Recharge Asia Magazine September 2011

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目 录 15 Message from the Publisher 81 卷首语 FEATURE ARTICLES


Thank You OEM 对原装厂家说谢谢


Can OEMs and Non-OEMs Peacefully Co-exist? By Adam Haigh


The Future of the Toner Industry in China, India, and other By Graham J. Galliford Asian and Emerging Economies 中国、印度以及亚洲其他经济发展中国家墨粉行业的未来


通用耗材的出路在“创新” "Innovation" is the Only Way out for Continued Growth


By 梁爽 陈昂 批量集中采购牵动打印市场神经 Centralized Bulk Procurement Affects Printing Market Nerves

SHOW TIME (AIF & RechargExpo 2011)


ITC Decides To Review In Part Initial Determination in Certain Ink Cartridges with Printheads 美国国际贸易委员会决定重新审查部分打印头专利纠纷判决 Lyra's New Forecast Report Shows Steady Growth for SingleFunction Color Laser Printers Lyra 的行业研究调查报告显示彩色激光打印机将持续增长


Western European Photo Merchandise Market to Rise to 212 Million Units by 2015 西欧影像照排市场 2015 年将上升至 2.12 亿单位







陶瓷喷墨打印技术的发展方向 Ceramic Inkjet Printing Technology Development


中国再制造产业:在标准缺失中蹒跚起步 China Remanufacturing Industry: Staggered Start Facing the Lack of Standard


An Outline for the Successful Email Marketing of Any By Curt Keller Business 对于任何商务领域都适用的电子邮件营销宝典 浅析光墨打印潜在巨大商业价值 A Brief Analysis on the Potential Commercial Value for Laser Printing


日本办公打印市场动荡 Office Printing Market Turmoil in Japan


大墨仓,能否扮演喷墨耗材市场颠覆者 Large Format Ink-tank Can Take Part in Inkjet Supplies' Market



我国云计算产业发展存在的六个问题 Six Issues Exist in China's Cloud Printing Development


OEM 聚焦


HP Announces Acquisition of Autonomy and Refocus on Business Services, Software and Printing 惠普宣布将专注于数码打印,软件研发和企业商务服务领域


Canon U.S.A. Enhances Creativity with New PIXMA Printers 佳能美国创新推出 PIXMA 新型打印机


How to Choose the Best Photo Printers 如何选择最佳的相片打印机


Samsung Launches Budget and Eco-friendly ML-4510/501X Series Mono Laser Printers in UAE 三星在阿联酋发布低成本节能 ML-4510/501X 型激光打印机


New Epson Artisan All-in-One Printers Deliver Superior Performance and Image Quality in Sleek, Midnight Blue Design 新型爱普生一体机能够提供卓越的性能和图像品质


High Impact Printing with a Low Impact on the Environment 高效环保打印日益兴起


2011 上半年六款激光打印机实力横评 Six Laser Printer Brands Weigh its Strength in First Half of 2011


联想 M7400 全能一体机提速 70% Lenovo M7400 Multi-function Device Offers 70% Higher Speed with Low- Carbon


三星打印全系列新品西部大区发布会召开 Samsun's Full Range of New Printing Press Conference To Be Held in Western Region




OEMs Seek Competitive Advantage in India 原装厂家寻求在印度市场的竞争优势


Everyone Comments on RechargExpo in Indonesia

总第 089 期

38 By Ronelle Ingram


2011 年 9 月




28 88



佳能彩激全新登场 Canon Releases the New Color Laser Printers


Tel 1-626-309-0858 Fax 1-626-309-0878




Remanufacturing the Brother HL 3040 Series Toner Cartridges and TN-210 Color Toner Cartridges By Mike Josiah

兄弟 HL 3040 成像卡盒以及 TN-210 彩色成像卡盒再生


喷墨打印机典型故障案例解析 Analysis of Inkjet Printer's Error


激光打印机炭粉的通用性 Versatility of Laser Printer Toner



艾派克推出佳能三代多倍容量及连供芯片 Apex Releases New Chips for Canon


天津优胜检测设备助您提高再生墨盒的品质和生产效率 Tianjing Yousheng Test Machine Helps Customers Maximize Remanufactured Cartridge's Quality and Efficiency


States SymbioPrint® 成为美国首家全球销售生物碳粉企业

ECi OMD and Katun Corporation Integrate PSN Function: Integration Will Fully Automate Purchase Order Process ECi OMD 和 Katun 公司整合以优化订单采购流程


Clover Acquires Leading European Remanufacturer Clover 成为欧洲再制造行业领军企业


The Biggest Color Toner Powder Production Base of Central China Holds a Grand Cornerstone Laying Ceremony in Wuhan 华北地区最大的墨粉生产基地落户武汉


Future Graphics Welcomes Mr. Benny Chu Future Graphics 欢迎 Mr. Benny Chu 的加入


OCP Signs Contract with New Distribution Partner: SeneOCP Sarl OCP 签署了新一个的分销协议:Sene-OCP Sarl

美研制出新型“墨水”可打印太阳能光伏电池 US Develops New Type of "Ink" to Print Solar Cells


莱盛南通地区经销商技术交流会隆重举行 Beijing Laser Holds Sales and Technical Seminar among Distributor at Nantou District 一种喷墨行业用有机溶剂在美国将被限制 One Kind of Organic Solvents is to be Limited in US Market.


办公外设产品无货或停销现象严重 Office Peripheral Products Are in Serious Shortage 高盛将利盟国际股票的评级降至“卖出” Goldman Sachs Downgrades Lexmark Stock to "Sell"




Color Imaging Introduces Compatible Color Toner Cartridges Toshiba e-STUDIO MFPs Color Imaging 推出东芝 e-STUDIO 文印系统系列彩色兼容产品


ILG Releases Compatible Color Cartridges for HP CE740 Series ILG 公司发布惠普 CE740 彩色再生成像卡盒


Static Control Releases New Odyssey Doctor Blade for HP 3800/3600/3000 and CP3505 Cartridges SCC 公司推出新型惠普 3800/3600/3000 and CP3505 成像卡 盒刮刀

苹果新专利取消打印机驱动 Apple's New Patent to Cancel the Printer Driver 德国打印机或将交版权补偿费 Printer Made in Germany to Pay for Copyright

珠海图讯科技发展有限公司与泰州市政府签定投资协议 Zhuhai Imagecomm Signs Investment Agreement with Taizhou City



施乐将拓展拉丁美洲和英国市场 Xerox Will Expand its Market to Latin America and UK 油墨厂纷纷转战喷墨墨水市场 Oil Ink Factory Moves to Inkjet Ink Market

SymbioPrint® to Sell World's First Biotoner in the United






Tel 86-10-5126-5580 Fax 86-10-5885-8747

富美硒鼓喜获国家再制造产品认证 Forever's Remanufactured Cartridge Receives National Certification




中国文办协会办公耗材与配件专委会理事长扩大会议暨墨粉市 场分析会在广州举行 Toner Market Analysis Conference to be Held in GuangZhuo by Chinese Culture Association of Office Supplies and Office Accessories 南屏成为广东省打印装备及耗材技能创新专业镇 Nanping Becomes Innovative Town for Printer Equipment and Supplies from Guangdong Province 天威飞马顺利通过首届“珠海市市长质量奖”材料评审 Print-rite Passes the Material Assessments of the "First Quality Award by the Mayor of Zhuhai"


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 11



Editor’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to

Ronelle Ingram

Ronelle Ingram VP of Technical Support for Steven Enterprises Ronelle Ingram is a writer, speaker, author of Service with a Smile and is a regular columnist for copier and imaging industry publications, like Recharge Asia. She began her technical career as a tool-case-carrying copier service tech. She is VP of

Technical Support of Steven Enterprises in Irvine, California. Ronelle is past President of the Business Technology Association. A UCLA graduate, Ronelle has taught thousands of office equipment professionals throughout the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. Ms Ingram’s greatest credential is her 40+ years of hands-on experience of managing very profitable service and telemarketing departments.

Read her article “Thank You OEM” P16

Adam Haigh

Adam Haigh Editor, Castle Ink Adam Haigh, Web Editor at Castle Ink has been blogging about printers, ink and related technologies since 2009. He has

conducted interviews with executives from leading companies such as HP, Dell, Memjet, Xerox, and Samsung. When he is not

blogging about ink, he can be found on Twitter @Castle Ink where the company provides advice about printer and ink purchases as well as technical support for other users.

Read his article “Can OEMs and Non-OEMs Peacefully Co-exist?” P19

Graham J. Galliford

Graham J. Galliford President, Galliford Consulting & Marketing, Ventura, California, USA Mr. Graham J. Galliford is a world-renowned consultant to the imaging industry. Galliford Consulting & Marketing, a technocommercial consulting business concerning toner based imaging processes. The particular emphasis of the firm is on digital printing with electrostatic toner. Operating from a unique facility for R&D on digital materials the firm has completed many projects concerning the formulation, manufacture, application and marketing of these products.

Read his article “The Future of the Toner Industry in China, India and other Asian and Emerging Economies” P22

Sanjeev Mahajan

Sanjeev Mahajan Vice President, Marketing and Exports, NAND ipl Gurgaon, India A 25-year veteran of the imaging business in India and South Asia, Sanjeev Mahajan is an independent industry consultant. He

has held senior marketing positions with Static Control Components, Katun Corporation, Ricoh India, Xerox, and Eastman

Kodak. His experience encompasses: general management and company operations, including start-up and turn around skills. His career includes direct experience in marketing, sales, exports, imports, channel management, and corporate planning. Among his achievements, he: contributed to the establishment of a major market in India for Static Control; established international trading operations for Katun Corporation from Singapore to South Asia; handled national marketing functions as the Controller of Ricoh India, Ltd. ; developed long term market plans for Xerox ModiCorp Ltd.; and, built sales of microfilm based systems for Kodak India, Ltd.

Mr. Mahajan holds a bachelor of science (BSc) degree from Bangalore University (1981) and a masters in business administration (MBA) from Panjab University in Chandigarh (1983). He can be contacted at ( Read his article “OEMs Seek Competitive Advantage in India” P38





Curt Keller

Curt Keller CEO and founder of Benchmark Email Curt Keller is CEO and founder of one of the world’s leading, Web-based email marketing services, Benchmark Email. While Benchmark’s client base ranges from work-at-home travel agents to large, multinational companies, Keller remains fiercely

dedicated to addressing the email and online marketing challenges facing small and mid-sized businesses. A pioneer in the realm of permission-based marketing, Keller started Benchmark Email in early 2004 and quickly grew the Southern California-

based company from a three-person operation to a major International player with services for people in India, China, South America, Germany and Japan. Benchmark currently remains a member of two of the industry’s most exclusive consortium, the Email Sender & Provider Coalition and A vocal advocate for good, industry-wide email marketing practices and standards, Keller is a regular blogger for and Read his article “An Outline for the Successful Email Marketing of Any Business” p35

Mike Josiah

Mike Josiah Technical Director of Summit Technologies Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and

other toner remanufacturing components. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide.

Read his article “Remanufacturing the Brother HL 3040 Series Toner Cartridges and TN-210 Color Toner Cartridges” p60


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 13






Message from the Publisher Dear Readers: Wow. It seems like there is a lot happening in the news these days. Steve Jobs’ departure from Apple, Inc. and the depressed economy forcing American Printer magazine to cease publication after a whopping 128 years and switch to an entirely digital media form are but two of the recent headlines to grab my attention. I cannot help but think about these changes and others that I have eventually witnessed. I am reminded of how we all must ride along with the waves of change, willingly or unwillingly, in both our life and in our business. The best surfer knows that the best way to smoothly ride any wave is to first learn the skills needed to adapt to the curves of the unpredictable. We have to accept that this same principle applies to our business. Jack Welch once stated, “an organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. And willingness to change is truly a strength”. My question is to you is this: Is your organization sufficiently adaptable to change? Learning is the best way to understand change. Adapting to the change and acting upon it is to take charge of the changes you face. Arm yourself with the information we bring to you here. And may the changes you encounter bring you unimagined rewards. With this in mind, we have once again compiled an issue full of knowledge. This month, you will learn about the OEMs and, in particular, strategies that you cannot afford to ignore. Be sure to read the following features: Ronelle Ingram’s “Thank You OEM” on p. 16; Adam Haigh’s “Can OEMs and Non-OEMs Peacefully Co-exist?” on p.19; Sanjeev Mahajan’s “OEMs Seek Competitive Advantage in India” on p. 38; and Graham J. Galliford’s “The Future of the Toner Industry in China, India, and other Asian and Emerging Economies” on p. 22.

Happy reading,

Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 15


Ronelle Ingram is a writer, speaker, author of “Service With A Smile” and is a regular columnist for copier and imaging industry publications, including Recharge Asia Magazine. She began her technical career as a tool-case-carrying copier service tech. She is VP of Technical Support of Steven Enterprises in Irvine, California. Ronelle is past President of the Business Technology Association. A UCLA graduate, Ronelle has taught thousands of office equipment professionals throughout the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. Ms Ingram’s greatest credential is her 40+ years of handson experience of managing very prof itable service and telemarketing departments. For more information, you may contact Ms. Ingram at or 714.744.9032

Thank You OEM By Ronelle Ingram The competition between the Original Equipment Manufacturer (“OEM”) and those who actively remanufacture and sell compatible supply products has been going on for the past 25 years. The animosity has intensified over the years. The OEMs have used various methods in and out of the judicial system to try to discourage the remanufacturers from reusing the OEM’s products or making there own products. Prebates, small containers sold inexpensively, chips, caps, molds, litigation, and public threats have all been part of the OEM’s hopes to quash the compatible makers. These efforts have only made the remanufacturers a stronger, more highly technical, united force against the OEMs. Today both the OEMs and the compatible makers are surviving in a down economy. Each has learned to deal with the adversities caused by the other. When looking at the big picture, the compatible makers owe the OEMs a great deal of appreciation. Without the OEM there would be no after market. The OEM can exist without the remanufacturers. The compatibles makers can not exist without the OEM. Rather than thinking of the OEMs as the enemy of remanufacturing industry, maybe it is time to say Thank You. If it were not for their inefficiencies and profit minded pricing, most of us who make our livings in the compatible supply industry would be working somewhere else. From the very beginning the remanufacturer looked to the OEM for their foundation. In the early years of the industry, the OEM’s taught the future leaders and workers in the compatibles industry the basic fundamentals of the manufacturing process. When looking at an applicant’s resume, having worked for an OEM is a definite advantage. Even today, many of the industry’s finest staff members worked for the OEMs at one time in their career. The OEM has always been the central point of reference for the remanufacturers. They have shown them what should be done, what must be done and what can’t be done. They have forced the recharger 16



to be creative, precise and persistent. Originally the goal of the nonOEM supply makers was to be just good enough to get by. Through the years, however, the compatible makers have become a force of their own; creating superior products that are equal to or even better than the OEM’s quality and yield. Before the compatibles makers feel too superior, consider the other items the OEM must contend with, in addition to making the supplies. The size and scope of the OEM is enormous. There are stock holders, bank loans, legal patents, licensing, accounting, human relations, financial people, sales and service, research and development, raw material acquisition, testing, manufacturing, quality control, random after-production re-testing, marketing, advertising, distributors, logistics, technical hot line, warranty return, personnel training, and brick and mortar locations around the world. There are needs for creating diverse products that are compatible with different worldwide electrical standards. They must pay for lobbyist or advisors in various regions of the world to work with specific import and export regulations, taxes, labor laws, regional graft and bribes, currency conversion requirement that differ from county to county. The OEM is responsible for creating the hardware, supplies and lifetime sales and support of thousands of different items. Take a look at any OEM’s Web site, for example. Many start with an image of the world. The viewer must make a dozen clicks, navigating through hundreds of options, before arriving at a page that offers their printer supply information. Each one of these listed options cost the OEM hundreds of thousands of dollars. Their business plan shows that the profits on supply sales are responsible for paying for many of these seemingly unrelated costs. The small, single-use disposable laser or inkjet cartridge has an enormous responsibility for the OEM’s overall profitability. No matter how large and sophisticated your compatibles



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 17


Thank You OEM

By Ronelle Ingram


operation is; it is dwarfed by the complexity of a major OEM’s operation. In any case, it is the sale of cartridges that finances a great deal of the cost of the people, places, profits, raw material, manufacturing, distribution, and other business expenses of the office equipment OEM. The aftermarket remanufacturers have an immediate head start to make their products more profitable than the OEM. They can pick and choose which items they will offer to sale. This is done with 20/20 hindsight knowing which products have the greatest opportunity for profitability. The OEM works off of projected sales. The remanufacturing has actual sales figures and number of buyer’s requests. If a product is too difficult to remanufacture or the requests are not enough to warrant investment in the production, it does not have to be offered. Further, the OEM’s openly admit that hardware is no longer an automatic moneymaker. The goal of making the hardware is to create a stream of future profits from ongoing supply sales. It is the old adage of giving away the razors so the blades will be purchased in the future. The cheaper the hardware, the greater the opportunity that the end-user/buyer will be a value added consumer. The user who buys an inexpensive printer is most likely to purchase lower priced compatible supplies. Many believe that all the compatibles makers must do is pickup the business of one-third pf the most




economical buyers of the OEMs products. For those living in North America, the sale of compatible products has enabled office equipment supply manufacturers to open and grow their manufacturing plants in the USA, Canada and Mexico. These range from local basic refillers to massive business complexes remanufacturing thousands of units per day. Whether large or small, in totality, thousands of North American workers are adding to their local economy by working in the compatibles industry. Additionally, many North American users are loyal to domestic manufacturers. The fear of 3rd party litigation has driven them to insist on only using US manufactured products made with virgin empties. Many enterprise-level buyers require non-OEM sellers to provide intellectual property, copy write and patent indemnification. Many OEMs have made a public declaration for users to help maintain earth’s sustainability through recycling supply cartridges.

This is a double edged sword for the remanufacturers. Many OEMs recycle their products by shredding the empties before dumping them into landfills. Others boast of creative methods of recycling including park benches or creating habitats for ocean fish. The immediate goal is to keep them away from remanufactures. The challenges of obtaining quality virgin cartridges continue to increase. The OEMs succeeding in gathering and removing from the remanufacturing channel thousands of cartridges each day.


The awareness and vigilance of retrieval of empty cartridges is intensifying. The OEMs have spent millions of dollars teaching their users that there is a genuine need and ecological responsibility to recycle empty inkjet and laser cartridges. Without the push and marketing dollars from the OEMs, the need for a cash market for empties would not have been commonly know by the general population. Yea again the OEM is directly paying for the needs of the nonOEM remanufacturers. The popularity of Management Print Services has been a mixed blessing to the OEM and remanufacturers of compatible supplies. As a positive to the compatibles maker; most equipment being serviced under MPS agreements are using compatible supplies. For the first time, enterprise level Fortune 1000 businesses are openly embracing the use of compatibles in their monochrome and color printers as well as in many of their copiers. On the negative side; the goal of MPS is to reduce the over all making of prints by 20%30%. This is accomplished by migrating formerly printed pages to scanned document storage. Additionally, formerly printed pages are now being sent to copy machines which have a lower cost per page than printers. MPS has reduced overall prints; while increasing the acceptance and use of the compatible supplies. In 2009, the worldwide recession appears to have caused the OEM to stop introducing new printer models and technology to the market. This coincided with a downturn in the purchasing of newer, faster and better printing equipment. The aging installed base has been kept in place. In some legacy equipment modules, the use of compatible supplies has increased to over 50% of the market share. The 13 year old HP 4000 is still ranked as one of the most purchased compatible cartridges. The empties for the HP4200 have doubled and tripled in price over the past 2 years. Prior to the economic downturn, the HP4200 was on a downward usage cycle. MPS is also replacing the client’s odd ball equipment with used,

reliable printing equipment that requires similar cartridges. This allows the MPS dealer to stock smaller inventories at the client’s location. The need for compatible cartridges for some legacy printers is exceeding over 50% of market share. Many compatible manufacturers believe it is healthier for the compatible industry to never exceed over 35-40% market share of any one model, due to the difficulties in obtaining quality virgin empties. The downturn in the economy encourages the buying of lower priced compatibles. A new segment of the buying public has become comfortable using non-OEM products. As the worldwide recession continues; users have become accustomed to the use of compatibles. Monetary instability is very good for the compatibles business. In 2009, usage increased 2-3%. Many feel it may not be desirable or possible for the compatible monochrome market share to consistently increase over 35% on the US market. This is caused by the lack of available virgin empties on popular legacy and newto-market products. There is still enormous ability for growth on the color side which remains below 10%. In sum, the OEM has created the basis for the compatibles market. They continue to provide the hardware that is required for the use of remanufactured products. The OEM’s current success is a direct reflection of the compatibles maker’s future success. The quality of the OEM products reflect directly on the public’s expectations of the quality of the aftermarket products. As the OEM’s overhead increases and their shareholders demand higher profits and dividends; the cost of their supplies will increase. This opens the door; to those manufacturers and remanufacturers who price their products on a sliding scale set by a percentage off the OEM’s retail, to increased prices and profitability. Now is the time to smile at the competition and say “Thank You” to the OEMs for creating enormous opportunities for the compatible supplies market.

Can OEMs and Non-OEMs Peacefully Co-exist? By Adam Haigh, Editor, Castle Ink There are probably as many answers to this question in the title as there are companies involved. However, if one is able to step back from the inside for a minute, it is likely that the answer may in fact be yes, but that certain things have to happen and several factors are in play. Patents may be one of the most important factors which will come into play over the next few years. As anyone who has studied the remanufacturing industry knows, patents have been at

the center of many controversies in recent times, especially with ink cartridges. Some companies, such as Kodak, have used patent infringement lawsuits as a means to generate revenue for their company. Other companies, like San Diego, CA-based Memjet, have always aggressively pursued patents and now hold upwards of 3,000 with many more still pending. While this is not an inexpensive pursuit, there has also not been any litigation between Memjet and third-parties. This lack of litigation may be due to the fact that cartridges are really where the money is made in the printing


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 19


Can OEMs and Non-OEMs Peacefully Co-exist?


industry. For instance, it has been proven that it can sometimes be cheaper to buy a whole new printer than it can be to buy a new set of cartridges. Most of the major OEMs that exist today have had to deal with patent lawsuits over their cartridges, and not just one time or with one company. Further, this type of litigation never appears to be either simple or quick. The United States International Trade Commission(USITC) is responsible for adjudicating on these matters and while most often times the OEM wins versus the smaller companies that do the infringing, sometimes cases last for several months if not a year or longer. While a cartridge in and of itself may appear to be a simple device, there are actually many different parts. For starters, the print head where the nozzles which fire ink are located may be inside the cartridge itself, or situated inside the printer. The nozzles themselves have inside them ink chambers, a resistor to control how quickly the ink flows, walls or channels that guide the ink to the paper, and then the nozzle plate which has the holes through which the ink is fired. With cartridge assemblies being such detailed devices, it is no wonder that the type of things mentioned above are all likely to have been patented in some manner. Because of the complexity of each cartridge, much research and design (and money) is spent on creating the ink we use in our printers each and every day. Palo Alto-based Hewlett-Packard has their own resident ink scientist, Thom Brown, who works to ensure that HP cartridges live up to expectations. It is important at this point to make a distinction between remanufactured or compatible cartridges and their counterfeit counterparts. Many cases have been reported in recent months of counterfeit cartridges being brought into Africa, Asia, and the Middle East which are made to look like real HP cartridges, even down to the packaging. HP has combated that by developing and distributing authentication software. Some companies like Samsung, take the precaution of putting security labels on all of their original cartridges. All of these cartridges are made with the intent to deceive and could very well even ruin your printer. Cartridges which are sold in stores that are listed as compatible or remanufactured or refilled are not intended to do anything but provide an alternative to buying what many consider the exorbitantly priced ink from OEMs. The cost of making printer ink from the R&D stage to the point where it is mass produced and sold is not an inexpensive one, which is one explanation for the price. OEMs will contest that you will never see the same quality of ink or output when using one of these, but that may be a subjective conclusion rather than an objective one. And, contrary to what some may say, the use of non-OEM cartridges cannot negate a warranty because of the Magnuson-Moss Warrant Act (15




U.S.C.A. 2302). Some vendors, like Kodak, have tried to battle non-OEM cartridges by introducing some of the lowest-priced ink you can find. Lexmark introduced the $5 dollar black cartridge that yields 510 pages. Almost all of the OEMs manufacture high-yield or extra-high yield cartridges, which really do save consumers and businesses money in the long run. That said, generic, or nonOEM ink can save you money, too. Many of these cartridges are originally priced below what some sale prices are on OEM ink. Not all non-OEM ink is created equal, however. The refilling of your ink cartridges does not necessarily guarantee the same success as simply buying a generic one. Refilling can be a messy business, and if you do it yourself, you may be taking a big risk. Getting ink professionally refilled by a shop is a much safer option. Consumers are not the only ones who have begun adopting the use of remanufactured ink. Because of the cost savings, businesses as well as government agencies in the United States have been turning to non-OEM or third-party ink as a means to save money. While this likely does not make the printer manufacturers very happy, it does further legitimize the use of non-OEM ink. Some have speculated that the practice of printing is heading out the door, but there have been sufficient surveys as of late like one done by Harris Interactive, and posted by Editor and Publisher ( show that Americans still do prefer print to digital. Printer sales have risen as well and are projected surpass pre-recession levels. Even those who have chosen to become as mobile as possible still have the need to print. When you add up all these factors, it would seem that there is plenty of room for both non-OEMs and OEMs to co-exist. Consumers and businesses will continue to make choices about what they buy and how much they spend, however it will be the subjectivity of those parties, not the OEMs that shapes the printing landscape. In late June 2011, the U.S. Congress approved the America Invents Act (H.R. 1249), which impacts not only the way ink cartridges will be patented, but the whole patent process across the United States. Under the new system, the patent will be awarded to the first person or persons to file it, which may not be the actual inventor in all cases. This may end up being a deciding factor in how well OEMs and non-OEMs will be able to co-exist as time moves forward. For small companies, this could mean having to file before the product has gone through the desired amount of testing and development. Further, because of the time it takes a patent to get approved even under the new system—the technology may no longer be valid or practical.



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 21


The Future of the Toner Industry in China, India and other Asian and Emerging Economies By Graham J. Galliford, President Galliford Consulting & Marketing, Ventura, California, USA Last year was another interesting year in the toner industry. There has been a recovery since the reduction in Global production in 2009. There has been the continuation of the subtle but important shifts in technology, manufacturing and focus within this small but global community of companies involved in the manufacture of toner. The market for toner is one of “derived demand” and the global shifts in the demand center and the demand for higher quality and colored toner have driven the changes that continue to take place. Overall the market for toner and toner-related materials is expected to continue to expand with a continuation of growth in the demand from color applications and new applications. However, changes in demand, the growth of new, changed technology and the altered structure of the industry geographically have had a big influence on the global industry. The Shape of the Industry There has been a recovery in the production of toner since the downturn in 2009 and the demand in 2011 has just about recovered to the 2008 level. The growth from 2009 to the present has however not been universally seen in all regions or companies. There have been withdrawals from the business by some manufacturers in some regions notably in North America and Europe, and the growth of toner manufacturing in Asia, particularly in China. In the calendar year 2008, worldwide production of toner reached about 205,000 tons, declined as a result of the global recession in 2009 to about 175,000 tons and volume has slowly recovered, regaining the same level as in 2008 in 2011. (See Fig. 1)

Global growth over the reviewed period (2005 – 2014) is forecast to be about 1.9%. During that period, it is predicted that there will be a continued decline in overall US and European production. It should be noted that US and European production 22



is predicted to grow slightly after 2014 but may not quickly regain volumes that were experienced in 2007/2008 in the short term. The volume of production in the US and Europe is growing at a rate lower than that of toner consumption, indicating an increase in the importation of toner to these regions. There has and will continue be a substitution of Japanese overseas production, with Japanese domestic production having an important effect on this trend. There continues to be, of course, significant production of toner by Japanese manufacturers in Europe and the USA. However, as there is no investment in CPT production at Japanese manufacturing locations outside Japan, and with the change of toner technology used by Japanese, OEMs moving ever more to CPT, there is a loss of production in the US and Europe as a result. Looking at estimates of production by Japanese manufacturers by company and region of production over the forecast period, the growth in Japanese manufacturing volume in outside Japan is lower than Japanese domestic production growth with CAGR% of – 1.09% vs. 2.98%. Globally Japanese production is expected to grow annually by about 2%. The growth in Asian (non- Japanese) production will be about 8% but of course this is of a global production share which currently stands at about 15%. (See Fig.2) These forecast trends mean volume growth leading to global annual production of about 220,000 tons in 2014. There continues to be, of course, significant production of toner by Japanese manufacturers in Europe and the USA. As there is little or no investment in CPT production at Japanese manufacturing locations outside Japan, and if the toner technology used by Japanese OEMs shifts ever more to CPT color as well as monochrome, then there is likely to be a loss of production in the US and Europe as a result. Looking at estimates of production by Japanese manufacturers by company and region of production, the growth in Japanese manufacturing volume in outside Japan is lower than Japanese domestic production growth – 1.67 CAGR% vs. 7.91CAGR%. The result of these changes, particularly for the OEMs and OEM contractors that are investing in new technology and colored toner technology, will be a continuing shift of market share from the independent manufacturers to these OEM and OEMcontractors. The Japanese toner manufacturers produced about as much as the rest of the global industry combined and this share will increase slightly over the remainder of the reviewed period



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 23


The Future of the Toner Industry in China, India and other Asian and Emerging Economies


Viewing just Asian production we can see the trends and split between Japan and Asia excluding Japan in Figure 4.

up to about 52% in 2014. Asian production volume exceeded European production in 2009 in its continued pattern of growth. The production share of the Asian toner industry including China is growing both in number and capacity of manufacturers. When analyzed by producing company nationality the picture is changed slightly. There is still domination of production by Asian companies including Japan with a global production share of about 75%. (Fig. 3) We can also see that the production by Japanese manufacturers accounts for about 62% of world production and this share is set to continue to grow in the coming years. From a smaller base Asian (non-Japanese) company production will grow at over 8% rate annually increasing share from 13% to nearly 16%. This is all against a background of declining production share of US and European manufacturers.

Asian Toner Industry The major growth in production in the global industry is in Asia, including Japan. It is in this region that there continues to be major investment in technology and production facilities. Implementation of increased production capacity of existing and new technology toner and advanced colored toner production facilities in Japan combined with a steady increase in investment in both conventional and chemically prepared toner production in Asian countries, including China, is the reason for this trend. There has been some investment in colored toner manufacturing in Europe and the US but on a smaller scale than in Asia. 24



Greater Asia Industry Trends There is a proliferation of manufacturers particularly in Asia with some new entrants starting their enterprises focused on color and CPT from the outset. This growth is particularly strong in China. There is already conventional monochrome production capacity in China which is also being enhanced by investment in either new plant or acquisition of used plant from the USA. The growth in cartridge production in China and the region to satisfy growing domestic as well as export demand is the driver for much of this investment. China is in particular having an influence on many levels including that cartridge remanufacturing / manufacturing is moving to China and other low-cost areas now with an estimated 20% of USA demand for remanufactured laser cartridges being produced in China. Consequently, Chinese laser toner cartridge production is growing rapidly to satisfy both domestic market demand growth and the demand from export regions. A not inconsiderable part of the demand for toner is for new compatible cartridges as well as remanufactured cartridges. This is of course bringing close attention regarding the Intellectual Property (IP) violation concerns of the OEMs and their partners particularly in the USA and Europe. To satisfy demand in particular there is growth in production capacity being installed in China at existing and new producers. This is against a background of existing available capacity for conventional toner production in the USA and Europe creating global conventional toner production overcapacity. Chinese Toner Industry Analyzing the Chinese toner manufacturing industry (excluding Taiwan) we have a situation where the capacity currently exceeds demand and that will continue to be the case in the near future. This has not however dampened the trend in the Chinese industry of continued investment in productive capacity. (Fig.5) There are currently more than 35 domestic manufacturers in China. Some of these companies are quite small but there are


some substantial production facilities in operation. Amongst the largest manufacturers are Handan Hanguang OA Toner Co., Ltd., Wuhan Pointrole Information Technology Co. Ltd., Tianjin Zhonghuan TCOA Electronics Company Limited, Wuxi Jiateng Magnetic Powder Co., Ltd., WuQiao HuiKe Office Consumables Co., Ltd., and ICMI (China), Ltd. Most domestic production is “non-captive” and therefore the production capacity is directed at the aftermarket not only domestically but also in export territories. The strongest export territories for Chinese production is in Asia

and the Middle East but Chinese production continues to make inroads into the US and European markets either as cartridge fill or as bulk. The total domestic production capacity in 2011 is expected to be about 28,500 tons. Capacity is forecast to grow on average by 9.4% per annum between now and 2014 and domestic production is expected to grow by 14% per annum in the same period. There is currently significant spare capacity but this is not deterring industry participants from continued investment in capacity. The cost of manufacture to the domestic toner producer is lower than the producers in the USA and Europe and this is of course not specifically as a result of lower manufacturing direct labor costs but lower facilities operation costs. There are some foreign manufacturers that are currently present in China taking advantage of proximity to the Chinese market and lower operating costs. Companies with manufacturing operations in China are Ricoh Asia Industry S.Z. Co., Ltd., in Shenzhen, Fuji Xerox in Shanghai, Tomoegawa Imaging Technology Huizhou Co., Ltd., Trend Tone Imaging Ltd. (a member of the Everlight Group), and Jadi Imaging Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd. There is continued investment at these companies. In the Chinese industry however, even with the installation


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 25


The Future of the Toner Industry in China, India and other Asian and Emerging Economies

in some companies of new advanced production lines, the quality of production is still a problem of top importance in most of domestic enterprises. There are limitations in the availability of qualified personnel including R&D staff and an immature raw material supply to the industry. There is some improvement in the latter especially with the investment in technical and production facilities by some Western suppliers. The exception is in the area of resin manufacture where there appears to be no attention paid by Western or Japanese resin makers. However there has recently been some significant effort by domestic resin makers. There are five domestic toner resin makers but hitherto the quality of products has been questionable, especially for the use in making products for supply to sophisticated markets like Europe where quality, environmental and health factors are of prime importance. The major issues regarding toner polymer have been concerned with consistency of quality and volatile organic compound (VOC) content. Mainland China is becoming an important production base for imaging supplies because of the favorable investment climate, lower potential production cost and the growing domestic market. As part of the picture of the Chinese Toner Industr y of course there has for long been production of toner in Taiwan, particularly at Taiwan Fuji Xerox, though the continued production is in jeopardy of reduction or elimination with the transfer of production back to Japan. There are however domestic manufacturers in Taiwan namely Royal Precision Technology Co., Ltd., Trend Tone Imaging, Inc. and Sinonar Corp. The latter is a manufacturer of solely CPT colored toner products. There is strong production growth in these companies as the Taiwan and mainland consumers increase their demand. This trend is expected to continue and there will be growth from the current production level of just less than 7,000 tons per annum to a level of just less than 10,000 tons in 2014. Capacity utilization is expected to continue to be around slightly more than 70% over the ensuing period. (Fig. 6)


Indian Toner Industry In common with many industries the potential for the Indian toner industry is very favorable. The potential is currently second only to China with the country’s large workforce and an education system that graduates 2 million proficient English speakers with strong qualitative and technical skills each year. The rapid rise in literacy rate, decline in poverty and an exploding urbanized middle class domestic demand is set to show corresponding growth. One of the biggest hurdles to the growth is the ability of India to handle the needed improvement and enhancement of the country’s infrastructure to enable this growth prospect to be fully realized. There are by contrast to the industry in China only a handful of toner manufacturers. The industry currently is comprised of six manufacturers which are Indian Toners and Developers Ltd. in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, Rathi Toners Ltd. in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, Pure Toners Pvt. Ltd. in Vadodara, Gujarat, Sheishin Advanced Material Technologies Ltd. in Hyderabad, H.S. Easwer & Company in Faridabad, Haryana and Navran Advanced Nanotechnolog y Development International Pvt. Ltd. in Dhamandri, Una, Himachal Pradesh. The latter company produces only colored CPT products. Total production of the Indian toner industry is forecast to reach 1900 tons in 2011 and that represents a capacity utilization of just less than 60%. Production is forecast to increase to about 2500 tons in 2014 and there is anticipated to be continued growth in both production and capacity. (Fig. 7)

Malaysian and Thailand Toner Manufacturers Jadi Imaging Technologies Sdn. Bhd. is the sole manufacturer of toner in Malaysia. This company was established in 1993 and the company currently has five production lines in Malaysia with an estimated capacity of 6000 tons per annum. As already mentioned, the company has a plant in Suzhou in Mainland China with two production lines with a capacity 2000 tons per annum. The Malaysian production in 2010 was reported to be 3770 tons. The company currently produces conventional monochrome and





colored toners. Additionally, in 2011 Jadi is set to introduce bio-mass based conventional and chemically prepared toners utilizing raw materials derived from Palm Oil under the trade name Palmotone. The research on palm oil-based CPT began in 2005 as a joint-collaboration between Jadi and the Chemistry Department of University of Malaya, a premier university in Malaysia. This company has invested in Research and Development consistently over its relatively short history to good effect. There is one small manufacturer of toner in Thailand called Dynatec Co., Ltd., which was founded 1992. The company manufactures black and color toners for use in analog and digital copiers as well as in laser printers. They produce both monochrome and colored toners but their production volume is quite small. South Korea Toner Industry The toner industry in South Korea is substantial and well founded. The participants in the industry in South Korea are LG Chem Ltd., Union Chemicals Ltd., Baiksan OPC Co., Ltd., Saehan Media Co., Ltd., Creative Imaging Technology Co., Ltd., Samsung Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., and eXaX Toner, Inc (which was DPI Solutions). The last two companies produce only CPT colored toner products by their own patented technologies. The production of the South Korean industry currently is about 11,000 tons per annum and with a capacity utilization of about 70%. The pattern of growth in the industry is expected to mirror other Asian industries with relatively strong growth as demand in the Greater Asian Region steadily grows. The Bottom Line The global shift in demand has created a shift in production. Lower costs and a will to invest in development of new production facilities and in new technology have together established a pattern of growth and healthy prospects for the toner industries in the Greater Asia area that bodes well for the future in the region.



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 27



Sit up and Listen “Indonesia PC market estimated 5.5 M units, with only 5% market penetration; It means a large growth prospect.” - Indonesia Computer Association “Last year, Dell’s sales growth in Southeast Asia region reached 33%, the hightest growth rate came from Indonesia.” - Dell computer

RechargExpo Southeast Asia paves the way for you to penetrate the emerging Indonesian printing and consumables market. MIT’s CEO, Mr. Iwansja Gunawan said: “Many Chinese businessmen are worried about security issues in our country. In fact, this is completely unnecessary as we are very friendly to foreign businessmen. A safe and friendly environment is the foundation of any countries’ economy development.”

Recharge Asia magazine’s publisher, Ms. Sunny Sun: “As we all know, Indonesia has great potential for an abundance of business opportunities. Some time ago, the World Bank, the Expert Group, discussed the future of its economy. In the next 10 years, Indonesia will become one of the world's emerging economies and that is why we are having our Expo in Jakarta, Indonesia.” PT Kharisma Pelita Abadi, Mr. Elang Owen: “I am very happy to hear that this Expo is coming to Jakarta. The market here is biggest in this region and it makes sense to have the Expo here. I can now find sources for supplies locally (from Expo exhibitors) and not have to travel overseas. I will be looking for supplies related to my business including toners and printer parts.” Recharge Asia, Operations Director (Beijing), Mr Eric Zhang: “Chinese exhibitors who come to attend the RechargExpo will receive a 50% government subsidy. To the domestic companies, this is a good opportunity for you to reduce input costs and maximize returns.” PT Herlyk Citra Prima, Mr. Ade Herlandie: “The Expo will be good for our domestic market, as we don’t have to travel overseas to source for products.” RechargExpo Sales Manager, Mr. Jack Ma: “To those in China, according to Indonesia's official website, there are 61 different countries that can enjoy visa-on-arrival. China is on this list so as long as you have passport, you will be able to enter Indonesia without a visa application, thereby saving you lot of time.” MIT’s Manager, Mr. Budi TJ: “This year, Recharge Asia Corporation has increased the local propaganda tenfold. They have succeeded in widespread promotion with Info Linux, PC Media, PC Mild, and many other local medias. I believe this year’s RechargExpo will attract the attention of many people in this industry.” RechargExpo Conference manager, Mr. Teo Fu: “We encourage our mainland exhibitors to take a tour of Indonesia so that they can mix business with pleasure while attending RechargExpo.” RechargExpo Southeast Asia Exhibits: Digital Printing & Imaging, Ink Jet, Toner, Cartridges, Remanufacturing Products, Parts and Supplies, Aftermarket Office Supplies, Paper & Other Consumables, Copiers & Multi-Function Device










ITC Decides To Review In Part Initial Determination In Certain Ink Cartridges With Printheads Source ITC On August 11, 2011, the International Trade Commission (the “Commission”) issued a notice determining to review in part an Initial Determination (“ID”) issued by ALJ Robert K. Rogers on June 10, 2011 finding a violation of Section 337 in Certain Inkjet Cartridges with Printheads and Components Thereof (Inv. No. 337-TA-723). By way of background, and according to the notice, Complainants Hewlett-Packard Company and Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. (collectively, “HP ”) accused Respondents MicroJet Technology Co., Ltd. (“MicroJet”); Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc. (“APM”); Mipo Technology Limited (“Mipo Tech”); Mipo Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (“Mipo”); Mextec d/b/a Mipo America Ltd. (“Mextec”); SinoTime Technologies, Inc. (“SinoTime”); and PTC Holdings Limited (“PTC”) of infringing certain claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,234,598; 6,309,053; 6,398,347; 6,481,817; 6,402,279; and 6,412,917 (the ’917 patent). Respondents Mipo, Mipo Tech, SinoTime, and Mextec were subsequently terminated, and Respondent MicroJet defaulted. HP withdrew allegations of infringement of the ‘917 patent. In his June 10, 2011 ID, ALJ Rogers found a violation of Section 337 and determined that MicroJet and PTC directly infringed the remaining asserted patents and found APM liable for contributory infringement (but not direct or induced infringement). ALJ Rogers further determined that the asserted patents were not invalid and that a domestic industry existed with respect to these remaining asserted patents. According to the August 11 notice, on June 24, 2011, HP filed a contingent petition for review of the ID, and on June 27, 2011, APM and the Commission investigative attorney filed petitions for review of the ID. On July 5, 2011, the parties filed responses to the various petitions and contingent petition for review. After examining the record of the investigation, including the ID and the parties’ submissions, the Commission determined to review the ID’s findings that HP failed to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that Respondent APM induced infringement of the asserted patents. The Commission determined not to review any other issues in the ID. The notice states that the parties are requested to submit briefing on the issues under review and on remedy, the public interest, and bonding. The notice further states that the Commission is particularly interested in responses to the following question: 1. Does the record evidence demonstrate that APM’s conduct meets the “specific intent” requirement for inducement in light 30



of the ALJ’s finding that “APM certainly had knowledge of the asserted patents and the infringement at issue once it was served with HP’s Complaint [a]nd APM continued to sell its components to MicroJet even after receiving HP’s Complaint”? ID at 91; RX69C. See DSU Med. Corp. v. JMS Co., 471 F.3d 1293, 1305 (Fed. Cir. 2006). ADDED INFORMATION: ALJ Rogers Issues Public Version of Initial Determination in Certain Inkjet Cartridges with Printheads (337-TA-723) On August 4, 2011, ALJ Rogers issued the public version of his Initial Determination (“ID”) (dated June 10, 2011) in Certain Inkjet Cartridges with Printheads and Components Thereof (Inv. No. 337-TA-723). By way of background, Complainants Hewlett-Packard Company and Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. (collectively, “HP”) accused Respondents MicroJet Technology Co., Ltd. (“MicroJet”); Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc. (“APM”); Mipo Technology Limited; Mipo Science & Technology Co., Ltd.; Mextec d/b/a Mipo America Ltd.; SinoTime Technologies, Inc.; and PTC Holdings Limited (“PTC”) of infringing certain claims of U.S Patent Nos. 6,234,598; 6,309,053; 6,398,347; 6,412,917; 6,481,817; 6,402,279; and 6,412,917. All of the Respondents, with the exception of MicroJet, APM and PTC have either previously settled or been found in default. HP also withdrew allegations of infringement of the ‘917 patent. The patents-at-issue generally relate to inkjet cartridges and integrated circuits (ICs) used to control inkjets for printing. APM provides ICs to MicroJet and PTC for use in those companies’ inkjet cartridges. Subject Matter Jurisdiction As an initial matter, APM contested subject matter jurisdiction. APM argued, since that their sales of ICs to APM and MicroJet took place overseas, APM never imported any goods into the United States. ALJ Rogers rejected this challenge, noting that HP did not accuse APM of importation of infringing products. Rather, HP accused them of sale for importation and, under this standard, HP showed that APM sold infringing articles and knew or should have known that those articles would be imported into the US. Claim Construction The ‘598 patent was the only patent for which the parties identified limitations that ALJ Rogers needed to construe. Claim 1 of the ‘598 patent reads, in part, “A printhead for an inkjet printer, comprising…” HP argued that “printhead” was not a



limitation, but merely a statement of intended use. APM and the Commission Investigative Staff (“OUII”) argued that the specification of the patent makes it clear “printhead” is a limitation. ALJ Rogers agreed and adopted OUII’s proposed construction that “printhead” means “the element of a printer that applies the mark or image to the print media.” Invalidity ALJ Rogers, in Order 31, had earlier held that the ‘053, ‘347, ‘017, ‘817 and ‘279 patents were valid. Accordingly, the ID dealt only with APM’s validity challenge in connection with the ‘598 patent – alleging obviousness and lack of enablement and written description. The challenge, however, was contingent upon the ALJ agreeing with HP and finding that “printhead” is not a limitation. The construction of the term mooted APM’s challenge, but ALJ Rogers also noted that APM’s challenges to validity failed on the merits as APM put forth arguments based on conjecture and selective reading of testimony. Infringement Before making any determinations on infringement, ALJ Rogers ruled on a dispute between HP and the Respondents. HP analyzed only a representative class of inkjet cartridges. Based on these analyses, HP then accused certain named inkjet cartridges as well as all “clones” of these cartridges. ALJ Rogers found allegations against the “clones” to be too broad and vague and, therefore, limited infringement assertions to tested cartridges and those cartridges specifically listed by HP. The ‘598 Patent HP alleged MicroJet, PTC, and APM infringed certain claims of the ‘598 patent directly and indirectly. ALJ Rogers found that HP offered undisputed expert testimony that MicroJet and PTC directly infringed. He found, however, that APM did not directly infringe because the claim requires a “printhead” and APM only produces wafers with integrated circuits. With respect to induced infringement, ALJ Rogers further determined that MicroJet knew about all of the asserted HP patents and reviewed them closely. They then sold the print cartridges to downstream manufacturers to be used in an infringing manner. ALJ Rogers also held that HP failed to prove APM had knowledge of the patents and, therefore, found that APM did not induce infringement. Regarding contributory infringement, HP accused only APM, citing to expert testimony including testimony that the circuitry of the wafers APM sold are too complex to have any other use than in an inkjet. APM argued that there are non-infringing uses for printheads, such as using non-ink liquids. ALJ Rogers rejected APM’s argument, pointing out that the issue is whether the wafer itself, not the printhead, had non-infringing uses. He found that it

did not have any substantial non-infringing uses. The ‘053, ‘347, ‘817 and ‘297 Patents According to the ID, HP provided unrebutted evidence regarding infringement of the remaining patents. Accordingly, ALJ Rogers determined that MicroJet and PTC directly infringed, but APM did not; MicroJet induced infringement but APM did not; and APM contributed to infringement. Domestic Industry Summary determination establishing that HP satisfied the economic prong had been granted in Order No. 30 so the only remaining issue was the technical prong. HP and the Staff agreed that HP put forth sufficient evidence establishing that HP’s products practiced the claims of the patents. Respondents did not address the technical prong. Remedy & Bonding HP sought a general exclusion order pursuant to 19 U.S.C. §§ 1337(d)(1) (circumvention) and (d)(2) (pattern of violation). HP argued that MicroJet (the importing entity) does not put its logo on products, making it easy for them to circumvent a limited exclusion order either directly or by using downstream sellers. HP also argued that Respondents’ pattern of violation warranted a general exclusion order. ALJ Rogers recommended a general exclusion order based on circumvention but found HP did not prove a pattern of violation. ALJ Rogers also recommended a bond of 100% of the entered value. Though it is HP’s burden to prove need for the bond, MicroJet and PTC both failed to participate. Therefore, there is no reliable information by which the Commission can set a bond by eliminating the differential between the domestic and imported/ infringing product.


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 31



Lyra’s New Forecast Report Shows Steady Growth for SingleFunction Color Laser Printers Lyra Research has released a new report that covers the singlefunction color laser printer market—Worldwide Forecast for Single-Function Color Laser Printers, 2008–2015. This new report details worldwide shipment and revenue figures, average sales prices, and representative products for SOHO and small workgroup color laser printers, as well as A4 and A3 workgroup color laser printers. The report also breaks down the color laser printer shipment figures by region: North America; Latin America; Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA); and Asia Pacific. Lyra Research, the digital imaging authority, has released a new report that covers the single-function color laser printer market— Worldwide Forecast for Single-Function Color Laser Printers, 2008–2015. This new report details worldwide shipment and revenue figures, average sales prices, and representative products for SOHO and small workgroup color laser printers, as well as A4 and A3 workgroup color laser printers. The report also breaks down the color laser printer shipment figures by region: North America; Latin America; Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA); and Asia Pacific. The report is based on key findings from Lyra’s first-half 2011 Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service (IAS) Forecast 360. The Worldwide Forecast for Single-Function Color Laser Printers, 2008–2015 explores how the single-function color laser printer market bounced back in 2010 after experiencing a significant decline in 2009 that was caused by the economic recession, high costs per page, and poorly defined office color applications. Over the short term, the color laser printer market will continue to rebound steadily as more buyers choose to purchase a single color laser device to replace existing monochrome printers and to produce both monochrome and color pages. However, over the long term, print vendors will have to address issues regarding cost per page and advances in ink jet technology and business-class ink jets. The report also discusses worldwide shipment growth. Emerging markets such as Latin America and Asia Pacific are showing strong growth, while shipments in EMEA are growing at a much lower rate—a 2.3 percent compound annual growth rate from 2010 to 2015—because developing subregions of Eastern Europe and Africa are falling behind Western Europe in color adoption. The growth rate in North America will be steady through 2015 based on the strength of the replacement market. “Single-function color laser printers will have some growth opportunities as businesses continue to bring color into the office,” said Larry Jamieson, director of Lyra’s Hard Copy Industry




Advisory Service. “However, the growth will be limited as a result of the lingering effects of the recession, a reduction in print volumes, competition from ink jets and MFPs, and the belief that monochrome output is fine for most applications.” Replacement Market Generates Strong SOHO and Small Workgroup Color Laser Printer Sales SOHO and small workgroup color laser printers will remain the strongest segments of the color laser printer market through 2015. Many offices have been replacing older ink jet printers with SOHO and small workgroup color laser printers because users

believe that laser devices are faster, have better print quality, and are cheaper than ink jet on a per-page basis. Shipments of SOHO/small workgroup color lasers increased in 2010 to just under 2.3 million units, following a drop to 2.1 million units in 2009 from just under 2.5 million in 2008 (see attached figure). The 2009 decline occurred largely as a result of several factors related to the economic recession. Although the economic outlook remains uncertain, unit sales grew in 2010, based largely on a good replacement market. Buyers who had delayed making replacement purchases in 2009 and early 2010 found some good bargains from many vendors and replaced some of their older monochrome lasers with color devices at prices comparable to or even lower than what they had paid for their old monochrome printers. About the Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service Technological changes, shifting distribution channels, and new user requirements are reshaping the printer and digital copier industries. Lyra’s Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service provides expert analysis and coverage of digital output devices in the officeprinting environment, the consumer market, and the SOHO and small-to-medium-size business markets. Lyra Research: The Digital Imaging Authority Lyra Research collaborates with imaging industry decision makers worldwide, enabling clients to strengthen their market position and achieve profitable growth. Lyra’s expert analysts and editors help clients devise and implement creative solutions to business challenges, providing them with competitive intelligence, strategic and tactical advice, news and analysis, and market forecasts. Since 1991, Lyra’s custom research and consulting, advisory services, award-winning journals, and innovative events have set the standard for analysis of imaging hardware, consumables, and digital photography markets. Visit to learn more about how Lyra can be your strategic business partner.




SEPTEMBER 2011 • 33



Western European Photo Merchandise Market to Rise to 212 Million Units by 2015 InfoTrends’ 2011 Western European Photo Merchandise Forecast indicates that total unit sales for photo merchandise products in Western Europe are expected to rise from about 161 million in 2011 to nearly a quarter of a billion in 2015.

purposes of this document, the term photo merchandise includes photo books, photo cards, and photo calendars. About InfoTrends InfoTrends, a Questex company, is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at

Currently, Germany and the United Kingdom are the largest individual countries in terms of unit shares. Germany is the clear leader in terms of revenues, whilst the U.K. accounts for a much smaller share of revenues. The mix of photo merchandise sold in each country has a big impact on revenue generated. Photo books are typically the highest priced photo merchandise item, and Germany is the largest market for photo books of all countries covered in this forecast, which include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the U.K. Relative to the other Western Europeans, German consumers are much more educated about photo merchandise products, particularly photo books. This can be attributed to a strong level of awareness and adoption due to aggressive marketing. Mona Belle, a Consultant at InfoTrends, states, “While awareness of photo merchandise for total Western Europe is high at around 75%, adoption rates are low. This is not necessarily bad, however, as a high level of awareness and a relatively low adoption rate mean that there is great opportunity for future growth. Retailers and vendors that identify and address barriers to adoption and capitalize on market drivers have great potential to grow their revenues.” InfoTrends’ Western European Photo Merchandise Forecast includes actual numbers for 2010 as well as forecasted figures for 2011 through 2015. It offers total values for Western Europe as a whole as well as individual country sections for France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. This forecast includes data for unit shipments, revenues, and average selling prices. For the






An Outline for the Successful Email Marketing of Any Business By Curt Keller Curt Keller is CEO and founder of one of the world’s leading, Web-based email marketing services, Benchmark Email. While Benchmark’s client base ranges from work-at-home travel agents to large, multinational companies, Keller remains fiercely dedicated to addressing the email and online marketing challenges facing small and mid-sized businesses. A pioneer in the realm of permission-based marketing, Keller started Benchmark Email in early 2004 and quickly grew the Southern California-based company from a three-person operation to a major International player with services for people in India, China, South America, Germany and Japan. Benchmark currently remains a member of two of the industry’s most exclusive consortium, the Email Sender & Provider Coalition and Returnpath. net. A vocal advocate for good, industry-wide email marketing practices and standards, Keller is a regular blogger for and A recent article in the Denver Business Journal entitled Email Remains Biggest, Best Emarketing Medium, presented a thorough yet concise summary of the outstanding value and best practices involved in promoting a business via email. This article was rather unique since similar articles regularly appear in magazines and websites which are dedicated to online communications, but this piece was in a broad scale horizontal regional business periodical. The readership of the magazine certainly includes many business owners and managers not currently engaging in or perhaps even contemplating email marketing. Many of the points made by Jeff Kear in the article bear repeating for the edification of all email marketers, both neophytes and seasoned experts.

The proportion of email marketers sending more than 50,000 missives each month has increased by half in the last four years alone. While this figure was 40% in 2007, it has jumped to 60% in 2011. Justifying email marketing’s prominent place among all forms of online and offline promotions, almost three quarters (72%) of all companies rated their email campaign’s Return On Investment as excellent or good. Companies are investing more into email marketing and thus scaling up their ROI. While only 17% of all companies surveyed spent more than $75,000 per year on email marketing in 2007, that figure has reached fully 25% in 2011.

Summary of impressive statistics

Email marketers are becoming savvier and taking advantage of the ever expanding range of features offered by email service providers (ESPs). In just the last four years, the number of companies engaging in automated campaigns has increased by 30%; 26% more are engaging in personalized emails; 22% more are undergoing measurement and analysis; and 16% more are segmenting. This growing reliance on ESPs reached a majority level in 2011 with more than half (51%) of all companies surveyed conducting their campaigns through those types of services.

The article begins with a summary of impressive email marketing statistics: • 74% of all online adults prefer email as their method of marketing communication, and this preference is consistent among age groups • 93% of all online individuals subscribe to at least one recurring campaign • 88% of all online individuals check their inbox every day, and 94% do so at least once a week New stats show email marketing more popular than ever for businesses The recently published 2011 version of the Email Marketing Census conducted by United Kingdom online research firms Adesta and Econsultancy reveals some remarkable statistics about the power and reach of email marketing for businesses in the midst of the social media age. If you need more evidence that email marketing is still the go-to promotional tool, here are plenty of facts to support that argument: Many email marketing commitments have increased by half in the last 4 years

Email marketers are relying on service providers to a greater extent

Businesses state deliverability is one of the primary advantages of service providers Companies are relying on ESPs for a variety of reasons but one of the primary ones is these services’ ability to significantly improve deliverability. Almost two thirds (64%) of all businesses surveyed claimed improving deliverability via the maintenance of clean lists of subscribers that are fully up to date is one of the most important factors, while 44% stated that sender reputation was also in this critical category. The vast majority of reputable ESPs provide services which facilitate list management functions and engage in an ongoing comprehensive campaign of nurturing relationships with all


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RECHARGEasia An Outline for the Successful Email Marketing of Any Business Continued

the major internet service providers to assure that their clients receive the best possible delivery rates. Marketers are still not integrating or testing their campaigns enough These statistics point to the ever burgeoning number of companies who have discovered the power and reach of email marketing and continue to increase their marketing focus on this most critical form of promotional strategy. However, there is still room for improvement on procedural aspects. Less than a third (32%) of all email marketers bother to conduct an ongoing amount of testing on their campaigns. The rarity of obtaining the benefits of both A/B split and the more complex multivariate tests is apparently lost on this significant percentage of company owners and managers. Integration with other marketing factors is also lagging behind. Only 23% state that their email activity is well integrated with their CRM and customer data; 18% say it is dovetailing with their sales and conversion data; and just 16% claim that it is properly harmonized with their web analytics and subscription renewals. Email marketing is widely acknowledged as the online promotional strategy which provides the most powerful and effective bottom line results. As the sophistication of email marketing processes and their widespread adoption continues to increase, it can be said with confidence that even greater rates of success will be obtained by the businesses who engage in it. Success Tips Kear then goes on to list some primary tips for success which certainly merit being jotted down on Post-It Notes and affixed to every email marketer's computer screen as the pure basics of the process:

Clean your list – He mentions that people change email addresses very frequently and that it is common for any online individual to have dozens of email accounts that are either stale or extinct. Due to this rapid expiration, sending out an email to the entire list once a year requesting an update to contact information can help weed out the dormant and the dead. Offer valuable incentives – In order to attract new subscribers, a valuable and sought-after incentive product or reward should be offered. Kear suggests “white papers, how-to guides, webinars, case studies, relevant giveaways and videos.” Use more text – Sixty percent or more of all emails are read in email clients or browser types which automatically remove the graphics by default, thus it is not recommended to design emails with a concentration of graphics, especially above the fold. Treasure the top left – The top left “10 o’clock” corner is the first area most readers look at, therefore it is the best place for your primary message and even the call to action. Many emails squander this advantage by following the "letterhead" layout and placing the brand logo at top left. In the majority of displays this will be seen as nothing but a small red X. Personalize the From line – From lines should be specific and personal, so Kear suggests relating the name to the type of email you’re sending, and placing an employee’s name there as well, adhering to case studies which have shown that it can have a beneficial effect on open rates: “Julie Scriptor, XYZ Skateboards Newsletter” Strive to be relevant – The ability of your newsletter to be relevant to your audience has a direct effect on your email metrics. Kear suggests crafting subject lines under thirty characters which are specific and direct, and warns against clichés or marketing hype in your content. Instead focus on instructive content with offers of real value which help your reader make meaningful connections. Be consistent – Studies show that it can take up to ten touches before a prospect is ready to consummate the transaction, so maintaining consistent and regular email newsletter frequency can keep the prospects engaged and in the funnel. Kear also suggests that the preferred frequency is more than once a month, echoing various surveys which have found that a considerable number of etailers send email newsletters three times a week or more! An admirable summary Kear’s article does an admirable job of summing up the essence of email marketing best practices. With the addition of a nod to the importance of newsletter campaign subscription list segmentation and A/B Split or multivariate testing, the Denver Business Journal piece definitely becomes a valid outline to achieving success in the email marketing of any business.







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OEMs Seek Competitive Advantage in India By Sanjeev Mahajan, Vice President, Marketing and Exports, NAND ipl Gurgaon, India. A 25-year veteran of the imaging business in India and South Asia, Sanjeev Mahajan is an independent industry consultant. He has held senior marketing positions with Static Control Components, Katun Corporation, Ricoh India, Xerox, and Eastman Kodak. His experience encompasses: general management and company operations, including start-up and turn around skills. His career includes direct experience in marketing, sales, exports, imports, channel management, and corporate planning. Among his achievements, he: contributed to the establishment of a major market in India for Static Control; established international trading operations for Katun Corporation from Singapore to South Asia; handled national marketing functions as the Controller of Ricoh India, Ltd. ; developed long term market plans for Xerox ModiCorp Ltd.; and, built sales of microfilm based systems for Kodak India, Ltd. Mr. Mahajan holds a bachelor of science (BSc) degree from Bangalore University (1981) and a masters in business administration (MBA) from Panjab University in Chandigarh (1983). He can be contacted at (mahajeev@gmail. com) HP India is the undisputed king of the Indian office-printer jungle. HP is estimated to have a market share of more than 75 percent in laser printers/MFD and a similar percentage in inkjet printers. This situation is not for want of trying by other OEM giants, which at times have attempted to emerge as the clear No. 2 player. Xerox India, for example, is attempting to become a TOP 2 player in the laser printer/MFD segment in the next two years. A consideration of the OEMs and their actions and plans will illuminate the many opportunities that exist in India. XEROX INDIA Established: 1983. Managing Director: Konstantin Klein. Rank: No. 75 in TOP 200. Growth: 47 percent year on year. Industry Average Growth: 22 percent for REST 150, which accounts for 20 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$186 million, which is 4.3 percent of global revenue; 74 percent of revenue is from domestic sales and 26 percent is from exports; (This includes revenue attributed to ACS, the service provider Xerox acquired in February 2010). Strategy: Xerox India’s focus is selling more managed print services which include servicing HP and other OEM printers do not replace. If this is true, remanufactured cartridges may find an opening here. In 2011, Xerox will continue to focus on services, which produce nearly 50 percent of its global revenue. Xerox will also focus on providing end-to-end document management outsourcing services. In addition, Xerox expects copying and printing trends in color multi-function devices and digital production printing to witness formidable growth. However, a bright future lies in providing document management services to SME and enterprise customers. In hardware Xerox will expand its 38



range of products in entry-level and mid-segment products sold to enhance color adoption, including a broader range of digital color printers. Xerox has developed a strategy to succeed in this effort, which includes launching ten new products to offer a range of A4 and A3 printers sold across more price points by 200 additional distributors and 1,000 additional resellers. As a part of its go-tomarket strategy of penetrating smaller cities and towns (Xerox has branches in 11 cities, and India has almost 8,000 towns and cities of which approximately 5,400 have populations of over 100,000 residents), Xerox has over 40 models forming its product offering of many printers, copiers and MFDs (and more models sold in the past) to give consumers the ability to choose the most suitable printer for their needs. Its vast product range also enables Xerox to minimize aftermarket consumables sales, and its focus on colortoner printing increases profitability while the channel-partner base is expected to stock a larger range of products, parts and consumables. Will recent, rapid growth in India’s economy allow Xerox to achieve its goal in the near future even though every major player has a similar goal and all OEMs are targeting India for growth in sales volume and revenue share (revenue shares which currently range from low single-digit percentages to insignificant fractions of a percentage point of their global revenue)? The widelyacknowledged fact that future growth will come from BRICS countries sooner rather than later makes every player want to be present and successful in India as quickly as possible. OEM PRINTER VENDORS IN INDIA – Achievements and Strategies India’s annual DATAQUEST TOP 20 was published 31July 2011 to provide data for the financial year ending 31 March 2011. I will highlight points from the publication along with my views to provide an understanding of the current operations, strategies,


plans, recent achievements and personnel of OEM players in India. INDIA IT Snapshot for FY 1 April 2010 - 31 March 2011 Revenues: US$84 billion for TOP 200 companies. Revenue for the total Industry possibly exceeded US$100 billion. Average Growth: 25 percent pa for TOP 200. Of TOP 200 IT companies, 129 are Indian and 71 are foreign-owned. NEXT 30 companies are growing faster (29 percent pa). The prices of the 265 most popular models of laser printers sold in India are given in the following link: html HP INDIA Established: 1989. Managing Director: Ms. Neelam Dhawan. Rank: No. 4 in TOP 20. Growth: 20 percent year on year. Industr y Average Growth: 25 percent for TOP 20, which accounts for 64 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$5.16 billion, which is 3.3 percent of global revenue (up from 2.3 percent just two years prior). Twenty-two percent or US$1.13 billion comes from its Imaging and Printing Group (IPG). Eighty-two percent of revenue comes from the domestic market. IPG produces no exports. Strategy: Growth will come from Convergence, Cloud and Consumers. Vyomsh Joshi, Global head of IPG, is responsible for expanding market share in India, which is the growth market HP is focusing on. HP is also focusing on e-Print strategy and the

education segment and is looking for growth beyond the TOP 35 cities. HP’s entry-level laser printer, HP P 1007, was designed for India but uses 36A/88A cartridges, which need chemical monochrome toners to get the best OEM-like results, and failed to generate sales volume. HP India was forced to re-launch the popular HP 1020 because Canon last year gained a large market share by continuing to sell its equivalent entry-level printer, the Canon LBP 2900, at Rs 4,800 (US$110) and because the HP 1020 uses the 12A cartridges that the LBP 2900 uses. The 12A is the easiest laser toner cartridge to remanufacture, refill and /or replace with a compatible cartridge. Actual customers and end users can buy the 12A cartridges at prices starting as low as Rs 650 (US$14.50), which, if it works satisfactorily, gives the end user a cost per print of only Rs 0.32 (US$0.007). Lowest possible cost of printing is the chief buying criterion for printers in India. HP, because of low market share of approximately 50 percent of consumables sales, does make all efforts to gain toner-sales market share by launching new models and focusing on color laser printers/MFD, three-year warranty coverage, service support and often advertisements that mislead end users about the quality and benefits of remanufactured laser toner cartridges. To further bolster its position, HP has started to offer a one-year, on-site warranty to dissuade customers from using non-OEM cartridges. HCL INFOSYSTEMS Established: 1976. CEO: Harsh Chitale. Rank: No. 4 in TOP 20.


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Growth: 2 percent year on year. Industr y Average Growth: 25 percent for TOP 20, which accounts for 64 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$2.70 billion (stagnant for the last three years). Only 6 percent of HCL’s revenue comes from copiers, printers and MFD, but that equates to approximately US$161 million, making it a major player. Most revenue comes from after-sales service and sale of toner cartridges, which HCL controls very tightly at US$50 million in revenue (aftermarket share of consumables is less than 3 percent for Toshiba products). HCL distributes Toshiba digital copiers/MFD (No. 1 with sales of approximately 12,000 units per annum, which is US$25million) and Konica Minolta laser printers with a range of five color and five monochrome laser printers (sales of approximately 40,000 units per annum or about 3 percent market share in laser printers, which is US$10 million) and Konica Minolta production printers (revenue of approximately US$30 million). HCL resells Risograph Digital Duplicators and also HP laser printers especially for MPS applications. HCL is a major player in MPS and document management services in India. Ninety-seven percent of its revenues are from domestic market and 3 percent are from exports. Strategy: Growth will come from services and high value-added products such as production printers and color printers. HCL expects demand to come from corporations, BFSI, SME and the education sector. HCL has 108 direct offices across the country, and a major strength is HCL directly services its machines (unlike other competitors). To supplement direct sales and support, HCL has developed channel partners across the country to give a boost to copier/MFD business. HCL is also working on lower TCO strategy to push Toshiba copiers/MFD over laser printers. DELL INDIA Established: 2000. Managing Director: Ganesh Lakshminarayanan. Rank: No. 13 in TOP 20. Growth: 34 percent year on year. Industr y Average Growth: 25 percent for TOP 20, which accounts for 64 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$1.70 billion, which is 2.3 percent of global revenue (up from 1.1 percent just two years ago). Dell also became No. 1 PC vendor in India. Dell launched laser printers in January 2011, and in less than three months approximately US$1.5 million (less than 1 percent) was produced by its Printer Division. Dell sold only 15,000 printers in the first few months of sales in the FY ending 31 March 2011. Dell launched the world’s smallest color laser LED printer, DELL C 1250 Color laser Printer, which sold for Rs 17000 (US$375). The Dell 1130 monochrome 19 ppm sold




for Rs 6500 (US$145), and the DELL 1133 monochrome 22 ppm multifunction sold for Rs 11000 (US$245). Dell also launched the higher speed 2230 and 2330 targeting corporate buyers, which are its stronghold. Printers saw no exports. Strategy: Dell launched printers initially targeted at SOHO and office work groups. Printers will primarily be available through the channels, and the expectation is this move will add significant value to its partners’ business. Dell’s focus on the channel, something it is familiar with and has a strong relationship with, is based on the premise of making technology more accessible to customers. Creating a one stop shop is the goal. Dell will try to increase the ability of channel partners to offer total solutions to their customers profitably. Dell is known to have an OEM agreement with Lexmark for manufacturing its branded printers and aftermarket supplies. Dell will soon have the capacity to give HP tough competition in targeted segments. Offering lower initial printer procurement costs and lower operational costs over time, these award-winning, reliable Dell printer products provide improved printer output capacity and one of the best standard warranties in the business. LENOVO INDIA Established: 2005. Managing Director: Amar Babu. Rank: No. 22 in TOP 200. Growth: 49 percent year on year. Industry Average Growth: 22 percent for TOP 200. NEXT 30 accounts for 16 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$792 million, which is 2.3 percent of global revenue (up from 1.1 percent just two years ago). Lenovo is expected to launch its range of laser printers in India in 2011. SAMSUNG INDIA Established: 2000. Deputy Managing Director of IT & MOBILES: Ranjit Yadav. Rank: IT business ranked No. 31 in TOP 20. Growth: 33 percent year on year. Industry Average Growth: 22 percent for TOP 200. NEXT 30 accounts for 16 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$490 million, which is 0.3 percent of global revenue (up from 0.1 percent just two years ago). IT, as in printers, contributed US$50 million and sold approximately 150,000 nos laser printers/MFD (Samsung is the No. 2 player with 10 percent market share in printers in India, but this is only 1 percent of Samsung India’s revenues). Samsung India’s revenues were US$5 billion, growing 40 percent last year. Samsung plans to grow to US$10 billion in revenues in the next two years.


Strategy: Samsung’s focus is smaller cities, and with aggressive prices it is going for growth and scale in India. The customer comes first for them. For growth in laser printers, Samsung will focus on the SMB and corporate segments by strengthening its printer sales team and will expand its product range and channel reach by expanding into smaller cities and towns. Samsung plans to launch many new printers in India at affordable prices, such as eight new color laser printers starting with the entry-level Samsung CLP-315 at US$288 and 11 new monochrome laser printers in a vast range of 26 laser printers starting with the entry-level ML1866 a 18 ppm monochrome at Rs 4500 (US$100). Samsung is building a large online presence and retail presence. CANON INDIA Established: 1996. Managing Director: Kensaku Konishi Rank: No. 50 in TOP 50. Growth: 40 percent year on year. Industr y Average Growth: 29 percent for NEXT 30, which accounts for 16 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$295 million, which is 0.6 percent of global revenue (up from 0.4 percent last year). IT, as in printers, contributes only US$66 million but grew 98 percent in 2010 to an unbelievable market share of 35 percent (some claim even 42 percent). Canon claims it had only 2 percent market share in 2008. While sales of the LBP 2900 did boom after HP discontinued the very popular HP 1020 and HP 1012 printers, the marketplace never acknowledged that Canon was No. 2. Independent sales estimates put Canon India’s laser printer sales last year at as low as 60,000 units and definitely less than 100,000. Copiers and MFD sales were robust in the last year when it was the No. 2 or possibly the No. 1 player in terms of market share. Strategy: Canon’s goal this year is to become No. 1 in the laser printer category and to surpass a 42 percent market share, said Sanjeevan, Vice President of Canon India’s division responsible for laser printer sales, in March 2011. Canon plans to increase its reach by 550 cities from the current (2011) figure of 490 cities. Canon’s OEM consumables will be more easily available. Canon’s focus in 2011 will be Inkjet printer sales and increasing its Original Ink Centres in 2011 from 1,000 to 2,000. Canon users are younger and most present online. To boost sales, Canon has increased its online presence, and modern retail is replacing the existing smaller and more established dealer channel run by entrepreneurs and exemployees. Canon also plans to increase the number of Canon brand stores to 300 by 2013. Earlier this year, Canon announced a “100 percent Cash Back Offer” under CLAP (Canon Loyalty Achievement Program) to boost laser printer sales. EPSON INDIA

Established: 2000. Managing Director: Eiji Kato. Rank: No. 111 in TOP 200. Growth: 27 percent year on year. Industry Average Growth: 22 percent for REST 150, which accounts for 20 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$115 million, which is 0.1 percent of global revenue. In India Epson is seen as a dot matrix printer player (53 percent market share) and point of sale printer player (52 percent market share). It is a significant player in the Inkjet printers market (14 percent market share and No. 3 after HP and Canon). In Laser printers, though it does have a decent range of 10 products, offering color (4) and monochrome (6) options, Epson has almost no presence, selling under 5,000 monochrome printers and under 500 color laser printers, due to some extent to difficulty of refilling and remanufacturing laser toner cartridges and lack of friendly channel policies and relationships with distributors of IT products who access and service over 60,000 IT channel players. Strategy: Epson India’s target is US$220 in revenue by 2014-15, and to achieve this, the company will continue to focus on segments such as home & office, education, health, government, SME, retail and photography. With increasing focus from Epson HQ in Japan on developing products specially created for the Indian consumer, even more new products will be expected in the near future. The company is looking to accelerate growth in its core businesses. Epson highlighted how retail would be an engine for future growth and that it wanted to open at least 10 new stores this year. The first Exclusive Epson Experience Zone is situated at Nehru Place in the hub of New Delhi’s IT market. The store showcases all available Epson products including those for Home, Commercial and Office applications. SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS INDIA Established: 1989. Managing Director: S K Sinha. Rank: No. 114 in TOP 200. Growth: 27 percent year on year. Industry Average Growth: 22 percent for REST 150, which accounts for 20 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$110 million, which is 0.3 percent of global revenue of US$37.5 billion, of which much less than 10 percent is from copiers/printers and MFD. One hundred percent of its revenues are from domestic sales. In fact, Sharp does not have a true printer but sells only digital copiers and MFD, including a popular, low-cost, A4-sized MFD to build volumes. Strategy: In India Sharp is focusing on mobiles even though Nokia has HCL Infosystems, which is an authoriz ed


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distributor of Toshiba MFD. Sharp is currently seen as a copier/ MFD player (possibly fourth in TOP 5). Its channels are different from traditional printer channels which are delivering growth by addressing IT departments instead of purchase and administration departments from which Sharp gets most of its business currently. Sharp is correcting this handicap with a push through its distributor, Salora, which has access to over 10,000 IT resellers in 1,000 towns in addition to previously existed 500 dealers and seven distributors, which should help it reach more customers. Sharp has a new, revamped product line and is also focusing on color MFD/digital copiers (which are more profitable) and (for this purpose) Sharp has a range of seven color MFD/copier products (five have been recently introduced) and 27 monochrome digital MFD printers (19 produce under 20 ppm and 11 are new). However, Sharp has only one 55 ppm MFD/printer, which holds it back from successfully addressing the large enterprise segment, which has more opportunities. Expanding in this range will help Sharp increase its share of OEM toner cartridges and improve profits from relatively small sales of 7,000 MFD. LIPI DATA SYSTEMS INDIA Established: 1986. Managing Director: Mukul Singhal. Rank: No. 178 in TOP 200. Growth: 19 percent year on year. Industry Average Growth: 22 percent for REST 150, which accounts for 20 percent of IT industry revenues. Revenues: US$43 million. Lipi Data Systems is an Indian company with a vast range of printers from line printers, which are manufactured in India with technology based on Tally and Data Products, to laser printers (it is an authorized distributor of Brother and Samsung) to dot matrix printers (TOP 3) to HID data card printers (No. 1) to Perto ATM. Exports of line printers and remanufactured laser toner cartridges (with PBTI UK) have declined due to lack of success, too few new products and price pressure from China. Strategy: Lipi is largely a manufacturing company that operates on a direct sales and service strategy with branch offices in over 42 of the largest cities and state capitals. Dealers operate under branch control and service smaller locations nearby. Despite its long presence, Lipi has yet to establish itself as a major volume player in laser printers and MFD or remanufactured laser toner cartridges. SIGNIFICANT PLAYERS NO.T LISTED IN THE DATAQUEST TOP 20 Brother India, Lexmark India (laser printers).

Ricoh India, Kyocera India, Konica Minolta (MFD/digital copiers and laser printers). Panasonic (minor player). Oki, Pitney Bowes, Shindo Ricoh, TEC (no presence). BROTHER INTERNATIONAL (INDIA) Brother International (India) Private Limited has operated with fully integrated sales, marketing and service capabilities since 1998. The head office is located in Mumbai, with sales offices in major Indian cities. The company also works with authorized distributors across India such as Neoteric, Ingram, Lipi Data and Kores, which ensure

availability of product range to the thousands of smaller resellers/ partners of these distributors. Brother is concentrating on factors like total cost of ownership, rather than just asset (printer) ownership. Brother India’s revenues are 60 percent from SOHO and home user and 40 percent from the SMBS, government and large enterprises, which account for most of printing done in offices. This year Brother is targeting large enterprises and mid-market companies and is also engaging systems integrators to break into new corporate accounts with networked, high-end, feature-rich monochrome printers. Brother India’s sales are estimated at approximately 50,000 units per annum, which give it a 3 percent market share. Brother also has a small presence in Inkjet printers. LEXMARK INDIA In April 2010 Lexmark International made its second launch into India, a key market for Lexmark due to the growing demand for innovative printing solutions from enterprises of all sizes. It believes that companies are keen to adopt green solutions that offer low power consumption, duplex printing and high-yield cartridges for business competitiveness and cost efficiency. Lexmark believes it is in a good position to offer cost-effective solutions. Lexmark India has launched a full range of printers including inkjet and dot matrix printers as well as five color laser printers, five monochrome laser printers, 18 MFD/Laser printers and two inkjet MFD, which are said to offer the lowest print cost. In the last year since its launch, Lexmark has sold an estimated 35,000 laser printers and expects to increase sales rapidly this year. AUTHOR’S NOTE: I will be happy to provide clarifications, more details and possibly introductions to senior officers, if not the Directors, in these companies. I can also suggest ways and means to enter the Indian market successfully and quickly for those who wish to profit from the many opportunities that exist in India.

The number and ranking provided by Sanjeev Mahajan in this article is for general information purposes. RechargeAsia makes no warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied, about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, with respect to the information contain within.






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HP Announces Acquisition of Autonomy and Refocus on Business Services, Software and Printing Tech and business news sources were abuzz on Thursday as Hewlett-Packard, one of the world's largest technology companies, announced that it would spin-off its PC division and discontinue its hardware line. This news comes after HP's announcement that it is paying $10 billion to acquire Autonomy, a Britain based Software Company. According to multiple news sources, CEO Leo Apothekar plans to shift the company's focus to primarily business services and products and will no longer make smartphones, tablet computers and PCs. However, it will continue to retain their printing and imaging division, despite a small drop in sales last quarter compared to the prior year. “The contemplated direction is an important component of our strategy to sharpen HP’s focus on cloud, solutions and software, accessible to any type of device, while we continue to expand and leverage our strong technologies, including printing hardware, software and services,” said Apotheker in a Hewlett-Packard Q3 2011 Earnings Call recorded on August 18. Analysts and investors have been quick to show their disapproval regarding these changes. CNN Money announced that




HP’s stock dropped by as much as 20% on Friday following the announcements. HP’s (HPQ, Fortune 500) stock ended the day down $5.91, closing at $23.60 per share. That marks the stock’s lowest level since Aug. 16, 2005 only a month after Carly Fiorina was forced out as CEO. “Investing in HP is now a big bet on printers, non-stop servers and consulting,” said Carl Howe, an analyst at Yankee Group, a research and advisory firm. Recharge Asia will provide updates on this story as they become available. About HP HP creates new possibilities for technology to have a meaningful impact on people, businesses, governments and society. The world’s largest technology company, HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure at the convergence of the cloud and connectivity, creating seamless, secure, context-aware experiences for a connected world.




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Canon U.S.A. Enhances Creativity with New PIXMA Printers Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging, announced the introduction of two new photo printers, the PIXMA MG5320 Wireless Photo All-In-One1 and the PIXMA iP4920 Photo Inkjet Printer models. Developed to enhance the overall user experience, both printers feature significant upgrades to Easy-PhotoPrint EX and Full HD Movie Print2 software. “One of the most important attributes consumers look for in a printer product is high-quality output and versatility,” said Yuichi Ishizuka, executive vice president and general manager, Imaging Technology and Communications Group, Canon U.S.A. “These new PIXMA printer models will undoubtedly meet this demand while also allowing consumers to show their creative side as well.”

Printing Flexibility An incentive for those who have registered with the CANON iMAGE GATEWAY service or Picasa Web Albums is PIXMA Cloud Link, which provides the ability to print, directly through the PIXMA MG5320 printer without the use of a computer, photos from photo albums stored in those services3. Users of PIXMA Cloud Link will also have access to exclusive templates including stationary, envelopes, memos, calendars and many others. In addition, the PIXMA MG5320 printer is 802.11n WiFi certified allowing for a fast network transfer rate. Wireless networks can be set up with the press of one button when using a Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). Canon U.S.A. offers its awardwinning service and support online for all of its consumers looking to set up any of the new Wi-Fi products at, wirelesshelp. Here customers have access to manuals and video tutorials to assist in setting up a Wi-Fi device. The Canon EPP mobile app, for use with compatible Android and Apple smartphones and tablets, will be upgraded in August to have documents scanned on the printer to then be sent directly to a compatible device. Users can also print pdfs of documents that were created with the App directly from compatible devices whereas in the past only photos were able to be printed.




Creative Personalization Since its inception, the Canon Easy-PhotoPrint EX software has provided users with an easy way to get the most out of prints by creating albums, calendars and stickers from almost any image. Now with the latest version, users can bring creativity to a whole new level with the addition of Fun Filter Effects similar to scene modes found on the latest Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras. Images can be customized with Fish-Eye, Miniature and Toy Camera effects to make them even more memorable while being a conversation piece at the same time. In addition, there is an option to change the focus of the image to have it appear softer and the ability to blur specific aspects of the background, an effect previously only captured with a SLR. Adding to the versatility of these Canon PIXMA printers is the ability to print directly on to CDs, DVDs, and Blue-rays allowing users to personalize media in a creative way while creating fun photo projects at the same time. Full HD Movie Print, which is available on both new PIXMA printers, has been enhanced to produce clearer images of frames from videos captured on compatible HD Canon EOS and PowerShot Digital Cameras. This technology allows users to tell the story of a video captured in the park or at a memorable event frame by frame in a more unique way than before. One new aspect is the ability to merge multiple images into one final shot so users will be able to capture nearly every portion of a golfer's swing or a baby's first steps. In addition, a new layout feature allows printing up to 72 individual images on one sheet of paper. PIXMA MG5320 Wireless Photo All-In-One Printer

For the consumer interested in a high-quality multifunction printer which is easy to use and affordable, the Canon PIXMA MG5320 Wireless Photo All-In-One Printer should be at the top of the list. This printer features five individual ink tanks which is part of the ChromaLife100 + ink system4 and help to produce a 4" x 6" borderless photo in approximately 20 seconds5. In addition the printer has a maximum color resolution of 9600 x 2400




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Canon U.S.A. Enhances Creativity with New PIXMA Printers

dpi6. This new PIXMA office machine will deliver output at approximately 12.5 ipm for black-and-white documents6 and approximately 9.3 ipm for color7. The Advanced Media Handling options such as Auto Duplex printing which helps conserve your paper supply and a two-way paper feed that can help reduce the amount of time it takes to complete a project. The LCD has been repositioned toward the middle of the printer helping to streamline the navigation process and achieving a more sleek and stylish design. The size of the LCD screen has also been increased to 3.0-inches for easy viewing and navigation through menus. The Canon PIXMA MG5320 Wireless Photo All-In-One Printer will have an estimated selling price of $149.99. PIXMA iP4920 Inkjet Photo Printer The Canon PIXMA iP4920 Inkjet Photo Printer is an ideal

choice for the consumer interested in an affordable, single function printer producing superb quality. Utilizing the ChromaLife100 + ink system4 with five individual ink tanks, the printer is capable of producing a 4" x 6" borderless photo in approximately 20 seconds5. This new PIXMA machine delivers output at approximately 12.5 ipm for black-and-white documents and approximately 9.3 ipm for color7. In addition, the printer has a maximum color resolution 9600 x 2400 dpi6 and is capable of Auto Duplex printing to help conserve paper. The overall functionality of the PIXMA iP4920 printer helps make this printer a perfect addition for any home or office. The Canon PIXMA iP4920 Photo Printer will have an estimated selling price of $99.99. Canon CREATIVE PARK Looking to extend creativity beyond just photos and documents? Consumers can try Canon Inc.’s CREATIVE PARK website at The site offers free 3-D paper craft projects, scrapbooking templates and embellishments, novel greeting cards, and educational materials. As an added bonus with the purchase of select PIXMA printers, including the MG5320 and the iP4920, consumers will be provided with exclusive printable content through CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM 8. This content includes post cards, albums, and many more projects including paintings by artists such as Norman Rockwell. CANON iMAGE GATEWAY CANON iMAGE GATEWAY is an exclusive online photography resource and service for owners of registered qualified Canon products. Camera owners who have registered a qualifying Canon camera via their Canon Account can upload and share up to 2GB of photos with friends and family. Members also gain access to informative photography-related articles on topics such as macro shooting, portrait photography, printing tips and print projects to get the most out of their photos. Owners of registered qualifying 48




printers can use their photos to create greeting cards, calendars and much more with Print Projects! Printer members are provided with a wide array of helpful articles to enhance their experience with their Canon printer and to help them create inspiring projects. The Video Podcast Service - available for owners of registered qualifying camera and video products - enables those members to upload videos to be shared and viewed, which can also be used with the Apple iTunes® application and downloaded to access on a compatible Apple iPod or iPhone mobile device. About Canon U.S.A., Inc. Canon U.S.A., Inc., is a leading provider of consumer, businessto-business, and industrial digital imaging solutions. Its parent company, Canon Inc. (NYSE:CAJ), a top patent holder of technology, ranked fourth overall in the U.S. in 2010†, with global revenues of more than US $45 billion and is listed as number five in the computer industry on Fortune Magazine’s World’s Most Admired Companies 2011 list. Canon U.S.A. is committed to the highest levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing 100 percent U.S.-based consumer service and support for all of the products it distributes. At Canon, we care because caring is essential to living together in harmony. Founded upon a corporate philosophy of Kyosei – “all people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future” Canon U.S.A. supports a number of social, youth, educational and other programs, including environmental and recycling initiatives. Note: † Based on weekly patent counts issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office. All referenced product names, and other marks, are trademarks of their respective owners. Availability, prices, and specifications of all products are subject

to change without notice. Actual prices are set by individual dealers and may vary. 1 Wireless printing requires a working network with wireless 802.11 b/g or 802.11 n capability. Wireless performance may vary based on terrain and distance between the printer and wireless network clients. 2 “Full HD Movie Print” allows printing from HD or Full HD “MOV” movie files created by Canon EOS Digital SLR or PowerShot digital cameras. From PC, or Mac with Intel® processor. Print quality is determined by video resolution. Function does not upscale video resolution. Requires Canon ZoomBrowser EX 6.5 or later, or Canon ImageBrowser 6.5 or later. 3 Subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use of Canon image Gateway or Picasa Web Albums, depending on the service the consumer is using. 4 Canon cannot guarantee the longevity of prints; results may




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Canon U.S.A. Enhances Creativity with New PIXMA Printers

vary depending on printed image, drying time, display/storage conditions, and environmental factors. 5 Photo print speeds are based on the standard mode driver setting using photo test pattern(s) and select Canon Photo Paper. Print speed is measured as soon as the first page begins to feed into the printer and will vary depending on system configuration, interface, software, document complexity, print mode, types of paper used and page coverage. 6 Resolution may vary based on printer driver setting. Color ink droplets can be placed with a horizontal pitch of 1/9600 at minimum. 7 ISO/IEC 24734, 24735 define the default print and copy speed measurement methods. Print speeds are the averages of ESAT


in Office Category Test for the default simplex mode, ISO/IEC 24734, excluding time to print the first set. Copy speed is the average of FCOT, ISO/IEC 24735 Annex D. ADF copy speed is the average of ESAT in General Performance Test for the default simplex mode, ISO/IEC 24735, excluding time to copy the first set. 8 To access CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM from a qualifying printer, all of the software and the full set of Genuine Canon Inks that came with the printer must be properly installed. Additional information about these programs can be found at www.

How to Choose the Best Photo Printers

Introduction There are so many options to consider when buying an inkjet photo printer that it can be hard to identify the one that is ideal for your needs. In addition to budget and personal preferences, you also need to take your printing plans into account. Do you want a printer that can handle letter-size color prints or larger? Will you also want 4 x 6 prints or wallet-size photos? What about a portable snapshot printer that can travel with you?

Printer Features to Consider There’s no simple method for identifying the ideal inkjet photo printer, but here are




some important items to consider when comparing printers: Make sure the maximum print size will be large enough. A dedicated photo printer with a maximum 4 x 6 photo output is great for snapshots, but if you're going to frame the photos and put them on your wall, you may also need prints that are 8 x 10 or larger. Also make sure your printer works with paper in the smaller sizes - you may want photos for your wallet. Consider the types of paper available for the printer, and what your personal preference is (matte or glossy). Remember that vendors offer several different paper choices for your printer. You can save money on photos destined for the refrigerator door if you can get reasonably good photo output by printing on inexpensive paper. Do the cartridges include additional ink colors - light cyan, light magenta, red, green, or blue? These colors don't necessarily enhance the color in photos, but they can improve subtle gradations in skin tones and the like. Most printers print black on glossy photo paper by mixing cyan, yellow, and magenta. If you prefer black-and-white

photos, look for a printer that uses black ink for glossy paper, typically in a second cartridge for inkjets. In addition to the above, if you're considering a letter-size inkjet photo printer that will make beautiful photo prints, look for one with the following features: A resolution of 1440dpi. Much higher resolution capabilities are available, however the difference between a print made at 1440dpi and another made at 2880dpi is noticeable only by a critical observer. Six ink colors, preferably in individual tanks. Four-color printers simply cannot reproduce an adequately wide range of subtle hues and tones. Individual ink tanks are ideal because you can replace only the tank that runs out. In the long run, that's more economical than buying a large cartridge that includes three or six ink colors. An ink droplet size of 4 picoliters, or preferably smaller if you're a perfectionist or make very large prints. (A picoliter is a millionth of a liter.) Smaller droplets offer several benefits: more subtle gradations of color, more detail in the print, and a smoother overall appearance. [Some




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How to Choice the Best Photo Printers

printers generate droplets as small as 1.5 picoliters!] A lightfast or print permanence rating of 25 or more years. Such ratings refer to the life of a print (framed, matted and displayed under glass) before significant fading becomes noticeable. The latest Canon Pixma, Epson Stylus Photo,and HP Photosmart printers all meet or exceed the 25-year rating when using the printer


makers’ premium or professional grade photo papers. Comparing the Top 10 Inkjet Printers for Photos The ten inkjet printers highlighted in the table below, covering a wide range of prices and features, are currently the top choices in recent comparison studies based on consumer preference and satisfaction. Epson Stylus Photo R1800 Inkjet Printer Price: $450 to $550 The Epson Stylus R1800 was at the top of most comparison studies. This printer creates large, archival quality glossy and matte photos worthy of display. - Prints 4" x 6" photos as fast as 42 seconds - Up to 5760 x 1440-dpi resolution - 13" x 44" maximum printable area Epson PictureMate Snap 4x6 Photo Printer Price: $99 to $135




The power to print professional quality photos at home or on the go! An impressive range of features: - 4" x 6" max paper size - prints in 45 seconds - PC or Mac compatible - Uses 6-color inkjet cartridge - Ink and paper rated to last up to Epson Stylus Photo 1400 Wide-Format Inkjet Printer Price: $275 to $450 Brilliant, 13" x 19" enlargements, auto photo correction and direct CD/DVD printing - all from one remarkable printer. - Prints 4" x 6" photos as fast as 46 seconds - Up to 5760 x 1440-dpi resolution - 13" x 19" maximum printable area - Borderless printing Epson Stylus Photo 260 Inkjet Printer Price: $90 to $130 Delivers ultra hi-definition photos and documents at truly amazing speeds!



- Prints up to 30 ppm black or color - Up to 5760 x 1440-dpi color resolution - 4" x 6" photos as fast as 13 seconds - PictBridge compatible - Claria™ ink for photos that stay brilliant - Automatic photo correction - Direct printing onto CDs/DVDs - PC-free photo printing from cameras or phones - 8.5" x 44" maximum printable area Canon PIXMA iP6700D Photo Printer (1441B002) Price: $60 to $130 This versatile machine is a photo-printing powerhouse. Its patented print head technology and six ink tanks produce beautiful, long-lasting prints with startling color and detail. - Prints 4" x 6" borderless photos in as few as 47 seconds; 8" x 10" in as few as 76 seconds - Up to 9600 x 2400-dpi resolution - Built-in card slots; PictBridge compatible Epson PictureMate Pal (PM 200) 4x6 Photo Printer Price: $175 to $250 This Epson looks like a simple picnic lunchbox, but open up the lid and paper tray and you'll have a portable photo printer (the optional battery pack allows you to print anywhere). You can preview your images and do basic image editing on the 2.5-inch LCD screen. With a Bluetooth adapter, you can print directly from your handheld. Alternatively, you can slot your media into the built-in memory card reader or your USB thumbdrive to the PictBridge port. Canon PIXMA iP5300 Photo Printer (1438B002) Price: $180 to $250 The flagship iP5300 premium photo printer is among the first to feature Canon's new 3-size droplets (1, 2, 5 picoliter) technology and a double encoder system to achieve high print speed with accuracy. - Prints 4" x 6" borderless photos in 21 seconds

- Maximum 9,600dpi resolution - Direct photo printing; PictBridge Epson Stylus Photo R800 Inkjet Printer Price: $350 to $425 Get amazing borderless prints, with up to 5760 x 1440 optimized dpi printouts. This printer separates the colors and blacks into eight separate cartridges, which makes it nice for photo printing. A cool extra: this printer can print directly onto inkjet printable DVDs and CDs. Epson Stylus Photo R380 Inkjet Printer Price: $130 This full-featured printer includes a host of PC-free capabilities that save you valuable time when printing your photos. - Prints up to 30 ppm black, 30 ppm color - Up to 5760 x 1440-dpi color resolution - 4" x 6" photos as fast as 13 seconds - 3.5" color LCD and memory card slots to print PC-free - PictBridge compatible - Claria™ ink for photos that stay brilliant - Direct printing onto CDs/DVDs - PC-free photo printing from cameras or phones - 8.5" x 44" maximum printable area HP B8350 Photosmart Pro Photo Printer (Q8492A#ABA) Price: $350 Impressive results for everyday printing. - Prints up to 31 ppm black, 22 ppm color - Up to 4800 optimized-dpi color resolution - Professional-quality photos from wallet size up to 13 x 19-inches - 4" x 6" photos print as fast as 26 seconds, 13 x 19 in less than 1.5 minutes Editor’s Note: After researching and writing this article comparing so many amazing new printers, I have decided to trade in my old faithful Canon i960 inkjet photo printer for a newer model - perhaps an Epson Stylus R260 Photo Printer…or maybe a Canon PIXMA® iP6700D Inkjet Printer?

About Castle Ink It was founded by two consumers who had grown frustrated with high-priced inkjet c ar tr idges. Its founders were concerned that replacement costs were actually exceeding the prices of the printers themselves. After some initial rounds of private funding, a new printer cartridge retailer was born. Determined to offer the lowest prices, Castle Ink quickly became a leading destination. Since 2001 we have been a trusted, leading online printer cartridge retailer. Beating out several industr y moguls, Castle Ink Cartridges has quickly become the premier online retailer for office products. The support staff at Castle Ink is committed to being the best, and doing whatever it takes to maintain a loyal and happy customer base.

Note: If you hav e any que sti on abo ut the rem anu fac tur ing tec hno log y or if you have other puzzles you need to solve, you may contact Rechar ge Asia Magazine for more help. We als o welcome you to share your experience and remanufactur ing tips.

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Samsung Launches Budget and Eco-friendly ML-4510/501X Series Mono Laser Printers in UAE Samsung Electronics, a global leader in digital media and convergence technologies, today announced the launch of the ML-4510/501X printer series in UAE. The ML4510/5010ND/5015ND is the latest addition to Samsung’s business to business (B2B) printing range.

ML-4510/501X series has a large input capacity up to 620 sheets, so paper can be refilled less often. In addition, its supports versatile media and envelope feeding is included as standard, ensuring that potentially costly extras for mail merging are not incurred.

Samsung ML-5015ND printer

The ML-4510/501X printer series’ separated Toner/Drum system provides a significantly reduced cost per page, as the Drum only needs to be replaced after 60,000 pages. In addition, the high capacity Toner cartridge of ML-501X series can also produce up to 20,000 pages, so far fewer replacement cartridges are needed compared to other devices. At the touch of a button an innovative

Designed for small-to-medium businesses, the ML4510/5010ND/5015ND series provides a productive, high quality and trouble free mono laser printing solution

t h a t ’s a l s o b u d g e t and environmentally friendly. The range’s effective job processing means the ML4510ND prints 43 A4 pages per minute, while the ML5010ND/5015ND models print 48 A4 pages per minute. In addition, jobs start within just 7.5 seconds when the printer is ready, and in 16 seconds from sleep mode. “In 2011, we have continued to enhance our B2B printer lineup, establishing our position as enterprise printing market leaders,” said Mr. Mehdi Heidari, General Manager – IT Sales Group at Samsung Gulf Electronics. “Building on the leadership and customer confidence, we have achieved in the consumer printer market, Samsung will also develop and maintain a strong brand position in the B2B market with high performance and hassle free products like the ML-4510/501X laser printer series.” Powerful Productivity With a powerful 600MHz Dual Core CPU, linked to a 1GB network connection, the Samsung ML-4510/501X series handles large volume print jobs with ease, printing documents quickly and efficiently and with much greater energy efficiency. So, for example, a 50 slide presentation can be printed in just 86 seconds. Its Dual Core processor can also manage the preparation and printing of different jobs in parallel, significantly increasing throughput and making it an ideal choice for work groups of 10-20 people. Using Polymerized toner, with its small and uniform toner particles and higher wax content, guarantees clear, vivid images, while also reducing waste without sacrificing print quality. The




Economically and Environmentally Friendly

ECO mode can activate the duplex mechanism, automatically turning on a 2-up mode and skipping blank pages so less toner is used. It also graphically displays how the carbon footprint and power consumption can be reduced, encouraging employees to be more diligent and eco-friendly in their printing. With its improved power consumption and paper usage the ML-4510/501X series displays incredible green credentials, saving businesses money while also helping the environment. A User Friendly, Reliable Printing Experience The intuitive 4.3” Touch Screen of the ML-5015ND provides users with a quick and easy way to get the results they need, while a Direct USB port of the ML-5010ND/5015ND allows for printing from USB drives. Capable of handling up to 200,000 sheets every month, Samsung’s ML-5010ND/5015ND reliably prints large volumes again and again. The ML-4510/501X series is also extremely quiet (less than 54 dBA) and easy to maintain, with its enhanced anti-jam technology decreasing the jam rate by 50% compared to previous B2B models. Versatile Solutions The ML-4510/501X printer series includes Samsung’s industry leading fleet management software tool, SyncThru, which increases efficiency and user productivity by enabling IT administrators, support staff and users to remotely manage, monitor and diagnose multiple printing devices. Furthermore, IT managers can remotely monitor the performance and efficiency of their printer fleets using Samsung’s CounThru application. This provides a complete tracking tool to capture usage and billing information, so users can be accurately invoiced for their printer usage.



New Epson Artisan All-in-One Printers Deliver Superior Performance and Image Quality in Sleek, Midnight Blue Design Epson America, Inc., a leading provider of superior performing desktop printing solutions, introduced the Epson Artisan® 837 and Artisan 730 wireless all-in-one printers for photo and technology enthusiasts who demand fast, reliable and better than lab-quality prints at home. The new Artisan line combines power and convenience in a sleek, compact design; featuring new midnight blue accents and a three-times-brighter emerald green smart touch panel display for easy PC-free navigation.

The Epson Artisan 837 and 730 also offer Epson Connect for hassle-free printing on the go. With Epson Connect, mobile device users can print web pages, photos, documents, and e-mail attachments directly from tablets, smart phones and other mobile devices1.

Built to perform, the Epson Artisan premium home all-in-ones deliver the world’s fastest 4”x6” photo print speeds2, producing brilliant, Ultra Hi-Definition 4”x6” prints in as fast as 10 seconds3. In addition, the Epson Artisan 837 and 730 are rated numberone in photo quality by consumers4. Both models allow users to print, scan and access memory card slots5 from any room in the house with built-in wireless and Ethernet networking6. For added convenience, the flagship Artisan 837 also offers high-speed color copying and faxing with a 30-page Automatic Document Feeder. “Epson Artisan all-in-ones are designed to provide photo enthusiasts with the ultimate creativity tool, offering fast printing, brilliant ultra hi-definition color prints, and a versatile feature set,” said Gregg Brunnick, group product manager, Epson America, Inc. “Whether printing elegant invitations, newsletters, portraits, or coloring book pages for the kids, the Artisan 837 and 730 deliver premium quality results every time. In our ongoing efforts to give consumers performance printing wherever they are, the latest series of Artisan models also offer a range of on-the-go printing capabilities and convenience.”

Additional High-Performance Epson Artisan 837 and 730 Features: • Deliver professional-quality photos that are smudge, scratch, water, and fade resistant • Offer Claria® Ultra Hi-Definition ink that lasts up to four times longer than lab photos7 • Deliver vivid, true-to-life photos with Epson’s exclusive MicroPiezo® print head with DX5™ technology • Offer built-in wireless and Ethernet networking6 to deliver up to 2.5 times the performance of the previous 802.11b • Print, scan and share directly from your Apple® iPhone®, tablet and other mobile devices – no computer necessary • Deliver fast print speeds of 9.6 ISO ppm black and 9.1 ISO ppm color single-sided; 4.9 ISO ppm black and 4.7 ISO ppm color two-sided8 • Save up to 50 percent of paper supply with automatic two-sided printing • Create personalized greeting cards, coloring book pages, elegant stationery, and note paper • Create professional-looking discs by printing images and text directly onto ink jet printable CDs/DVDs • Feature built-in Auto Photo Correction to automatically evaluate and correct images and red eye • Accommodate various printing needs with individual ink cartridges at affordable prices (standard and high-capacity sizes)9 • Offer a range of eco features and environmental qualifications including, ENERGY STAR® and RoHS compliance, and is designed to be recycled10

Epson Artisan 837 Pricing and Availability The Epson Artisan 837 ($299.99*) and Artisan 730 ($199.99*)


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RECHARGEasia New Epson Artisan All-in-One Printers Deliver Superior Performance and Image Quality in Sleek, Midnight Blue Design Continued

all-in-ones will be available in September through major computer, office and electronic superstores, a variety of retail stores nationwide and Epson’s retail site, About Epson Epson is a global imaging and innovation leader dedicated to exceeding the vision of customers worldwide through its compact, energy-saving, high-precision technologies, with a wide lineup ranging from printers and 3LCD projectors for business and the home, to electronic and crystal devices. Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises nearly 75,000 employees in 100 countries around the world. Epson is proud of its ongoing contributions to the global environment and the communities in which it operates and has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, an indicator for leading companies in economic, environmental and social criteria, for the third year in a row. Epson America, Inc. based in Long Beach, Calif. is Epson’s regional headquarters for the U.S., Canada, and Latin America. Specif ications are subject to change without notice. Epson and Claria are registered trademarks, and Epson Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation. Artisan is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. 1See for a list of supported/compatible devices and apps. 2Compared to inkjet, photo all-in-ones priced at $299 or less as of April 1, 2010, based on independent testing. 3Color photo in Draft Mode on Premium Photo Paper Glossy measured from start of paper feed. Actual print times will vary based on system conf iguration, software, and page complexity. See printspeed for details. 4First in photo quality when compared to inkjet, photo all-in-ones priced at $299 or less, based on independent testing. 5Some applications and/or functions may not be supported under Mac OS® X. 6Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n certified; level of performance subject to the range of the router being used. Visit pdf for more information. 7Display permanence based on accelerated testing of prints displayed under glass in indoor display conditions; album permanence based on accelerated testing of prints in dark storage conditions. Actual print stability will vary according to media, printed image, display conditions, light intensity, temperature, humidity and atmospheric conditions. Epson does not guarantee the longevity of prints. For maximum print life, display all prints under glass or UV filter or properly store them. 8ISO ppm is based on the new international standard for measuring 56



print speed. Black and color print speeds are determined in default, single-side mode, in accordance with ISO/IEC 24734. Actual print times will vary based on system conf iguration, software, and page complexity. See for details, including complete ISO reports. 9Cartridge yields are based on continuous printing of a suite of f ive black and color pages as required by ISO/ IEC 24711 and 24712. Actual yields will vary considerably for reasons including images printed, print settings, temperature and humidity. Yields may be lower when printing infrequently or predominantly with one ink color. A variable amount of ink remains in the cartridges after the “replace cartridge” signal. Part of the ink from the f irst cartridges is used for priming the all-in-one. Ink is used for both printing and print head maintenance. All inks are used for both black and color printing. For more information about yields for this all-in-one, see cartridgeinfo. 10See our website for convenient and reasonable recycling options at *Estimated street price To learn more about Epson, please visit:



High Impact Printing with a Low Impact on the Environment Samsung bolsters print offering for small to medium businesses with new mono laser print series Samsung Electronics Co Ltd., a global leader in digital media and convergence technologies, today announced the launch of the ML-4510ND and ML-5015ND printer series, which is the latest addition to its business to business (B2B) printing range. Designed for small to medium businesses, the devices provide a productive, high quality and trouble free mono laser printing solution that is also economically and environmentally friendly. Delivering highly effective job processing quickly, the ML-4510ND prints 43 A4 pages per minute, while the 5015ND model prints 48 pages per minute. Jobs start within just 7.5 seconds when the printer is ready, and in 16 seconds from sleep mode. Dion Smith, General Manager, Samsung UK Print Division said: “So far in 2011, Samsung has launched an impressive lineup of print devices specifically designed for business use, including our fastest colour and mono laser printers, A4 mono laser multifunction printers, as well as our very first A3 mono laser printer. Going from strength to strength, our latest line of business printers deliver increased page speeds, greater energy efficiency and enhanced anti-jam technology to provide a hassle-free experience. As we move further into the second half of the year we will continue to raise the bar for B2B print devices.” Powerful productivity With a powerful 600MHz Dual Core CPU, linked to a 1GB network connection, the Samsung ML-4510ND and ML5015ND handle large volume print jobs with ease, printing documents quickly and efficiently and with much greater energy efficiency – a 50 slide presentation can be printed in just 86 seconds**. The Dual Core processor can also manage the preparation and printing of different jobs in parallel, significantly increasing throughput and making it an ideal choice for work groups of 10 – 20 people. Polymerised toner, with its small and uniform toner particles and higher wax content, guarantees clear, vivid images, while also reducing waste without sacrificing print quality. With two paper trays capable of holding 100 sheets between them, the ML4510ND and ML-5015ND also have a large input capacity up to 620 sheets, so paper needs to be refilled less often. Additionally, the devices support versatile media, and envelope feeding is included

as standard, ensuring that potentially costly extras for mail merging are not incurred. Economically and environmentally friendly The printers’ separated Toner/Drum system provides a significantly reduced cost per page, as the Drum only needs to be replaced after 60000 pages. In addition, the high capacity Toner cartridge of ML-5015ND can also produce up to 20000 pages, so far fewer replacement cartridges are needed compared to other devices. At the touch of a button an innovative ECO mode can activate the duplex mechanism, automatically turning on a 2-up mode and skipping blank pages so less toner is used. It also graphically displays how the carbon footprint and power consumption can be reduced, encouraging employees to be more diligent and ecofriendly in their printing. With improved power consumption and paper usage the ML4510ND and ML-5015ND boast green credentials, certified by Blue Angel, saving businesses money while also helping the environment. Furthermore the ML-5015ND also has the option to configurate the ML-5015ND with a staple finisher to save cost on in-house printing and document creation. Making this device versatile and flexible for the ML-4510ND or ML-5015ND to meet the demands of your busy working environment. User friendly and reliable The intuitive 4.3” Touch Screen of the ML-5015ND provides users with a quick and easy way to get the results they need, while a Direct USB port of the ML-5015ND allows for printing from USB drives. Capable of handling up to 200000 sheets every month, Samsung’s ML-5015ND reliably prints large volumes again and again. The ML-4510ND and ML-5015ND are also extremely quiet (less than 54dBA) and easy to maintain, and offer enhanced anti-jam technology decreasing the jam rate by 50% compared to previous B2B models. Versatile solutions The ML-4510ND and ML-5015ND include Samsung’s industry leading fleet management software tool, SyncThru, which increases efficiency and user productivity by enabling IT administrators, support staff and users to remotely manage, monitor and diagnose multiple printing devices. Furthermore, IT managers can remotely monitor the performance and efficiency of their printer fleets using Samsung’s CounThru application. This provides a complete tracking tool to capture usage and billing information, so users can be accurately invoiced for their printer usage.


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Key features of the ML-4510ND and ML-5015ND include: • High Speed output – 43ppm / 48ppm Mono respectively • 1200 x 1200dpi Resolution / PCL6 + PS3 • Networked and Duplex as standard (Parallel Opt) • Direct USB Print • Up to 2080 sheets paper capacity • Finishing capability – Stapling / Mailbox – ML-5015ND only • Numeric Key & Secure Printing as standard • Touch Screen User Interface – * ML-5015ND only • Wireless Optional • Up to 150 ML-4510ND / 200k Max Duty Cycle • High Yield Toner (7K / 15k on ML-4510ND or 7K / 15k /20k on ML-5015ND) The ML-4510ND and ML-5015ND are available through all leading resellers and distributors in the United Kingdom.

technologies with 2010 consolidated sales of US$135.8 billion. Employing approximately 190500 people in 206 offices across 68 countries, the company consists of nine independently operated business units: Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, Digital Imaging, Memory, System LSI and LCD. Recognised as one of the fastest growing global brands, Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of digital TVs, semiconductor chips, mobile phones and TFT-LCDs. For more information, please visit

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence







SEPTEMBER 2011 • 59


Remanufacturing the Brother HL 3040 Series Toner Cartridges TN-210 Color Toner Cartridges By Mike Josiah and the Technical Staff at Uninet Imaging

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. The Brother HL-3040 printer engine is based on a new 17ppm black and color, 2400 x 600 DPI color LED engine. The machines come standard with 32Mb expandable to 512Mb of memory, and all run off a 300 MHz processor. With print speeds of 17ppm and a list price starting at $299.00, these machines are becoming very popular. LED printers use an LED Array instead of a laser/scanner unit to print. This will be explained in the theory section below. The toner cartridges do not have a reset chip on them, but do have a reset gear that must be positioned properly for the machine to accept it as a new cartridge. The starter cartridges that initially came with new printers do not come with a rest gear. A new gear can be added and the starter cartridge made into a full TN210 cartridge. The proper reset positions of the gear will be covered later in this instruction. Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the new toner detection system and the developer bias voltages when a new cartridge is installed. When the printer senses a new toner cartridge, the bias voltage is set to a high voltage. As the cartridge is used, the bias voltage is reduced gradually down to a lower voltage. This process is necessary because according to Brother, a new toner 60



cartridge has a tendency to print light. As the cartridge is used, the density increases (Lower voltage = higher density). To keep the density level even throughout its life, the density bias voltage is reduced accordingly. (See Figure #3) Each time a new cartridge is installed, the reset gear (Figure #1) engages the gear train. The rib on the reset gear pushes down on the new toner sensor. The bias voltage is then reset,

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3 and the cartridge page count is reset to zero. While the cartridge yield is stated in pages printed, it actually is based on the revolutions of the developer roller. The larger the run, the better the yield. There are roller cycles for every print job. There is the warmup cycle, color registration cycle, developer bias cycle etc. As these cycles are only run once per job, the bigger the print job, the better the yield. When the printer is in a monochrome print mode VS a color print mode, the C, M, and Y cartridge developer rollers are dis-engaged so that only the black developer roller has any revolutions. Current machines released so far are: HL-3040CN HL-3050CN HL-3070CW



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Remanufacturing the Brother HL 3040 Series Toner Cartridges TN-210 Color Toner Cartridges

The toner cartridges are: TN210BK 2,200 pages TN210C 1,400 pages TN210M 1,400 pages TN210Y 1,400 pages The drum unit is new as well; Part # DR-210CL and is rated for 15,000 pages. This unit has 4 separate drums laid out in line. It will be covered in a future article. If you’re familiar with Brother cartridges, you know they do not work like other manufacturers cartridges. This series of printers is no exception. Because of that, we will cover the printing theory here. Figure 4 shows a broad overview of the printing process and the component locations. As you can see these machines use a single pass type system. Figure 5 is a simple diagram that shows the 6 basic steps in the printing process.

Figure 4


intensity setting. See Figure 6.

Figure 6 While most manufactures have switched over their production to PCR’s to eliminate ozone health issues, Brother states that the amount of ozone expelled from the printer is less than 3.0 mg/h and therefore not harmful to the human body and that applicable safety standards have been complied with. In the second stage, each of the 4 color LED arrays (4992 LED’s) fire into a focusing lens (called the lens array). The beam then strikes the drums surface, reducing the negative charge and leaving a latent electrostatic image on the drum. The areas where the LED light did not strike the drum will retain the higher negative charge. Figure 7 shows an LED assembly Figure 8 shows how they work.

Figure 8 the foam feed roller brings the toner to the developer roller. The developer roller has a charge placed on it based on the density setting AND the amount of pages printed as set by the reset gear. The doctor blade controls the amount of toner, on the roller. As the LED light exposed areas of the OPC Drum approach the developer roller, the toner particles are attracted to the drum’s surface due to the opposite voltage potentials of the toner, and laser exposed areas of the OPC drum. See Figures 9 & 10

Figure 9

Figure 5 In the first stage, the Primary Corona Wire places a uniform negative 700VDC voltage on the Corona wire grid which then charges the OPC drum surface. The amount of the negative DC voltage placed on the drum is controlled by the printer’s




Figure 7 The third or developing stage is where the toner is developed on the drum by the developing section (or supply chamber), which contains the toner particles. The development stage is actually made up of two steps: toner charging, and the actual development. In the toner charging stage,

Figure 10 The fourth stage is the transfer stage. In the transfer stage the transfer roller which


is located directly opposite each OPC drum, places a positive DC bias charge on the back of the Image Transfer Belt. Each toner cartridge has a separate transfer charge roller. The image is transferred from the drum directly to the paper. This process is repeated for each color cartridge in the following order: Black, Yellow, magenta, and cyan. See Figure 11

Phillips Head Screwdriver Small Common Screwdriver Needle nose pliers Required Supplies

Figure 13

Figure 11 Figure 12 shows how the different basic colors are stacked to get different colors.

The sixth stage is where the drum is cleaned. The drum is cleaned after the image is transferred to the paper by a cleaning roller. this roller uses a DC voltage to attract the residual toner off the drum. After the cleaning roller has cleaned the drum, the Dc potential is raised and the toner is then transferred back to the drum, where it is then transferred to the image transfer belt. The waste tone is then cleaned off the belt by the belt cleaning roller, and stored in the belt waste chamber. See Figure 14.

Brother HL-3040 Toner: Choose the correct color and gram weight for your cartridge Reset gear for the starter cartridge (See text) Lint free cotton cloths Toner magnet cloths 1) Vacuum the exterior of the cartridge. Be careful not to damage the developer roller as it is exposed.

2) Remove the fill plug from the toner cartridge. Dump the remaining toner and vacuum/blow out the cartridge. There will probably be a label over the fill plug. It comes off with a little alcohol and a lint free cloth or cotton swab. See Figures 15 & 16

Figure 15

Figure 12 After the transfer takes place, the printer turns on a set of LED lamps that irradiate the drums surface to keep the surface potential constant. This step helps eliminate ghost images. In the fifth stage, the image is then fused onto the paper by the fuser assembly. The fuser Assembly is comprised of the upper heating roller and lower pressure roller. The lower pressure roller presses the page up into the upper heating roller which then melts the toner into the paper. This heating assembly consists of a hard metal coated roller with a halogen lamp inside. See Figure 13

Figure 14 While this is taking place, the developer roller is moved away from the drum so that it is not contaminated by the waste toner. This cleaning system while somewhat similar to other brother systems is different in that none of the waste toner is recycled back into the new toner supply. How to run test pages, Printer trouble shooting as well as common cartridge problems will be covered at the end of this article. Required Tools Toner approved vacuum.

Figure 16 3) With the handle facing you, remove the 2 screws on the left end cap. See Figure 17 4Press in on the tab shown and carefully pry up and remove the end cap. See Figures 18 & 19 RECHARGEasia

• SEPTEMBER 2011 • 63


Remanufacturing the Brother HL 3040 Series Toner Cartridges TN-210 Color Toner Cartridges


the right side of the developer roller to the up position. See Figure 24 10) Gently pry off the white bushing on the opposite side of the developer roller. Be careful not to lose the spring! See Figure 25

Figure 17

Figure 21 gear. See Figure 22

Figure 25 11) Remove the screw and end cap for the developer roller. See Figures 26 & 27 Figure 18 Figure 22 8) Remove the two remaining small white gears. See Figure 23

Figure 26 Figure 19 5) Remove the four gears and reset spring as shown. See Figure 20 Figure 23 9) Move the white plastic locking tab on

Figure 27

Figure 20 6) Prey off the developer roller bushing. See Figure 21 7) Remove the E-ring and developer roller




Figure 24

12) Remove the developer roller. See Figure 28 13) Carefully vacuum/blow the cartridge clean. Use only low pressure air! (High pressure air can cause leaks in the seals). Be sure to rotate the foam feed roller so it is fully cleaned. See Figure 29


free cloth. Do not use any chemicals to clean the roller. A dry, clean, lint free cloth will work fine. 17) Re-install the developer roller long shaft side to the gear side, and white lock pointing up. Turn the lock towards the doctor blade until it locks in place. See Figures 31 & 32 Figure 28

Figure 34 order shown. Install the E-ring. See Figure 35

Figure 31 Figure 29 14) Vacuum/blow the doctor blade. We do not recommend that the doctor blade be removed as the developer roller felt seals will be disturbed. Once a new blade is available, great care will have to be taken not to tear the seals causing a leak. The doctor blade can be easily cleaned by blowing the excess toner off, and wiping down with a lint free cloth. Be very careful not to leave any lint behind and do not use any chemicals to clean it!

Figure 30 15) Inspect the magnetic roller felts. If they are compressed, (shiny) gently rough them up with a small screwdriver. See Figure 30 16) Clean the developer roller with a lint

Figure 35

Figure 32 18) Install the opposite side end cap and screw. See Figure 33

18) Clean the gears, making sure that they have no toner on them. This is a good time to also check the gear shafts to make sure there is enough grease. If the shafts appear dry, or the grease is contaminated with toner, clean the shaft and inside of the gear. Replace the grease with white lithium grease. Install the 3 mid gears. See Figure 36

Figure 33 19) Install the spring and bushing on the non gear side of the roller. Make sure the bushing moves freely. See Figure 34 17) Install the developer roller gear and two small gears located next to it in the

Figure 36 19) Set the reset gear and spring as shown. The tail of the spring fits into a notch at the base of the gear. Starter cartridges do not come with this gear, but it can be RECHARGEasia

• SEPTEMBER 2011 • 65


Remanufacturing the Brother HL 3040 Series Toner Cartridges TN-210 Color Toner Cartridges


added and the starter cartridge use as a full TN-210. See Figure 37

will run 3-4 pages depending on the configuration. Machine Trouble shooting All the machine error codes are in plain English so there is no need to go into them here. Repetitive Defect Chart

Figure 40

Developer roller OPC Drum Upper fuser roller Lower Pressure roller

31.0mm 94.0mm 78.0mm 78.0mm

Figure 37 20) Install the developer roller bushing. See Figure 38

Figure 41

Figure 38

24) Wipe the cartridge down to remove any remaining toner dust. 25) Install the developer roller cover. This is important as the developer roller is exposed and is easily damaged or contaminated. See Figure 42

21) Install the gear cover plate, and two screws. See Figure 39

Note: If you hav e any que sti on abo ut the rem anu fac tur ing tec hno log y or if you have other puzzles you need to solve, you may contact Rechar ge Asia Magazine for more help. We als o welcome you to share your experience and remanufactur ing tips.

如果您有任何关于 再生方面的技 术问题 , 您可以联 系 我 们, 获 得 帮助。我们也将非 常高兴的与您 一起分享您关于打 印耗材再生方 面的经验和心得。 Email: news@rechar

Figure 42 Figure 39 22) Fill the cartridge with the appropriate color and amount of Brother HL-3040 Toner. See Figure 40 23) Replace the fill plug. See Figure 41




Printing Test Pages Printer Setting pages: Press the OK button 3 times while the printer is in the READY state. The printer will show “Print Settings/ printing” on the LCD. The HL-3040



• SEPTEMBER 2011 • 67


SymbioPrint® to Sell World’s First Biotoner in the United States SymbioPrint, a German distributor of biotoner cartridges and printing supplies, announced that it has established operations in the United States. SymbioPrint Americas, with headquarters in Sunnyvale, CA, will start selling its ecofriendly biotoner for laser printers in the United States in September 2011. The environmentally friendly toner uses toner powder derived from soybean oil and marketed under the SoyPrint® brand. SymbioPrint licenses the SoyPrint technology and began marketing biotoner cartridges in Europe in 2010. “Biotoner cartridges are a breakthrough for the U.S. marketplace,” says Dolin Pereira, CEO of SymbioPrint Americas. “They represent a fundamental shift away from conventional petroleum-based toner cartridges to a solution that is healthier, more cost effective and ecologically responsible. The benefits of using soy-based toner are so comprehensive that it makes business and environmental sense to discontinue using crude oil-based cartridges. Conventional cartridges contain up to 40 percent crude oil. By comparison, soy-based ink, which was introduced to commercial printing in 1980s, has become a proven replacement for petroleum-based ink. It is now used in approximately 25 percent of all commercial printing and on 95 percent of U.S. newspaper and magazine printing presses.

Using renewable resources The soybean oil used in biotoner cartridges does not compete with human food production because it is an animal feed byproduct sourced from locally grown American agriculture. About SymbioPrint SymbioPrint is based in Ehningen, Germany and Sunnyvale, CA. SymbioPrint is a licensee of the American brand SoyPrint, which is owned by Print Recovery Concepts, Inc. SymbioPrint is the exclusive SoyPrint distributor for Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Great Britain, France, Ireland and Iceland. SymbioPrint serves businesses, institutions, universities, schools and offices, and is a single-source provider of green printer accessories. The company sells continuous ink supply systems (CISS), refill ink, compatible and refillable ink cartridges for inkjet printers and toner cartridges, and fine dust filters for healthier operating of laser printers. SymbioPrint compares its products with all toner manufacturers’ products, but due to high-quality standards, only guarantees SymbioPrint remanufactured toner cartridges. For moreinformation please visit:

Same high quality, less cost SoyPrint cartridges provide the same print quality as OEM conventional cartridges and cost up to 20 percent less. SymbioPrint offers soy-based laser cartridges for Canon and HP printers and will introduce cartridges for Dell, Lexmark and Samsung printers in fall 2011. Healthier workplace environment Crude oil-based cartridges release benzene, styrene and toluene during the printing process. These chemicals are considered hazardous and benzene is a known carcinogen. SoyPrint cartridges reduce the use of these volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Ecologically responsible One SoyPrint cartridge saves up to a gallon of crude oil. The use of biotoner replaces approximately a half-gallon of crude oil per cartridge. Recycling the cartridge saves an additional half-gallon of crude oil through reductions in energy and production costs. In Germany, SymbioPrint estimates that soy-based cartridges have the potential to eliminate up to 6.34 million gallons of crude oil annually. Each reused cartridge also reduces plastic waste by up to 6.6 pounds. SymbioPrint cartridges are produced according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 to ensure reliability with OEM brands.






SEPTEMBER 2011 • 69


ECi OMD and Katun Corporation Integrate PSN Function: Integration Will Fully Automate Purchase Order Process eCommerce Industries, Inc. (ECi), a leader in industry-specific information technology solutions, announced the integration of PSN functionality with Katun Corporation. The integration will fully automate purchase orders, acknowledgments and stock/price checks. “This integration will automate the ordering process, making it more efficient for our customers,” says Laryssa Alexander, President of ECi OMD. “ECi is committed to partnering with companies that will drive efficiencies and increase the bottom line for our customers.” Katun Corporation is one among many companies that have partnered with ECi over the past year. More companies are taking advantage of ECi’s exclusive PSN technology to aid respective customers in improving business processes. This integration will automate the ordering process, making it more efficient for customers. With a click of a button, a customer creating purchase orders in OMD can request a stock/price check on an item and receive current quantity and cost information directly from Katun’s system. “We are very excited by this integration,” remarks Brian Fredrickson, Vice President of Information Technology for Katun. “Our goal is to leverage technology to help improve efficiency for

our customers around the world. The integration with ECi OMD brings us one step closer to meeting that goal.” About Katun Corporation Headquartered in Minneapolis, Katun Corporation is one of the world’s leading suppliers of OEM-compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors, fuser rollers, parts and other select products and services for the office equipment industry. With over 30 years of expertise, the privately held Katun now serves more than 18,000 customers in more than 150 countries. For more information, or to access the Katun Online Catalogue, visit Katun online at About ECi ECi Software Solutions provides best-in-industry business and e-commerce software solutions for growing companies. For more than 30 years, ECi has served the manufacturing, office equipment, office supplies, contract office furniture, lumber and building materials, hardware and jan/san sectors. Privately held, ECi is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, with offices throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K. and the Netherlands. For more information, email visit www.

Clover Acquires Leading European Remanufacturer Imaging supplies firm expands global reach with latest investment Cartridge remanufacturer Clover Holdings has announced the acquisition of TRS Group. Founded in 1988, TRS has established a strong position in Europe, with facilities in Switzerland, Germany, and Serbia. The acquisition will enhance the manufacturing and sales capabilities of the Clover Technologies Group in Europe, while also providing additional resources for expansion into Eastern Europe. Clover also brings Saakar Printing Design & Engineering into the enterprise as part of the TRS Group. Saakar was established in 2009 to remanufacture supplies for the Indian marketplace. Clover




will develop this resource to extend a wider range of products and support to customers located within India and the Middle East. “We are particularly excited about this acquisition because it fits perfectly into our strategy of being the global leader in remanufactured imaging supplies,” said Mark Perry, MD, Clover Technologies Group Europe. “Clover and TRS share the same strategy of offering high quality remanufactured laser cartridges but operate in different geographies so there is no customer overlap. In addition, Clover and TRS focus on remanufactured colour laser supplies, which are the fastest growing segment of the imaging supplies industry.” Clover and TRS will continue to

operate independently in their respective markets, but will work together to leverage potential business. This partnership will provide greater coverage, while maximizing distribution capabilities for greater product availability throughout Europe. Clover now employs over 800 staff in Europe, making it the largest Europeanbased remanufacturing company.



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 71


The Biggest Color Toner Powder Production Base of Central China Holds a Grand Cornerstone Laying Ceremony in Wuhan In July of this summer, the sun shines severely every day, temperature turns unbelievably high, but working people are still quite passionate. At 9:30 on July 26th, in Wuhan Golden Port Industrial Park beside the beautiful Han River, a grand Cornerstone Laying Ceremony is being held for a Sino-Japanese joint venture,the Point-benny Technology (Wuhan) Limited Company. A project is created by Wuhan government, WUHAN POINTROLE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD and the world Top 500 Company, Marubeni Chemix Corporation jointly. The first investment phase is 1.9 billion RMB; the area covers 25,800 square meters, which are committed to build the largest color toner powder production line in central China. The Ceremony is hosted by Li Yanming, the deputy administrative head of Hanyang District, Wuhan city. Mr. Wang Lin’an, The Chairman of Point-benny Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd, made a speech on behalf of the company. He said, “First of all, I shall give a million thanks to Wuhan municipal government, Hanyang district government and the community, for all your great support and help. Cooperating with Marubeni Chemix Corporation of Japan, we are determined to create the largest central color toner powder production line in Central China. It indicates that China’s color toner powder supply can gradually get rid of the longtime importing period. Meanwhile, it will open a new chapter in the history of color toner powder production in central China. Following the wise leading of local government, we will speed up the construction and do our best to start production as soon as possible. Undoubtedly, we assure all that high quality comes first, and make our contribution to the “second five” plan. Mr. Tu Shanfeng, the warden of Hanyang district, Wuhan city, also presented an important speech. He said, “The color toner powder production project of Point-benny Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. is one of the most important investment promotion projects of Wuhan city, which is supported by both Hanyang District and Wuhan City. Cooperating with Marubeni Corporation of Japan, we will introduce advanced foreign technologies and equipment to produce various kinds of color powder suitable to all color printers and color copiers of different brands and models This project means that we will break the monopoly of foreign OEM manufacturers and produce with proprietary intellectual property rights products to meet the large demand for both domestic and international markets. This project is promising




and it will promote China’s rapid development in the color toner industry. Mr. Li Shiwei, regional secretary of Hanyang district, Wuhan city announced that the project officially began. The celebrating activities included a grand Cornerstone Laying Ceremony. Mr. Yang Xinnian, secretary of Wuhan Science and Technology Institute, Mr. Li Shiwei, regional secretar y of Hanyang district,Wuhan city, Mr. Tu Shanfeng, warden of Hanyang district Wuhan city, Mr. Wang lin’an, Chairman of Pointbenny Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd, and leaders from the District People's Congress and the District Government laid the foundation stone for the project together. Finally, the Cornerstone Laying Ceremony successfully ended with happy applause, powerful drums, and a dramatic gun salute.

Future Graphics Welcomes Mr. Benny Chu Future Graphics, the world’s leading supplier of quality aftermarket printing supplies, and the exclusive source for MK Imaging®, Kaleidochrome® and BioBlack® brands, is pleased to announce the addition of Benny Chu to its Zhuhai, China sales operations. With the title of Sales Director, Mr. Chu will be looking after the expanding region of South East Asia. Mr. Chu has over 20 years experience in the imaging industry, including over15 years as a sales manager and consultant for UTEC/Print-Rite. “Benny’s experience and knowledge of the region will be a great asset as we offer our superior products and comprehensive system solutions to more customers throughout South East Asia,” said Mr. Dick Yu, FG representative in China. Mr. Chu may be reached at +86 13928020788 or you may email him at Future Graphics (FG) is the global leader in aftermarket imaging supplies. FG combines the market knowledge of the world’s leading value-added distributor, and the technical expertise of the largest manufacturer of toner and OPCs for the imaging aftermarket. The result is unmatched resources capable of delivering first-to-market comprehensive system solutions to remanufacturers around the globe.


OCP Signs Contract with New Distribution Partner: Sene-OCP Sarl OCP Signed Contract with a New Distribution Partner: SeneOCP Sarl now provides OCP Inks exclusively in West Africa! OCP is pleased to announce the appointment of a new distribution partner for West Africa: Sene-OCP Sarl is with immediate effectiveness our exclusive partner for the whole range of OCP products in the countries Senegal, Gambia, Mali, GuineaBissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo and Benin. With Sene-OCP Sarl, OCP has chosen another very motivated partner. Based on their engagement and their very long expertise in our industry, Sene-OCP Sarl will provide excellent technical support to all companies in West Africa. Sene-OCP Sarl - the newest member of the "OCP Family"is operated by René Filleé, who is working in this industry almost from its beginning. This cooperation agreement is the first which has been signed in 2011 – and OCP is looking forward to further agreements in other countries during this year.

Companies from this region, who are interested to test and/or purchase OCP inks should contact our partner directly: For more information please visit Website address:

Mr. Horst-Gerh. Edelmeier (General Manager OCP GmbH, left) and Mr. René Filleé (General Manager Sene-OCP Sarl, right)


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 73


Color Imaging Introduces Compatible Color Toner Cartridges Toshiba e-STUDIO MFPs Color Imaging, Inc. introduced 100 percent new compatible color toner cartridges for the Toshiba e-STUDIO 2330c, 2830c, 3530c, 4520c business color MFPs. These toner cartridges provide a solution to the cost per copy pressures that exist in the business color environment. These Color Imaging products have been extensively tested to ensure OEM compatibility and comparable print quality, yield, component wear and adhesion. Color Imaging is experienced in working with conventional,

chemical and mechanically ground toners, which are all part of its extensive line of products. Color Imaging continues to make the investments necessary to meet the requirements of changing technology. For more information about Color Imaging, please visit the web: www.

ILG Releases Compatible Color Cartridges for the HP CE740 Series ILG (International Laser Group) announced the first-to-market releases of the HP color series CE740A, 741A, 742A and 743A compatible cartridges for use in CP5225, CP5225dn LaserJet printers. This high-demand HP compatible color series offers 7,300-page yields for black and 7,000-page yield for color: CE741 (c), CE742 (y), CE743 (m), matching OEM in print yield. The CP5225 compatible color cartridges from ILG produce quality print results with solid dark print details and sharp color output. These cartridges are manufactured in the USA by ILG and are produced under stringent manufacturing guidelines. In addition, ILG has added MPS CERTIFIED optimized

cartridge-testing protocols to its extensive product line. MPS CERTIFIED brand products are developed and designed to provide the highest quality print performance in MPS print environments. These cartridges are designed to perform in challenging applications such as duplexing (double-sided printing), full color bleed printing and environmental extremes. These US made color cartridges offer the best value and cost savings, allowing the dealers to make substantially higher profit margins compared to OEM margins. ILG color products also feature the use of the SMART COLOR SYSTEM to its color cartridge manufacturing. A system designed to enhance the color print quality and eliminate toner leakage or build-up, resulting in clean streak-proof print that matches OEM in consistency and performance. Joe Shulman, V.P. of client relations commented, “Not only are we the first-to-offer the CE740 series compatible to the industry, but we have added MPS CERTIFIED performance testing protocols to our cartridges. ILG continues to improve the manufacturing technology in order to offer better product performance and stay ahead of the competition.� Headquartered in Woodland Hills, California, ILG ships from four additional distribution facilities in San Diego, Calif.; Illinois; Texas; and Pennsylvania enabling us to offer next day delivery. Each toner cartridge offers a 2-year warranty with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. For more information please visit website of





Static Control Releases New Odyssey Doctor Blade for HP 3800/3600/3000 and CP3505 Cartridges Static Control has released a new Odyssey Doctor Blade for use in remanufacturing HP 3800/3600/3000 and CP3505 toner cartridges (Static Control Part Number:HP38DBLADEOS-5). The Odyssey Doctor Blade for the HP 3800 is designed and manufactured in-house by Static Control, which ensures that the component is electrically matched with other Static Control toner and components used to remanufacture these cartridges for optimum print quality and performance. Static Control recommends replacing the doctor blade after each remanufacturing cycle to avoid print defects associated with damaged, used doctor blades. The Static Control sealing foam (HP38DBSFM) is recommended for use with the new HP 3800 doctor blade for a secure seal, and the gapping tool (HP38DBSPACER) is recommended for correct doctor blade gapping.

Static Control Introduces 10oz Toner Bottles to Reduce Waste, Save on Shipping Costs Static Control has introduced smaller 10oz toner bottles that lower costs while reducing waste and pollution. Remanufacturers can lower freight cost and reduce shipments by receiving more bottles in a single shipment. The smaller bottle size requires less storage space, too. The new, smaller bottles will be used for more than 190 different toner products from Static Control for fill weights of 100 grams or less. For fill weights between 100 grams and 125 grams, toner might be shipped in 10oz bottles depending on trial fill tests. Static Control customers will receive toner in the new, 10oz bottles in mixed shipments over the next several months. For more information, please visit:



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 75






UNINET WINS “BEST CUSTOMER SUPPORT” & “BEST WEBSITE” AWARD AT 2011 READERS CHOICE AWARDS Los Angeles, CA - UniNet receives first place prizes in “Best Customer Support” and “Best Website” at the 2011 Recharger Magazine’s Readers’ Choice Awards held on July 20th at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. These awards reflect UniNet’s continued commitment to providing outstanding quality customer service, free and easyto-use website navigation, and free online remanufacturing instructions among other services to our clients and the industry in general. UniNet President Nestor Saporiti comments, “We are honored to be recognized by Recharger subscribers, Recharger Magazine and the industry. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support for our awards for this year. UniNet shares this success with everyone and we look forward to continue delivering excellent quality service worldwide.”

and features separate toner and imaging units (drums). Rated at 42ppm, this printer can print up to 12” x 18” at 1200 x 600 dpi resolution. Toner cartridges are rated at 16,500 pages for the black and 21,000 pages for the colors. Imaging units are rated at 35,000 pages. The toner cartridges can be easily refilled and the drum units remanufactured.

UNINET ABSOLUTE COLOR TONER & COMPONENTS FOR LEXMARK C780 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the release of Absolute COLOR® toner, drums, Smartchips, and key replacement components qualified for use in the Lexmark C780 color laser printer. This 35 ppm printer, although no longer sold, was very popular and sold well. Rated at 35ppm with 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution,

UNINET ABSOLUTE COLOR TONER & COMPONENTS FOR HP CP6015 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet releases Absolute COLOR® toner and products qualified for use in the HP CP6015 and the CM6030/6040 color laser MFP. Key remanufacturing components released include drums, Smartchips, seals, and wiper blades. This workhorse printer is different from typical HP models,


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this was the high end color printer of its time. This printer is also offered in a duplex version.

UNINET ABSOLUTE COLOR TONER & COMPONENTS FOR SAMSUNG CLP-325 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces the release of Absolute COLOR® toner and Smartchips qualified for use in the Samsung CLP-325W printer. This home/small office color laser printer is rated at 17 ppm in black/4ppm in color. Other features include PCL5C and PCL6 emulations and Wi-Fi connectivity. Toner cartridges are rated at 1,500 pages for the black and 1,000 pages for the colors.

UNINET ABSOLUTE BLACK TONER & COMPONENTS FOR HP M4555 MFP Los Angeles, CA - UniNet releases Absolute BLACK® toner and remanufacturing products qualified for use in HP’s newest monochrome laser MFP: the Enterprise M4555. All major replacement components have also been released. This new MFP is variation of HP’s 4015/4515 series printer. Upgrades include an “instant-on” fuser, encrypted hard drive, and multiple paper handling options. Toner cartridges are similar to the 4015/4515, but are not interchangeable. The CE390A cartridge is rated at 10,000 pages and the “X” version at 24,000 pages.

UNINET ABSOLUTE MICR TONER & COMPONENTS FOR LEXMARK T650 & E260/360/460 SERIES Los Angeles, CA - UniNet announces new Absolute MICR™ toners and remanufacturing products qualified for use in the Lexmark T650 and E260/360/460 Series printers. UniNet also offers X Generation® black toner, drums and key components for these engines. These latest models from Lexmark, with added MICR capabilities, are a big bonus. Lexmark based MICR printers, sold through Source Technologies, are extremely popular in the MICR industry. Remanufacturers will be thrilled with these releases.




For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit



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Message from the Publisher 九月 就在不久前,IT 行业巨头惠普公司借着第三季度财报公布的机会,向 全球发布了一系列重磅消息,包括宣布公司开启转型,将加大对打印成像 市场的关注和投入 ;可能分离信息产品集团(PSG,PC 事业部);证实 与英国软件公司 Autonomy 合并的可能性 ;不再运营 webOS 设备 ( 包括 Touchpad 和 webOS 手机 ) ;任命企业服务业务(Enterprise Service)新的 全球领导人等等。惠普力求引领未来 IT 行业的姿态已经昭然若揭。不仅仅 是惠普,包括爱普生,佳能,乃至联想等多家影像打印领域的 OEM 制造 企业都纷纷开始了自己的转型战略,虎视眈眈的力求在未来分享市场的更 多资源。这难免不让后市场领域的影像耗材行者们神经绷紧。在此次的财 务报告里包括惠普服务,企业级产品系列,惠普软件,打印及成像系统集 团(IPG),惠普金融服务以及 PSG 的各个业务层面,只有 PSG 的运营利润率为个位数(5.9%),其他业务运 营利润几乎都达到了两位数,打印及成像系统集团(IPG)的利润率更是尤为可观。 早有分析指出,随着影像打印市场的不断发展扩大,耗材利润在影像设备整体市场所占的比重正大幅增加。 而同整机市场的不同在于,再生耗材的生产企业正逐渐壮大,耗材后市场从业者们正逐渐从追随者转变成为市 场的参与者和竞争者。就如我们都看到的那样,许多兼容耗材生产企业无论从产品质量还是适应性等方面都已 经和 OEM 企业比肩。但也正是这种转变,加深了再生耗材企业和 OEM 制造企业之间的竞争,逼迫所有的后 市场企业将不能再单纯的追随者 OEM 的脚步,而是要根据市场需求,进行独立的企业定位和产品研发,不仅 仅是要从技术,产品层面上,更是企业综合素质的考验和竞争。 所以我们本期杂志花大量的时间和精力与大家探讨 OEM 的问题,OEM 企业正在采取哪些方法占据了怎 样的市场,未来他们还将有什么样的发展策略。有趣的是,就在一些后市场耗材再制造业者错误的认为 OEM 本身就该是走在前端,而自己作为后市场就自然的跟随在 OEM 之后的时候,OEM 却时刻在关注着后市场的 发展,HP 之前引发的一些列关于打印产品的专利侵权官司似乎是为此次宣布未来更加专注于影像打印市场的 最佳注解,而今年早些时候三星公司为了自身加载大容量墨盒的推广,对再制造耗材厂商研发的连续供墨系统 申请了专利无效,大大出乎了许多人的预料。我们希望通过本期的杂志,能让您对当前各大 OEM 制造商有更 进一步的全面认识。 希望您能喜欢本期杂志的安排,另外《亚洲再生业》杂志也在新浪微博开启了自己的官方微博,欢迎你的 关注 !

执行编辑 刘师同


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“Innovation” is the Only Way out for Continued Growth

通用耗材的出路在“创新” 通用耗材的“337”案件已经过去 了 5 年,5 年前的硝烟还历历在目,原 装厂商高举知识产权大棒砸向中国的耗 材企业,仅仅是为了索赔吗?醉翁之意 不在酒,给予行业的重重打击,倒是实 实在在的。5 年后,中国的民族耗材产 业并没有被打垮,而是春风吹又生,他 们 焕 发 出 新 的 生 机, 越 战 越 强。 可 以 说,中国优秀品牌的通用耗材出现,迫 于原装厂商的产品价格下调。创新,使 中国的通用耗材有了自己的上游打印机 产品,将形成产业链的格局。品牌,使 中国质优价廉的耗材进入了政府采购市 场,中国通用耗材的出路出现了转机, 走上了一条阳光之路。 通用耗材的价格已不在“优势” 多年来,通用耗材引以为荣的是价 格优势,并以此迅速占领了市场份额。 市场的竞争,使原装厂商意识到, 用户的理性消费,会把消费者推向他们 的竞争对手,于是他们实施了大幅降低 耗材产品价格的战略。 2004 年,爱普生向家庭用户推出 ME 系 列 打 印 产 品, 打 着 用 户“ 买 得 起,用得起”的口号,将单张打印成本 降到 0.2 元,稳定了家用市场的份额。 2011 年,爱普生针对商务市场推出的 L101,超大墨水量打印的能力可与改 装连供的喷墨打印机相仿,黑白打印到 0.02 元,彩色到 0.05 元,谁与争锋。 爱普生的举措颠覆了人们用耗材越多, 花费越多的理念。 2009 年惠普推出了“惠省”系列 打印机,2010 年推出的彩色喷墨打印机 的价格为 599 元,配备黑墨、彩墨均售 69 元(704 型 号 墨 盒), 黑 白 打 印 成 本为 0.14 元。“惠省”HP Photosmart K510a 彩色照片一体机,打印单张 6 寸 照片不到 1 元钱。 2011 年 刚 刚 上 市 的 富 士 施 乐 P105b 激光打印机,在购机时赠送 2 个 成像卡盒,前期的打印没有成本,以此 吸引用户使用原装耗材的习惯。 原装厂商的转变,对于消费者来说, 是件利好大事,但对于通用耗材产业来




说,却是强有力的挑战。 通用耗材的出路在“创新” 据有关数据统计,中国截止 2012 年耗材销售额仍继续在 14.2% 增长,市 场有很大的发展空间。通用耗材的出路 在于“创新”。 技术创新,使中国优秀品牌耗材脱 颖而出,成功的例子如,珠海赛纳推出 自己知识产权的“奔图”激光打印机, 可以形成自身体系的耗材,打破原装一 统天下的耗材使用格局。珠海天威垂直 整合的经营管理,避免零部件中的“一 损俱损”的连带效应,自主研发了大量 的通用耗材零部件,保证了质量统一, 自身形成产业链的格局。这些优秀公司 为通用耗材的大发展铺垫了基石。 在 2011 年 4 月份的 Rechina 打印 耗材展,很多兼容墨水厂商推出的铜版 纸墨水,将喷墨应用于印刷制版方面, 具有创新进取精神,显示出国产兼容墨 水不再是跟随原厂其后,逐步跨入引领 行业新应用的时代。 机制创新,通用耗材创新还表现在 管理机制、运营模式、市场策略、渠道 建设等方面做出改革。由于能源、原材 料成本、劳动力成本、融资成本上升, 企业的盈利能力和效益水平受到较大影 响。通用耗材企业必须通过改革和创新 寻求解决困境的办法。 转形创新,通用耗材厂商数量众多, 门栏低,产品质量良莠不齐,随着品牌 耗材优势越来越明显,经营不佳的通用 耗材企业面临整合洗牌。部分厂商要及 时有效的调整,不然就会被动。 通用耗材产品的生存在“品牌” 珠海赛纳科技有限公司总经理汪东 颖说,做小市场靠价格,做大市场靠品 质加价格,即“品牌”占领市场。 “品牌”的差异,不是仅仅停留在 产品质量的差异上,它有更深层的东西 印在客户的脑子中,如,北京莱盛高新 技术有限公司在经营通用耗材时,不仅 严把质量关,在发货、退货、帐期方面 都有与其它公司不同的做法,以诚信做

事,以坦诚做人,赢得用户良好的口碑, 也使品牌在市场上的占有率逐年递增, 每年以 30% 利润增长,公司一路滚大, 成为行业上的榜样。 “品牌”的差异,体现在公司的经 营管理上,北京中恒复印材料有限公司 在干部汇报工作时,从来不允许有“差 不多⋯⋯;可能吧⋯⋯;也许是⋯⋯” 这样不清的表述,这是一种不负责的工 作态度,对自己都不肯定的事,对客户 能负责吗? 这种诚信的精神在品牌中起到了很 好的作用,这就是为什么同样的产品中 恒比其它公司贵 10%,客户仍然认可的 原因,他们从来不是以价格取信用户, 而是以诚信赢得了用户的信赖,这就是 品牌的作用。 通用耗材关注中国“大市场” 中国是通用耗材的生产基地,世界 大多数的再生耗材来自中国制造,在欧 美市场,品牌通用耗材占到耗材总销量 的 70-80%,我国许多优秀的耗材公司 也是以外养内发展壮大起来的。 2010 年中国的耗材市场发生了很 大的变化,从中央到地方,政府采购市 场的进一步放开,为通用耗材企业提供 了巨大的发展机遇,能与原装厂家同台 竞技,分享数百亿的市场份额,这是前 所未有的机遇。 2011 年是我国“十二五”发展规 划实施的第一年,环保节能、循环回收、 资源再利用,成为重点的发展项目,也 为再生耗材带来了政策上的优势。 中国通用耗材不失时机地抓住这个 大好形势,许多公司从出口为主内销为 附的 8:2 比例,调整为 5:5,迅速利 用这个大好时机发展自己。 关注中国的市场主要体现于: 1. 专注高端客户 通用耗材发展要关注高端客户,国 家机关、企事业单位,这是中国的大用 户。 据相关统计数据显示,在政府采购 实际供货量方面,格之格的供货量



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仅次于惠普、佳能,排在了第三位,这 是民族品牌耗材在政府采购领域有史以 来获得的最好成绩。格之格长期以来在 政府采购领域的努力耕耘,赢得了用户 的认可和肯定。格之格再次荣获“2011 年度政府采购通用环保耗材受欢迎品 牌”的称号。 2. 扩大民族品牌耗材的宣传 据 CBIResearch 此 前 调 查 发 现: 有 49%的用户对兼容性耗材缺乏了解, 群众并未进入理性的消费状态,扩大民 族品牌耗材的宣传很有必要。 其实有相当一部分通用耗材厂商达 到了国家的“绿色生产”原则,即 3R

原则:Recycle 可回收循环、Refill 可重 填墨水、墨粉和 Reuse 可重复使用原则。 通用耗材在保证打印质量的前提下,价 格上更迎合中国国情,同时也符合社会 对环保的需求。 3. 优质品牌耗材的附加功能 中国品牌耗材应势而起,成为消费 市场的主流品牌,一方面是自主创新后, 敢于向原装品牌挑战,另一方面加强了 产品增值服务功能,增强了品牌意识, 在市场上,要不断扩大优秀品牌耗材的 影响力。 4. 原装厂商也在争夺中国的大市场 如果说,2011 年爱普生向中国市场推

出新款喷墨打印机,是顺势而为,爱普 生机器自己带连供,是迟来的春天,这 话不为过,但细心的人一眼就看穿,爱 普生机器价格 1400 元,其实就是一台 ME33+ 连供的机器,前后差距价格竟 然有 900 元左右,EPSON 的机器自己 带连供,给普通消费者还是先割一刀的 销售模式,其实全是为争夺中国这个大 市场。 中国的通用耗材历经 20 年成长, 从初始的模仿阶段,到走向自主研发, 开拓中国大市场,深深体会到:通用耗 材只有创新才会走向发展的光明大道。

Centralized Bulk Procurement Affects Printing Market Nerves

批量集中采购牵动打印市场神经 中国政府采购报梁爽 陈昂 根 据 国 家 最 新 指 示 精 神, 从 7 月 1 日起,中央单位采购的台式计算机和 打印机,原则上全部纳入今年批量集中 采购试点范围。8 月 17 日,各家打印 机厂商决战中央国家机关 2011 年批量 集中采购项目,谁将成为这一市场的最 大赢家? 采购人是如何认知这一新模 式的?供应商又有哪些独门武器赢得博 弈?这些疑问使得各方关注的目光再次 聚焦在打印市场的政府采购项目。 经过紧张的周密筹备,中央单位批 量集中采购即将迎来首次开标。为了能 在第一次集体亮相中出彩,政府采购各 方当事人都下足了功夫。对于中央单位 每年过亿元的打印机采购项目来说,此 次采购包括了 177 台 A4 单面打印机和 269 台 A4 双面打印机。实施批量集中 采购后,打印机政府采购市场格局会发 生变革吗?

量集中采购方式完成。 正因此,打印机供应商对于批量集 中采购的重视程度提升到了前所未有的 高度,纷纷行动起来,针对每一个细节 查漏补缺、完善现有环节,为即将到来 的竞争做好精心准备,试图在批量集中 采购的全新竞争平台上一显身手。


黄松 “该模式的推广会帮助 IT 类采购 由单纯的价格竞争逐渐转向价格服务双 竞争。”佳能(中国)有限公司政府、 大客户及新业务拓展部副总裁黄松在接 受记者采访时,一针见血地指出了推广 批量集中采购模式对于今后 IT 类产品政 府采购的意义所在。

在 经 历 了 7 年 的 协 议 供 货 后, 从 2011 年起,批量集中采购将在政府采 购领域占据重量地位。根据 2011 年年 初财政部颁布的《关于做好 2011 年中 央单位政府采购计划和执行编报工作的 通知》要求,今后协议供货所占比例将 被控制在 10% 以内,其余份额均由批 84



在黄松看来,实施批量集中采购模 式的直接效果是既能节约财政性资金, 又能保证采购人得到优质的产品和服 务,可从一定程度上极大保证采购人的 利益。更为重要的是,该模式会对现有 的竞争格局产生极大的变化和影响。

椋田显 柯尼卡美能达办公系统(中国)有 限公司北京分公司总经理椋田显表达了 同样的观点。他认为,批量集中采购模 式相对协议供货而言实际上是对集中采 购的深化诠释,能够使市场竞争更为充 分,为政府采购提供质优价廉的产品。 对于办公设备厂商而言,批量集中采购 所提出的大规模集中采购的需求,



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便于厂家集中备货,从而避免出现不能 及时供货的情况,同时若在大的框架下 签订批量集中采购合同,厂家在服务和 供货方面更方便协调管理,对提高效率 有很大帮助。

李文科 在采访中,联想集团大客户业务政 府行业总监李文科告诉记者,实施批量 集中采购后,参与竞争的品牌数量将会 增加,价格竞争会更加充分,对于采购





刘洪 产品刚刚进入政府采购市场的北京 奔图科技有限公司总经理刘洪认为,实 施批量集中采购后,采购的品牌喜好将 被弱化,性能和价格将成为竞争的关键 因素,各品牌间将有平等的竞争机会。 针对需求特点早作绸缪 为了做出合适的应对之策,供应商

对首次招标的批量集中采购项目招标文 件进行了细致地研究,寻找到批量集中 采购与协议供货的不同之处,并针对其 特点开展部署。 黄松告诉记者,协议供货产品的报 价所包含的售后服务期为 1 年,而批量 集中采购则要求 3 年的售后服务。为此, 佳能在全国范围内将挑选经过佳能售后 服务认证的经销商专门应对本次打印机 的批量集中采购,确保所有用户可以享 受到佳能的高质产品和优质服务。 对于批量集中采购与其他采购方式 的不同之处,椋田显表示,如今 90%以 上的打印机实行批量集中采购后,会给 打印机政府采购市场带来一定影响,可 能会使市场格局发生一定变化。更为重 要的是,这一改变对政府用户来说将会 大大节约不必要的浪费,对厂商来说将 有更多的机会把优质的产品通过批量集 中采购提供给广大的政府用户。 富士施乐(中国)有限公司总裁徐 正刚认为,批量集中采购对于供应商提


出的要求不仅在产品端,而且包括技术、 服务等综合实力。因此,富士施乐在今 后的工作中将会提高相应的规范,以适 应政策的变化,并一如既往地从客户实 际需求出发,创新产品类型和技术,以 提高核心竞争力。另外,富士施乐还将 在服务上升级与创新,紧跟客户的脚步, 为今后市场拓展打下坚实的基础。

徐正刚 针对供货模式的改变,刘洪道出了 自己的思路。他说:“由于批量采购数 量较大,因此奔图会考虑在投标报价时 给予比协议供货报价更高的折扣和优惠 率。在批量集中采购模式下,奔图会更 关注协议供货商管理,提高综合服务能 力,满足批量采购的新要求,提高客户 的满意度。” 履约验收是关注焦点 需 求 汇 总、 价 格 低 廉、 选 择 面 广 ⋯⋯这些都是批量集中采购的优势,对 于采购人来说,供应商如何将产品及时 足量地配送到位以及提供优质的后续服 务是评价采购活动质量的关键所在。 在接受记者采访时,中国气象局计 财司资产与资金处处长马春莉表示,气 象局及其直属单位已根据财政部有关批 量集中采购的要求,申报了第一期批量 集中采购计划,包括台式计算机 192 台 和打印机 46 台,正在等待最终招标结果。 与此同时,马春莉也向记者道出了 一些隐忧,就是招标结果公布后的履约 供货问题。她说:“我们现在最为关心 的就是供应商中标后将如何实施送货、 安装、服务等事项。尤其是像气象局这 样的系统管理单位,采购单位地域分布

在全国各地,供应商如何及时地服务到 位是批量采购成功与否的关键所在。” “批量集中采购能够让更多的品牌 参与竞争,市场份额势必会重新分割。 在这种情况下,只有在产品质量和售后 服务方面都具实力的供应商才会脱颖而 出。相信在执行几轮批量集中采购后, 运行操作会更加顺畅,我们将大力支持 批量集中采购工作的开展。”尽管有着 一些担忧,但马春莉仍然十分看好批量 集中采购的未来。

单位根据自己多年的采购经验提出了 一些可能会出现的新问题。中国银行 (3.00,0.00,0.00%) 监督管理委员会财务 部相关负责人在接受记者采访时表示, 批量集中采购尽管优势很多,但在执行 过程中要警惕可能存在的某些违规风 险,比如因采购情况紧急,将采购计划 化整为零,从而走向协议供货,这样势 必会失去批量集中采购的实施意义。除 此之外,批量集中采购还需兼顾预算执 行进度,保证采购各环节流转得通畅快 捷。 教育部财务司相关负责人对批量采 购前景表示看好,该负责人告诉记者: “希望批量集中采购经过几轮操作后, 流程更加完善,让采购单位打消执行过 程中的各种疑虑。同时,希望政策制定 部门能够兼顾各采购人单位的特殊性, 通过了解各方需求制定出因地事宜的操 作办法,从而满足不同采购单位的具体 需求。” 待时机成熟可向地方推广

马春莉 交通运输部财务司资产处相关负责 人则对批量采购的首次招标显得很有信 心。该负责人表示,交通部已经按照规 定申报了第一期批量集中采购计划,待 招标结果公布后将重视批量集中采购的 履约验收环节,严格对待产品验收,最 终让批量集中采购落实到位。 政策细节有待补足 在 记 者 的 走 访 过 程 中, 几 乎 所 有 的受访采购人都对批量供货的价格优势 给予了肯定。公安部装备财务局相关负 责人向记者分析道:“批量集中采购相 当于把协议供货二次竞价环节的价格水 分强制挤掉,通过投标过程中多家供应 商的充分竞争获取更加合理的价格,从 而在很大程度上避免价格虚高现象的发 生。同时,该负责人在具体的制度细节 上提出了自己的建议:“批量集中采购 在制度设计时最好对打印机和计算机的 专用设备进行充分考虑,以便采购单位 能够及时购买到自己所需的产品。” 从 整 体 上 看, 虽 然 中 央 单 位 采 购 人对批量采购的认可度比较高,但也有

对于批量集中采购的推广问题,供 应商不谋而合地表示,待时机成熟,可 向地方推广,这将会给政企双方带来更 大的益处。黄松表示,批量集中采购模 式其实很适合在地方级政府采购市场推 广,因为,小范围内更能筛选出有能力 的厂商和供应商,以满足服务到地市级 用户的要求。 椋田显更倾向于根据实际效果再作 判断的看法。他告诉记者,如果批量集 中采购实施后既能给政府用户带来更加 实际的收益,又能给供应商提供更加公 平合理的竞争平台,这种方式就可以在 地方级政府采购市场推广。 刘洪同样认为,中央政采的批量集 中采购会是意中革命性的创新,希望能 在地方级政采市场推广该模式。 2009 年,中央国家机关政府采购 中心打印机的采购数量为 26229 台,采 购金额为 9534 万元,金额占比为 2%, 平均每台价格为 3635 元。 2010 年,中央国家机关政府采购 中心打印机的采购数量为 42604 台,采 购金额 13353 万元,金额占比为 2.80%, 平均每台的价格为 3134 元。





Everyone Comments on RechargExpo in Indonesia

2011 年中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展获得业界积极推荐 “印度尼西亚拥有至少 5.5 亿的 IT 市场份额 , 但是仅有 5% 的渗透率,这意味着未来该市场还有很大的发掘潜力” - 印度尼西亚电脑公会 “去年,戴尔在整个东南亚地区的销售增长达到了 33%,而增长最快的拉动来自印度尼西亚” - 戴尔公司

中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展览为您开拓东南亚新兴市场铺平道路! MIT 公司 CEO,Ivan 说先生说 : “许多华商担心在我们国家会有安全问题,其实这种担心是完全没必要的, 我们对外国商人是非常友好的,因为建立一个安定友好的环境是任何国家经济发展的一个重要保障。” 亚洲再生业杂志出版人,Sunny 女士说 : “众所周知,印尼市场潜力巨大,商机无限。前段时间,世界银行 专家小组就关于印尼未来经济的讨论,它是未来 10 年世界新兴的经济国家之一,这也是为什么这次展会要选在印 尼雅加达的主要原因。” PT Kharisma Pelita Abadi 公司的 , Elang Owen 先生表示 : “我非常高兴的听到本次展会将在雅加达举办。印尼 是该地区最大最有潜力的市场,展会在这里举办将是非常有意义的。我公司可以在当地直接从本届展会的参展商 当中找到我需要的供货商而不需要远涉外地。我将非常期待寻找到包括墨粉和打印机配件等产品的合作伙伴。” 亚洲再生业杂志亚洲运营总监,Eric 先生说:中国展商去印尼参展将享受 50% 的政府补贴,这样对国内企业 来说无疑是一个很好的机会,可以减少参展的投入成本,使参展收益最大化。 PT Herlyk Citra Prima 公司的 , Ade Herlandie 先生说 : “中东 - 东南亚办公耗材展将极大的推动印度尼西亚国 内市场发展,我们再无需旅行海外去寻找好的产品和供应商!” 亚洲区销售经理,Jack 先生说:根据印尼官方网站介绍,有 61 个国家去印尼可享受落地签证,中国也在这范 围内,只要有护照就可以去印尼,为你节约了申请签证的漫长时间。 MIT 公司 Manager,Budi 先生说 : 今年亚洲再生业加大了印尼当地的宣传力度,与 Info Linux, PC Media, PC Mild 等很多当地媒体上做了推广,相信今年的印尼展会肯定人气很高! 会务部经理,Teo 先生说:这次我们自己开始组团去印尼,这样更加有利于大陆的展商去印尼参展,顺便到 著名的巴厘岛旅游。 展会范围 : 数码打印和影像产品 , 喷墨打印产品 , 墨粉 , 墨水,芯片,连供系统,成像卡盒组件,再生产品和办公耗材后市场产品以及设备,打印纸和相纸, 复印及以及复合一体机产品等等。









A Brief Analysis on the Potential Commercial Value for Laser Printing

浅析光墨打印潜在巨大商业价值 当喷墨打印机和激光打印机堵在发 展瓶颈多时的时候,光墨打印技术出现 了,继而联想 RJ600N 的发布,这标志 着光墨打印技术正式进入打印市场,成 为 继激光和喷墨之后的第三种定位于商 务应用的打印技术,同时也打破了激光 和喷墨之间微妙的平衡。为了让个人和 企业摆脱传统打印技术的束缚,光墨打 印技术会在 一个全新的打印时代扮演极 为重要的角色,这将会为市场带来多少 的商业价格呢?

联想 RJ600N 一、光墨打印技术的商业价值 1. 光墨技术带来巨大应用创新 相信每个消费者在购买打印机时都 会有这样的犹豫:既贪恋喷墨打印机的 便宜,但又顾忌于它较慢的打印速度; 又贪恋激光打印机的速度,但面对昂贵 的彩色打印 成本时却退缩了。可以这么 说,光墨打印机的出现,一方面打破了 喷墨打印机速度上的壁垒,另一方面通 过注入式供墨,又为用户带来了低成本 的彩色打印。 无论对喷墨打印机还是激光打印 机,光墨打印都是一种强大的威胁,只 是碍于目前这两种传统技术有着强大的 品牌厂商支持以及良好的口碑,所以这 种威胁还不明 显。光墨打印技术的出现, 印证着打印技术的创新,这个创新潜能 的释放,必将带来打印机应用的发展, 创造更多对打印资源的需求。 2. 彩色商务迅速普及 一直以来彩色商务之所以未能普 及,很大原因与昂贵的彩色打印成本有 关。光墨打印机的出现,使彩色办公打




印的成本得到大幅降低。与此同时,为 了能够与光墨 打印产品抗衡,无论是喷 墨还是激光打印机都会采用行动,纷纷 降低彩色打印成本,到了那个时候彩色 普及浪潮将会一触即发,连带受益的绝 对会是庞大的耗材打印 市场。 3. 消费者享受利益优化 将来,光墨打印技术还将在多种更 高性能的产品中使用,包括工业打印和 轻型生产型产品。这无 疑给商务办公和 行业用户带来巨大的福音,推动商用打 印市场的变革。首先,喷墨和激光打印 在办公室的统治地位将会动摇。由于整 合了传统喷墨打印和激光打印两 者的优 势,以光墨打印技术为核心的打印机将 会越来越多的进入到办公打印领域,扩 大了办公用户打印设备选择的范围,使 用户能够真正享受技术革新带来的利益 优 化。 4. 联想必然产生蜕变 由于有着日美韩三大品牌,所以联 想在打印机市场只能算二三线品牌。光 墨技术的出现给联想一个很好的平台, 即 使这种技术的研发者并非联想,但现 在说到光墨技术无一不是与联想有关。 而事实上,一直以来联想产品做的是具 有人性化的一面,在技术追求的同时可 以把用户的 感觉与成熟技术的结合是我 们用户群体所希望得到的。 光墨技术加入令联想能够展示出更 多的优势,并且联想产品在最近几年在 打印机的排名中一直稳步发展,作为中 国人自己的产品是应该值得高兴的。当 然,在这过程中,联想同样面临较大的 挑战,因为光墨打印技术的推广和普及 需要一段时间,是一个渐进的发展过程。 二、光墨打印技术的用户群体 曾 经 有 人 问 起: 光 墨 打 印 机 适 合 什么样的用户群体,像我们这样的人可 以用么?消费者之所以提出这样的疑 问,绝对是由于目前光墨打印机产品太 少,目前市场出 现的产品也只有联想 RJ600N,而且售价较高(暂定 5500 元 左右),这样的价位更多是针对中端用


联想打印业务总经理牟震讲解光墨 高速打印以及超低彩色打印成本是 两个相当有竞争力的特点,所以联想不 会仅仅将这种技术限于中高端市场,想 要统领市场还要靠低端用户。因为对于 国内打印机 市场来说,低端打印机的 占有额高达 85% 以上,中高端产品也 只占有 15%。这样的一个比例分配是很 符合二八定律的,世界上的有钱人只占 20%,还有 80% 的人不是那么的有钱, 这 80% 的人就是我们所说的低端用户 群,光这个规模就相当庞大。当然,想 从他们身上盈利也需费一般周折的。 除了规 模大之外,低端用户群体有 一个显著的特点,那就是忠诚度高,粘 性高,喜欢与人交流,能够为你宣传做 口碑。这对于一种创新的技术来说,口 碑是相当重要的。相 反中高端用户规模 小,用户群圈子相对封闭,不会宣传口 碑甚至会出现负面口碑。所以光墨打印 机不仅只盯着中高端市场,一定要抓住 低端用户群体,这是成功的关 键也是盈 利的关键。 无论是红海还是蓝海,光墨打印技 术的出现对于联想来说都是绝好的发展 机会。事实证明,在联想 RJ600N 还没 正式上市售卖之前,已经有不少用户主 动跟联想谈采购计划。我们知道,光墨 打印技术存在不足,但也是这种不足才 给联 想带来机会,给打印机市场带来更 多的商业价格以及丰富应用。



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 91


Office Printing Market Turmoil in Japan

日本办公打印市场动荡 日本发生灾难性地震,全国各行业 都受到不同程度的影响,股市也出现跌 幅。 日本作为全球办公产品原材料及设 备的主要聚集地,世界几大打印厂商爱 普生、佳能、富士施乐、京瓷主要生产 线集中在日本。目前状况如何?

售后的问题。”爱普生经销商声称,同 时他也提醒各位消费者对此大可不必惊 慌,因为目前受到地震影响关闭的厂商 主要是涉及液晶面板配套组件、内存芯 片等电子原件,而对打印机来说不会出 现配件供应不足的问题;其次,各大打 印机厂商在中国都设有完备的生产线和 建立完善的售后服务中心,加上许多经 销商在年前已经做好存货准备,服务和 配件暂时不成问题。不过,由于一些特 殊配件还是需要从日本调货,而目前受 到运输限制,一些配件出现缺乏也是情 理之中,不过相信随着交通的恢复,这 种现象会得到缓解。

产品”时,也会转变态度,表示也可以 考虑惠普。 惠普是美国品牌,所以在这一次日 本地震中它不会受到影响,而凭借着它 在激光打印机的老大地位以及在喷墨打 印机中的先进技术,打印机市场会因日 本地震而洗牌,那么惠普会成为最大的 赢家,这除了令它的激光领域更加广阔 之外,爱普生的喷打老大地位也会被抢 走。当然,这一切都是预测,因为日系 品牌的反击并不可小看,能够在重大灾 难前保持整体市场价格稳定这就是最好 的证明。

二、非日系企业会获利? 日本这次地震到底给办公打印市场 带来哪些实质性的影响?行业洗牌、产 品涨价、配件短缺、售后服务是否会遭 到挑战等都是消费者急切需要知道的。 为此经走访多家销商,现展示给消费者 一个真实的打印市场现状以及对未来走 势作一个预测, 一、打印市场现状和未来走势 (1)价格波动 从 日 本 发 生 地 震 到 今 天, 但 从 目 前打印市场价格走势来看,市场上的打 印机产品并没有因为日本地震而有大幅 度价格变动,而是按部就班的正常价格 调整。整体市场价格基本没有变动,部 分机型还有一些价格下调,总体价格走 势十分平稳。这主要是因为,虽然目前 国内主流的打印机品牌都是日系产品, 然而这些品牌在全球各地都有生产地, 以佳能为例,佳能打印机(看序列号) CN 开头的是中国生产的;SG 开头是新 加坡生产;JP 开头才是日本生产。其它 品牌,如爱普生、兄弟、富士施乐等在 不同的地方也有生产基地,只有部分机 型在日本生产。此外,此次地震虽然强 烈,但是也是部分厂房受到地震影响, 并不存在摧毁之说。 (2)售后服务 “ 自 从 日 本 地 震 后, 的 确 有 不 少 客户打电话来询问关于打印机配件以及




虽然说目前国内打印机市场还没 有受到日本地震的影响而出现价格波动 或售后问题,但对于消费者来说还是存 在较大的担心,对日系办公产品采购无 疑多了一份猜想,这也有可能导致消费 者转向国产或韩国打印企业。其中,国 产品牌以联想、方正为主,而韩国以三 星为主,还有戴尔等,他们都有可能在 消费者对日系产品信心受挫时而从中获 利。

非日系厂商会获利? 市场调查发现,消费者会因为日本 地震而改买其它品牌的仅占了 15%,而 85% 的消费者还会选择日系品牌,他们 会持币观看,直致市场回归平静才出手。 选择日系品牌的消费者认为,打印行业 受地震影响只是短期内,他们看中的是 技术,而不是暂时的价格波动。15% 的 消费者会选择三星或联想,特别是联想 品牌在调查中关注度极高,可见它是获 利非浅。虽然 85% 的消费者还是忠于 日系产品牌,但当提到“惠普并非日系

哄抬价格 从打印机目前市场来看,日本地震 对其影响还不是很明显,除了某些经销 商出于暴利目的哄高价格之外,整个市 场还相对稳定,因此近期有购买需要的 消费者不必惊慌,一定要对市场做好调 查然后出手。从整个市场发展来看,惠 普、联想、三星等非日系品牌也许会趁 此机会大吹促销降价风,目的也只是抢 夺更多的市场份额,消费者不妨对这些 产品多加留意。



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 93


Large Format Ink-tank Can Take Part in Inkjet Supplies' Market

大墨仓,能否扮演喷墨耗材市场颠覆者 连续供墨:张冠李戴实属不得已之举


连续供墨是一种改装装置,本不是 打印机生产商出产。但因为使用连续供 墨可以节省成本,所以很多用户都心甘 情愿的把这个“标头”插到其他打印机 上。事实证明,在宝马车安上了奔驰头 之后 ( 即打印机被强行改装连供后 ), 打印机生产商的确不会再对产品进行保 修和维护。可即便如此,还是很多用户 愿意“享受”这种张冠李戴的快感。不 为别的,就因为改了可以省钱。 具体能省到什么程度呢 ? 这里不妨 来说明一下。 据宣传介绍,改装连供在打印成本 比较中占有绝对优势。根据新型连供的 生产商测算,新型连续供墨系统打印一 张普通 A4 文档只需要 0.01 元,而喷打 在同样基础上需要耗费 0.2 元,而激打 也 需 要 耗 费 0.1 元。1/20 或 者 是 1/10 的成本就能完成打印,这就是二代连供 在成本上的绝对优势。即便是现在号称 省墨的惠普打印机,一张黑白 A4 文档 也要 0.09 元,还是远远高于连供的 0.01 元。连供的成本优势,可见一斑。 那么连供是如何实现的呢 ? 或者采 用一种 “毛细作用力”连续供墨方式。 通过所谓的“毛细作用力”连续供墨方 式,可以将外置墨盒中的墨水自然的提 供给喷头,就好比将一条毛巾放入一盆 水中,盆里的水会沿着毛巾逐渐上升一 样。或者,是一种采用“虹吸原理”来 实现的所谓的平衡供墨的连续供墨系 统。但不管是哪一种,都一样,必须在 打印机上进行改装,否则,应用的可能 性为 0。 如此多的用户进行改装,其实,都 是因为原装耗材的售价和成本,远高于 连供所致。其实原装耗材的价格也没那 么离谱,只是有了对比后,很多用户就 会情不自禁的开始发生转向了。这种举 动,本质而言其实是不得已。因为从技 术角度而言,连续供墨的确可以安装并 进行使用,但商家利益上,商家又不愿

有用户需求,但没有可靠依赖的产 品,这种局面,对于用户对于生产商, 都是一种尴尬。此时摆在面前有两种选 择:1,和杂牌连供抗争到底,管他什 么用户需求,先保证利益 ;2,进行技术 改造,将连续供墨的理念,通过技术融 合到产品之中。 但研制连供并安装到打印机上,是 需要勇气的。 原因很简单——利润。连供的一大 特点就是可以采用墨水进行连续供给以 实现打印,这个过程节省了很多材料费 用,而且对于打印头的稳定性以及机器 整体结构提出了更高的要求 ( 比如墨仓 容量和废墨处理能力等 ),这相当于要 额外投入一笔研发经费,并同时降低耗 材的成本售价。这种模式,相当于和兼 容耗材做正面竞争,这并不是原装耗材 商们愿意看到的场面。要知道,兼容耗 材多半是以低价来取悦用户的,和兼容 耗材竞争就意味着利润降低,会有原装 厂商愿意干这种吃力不讨好的事么 ? 事实胜于雄辩,真理说明,还是有 厂商认为:用户认同的产品, 才是好产品。 2011 年初爱普生推出了针对小型 商务用户高打印量与低使用成本需求的 大 墨 仓 打 印 机 L101 和 一 体 机 L201。 L101/L201 原装墨仓式打印机特别采取 了全新原装墨仓式设计,四色墨水每色 墨水容量高达 70ml,黑色可实现 4000 页打印,彩色可实现 6500 页打印,无 需频繁更换墨盒。 按照爱普生官方数据,两款产品每 瓶黑墨的价格仅为 60 元,而彩墨的售 价大致为每瓶 60 元,按此算来黑色单 张成本不到 2 分,彩色不足 5 分钱,这 是原装行业内史无前例的最低成本。 L101/L201 的 设 计 原 理, 就 是 将 之前说到的连续供墨直接设计到打印机 上,使连续供墨哦和打印机最终成为一 体。这是业内首次 ( 也是唯一 ) 原装厂 商将连续供墨和打印机进行连体设计。 此设计一出,很多连续供墨系统顿时在 销路上受到了重创。 但受到重创的不仅是连续供墨,还

意为这种改装的东西买单。所以一直以 来,连供都被看作是很省钱,但很不省 心的产品 ( 无保修,稳定性差 )。 94



有其他竞争对手。 独特设计打破传统局面 连续供墨本就名不正言不顺,现在 被爱普生设计了大墨仓,恐怕只能另谋 出路了。而爱普生的其他竞争对手,在 大墨仓之后,恐怕也会受到挑战。毕竟, 大墨仓并不是一个苍白的概念,而是实 实在在的破局利器。 从技术的角度来说,大墨仓首先要 求打印头的稳定性,虽然没有直接数据 来说明,但爱普生的微压电打印头在业 界的稳定性最高,这一点在业界有目共 睹。其次就是墨水打印循环技术和废墨 处理技术。毕竟大墨仓要求墨水连续提 供,大大提高了墨水的供给,如果废墨 处理和循环没解决好,不仅不会提高打 印量,还会带来很多不稳定的因素。因 此这种变革,或者说技术革命,无论对 于连供还是其他竞争者,都是一次严峻 的考验。 到目前为止,佳能和惠普都还没有 针对大墨仓提出自己的看法或者对应的 产品。但从技术角度上看,同样采用热 发泡打印技术的惠普和佳能都不太可能 去研制大墨仓这样类似的产品。和爱普 生不同,惠普和佳能将喷墨和激光两条 线的产品的差异明显,满足大量打印需 求完全可以采用激光产品来实现。而且 这种破局之举,对于惠普和佳能而言, 并没有太大的好处。因此,我个人推断, 惠普和佳能都不会针对大墨仓类似的产 品做什么改进和推动。 而 爱 普 生 则 不 同, 在 中 国 大 陆, 爱普生并没有针对企业用户群的激光打 印产品线。喷墨这时就起到了挑夫的责 任,不仅要抓住大众消费也要兼顾商业 需求。可以说,商喷 ( 商业喷墨打印机 ) 也是因为这个原因才诞生。 这只是三家喷墨巨头背后的故事, 对于整个喷墨市场而言,大容量墨仓的 出现,很可能会改变喷墨打印市场的局 面。加上爱普生在照片输出上的优势 ( 例 如色彩绚丽,墨水的稳定性抗氧化性, 长时间保存等 ),很可能会逐渐出现爱 普生成为喷墨市场占有率最高的情况。



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 95


Ceramic Inkjet Printing Technology Development

陶瓷喷墨打印技术的发展方向 陶瓷墨水就是含有某种陶瓷釉料成 分、陶瓷色料或陶瓷着色剂的墨水。陶 瓷墨水的组成和性能与打印机的工作原 理和墨水用途有关。国外陶瓷墨水研究 较早,起步于美国 , 目前 4 家西班牙公 司是陶瓷装饰墨水的主要制造商。 一、陶瓷墨水研究现状 2000 年 美 国 FERRO 公 司 开 发 的 Kerajet 系统,应用于陶瓷装饰喷墨打 印机,于是向美国专利商标局提交了一 份名为《用于陶瓷釉面砖 ( 瓦 ) 和表面 的彩色喷墨印刷的独特的油墨和油墨组 合》的专利,该专利阐述了陶瓷墨水的 制作方法技术,为陶瓷喷墨打印技术奠 定了良好的基础。 我国从 2000 年开始以天津大学为 首部分研究团队发表论文,市场上出现 了广东佛陶集团股份有限公司、道氏制 釉、华山制釉、科信达奥斯博、博奥科技、 鹰牌陶瓷等公司,也形成了 3 个发明专 利的成绩,尽管如此,我国的陶瓷墨水 仍处于研究阶段,离产业化还有一定的 距离,可喜的是,在 2011 年广州陶瓷 工业展览会上已看到中国自己的陶瓷墨 水。 二、陶瓷墨水的技术特点 1. 稳定性能好 陶瓷墨水通常由无机非金属颜料 ( 色料、釉料 )、溶剂、分散剂、结合剂、 表面活性剂及其它辅料构成。色料、釉 料是墨水的核心物质,要求颗粒度小于

1 微米,颗粒尺寸分布要窄,颗粒之间 不能有强团聚,具有良好的稳定性,受 溶剂等其它物质的影响小。 2.特殊性能强 要求陶瓷粉料 ( 色剂 ) 在溶剂中能 保持良好的化学和物理稳定性,长时间 存放,不会出现化学反应变化和颗粒团 聚沉淀。在打印过程中,陶瓷 ( 色料 ) 颗粒可最有效的堆积结构排列,附着牢 固,获得较大密度的打印层,以便煅烧 后具有高的烧结密度。打印的色剂具有 高温烧成后稳定和良好的呈色性能以及 与坯釉的匹配性能。陶瓷墨水的关键技 术有几点:1) 粒度,亚微米甚至纳米级, 平均粒径应小于 0.5μm;2) 粘度 ;3) 沉 淀稳定性 ;4) 电导率 ;5)pH 值。当然还 有墨水与喷头材料的适应性研究,喷头 材料和孔径及压电特征决定了陶瓷墨水 的技术特征。 三、陶瓷墨水的缺陷 陶瓷墨水的缺陷表现在亮度强度、 彩色范围、印刷质量、均匀性和稳定性 等方面,还有许多问题需要研究。亮度 强度方面,由于陶瓷墨水喷墨时要求墨 滴小,小至 4pl-6pl; 喷墨快,喷墨速度 快至点火频率 6kHz; 墨滴可变,这些参 数决定陶瓷墨水的流速、粘度与比重等 物理参数。低比重也就决定了墨水的亮 强度,如何研究高强度发色色料是今后 研究的重要课题。目前陶瓷墨水的彩色 范围仍较窄,红色色系、黄色色系和黑 色色系陶瓷墨水极少见,较窄的彩色范

围陶瓷墨水也是制约陶瓷砖装饰应用的 根本因素。研究陶瓷墨水加工方法和在 亮度强度、彩色范围、印刷质量、均匀 性和稳定性上有明显优势的产品仍是未 来陶瓷墨水开发的主题方向。 四、陶瓷墨水技术发展方向 目前陶瓷墨水主要集中在个性化装 饰领域,建筑陶瓷功能化是传统建筑陶 瓷产业升级的必由之路。陶瓷墨水本身 已经接近纳米结构,利用纳米技术的功 能性特征升级,是解决这些问题的首选。 建筑陶瓷未来发展将集中在高强保 温砖、抗菌陶瓷砖、抗静电陶瓷砖、抗 辐射陶瓷砖、光伏发电陶瓷砖等功能性 陶瓷产品的开发。利用喷墨技术将功能 性的陶瓷墨水打印在陶瓷砖上,是实现 “资源化、低碳化、数字化、个性化、 功能化”有效途径。喷墨打印的“数字化、 节约化”理念应该是传统陶瓷融入“两 型社会”的途径。 感应陶瓷是实现家居环境智能控 制的前提,未来智能陶瓷墨水将集中在 “热”、 “压”、 “气”、 “湿”、 “光”、 “辐 射”六方面敏感功能上。未来家居和城 市热的调控除了功能陶瓷以外,还要考 虑智能陶瓷对热的检测和智能调控,除 此之外,城市噪音、城市或家居空气环 境、包括热污染、气体污染、噪声污染、 湿度污染、光污染和辐射污染均可以通 过智能陶瓷传感器和物联网传播控制, 智能时代少不了智能陶瓷墨水的妆点。

China Remanufacturing Industry: Staggered Start Facing the Lack of Standard

中国再制造产业:在标准缺失中蹒跚起步 工信部公布 2011 年第一批再制造产 品目录 为推动再制造产业健康有序发展, 加强再制造行业管理,引导再制造产品 消费,工信部日前公布经认定评价的《再 制造产品目录(第一批)》。柳工、山 东能源机械集团有限公司、天威耗材等 8 家企业进入目录。图为柳工生产车间。 作为七大战略性新兴产业之首的节 能环保产业的重要内容,再制造产业在 96



过去一年受到了前所未有的重视。2010 年 5 月,国家发展改革委、工业和信息 化部、科技部等 11 部委专门发布了《关 于推进再制造产业发展的意见》。转眼 一年多时间过去了,我国再制造产业发 展得如何? 赛迪智库(直属于工业和信息化部 中国电子信息产业发展研究院)工业节 能与环保研究所副所长纪丽斌、李博洋

博士认为,我国再制造产业起步虽晚, 但发展势头良好,目前已成为世界重要 的再制造中心之一,并在基础理论研究 与技术应用开发方面取得了长足的进步。 “但与欧美日等发达国家的再制造 产业相比,我国再制造产业发展尚处于 起步阶段,在政策、标准、技术和认识 等方面存在不足。如何借鉴先进经验, 结合现实条件,更好更快地推动再制



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造产业健康、可持续发展,值得我们深 入思考。”纪丽斌、李博洋表示。 再制造产业整体发展势头较好 再制造是指将废旧汽车零部件、工 程机械、机床等进行专业化修复的批量 化生产过程,是循环经济“再利用”的 高级形式,其产品能够达到与原有新品 相同的质量和性能。当前,资源短缺、 能源匮乏、环境负荷加重已成为制约全 球经济发展的瓶颈,同时大量废旧机电 产品正成为全世界增长最快的废弃物, 造成严重的现代垃圾污染、资源浪费和 安全隐患。再制造实现了废旧产品高技 术修复、改造的产业化,是推动资源综 合利用和环境保护的有效途径。与制造 新品相比,再制造可节能 60%,节材 70%,大气污染物排放量降低 80% 以上, 这对实现节能减排约束性目标、降低二 氧化碳排放强度具有重要的现实意义。 纪丽斌、李博洋表示,我国再制造 产业起步虽晚,但发展势头较好,主要 表现在以下三个方面: 一是政策环境不断改善。2005 年, 国务院出台的《关于加快发展循环经济 的若干意见》明确提出支持发展再制 造。2008 年,国家发展改革委批准一 汽、上汽、潍柴等 14 家企业作为“汽 车零部件再制造产业试点企业”。2009 年,《循环经济促进法》明确提出“国 家支持企业开展机动车零部件、工程机 械、机床等产品的再制造”。2010 年 5 月,国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、 科技部等 11 部委发布了《关于推进再 制造产业发展的意见》,进一步从宏观 层面明确了我国再制造产业发展的路径 和相关措施。《国民经济和社会发展第 十二个五年规划纲要》等一系列规划, 均把发展再制造产业作为重要内容。各 项相关法规政策规划的出台,为再制造 产业发展营造了良好的外部环境。 二是再制造试点成效初显。试点推 动了产业发展,汽车零部件再制造产业 试点工作成果显著。到 2009 年底,已 形成汽车发动机、变速箱、转向机、发 电机共 23 万台套的再制造能力,并在 探索旧件回收、再制造生产、再制造产 品流通体系及监管措施等方面取得积极 进展,工程机械、机床等再制造试点工 98



作也已开展。试点催生了专业化企业, 有效提升了再制造产业的专业化程度。 2008 年,仅机械产品领域就有近 30 家 再制造企业挂牌,如二汽康明斯发动机 再制造公司、广西玉柴发动机再制造公 司等,企业生产能力不断增强,我国最 大的汽车发动机再制造企业济南复强动 力有限公司,现已达到年产再制造发动 机 25000 台的能力。 三是再制造理论和关键技术研究取 得进展。在技术基础方面,研发了多项 再制造关键技术,如自动化纳米颗粒复 合电刷镀等技术达到国际先进水平。在 理论基础方面,完善了涂层残余应力的 计算方法,初步建立了寿命预测评估模 型。国内许多研究单位深入开展了再制 造的基础研究,如装甲兵工程学院装备 再制造技术国防科技重点实验室、上海 交通大学、合肥工业大学、山东大学、 中科院兰州化物所等。 政策、标准、技术等方面存在不足 目前全球再制造产业规模已超过 1000 亿美元,再制造已成为发达国家 重要产业。其中,美国再制造产业规模 最大,产值超过 750 亿美元,拥有 7.3 万家企业,汽车和工程机械占 2/3 以上, 武器系统的再制造是其重要特色,如 B2、B52 战略轰炸机经两次再制造,可 服役到 2030 年。日本的工程机械再制 造已达到世界领先水平,60% 左右产品 由日本国内用户使用,30% 以上出口国 外,其余拆解后作为配件出售。德国的 汽车再制造是重点发展领域,至 2004 年德国大众汽车公司已再制造汽车发动 机 748 万台,变速器 240 万台,公司销 售的再制造发动机及其配件和新机的比

例达到 9:1。 “与欧美日等发达国家的再制造产 业相比,我国再制造产业在发展的同时 还存在着诸多不足。”纪丽斌、李博洋说。 首 先, 相 关 法 律 法 规 标 准 体 系 不 完善。发达国家再制造产业发展的政策 环境良好,政府在旧件回收、产品生产 销售等方面制定较为完善的法律政策体 系,积极引导产业发展与市场应用。比 如,在法律方面,美国规定汽车零部件 只要未达到彻底报废的年限,不影响正 常使用就可以再利用,如 1991 年出台 了关于回收利用废旧轮胎的法律;在标 准方面,美国汽车工程师协会的相关标 准成为再制造产业标准的制定基础;在 宣传与引导方面,美国政府呼吁商业机 构致力于产品的循环利用,同时鼓励消 费者购买再制造产品。 “而我国,现有的法律法规尚未形 成体系,必要的标准尚未出台,在很大 程度上制约了我国再制造产业的发展。 如报废标准和产品质量标准两项关键标 准缺失,不利于再制造产业规范、健康 发展。”纪丽斌、李博洋说。 其次,再制造行业管理体系不健全。 我国再制造工艺技术和装备目录等指导 性文件尚未形成,促进再制造旧件回收、 再制造产品销售等方面的配套鼓励措施 不足,行业规范化管理体系建设滞后, 带来一系列弊端,如旧件来源及产品销 售渠道不畅,企业管理水平不高,产品 质量良莠不齐等。 第三,再制造技术总体水平不高。 尽管我国在部分再制造技术研发领域取 得了一定进步,但再制造产业整体起步 较晚,核心及共性技术的研究和应用水 平不高,产业化程度较低,与发达



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国家相比还存在较大差距。据纪丽斌、 李博洋介绍,欧美日等发达国家的再制 造技术经过多年发展已基本成熟,主要 体现在两个方面:一是再制造设计,针 对重要设计要素如拆卸性能、零件材料 种类、设计结构与紧固方式等进行研究; 二是再制造加工,对于机械产品,主要 通过换件修理法和尺寸修理法(将失配 的零部件表面尺寸加工修复到可以配合 的范围)来恢复零部件的性能。 第四,再制造产品范围较小。我国 是工业品生产与消费大国,目前已经进 入机械装备和家用电器报废的高峰期, 年报废汽车约 500 万辆,报废电脑、电 视机、电冰箱 5000 万台,报废手机约 1 亿部,每年产生的产品类废物至少数 千万吨。赛迪智库经过调研发现,我国 作为制造大国,适合再制造的产品类别 较为广泛,但目前仅在部分汽车零部件 的再制造方面取得进展,工程机械和机 床再制造刚刚启动,十分重要的国防装 备和电子产品领域的再制造基本处于空 白。 第五,对再制造产业的认识不足。 产业发展处于起步阶段,再制造作为新 的理念还没有被消费者及社会广泛认 同,宣传与消费引导力度不足,产业市




场基础不稳定。 再制造产业发展还需 5 大配套措施 纪丽斌、李博洋认为,再制造产业 是关联性、系统性较强的产业,国外的 发展经验表明,依托制造业产业基地, 加强配套服务能力是再制造产业发展的 基本要求。为加快推进我国再制造产业 规范化、规模化发展,必须采取以下配 套措施: 一是制定完善相关法律法规和标准 体系,优化再制造发展的政策环境。建 议国家研究制定再制造的专项法规,逐 步完善相关法律法规体系;支持行业协 会、相关企业等制定旧件回收和再制造 产品质量标准;完善产业发展的法律责 任制度,引入生产者责任延伸制度,设 立企业准入门槛,加强对再制造各环节 的监管;鼓励出台促进再制造产业发展 的地方性规范性文件,建设一批再制造 产业基地或园区,加快实现再制造产业 的集群化发展。 二是出台相关配套措施,完善再制 造产业管理体系。国家应尽快制定并发 布再制造工艺技术和装备目录等指导性 文件;建立再制造产品认证制度,完善 再制造产品标识管理办法,推动再制造

产业管理水平进一步提高;综合采用财 政、税收、金融、价格等激励与惩罚手段, 推动再制造产品的生产和销售。 三是鼓励关键与共性技术研发和产 业化应用,构建再制造产业发展技术支 撑体系。建立完整的再制造产业技术支 撑体系需要相关主管部门和产业链各方 的共同推动,相关试点企业联盟、高校、 科研院所等研究机构应发挥各自优势, 加大再制造关键与共性技术研发力度, 加快产业化应用步伐,进一步缩小与世 界先进水平的距离。 四是扩大再制造产品范围。继续深 化汽车零部件再制造试点,推动工程机 械、机床等领域的再制造。同时,深入 研究国防装备和电子产品再制造的可行 性,提出发展思路,推动国防装备和电 子产品再制造。 五是加大宣传和推广力度,形成推 进再制造产业发展的整体合力。组织开 展再制造产品的宣传推广活动,鼓励社 会团体和公众参与再制造产品的宣传、 教育、推广、实施和监督。加强地方、 行业、企业再制造产品理念和技术的培 训,调动企业进行再制造产品生产的积 极性。



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 101


Six Issues Exist in China’s Cloud Printing Development

我国云计算产业发展存在的六个问题 当前整个社会,大家对云计算都很 关注,有逻辑的云计算理论很多,大家 谈起来云计算可以做什么、效率等等都 头头是道,比如云的基本特征、云给信 息产业带来的作用等,但在实际中我们 对于云计算是如何运行的呢? 1. 多理论、少实践 在市场和网上见到许多云计算的 书,也见到很多关于云计算方面的讲座、 报告,但很少有实践。各级政府云计算 发展目前来看还停留在规划方面,推行 很慢,目前很难找到用起来、持续经营、 拿得出手的成功案例。 2. 重建设、轻服务 目前在各个地方在云计算方面投入 很高,主要是数据中心的建设,云计算 是基于互联网络的,网络有无地域的特 点,云计算也有无抵御的特点,所以它 不需要每个地方、每个城市都来建自己 的云计算中心,盲目的去建设云计算数 据中心,只能导致新一轮的无效投资, 重复建设。 云计算的灵魂应该是在于服务,没 有服务就没有云计算。目前缺少企业用 户和个人用户的云计算服务,许多云计 算所提的都是面向政府,在我们国家面 向政府和面向市场的机制是不一样的。 3. 重方案、轻需求

云计算不是新一轮的信息化建设, 而应是信息化的升级。有 3 个问题是要 考虑的:⑴你单位现有的信息中心或者 数据中心在以后云计算的环境下怎么用 起来?⑵你现在有很多分散的计算机设 备,这些设备怎么样让它在云的环境里 面发挥作用?⑶是如何通过软件的改造 来降低云计算的应用投入? 5. 重技术,轻应用 云计算至今还没有新技术,谷歌、 微软大企业在全球他们云计算领域是领 先的,但也是在算法和技术上领先,但 没有完全的开天辟地、颠覆性的技术, 如果我们只是单纯的强调技术研发,过 分强调方案在某些方面的技术领先,而 在市场应用上没有落地,这只是自我陶 醉,尤其对于当前大大小小企业都在做 云计算研发,都在做基础技术,但是最 后没有执行,使产业空心化。 6. 重标准,轻协调 对于云计算,强调的最多的问题是 安全问题,另外是标准化问题,现在国 际上还是国内有很多组织开展云计算标 准工作,国内云计算方面标准组织非常 多甚至过多,相互这些组织之间也是互 相不通气、不统一的,造成企业无所适 从、用户不知所措,你没有标准不行, 如果标准过多混乱同样是不行的。核心

各地出现云名词很多,比如电子政 务云、旅游云、医疗云、制造云等,中 国云计算方案至少 80% 以上不是真正 的云。很重要的原因,是不考虑市场需 求,没有收益。比如北京,大家知道北 京的交通有很大的问题,在这方面没有 用云计算的方式解决交通问题,没有特 点。当前大多数云计算应用实际上是一 种传统的基于网络的远程应用。很多的 云应用只是基于 IaaS 传统服务,缺乏 增值服务,各个地方所提的云计算发展 内容很雷同,没有跟地方经济、社会、 特色、发展相结合,与需求相脱节。 4. 重新建,轻改造




问题还是缺乏有效的引导和缺乏规范的 环境。 发展趋势: 未来云计算关注的 4 大发展趋势。 第一、云计算需要政府做更多的工 作,需要换一个角度来关注它的安全与 应用,毋庸置疑云计算未来几年将会步 入整个产业高速成长期。 第二、应用驱动型发展模式将会逐 渐取代政策驱动型基础设施建设模式, 大规模的云计算中心兴建以产业地产名 义发展云计算,这条路不会走长,能够 找到典型应用、找到商业模式的,从用 户层真正驱动产业发展的,这种模式才 是云计算发展王道。 第三、云计算和移动互联网一个是 前端一个是后台两个结合越来越紧密, 云计算更多的是计算资源的集中和提高 利用率的节约型计算资源整合模式,在 未来无论是移动的智能手机还是平板电 脑,移动互联网和云计算他们两个相互 呼应、依存度会越来越高。 第四、基于云计算服务的商业模式 创新将会重塑 ICT 产业格局。未来基于 硬件、软件、服务、集运营在一起的整 合性商业模式,会比单纯卖某一个应用、 单纯卖服务器冲击会越来越大。



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 103


Six Laser Printer Brands Weigh its Strength in First Half of 2011

2011 上半年六款激光打印机实力横评 2011 年上半年的办公打印市场在 产品类型上来看可谓是百花争鸣,光墨 打 印 机、 彩 色 激 光 打 印 机、LED 打 印 机、商用喷墨打印机和行业内应用的针 式打印机新品迭出,反观黑白激光打印 机市场,依然呈现着平稳增长的态势。 与此同时,我们也看到黑白激打在几年 出现了几个强悍的对手,如爱普生的黑 白喷墨打印机 K100,大墨仓技术的彩 色喷墨打印机 L101,亦或是采用光墨 技术的联想 RJ600N,这些对手都在虎 视眈眈的盯着黑白激打市场。如何防守 住自己的阵地呢?在这种态势下黑白激 打不仅局限于传统的更新换代,如联 想的 LJ2400、LJ2600D 亦或是佳能的 2900+ 还 是 兄 弟 的 2240D, 无 非 都 是 通过提升前代产品的打印速度以延续前 代产品的寿命。也有颇具特色的产品, 如第一台国产黑白激光打印机 P2000, 或是富士施乐全新的 SLED 激光打印机 P105b 都曾引起一时的轰动。 这次横向评测选取了上半年评测过 的六款黑白激光打印机,它们中有通过 提升打印速度以延长前代产品的寿命, 也有通过大幅提高输出速度以争取到更 大市场份额的产品,还有采用最新的 SLED 技术制作的打印机,甚至国产第 一台黑白激打也参与到其中。这五款产 品代表了 2011 年上半年黑白激打的产 品格局。

兄弟 2240D

联想 LJ2600D

富士施乐 P105b

佳能 2900+ 价格是刺激用户购买产品的最有

奔图 P2000

联想 LJ2400 104



效手段,早在十年甚至五年前,黑白激 光打印机的价格卖几千甚至上万的价格 时,没人会想到如今的黑白激光打印机 能降至千元级别。联想的最新推出的 LJ2400、LJ2600D 黑 白 激 光 打 印 机; 佳能发布的 2900 替代机型 2900+ 黑白 激光打印;富士施乐推出的采用 SLED 技术的 P105b,价格均在千元左右,为 用户提供了更多的选择,当然不同品牌 的产品外观性能各不相同,用户在购买 前往往难以抉择,我们集合了市场上五 款千元级别的黑白激光打印机产品进行 各个方面的横向对比,希望能够让您对 当前激光打印市场有一个更为清晰的认 识。 六款产品皆为市场上已然销售的入 门级黑白激光打印机,虽皆是入门级黑 白激打产品但在价格和性能上却相差迥 异。这次我们评测的产品中价格最高的 是佳能的 2900+ 市场售价 1699 元,与 其中售价最低的联想 LJ2240 相差 649 元。而在标称性能方面,这五款产品大 不相同,其中联想 LJ2600D 为标称打 印速度高达 26 页 / 分钟的产品,而佳 能的 2900+ 标称打印速度仅为 14 页 / 分钟。 在硬件配置方面,我们这次评测的 六款产品皆不支持网络打印,而支持自 动双面打印功能的仅有兄弟的 2240D 和联想的 LJ2600D。在耗材方面仅有佳 能 2900+ 一款产品使用鼓粉一体式设 计,但其耗材凭借着标称打印 2000 页 的数值,与富士施乐的 P105b 标称打 印 2200 页仅相差 200 页,在这五款产 品中是标称打印页排名第二的产品。



SEPTEMBER 2011 • 105


2011 上半年六款激光打印机实力横评

这六款产品在软件支持和服务方面 基本相同,这五款产品皆支持现在最新 的 Win7 系统,质保时间大部分皆为一 年质保,只有佳能的 2900+ 为三年质保, 显示出对其产品的信心。 ●外形不同各有特色 入门级黑白激光打印机一般都是放 在用户的桌面进行使用的,产品的占地 面积决定了用户使用桌面空间的大小, 但体积越小用户越喜欢与体积越大散热 越好成为了一个对立的问题。这六款产 品究竟是如何解决这一问题的?

富士施乐 P105b 体积 通过测量我们可以看到,这六款产 品中富士施乐的 P105b 占地面积最小 仅为 358mm×198mm,这是由于该产 品采用了 SELD 打印技术,该技术与原 有激光打印技术相比其体积能耗等方面 都有所缩小。

该产品采用的是传统的激光打印技术, 所以该产品体积较大。 而在散热方面这六款产品皆采用了 背部散热设计,其中联想的 LJ2400 和 LJ2600D 以及兄弟的 2240D 通风开口 较大,而佳能的 2900+ 和富士施乐的 P105b 皆为长条横格栅开口,散热面积 较大。

和富士施乐的产品由于顶面积较小所以 采用了折叠式的进 / 出纸托盘设计,这 两款产品的出纸折叠部分都采用了半透 明塑料材质,较有韧性,而进纸托盘方 面这两款产品皆采用了透明材质的防尘 罩设计从而达到了保护纸张的目的。

●机身细节方面独具匠心 产品细节方面包括了产品在设计时 进 / 出纸单元的设计、操控面板、机身 各处棱角以及使用感受方面,这些细节 上的设计是用户在使用中较为看中的部 位,如果细节设计较为优良,用户在使 用时将更为舒适。

兄弟 2240D 顶部出纸口

奔图 P2000 顶部出纸口

奔图 P2000 底部进纸单元 而奔图 P2000 在这里面较为另类, 由于体积较大,该产品仅底部进纸单元 为折叠设计,而顶部出纸单元则主要依 靠机身顶面及一小段折叠挡板。 而在控制面板和机身棱角方面,这 六款产品基本相同。由于黑白激光打印 机所需功能不多,其机身上主要操控按 键仅为运行、停止、电源三个按键。而 在机身棱角方面,这几款产品皆采用了 较为成熟的弧度设计,十分人性化。

富士施乐 P105b 顶部出纸口 ●驱动安装各有不同 兄弟 2240D 体积 而在这五款产品中体积最大的产 品是兄 弟 的 2240D,该 产 品 占 地 面 为 368mm×360mm 是 P105b 的两倍,而

联想 LJ2600D 体积 106



富士施乐 P105b 底部进纸单元 这几款产品皆有较为成熟的细节方 面的设计,在进 / 出纸单元的设计上这 几款产品皆是采用的顶部出纸的设计, 但由于机身体积的问题,联想和兄弟的 产品都是借助机身顶面积较大,而佳能

在驱动安装方面,由于黑白激光打 印机一般配套软件较为贫乏,其驱动光 盘中驱动较小,安装较为迅速,但点击 的次数和驱动安装的时间成为了重点。 我们对这六款产品的驱动安装进行了测 试对比,通过对比我们可以看到,这六 款产品中富士施乐的 P105b 和奔图的 P2000 驱动安装时间皆在 2 分钟以内。 而在对这六款产品进行驱动的安装 我们也看到,这几款产品中奔图 P2000 和兄弟 2240D 驱动安装时用户仅需点 击 鼠 标 4 步 即 可 完 全 安 装, 而 联 想 的 LJ2400 和 LJ2600D 均需点击鼠标七次


才可完成安装较为费时费力。 ●打印速度看真性能 作为入门级黑白激打印输出产品, 选择一款快速输出的产品是提高用户工 作效率的有效途径,而这几年的产品更 新换代中,我们也可以看到,基本没更 新一代产品其输出速度就要快上 2 页 / 分钟,这六款产品中标称输出速度最快 的是兄弟的 2240D,而最慢的则是佳能 的 2900+。到底在实际测试中这几款产 品又表现如何呢?请看我们接下来的测 试:

看到,这几款产品中佳能的 2900+ 样 张质量较为凸显,其打印的样张总体效 果较好,黑白分明。而其打印的 KDY 样张中灰阶过渡较为自然。

富士施乐 P105b 打印瞬时功耗 功耗曲线较为起落有序,这是由于其使 用了更为节能的 SLED 技术和 EA 碳粉 技术。而其它五款产品的曲线皆为前高 后低震荡之势。

奔图 P2000 打印的 KDY 样张细节



多页打印时间对比 通 过 对 比, 我 们 可 以 看 出, 这 几 款 产 品 中 联 想 的 LJ2400 和 富 士 施 乐 P105b 首页输出时间较为迅速,而在连 续输出测试中,我们也可以看到联想的 LJ2600D 以 1 分 20 秒的速度首先完成 了 30 页 Word 文档的输出。 ●打印质量看功力 在打印质量方面通过对比我们可以

If you hav e any que sti on abo ut the rem anu fac tur ing tec hno log y or if you have other puzzles you need to solve, you may contact Rechar ge Asia Magazine for more help. We als o welcome you to share your experience and remanufactur ing tips.

如果您有任何关于 再生方面的技 术问题 , 您可以联 系 我 们, 获 得 帮助。我们也将非 常高兴的与您 一起分享您关于打 印耗材再生方 面的经验和心得。 Email: news@rechar

奔图 P2000 打印的文档样张 这六款产品中相比之下打印质量较 差的为奔图的 P2000,该产品打印的样 张表面发灰,但其打印的字迹较为清晰, 较为难能可贵的是 P2000 打印的 KDY 样张中黑底白字区域 4p 字体表现较为 明显。 ●功耗方面还看联想 这六款黑白激打产品在功耗方面表

奔图 P2000 打印的 KDY 样张细节

现差别较大,通过实际测试,我们可以 看到,这六款产品中联想的 LJ2400 睡 眠功耗仅为 0.69 瓦。 而通过这六款产品打印瞬时功耗对 比来看,富士施乐的 P105b 打印瞬时


SEPTEMBER 2011 • 107


Lenovo M7400 Multi-function Device Offers 70% Higher Speed with Low- Carbon

联想 M7400 全能一体机提速 70% 2011 年 , 联想在北京发布了全线低 碳新品,在传承联想打印产品一贯稳定 高效品质的前提下,新品融入更多低碳 思考及人性化设计,实现了低碳打印与 高效办公的完美结合。 联想 M7400 多功能一体机,就是 联想为个人用户、SOHO 办公及有复印 / 扫描需求的中小型企业用户量身打造 的一款多功能产品。与市场同类产品比 较,联想 M7400 黑白激光多功能一体 机提速 70%,助力用户低碳高效。

24ppm 高速输出速度,与市场其他品 牌同类产品比较,速度提升达 70%,首 页输出更小于 8.5 秒,让打印瞬间完成。 2400x600dpi 分辨率,高质量图文输出 效果。标配 250 页大容量纸盒,支持多 种类型纸张独特的后出纸口设计,可以 更快捷的清理内部纸屑。全面支持海报、 多合一、小册子打印等功能,轻松操作, 方便快捷。 支持多种操作系统,Window2000/ XP/Vista/7, Mac OS, Linux, 无 论 安 装 什么系统,都不用再为驱动发愁。全新 的商务条纹设计,全面提升产品形象。 一键票证复印更高效

一体机的多功能 联 想 M7400 的 多 功 能 支 持 打 印 / 复印 / 扫描,全面满足商务办公需求。

M7400/M7450F 一 体 机 通 过 新 一 代高清扫描和复印技术,不仅能对票据 中的印蓝、红色色彩进行扫描、识别还 原,还可以针对二代身份证存在底纹和 浅蓝字体,进行扫描、识别还原,图像 清晰逼真,效果出众。针对中国用户的 票据和独特的身份证双面复印需求,在 功能面板上设置单独的“身份证复印键” 和“一键票据复印”键,“身份证复印

键”可按需实现身份证的一键多次双面 复印,双面输出,一键搞定。“一键票 据复印”轻松应对票据复印。双行中文 液晶显示屏的设计,使各项操作一目了 然,优化的直通纸道设计,满足多种类 型纸张打印需求,即使 280g 的超厚纸 打印也能轻松完成。 一级节能长寿命 为 了 确 保 产 品 的 稳 定 与 安 全, M7400 优化走纸通道设计,降低卡纸率 全封闭纸盒,搓纸效率更高。高强度塑 料与金属铁板铆合机架,更加稳固和耐 冲击电源板铁板密封包裹,保障打印安 全。节省、环保特点:2 瓦超低休眠功耗, 12000 页长寿命成像卡盒 + 分离墨粉设 计,有效降低后续耗材使用成本。驱动 内置墨粉浓度设置,省墨更方便。硬开 关设计,无需使用时随手关机,将能量 损失降为零,新品全面以《打印机、传 真机能效限定值及能效等级》标准为出 厂达标标准,全部新品均达到一级能效, 为用户确保绿色办公环境。

Samsung’s Full Range of New Printing Press Conference To Be Held in Western Region

三星打印全系列新品西部大区发布会召开 日 前, 三 星 携 旗 下 全 系 列 打 印 新 品 来 到 西 安, 举 办 了 主 题 为“ 赢 在 快 人一步”的三星打印全系列产品西部 大区发布会,展示了三星在商用打印 领域的最新科技产品与解决方案。在 发布会上,以效率取胜的高速激光打 印 机 ML-6510ND; 拥 有 高 效 稳 定 性 能 的 双 核 激 光 打 印 机 ML-4510ND、 CLP-775ND; 能 够 满 足 大 型 企 业 的 A3 数 码 复 合 机 SCX-8030ND、 SCX-8040ND、CLX-9250ND、CLX9350ND; 以 及 创 新 的 Wi-Fi 彩 色 打 印 机 CLP-326W 和 Wi-Fi 彩 色 一 体 机 CLX-3186W 等众多中高端数码打印新 品悉数亮相。除了令人期待的新品以外, 三星旗下全系列产品也都齐聚一堂,类 型丰富、选择多样,向与会者展现了三 星多年来在打印领域取得的丰硕成果, 108



也掀起了西北市场对三星打印产品的关 注热潮。

西安发布会现场嘉宾合影 中国三星副总裁兼西部大区总经理 金汉奎先生出席了本次发布会,他表示: 三星全系列打印产品的发布是三星电子 在中国市场发展的又一个里程碑。今后, 三星会继续迎接新的挑战,依托在打印 机市场所积累的核心技术和成功经验的 优势,推出更多创新性的领先产品和更 高端的解决方案;并继续加大对西北等

核心市场的投入与支持,为合作伙伴创 造更好的平台,提供更多优势支持,实 现中国用户、合作伙伴和三星打印机的 三方共赢。 随着国内经济的迅速发展,各类企 业的打印需求正呈现上升趋势,这给打 印机行业带来了无限商机。三星通过近 十年孜孜不倦的努力摸索和经验积累, 已然发展成为了业内卓越的激光打印引 擎提供商。拥有诸多全球领先产品,在 各行业都积累了丰富的行业解决经验的 三星,一直关注着商用市场的应用需求。 此次多款针对企业级用户的三星中高端 系列数码打印新品的发布,将进一步完 善三星打印机的产品线布局,为行业用 户提供更多选择机会,带来更为丰富的 办公打印解决方案,再一次全面阐释激 光打印的速度与科技之美。


发布会上,三星还同与会者分享了 其未来三年激光打印产品的战略规划。 2011 年,三星已率先完成旗下打印产 品布局,同时引入更为丰富的打印解决 方案。当下的首要任务是帮助用户极大 提升工作效率,成为市场上为用户提供 最全面激光打印服务的供应商之一。三 星表示,接下来这一阶段,是对三星打 印产品具有战略意义的一个阶段。三星 会将注意力放在产品的研发、细化产品 和解决方案上;加大 A3 产品的设计力 度、生产力度,深入挖掘商用用户的需 求,并为之提供稳定和高效的服务。 就 如 三 星 A3 数 码 复 合 机 产 品 SCX-8030ND、SCX-8040ND 系 列 不 但外形设计更加科学化和人性化,采用 了大尺寸的 LCD 彩色触摸屏和专业的 精 加 工 选 项, 同 时 为 保 证 安 全 可 靠, 还采用了先进的内置安全框架打印功

能,且该功能已经被认证为 Common Criteria (CC) 标准,将大大提高打印环 境的安全性。今后,三星计划与行业用 户有更多的直接沟通和促进互动,切实 围绕用户需求提供量身定制的产品和解 决方案,实现优质化服务。

西部大区,必将进一步巩固三星的专业 品牌形象和在中国商用打印市场的领先 地位,实现其在商用打印市场发展的新 飞跃。

三星打印机产品现场展示 “ 赢 在 快 人 一 步”! 长 期 以 来, 三星正是以快人一步的研发力度和坚持 不懈的创新精神满足用户不断提升的需 求,取得了一个又一个辉煌成果。此次 三星以多款中高端数码打印机新品亮相

三星 CLP-775ND

Canon Releases the New Color Laser Printers

佳能彩激全新登场 视 觉 时 代, 你 还 在 进 行 黑 白 打 印 吗?时至今日,面对愈发成熟的商务办 公环境,人们已经不再满足于传统黑白 打印,更专业、更具视觉效果的彩色文 档逐渐成为用户的新需求。随着彩色激 光打印机价格门槛的不断拉低,彩色激 光打印也开始从多人共享的部门级应用 延伸到个人桌面办公以及 SOHO 环境 中。 身为专业办公专家,佳能始终高度 关注个人桌面办公以及 SOHO 用户的 彩色打印需求,佳能为此推出两款全新 经济型彩色激光打印机产品 LBP7010C 和 LBP7018C。 凭 借 小 巧 的 体 积、 媲美高端产品的打印质量、更多人性 化设计以及极具竞争力的价格,佳能

佳能 LBP7010C

LBP7010C/7018C 为用户提供了性价比 更优的桌面彩色打印输出新选择。

佳能 LBP7018C 紧凑小巧,小空间迸发大能量 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 分 别 采 用 经典的白色和黑色机身,令用户的不同 审美需求都能得到满足。桌面级打印机 用户通常比旁人更加关注产品的体积, 因为在空间有限的办公桌面上为打印机 找到理想的“安身之处”会是他们的首 要 要 求。 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 拥 有 的 400mm×398mm×223mm 三维尺寸 甚至可以媲美当前的入门级黑白激光打 印机,要知道,佳能 LBP7010C/7018C 在不增加体积的同时,却多容纳了 3 支

彩色墨粉盒,这其中的巧妙设计又是如 何实现的呢? 原 来, 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 采 用的 C、M、Y、K 四个墨粉盒在机身内 部呈圆形滚筒排列方式,相对于传统一 字排列方式更能有效利用内部空间。同 时, 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 采 用 了 鼓 粉分离式设计,耗材部分由一个感光鼓 和四个墨粉盒组成,不仅后期打印成本 更有竞争力,比起四个感光鼓及四个墨 粉盒的一体式耗材设计,同样有效降低 了空间占用率。 技术护航,高质量彩色输出 选 择 彩 色 激 光 打 印 机 的 用 户, 看 重的就是彩色文档相对黑白文档那种赏 心悦目的感觉,这其中彩色输出质量是 赢得用户信任的关键。多年来深谙影像 技术之精髓的佳能,此次也将多项用于 提高彩色输出质量的技术应用于佳能 LBP7010C/7018C 之上,使用户轻松收 获专业级设备的高质量彩色激光打印效 果。 佳 能 高 级 平 滑 技 术 AST


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佳能彩激全新登场 续

(Advanced Smoothing Technology) 以往只用于提高佳能高端彩色激光打印 机的输出效果,如今也突破性地被移植 到 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 这 两 款 经 济 型 产 品 上。AST 作 为 现 有 超 平 滑 技 术 (SST) 的升级,是佳能影像科技的又一 项技术革新,通过 AST 可以消除文字和 图像边缘的锯齿,大幅度提升了彩色激 光打印机在文本打印及图像打印两方面 的处理能力,此项技术给彩色激光机带 来的打印质量提升至关重要。 佳能彩色文档打印质量的提升不仅 仅源于打印技术的提升,佳能在耗材产 品上的革新也从未停止过。佳能此次为 LBP7010C/7018C 设计了全新耗材,感 光鼓型号为 CRG029,寿命为 7000 页。 CRG329 系列黑色墨粉盒与彩色墨粉盒 的标准打印容量分别为 1200 页和 1000 页。四色碳粉均采用了佳能独有的 S 墨 粉,该类型墨粉颗粒中包裹着蜡滴微粒, 起到定影油的作用,从而实现无油定影, 提升彩色打印质量,同时可以在透明胶 片上进行图像复制,满足多样化的现代 商务需求。另外,这种近似球形的碳粉 颗粒相比传统不规则形状的碳粉颗粒, 在实现更高彩色打印质量的同时,可以 实现碳粉的消耗量降至最低。

LBP7010C/7018C 在这项参数上也为用 户交上了满意的答卷。由于采用了佳能 激光打印机独有的按需定影专利技术, 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 的 黑 白 文 档 首 页输出时间仅为 13.6 秒,彩色文档首 页输出速度仅为 24.7 秒,在市场同级 别彩色激光打印机中位于前列。优异的 节 能 表 现 也 是 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 带给用户的一大惊喜、这不仅体现在首 页输出时间上,即使在用户停止打印后, 10 秒钟即可进入待机状态,大大降低了 设备在工作状态下的耗电量,此外,两 款产品在休眠状态下耗电量仅为 1.1W, 表现同样优于市场上同级别的彩色激光 打印机。

户打开耗材仓,用空的耗材会自动旋转 到面向用户的位置,用户只需取出空耗 材,换上新耗材即可完成耗材的更换操 作。电脑端的打印管理软件 PSW(Printer Status Window)也会在耗材即将用尽 时提醒用户提前准备好新的耗材,当碳 粉完全用尽时,PSW 会提醒用户更换耗 材。另外,产品控制面板上的 LED 碳 粉指示灯,也会随时向你通报碳粉状况。 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 的 推 出, 进一步丰富了佳能 A4 幅面彩色激光打 印机的产品线。在强手如林的入门级彩 色激光打印市场,佳能彩色激光打印机 LBP7010C/7018C 将凭借小巧的体积, 人性化的操作体验,具有竞争力的打印 质量及打印成本,全面满足桌面办公以 及 SOHO 用户的实际打印需求,帮助 用户实现真正触手可及的视觉新商道。

人性化操作,方便才是硬道理 一 款 能 被 用 户 认 可 的 产 品, 除 了 要 具 有 优 秀 的 性 能 外, 还 要 带 给 用 户 良 好 的 操 作 体 验 过 程。 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 提 供 了 供 纸 盒 的 防 尘盖设计,大大降低了由于纸张表面 附着灰尘而对打印机核心组件损伤的 可 能 性。 在 耗 材 的 更 换 方 式 上, 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 采用了人性化的自动 旋转功能。当一色耗材碳粉用尽时,用

打印速度,黑白彩色有侧重 只有清楚地了解 SOHO 以及桌面 用户的彩色办公需求,才能更好地为之 服 务, 佳 能 LBP7010C/7018C 在 设 计 上显然也秉承了这样的原则。两款产品 的彩色和黑白文档标称打印速度分别为 4ppm 和 16ppm,这样的速度匹配方式 既满足了用户的彩色打印需求,也保证 了日常办公更多选择的黑白文档打印的 工作效率。 桌面及 SOHO 用户的打印习惯调 查显示,该类用户每次打印单张的频率 会远远高于打印连续文档的频率,因 此首页打印输出速度尤为重要,佳能 110



佳能 LBP7010C



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Analysis of Inkjet Printer's Error

喷墨打印机典型故障案例解析 相比激光打印机,喷墨打印机的故 障尤其令人重视,主要是喷墨打印机大 多数用户来自个人及家庭用户,在遇到 打印机故障时,通常只能选择自我解决, 而不是类似办公环境中会有专人负责。 现在我们对喷墨打印机最为常见的 打印故障整理为案例,以提供大家对应 查找。 案例一:打印质量下降清洁后,仍 然没有明显地提高。排除方法: (1) 打印机接通电源。 (2) 打开打印机的顶盖。 (3) 按下 pause 键,pause 指示灯亮。 (4) 主 用 t 键 持 续 几 秒 左 右, 直 到 打印头底座向左移动到墨盒安装位置, Pause 指示灯开始闪烁。 (5) 拉起墨盒锁定杆,墨盒从底座 中部分弹起。 (6) 把墨盒从打印机中拿出,要妥 善处理,不要打开墨盒或试图重新使用。 在没有买到新的墨盒之前,不要把空墨 盒从打印机中拿出,若打印机中没有安 装墨盒而打印会毁坏打印机。 (7) 打开新墨盒的包装袋,撕下喷 头上的保护带。 (8) 将墨盒喷嘴朝下,墨盒上部的 箭头指向打印机后部。彩色墨盒放在底 座左边。 (9) 将墨盒锁定杆拉起并推向打印 机后部,直到锁紧墨盒。 (10) 再次按下 Aft 键,启动打印头 清洗操作。( 即使不按下 Aft 键,当打印 墨盒安装完毕 30 秒后,打印头会自动 回到初始位置 ) (11) 关闭打印机顶盖,进行打印头 打印测试。 案例二:打印时出现乱码的解决办 法: (1) 打印机自检 ( 判断打印机本身是 否存在硬件故障 ) (2) 检测打印机电缆 ( 判断打印电缆 是否存在故障 ) (3) 打印测试页 ( 判断打印机驱动程 序是否正确 ),程序:我的电脑 -> 打 印机 -> 找到对应的打印机 -> 右击鼠 标右键 -> 弹出菜单,选择属性 -> 选




择常规 -> 单击打印测试页,测试页正 常表明已经正确安装打印机驱动程序。 (4) 检查应用程序。 案例三:清除打印机的内存 (1) 取消打印机工作,并确保打印 机不再打印。 (2) 关闭打印机,等待 10 秒之后, 然后再开打印机。 案例四:计算机共享打印时,系统 提示发生通讯错误,解决办法: (1) 本地机及客户端均需设置。 (2) 在打印机属性 -- 应用工具 -速度和进程 -- 监视参数 -- 选中允许 监视共享打印机。 案例五:打印机通过 USB 端口时, 打印无法进行,同时系统提示通讯错误。 (1) 如果计算机系统检测不到新的 设备,检测 USB 电缆是否符合要求。 (2) 若仍旧无法打印,且条件允许, 请将打印机连接至第 2 台计算机测试, 若打印机工作正常,则需检查计算机的 操作系统是否工作正常,若同样无法打 印,那只好与维修中心联系检查。 案例六:打印头撞车。 造成的原因有以下几种: 1. 打印头控制电路出现故障。 2. 打印头机械部件损坏。 3. 打印头在工作时阻力过大 ( 有可 能是因为改装连供系统造成 )。 打印头控制电路出现故障和打印头 机械部件损坏属于物理损坏,多半是因 为使用时间较长造成。如果是使用时间 比较长,是因为器件损坏所致。打印机 小车停车位的上方有一只光电传感器, 它是向打印机主板提供打印小车复位信 号的重要元件。此元件如果因灰尘太大 或损坏,打印机的小车会因找不到回位 信号碰到车头,而导致无法使用,一般 出此故障时需要更换器件。 但如果是因为第三种原因,则需要 做另外的处理。通常来说,第三种情况 引起的打印头撞车主要是因为打印机在 使用过程中,控制打印头移动的导轨上 的润滑油与空气中的灰尘形成油垢,长 期积攒起来就会使打印头在移动时阻力 越来越大,当阻力大到一定时就会引起

打印头撞车。 排除方法:用户可以找一些脱脂棉 和一些高纯度缝纫机油,先用脱脂棉将 导轨上的油垢擦净,再用脱脂棉蘸上一 些缝纫机油均匀的反复擦拭导轨 ( 注意: 缝纫机油不能太多,以免在打印时油滴 落在稿件上影响打印质量 ) 直到看不到 黑色的油垢为止。一般在打印头撞车之 前打印机工作时的噪音会明显增大,为 了防止打印头撞车,每隔 3-4 个月清洗 一次打印头导轨。建议使用爱普生原装 机油来清洗打印机导轨。 案例七:插入闪存卡打印机不能打 印照片: (1) 检查电源。 (2) 确认你使用的数码相机是否在 推荐之列,或符合要求。 (3) 确认闪存卡的类型同适配器是 否匹配。 (4) 检查 PC 卡是否正确插入到打印 机上的 PC 卡插槽。 (5) 检查 PC 卡中是否存有数据。 (6) 检查是否有错误代码显示。 案例八:电源灯亮但无打印输出。 出现这种故障首先关闭打印机和计 算机,确保打印机接口线缆连接正确, 并确认输入模式开关置于 INT。进行打 印机的自检 ( 判断打印机本身是否存在 硬件故障 )。或者检测打印机电缆:( 判 断打印机电缆是否存在故障 )。 案例九:打印结果偏色、缺色。 解决的方法是重新编辑显示器上的 原图,使打印机打出原有颜色的图形, 如果打印机打出的图形缺少某种颜色, 应清洗打印头,如果多次清洗后仍缺色 则说明墨水盒已缺少某种颜色,这时应 更换墨水盒,如果更换后仍缺色则说明 打印头已完全堵塞,应与当地技术服务 中心联系。 案例十:打印图像出现横纹。 出现这种故障,要确定驱动程序中 设定的打印介质,同放置在打印机内的 打印纸类型一致。要为该打印介质选择 最高质量的打印设置,要确定打印介质 放置正确,打印在打印面上。如果案例 仍存在,则通过“应用工具”的喷嘴检查,


来确定打印头是否需要清洗。通过打印 头校正可以排除故障。如果还是出现, 则表明打印头已经损坏,需要送修。 案例十一:打印时不清洗,字迹无 法辨认。 这种故障多数是由于打印机长期未 用,造成墨水输送系统障碍或喷头堵塞。 对此用户需要执行清洗操作,再进行打 印。 案例十二:更换新墨盒后打印机开 机时面板上仍然出现“墨尽”灯亮的现 象。 通常,只有当墨水已用完时墨尽灯 才会亮。更换新墨盒后打印机面板上的 墨尽灯还亮,说明有可能墨盒未装好, 或者是在关机状态下自行拿下旧墨盒, 更换上新的墨盒。重新更换墨盒后,打 印机将对墨水输送系统进行充墨,在这 一过程中打印机在关机状态下将无法进 行,因此打印机自然也无法检测到重新 安装上的墨盒。因此需要按照说明书上 的提示来正确安装新墨盒。 有些打印机对墨水容量的计量是 使用打印机内部的电子计数器来进行计 数,当该计数器达到一定值时,打印机 判断墨水用尽。而在墨盒更换过程中, 打印机将对其内部的电子计数器进行复 位,从而确认安装了新的墨盒。 案例十二、喷头软性堵头的处理。 软性堵头堵塞指的是因种种原因造 成墨水在喷头上粘度变大所致的断线故 障。一般用原装墨水盒经过多次清洗就 可恢复,但这样的方法太浪费墨水。最 简单的办法是利用你手中的空墨盒来进 行喷头的清洗。用空墨盒清洗前,先要 用针管将墨盒内残余墨水尽量抽出,越 干净越好,然后加入智河 961 清洗液。 961 清洗液是专为 EPSON 研制的,分 为 A 液、B 液。A 液清洗力较强,使用 于中等堵头的处理,但不能久留喷头内。 B 液清洗能力较弱,但使用的安全系数 较高,此液可以 2(B 液 ):1(EPSON 红 或兰墨水 ) 进行兑制,兑制出的半色墨 水使用于 EPSON Photo 墨盒的半色墨 水。加注清洗液时,应在干净的环境中 进行,将加好清洗液的墨盒按打印机正 常的操作上机,不断按打印机的清洗键 对其进行清洗。利用墨盒内残余墨水与

清洗液混合的淡颜色进行打印测试,正 常之后换上好墨盒就可以使用了。 案例十二、喷头硬性堵头的处理。 硬性堵头指的是喷头内有化学凝固 物或有杂质造成的堵头,此故障的排除 比较困难,必须用人工的方法来处理。 首先要将喷头卸下来,将喷头浸泡在 A 液中用反抽洗加压进行清洗。洗通后用 纯净水过净清洗液,晾干之后就可以装 机了。只要硬物没有对喷头电极造成损 坏,清洗后的喷头还是不错的。 案例十三、检测墨线正常而打印精 度明显变差。 在实际使用当中,喷墨打印机在使 用中会因使用的次数及时间的延长而打 印精度逐渐变差。这主要是因为喷墨打 印机喷头也有寿命限制。通常一个新喷 头从开始使用到寿命完结,如果不出什 么故障较顺利的话,大约是 20-40 个 墨盒的用量寿命。如果打印机已使用很 久而且打印精度变差,可以用更换墨盒 的方法来试试,如果换了几个墨盒,其 输出打印的结果都一样,那么说明打印 机的喷头将要更换了。如果更换墨盒以 后有变化,说明可能你使用的墨盒中有 质量较差的非原装墨水。 如果打印机没有案例,但打印时经 常出现打印线段不清晰、文字图形歪斜、 文字图形外边界模糊、打印出墨控制同 步精度差,说明墨盒可能是假墨盒或者 使用的墨盒是非原装产品,应该更换新 的墨盒。 案例十四、打印机断线。 打印断线是常见故障,通常引起打 印机打印断线的故障有以下几个原因: 1. 新 墨 盒 上 机 后, 基 本 上 只 需 一 次或两次清洗打印墨线就能正常,一般 在使用中不会断线。断线常出的原因一 是使用者在打印前没有将进纸托架设定 好,进纸过程中造成轧纸,纸与喷头摩 擦后造成断线。 解决方法:将进纸托架设定好。 另一类故障是原装墨水快用完时, 没有及时更换新墨盒,而是将打印机放 在温度较高的环境时间较长所致。一般 墨盒装机之后要在 3 个月内用完立即 更换,如果换上墨盒不经常使用,会因 墨盒内进入空气的作用导致气密性能变

差,容易使墨水在喷头上、墨盒内的粘 度变大,从而造成喷墨打印机断线的故 障。 解决方法:更换墨盒,清洗喷头。 2. 墨盒里加墨出现打印断线 使用注墨后的墨盒常见故障是:断 线、堵头、色度不准。 如果注入的墨水,理化性能和原墨 盒残留墨水基本相近,那么可以通用。 但墨水技术往往是各厂商的专利,不同 厂商的墨水质量有很大差别。而且,即 使墨水质量相同,但是在灌装时也无法 保证在空气常压状况下完成,因此各色 注墨量不可能掌握得很一致。而且加入 的墨水分子中会有较多气泡含量,这时 将墨盒装机之后立即使用会出现断线。 这时要将喷头清洗一至两次之后将 打印机关掉。要停机 2-6 个小时左右再 使用,这时墨盒内的墨水会因化学自动 排气的作用,已将气泡及空气排到墨盒 顶端,这对你再使用时能减少故障。

Note: If you hav e any que sti on abo ut the rem anu fac tur ing tec hno log y or if you have other puzzles you need to solve, you may contact Rechar ge Asia Magazine for more help. We als o welcome you to share your experience and remanufactur ing tips.

如果您有任何关于 再生方面的技 术问题 , 您可以联 系 我 们, 获 得 帮助。我们也将非 常高兴的与您 一起分享您关于打 印耗材再生方 面的经验和心得。 Email: news@rechar


• SEPTEMBER 2011 • 113


Versatility of Laser Printer Toner

激光打印机炭粉的通用性 市场上常见的碳粉按照打印机成像 方式的不同可以分为四类:负电磁性碳 粉、负电非磁性碳粉、正电磁性碳粉和 正电非磁性碳粉。 其中负电磁性碳粉本身含有软磁材 料(多为四氧化三铁),经出粉刀(刮片) 摩擦后带负电。适用于惠普、佳能系列 的大部分激光打印机。由于这种碳粉本 身没有磁性,只是在磁场中(如成像卡 盒里的磁辊)能够被吸引,因此也适用 于三星、爱普生、利盟、联想 1600 等 没有磁辊的激光打印机(但是颗粒形状 要比较好,粒度分布要合格)。这绝非 危言耸听,不信您把惠普 1000 的粉加 到三星 5800 上试下,这种碳粉不能用 在 Brother、联想 2312 等配用正电粉的 机上。 负 电 非 磁 性 碳 粉 不 含 软 磁 材 料, 经 摩 擦 后 起 负 电。 只 能 用 在 三 星、 利 盟、爱普生等无磁辊的、配用负电粉机 上。 不 能 用 在 惠 普、 佳 能 等 虽 然 配 用 负电粉但有磁辊的机上,也不能用在 Brother、联想 2312 等配用正电粉的机 上。 正电磁性碳粉本身含有软磁材料,

摩擦后起正电。可以用在 NP1215 等配 用正电粉的模拟复印机上(激光打印机 几乎没有采用正电磁性碳粉的)。但是 可 以 用 在 Brother 和 联 想 2312 等 配 用 正电非磁性粉机上。不能用在佳能、惠 普、三星、利盟、爱普生等配用负电粉 的机上。 正电非磁性碳粉不含软磁材料,摩 擦后起正电。只能用于 Brother、联想 2312 等配用正电粉的机上,不能用于 所有配用磁性粉或负电粉的机。 由此可以看出:任何情况下正电粉 和负电粉不能通用;磁性粉可能能够替 代与之电性相同的非磁性粉;任何情况 下非磁性粉不可能替代磁性粉。 厂家都是尽量提倡用户专粉专用。 因为即使两种机用的粉很接近,但往往 不完全相同。例如湿度 50% 以上时, HP1000 的粉在 HP1010 上没有底灰, 而当湿度下降至 30% 时,底灰可能高 达 0.02 以 上。 又 如 HP1010 的 粉, 在 15℃时用在 HP1200 上可能很好,但在 30℃时可能出现重影(粘定影膜)。反 过来 HP1000/1200 的粉在低温或高湿 时在 HP1010 上定影又不牢。再如干燥

Zhuhai Imagecomm Signs Investment Agreement with Taizhou City

珠海图讯科技发展有限公司 与泰州市政府签定了 投资项目协议 日前,珠海图讯科技发展有限公司与泰州市政府就珠海 图讯公司在泰州兴建环保科技园区项目签定了投资项目协议。 该项目分数阶段进行, 第一期投资超过二亿元, 于泰州 市兴建占地超过 100 亩的环保科技园区, 综合发展图讯的三 大产业:成像相关材料、 环保产品及数据讯息处理。该项目 筹备多年,最终落实选址泰州,主要考虑该市目前是国家重 点开发的高新科技地区,而且配套设施完备,地理位置独特, 交通便捷,基础设施健全。一直以来,图讯深信成像通讯是 生活的必需品, 看好成像相关市场的未来发展, 这次的投资, 是为今后行业的发展及创新,作出贡献。




时 HP1000/1200 粉在 HP1160/1320(配 用 5949 硒鼓)上可能很好,但高温或 潮湿时会因粉的起电速度下降而不黑。 反 过 来 HP1160/1320 的 粉 在 干 燥、 寒 冷时会因电量过大从而在 HP1000/1200 上出现色浅、底灰。 按照即将出台的国家标准和已实 施的日本标准(要求比我国标准更低) 对底灰、黑度、定影的规定,惠普系列 (HP4L/4VC/5L/6L/P/1000/1100/1200 /1300/1010/1012/1015/1160/1320/102 0/2200/2300/4000/5000/5100⋯⋯) 至 少用要 2 种负电磁性粉(电量、磁性能 和热性能有区别)可以基本覆盖。而要 做到尽善尽美(如黑度 1.4 以上,底灰 0.005 以下,定影重影合格,而且在任 何条件下都如此,其实没必要如此), 则需要 4 种负电磁性碳粉才能基本覆盖。 另外,由于市场上很多人用“模具 鼓”和不同的 OPC、PCR、MR、刮片、 刮板等。这些零件的组合匹配可谓千差 万别。而每一个零件对印样品质都有影 响,加上我国幅员辽阔、气象万千,所 以想通用的时候千万要小心。

Apex Releases New Chips for Canon

艾派克推出佳能三代多倍容量 及连供芯片 Canon 三代系列打印机是今年打印机市场的重磅产品, 近期珠海艾派克微电子有限公司(艾派克)推出该系列的 1-2 倍多倍容量及连供系列,而红外 灯系列也取得突破性进展,为客 户提供全方位的解决方案。 新推出的系列依然采用 ASIC 电路设计,性能可靠稳定。 canon 三 代 1~2 倍 容 量 芯 片 能 够同标准墨量芯片一样提示叹号 和叉号,可根据客户需求,订制 1~2 倍的墨量。而两者均能在打印机提示叉号之后进行开合 盖操作即可复位成相应的墨量,为艾派克专有技术,比其他 厂家的拔插墨盒复位相比要方便简单很多。 更多新品详情,请联系您的客户经理或登陆艾派克的网 站


Tianjing Yousheng Test Machine Helps Customers Maximize Remanufactured Cartridge’s Quality and Efficiency

天津优胜检测设备助您提高再生墨盒的品质和生产效率 以往为了监控再生成像卡盒产品的 质量,您的公司可能需要购买很多台打 印机用来检测再生后墨盒的打印质量, 这样既需要一定的场地,又很多台电脑 和 A4 打印纸,而且,将一支墨盒装入 打印机到打印完毕至少也需要 1-2 分钟 时间,况且打印机频繁使用很容易坏掉, 现在,您只要借助天津优胜最新研发的 检测设备,一台机器就可以取代上述所 有工作。

1, 天 津 优 胜 生 产 的 检 测 仪 仅 重 10KG,但却相当于一百多台打印机, 它 可 以 让 接 近 200 种 HP、Lexmark、 Canon、Dell、Samsung、Lenovo 带 喷头墨盒打印出色块和对应每一个喷嘴 的曲线,马上判断出喷头效果,从装上 到打印完毕仅需 7-15 秒钟; 2, 同时可以检测墨盒电路及喷头 好坏并显示在屏幕上,仅需 2 秒钟; 3, 不 需 要 A4 打 印 纸, 使 用 80 米长的收银纸,每卷仅售 8 元,可打印 350 个墨盒以上; 4, 超级耐用的墨盒夹具,比打印 机墨盒卡座寿命长 100 倍以上; 5, 升级新型号墨盒仅需 10 分钟, 安装新夹具及电路板非常方便。

本产品获得 3 项发明专利,通过部 级鉴定,已被包括纳思达、天威、华泰 等国内超过 50 家再生工厂使用,检测 效果可靠,完全可取代打印机。

原 价 ¥18800, 现 一 次 性 优 惠 4000 元,仅售 ¥14800,机不可失! 另 , 现在天津优胜还特价出售真空 仓式注墨机:


完全可取代您工厂使用的注墨机, 仅售 ¥3900 元! 一、可同时注 6 支黑色或 2 支彩色 墨盒,平均仅需 30 秒钟; 二、速记自带超级真空泵,将真空 仓抽到 -0.1Mpa 仅需要 15 秒钟; 三、随机赠送 10 种全金属墨盒夹 具;

四、结构简单,真空仓结果牢固, 不需维修保养;


• SEPTEMBER 2011 • 115


施乐将拓展 拉丁美洲和英国市场

美研制出新型“墨水” 可打印太阳能光伏电池

Xerox Will Expand its Market to Latin America and UK

US Develops New Type of “Ink” to Print Solar Cells

日前,施乐与 aycan 达成销售协议,合作范围涵盖了拉 丁美洲地区。根据该协议,施乐会在拉丁美洲地区及美国推 销 aycan 的 X 射线打印方案。施乐与 aycan 的合作开始于 2005 年。aycan 一直致力于医用打印市场,为医生和病人提 供打印解决方案。此次合作是在以前合作基础上的深化。 最近,施乐也准备拓展其在英国的市场,其中一项措施 是吸引竞争对手的经销商。7 月 6 日,施乐集团的销售专家 相聚伦敦,并邀请了 100 位来自欧洲不同国家的经销商参加。 在会议上销售专家向经销商讲述了代理施乐产品的原因。此 措施的目的在于找到销售链中的薄弱环节,无论是纵向的还 是横向的。

据美国麻省理工学院网站报道,麻省理工学院(MIT)的 科学家研发出了一种新“墨水”,将其沉积在纸或其他柔软 织物表面,能打印出光伏电池,就像打印文件一样简单且成 本低廉。 该研究由麻省理工学院化学工程师凯伦·格利森、电子 工程学教授弗拉基米尔·布洛维、研究生迈尔斯·巴尔领导, 美国国家科学基金会对其提供了资助。 最新技术与现在大多数制造太阳能电池的方法非常不同。 现有技术需要将衬底暴露在具有破坏性的环境中——要么让 衬底以液体形式存在,要么暴露在高温下;而新技术使用的 是蒸汽而非液体,温度也不到 120 摄氏度,这些“相对温和” 的环境使人们能将常用的、不经处理的纸张、布料、塑料作 为衬底,在其上打印出太阳能电池。 新技术提供了一种大规模制造太阳能电池的廉价方法。 这种名为气相沉积的技术比印刷普通文档要复杂一点,为了 在纸上打印出一个光伏电池阵列,需要在这张纸上沉积 5 层 物质,而且这个过程必须在真空中进行。 最新技术可以使用普通的、未经处理的纸,包括印刷纸、 薄纸、复写纸甚至报纸,并且效果都很好,甚至将纸折成纸 飞机后,其上的太阳能电池仍能工作。科学家同时也在一块 薄薄的 PET 塑料上打印出了一块太阳能电池,并将其折叠打 开了 1000 次,其性能并不受影响。相比之下,现在使用商业 化方法制造出的太阳能电池折叠一次就失效了。 布洛维表示,与传统由玻璃或其他材料制成的衬底相比, 纸或塑料衬底要轻薄很多,这也让其应用领域更加广泛。另外, 研究结果也证实,去年打印出来的太阳能电池现在仍能工作, 这表明其寿命很长。而且,纸质衬底太阳能电池能够被制成 遮光窗帘或墙纸,其安装成本大大低于玻璃衬底太阳能电池。 最新的这种纸上太阳能电池的转化效率约为 1%,但科学 家们相信,随着他们持续对该材料进行改进,转化效率可以 大大提高。“不管怎么,该电池现在足以为一个小型设备提 供电力。” 印刷电子专业调查机构 IDTechEx 的主席皮特·哈罗普 表示,麻省理工学院的研究非常令人兴奋,目前太阳能电池 研究领域的很多科学家都专注于研制大规模太阳能电池,其 实,小型太阳能电池的应用领域也很广泛。

油墨厂纷纷转战喷墨墨水市场 Oil Ink Factory Moves to Inkjet Ink Market 通常情况下,如果选购一台喷墨设备,往往被要求捆绑 使用原厂墨水才能获得技术支持或维修,用户会觉得墨水的 采购上投入过高,致使成本无法下降。现在,许多印刷油墨 生产商看到喷墨市场的巨大潜力,纷纷尝试开发喷墨墨水, 以寻求新的市场商机。 在 FESPA10 展上有这种意愿的不仅是油墨厂,也有不 少新进入的化工厂想分一杯羹。以下列举一些例子,美国 SunChemical 太阳化工生产印刷油墨已经有很长的历史,现 如今积极思考加入喷墨领域,展会上他们展示了不少喷墨样 张。Inx(日本阪田油墨制造厂),在现场用 Epson 喷墨机做 媒介进行 Inx 自主研发的水性奈米墨测试,这些厂商不仅考 虑到颜料的精细化,还致力于墨水与打印材料的良好结合, 可以顺利地在承印材料上附着。日本的大田油墨、东洋油墨 也都有喷墨的墨水产品,但未参与展示。 德国一些网印油墨厂也认同喷墨市场的广阔前景,决 定不再死守传统印刷油墨而去拓展更大的生存空间。如德国 Marabu 有很大展位、装饰也很亮丽,Nazdar 是一家网版印 墨供应厂,德国 Steadler 公司是文具生产商,主要生产文具 铅笔、色笔等产品,这些厂商纷纷展出喷墨墨水产品。Eckart 是世界上最大的金粉、银粉制造厂之一,有很著名的金银油 墨,日本 Roland 的设备所用的金属墨就是由 Eckart 研发创造, 不仅能顺利通过喷墨孔,还可以用 UV 光固化。Sefar 是多元 网印供墨厂,自然也将印墨生产转移至喷墨方面,S ericol 英国网印墨生产,不只介入喷墨行列更与 Inca 喷墨设备制造 商合作联合销售。其它如 Dubuit、Vamsin、InkTek 等公司, 加上中国也有一家厂商,韩国也有墨水厂,台湾有东周、富 瑞德两家公司都参加展出。





莱盛南通地区经销商技术交流 会隆重举行

一种喷墨行业用有机溶剂 在美国将被限制

Beijing Laser Holds Sales and Technical Seminar among Distributor at Nantou District

One Kind of Organic Solvents is to be Limited in US Market

日前,由北京莱盛高新技术有限公司主办,莱盛南京分公 司协办,南通天威办公有限公司承办的“莱盛南通地区经销商 技术交流会”隆重举行,共有 150 余位经销商代表出席本次 会议。

聚乙烯醚类(Glymes)是甚少被提及的一类化学品,通 常是作为多种制造行业生产过程中的溶剂,其中就包括印刷 墨水、喷墨打印机墨水以及墨盒行业。最近,美国环境保护 署(EPA)宣布将会限制该类化学品。 今年 7 月份 EPA 发布公告称,在美国销售的 14 种聚乙 烯醚类化学品中至少有三种,即乙二醇二甲醚(Monoglyme)、 二甘醇二甲醚(Diglyme)、乙二醇二乙醚(Ethylglyme), 有可能对与其接触的工人、消费者及儿童造成不良影响, 影 响 生 殖 或 发 育 功 能。 聚 乙 烯 醚 类 属 于 乙 二 醇 醚(Glycol ethers)一类的化学品,制造行业常用作溶剂。在三种危害最 大的聚乙烯醚中,Diglyme 作为溶剂普遍应用在印刷墨水、 喷墨打印机墨水以及喷墨墨盒生产过程,可以减少精子产生、 胎儿发育不良、降低血液红细胞数量,破坏骨髓、脾脏及胸腺。 根据联邦有毒物质控制法案,EPA 提出了对使用聚乙烯 醚类的新规定。一旦被采纳,EPA 就能够限制涉及的 14 种聚 乙烯醚类化学品在美国市场的新应用项目。 环 境 保 护 基 金 的 生 化 专 家 以 及 高 级 科 学 家 Richard Denison 认为聚乙烯醚类是“一类险恶的化学品”。他说:“他 们有影响生育及发育的潜在风险,而且还被大量应用在消费 者产品上,包括很多消费者会直接使用和接触的产品。” 早在 1980 年代及 90 年代初,加州大学戴维斯分校的 科学家就进行了涉及 14 家工厂 6000 名工人的研究。他们 的研究结果显示,女性工人流产率升高的趋势与接触包括 Diglyme 在内的基于乙烯的乙二醇醚混合物有关系。自此, 聚乙烯醚类就受到美国政府的监管,在半导体、墨水、汽车 护理产品、油漆及药物等制造业都被定为危害工人的化学品。 “我很高兴这些化学品再次受到关注,虽然时隔二十年, 但他们毒性依旧”,带领当年研究的加州大学戴维斯分校的 药物学教授及公共健康部门主席 Marc B. Schenker 博士表示, 他带领的研究与 IBM 进行的研究取得了相同结果,半导体行 业接着作出了生产上的改进。其他涉及的行业使用这些溶剂 要比半导体行业多得多,但却没有作出相同的控制及改进。 在欧盟国家,含有 Monoglyme 及 Diglyme 的产品已经 受到法律监管,产品必须注明“可影响生殖”或者“可伤害 未出生的胎儿”。 若美国接纳 EPA 的建议,EPA 可以要求相关企业对这些 化学品的新应用进行检测,直到可以排除所有不合理风险为 止,才会批准新应用。EPA 还同时在寻求相应的绿色化学替 代物,而目前毒性较低的基于丙烯的乙二醇醚类有望取代基 于乙烯的乙二醇醚类化学品。

市场部经理对莱盛的发展情况以及研发实力做了详细的 介绍,使广大南通地区的经销商对莱盛企业以及产品有了更深 层次的认识,使与会代表目睹了莱盛强大的生产以及研发能力。 配件部负责人则针对配件部分做了讲解,轻松幽默的讲话风格 不仅使会场气氛达到高潮,更让经销商对莱盛的产品有了更为 生动的认识。技术部经理和技术人员相互配合,对经销商感兴 趣的粉盒再生和打印机常见问题做了分析讲解和现场演示,并 且通过有奖问答的形式,让与会代表在轻松愉快的氛围里掌握 了更多打印机相关知识,受到了代表们的一致欢迎。


• SEPTEMBER 2011 • 117


办公外设产品无货或停销现象严重 Office Peripheral Products Are in Serious Shortage 一段时间以来,在中央国家机关政府采购中心部分 IT 类 产品的销售排行榜上,部分排名靠前的产品一直处于无货或停 销状态,这使采购人和监管部门无法对其性价比做出准确判断。 那么,无货或停销究竟是什么意思?出现无货或停销状况时, 采购人和监管部门如何判断相关产品的性价比? 何为无货或停销? 在采访中,中电指数相关工作人员告诉记者,所谓无货是 指在中关村电子市场不销售的产品。停销是指中关村电子市场 曾经销售过,但目前已经停止销售的产品。 以 2011 年 7 月 26 日 中 电 指 数 报 价 为 例, 在 此 次 调 研 范围内,处于无货状态的产品包括桌式多功能机品目中的 Canon( 佳 能)iCMF4350d、 数 码 复 印 机 品 目 中 的 Sharp (夏普)MX-M210D、投影仪品目中的 SONY(索尼)VPLEX-4、SONY( 索 尼)VPL-DX-1、EPSON( 爱 普 生)EBC2040XN、EPSON(爱普生)EB-C2090X 以及移动硬盘品 目 中 的 Seagate( 希 捷) 公 务 抗 震 便 携 型 多 接 口 500GB、 Seagate(希捷)公务便携型 1TB、Seagate(希捷)公务便 携型 500GB、Seagate(希捷)公务轻盈型 1TB、Seagate(希 捷)公务抗震便携型多接口 1TB。 政采市场仍存价格顽疾 在桌式多功能机品目中,自 2010 年以来一直未滑出前 5 名的佳能 iCMF4350d 在这一期的中电指数调研中处于停销状 态。 记者了解到,目前市场上与其同品牌且性能相近的型号为 佳能 iCMF4370DN,是 iCMF4350d 的升级型号,这两款型号 的产品在打印幅面、打印、复印、传真速度以及分辨率上均一致,

惟一不同的是,后者支持网络打印功能,而前者不支持该功能。 在价格方面,iCMF4350d 在政采市场上的标价是 3450 元, iCMF4370DN 的市场价格为 4500 元。中电指数相关工作人员 分析后告诉记者,这款产品在政采市场上的性价比还是很高的。 夏普 MX-M210D 数码复印机产品在政采市场上也处于无 货状态。记者通过对比相关参数后发现,这款产品在普通消费 市场上的相近型号为夏普 M261N 数码复印机。 在功能方面,后者的印制速度更快,同时标配网络打印和 扫描功能,而前者只是可选配这两项功能。另外,后者还具备 触摸屏。 在价格上,MX-M210D 在政采市场上价格为 10500 元, M261N 的市场价格为 9200 元。 在投影仪品目中,索尼旗下的两款产品索尼 VPL-EX-4 和索尼 VPL-DX-1 在政采市场上均处于停销状态,两者的停 销时间均为 2009 年 9 月 1 日。 其中,前者在普通消费市场的同品牌性能相近型号为索 尼 VPL-EX175。数据显示,这两款产品的主要参数基本一 致,而 VPL-EX175 的市场价格(6500 元)则明显低于 VPLEX-4 的政采价格(9500 元)。索尼 VPL-DX-1 在普通消费 市场的同品牌性能相近产品为索尼 VPL-DX11。中电指数相 关工作人员告诉记者,这两款产品实际上为同一款产品。在 VPL-DX-1 入围协议供货的备注中就标明,VPL-DX-1 即为 VPL-DX11。 而 在 价 格 方 面,VPL-DX-1 在 政 采 市 场 上 的 价 格 为 10800 元,VPL-DX11 在普通消费市场上的价格则为 7900 元。

高盛将利盟国际股票的评级 降至“卖出” Goldman Sachs Downgrades Lexmark Stock to “Sell” 高盛(NYSE: GS)的股票研究分析师在 15 日的一份投 资者报告中将利盟国际(NYSE: LXK)的股票评级由“中性” 降级至“卖出”级别。分析师将利盟国际的目标价定在 25 美元。 另外在早前的 5 月 12 日,美国银行美林证券也在投资者 报告中重申利盟国际的评级为“弱于大盘”,而目前美林对 利盟国际的目标价为 34 美元。同样在 5 月 12 日,美国飞利 凯睿证券有限公司(BMC)也在投资者报告中重申利盟国际 的评级为“持有”。 利盟国际的股价在 16 日中午的交易中下跌 2.14%,跌至 31.10 美元。利盟国际的 52 周高 / 低价分别为 48.07 美元以




及 26.63 美元,其 50 日及 200 日移动平均线分别为 30.5 美 元以及 33.11 美元。利盟国际的股票市值为 24.65 亿美元, 市盈率为 7.37。 利盟国际在 7 月 26 日公布了第二季度的财报,每股盈利 1.36 美元,比汤森路透估计的 1.03 美元高出 0.33 美元。该 公司的季度营收同比上升了 1.2%。分析师对利盟国际第三季 度每股盈利的预计平均为 1.19 美元。



富美成像卡盒喜获 国家再制造产品认证

Printer Made in Germany to Pay for Copyright 据悉,近日电脑生产商和德国文字作品管理协会(VG Wort)之间有关版权补偿费的争端忙坏了欧洲法院。代表作 者征收版税的组织——文字管理作品管理协会要求对德国自 2001 至 2007 年底发售的个人电脑(PC)和打印机收取版权 费,这样可以使作者从私人复制中获得一定补偿。但德国并 不认可,德国联邦法院向欧洲法院提出了几个关于欧洲版权 指令的需要解释的问题。 该争端涉及的时间跨度为 2001 到 2007 年间。德国于 2008 年对法律做了修订,确定了所有类型设备的版权补偿要 求,特别是个人用的复制及打印设备。 隶属德国 IT 产业的资讯科技、通讯与新媒体协会(Bitkom) 主席沃尔克·斯米德(Volker Smid)解释称,对于每一台 2001 至 2007 年间在德国出售的 PC 电脑,文字作品管理协 会要求收取 30 欧元的版权补偿费;每台打印机则被要求缴纳 10 至 300 欧元不等的费用。总得来说,仅打印机一项,收费 总额就将超过 9 亿欧元。2007 年底,德国联邦最高法院裁定 单独的打印机不是版权作品的复制设备。首先,必须要配有 扫描仪。Bitkom 指出,扫描设备在多年前就已经开始缴纳版 权费了。 2010 年,德国联邦宪法法院废止了最高法院的裁决。最 关键的主要是形式上的原因。按照宪法法院的要求,最高法 院现在要明确的是该案件是否必须提交给欧洲法院。

苹果新专利取消打印机驱动 Apple’s New Patent to Cancel the Printer Driver 近日,苹果申请了两项专利应用,使用户在访问打印机 和打印文档时可以不需要打印机驱动。 据了解,苹果申请的两项新专利将创造一个无驱动的世 界,其中取消打印机驱动特别令人关注。按照苹果的方式, 未来有三种方法访问打印机:第一种是通过软件驱动的传统 方法;第二种是通过云服务;第三种是通过无驱动的方法访 问支持所有设备“通用”打印的打印机。 虽 然 此 前 谷 歌 已 经 迈 出 了 第 一 步, 它 在 Chrome 和 Chrome OS 的云打印中取消了打印机驱动,但苹果这一次显 然走的更远。 苹果认为,当只需用到一两次时,无线打印和“移动” 打印就非常有用。此时复杂的寻找和安装打印机驱动过程就 非常不方便。业内人士表示,无驱动打印的想法由来已久, 随着智能手机和平板电脑的出现,这项需求变得越来越急迫, 相信相关技术的实现将只是个时间问题。

Forever’s Remanufactured Cartridge Receives National Certification 日前,从国家工业和信息化部又传来喜讯,在其公布的 《再制造产品目录(第一批)》中,富美硒鼓荣膺其列,这 是富美科技继获得工信部“硒鼓产品再制造试点单位”认定后, 在再制造方面获得的又一关键性认证。 《再制造产品目录》是国家工信部为推动再制造产业健 康有序发展,加强再制造行业管理,引导再制造产品消费而 组织认定的。作为耗材行业再制造的积极倡导者,富美科技 一直依靠自主创新,积极推动再制造产业的快速发展。2009 年 12 月,富美科技成为工信部认定的硒鼓再制造试点企业, 2010 年 12 月,富美科技再制造试点实施方案通过工信部批复。 2011 年 8 月 8 日,富美科技产品再获工信部再制造产品认证。 据了解,国家《再制造产品认定管理暂行办法》规定, “认定的再制造产品,应在产品明显位置或包装上使用再制 造产品认定标志”(见下图)。使用再制造产品,不但是一 种全新的消费理念,还能节约大量资源。正因如此,富美顺 应国家建设“两型社会”要求,创造性推出的“硒鼓终生循 环”模式得到了中央国家机关各单位、中国人民解放军总后 勤部和全国 20 余个省、市政府采购的青睐。据测算,每生产、 销售和使用 1 万支富美再制造硒鼓,就可 节约石油 2.71 万公升,减少二氧化碳排放 71.12 吨。 此次通过再制造产品认证,无疑将推 动富美科技大力革新再制造技术、提升再 制造能力,努力将硒鼓再制造做精做强, 打造高起点、高标准的绿色企业,切实履 行节能环保的社会责任,探索环境经营的发展新模式,承担 起一个民族企业对循环经济和可持续发展的应尽义务。


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中国文办协会办公耗材与配件 专委会理事长扩大会议暨墨粉 市场分析会在广州举行 Toner Market Analysis Conference to be Held in GuangZhuo by Chinese Culture Association of Office Supplies and Office Accessories 日前,中国文办协会办公耗材与配件专委会理事长扩大 会议暨墨粉市场分析会在广州华美达广场酒店二楼举行。会 议由王利群秘书长主持,与会人员除副理事长、理事、秘书 处工作人员外,还特邀上海检测站和齐心文具出席这次会议。 大会主要分为以下几个议程: 首先,焦延和理事长着重介绍这项会议的主要内容,目标。 就当前的墨粉市场做了细致的分析,以及目前墨粉的生产成 本核算。依靠广大会员,积极发挥协会作用,为企业做好服务。 然后,原耗材与配件专委会秘书长冷欣新就换届事宜向 大会做了说明,并解决了上一届会议的选举遗留问题。 之后、关于墨粉市场分析:无锡佳滕磁性有限公司、天 津市中环天佳电子有限公司、武汉市宗祥显影材料有限公司、 广州市真迹数码科技有限公司、珠海市易得美工贸有限公司、 佛山市艾申特精密配件有限公司、沧州艾斯克粉业有限公司、 无锡天兴办公耗材有限公司、广州科密化学有限公司、衡水 华升高耗材有限公司等公司代表就墨粉市场做了热烈的发言、 就目前市场出现的问题,提出了不少的看法和意见,探讨了 如何规范市场应采取的政策。 最 后, 焦 延 和 理事长作了总结性发 言:要对每个企业的 问题和看法形成会议 意见,把突出的问题 形成纪要草案,向上 级报告和积极反映。

南屏成为广东省打印装备 及耗材技能创新专业镇 Nanping Becomes Innovative Town for Printer Equipment and Supplies from Guangdong Province 记者昨日从珠海市科工贸信局获悉,继白蕉、三灶、井岸、 平沙后,南屏镇通过广东省科技厅评审,被认定为广东省打 印装备及耗材技能创新专业镇,成为珠海市第五个省级技能 创新专业镇。 珠海是环球最大的打印耗材及零配件生产基地,全市注 册登记的打印耗材企业近 700 家,形成了以天威飞马、纳思达、 格力磁电等企业为龙头的耗材财产集群。耗材财产从业职员 高出 5 万人,占环球耗材从业职员总数的 1/3;环球 90% 以 上的色带、70% 的兼容墨盒、30% 的再生激光碳粉盒组件在 珠海制造,珠海因此被誉为“天下打印耗材之都”。 记者在采访中相识到,包罗天威飞马在内,如今珠海市 市绝大多数耗材生产企业都位于香洲区南屏科技产业园。中 国自主研发的首款激光打印机赛纳奔图打印机生产基地也落 户在南屏,并已于 9 月动工开建。该项目总投资 25 亿元,将 来 5 年总产值有望高出 100 亿元。除了纳思达打印机研发制 造基地,南屏镇还是国家印刷及办公自动化质量监督检验中 心,该中心是如今国内唯一的耗材产业国家级检测中心,已 于 9 月开建,将成为国内一流、国际先进,集产物检测、科 研开发、信息公布、技能交换培训为一体的大众技能办事平台, 为珠海耗材产业的健康可连续发展提供全方位的帮助和支持。 另据了解,为进一步扶持打印耗材行业发展,珠海市正 在制定《关于促进打印设备及推动耗材产品转型升级的政策 步伐》,政策内容涵盖知识产权保护、庞大项目攻关、产品 检测与贸易业务平台建立等多方面新政策。如今,该项新政 的初稿已经完成,正在交由有关部门审议,有望于近期出台。

天威飞马顺利通过首届“珠海市市长质量奖”材料评审 Print-rite Passes the Material Assessments of the “First Quality Award by the Mayor of Zhuhai” 近日,通过首届“珠海市市长质量 奖”材料评审的企业名单公布,天威飞马、 珠海格力电器等 5 家来自不同行业的 企业名列榜中,天威飞马成为入围的唯 一一家打印耗材企业!这是天威在质量 管理领域取得的又一里程碑式的成就! “珠海市市长质量奖”是珠海市政 府设立的最高质量奖项,每届选出不超 过 2 家质量管理绩效卓越的标杆企业。 因为评审“档次高、门槛高”,权威质




量管理专家组成的评审专家组,按照“全 国质量奖”的评审规格,参照世界三大 最知名、权威的国家质量奖之一——美 国“波多里奇奖”的评审准则进行评审, 今年只有 7 家企业敢报名一试身手,而 最终只有 5 家企业通过材料评审。天威 凭借多年来全面推行卓越绩效模式所取 得的成绩,顺利通过材料评审。 天威一直注重运用国际先进的管理 理念和手段来指导企业的生产经营。几

年前,当国内企业对源自美国“波多里 奇奖”评价标准的“卓越绩效模式”还 相对陌生之时,天威已率先于行业,在 企业内部大力推广实施这个以顾客为导 向,倍受世界级企业及管理界推崇的, 对提升企业运营管理、产品、服务质量 等方面卓有成效的管理理念。



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