RechargeAsia magazine

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目 录 11 Message from the Publisher 81 卷首语 FEATURE ARTICLES

12 22

The Best of Times: Trends in the Imaging Materials By Luke Goldberg Aftermarket (Part I) 最好的时代:影像耗材后市场领域的发展趋势 By 刘树果 打印耗材产业的和谐发展之路 The Development Road of the Imaging Consumables Industry


产品质量和售后服务是兼容耗材行业的发展之道 Development of Aftermarket Depends on Quality and Aftersales Service


Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Sees Year-OverYear Growth in Both Units and Shipment Value in the First Quarter of 2010 全球硬拷贝外设市场2010年第一季度单价和总量较去年同期均 有显著增长


Lyra Delivers Two New Reports Featuring In-Depth Analysis of the Color Laser Market Lyra公布两项关于彩色激光打印机的深度分析报告


What Are You Going to do if Today's Economy is as Good as By Brad Roderick it's Going to Get? 如果经济形势变好你会怎样?


商用喷墨和激彩打印耗材成本分析 A Cost Analysis on Color Inkjet and Laser Supplies in Commercial Printing


国内饱和出口受阻 铜版纸业腹背受敌 Coated Paper Industry Takes Double Hit: Saturation in Domestic Market and Obstacles in Exports





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总第075期 JULY 2010



How Much Ink Is Left in That Dead Cartridge? 废弃墨盒有多少残墨?


格之格产业升级:民族打印机破茧而出 G&G Industrial Upgrading: National Printers Acquire New Lease on Life


兼容耗材期待更公平竞争 Compatible Supplies Look Forward to Competition in a Level Playing Field


数码印花或将缓解印染业深度淘汰困境 Digital Printing Will Help Dyeing Industry out of the Plight




HP Introduces the Future of Printing: Web Connected and Cloud Aware 惠普引领打印行业未来:网络连接和云识别


Lexmark's Impact S305 Inkjet MFP Pairs a Low Purchase Price With Very Expensive Inks 利盟S305:配备昂贵的墨水价格却相对低廉的喷墨多功能一 体机


Konica Minolta Releases Bizhub 423 Series 柯尼卡美能达推出Bizhub 423系列


惠普“云打印” 深耕国内打印机市场 HP Introduces the Cloud Aware Printing to China Market


爱普生开发高品质白墨水以减少环境影响 Epson Exploits High Quality White Ink


富士施乐助推低碳彩色办公纵深发展 Fuji Xerox Promotes Development of Low-carbon & Color Office



IMF评估印尼今年经济增长可达6% IMF Assesses Indonesia's Economic Growth Up 6% This Year


2010 年7月



Are BioToners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide By Art Diamond Toner Industry? 生物碳粉是否将是全球碳粉行业的下个增长点?




Remanufacturing the HP LaserJet P1102 Series Toner By Mike Josiah Cartridge CE285A 惠普P1102激光成像卡盒CE285A再生


谈原装与兼容耗材利弊 Pros and Cons of OEM & Compatible Consumables


3D打印机的前世今生及未来 The History of 3D Printers


应对喷墨打印机堵头全攻略 How to Save the Stoppage Problem of Printerhead


Tel 1-626-309-0858 Fax 1-626-309-0878




Static Control Components Set to Add 500 Jobs Static Control 公司将增加500个就业机会


West Point Products Expands Inkjet Product Offering West Point公司扩大喷墨打印机系列产品供应


Printable™ Announces Onpoint On Demand® Shipping Integration Printable™公司宣布与Onpoint on Demand®一体化运营


Yunsu Brand is Awarded a Patent for its Intellectualized Automatic Inkjet Refilling Machine


宝特龙两项科研成果通过武汉市技术成果鉴定 BaoTelong Pass Two Scientific Research and Technological Achievements


北京希美格以诚信赢得信赖 Beijing XiBeiGe Wins its Customer's Trust



我国经济好转为数字印刷带来新机遇 China Economic Recovery Brings New Opportunities to Digital Printing


“真空加墨机”和“硒鼓加粉机”进入云南市场 "Vacuum Toner Filing Machine" and "Toner Cartridge Refilling Machine" Enter the Market in Yunnan Province 中国可能取代美国成为最大纸张消费国 China May Replace the U.S. as World's Largest Paper Consumer


ILG Releases Alternative Print Cartridges for HP P1566/ P1606dn ILG公司推出惠普P1566/P1606dn型替代墨盒


Static Control Introduces Doctor Blade for HP 2600 Color Laser Printer Cartridges Static Control公司发布适用于惠普2600彩色激光成像卡盒的 刮刀


富士施乐开展生态系统环保调查 Fuji Xerox Conducts Survey to Develop Environmental Friendly Ecological Systems



中国文化办公设备制造行业协会访问日本 Chinese Cultural Office Equipment Industry Association Pays a Visit to Japan

废弃电器电子产品处理基金课题研讨会在北京举行 "How to Fund and Manage Electronic Waste" Discussion Held in Beijing 方正激光打印机中标北京市教育系统采购项目 Beijing FanZheng Wins Bid to Supply Laser Printer to Beijing Education Department 喷墨打印头清洗小窍门 Inkjet Print Head Cleaning Tips OKI正式承诺加入联合国“全球合约”组织 OKI Participates in United Nations Global Compact






Future Graphics Releases Compatible System for Remanufactured Lexmark® X203/X204 MFP Standard and High Yield Monochrome Cartridges Future Graphics发布兼容利盟® X203/X204 MFP系列的单色 墨盒



Katun® Corporation Assigns Genuine Supply Source Inc. as Premier Distributor in Canada Katun® 公司宣布Genuine Supply Source Inc公司成为其加拿 大总分销商

72 112

Tel 86-10-5126-5580 Fax 86-10-5885-8747




珠海举办第二期耗材新产品/新技术推介会 Zhuhai Holds Second Promotion Meeting for the Latest New Consumables Products 天威耗材中标黑龙江省、西安市政府采购 PrintRite Wins Successful Government Procurement Bid for Both Heilongjiang Province and Xi'an City “天威杯”耗材专利大赛再次开赛 "PrintRite Cup" Again Starts Its Consumables Patent Competition

En Ch Note:

Recharge Asia is the original bilingual publication for the recharger industry in English and Chinese. The following symbols denote the language in which the article appears: En English Ch Chinese

HP涉嫌窃取墨盒生产企业商业机密遭诉 HP is Suspected of Stealing Trade Secrets of Inkjet Cartridges


JULY 2010 •



Publisher’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to

Art Diamond

Art Diamond President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC) Mr. Art Diamond is a 52-year veteran of the imaging industry, having worked in this field continuously since 1955. He is currently President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC). DRC is a high technology consulting, publishing, and trade show management firm that formed in 1968. Now headquartered in Ojai, California, DRC has grown into a chemical engineering consulting firm involved in toner, ink jet, and imaging media production and marketing. Read his article “Are BioToners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry?” p12

Luke Goldberg

Luke Goldberg Senior Vice President of MSE Global Luke Goldberg recently joined Micro Solutions Enterprises (MSE) as Senior VP of MSE Global, responsible for worldwide sales and marketing. Drawing from a brilliant career spanning 19 years in the imaging industry, Goldberg is instrumental in plotting the company’s strategic direction and the global expansion of MSE branded products. In his years in the imaging

supplies aftermarket, including raw materials and finished goods, Goldberg last held the position of SVP for Future Graphics Imaging Corporation. He is a respected industry leader and negotiator, well known for his keen industry insight, his articulate presentations, his expert analysis, and his knowledge of global trends and OEM strategies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from UCLA (1991). As a Speaker at more than 60 trade shows in 14 countries, and as an author with numerous awards for best published articles, Luke Goldberg was chosen in 2006 as “Industry Leader of the Year.” MSE manufactures a full line of high-quality compatible monochrome, color, MICR and JUMBO toner cartridges. Read his article “The Best Times: Trends in the Imaging Materials Aftermarket (Part I)” p22

Brad Roderick

Brad Roderick Executive Vice President, InkCycle Brad Roderick is Executive Vice President at InkCycle, where he is responsible for strategic initiative direction and vision. Mr. Roderick has more than two decades experience in positioning aftermarket and OEM printing supplies for maximum profitability. He has won numerous sales, speaking and writing awards and is a frequent trainer, speaker, writer and a recognized aftermarket print cartridge industry leader. Read his article “What Are You Going to do if Today’s Economy is as Good as it’s Going to Get?” p36

Mike Josiah

Mike Josiah Technical Director, Summit Technologies division of Uninet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. Read his article “Remanufacturing the HP LaserJet P1102 Series Toner Cartridge CE285A” p56



JULY 2010


Message from the Publisher Dear Readers, It was almost a year ago that we first decided to relocate RechargExpo from our first four years in Singapore to Jakarta, Indonesia. After much planning and dedicated hard work, many trips between East and West, the opening of our regional office in Jakarta, and much, much more, we are now happy to present you with a brand new event: RechargExpo Southeast Asia! We are thrilled and excited about this new show and we hope you will be, too! It’s in a brand new growth region and offers us all the opportunity to enlarge our businesses and promote the future growth of our companies along the most promising path with the greatest potential! Let’s join forces to develop and expand this marketplace! While busy planning RechargExpo Southeast Asia—the only regional printing consumables event in Southeast Asia--we have also actively engaged ourselves in compiling many high-caliber articles so as to satisfy our readers' thirst for industry insights, knowledge, and information. Be sure you read part I of Luke Goldberg’s insights into Trends in the Imaging Materials Aftermarket, on p22; Brad Roderick’s marketing tips on making the best of today’s economy, on p36; Art Diamond’s query into whether BioToners are the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry, on p12; and Mike Josiah’s tutorial on Remanufacturing the HP LaserJet P1102 Series Toner Cartridge CE285A, on p56. Just to name a few! Happy Reading,

Ms. Sunny Sun



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Are BioToners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry? Editor’s Note: Recharge Asia Magazine was pleased to be a media sponsor at this year’s “Toners2010” conference in Marina del Rey, California. Presented here are highlights of one of their fascinating and informative panel discussions. PANELISTS

Mr. Graham Dr. Jeffrey Clark,

Mr. John Cooper,


Research Services

President, Aurealis


President, Galliford

President, Toner

Consulting & Marketing


Mr. Richard Greenlaw,

Vice President,

Dr. Hans vander

Mr. Art Diamond,

Recovery Concepts,

Manager, Purac

Diamond Research

Marketing, Print

Pol, Marketing



ART DIAMOND: Welcome to our Panel Discussion. Our topic this afternoon is “Are Biotoners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry?” We’ve heard a lot about biotoners and biopolymers today, now I’m going to ask our Panelists, experts in various fields of toner—product development, manufacturing, marketing and sales—to comment on whether this is actually the case. Can we expect to see a spurt of growth in this area? To do this, I will ask each Panelist to make a brief statement or slide presentation staking out their position on this issue. We will begin with Dr. Jeff Clark and continue until each Panelist has spoken. After that, we will open the discussion to your questions. Finally, we will wind it up by asking each Panelist to give one or two bottom line sentences on their final conclusion as a result of everything they have heard here today, coupled with everything they knew before. Let’s begin with our first Panelist, Dr. Jeffrey Clark. DR. JEFF CLARK: The original question was “Are Biotoners the 12


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Next Bubble in the Worldwide Toner Industry?” Nobody ever told me they changed it. An economic bubble is based upon speculation regarding prices. I would argue that this not the case here. Corn prices are actually going down while oil, compared to corn, is very volatile. Industrial biomaterials although not a mature market, are growing very rapidly; higher efficiencies and the economies of scale are coming into play and will reduce the price of raw materials. There is potential for new feedstocks which could reduce the pressure on arable land. This includes waste materials, such as wood or cellulosics. Actually, algae is showing much potential and there are pilot facilities being built where you can couple algae with a coal-fired power plant using algae to consume the CO2. The benefit of algaebased products is that you can use them to consume CO 2, as opposed to the sequestration concept proposed for the reduction of greenhouse gas by underground storage. Dow, working together with Iowa State University, has



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Are BioToners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry? By Art Diamond

a genetic engineering process using EXZACT™ Precision Technology to produce certain carbohydrates from algae. The benefits of bio-based chemical products are that they will reduce our carbon footprint and reduce our reliance on petroleum while being sustainable in the loop. VELLIYUR SANKARAN: One thing I’d like to say is that I don’t like the word “bubble.” After all we’ve been through with the housing bubble I think the word has negative connotations. Regarding bioresins, basically, I am looking at two kinds: one is isosorbidebased; the other is PLA-based. For the isosorbide, price is a major issue. If the price is right, the isosorbide polyester bio resin will be used for a long, long time because its performance is comparable to the petroleum-based resins. Regarding PLA, work has started and companies like Purac and NatureWorks can make something happen quickly. With a little push from them and a little push from us, I think PLA-based bioresins will do very well. The algae-based biomass, if it takes off the way they expect, will also be good. After all, algae is not costly and if a biomass can be made out of it then it could be good for toner producers. Why are we so hung up on bioresins? First, it reduces our dependence on foreign oil, and second, removing, or deinking, the printed image based upon a bioresin is said to be easier than with conventional polymers. Putting these two features together, I believe the handwriting is on the wall and bioresins will do well. It will take time to get used to these materials, we’ve got to do our homework and all parties, the monomer producers, the polymer producers and the toner manufacturers, must do their share of the work needed to enable the toner application to take off. ART DIAMOND: Before we go any further, I should explain the “bubble” situation. Originally, the title for this Panel Discussion was “Are Biotoners the Next Bubble in the Toner Industry Worldwide?” Well, there was much objection to the use of that term. Bubbles burst and therefore the term has a negative meaning. That’s when we changed “bubble” to “growth segment,” a more positive descriptor. My own feeling is this: I was impressed by the talk presented here by Rick Greenlaw of Print Recovery Concepts, Inc. To me, it demonstrated a situation in which marketing trumps science. Tell the average consumer that you have a biotoner and they are motivated to buy it in place of a standard toner made from petrochemicals. They don’t know PLA from the People’s Liberation Army, but they take it for granted, hands down, that it is a better product for Planet Earth. I feel that the aftermarket can use it as a sales tool to differentiate itself from the OEMs. I also believe that OEMs are interested in going green, but as we heard from an earlier Speaker, this is a massive undertaking. It requires converting an entire machine population from styrene-



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acrylate or polyester toner to a new composition. It is a formidable task. It requires much R&D and extensive print performance, fusing, shelf life, yield, toxicity and other tests to avoid any unforeseen problems that might develop. Indeed, OEMs may be 1 or 2 years away from marketing a biotoner. The near term growth, I believe, will come from the aftermarket. It will come soon and will be a method to capture a greater share of the market. GRAHAM GALLIFORD: Are biotoners the next growth segment in the worldwide toner industry? No! Not because of any negative things that have been said thus far, but because the “greening” of toner-based printing is a process in which in the reduction in the use of energy, toner plays only one very, very small part. There are lots of other elements in toner-based printing, such as the reduction of energy resources, that is, the minimization of the use of resources. Just talking about the toner part itself, I believe that there is some benefit of toner-based printing in the use of bio-based materials but the impression you get, which I believe is wrong, is that bio-based toner is environmentally friendly and is a solution to paper de-inking. I don’t believe that to be true. Toner, whether it contains bio-based materials or not are chemical mixtures. The term eco-friendly is not well-defined and we cannot meaningfully apply this term to toner whether or not it contains bio-based material. Toner containing bio-based material, I would maintain, is less bad environmentally, than oil-based products. The degree of less badness can actually be quite small. We’ve heard about the degree of content of bio-based toner being very small. Let’s take as an example the available bio-based toner for the HP 4200 Series of printers. The HP printer has a useful life of about three years. It uses a 42X cartridge—which is a long-life cartridge. For a printer outputting 20,000 pages per month you would use or deplete 36 cartridges over the life of the printer, which is 216 Kg of cartridge weight. The toner in those cartridges actually weighs only 37 kilos. If that toner—and I’m using a reasonable figure of 39% of the material—it would actually mean there is only 14 kilos of toner. So, it is definitely less bad but not an enormous amount of reduction in the consumption of oil. It’s a contribution, but not that large. Here’s a question: Is bio-derived material really lowering the carbon footprint, including planting, growing, transporting and processing? We’ve had a lot of discussion about that today as well. The calculation is actually very, very complex as we have seen. The replacement of oil-based materials is not a bad thing, but it has to be taken in context. It doesn’t mean that cartridges are environmentally-friendly. It just makes them less bad. I think de-inking is an area that bears some investigation and consideration too. Really, in deinking there are two major factors: the hydrophobicity of the toner surface and the particle size of



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Are BioToners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry? By Art Diamond

the toner suspended in the reprocessing of the pulp and how that is actually dealt with. Biotoners actually may be no different from oil-based toners when it comes to de-inking. Less bad is not necessarily the solution to all issues and concerns. The contribution toward environmental protection and the reduction in renewable resources is obviously a good thing, but the ecological contribution from the use of bio-derived toners may actually be minimal. ART DIAMOND: Well Graham has shown his true colors; he is a contrarian on this issue, but with a rather convincing presentation. Let us contemplate his argument as we move on to Dr. Hans vander Pol of Purac Biochem. DR. HANS VANDER POL: Listening to Graham, we should not use any bioplastics in toners. Let’ just go on printing because the impact is not so horrid. But, by the same reasoning we should not do a lot of other things. The interesting thing is if you look consider toners from a market perspective the outlook is very dismal for the consumer. However, if we are able to develop biobased toners and are able to market them to consumers in an appropriate way, this will set a very good example. It will show that the toner industry is moving in a good direction as far as sustainability is concerned. Of course, we have to do a lot of things to come up with cartridges based on bioplastics, or even the printer boxes themselves. The problem is that if you stop to compare the impact of different things, you can see that people are shifting. They can say the cartridges are not big enough and begin to look at the printers and then say that the printers are not begin enough compared to the fuels used in their production. Eventually, they will say, well, we shouldn’t do anything at all. In my opinion, you have to start with the most feasible projects first and perhaps the toners are the most feasible part of the system to start working on. I’m not an expert on toners, however, I can comment on what we are seeing in the bioplastics area. What we are seeing is that bioplastics, biochemicals, and the bioworld in general are all growing, even in a recession. This confirms, that it is not just hype as people suggested 10 years ago. It is actually becoming a trend and a major growth driver. It confirms the perception by a lot of large companies that have started a major initiative in this area. Look at Coca-Cola. Coke came out with a drink bottle based upon a bioplastic polyester. Frito-Lay, a division of Pepsi-Cola, came out with a PLA bag and said they would like to use PLA for all of their bags, but there is just not enough PLA available to do that. Look at Wal-mart. They came out with a huge initiative to rate companies on the basis of their sustainable performance and established certain criteria for them to be their suppliers. One of the things I would like to stress is that we have to be careful about getting a kind of image of “greenwashing.” You say a consumer will buy a product if you paint it green, but 5 or 10



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years from now you might get into trouble because the product is not as green as you thought. In the bioplastics industry, these kinds of discussions and that kind of thinking forces you to learn the hard way. You need to have standards for sustainability and for biocontent. You must make sure that you certify your product based upon those standards and then, of course, you must market it in the right way. Marketing around certification of those standards is not always easy, but without standards and certification you can easily get the wrong perception and backlash. That’s my tip for today. ART DIAMOND: Thanks very much Hans for bringing that up. Yes. We do need at least two things: a good definition of what constitutes a biotoner, and a certification of biocontent based upon radioactive carbon dating. This is a well-established method for determining the level of C12, C13 and C14 isotopes in the product coupled with half-life data to determine the age of the carbon in the product. Perhaps someone will establish that biotoner is not a biotoner unless the biocontent is greater than a minimum percentage—20%? 50%? Other? Those are the standards and definitions that must be established to get rid of any greenwashing. JOHN COOPER: I have three slides and will try to pose a couple of questions and make a few comments. First off, I don’t like the term “biotoner” because it doesn’t say much of anything—does it mean that it is produced by a bio process? I prefer calling it environmentally friendly toner. Is one of the goals to produce a product from renewable resources? How much of this material is needed to qualify a toner as environmentally friendly? Are we talking about the biomaterials only or about other portions of the toner composition? Does it have to be biodegradable? Does it have to be deinkable? Does it have to be lower in cost? At this conference, we’ve heard all sorts of questions. People are talking about biotoners. This seems to be a nebulous term at this point. Some of the challenges that I see, after designing toners for 37 years, and after being involved with many different companies, from a biopolymer challenge, currently we use many different binders, not just styrene-acrylates and polyesters, but many different grades of these products. Can a biopolymer binder have this flexibility? Or, can it achieve the same print quality?



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Are BioToners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry? By Art Diamond

Can you get OEM companies to use a similar binder? What about patents? Right now, everyone wants their own patents so they can restrict others from using the same material. Another question— are they more environmentally friendly, or, as Graham said, only marginally so. My own opinion is that to be really successful, someone must invest a lot of money in biopolymer or biotoner R&D. I’m not sure who that someone has to be: the toner folks, the polymer folks, and finally this will require a lot more industry cooperation than most of us have been used to in the past. I might also comment, we used to be much more environmentally friendly than we are now. I can remember a time when toner was sold in simple polyethylene bottles or simple cartridges. Now we have these complex cartridges with hundreds of components that are not easily recyclable. Today, we might have much bigger problems than just biotoners. RICK GREENLAW: I thought being last would be an advantage because I could comment on what had already been said. Well I’m among a distinguished bunch here. They know a lot more about toner than I do. I feel like the world is a tuxedo and I’m a pair of old brown shoes. But, I do want to make a couple of comments about marketing versus engineering. Those of us who



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want to sell the newest thing should, if possible, wait for you guys to make the product. Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves by selling a product before it is fully ready. That’s a disease that strikes sales and marketing people. Less bad is a good point. Less bad does sell. There are people that buy products all the time that are a little bit better, but not much better, than something else. That is going to be a continuing challenge for those of us on the selling side and for those of you on the technical side that are making these products. The technology right now has some challenges and some questions. The environmental impact can be argued. The cost of making the toner materials is an issue. And, as development proceeds, we could be making biotoners out of things 10 years from now that we haven’t yet thought of. Those of us who want to sell the product are responding to perceptions and to demand. It’s as simple as that. There are a not a lot of leaders in sales. We are taking the pulse of the buyers. It tells us what they want to buy and what they want to do. What makes them feel good and what makes them want to make a contribution to the world ecology. We’d like to match their motives. We’d like a product satisfies their goals and motivations. Then we would be truly “reading the buyers.”



JULY 2010 • 19


Are BioToners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry? By Art Diamond

The one thing that I’m not going to say is that biotoners are the next big thing. But they are the next thing. Whether that bubble is huge and grows considerably fast is hard to predict. It is a slow crawl right now. If someone wants to jump on this biotoner boat, they’ve got to be pretty slow to miss it. But, if you have an interest, I suggest you take some action. Within the past 30 days we have been approached by three companies that want to acquire us. Two of them are toner manufacturers. So, there is an interest in this field. People are wondering how fast this thing is going to grow. Will it take off? Or, will it remain at a slow crawl? I think a lot depends upon you folks. If you do not either individually or collectively, develop this product further, then I guarantee it will be a slow crawl. It will be a case of whether you respond to what we think is a growing interest in this product, as quickly or as aggressively as we are responding. Those are the few observations that I wanted to make. I think it is likely to be an interesting time and I think we are entering, full-speed, the environmental age With it there will be financial opportunities, business opportunities and as pointed out by our Panel today, it won’t always be pretty. It will be controversial from time to time. ART DIAMOND: Thank you Rick. I look upon Rick as a pathfinder, neither someone who has lost his way, nor a Pied Piper leading us astray, but a man who is showing us the way forward. Of course, I am a positive thinker. For me, the glass is always half full. I’d like to turn back to our Panelists now for their individual, bottom line assessments of the original question, “Are Biotoners the Next Growth Segment in the Worldwide Toner Industry?” DR. JEFF CLARK: There are several different ways of looking at it. Yes, we are not in the driver’s seat. OEMs may be looking at it in an entirely different way. Depending upon what people will be willing to do to accommodate a different product. If the OEMs don’t act, they might be walking away from a larger share of the

market. They are not going to reverse engineer a different platform. They are not going to do it overnight. It’s going to take years, not just one year. VELLIYUR SANKARAN: I’ve got to agree with Jeff and Graham. Basically, I’d like to say that who knows what the OEMs are working on? Is it a biotoner or not? If they want to do a new product they are not going to go back five years earlier. Therefore, we still have to wait for a new product to emerge. The first part of the business has to come from the OEM. We can put in all the effort but I don’t know where we will end up. The bottom line is this: if the OEMs make the move it will be much easier for the aftermarket to follow. GRAHAM GALLIFORD: The bottom line is toner-based, green printing, will likely happen just as it did in the commercial printing industry using conventional inks. They made the move to water-



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based and soy-based inks. But toner is only a very, very small part of the energy equation. There are many, many other factors that come into play. The first move is more likely to be to make plastic toner cartridges rather than toner powders. That’s got to be a better place to start than making bioresin based toner. DR. HANS VANDER POL: I am sure that, basically, we all agree where the industry is headed. Where we disagree is on how fast it is moving toward biotoner and whether it will be the OEMs or the aftermarket who leads the pursuit. JOHN COOPER: I’m inclined to agree with Graham. The younger generation is less inclined to printed, hard copy output. They are much more attuned to conserving paper and other materials. RICK GREENLAW: Who says we have to follow the OEMs? Biotoners are coming. Let us take the lead. Who says we must wait for the OEMs to act? Who says we have to follow? I think it’s time for the aftermarket to lead the way. ART DIAMOND: I’m with that guy on the end (Rick Greenlaw). Why not innovate? Why not be a leader? Why always a follower? Why not lead the industry by giving the world something better than it has now? Finally, where did this Panel end up? I’d say with an even split. Of the six experts involved, three are in favor of moving swiftly ahead toward a promising market opportunity, and three are more conservative, believing that we should wait for the OEMs to show the way. With that, the Panel is dismissed. I am most grateful for your participation and thank you all very much. Editor’s Note: The foregoing is a condensation of the Panel Discussion held on May 18, 2010 during TONERS 2010 at the Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles. It is presented here with the permission of IntertechPira, producer of the event. For more details, or to order a CD of the Proceedings, please contact Ms. Olga Adamovich by Tel: 207.781.9628, or by email:

内容纵览: “生物碳粉”从问世的那一刻就引起了全球范围 内 的广泛关注,那么究竟“生物碳粉”的诞生对于 影像耗 材市场,尤其是后市场有什么样的深远影响?“ 生物碳 粉”的意义和产品价值到底有哪些?未来碳粉行 业又会 有怎样的发展态势?可能会是所有与之相关的企 业和生 产者最为关心的问题。本期,亚洲再生业的资深 顾问Art Diamond为您邀请到了来自全球影像耗材特别是 碳粉领 域的几位重量级专家,共同探讨关于生物碳粉以 及碳粉 行业的未来和发展。



JULY 2010 • 21


The Best Times: Trends in the Imaging Materials Aftermarket (Part I) By Luke Goldberg, Senior Vice President, MSE Global What follows is the first of a two-part edited transcription of the Keynote Address presented by Luke Goldberg at Toners 2010, the 27th Annual toner conference produced by IntertechPira in conjunction with The Tiara Group, LLC. Part II will appear in the August 2010 issue. Recharge Asia Magazine was proud to be a media sponsor at Toners 2010. Luke Goldberg recently joined Micro Solutions Enterprises (MSE) as Senior Vice President of MSE Global, with responsibility for worldwide sales and marketing. Drawing from a brilliant career spanning 19 years in the imaging industry, Goldberg will be instrumental in plotting the company’s strategic direction and the global expansion of MSE branded products. A veteran of the imaging supplies aftermarket, including raw materials and finished goods, Goldberg last held the position of SVP for Future Graphics Imaging Corporation. He is a respected industry leader and negotiator, well known for his keen industry insight, his articulate presentations, his expert analysis, and his knowledge of global trends and OEM strategies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from UCLA (1991) As a Speaker at more than 60 trade shows in 14 countries, and as an author with numerous awards for best published articles, Luke Goldberg was chosen in 2006 as “Industry Leader of the Year.” MSE manufactures a full line of high-quality compatible monochrome, color, MICR and JUMBO toner cartridges. The company utilizes more than 28 patents and patentpending technologies in their Intelligent Re-engineering™ manufacturing process. MSE’s manufacturing capacity exceeds 300,000 toner cartridges per month and 100% of all its products are proudly manufactured in the USA. IS THE RECESSION OVER? “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Again quoting Dickens, for cartridge remanufacturers “it was the spring of hope,” but for OEMs “it was the winter of despair.” In the course of 2009, printer sales plummeted, dropping by 25% or 40%, depending upon the particular “box.” Many observers said, “That’s bad because it means less people are printing.” That’s certainly true and it would also be bad for the aftermarket if that side of the business enjoyed a larger share. The aftermarket share prior to the recession—blended between color and monochrome on the toner side—might have been 25% to 30%. Certainly much lower on color and a little bit higher on monochrome with some variation from speed segment to segment. Let’s say that if the aftermarket had a 50% or 60% share and people began printing less, it would have hurt aftermarket players very badly. But, we actually gained many new customers that were not normally aftermarket customers. This gain more than offset the loss in pages coming out of each printer. These new customers were attracted to our value proposition during a time when belttightening became the norm. Office managers had to look at not only ways to save money, but also at ways to minimize their environmental footprint. Under these considerations, our products became very, very important to them. AN AGING PRINTER POPULATION Most importantly, the installed printer base aged because new



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printer placements were plummeting. With this aging, the aftermarket was able to grab more and more market share. I’ve never seen statistics on it but there is a distinct correlation that exists between the age of installed printers and the rechargers’ share. The older that base gets, the more share we grab. It is because there are more available empties and the fact that we have already perfected the technology. It all makes sense. The way OEMs traditionally protect their consumable share of the market is by introducing a host of new printers. When a new printer first comes out, OEMs enjoy a 100% market share. That is, for a period of time until either empties become available or in some cases, as in China, where a new mold is cut and compatible cartridges start to eat into that OEM share. This aging of the installed base caused our share to grow. It was a very good year for the aftermarket in terms of the number of cartridges that were sold at the expense of the OEM. Among the interesting things that happened last year, which is still trailing into 2010, is that printers that you would think were near their end-of-life. On the toner side, we have old HP printers—10, 12 and 14 years old—HP 4000, 4100 and 4200 models—getting a new lease on life because of an artificial reintegration into the installed base. This happened for a lot of reasons. People were not upgrading their printer fleets. It also happened because these printers were being placed throughout North America, Europe and other parts of the world as refurbished printers and through MPS programs because they were easy to



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The Best Times: Trends in the Imaging Materials Aftermarket (Part I)


By Luke Goldberg

service and to supply with good consumables. Thus, there was an artificial lengthening of the life span of these printers. Again, I don’t know if there are specific statistics on that, but we believe we took so much share of these legacy printers that we started eating into our own supply of rechargeable cores. In some cases, we became victims of our own success. OEMs FIGHT BACK So the aftermarket has a very delicate balancing act to perform. If we take too much share, perhaps 40% or 50% on some of these legacy printers, what we encounter is one of the greatest challenges in the marketplace. We don’t have enough empties. More than technology, more than intellectual property, beyond anything else, that scarcity is one of the biggest challenges we face. Since we had such a great year there is no question that the

OEMs will not let us take away any more. They are fighting back. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars beating up the aftermarket. All you have to do is read a major newspaper or magazine anywhere in America—The Wall Street Journal, USA Today—all you have to do is open up any major periodical in the United States and you’ll find variations on these themes. It’s marketing propaganda. It’s talking about how one in three aftermarket toners fail. Now I don’t know whose product they were referring to, but there was an actual study put out on this in 2007 by a third party company called Quality Logic that tested some cartridges. The ads are evidently using that 2007 data to substantiate their claims. OEMs are reporting that operating costs are higher with aftermarket cartridges because there are f requent failures contributing to a higher cost per page. They are spending a lot of money trying to reclaim the market share they lost during the recession in 2009 and continue to lose in 2010. They are using this strategy and also IP litigation. Now, you can ask the question, “Why is all of the IP litigation focused on the ink side of the business and not on toner?” We all have theories on that which come down to one or more of three reasons: Number one: Every single toner product coming out of China as a new mold is not infringing on OEM intellectual property? I don’t necessarily think that is possible. Number two: There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “You don’t slaughter a pig until it is fat!” Maybe the OEMs are waiting until the aftermarket grabs a large enough share of these compatibles that they will cripple the aftermarket industry when they do act. It’s a reasonable explanation—as plausible as any. Another plausible explanation is that the OEMs view the compatibles in some way, as competing with traditional remanufactured c ar tr idges. Pardon my use of the term “remanufactured.” Let’s call it “re-engineered” for lack of a better word, or repaired, or whatever you wish to call it. When someone 24


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buys a new compatible, they are not necessarily buying it at the expense of an OEM; they are buying it at the expense of a recharger. FOR NEW RELEASES: 100% MARKET SHARE IS ESSENTIAL It’s critically important, actually imperative, for the OEM, especially on the toner side of the industry to have a 100% share for a period after the printer is released. They have to because they are losing money on the box and they have to make it up. Sometimes it will take the sale of three cartridges before they earn the profits do this. If the Chinese manufacturers get so good at cutting new molds that they limit that window during which the OEM enjoys 100% market share, and start taking the share out to 90 days instead of a year, it becomes very unpalatable to the OEM as the share is being taken away from them instead of the traditional remanufacturing industry. Maybe then they will take some action. Again, these are just theories because certainly, the OEMs are not going to tell us when they are going to take action. COLLECTING EMPTIES Another method in which they are fighting back is in the collection of empties. We all know that on the Canon and HP side, these cartridges are being disassembled, ground up into pellets and reintroduced into some other products that they are making. There is nothing wrong with this downcycling from an environmental standpoint, because these are not going into landfills. But more aggressive OEM cartridge collection concerns everyone in this room. The more they collect, the more the consumer’s choice of an alternative is not just hindered, but practically eliminated. A lot of the empty issues we are encountering today are not only because of the increase in demand and simple supply side economics, they are also a byproduct of the OEMs simply collecting more empties. Every empty that the aftermarket doesn’t get, ultimately doesn’t create a job and doesn’t wind up with the consumer being able to have a choice to buy a compatible product. Question: Couldn’t the aftermarket solve the problem by collecting its own empties? Answer: A. There are many issues concerned with remanufacturing nonvirgin cartridges. For one, when you remanufacture a non-virgin the scrap rates could be 300 times greater. The other issue is that you will have much higher wear on the critical components, as you cannot recycle or reuse some parts B. Another huge challenge is if I am MSE and retrieve my own cartridges I know what parts have been replaced and I know the processes that were used. It’s very easy for me to re-use that empty. But, if I get back 50 other company’s remans in 50 different ways with 50 different combinations of raw materials, the challenges become exponential.



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The Best Times: Trends in the Imaging Materials Aftermarket (Part I)

By Luke Goldberg

C. That said, there are efforts being employed by MSE and other companies to remanufacture, or intelligently re-engineer, a nonvirgin cartridge. Not only out of necessity, but because it is more environmentally friendly to do so. One of the other problems affecting the OEMs is their ARS (Authorized Return Shipment) tag programs. These tags, packed with every cartridge are non-environmentally sustainable because the environmental footprint of picking up and transporting individual cartridges is larger than if it had gone into a landfill. Thus, from an environmental standpoint ARS programs are not sustainable. We want to collect empties by having dealers aggregate them so they can be picked up in bulk, otherwise all we’re doing is contributing further to a larger carbon footprint for our industry. HP’S RENEW PROGRAM Another thing OEMs are trying to do to boost empties collection is to portray themselves as “green.” You probably have heard about the HP Renew program. If you read the verbiage it reads like something out of a circular from InkCycle, MSE or some other environmentally conscious remanufacturer. It talks about how recharged or refilled cartridges are not nearly as good as OEM products. But, there is a difference between remanufacturing and simply refilling. The Renew program is not offering cartridges. Instead, HP is offering refurbished printers, refurbished laptops, everything in their portfolio except for toner cartridges. Will they offer a refurbished toner cartridge? I don’t know, but what’s funny about it is if you read the text it really sounds like they are advertising for our industry! RAZOR-AND-BLADES Another thing that OEMs are doing which they have not done as much on the toner side, is to alter their long-entrenched razorand-blades sales strategy. A perfect example of this is the Vizix™ cartridge from Lexmark. It’s the first ink jet ever to offer a cost per page of about one penny (500 pages for $4.99). This makes it impossible to have a remanufactured alternative as there is no value. How is someone like InkCycle going to remanufacture and sell a cartridge for less than $4.99? What’s interesting about the razor-and-blades strategy is that Kodak has been trying to beat it for two years. Even Dell tried it a little bit. Now Lexmark is doing it. It seems that consumers just don’t care. If they cared, Vizix would be the Number One printer of all time with an ink cartridge for only $4.99. It is not and the reason is that consumers are short-sighted. Hope I’m not insulting anyone, but it’s true. Eastman Kodak gleaned only a 1.5% market share. People don’t want to buy a $200 printer and get a cheaper cartridge. They’d rather buy a $50 ink jet printer and pay through the nose for the cartridge. That’s been proven. If it wasn’t proven, Kodak would have captured more than a 1.5% share and Vizix products would be flying off the shelves



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faster than the resellers could keep up. This goes to show that the razor-and-blades model is entrenched. It’s here to stay. Consumers are short-sighted and really don’t care. This is probably a good thing for all of us in this room, because it they did care, they would be buying super-low cost cartridges that aren’t economical to repair, reman, reconstruct, or any other terminology you prefer. Turning back to the toner side of the industry, what happened at the low-end for printers is a brand new introduction from HP replacing the p1005/1006/1505, called the p1102 and p1605 lowend cartridges. The entry level version of a 2,000 page cartridge costs 4.2 cents for a black page. That’s ridiculous. But people are going to buy the box because it’s cheap. The most popular selling laser printers in history have the highest operating cost. HP lowered the price of the cartridge but actually increased the operating cost. It makes it more difficult to sell these cartridges because there is not enough room to give the dealer 30 points, the end-user 30 points and the remanufacturer 30 points. That’s one of the challenges facing the aftermarket as OEMs lower their cartridge prices. ALL QUIET What else has happened from a technology standpoint in the last year and a half? Very little. It’s been “all quiet on the Western front.” From an HP perspective, I think there is a good reason for that. They under-produced in anticipation the recession was deeper than it was. By doing so they really did themselves a disservice. The economy is recovering and printer sales are ramping up. We are interacting a lot with OEM dealers and resellers. According to them HP is still catching up to the demand. Maybe HP and Canon and other OEMs have decided to not release anything so they can catch up. That’s good for the aftermarket as it allows us to catch up. We collect more empties and we continue to perfect our technology. UPGRADING CUSTOMER BOXES The only exception to this rule would be the newer Lexmark products—the T650 and e26/360, etc. Lexmark has 100% market share on aftermarket supplies for these printers and it’s been that way for over a year now. What they are doing is going into their large corporate users and upgrading their printers for free. That’s nice of them, isn’t it? They are saying, “You don’t need that T640, it’s too slow. It’s only 44 pages per minute (ppm). We’ll give you this 50 ppm printer! Like the end-user really cares. But, if they are offered a faster printer at no cost, they are going to go for it. Obviously, they are making a concerted effort to get rid of all of their old installed base because they know there is a direct correlation between how old that installed base is and how much of a share the remanufacturers will have of their replacement cartridge business. SELLING DIRECT We also know that the OEMs are selling direct. Dell, Lexmark,



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The Best Times: Trends in the Imaging Materials Aftermarket (Part I)

By Luke Goldberg

Brother, all have direct sales to even as low as the small and medium size businesses (SMBs). They used to sell direct only to Fortune 1000 companies, but now they are going direct to all end-users. The aftermarket is not only competing with contract stationers and big box retailers, we are now competing with the OEMs. The good news is if we go head-to-head against an OEM, especially on an MPS or cost-per-page basis, generally speaking, we are going to win. We can offer a superior cost per page proposition than an OEM, I believe, unless they really want to be predatory.



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Editor’s Note: The foregoing article is based upon Mr. Goldberg’s Keynote Address at TONERS 2010 on May 17 at the Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles. It is presented here with the permission of IntertechPira, producer of the event. For more details, or to order a CD of the Proceedings, please contact Ms. Olga Adamovich by Tel: 207.781.9628, or by email:



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Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Sees Year-Over-Year Growth in Both Units and Shipment Value in the First Quarter of 2010 Source: International Data Corporation

The worldwide hardcopy peripherals market grew 9.1% year over year with 28.7 million units shipped in the first quarter of 2010 (1Q10), according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker. This is the second consecutive quarter of year-over-year unit growth and the first quarter since early 2008 where hardcopy peripherals shipment value ($13.8 billion) has also experienced year-over-year growth (7%). “It is encouraging to now see both units and shipment value growth in all the major segments of the hardcopy peripherals market and we believe this trend will continue into 2010,” said Ruth Flynn, research analyst, Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker. Once again the color laser MFP market has shown the greatest year-over-year growth with 25% in 1Q10, followed closely by monochrome laser MFPs, which grew by 18%. But color inkjet MFPs continue to make up the majority of the hardcopy peripherals market with 51% share. Samsung is the number one ranked vendor for both color and monochrome laser MFP shipments and posted 35% and 76% year-over-year growth respectively. HP continues to dominate the color inkjet MFP market with a number one ranking and 21% year-over-year growth. Technology Highlights • The inkjet market, and more specifically the color inkjet MFP market, is still the technology that holds the majority share of the hardcopy peripherals market, with over 19 million units shipped worldwide, 14.8 million of which were color inkjet MFP units. The inkjet market continues to be dominated by a small group of vendors, with over 85% of inkjet market share taken up by the top three vendors. • In 1Q10 monochrome laser devices continue to rank second in units shipped (7 million units) and first in shipment value ($5.8 billion). Monochrome laser units have a 24% share of the hardcopy peripherals market in terms of unit shipments, but 42% share in terms of shipment value. • Color laser devices retain a 37% share of the hardcopy market shipment value in 1Q10, while only taking up a 6% share of unit shipments. The MFP penetration at 47% and year-over-year growth of 17% for the color laser market beats these same metrics for the monochrome laser market which are 37% and 10% respectively.



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Regional Highlights • United States In 1Q10 the U.S. returned to positive year-over-year growth for both units and shipment value at 5.9% and 0.8% respectively. And while the U.S. ranks third for units shipped (6.4 million) they continued to lead the worldwide hardcopy peripherals market for shipment value ($3.9 billion). • Western Europe Western Europe is the only region where the hardcopy peripherals market did not return to growth in 1Q10. Both units and shipment value declined by about 2% year-over-year, but Western Europe still ranks second for both of these metrics with 6.4 million units and $3.2 billion shipment value. • CEMA With 10% year-over-year unit shipment growth, CEMA has seen the hardcopy peripherals market expand as compared to the previous year for the second quarter in a row. In addition the shipment value in CEMA grew by 21% year-over-year. • Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) This region improved to number 1 for unit shipments with 6.9 million units in 1Q10, and maintained a fourth place rank in terms of shipment value with $1.96 billion. Additionally APeJ had the highest year-over-year growth rate out of all regions for both units shipped with 23% and shipment value with 28%. • Japan Japan continues to be the third largest market in terms of shipment value ($2.6 billion), behind only the U.S. and Western Europe. Both units shipped and shipment value returned to positive yearover-year growth in 1Q10 at 4% and 6% respectively. Vendor Highlights • HP HP continues to be the number one ranked vendor in 1Q10 with worldwide market share of 41.1% and 10.5% year-over-year growth. The Americas region was strongest for HP in terms of unit growth in 1Q10, with 16% year-over-year growth, followed by the APeJ and EMEA regions with 12% and 3% growth respectively. In the worldwide MFP market HP grew 19% year over year, driven by record-high first quarter inkjet MFP shipments. While HP has lost market share in the overall printer segment compared to 1Q09, they have gained 5 points of market share in the inkjet printer segment.




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RECHARGEasia Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Sees Year-Over-Year Growth in Both Units and Shipment Value in the First Quarter of 2010 Continued

• Canon Canon maintained its position as the second ranked vendor, with worldwide year-over-year growth of 6.2%. This performance was driven by 19% year-over-year growth in the APeJ region where Canon is the only vendor in the top 5 to experience year-overyear growth for the last four consecutive quarters. Canon achieved growth in both the MFP and printer markets, with the strongest showing from laser printers, with 28% year-over-year growth. • Epson Holding onto the number 3 position worldwide, Epson posted 10.8% year-over-year shipment growth in 1Q10, while its market share remained flat from the previous year. The vendor experience double digit year-over-year growth in both the APeJ and Americas regions at 23% and 16% respectively, while in the EMEA region it saw a 3% year-over-year decline. Printer shipments grew by 14% and MFP shipments grew by 9%, while Epson moved up one spot to become the number two inkjet MFP vendor. • Samsung Moving ahead one spot to the number 4 ranking this quarter, Samsung experienced 49.9% growth worldwide and gained just under two points in market share. For units shipped in the laser

MFP space, Samsung continues to be ranked first, and experienced an impressive 67% year-over-year growth. The vendor is also excelling in the laser printer space with 50% year-over-year growth and a 5% gain in market share from 1Q09. • Brother While Brother fell to the fifth position in 1Q10, they were able to gain almost 1 point in market share over the previous quarter. The vendor experienced positive shipment growth year-over-year in both the Americas and APeJ regions at 10% and 3% respectively, but slow economic recovery in Western Europe has hurt Brother and its shipments continued on a downward trend, declining 19% year over year for the EMEA region. Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, First Quarter 2010

Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, May 2010 U.S. Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, First Quarter 2010

Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, May 2010

Notes: • IDC tracks A2-A4 devices in the Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals • Hardcopy Peripherals include single-function printers, printerbased multifunctional systems (MFPs), and single-function digital copiers (SF DC). Data for all vendors are reported for calendar periods. For more information about IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, please contact



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Lyra Delivers Two New Reports Featuring In-Depth Analysis of the Color Laser Market Lyra Research, the digital imaging authority, has released two new reports that deliver vital worldwide forecast data and analysis for the color laser market. The color laser reports - Color Laser Printers: Worldwide Forecast, 2006-2013 and Color MFPs Still the Bright Spot of the MFP Market: Worldwide Forecast, 2006-2013 - are based on key findings from Lyra’s Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service (IAS) second-half 2009 Forecast 360. Color Laser Printers: Worldwide Forecast, 2006-2013 explores how the recession, high per-page costs, and poorly defined office color applications caused this market to decline in 2009. However, as the economy improves and vendors develop new products, applications, and pricing strategies targeted toward small and medium-size businesses (SMBs), shipments are expected to grow. The report examines the shift in the product mix that is occurring in the color laser market. Shipments of workgroup color laser printers are on the decline as a result of SMBs, small office/home offices, and some low-volume corporate printing environments performing short-run color printing on personal color lasers and the strong sales of color MFPs in higher-volume environments. In the long term, the introduction of new businessclass ink jet devices that feature faster speeds, lower cost per page, and acceptable black print quality will impede the growth of the single-function color laser market.



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This report discusses shipments and revenue for the personal and workgroup color laser markets by region: North America; Latin America; Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA); and Asia Pacific. Average sales prices and installed base figures for the forecast period are also included. Color MFPs Still the Bright Spot of the MFP Market: Worldwide Forecast, 2006-2013 discusses how, despite suffering a double blow from the recession, the overall color MFP market is expected to achieve double-digit growth - 12 percent per year - through 2013. The first blow to this market came in the form of a reduction in capital expenditures. Color MFP shipment growth

fell off sharply in 2009 as customers scaled back their purchases. The second blow to the color MFP market occurred when the migration to color devices began to stall over the last several years. Color copying and printing is more expensive than monochrome in nearly every aspect and, as a result, customers have turned away from color MFP purchases in favor of less expensive monochrome MFPs. In spite of these challenges, shipments and revenue for the color MFP market are expected to continue their positive climb over the next few years. The report features shipment and revenue figures for the desktop, convenience, full-time office, and production color MFP markets. It also breaks down color MFP shipments by region: North America, Latin America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. “These reports deliver significant insight into the factors that have had a dramatic impact on the color laser market over the past few years,” comments Larry Jamieson, director for Lyra's Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service. “While the recession clearly pummeled the overall printer market, it has had an especially significant impact on the color market. The workgroup color laser printer segment suffered the most, while personal color laser printers and MFPs made inroads. Color may be down, but it is not out. Vendors are adapting to the new printer market norms, and the benefits of short run, on-demand color are changing market dynamics. But although the migration to in-house color offers strong future growth potential, a threat from business ink jet looms on the horizon.”




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What Are You Going to do if Today’s Economy is as Good as it’s Going to Get? By Brad Roderick Brad Roderick is Executive Vice President at InkCycle, where he is responsible for strategic initiative direction and vision. Mr. Roderick has more than two decades experience in positioning aftermarket and OEM printing supplies for maximum profitability. He has won numerous sales, speaking and writing awards and is a frequent trainer, speaker, writer and a recognized aftermarket print cartridge industry leader.

Where’s the economy headed? Rapid recovery? Long-term slow

recovery? No recovery? Who knows. What if unemployment stays around 9-10%? What if companies don’t aggressively add people and what if the small business start-ups that have been such a catalyst to economic development over the last two decades can no longer find funding and simply don’t materialize? In other words, what if today is as good as the economic climate is going to get? What if the deepest recession since the Great Depression isn’t really over? Are you prepared? Sure, there are many people willing to offer up opinion and advice and some of them probably know what they are talking about but as a banker confidentially shared with me, “We don’t understand this market. There are aspects to it that we have never seen before so we don’t know how to react”. Well, let me let you in on a little secret, I know how to react to it and if you are in a position where revenue is important to you, after you read this article, you will too. I realize that claiming to “know how to react to this economy” may sound like a pretty big claim, the reality is that regardless of a fast, slow, V-shaped, W-shaped or inverted isosceles triangle recovery, for those of us engaged in the profession of sales, our actions should be the same. Engage in activities that produce sales results. In other words, spend time on what we can control (our actions) vs. worrying about what we don’t have any control over. Here’s 10 Tips to producing greater sales in this or any economy. While many of these may seem obvious, the vast majority of salespeople don’t do these things which is why 20% of salespeople (who do what others don’t) produce 80% of the results… or more. 1. Commit to focusing on the needs of the customer. This seems like it should go without saying but over and over we see salespeople lead with, “My company is older, bigger, badder, etc. than any other company”. You will advance far more sales by doing your work to find out what is important to the prospect before telling them what you think should be important to them. 2. Commit to determining what customers you should focus on. 36


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This is a big one. There are more companies and people to sell to

than you will ever have time to try to sell to. If you want to increase your return on time invested in sales activities, determine the type of customers that may want what you have to offer and approach only those. If you are selling MPS, you probably don’t want to spend all of your efforts trying to sell to the smallest companies in your market. But it goes deeper than the obvious. Consider the type of companies that generate the most sales and profits/income and find other companies that have the same characteristics and chase only those. 3. Commit to knowing what makes you and your offering unique. Go ahead, make a list. Better yet, make your list and then ask your customers for their input. The results just might surprise you. 4. Commit to planning your activities based on the results you desire. Results don’t just happen. Sales don’t just close. Commissions don’t just get paid. They are all results of activities and the more you focus your activities on the results you want, the greater your opportunity for success. Want to spend an extra hour at lunch? How about two thirty minute coffee breaks? The decision is yours and as long as the desired result is a caffeine high or an extra thousand calories, then no problem (OK, your management may have a problem with this) but don’t expect to close more sales. When it comes to appropriate activities, schedule them out ahead of time in accordance with the results you are looking for. Schedule next week’s activities directly on your calendar. 5. Commit to prospecting. Studies have shown that 90% of professional salespeople do not prospect on a consistent basis. Let’s face it, with 20% average customer annual attrition, unless you are spending considerable time prospecting on a consistent basis, you are almost guaranteed to see a decline in your sales. Do you have daily prospecting time scheduled? 6. Commit to gathering referrals. Isn’t this another one of those things we know we should do but don’t? If you are doing a great job for your customers, they will be proud to recommend you to people they know. Give me a referral to contact over a cold-call any day!



7. Commit to following up. Seriously, follow up. I see a minimum of 15 salespeople a month. I also meet an average of 40 nonsalespeople a month. The strange thing is that the follow up by non-salespeople is far higher than from that call themselves salespeople! 8. Commit to doing what you say you will do. Enough said. 9. Commit to taking responsibility. I recently polled 20 salespeople in non-related industries asking them what their biggest obstacle to growing their sales was for the first half of 2010. The answers varied some but fell primarily into the following categories: Our prices are too high. Our product line is too narrow. Our marketing material stinks. Not one of them mentioned that maybe, just maybe their lack of achieving the level of success they claimed they could achieve had anything to do with their personal actions. Yes, somebody will be less expensive, have different better products, better marketing, better company reputation, etc. but unless you are going to hopelessly search for Paradise, Inc. or try to land at Sales Nirvana, LLC and go to work for them (they are a myth), then the only thing you can do is take responsibility for creating your own success by being committed to your own activities. Try saying the following about 20 times a day: “Regardless of the economy, I will be responsible for my own success”. 10. Commit to having a sales process and sticking to it. Would you decide to do your company’s accounting and just make it up as you go? How about looking out at the production requirements for the day and thinking, “Hey, we’ve never built this cartridge this way before; let’s try something new just for the heck of it”? Of course not. Treat your profession as a profession. Research sales systems, follow the process, analyze results, revise and test until getting the results you want and then do the same thing over and over. Once you have achieved significant success, then and only then can you start to make minor modifications to process and once again test for the desired improvements in results. As a note, one change at a time. There are a plethora of good sales books, seminars, coaches, program, etc. available to you. Check them out and see what feels right to you BUT… if it seems complicated, you won’t do it. If it seems too easy, it probably won’t work. If it promises 14 days to a million dollar commission, pass it on by. Use some common sense here. If it seems to make sense and takes you a little out of your comfort zone, then you are probably onto something. Unless you are already as successful as you want to be (in which case, you probably wouldn’t be reading this article), you will have to move out of your comfort zone and try new approaches to the profession of sales. Now if somebody asks you the question, “What are you going to do if today is as good as the economic climate is going to get?”you can confidently answer that you know exactly what you are going to do. You are going to go sell some stuff.


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How Much Ink Is Left in That Dead Cartridge? By Jeff Bertolucci, PC World You’ve probably had this experience: Your printer tells you it’s time to change the cartridge, but you dismiss the message and keep printing. Days or weeks later, you’re still using the same cartridge and thinking to yourself that rumors of its death were greatly exaggerated. Or perhaps your printer simply shuts down when it decides you’ve gone deep enough into its ink well, refusing to operate until you replace the cartridge, though you suspect there’s plenty of ink left. PC World decided to do some real lab testing on this issue; and the results confirm what you may have suspected: Many manufacturer-branded (OEM) and third-party (aftermarket) vendor cartridges leave a startling amount of ink unused when they read empty. In fact, some inkjet printers force users to replace black ink cartridges when the cartridge is nearly half full, PC World has found. Overview We tested using multifunction printers f rom four major manufacturers: Canon, Epson, Hewlett-Packard, and Kodak. PC World Test Center results show that models from Canon, Epson, and Kodak reported ink cartridges as being empty when in some cases the tanks had 40 percent of their black ink remaining. The quantity of unused ink ranged from about 8 percent in an Epson-brand cartridge to a whopping 45 percent in an aftermarket cartridge for a Canon printer. After posting low-ink warnings, those printers wouldn't let us resume printing until we inserted a new cartridge. Our test printers typically left more unused ink--in some cases significantly more--when using third-party or aftermarket print cartridges than when using the printer manufacturer’s own cartridges. When using ink their own manufacturer’s cartridges, the printers displayed several low-ink warning messages before finally shutting down due to low ink. Our HP printer, the Photosmart C5280, was the only one that continued to print even after displaying several low-ink messages, and those messages appeared only when we used an HP print cartridge. When we paired the C5280 with an aftermarket cartridge from LD Products, the printer provided no low-ink warning at all. It’s important to note that our results show the performance of a clutch of single printers, each paired with just one cartridge.



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Since OEMs and their aftermarket competitors sell dozens of ink cartridges for a wide variety of printer models, you should consider our results as a kind of snapshot of the way each particular unit deals with “remaining ink.” Why So Much Leftover Ink? There are valid reasons for not draining an ink cartridge completely, printing experts say. “Many inks, if they run dry, can cause significant damage to the printer,” says Brian Hilton, a senior staff engineer at the Rochester Institute of Technology who holds 29 inkjet patents. “You always want to leave a buffer in the tank so that the printer never runs dry. There should always be a factor of safety included.” Other observers point out that the quantity of leftover ink is often only a few milliliters. “Printers have generally become more efficient over the years,” says Andy Lippman, a printing analyst with Lyra Research. “In the past, you might have seen 40 milliliters of ink in the black cartridge. Today you’re going to get the same amount of pages out of 7 or 8 milliliters.” Other people, however--both journalists and independent researchers--have reported very different experiences with ink cartridges. Judging f rom these findings, printer owners are probably throwing away a lot of usable ink. And that’s a problem, when you consider how expensive the precious fluid is. An average black-ink cartridge contains 8 milliliters of ink and costs about $10 which translates into a cost of $1.25 per milliliter (or more horrifyingly, $1250 per liter). Liquid Gold? If you bought a gallon of the stuff over the life of your printer, you'd have paid about $4731 for a liquid that one aftermarket vendor told us was “cheap” to make. For some perspective, gasoline costs about $3 per gallon (at the moment), while a gallon of Beluga caviar (imagined as a liquid) costs about $18,000--surprisingly, only about four times as expensive as good old printer ink. “I personally think that consumers are getting ripped off,” says Steve Pociask, president of the American Consumer Institute, a nonprofit educational and research institute in Washington, D.C. Pociask recently coauthored a 50-page study on the ink jet printer and cartridge market. “In some cases, we found that [the price of ] the printer could be 1/8 of the total cost of printing,” says Pociask. “Over the life of the printer--and by that I mean three years--you can easily spend $800 for the printer and ink.” How We Tested We researched both online and brick-and-mortar tech outlets



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to find printers that are being used now by high numbers of consumers. We didn’t test color inks because that would have introduced too many variables that might skew the results. For instance, some printers use separate cartridges for each ink, while others use single, tricolor cartridges. A standardized test might not drain the colors evenly, which might give one printer an unfair advantage. Tony Leung, Senior Data Analyst in the PC World Test Center, weighed each black ink cartridge (to an accuracy of 0.001 gram) to determine the cartridge’'s initial weight. We then printed pages until the printer, in response to the low level of ink in the cartridge, prevented us f rom continuing. When each printer stopped printing, we removed and weighed its black ink cartridge to determine the cartridge’s out-of-ink weight. Then we removed all of the remaining ink from the cartridge (including the small sponges found in some cartridges), put the cartridge on the scale again, and measured it’s true-empty weight. This method allowed us to identify the weight of the ink when the cartridge was full, when the printer announced that it was empty, and when it truly was empty. Using this method, here's what we found: Canon We tested Canon’s Pixma MP610 multifunction printer with black ink cartridges from Canon and from G&G, an aftermarket brand owned by Ninestar Image. The differences in performance between the OEM ink and the aftermarket ink were striking. With the Canon cartridge installed, the printer stopped printing when 24 percent of the ink remained in the tank. Specifically, the full tank of ink weighed 27.333 grams, and the unused ink in the tank at nominal empty weighed 6.459 grams. Canon didn't dispute our results, but the company pointed out that its printers do allow users to print after the initial low-ink warning. “There are typically a series of warnings before the ink is out, alerting users to ink status,” spokesperson Kevin McCarthy wrote in an e-mail message. (We calculated the remaining ink weight at the point when the printer actually shut down, which was after the preliminary warnings appeared.) When equipped with the aftermarket G&G cartridge, the Canon printer shut down with nearly 45 percent of the ink left. The full tank of ink weighed 27.320 grams, and its remaining ink weighed 12.277 grams. G&G responded by running its own tests with a different Canon printer, the Pixma iX4000. (The vendor says the model that the PC World Test Center used wasn't available in its workshop at the time of testing.) 40


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G&G told us that it tested three of its color cartridges-magenta, blue, and yellow--and found that the amount of residual ink ranged from 5.5 percent (for yellow) to 17 percent (for magenta). (Again, PC World limited its testing to black ink cartridges only.) Canon declined to comment on our test findings with the G&G print cartridge. Epson With an Epson black-ink cartridge installed, the Epson RX680 printer shut down with just over 8 percent of its ink remaining. The weight of the ink in the full cartridge was 11.700 grams; the weight of the residual ink at printer shutdown was 0.969 gram. In an e-mail response to PC World, an Epson spokesperson wrote: “Eight percent remaining ink measured in your testing is a normal amount. This reserve assures print quality and printer reliability.” But the story was quite different when we printed pages on the RX680 using an aftermarket cartridge from LD Products. This time the printer shut down with a whopping 41 percent of the ink still in the tank. The full quantity of ink weighed 12.293 grams; the unused ink weighed 5.0005 grams. Why the huge gap between OEM and aftermarket? “Epson cartridges have an ink-level sensor to more accurately report ink levels, and to reduce the amount of ink in the safety reserve,” the company spokesperson wrote. Third-party products don’t have these sensors, according to Epson, and the printer manufacturer “can not guarantee the performance, quality or longevity of these cartridges.” LD Products has a different theory. “The ink itself is cheap, so we refill to more than the original level,” says Ben Chafetz, vice president of marketing for LD Products. The Epson printer bases its low-ink message on the printing capacity of the OEM cartridge, but since the LD cartridge contains considerably more ink than the OEM version, it is bound to have more ink remaining when the printer shuts down, according to Chafetz. In other words, if Epson supplies enough ink in its cartridge for 120 pages plus a margin of error, say, while LD adds enough ink to print 200 pages, and if the Epson printer shuts off at 120 pages anyway, the percentage of leftover ink in the LD cartridge will be considerably higher than in the Epson cartridge. Chafetz points out that regardless of the percentage of unused (and unusable) ink in the nominally empty cartridges, the page yields of the LD Products cartridges and the high-capacity Epson cartridges should be the same. (Note: PC World didn’t test page yields in this study.) Hewlett-Packard Testing the HP printer was difficult because HP takes an unusual approach toward diminishing ink supplies in its cartridges: The HP Photosmart C5280 multifunction printer we tested didn’t shut down as ink levels approached exhaustion. With an OEM



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cartridge installed, the printer displayed warning messages as the ink level dropped, but it never forced us to replace the cartridge. As a result, we continued printing until the pages began showing telltale signs of low ink, such as banded text. The HP printer will continue to print until the cartridge is completely dry--but since the print heads are part of the cartridge in HP's design, running out of ink does not damage other parts of the printer. When using an aftermarket cartridge from LD Products, the C5280 failed to post any low-ink warnings--either on our test computer or on the printer console. Does that mean HP’s warning system works only with house-brand cartridges? Not necessarily, but HP suggests that you are better off with its OEM cartridges. “Most aftermarket cartridges do not signal ‘low-on-ink’ alerts, giving customers no advance warning that ink is running low,” wrote HP spokesperson Katie Neal in an e-mail message. LD Products’ Chafetz disagrees. He says that LD’s Photosmart C5280-compatible products are actually refurbished and refilled HP cartridges. One possible explanation for the lack of a lowink warning is that the printer wasn't reading the refurbished cartridge’s chip code correctly, he says. Chafetz says that the results from PC World’s tests mark the first time that LD Products’ technicians have heard of their cartridges' not posting a low-ink warning. Kodak The Kodak EasyShare 5300 was the only printer that lasted longer with an aftermarket cartridge than it did with the manufacturer’s cartridge. Equipped with a Kodak cartridge, this printer shut down with 43 percent of the ink remaining. Its full quantity of ink weighed 16.857 grams, and its unused ink after shutdown weighed 7.272 grams. Kodak doesn’t dispute our findings, but the company argues that our results don’t tell the whole story. Roderick Eslinger, Kodak technical marketing manager, says that Kodak’s in-house tests in 2007 indicated that 65 percent of its cartridge ink was used for consumer printing, while 35 percent was used to “protect/maintain optimal Kodak printer performance and document quality.” Eslinger says that the remaining ink is “already factored into our industry advertising claims for consumers”, and that Kodak cartridges offer “low costs and high quality yields as compared to competitors.” With a G&G cartridge, the Kodak printer shut down with 36 percent of the ink remaining in the tank. The leftover ink weighed 5.360 grams. Kodak chose not to comment on the aftermarket results.



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Some vendors and analysts advise consumers to make sure that they get the correct page yield (the total number of pages produced with a single cartridge), rather than focusing on the amount of ink left unused in a cartridge that must be discarded. “This is the most reliable way to understand the life of a cartridge, rather than the amount of ink, or what might be left over,” says Lippman. But vendor page-yield estimates don’t always match reality, as we discovered when testing printers for another PC World article, “Cheap Ink: Will It Cost You?” Using a different set of OEM cartridges and printers, we found that one HP black cartridge exceed its projected page yield (810 printed vs. 660 projected), while page yields from Epson and Kodak cartridges fell short of expectations. Specifically, Epson printed just 209 pages, far less than the 335 pages the company estimated it would produce; and Kodak generated 480 pages versus a projected page count of 540. Page yields aside, we have yet to hear a satisfactory and persuasive explanation from a vendor as to why so many printer cartridges leave so much ink behind. Even if the waste amount is only a few milliliters, that unused liquid could have printed a lot of pages.



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HP Introduces the Future of Printing: Web Connected and Cloud Aware HP unveiled a new category of web-enabled printing solutions designed for the cloud that will, for the first time, allow people to: • Print from any email device to any new ePrint-enabled printer from anywhere in the world through the new HP ePrint platform;(1) • Store documents or files in the cloud and print direct when needed; • Transform their printers into publishing platforms from which they can customize print apps and schedule timed delivery of content – such as news from and Yahoo! and creative after-school activities from Disney – directly to their home or business printers;(2) • Manage and customize their full printing experience through the

new HP ePrintCenter to enjoy relevant, fun and interesting content that is formatted for efficient printing. To showcase these new solutions, HP announced a full suite of web-empowered e-All-in-One printers for home and business that start at $99.(3) These will be the first printers able to “talk” to the “Google Cloud” without requiring a local proxy PC or web appliance, which means people will be able to access Google Docs, Photos and Calendar directly from their printers. A selection of new print apps from partners such as Yahoo!,, Facebook®, Live Nation, Crayola, Reuters, DocStoc and Picasa Web Albums™ also will be available. “We are once again revolutionizing printing to make webempowered, cloud-enabled printing the new industry standard,” said Vyomesh Joshi, executive vice president, Imaging and Printing Group, HP. “We know that our customers want an easy way to print their content, anywhere, anytime. We’re making that a reality today by giving people the power to print from any web-connected device – smartphones, iPads, netbooks and more – to any printer in our portfolio above $99. The world has changed.” HP web-connected products and services are supported by a digital print advertising platform that can be leveraged by print app partners. Customers can get premium content at no additional cost and brands can add value to their audience by populating select print content with customized messages, promotions and information like coupons or local services. HP ePrint: if you can email it, you can print it The HP ePrint platform harnesses the cloud to break down the barriers of distance and connectivity and allow people to send the

files they want to print from their mobile devices.(1) From a mom and son printing drawings from an iPad, to an executive on a train sending a presentation from a Palm Pre or BlackBerry® smartphone to print and pick up at a FedEx Office store, HP ePrint allows people to print anytime, anywhere. 44


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Every HP ePrint printer will have a unique simple email address that allows the sender to deliver a print the same way they would send an email message. Customers also can send documents to print through an HP ePrint mobile app on their smartphone device to a home, office or public print location such as a hotel or FedEx Office store. Customers will be able to send Microsoft® Office documents, Adobe® PDFs and JPEG image files, among others. HP ePrintCenter: a home for all things printing The HP ePrintCenter is an online hub for all HP customers to explore new services and customize their printing experience. For example, people can register their products and receive updates according to their preferences, configure their devices, track ePrint jobs, and browse and suggest new print apps. Scheduled delivery available through HP e-All-in-One printers Following a successful pilot study in two major cities, HP has announced a new service called Scheduled Delivery, which allows customers to choose content to be pushed to a printer at a designated time each day or week.(2) For example, they might choose a customized news feed from to arrive at 7 a.m. for picking up on their way out of the door, or they might choose fun kids activities from Disney to be ready when the children get home from school. Users simply register for the news or content feeds of their choice through the HP ePrintCenter and schedule the day, time and frequency of delivery so items will be printed and waiting when they want them. The Scheduled Delivery service also opens up a new era of digital print advertising for HP and content partners. HP and Yahoo! plan to launch the service as a pilot program to help marketers consider ways to provide added value to their audiences by populating select print content from partners with customized messages, promotions and information like coupons or local services. New HP Photosmart printers at every price The new line of web-connected HP Photosmart printers allows consumers the freedom to access content and print from anywhere without a PC. This can be achieved through HP ePrint from any mobile device or by touching a variety of customizable apps and printing options on the printer’s intuitive HP TouchSmart screen.(2) • The HP Photosmart Premium e-All-in-One – This top-of-theline printer provides wireless access to the web and can be




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customized by selecting from the full line of advanced print apps such as Fandango and It features a 4.3-inch HP TouchSmart screen with enhanced touch technology and can save paper by up to 50 percent using automatic two-sided printing. Expected to be available worldwide in September for $199.(3) • The HP Photosmart Plus e-All-in-One – Produce lab-quality photos, everyday documents and creative projects using this printer’s 3.5-inch HP TouchSmart screen. Quickly print web content such as coupons, recipes, quick forms, greeting cards, HP Games, crafts and news without a PC.(1, 2) Expected to be available worldwide in August for $149.(3) • HP Photosmart e-All-in-One – Quickly print web content using the 2.4-inch HP TouchSmart screen. Create impressive photo projects affordably using individual inks and photo printing features such as the auto-engaging photo tray and direct access to Snapfish, the No. 1 online photo service. Expected to be available in North America later this month for $99.(3) • HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One – Easily fax, scan and copy using the automatic document feeder; plus, print photos and web content easily through the touchscreen interface. Incorporates a host of connectivity options including wired and wireless networking.(1, 4) Expected to be available worldwide in



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September for $299.(3) New free HP Photo Creations software ships with all the new printers and allows people to create photo books, calendars and other fun projects. All of the printers announced reduce packaging waste by using an innovative, reusable bag and are ENERGY STAR® qualified. New for these printers is HP Everyday Photo Paper, an affordable, glossy photo paper designed for value-conscious customers. Constructed f rom Forest Stewardship Councilcertified paper fiber, this recyclable photo paper makes it easy to print colorful, everyday snapshots and photo projects on any inkjet printer. HP recommends ColorLok® papers for best printing results. New print app partners for consumers and businesses Newly available print apps include: Yahoo! and for daily news; Crayola and for coloring pages and fun family ideas; Picasa Web Albums for printing photos from a user’s personal account; PBS KIDS literacy, math and science activities featuring popular characters such as Curious George; Facebook for printing from a user’s photo album or listed events; MapQuest for maps and directions; Artsonia for images from




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the world’s largest kids art museum; Arrival Guides – travel guides for hundreds of destinations around the world; and Live Nation for access to concert tickets and promotions. Later this year, business customers can enjoy print apps from services such as: Marketsplash by HP for a shortcut to print customized marketing materials such as brochures and flyers; Google Docs for easy document scanning to the web for printing at a later time; to scan, share, manage and access business content online; and Reuters for the latest news articles; Daily Brief for business essentials in one place including calendar, to-do list and news from American City Business Journals; and DocStoc and Biztree for immediate access to business forms such as invoices, contracts, receipts, legal agreements and checklists. HP is working with a select group of developers to refine its beta software developers kit and to add hundreds of print apps by the end of the year. Developers can request the kit from the developers tab of the HP ePrintCenter. HP iPrint Photo for Android Now available for Android smartphones, HP iPrint Photo is a free photo printing application for quick and easy direct wireless printing to HP inkjet printers connected to a local Wi-Fi network. The Android version joins HP iPrint Photo for Symbian, Windows® Mobile, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. The Snapfish by HP mobile app for Android is expected to launch this summer. HP at Internet Week New York All of HP’s new products, solutions and features will be on display June 7-10 at Internet Week New York headquarters at the Metropolitan Pavilion. HP executives will speak at the Federated Media Conversational Marketing Summit June 7-8 at the Hudson Theater and Millennium Broadway Hotel:


• Tariq Hassan, vice president, Worldwide Marketing and Communications, Imaging and Printing Group, will speak on the “Marketing to Businesses in Real Time” panel. June 7 at 12:05 p.m. ET. • Tuan Tran, vice president and general manager, Inkjet Consumer Solutions, will present a case study on marketing opportunities made possible through web-empowered printing. June 8 at 11:50 a.m. ET. HP also will support the Mashable Media Summit on June 8, will power the blogger lounge and have its newest web-connected printing lineup available at The TimesCenter. Note: (1) Requires an internet connection to the printer. Feature works with any internet- and email-capable device. Details at www. (2) Requires a wireless access point and an internet connection to the printer. Touchscreen menus are in English or English/French only. Availability varies by region. Services may require registration. Details at (3) Estimated U.S. street price. Actual price may vary. (4) Wireless performance is dependent upon physical environment and distance from access point. About HP HP creates new possibilities for technology to have a meaningful impact on people, businesses, governments and society. The world’s largest technology company, HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure to solve customer problems. More information about HP (NYSE: HPQ) is available at



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Lexmark’s Impact S305 Inkjet MFP Pairs a Low Purchase Price with Very Expensive Inks The Lexmark Impact S305 inkjet multifunction printer (for printing, copying, and scanning) offers a basic set of features and capabilities for just $100 (as of June 7, 2010), which would make it a real bargain except that its ink prices are extremely high. If your printing needs are modest, you might not mind; but in this price range, the Canon Pixma MX340 offers more for the money. Lexmark’s setup routine can guide a novice through every step of printer setup; savvier users can skip through at a faster pace. The wireless installation we chose required a brief connection via USB. Lexmark installs exactly one shortcut--to the Lexmark Printer Home software, which adequately covers scanning but does not

include the photo and creative features that some other vendors’ software offers. Aside from its Wi-Fi capability, the Impact S305’s features are minimal (as you’d expect at this price). Though the few buttons and backlit monochrome LCD are scattered across a large control panel, they’re labeled and easy to use. You don’t get an automatic



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document feeder for the letter-size scanner, but the lid telescopes to accept thicker material such as books. The single, vertical rear input tray accommodates just 100 pages, which is enough for light home or student use. The foldout front output tray holds 25 sheets. Manual duplexing works on the PC platform, but not on the Mac. The Impact S305 performed satisfactorily in our tests. Plainblack text printed at a midrange rate of 6.2 pages per minute on the PC, but a lackluster 4.1 ppm on the Mac. On either platform, text output looked crisp and very black. Full-color, 4-by-6-inch photos (printed on letter-size paper) averaged 1.9 ppm on the PC; on the Mac, a 7.5-by-9.9-inch, high-resolution color photo printed on letter-size paper took nearly 84 seconds to print (0.7 ppm). Photos exhibited a slight greenish tint and high contrast that provided great detail in darker areas but made fleshtones look unnatural. Color copies had a slightly brighter color palette than the originals, and we noted moiré patterns in large areas of solid color.




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RECHARGEasia Lexmark’s Impact S305 Inkjet MFP Recoups a Low Purchase Price with Very Expensive Inks Continued

You might have seen Lexmark’s ads for $5 ink cartridges on TV or the Web. Alas, that supercheap 105XL cartridge is unavailable for the Impact S305. And while it’s not unusual for low-priced printers and MFPs to have high-priced inks, the Impact S305’s are particularly expensive. The standard-size “100” inks include a 170-page cartridge black ($16, or 9.4 cents per page) and separate 200-page cyan, magenta, and yellow color cartridges ($10 each, or 5 cents per color per page). The high-yield ‘100XL’ versions cost a little more than average: a 510-page black ($25, or 4.9 cents per page) and 600-page cyan, magenta, and yellow cartridges ($18, or 3 cents per color per page). The Lexmark Impact S305 provides a beer-budget machine with champagne-budget inks. If you stick with the high-yield cartridges, this MFP may prove to be reasonably affordable for a low-volume home or student user. Still, we’ve seen better options among the entry-level inkjet MFPs we’ve tested. Printer Type

Platform Support Operating System Support • Microsoft Windows XP • Macintosh OS • Linux Dimensions Height Depth Width Weight General Features PictBridge Media slots PictBridge compatible

Maximum Power Draw (watts) Standby Power Draw (watts)

Core Components Installed memory Maximum memory supported

64 MB 64 MB

Media Handling Manual Feed Slot Yes Maximum Number of Input Trays 1 Maximum paper size, height 14 inches Maximum Sheets With All Paper Trays 150 Output Tray Capacity 25 Standard Number of Input Trays 1 Maximum paper size, width 8.5 inches Standard input sheet capacity 150 Duplex printing No Display

Vendor Rated Speeds Black-and-white print speed Color print speed

Resolutions Black-and-white horizontal resolution Black-and-white vertical resolution Color vertical resolution Color horizontal resolution Optical scan resolution Scan Area (inches) Scanner Type Scanning Image Sensor Type Internal scan depth Maximum scan resolution

33 ppm 30 ppm

Fax Resolution (dpi) Fax page memory capacity


Connectivity Parallel Port Serial Port USB 1.1 USB 2.0

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1200 dpi 2400 dpi 1200 dpi 4800 dpi


Network Ethernet

25 watts 0.31 watts

1200 by 2400 8.5 by 14 Flatbed CIS • 16 • 48 19200


LCD Type: Monochrome


Yes • xD-Picture Card • SD Card • Memory Stick • MultiMedia Card (MMC) Yes


Category: Multifunction Printer type: Inkjet


7 inches 18.3 inches 13.3 inches 14.3 pounds

No No Yes Yes

400 by 400 dpi 160




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Konica Minolta Releases Bizhub 423 Series Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. released the bizhub 423 series of monochrome multifunctional products offering more than a 1,000 new features then the previous generation. The latest bizhub line includes four new models: the bizhub 423, bizhub 363, bizhub 283, and bizhub 223. The models range in design from small business and workgroups to enterprise level machines featuring large 8.5 inch color touch screens with animated help and guidance features.

features that come standard with our MFPs, giving customers another great reason to count on Konica Minolta for all their printing needs,� said Kevin Kern, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. The flagship bizhub 423 allows customers to print up to 42 ppm at a maximum monthly duty cycle of 150,000 pages, a print resolution up to 1800 x 600 dpi, 250 GB hard drive, built-in networking, a 100-sheet reversing ADF with automatic duplexing and a paper capacity up to 650 sheets.

Konica Minolta offers full color scan-to email, FTP server, SMB, USB or TWAIN scanning to PCs as well as security features such as HDD encr yption, HDD job overwrite and network access control across the series. The bizhub 363 offers print speeds up to 36 ppm, a print resolution up to 1800 x 600 dpi, 250 GB hard drive, built-in networking, a 100-sheet reversing ADF with automatic duplexing, a monthly duty cycle of 150,000 pages and a paper capacity up to 650 sheets. The bizhub 283 features print speeds up to 28 ppm, a print resolution up to 1800 x 600 dpi, built-in networking, and a paper

“In many cases, our competitors charge extra for the out-of-the box security 54


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capacity up to 650 sheets. The entry level bizhub 223 prints at a speed of 22 ppm and offers the standard print resolution of 1800 x 600 dpi, built-in networking and paper capacity up to 650

sheets across the series. The entire series offers lower power consumption and is Energy Star qualified as well as RoHS compliant. The bizhub 223 and bizhub 283 can be purchased with the optional 250 GB hard drive and 100-sheet reversing ADF. All four models have a maximum paper capacity of 3,650 sheets with the purchase of a 2,500 sheet large capacity cabinet and a multitude of finishing options.

The Konica Minolta bizhub 423 series is available now through Konica Minolta direct sales and authorized dealers. The suggested retail price for the bizhub 423, bizhub 363, bizhub 283, and bizhub 223 is $11,126, $10,126, $6,957, and $5,757, respectively.




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Remanufacturing the HP LaserJet P1102 Series Toner Cartridge CE285A By Mike Josiah and the technical staff at Uninet Imaging A division of Summit and Uninet Products

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. In May 2010, Hewlett Packard released the LaserJet P1102 printer. The HP-P1102 series of laser printers are based on a 19 ppm, 400 x 600dpi Canon engine. These cartridges use a chip that controls the toner low functions. The CE285A is rated for 1,600 pages. The printer itself has a very small foot print. It’s a nice small office/home machine. The memory is fixed and not expandable at 8Mb. The recommended monthly volume is f rom 250-1500 pages/month. These machines also have a new feature called “Smart install” the printer driver is built into the printer so no drivers need to be installed. Just plug in the USB or Ethernet cable and you can start printing! The printer when new comes with a starter cartridge that is rated for 700 pages at 5% coverage, so your customers will be coming to you fairly quickly! The starter cartridges and replacement CE285A (1600 page) cartridges are physically the same so you can make a standard cartridge from the starter. So far there are four printers based on this engine. The P1102,the P1102W, the M1130 and the M1212NF. The new cartridge is a modified version of the older P1505 cartridges. In fact many parts for those cartridges work in these also. Cartridge troubleshooting as well as running test pages, cleaning pages and



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some simple printer troubleshooting will be covered at the end of this article. The theory for these cartridges is a little different from past versions so we have covered it here. You don’t have to know the theory to remanufacture cartridges, but it sure helps if you have a problem. Troubleshooting time can be dramatically reduced. Cartridge Theory: Figure A gives a nice block diagram of the printing process

Figure A The image formation process consists of a series of steps. In the first step, the Primary Charge roller (PCR) places a uniform negative DC Bias voltage on the OPC drum surface. The amount of the negative DC Bias placed on the drum is controlled by the printer’s intensity setting. This process is part of the latent Image formation block. See Figure B In the second step, the laser beam is fired onto a rotating mirror (called the

Figure B scanner). As the mirror rotates, the beam reflects into a set of focusing lens. The beam then strikes the OPC’s surface, which neutralizes the negative charge on the drum and leaves a latent electrostatic image on the drum. The laser unit actually fires 2 beams. The service manual does not mention the second laser beam at all, but at this point we are not sure if the second laser actually helps erase any residual charges on the drum or helps speed up the printing process. We are leaning towards the second laser helping to erase any

Figure C



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Remanufacturing the HP LaserJet P1102 Series Toner Cartridge


residual images as other recent Canon based engines also use the dual laser for this. See Figures C & D

Figure E

Figure D The third step (developing block) is where the toner image is developed on the drum by the developing section, (or supply chamber), which contains the toner particles. The toner is held to the magnetic roller sleeve by the stationary magnet inside the sleeve, and a DC bias voltage supplied by the high voltage power supply. This DC bias voltage is controlled by the printer’s density setting, and causes either more or less toner to be attracted to the drum. This in turn will either increase or decrease the print density. Both the Primary Charge roller and magnetic roller DC Bias voltages are controlled by the printer’s density setting. The amount of toner on the magnetic roller sleeve is also controlled by the rubber Doctor blade, which uses pressure to keep the amount of toner on the magnetic roller sleeve constant. This blade also causes a static charge to build up on the toner, which helps keep the coating of toner even, and allows easy transfer to the OPC drum. At the same time an AC signal is also placed on the magnetic roller sleeve. This signal decreases the attraction of the toner to the Magnetic Roller sleeve, and increases the repelling action of toner against the areas of the drum that was not exposed to the laser beam. This AC potential improves the density, and contrast of the toner on the printed page. See Figure E As the laser exposed areas of the OPC drum approach the magnetic roller, the



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toner particles are attracted to the drums sur face due to the opposite voltage potentials of the toner, and laser exposed surface of the OPC drum. In the fourth step (transfer block) the toner image is then transferred to the paper as it passes below the drum by the transfer charge roller, which places a positive charge on the back of the paper. This positive charge causes the negatively charged toner on the drum’s surface to be attracted to the page. The small diameter of the drum, combined with the stiffness of the paper causes the paper to peel away from the drum. See Figure F

which is comprised of the upper fixing film assembly and the lower fuser roller. The paper passes between a heated upper fixing film assembly and a soft lower rubber roller. The upper heated element then melts the toner into the paper. The fixing film assembly consists of a Teflon sleeve with a ceramic heating element inside. These fusers are a bit different in that they have a Brush which has a DC Bias charge on it to help keep the film clean. See Figure G

Figure G In the Seventh step the OPC drum is cleaned. On average, approximately 95% of the toner is transferred to the paper during the print cycle. As the drum rotates during printing, the remaining 5% of the toner that is on the OPC drum is cleaned off the drum by the wiper blade. It is then guided into the waste chamber by the recovery blade, and stored in the waste chamber. See Figure H

Figure F In the fifth step (also part of the transfer block) the paper separates from the drum. The static charge eliminator weakens the attractive forces between the negatively charged drum surface, and the positively charged paper. This prevents toner dropouts onto the paper at low temperatures and humidity and also prevents paper from wrapping around the drum. In the Sixth step the image is then fused on to the paper by the fuser assembly,

Figure H Step 8 is where the residual charge is eliminated. Both the PCR and the laser unit are used for this. The Primary Charge Roller places an AC voltage across the drum surface and the laser unit’s second


beam erases and residual charges left on the drum. This drum charge elimination is only turned on during the last rotation period of the drum. Figures I-P show the differences from another newly released cartridge for the

HP P1606 series of printers, the CE 278A cartridge. Neither of these two cartridges are compatible with the P1006(CB435A) or P1505(CB436A) cartridges. They are all physically different.

Supplies required HP-P1102 toner New Drum Replacement chip (Dedicated) Wiper Blade Dr. Blade Magnetic roller Sealing Strip Cotton Swabs Isopropyl Alcohol Drum Padding Powder Conductive Grease Tools Required Phillips head screw driver.

Figure I

Figure M

Figure J

Figure N

Small Common screw driver Needle nose pliers Jewelers Screwdriver set 1) With the handle facing you, Remove the Right side screw and end cap from the cartridge. Be careful of the drum cover spring! Remove it with the end cap. See Figures 1 & 2

Figure 1

Figure K

Figure O

Figure 2

Figure L

Figure P

2) With the pair of needle nose pliers, release both the hopper tension springs. See Figures 3 & 4. 3) Slide the waste/drum section over to RECHARGEasia

• JULY 2010 • 59


Remanufacturing the HP LaserJet P1102 Series Toner Cartridge

Figure 3


Figure 7

Figure 10

5) Remove the PCR and clean with your standard PCR cleaner. See Figure 8

Figure 4 the left side. Separate the two halves. See Figures 5 & 6

Figure 11 Figure 8 6) Remove the two screws and the wiper blade. See Figure 9

Figure 12 Figure 5 Figure 9

Figure 6 4) On the waste/drum section, lift the drum up from the gear side. Twist and remove from the hopper. See Figure 7 60


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7) Clean out all the waste toner f rom the hopper. Be careful not to damage the recovery blade located next to the wiper blade. If this blade is bent in any way, the cartridge will leak. Make sure the wiper blade foam seals are clean. See Figures 10 & 11 8) Coat the new/cleaned wiper blade with your preferred lubricant. Install the wiper blade and 2 screws. See Figure 12 9) Install the cleaned PCR. Place a small

amount of conductive grease on to the black holder side of the shaft. Just a small amount of grease is more than sufficient. See Figure 13

Figure 13 10) P lace another smal l amount of


conductive grease on to the metal drum axle. See Figures 14

Figure 17

Figure 21

Figure 18

Figure 22

Figure 14 11) Install the new/cleaned drum hub side first. See Figure 15

seals and the doctor blade seals are all clean. See Figure 23 Figure 15 12) Place the waste/drum section aside. 13) On the toner supply chamber right side, Remove the two screws and end cap. See Figure 16 Figure 19 fragile. See Figures 20 & 21

Figure 23 19) Fill the hopper with P1606 toner. See Figure 24

Figure 16 14) Remove the gears from the hopper as shown; Leave the large auger gear in place. See Figures 17 & 18 15) Remove the single screw and end from the opposite side. See Figure 19 16) Remove the magnetic roller assembly. Be careful of the bushings! They are very

Figure 20 17) Remove the doctor blade and two screws. See Figure 22 18) Clean out all the remaining toner from the hopper. Make sure the magnetic roller

Figure 24


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Remanufacturing the HP LaserJet P1102 Series Toner Cartridge


20) When a seal becomes available, remove the seal port plug, and install the seal. Bring the tail out through the seal port hole. Install the plug. See Figures 25 & 26

Figure 28

Figure 32

Figure 29

Figure 33

Figure 30

Figure 34

Figure 25

Figure 26 21) Install the left side end cap and screw. Make sure the small contact piece is installed correctly on the end cap. See Figures 27 & 28.

27) Set the hopper tension springs back in place. See Figures 35 & 36

Figure 27 22) Install the doctor blade and two screws. See Figure 29 23) Install the magnetic roller black bushing side first. Turn the roller until the keyed end locks in place. See Figure 30 24) Install the gears as shown. See Figure 31



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Figure 31 25) Install the end cap and screws. See Figures 32 26) Place the drum/waste hopper into the toner hopper. Slide it over so the round hinge pins fit into their respective holes. See Figures 33 & 34

Figure 35 28) With the drum cover spring as shown on the end cap, install the end cap. Lift up the tail of the spring to fit onto the hopper.


Transfer roller: Magnetic roller: PCR:

39mm 34mm 27mm

Running Test Pages

Figure 36 See Figures 37 & 38

Figure 37

Test pages must be run from the P1102 menu. Access the Printer Preferences menu, then Services, and Information pages. There are three test pages that can be selected. The Demo, Config, and Supply Status Page.

Figure 40 30) Replace the chip. See Figure 41

Figure 41 Repetitive Defect chart OPC Drum: Upper Fuser Film: Lower Pressure roller:

75mm 57mm 56mm

Running the Cleaning Page The cleaning page for these machines can only be run from the Printer menu. HP recommends that for best results, a transparency be used. If a transparency is not available, user copier grade paper with a smooth surface. To run this page, Access the printer preferences. Click on Device Settings. In the cleaning Page area, press Start. The cleaning cycle takes up to 2 full minutes. The page will start and stop. Do not turn the printer off until the cleaning page has finished printing.

Figure 38 29) Lift up the drum cover sprint tail to fit as shown on the drum cover. Install the screw into the cover. See Figures 39 & 40

Figure 39


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Static Control Components Set to Add 500 Jobs Static Control Components, a manufacturer of printer parts and supplies, is gearing up for a major expansion this fall that could add 500 jobs to its production lines in Lee County. Static Control Chairman and CEO Ed Swartz confirms that the company’s engineers have cracked a code that was restricting their ability to remanufacture toner cartridges used in color laser printers. Swartz estimates that about 35 percent of black toner cartridges are recycled worldwide, but less than 7 percent of color toner products are recycled because proper parts weren’t available to refill them. “By September, we’ll have those parts,” Swartz says. Full production ramp-up, hiring and training will take about a year and a half, and the company could have more than 1,500 employees by then. Static employs more than 1,000 today, and Swartz denies talk that Static has had layoffs. Static Control was founded in 1987 as a company producing bags to protect computer data and parts against static damage. In recent years, the company has focused on the remanufacturing of printer products, including toner cartridges.



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The difference in price between a new toner cartridge from a printer manufacturer like Hewlett-Packard, Brother or Lexmark and a remanfactured cartridge from companies like Static Control is a discount of about 30 percent to 50 percent, says Lynn Goins, the franchise owner of two Rapid Refill Ink locations in Raleigh. Goins says he’s seen an increase in the number of companies that have switched to buying remanufactured cartidges versus new ones in the past couple of years as budgets have been cut. “It can save you a lot if you do a lot of printing,” he says. Over the past four years, Static Control has beefed up its research and development efforts with about 20 mechanical and chemical engineers on staff developing new technologies and working to reproduce parts in common printer systems. It claims to be the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of parts and supplies for the laser toner remanufacturing industry. The company’s technology advances have been the target of lawsuits from big printer companies, including Lexmark, but so far Static Control has prevailed in the courts. In April 2009, a federal judge ruled that Lexmark could not control what happens to its toner cartridges after they are sold. It was a major victory for Static Control and the Smartek chip it developed to bypass a lockout device in certain printers and cartidges. Swartz would not disclose the company’s revenue. He and his two sons, Michael and William, who are executives in the company, have claimed more than $1.3 million in state tax credits in North Carolina for Static Control’s investments in jobs, machinery and equipment over the past six years. A jobsaggregation Web site pegged the company’s revenue at $93.3 million. Static Control has grown to become one of the largest privately owned businesses based in Lee County, says Bob Heuts, director of Lee County Economic Development Corp. “Static has been one of those companies for years that has done some great things,” Heuts says. “They are staying ahead of the curve and haven’t slowed down at all.” L ee County has had some of the highest monthly unemployment rates in the Triangle the past couple of years. Unemployment in May was 13.2 percent in Lee County compared to 9 percent in the Triangle.



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West Point Products Expands Inkjet Product Offering West Point Products, a leading provider of premium replacement imaging supplies and related products and services, has announced a significant expansion of its inkjet cartridge offering, releasing sixty-one additional SKUs. The new additions to West Point Products’ inkjet offering cover inkjet printers by several major OEMs, including Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP, Lexmark, and Pitney Bowes. All SKUs are being remanufactured using recycled OEM cores in the USA . “We are pleased to announce this expanded inkjet offering to our reseller community. By adding these SKUs to our existing product line, we feel we have one of the most complete inkjet listings in the marketplace. We are confident our resellers will see this addition to our inkjet line as an opportunity to increase sales to existing customers, as well as bring on new opportunities,” said Tom Day, West Point Products’ CEO. This latest release of inkjet cartridges increases both the depth

and breadth of West Point Products’ offering. Primarily known in the imaging industry as a toner cartridge remanufacturer, West Point Products has expanded its offering to include inkjet cartridges, maintenance kits, and other related products and services including Axess™ MPS. This announcement deepens the company’s inkjet line considerably, and gives the company one of the widest arrays remanufactured inkjet cartridges in the industry. “At West Point Products’, our mission is ‘To be the supplier of choice for Premium Replacement Toner Cartridges and related services that add value to our customers.’ We understand that providing our customers with a broad product offering adds considerable value, so we are constantly looking for ways to bring new products and service to market. This inkjet line expansion is one way that we are doing that,” added Joe Lucot, President. West Point Products remanufactured inkjet cartridges are immediately available for shipping in four-color packaging resembling the company’s premium toner boxes. About West Point Products West Point Products has been a leading manufacturer of premium replacement imaging supplies since 1972, having built its business by adhering to its selfprescribed 5 Pillars Of Success: Quality, Service, Selection, Integrity, and People. In support of this commitment to its customers, West Point Products has become one of only a handful of companies in the imaging industry to hold both ISO 9001 and STMC certifications. As further testament to West Point Products commitment to its customers, it continues to lead with innovative products and service offerings, including Axess™ MPS, a suite of MPS products and services, and AgriTone™ Premium Replacement Cartridges, remanufactured cartridges with high levels of Bio-content. Locations include Gananoque, ON, Washington, PA, Jacksonville, FL, Houston, TX, Denver, CO, Irvine, CA, Calgary, AB, and the company’s headquarters in Valley Grove, WV. West Point Products produces exclusively in the United States and Canada. For additional information, please see West Point Products website at



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Printable™ Announces SaaS Onpoint on Demand® Shipping Integration Printable Technologies® Inc., a leading provider of software as a service (SaaS) web-to-print and marketing personalization solutions, announced a new integration with Onpoint Connect Shipping, an SaaS, multi-carrier shipping solution from Onpoint On Demand®. Printable’s best in class SaaS web-to-print solution, MarcomCentral® now seamlessly integrates with Onpoint Connect Shipping to automate shipping via UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS, company truck and local courier f rom a single webbased interface. The integration of the two solutions allows print service providers to automate shipping for orders originating in

MarcomCentral. The new workflow significantly reduces the need to manually key scheduled shipment information, and nearly eliminates the need to manually close jobs in the MarcomCentral dashboard. “We are extremely pleased to announce the new Onpoint Connect Shipping integration.” said Coleman Kane, CEO and president at Printable Technologies. “Reducing valuable employee time with an automated shipping option only further magnifies MarcomCentral's potential for cost savings.” “Image Reproductions, Inc. of Irving, Texas, a mutual customer of Printable and Onpoint, is the first to implement the integrated solution”. “We don’t have to manually key shipping information anymore, and the automation provides us with a means to dramatically improve quality control in our shipping process” - Greg Wood, CEO. “It’s a real time saver on the backend of our process, because we don’t have to manually enter tracking information into MarcomCentral to close orders or settle credit

cards. It’s all done automatically when we ship. We are saving up to two hours a day in our shipping department with the automation Onpoint Connect give us.” “Onpoint Connect Shipping is specifically designed for small to mid-sized printers,” said Gary Noseworthy, CEO, Onpoint On Demand. “Product features and pricing are configured to generate immediate ROI for printers who ship as few as 15 packages per day. We believe that current shipping solutions are out of reach for small printers and we are focused on delivering low-cost, highvalue solutions to this segment of the market.” About Printable Technologies® Printable is a leading provider of technologies for intelligent marketing for both enterprise users and print service providers. Built on open-architected collateral management technology, Printable offers both online corporate storefronts (available in both Software as a Service [SaaS] and server versions) and scalable variable data publishing (VDP) software to produce powerful personalized marketing campaigns. Printable technology integrates easily with a wide variety of ERP and content management applications, as well as production workflows from HewlettPackard, Ricoh, Canon, Xerox, Kodak and more. About Onpoint On Demand Onpoint On Demand is a leading provider of POD supply chain automation solutions. Onpoint is focused on helping printers build ultra-efficient manufacturing capabilities to reduce production costs, increase profits, and gain greater speed and production capacity from existing resources. About Image Reproductions, Inc. Image Reproductions, Inc., is a commercial print company located in Irving, Texas. Image Reproductions leverages digital printing capabilities and 90 years combined printing experience to deliver value, quality and exceptional customer service.



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Katun® Corporation Signs Genuine Supply Source Inc. as Premier Distributor in Canada Agreement ensures even stronger customer service and support for office equipment dealers throughout Canada Katun® Corporation, the world’s largest alternative supplier of OEM-compatible products to the office equipment industry, announced a distribution agreement with Genuine Supply Source Inc. of Toronto, Canada. On May 31, 2010, Genuine Supply Source Inc. will become Katun’s Premier Distributor of imaging parts and supplies in Canada. Genuine Supply Source Inc., a privately owned wholesale distributor of imaging supplies, has been in operation since June 2008, and is led by well-known industry veterans, each with dozens of years of experience in the imaging industry. The company’s mission is to connect dealers with the products and services they need to make their businesses more efficient and profitable. “Genuine Supply Source Inc. shares many of our same values, including a commitment to the highest levels of customer service,” says Katun President and CEO, Carlyle Singer. “We are very excited to enter into this new partnership, and believe our Canadian customers will receive even greater local service and



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support as a result of this agreement between Katun and Genuine Supply Source Inc.” “Katun is recognized industry wide for their dedication to quality and their extensive research and development capability,” says Dave MacMillan, managing director at Genuine Supply Source Inc. “The Katun brand offers value and performance beyond any competitive product in the Canadian market today and we are proud to be their exclusive distributor.” About Katun Corporation Headquartered in Minneapolis, Katun Corporation is the world's leading supplier of OEM-compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors, fuser rollers, parts and other select products and services for the office equipment industry. With over 30 years of expertise, the privately held Katun now serves more than 18,000 customers in more than 150 countries. For more information about Katun’s growing selection of color products, visit:



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Yunsu Brand the Intellectualized Automatic Inkjet Refilling Machine Award the Patent On 7 April, the State Intellectual Property Office issued the certificate and awarded Nanjing Yunsu Technology Co., Ltd the patent about the intellectualized automatic inkjet cartridge refilling machine and the refilling method . “The intellectualized automatic inkjet cartridge refilling machine and the refilling method”, is based on “the vacuum inkjet cartridge refilling machine” which has gotten the patent before. It reserves these original advantages of No puncture, no label uncover and Drawing off residual ink and sediment first, then refilling the new ink. There are six innovation points: First, Electronic control of ink adding amount. The machine will

automatically carry out the instruction without artificial control after pressing the key and setting the demanded ink refilling amount. Second, a large amount of quick ink settings. Press the button that is dedicated ink cartridges the ink on the large capacity,which



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is refilling ink quickly for the capacity of the ink cartridge and these cartridges volume is more 50 ml. Third, memory of ink refilling amount. After setting the ink refilling amount and finishing the ink refilling of one ink cartridge, there is no need to reset it if the demanded ink refilling amounts of the following ink cartridges are the same as this time. All you need to do is to press return key to return the ink refilling amount set at the first time. Therefore, this machine is very suitable for the successive ink refilling of a number of ink cartridges of the same type, such as the production of new ink cartridges or mass regeneration of ink cartridges which saved more time. When refilling the ink cartridges which the ink volume is same, you can reduce the ink setting process, and save time and increase the scale of regeneration efficiency cartridge. Fourth, searching for times and amounts of ink refilling. Connecting the computer to the serial port of the machine, the times of the refilling of inks of any brand and any color as well as the amount and specific time of each ink refilling can be retrieved from the machine. This function lets it become convenient for the interlocking management. Fifth, fast automatic clamp. You pull the clamp, and make the cartridge in the automatic clamp, easy to operate. Sixth, maintenance-free vacuum pump. The vacuum pump, which is installed in the machine body, is a kind of oil-free and maintenance-free pump. In is way, it avoids the matters of making up and changing oil of ordinary vacuum pump and is easy to be deposited and transported.



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Future Graphics Releases Compatible System for Remanufactured Lexmark® X203/X204 MFP Standard and High Yield Monochrome Cartridges Future Graphics, the world’s leading supplier of quality matched systems for remanufacturers, has qualified supplies to work in the

Lexmark X203/X204 MFP. The Lexmark X203/X204 are low-cost ($299), 24 ppm monochrome MFPs targeted to the SOHO and SMB segments seeking multi-functional capabilities but not requiring heavy print volumes. The Future Graphics matched system includes MK Imaging toner and OPC, chip, wiper blade and doctor bar. Lexmark only offers a standard-yield, 2,500-page cartridge for the X203/X204 printers. However, this standard yield cartridge can be converted into a high yield 6,000-page cartridge by using the X342UCHIP2 (FG Chip) and E332MKI200 (MK Imaging Toner). All products for remanufactured X203/X204 MFP are in stock now and ship from convenient locations all over the globe. Performance data is available upon request.


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ILG Releases Alternative Print Cartridges for HP P1566/P1606dn ILG (International Laser Group) adds OEM alternative cartridge for HP Series P1566/P1606dn printers: CE278A (Blk toner), with a 2,100 page yield. HP Series P1566/P1606dn printers feature built-in Ethernet networking capability and help save paper with automatic 2-sided printing. ILG’s reliable and easy-to-install OEM alternative cartridges match OEM page yield and performance. ILG offers an extensive line of HP and other quality OEM alternative products in both monochrome and color. ILG’s premium quality toners are 100% guaranteed. Each and every ILG printer cartridge is tested to ensure excellent color quality imaging and sharp high-density print results. We test print over 3 million

pages per month and conduct multiple pre and post production tests as part of our quality assurance program. ILG’s in-depth product lines consist of more than 600 SKUs (including ILG’s exclusive JUMBO COLOR™ toner range). ILG offers next-day delivery through 4 strategically placed distribution centers. ILG is also one of the world’s top private-label contract manufacturers and distributors of quality OEM alternative imaging supplies. ILG headquarters is located in Woodland Hills, CA. For more information on International Laser Group, visit

Static Control Introduces Doctor Blade for HP 2600 Color Laser Printer Cartridges Static Control has introduced the first high quality replacement doctor blade for HP 2600 color cartridges, giving remanufactures a high quality alternative to cleaning and reusing the defect-prone one cycle, used OEM doctor blade.



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Damaged and/or defective doctor blades have been one of the most significant causes of defective remanufactured HP 2600 cartridges. These blades are easily bent or dinged, resulting in streaking, light print, or backgrounding. The coating can be easily damaged during cleaning, and if not cleaned enough, may have buildup or embedded particles that will result in print defects. Not all these defects can be detected through visual inspection, meaning there is a high risk of building cartridges with visually “good” doctor blades only to have them fail at post test or, worse, mid-cycle in a customer’s printer. The HP 2600 cartridge series remains the single biggest opportunity for remanufacturers in the highly profitable color category. Due to the lack of quality replacement components, this cartridge is also one of the most difficult to remanufacture with a consistent high quality level. Static Control’s introduction of the 2600 doctor blade changes this dynamic and is just the beginning, with more color replacement components planned for introduction in the very near future.



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the same print cartridge rated at 1,600 pages at 5% coverage.

UNINET ABSOLUTE BLACK TONER & COMPONENTS FOR HP LASERJET PRO P1606 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the release of Absolute BLACK™ toners, ASiC™ Smartchip and key components qualified for use in the HP LaserJet Pro P1606 printer series. The P1606dn printer looks to be an updated version of the HP P1505 monochrome printer, with an increase in speed up to 26ppm and includes an Ethernet connection, auto duplexing capabilities and a faster 400 mhz processor. Another novel feature is the “quiet mode” which lowers the noise level coming from the printer. The noise level is lowered by slowing down the printer to half-speed, so it is a little hard to understand the benefits of this feature. Cartridges are rated at 2,100 pages at 5% coverage.

UNINET ABSOLUTE BLACK TONER & COMPONENTS FOR HP LASERJET PRO P1102 AND M1212 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the launch of Absolute BLACK™ toners, ASiC™ Smartchip and key components qualified to use in the HP LaserJet Pro P1102 printer series and corresponding M1212 multifunction printer. These new monochrome printers are based on the widely popular HP P1005/1006 design and use many of the same components. Both printers are capable of printing 19 ppm and feature 600x 600 dpi. The HP P1102 also includes a wireless network connection and is competitively priced at USD$149.00. The HP multifunction M1212 prints, copies, scans and faxes. HP presents this engine as one of its lowest priced laser multifunction printers in the market today. Attractive features include a 35-page automatic document feeder, Ethernet connection, and it is affordably priced at USD$199 making it a very appealing printer for home users or small business environments. Both printers use 78


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UNINET X GENERATION COLOR TONER & COMPONENTS FOR BROTHER HL 4040 CDN/ HL-4070 CDW Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly announces one of its most anticipated releases of 2010: X GENERATION™ chemical color toners and key components qualified to use in the Brother HL4040CDN/HL-4070 CDW series color laser printers. After extensive testing and qualification, UniNet launches what it considers its best replacement toner in the market for these engines. UniNet utilizes a chemical based toner (like OEM) offering print densities, yields and transfer efficiencies equivalent to the OEM product. The HL-4040CDN and the HL-4070 CDW use the same 21ppm, 2400 x 600 dpi print engine. The main difference is the addition of a wireless network feature in the HL-4070 model. OEM toner cartridges are offered in standard and high yield versions, but for remanufacturers the high yield version is the preferred choice. Standard yield cartridges can easily be converted to high yield by use of a Reset Lever that represents an added benefit for remanufacturers worldwide. UniNet also offers Developer Seal Covers for cartridge shipping purposes to avoid damage to the developer rollers. For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit



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Message from the Publisher 7 月, 正如大家所知道的那样,经历了一年多的紧张筹备和精心的安排,2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展览会将正式跟全球影像耗材行业的业者见面!对 于《亚洲再生业》杂志及所有参与本届展览会的各方来说,这都意味着更多 的忙碌,当然也同时意味着更多的期待和收获。在这里,请允许我们衷心的 对所有关注和支持 2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展览会的各位朋友们表达 最诚挚的感谢,感谢你们热情和无私的帮助与鼓励,使得本届的展览会再次 成功的在全球影像耗材领域特别是后市场领域造成轰动,成为又一项被全行 业关注的焦点和热点。 同时我们更要感谢所有 2010 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展览会的参展商 和注册观众,感谢你们的大力支持和信赖,是你们的参与让本届的展会更加 丰富多彩而充实。本届展览会仅影像耗材行业后市场领域就有近 150 家厂商和代理商展览参加,将近 2000 名 来自全球各地的专业观众通过网络和报名注册了本次展览会,无论是规模还是观众流量都将有大幅度的提高。 这也代表着本届展会的水准,达到了新的高度。我们完全有理由期待,本届展览会将带来更多成功和收获的期待。 当然,除了展览会带给大家的惊喜之外,我们也绝对不会忘记给所有的读者准备上一份丰盛的阅读盛宴, 本期我们准备了更多精彩的内容和行业讯息,无论是对于生物碳粉的探讨、还是对于行业未来的分析和关注, 无论是来自国外的技术讲解,还是国内的观点探讨,都跟当前后市场领域发展息息相关。我们希望通过杂志邀 请您一道,畅享这个 7 月的精彩。当然,正如我们一直所说的那样,我们随时欢迎您参与到我们杂志当中,把 您的观点和看法,您的关注和意见告诉我们。 7 月,我们可以分享的除了喜悦,还有更多。 执行编辑 刘师同


• JULY 2010 • 81


The Development Road of the Imaging Consumables Industry

打印耗材产业的和谐发展之路 ——中国办公再生耗材行业发展首要问题分析 中国仪器仪表学会复印科学与工程学会理事长刘树果 一、耗材再生产业发展趋势分析 打印耗材产业是依石油为主要资 源而发展起来的高科技产业,数字复 印机、激光打印机用成像卡盒组件及 喷墨打印机用墨盒中的塑料结构件占总 结构件的70%以上,作为消耗材料的 墨粉(TONER),其组成中的树脂占 60~90%,由于不可再生的石油资源 的减少,石油的价格不断上升是必然趋 势,完全依赖消耗原生石油的时代不会 再永远沿续下去,循环利用使用过的鼓 粉盒组件或墨盒的时代,将在本世纪 三十年代形成主流。其原因有二,一是 生产成本问题,以石油为原料的原生塑 料的价格将会上升到难以使产业生存的 境界,回收利用旧塑料,利用创新的改 性技术,完全可以做到再生品不会逊色 于原生品。届时,以石油为原料的塑料 树脂只是作为添加剂加以利用,使消耗 石油的速度大大放慢;二是减少二氧化 碳排放问题,回收利用旧卡盒,可以减 掉从采油到生产出塑料树脂过程中而产 生的二氧化碳。当前的减排问题,已上 升到全人类未来的生存的大问题。 二、耗材再生业所面临的环保敏感问题 业外人士一看到已泄漏墨粉的废弃 成像卡盒组件就联想到它是黑乎乎,脏 希希令人生厌的垃圾,其实都是由于残 留在卡盒中的废墨粉泄漏引起的。废墨 粉与新墨粉相比,它更无味,也就是含 有害苯单体的含量更低,而且它不属易 燃有毒物质,但它的形象使人生厌。废 墨粉是行业给外界造成疑惑的最大的问



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题,对废墨粉管理不当,会使黑色粉末 飞扬造成空气污染。随意外卖又会成为 不法商贩行骗的道具。因此,对废弃墨 粉的恰当处置及再生利用是办公耗材全 行业形象改善之当务之急,要纠正对废 弃墨粉的不正当处理方式,才能改变人 们对成像卡盒再生企业的误解。 三、耗材产业的循环经济发展方式 复印、打印耗材产业向循环再生再 利用的方向发展是必然趋势,法律政策 及企业利益将使耗材产业发展成多元化 的行业。 良好的循环经济模式应该是在国 家法律框架下,建立多种形式的成像卡 盒组件及墨盒循环再生产业链。可以是 大企业自成体系的循环经济链,像佳能 公司就是典范。也可以在一个已形成产 业链地区把它培育成健全的循环经济产 业群,珠海已有了能形成循环经济链的 基础。当然也可以跨省,跨地区在耗材 行业协会协调下建立循环经济合作网等 等。 四、关于光电成像技术发展路线问题 光电成像技术是目前激光打印机及 数字复印机、数字印刷机的核心技术, 其影像成像过程仍然是卡尔逊方法的扩 展与精化。近年来占全球激光打印机半 数市场以上的惠普打印机,为保持市场 的主导作用,推出了采用化学法制作的 球形墨粉为耗材的系列机型,与化学墨 粉相配的感光鼓、充电棍、转印辊等都 做相应技术调整。其目的是限制从事兼 容耗材再生企业的跟进。 化学聚合墨粉确实有粉体均一化程 度高,转印率高的优势,但它是否代表 着技术进步还有待于商讨及市场的长期 验证。化学粉生产过程有三个致命的问 题,一是生产一吨化学粉需要上百吨纯 净水清洗,淡水资源短缺,水价上涨, 它的优势能持续多久?二是洗涤水要进 行处理才能排放,要解决这个环保问

题,成本上升是否划得来?三是产品干 燥过程周期长(要在低于玻璃化温度的 条件进行)耗能很高,当然二氧化碳排 放量也相应增加。 如何看待化学粉是否代表技术发展 方向的问题,关健是用什么标准来衡量 一项技术是否先进。如果打印机选用的 耗材能满足印品图像品质常规标准,黑 度(或色度)、底灰、层次、分辨率、 印转率都能满足用户使用要求时,主要 看这种产品生产方式是否对环保有利, 是否体现了减少了二氧化碳的排放量, 是否有利于再生利用,如果一个新产品 不能体现出上述特点,怎么能称得上是 先进技术呢?我们国家不应该盲目跟随 开发这种新出现的不符合低碳经济发展 方向的产品。 其实,我们已经找到了一个更好 的方法能使成像卡盒组件的再生业走向 更具有竞争力的道路,就是采用传统机 械法生产的墨粉与感光鼓、充电辊的最 佳配合,同样可以达到化学粉的成像效 果。只要把采用机械法生产的墨粉的转 印率提高到与采用化学墨粉转印率相 当,我们的耗材再生业就更有生命力。 主要攻关的技术是:墨粉、感光鼓、充 电辊等材料的最佳配合技术及改善墨粉 粒子的形貌,使之似球形化。笔者认 为:此发展之路比选用化学粉更能节能 减排,更能减少对环境的污染,政府应 支持这样的项目。 五、建议 以龙头企业为核心,选择有能力生 产感光鼓、充电辊、显影辊、刮板、定 影辊、墨粉等器材的有自主知识产权的 企业,在各级政府支持下,开展上述各 种部材的再生再利用研发工作,形成一 个从拆解经再生制造再加以利用的循环 再造产业链,先选一个或几个不同类型 的企业为全国的示范点,在取得经验后 推广到全行业。



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• JULY 2010 • 85


Development of Aftermarket Depends on Quality and After-sales Service

产品质量和售后服务是兼容耗材行业的发展之道 2010年,随着政府对假冒耗材的有 效打击以及原装耗材厂商防伪技术的升 级,非法假冒耗材产品将受到有效的抑 制。全球经济回暖后的中国打印耗材市 场将在激烈的市场竞争中迎来新的发展 机遇。 目前兼容耗材企业经过不断投入研 发和市场推广,有了更大的发展,尤为 重要的是,兼容耗材凭借低廉的价格和 不断提升的品质,切入了过去曾经是原 装耗材独占的政府采购环节,这是兼容 耗材厂商与原装厂商市场竞争过程中的 一个有力突破。历经10余年的发展, 兼容耗材厂商中已经形成了几家龙头企 业,并有数十家中等规模的企业不断崭 露头角。 这些龙头企业是如何发展状大的? 一、产品的品质是立足于市场的不败 之地 中国兼容耗材企业的领军企业—— 中国纳思达科技有股份有限公司,在09 年逆势上扬,销量创历史新高,国内国 际市场业绩增长双双超过50%。其中墨 盒产量位居世界首位,成像卡盒、色带 等产量也名列前茅。格之格品牌产品已 占据全球兼容耗材市场20%的市场份 额,抢占了日本90%的兼容耗材市场, 得到了全球客户广泛认可。纳思达市场 总监臧晓钢用一句很精典的话概括这些 成绩,这是源于我们的产品稳定性强, 才立足于市场的不败之地。 兼容耗材产品的稳定性,许多优 秀的企业都有成功的经验。北京莱盛高 新技术有限公司副总经理杜海泳说,兼 容耗材产品的品质是市场占有份额的关 键。莱盛品牌之所以市场占有率高,也 是由于品牌市场认可了,销售量才会逐 年递增。他们的经验是: 1. 莱盛的品牌产品的数据是源于上 游公司的数据比对。他们的每个型号的 成像卡盒全有上游公司的检测数据,使 他们能够找到差距,产品的品质有据可 查。 2. 产品零件的匹配性能好,为高质 量的产品打下基础。



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3. 严格的检测手段,在产品的制造 过程中,每一个工作程序全部有合格的 检测标准,确保产品的品质。 所以优秀兼容耗材企业产品的稳定 性确不是一句空话,而是投入了许多的 研发力量在内。我们在电脑卖场里面, 经常会看到“某某品牌墨水5元”这样 的促销字眼。兼容耗材价格低是优势, 但是如果低于人们惊撼的地步,就不是 优势了,恰恰走向了相反。 5元墨水的价格,可谓是极具竞争 力,这种竞争的结果不是发展,而是死 路。首先,使人们对于耗材行业的诚信 产生疑惑?对于厂商本身,压缩成本导 致产品质量能不下降吗?除了价格优势 外,还有其它可信的吗?其次,对于购 物者“一分钱一分货”的消费观念,这 种植根于老百姓心中“好货不便宜,便 宜没好货”的消费习惯,敢掏钱购你的 货吗?伪劣的耗材,不仅损害了行业的 口碑,也失去自己的发展后路,同时, 也搅乱了市场上品牌兼容耗材与伪劣耗 材的视听。 兼容耗材在迅速发展的今天,一方 面要努力提高产品品质,一方面整顿市 场,规范行业的行为,与原装耗材比肩 较力,在提高自己的同时,为中国的大 行业作出贡献。 二、为终端客户服务扩大兼容耗材影 响力 兼容耗材在发展初期,以经营渠道 为主,在各地区建立代理商,销售品牌 兼容耗材。2010年经营兼容耗材厂商, 开始做终端客户,走向服务,创造价 值,作产业链的建设,形成规模化的发 展。 原装厂商为了占领中国的耗材市 场,在给客户服务时警示:“对于使用 非原装耗材造成的故障,我们是不保 修”,以此作为垄断市场的方法。在电 脑大卖场上“开设了体验中心”以此作 为赢取消费者信任的手段。原装耗材的 高质,我们无可非议,但是兼容耗材的 迅速发展,知名兼容厂商以外养内的快 速成长,也是不争的事实。为什么我们

国内的企业在国外销的好的耗材在国内 却困难重重,我们有旧的消费观念,我 们的兼容耗材是否也有欠失的地方? 对于消费者来说,没有服务的产品 和有服务的产品,大部分的消费者都会 选择后一种。这也是近年来,兼容耗材 不断改进,并不断被市场认可的原因。 如:杨帆不仅有自己的品牌耗材, 还有自己的网络销售平台,有面对面的 经营也有点对点的售后服务。北京莱盛 高新技术有限公司09年成立了光标服务 中心,为整体家乐富做全方位的售后服 务。北京神州乐印股份有限公司不仅有 自己的品牌,单一销售产品的服务,还 有多项打印的解决方案:增加了兼容耗 材品牌的附加功能。这些方案是:1.打 印计费/记账管理系统;2.安全打印解决 方案(IC卡,指纹);3.防伪打印解决 方案;4.二代身份证真伪鉴别与直接复 印系统;5.公众场所自助打印系统。乐 印科技具有打印系统(软件,硬件,固 件)研发的多年经验积累,开发了多种 打印软件,打印相关附件等产品。为兼 容耗材产业1S到4S迅速发展,提出了 很好的理念,在中国的耗材产业上具有 指导性的意义。 兼容耗材厂商致力于完善售后服务 体系,在全国范围内形成了知名度和认 可度较高的兼容耗材品牌,这也导致原 装和兼容耗材产品在更广泛的领域产生 竞争。而在打印耗材的技术专利领域, 兼容厂商吸取了以往多次专利纠纷的经 验教训,已经意识到创新带来的话语 权,更加注重研发的投入以获得专利, 对于政府行业的渗透显然是在此基础上 的市场竞争策略的体现。可以预见,原 装和兼容耗材厂商的竞争已经从专利层 面逐步深化到细分行业,并将引发多层 次、多领域的打印耗材市场的角逐。 2010年二者的博弈将更趋于规范化 和深层次化。



• JULY 2010 • 87


A Cost Analysis on Color Inkjet and Laser Supplies in Commercial Printing

商用喷墨和激彩打印耗材成本分析 打印机的使用是一场需要长期消耗 成本的持久战,是公司办公成本控制的 重点。中小型企业如何选择一台节省耗 材成本且节能环保的打印产品,我们从 采购需求入手分析,以求得最佳办公使 用成本。 一、实现低成本采购 打印机采购的基本原则是“买对 不买贵”。面对市场上琳琅满目的打印 机,选择喷墨还是激光,办公用户难以 抉择。 1.看价格。在当前的打印市场中, 中档激光产品售价在3500~5000元左 右,入门级激光产品的价格更是降到 2000元左右,这样的价格在几年前是无 法想象的。但是相比于商用喷墨产品, 激光产品售价还是高出了近2倍。以惠 普的4款商喷机器做为参考,面向中小 企业的HP Officejet Pro 5300商用喷墨打 印机、HP Officejet Pro L7590商用喷墨 一体打印机京东网售价分别为929元、 2369元,面向微型企业、SOHO人群的 HP Deskjet D730单功能喷墨打印机、 HP Deskjet F735多功能喷墨打印机京东 网售价为669元和869元。单看价格,商 喷产品确实比激光产品便宜了一半多。 2.看性能。性能主要参考速度和质 量。早在商喷诞生之前,喷墨打印机的 速度之慢不得让用户转投激光。如今, 商喷产品的速度已经比肩甚至超过中档 激光。D730、F735输出黑、彩文档的 速度达28、22页/分钟,完全满足SOHO 用户对速度的要求。5300的打印速度达 到36、35页/分钟、L7590的速度为35、 34页/分钟,而中档激光的平均速度在25 页/分钟左右,其实输出速度达到20页 /分钟就足以满足中小企业用户的日常办 公需求。质量方面,激光产品黑白文档 的品质早已受到办公用户的认可,其实 商喷产品不仅可以输出激光品质的黑白 文档,在彩色输出方面更是实力不俗, 帮助用户自行打印色彩活跃的策划方 案、标书、培训资料或其他宣传资料。 3.看功能。对于中小型办公用户, 如果选择F735、Pro L7590这样的一体



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机,不仅能最大限度的节省采购开支, 还能节省办公空间;而对于业务上没有 扫描、复印、传真需要,或者对这些功 能有特殊行业需求的用户来说,则建议 购置D730、5300这样单功能的产品, 以避免浪费资源。此外,具备网络功能 及高打印负荷已成为中小企业用户选购 的重要参考因素。L7590内置有线网络 连接功能,可供多台PC实现共享;而且 其月打印负荷高达7500页,应对企业的 大量打印需求绰绰有余。 相对于购置激光产品,办公用户选

大约1300元,可打印6000页,单页成本 为0.21元/页左右。适用于打印量相对较 小的SOHO用户的D730、F735墨盒厂商 报价79元,可打印600页,单页成本为 0.13元/页;入门级彩激一支黑鼓要550 元,可以打印2000页左右,单页成本差 不多0.275元/页。 当然影响单页成本的因素还有很 多,以黑白单页成本为标准来计算,还 是相对科学的。商喷产品的单页成本确 实比激光产品要低1/2左右,加之大容 量的墨盒解除了用户频繁更换墨盒的困

择商用喷墨产品将减少近一半的采购费 用,而且速度、质量及功能性上优势突 出。由此可见,商喷产品性价比的优势 非常明显。

扰,这就解释了为何越来越多的用户放 弃激光选择商喷的原因。此外,市场 上L7590等商喷产品同很多激光产品一 样,配备了双面打印单元,一方面满足 用户双面打印需求,另一方面,可以节 约纸张以控制办公成本。

二、后期耗材更要省 据专业人士称,一辆汽车从购买到 报废的总开销相当于其购买价格的3-4 倍,不过和打印机的耗材投入相比,这 个比率无疑是小巫见大巫。打印机不 同于其他IT设备,它是通过耗材驱动应 用的产品。所以买打印机既要向“钱” (打印机售价)看,更要向“后”(后期 成本)看,这也是取得节省办公成本这场 持久战的关键战役。 近期,激光和喷墨的产品都喊出 了单页成本低、省钱省耗材的声音。这 无疑使本来就在激光和喷墨之间犹豫不 定的采购用户更加难以抉择——到底谁 省?下面以黑白单页成本为标准,计算 激光和商喷哪一个单页成本更低、更省 耗材。 由下表可见,适用于中小企业用 户的L7590这样的商喷产品墨盒市场价 243元,可以打印2450页,单页成本为 0.099元/页;而中档激光机器一支黑鼓

三、节能环保不可小觑 中小企业在采购服务器、商用电脑 等IT设备时,考虑到将来的能耗成本, 会倾向选择节能环保的产品。其实打 印机的选购亦是如此,D730、F735、 5300、Pro L7590这四款商喷产品中, 活动能耗最高的仅仅28瓦,而入门彩激 的高达300瓦,相差达十倍之多。 不经意间,商喷产品就为用户省 去了一半还多的能耗成本,节能节耗的 同时还省了电费,一举两得打赢节能持 久战。另外,商喷体积小占地少,而且 噪音比激光低,还没有了粉尘困扰,更 加环保一些。由此可见,相对于入门、 中档激光打印机来说,商用喷墨打印机 在性价比、后期成本及节能环保方面具 有明显的优势,更加适合中小企业和 SOHO用户使用。 大家看到这个分析,根据工作的需 要,选择 一台更适 合自己的 产品。




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Coated Paper Industry Takes Double Hit: Saturation in Domestic Market and Obstacles in Exports

国内饱和出口受阻 铜版纸业腹背受敌 继美国之后,欧盟也于日前展开 了对中国出口铜版纸的“双反”(反补 贴、反倾销)调查。对于中国铜版纸生 产企业而言,出口欧美受阻的同时,国 内市场被国外产品垄断而日趋饱和也是 一大问题。 出口瓶颈 根据海关总署的数据,中国去年出 口欧盟的铜版纸为20万吨,仅占到欧盟 市场总需求量的3%。同样,出口美国 的产品总量大约只占到美国市场总需求 量的5%。 太平洋证券分析师倪爽表示,其实 美国对于中国铜版纸的“双反”对于国 内的造纸企业尤其是国内造纸公司的影 响并不直接。 作为晨鸣纸业的主营业务之一,铜 版纸去年的营业收入约为31亿元,是公 司所有主营业务中收入及毛利率最大的 业务。晨鸣纸业出口负责人称,公司去 年铜版纸大部分产品是内销国内市场, 出口铜版纸只占总产量的25%;公司目 前铜版纸出口主要面向东南亚等地,出 口欧美部分也只占到铜版纸出口量的 10%。 太阳纸业2009年铜版纸营业收入约

18亿元,出口约占总产量的1/7,其中 90%以上出口美国。太阳纸业公司出口 负责人表示,公司2010年对于铜版纸的 出口总量计划不会有太大改变,但由于 受到欧美“双反”政策的影响,将重点 开拓东南亚市场;此前美国市场长期合作 的客户关系无法维持,将给公司出口带 来一定的负面影响。 产能过剩 分析人士表示,铜版纸出口受到欧 美“双反”的影响,相关的企业可能会 放弃国外市场,同时将产品转投国内市 场,从而对国内市场的供求关系造成影 响。 倪爽分析师指 出,目前国内铜版纸 市场大部分被国际企 业垄断,所以虽然国 内铜版纸供应量日趋 饱和,但实际上国内 企业生产的内销铜版 纸总量只占到国内市 场需求总量的小份 额。 太阳纸业表示, 国内的铜版纸市场被

亚洲浆纸业有限公司垄断多年。亚洲浆 纸业是世界纸业前十之一,旗下金东纸 业公司是中国最大的造纸公司,也是世 界最大单一铜版纸生产企业。 据了解,虽然出口可能受到“双 反”政策的影响,国内市场也面临饱 和,但是晨鸣和太阳扩大铜版纸产能的 项目仍然在进行之中。晨鸣公司于2009 年下半年开始投资建设年产80万吨的高 级铜版纸项目预计将于2011年5月投入 使用;而太阳纸业新购入的铜版纸纸机 最晚可于2011年7月投产,年产能也达 到65万吨。

IMF Assesses Indonesia's Economic Growth Up 6% This Year

IMF评估印尼今年经济增长可达6% 据印尼国际日报报道:虽然在欧洲 发生了主权债务危机,国际货币基金组 织(IMF)仍然乐观地认为,今年印尼 经济增长可加速提高到6%。这是IMF工 作组结束对印尼的访问后发布对印尼的 “第四条磋商”评估报告中列出的要点 之一。 第四条是指根据IMF协定第四条, 对成员国经济政策与经济发展状况的 年度评估报告。为了制订上述报告, 以IMF亚太首席执行董事托马斯为首的 IMF工作组于5月31日至6月9日访问印 尼。 IMF驻印尼高级代表米兰表示,尽



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管全球经济发生急剧变化,印尼经济已 显示出良好的应变能力。在2008-2009 年金融危机和最近的欧洲经济动荡中, 政府和私营部门稳固的资产负债表和对 外部需求的依赖相对小,支撑了印尼的 经济。不同于目前正陷入困境的一些国 家,印尼政府的负债率下降到低于国内 总产值的30%,这一良好的业绩使印尼 的债务评级升级,并有助于当国际资本 在2009年下半年再次流动时促进证券投 资资本的流入。在资本流入猛增和信贷 复苏的背景下,估计印尼今年将加速实 现6%的经济增长预期,并对私企投资 指示出一个强劲的经济前景。

他补充说,印尼的平均通货膨胀率 预计将维持在5%以下。当资本流动的 波动性干扰正确的政策组合时,一直以 来有助于印尼应对不断变化的全球经济 状况的灵活汇率政策,将继续成为政策 工具的重要组成部分。其他经济政策被 评为已经与宏观经济的稳定一致。目前 的货币政策仍然是适当的,当贷款增长 加速时,印尼央行必须准备在必要时作 出反应,以应对4%-6%的通胀预期。 与其他新兴国家同步,设法降低通货膨 胀的幅度和波动性,将进一步改善经济 表现。



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G&G Industrial Upgrading: National Printers Acquire New Lease on Life

格之格产业升级:民族打印机破茧而出 中国的民族产业发展壮大,离不开 政府的支持,尤其是涉及技术密集型、 创新型的电子信息产业,更需要政府部 门的大力支持,“今天的中国,载人飞 船都可以遨游太空,超高速列车在中国 大地上飞驶,超大型计算机更享誉全 球,然而,为什么一台小小的打印机却 把我们难住了呢?”珠海赛纳科技总裁 汪东颖提出了如此疑问,据易观国际的 最新数据显示,2010年国内打印机市场 总销量预计将达到1101.3万台,增长近 6%,而如此大的出货量,日、美品牌

有责任的中国企业家听到这样的话,都 将是一种莫大的刺痛和鞭策。”赛纳科 技总裁汪东颖说到。“弱国无外交”, 民族品牌打印机由于长期无法与国外巨 头进行同台竞技,使得打印机、耗材企 业丧失了基本话语权,庞大的中国市场 被国外品牌长期垄断。 而更为严重的是打印机泄密事件时 有发生,目前,无论是国家政府部门、 企业高管、和公司白领的电脑旁边,都 伴有一台国外品牌的打印机,其信息安 全隐患也就如影随形,尤其是现在国外

颖说到,赛纳科技在2006年就开始从激 光打印耗材入手,致力于中国自主知识 产权打印机技术的研发,作为中国最大 的兼容耗材制造企业,赛纳科技具备了 掌握打印机技术核心部件-打印耗材制 造技术的先天优势,通过多年的技术研 发和积累,已建立了庞大的专利技术平 台,拥有近两万多项可使用的打印机和 耗材的专利,已经掌握了完整的激光打 印技术,并在2007年,联想投资斥巨资 入股赛纳科技,成为赛纳科技的战略合 作伙伴。

却牢牢占据中国大半个市场。 “早在30年前,美国、日本的几 大打印机厂商就已经推出了打印机,然 而时至今日,这项技术仍未能在中国普 及,不是技术高难到无法攻克,而是几 大打印巨头为这个行业制定了特殊的商 业模式,就是所谓的“低价卖打印机、 高价买耗材”的价格倒挂模式,日美打 印机厂商申请十几万项打印机及耗材的 专利,利用庞大的专利壁垒,构筑了打 印机行业的高技术、高风险、高投资、 高专利保护的铜墙铁壁,从根源上扼杀 民族打印机产业的发展。”赛纳科技汪 总说道,赛纳科技更是高调宣布具有完 全自主知识产权的民族品牌打印机将破 茧而出。

打印机行业巨头近年来纷纷在打印耗材 上装上高科技芯片,这为导致打印内容 泄露,危及商业安全甚至是国家安全提 供了可乘之机。 在中国向现代信息化发展的进程 中,打印机的缺失已经成为我们国家信 息化建设的最大障碍,如果不打破由 日、美等少数企业所制定的游戏规则, 中国的民族打印机产业将无法得到发 展,有责任的中国企业家始终是“如鲠 在喉”,而只有坚持创新,打破垄断, 才能为中国民族打印机产业杀出一条 “血路”。

赛纳科技第一台具有完全自主知 识产权的打印机问世,不仅是一个新科 技产品的诞生,更大的意义在于打破了 日美企业在打印机行业垄断的格局,为 国家填补了行业空白,“大道在于创 新”,赛纳科技挺起民族产业的脊梁, 而创新就是挺起脊梁的骨髓,浸透着赛 纳科技整个的发展历程,从格之格耗材 的创新型发明专利,到赛纳科技第一台 打印机的问世,作为民族企业的代表, 我们看到了中国企业的自信、从容。 “改写历史的人就是创造历史的 人,我们只有牢牢的依托自主创新,推 进自主专利技术的研发,掌握核心技 术,建立完善的知识产权保护,并依托 民族企业顽强的生命力,高效的产业链 整合,就必然会打破不合理的商业游戏 规则,从而建立起一套属于我们自身的 话语权,提升整体的竞争力,为中国的

现状:刺痛着有责任的中国企业家 “师夷长技以制夷”,30年的改革 开放历程使中国的民族工业走过了不平 凡的历程,而“引进来,走出去”也一 直是中国民族产业发展的模式,中国的 家电业、汽车业都为民族工业的发展提 供了很好的范本,但在高技术密集型的 打印机产业,30年过去了,我们仍在原 地踏步,仍被以HP、CANON等为代表 的日、美系少数企业牢牢掌控。 “在一次制定喷墨墨盒的国家标准 研讨会上,一位国外跨国打印机企业代 表的话对我触动很大,他说:“如果我 们退出中国市场,你们中国就没有打印 机用了,也不需要再讨论标准了。”一 个行业的空白,使整个国家都将受制于 人,使民族的利益受制于人,任何一个 92


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创新:是打破游戏规则的唯一通路 任何一种商业模式都有他自身发 展的必然归宿,如中国的手机产业,从 无到有、从弱到强,依托创新,使得中 国手机产业迅速崛起,而打印机产业的 发展也不例外,同样需要打破现有的商 业模式,破除那些不合理的游戏规则, 只有把这些束缚统统的摘掉,民族打印 机才能迎来真正发展的春 天,那么,技术创新、拥 有完全的自主专利技术是 唯一的通路。 “在中国政府采购 报创刊的今天,我非常欣 慰的告诉大家,中国自 主研发的激光打印机已经 正式在珠海的赛纳科技公 司诞生了,在今年下半年 即将面市,可谓是双喜临 门。”赛纳科技总裁汪东

民族工业发展做出自己的贡献。”业内 专家说到,哪里有压迫,哪里就有



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反抗,赛纳科技正式吹响了民族打印机 反击的号角。 未来:低碳、环保是用户的核心诉求 据了解,赛纳第一款激光打印机 是专门针对政府机关、学校、企业和家 庭的需求设计的,凭借产品特有的差

异化功能和低成本耗材的优势,在保护 环境的同时大大降低用户的打印成本, 较一般激光打印机的打印成本下降30% 以上,完全满足国家发展低碳经济的要 求,符合政府倡导的建设资源节约型、 环境友好型社会的需求。 “能否满足用户的需求是决定一 个产品价值的核 心”,迎合激光打 印机的主流化趋 势,紧抓低碳、环 保、绿色的产品核 心理念,才能真正 的满足用户需求, 同发达国家相比, 中国家庭的打印机

普及率不到10%,而这些都为民族打印 机的发展提供了更为广阔的市场空间, 依托专利技术,过硬的产品品质,以及 耗材使用成本上的优势,中国的民族打 印机品牌必将在中国及全球得到普及应 用。 在祝贺中国政府采购报创刊的同 时,我们也应呼吁国家和政府对民族品 牌的大力支持,随着中国政府采购自主 创新、专利型产品的大规模应用,民族 品牌必将会迎来跨越式发展的契机,现 在唯一要做的,就是冲破牢笼,大干快 上。

Compatible Supplies Look Forward to Competition in a Level Playing Field



耗材,作为办公设备的必须品不可 或缺,但也一直没受到应有的重视,特 别是在大单的政府采购中,它的单次采 购金额不大但需要不断地“补充”。政 府采购每年为打印耗材提供了近百亿元 的市场,在这个近百亿的市场中,原装 耗材和兼容耗材的争斗一直没有停过, 但市场也基本处于被原装耗材的垄断 中。近来,这种格局被打破了。 去年下半年,兼容耗材首次被纳入 到政府采购序列,政府耗材采购的旧格 局被打破,政府的采购观念也发生了转 变,兼容耗材将与原装耗材同场竞争。 而作为兼容耗材领域领导者,天威可谓 受益匪浅,在过去的14个月中天威凭借 其节能、环保、高性价比等优势先后在 安徽、湖南、山东、陕西、天津等的政 府采购中中标,一举扭转之前在政府采 购中的劣势。 天威控股董事长贺良梅表示:“可

动内需和节能降耗理念的双重影响下, 政府在耗材的采购态度上也有了很大的 变化,尤其将耗材实行分包采购。在以 前的政府采购中实行的设备和耗材捆绑 采购,这使得兼容耗材根本就没有入围 的机会,而现在已有15个省市在做分包 了,有理由相信其余省市的政府部门也 会积极跟进分包采购,我对目前兼容耗 材的前景还是很乐观的。” 政府对耗材实行分包采购对兼容耗 材行业的发展来说是绝佳的机会,这让 一直以来“用什么品牌的机器就用什么 品牌的耗材”的耗材就是“耗财”理念 得以颠覆,原装耗材的垄断地位也得以 打破。但对于分包采购政策,贺良梅认 为这一政策虽给兼容耗材难得的机遇, 但没有完全将兼容耗材和原装耗材放到 公平位置来对待。 贺良梅说:“当前的分包政府还是 将耗材分为原装和品牌两种来对待,就

果,兼容耗材根本就没办法提高质量 来和原装竞争,不管质量怎样,我们 只有低价位层面来竞争,对于这个行业 和中国制造没有好处,因为兼容耗材永 远打上了低质品的烙印。但如果政府采 购只对打印品质等硬性指标提出明确要 求的话,那么兼容耗材才有机会可以和 原装品牌站在同一平台竞争,是高价值 和高品质的产品真实竞争,兼容耗材是 不会怕一切以指标为准的,这种公平对 待也是未来兼容耗材产业不断争取的方 向。” 当前,全球耗材已经至少有一半以 上是在中国生产的,中国已经不折不扣 地成为一个耗材生产大国。很多国产耗 材已经完全能满足使用,而且与原装耗 材高假冒率相比,兼容耗材产品在价格 上没有造假的利润空间存在。节约财政 资金、节能环保、扶持中小企业、优先 购买本国产品,这些政府采购的政策功

以说,全球性的金融危机对于兼容耗材 来说是一个机遇,金融危机不论是对公 司还是对政府来说都需要节省开支,而 使用兼容耗材相对于使用原装的来说, 成本的节省是显而易见的。同时,在拉

打印品质来说,我们兼容耗材一般使用 要求都能做到,即使是有特殊需求也都 没问题。但如果将耗材分原装和品牌, 那就是先从采购价格上就将原装当成高 点选择,品牌耗材作为低点选择了。结

能和导向也都指向了兼容耗材,而随着 国内兼容耗材厂商的技术不断完善,相 信物美价廉的国产兼容耗材将会越来越 受到重视,而天威认为的公平竞争必将 成为现实。



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Digital Printing Will Help Dyeing Industry out of the Plight

数码印花或将缓解印染业深度淘汰困境 近日,《国务院关于进一步加强淘 汰落后产能工作的通知》公布,明确了 电力、煤炭、钢铁、水泥、有色金属、 焦炭、造纸、制革、印染等行业近期淘 汰落后产能的目标。其中针对纺织行业 做了以下明确的规定:2011年底前, 淘汰74型染整生产线、使用年限超过 15年的前处理设备、浴比大于1∶10的 间歇式染色设备,淘汰落后型号的印花 机、热熔染色机、热风布铗拉幅机、定 形机,淘汰高能耗、高水耗的落后生产 工艺设备;淘汰R531型酸性老式粘胶 纺丝机、年产2万吨以下粘胶生产线、 湿法及DMF溶剂法氨纶生产工艺、DMF 溶剂法腈纶生产工艺、涤纶长丝锭轴长 900毫米以下的半自动卷绕设备、间歇 法聚酯设备等落后化纤产能。 其实,对于国家再次重申淘汰落 后产能的通知也在大家意料之中。早 在2009年发布的《纺织工业振兴规 划》(下称《规划》)中已经明确提出: 到2011年,一是重点淘汰75亿米高耗 能、高耗水、技术水平低的印染能力, 约占印染生产能力的15%;二是淘汰 230万吨化纤落后产能,约占化纤生产 能力的10%;同时提出了加速淘汰棉 纺、毛纺落后生产能力的要求。长期以 来,在淘汰纺织工业落后产能的工作 中,国家一直是给予引导和支持,充分 发挥市场机制的基础性作用。随着纺织 工业淘汰落后产能工作的逐步深入,淘



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汰落后产能还会得到各个方面的推动和 支持,以保证我国纺织工业持续稳定较 快地发展。 印花印染是纺织产业承前启后的关 键环节,也是整个纺织产业转型升级的 关键所在。传统印染产业的提升发展迫 在眉睫,而以绿色环保为最大特色的数 码印花技术为印染业提升发展提供了方 向。自从09年开始,已经陆续有很多企 业积极转型加入升级行列,而引进数码 印花机械,也成为企业转型升级的一个 主要方向,比如:钱清镇的永通印花公 司在近几年内先后引进了7台数码印花 机,其中5台就是从杭州宏华数码技术 公司引进的,目前一天的产量在3500米 左右。 大多数纺品印花加工都是由圆网和 平网印花机来完成的。现在纺织品的发 展趋势是个性化、小批量、多品种,留 给织物印花生产的时间越来越少,数码 印花技术的出现在很大程度上弥补了传 统印花生产的不足。其先进的生产原理 及手段,给纺织印染业带来了前所未有 的机遇,同时也给纺织与服装业的销售 理念与经营方式,带来了巨大的影响与 变化。 数码印花在环保性上具有绝对优 势,例如由计算机控制需喷印,喷印过 程中不产生噪音;占地面积也只有传统 印花方式的几十分之一,可置于办公环 境,不用水和色浆,实现了无污染的绿

色生产过程。除此之外,在工艺方面, 数码印花也有传统印花不可比拟的特 点。 数码印花的生产工艺流程,摆脱了 传统印花分色、出版、制网的过程,从 而大大缩短了生产周期。能实现1670万 种颜色,突破了传统印花的套色限制。 特别是在颜色渐变、云纹等高精图案的 印制上,数码印花在技术上更具有无可 比拟的优势,传统印花的图案往往受到 “花回”长度的限制,而数码印花的工 艺过程中不存在“花回”的概念,极大 地拓展了纺织品的设计空间,提升产品 的档次。 数码印花机可通过互联网接单, 全过程由计算机控制,工艺过程高度自 动化,可做到连续印花无人值守。不受 环境和人为因素的影响,图案以数字格 式存储在计算机中,确保印花色彩的一 致性。输入服装裁片的尺寸后,可以只 在裁片上印花,裁片以外的部分无需印 花,即节省了染料,同时也简化了裁剪 工序。 尽管数码印花机生产的产品销售价 格和附加值都较高,但受制于产量低和 设备投资较大,企业要想真正赚钱还比 较难。但是,并不能因此而掩盖其发展 前景。从全球化的视角来说,拥有10- 20台的数码印花机的数码印花车间在欧 洲已经是很普遍的,而在印度,他们的 数码印花设备保有量都走在了我们的前 面。目前来说全球的传统印花产业的重 心在向中国转移,而欧洲渐渐成为数码 印花产业的中心。中国已经到了奋起直 追的时候!



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HP Introduces the Cloud Aware Printing to China Market

惠普“云打印” 深耕国内打印机市场 “云打印、云计算是更高一级的打 印服务,基本在大型企业环境下实现。” 2010年惠普推出这个概念,并实施了方

案。首先是渠道建设将涉及到四至五级 的城市,深耕国内市场,另与富士康合 作在深圳建厂。 惠普全球同步首次发布了智能手机 平台Black-Berry的云打印技术。 惠普推出的新品都隐隐可见“云打 印”的影子,其中一项新的改进是惠普 的激光打印安装驱动将不需要光盘,打 印机连接电脑之后只需要2-3分钟打印 机就能进入工作状态,大大缩减了用户 安装打印机的时间。这是一项非常实用 的改进被惠普称作“智慧驱动”。“智

慧驱动”技术摒弃了传统驱动光盘载体 的繁琐而是将驱动程序内置在设备中, 从而让用户省去了安装打印驱动程序的 流程实现即插即用。 有业内人士表示在“云打印”时代 来临前“智慧驱动”可看做为其前期准 备。惠普公司打印及成像系统集团执行 副总裁、大中华区总经理柯玉璋表示在 2010年会发布云打印下一步的计划。

Epson Exploits High Quality White Ink

爱普生开发高品质白墨水以减少环境影响 爱普生开发的针对包装打样市场首 款高品质白色颜料墨水,以优异的环保 特性,有效减少了包装打样对于环境的 影响。——这是爱普生实施“2050环境 愿景”战略又一个极佳例证。 白色墨水奥秘何在? 白色在透明胶片的印刷中扮演着至

关重要的角色。例如用于在塑料瓶子和 零食塑料袋上印刷标签。首先用白色墨 水在胶片上印刷作打底,然后在上面印 刷彩色墨水;最终我们看到的印刷效果 是,白色墨水不显色,但是彩色墨水却 看起来颜色更鲜丽了。爱普生在包装印 刷领域,研发出的这款产品,解决了长 期以来困扰打样行业的问题,同时还大

大减少了印刷时对环境的影响,提高了 墨水的使用安全性。 什么是数码打样? 印刷厂的印刷量是惊人的,印刷量 从几千到几百万,所以极有可能出现错 误。基于这个考虑,在正式印刷之前的 打印测试被用来检查和修正打印色彩, 确保正式印刷的颜色。这种打印测试被 叫做打样。打样可以使用实际批量印刷 的印刷机做测试,也可以使用更简便易 用的大幅面打印机做打样。采用印刷机 来打样,可以让你有机会去审核打印质 量是否符合你最终想看到实际效果。但 是,这也需要专业的技巧和知识才能做 到,而且不仅费时,期间又必须数次打 断批量印刷。这个过程在时间和金钱上 的花费是巨大的。 因此通常打样使用操作更为简易、 更经济实惠的大幅面打印机已成为一种 惯例。但是在透明胶片上打印之前,必 须解决一些问题。 难以掌控的墨水 透明胶片具有平滑紧致的表面,它 不像纸,不易吸收油墨。一般来说,有 两种特殊的墨水可以在胶片实现比较好 的效果。一种是溶剂墨水,其中含有有 机溶剂;另一种是UV(紫外线固



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化)墨水,它在被紫外线照射后硬化。 这两种墨水使用起来都比较麻烦,而且 会带来相当高的环境污染,所以在透明 胶片上印刷是非常难的课题。 溶剂墨水 这种墨水的成分是有机溶剂,有机 溶剂能够很好的渗透透明胶片,并具有 出色的耐光性和防水性。但是,有机溶 剂的气味很大、很刺鼻。通常需要另外 安装一套通风系统用来吸收和排放这种 气味。在印刷期间,还需要加热系统来 改善墨水在胶片上的附着力。 UV墨水 这种墨水通过暴露在紫外线下固 化。固化加快进程,并由此使得墨水 可以打印在在易吸液体载体上(如塑 料)。但是,人们需要小心使用此种墨 水,因为接触未固化的墨水可导致皮肤 发炎。它也具有很特殊的气味,就像溶 剂墨水,使用时需要通风。固化时间也 被限制在一定区间内。同时,用于固化 墨水的含汞灯,运转时非常热,并且消

耗大量能源。此外,使用紫外线灯来固 化墨水时,要做好安全防范措施。 工业上首创水性的白色颜料墨水 爱普生研发的水性白色颜料墨水, 解决了在透明胶片上数码打样的难题。 不像溶剂墨水和UV墨水,水性墨水基 本没有特殊气味,并且在使用时不会对 人体健康产生威胁。水性墨水被印刷在 胶片上干燥很快,类似于将墨水打印在 纸上一般,不需要另外加热。这种打样 方式耗费的能源只比普通喷墨打印机多 一点而已,所以有效缓解了打样印刷对 环境的污染。当然,这只是爱普生白色 颜料墨水的优点之一。 不需要再频繁摇晃? 白色溶剂墨水和白色UV墨水的成 分都是二氧化钛。二氧化钛是一种非常 重的物质,会迅速沉积在墨盒底部。这 意味着在实际应用时,必须经常取出白 色墨水的墨盒摇晃。 这种情况一直存在于爱普生研发这 种白色颜料墨水之前。爱普生的白色颜

料墨水并没有使用二氧化钛。那它为什 么会显现白色?我们可以从墨水的粒子 构造中找到答案。爱普生白色颜料墨水 的微粒由中空的树脂颗粒形成,能够散 射光线,使墨水视觉上呈现白色(见上 图)。由于这些微粒比二氧化钛微粒更 轻,不易下沉,所以在使用时就不需要 经常摇晃墨盒。此外,使用溶剂墨水和 UV墨水都需要经常检查和清洁喷嘴, 这个过程会浪费大量墨水。而爱普生的 全新白色颜料墨水,浪费量非常小。 支持白色颜料墨水的透明胶片 透明胶片的更新换代是实现水性墨 水(不管是白色墨水还是彩色墨水)在 胶片上固色的关键。很明显,在现有的 透明胶片上无法打印良好的效果,因为 墨水没有被胶片充分吸收。为了解决这 个问题,爱普生开发出一种可以支持水 性墨水的新型透明胶片。新的胶片比普 通胶片有双倍的吸墨性。

Fuji Xerox Promotes Development of Low-carbon & Color Office

富士施乐助推低碳彩色办公纵深发展 近期,富士施乐在天津举办的“2010年文件解决方案巡


展”。以“色彩 • 自然”为主题的活动,让二线城市的用户 体验到富士施乐领先的节能环保型彩色办公解决方案。

地为客户提供低碳环保、高质、高效的彩色文件管理解决方 案,不遗余力地推动低碳彩色办公的发展。据悉,富士施乐

展会上,富士施乐展示了为企业不同需求量身打造的丰 富软、硬件产品及彩色文件解决方案,让与会者充分感受彩 色办公的魅力,更切身体验了全新节能环保技术所带来的办 公室节省之道。其中,最具代表性的当属富士施乐新一代环 保概念彩色数码多功能机ApeosPort-IV C5570。由于采用了 富士施乐诸多绿色科技,这款产品达到了“能源之星”标准 中最低TEC值,被业界称为“低碳时代彩色办公全能王”。 例如,采用全新LED打印引擎和扫描仪,能耗分别降低45% 和70%;采用传导式定影技术,加热时所需热能只有传统定 影带的17%到25%;部分部件采用30%以上植物源性成分 的生物塑料制造,在产品生产过程中有效减少碳排放量达 16%。同时,这款产品可实现真正1200×2400dpi的彩色物 理输出分辨率,在同类产品中彩色输出效果最佳。此次巡展 的明星产品还曾荣获日本政府颁发的节能产品大奖,并获得 中国媒体和用户的广泛好评。

“色彩8226;自然”文件解决方案巡展还将陆续在南京、武汉 等城市举办。



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• JULY 2010 • 101


Pros and Cons of OEM & Compatible Consumables

谈原装与兼容耗材利弊 随着社会的发展,中小企业在不断 的壮大,打印机不仅已成为企事业的必 备办公用品,而且也走进了家庭的生活 中。用打印机要消耗耗材,所以耗材成 为人人关注的商品,耗材产品的竞争也 日益凸显,如何选择适合的办公耗材, 山寨盛行年代,我们话说原装、兼容和 假冒耗材。 有长期经营办公设备耗材的业内人 士认为,目前中国的耗材市场状况是: 仍为三分天下的局面,原装占40%, 兼容耗材占30%,假冒耗材占30%。 兼容耗材已从初级的市场份额从占有率 10%,跃升为30%了。人们在看好兼容 耗材。 真命天子?——原装耗材的优势与劣势 对于需要高品质打印的原装厂商来 说,原装耗材无疑是最合适的选择,首 先,配套的打印机设备对应的原装耗材 在墨点精准、色彩合成精度高、化学稳 定性上更加突出;其次,打印质量出色, 色彩还原度好,色彩逼真、自然,这与 技术的先进性密不可分,同时,这也与 纸张、墨水的质量密不可分。 环保问题 据有关测试显示,原装墨水有害 物质的含量很低,在多次厂商的发布会 上,笔者就曾见产品经理当场喝下倒入 水中的墨水,表明产品的安全性,以此 证明原装产品的品质过关。 原装耗材一次性消费是不环保的, 在能源、原材料的制造过程中不是低碳 经济。 山寨时代——兼容耗材的优势与劣势 高昂的价格确实使得部分用户站在 原装耗材的门槛驻足观望,而转向价格 更为低廉的兼容耗材,据有心人观察, 国内的兼容耗材厂商数量众多,其中不 乏品牌口碑较好的厂商,同样也充斥着 各种山寨品牌。 随着兼容耗材厂商在科研投入比 重的不断加大,已拥有着一批强大的技 术研发人员,并且制定出一整套墨水生 产的化学材料纯度标准、墨水生产流程 工艺标准、墨水成品检验企业标准。并



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且在国内外已经有着多项的注册专利, 这些兼容耗材的墨水在国内市场上的价 格,远远低于原装耗材的价格,所以有 着很高的市场占有率。从技术上来说, 这些山寨的耗材厂商已解决了耗材产品 制造流程的关键环节,也进入了批量的 生产环节,如中国格之格品牌的兼容耗 材不仅在国内有很高的市场份额,同时 抢占日本兼容耗材市场的90%份额。 低碳节能 兼容耗材是节能环保的。由于兼容 耗材是使用原装空壳进行再制造和再生 产,大大节约了原材料,他是国家倡导 的循环利用经济,属于低碳经济,有大 发展的前景。 原装耗材PK兼容耗材 原装耗材与兼容耗材在产品质量 上是有一定的差距的,这主要表现在以 下: 1.从产品的质量上,原装耗材的品 质要好过一般兼容耗材,这是程度上的 区别。例如墨水,正宗的原装墨水都是 打印机原厂生产的,他们在墨水方面投 入了大量的资金去研制,如,惠普在墨 水的研发方面,几十年如一日地不断提 高墨水的质量,连爱普生也感到汗颜。 2.从严格检测关上,惠普产品的每 一种颜色的墨水都经过10至22道有关污 染物的测试程序,检验是否符合惠普定 制墨水配方的化学与物理特性,确保墨 水具备耐水性、快干性,避免渗色的特 性。 3.从严格的标准上,严把标准关 口,以确保每一批次的惠普墨水特性一 致,即使不同批次出厂的墨水,它们之 间的特性亦完全一致,如出一辙。同时 墨水的颗粒细小,不会堵塞墨头,能够 大大增加墨头的使用寿命。 在以上的把关方面,兼容墨水厂商 多数是小厂,有些虽然具备了一定的规 模,但其在资金实力还是技术都不及喷 打厂商。 但是,如果是同种类的染料墨水, 原装墨水虽然质量会好些,但与兼容墨 水的质量差距不是拉得太大,目前之所 以会让人觉得原厂墨水要大大优于兼容

墨水是由多方面的原因造成的,其主要 原因如下: 1. 国外厂商的大力宣传的结果。众 所周知,很长时间以来,由于打印机的 价格不断下滑,国外打印机厂商销售墨 盒的利润远远高于销售打印机的利润, 有不少打印机的经销商竟采用了买墨盒 送打印机的销售策略。国外厂商为了使 他们的耗材 ( 包括了墨水和墨盒 ) 销售 量更大,以获取更高的利润,便一直以 来不断地利用舆论进行造势,反复向国 人灌输“原装墨盒要大大优于兼容墨 盒”、“兼容墨水容易堵头”“使用了非 原装耗材而导致打印机的任何问题,厂 方均不予保修”等理念。 2.某些害群之马坏了兼容墨水的名 誉。由于某些兼容耗材(包括了墨水和 墨盒)厂商为最大限度地降低价格,不 顾产品质量,生产出一些质量不过关的 耗材,当有些用户买到这类产品时,就 会出现一些诸如容易堵头之类的故障, 严重影响了兼容耗材的声誉,使许多用 户加重了“兼容耗材质量差”这一心理 阴影。 山寨耗材走品牌之路 从“337”事件到最新的天威和惠 普和解事件,耗材厂商是非多,这是毋 庸置疑的,然而,天威和惠普的达成和 解事件在一定程度上反映了原装耗材已 经开始承认了兼容耗材厂商的技术和专 利。作为在夹缝中生存的兼容厂商, 如何壮大自己的实力,除了在产品研 发和技术上的不断投入,推荐给消费者 更加物美价廉的产品以外,兼容耗材同 样需要创造自己的品牌价值,没有一定 的品牌的价值,在原装厂商的打压下仍 然会被消费者认为是假冒劣质产品,另 外原装耗材的生产厂商具有良好的服务 体系。由于目前耗材市场上的混乱,很 多兼容耗材往往被用户当成假冒伪劣产 品,所以兼容耗材在提升产品的品质同 时,要关注售后的服务。一般用户是很 在意产品质量和服务的。 兼容耗材如何打造自己的品牌价 值,提高产品的品质和服务,是决定未 来是否适应市场生存的一个法则!



• JULY 2010 • 103


The History of 3D Printers

3D打印机的前世今生及未来 说出来也许你都无法相信,未来的 打印机将能够极大的改变我们的生活, 只要你能想象的到的东西,3D打印机几 乎都能打印的出来。你可以借助3D照相 机或3D扫描仪,拍摄你所喜欢的东西, 甚至仅仅是通过几张平面照片,在电脑 上得到目标物的详细3D信息,然后, 3D打印机将精确地还原它,为你“打 印”出它。比如新版的芭比娃娃,我 们可以想做几个做几个,还有最新款的 跑车上市,我们也完全可以照上几张照 片,然后制作出精确缩微的车模。

打印出我们人类,甚至比克隆技术还要 厉害,只要你能想的到的东西,3D打印 机都能通过“打印”制造出来。 认识一下 到底什么是3D打印机 虽然在多数人看来3D打印还是一个 新生事物,其实在二十年前3D打印设想 已开始酝酿。设计领域许多人都知道3D CAD(3D计算机辅助设计)。从70年 代诞生到现在,3D CAD经历了几十年 的发展,已经成为广大设计人员的有力 工具之一和很多设计领域的重要标准。 而快速成型(Rapid Prototyping,简称 RP)技术几乎与3D CAD的发展同步, 人们从使用3D CAD的那天起就希望方 便地将设计“转化”为实物,因此也就 有了发明3D打印机的必要。

3D打印技术最突出的优点是无需机 械加工或任何模具,就能直接从计算机图 形数据中生成任何形状的零件,从而极大 地缩短产品的研制周期,提高生产率和降 低生产成本。这项技术目前正迅猛发展, 已越来越引起人们的广泛重视。 3D打印机在哪些领域使用 3D打印技术作为一种高科技技 术,综合应用了CAD/ CAM 技术、激光 技术,光化学以及材料科学等绪多方面的 技术和知识,让产品设计、建筑设计、 工业设计、医疗用品设计等领域的设计 者,第一时间方便轻松的获得全彩色实 物模型,便于重新修定CAD 设计模型, 从而节省了为错误设计制造工艺装备的 费用,并节省了研制时间。

可打印建筑的3D打印机 不仅如此,未来3D打印机还可以为 我们打印出美味可口的食物,说不定厨 师都能因它而下岗呢,同时它还可以为 我们打印出服装、首饰、甚至是房子, 在我们患病的时候,它还能快速打印出 器官或骨骼,为需要动手术的病人带来 福音,有人预言,将来的3D打印机还能

Dimension uprint 个人3D打印机

人体器官按需打印 3D生物打印机 所谓3D打印机就是可以“打印” 出真实3D物体的一种设备,功能上与激 光成型技术一样,采用分层加工、迭加 成形,即通过逐层增加材料来生成3D实 体,与传统的去除材料加工技术完全不 同。称之为“打印机”是参照了其技术 原理,因为分层加工的过程与喷墨打印 十分相似。 每一层的打印过程分为两步,首先 在需要成型的区域喷洒一层特殊胶水, 胶水液滴本身很小,且不易扩散。然后 是喷洒一层均匀的粉末,粉末遇到胶水 会迅速固化黏结,而没有胶水的区域仍 保持松散状态。这样在一层胶水一层粉 末的交替下,实体模型将会被“打印” 成型,打印完毕后只要扫除松散的粉末 即可“刨”出模型,而剩余粉末还可循

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3D打印机打印精度高,除了可以表 现出外形曲线上的设计,结构以及运动 部件也不在话下。如果用来打印机械装 配图,齿轮、轴承、拉杆等都可以正常 活动,而腔体、沟槽等形态特征位置准 确,甚至可以满足装配要求,打印出的 实体还可通过打磨、钻孔、电镀等方式 进一步加工。同时粉末材料不限于砂型 材料,还有弹性伸缩、高性能复合、熔 模铸造等其它材料可供选择。 随着技术的进步,现在3D打印机 在电影动漫、气象、教育、外科医疗等 领域都能发挥独特的作用。在教育领 域,3D打印机能够将抽象概念带入现 实世界,将学生的构思转变为他们可以 捧在手中的真实立体彩色模型,令教学 更为生动;在建筑领域,3D打印机能够 为曲面异形建筑的重要精密构件快速制 作精确模型,实现传统建筑模型制作无 法达到的工艺水平;在工业生产领



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域,3D打印机可以为金属铸件直接打印 模型、模型插件和图案;在地理空间领 域,3D打印机可以轻松将 GIS 数据转 化为三维地形及城市景观模型或沙盘; 而在娱乐艺术领域,3D打印机还可根 据电子游戏、三维动画以及其他创作产 生的三维数据轻松制作自定义头像和雕 像。 3D打印机行业的目前发展状况 目前的3D打印技术能够实现 600dpi分辨率,每层厚度只有0.01毫 米,即使模型表面有文字或图片也能够 清晰打印。当然受到喷打印原理的限 制,打印速度势必不会很快,目前较先 进的产品可以实现每小时25毫米高度的 垂直速率,相比早期产品有10倍提升, 而且可以利用有色胶水实现彩色打印, 色彩深度高达24位。

密铸造及工艺品制作等领域使用,因此 Stratasys的FDM快速成型机目前在全球 RP市场已占有近半的比例。 我国对3D打印技术也同样有十分 强烈的需求。自90年代初国内就有多所 高校开始自主知识产权的RP技术研发, 但是相比RP技术领先的美国、日本等国 家,国内还没有一款达到国际水平的3D 打印机推向市场,只有部分有实力的企 业和科研院到专业的RP或3D打印服务 商那里租用3D打印机或者订制模型。 国内RP技术在研究队伍、资金投 入和普及范围等多方面还有很长的路要 走。比较而言,港台地区RP技术应用更 为广泛。港台地区相比内地RP技术起步 较早—很多高校、企业都有自己的3D打 印设备。只不过,港台地区RP技术的重 点是应用与推广,而并非自主研发。 3D打印机行业的未来发展展望 随着3D打印技术的不断发展,它将 很可能给制造业带来另一场革命。精密 仪器和机械、零部件加工等制造业工人 有可能面临“下岗”的威胁,因为使用 工程材料或金属原料的3D打印机可以毫 不费力地“印”出这些部件,并且要比 人工制造精确得多。

If you have any qu estion about the rem an ufa ctu rin g tec hn olo gy or if you have other pu zzles you need to solve, you may contact Recharge Asia Magazine for more help. We als o we lco me yo u to sha re yo ur ex pe rie nce an d rem an ufa ctu rin g tips. Email: news@rechar

在目前的3D打印机行业中,Z Corporation和Stratasys两家公司的产 品占有绝大多数市场份额。提到3DP (Three Dimensional Printing,三维 打印)几乎就是美国Z Corporation公 司的代称。早在1994年,几个来自 MIT(麻省理工学院)的科研和技术专 家就发明了3DP技术并申请了专利。


1997年,为了将3DP技术推向市场,Z Corporation公司正式成立。从那时起, Z Corporation就一直占据着3D打印机 市场的半壁江山。 成立于1990年的美国Stratasys 公司率先推出了基于FDM技术的快 速成型机,并很快发布了基于FDM 的Dimension系列3D打印机。由于, FDM技术有其得天独厚的优势,适合 汽车、家电、电动工具、机械加工、精

现在已经有越来越多的人开始关注 3D打印机,包括手机、运动鞋、甚至是 3D电影行业都对3D打印机极为推崇。 在未来,3D打印机有可能走进千家万 户,可以做许多现在看起来匪夷所思的 事情,因为从某种角度来说,许多你想 到的东西都能直接打印得到。 但如果要将3D打印机像电脑一样 应用到我们普通消费者的生活中,还存 在一些具体的问题:首先是购买成本问


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不过我们还是期待,随着技术的不 断进步,这些我们担心的问题都会迎刃 而解,3D打印机会在未来像照相机、扫 描仪一样进入千家万户,为我们的生活 增添无穷乐趣。




题,不同三维打印机的报价相差很大, 但依旧徘徊在几万到几十万人民币,这 个数字对家庭用户来说,不如去买套房 子;其次是打印材料问题,3D打印机 的成型材料多是采用化学聚合物,在这 里,我们不仅仅是担心它的后期使用成 本问题,而且如果要让它融入我们的家 庭生活,那么这种材料是否安全将是一 个很重要的参考因素。

如果您有任何关于 再生方面的技 术问题,您可以联系我 们,获得帮 助。我们也将非常 高兴的与您一 起分享您关于打印 耗材再生方面 的经验和心得。



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How to Save the Stoppage Problem of Printerhead

应对喷墨打印机堵头全攻略 相比于前几年,喷墨打印机的应用 越来越广泛,一方面个人市场上喷墨打 印机的需求不断走高,另一方面商务市 场也在不遗余力的扩展喷墨打印技术的 应用范围。相比于激光机,喷墨打印机 拥有成本低、可以输出彩色等优势,但 同时其较为复杂的维护过程也困扰着用 户。在这些维护行为中,最令人头痛的 就是喷墨打印机的打印头堵塞,我们称 之为“喷墨打印机杀手”一点不为过。 一般来说,喷墨打印机的常见墨头 结构主要有喷墨头和墨水盒一体机和分

喷头的清洗。用空墨盒清洗前,先要用 针管将墨盒内残余墨水尽量抽出,越干 净越好,然后加入清洗液。加注清洗液 时,应在干净的环境中进行,将加好清 洗液的墨盒按打印机正常的操作上机, 不断按打印机的清洗键对其进行清洗。 利用墨盒内残余墨水与清洗液混合的淡 颜色进行打印测试,正常之后换上好墨 盒就可以使用了。实际上,造成彩喷头 阻塞的无非是下列原因: ·个人用打印机,利用率极低,储 存在彩喷头管道中的墨水,极易浓缩沉

对,误将墨水从出水口中灌入,以致墨 盒海绵中的气泡不能排出,既影响喷墨 头中毛细管的供墨作用,又因带气泡的 墨水渗至喷嘴管道时,气泡将墨水分成 多段,在喷墨打印墨滴加热时,就会将 带气泡的墨水烧干,造成喷嘴堵塞;所 加墨水的配方不对,与原墨水发生化学 反应或凝聚。 ·未将彩喷机罩盖,环境中的灰 尘侵入喷嘴中;或纸张质量太差,纤维 容易脱落,若喷头与纸张的间距调整不 当,使其常与纸张摩擦,日积月累,也

离式两种方式,一体机墨头结构在墨水 盒墨水用尽后,墨头和墨水盒要一起更 换,这样的结构相对结合较为紧密,可 靠性较高,但相对成本较高;分离式结 构的墨头和墨水盒分离,墨水用尽后可 单独更换墨水盒,一定程度上可以节省 成本。目前市面上常用的大多数打印机 (如EPSON、CANNON等)均采用双墨 头结构:一个黑色(或Photo)墨头和一 个彩色墨头。而在墨水盒中,大多数是 黑色墨水独立,其他三色墨水盒一体, 也有一些产品的每一种颜色的墨水盒都 是独立,可以单独更换,进一步降低了 打印成本。 喷头堵塞指的是因种种原因造成墨 水在喷头上粘度变大所致的断线故障, 一般用原装墨水盒经过多次清洗就可恢 复,但这样的方法太浪费墨水。最简 单的办法是利用你手中的空墨盒来进行

淀,久之,就造成喷墨头阻塞。墨水用 完时,未及时添加墨水或更换墨盒。 ·打印机清洗泵嘴出毛病是较多 的,也是造成堵头的主要因素之一。打 印机清洗泵嘴对打印机喷头的保护起决 定性作用,喷头小车回位后,要由清洗 泵嘴对喷头进行弱抽气处理,对喷头进 行密封保护。在打印机安装新墨盒或喷 嘴有断线时,机器下端的抽吸泵要通过 它对喷头进行抽气,此嘴的工作精度越 高越好。但在实际使用中,它的性能及 气密性会因时间的延长、灰尘及墨水在 此嘴的残留凝固物增加而降低,如果使 用者不对其经常进行检查或清洗。它会 使你的打印机喷头不断出些故障。 ·操作方法不当:当打印机打印完 毕断开电源后,未待其复位程序全部完 成即关总电源或拔去打印机电源插头; 因打印中突然停电,复电后未对打印 机进行复位 处理;打印 机搬动中使 字车移位。 这几种情况 都会造成因 字车没有复 位,喷墨嘴 未被保护盖

造成喷嘴的阻塞。 彩喷头的喷嘴由直径小于发丝,间 距只有0.07mm的喷孔排所组成,这么 细小的孔径,是非常容易阻塞的,但是 也不会一下子全部阻塞。要判断局部阻 塞。可从打印出的文件和彩图质量来判 别。如果打印出的文件,墨色变淡、有 断续的白条间隔或彩图的彩色不正,有 偏色现象,或者原应全部着色的图案, 出现了空白间隙和横白条杂纹,而各色 墨盒中的墨水却并不缺少,打印机也未 发出缺墨水提示,就应怀疑喷嘴已发生 局部阻塞故障。此时应停止打印,用操 作手册所载“打印测试页”的方法,对 该机各彩喷头进行检测,查看各彩色条 是否断缺。 那么如何清理喷头呢?其原理实 质和彩喷机自动清洗原理是一致的,所 不同的是:自动清洗靠抽气泵在喷嘴口 吸出墨水,其动力很小,对严重阻塞现 象无能为力,若用清洗机不断反复操 作,不仅耗费墨水,且一旦抽出的墨水 将“废水吸收盒”装满,清洗功能将完 全丧失,只能送特约维修部检修或更换 喷墨头。而人工清洗方法灵活,不耗墨 水,吸力或冲击力较大,可彻底根除喷 头的严重阻塞情况。 首先,对彩喷头进行清洗,以吸尽

板掩盖,稍 长时间就使 喷嘴墨水干 涸而阻塞。 ·加墨 水的方法不

喷头内的残留墨水。然后,将彩喷头组 件从打印机中拆出。此时可以准备一只 高约50mm的容器和一只吹尘球,将吹 尘球的圆锥形吹嘴,用锋利的刀片切去 一小段,形成非常平整的圆柱形端面; 再准备适量的热水和吸水纸。



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向容器中倒入70度左右的热水,手 持喷墨头垂直朝下浸泡在热水中,以水 平面稍高出喷墨头上的过滤器为宜(喷 头组件上端面的印刷电路板,绝不能被 热水浸泡和侵蚀);然后,既可用吹尘 球吹、吸,也可先用吹尘球吸入热水, 再对着过滤嘴端面上,用力挤压球体使 水流去冲击阻塞的喷头通道和喷嘴口; 还可用同样方法对准喷嘴排进行清洗。 经更换热水反复操作后,当喷嘴端有许 多细小气泡冒出时,说明这一喷嘴通道 已经贯通。此后再经过多次换水和用吹 尘球对喷头的反复漂洗,直至容器中的 热水不再有沉淀物。清洗完的组件先 用干净的布轻轻擦干后,在组件各喷嘴



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口垫上干净的吸水纸,用已甩干的吹尘 球,逐一对准各喷头过滤嘴将各喷墨头 管道中的水全部吹出吸尽,然后将其放 在吸水纸上,自然晾放数小时后,装回 打印机试用。 喷墨头阻塞现象的预防 ·对彩喷机利用率极低的用户,应 保持每月至少打一份彩喷头都用上的彩 图,以防止干涸的墨水在喷墨头内的沉 积。同时,万一发现彩图不正常时,如 果阻塞现象较轻,也可尽早用本机的清 洗机构进行清洗解决。 ·在每次打印完毕和搬动过彩喷 机后,应打开机盖,观看字车组件是否

正常复位,尤其在操作中曾发生过停电 的,应在恢复供电后,对彩喷机重新开 机、关机操作和检查一次,以防字车未 复位,而使喷嘴未被保护盖盖好。 ·更换墨盒或加墨水应及时,加墨 水操作应从墨盒的贮水腔底部的塑料盖 处注入,具体方法是:将该盖用钢针挑 开,以同色专用墨水瓶所带的不锈钢注 射管缓慢滴入,若原墨盒无此塑料盖, 也可在该墨盒贮水处的上部,钻一小孔 滴入,待滴满后用热塑胶或胶布等将该 孔封闭。切不要图方便,而从墨盒装缓 冲吸水海绵的墨水出水口倒灌而入。同 时,所加墨水的品牌,应和彩喷机型号 所需的品牌相一致,避免配方不同造成 化学反应和凝聚现象。 ·在清扫彩喷机字车部位和盒盖 内的污物时,应用干净毛笔涮除,切勿 用铁质或带磁性材料的工具去触碰和擦 洗字车背后的像普通不锈钢丝的导轨, 因为它实质上是彩喷机的“线性编码 器”,其表面附有磁性材料,采用钢丝 录音的原理,存储着字车“对位”的定 位信息,一旦该钢丝上的某些信息被抹 去,则字车的定位必将错乱,就不能正 确复位。 ·彩喷机不用时,应用布罩罩好, 打印纸不要留在机内纸盒中,而应单独 存放,避免灰尘对喷嘴和纸张的污染, 更应避免使用纸面毛糙的残次纸打印。



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Yunsu Brand is Awarded a Patent for its Intellectualized Automatic Inkjet Refilling Machine

云苏“自动加墨机”获发明专利 作者:成星 近日,国家知识产权局颁发证书, 授予南京云苏科技有限公司“电脑打印墨 盒自动加墨机及加墨方法”以发明专利。 南京云苏科技的“电脑打印墨盒 自动加墨机及加墨方法”,是在该公 司已获实用新型专利的“电脑打印墨 盒真空加墨机”的基础上研发的,它在 保留“电脑打印墨盒真空加墨机”创造 的“不在空墨盒上开洞,不弄破墨盒上 的标贴,先抽除墨盒中的残余墨水和沉 淀物,然后再加入新墨水,让其象新墨 盒一样重新投入打印使用”等优点的同 时,又有以下六项创新: 一是电脑自动控制加墨量,自动向 墨盒中加入新墨。 二是大墨量快捷设定。按下大墨量 专用按键即自动对大容量墨盒加墨,对 墨水容量在50毫升以上的墨盒加墨更加 快捷。



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三是加墨量一次设定,无限重复使 用。设定一个加墨量值后,机内电脑即 予记住,如后面待加墨盒的容量与上只 相同,只要按下“返回”键即可自动执行, 无须重新设定,在加多个墨量相同的墨 盒时,减少了墨量设定程序,节省了时 间, 提 高 了 墨 盒 的 规模化再生效率。 四是加墨历史 查询。将电脑与机 器连接,即可调出 该机在一个月内的 加墨次数、每次加 入墨水的颜色、数 量,以及每次加墨 的发生时间,具体 精确到何日何时何 分何秒,很便于多 点连锁经营管理。

五是自动快速夹具。拉开夹具,将 墨盒往里一放即自动夹持加墨,操作非 常简便。 六是机体内置无油免维护真空泵。 没有外置有油真空泵那种拖拖拉拉和补 油换油的麻烦。



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BaoTelong Pass Two Scientific Research and Technological Achievements

宝特龙两项科研成果 通过武汉市技术成果鉴定 日前,武汉市科技局组织召开了由武汉宝特龙信息科技 有限公司完成的“PT-CLP315型彩色激光打印机用彩色色调 剂 ”和“PT-1635型数码复印机用色调剂 ”技术成果鉴定 会。 鉴定委员会由湖北大学教授、院长蒋涛,国家办公设 备及耗材质量监督检测中心标委会秘书长、高级工程师刘惠 玲,天津复印技术研究所教授、高级工程师郑西振,武汉理 工大学教授叶青,武汉大学教授张治明等七位专家组成。武 汉市科技局科技成果处桂处长主持会议,武汉市科技局、汉 阳区科技局等领导同志出席了鉴定会。 会议首先由公司总经理梁友华向与会专家和领导作研制 项目工作报告,然后,公司研发部和检测中心负责人分别作 技术研究报告。该项目经文献查新确认,拥有自主知识产权, 属于研制高端产品,其技术垄断性强,经济效益显著,在国 内市场上处于领先地位。鉴定委员会认真听取汇报后,经过 质询、讨论,最后认为:“PT-315 彩色激光打印机用彩色色 调剂 ”在国内首先提出和运用了增溶剂并配合预混合技术, 克服了颗粒分散性差的缺陷,印品质量优良。“PT-1635 型数 码复印机用色调剂 ”在国内率先解决了带电量均一性和稳定 性的难题,两项技术成果均达到了国内领先水平,且符合国 家环保节能的发展方向。专家建议:尽快产业化,以满足市 场需求。

最后,公司董事长汪林安作了本次技术成果鉴定会的答 谢词。他指出:感谢各位专家、领导亲临宝特龙指导工作。 尽管这次通过了鉴定,但仅仅是产品发展的第一步,产品质 量的稳定性,可靠性,还将在实践中不断接受市场的检验, 将会给我们的工作提出新的课题,新的要求。我们要以本次 鉴定会为契机,不断理清思路,加强技术管理,全面提高科 技创新能力,提升产品质量,把企业做好做强。



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Beijing XiBeiGe Wins its Customer's Trust

北京希美格以诚信赢得信赖 北京希美格技术开发有限公司是以 经营墨粉、再生成像卡盒为主的民营企 业,在公司经营过程中,他们深深体会 到了,兼容耗材要在市场上做出自己的 品牌,有一定的占有率,是与产品品质 及产品的稳定性密不可分的,而产品要 想在市场站稳脚根与公司的诚信度也同 样有着非常重要的关系,因此它是我们 产品不断赢得客户认可的法宝。 在中国市场上兼容耗材占有率很 低,在中国的大行业市场上几乎原装耗 材一统天下,为何呢?我们不可否认原 装耗材产品的性能稳定性强,但它的价 位给人一种侵夺闲疑,更有物所不值的 受骗之感。但中国兼容耗材却迟迟不能 占领这块市场?是中国人只愿买贵的不 愿买好的吗?兼容耗材在国外市场占有 率达40%,是仅仅理性消费意识?是兼 容耗材的品质达到了客户的认可程度。 如果,我们的兼容耗材也能做到客户满 意,低位质优的耗材客户何乐而不为之 呢?北京希美格公司的经理邢国英说, 兼容耗材产品质量稳定性差,是源于我 们一些做兼容耗材的企业,低质低价造 成,伪劣造成的,兼容耗材产品的价格 战最终是失去市场,失去人们的信认。 我们做事业一定要讲诚信,做诚信人, 办诚信事。邢经理要求公司员工一定要 把产品控制在性能稳定性范围内。不认

可的产品一定不出手,经过公司的反复 强调,2009年公司的产品质量得到了很 大的改进,市场占有率也得到了提高。 公司产品的质量是经理所看重的, 也是公司发展的保证。2008年前希美格 公司产品出现了种种质量问题,退货使 公司损失了几十万元,公司面临很大的 困难。当时这些产品以次品出售,公司 可能还可以挽回一定的损失,但是邢经 理认为,不能将损失强加在客户身上, 因此做出了对客户非常有利的决定,承 担起了08年前发出的产品所有退货损

失。于是公司总结教训,从零做起,一 步一个脚印的做事情。公司经2008年后 对产品进行了全部的清理、调整,在这 个基础上得到了很大的改善,严把产品 质量关,每一个生产环节都经过检测, 使产品质量稳定性增强了。通过全体员 工的不懈努力希美格的品牌又重新获 得了新生,得到了新老客户的认可及好 评,产品的信誉度又回来了。 通过这件事情,公司体会到了,兼 容耗材产品性能稳定与我们做事情的诚 恳度有关,要点点滴滴替客户着想,每 个配件的更换要负责任,这样才能使兼 容耗材的品质不断得到提高。兼容耗材 的品质稳定了,人们的消费观念也会随 之改善,如果每个企业全是这样做兼容 耗材产品,兼容耗材难道还不能占领中 国的市场吗? 希美格公司在2010年有信心在新一 个台阶上得到更快发展。


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中国文化办公设备制造行业 协会访问日本

我国经济好转为数字印刷 带来新机遇

Chinese Cultural Office Equipment Industry Association Pays a Visit to Japan

China Economic Recovery Brings New Opportunities to Digital Printing

中国文化办公设备制造行业协会理事长朱明凯、副理 事长兼秘书长马文彦、科技工作部主任冷欣新一行三人应日 本办公设备与信息系统工业协会的邀请于日前赴日本,与 JBMIA总部、环境委员会和国际委员会,以及照相机、复印 机、打印机生产企业的有关人员就办公设备发展状况及发展 方向,废弃办公设备回收再利用和再制造的技术,以及回收 再利用产业体系和相关政策等进行了交流和座谈,并参观和 考察了日本佳能公司守谷工厂多功能复印机处理和再制造项 目、日本柯尼卡美能达公司东京静电成像轻印刷工作站、日 本富士施乐铃鹿工厂复印机再制造项目、JBMIA札幌废弃办 公设备回收物流中心,以及日本尼康公司仙台高档照相机制 造工厂等。 这次访问是继2003年访问之后再次走访日本同行。时隔 7年,两国文化和办公设备产业格局和产品状况也发生了巨 大的变化,因此,这次活动对于加强中国文化办公设备制造 行业协会与日本对口协会的相互了解,加强与日本在华企业 的总部之间的沟通和了解,对于日本企业更清晰地了解中国 《国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见》和《中 国废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》等法律法规,对于 中国文化办公设备制造行业协会更好地完成工信部、中机联 布置的我国文化办公设备制造行业十二.五发展规划制定工 作,以及对于按发改委、环保部有关司局的要求,更好的执 行《废弃电器电子产品回收处理条例》,组织好废弃办公设 备回收再利用工作等都起到了积极的作用。

2009年,我国印刷业在经过了金融危机洗礼之后,已率 先迈开了发展的步伐。据印刷业相关人士预计,2010年印机 行业运行曲线将呈现稳步上升趋势。据机构预测,一季度居 民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨幅度或在2.3%左右,物价总体 仍呈温和上行趋势。一季度GDP同比增速可能超过11%,甚 至逼近12%。居民消费水平的回复,显示了我国经济大环境 的好转,为印刷业的转制发展,也带来了新的机遇。 鼓励吸引外商的投资,加速了我国印刷企业的洗牌旋 律,在我国淘汰落后产能的政策下,越来越多的中小型,污 染性企业将被淘汰。换言之,无污染、高技术、低耗碳、资 源循环利用的企业将得到人们的认可,逐步的发展起来。我 国的印刷业要适应发展大势,致力于企业的结构调整,技术 更新。力争增强研发新产品,新种类,新产值,成为发展中 主旋律。 数字化和网络化是今后印刷业技术发展的两个方向。数 字印刷给印刷业带来更多利润,这项新的技术在国内尚处萌 芽阶段。目前,数字印刷仅占国内印刷市场的百分之十四, 到2020年,全球大概会有百分之五十的印刷品会在数字印 刷机上生产。印刷业仍有无限的发展空间。此外,新的设备 和技术升级也给印刷业带来了新的生机,如碳粉印刷机的改 进,提高了设备的分辨率和自动化功能。大型喷墨印刷使印 刷品的图像更好,印刷速度更快。

HP涉嫌窃取墨盒生产企业商业机密遭诉 HP is Suspected of Stealing Trade Secrets of Inkjet Cartridges 据国外媒体报道,日前一家新泽西公司在曼哈顿联邦法 庭起诉惠普,指控其窃取和使用自己的商业秘密,以更换激 光打印机的墨盒,威胁到其生存。 这家名为Turbon国际的公司称,惠普曾在2008年12月答 应与其签署生产墨盒的合同,后来确实给了一些合同。但在 Turbon“有条不紊地披露各项业务的错综复杂细节”后,这 家世界上最大的个人电脑和打印机制造商在2010年1月后却 搁置了这些合同。 Turbon称,惠普在获得了对空打印机墨盒销售重要性的 “独特了解”后,进而要求客户不要回收墨盒破坏该业务。 诉讼书称:“惠普一直试打压Turbon,使Turbon的业务处 于危险中,惠普通过使用和披露Turbon商业秘密所采取的任



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何进一步行动,对公司都是致命的,并可能毁掉整个墨盒产 业。” Turbon公司位于在新泽西费城郊区的辛纳明森。根据该 公司网站,其是隶属于德国Turbon公司,后者2009年的销售 额为8590万欧元(约合1.029亿美元)。 这起诉讼指控惠普涉嫌欺诈、滥用商业秘密和不正当竞 争,要求法庭禁止惠普使用不当取得的商业机密,并做出赔 偿和其他补救措施。 对此,惠普并没有立即对此事发表评论。Turbon的律师 也拒绝透露诉讼情况,包括寻求的损失赔偿数额。


“真空加墨机”和“硒鼓加粉 机”进入云南市场

富士施乐开展生态系统 环保调查

"Vacuum Toner Filing Machine" and "Toner Cartridge Refilling Machine" Enter the Market in Yunnan Province

Fuji Xerox Conducts Survey to Develop Environmental Friendly Ecological Systems

近日,云南佳麦科技有限公司(以下简称“佳麦科技”) 将南京云苏科技有限公司研发的“真空加墨机”和“硒鼓加 粉机”带入云南市场,并开始在全省范围“招兵买马”,掀起 打印机换墨的“技术革新”。 近几年,王浩研发的“真空加墨机”和“硒鼓加粉机” 已进入市场成熟阶段,目前已覆盖了全国各省。王浩 2003 年 研发首台加墨机后,即时转化成商品投放了市场。2010 年“电 脑打印墨盒自动加墨机及加墨方法”获得了国家发明专利。 2010 年云南佳麦科技有限公司成为加墨机在云南的总代 理。总经理唐天伟说,电脑打印墨盒自动加墨机及加墨方法, 可以成为大学生创业的项目,经调研后就制定了一个 6000 元 起步的自主创业经营模式。 大学生的自主创业,是根据情况购买不同规格的加墨机, 第一年免除年费,第二年起每年缴纳 1000 元年费。创业者可 在人流量较大的路、街,租五平方米以上门面房,也可在电 脑打印耗材市场、电子产品市场或人流量较大的商场租一两 节柜台或场地经营该项目。“6000 元至 20000 元的成本即可 起步创业,在具体经营过程中,云南佳麦科技有限公司还可 以提供创业技术上的指导。 唐天伟表示,佳麦科技将在昆明每个区建立约 10 个换墨 直营店或连锁店,并在曲靖、玉溪大理、香格里拉等地州发展 加盟商。打印机换墨方法的变革也将同时在全省范围内铺开。

中国可能取代美国 成为最大纸张消费国 China May Replace the U.S. as World's Largest Paper Consumer 据对recylcing行业的研究报告显示,在未来数年内中国 可能取代世界上最大的纸张和纸板的消费国:美国,成为世 界第一。 投资公司Canaccord Adams的研究发现:中国对纸张 的人平均消费为30公斤,相比之下,美国人均消费为200公 斤,然而由于中国对纸张的人均消费数字一直处于增长中, 因而很有可能在未来的几年内,人均消费量可能超过美国。 该报告引述市场研究公司RISI公司从2010年到2013年纸 和纸板的市场的调研数字显示,中国对纸张的人均消费数字 保持了每年3%的年增长率。 而其中约四分之三将来自于包 装的增长。 报告的数字还显示,2009年中国出售了近三亿 九千一百万吨的非回收的纸和纸板,但预计将另有215万吨再 生纸产品在同一年出售。

近期,富士施乐从日本的生产基地开始,进行为期两个月 的生态环境调查,以评估是否存在破坏生态系统的潜在风险。 具体的调查项目包括:噪音 / 废水的现状以及其处理方式 ; 生 产基地是否了解厂内及厂区周围存在潜在破坏生物多样性的情 况,以及基地内种植了哪些植物。一旦发现任何风险,富士施 乐将立即采取应对措施。依据调查结果,每个生产基地将设定 管理指标,并在环境管理体系 (EMS) 列表中予以体现。 富士施乐启动这个调查工作,旨在保护生物多样性。该 计划首先在其位于日本 ( 三重县、新泻、富山、神奈川 ) 的五 大制造中心实施,随后将推广到海外 ( 中国和泰国 ) 的四大生 产基地。富士施乐计划于 2010 财年末完成该项调查,并制定 出发展和实施计划,继而从下一年度开始,将保护生物多样 性工作纳入到每个生产基地的环境管理体系 (EMS) 中。 富士施乐从保护生态系统和生物多样性的角度出发,对 公司整体业务活动给环境带来的影响进行了重新审视。根据 与业务的关联度,富士施乐确定了减少环境影响活动的优先 度,并决定首先对其生产基地进行详尽的调查,以审视其在 土地使用过程中对生态系统和生物多样性带来的影响。 观察这些生物的年代变化,并与当地的非盈利组织合作, 共同推进生物保护。此外,作为社会活动项目的一部分,富 士施乐鼓励员工关注当地生态系统,并积极深化与当地社区 合作伙伴的关系,共同为环境保护活动做出贡献。 迄今为止,富士施乐已开展了各种保护生态系统和生物 多样性的主题活动。例如,富士施乐遵循《纸张采购环境、 健康和安全条例》,在采购纸张时注意保护生物多样性,要求 复印纸供应商遵守法律,防止在伐木作业时破坏生态系统和 影响当地居民。2007 年,公司针对零部件供应商推出了 CSR 采购,通过在供应商指导手册中强调保护大自然的重要性, 提高了供应商对生物多样性的关注。除了开展与业务直接相 关的环保活动,富士施乐还一直通过社会活动项目,激发公 司员工对生物多样性的关注:例如,参加保护日本里山的活动, 在山坡上开发耕地 ; 以及与日本的大自然保护协会组成合作伙 伴, 组 织 讲 习 班以培养自然 保护教育工作 者。2009 年 富 士施乐推出了 以保护生物多 样性为主题的 “同一公司,同 一行动”的活 动,在全公司范围内努力推广环境保护。


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废弃电器电子产品处理基金 课题研讨会在北京举行

方正激光打印机中标 北京市教育系统采购项目

"How to Fund and Manage Electronic Waste" Discussion Held in Beijing

Beijing FanZheng Wins Bid to Supply Laser Printer to Beijing Education Department

近日,受国家环保部委托,由国家发展和改革委员会产 业经济与技术经济研究所组织在北京国宏宾馆召开了废弃电

近日,在北京市教育系统打印机采购项目的公开竞标 中,方正激光打印机文杰 A321 突破国际品牌重围,一举获 得 2000 多台大单。此次竞标获胜,是方正科技外设数码事业 部历经半年跟踪努力取得的重大成果,再一次证实了方正科 技在国产激光打印机领域内的领先地位。 针对教育系统对打印机的特殊需求,方正科技外设数码 事业部配合用户一起开发制定了能够满足客户需求的解决方 案,在竞标过程中起到了决胜作用。用户需要打印大量的 A3 幅面纸张应用于教学的各个环节之中,以及学生毕业证的打 印。这些应用大多是非标准的纸张,不仅纸型不一,厚度也 参差不齐。方正科技外设数码事业部依靠自身产品的实力, 为用户提供了全新的 A3 幅面打印方案,独立完成了此次竞标, 不仅得到了教育系统对方正多字体激光打印机的一致认可, 并且大大提升了销售业绩,成绩喜人。 此次竞标成 功的打印机文杰 A321 是 一 款 专 为现代化办公设 计 的 产 品, 它 以 卓 越 的 性 能、 可 靠 的 表 现、 广 泛 的 兼 容 性、 较 强 的 易 用 性、 较 低 的整体使用成本 在众多竞争对手中脱颖而出。这款打印机具备八大强劲功能, 可以满足教育系统用机的各种需求,获得了采购方的一致认 可。首先,它可以保证每分钟 21 页 A4 纸张的打印速度,使 工作效率得到显著提高 ; 另外,文杰 A321 等待时间短、输出 精度高,让用户可以迅速得到满意的输出结果 ; 值得一提的 是,文杰 A321 结构设计牢固,质量有保障 ; 它还支持多接口 打印,可以轻松融入办公系统 ; 文杰 A321 还简化了复杂的面 板操作,降低了使用难度 ; 文杰 A321 的硒鼓采用了鼓粉一体 设计,更换方便 ; 它还具有低耗电模式,电能消耗少于 15 瓦 ; 而且,文杰 A321 还随机标配了方正自主研发的 123 款中文 办公字库,满足用户各种输出要求。 在竞标过程中,方方正激光打印机依托其强有力的竞争 力,秉承“以客户为中心”的服务理念,处处为客户着想, 为客户解决切实难题,从而得到了客户的信任和支持,一举 获胜。方正科技的中标,不仅使销售业绩上了一个新台阶, 更在教育系统内提升了方正打印机的知名度和美誉度,为企 业创造利润空间的同时,也大大鼓舞了士气。在此次中标的 推动下,方正科技外设数码事业部将再接再厉,锐意进取, 不断创造佳绩 !

器电子产品处理基金课题研讨会。 会议第一个阶段是课题汇报阶段。先由废弃电器电子产 品回收处理基金课题组负责人,国家发改委产业研究所许江 萍博士报告课题研究成果,并提出对回收处理基金政策取向 的建议。各子课题负责人也分别介绍了各自的研究结果及其 建议。 这次会议真正实现了充分讨论,广泛听取各方意见,为 进一步完善研究成果提供了基本保证;参会企业有机会与该 课题有关的各部委官员面对面进行讨论,特别是,各部委官 员逐一发表见解和意见,不仅增进了企业与政府管理机构之 间的沟通和了解,也使参会者对基金征收范围、征收和补贴 水平、管理权限划分及监管权限模式等确定方式方法等内容 有了更准确的认识和深度了解。 中国文化办公设备制造行业协会冷欣新、王立群出席会 议,并代表办公设备子课题组向大会作研究报告,发表了子 课题对复印机和打印机回收处理的意见,特别强调了本行业 和企业产品生产、销售和服务的特点,提出了处理复印机和 打印机应特别关注再制造的建议。 废弃电器电子产品处理基金课题由国家环保部会同国家 发改委、财政部等部位委托中国科技投资杂志社牵头,由相 关行业协会、大学和研究机构组成课题组,开展废弃电器电 子产品处理基金开展研究,目的在于为废弃电器电子产品回 收处理基金在管理模式、基金正式渠道及征收水平、基金使 用方式等一系列问题上面提出符合我国国情而且具有可操作 的政策建议。由于,此类产品牵涉到生产、消费、流通的各 个环节,不仅涉及到生产者和消费者利益,又涉及到废弃物 回收者、处理者之间的利益,因此以合理保护环境为前提, 平衡各个主体利益的是需要解决的关键。课题研究将以国务 院 2009 年 2 月颁布的,将于 2011 年 1 月 1 日起实施的《废 弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》为依据,提出废弃电器 电子产品回收处理基金的实施方案。



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喷墨打印头清洗小窍门 Inkjet Print Head Cleaning Tips EPSON打印机所有产品都采用了喷头与墨盒分离的设计 方式,使用压电式喷头,在喷墨时没有加热的过程,也就是 “冷喷”。这种设备设计非常精密,尤其是喷嘴部分。而且 EPSON的墨水是“快干式”的,所以长期闲置很容易造成打 印头的喷嘴被塞住。 常规的解决方法是使用驱动程序中的“清洗”功能, 但该功能是用墨水冲刷喷嘴来实现的,而墨水的成本很高, 因此浪费很严重。所以这里向大家介绍一个小技巧来清洗喷 头。 思路是这样的:喷嘴被塞住的原因主要有两个,一个是 长时间不用打印机,墨水在喷嘴里水分挥发掉,变成干涸的 墨粉,塞在喷嘴里。另一个是灌装的墨水和原来的墨水混合 后由于胶体带电不同而产生中和,形成沉淀塞住喷嘴,这种 情况对黑色墨水来说最容易发生。如果我们让长时间不使用 时喷嘴里没有墨水,以及在灌装新的墨水之前,让打印机里 没有原来的墨水,问题就解决了。 实现方法:首先要自制一个清洗墨盒:找几个墨水用完 的墨盒(看你的打印机同时用几个墨盒),把它撬开,取出里面 的泡沫,找一块相近大小的泡沫(找不到用原来的也行,不过 要清洗干净),把它和空墨盒一起放到清水中清洗(可用纯净 水来做,最好先浸泡一段时间)。清洗完后,让泡沫吸足纯净 水,装回空墨盒。一个清洗墨盒就做好了。 使用很简单:把打印机上现有的墨盒取下,装上清选墨 盒,用打印机的清洗喷嘴功能,多次清洗打印头。也可用打 印一幅各种颜色都有的图片,打到看不出任何颜色的时候, 喷嘴就清洗好了。 我们适时地应用 上面这个方法。一是 在你长时间不用之前 (或者每天下班前), 二是在你更换墨盒或 灌装墨水前。 现在CANON最 新的S系列打印机也 采用了这种喷头与墨 盒分离的技术。仍可 以依法炮制,防止喷 嘴被堵塞。此外,最 好不要使用重灌墨的 方法来节约成本,劣质的墨水很容易造成喷嘴堵塞。

OKI正式承诺加入联合国 “全球合约”组织 OKI Participates in United Nations Global Compact 冲电气近日对外宣布正式加入联合国“全球合约”组 织。冲电气支持该组织提倡的人权、劳工、环境、防腐败等 10项基本原则,积极开展活动实现企业社会责任,进一步推 动作为一个全球企业的责任经营体制。 “全球合约”由前联合国秘书长科菲·安南在1999年1月 对世界经济论坛的发言中首次提出, 其行动阶段于2000年7月 在纽约联合国总部正式启动。加盟该组织的各团体联合起来构 筑世界规模的组织机构,通过自愿支持人权·劳工·环境·防 腐败等10项普遍原则实现可持续性发展。截至2010年3月共有 138个国家的8000家企业团体加入该组织。 冲电气的企业理念为“冲电气(OKI)以"进取的精神",为信 息社会发展提供产品,为实现世界各国人民的幸福、美满生活 作贡献!”,这也是冲电气开展企业社会责任活动的根本。为 了在该企业理念的基础上充分发挥企业社会责任,集团旗下所 有企业达成共同价值观,制定“冲电气集团企业行动宪章”和 制约各董事及员工行为的“冲电气集团行动规范”。通过各种 实践活动充分发挥集团整体的企业社会责任。 据悉,通过加入联合国“全球合约”,冲电气将进一步 加强开展各项活动,做好一个全球企业应该发挥的企业社会责 任,为建设可持续发展社会作出更大贡献。


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珠海举办第二期耗材新产品 /新技术推介会

天威耗材中标黑龙江省、 西安市政府采购

Zhuhai Holds Second Promotion Meeting for the Latest New Consumables Products

PrintRite Wins Successful Government Procurement Bid for Both Heilongjiang Province and Xi'an City

目前,我国打印耗材政府采购市场每年几百亿的采购, 近期,天威耗材一举中标西安市 2010 年市级单位耗材政 多年来一直被原装厂商所占领,今天这道大门对国内兼容 府采购项目,天威投标的黑龙江省 2010 年行政机关及事业单 耗材企业在逐步开放。自2009年5月珠海市耗材行业协会和 位耗材采购及服务项目,也中标黑龙江省耗材政采项目。 《中国财经报》等一起召开全国政府采购研讨会以来,在各 据悉,陕西省会西安市首次对兼容耗材实施分包采购, 方的推动下,全国政府采购打印耗材被原装厂商垄断的坚冰 西北五省仅有甘肃、陕西两省对打印耗材实施分包采购,而 正在被逐步打破。 天威不仅两省皆中标,也是陕西省自分包采购后连续两年的 为了让行业和用户单位进一步了解珠海耗材政府采购和 中标品牌。 产业、企业的情况,珠海市耗材行业协会再次推出“2010年 与其它政采项目不同的是,作为西安市中标耗材品牌, 第二期耗材新产品/新技术推介会——政府采购专题会议”, 天威耗材经过采购人的书面确认,表明天威品牌不仅是评标 由珠海市耗材行业协会主办,珠海市政府采购中心、珠海市 专家青睐的品牌,也受到政府使用者的认可与欢迎。 科技工贸和信息化局和中国计算机行业协会协办。会议将基 黑龙江省在东北三省中是首家分包采购打印耗材,并开 于珠海市在政府采购方面积极探索和在耗材政府采购工作方 创全国委托第三方机构对投标人信用等级进行评审的先河。 面取得的成功经验,总结、介绍在采购方法、规范、过程、 经过黑龙江社会信用评估办公室委托机构的评估,确定了前 标准等要求,以推动我市耗材政府采购工作在现有取得成绩 期投标中标的结果。天威在黑龙江省的中标,不仅是政府对 的基础上,使采购执行中兼容耗材比例和销售量得到大幅度 天威产品的认可,也是政府对天威企业实力及社会信用的认 提升,同时使全国各地政府采购部门借鉴、参考珠海的经 可。 验,推动兼容耗材在全国进入政府采购的速度和比例。 天威在东北、华北、西北、华东、华南近 20 省市的政府 市政府采购中心将就前期政府采购的情况及采购流程、 采购项目中取得了丰硕的成果,天威国内销售公司泛凌获“AA 要求、标准等作介绍。会议将邀请珠海市纳入财政政府采购 (信用极好)”的信用评定,表明天威品牌正健步进入全国政 体系的各部委办局各职能部门的采购负责人亲临会议现场, 采市场,这是政府使用者和天威公司的双赢,天威会通过政 听取、了解我市政府采购耗材中标企业和行业代表企业对行 采市场的应用,为助建节约型绿色政府作出贡献。 业、企业和产品的介绍,使中标企业、代表企业和政府采购 官员及政府各部门采购负责人面对面交流、沟通、演示。

“天威杯”耗材专利大赛再次开赛 "PrintRite Cup" Again Starts Its Consumables Patent Competition 近日,被誉为中国打印耗材行业创新领域的“奥斯卡” 大赛的“天威杯”打印耗材创新设计与专利大赛,正式拉开 帷幕,面向全国征集打印耗材专利与创新设计 / 创意的优秀作 品。 本次大赛以“尊重知识产权、推动自主创新、共赢绿色 经济”为宗旨,除继续前三届设置专利与创意两类奖项的传 统外,前期还将走进高校,全国巡回宣讲“打印耗材与创新”, 在推广大赛同时,让更多学子及民众了解兼容耗材行业技术 创新与发展成就。 “天威杯”打印耗材创新设计与专利大赛,自 2007 年起 持续举办,迄今已是第四届。四年来,大赛通过政府、行业 协会及企业间的联动,不仅展示了中国兼容耗材行业技术创 新和知识产权的成绩,而且对兼容耗材行业提高自主知识产 权意识、加快技术创新步伐、公平参加全球竞争起到了积极



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的推动作用,权威数据显示,自大赛举办至今,中国耗材行 业专利整体数量翻了一番,有上百家耗材企业、数千名耗材 界人士参与其中。 目前大赛校园宣讲活动及作品征集已同期启动,广大的 业界人士、学子和消费者都可积极参与。2010 第四届“天威杯” 打印耗材创新设计与专利大赛详细活动规则及要求,请参阅 珠海市耗材行业协会网站 发布的大赛 通知。评奖范围及参赛作品征集信息如下: 评奖范围及内容包括: 1. 专利:获得授权的专利或已经申请专利的创新设计。 2. 创意:关于兼容打印耗材行业发展、营销和产品创新 等方面的创意。



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