个机会,在那里充分的展示自己!”

• 天津市现代办公设备协会 • 《办公耗材与配件》杂志 展会特色: 1. 全新的复印领域的专业展览会 2. 共享中国最大的广告四新展的观众资源 3. 以北京为中心的打印行业全球盛会 4. 帮助更多企业介入政府采购市场 加盟展商: 北京国际办公设备耗材与数码影像展以其独特的地理优 势,丰富宽泛的展览范围,别具一格的展会特色吸引了多家 耗材行业的知名企业积极响应参与,目前已经确认的企业参 加的有: 加上天威、优力、北方办公、Beijing Beifang Office Equipment, Color Imaging, Ebest. Katun Corporation, Lanjie Parts Company, PhotoC, Static Control Components 等等, 未来还将有更多的展商参与其中, 您可以通过关注展会的官 方网站:www.asiaimagingfair.com了解最新信息。同时网站 也将开放免费的观众注册和登记以及展商展位的预定。

展出范围: • 复印机和打印机设备及耗材 • 墨盒、硒鼓、色带、碳粉、墨水及连续供墨系统等办 公用品 • 芯片、感光鼓、各类辊、膜、空盒等配件和原材料 • 办公设备与耗材的制造、翻新、灌装、测试等设备和 工具 • 相纸、票据纸、彩喷纸、热敏纸等办公打印用纸 • 数码影像设备与耗材的技术、信息、包装等服务类 产品 主办单位: 北京国际办公设备耗材与数码影像展由下列组织和行业 媒体及协会联合举办: • 《亚洲再生业》杂志 • 中国(CIS)复印科学与工程学会 • 中国电子进出口总公司 • 中国家电商业协会办公设备流通分会




联系信息: 美国联络处 RECHARGE ASIA 电话: 626.309.0858 传真: 626.309.0878 电邮: 中国联络处 RECHARGE ASIA 电话: +86.10.5126.5580 传真: +86.10.5885.8747 电邮: 欢迎您随时浏览我们的网站,关注展会近况!



DECEMBER 2010 • 81


The Printer Peripherals Market Rebounded Sharply in the First Half of 2010 in China – An Estimated 14.6% Annual Growth Rate

2010年上半年中国打印外设市场大幅反弹 预计全年增长率为14.6% IDC最新发布的《中国打印外设市场季度跟踪报告 (2010年第二季度)》显示,2010年上半年中国打印外设市 场整体出货量约为583万台,与去年同期相比较,整体出货量 增长了36.4%。其中2010年第一季度和第二季度,中国打印 外设市场整体出货量与去年同期相比,分别增长了26.5%和 44.3%。 IDC亚太区研究副总裁霍锦洁女士认为:2010年上半年 整体经济环境的复苏,对于中国打印外设市场需求的恢复带 来了很大的推动。打印机市场上的渠道销售和行业销售与 2009年相比,都呈现出大幅的反弹趋势。各大厂商也在2010 年投入了更多的精力和资金来推动销售,因此2010年上半年 中国打印外设市场增势迅猛。 IDC中国负责打印外设市场研究的分析师武止戈与王莎娜 认为,虽然2010年上半年整体经济环境良好,打印外设市场 增长明显;但是2010年下半年的经济前景并不十分乐观,打 印机市场需求在上半年已经完全饱和的状态下,预计下半年 增长会有所放缓。因此IDC预测,2010年全年打印外设市场 的增长率约为14.6%。 武止戈与王莎娜认为2010年上半年度,中国打印外设市 场呈现以下几个特点:

预测,未来喷墨打印机在家用市场上会有更大的发展空间。 厂商注重渠道管理和扩展 2010年上半年的打印外设市场上,各大厂商都对渠道管 理和扩展方面投入了更多的关注,加强了渠道的管理力度, 更大程度的保证了渠道的利益,进而稳定发展,从而实现厂 商、渠道双赢的局面。另外, 2010年上半年扩充了很多新的 渠道,特别是在4-6级城市,多数厂商都新增了渠道,很好的 带动了这部分市场的增长。IDC认为,中国4-6级城市的打印 机市场需求还有很大发展空间,大力发展4-6级城市的渠道建 设和销售,一定会带动打印外设整体出货的显著增长。 2010年下半年行业需求依然旺盛 虽然2010年下半年整体经济环境前景不是十分乐观, 但是中国政府对于基础建设性行业的投入依然不会减少。针 式打印机在税控改革和医疗改革两大项目的推动下,下半年 依然会有上涨空间。而政府、教育、金融等行业的采购对于 中高端产品的需求拉动依然很大。IDC预测,2010年下半年 中高速黑白激光打印机和彩色打印机市场的增长率将依然很 高。

低端型号产品销量上涨明显 2010年上半年,在中国打印外设市场上,喷墨和激光 产品的低端型号的销量都呈现高速增长。激光产品以HP的 激光打印机HP LaserJet P1007和激光一体机HP LaserJet M1005mfp涨幅最大,同比去年同期涨幅均超过100%。2009 年上半年HP的激光产品缺货严重,而2010年上半年随着厂 商货源供应的逐渐恢复,和低端市场需求的不断增加,激 光低端型号产品的销量上涨。除HP之外,其他各大厂商也 投入很大力度来促进和推动低端激光产品的销售,如Canon LBP-2900, Samsung SCX-4521F等在2010年上半年的销量 都有明显增长。 喷墨产品方面,三大主要厂商Canon,Epson和HP在 2010年都对低端喷墨产品进行了价格下调,从而有力的拉动 了入门级喷墨产品的销售。随着喷墨打印机及一体机价格的 不断下降,越来越多的家庭用户选择购买喷墨产品。因此IDC






DECEMBER 2010 • 83


Epson Reaches Settlement with Medea International

Epson 与 Medea International达成和解 日前,爱普生宣布与Medea International Limited(以下 简称Medea)就墨盒专利问题达成和解协议,结束了历时4年 的法律纠纷。Medea同意停止销售涉案产品并支付爱普生一 笔未透露金额的赔偿金。 事实上,爱普生与Medea的专利纠纷由来已久,最早 可追溯到2006年。2006年2月23日,爱普生在英国高等法院 (the High Court of Justice)起诉Medea,称Medea的产 品侵犯其6项墨盒专利,涉案专利号分别为:芯片设计专利 GB2369801、墨囊设计专利EP(UK)0553535和EP(UK) 1013444、供墨口设计专利EP(UK)1016533、喷墨记录装 置设计专利EP(UK)1247650和GB2395684。这些专利应 用于一系列兼容墨盒,如IXEB481, PPEB321、IREC008、 IREB007、PPEC018和TPEB511等。 2006年12月22日,Medea决定提起不侵权抗辩并反诉爱 普生上述六项专利无效。 2007年10月16日,爱普生再次起诉Medea,称Medea的 产品侵犯其两项机械结构专利:GB2391200和GB2409435和 两项芯片专利:EP(UK)1004450和GB2347649。 2007年12月21日,Medea再次迎战,其策略与第一次应 诉策略相同,即向法庭提起不侵权抗辩和反诉Epson四项专 利无效。 2008年6月,该专利案件出现了关键性的第一次和解, 双方就2006年起诉的六项专利侵权的诉讼达成和解。 2008年12月8日,该专利案件出现了第二次和解,双方 就2007年10月16日爱普生第二次起诉中的四项专利中的两项 机械结构的专利(GB2391200和GB2409435)达成和解。 2008年12月10日, 爱普生突然起诉Medea Internaitonal Ltd.董事总经理Yusuf Ibrahim Okhai个人,向其提起了 专利侵权诉讼,要求其个人然悬而未决的2项芯片专利 {EP(UK)1004450和GB2347649}可能侵权承担责任。随后 爱普生将其起诉Medea公司和Yusuf个人的两个案子合并。 Medea及Yusuf继续按照原先的策略,提起不侵权抗辩和

反诉爱普生专利无效,案件计划在2010年10月18日于伦敦高 等法院开庭。 2010年10月18日,爱普生宣布与Medea就 EP(UK)1004450和GB2347649两项芯片达成的和解协议生 效。

Medea International观点 对此,有媒体联系Medea董事总经理Yusuf Okhai,他表 示:“Medea没有承认侵犯任何涉案专利。我们会从市场上 撤下爱普生的兼容耗材产品,这是Medea更好地服务顾客的 战略性计划。”他强调说:“经过3年的斗争和付出高额的 费用,我方没有承认侵犯爱普生的专利权就得以和解。”但 Yusuf没有透露具体和解协议的细节。 至于涉案产品的设计,Yusuf指出:“爱普生的打印机都 是专门设计让终端用户无法全部用完墨盒里面的墨水,打印 机的可靠性也令人质疑。”Yusuf表示:“在停止销售爱普生 兼容墨盒后,Medea将继续供应填充墨盒产品。”同时,对 于纳思达被提及为涉案产品的供应商,Yusuf表示这是“完全 错误”的。 纳思达观点 纳思达电子科技有限公司发出一下声明: 我们,纳思达在此澄清我们从未卷入到爱普生与Medea International和解的专利纠纷案件。因此,我们不能确定我们 就是爱普生所称的侵犯专利的涉案产品的供应商。然而,我 们了解到,某行业杂志在报道传播信息,暗示涉案产品是纳 思达生产的。我们有理由相信该信息是没有经过证实的。我 们仍在调查信息的来源,并且保留就任何虚假陈述、诽谤及 失实报道而造成的损失进行索赔的权利。






DECEMBER 2010 • 85


Strong Competition in Taiwan’s MFP Market

台湾打印机市场多功能事务机已是兵家必争之地 根据国际数据信息(IDC) 新公布的 2010年第二季台湾单功能打印机(SFP) 与多功能事务机(MFP)产业调查季报, 当季台湾单功能打印机市场整体出货 量达8万9,528台,不论在季度与年度 比均正向成长;至于喷墨多功能事务机 (Inkjet MFP)方面,由于项目出货的加 持,成长幅度更为惊人,统计第二季出 货高达17万8,874台,与上一季及去年 同期相比,均有高达两位数的成长,更 一举扩大了喷墨多功能事务机在打印机 市场的出货比例。 IDC台湾资深计算机外设分析师严 兰欣指出:“观察台湾市场,不论是以 喷墨或激光技术型态,多功能事务机在 打印机市场的比重是与日遽增的,多功 能市场更已是各家厂商提高市占,或积 极跨入的兵家必争之地。随着机器平均 单价日益下滑,更为亲民的售价,让多 功能事务机也越来越被消费者考量或接 受。”如同IDC所一直强调的,虽然台 湾打印机整体出货量尚未回到金融海啸 前的荣景,但可预期的是打印机市场仍 在缓步爬升。主要的成长动能也将来自 于多功能事务机,厂商在产品价格与机 种上的竞争与跟随,预期将更白热化。 在激光多功能事务机部分,2010 年第二季整体出货量为2万0,734 台, 较前一季成长4.1%,与去年同期相比 有37.6%的成长。IDC台湾计算机外设 分析师连颢尹指出:“从第二季多功能

事务机市场表现就可看出,2010年上 半年多功能事务机市场已经逐渐恢复到 以往的出货水准。相较于第一季的出货 表现,第二季市场成长主要贡献在于企 业、政府和教育的项目以及各家厂商针 对通路以及市场的策略奏效,因此刺激 第二季的整体出货表现。” 针对2010年激光多功能事务机市 场表现,连颢尹也表示:“2010年整 体出货表现仍值得期待,A4尺寸的市场 在HP以MPS (Managed Print Service, 打印管理服务)的带领之下,可望带动 整体A4市场的销售,A3尺寸市场则以 彩色机取代黑白机为其主要的成长力 道。” 喷墨单功能打印机/多功能事务机市场 在九成以上的客户为家庭与中小企 业的喷墨市场,本季喷墨出货量占台湾 整体打印机市场高达七成七,大型3C连 锁店与计算机商场仍为厂商出货、与消 费者习惯采买的地点。统计第二季喷墨 单功能打印机出货量为4万2,859台,较 上一季衰退4.3%,与去年同期相比亦衰 退3.8%。喷墨多功能事务机出货量17 万8,874台,较上一季成长30.1%,比 去年同期成长幅度更高达67.3%。 严兰欣指出:“上半年通常是喷墨 市场的淡季,但若由出货力道观察,多 功能事务机从今年第一季开始,成长幅 度便远胜于单功能打印机,多功能机种 在本季喷墨市场占 比更高达80.7%。 虽然本季多功能事 务机的成长主要归 因于项目出货,但 从过去厂商多以单 功能打印机作为项 目机种,到现在转 变为以低阶多功能 事务机做大量项目 出货,可以确认多 功能事务机在价格 上有明显滑落,与 大幅度的议价空 间。”




激光单功能打印机 第二季台湾激光单功能打印机出 货量为3万4,286台,较上一季成长 2.7%,与去年同期相比也有高达30.7% 的成长。市场前三大出货厂商仍为惠普 (HP)、爱普生(Epson)、富士全录(Fuji Xerox)。本季虽没有明显大单挹注,但 由于部分厂商持续出货政府指针型标 案,所以量能仍维持上一季水准,前三 家厂商出货占比,也回复过去持有八成 五以上的激光单功能市场。 A3激光多功能事务机 在以复印机厂商为主的A3激光多功 能事务机市场,第二季出货量为 7,046 台,总出货量相较前一季小幅成长约 8.9%,与去年同期相比则大幅成长 42.8%。而彩色机种的比例占A3机型约 33.6%,在各家努力推行彩色化以及项 目的挹注之下,与上季相比彩色机种的 出货量大幅成长40.7%。 厂商表现方面,第一名由夏普 (Sharp)取得,其余排名依次为富士全 录与台湾东芝(Toshiba) 。而A3彩色机 方面则由台湾东芝取得领先地位。 A4激光多功能事务机 在以打印机厂商为主的A4激光多功 能事务机市场,第二季的出货量为1万 3,688 台,较上季则成长1.7%,但与去 年同期相较则有35.1%的大幅度增长。 第二季主要的成长因素为龙头厂商惠普 的出货表现 ,带动整体A4激光多功能 事务机市场的表现。 在厂商表现方面,第一名为激光市 场领导品牌惠普,其余排名依次为富士 全录和兄弟牌(Brother),且前三大厂出 货比例占整体激光多功能事务机市场的 72.0%。



DECEMBER 2010 • 87


Printer Market Becomes Diversified

打印机市场酝酿多元化格局 随着LED为代表的绿色科技越来越 受到人们的了解与重视,以OKI为首的 LED技术阵营与以HP为首的激光技术阵 营之争也开始成为业界讨论的焦点。这 种“双雄争锋”结果也预示着打印机市 场的多元化格局正在形成。 LED引发的绿色科技革命 目前,全球面临严峻的金融危机、 能源危机和环境污染,中国的形势也相 当严峻。在这种形势下,节能、环保被 各国政府提到了重要议事日程。以LED 为代表的绿色科技在降低成本、环保节 能方面成效十分显著,因此,世界各国 几乎一致认为,LED开发应用必将引起 新的科技革命。 LED又称发光二极管,是一种能够 将电转化为可见光的固态半导体器件。 LED光源具有低压电源、耗能少、适用 性强、稳定性高、响应时间短、对环境 无污染等优点,虽然价格稍微偏高,但 一直被认为将不可避免地替代其他类型 光源。




有关专家认为,传统IT渠道和OA 渠道的对象是完全不同的。IT技术部门 和专业人士更关注打印速度、打印头寿 命、稳定性等技术指标;而OA渠道的 办公室主管除了关注性能指标,更关注 节能、环保、总体应用成本。这也就从 另一个渠道上成就了LED发展的巨大市 场。无独有偶,近日,全球知名的打印 机生产厂商OKI公司,在北京正式发布 了LED标识。据悉,这是OKI公司LED 标识的全球首发,标志着打印机和商务 办公领域的绿色革命开始全面展开。 “健康办公”正成打印主旋律 作为新型绿色科技,LED光源不仅 应用于照明显示系统,还应用于成像系 统,比如打印成像。在这方面,OKI公 司是全球LED打印科技的始作俑者。据 了解,早在1966年,OKI就研制了全球 第一台LED打印机,这是全球静电成像 打印技术的里程碑。 “LED是一项先进的技术,然而, 它给商务办公领域带来的影响远远不止 这些。”OKI公司总经 理林正敏称,从LED技 术出现以后,各家打印 机厂商都开始积极采取 措施,通过技术、材料 和工艺改进,进一步降 低应用污染。而从用户 端看,越来越多的用户 对办公环境的健康、安 全性日趋重视,对于以 LED为代表的环保打印 技术和产品日趋青睐。 林正敏认为,这是LED 给页式打印机产业带来 的核心价值。 据了解,LED自身 不产生辐射,LED光源 的特性导致打印机对墨 粉的吸收率、整机的密 封性都大大加强,客观 上降低了环境污染。为 了与LED技术性匹配, OKI正在大范围研制和

使用环保材料和无害墨粉,通过技术的 进步,促使打印机在根本上解决办公环 境污染问题。 激光阵营仍然是市场主流 以OKI为首的LED技术阵营与以HP 为首的激光技术阵营之争,一直是业界 津津乐道的话题。业界媒体常常通过大 篇幅的技术路线比对报道来预测“双雄 争锋”的未来。 但很多专家在接受记者采访时也表 示,目前在打印机市场上,激光技术打 印机仍然是主流,这一点必须客观认识 到。打印机技术路线和市场不应该是谁 抑制谁、谁取代谁的问题,而应该共同 促进、共同发展。 “这样的竞争毫无意义。这么多 年来,产业的发展都是靠大家一起推动 的。”林正敏认为。LED只是一项具有 节能、环保特性的先进技术,在一个以 客户为中心的时代,技术并不能成为完 全主导人们生活的需求。 有关分析师认为,LED与激光技术 阵营都应该摒弃技术路线的差异性,认 真考虑如何根据自身特点,尽可能从材 料、技术和工艺上进行改进,使得打 印更健康、更环保,让商务和办公变 得更加安全、环保、健康。只要有这个 共识,打印机行业就可以相互融合、借 鉴,在技术、产品、市场等各方面取长 补短。



DECEMBER 2010 • 89


UV Ink Market Expected to Reach US$7.2 Billion by 2014

UV油墨规模2014年有望达到72亿美元 据皮拉国际(PiraInternational)最新 的调查报告显示,全球环保(环境友好 型)油墨的市场规模在2009年达到了58 亿美元,并且有望在2014年达到72亿 美元,年均复合增长率为4.5%。 根据初步研究和专家分析,皮拉国 际的《环保油墨的未来——2014市场预 测》从印刷工艺、终端应用和地域分布 等三方面对影响环保油墨市场的主要趋 势进行了详细分析,并对2014年的市场 规模进行了大胆预测。此外,这份报告 还对影响环保油墨市场的关键技术进行 了全面介绍,并为环保油墨和设备供应 商挖掘出了新的机遇。 这项研究将环保油墨定义为含有最 高可生物降解成分、采用可再生原材料 以及尽可能低的VOC(挥发性有机化合 物)的油墨。因此,环保油墨涉及的范 围非常广,其中包括水性油墨、能源固 化油墨和基于低VOC油和植物油的浆状 油墨等。 在喷墨印刷过程中,我们也能接触 到一些所谓的环保油墨,比如说环保溶 剂型油墨、温和溶剂型和生态溶剂型油 墨。它们的VOC排放量比真正的溶剂型 油墨要低一些,但仍然有毒,因此不属 于环境友好型油墨的范畴。由此可见, 水性油墨和UV喷墨油墨才是理想的环 保替代品。 对印刷油墨制造业来说,环保油 墨并不是一个新鲜的词汇。随着上世纪 90年代各国政府加大了对有害物质排放 的限制,油墨制造商也开始为印刷厂提 供符合法规要求的替代品。但对油墨进 行回收利用势必会增加企业的成本。水 性油墨、基于可再生能源的浆状油墨, 特别是大豆油等植物型油墨的出现似乎 给油墨市场吹来了一股新鲜的空气。目 前,尽管人们对印刷油墨环保问题的关 注度在不断提高,但企业更倾向于走可 持续发展的道路,例如在油墨配方中使

发展能力;用水性油墨替代溶剂型油 墨;通过创新油墨,例如惠普的latex 油墨,为现有的油墨产品提供可替代的 环保解决方案;热塑型UV油墨;可持 续UV油墨;用于喷墨、柔印和丝网印 刷的UV-LED油墨;能提供更高的线速 度,更稳定的湿度、更低的干燥温度和 更小设备体积的辐射干燥系统能;具有 比卤素灯更多技术优势的脉冲氙灯、固 态固化系统和UV-LED固化系统;多个 采用了UV-LED技术的喷墨、柔印和丝 网印刷系统;有助于促进UV/EB(电子 束)固化系统在胶印过程中使用的可变 套筒胶印机。 从印刷工艺的角度来分析环保 油墨市场,皮拉国际认为喷墨将在 2009-2014年期间取得高速增长,年均 复合增长率将达到10%。随着逐渐成为 标牌领域的主要印刷方式并引起丝网印 刷的锐减,喷墨正在被广泛地应用在办 公室表格等领域,并逐渐渗透到标签印 刷市场。水性油墨主要使用在多孔承印 物上,而喷墨主要依靠UV油墨在非多 孔型承印物上进行印刷,并且这种应用 在未来几年内将继续增长。 在环保油墨的终端应用上,皮拉 国际也进行了详细的阐述。据该公司介 绍,环保油墨主要用在窄幅轮转油墨和 楞纸板或纺织品印刷等领域——无论是 水性油墨、环保油墨还是混合油墨。但 有两个例外需要引起我们的注意:一个 是杂志,另一个是车身贴纸。前者主要 是用热固型胶印机或凹印机来进行生 产,这一过程一般不使用环保油墨;而后 者如果使用UV喷墨油墨,又会确保必 要的灵活性。此外,软包装中的大部分 领域目前还在使用溶剂型油墨,而且这 种状况在短时间内也无法改变。 在印刷业比较成熟的发达地区,环 保油墨正在被广泛使用,而且它们的增 长率要明显高于传统油墨。以北美地区

用可再生资源。 据皮拉国际介绍,环保油墨和可 持续发展油墨在近年来取得了显著的发 展,其中包括:改善原材料,使油墨在 保持性价比的同时,具有更好的可持续

为例,UV油墨的增长速度非常令人震 惊。在某些情况下,人们还用UV柔印 油墨来替代水性柔印油墨。 在亚洲、南美和东欧等新兴市场, 环保油墨将随着印刷和包装市场的发展




而有所增长,但增长幅度主要取决于终 端应用。在某些市场上,UV和UV喷墨 油墨的发展速度非常快,但由于尚没有 严格的环保法规出台,用户对采用环保 或可持续油墨的积极性并不高。业内人 士普遍认为,如果中国作为一个印刷大 国,能够实施更加严格的法律,那么这 种情况就有可能发生改变。就目前而 言,印刷行业还在使用大量的溶剂型油 墨和以石油为原料的浆状油墨,但整体 是在向着环保产品的方向发展。 目前,环保或可持续油墨的基础或 许还比较薄弱,但它在将来一定能给原 料供应商、设备制造商和油墨制造商带 来宝贵的发展机会。印刷业正在努力向 可持续发展产业转型,具有环保和经济 双重效益的创新产品层出不穷,溶剂型 和石油基油墨的市场也在逐渐被最新开 发出的环保产品所取代。 皮拉国际预测,随着环保法规的建 立健全,市场对环保和可持续油墨的需 求将日益增大。对能源固化油墨来说, 食品包装是最具潜力的一个市场。美国 食品药物管理局最新发布的食品接触通 告(FCN)722,就为能源固化进入食品 包装领域奠定了基础。 从环保油墨的种类来看,皮拉国际 认为增长速度最快的将会是UV油墨, 它在2009年至2014年期间的年均复合 增长率将达到7%左右,市场规模也将 从12.8亿欧元增长到20亿欧元。其他能 给印刷企业带来机会的领域有:收缩套 标,热塑型油墨、创新单张纸油墨、销 售点展示图和玻璃等装饰印刷承印物以 及印刷电子等。



DECEMBER 2010 • 91


Environmentally Protected Supplies and Human Health

环保耗材与人体健康 当前低碳、环保已成为时尚的代名 词。各行各业都以这个为产品的指导方 针,这固然是件利民利国的大好事,但 是在耗材行业内,众多的打印机厂商称 自家的耗材是环保的,从事兼容再生的 耗材厂商也高声自家的产品是绿色、节 能的,耗材对身体是这样宣传讲的无害 吗? 一、耗材对人体的危害 1.墨水 客户一般认为喷墨打印机是喷嘴将 墨水喷射到纸张上直接形成图案,不存 在“碳粉飞扬”问题,所以是无危害的。 事实上,喷墨打印机处于工作状态时, 墨水墨点开始飞出,有机物就会挥发, 并夹杂着难闻的气味,而这种气味如果 长时间刺激,就有可能诱发呼吸系统疾 病,对于过敏性体质的人会造成过敏源 病的诱因。 2.碳粉 所谓碳粉,它的主要成分不是碳, 而是由树脂和碳黑、电荷剂、磁粉等组 成。这些物质经高温融化到纸纤维中, 一些被氧化成带有刺激气味的气体,就 形成“臭氧”,而散播到空气中的碳粉 会对人体粘膜造成刺激,容易提高哮喘 发生率或是鼻子过敏,甚至头晕、呕吐

等现象,严重的甚至会出现病变现象。 散布于空中的碳粉被认定人体健康公 敌。 3、废弃耗材 所谓废弃的耗材是指用完被扔掉的 打印机、墨盒和成像卡盒,这些物质埋 在地下千年不腐烂。而含有重金属的墨 水或碳粉成为了水源或泥土的主要污染 源,调查后统计的污染数据,令人惊心 动魄。 二、品牌的兼容耗材不比原装耗材的环 保性和安全性差 我们不否认原装耗材都是由打印机 厂商配套生产,技术过硬,质量总体还 不错,对人体的损害也可以降到最低。 但兼容耗材也有正规军,如格之格、天 威等。从上个世界90年代开始,格之 格、天威等耗材厂商就已经开始积极推 行绿色耗材产品,它们的生产线、系统 的原料、辅料测试、科学的工艺安排及 严格的质量管理,都与原装耗材不相上 下。 品牌兼容耗材特点:每个型号的墨 盒,海棉与墨水的相配都是经过单独测 试和调整的。特别近年,兼容耗材为了 扩大市场领域,在品质不断跟原装墨水 厂家的标准靠拢,某些产品在测试过程 中甚至达到原装耗材标准。同时,兼容 耗材也开始采用无毒墨水和碳粉,如原 色耗材公司就生产出健康耗材,天威推 出环保生物活性墨粉。 如果说原装耗材会比兼容耗材健 康很多,那么对兼容耗材实在有些不公 平。 三、原装耗材急功近利 从“残墨门”到“软件门”再到 “质量门”,这几年原装耗材也不断出 现劣质产品,原装耗材的环保、绿色形 象大大受损,消费者一直深信不疑的原 装品质遭到了挑战。到底是什么原因造 成了今天的局面?其实仔细想一下就会 明白,随着消费者对兼容耗材逐渐接 受,原装耗材开始感到压力,于是开始 与兼容耗材开展“价格战”之争,最终




导致原装耗材也出现低价低质的局面。 理由很简单,为了追求低价,生产厂商 也没有多余的利润进行技术提升或产品 完善。 举例说,以前原装墨水常温保存指 标是3年,兼容墨水保存指标是1年。为 追求与兼容耗材更接近的价格,如今原 装耗材的定位标准全部降到1年,这样 做的结果是墨水稳定性容易产生变化, 在打开使用后PH酸碱度迅速降低,不 但质量受损而且对人体危害也增大。此 外,PH酸碱度不断酸化,容易产生细 菌生成物,损坏机器的同时也危害人的 身体健康。所以说,无论是原装耗材还 是兼容耗材,制造者一旦急功近利,对 产品的质量是一定打折扣的。对人体健 康也不会有什么好处。 四、染料墨和颜料墨,谁更环保? 墨水分为染料墨和颜料墨两种。其 中,染料是水溶性的,打印色彩艳丽、 色域宽广。染料墨又称浊溶液,特别是 黑色染料墨比黑色颜料墨对人体损害是 相当大的,因为黑色染料墨含有可致癌 性成份的联苯胺,二氨基联苯。颜料水 是不溶于水的,所以需要超细分散后才 能适用,用颜料打印色彩较暗、色域较 窄,但用它来打印黑色文字却又是清晰 锐利、防水耐晒。而黑色颜料则无毒安 全。两种墨水都具有很高的化学成份, 对人体有一定危害。两者相比较,颜料 墨比染料墨更健康。 染料墨生产工艺简单,成本低; 颜料墨工艺复杂,成本高。所以目前即 使是原装厂商也仅限于将黑色采用颜料 墨水,而彩色几乎都采用染料墨水。除 正规品牌的兼容耗材厂商之外,目前国 内大部分生产兼容耗材的厂商无论是彩 墨或黑墨都采用染料墨,不知情的消费 者买了这样的墨盒对健康有着很大的威 胁。 区分这两种墨水的方法:染料墨水 是分子级全溶解的墨水;颜料墨水就是 粉状墨水,它溶解于特殊的水溶剂中, 是一种悬浮溶液或者叫半溶液。


五、再生耗材的环保属性 再生耗材又称绿色耗材,对于再生 耗材的理解是从“环保”的角度来看, 再生耗材是兼容耗材的一个派系。当前 通用耗材行业存在两大“派系”——兼 容派和再生派。所谓“再生派”即是以 回收原装厂的材料通过再加工形成新的 产品,而所谓“兼容派”则是在研究原 装厂的打印技术基础上开发出适合打印 机的兼容墨盒等产品。“兼容派”企业 是拥有自己的产品研发技术的,而“再 生派”则不具有自身独特的技术。 再生耗材是一个出发点相当好的 概念,目的是将废弃墨盒、硒鼓重新利

同于假冒耗材。再生耗材是通过正规回 收途径,制作过程也经过严格的工艺制

造;而假冒耗材是非法回收,经小作坊 灌墨灌粉制作,没有技术含量可言,其 使用的墨水或碳粉都是最低质的,这种 墨盒或硒鼓含有各种有害物质,而且容 易漏墨、漏粉,危害性极大。 六、灌墨灌粉的危害性 为了省钱,许多用户会选择灌墨或 灌粉,它对于环境及个人的身体危害性 较大。墨水或碳粉暴露在空气中,最容 易被人体吸收造成伤害。不正规的灌墨 灌粉在品质上也得不到很好的保证,建 议不采用些种方法使用耗材。 环保绿色办公耗材是当前的趋势, 无论是原装耗材还是兼容耗材,都在追 求这个目标,如果以损害环境为前提来 赚取利润,都是不可取的。作为客户是 选择原装还是兼容,要根据自身情况而 定,但有一点必须记住的是,购买正规 品牌厂商生产的耗材才是最大的保障。

用,减少电子污染,目前像大品牌格之 格、天威等都有生产这种再生耗材,正 规生产的再生耗材品质也是有保证的, 对人体损害极低。然而,由于同样是 回收循环再用,这一点与假冒耗材十分 相似,所以许多用户容易将再生耗材等


DECEMBER 2010 • 93


General Supplies Record Development Seminar

广义耗材拓展研讨会纪实 2010年10月26日在珠海华业大厦召开了广义耗材拓展研 讨会。来自各地的从事办公耗材生产、销售,以及有关人士 200多人参加了会议。中国文化办公设备制造行业协会耗材 与配件专业委员会理事长,天津复印设备公司总经理,天津 中环天佳电子有限公司总经理焦延和先生、中国(CIS)复印 科学与工程学会理事长,广东东莞惠能办公耗材有限公司董 事长刘树果先生、中国家用电器商业协会现代办公设备流通 分会理事长兼 天津市现代办公设备协会理事长李炳书先生出 席了会议。亚洲再生业杂志对于本次会议做了全程报道,并 在此次会议上积极推广了即将于2011年4月27日-29日在北京 中国国家会议中心举办的北京国际办公设备耗材与数码影像 展,受到了与会者一致的好评。 多年来,中国的兼容耗材和再生耗材业蓬勃发展,令世 界瞩目。特别是近两年来,在全球饱受经济危机困扰之时, 中国的兼容耗材和再生耗材逆流而上,形势喜人,然而在发 展中仍能感到危机四伏。于是大家渴望有一个交流的平台和 讲坛,听一听专家的声音,听一听成功企业的声音,也听一 听来自五湖四海的呼声和建议。由于耗材行业格局的变化, 这种平台几近消失,而本次会议是自2005年以来行业中规格 最高、人气最旺的一次研讨会。 2010年10月26日的珠海极尽天时地利人和。所谓天时, 珠海的金秋冷暖相宜,阳光明媚;所谓地利,珠海享有世界 的耗材之都的美誉;至于人和,恰逢珠海市易得美工贸有限

公司总经理,中国文办协会耗材与配件专业委员会副理事长 王肖平先生六十华诞。珠海市易得美工贸有限公司是此次研 讨会的发起方和承办方,中国文化办公设备制造行业协会耗 材与配件专业委员会和《办公设备与配件》杂志社,以及 《亚洲再生业》杂志给予此次活动以鼎力支持。大家希望, 这次会议能够广聚复印与打印耗材领域各路精英和企业家, 抚今追昔倾谈荣辱成败,纵横阔论预测发展前景,集思广益 共商行业发展,开怀畅饮亦舒豪迈情怀。 研讨会于下午2:00召开。先后有 8位中国影像耗材行业 举足轻重的重要人士登台演讲。演讲的题目和演讲人有: 焦延和《中国墨粉行业是怎么走过来的》 刘树果《关于成像卡盒再生路线的技术探讨》 李炳书《中国OA 行业的过去、现在和未来》 冷欣新《也说激光打印与静电复印技术的融合》 张荣军《俄罗斯办公耗材市场》 (俄罗斯圣彼得堡先锋集团) 汪学文《中国 OPC 鼓发展之路》(邯郸光导重工总经理) 李阳《耗材这十年》(《办公耗材与配件》杂志社编辑) 王肖平《高端耗材概念》 研讨会于下午5:30结束,并于晚6:30举行了盛大晚 宴。在晚宴上,王肖平总经理做了“60岁以后做些什么” 的讲话,他希望把担子更多地交给年轻人,培养新人,让他 们超越自己,而自己则腾出更多时间陪伴家人,更多地为行 业、为社会做贡献。

A Technological Prospective to View Laser Printing Advances and Development

从技术变革看激光打 印产品的发展和变化 2010年的打印机市场风生水起,惠 普的“智慧”打印机;富士施乐多款高 性价比激光一体机的推出;兄弟宣布加入 LED大军等等,再加上很多厂商对老产品 促销力度也毫不松懈,整个打印机市场正 在强劲成熟技术的不断革新下,快速地前 进与发展。 技术引领格局裂变 如今的打印机市场已经形成了两大 阵营,一个是营销阵营,另一个是技术阵 营。营销阵营以推广为先,凭借高频度、 大覆盖、立体化、花样翻新的广告、宣传 和推广活动,直接刺激客户的购买欲望, 唤醒客户的购买需求。





典型代表就是惠普,凭借其强劲的 营销推广策略,在国内打印机市场中占 有最大市场份额,持续不断的宣传与产 品向市场注入活力,同时也不断地向用 户强化品牌。技术阵营则以技术至上, 通过雄厚的技术实力和技术创新,使产 品更具竞争优势,从而让厂商在市场中 占据一席之地。典型代表包括富士施 乐。 让我们从两组数据来看看两个阵营 的厂商代表在市场中的表现,据IDC数 据显示,在2004年~2009年间,整个打 印机市场的复合增长率为7.4%。惠普 为2.2%,而富士施乐的复合增长率最 高,达到41.6%。 2010年第一季度,在多功能一体机 市场中,惠普的市场占有率为 31%, 而富士施乐的份额也达到了11%;在单 功能打印机领域,富士施乐A3黑白与 A3彩色市场份额均跃居市场第二,而 A4彩色市场份额已成为市场第三。 由此可见,技术的驱动,使得全面

进入打印机市场不到7年的富士施乐取 得了长足的进步。

技术创新用户受益 厂商技术的不断创新,最终受益 的还是广大用户。像惠普的云打印,提

化聚合墨粉技术”、“辊内辊技术”、 “单体皮带钳定影技术”、“闪光定影 技术”等等,都帮助用户在提高输出品 质、工作效率的同时,降低了使用成本 等等。 无疑,创新技术为打印机市场的蓬 勃发展注入了新的活力,推动着打印机 市场的不断发展;与此同时,技术的革 新,更带动着用户需求的不断提升,更 不断满足着用户多元化需求。无论对市 场来说、对厂商来说、对用户来说,甚 至是对整个社会的发展来说,技术的革 新力量是无穷的,更是多方共赢的发展 结果。

出的理念就是让用户随时随地,畅心所 欲地进行打印。而具有社会责任的厂商 更会积极响应社会的变化以及市场的需 求,如富士施乐的SLED技术,用真真 正正的绿色科技,帮助用户创建用户低 碳办公环境。 而其所推出的其他技术,例如“乳


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佳能办公解决方案提供了高效办公和节约成本 佳能办公产品解决方案帮助全球处 于领先地位的特种化工产品公司科莱恩 实现工作高效率及低成本办公。 佳能彩色多功能数码复合机 iRC3200N和统计软件NetSpot Accountant,使科莱恩公司的业务部 门、IT部门、总务部门都享受到了数字 办公的便捷,兼顾了办公效率和成本。 科莱恩公司介绍: 科莱恩是全球处于领先地位的特种 化工产品公司。公司拥有庞大的业务关 系,并致力于提供优质的服务与广泛的 应用给客户,以成为顾客的首选业务伙 伴。科莱恩的全球组织网络分布于五大 洲,由超过100个集团公司构成。公司 总部设在瑞士巴塞尔附近的Muttenz, 现有23,000名员工,2006年底销售额达 81亿瑞士法郎。公司4大部门的产品和 服务涵盖纺织、皮革和纸张化工用品、 颜料和添加剂、色母粒、功能性化工用 品、生命科学化学品等。 科莱恩(中国)有限公司在大中华区 的业务较多。经营网络机构在中国、香 港、台湾,在天津、上海、广州有技术 服务中心。目前科莱恩在中国拥有多家 中外合资的企业在天津和杭州,分别生 产染料和颜料。另外,科莱恩在北京、 上海、广州也拥有3家独资色母粒工 厂。在中国的总员工已超过1,300人, 负责生产,市场推广,销售及技术服务 等活动。 科莱恩公司办公设备的现状: 1.发送传真操作繁琐 供应链管理部与公司供应商之间的 文件大都通过传真进行,工作量很大。 公司原有15台传真机,购买于2001 年,年限久了,经常出现故障,如卡纸 等,维修费用较高。有些传真机没有单 触按钮,要一次发给多个收件人时不能 一次指定多个接收方,需要反复发送一 份文件。在接收传真时,公司要收到大 量客户回传的订单确认单,但与此同 时,也经常会收到垃圾传真,导致浪费




很多耗材和纸张。 2.文件扫描电子化操作繁琐 公司市场部常常要扫描文件,如 领导对报价单的签字件,竞争对手的产 品彩页等等。上海公司原来的情况是 200多人共享3台扫描仪,不仅扫描速 度慢,而且操作繁琐,极大影响工作效 率。所以纸张文件在桌面上越来越多, 要在一堆文件中找到需要的文件非常费 时费力。 3.纸张输出没有管理,办公成本难

每分钟可达到36页的扫描速度,工作 效率比以前使用传统扫描仪的方式有了 大幅提高。领导签字的文件扫描后生成 PDF文件直接发送到员工的email和电脑 中,便于发送email或者文件存档。此 外,使用扫描到电子邮件email后,使 很多需要传真的文件都可以通过email 发送,单是这项改变,就为公司节省了 约25%的电话费。 另一方面,员工的email地址都可 以存在iRC3200N的地址簿中,并且通

以控制 公司由于在中国的业务发展越来越 快,办公文件的输出量与日俱增。上海 公司每年输出量大约在85万张左右,其 中财务部有时单月印量达到15,000张, 供应链管理部单月也能达到10,000张, 而且彩色的用量也很大,基本没有限 制。办公成本处于无法统计的状态。

过标配的LDAP功能和公司的邮件系统 Lotus Notes的地址簿相关联,每次有新 员工加入或有老员工离职时,复合机中 的地址簿都可以自动和公司邮件地址簿 同步,不需要对每台机器再进行地址簿 更新,这为IT部门节省了大量的时间和 工作量。 Canon iRC3200N为科莱恩提供稳 定高品质的彩色输出。 3.通过用量监控实现成本管理 “在使用了NetSpot Accountant软 件进行输出量管理后,公司2007年第三 季度的用量比之前减少了10%,为公司 节省了大量办公成本。” 成本控制的理念已越来越被国际 化的大公司所认同,佳能为科莱恩提供 了对数码复合机进行全方位管理的软 件——NetSpot Accountant,在使用该

佳能解决方案: 1.轻松发送传真到多个接收方, 同 时也避免了垃圾传真 在使用iRC3200N发送传真后,其 每分钟可扫描36张的自动输稿器极大地 减少了文件扫描的时间,同时也可以使 用单触按钮把文件一次发送到最多256 个接收方,再也不用一份文件多次扫描 给不同的人。现在30%左右的传真发送 已经由“PC-Fax”所取代,电子文件 不需要打印出来再通过传真发出,而是 直接在电脑上编辑好后直接发出,既节 省了时间又避免了纸张浪费。 接收传真时,所有传真都通过“传 真转发”功能直接转发到各部门在服务 器上的共享文件夹中,员工都可以到部 门的文件夹中把各自的传真拷贝到自己 的电脑中。现在接收的所有传真都不必 打印出来,有效避免了打印垃圾传真, 从而节省不少纸张,非常环保。 2.扫描到email功能为公司节省通讯 费 佳能“多元发送功能”让科莱恩公 司的文件电子化流程有了巨大的改进。 使用iRC3200N高速双面自动输稿器,


软件后,IT和总务部门每个月都可以看 到各部门用量的报表,其中包含的信息 非常丰富,比如复印打印用量,黑白彩 色用量,A3/A4的比例,双面输出的比 例等等,诸如此类的信息都可以反映在 图表上。对于用量较大的部门,可以考 虑增加机器,A3/A4的比例,双面输出 的比例等等,诸如此类的信息都可以反 映在图表上,成本管理一目了然。对于 印量小的部门,可以考虑更换小型的多 功能一体机或与其他部门共用,从而达 到合理配置资源的目的。同时,IT和总 务部门根据报表统计结果,已督促双面

输出率较低和彩色输出量大的部门作出 改进,提高双面输出并减少彩色用量。 如制作对外资料可使用彩色,公司内部 资料就使用黑白,草稿文件使用黑白输 出。经过分析各部门复合机的用量情 况,公司节省了大量的办公成本,做到 了合理规划,物尽其用。 另外,原来公司对输出量没有概 念,常常要储备大量的纸张耗材等物 品,占用宝贵的办公室空间。现在通过 NetSpot Accountant的统计分析数据, 公司总务部门已可以保持合理的纸张库 存,使每次购买的纸张耗材量都能恰到

好处。 总结 佳能的解决方案改善了科莱恩许 多方面的纸张处理流程,从而实现了高 效、环保、节省成本的办公环境。在这 个改变的过程中,公司管理部门和普通 用户两方面都做出了努力,使解决方案 真正在公司内得到普及。

Fuji and Xerox Conduct Green Practice

富士施乐践行绿色环保 富士施乐作为世界知名品牌厂商, 他们以减少碳排放为核心的绿色环保目 标上升到企业战略的高度,将企业社会 责任纳入了企业的经营战略规划之中, 力求在获得最高客户满意度的同时,将 环保考虑贯穿于整个产品乃至企业的生 命周期中。 为此富士施乐制订了4点环境管理 活动:1.开发并普及环保产品,将客户 在使用富士施乐产品时对环境造成的 影响降低至最低。2.建立低碳型生产结 构,包括整个供应链在内。3.提供帮助 客户办公室全面降低环境负荷的解决方 案。4.开发通信技术和新的工作方式, 通过实践新的工作方式建设低碳型社 会。 一、用产品践行绿色 作为数码印刷的先导者,富士施乐 提供丰富多样的产品解决方案的同时, 向客户提供更加专业的产品。 1.采用数码印刷。不仅可以缩短交 货期,实现零库存,还有助于节省空 间、减少二氧化碳的排放以及节约废弃 处理的费用。 2.利用数码印刷,结合数码媒体和 纸张媒体的综合营销方式,帮助各行业 的客户开展营销通信的革命。富士施乐 提出了2项改革方案:

①通过加强管理以削减总体成本和 环境负荷; ②利用个性化通信方式提高销量。 3.富士施乐构建了服务中心(文件 的管理、印刷质量并削减办公成本)。 富士施乐帮助某全球化IT公司,通过将 产品目录制作、订购流程进行了可视化 处理,灵活应用数码印刷的方式,减少 了库存及管理成本(节约65%不必要的 费用)。同时该公司减少了52725kg的 二氧化碳年排放量。 4.在利用个性化服务提高销售额。 富士施乐和JTB旅行社开展的“根据年 轻人爱旅游需求,提高店铺访问率的 推广活动”,采用的直邮广告方式, 促销活动之后,访店率与以往相比提高 了23%,来店者签订旅行合约的比率也 提高了90%。市场营销投资回报提高了 915%。该案例被日本授予“全日本直 邮大奖”金奖。

放量的1.5%。而由空调、照明及电器 设备所产生的二氧化碳排放量则占整个 办公室排放量的60%。因此,要解决客 户办公室内的碳排放问题,要考虑如何 削减办公室内其他方面的能耗。从这个 角度来看,富士施乐即将从过去熟悉的 仅仅提供数码印刷解决方案的企业,转 身成为一个全方位为工作方式提供更绿 色更经济解决方案的环保型企业了。为 此,施乐提出了重新设计并重新定义工 作空间和工作方式的概念,力争实现环 境保护和业务增长的平衡。 1.重新设计工作空间 重新设计工作空间的工作内容包 括,整合和削减经常使用的服务器,并 在设备不使用时关闭其电源。这些措施 都是在分析了能耗结构并模拟了对策效 果的基础上制定的。通过这些措施,可 使客户在不追加新投资的情况下,削减 30%的能耗。

二、为全面降低办公室环境负荷而努力 为了解决全球变暖的问题,发达国 家提出了到2050年,将二氧化碳排放量 与1990年相比削减80%以上的目标。富 士施乐提出了到2020年将客户的二氧化 碳年排放量削减700万吨的目标。 据调查,复印机和打印机等办公室 设备所产生的二氧化碳排放量仅占总排


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2010年4月,富士施乐位于横滨新 的研发中心,开发了名为EneEyes的 系统。EneEyes可以将整栋大楼的总能 耗,包括办公设备、空调、照明等使用 的电力以及厨房使用的燃气等,进行可 视化。以确定二氧化碳的排放源。富士 施乐通过将能耗结构可视化,并分析原 因,从而开发能够有效控制二氧化碳排 放量的解决方案。 2.重新设计工作方式 富士施乐通过使用生态日程表 (Eco-Scheduler)加强每个人对削减 二氧化碳排放的意识,改变员工的工作 方式,并提高工作效率。要让每个人都 行动起来,并使其成为一种习惯,如, 以乘坐公共交通取代私家车、以视频 会议取代出差等。生态日程表(EcoScheduler)可以显示出一天的工作时 间内二氧化碳排放量,并通过输入第二 天的工作日程可预测二氧化碳的排放 量。生态日程表的目的是让每个人都具 有环保意识,从而大幅度减少二氧化碳 的排放量。 3.数字设计改善研发流程 为了缩短研发周期,削减相关成 本,富士施乐在数字设计改善基础上采 用了虚拟模型评估方式。这种评估方式




可以利用三维CAD(计算机辅助设计) 数据制作的虚拟模型,在样机生产之 前,解决许多问题。例如,可以评估机 器卡纸时,用户是否能够方便地使用。 这种评估方式节省人力和物力。 数字设计改善室已经应用于富士施 乐研发中心和海老名工厂之间的远程合 作。确保所有网点之间信息交流的畅通 是极为重要的。通过远程合作,设计人 员和技术人员无需出行,就可以直接进 行交流,同时还减少了对环境的影响, 避免了时间和劳动力的无谓浪费。我们 可以更快地提交并改进产品提案,迅速 为客户提供更好的产品。目前,远程合 作只在研发中心和海老名之间进行,但 是富士施乐希望能够将它推广到全球的 生产研发基地,以建立全球化生产研发 网络,加快产品制造的步伐。 三、”整合资源循环系统“的全回收目 标 富士施乐将绿色的理念贯穿产品 的整个生命周期,从开发研制、零件采 购、生产制造、日常使用,一直到旧机 器的资源回收再利用,全方位地推进” 绿色打印“。早在1992年,富士施乐就 已经意识到环境保护和有效利用资源将

成为未来社会面临的一个重要的课题, 于是提出要建立”整合资源循环利用系 统“,并于1995年在日本首先启用该 系统。通过该循环系统,富士施乐将从 用户处回收的旧复印机、打印机和硒鼓 等设备拆解,经过严格的质量检验后, 符合标准的零部件被送到生产线,而那 些不能再利用的零部件则被拆分成铁、 铝、透镜、玻璃、橡胶、铜等,通过循 环处理将其转化为原材料,作为新资源 进行再利用。对于那些不能加工再利用 的生活垃圾,该公司则委托具有相关资 质的企业焚烧发电。 据介绍,位于泰国的富士施乐国际 整合资源再生系统自2004年年前成立以 来,循环再生产利用率达到99.1%;位 于苏州的富士施乐爱科制造(苏州)有 限公司,目前其材料循环率达到90%以 上,再生资源化率达到96%以上。而在 日本本土,这一比例几乎达到100%, 基本实现了富士施乐在1995年制定的” 零填埋“、”零污染“、”零非法抛弃 “的产品循环利用目标。但值得一提的 是,从旧设备的回收率上看,中国的比 例还非常低,还有赖市场的正面宣传与 引导,甚至更加强制有力的法律规范出 台。 可以说,富士施乐的”整合资源循 环系统“不仅成功地解决了电子垃圾无 处可去的问题,而且实现了资源的循环 再利用,最大限度地减少了产品整个生 命周期对环境的影响。因此,该公司的 整合资源再生系统一直被视为亚太地区 回收系统的典范,联合国全球契约亚洲 联络员会议的地区会议上也曾经专门介 绍推广富士施乐的做法。


Beijing Laser Receives STMC Certification Meeting International Standards

北京莱盛喜获STMC国际标准认证 随着国内兼容耗材行业的迅速发展,通过国际标准认 证,将国际与国内标准接轨,成为打开国际市场,赢得全球 用户认可,完成企业国际化进程中不可或缺的重要环节。近 日,莱盛凭借其在成像卡盒上的技术突破,通过了标准测试 方法委员会(STMC)关于激光打印耗材制造标准的认证, 同时被授权使用STMC标识,迈出了国内打印耗材企业通过国 际认证的第一步,成为了中国少数几个获得该认证的企业之 一。 标准测试方法委员会(STMC)成立于美国,是一个为 打印机碳粉盒行业建立的全球性委员会,以提供及推广标准 测试方法。标准测试方法委员会接受了数个美国材料实验 协会(ASTM)提供的通用测试准则,以及国际标准化组织 (ISO),国际安全运输协会(ISTA),美国国家标准化组 织(ANSI)的通用测试。 STMC的目标是寻求统一的标准测试方法并教育回收行业 人员使用这些方法进而提高产品质量。是一个为打印机碳粉 盒行业建立的全球性委员会,以提供及推广标准测试方法,在 打印耗材行业内认知度非常高。作为中国少数几个获得该认 证的企业之一,莱盛很高兴能加入这个行列。用STMC的标准 来生产自己的产品,相信我们的产品和服务在STMC的指导下

用更高标准来打造全球知名品牌,为我们的客户提供更满意 的产品和服务。 莱盛获得STMC认证,标志着国内打印耗材企业已经在拓 展国际业务上迈出了最坚实的一步,期待在激烈竞争的打印 耗材领域能拼杀出更多的中国本土的品牌,听到更多来自中 国本土企业的声音。


DECEMBER 2010 • 99


Analysis: Quality Evaluation Methods with Ribbon

浅析色带带芯质量评测方法 史洪杰 毕明珠 摘 要 针对色带产品主要材料——编织打印色带带芯(以下简称:色带带芯)的质量状况对色带框带类产品的质量影响,重点对其质量的评测方法进 行了介绍,并从带芯的经纬密度、接缝宽度与错位、接缝断裂强度等物理性能等质量进行阐述,旨在提高色带产品生产过程的质量控制,规范 色带类产品及原材料的市场。 引 言 伴随着办公自动化的发展,色带打印机一次性多联打印的功能日益突显和完善,色带类产品在财务、运输、生产过程管量等诸多方面的 应用更为广泛,如何对色带类产品进行正确的质量检测及评估,保护消费者的合法权宜,保障日常社会工作及生产、经营的正常进行,以成为 必不可缺的质量问题之一。

色带类产品的打印寿命是评定其质量高低的主要参数, 而决定打印寿命的关键指标是首行、末行打印灰度和带基 破损度,而影响这二大因素的主要点在于色带带芯(Fabric printing ribbons)的织物密度及接缝强度(只对有接色带)。 目前作为色带产品的主要消耗材料的色带带芯,其带基材料 为合成纤维,下面就对色带带带芯的经纬密度、接缝宽度与 错位、接缝断裂强度、印迹特性等物理性能质量的浅析和检 测评估方法,对其进生简要阐述。 一、色带带基经纬密度的评价: 色带带基的使用寿命首要评价指标为首行、末行的打印 灰度,首、末行的打印灰度是由带基的载墨能力和油墨的释 放速度决定,而油墨是通过轧染过程将其均匀转到色带带基 上,由带基呈载完成储墨及放墨过程,这一原理就必然对带 基的经纬密度技术指标提出相应的要求。 如果带基密度过大,经纬纱间空隙小油墨无法渗透到带 基内只能浮于表面,体现在产品上的质量问题为两点: 1.外观方面:色带带基表面湿度高,产生脏带现象; 2.使用性能方面:打印中油墨释放过快,印迹灰度变化 过快,造成带基和油墨的浪费。 如果带基密度过低带基在运行过程中强度不足,易损, 且因带基密度过低,带基经纬纱间空隙过大油墨的释放速度 也相应要快,打印灰度变化同样较快。因此必需对色带带基 经纬密度根据带基材质进行相应的规定才能保证色带类产品 打印质量。按照GB4313-2002《信息技术 办公机器和打印 机用编织打印色带通用规范》对色带带芯织物密度的定义, 色带带芯的织物密度分为高密度和普通密度带两种,其两种

色带带芯织物密度参数规定如下: 色带带芯织物密度的检测,是通过织物密度分析仪测出 1cm2带基的经线数和纬线数来测定的,具体操作方式如图1 所示:




图1 二、接缝宽度与接缝错位的质量评价: 1.接缝宽度 目前通用的色带带芯多是无首尾的环式有接色带带芯,接 缝为超生波焊接而成,焊接后接缝处为化纤丝熔化后呈光面的 状态,由图2可见在高倍显微镜下观察接缝处无油墨状,因此 在打印过程中打印针在其接缝宽度内无法进行油墨的转印, 致使打印针在纸上转印图像时出现规律性的质量缺陷,因此 对色带带芯接缝的宽度加以控制可提高色带印品质量。GB/T 4313-2002对接缝处宽度要求为:接缝宽度≤0.80mm,色带 带芯接缝宽度的检测方法如图2所示。

图2 2. 接缝错位 色带带芯在打印过程中呈环式运转状态,色带运行轨迹 由带盒的高度及结构来控制,这种结构决定了色带带芯在运 转过程中与带盒及打印头始终处于摩擦状态,带芯接缝错位 及强度是决定色带带芯使用性能关键因素。GB/T 4313-2002 对接缝处错位的要求为:接缝错位≤0.30mm,色带带芯接缝 错位测量方法如图3所示。 3. 接缝强度和厚度 色带带芯的工作原理是通过带芯的运转,使色带边缘油 墨能适时向工作面渗透以补充油墨来保证打印印迹的灰度。


图3 正因色带带芯在工作中要不断运行,就要求带芯有一定的韧 性和强度,GB/T 4313-2002对接缝处强度和厚度的要求为: 接缝厚度≤0.20mm,色带带芯接缝强度为:

色带带芯接缝厚度的测量方法是精度为0.02mm的长度测 量仪测量。 色带带芯断裂强度的测试方法在GB/T4313-2002《信息 技术 办公机器和打印机用编织打印色带通用规范》规定:在 有接环式色带接缝后175mm处截取试件,安装到分度值为1 牛顿的织物拉伸试验机上,夹住色带的上、下部位,在拉伸 速度为10cm/min~11 cm/min条件下进行测试,如图4所示。

图4 三、印迹特性的评价: 色带产品印迹为打印色带经打印机的打印元件撞击后 留在纸或其它媒体上的痕迹。我们常见的为色带打印机通过 打印针撞击墨带将油墨按信号要求在打印纸上产生的打印痕 迹。在色带印迹特性质量评定中GB/T 4313《信息技术 办公 机器和打印机用编织打印色带通用规范》规定,其印迹的产 生方式如GB/T 4313规定:将色带安装适用机型中,打印前 应清洗打印头端面,将纸厚选择钮调到单张纸厚的位置。用 GB/T 1988中的包含%、b、e、g、m、n、H、I的字母30个 为一行,连续打印74行。每打印一行,色带应回复到开始打 印处。打印用纸应符合GB/T 9698规定的70g/m2用纸。由 此可见印迹品质是打印机上打印针状态、打印机纸厚的选择 (打印针力度选择)、色带上油墨等共同综合作用的结果。 任何缺陷的成因都可能是多方面的,任何细微的变化引起的 缺陷都可能是多方面的。因此印品质缺陷及其成因是错综复 杂的。 决定印迹的综合品质,主要从印品质量来考虑,包括:

印迹灰度、印迹耐擦性、印迹耐紫外光照性、印迹不渗化 性、印迹耐水性等。这些因素相互关联,又相互影响,下面 就指标的检测方法及相互影响的原因作相关阐述。 1.印迹灰度 GB/T4313-2002《信息技术办公机器和打印机用编织 打印色带通用规范》中对印迹灰度定义规定为印迹的浓淡程 度,用纸张与印迹对光的反射率对比来衡量。测量方式为测 量首行与末行各5个 I(或H)字符的灰 度值,每个字符具 体如图5结果取算术 平均值。 2.印迹耐擦性 图5 印迹在使用和 保存过程中难免产生摩擦,印迹耐擦性是印品上图像固着的程 度, 即附着在纸张表面的油墨渗透到纤维的能力。在GB/T 4313-2002《信息技术 办公机器和打印机用编织打印色带通 用规范》中定义印迹耐擦性为印迹遇擦拭不被擦糊。 在该标准中规定测试方法为,在印样打印2min后立即将 印样放在玻璃板上,在印样的首行印迹上放置一张30mm× 50mm的102号定 性滤纸。滤纸上置 一底面直径不小于 8mm的5g砝码,沿 印迹方向往返拉动 3次后用目测法检 图6 验,具体操作如图6 所示。 3.印迹耐紫外光照性 印迹耐紫外光照性的测定,旨在评定打印印迹的耐保 存性能,以印迹经紫外光照射前后的色密度衰减率的大小表 示,GB/T 4313-2002对印迹耐紫外光照性规定为:≤30%。 印迹的耐紫外光照性越高印迹的储存性越好。 4. 印迹的不渗化性和印迹耐水性 印迹的不渗化性是指附着在纸张表面的油墨向渗透到纤 维的能力应足够小,以保证印迹在储存中印迹的轮廊分明, 字体清晰可变,测定方法以印迹在打印24小时内无油墨渗化 现象的目测结果;同样印迹的耐水性是指纸张上的印迹遇水 不应渗化,印迹仍清晰可辨。这二项主要是对色带带芯所用 油墨的要求。 四、结语 国际上80%的色带生产来源于我国,作为世界色带产品 的主要生产基地,从1984年第一家色带生产企业至今已经过 20多年发展,色带得研发及生产早已形成成熟的产业链。伴 随着国际制造产业竞争的加强,色带产品质量是我们参与国 际竞争并最终取得市场的必要条件。因此,提高色带产品质 量,将更大程度地促进中国色带制造业的稳步快速发展,为 “中国制造”这一大品牌形象而努力是我们永远的追求。


• DECEMBER 2010 • 101


加拿大禁止空运 大容量打印机墨盒

惠普任命钱越为中国区打印及 成像系统集团总裁

Canada Bans Air Shipment of High-Capacity Printer Cartridges

Qian Yue is Appointed HP-China President of Imaging and Printing Group

据新华社消息,加拿大运输部长查克·斯特拉尔日前 说,加拿大将进一步加强航空安检措施,禁止所有重量超过 454克的打印机墨盒带上民航飞机。 斯特拉尔在议会大厦举行的新闻发布会上说,在加拿大 飞往美国的飞机上,不允许旅客在手提行李中携带任何打印 机墨盒。他还说已禁止源于索马里的空运货物进入加拿大, 以防遭到恐怖爆炸袭击。 斯特拉尔表示,尽管目前没有任何情报显示有针对加拿 大的恐怖袭击,但政府仍将密切关注国际安全形势变化,及

近期,惠普公司宣布任命钱越为打印及成像系统集团 (IPG)全球副总裁中国区总经理。 钱越先生在惠普公司供职20余年拥有丰富的管理经验。 1997年至2010年,钱越先生历任中国惠普有限公司信息产品 事业部渠道发展经理,商用外设产品部市场部经理和销售总 经理,打印及成像系统集团副总裁、激光打印及企业解决方 案事业部总经理。1988年,钱越先生作为电子测量仪器部的 销售工程师加入中国惠普有限公司,并于1996年至1997年间 在美国惠普总部就职。

时采取适当措施以保护航空旅客安全。 加拿大公共安全部长维克·特夫斯也在发布会上声称, 加拿大采取的安检措施都是在与美国商量后决定的。 “两国以及国际伙伴将继续联合行动应对国际恐怖威 胁”。 加拿大运输部10月底下令禁止源自也门的空运货物进入 加拿大。加拿大航空公司上周也出台规定,对于所有与也门 有关的旅客,除常规安检外,均须在机场专门区域再次接受 全面安检。

钱越在担任 IPG 中国区副总裁时,做出了优秀的成绩,在 他的领导下,惠普激光打印机在中国创造了百万销量奇迹, 彩色激光在2003~2005年保持100%的增长率,激光一体机也 始终以超高增长率带领整体市场的成长。

惠普欧洲首家专卖店开张 HP’s First Store Opens in Europe 惠普在全球是知 名的PC厂家,但是在 欧洲零售领域却是空 白,近期惠普选择了 各个合作伙伴在欧洲 开拓市场,销售惠普的 产品。为了推动整体 业务,惠普转变一往 的销售模式,尝试直 接与消费者接触,开辟 零售业务。惠普欧洲 首家品牌专卖店近日 开张,地址选择了罗 马尼亚首都布加勒斯 特。



打印及成像系统集团中国区总裁 钱越 钱越先生将主要负责带领团队加快 IPG 在中国地区的业 务增长,中国打印市场无论在产品、解决方案还是服务方面 均具有很大潜力。惠普在打印产品、耗材、软件和解决方案 等方面具有明显优势,可以为大型企业、图形印艺、中小型 企业和消费者提供全方位的打印服务。 钱越的直接上级是惠普打印及成像系统集团高级副总裁 孙中翰,他说,“良好的市场基础加之钱越出色的运营管理能 力,相信我们在中国的业务必将会得到快速增长。”





Japan Develops a Printer that Emits Scents

Two Gray Areas in Compatible Printing Supplies Purchasing

日前,日本庆应大学(Keio University)的研究小组公 布了一项新技术:他们通过对传统打印机进行改造更新,研 制出了可以打印气味的打印机,一些常见的气味诸如柠檬味、 香草味、苹果味等等都可以被打印出来。 冈田健一和他来自东京庆应大学的团队开发了一种技术, 希望重现被打印物体的芳香。尽管一擦就能闻到香味的技术 并不是什么新技术,冈田团队需要解决的是同步图片与香味。 目前这项技术仍处于拓展阶段,该课题小组正在研究如何实 现同步打印图片与气味。打印气味不仅仅意味着人们可以看 到更加“立体”的图书,在医疗领域等其他领域这项技术也 可以得以推广,它的应用将十分广泛。 该团队出席美国计算机协会 (Association for Computing Machinery) 在意大利佛罗伦萨举办的多媒体会上展示了其研 究成果:将一款佳能喷墨打印机改造为通用嗅觉显示器,使 之喷出香气而非墨水。 在测试香味喷射 时, 他 们 发 现, 喷 射 100 毫升的香气能够使 两个人闻到香味,不同 香味可迅速转换。科学 家们成功演示了苹果、 肉桂、葡萄柚、薰衣草、 柠檬、薄荷和香草的香味。

罗兰以身作则 在澳回收大量空墨盒 Roland Sets a Good Example in Australia Collecting a Large Number of Empty Cartridges 罗兰澳大利亚公日前与CloseTheLoop公司合作回收了 1612千克的罗兰墨盒。作为其墨盒回收计划的一部分,罗兰 将回收客户交来的空墨盒,并将其运送到ClosetheLoop公司 进行循环利用,从而减轻了垃圾填埋场的处理负担。 成立于2000年的ClosetheLoop公司是一家专门从事墨粉 和墨盒回收的企业,他们能将处理好的原材料送回到打印机 和墨盒的原始制造商那里,进行重复利用。 罗兰公司销售和营销总监JohnWall说:“通过使用罗兰 的OEM油墨,用户可以得到更高的印刷质量和更完善的服 务。我们的墨盒回收计划就能帮助用户在环保方面取得更大 进步。”

有了打印机,耗材选购的问题自然随之而来,但对于如 何选购,多数用户却往往一头雾水,其中又以如下两种误区 最易陷入其中。 误区一:原装一定比兼容好 事实上,大多数的用户都陷在这一误区之内。因为打 印机进入中国以来,国际耗材巨头便一直宣扬这一理论。正 所谓谎言重复一千遍便成了真理,普通用户又如何能得以识 别? 国际耗材巨头制造“原装神话”的目的只有一个:形 成垄断,牟取暴利。众所周知,原装耗材价格高出兼容耗材 30%~70%,其利润空间之大,完全可想而知。高昂的价格已 令多数用户叫苦不迭,据统计调查,中国有86%的用户抱怨 原装耗材价格太贵——这一比例几乎宣告原装耗材厂商失去 了全部的民心。面对抵触情绪越来越浓的用户,如何继续维 系那巨大的利润空间?“品质”这一充满正义的说辞便被原 装厂商冠冕堂皇的推到了阵前。同时,为了打压兼容耗材厂 商,更采用了在墨盒内加芯片、以墨水配方、墨盒尺寸、墨 盒结构专利制造壁垒等多种手段,以期尽一切可能阻碍兼容 厂商的产品研发和生产。 “但随着时间推移,兼容耗材的技术实力越来越雄 厚。”国内兼容耗材领导厂商原色公司发言人表示,“在某 些流通时间较长的打印机配套耗材上,兼容耗材已取得与原 装耗材并驾齐驱的骄人成绩。” 误区二:兼容耗材只能打文本 在多数用户心目中,图片打印因为色彩丰富、层次复杂 故而要比文本打印难度高出很多,所以兼容耗材不能应付如 此高要求的打印。 此观念虽有一定事实基础,但也有过多主观臆测。有资 深业内人士指出,不可否认,部分兼容厂商其专长在于文本 打印上,故而不擅图片打印;但另有部分兼容厂商在图片打印 上有很深厚的专业研究,其打印品质并不逊于原装产品。据 悉,中国原色公司曾研发出震撼业界的“碳零技术”,该技 术让墨水通过多层过滤而非目前常见的三级过滤技术,成功 地将打印机墨盒中墨水固体颗粒的大小控制在0.1μm以下, 其细小程度趋近于零,从而可以彻底避免打印机墨盒在使用 中出现“堵头”的现象,同时使打印效果更加清晰逼真,色 彩还原性能绝佳。为此,原色耗材目前在业界有“色彩还原 专家”之美誉。 以上两大误区,目前具有一定的普遍意义,事实上,甚 至在相当一部分用户心目中根深蒂固;也正因为此,多年来原 装耗材以高出兼容耗材30%~70%的价格而得以长期稳居行业 第一。


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British Set New Rules: Restricts Air-Shipping Printer Cartridges

Epson Breakthrough in Electronic Paper Technology

英国内政部大臣对外宣布,已经针对大型电脑打印机墨 盒的空中运输设定了更严格的规定,以防止类似于10月29日 的以墨盒伪装炸弹事件再发生。 综合媒体报道,英国内政部大臣梅伊(Teresa May)日 前在议会称,英国已经对大型电脑打印机墨盒的空运设定了 新的严格限制措施,因29日在英国某机场一由也门飞往美国 的航班上发现疑似基地组织所为,以打印机墨盒为伪装的炸 弹包裹。梅伊还称,关于对无护送情况的空运的禁止将不仅 仅包括也门,同时也将扩大到索马里地区,因两地恐怖主义 者可能会进行联系,同时也担心索马里首都摩加迪沙机场的 安全。 梅伊称,在离开英国的航班上,所有超过500克的打印机 墨盒将被禁止携带上飞机,货物运输也是,无论是通过英国 还是始发自英国,除非物品来自于熟知的发货人或定期供应 商。这些措施将实施一个月,梅伊宣布进行更大范围的全面 的航空安全检查。 英国官方10月29日上午3:28在英国东米德兰(East Midland)机场一架将经过美国费城飞往芝加哥的航班上截取 了一件隐藏在打印机墨盒中的爆炸装置。

日前,精工爱普生发布了可支持高速刷新、汉字识别的 高清晰度电子纸终端控制平台,其驱动控制的核心部件—— 集成电路设备和固件作为系统进行优化而成。计划于2011年 4月起开始向电子纸终 端制造商提供产品。 应用新型的电子 纸显示控制平台,与激 光打印机同样具有高 清晰度,终端制造商 近期不仅开发可高速 刷新的电子纸,还开发 出高速显示的商用和教学用的产品。

Google Docs或将整合云打印 和设备同步功能 Google Docs Will Integrate its Device to Synchronize Cloud Printing 据国外媒体报道,谷歌在线办公软件Google Docs有可 能添加包括云打印和设备同步在内的新功能。 日前,一家名为“Google Operating System”的网站 分析了Google Docs的源代码,发现了如下信息:“即将上 线:第三方应用,云打印机和设备同步。” “云打印”使用户无需安装打印机驱动,即可使用任何 本地或共享打印机。谷歌已经就此开展了一段时间的测试。 它允许Chrome OS操作系统用户打印在谷歌终端设备上运行 的文件,并发回一台物理打印机。用户还可以与全世界的任 何人共享打印机。 第一款搭载Chrome OS系统的设备将赶在圣诞假期购物 季之前,于本月晚些时候上市。这有可能为谷歌的云计算服 务铺平道路。 “设备同步”功能有可能是指将Google Docs的文档与 用户桌面上和移动设备中的文档同步。目前,Google Docs 的免费基本版尚不支持这一功能,但付费版已拥有类似特 性。“第三方应用”可能是指谷歌将允许其他类型的软件整 合Docs,以提供比创建文件更多的功能。 分析人士认为,由于此前谷歌已经宣布了这些功能,它 们的发布只不过是时间问题。 104



冲电气推出防伪追踪系统 可辨别打印耗材真伪 Oki Introduces Security Tracking System: the Authenticity of the Identifiable Printing Supplies 冲电气集团旗下的打印机事业公司冲信息株式会社日前 宣布,将推出色带和碳粉等打印耗材的防伪追踪系统,该品牌 保护系统采用最新技术,具备高准确度真伪鉴别和追踪性能。 冲电气计划自2010年11月起将从东南亚向全球逐步推出。 该防伪追踪系统采用国际认证机构德国莱茵日本公司的 产品管理认证系统PCAS技术和Dai Nippon Printing Co.Ltd的 李普曼全息图复写技术两项技术,在全世界尚属首例。 具体为,打印耗品包装盒由李普曼全息图和印有经过防 伪加密的13位ID号码的PCAS号码标签封装。李普曼全息图难 于伪造,而且肉眼既可判断真伪。而PCAS号码标签,只要在 冲信息株式会社的真伪鉴定网站上输入PCAS号码,就可以轻 松判断出产品的真伪,可切实保护了消费者的利益。 此外,对冲电气 公司而言,该系统无需 在各个生产网点投入设 备,封装用标签和防伪 标签两者合一,因此非 常有利于系统的快速推 广,且无需增加生产成 本。另外,利用真伪鉴 定服务时输入的号码和地址,除了可以用于鉴定产品的真伪以 外,还可以对正品进行追踪管理。通过追踪管理,不但可以掌 握打印耗品的流通途径,还有利于把握客户的使用状况,提高 使用过的碳盒的回收率促进开展废品回收等环保举措。


天威耗材全国环保之旅 在沈阳启动


PrintRite Supplies Trip to National Environmental Protection Opening in Shenyang Province

日前,广东文一朝阳集团34位中高层管理员工到格之 格工厂参观交流,在走访格之格硒鼓工厂、墨盒工厂、墨水 工厂及员工工作生活区的一路上,叶总一行人兴致勃勃的不 断与身边的格之格陪同负责人进行深入交谈,他们对格之格 打印耗材从生产到出厂为确保品质都需经过严格的各项专业 检测的专业作风及对消费者负责的严谨态度表示了由衷的敬 佩。此外,叶总一行还现场体验了格之格颜料墨合打印相片 的完美打印效果,并提前亲眼目睹了由格之格品牌厂商赛纳 科技创新研发的、即将上市的中国首台自主知识产权打印机 在现场打印测试中呈现出的优秀品质。珠海赛纳科技有限公 司总经理汪东颖、珠海格之格数码科技有限公司常务副总经

“天威环保,点亮中国”天威耗材全国环保之旅在沈阳 正式启动,珠海天威泛凌贸易有限公司及其北区核心经销商 沈阳维特科技有限公司与来自辽宁及周边省市的近百名耗材 经营商共聚一堂,举行了一场隆重而庄严的环保亮灯启动仪 式,并一起探讨了耗材环保及经营发展之路。

Ninestar Makes Alliance with Chaoyang Group

理孔德珠等领导还与文一朝阳集团执行总经理叶贯强、销售 总经理刘凤林就今后的战略合作进行了深入的沟通和交流。

“天威环保 点亮中国”天威耗材全国环保之旅是由珠 海天威泛凌贸易有限公司组织筹备的,活动中天威还展示了 上百款环保新产品和热销产品,引起了与会经销商的极大兴 趣。此次天威耗材全国环保之旅第一阶段计划分为五站,从 东、南、西、北、中五个地域位置辐射全国,沈阳是此次环 保之旅的第一站。

广东文一朝阳集团创建于1991年,经过近20年的悉心经 营和蓬勃发展,已日益成为办公设备及用品的专业终端运营 商、网络分销商和品牌运营商,并致力于搭建一个商业品牌与 产品品牌相互促进、共同成长的平台,努力创建集团产业群各 领域的领导品牌。作为全国最大最知名的打印耗材品牌的格之 格此次与全国办公设备用品龙头企业文一朝阳集团的近距离接 触,标志着民族通用耗材正式进军传统OP渠道,打印耗材行 业与OP行业的一体化融合已成为市场发展的必然趋势。


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