APRIL 2011
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APRIL 2011
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APRIL 2011
Editor’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to news@rechargeasia.com.
Art Diamond
Art Diamond President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC) Mr. Art Diamond is a 55-year veteran of the imaging industry, having worked in this field continuously since 1955. He is currently President of Diamond Research Corporation (DRC). DRC is a high technology consulting, publishing, and trade show management firm that formed in 1968. Now headquartered in Ojai, California, DRC is a chemical engineering consulting firm involved in toner, ink jet, and imaging media production and marketing. Read his article “Pathways to Prosperity in the World of Imaging” p20
John Shane
John E. Shane Director, Communication Supplies Consulting Service U.S. & Europe, InfoTrends, Inc. John Shane is a leading industry expert on marking materials such as toner, OPC, inkjet ink, and cartridges. As a Director for the Communication Supplies Consulting Service, Mr. Shane is responsible for all forecasts, research reports, consulting, and client care concerning those topics. He is a well-known authority on all-in-one toner cartridges, the cartridge recycling industry, and the world toner industry. In addition, he has conducted extensive research following similar trends related to inkjet cartridges, refills, and compatibles. Having consulted on these markets since 1988, Mr. Shane is a frequent expert presenter at industry conferences and trade events. Prior to joining InfoTrends, Mr. Shane spent seven years at BIS Strategic Decisions, where he served as an Analyst as well as Director of the company’s Hard Copy Supplies Service. He also served as a Consultant for International Data Corp. (IDC) and a Site Manager of a consumer research center within the U.S. Testing Company. Read his article “Creating a Road Map to Profitability” p12
Luke Goldberg
Luke Goldberg Senior Vice President of MSE Global Luke Goldberg recently joined Micro Solutions Enterprises (MSE) as Senior VP of MSE Global, responsible for worldwide sales and marketing. Drawing from a brilliant career spanning 19 years in the imaging industry, Goldberg is instrumental in plotting the company’s strategic direction and the global expansion of MSE branded products. In his years in the imaging supplies aftermarket, including raw materials and finished goods, Goldberg last held the position of SVP for Future Graphics Imaging Corporation. He is a respected industry leader and negotiator, well known for his keen industry insight, his articulate presentations, his expert analysis, and his knowledge of global trends and OEM strategies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from UCLA (1991). As a Speaker at more than 60 trade shows in 14 countries, and as an author with numerous awards for best published articles, Luke Goldberg was chosen in 2006 as “Industry Leader of the Year.” MSE manufactures a full line of high-quality compatible monochrome, color, MICR and JUMBO toner cartridges. Read his article “I Want My Green Back: How The Printer OEMs Have Co-opted Our Green Message and How We Can Take It Back” p16
Mike Josiah
Mike Josiah Technical Director of Summit Technologies Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. Read his article “Remanufacturing the Canon ImageCLASS D1120 Type 120 Toner Cartridge” p54
APRIL 2011
Message from the Publisher
Dear Readers: We all understand that the essence of a successful business lies in one’s ability to offer products or services that people will pay for at a price sufficiently above the cost. In the “good old days”, remanufacturing was a fabulous business that made a fabulous margin. A few years later, it became a good business to make good margins. Today, saddled with a looming and stubborn recession, many remanufacturers are challenged to make even a decent profit. We all wonder where to look for better profit opportunities and how can we get our GREEN back. For this month’s issue, we have invited industry elites to share their vision, wisdom, and experience in an effort to lay out a possible road map for you to develop and establish continued profits and growth. I hope you take advantage of our expert contributors addressing new profit routes such as wide- format, MPS, bio toners, social media marketing, and more! Don’t miss these features: John Shane’s, “Creating a Road Map to Profitability”, p12.; Luke Goldberg’s, “I Want My Green Back: How The Printer OEMs Have Co-opted Our Green Message and How We Can Take It Back”, p16.; Art Diamond’s, “Pathways to Prosperity in the World of Imaging”, p20.; Mike Josiah’s, “Remanufacturing the Canon ImageCLASS D1120 Type 120 Toner Cartridge”, p54.. In addition to exploring the new avenues that our experts suggest, we also believe that venturing into new markets can further enhance profits. With this in mind, we are pleased to bring you a brand new trade show: Asia Imaging Fair, taking place this month in Beijing. I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. Join us--showcase your innovations and create new business relationships. Many industry veterans and authorities are confirmed to join us and share their expertise. Plot out your own profit road map today!
Happy reading,
Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher
APRIL 2011 11
Creating a Road Map to Profitability By John Shane, Director, InfoTrends Each year, InfoTrends’ analysts think deeply about the year ahead and predict what we believe to be the pivotal trends that will shape the market. These predications are published in our annual Road Map reports. The purpose of this article is to highlight these trends and market forces that will ripple through the industry and impact your organization in 2011. Seeking New Opportunities in a Competitive Market The challenge for the aftermarket in the supplies industry is that it is a developed, maturing market with OEMs that have well established product lines. It can often feel as if you are climbing an uphill battle as the OEMs strengthen their technology and position in the market. However, there are opportunities for savvy suppliers looking to create a road map to profitability. M a n a g e d Pr i n t S e r v i ce s S h r i n k s S u p p l i e s b u t t h e Aftermarket Can Create Opportunities Managed print services (MPS) in the office environment will reduce the consumption of marking and paper supplies in the U.S. by $2.6 billion in 2014. Western Europe shows a similar drop in consumption of supplies with a reduction totaling €1.56 billion in 2014. This is versus a baseline forecast that postulates if MPS was never invented. The prevailing industry assumption about MPS is that MPS providers use third-party toners and inks to save supply cost. Our research shows this to be true, but it also appears that the level of use for third-party supplies in a MPS environment is not as great as we may have thought. There is an opportunity for aftermarket suppliers to become more dominant in the MPS space, but marketing will be the key to success. Our research indicates that MPS providers have significant concerns about the reliability and quality of some aftermarket supplies, particularly color copiers. You should approach MPS providers with evidence of reliability and quality to alleviate concerns over using aftermarket product. Don’t assume your products are the easy choice. Riding the Wave of Sustainability There is a growing interest in the environment, from more environmentally-friendly cars to an emphasis on recycling at public venues. This interest has spilled over into the supplies industry. While some would argue that the supplies industry has been focused on the environment for years with select OEMs offering programs to collect empty supplies for decades, the truth is that more and more supplies companies are catching the “environmental bug.” Even some of the aftermarket companies are also gaining traction in this area, such as Clover Technologies publishing a 12
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sustainability report for the first time and ILG introducing a buyback program for empty cartridges. The aftermarket has always emphasized its environmental tendencies since they take first use supplies from customers and remanufacture them to be used again, thereby preventing empty virgin cartridges going to the landfill. However, there is an issue with the aftermarket not wanting to take ownership of the used, remanufactured cartridges. This is an obstacle for companies that are looking to reduce their environmental footprint. OEMs that claim responsibility for their cartridges for the entire lifecycle, whether new or reman, have the advantage. The aftermarket can create a competitive advantage and position their companies as more environmentally friendly by taking ownership of cartridges from beginning to end. Develop buy-back programs and promote your sustainability efforts to customers. Seek alternatives to landfills, including waste to energy and selling off raw materials to appropriate venues. Intellectual Property Cases Should Give the Industry a Reason to Pay Attention Over the past few years, major printer manufacturers have been aggressively protecting their intellectual property, particularly when it comes to supplies. This protection has taken many different forms, ranging from an official letter to the filing of a lawsuit in court. Regardless of the method, the point is the same. Printer manufacturers are making it clear that while they understand that there will be competition for supplies sales from the aftermarket, companies offering aftermarket or compatible supplies cannot infringe any of their patents in selling those supplies. Continuously fighting legal battles puts a tremendous strain on the aftermarket companies involved. The market clout and available resources of the printer OEMs typically trumps anything that the smaller aftermarket companies can muster. As printer companies become more vigilant in protecting their intellectual property, the aftermarket companies need to become well-versed in patent law and ensure that they are not infringing any patents. The resolutions of these cases will provide all industry participants with a framework to operate in for what is acceptable and what is not. The key for the aftermarket is to pay attention to this framework, as companies that ignore it could find themselves with legal concerns. Asian Imports Continue Supplies Market Disruption Activity in Asian countries for supplies has increased over the past year, and it is expected to continue despite the several patent infringement cases in process. Estimates range from 400 to
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Creating a Road Map to Profitability
By John Shane
600 for printing supplies companies operating in China, producing a tremendous amount of new build and remanufactured product for a small area. With less strict rules about the environment and waste disposal, Asian companies benefit from a select number of features, such as lower labor costs. It is also important to note that not every third-party company in the Asian market operates under legal guidelines. Legitimate aftermarket companies need to consider strategies that will set them apart from these very low-priced (and sometimes illegal) products imported from Asia. With a focus on service and quality, aftermarket companies can retain customers and regain customers that may have been lured away by the low prices. Since many of the OEMsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; toner supplies are using chemically produced toner (CPT) processes, the aftermarket could gain a competitive advantage by also offering CPT products or a modified toner with rounded particles, as many of these lesser Asian companies would not be able to do that at this point. Obtaining patents for their own aftermarket products will also offer another level of protection for legitimate aftermarket companies. In addition to imported new build and remanufactured products, counterfeit products are on the rise. Aftermarket companies need to clearly, constantly, and consistently communicate with their customers about the pitfalls of counterfeit items. There have been several recent raids for counterfeit products, but not nearly enough to capture all of the potential supply. Remaining vigilant about questionable products, issuing and managing patents, and enforcing exclusion orders will move the supplies industry in the right direction. Consolidations Shrink Available Companies but Expands Opportunity Consolidation in the aftermarket has been happening at a regular pace. Over the last few months alone, there were several notable mergers and acquisitions, including Cloverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s acquisition of ERS, Reclaim IT, and Pinpoint; Katunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purchase of Media Scienceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s toner business; KMPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purchase of Intercopy; MBPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purchase of GTA SISTEMAS; and Redeemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purchase by an incoming management team. Globally, aftermarket companies are chasing the strategy of acquiring companies that help them expand vertically. This is a way to gain more control over the supply chain, mitigate risk, and reduce exposure on empties. With market consolidation shrinking the number of available supplies manufacturers, we expect companies to look outside their core business capabilities and acquire other businesses that are complimentary, allowing some expansion into other markets. In addition, it is important to note that some of the already large remanufacturers are getting even larger and more powerful with these acquisitions. Therefore, it is in the interest of the 14
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medium-sized remanufacturers to look at joining forces so they can continue to compete. Smaller, localized remanufacturers may have the benefit of dominance of a small geographic region and should look to keep customer loyalty by expanding services to their customers. Small remanufacturers could find advantage partnering with small or medium-size MPS providers as they already have the advantages of providing customer facing services. Follow the Jobs One of the themes this year will be â&#x20AC;&#x153;follow the jobsâ&#x20AC;? to unleash new growth opportunities for your business. This will help to target those industries hiring knowledge workers for the first time or those re-entering it after a period of unemployment. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;goods producingâ&#x20AC;? sector of the U.S., which includes construction, mining, and manufacturing, continues to add new jobs. In the â&#x20AC;&#x153;servicesâ&#x20AC;? sector, professional and business services show the largest increase in new hires in conjunction with the most openings late last year. Healthcare, education, and leisure have also displayed gains in new jobs over the same time period. This is in contrast to those still shedding valuable jobs (i.e., federal and state, financial, information, as well as transportation and utilities). If your go-to-market strategy includes a vertical market component, it only makes sense to align your plans with markets signaling new hire activity. Follow the jobsâ&#x20AC;Śthis will lead you to new opportunities to help your customers achieve their business goals in this post recessionary time. Summing it upâ&#x20AC;ŚA Roadmap for Profitability R55 , . 5 **),./(#.# -5 ),5 ,)1."5#(5." 5 5 ,% . â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The aftermarket is a logical choice for MPS which touts a value proposition of reduced costs and streamlined business processes. Pitch your quality and reliability to MPS providers so you are the first choice in supplies fulfillment. R55 /-. #( #&#.35 3-5 % â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Customers are demanding more environmentally-friendly products. This is a trend that will not die out. Capitalize on customer needs by promoting your environmental awareness and look for new ways to expand these services. R55 35 .. (.#)(5.)5 . (.5 - - - Avoid costly lawsuits. Develop and understanding of the pending and resolved cases to avoid the same troubles. This will provide you with a framework to operate in for what is acceptable and what is not. Companies that ignore it could find themselves with legal concerns. R55 )/(. ,5 -# (5 '*),.-51#."5 / .#)( â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cheap Asian imports represent a threat to your business. Educate your customers on the dangers of these products to maintain their loyalty and business. R55 ,! ,-5 ( 5 +/#-#.#)(-5 (5 ,)15 /-#( -- â&#x20AC;&#x201C; look for opportunities to acquire or collaborate with companies that
APRIL 2011 15
Creating a Road Map to Profitability
By John Shane
expand your business vertically. R55 )&&)15." 5 ) - – growing verticals can mean new revenue opportunities for your business. Assess which verticals are growing in your regions and develop a targeted sales strategy. John Shane is a leading industry expert on marking materials such as toner, inkjet ink, and cartridges. As a Director for the Communication Supplies Consulting Ser vice, Mr. Shane is responsible for all forecasts, research reports, consulting, and client care concerning those topics. john_shane@infotrends.com
InfoTrends, a Questex company, is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting f irm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at www.infotrends.com.
I Want My Green Back: How The Printer OEMs Have Co-opted Our Green Message and How We Can Take It Back By Luke Goldberg, Senior Vice President, MSE When I was a young lad, just starting out in this industry, sporting a full head of hair and ready to take the world by storm, I was enlivened by the prospects for what at the time was a nascent industry; full of unlimited possibilities. As with any new industry we were a little ragged, a lot disorganized, and we didn’t really know how to make a quality product but we were learning. The fundamental proposition for our industry seemed unassailable; we offered an alternative to consumers who prior to the advent of our industry didn’t have a choice when it came to their toner cartridges, we offered this alternative at a lower price than the OEM AND as an extra added feature, it was recycled! Brimming with the idealism of youth it seemed that this was a “can’t miss” proposition to be economically advantageous and green too. What a great business! Flash forward 20 years; no hair, but still bullish on our future if we could just get back to the simple proposition that propelled us forward in those early days. There is no question that we have evolved into a viable, global industry and we have Luke Goldberg-Circa 1991-2000 become much more professional from a technical and commercial standpoint. Somewhere along the way we lost sight of one of our most critical underpinnings; we are green AND we save you money! In the late 2000’s economic Armageddon struck as the housing bubble burst and the globalized economy wretched violently, wracked with sickness emanating from the subprime mortgage 16
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crises. We all know, and it has been amply discussed by me and others how this recession bolstered the value proposition of our industry. 2009, and into today our price savings and green message is more resonant than ever yet in these years the OEMs have spent millions telling the world that our products aren’t as green as theirs are. I n t h e s e ye a r s t h e l a r g e s t Luke Goldberg-Present Day companies in the world all wanted to be green; green was the new gold and it was everywhere. Commercials could be seen from OIL companies who talked about their development of alternative energy and how their OIL rigs provided safe haven for Nemo and his buddies. There were butterflies, flowers, and trees everywhere from the biggest corporations in the world whose carbon footprint’s stretched across the globe. Printer OEMs too spent millions painting themselves as green. Printers became more energy efficient and needed less power and time to reach fusing points, deplexing became the norm to reduce paper consumption, and even MPS has its green elements as it ultimately leads to less printing per employee. In fact, paper usage will never be what it once was as a byproduct of cost control, duplexing, MPS and higher unemployment. In 1999 the average office worker used 65kg of paper annually, as of 2010, it has been reduced to 48kg. The OEMs also continued to publish data that said recycling was indeed better for the earth than remanufacturing. They talked about remanufacturing waste going to landfills, once used cores
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I Want My Green Back How The Printer OEMs Have Co-opted Our Green Message and How We Can Take It Back
t h r o w n a w a y, components used once and discarded etc… At the same time OEMs stepped up their core col lection (destruction) effor ts to keep cores out of our h a n d s . We a l l MSE’s Core Collection Collateral have to remember and get back on message; we need to convince global end users that when they send cores to the OEMs for grinding not only are they not making the environmental choice, they are eliminating their own choice AND threatening the existence of small businesses globally. We need to tug on their heartstrings (and wallet strings) with these messages and convince them that if we don’t MSE’s Bin Program have cores; they don’t have a choice. The aftermarket also has to help debunk the OEM propaganda regarding recycling versus remanufacturing by being MORE environmentally sensitive with core collection than the OEMs and by being able to substantiate and document how our activities effect the environment. OEM one off core tag programs are inherently problematic from a carbon footprint standpoint as the transshipping of single cores to multiple locations for processing, grinding etc… actually negate the benefit of recycling the core. The aftermarket and MSE incentivizes its customers to aggregate cores via pallet and bin programs. In addition one tenet of our “Intelligent Re-Engineering” approach to technology is the reuse of critical components where it ’s substantiated by our rigorous testing protocols. In order to ensure the cycle life of MSE’s Recycling Bins 18
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critical parts, we run multiple protocols including environmental stress testing at low temp/low humidity, high temp/high humidity, print test methodologies that stress critical parts such as single page stop go mode, accelerated aging, etc… The intelligent reuse of parts is critical to mitigate our carbon footprint and to contradict OEM claims that most parts are used only once and then thrown away. In fact many manufacturers, especially those with ISO 14001 certification provide documentation regarding how they minimize their carbon footprint. ISO 14001 governs our environmental policy and requires us to document our impact while striving for continuous improvement. ISO 14001 provides the framework for all of our green initiatives which also include Cal Waste Wise partnership, Sustainable Forestry initiatives etc… At MSE we are firm believers in the green aspects of our business and we attempt to be as transparent as possible when it comes to documenting MSE’s Recycling Initiatives o u r i n i t i a t i ve s . One industry concern that is really plaguing all business is green washing. I wonder how so many factories overseas have ISO certifications. I have visited many of these factories and see no evidence of the process control or documentation required by ISO. It also seems somewhat ingenuous to paint yourself as a steward of the environment that ISO 14001 connotes when you manufacture new molds. New aftermarket molds are actually more environmentally UN-friendly than an original core which takes 3.31 liters of oil to produce. Original cores use high quality plastics and components that lend themselves to reuse whereas new mold clones use lower grade plastics that suffer from alignment issues when reuse is attempted.
Recycling Facts From MSE’s 2010/2011 Catalog
All too often also, new molds are sold as remanufactured
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I Want My Green Back How The Printer OEMs Have Co-opted Our Green Message and How We Can Take It Back
which hurts us all. The IITC in the USA and ETIRA in the EU are doing their best via education and lobbying to restrict this practice and to keep these clone cores out of circulation. ETIRA in the EU is also doing a great job in educating the market regarding the benefits of remanufacturing versus recycling. Here is just one quote from The Recycler/February 2011 on a study by Dr. Hudai Kara Best Foot Forward / UK CRR Etira.org, “The remanufacturing process saves approximately 2.5 kg of CO2 per cartridge compared to the production of a new cartridge.” There are many tell tale signs to determine if a cartridge is new or remanufactured and we need to do a better job in understanding how to differentiate and to hold our suppliers accountable. The easiest way is the price; the core is, typically, the highest cost component in the cartridge and eliminating this cost creates an unfair advantage. If a price seems too low to be possible in using a recycled core then the cartridge is probably a new mold. It is rumored that the FTC is actually in the process of cracking down on green washing and the misuse of green logos. This will be a good trend if it takes place to require actual substantiation of
green messages from their users. In summary, we need to, as an industry, take back our green message and parade it front and center. We need to have the ammunition to do it by way of certifications and initiatives that actually mean something concrete in terms of how we minimize our carbon footprint. If you make cartridges or buy from others you need to demand documentation on recycling of manufacturing waste and the reuse of parts to be able to combat the OEMs who are trying to steal our green thunder. Our now matured industr y provides an unshakeable value proposition to consumers the world over if we provide the quality and environmental benefits that are the foundation for our success.
Pathways to Prosperity in the World of Imaging By Art Diamond, DRC & Patricia Tavera, Recharge Asia If your company’s objective is to achieve higher profitability from your current workforce and physical plant, that goal might be achieved by setting your sights on reaching one or more of the following destinations. In each and every case, we are talking about expanding your business, either in terms of floor space, workforce, or incoming revenue, or in some cases, all of the above. BIOTONER If you’ve been following the trade press, or looked at the topics being discussed at industry seminars these days, you’re aware that biotoner is getting an increasing amount of promotion. Therefore, biotoner is our first destination on the path to prosperity. The reasons for switching away from petroleum-based toner are clear and convincing. Further, with the price of crude oil now taking a new leap upward we can expect the future to hold a corresponding rise in the price of toner. While corn, soy beans and other biomass materials are also likely to rise; the resins and plastics derived from these raw materials are not expected to follow the path of soaring styrene-acrylic and polyester petro-resins, the stuff of which conventional toners are made. Because biotoners command a higher profit margin than conventional monochrome toners, they offer dealers, distributors and rechargers a better return on toner and cartridge sales. End users, especially in Europe, appear to accept a price point that is somewhat above conventional reman cartridges, but below most 20
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OEM offerings. Let’s put it this way: many end users are willing to pay a bit more to add a little green to their business image, which means more green in your bottom line! For a much broader perspective on the use of bioresins in the imaging industry, Craig Faczan, President of Caliber Technologies, is the go to guy. An environmental scientist, Faczan notes, “Today, bioplastics are everywhere. Coca-Cola currently offers a PlantBottleTM based upon a grown and harvested raw material. In February 2011, Heinz partnered with Coca-Cola on this technology. Frito-Lay even makes a bioplastic compostable bag and most recently, PepsiCo announced the development of its own bioplastic bottle.” “In reality, bioplastics are already in the imaging industry—albeit in small quantities. In 2003, Hewlett-Packard released a prototype inkjet printer having a case made from corn-based plastics. Canon recently introduced bioplastics in their line of ImageRUNNER Advance machines. And starting in March 2011, OKI Data Corporation announced it has introduced a bioplastic part in all of its printers and MFPs.” Faczan calls our industry a plastic sledgehammer in that printer casings and parts are mostly plastic. “Cartridges are composed of various types of plastics;” observes Faczan “and a significant part of our packaging materials are plastic. Spent cartridges make up over 1.9 billion pounds of solid waste in America’s landfills and in
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All Aboard! A 12-Step Program for Joining the Government Procurement Bandwagon
the USA, it is estimated that 8 printer cartridges are thrown away every second. In most applications, today’s bioplastics offer viable alternatives to the traditional petroleum based plastics used in our industry. In instances where they may lack adequate properties and performance features, it is just a matter of time before the chemistry gets fine tuned. After all, the bioplastics industry is in its infancy; it only holds about a 1% market share.” “The dilemma of whether or not to use bioplastic is based mainly upon raw material cost, with bio-based resins more expensive than petro-based resins. But, when the price of crude oil hits $120 per barrel, a level not that far off, we are at parody. Bioplastics will then become equal on price and, in some instances, even less costly. In the long term, bioplastics have price stability and because they are derived from a renewable resource, offer a more sustainable solution to traditional petro-based plastics. I believe we will see our first bioplastic cartridge by the end of 2012 and, naturally, it will contain a biobased toner!” COLOR IMAGING Although color imaging takes more intensive learning and familiarity with a new dictionary of words and phrases, the rewards are far greater than watching a monochrome print emerge from your printhead. This is especially true if your print shop is set up to output fine art quality color prints worthy of framing and gallery display. Local artists will flock to a wide format print shop to see their work reproduced in color matched precisely to the original hues. They will typically pay top dollar for a wide spectrum of color imaging applications that includes: backdrops, backlits, banners, building wraps, displays, flags, posters, signs, table covers, tote bags, vehicle wraps, etc., etc. To make the transition easier for its customers, from monochrome to color imaging, Static Control Components, Inc. (Sanford, NC) has invested in View on Demand webinars, a multilingual program of online training sessions that demonstrates component technology and remanufacturing methods. Static Control customers can see – in 3D animation – the techniques of cartridge remanufacturing and the essentials of color printing. This program is free to Static Control customers, in a language they understand, anywhere and anytime, without the expense of travel to a distant event. “It’s as simple,” claims SCC, “as watching TV.” Uninet Imaging has also invested in detailed, illustrated instructions for color cartridge remanufacturing. The company’s extensive Technical Support provides step-by-step directions that assist customers increase profitability by offering quality, remanufactured color cartridges. While color imaging has not captured as large a share of the overall office market, the depressed economy is often cited as the most probable reason why it has been held back. Today, however, with recovery gaining momentum, this is an excellent opportunity 22
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to get on the bandwagon and add these color cartridges to your product line. At the ITEX Show, March 22-23 in Washington, DC, MSE officials Gil Wazana and Luke Goldberg will detail the vast untapped opportunities present in the color laser aftermarket and propose action plans to finally start wresting some share from entrenched OEMs. The MSE webinar will first describe market pitfalls when dealing with color and next pose corrective measures from a commercial and technological perspective. “We will also look at OEMs derogatory statements,” asserted Luke Goldberg, “that are designed to discredit the aftermarket as a viable alternative. “And,” he continued, “we will propose countermeasures to combat customer objections that arise from OEM efforts to maintain their grip on this profitable market niche. DIVERSIFICATION As every entrepreneur knows, the road to profitability includes many opportunities to diversify a business. This can be done organically by extending existing operations into related markets not now being served. In its simplest form, it involves the addition of product lines, types or sizes for the primary purpose of achieving variety. Or, it could entail the acquisition of one or more existing businesses already up and running. In either case, the net result should be to expand the size and scope of the business. However, before proceeding with a diversification program, management should determine: 1) whether use will be made of present sales and distribution capabilities; 2) can current manufacturing facilities be utilized for the new products; and, 3) can the existing workforce handle the diversification, or will additional technical, managerial, or marketing personnel be required. GO GREEN As a cartridge recharger, your business is already green so your sales and marketing efforts are dedicated to helping your customers Go Green! The important issue here is an educational challenge. That means educating every customer and every prospect that using remanufactured cartridges is environmentally correct. It obeys the three fundamentals of resource conservation: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. But, above all, contrary to the hype of the OEMs, remanufacturing is far greener than recycling. It is a move toward sustaining the environment by reducing the energy consumption in producing new cartridges, by re-using spent toner and ink jet cartridges, and by recycling cartridges and cartridge components. It has been said that “remanufacturing is the highest form of recycling” because recycling just preserves the material and often entails its reuse for a lower valued application. As Luke Goldberg writes, in a companion article (see “I
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RECHARGEasia All Aboard! A 12-Step Program for Joining the Government Procurement Bandwagon
Want My Green Back!”), “The printer OEMs have co-opted our green message” urging rechargers to take back our green message and aggressively educate consumers “to combat the OEMs who are trying to steal our green thunder.” SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Social media marketing can be an extremely effective component in your overall marketing strategy. Back in 2008, Twitter arrived on the scene and was soon being hailed as both the next big thing and a micro-blogging site that would soon redefine online marketing. Most social media marketing experts recommend Twitter as a good starting point. Once you establish your account properly, choosing the best options for your needs such as mobile updates, etc., commit to using it on a regular basis, with at least one or two tweets per day, to start. The best way to leverage Twitter and other social media such as Facebook and YouTube is to build a list of like minded followers. In addition to posting updates throughout the day, focus on the types of followers you are attracting. For this reason, it is important to put some thought into completing your and/or your company’s bio, background, likes, and dislikes. Oftentimes, you will quickly find that others with similar interests were seeking you out and joining your list. Another reason Twitter is a favorite tool for building a targeted list is because it is so easy to follow and “unfollow” other users with similar interests. After using Twitter for a few months, or as soon as you become comfortable with it, try taking a more aggressive approach with your followers. As followers are added to your list, use messaging that introduces you or provides immediate access to resources that are appropriate for the users in your niche. This adds credibility to your profile and more importantly drives direct traffic to whatever you are promoting at the time. When using this technique, be sure to embed tracking information that allows you to identify how frequently your promotional messages are being clicked and acted upon. The more followers on Twitter that you have, the more you can promote your profiles on other social media. For example, use Twitter to invite others to join your Facebook fan page and view your YouTube videos. This creates a number of additional followers across all social media, improving the conversation rate of your social media marketing and building social media followers. Many tools are now available for building followers on Twitter, Facebook, and specific social media networks, making it easy to grow your list. To be effective, you need to establish a social media marketing plan. In doing so, ask yourself these questions: What type of value can we deliver to followers on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media? How can we continue to deliver value? What type of audience are we targeting? Answer these questions before you 24
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begin your social media campaigns to build a thorough marketing plan and use resources that can help to grow your list. By focusing your efforts on Twitter first, you're building a pipeline of prospects to feed your other social media accounts. After using an automated tool to build your Twitter list, be methodic about sending tweets that encourage others to sign up for your other various social media outlets. Offer free information, reports, data, and more to generate a high conversion rate. Social media marketing experts agree, these techniques can be very effective in improving online marketing strategies significantly. Use them to improve your online marketing efforts as well! WIDE FORMAT The imaging industry divides paper and media sizes among three major groups: Narrow Format (11½” x 17” and smaller); Wide Format (17” to 72” wide); and, Grand, or Super-Wide Format (73” wide and larger). Wide format printing brings into play a variety of imaging media, such as films, translucent papers, adhesive-backed media, giclée (fine art printing on canvas or canvas-like media), and other face materials. It also makes use of a variety of ink jet inks not normally encountered in office markets, such as solvent-based, ultra-violet (UV ) curing, and pigmented inks designed to resist fading upon outdoor exposure. Getting up-to-speed on wide format printing is relatively simple for anyone already schooled in narrow format applications. What is different, primarily, is the need for equipment. While most office printers and copiers are sheet-fed devices, many wideformat printers are roll-fed. Still, the dynamics and mechanisms of creating an ink jet image vary only slightly from narrow- to wideformat printing. Perhaps the fastest way to learn about wide format printers, media and inks is to attend one of a number of trade shows dedicated to this niche market. The next major event is ISA’s International Sign Expo 2011, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, in Las Vegas, April 27-30. On May 12-13, the Specialty Graphics Imaging Association will hold a Business Development Conference in Denver, CO featuring workshops in 4-Color Process printing. In the fall, SGIA moves to New Orleans for its annual Expo, to be held October 11 and 12 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. For a more technical overview of color printing, the Imaging Science & Technology (IS&T) organization will hold its 19th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC 19) November 7-11 in San Jose, California. These are just a few of the color imaging conferences planned for 2011. Most of the Expos feature wide-format color printers in operation on the showroom floor.
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Industry Leaders Give Thumbs-Up to Asia Imaging Fair 2011 We asked imaging industry experts to comment on Recharge Asia’s international Asia Imaging Fair (AIF) held in Beijing from April 27 - 29, 2011. Here are some of their responses: RechargeAsia Magazine publisher, Sunny Sun said: “Through this Beijing international Exhibition, we will create a brand new and unique market platform for the imaging supplies industry, For the field of government procurement, the AF Exhibition will promote desktop and console copiers, narrow- and wide-format printers and other multi-purpose devices. Indeed, it will bring imaging industry officials from around the world to the doorstep of government procurement professionals in Beijing.” Zuhai YiDemei’s General Manager, Mr. Wang Xiaoping said “This is one of the few Expositions organized by forces both at home and abroad. We will bring our copier expertise and many years of experience to this event, so that we can expand the scope of our own business. At the same time, we will also invite long-term imaging supplies partners in Russia to attend the Exhibition with a display of their office equipment and supplies.” Ms. Li Bingshu, President of Tianjin Modern Office Equipment noted, “This is the only event to choose Beijing, the heart of China, as the venue for an international Exhibition. We shall bring our years of training and skills in copiers, printers and office equipment to fully support this worldwide event.” Engineering Society Chairman, Liu Shuguo promised, “The National Copy Engineering Society will give its full support to the 2011 Exhibition in Beijing,” He added, “We will also bring to the event the many years of experience in hard copy and imaging technology that were developed by the national industry here in China.” Mr. Wang Xuewen, General Manager of the Han Group, commented “The Han Group will participate in this AIF Exhibition with the display of our machines, supplies, and a range of other products. We envision a tremendous market potential for Northern China, and attach great importance to the promotion of this Expo platform in Beijing.” China Electronics Corporation’s Manager, Chen Dazhi, asserted that “The AIF will be China's biggest advertising opportunity because it is located at the National Conference Center in Beijing. At this event, we will welcome 20,000 inkjet and toner professionals into the AIF Hall.” Regarding Beijing AIF, Tianjin Central Electronics Chairman, Jiao Yanhe, remarked, “We are determined to participate in this Exhibition and will invite customers to our doorstep to discuss business at that venue.” Office Equipment Purchasing magazine publisher, Feng Kai, observed, “At this AIF Exhibition, dealers will be invited to consider opportunities in the office supplies business as an additional sales channel. We will also invite purchasing agents and decision makers in state and government bodies, in enterprises and institutions across the country, to participate in this unique Exhibition.” RechargeAsia Magazine, General Manager, Zhang Shanghong, stressed that “At the AIF Exhibition, we will share discussions and meetings regarding the government procurement process. These sessions will ensure that delegates are schooled in easy access to government procurement markets. This training will give them the green light to opening up government procurement for the office supplies market. ” 26
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SCC Action to Combat Lexmark Firmware Updates Is Lexmark protecting its supplies revenue by using firmware updates to lock out non-OEM supplies? In January, the web was abuzz with stories that a firmware update for Lexmark inkjet all-in-ones based on Lexmark’s Vizix platform resulted in these devices no longer being able to accept anything other than the OEM Lexmark 100, 100XL, and 105XL ink tanks. Reportedly, the United Kingdom’s Office of Fair Trading and the Trading Standards Institute were investigating consumer complaints that the update prevented them from using compatible and/or remanufactured cartridges for these printers. Various sources disagreed on whether these organizations had confirmed they were investigating the matter. Now, we have heard that it is possible that firmware updates for Lexmark laser printers and MFPs, as well as the Dell and IBM printers and MFPs based on Lexmark engines, may also lock out remanufactured cartridges. Moreover, at least one major nonOEM supplies industry player, Static Control Components, is taking action to combat this reman-killing firmware update by warning its customers and providing them with warning labels to be placed on Lexmark printers. In a document for its customers that remanufacture cartridges or resell non-OEM supplies, Static Control warns, “End user customers previously happy with remanufactured cartridges were duped into accepting a firmware upgrade that promised to ‘improve’ users’ printers, but has now locked them into using ONLY original Lexmark cartridges. End users have found that the firmware upgrade is irreversible and their printer will not work until all cartridges are original Lexmark cartridges. Consumers claim this is an anti–competitive and a restrictive trade practice. BEWARE. It could easily happen to YOUR ink jet and laser Lexmark (Dell and IBM equivalent) remanufactured cartridge customers.” Static Control urges its customers to inform Lexmark and IBM- and Dell-equivalent end users immediately and to get them to agree not to install firmware upgrades for their Lexmark, Dell, or IBM printers, all-in-ones, or MFPs. Static Control even provides its customers with handy labels for placement on end users’ printing devices, a form letter to be provided to end users warning them of the risk posed by the firmware updates, and a letter to technicians or others working on printers at a business notifying them that the owner does not want firmware updates to
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be installed. This is the first we have heard that Lexmark firmware updates that lock out non-OEM supplies may be applicable to Lexmark laser products and equivalents from other vendors. If true, the impact of these firmware updates would be much larger than when we first heard tales of this update, as initially it was supposedly limited to Lexmark’s latest inkjet products. While Static Control’s efforts to stop the spread of the reman-killing firmware updates will undoubtedly help some remanufacturers retain more of their business for Lexmark SKUs, thus far, multiple reports indicate that the firmware update is irreversible. That means theoretically it takes just one split-second decision to update firmware by a technician or employee in an IT department to render a printer unable to accept anything but OEM supplies. Still, it should be noted that we have yet to hear any results of the investigations in the United Kingdom, or even definitive confirmation that the Lexmark firmware updates are being investigated. Moreover, as Lexmark supporters will be quick to point out, the source of the story that the firmware update may apply to Lexmark, Dell, and IBM laser printers and MFPs is hardly impartial. Static Control Components has been engaged in a bitter legal battle with Lexmark over compatible chips used in Lexmark Return Program cartridges since 2002, and the two companies’ litigation continues to this day. Given that there is no love lost between Static Control Components and Lexmark, it is certainly possible that some of Static Control’s claims are exaggerated. Lexmark does not appear to have issued any official statement on the matter. But, when it comes to protecting the businesses of those remanufacturers it supplies with components, Static Control is taking a “better safe than sorry” stance when it comes to Lexmark firmware updates. Reprinted, with permission, from March 1, 2011 Internet posting under “News Briefings” by Actionable Intelligence.
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Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Shipments Grows 7% Year Over Year in 4Q10 to Highest Levels Since 2007 The worldwide hardcopy peripherals market witnessed record high shipments of more than 36.5 million units in the fourth quarter of 2010 (4Q10) and posting 7% year over year growth. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, this is the highest quarterly shipments since the fourth quarter of 2007. Overall, the worldwide hardcopy market continues to aggressively transition away from single function into the multifunction space. In 4Q10, the total share of multifunction printers (MFP) was 67%, up four points from the previous quarter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After experiencing one of the most difficult economic periods
in recent memory, the worst is over. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for the market to return to normal. For 2011, we anticipate that the recovery will continue at a slow and steady pace. The return to growth will not be uniform across all countries and segments; developed regions are expected to show gradual or steadier activity, while developing regions are projected to show faster and higher growth levels,â&#x20AC;? said Phuong Hang, program manager, Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker. The top three vendors â&#x20AC;&#x201C; HP, Canon, and Epson â&#x20AC;&#x201C; captured more than 75% share of the total market in 4Q10. With 15.5 million units shipped, HP exhibited the highest year-over-year growth of 10%, followed by Canon's 5% and Epsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2%. With the exception of Western Europe, HP enjoyed positive year-over-year growth across all regions. Technology Highlights R55Inkjet remains the dominant technology in the overall hardcopy peripherals market with close to 24.5 million units shipped, representing 67% share. The fourth quarter saw year-overyear inkjet declines in the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) (APeJ), Middle East & Africa (MEA), and Western Europe markets. The highest year-over year-growth was observed in Latin America at 16%. R55This quarter marks the highest laser shipments with close to 11 million units shipped. All regions recorded year-over-year growth in this space, with Latin America leading the way with 35% growth, and Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) at 25%. R55Monochrome laser accounted for 83% of the laser market with 9 million units shipped in 4Q10. Although the transition to MFP has been observed, monochrome laser printers remain the most prolific type of laser in the office with close to 5.6 million units. R55Color laser grew 10% year over year to over 1.8 million units, resulting in 17% share in the total laser market in 4Q10. Color laser MFP continues to show signs of expansion and has
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increased its share in the color laser space to by over two points to 48% when compared to share seen in the previous quarter. Regional Highlights R55 (#. 5 . . -5â&#x20AC;&#x201C; With only 120K fewer shipments than Western Europe, the region came in 2nd overall with 22% market share and 5% year-over-year growth. Unlike the double-digit growth experienced in the last two quarters, Q410 saw a modest yearover-year trend of 5% growth in laser technology. The inkjet market also recorded a 5% year-over-year gain with more than 6.6 million units shipped during the quarter. R55 -. ,(5 /,)* â&#x20AC;&#x201C; After losing out to APeJ during the past
two quarters, Western Europe regained its status as the number 1 region for total HCP shipments in Q410 with more than 8 million units shipped. The region grew 2 points to 23% share in the worldwide hardcopy peripherals market compared to the previous quarter. This positive trend was driven by the stronger year-over-year growth in laser technology â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10% versus -1% for inkjet. R55 (., &5 -. ,(5 /,)* 5;5 # & 5 -.5 ( 5 ,# 5B C â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The region accounted for 14% share of the worldwide market with close to 5 million units, and exhibiting 8% year-overyear growth. Double-digit growth in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) fueled the high growth in the region. Despite year-overyear growth of -2%, inkjet technology regained the top spot in the region after losing out to monochrome laser during 3Q10 with close to 2.5 million units shipped and posting over 50% market share. The laser segment increased 22% year over year to more than 2.3 million units shipped in the quarter. R55 -# I #Ĺ&#x20AC; 5B 2 &/ #(!5 * (C5B C â&#x20AC;&#x201C; For the first time in 2010, APeJ lost its top spot to become the number 3 region in the world in terms of HCP shipments. Despite posting 11% year-over-year growth in Q410, the region lost 4 points to 22% share in the worldwide market. APeJ continues to be the top ranked region in the worldwide laser market with 30% of total shipments, while its inkjet shipments ranked 3rd with 15% in the total inkjet market. For the first time ever, Canon inched past HP and achieved the number 1 ranking in the APeJ inkjet market. R55 * ( â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Japan moved up one spot to become the number 6 region in the last quarter of 2010. Japan accounts for 8% share of the worldwide market with close to 2.8 million units shipped, and posting 5% year-over-year growth. The inkjet segment grew 3% year over year to close to 2.4 million units shipped in 4Q10. The last quarter of the year is consistently the
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Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Shipments Grow 7% Year Over Year in 4Q10 to Highest Levels Since 2007
highest volume quarter for inkjet shipments as consumers purchase devices to print and send New Year’s cards to family and friends. Driven by high demand in the Small and Medium business segment, 4Q10 came in with strong results in the laser space, resulting in more than 380,000 units shipped and 17% year-over-year growth. Vendor Highlights R55 dominated the market with over 15.5 million units shipped in 4Q10, the highest quarterly shipment since the last quarter of 2007. The vendor grew 10% year over year, the highest yearover-year trend among the top 5, and gained 2 points to 42.5% share in the total worldwide market in 4Q10. With the exception of the Western European inkjet market, HP showed year-over-year gains across all regions in both inkjet and laser segments during the last quarter of the year. The vendor closed out the year on a high note, posting 15.6% year-over-year growth for the full year and outperforming the market average by nearly 4 points. R55Despite having the highest shipments ever, Canon finished a distant second overall with close to 6.9 million units and 18.8% share in the total hardcopy peripherals market in the fourth quarter. During 4Q10, the vendor grew its shipments 5% year over year, gained 2 points in market share sequentially and remained unchanged from a year ago. This quarter marked the first time ever where Canon inched past HP and achieved the number 1 ranking in the APeJ inkjet market. While achieving stellar results in Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) with 1.4 million units, the vendor’s inkjet segment only grew 1% year over year. Laser technology, on the other hand, enjoyed double-digit growth across most regions and resulted in 24% year-over-year increase. Canon finished the full year 2010 with 7.5% year over year growth in total shipments, nearly 5 points below the market average of 12% growth. R55 *-)( held the number three position overall in 4Q10 with more than 5.5 million units shipped and 2% year-over-year growth. While showing an increase year over year, the vendor declined 1 point from a year ago to 15.2% market share. Canada and the U.S. were Epson’s best performing regions, with 46% and 30% year-over-year growth, respectively. The vendor completed finished 2010 with 9.7% year-over-year growth. Once again, Canada and the U.S. were among the top 3 regions in 2010 with 41% and 14%, respectively. Latin America was Epson’s best performing region for the full year with 45% year-over-year growth. R55 ,)." , moved up one spot from last quarter, and in 4Q10 was the fourth-ranked vendor in the worldwide hardcopy market with 5.1% share and close to 2 million units shipped. The vendor’s shipments grew 8% year over year in 4Q10 due to 32
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stronger gains in the laser segment; 16% vs. 1% for inkjet. Latin America was Brother’s best performing region in 4Q10 for laser shipments with 94% year-over-year growth, followed by 57% in Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) and 46% in Middle East & Africa. Despite posting significant growth in laser, the vendor’s 5.5% year-over-year increase for the full year 2010 was below the market average of 12%. While having its highest shipments ever, Samsung dropped one spot from last quarter to the number 5 position in the total hardcopy peripherals market. The vendor grew 3% year over year during the last quarter of 2010, resulting in more than 1.7 million units shipped and 4.8% market share. Samsung’s 4Q10 performance was aided by positive growth in Western Europe and Latin America, which grew 22% and 28%, respectively. The U.S. was Samsung's worst performing region in 4Q10 with a -34% year-over-year trend. Samsung outperformed the market by posting 28.2% year-over-year growth for full year 2010. Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, Fourth Quarter 2010
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, March 9, 2011 Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, 2010
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, March 9, 2011
U.S. Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, Fourth Quarter 2010
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, March 9, 2011
U.S. Hardcopy Peripherals Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, 2010
Notes: R5 5 IDC tracks A2-A4 devices in the Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals R55Hardcopy Peripherals include single-function printers, printerbased multifunctional systems (MFPs), and single-function digital copiers (SF DC). Data for all vendors are reported for calendar periods.
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, March 9, 2011
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Indian Printer, Copier and MFP Market Grews 10% in Q4 2010 T h e I n d i a n p r i n t e r, c o p i e r a n d multifunctional product market grew by 10% in the fourth quarter of 2010, according to Gartner. The combined segment market in India totaled 681,142 units for the same period. “With the growth in IT sector and overall consumer confidence, there has been a spur in IT spending including the small and midsize business (SMB) and government sectors. Hence most print vendors reported good growth,” said Amrita Choudhury, research analyst at Gartner. “HP, Canon, Epson and Samsung continued to be the top four vendors accounting for 94% of the total India
printer market in the fourth quarter of 2010 (see Table 1). HP remained the leader in the India printer, copier and MFP market with a market share of 55.7% in the fourth quarter of 2010, while Canon followed with 24.6% market share,” he added. The page printer market grew by only 2% in the fourth quarter 2010. HP which leads the page printer market with a 46% market share recorded only 1%t growth in the fourth quarter 2010, while Canon, with 40% market share, grew by 20%. Samsung recorded a
decline of 28% but held 10% market share in the Indian page printer market.
IDC Printer Tracker Results: Australia Transitioning from Recovery to Sustainability Interest rate hikes and overflowing inventory dampened Christmas sales Sydney, Australia. The Australian laser printer market experienced disappointing retail sales during the recent Christmas period, with the majority of sales coming from a late festive season push, according to the results of IDC’s Australia Monthly Printer and Inkjet MFP Tracker, Q42010. With 2010 being a year of recovery, both the laser printer and inkjet multi-function devices markets celebrated a double-digit growth of 45% and 11% respectively as compared to 2009. However, momentum slowed down during the transition from Q3 to the final quarter, recording a flat sequential growth of less than 1%. During this period, there was an influx of lowend laser printers (mono and colour printers at the speed of 1-20ppm and 1-10ppm respectively, based on IDC speed segmentation) in the market, portraying a 50% unit growth as compared to Q3 results in this segment. Promotional activities during the quarter were focused on price discounts and rebates to channels, with 34
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the low price points subsequently trickling down to consumers during the festive season. “After taking the lead in the laser printer market for three consecutive quarters in 2010, Brother lost the leadership position to HP in the final quarter, making Q4 the best quarter for HP,” said Yee-Kuan Lau, market analyst for IDC Australia. “HP has been very active in the consumer space towards Q4 with aggressive channel activities, while at the same time creating mindshare with e-Print advertisements to generate end-user demand.” “Good consumer sentiment and a positive unemployment rate did not translate into high retail sales for the printing industry. The excessive inventory from a strong Q3, coupled with cautious consumer spending as a result of interest rate hikes, resulted in national retailers being more wary in their inventory management when stocking up for Christmas,” said Lau. Moving forward, 2011 will be the year www.rechargeasia.com
of sustainability, with vendors focusing on activities to maintain growth. One of the trends this leads to is an increase in printer choices for small and medium businesses (SMB) in Australia. Samsung and Brother are continuously expanding their portfolio and have been introducing attractive promotions targeted at these segments in the recent years. Additionally, Fuji Xerox has expanded its entry level portfolio to target the SMB market specifically. Greater competition and increased vendor focus in the SMB space will translate to a better variety of affordable printers for customers. The top 7 vendors in the total laser market for Q4 2010 comprising of colour and mono laser printers were: Source: IDC Australia
Monthly Printer and Inkjet MFP P rinter Tracker, Q42010
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SCC Suit Slams Seven over Smart Chip License Agreement On March 8, Static Control Components (SCC) of Sanford, NC, filed Civil Action No. 1:11-CV-188 in the United States Middle District Court of North Carolina. The Complaint alleges the seven defendants named below are in breach of a patent Cross License Agreement executed in or around November 2007 and demands a jury trial. R55 ' ,# (5 ' !#(!5 ,.,# ! 65
5B C R55 ,.,# ! 5 ),*), .#)(5) 5 ' ,# 65 ( 85B C R55 "#*-5 ( ),*), . 5B C R55 ( /-.,# &5 (!#( ,#(!5;5 0 &)*' (.65 ( 85B C R55 (()0 .#0 5 ,.,# ! 5 "()&)!# -65 ( 85B C R55 .85 )85m6kkg6nko5 )& #(!65
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5B C In its Complaint, SCC states that each and every one of the above named Defendants is owned and/or controlled by a Mr. Steven Miller, of North Pinellas, Florida, who is listed as one of the inventors of Pat. No. 7,551,859 (â&#x20AC;&#x153;the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;859 Patentâ&#x20AC;?). This
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patent teaches a universal chip and expressly states that it is a continuationin-part of both the 7,286,774 and 7,187,874 patents (â&#x20AC;&#x153;the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;774 and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;874 Patents). Another entity owned or controlled by Mr. Miller is Platinum Manufacturing International, Inc. (PMI). On December 14, 2010, AIC, ICT and PMI jointly filed a patent infringement lawsuit in federal court against 30 other companies and individuals engaged in the manufacture of toner cartridges. Among the Defendants is a Ronald Roman, hence that action is known as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Roman Case.â&#x20AC;? It is captioned American Imaging Cartridge, LLC et al. v. Roman et al., Case No. 8:10-cv-02789 (M.D. Fla.). The present Complaint specifies that SCC, IED, ICT and CCA are all parties to a written Cross License Agreement which granted SCC a license to use certain patents owned by ICT, including â&#x20AC;&#x153;the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;774, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;886, and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;874 Patents.â&#x20AC;? The license includes any continuation, in-whole or in-part, of these three patents for universal chips. SCC claims the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;859 Patent was assigned to Defendant AIC without prior notice to, or consent by, SCC, thereby dishonoring SCCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rights under the Cross License Agreement. SCC also claims that some of the Defendants in the Roman case are customers of Static Control. Further, SCC asserts that AIC, ICT and PMI offered to dismiss their claims if these Defendants agree to purchase their cartridge chips directly from the Miller entities, rather than from Static Control. This strategy, SCC claims, was an attempt to circumvent the agreed-upon and bargained-for provisions of the Cross License Agreement. A move that caused injury and irreparable harm to SCC by potentially destroying long-term customer relationships with its customers. SCC also claims the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;859 patent is invalid for failure to meet the conditions and requirements for patentability as set forth in the present Complaint and seeks a judicial declaration and order that the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;859 patent is invalid. Recharge Asia magazine will continue to track this case and report on any significant developments, settlements or decisions.
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Top Brands for Wide Format Printers There are many great wide format printers on the market. Here are a few of the top manufacturers of these printers. 1. Canon: For the wide format printer arena, it offers the imagePROGRAF line of printers, with the 5-color printers for general and technical printing and the 12-color printers for the creation of digital photos and fine art. Sizes vary from 17 inches to 60 inches. 2. Epson: Epsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s line of wide-format printers is called the Epson Stylus Pro. These printer models come in compact sizes 17 inches wide, as well as in 64 inches, and are mostly for creating signage and digital photo prints. Epson also has solvent printer models. 3. Hewlett-Packard: HP is a major player in the wide format printer arena with its HP Designjet series of printers. This series has entry models that are priced low enough for printing highquality photo prints and digital fine art at home, as well as highend models for commercial and corporate printing needs. Sizes vary from 24 inches to 60 inches. 4. Kodak: Under its subsidiary company, Encad, Inc., Kodak also offers wide format printers known in the market as the NovaJet printers. The NovaJet printers have 8-color and 4-black Kodak cartridge systems that promise to print out high quality graphic files on a variety of media, as well as AutoCADD printouts. 5. Mimaki: Mimaki is a Japanese printer manufacturer that truly specializes on wide format printers. The companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s printers are not for entry-level users but are rather for professionals, such as artists and photographers who want to create their own printouts. The
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Mimaki brand of printers is also known for their versatility in that the models can use almost any kind of ink without displaying a lot of problems. 6. Mutoh: Mutoh is another printer manufacturer that fully focuses on providing commercial wide format printers. The printers that Mutoh provides can work with different kinds of inks such as solvent and water-based ink, as well as with different kinds of printing technologies like direct textile printing, dye sublimation and UV curing. 7. Oce: For high-speed solutions to commercial printing needs, Oce has a number of products available for monochrome and color CADD printing, as well as for monochrome and color graphics and photo printing. These models work mostly with documents up to 36 inches wide. 8. Roland: Roland also specializes in various commercial printing solutions. The company has many different lines of wide format printers for printing signage for use in both indoor and outdoor settings. Printer sizes range from 30 inches to 104 inches and some models have built-in cutters. 9. Yuhan-Kimberly: If you are looking for a wide format printer for textiles, you may want to give Yuhan-Kimberly a serious thought. This Korea-based printer manufacturer is a leader in textile printing, and its printers can work with textiles for fashion and apparel as well as with interior decorating.
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ITEX 2011 Held New Power Packed Feature: The Technology Innovation Forum The ITEX National Expo & Conference, held March 22-23 in Washington, DC, added a new power-packed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Technology Innovation Forumâ&#x20AC;? which took place on March 23. This Technology Innovation Forum gave attendees direct access to exclusive technology companies and leaders who have a direct and indirect impact to our business and the industry at large. Attendees were provided an opportunity to personally interact with each of the companies directly; see this new technology in action, ask questions, and learn how these innovations can be applied to their day-to-day business, and ultimately, what value they can add for their end users. Key Technology Innovators Participating Included: R5 (. &5@5 &) &5 "()&)!35 (()0 .),-5Äť .5 Äż .5 /&.#*& 5 0# R5 , (5 #&&-5@5 0# 5 ) .1 , 5 *.#'#4 .#)(I5 /,#.3 R5 )'5@5 5 (0#,)(' (.5 )(.,)&5 ( 5 *.#'#4 .#)( R5 )'* --5 )&/.#)(-@5 & - ), 5 5 /.)' .#)(5 ( 5 ( ! ' (. R5 1Ĺ&#x20AC; & 5 5@5 5 #&#. .),-5 ( 5 (0#,)(' (.5 **#(!5 ( 5 '* . R5 5@5 ,5#(5 " (( &5 )1 ,5 #&. ,R5 &) &5 , *"# -5@5 ) #& 5 ,#(.#(!5 ( 5 & .,)(# 5 ) /' (.5 ( ! ' (. R5 5@5 #)( ,5#(5 h 5 ) #& 5 )''/(# .#)( R5 #5@5 (. !, . 5 h 5 ( 5 h 5 )&/.#)(-5 ( 5 ,0# -
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Important topics covered at the Technology Innovation Forum included how and why the industry is changing; who the major players are in the industry, and what opportunities exist for today and tomorrow. The Technology Innovation Forum was open to all ITEX registered conference attendees. The Forum was presented as a partnership between MWA Intelligence, Inc. (MWAi), a leader in enterprise-class M2M (machine to machine) and M2P (machine to people) solutions and services and Intel, world leader in silicon innovation, that develops technologies, products and initiatives to continually advance how people work and live. PRODUCED AND MANAGED BY: ITEX 2011 National Expo & Conference, the largest North American trade show in the imaging channel, was held Monday, March 21 through Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. ITEX National Expo & Conference is produced and managed by Questex Media Group LLC, a global, diversified business-to-business integrated media and information provider, headquartered in Newton, MA. For information, visit www.itexshow.com
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Samsung Launches New Printer Lines to Provide Enhanced Performance for a More Efficient Workplace Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, announced its newest lines of network, duplex printers to help small and mid-size businesses simplify the workplace. The mono laser multifunctions - SCX4833FD and SCX-5737FW with enhanced features and added security and the ML-3310ND and ML-3710ND mono printers feature faster output, eco offerings and secure printing and lower total cost of ownership , creating hassle-free desktop printing options for any office environment.
Dion Smith, General Manager, Samsung UK Print Division said: “In our latest line of business printers we have introduced Secure Pull Printing, WiFi, Touch screens, Eco Mode and Dual Core Processors. We have increased our page speeds and enhanced our market leading Total Cost of Printing message by the introduction of further high yield toners. To celebrate our 20 years in manufacturing Laser Printers we have also introduced a FREE 5 Year Warranty across some of our business printers. At Samsung we continue to anticipate the needs of our business customers as they continue to increase their requirements for safer and more intuitive print options.”
printed by multiple users around the working environment. For more reliable document management, the SCX-5737FW and SCX-4833FD models include the embedded Barcode Font feature and large colour LCD touch screen, which enables users to quickly print and scan document barcodes without the need for a separate programme to create the code. Embedded barcodes help offices manage paperwork more easily including shipment tracking, purchase orders and similar documents. FASTER OUTPUT, EASE-OF-USE For faster copying and scanning, the SCX-4833FD includes an Automatic Document Feeder and the SCX-5737FW includes a Duplex Automatic Document Feeder (DADF). These printers support a variety of paper types, providing one machine that can handle all printing needs. Most of the printers in Samsung’s range include the 600mHz dual core processor for faster prints. The ML-3710ND and SCX5737FW print at 35ppm, while the SCX-4833FD and ML3310ND prints at 31ppm. The ML-3710ND and SCX-5737FW use an extra high yield 10000 pages toner which lowers the cost per page, as well as toner cartridges yields of up to 2000 and 5000 pages, respectively, which in turn increases the value for cost-conscious businesses. The ML3310ND and SCX-4833FD toner cartridges yield up to 2000 and 5000 pages, respectively. Designed with simplicity in mind, the SCX-5737FW are built around easy to use functions - one touch of the 4.3” touch screen gives access to a wide array of features and settings. One touch of the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the control panel connects users to the Wi-Fi network for wireless printing with no need for manual configurations or complicated pass codes. The SCX-4833FD and SCX-5737FW also feature a handy Direct USB print function which enables users to print images or PDFs directly from a USB storage device – simply plug it
SECURE AND RELIABLE PRINTING The SCX-4833FD and SCX-5737FW multifunction printer devices feature Samsung’s Secure Pull Printing giving users the option to print to any device on their network, while ensuring that only the specified user can collect the document. This feature is especially useful in education, financial, government and healthcare environments where security and confidential information is being 42
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Samsung Launches New Printer Lines to Provide Enhanced Performance for a More Efficient Workplace
About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
in, select the file and print. Or alternatively scan to USB which will be in TIFF-S, TIFF-M, JPEG, PDF support files for added flexibility. A MORE ECO-SENSITIVE WAY TO PRINT All of Samsung’s new printers feature Eco-Mode giving users the option to easily adjust settings depending on the print job, enabling them to save on energy and paper or toner consumption when possible. In addition to Eco-Mode, the ML-3310ND and ML-3710ND also minimise environmental impact with a low noise output of just 52 decibels to ensure a quieter office experience. The combination of enhanced security, reliability, speed and ease of use across the range provides the ideal solution for businesses looking to reduce print costs and environmental impact in 2011, without having to sacrifice on print quality. All the new models come with Samsung’s free 5 year warranty to give businesses peace of mind throughout the life of their device.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2009 consolidated sales of US$116.8 billion. Employing approximately 174000 people in 193 offices across 66 countries, the company consists of eight independently operated business units: Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, Digital Imaging, Semiconductor and LCD. Recognised as one of the fastest growing global brands, Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of digital TVs, memory chips, mobile phones and TFTLCDs. For more information, please visit www.samsung.com.
Ricoh Unveils Aficio MP W3601 Wide Format Digital Imaging System Next Generation of Wide Format Multifunction Products Includes Built-In Color Scanning Ricoh Americas Corporation, a leading provider of digital office equipment and advanced document management solutions and services, announced the release of the Ricoh Aficio® MP W3601 Wide Format Digital Imaging System. A multifunction device, the system is equipped with built-in color scanning and can support a customizable workflow with the integration of software solutions to further expand functionality, which can increase productivity and save money. The Ricoh Aficio MP W3601 provides critical workflow functions that are essential in a compact, wide format device, including producing clear black & white documents at 600 dpi resolution and adding a built-in color scanning option. The optional color scanning allows users to capture marked-up changes in the field and deliver them directly to the designer, eliminating time-consuming mail or expensive courier delivery. Users can 44
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scan a full range of documents, including blueprints, architectural drawings, detailed maps, oversized documents and photos, and send them directly to e-mail, a Server Message Block, folder, FTP, URL, a Network Control Panel or the standard document server. Additionally, the Aficio MP W3601 offers a host of standard security solutions; including encryption that secures data on the hard disk drive (HDD), the DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS) that when activated automatically overwrites the HDD after each job, and network authentication that limits device access to authorized users only. “The Ricoh Aficio MP W3601 is designed to easily work the way our customers work, helping them be more productive and stay competitive,” said Shun Sato, senior vice president, Marketing, Ricoh Americas Corporation. “In addition, the Ricoh Aficio MP W3601 is now capable of integrating software solutions,
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Ricoh Unveils Aficio MP W3601 Wide Format Digital Imaging System
whether of Ricoh or of a third party, to further simplify the workflow and increase productivity. With this device printing, copying and color-scanning can all be done securely from oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own office, saving significant amounts of time and money.â&#x20AC;? The Ricoh Aficio MP W3601 features various Scan-to options designed to increase efficiency and reduce cost, including: R55 #0 5#(-. (.5 ) /' (.5*),. #&#.351#."5." 5)*.#)( &5 (7.)7 USB option, which makes sharing project documents easier than ever by scanning directly from the USB port on machine to a USB device. R5 5 (7.)7 ' #&5 &#'#( . -5 *)-. ! 5 ( 5 )0 ,(#!".5 )-.-5 35 instantly emailing documents anywhere in the world. R55 (7.)7 )& ,5 )(0 ,.-5* * ,5 ) /' (.-5.)5 & .,)(# 5Ĺ&#x20AC;& -5 ( 5 stores them anywhere on the network saving space and time. R5 5 (7.)7 5 - ( -5 & ,! 5 #& -5 +/# %&35 35 3* --#(!5 ." 5 ' #&5 server, while Scan-to-URL reduces network congestion by sending a URL or NCP link instead of sending an entire file. Additionally, users can add GlobalScan NX, which converts scanned paper documents into electronic files and routes them to network folders, e-mail addresses, fax machines and other destinations. This provides the user with a secure environment
through encryption and network authentication to transmit information. GlobalS can NX also preser ves documents electronically in an organized file system and captures metadata based on clients and jobs for future retrieval, rather than storing hard copy documents, which can consume valuable floor space About Ricoh Americas Corporation Ricoh Americas Corporation, headquartered in West Caldwell, N.J., is a subsidiary of Ricoh Company, Ltd., the 74-year-old leading provider of advanced office technology and innovative document imaging products, services and software, with fiscal year 2009 sales in excess of $21 billion. Ricohâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fully integrated hardware and customizable services and software help businesses share information efficiently and effectively by enabling customers to control the input, management and output of documents. Ricoh Americas Corporation, directly or through its network of authorized dealers, markets and distributes products in North, Central and South America. Information about Ricohâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s complete range of offerings can be found at www.ricoh-usa.com.
Future Xerox Printer Uses New Ink, Heats Paper Xerox on Monday offered a glimpse into the future of its printing products, announcing a high-speed inkjet printer that employs a new type of liquid-free ink to produce higher quality prints while reducing costs. The new printer uses a granulated formulation of resin-based ink, which feels much like sand to the touch, said Wayne Buchar, a product engineer at Xerox. The printing process involves melting the ink and heating the paper, which helps capture and freeze ink to produce vivid images. The combination of granular ink and heating of paper eliminates the need to dry paper after printing is complete, Buchar said. Many printers use water-based inks, which could suffer from bleed-through and dull color, and usually require more expensive and specially-treated papers to accelerate the drying process. The printer is initially targeted at organizations printing documents such as marketing material or bank statements in high volumes, said Tracy Yelencsics, vice president of production segment and program marketing at Xerox. Installations of the printer will begin in the second half of this year, and Yelencsics declined to comment on whether the technologies in this printer would reach end-consumer products. The new printer has the characteristics of traditional laser
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printers, which use toners, and solid-ink printers, which use blocks of solid ink, Buchar said. To operate the printers, users have to buy granulated ink, which is transferred to barrels in the printer. The printer then blows the ink granules from the barrels through pipes to melters, where the granules convert to liquid. The ink is then sent to printheads, which spray the ink on warm paper. The printer employs sensors that scans billions of droplets per second to ensure printing precision. Xerox also melts ink in its solid-ink printers, but the print process uses aluminum drums to hold and melt the ink. This printer employs a more efficient process as it sprays the melted ink directly on warm paper, Buchar said. The printer can print up to 2,180 two-sided pages per minute, Yelencsics said. It can also print on low-cost and plain paper. The printer also helps save costs by unifying multiple printing processes, Yelencsics said. For example, commercial printers may use separate color and black and white printers to print headers and personalized information on documents such as bank statements. The new printer's ability to print in all colors at fast rates on uncoated and normal paper could reduce the need for multiple printers, which could help reduce printing, warehousing and mailing costs, Yelencsics said.
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Ricoh and Heidelberg, Konica Minolta and Kodak Ink Distribution Agreements for Production Market Over the past couple of days, two pairs of manufacturers have signed distribution agreements in the production printing market. First, on February 23, Ricoh Company, Ltd. and leading offset production printing equipment maker Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG announced a “global strategic cooperation.” Second, today Kodak and Konica Minolta announced that they have expanded their existing global distribution agreement. Heidelberg will now sell Ricoh’s digital color presses, including the Pro C901, “as well as appropriate future production printing offerings in Ricoh’s pipeline.” Ricoh has significantly increased its lineup of digital production printing devices in recent years, with good results. In Ricoh’s most recent financial results for the third quarter of fiscal 2010, ended December 31, 2010, the company pointed out an increase in sales of production printing products as one of the few bright spots in a bleak year to date, in which overall sales of imaging solutions declined 5.4 percent. Now, Heidelberg will begin selling Ricoh machines in April of this year, first in the United Kingdom and Germany with other regions to follow. Konica Minolta and Kodak have a had a distribution agreement for some time. Konica Minolta has been selling Kodak NexPress devices in Australia since 2009 and has been selling Kodak DIGIMASTER digital production systems since November in Europe. Under the expanded distribution agreement, in the United States, Konica Minolta will continue to sell Kodak DIGIMASTER digital production systems and will add the NexPress digital production color presses to its portfolio. Konica Minolta will continue to sell NexPress presses in Australia. In Europe and Japan, Konica Minolta has begun to sell Kodak DIGIMASTER devices. For its part, Kodak will sell the Konica Minolta bizhub PRESS C7000, bizhub PRESS C6000, and bizhub PRESS C8000 in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, as well as the bizhub PRO 1200/1200P monochrome digital presses in the United States. This deal is good news for Konica Minolta, which many have anticipated will lose Océ as a channel for its products now that Canon has purchased the company. Konica Minolta and Océ ended their strategic business alliance or so-called jointdevelopment agreement roughly one year ago and signed a new OEM sales agreement and distribution agreement, but most pundits believe that this is a temporary measure and that Konica Minolta products will eventually no longer be offered through the Canon-owned company. And Konica Minolta could use more distribution. In Konica Minolta’s third quarter, ended December 31, 2010, Konica Minolta reported sales and net income decreases 48
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in the third quarter and said sales of both office and production printing systems were weak. Kodak, too, is having trouble in its Graphic Communications business, which saw a 2 percent decline in revenue in fiscal 2010 and a full year loss from operations for the segment of $29 million. The two firms obviously hope that by cooperating they can achieve growth in their production printing businesses. Complex webs of distribution agreement in the production printing market are nothing new. These four companies have numerous ties going back years. At one time, Heidelberg was Kodak’s partner on the NexPress joint venture and in 2004 sold that business and Heidelberg Digital to Kodak, exiting the digital press market. Last year, Heidelberg and Konica Minolta announced an agreement under which Heidelberg would distributes Konica Minolta’s digital presses in Australia, and just this January Heidelberg, Konica Minolta, and Kodak recently showcased an integrated suite of products at Print Ex 11 in Sydney, Australia. Meanwhile, Ricoh and Kodak too have ties. Roughly one year ago, the firms announced a multiyear renewal of an agreement under which Ricoh sells Kodak NexPress digital production color presses and DIGIMASTER digital production systems and Ricoh-owned IKON sells Kodak solutions. Distribution agreements such as these can be precursors to closer partnerships and even mergers and acquisitions, or they can simply allow firms to work together to complement one another’s product lines for a limited period of time. With print volumes shriveling, it seems all four companies are looking to distribution partners for help in gaining a bigger share of the dwindling pie.
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OEMs Unite to Create Cloud Printing Alliance A number of leading OEMs have joined mobile printing company Cortado to create the Cloud Printing Alliance at CeBit 2011. The OEMs, including Brother, Dell, Konica Minolta, Kyocera Mita, OKI and German manufacturer Funkwerk signed an alliance agreement last Tuesday with Cortado. The alliance aims to “bring true mobile cloud printing to the market”.
Cortado states that the Cloud Printing Alliance will “allow mobile cloud printing to any printer, anytime, anywhere for smartphone and tablet users”, adding that the alliance is open to printer manufacturers, network equipment manufacturers and hotspot providers. The alliance will use Cortado’s Workplace technology, which allows documents to be printed directly from smartphones and tablets to any Wi-Fi or Bluetooth enabled printer. “With this alliance we are setting a new standard for cloud printing. Customers can use a variety of devices and do not need to purchase specialized cloud printing printers, or even turn on a computer to print,” says Carsten Mickeleit, CEO of ThinPrint AG, of which Cortado is an offshoot. Mickeleit adds: “We are delighted and proud those renowned manufacturers such as Brother, Dell, Funkwerk, Konica Minolta, Kyocera Mita and OKI are using our cloud printing solution. Customers of these manufacturers will know that the printers they trust will always be supported.” Frank Hoffmann, Director Strategic Relationships at ThinPrint AG, says “By providing our cloud printing functionality, manufacturers and companies c an expand the business functionalities of hotels or lounges. Existing Wi-Fi products for customers in these places can be scaled to include mobile printing services for smartphones and tablets, all in a matter of minutes and with no technical effort required.” What is the Cloud Printing Alliance? The Cloud Pr inting Alliance is a partnership b e t w e e n C o r t a d o, a division of ThinPrint AG, printer and Wi-Fi
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router manufacturers, hotspot providers, software developers and mobile operators, with a common goal: Working together to make on-demand printing easy. For any content. With any device. At any location. As the founder of the Cloud Printing Alliance, Cortado offers the leading cloud printing solution for mobile printing. Documents can be stored in the cloud and then printed from smart phones and tablets to any Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connected printer, regardless of device, printer or file type. Cortado supports thousands of printer models from over 90 printer manufacturers worldwide. To this end, Cortado currently hosts more than 5,000 printer drivers, and thanks to feedback of over 100,000 customers, drivers are constantly updated and expanded. Printers most suitable for printing are those of Cloud Printing Alliance manufacturers. Through close cooperation with Cortado, new printer models from alliance partners will be fully supported thereby using printer drivers suitable for cloud printing. Recommended printers from Cloud Printing Alliance manufacturers can be recognized by the ‘Cortado Cloud Printing Ready’ logo. Additionally, cooperation with hotspot providers, software developers and mobile operators results in the widest service availability. Hotspot providers, such as hotels, receive full support when setting up and marketing a cloud printing hotspot. Mobile app developers are offered the possibility to include the cloud printing option in their programs. Mobile operators can offer their customers a valuable additional service with cloud printing. How does cloud printing work? Smartphones and tablets typically have no printing system of their own or only have such a limited system that they hardly support any current printers. How can you print from a device that cannot actually print? The answer: cloud printing. As smartphones and tablets are constantly evolving, so is their functionality. These devices are increasingly becoming notebook replacements and constant companions in everyday business life. However, one important feature is missing: the ability to print. Despite the digital age there are many situations where a printout is required, often immediately. Printouts are required to sign contracts, present vouchers, archive records or simply to easily
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ROEMs Unite to Create Cloud Printing Alliance
read long documents in paper format. This is where cloud printing comes into play. Printing from the cloud - independent of device, printer and document type While other cloud printing solutions limit printouts to printers supporting a particular technology of that provider or connect to a powered-on PC, Cortado takes a completely different approach. Here the user can use any printer which is accessible to the mobile device via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
The cornerstone of the solution is the personal, passwordprotected storage in the Cortado cloud. This is automatically set up free for each user with installation of the Workplace app on the mobile device, offering a central storage space for files. The user can upload files to the Cortado directory from both the mobile device as well as a PC or Mac. 1. Choose document When the user wants to print, he needs only to choose print in the document and then select the Cortado ‘Print’ option. The
document - if not already saved to the cloud directory – is loaded to the Cortado cloud and the relevant app for editing. 2. Choose printer Now the user indicates whether he would like to print via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. In most cases, Cortado then automatically finds the printer. Only in individual cases, if for example the administrator blocks auto-discovery of printers on the Wi-FI network, or if the hardware does not support this, then the printer‘s IP address must be entered manually. 3. Set printer driver When the user has chosen a printer he needs only select the appropriate printer driver. The print job is then created using this printer driver in the Cortado cloud and sent via the mobile device to the selected printer. Shortly after, a printout as good as the original can be collected at the printer. Currently Cortado hosts over 5,000 printer drivers covering thousands of printers from over 90 manufacturers worldwide. If a printer driver is missing, the user can simply report this. Cortado will then add the printer driver as soon as possible. Printers of manufacturers who are members of the Cloud Printing Alliance are particularly suitable for printing. Working closely with Cortado ensures that new printer models of Alliance partners are fully supported and printer drivers suitable for cloud printing are used. Recommended printers of Alliance members can be recognized by the ‘Cortado Cloud Printing Ready’ logo.
Xerox Will No Longer Sell Wide Format Equipment in North America Last call for products such as the Xerox 8265. Xerox will stop selling all wide format hardware in North America by the end of 2011. The Wide Format Imaging website and the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle website broke the story that Xerox will cease selling wide format printers, copiers, and finishers in North America by year’s end. A Xerox spokesperson confirms, “Xerox will stop taking orders for wide format products in the U.S. and Canada in 2011, with specific timing based on inventory levels.” Given the news that it is exiting this market, we are sure that Xerox will see relatively few sales of wide-format equipment between now and the end of 2011. The company plans to provide existing customers with support, supplies, media, and parts for a minimum of five years from the last installation of a particular product line. When asked why Xerox decided to exit this market in North America, the Xerox spokesperson tells us, “Xerox prioritizes each investment, allocating research and development dollars to areas where the company can deliver the best value to the marketplace. 52
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As a result of this practice, Xerox has opted to not invest in wide format product engineering in 2011.” While Xerox would not comment specifically on the financial performance if its wide format business, it seems safe to assume that results were not good, nor was the outlook for this business. Xerox does not break out the performance of its wide format business in its quarterly results. The group’s results are lumped in the “Other” category. According to Xerox’s last annual report, this includes “several units, none of which met the thresholds for separate segment reporting. This group primarily includes Xerox Supplies Business Group (predominantly paper sales), Value-Added Services, Wide Format Systems, Xerox Technology Enterprises, royalty and licensing revenues, GIS network integration solutions and electronic presentation systems, equity net income and non-allocated corporate items.”
The equipment sales line in the “Other” category in Xerox’s 2009 annual report shows a steady drop in revenue from $252 million in 2007 to $249 million in 2008 to a mere $156 million in 2009. The year 2009 was obviously a bit of an anomaly for the industry as a whole as this was the height of the recession, and the wide format category was, perhaps, one of the printer/MFP market segments hardest-hit by the economic downturn. Xerox did not break out equipment sales in the “Other “category in its most recent financial report for the fourth quarter and full year 2010 and has yet to publish its annual report for 2010. Still, total revenue in the “Other” category declined from $434 million in 2009 to $420 million in 2010, while profit improved from a loss of $79 million in 2009 to a loss of $66 million in 2010. The “Other” segment of Xerox’s business does not seem to have experienced a strong bounce back from the recession. Now, Xerox is deciding to trim itself of a business that may be dragging down results in this category—namely its wide format business. While we suspect that equipment sales in the “Other” category improved in fiscal 2010 compared with the miserable year prior, this is not certain, and if installations have improved, Xerox has deemed any improvement, at least in the wide-format portion of its business, too little too late. That Xerox’s wide-format business was not performing well is not particularly surprising. To a large extent, it is a reflection of declines in the mature wide format market segments in which Xerox participated and of the competition Xerox faces in this space from firms that are better known in the wide format market. For example, Xerox offers a line of wide format monochrome eletrophotographic pr inters/copiers f or tec hnic al gr aphics environments, such as computer-aided design (CAD); architectural, engineer ing, and construction (AEC); and commercial print shops. Xerox’s monochrome wide format machines use LED engines from Fuji Xerox, the joint venture with FujiFilm Holdings in which Xerox has a 25 percent stake. Most analyst groups agree that this is a market segment that has been in decline for some time. Xerox also has some well-known competitors in this space such as KIP, Océ, and Seiko I InfoTech. Xerox’s color wide format solutions, such as the Xerox 8265, 8290, 8254E, and 8264E are eco-solvent machines that use Mutoh engines. Analyst opinions about the robustness of the eco-solvent market vary, but InfoTrends, for example, projects a decline in the overall solvent market, saying that many end users are choosing
to invest in other technologies such as aqueous inkjet (including HP Latex ink) and UV-curable. There are many competitors in this market that may be better known to print service providers for their wide format eco-solvent products—companies such as Agfa, Mimaki, Mutoh, and Roland, and Seiko I Infotech, among others. What is surprising to us about Xerox’s exit strategy is that it applies to North America only. The company’s Xerox Europe (XE) and Developing Markets Operations (DMO) will continue to sell wide-format products and source new ones. Xerox’s spokesperson explains, “This is a matter of sharpening our focus to those segments where we can provide the best value to our customers and the best growth opportunities for the highest possible return on investment. Xerox is stopping the business in North America and not in XE and DMO because each Xerox operating company is empowered to make their own sales channel decisions, and in this case, the North American operating companies have decided to focus their resources on other lines of business that are aligned to 2011 Corporate R&D prioritizations.” When asked if exiting the wide-format business in North America will result in any layoffs or staff reorganization, the Xerox spokesperson would say only, “The business has fewer than 70 dedicated employees that are affected.” So, it is possible that there will be some layoffs but not in significant numbers. Xerox says that as of the end of December 2010, it had 136,500 employees worldwide.
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Remanufacturing the Canon ImageCLASS D1120 Type 120 Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah and the technical staff at Uninet Imaging A division of Summit and Uninet Products
Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at Summit Technologies, a division of Uninet Imaging. A global distributor of toner, OPC drums, wiper blades and other supplies. An industry veteran since 1987, Mike is a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification Committee as well as an STMC trainer. He regularly contributes articles and teaches seminars at association meetings and trade shows. First introduced in February 2010, the D1120 series of laser printers is based on 30ppm, 1200dpi Canon engine that has a first page out in less than 8 seconds. There is just a single cartridge version for these machines, rated for 5,000 pages. The cartridges are similar in design to the HP P2035 cartridges, but are not interchangeable. They also use the new drum drive gear system. The actual drive gear is a floating type that uses a ball and socket configuration. See Figure 1.
the pins. The pin access hole location on these cartridges is almost identical and the same methods you use for the P2035 should work here. The printers released in this series so far are as follows: imageCLASS D1120 imageCLASS D1150 imageCLASS D1170 imageCLASS D1180 Cartridge troubleshooting as well as running test pages, cleaning pages and some simple printer troubleshooting will be covered at the end of this article. Supplies required
Figure 1 There are no screws used at all to hold the cartridge together. All the end caps and bushings are held in place by plastic welds. This sounds worse than it is though it’s actually not that bad to do. The pin system holding the two halves of the cartridge together is similar to many HP machines. You will need to cut two small holes cut in the top to get access to
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D1120 toner for the Type 120 cartridge (5000 pages) Replacement Chip New Drum (Optional) Wiper Blade (Optional) Dr. Blade (Optional) Magnetic roller (Optional) Sealing Strip (Optional) Cotton Swabs Isopropyl Alcohol Drum Padding Powder
Figure 22 Flush Cutting wire cutters Dremel type tool with side grinding bit 3/32 drill bit Small#4 ¼” long self tapping screws Hot Glue gun 1) Remove the drum cover by prying up on each end. Note the spring position so that it can be replaced later. See Figures 2 & 3
Tools Required Jeweler’s screwdriver Phillips head screw driver. Small Common screw driver X-Acto knife with square chisel type blade. (See Figure 22) www.rechargeasia.com
Figure 2 2) Drill a shallow hole on each side of the cartridge as indicated by Figures 4 5
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Remanufacturing the Canon ImageCLASS D1120 Type 120 Toner Cartridge
be pressed against. Make sure not to bend or damage the plastic wall and the plastic is thin and easily damaged. Remove the Axle pin from the outside with flush cutting wire cutters. See Figures 10, 11 & 12.
Figure 3
Figure 7
Figure 11
Figure 4
Figure 8 4) Separate the two halves. See Figure 9
Figure 12
Figure 5 Figure 9 5) With a flat head screwdriver, press the drum axle pin out from the inside of the cartridge wall as shown. There is a small shoulder visible that the screwdriver should
6) Remove the drum. See Figure 13. This is a good time to look at the new drive gear(s). This is a completely new system. New drums and gears are being developed. The drum hub on the opposite side is welded. The weld can be broken or drilled out, but there is a good chance that the hub will either warp if pried off, or will be hard to align if drilled out. See Figure 14
Figure 6 (un-cut), 6 & 7 (cut). 3) Push the pins out with a jewelerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s screwdriver. With the hole in this location by just pushing the screwdriver in, the pins will be pushed out. Remove the pins. See Figure 8 56
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Figure 13 Figure 10 www.rechargeasia.com
7) Remove the PCR and clean with your
tabs. See Figures 21 & 22 NOTE: Both the end caps are plastic welded in place. The only way to open them up is to cut the welds and carefully drill them out. We have found the left (NonGear) side is the best side to do this on.
Figure 14
Figure 17
standard PCR cleaner. See Figure 15
Figure 21
Figure 18 Figure 15 8) Remove the 2 screws and the Wiper Blade. See Figure 16
before inserting the pin. Make sure the axle pin is fully inserted. See Figures 19 & 20
Figure 22
Figure 19
14) Using the 3/32” drill bit, drill out each of the two welds. Be careful to keep the drill straight as you drill in. Use a slow speed and only drill in no more than ¼”. See Figure 23
Figure 16 9) Clean out the waste toner. 10) Coat the wiper blade with your preferred lubricant. Install the blade and 2 screws. See Figure 17 11) Re-install the cleaned PCR. Note that a new OEM PCR has a small amount of conductive grease on the black (contact) side. See Figure 18 12) Re-Install the OPC Drum and metal axle pin. The metal axle pin should have a small amount of conductive grease on the tip. Remove the old grease and replace
Figure 23 Figure 20 13) Slice the two tabs off each location as shown on the left (Seal) end cap. Use a square blade X-Acto knife to slice off the www.rechargeasia.com
15) With a flat head screwdriver work the edge of the blade around the edge of the end cap and gently pry up the end cap. You will hear the remaining parts of RECHARGEasia
APRIL 2011 57
Remanufacturing the Canon ImageCLASS D1120 Type 120 Toner Cartridge
the welds break free. The top weld will also break off now. Take your time with this. See Figure 24
Figure 27
be removed. See Figure 30. The shelf is held on with double sided tape. It can be gently pried off with a small screwdriver. 22) Install the seal onto the cleaned rails. Make sure the seal tab is set over the non gear side of the cartridge. Remove the white toner port seal, and insert the seal tab is through the port opening. Install the white port seal on top of the seal. See Figures 31, 32 & 33
Figure 24 16) Remove the magnetic roller assembly. See Figure 25
Figure 28
Figure 31
through the Mag. roller opening with D1120 toner. There is not a fill plug in these cartridges. See Figure 29 Figure 25 17. Remove the Magnetic roller drive gear. The end cap will keep the bushing in place. See Figure 26.
Figure 32
Figure 29 21) If you are going to seal the cartridge, there is a white plastic shelf that needs to
Figure 26 18) Remove the DR. Blade and two screws. See Figure 27. 19) Clean out any remaining toner from the hopper. Note the Dr. Blade seal. It is a sticky substance that can be clean with alcohol if toner gets on it. See Figure 28 20) If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not going to use a seal, fill
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Figure 33
Figure 30 www.rechargeasia.com
23) Re-install the white plastic shelf. If the adhesive is not working, replace it with a good double sided tape. This shelf helps with the flow of toner in the hopper. See Figure 34 24) Re-install the doctor Blade and two
Place the Mag. Roller drive gear in place, install the magnetic roller assembly. Turn the roller until the keyed end fits into the drive gear properly. Install the end cap, align the keyed magnet into the keyed slot on the gear side first, this will help in aligning the opposite end cap. See Figures 37, 38 & 39
pins are slightly pushed in so that they do not interfere with installing the cartridge in the printer. See Figures 41, 42 and 43.
Figure 34 screws. See Figure 35 Figure 41
Figure 38
Figure 35 Figure 42
25) Clean the old grease off the contact plate, and replace with new conductive grease. See Figure 36
Figure 39 27) Install 2 small screws into the holes previously drilled out. In our tests, the two screws will hold the end cap on with no problems. See Figure 40
Figure 43 27) Install the drum cover; make sure the spring is situated correctly. See Figure 44 & 45
Figure 36 26) Re-assemble the toner hopper section.
Figure 40
Figure 37
27) Place the two halves together, make sure that the two springs are aligned, and insert the two pins. Make sure that the
Figure 44 RECHARGEasia
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Remanufacturing the Canon ImageCLASS D1120 Type 120 Toner Cartridge
Figure 45 28) To replace the chip. Cut the top melted plastics off the chip rails to remove the chip. Install the new chip. If the chip is loose, place a small dab of glue from a hot glue gun onto each corner. See Figure 46 & 47
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Figure 46 Troubleshooting Repetitive Defect Chart: OPC Drum: 75mm Lower Fuser roller 63mm Upper Fuser film 57mm Registration roller 43mm Magnetic Roller 42mm Transfer roller 39mm
Figure 47 PCR 38mm Running Test Pages These machines are all MFPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and it is best just to make a copy of a suitable test page.
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ACM Technologies, Inc. is Now a Red Cheetah Integrated Wholesaler ACM Technologies, Inc. a leading distributor of OEM, compatible, and remanufactured ink and toner cartridges in the U.S. has just completed integration with Red Cheetah’s best-inclass e-commerce solution. With this integration, Red Cheetah’s customers will be able to seamlessly transmit POs, check price and availability, download invoices, and receive tracking information related to ACM Technologies’ products all through the Red Cheetah interface. This integration will drastically improve efficiencies for Red Cheetah dealers, as well as give our dealers direct access to ACM’s 3000+ SKUs of printer and copier consumable and supplies.
“We are thrilled to be an integrated wholesaler for Red Cheetah” states Ben Lin, Vice President of ACM. In a joint statement, Lin and Andrew Morgan, CEO of Red Cheetah, said “Red Cheetah and ACM makes for a great partnership because of our common mission, which is to help the independent dealers be more successful in the marketplace by providing them with valuable tools, products, and services. Through this integration, we will be able to provide an even higher level of service to the dealer community by streamlining their workflows, reducing their cost, and improving their bottom line.” About ACM ACM Technologies was established in 1989 as a distributor and manufacturer for OEM and compatible products for the business
equipment industry. Our mission is to support your organization with high-quality, low cost OEM and compatible supplies, equipment, and parts. ACM Technologies has four distribution centers across the U.S., including a 100,000 square foot distribution center in our California World Headquarters, and an additional 40,000 square feet of warehouse space in Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas. O ur international locations are comprised of strategically placed manufacturing facilities, distribution centers and sales offices to support the global marketplace. ACM Technologies is proud to be the national distributor for Copystar, Konica Minolta, and Toshiba equipment, supplies,
and accessories in the United States. Our compatible product selection is extensive and includes photoreceptive drums, toners and developers, as well as all the latest compatible laser cartridges. All compatible products distributed by ACM Technologies are tested to deliver consistent, OEM caliber product performance at competitive prices for our customers. ACM services a broad array of customers including: dealers, distributors, rechargers, retailers, ecommerce stores, exporters, and service organizations. Our distribution expertise allows us to provide the best service to customers big and small. Contact us today to find out how to become an ACM reseller! For more information on ACM’s products, programs, and services, please visit www.acmtech.com
UTec Launches New Website for WideFormat Inkjet Printer Consumables With continuous commitment to offering high quality and reliable commercial printer consumables and to bringing the latest product and market information to our valued customers, we are launching a new website dedicated to wide format
inkjet products: wideformat.union-tec.com. Not only does the new website showcase our expanding range of wide format printer consumables, it also features as an information and communication centre of UTec sales and marketing activities in the industry. The website is designed with ease of use in mind and we aim to provide the best web experience for visitors. About UTec Union Technology International ( M C O ) C o . L t d . ( U Te c ) specializes in marketing and
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distribution of high quality aftermarket printer consumables and imaging supplies to worldwide markets. We are also the master distributor of Print-Rite imaging products for international markets. Located in Macau, we enjoy proximity to Zhuhai, the “capital” of China’s printer consumables industr y. The loc ation also allows us to access the excellent infrastructure, facilities and other resources available in the nearby international city of Hong Kong. If you have any comments about UTec wide format supplies homepage, please visit: wideformat.union-tec.com
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FineEye Color Brings Color Optimization to Digital and Inkjet with Launch of ICEserver 3.0 The next generation in advanced color-optimizing software technology is now available from FineEye Color Solutions. With the addition of ICC Color Management and Tone Correction features, ICEserver 3.0 delivers the same quality enhancement and ink savings to owners of Digital and Inkjet devices that are enjoyed today by Litho users. This latest version of ICEserver is a client server system, with a browser-based user interface, which simplifies ICEserver implementation and deployment. Announced at Graph Expo ’10 in Chicago, ICEserver 3.0 is a revolutionary color separation technology that increases the visual appeal of print, adheres to standards and reduces manufacturing costs. A hot folder enabled Windows Server application, it processes press-ready CMYK, RGB and Grayscale PDF files prior to output on virtually any process color imaging system, including offset and digital presses, inkjet and toner devices. “ICE stands for the Intelligent Color Engine, the core technology of ICEserver. Our ICE technology was developed to optimize color output by addressing the deficiencies in today’s
color separation technology. The substantial ink and colorant savings ICEserver delivers is a by-product of an optimized color separation” said John Sweeney, FineEye Vice President Marketing and Industry Relations. “With the new ICC and Tone Correction, ICEserver is now process agnostic. Given the cost of inkjet ink and toner, as well as increasing cost of offset ink, the savings opportunity is substantial, and quality is maintained or improved.” ICEserver 3.0 introductory pricing is $11,990, including remote installation, training and support. The Expanded Gamut (XG) feature, which delivers expanded gamut in Offset Lithography, is standard with this new release. ABOUT FINE EYE FineEye Color Solutions, a color technology company, is a result of the September 2009 merger between Chromaticity, Inc. of Grand Rapids, MI and FineEye Color Solutions of Mountain View, CA. For more information, please visit: www.fineeyecolor.com
OCP´s Inks for Brother LC 1100 also Applicable in LC-1240/1280XL Cartridges Like the LC-1100 cartridges the LC-1240/1280XL contain also the Brother Inn Bella (TM) Inks, which shall guarantee for photo printouts accurate in every detail, brilliant colours and ideal printing quality. The LC-1240/1280XL cartridges are, among others, developed for the new Brother MFC - series multifunction – printers. Especially the LC-1280XL cartridges are going in competition to the HP Office jet series which uses the HP No. 940 cartridges. The main features of the LC-1240/LC1280XL and the LC1240 starter cartridges are: LC-1240 Starter / LC-1240 / LC-1280XL BK 390 pages / 600 pages / 2.400 pages (5%coverage) LC-1240 Starter / LC-1240 / LC-1280XL C 390 pages / 600 pages / 1.200 pages (5%coverage) LC-1240 Starter / LC-1240 / LC-1280XL Y 390 pages / 600 pages / 1.200 pages (5%coverage) LC-1240 Starter / LC-1240 / LC-1280XL M 390 pages / 600 pages / 1.200 pages (5%coverage) OCP’s research & development department has released the following inks for also being suitable for LC-1240 /1280XL and
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the LC-1240 starter cartridges:
Samples are as always available on demand in 0,25kg packaging. For individual samples and quantities, please visit: www.ocp.de
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Katun® Corporation Introduces Katun® Performance™ Color Toner for Use in Konica Minolta The launch of this toner strengthens Katun’s tradition of providing excellent color quality for business color and production environments Katun Corporation, the world’s leading alternative supplier to the office equipment industry, is proud to introduce Katun® Pe r f o r m a n c e ™ color toner for use in Konica Minolta Bizhub C203/C253-series digital copier/printers. Customers who purchase this toner, the latest in a series of well-received color toners for use in Konica Minolta applications, will be impressed by the OEM-equivalent print performance, image density, print quality, yield and color reproduction plus significant cost savings versus the OEM toner. “This color toner set meets Katun® Performance™ standards, so end-users will experience true, vivid color reproduction throughout the life of the toner cartridge. The exceptional color quality meets performance requirements in graphics applications, and therefore easily meets or exceeds the expectations of end-users in business color environments, where most of these machines are placed,” says Robert Moore, vice president of product development. “The proven performance of our color toners for use in Konica Minolta applications confirms our dedication to quality.”
This toner has passed Katun’s 360° certification process during development and testing. In addition, to ensure ongoing product performance, production lot samples are tested on a continuing basis to guarantee product consistency. These color toners have been tested and approved for forward and reverse compatibility with OEM toner, meaning Katun® toner can be installed before or after OEM toner, with no degradation in copy quality. As with all Katun® products, this Katun® Performance™ color toner may be ordered via the Katun Online Catalogue – Katun’s one-stop Internet resource that allows registered customers to locate and order thousands of Katun® products while accessing real-time information about their orders and accounts. About Katun Corporation Headquartered in Minneapolis, Katun Corporation is the world’s leading supplier of OEM-compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors, fuser rollers, parts and other select products and services for the office equipment industry. With more than 30 years of expertise, the privately held Katun now serves more than 18,000 customers in more than 150 countries. For more information, or to access the Katun Online Catalogue, visit Katun online at www.katun.com.
KolionTech Launch New Official Website Here we are pleased KolionTech release new official website www. koliontech.com successfully. The new website mainly focuses on factory, products information and comprehensive customer service. The new design is from the concept of “low carbon, concerning Earth”. Moreover, respect customer internet habit, the layout design are more rational and person-friendly. On the home page show perfect function version, such as search district, new &hot products, news center and so on. From this more convenient and visualized internet service, clients could easily find their satisfying answer. Irene, the sales manager of KolionTech, said more than 600 models toner cartridge provide a much more effective reference, detailed introduction, exact parameter ,clear product photos …… all these make information available. Clients can search any message they prefer effectively. Further more, layout design, functional search, information collection, marketing activity express all round customer service. 66
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KolionTech offer customaries service all the time. Please contact us at info@koliontech.com for more information or any inquiry.
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Static Control Releases New Toner for HP & Canon Static Control Releases Toner, Components for HP CP5525/ CP5225, Canon LBP-9600/9500/9200 Cartridges Static Control has released toners and other critical components for remanufacturers who want to work on the highly profitable cartridges used in the HP LaserJet CP5525/CP5225 and Canon LBP-9600/9500/9100 color printers. Toners from Static Control for the high-yield and low-yield cartridge applications have been engineered to be electrically matched with both Static Control replacement components as well as with good, re-useable OEM components, to achieve consistent print quality with every remanufactured color cartridge. Products Product Codes Toner (LY): HP5225-160B-COS HP5225-160B-MOS HP5225-160B-YOS HP5225-200B-KOS Toner (HY): HP5525-240B-COS HP5525-240B-MOS HP5525-240B-YOS HP5525-250B-KOS Wiper Blade: DRHP5525BLADE OPC Drum: DRHP5525, (-5), (-50) Universal Chip: U26-2CHIP, U27CHIP Doctor Blade Spacer HP5525DBSPACER Heat Entry Jig HP5525HEJIG Rigid Insertable Seal HP5525RISEAL Shipping Protector HP5525SHPROT
The cartridges used in these printers yield up to 10,000 pages for color and 11,000 for black. Although the 4700 and 4730 MFP cartridges have many similarities they are not identical. Some replacement components will work in both cartridges, but not all. Product codes: HP 4700 HP47-250B-COS, HP47-10KG-COS HP47-2B0B-MOS, HP47-10KG-MOS HP47-285B-YOS, HP47-10KG-YOS HP47-300B-KOS, HP47-10KG-KOS HP 4730 MFP HP4730-315B-KOS HP4730-275B-COS HP4730-285B-MOS HP4730-315B-YOS For more information please visit: www.scc-inc.com
Static Control Releases New Toner for HP 4700, 4730 Cartridges Static Control has released new Odyssey color toners for cartridges used in HP Color LaserJet 4700 and HP Color LaserJet 4730 MFP printers. The new toners have been developed to deliver defect-free print performance in these important printer cartridges. Remanufacturers who work with cartridges for HP 4700 and HP 4730 MFP color printers will see a striking difference in the quality of their cartridge print performance once they try these new toners, because the toners are engineered to match other critical replacement and OEM components in the cartridge. The new toner products from Static Control have been designed to be â&#x20AC;&#x153;electrically matchedâ&#x20AC;? to work with Static Control OPC drum and Wiper Blade as well as with good, reusable OEM component parts. It is only through a comprehensive approach to engineering, which ensures that toner and components are designed to be electrically matched, that quality comparable to the OEM can be achieved. 68
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Hi & Bestech Releases Multi-Regional Chips for Samsung MLT-D104, 105, 108, 109, 209 Cartridges Usually Samsung printers are divided into 4 regions- EUR (for Europe); DOM (for Korea); CHN (for China); EXP (for areas except Europe, Korea and China). However, some customers told us they can find the same models of Samsung printers with 2 different regions in their areas. For example, some countries where the D104, D105 printers should be EXP version but also find EUR version's printers. Some recyclers have big problem on Samsung chips not only on updated firmware but also on different regional printers in their areas. Thanks to Hi & Bestech company R &D department efforts, the company can supply multi-regional Samsung chips to solve customers' problems. The chip combination and compatibility is as below: SamML-1660-PRMN (EXP/EUR/DOM/CHN)--- MLT-D104 SamML-1660-RPMN (EUR/ EXP/DOM/CHN)--- MLT-D104 SamML-1660-MPRN (DOM/EXP/EUR/CHN)--- MLT-D104 SamML-1640-PRMN (EXP/EUR/DOM/CHN)--- MLT-D108
Samsung MULTI –REGIONAL chip For more information, please visit: www.tonerchips.com
ILG Strengthens Jumbo Color® Line with Proprietary Advanced Color Technology System™ ILG (International Laser Group) improves its line of JUMBO COLOR® cartridges with proprietary advanced color technologies. The new precision JUMBO CO LO R ® f e a t u re s ad d i t i on s o f t wo innovative technologies to enhance overall print quality, offering optimum quality color output at highest page yield capacity.
The exclusive JUMBO COLOR® line provides an excellent OEM alternative solution to the high-cost HP color. It offers 20% to 30% higher page yield with the same outstanding quality, vivid color output, and clean streak-proof print that matches OEM. The secret behind the quality of ILG’s
C o l o r i m a g i n g s u p p l i e s i s i n I LG ’s comprehensive selection of premium components and stringent manufacturing standards. ILG’s new technology includes the addition of two proprietary systems: The TCB Technology™ with Turbo Cleaning Blade™, a system to eliminate the toner build-up; and the Leak Guard System™, a non-split cartridge system with leak proof gasket seal. Both new technologies were added to their JUMBO COLOR® cartridges. The implementation of these systems has improved the satisfaction rate of ILG’s Color line. The JUMBO COLOR® is a compatible laser cartridge designed for use in HP Printers: 3600, 3800, CP3505, CP3525, CM3530 MFP, 4600, 4610, 4650 and HP 4700 series. All JUMBO cartridges offer a minimum 20% higher yield compared to OEM standard yield. JUMBO COLOR® cartridge provides an intelligent alternative
to the popular HP brand at a substantial cost savings. Joe Shulman, V.P. of client relations commented “The quality and value behind ILG’s cartridges are in our excellent engineering systems. Our quality assurance philosophy is one of continuous learning and improving. Our Product performance is benchmarked against the OEM cartridge on a variety of parameters including print image quality, solid image density, resolution, and page yield. Launching these new systems has positioned ILG as the best and the highest quality manufacturer of ‘MirrorImage’ cartridges in our entire industry.” About ILG ILG is an industry leader in premium quality OEM alternative imaging supplies. ILG manufactures a large selection of brand name OEM alternative toner cartridges, including color laser toners, inkjets, ink sticks, MICR, Thermal transfer products and printer maintenance supplies. RECHARGEasia
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UNINET HIRES OASIS SALES REPS, ACQUIRES OASIS TONER FORMUL ATIONS & INVENTORY Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly announces the expansion of its sales force as well as the acquisition of Oasis toner formulations and inventory. Nestor Saporiti - CEO of UniNet welcomes Joe Jean as Technical Business Development Manager, Tammy Davis as Business Development Manager, and Brandy Wright as Business Development Manager, and expressed his admiration for the Oasis Imaging legacy, “I am most honored to have these experienced professionals join our sales team and be able to continue to supply Oasis’s most popular toner formulations.” Technical Director, Mike Josiah also added, “The customers are the real winners here; they will continue receiving Oasis’s quality products and technical support, now with access to UniNet’s superior toner brands, and ASiC Smartchips™ technology to name a few, as well as worldwide distribution.” “Our customers will gain the most from these experienced professionals,” according to Joe Dovi, UniNet General Manager. “The addition of industry veterans such as Joe Jean, Brandy Wright, and Tammy Davis to the accomplished UniNet sales team will help us provide our customers with the BEST personalized sales service, and support.” For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit www.uninetimaging.com
around the drum. This small footprint printer includes some high end features at a price of only USD$180. Rated at 17ppm for black and 4ppm for color, this printer also includes network connectivity via an Ethernet or wireless capability, as a standard feature. Toner cartridges are rated at 1,200 pages for black and 1,000 pages for color. This is a highly profitable engine for any remanufacturer, since these cartridges will need to be replaced very often and are easy to do.
UNINET ABSOLUTE BLACK TONER & COMPONENTS FOR USE IN SAMSUNG SCX5935/5835/5635 MFP Los Angeles, CA - UniNet introduces Absolute Black® toners, drum, Smartchips, and key components qualified for use in the Samsung SCX-5935 monochrome MFP printer series. Based on an all-in-one cartridge engine, these printers offer 35ppm (SCX-5835) and 33ppm (SCX-5835/5635) printing speeds with copying, scanning, and faxing capabilities. Other features include 1200 x 1200 dpi printing resolution and 80 GB hard drives in the SCX5835 and SCX-5935 models. OEM toner cartridges are come in both a 4,000 and 10,000-page version.
Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly announces the launch of X Generation® color toners, Smartchips, toner hopper seals, and key components qualified for use in the HP CP1025 series color laser printers. This is HP’s newest personal color laser printer, and the machine is unique in that it uses the old carousel design, meaning that a single drum cartridge is used and the toner cartridges rotate
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Cartridges are similar to older Samsung cartridge models on the market, thus remanufacturers will find these to be an attractive addition to their product line.
UNINET ABSOLUTE BLACK TONER & COMPONENTS FOR USE IN XEROX PHASER 3140, 3160 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet introduces Absolute Black速 toners, Smartchips, drums and key components, qualified for use in the Xerox Phaser 3140, 3160 monochrome printer series. These compact printers are ideal for a small office or single user environment. The 3140 is rated at 18ppm and the 3155 and 3160 models at 24ppm. This is your basic low end, low cost printer with limited features and options. Toner cartridges are an all-in-one design and come in both a 1,500-page and 2,500-page version.
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For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit www.uninetimaging.com
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Message from the Publisher ශᄍĭ Ⴝచ၄ࣤ႗ܽތৠࠋ֭ቓᇜପ֭ऄ൦ࠎ֬ႜ৮ĭᆋ؛Ⴧ݄վ֭ႝས ރғచ၄ধ၁Ҋৰປhೊލᄥႝསރғჟࠎ֬చ၄֭ቓվ৮ೖߵЙĭ५ ൦ރғచ၄֭ܽৠᆈૌ็ྗࣘٶ္ඹ֭ൡ౮hᆦႁແೊՖĭೊْݜि Яఁ֭ᄞᇅऄ߾هཋĭЯఁ֭ᇾࢄܹሇႜ৮֭ߍhቜແႝསރғ ྣ၄ĭำѡ൦൯ӎჟ໋ধశᄥ֭৮ೖᅁӑĭܹሇਜ ĻࡹࠪӶܽ ৠڣ༈༪gᆧڱҘܛჟތվڞၣࠫྕྠϿ܌ഩЩރғ൯ӎh ၊ᆸၣধࡹࠪӶܽৠڣ༈༪၁ࡹປЏڣ༈Ьॉቛ൦ 6,4 చ၄ ؇Ⴝ֭ĭఋൔၠࣤᇷࡾႽࡡೀރғచ၄࣑ۆჟĭѱ಄֬ਜ၊ׯӶ܇h ՞ࡡೀރғྣ၄ሹമ֭ำধॉĭ႓ࡎۿۆ൩ގແॢ߄܊ࡹսႎܽৠ֭ ປЏڣ༈ĭႁແࡡೀރғచ၄फ़ၣۼ֭ނۿऔႰ߄ྻ౸ĭ՞ރғࡹྕۿg ໃྱၣࠫսႎڣ༈ᆮԃֱ၊༪ਡ٢ĭנᆤሹ࠵֭Ӊ݇۴՞ؿແॢ߄܊ ۹ྦྷߌ֭ׯᇍڣ༈ĭѱቓᇜႛ֭֬اۿ৮ೖߵЙތ൯ӎصڂh ᆧڱҘܛ൯ӎ֭ྞగफ़ၣ൦֚వࡡೀރғჟйࢨಫߍ֭ĭҊफ़ږಲݛᆧڱҘܛ൯ӎࡡ؛ೀރғ սिվ؛Ⴧۢࡡೀރғಲᆱ؏ތդ࣑ࡡೀރғ֭هᅢగ֦ਜ٬Ӑվ֭ቜႰĭಞ؛ؿჇૌ୕ࣕ ၩಮ ૾у֭कվ֎װĭପవࡡೀރғచ၄֦֭֬ᇂ൦ູఋູ֭၊ུҎٻĭೊ֭ނۿލҝი֦ᆧڱҘܛ൯ӎĭজ վࡡೀރғӉᄥᆧڱҘܛჟ֭ᅥႽĭᄽ൦၊۹ԃ࿋֭ݞӹh ᇈჇվڞ൯ӎၣࠫྕྠϿ܌ഩЩރғჟĭ൦ሪჸሕվڞսႎࠗӉ֭࠷ඔ࣑֭Ҍތ႓Ⴐ֭ٛᇷ ࡾজվؿᇷࡾྞగ֭၊۹ྕྠ൯ӎhཕйࠟ݃ތரଖӉ֭ಫӹ؏ĭཉಞվڞսႎࠗၣࠫཕܹࡡೀӉߖ ѱҊ്اٖٻĭ֔൦ᆋ၁ᆦఋ൯ӎశ৷֭ձᄥh ၣഐ൦ಲແ໋֭ধࡡೀރғྣ၄फ़େ֭၊ོశᄥ৮ೖ४ĭೊݜႽܼ֭ࢄ്ٻఁֈେ იٻརĭрࣰႜ৮ĭҊ൦၊۹చ၄֭۹เĭᇂႽϤ၊۹ྣ၄֭֙ۥቛվĭૌࡍ܌රҔ߾Ⴝሹ࠵ۿվ֭ هᅢ४h֎Պ֭ౄנሹമ֭ႜ৮ĭາາٙ߾ؿདྷ֦֎Պ֭ࡖ۴ࣱᆢĭᇑ༷ࢎ֭ྦྷظߔ֚ᇗh ֚ಞĭߖ္ำѡྤĭ ᄍ ಸ ಸĭႶᇥᄤ഻၄ᇾϿ֭Т࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢࢄ ᄥТ࣠߾ࡍݛၸᇗྗঠिᖭଦĭࣅࢄႽধሹݛປᆜೀஜվ֭ҝᅢܼᅢเ݃ਪᅢ߾ѱҝიఁऐϿ ֭ᇥႝསઊฎĭՖՙᅢࢄݞТׁ֭࣠ৠႲڝഥᇗݛТ٢ׁ౽ĭೊݜ༘ິେ࣑၊ҌۢᄥТ٢ׁ౽ ֭၄ࠣĭଲુՖՙᅢ߾ൔᄥҊ႓ոݞh ᄍĭఁֈᄥ݄ۿঞ֭ྕ็ׁიܓႛh
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"Outsourcing Services" is the Business Choice for Aftermarket Consumables
uປЏڣ༈vनᄼᄤ഻ރғచ၄ ᇗݛϿރ܌ғࣤ৭ࣕ ୕֭هᅢĭ ᇑߌ֭Ӊ൘ރғྣ၄֭هᅢԣཋਜ ௦ࣨĭӉ֭ҽၻᄈধᄈུĭ္ᄥ൯ӎ ᇗᅥႽ၊صڂ֭ׯĭщ྾࣑ྣ൯ӎ႗ h႗֭ۈ൦ĭ܌රႶཧٶᆈ ܊Ӊĭѕແཧٶᆈଲৢᅻࡖᆼĭ ᆋᇝᄥॢ߄ᇗෙᄷ֭ྡཨĭ൘܌රӉ഻ ਜஏ֭ႝཡ৷h ཋᄥ࿀܌اරᄥཧॢ߄Ӊ ֭ĭҊؖᅁౄӉ֭ປငĭজվڣ ༈ݬh֚࣊ࢨແ၊ՕuປЏڣ ༈vĭࢫिਜ՞ൡރғᇍᄷ֭၊۹ྕ
ቓվĭ ୕ಎ౷սႎڣ༈ປЏ൴ йৰഐĭၣ ໒ऊ׃၊h ୕սႎ ڣ༈ܽৠൔཋ ໒ග֭ᅁӑh ୕܌ රᆢ಄ൔཋປЏჟಎ౷൴ّْ֭ପ ћh ھ൞ൈ܌රिᅢ֭ڣ༈၄༈ĭ ఋᇟऄ൦ڣ༈ປЏĭھ൞ൈಎக ڽᄻॢ߄֭ഩࡁgᇍቜgْၺgගऔܽ ৠgႎඟgႷgഩЩܽৠތໃ߁ֱი սႎႽܹ֭၄༈ĭϤॢ߄՞ᆋོٶٶ ৷֭၄༈ᇗࢻຊԣধĭҊ֔ۢਜॢ߄ ഻֭Ӊ৷ĭࢎֶਜᆤเӶЯĭվվࢳീ
Т࣠৳ඹӪज़࠷ڂܪႽན܌ර൦ ᇗݛ൯ӎഐቛປЏڣ༈ࢨແӶ܌֭܇ රh ୕৳ඹӪߖ൦սႎഩЩ֭ ĭ܌රӉ၄ാ࠱ĭሏྠແཋօྕ ྠ֭ࡹܽৠປЏڣ༈܊ĭ܌රᄥ Į ୕ປЏڣ༈൴ގڷᅁӑ ແ ĭࣲ৮ೖގڷᅁӑۢպ ĭ ୕܌ර༽࣑֭၄ ൜ۢތӶӑྦྷĭቜແᇗݛԿ၄ϸ൶ഐ ൯܌රĭᄥയӶ܇ഐ൯h ৳ඹӪႎܽৠປЏڣ༈ĭऄ൦ ۼऔॢ߄֭ྻ౸ĭཧॢ߄܊Ͽ܌ႎ
഻֭ଉᇣఁh uປЏڣ༈vĭऔࡅݛປЏྀ߾ ࡁĭൟࣀ ౄచ၄ᇗĭႽ ၣഐ ҘႰࡹປЏڣ༈ĭૌ୕फ़ແ܌රࢳᄇ ႎ֭ӶЯ ᇈ h֔ᄥᇗࠗۺݛ ܹచൡ၄֎໒ҘႰࡹປЏڣ༈֭Ҋቈ ĭᆋৢࡃႽޛվ֭൯ӎĭ၁ᄥ॑һ ՞ൡރғᇍᄷ֭ൔ৷h
ਜٶႰĭؿߖࡰചਜϿڽ֭࣪ߔ܌ ވĭ൩႓ਜಮߔ؛Д֭ྻ౸h ୕ൈ܌රແϗվ৮ྕ ືق൞վ࿘ቛ֭၊۹ལପhᄥۆལପ ᇗĭھ൞ൈᇾ္܊ಎ֭ࡹປЏ ၣࠫႷཋӎڣ༈ĭЏছࡹ֭ႎඟ഻ ӉgႷgႎඟ֭ܽৠgࡹܬࠫႎ ඟҘֱܛĭପћ൦ࢳീ ֭ႎඟӶ Яĭۢႎඟᇑਐĭࡰച໙൱టเஎ ٪ĭ഻ۢӉ৷ၣࠫДᆫսႎེ֭ݜ၊ ᇉྦྷh
༪֭ል၄ሮიᆤގႲߌഩࡁ٢ϋĭ נࠏ܊ᆤࡹഩЩĭҎඏࡹܽৠ ࡹĭიॢ߄మڣ୕ װ༈ގĭಎ ࢬܽఋഩЩᄖ႗gఁރғࠫໃДĭѱ ܊༪ാ࠱ֱڣ༈h ೊĭ৳ඹӪᄥແݼݛቁҎປЏڣ ༈ĭҘႰ֭൦൴ܛਜ֭ݼݛႽഩЩĭ ཕ֚Ⴧࢄݼݛսႎڷႎ֭ׯܭሯӉಎҎ Бԣধhၣవ൦ اฃսႎڷႎࠗ њҋᄥۺҎĭރғҘތܛഩЩᆄऀቁ ൦ᅴhގቜĭۼऔ֭ݼݛսႎڷ ႎྻ౸ĭ৳ඹӪແఋௌਜۿແ൩֭ގ ഩЩĭѱҎඏਜሹᇾခ֭ه+64(: ࡹඃԣܽৠ༪ĭӶ৳ਜል၄֭ڣ༈ᆮ ԃؚĭ՞ഩЩໃྱg҈ԑᇄᅮ֦ߘۿ ރғֱ܅ቜĭႶ৳ඹӪӽĭվվ ۢਜսႎڷႎེh ೊ࣊ĭ৳ඹӪӏ൳ሪࢄࡹܽৠ ປЏڣ༈֭൜ڷᇍ֦܌ර֭ਾ၊۹
၊guປЏڣ༈v֭ٛ ھ൞ൈ܌ර൦ቓᄲ࣑սႎڣ༈ ປЏჟປచϿ܌ഩЩ܌රĭ൯ӎصڂ
ჟooచ၄࠱൲߾ၸࢻभ٢ϋࠫڣ༈ ൯ӎh uປЏڣ༈vӶऄਜ၊ོႲྶ܌ ර֭၄ࠣĭ൘ᄥϿྣ܌၄ഐᄈቛᄈ ౄh مguປЏڣ༈vनᄼᄤ഻ރғచ၄ ၊۹uϑvเཋਜচࠐ ಎ౷ྦྷ֭ࣉಽ຺ࠗĭಮ֭ࢳᄇ ၱൕᅁౄĭႽ৮७ᇍӶЯ֭ᆮԣĭփۻ ਜ՞ൡߔДྣ၄֭ࠗĭރғྣ၄၁֬ ֦ਜهᅢࠗ߾hႽ֭ރғచ၄ແ֬ၣজ ᅢྦྷ֭هᅢĭि൛՞ൡປЏڣ༈ĭuປ Џڣ༈v൦Ͽྣ܌၄هᅢྕ֭৮ೖᅁӑ ĭቜແᄤ഻ރғచ၄ቛປЏڣ༈ 76
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ᆞళટŀ Ⴝ၊۹՞ൡ୕اᄤ഻ރғ֭܌රĭ ປЏڣ༈၊୕ĭ୕ᇜࢺᅳ၊ॉĭ॰Ԫ ֭ރࡹgރғӶЯgಮ৷ሯჿ֭Ӷ Яĭ࠳ૈႽᆞ֦ళh࣊୕ჃႽປЏڣ ༈֭ལପĭࣤৠແ଼ׁĭᆋऄས၊۹ ว൵֭რĭࢬҊ൦ĭҊࢬ၁Ҋ൦h ହgচࠐތૡĭเཋਜᄤ഻ރғచ၄ ᄥuϑv֭౮ঋ༷ቛuປЏڣ༈vҊᆞ ళh ၊۹uԃvเཋਜ٢ཧ ᄤ഻ރғ܌රuປЏڣ༈vफ़ቛ ટŀТ࣠দുۢྕ࠷ඔႽན܌ර֭ڴቁ ࣤৠ،ݢႫ՞ਾ၊ࢠ؏ࢻ؈ਜuປЏڣ ༈vӑᄁၱၴhಲແĭ൶༽္ಲൕ֦ uڣ༈൦໋ধ഻ձۼЯvĭϿྣ܌၄၁ ၊ဪĭऄ൦݇hັખଈಮજᄑऄ ൦ແࡍიॢ߄չࢁਜڣ༈ฃĭ՞ि ൛Ҋᆞళĭֶܩႜ৮ ჵళĭধૌ ็႗၄ صຫĭૌ็৮ೖ ຫჵĭ ૌ็ࢢත ຫĭӶӑූ؏࣡ಮĭཋᄥ ୕Կ൴ ၩჵh၊۹ĭৠ Ҋĭࣤ႗൜ҊĭࢺऍҊh္ॉ
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֦ൡ༆֭هᅢ٢ཧĭ٢ཧಚĭӶ܇൦ ࢺऍĭ֔ᆋৢႽ۹ݞӹĭ၊Ҍ၊Ҍቄ ԃऄ൦ਜh ᄤ഻ރғ܌රቛuປЏڣ༈v္ ౸ቓࡌ৮ೖ üᄤ഻ރғ܌ර՞ൡuປЏڣ༈v ္ႽӉ࠷ތඔhखЩᆋᇝൔ৷֭܌ රĭҊ߾ಈແሊࠒؿЭળĭ՞ֶࢎؿਜ ғਠ֭ӶЯhਾ၊ऄ൦ĭ࠷ඔ֭ᆮ Ӳhᄥ၊۹܌රᇗቓҊफ़ಔ֭൦࠷ඔ ჼĭu࠷ඔᆼళv߾׃၊هཋ൯ ӎഐ֭ཧĭ՞ؿि۽هሾ൯ӎഐ֭ྕ ĭ൘܌රႭ껴ᄥәవ໒ᇊh ýᄤ഻ރғ܌ර՞ൡuປЏڣ ༈vĭफ़ࠎ಄վਐ֭׃၊൵ሯĭਜ ࢻ֦ჸሕӔ/7g৮ᄥଯོ֎໒൘ Ⴐĭйೊࣕఁ৮; ࠗྠᄥ؛վ֭֎ ໒ᆤ۹༪ྕۿĭࠗఞၣऀߘྕĭᄤ഻ ރғ܌රປЏڣ༈ĭऄफ़ၣᆔ؛ჸሕ Ӕ֭ཧĭिྕهĭᆋဪࡡೀރғ फ़վվෲ࣑ؓ൯ӎ֭h þᄤ഻ރғ܌ර՞ൡuປЏڣ ༈vĭ߾Ⴝ၊֭ׯ৮ೖ֭h׃၊୕ቛ༷
ধफ़େૈႽ৮ೖĭ֔Ⴝ൴ࠎļ୕م׃ĭ फ़େ൦൴ᆮޡĭႽ࣑Ҍļ׃ೠ୕ऄ߾ Ⴝ൴ӶĭᆋႽ۹Ӷӑ֭ࡾ࣑ݞӹh ÿᄤ഻ރғ܌රᄥ՞ൡuປЏڣ ༈v֭ݞӹᇗĭ၊္ׯᅻ֦ሹ࠵هᅢ֭ ׯ໒hႽ֭܌රऄ൦ປЏڣ༈ҊೊቛӉ Ⴝ৮ೖĭଲऄ߰هሹമ֭Ⴒĭቛሹ ࠵֭Ӊĭ൴ࠎӶ܇ĭ൩ᆈ഻ձĭ൦ׯ h ᄥഐ࠱ࡹ{ܹჇܥ৫ᆧތڱచ ၄هЏդ࣑ڣݛ༈ປЏӉ၄هᅢ֭ᆿ ֥ၱࡶ|ᇗĭڣ༈ປЏӉ၄ࢄ߾Ӷແᆧ ڱሏѕ၄ࠣ௧ࡖћሡ֭၊Ϥ৮ఞĭuປ Џڣ༈v൦ࡍݛӘ֭ࣤ႗൜ĭѱႽ ၊༪ਡ֭ᆧҮᄥႌ֥uປЏڣ༈v֭ه ᅢh ՞ൡᄤ഻ރғ܌රႽݛປ༽࣑ ֭uປЏڣ༈v֭ٛৰĭۼऔሹമ֭ำ ĭ္هཋĭᅻ֦Ҋቈĭ୵৷ځ ĭజؿҊഢ֭ልሇჇᄤ഻ރғྣ၄ĭ ၊߾ׯቄཧӶ܇h
APRIL 2011 79
Outsourcing Services Becomes a Brand of New Marketing Area for Consumables
ປЏڣ༈Ӷແ൯ӎྕ ၊۹ಎ౷ࠋᄉ֭ྕྞ൯ӎᆦᄥݛ ࡅࣉಽ຺ࠗᇗཉhࡹປЏڣ༈ĭ ᆋ۹ၣవᄥປЏڣ༈ᇗѱҊగဌ֭൯ ӎཋᄥಗўཋဌĻᄥϿ܌ഩЩҘܛ ֭߉༷ص౼༷ĭࡹປЏڣ༈၊੦ ቄౄĭ.HY[ULYခࣶཉ൝ĭಎ౷ࡹປ Џڣ༈࣊୕ಷಞ߾ӷ໒ගᅁӑh્ݛ 0UMV;YLUKZ܌ර၁ჯұĭࡹປЏսႎ ൯ӎࢄᄤཋᅁӑ౼hປЏڣ༈ၠࣤಸ ၵӶແႝསྣ၄၊۹ྕྞ֭൯ӎ౽ჟĭ ि൛Ⴝᄈধᄈ֭اӔܹሇѱकվ ֭ࣤ৭জᅢሹ࠵ۆჟ֭൯ӎᅥႽh ֚֔వࡹປЏڣ༈൯ӎำѡ൦ᇗ ֭ݛࡹປЏ൯ӎಷಞԱჇهᅢԢఁĭ ಞᇡاႰ߄ႽਜປЏྻ౸ĭ֔൦ᅀဪ ࢄྻ౸ѕແൔൔᄥᄥ֭Ⴐ߄ѱದ। ડ֎ĭಗሪൔ൦၊଼֩hൟࣀ ౄ చ၄ᇗႽ ҎࠏٻಎҎҘႰࡹڣ༈ ປЏhᇗݛႰ߄ྻ္ᇷҌയׁಲൕ ࡹປЏڣ༈փধ֭ނԱĭҊ࣏࣏େࢎ ֶࡹԱৠӶЯĭۇഇࡹܽৠੈӹĭ ാ܅ቜེĭԿᄷࡖاۿᆼgսᄷ۹ ྦྷߌॢ߄ܹ༪ĭߖი೬Ͽֱ܌༗༗ཕ ܹh ߺແજধ༎చ၄ࠪປЏڣ༈ࢳᄇ ӶЯ
જধ༎చ၄ࠪĩ:PTL +HYI`Ī Ͽ܌ഩЩূߌĭܽৠగধ଼ĭٶႰᄈধ ᄈۢh܌රԪਜྻ္ࢎֶӶЯĭߖ༘ິ େܽܜৠނഩЩĭၣ൘ࠪ֬ၣቈҊ ؖᅁӑ֭սႎྻ౸h܌ۆරಮ৷ሯჿҎ Ⴝ ಮĭಗႽধሹ ࡍҊӔ֭ ฃഩЩhԭ༆ৢݒ٪ਜҊྠ֭ރ ғĭ൦ݞ٬ћሡ٢൜ܛડ֭hϿ܌ ൱ৢႽاޛ۹ಮսႎࠗĭ܌රྗ߾ ݞҎ֭ ฃ৻ັսႎࠗսႎД૩֭ಮ ৷ሯჿ֞hսႎ֭ࠗ൘Ⴐٍ֦࡛֬ ൲۽ތሾĭႁՖٍᇍׯᅁӑࡁߋhफ़ ၣĭսႎތӶས൦၊ޙ೬ၤඔh Ⴧ൦ĭచ၄ࠪĩ:PTL +HYI`Ī ཧߺgৠ݃gࡌେgײᆬھތ൞ൈ ᅹћປЏڣ༈hԪ ࡍЬฯจປĭײᆬ ֭Ӊฆݔĭৠ֭݃ࠗఞٍތ:PTL +HYI`ᆦᄥ൘Ⴐ֭/0+٬ࢬ൜0*ऽࡡ ೀhߺӶׁ܇ൔൈਜ၊ལແఁ ۹ᄍ
APRIL 2011
֭൳ယལପĭቓᇜߺი:PTL +HYI`మ ඏਜ ୕ఁսႎܽৠڣ༈ 47: ގhႶ ߺແ:PTL +HYI`ࠪቁҎ܊ಎ֭ սႎڣ༈h Ԣ൛ࢰؕ:PTL +HYI`Ⴐ ฃߺا ܇େսႎࠗ 4-7 แߘਜჸႽ֭ ฃূ ൜սႎࠗhҊྕۿ֭ؖഩЩĭߺႰ ฃ܇اେսႎࠗg ฃႰჇำඁ႓Ⴐ ֭ልႰսႎࠗ ތฃࣤۇݞᄷ֭ߺս ႎࠗ಄օਜ ฃৠ݃gࡌେূތ൜ߺ սႎࠗh ߺ֭खเҨቜ! ᄥ܇اେഩЩ֭ࠖԬഐൔཋћሡߌ :PTL +HYI`ࠪቁҎಎҎ൘Ⴐߺ ܇اେսႎࠗĭᆋོഩЩ൦՞ߺቇ ਯ֭ĭૌᄍᆮڹ൘Ⴐٶĭਾປߖ္χՙ ൴ٶhߺ൘Ⴐ/7 >LI 1L[HKTPUࡹ ধ՞ᄁӹ࣑ྣഩЩ࡛७ĭൔཋᇾܫᅸ ᆘރތؖғ҈ԑĭᄥ܇اେഩЩ֭ࠖԬ ഐൔཋћሡߌh ߺ֭ൺڣ༈ :PTL +HYI`ҘႰਜ1L[4VIPSL֭ :LJ\YL1L[®υಎၕսႎսႎࢻभ ٢ϋhսႎቜ၄Ь්֦هᇗလڣ༈ఞ ഐĭಞႰ߄फ़ၣ՞ಱ֭ັ৻ލսႎ ࠗഐ൴಄սႎࡹĭᇂྻ൘Ⴐ٬ࢬ൜ 0*ऽ࣑ྣമڂယᆫफ़hՖປĭ܌ර ߖҘႰਜ*HWLSSH ;LJOUVSVNPLZ܌ර֭ 4LNH;YHJR႓Ⴐĭধ۽ሾႽսႎgڷ ႎࠏԶᆏҨቜh
ᄥ܌රչࢁྕৠ֭ฃ zڣჼ܅Ҋᄤ൘Ⴐ۹ಮսႎࠗ :PTL +HYI`ൔൈՖ٢ϋ၊ལᇟ္ ܅ቜĭڣჼ܅ၱҊᄤ൘Ⴐ۹ಮսႎ ࠗĭሏࢬؿൻ৻ັսႎ֭ৠh൶༽ĭ
ߺལପ֦֬ਜ܌රቓۢܽৠҲ֭ᆮ ԃĭಞऐྣਜاՙu൵ൔࡴv߾ ၸĭದჼ܅Ⴝࠗ߾Ҹॉѱਜࢻಎྕ֭ߺ սႎࠗĭሹӤቄ۹ಮսႎࠗh z৮Ⴐאሸ༗ĭࡰചᇄᅮাٶ ၣవࡹאތሸႷࡹಎҎսႎĭ ޛাٶĭࣘܽ൦ඨսႎ၁Ⴝޛվ֭Ӷ Яhჸ༽֭܅ቜ٢൜൦ࢄЯࡹսႎ ԣধĭమଈĭၣႷ්هԣಈh ؿཋᄥĭफ़ၣࢄ೩ۻ්هำׯ ֭൴ࡹಮĭߺݞගሻ්هࡹ /7 +PNP[HS :LUKPUN :VM[^HYL ൔཋਜᆋᇝא ሸ٢൜ĭࢳᄇਜӶЯĭࡰചਜᇄᅮ াٶh zӏ൳ແྕ၄༈չࢁ၊۹ࡹԱ ৠฃ ݞᄁӹ࡛७ൔཋᇾܫᅸᆘؖ ރތғ֭҈ۻĭႽׁེ७ᇍ࡛ތ൲սႎ ቜ၄ĭۢਜυಎྦྷhແਜൔཋᆋ၊ପ ћĭԿᄷႽེ֭֞ܽৠ܅ތቜੈӹ൦ щ္๐ࡹĭྕ֭սႎߔ࣪܊ਜᆋ۹Д ᅸhེ֭ۢ֞ܽৠࠗᇍແྕ၄༈չࢁ ਜ၊า༽࣑֭սႎܽތৠ֭ইࡗฃh йࢻभ٢ϋֶ
:PTL +HYI`࣑ྣਜԢҌ֭ࡁĭ ࡔഩսႎਐૌ୕ၣ ֭ූ؏ᅁӑĭχ ࣲཋᆼ 57= ແ ֭٢ٍࡁቁเႢ ႽӶЯ ;*6 ĭଲુ࣊ ୕फ़ၣࢳ ᄇ જу ᄇ્ ގჵ ֭Ӷ ЯhӶЯᇗᄇ ൦ܛડҙ೬սႎރғ ֭ٶႰĭႁՖ:PTL +HYI`ߺ؛֭ҙ೬ սႎރғ၁༷ਜ٬Ӑ֭ނႎཨĭႁແ ᆋོғਠर္йఋࢻभ٢ϋֶ h :PTL +HYI`ପవᆦᄥธ෴ᅀဪ֭൘ ႰࠖۆԬࡗܚধᆮԃఋٍ݇ቖ՞܅ቜh ႶჇ܌රᆦ୵৷֭ࢄ၄༈জᅮ֦֭اۿ ࡍݛĭᆋལ܅ቜѕ֬ᄈধᄈᇟ္hۢۿ ེ֭֞ܽৠࠗᇍ൦ਾ၊۹ᆼܹ֬ሇ֭ ྕჟhݞᆋᇝྕࠗᇍफ़ၣ҅ࠎهধ ֭ࡹĭ࣑ྣ೩ѱۼऔ๐ચᄥ܅ቜ ੈӹ࣑ྣᆶĭಚД֞က۴֭χᅾ ཕܹ֭ћሡიੈӹ࣑ྣԱৠh ھ൞ൈໟҌ࣑ࡹປЏڣ༈هᅢ
ᄥಎ౷׃၊۹ԣѱ݄ࡹປЏ ڣ༈֭ھ൞ൈĭဪ၁൦ᄥᇗݛቓᄲ ि൛िᅢՖ၄༈֭Ӕhھ൞ൈ֭ ಎ౷ڣ༈၄༈ĩࡹປЏڣ༈֭ཕܹ၄ ༈ĪЏছϿ܌ࡹܽৠڣ༈gࡹປЏ ܖڣ༈ތ၄༈ੈӹڣ༈ ๐Ӊཔh ఋሤᄈ֭၄༈େ৷gћሡ֭ੈӹเ༪g ၣࠫቓ֭ؒ࠷ඔĭେܜແॢ߄܊ቓ ࡌ֭ࢻभ٢ϋĭ୕اؿཧಎ౷ॢ߄܊ ڣ༈֭ࣤယࠫიൈܓ֭ಎ౷ᄖ႗ັ ખތಎ౷ڣ༈ັખเ༪ᄽಚДਜఋಎ౷ ڣ༈ᇑ֭၊h.HY[ULY֭נҸࢺݜ ཉ൝ĭھ൞ൈࡹܽৠڣ༈֭൯ӎᅥ ႽၠࣤݞϾĭպ֦ Ħh
ࣤ؛ݞ൯ӎ֭ခࣶٻތ།ĭھ൞ൈ هཋĭ࿀ࡅݛاվྠచ၄؛ఋϿ܌ ൱ࡹܽৠӶЯۢచึҊၠĭӶແཬ ࡰӶЯ֭ᇾ္ལପᆵ၊hৰೊĭᄥᇗݛ ֭ଞࡅݛվྠచ၄ሡЩ؛ఋϿ܌൱࣑ྣ
uർമvĭၣєཬࡰఋϿ܌ഩЩܽৠތ ഩЩໃ߁ٶႰhჇ൦ĭࡹܽৠልࡍھ ൞ൈແۆచ၄܊ਜࡹປЏڣ༈ĭ ࢄᆋࡍచ၄ჸႽ ฃսႎࠗgڷႎࠗg ܇اେࠗg೩ၖֱۺඃԣഩЩЩ ቜਜᇟྕנᆤĭѱᇍׯਜྕ֭ࢻभ٢ ϋhࡁගऔཉ൝ĭҘႰھ൞ൈϿ܌ ܽৠڣ༈֭׃၊็ĭۆచ၄֭Ͽٶ܌ Ⴐऄࢎֶਜ hھ൞ൈၕԪਜჸ Ⴝ֭ ฃূऀഩЩĭДਜ ฃĭྕሕ ࠗ ฃhנᆤᆵĭႽഩЩ֦֬ਜ ԑٻ৮ႰĭؿഩЩໃ߁gރғ܅ֱߘۿ ቜಎႶھ൞ൈӽĭീಈਜచ၄֭ྣ ᆧڽĭϿ܌ӶЯၯ֦֬ਜႽེ७ᇍh ପవۆచ၄֭Ͽ܌ӶЯйჸধࢎֶਜ h ਾ၊ྠൡৰဪه഻ᄥᇗݛh ଞࡅݛҜႊकҘႰࡹປЏڣ༈ࢻभ ਜҕ༈ܽৠhᆋࡍঁҜकᄥᇗݛ ႢႽ דٻࡍاĭሪ܊႓gಎݛ ׁۺۺ֭דගਐঁූᅁӑĭҕ༈ಮ ჼૌ็֎൦੫ऄ္ٶރվਐ֭ĭ ؿ൵܅੫ගऔֶེĭೀၦԣոh ĭᄥഴҸۢڊĭ၁߾൘דٻۺҸ ༗܅ቜਐࡎվĭᇗྗ܅ቜಮჼщ྾ ՞ॷ٤ᇷ၊ᅻԣѱߵׁۺhۿᇟ္֭ ൦ĭᄥҎੈሏᇗೀၦױെĭ࣑ؿႝཡ ᆦӐ֭ڹঃᇣఁhೊױݜെ֭൦ᅁᆼ
තĭҕ༈ಮჼߖ္ሹ࠵ӽ෭െhቁ֭ ধĭჸႽҕ༈ܽৠ൜༷֭ࣉళg ӶЯٶރကᇟh ᄥҘႰਜھ൞ൈ֭-(:ҕ༈ܽৠ ڣ༈ooቀގҕ༈औ༗ܽৠฃ ĭھ൞ൈ֭ڣ༈ಮჼૌ็ࢄ೩Ӷ אሸࡹĭѱۼऔg܊႓ଈӳg ೀֱྗފ༗ഩࡧׯ෴ܹࡷሻĭձ ගሻߌܽৠฃĭ༪ແૌᅮ഻Ӷཕ႓ ֭אሸᆫĭє࣑ҕ༈ഴੈӹh אሸߌ֭݊֞ĭफ़ၣൔཋєࢶ֭ܽৠ ѱׁ࣑ྣҸĭᆋ൘דٻۺେ ؇৳gঁࢶׁۆݞගሻߌܽৠฃҸ ༗ڹތঃ࣑ӹhೊՖ၊ধĭჸধၣ ੫ແᇾ֭܅ቜಮჼ՞ ಮࢎᇈ ಮļ ݊֞ಮჼ՞ ಮࢎᇈ ಮhĭᆋོჼ ܅֭܅ቜೀ၁ه഻ਜۇѕĻჸ༽֭ ಮᇂେ࣑ྣ੫܅ቜĭؿཋᄥᆋོჼ܅ Ԫਜ࣑ྣ೩ތ੫ࡧ෴ܹࡷ༗ປĭ ߖႽԱৠఋҕ༈܅ቜĭվվࢎֶ ਜҕ༈ܽৠӶЯh ᆤގሯჿĭൔྣࡹປЏĭແచ၄ ܊ਜ၊۹ࠦखҨቜ֭ӶЯ७ᇍ٢ϋh Ⴝاޛ՞వ؛ႍӶЯѱҊ്ٻᄥၱ֭վ ྠచ၄gॼ܌ݛරĭཋᄥि൛ᄥᆋ٢ గਜିࣇĭശᇈႽོය႗చ၄ႶჇ ପవ၄༈ࡰചĭє෴ҘႰປЏڣ༈ᅻ िჿࢳੈ֭ྕ൜hৰೊĭଞఢӢ :ד ᄥҘႰਜھ൞ൈ֭ࡹປЏڣ༈ĭ ൴֦ਜၱའҊེ֦֭ݜhھ൞ൈ֭ ࡹປЏڣ༈Ђሁᆋࡍ :דൔཋਜႽེ ֭uॢ߄ܖvĭۻૌ၊໒ડӢ֭ಮ ၊ڂҙ೬֭۹ߌሯਠĭࢄܛӢg ༷၊ՙДဩgೊލቛДဩйࢨ٢є ֱ༗ᇷ၊ћ൝hࣘܽᆋ൦၊۹ུ ऐնĭ֔Ӣᇾۓൻ֦ਜ๔ྗgᇣ֦֭ڣ ༈ĭ၁ᄃၱࡇ࿋ᄥᆋࡍ :דቛДဩތໃ ྱhՖປĭھ൞ൈߖЂሁ :ٻד།Ӣ ᇾගऔॷĭѱۼऔૌ໒Ӣᇾ֭༧ނႎᇍ ѱႷ۹ߌྕӢࠫ൭gڣ༈݄֭۩࿎ Զ֎h၊ڂڂ۹ߌgႽᆔ֭؛ѱႎႽӢ ᇾྨଈ݄֭۩࿎Զ֎༓ႌਜశᄥॢ߄֭ ሇၱĭఋܹሇ؏պ֦ਜჸধ֎դ࿎ Զ֎֭ Чhھ൞ൈ༭ᇉgᇣ֦g۹ ߌ֭uॢ߄ܖڣ༈vĭҊ࣏ႝཡਜཋ Ⴝॢ߄ĭؿӉ഻ਜ֭ނ९П࿎Զĭ ᄤࡎഐྕྠ݄֭۩࿎Զ֎ĭߖແ :דᆢ ಄֦ਜތ߄ॢྕاۿൺࠗ߾h
APRIL 2011 81
(0- ڣ༈੫ *VU[HJ[ 0UMV ᇾϿ٢ 6YNHUPaLY {ᇥᄤ഻၄|ᄞᇅ 9LJOHYNL(ZPH ༽ڹ഻ 4Y ;LV -\ ၦུࢼ 4Z @P {Ͽރ܌ғიࡹ|ᄞᇅ ;LS! ็࣋֫ގᇎႽན܌ර , THPS! [LV'YLJOHYNL_WV JVT QVQV'VT JVT
վ߾չࢁ :[HUK *VU[YHJ[VY
Т࣠ᇗॊ߇ၤ߾ᅢႽན܌ර ಼༽഻ 4Y 9VUN ׁᆾĻТ࣠൯Ӝဥ౽༹ࡍ჻ ބ ൱ ;LSĻ -H_Ļ , THPSĻ]LYUFYVUN'aRO` L_WV JVT
ᇗײ݄ݛീ݄ᇤ൯ײڌײ੦ ބീࠗྈվ༸ ;LS ! -H_!
վ߾ᄖඃ 3VNPZ[PJZ ٟ৻ࠒࡅݛᄖօৠĩഐݢĪႽན܌ර (NPSP[` -HPYZ ,]LU[Z 3VNPZ[PJZ 7[L 3[K
ࣽדօৠ (JJVTTVKH[PVU ᇗݛණੲྣന אሸ༈Ҏ */05( 4 9 :7,*0(3 ;6<9: թ༽഻4Y *\P Т࣠൯Ӝဥ౽ТᄂТ੦ϔӴಽھᇗྗ) ൱ 4VIPSL! ;LS! -H_! , THPS! SLVJ\P'Z[ OVPSKH` JVT
ഐݢ ᇗݛഐݢ൯ӑ୩౽ਪަ੦ ୳ࡅݛ༈߅჻ ބ ;LS! -H_!
APRIL 2011
Т࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢ (ZPH 0THNPUN -HPY ୕ ᄍ ಸ (WYPS Т࣠߾ࡍݛၸᇗྗ *OPUH 5H[PVUHS *VU]LU[PVU *LU[LY )LPQPUN
(0- ᅢ߾ಸӹ ,]LU[ :JOLK\SL
ᇾϿ٢ 6YNHUPaLY {ᇥᄤ഻၄|ᄞᇅ 9LJOHYNL(ZPH ༽ڹ഻ 4Y ;LV -\ ၦུࢼ 4Z @P {Ͽރ܌ғიࡹ|ᄞᇅ ;LS! ็࣋֫ގᇎႽན܌ර , THPS! [LV'YLJOHYNL_WV JVT QVQV'VT JVT
ᄍ ಸ (WYPS ! Į ! չࢁ)VV[O )\PSK <W ᄍ ಸ (WYPS ! Į ! չࢁ)VV[O )\PSK <W ! Į ! ҋᅢ,_OPIP[VY 4V]L PU ᄍ ಸ(WYPS ! Į ! ᅢ߾:OV^ +H`Z ᄍ ಸ(WYPS ! Į ! ᅢ߾:OV^ +H`Z ᄍ ಸ(WYPS ! Į ! ᅢ߾:OV^ +H`Z ! Į ! Ӥᅢ4V]L 6\[ ሇၱ! Ī ᄍ ಸ ᄍ ಸ֭ ! Į ! ແҋᅢĭᅢҊ္వ࣑ᅢܾҋᅢĭၣ૯ႝཡᅢ໒ᅢ໒ չࢁ࣑؏h Īᅢ߾ఁĭᅢफ़ၣవϾུӎh
APRIL 2011
(0- ᄩሁལପ Т࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢĩ(0-Īᄩሁལପ Т࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢࢄ༓ႌఁິ֭ধᅢ໒ҝܼ֭Ⴝܼᇡh൯ӎခࣶ֭ࢺݜў ൝ӷཋ၊۹ܼ֭ۓاเယĭେ൘ٶᆈ֭ࡂၳࡎۿയॡh(0-ၠࣤྡӶਜ၊۹ᄩሁӹ࿅Џo܊ᅢవᄩሁތ ཋӎᄩሁĭᆋဪऄେࡎЧ֭݃h(0-େࡎౄ֭൯ӎ݄ӶݜhႰቓ֭ނเĭᄥቓ֭ނĭ ቓۻׁ֭ނ܊ପћॢ߄ܼᇡĭದ၊గቓվߌ֭࿎Զࠋh ܼᇡာoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ၊۹۩ᆱॢ߄ԣ༤(0- ֭ यࡌࠗ߾h ¹ ܌රћᇅތ࿎Զ༗߾Ьႎ ᄥഐh ¹ Ⴐႎ֭ނႷࡹ߄ॢۻهĭቜແᆸ Ⴗ࿎Զধແڣ༈h ᅢవאሸྕໜႷࡹoo94) ႲЏছ! ¹ ҝࡎ(0- ൦၊۹۩ᆱॢ߄֭ྕهĭྕӉ֭यࡌࠗ߾h ¹ ܌රћᇅތ࿎Զ༗߾ЬႎᄥྕໜႷࡹഐh ¹ Ⴐႎྕ֭ނໜႷࡹ߄ॢۻهĭቜແᆸႷ࿎Զধແڣ༈h ັᅧ۩݄ڞޠoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ၊۹۩ᆱॢ߄ԣ༤(0- ֭यࡌࠗ߾h ¹ ܌රћᇅތ࿎Զ༗ࢄᄥ၊۹ັ֭ࡅݛખഐᅢ൝ ུh ¹ ቜແᆸႷ࿎Զধແڣ༈Ⴧ֭ॢ߄h ᆸႷॄְoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ၊۹۩ᆱॢ߄ԣ༤ࡅݛીၦᅢ߾֭यࡌࠗ߾h ¹ ܌රћᇅތ࿎Զ༗߾Ьႎᄥऽഐѱۀᄥ9LJOHYN,HZPH ᄞᇅ၂ഐh ¹ ቜແᆸႷ࿎Զধແڣ༈ĭѱሡЩۻނ֭ॢ߄්هh ᅢ߾߾ॄ݄۩oo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ၊۹۩ᆱॢ߄ቓྕهĭቓྕӉ֭यࡌࠗ߾h ¹ ԃ࿋ແ܌රތӉඖ৳ஏ֭େ৷h ¹ ቓվߌ֭൯ӎ൴h ᅢ߾ྫऽoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ԃ࿋֭ஏಲᆱh 84
APRIL 2011
Т࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢ (ZPH 0THNPUN -HPY ୕ ᄍ ಸ (WYPS Т࣠߾ࡍݛၸᇗྗ *OPUH 5H[PVUHS *VU]LU[PVU *LU[LY )LPQPUN
(0- ᄩሁལପ
¹ ֭ᇟڷ݃h ¹ ֭ћᇅތ݄༗ࢄЬႎᄥФh ܳփoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ԃ࿋֭ஏಲᆱh ¹ ᇟڷ݃h ¹ ؇Ⴝ֭༗ᄥᅢ߾ׁഐ߾ᅢ൝ܼۻᇡh ᅢ߾൵ևoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ԃ࿋ஏಲᆱ ¹ ᇟڷ݃h ¹ ቓվႝཡ৷֭݃oႽվҙ೬౽ჟफ़ၣ٪֭ћᇅތ݄֭९ބh ᅢ๗ປ֭࿏ܳ๐ڞoo94) ၣഐ ႲЏছĻ ¹ ԃ࿋ஏಲᆱh ¹ ནᇍᇟڷ݃h ¹ ቓվႝཡ৷֭݃oႽվҙ೬౽ჟफ़ၣ٪֭ћᇅތ݄֭९ބh ༈ᇗྗoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ԃ࿋ஏಲᆱh ¹ ནᇍᇟڷ݃h ¹ ቓվႝཡ৷֭݃oႽվҙ೬౽ჟफ़ၣ٪֭ћᇅތ݄֭९ބh ᅢ߾ڞޠoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ԃ࿋ஏಲᆱh ¹ ནᇍᇟڷ݃h ¹ ቓվႝཡ৷֭݃oႽվҙ೬౽ჟफ़ၣ٪֭ћᇅތ݄֭९ބh ለဘᄩሁoo94) ႲЏছĻ ¹ ܊ਜഐᇾੈັᅧ֭ࠗ߾h ¹ ў൝ྎۓ֭߄ॢ؛h ¹ ᄥᅹֈ߾ഐफ़ၣهўဎࢋĭᆸࢬიॢ߄৻༪ᄥ၊గh ¹ ༷߄ॢۻ၊۹ࢨയ֭Ⴀཨĭᅁࡎਜᄥᆋ۹ᇟ္ჟ֭݃ĭۢਜ֭ძĭቓቁজվਜ֭ ഻ၱh
འӶແᄩሁӹ࿅Џৢ֭၊ٻሸࠏᆈའਜࢻاۿ༗৻༪Ļ ༽ڹ഻ ߍאĻ ԶᆏĻ ,THPS! PUMV'HZPHPTHNPUNMHPY JVT www.rechargeasia.com
APRIL 2011
Industry Leaders Give Thumbs-Up to Asian Imaging Fair 2011
ᇡТ࣠ᅢ ooႝསރғྣ၄اଈᇟਐ࠱ಮ൞ࠚࠦ௧ࡖТ࣠ᅢ ᇥᄤ഻၄ᄞᇅԣϹಮĭ:\UU` :\UĻuݞᆋՙТ࣠ᅢĭࢄ սᄷ၊۹ಎྕ֭იᇡҊ֭ᅢĭࢄ՞ᆧڱҘܛgڷႎࠗჟgվڞ ֱاჟയ݄ĭধսᄷखႽТ࣠ำ೬֭ඓჇႝསރғჟ֭ുࡅݛ ߾vh ¶ ᇰݢၦ્֬܌රቁࣤৠຮཷ௧ࡖ֦uᆋ൦ݢࡍاປ৷ਐ৻ގऐϿ֭ ᅢĭࢄࣁሁჇᆋ۹ᅢ߾യߌᄥڷႎࠗჟ֭၄༈hĭ ၁߾ာᄥشઍබ֭ӑఁރғࠌϼవধҘܛЯՙᅢ߾ഐھچ ֭Ͽ܌ഩЩࠫރғhv ¶ ็࣋ཋօϿ܌ഩЩྀ߾߾ӑĭৡѫඈ֦uᆋ൦၊֭ၣТ࣠ແᇗྗĭ າಎᇗݛgಎൟࣀهഥ֭ᅢ߾h߾৮ႰᄥڷႎࠗgϿ܌ഩЩჟ֭ ֭୕اሯჿಈಎ৷ᆮԃᆋ۹ᅢhѱ৳ቈϤனဩӶ၊۹߾ുࡅݛvh ¶ ڷႎ܅ӹ࿘߾ĭ߾ӑඖݜณ֦uಎڷݛႎ܅ӹ࿘߾ಎ৷ᆮԃЯՙᄥТ ࣠ ֭ᅢĭ߾ه୕اᄥ႟॒Хތႝས٢֭ሯჿĭದᆋ၊ ૾ቊӉ၄هᅢగধvh ¶ ࠪ݃ݹĭອ࿘ቁࣤৠณ֦uࠪ݃ݹ߾ҝࡎЯՙ(0-ᅢĭѱ߾ԣ ֭၊༪ਡ֭ࠪࠗఞރތғӉhᇗݛТ٢൯ӎశ৷कվĭ൦ᇗ֭ݛ ރғׁࠖٶĭ݃ݹ٬Ӑᇟ൲Яՙᅢ߾݄֭ฃvh ¶ ᇗאݛሸࠪĭ݄۩ශྕᅢ܌රӯվᇕࣤৠ֦uЯՙ(0-ࢄᇗݛ ቓվ݄֭۩ශྕᅢᄥ߾ࡍݛၸᇗྗ࣑ྣĭࣅĭ߾ࢄ ຫଈል၄֭ர ଖ۩݄ތශྕܼ֭ᇡփ(0-ᅢ๗ĭದЯՙ(0-ᅢ֭ҝᅢႽ֭اۿ൴ ࠎvh ¶ ็࣋ᇗߔאሸĩ็ࡌĪ܌ර״ൡӑĭငޒณ֦uၠࣤಚׯҝࡎЯ ՙТ࣠(0-ᅢĭࢄာ֭ݢປॢ߄వধ֭ࡍ९ధณ഻ ၱvh ¶ {Ͽ܌ഩЩҘ|ܛᄞᇅԣϹಮĭूڐณ֦uЯՙ(0-ᅢĭ߾ာ݄վ֭ ഩЩ֭ࣤҝ߾ĭࢄແރғచ၄սि֭اۿൺ֩h߾ာᄥ ಎܹࠗࡍݛ֭ݛgచൡ၄֎໒֭ܛડभҮᆈҝࡎЯՙᅢvh ¶ {ᇥᄤ഻၄|ᄞᇅᅮީณ֦uЯՙ(0-ᅢĭࢄ࣑ᆧރڱғҘ ࣑֭ܛӹĭ߾ऐϿཕܹ֭߾ၸgແރғྣ၄ׁ࣑ނۿᆧڱҘܛ൯ӎिఛ ֯hv ¶
APRIL 2011
Chinese Government to Explore Potential of Imaging Consumables Market
ࣁᆧҘՅهڌऩႝསރғ൯ӎశ৷ oo Т࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢࢄఛଦ ແࡎౄࡅݛϿރ܌ғიࡹჟచ၄ᆵ֭ੈĭդ࣑ ݛປచ၄ᆵ֭ཕ߂ގቜĭᅢ൝ቓྕခهӶྕތݜӉĭ ૩ౕϿރ܌ғ഻Ӊచ၄იᇜؒႰ߄ތಃ֩ൺᆵܹ༪ĭແ ഻Ӊg݄ࣤތվٶᆈۿ܊ል၄֭ࣤીੈ֭ ฃĭቜແಎ౷ႝསރғჟቓແᇟ္֭ᅢ֭ᆵ၊֭Т࣠ݛ ࡅϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢࢄჇ ୕ ᄍ ಸ ಸᄥТ ࣠ᇗ߾ࡍݛݛၸᇗྗᇟऐϿh იఋႝསރғᅢ߾Ҋ֭൦ĭЯࣅТ࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩ ЩރғიගચႝསᅢࢄሪᇟၣᆧڱҘܛແำ೬ĭ࣑֭اۿ ႝསރғచ၄ࣂᆧڱҘܛ൯ӎ֭ҌيhЯࣅᅢ߾Ԫਜာ ֦֭ᆧڱҘܛҎၣ֭ࠫࠗܚል၄ಮ൞იႝསރғ഻Ӊᆈ ᆵ࣑ྣੈ֭؛ᆵປĭߖࢄᆶ၊༪ਡ֭ઊฎ߾ၸĭ യธัႝསރғྣ၄ೊࡎ֭ނۿލތজվᄥᆧڱҘܛᇗ ᅥႽ֭صڂhؿ࿀اᄥׁۺᆧڱҘ׃ܛ၊པܹ֭ࡷಮ༆၁ ࢄӶҝܼĭၣܼᇡ֭മڂਪᅢ߾ཋӎĭࣕगۓൻ֚ వႝསރғచ၄֭ൔ৷ތӉᷨ৷hཕĭᆋщແҝ ᅢ݄֭վރғచ၄ᄥ֭࣊ᆧڱҘ֩ܛ੦ഐĭᅁࡎ֭اۿሹ ތԜચh Ͽ܌ႝསྣ၄၊ᆸ൦֚వൟࣀ࠷ඔهᅢ֭వဉჟĭ ሪᇗ֭࠾ࣤݛஷѹهᅢĭࣕ୕ধݛսႎތϿ܌ႝསӉ၄ ֭هᅢ၁ၻӐූhำѡ൦ၣսႎࠗڷތႎࠗࠫఋރғࡹ Ӊແօў֭Ͽ܌ගચႝསྣ၄ĭᄥҊݛގࢺ֭ؖປ༽࣑࠷ ඔࣤယݛݞࣤތۢྕచ၄֭୵৷Կྕᆵĭᄥᇗ֦֬ݛਜ ۿվ֭هᅢh֔൦ĭႝསރғྣ၄֭هᅢ၁ਪࡖ۴ࣱྦྷظ ᆢĭҎٻӉ࠷ඔݫਐֶĭಔًྗފᆱൕӉಋֱಔhؿՖ ՙТ࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢ֭ऐϿĭࢄႽ৮֭դ ࣑ݛރғྣ၄֭هᅢĭѱफ़ၣႽེ֭ڝഥփᆤ۹ᇗݛТ ٢ׁ౽ĭЂሁТ٢ׁ౽Ͽރ܌ғྣ၄ࡎঁ࠷ඔാ࠱࢞Ҍĭѱ ࠎ֬იӑೠࢠgᇰೠࢠׁ౽ཕྣ၄ֱ֭هᅢࠗუh Ֆՙᅢ߾օўਜᇗݛТ٢ׁ౽്۹ീgሹᇕ౽gᆸ ༲൯֭ރғྣ၄൯ӎĭѱۼऔ؇Ⴝׁ֭ჟ๐ࡹĭሪᇟᆶ્ ݛgႏݛg֫ݛgٍݛgވযgၱվ৮gشઍබgܦgӜ ༿gಸЯgݛݪgᇗgᇗײgႎ؏gϠࠖබดgྕࡎ௩g ႎ؏ୌ༎gજধ༎gคݛg٫ѧތ٬ᇥֱׁތࡍݛ౽ ֭ປĭѱ৷౸ᇷ୕ۢᅢ߾ܼᇡތᅢ֭ᇑĭቛ֦Ϭࡍ ᆢଆĭᆢဏĭսᄷ၊۹ۿແ֭ߌࡅݛuײТރғྣ၄ ੈvു߾Ģ Т࣠ĭቜແᇗ֭ݛ൶ĭҊ࣏൦ಎݛᆧᇕgߌࡅݛތ າᇗྗĭĭ၁൦ᇗݛТ٢ׁ౽֭ࣤ࠾هᅢ֭ᇗྗĭ؛ ᇣѐ౽ჟႽሪڝ֭ނഥቜႰhటީ֭߾ࡍݛၸᇗྗ໒ ჇТ࣠ϕਧௌॠ܌჻ᇗྗ౽ĭ࣍ਫଡ଼ӟgණ৳٢ࡍݛތเც ܾĭׁԱ࣠ӴТශߔĭϕಉ֭ྗފĭग൶ࠗӎ ܌ ৢĭಂӢ࣏ྻ ٻᇚĭࠦఋє৮h߾ၸᇗྗᇾเࢁህ ࠚ ຫ٢ĭᇾเࢁህׁ༷ Ҳĭׁഐ Ҳĭۢ ĭӑ
ĭং hቜແᇗݛቓվgቓྕgׁৠ໒ᇊႲᄈgᇣ ѐาຣഇ֭߾ၸᇗྗĭ߾ࡍݛၸᇗྗၘ൦Ֆՙᅢ߾֭ቓ ࡌ࿒ᄼĢ ᅢೀĻ ڷႎࠗތսႎࠗഩЩࠫރғļଖޏg༏ܥg೬փgท ڀgଖණࠫ৽࿋܊ଖ༪ֱϿ܌Ⴐļྑgܥ݃ۓgۺ ݖgଏg४ֱޏࡹތჸғਠļϿ܌ഩЩიރғ֭ᇍᄷgْ ྕg݁ሕgұ൳ֱഩЩ܅ތखļཕᇄgऔᇄgҙரᇄgಫ ଁᇄֱϿ܌սႎႰᇄļගચႝསഩЩიރғ֭࠷ඔg༗g Џሕֱڣ༈Ӊ ᇾϿ֎໒Ļ Т࣠ࡅݛϿ܌ഩЩރғიගચႝསᅢႶ༷ਡᆶྣތ၄ เྀࠫ߾৻ގऐϿĻ i{ᇥᄤ഻၄|ᄞᇅ iᇗݛĩ*0:Īڷႎज़࿘ი܅ӹ࿘߾ i็࣋൯ཋօϿ܌ഩЩྀ߾ i{Ͽރ܌ғიࡹ|ᄞᇅ ߓႚᛕ֭ັᅧĭܹሇᅢ߾ࣕঋĢ ^^^ HZPHPTHNPUNMHPY JVT
APRIL 2011
2011 Asian Imaging Fair (AIF Beijing): A Partial List of AIF Exhibitors & Exhibition Service
2(;<5 യᎲ൯݃אυϿ܌ഩЩႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ ZaNKH JU
+VUNN\HU ,_WSVP[LY 6MMPJL :\WWSPLZ *V 3[K ײᑌ൯िຑᆈϿ܌ႰႽན܌රĩ็ಭĪ )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ KN[PHUYLU JVT
,ILZ[ 0UK\Z[Y` )\ZPULZZ 0UJ ᇰݢၦ્֬܅ીႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ JOPUH LILZ[ JVT
.\HUNaOV\ 3P.HV3L 6MMPJL *VUZ\THISLZ *V 3[K ৩ۢ ݄ᇤ Ͽރ܌ғႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ NaSNS JVT
6<7< ,SLJ[YVUPJ ;LJOUVSVN` *V 3[K Дׯאሸज़࠷Ⴝན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ I JVT
.\HUNaOV\ ;\VZOLUN ;LJOUVSVN` *V 3[K ݄ᇤ൯็ޒຑുज़࠷Ⴝན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! ( >LIZP[L! ^^^ NKZJ^ JVT
:OLUaOLU :PUN`\[VUN ;LJOVSVN` *6 3;+ യᎲ൯ᶐޅმିאႽན܌රĩᶐმĪf )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ [P[VUWYPU[ JVT
3HUQPL .\HUNaOV\ Т࣠যࢵႰࠗྈӔ݄ᇤൺ܌ර )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ SUQWHY[Z JVT JU
.\HUNaOV\ 1PUNaOHU ,SLJ[YVUPJ ,X\PWTLU[ *V 3[K ݄ᇤ᧐ᅢאሸഩЩႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ RLIP[ JU
3HUQPL 7HY[Z *V 3;+ Т࣠যࢵϿ܌ഩЩࡹႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ SHUQPLWHY[Z JVT
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.\HUNaOV\ *VTL[JOLT *V 3[K ݄ᇤ൯ज़૩ߌ࿘Ⴝན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ JVTL[JOLT JU
)LPQPUN @POL *OHUNKH *V 3[K Т࣠ၦގӖպज़࠷هᅢႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L!
9H]LU 0UK\Z[YPLZ <:( )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ YH]LUPUK\Z[YPLZ JVT
APRIL 2011
-VZOHU ;PHU[VUN 7YPU[ *VUZ\THISLZ *V 3[K ڕ൯็սႎࠗރғႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! ( ( >LIZP[L! ^^^ [[ JVT JU
;PHUQPU AOVUNO\HU ;*6( ,SLJ[YVUPJZ *V 3[K ็࣋൯ᇗߔ็ࡌאሸႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ [QJVW`JV JVT JU
()0*6 /2 0U[LYUH[PVUHS /VSKPUN *V 3[K མ۞େࡅݛ७ܪႽན܌ර )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ HIPJV JVT OR
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ޒТ߇چᇟ܅ϕำทڀӔ )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ OKH\[V UL[ JU
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APRIL 2011
APRIL 2011
SHOW TIME / сЕв▀╛р▓лтАл╫МтАм RECHARGEasia
5PRRV .YV\W 7[L 3[K )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ UPRRVNYV\W IPa
*OHUN:OH 0UR=HSSL` *6 3;+ ╙Ср│┤рмЦтАл▄йтАмсВ║рмЦсВ╜р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗ )VV[O 56 ! ( >LIZP[L!
4HKL PU *OPUH сЗЧтАл▌ЫтАмсЗНсД╖р║▒ )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ THKL PU JOPUH JVT
1PHZOHU ;PHU_PUN 4VKLYU 6MMPJL ,X\PWTLU[ *V 3[K рбЙр┤Зр╣Зр╛Ър╜Л╓Е╧┐тАл▄МтАмр┤й╨йсВ╜р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗ )VV[O 56 ! ) ( >LIZP[L! ^^^ UL^[V[HS UL[
)LPQPUN AOLUN *P 7YPU[LY [LJOUVSVN` *V 3[K ╨вргасЖж╒У╒╜сВОраЧра╖р╢ФсВ╜р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗ )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ aOLUNJP JVT
>\OHU 7VPU[YVSL 0UMVYTH[PVU ;LJOUVSVN` *V 3[K р╗╗тАл▌╣тАм╨Чр╕│рйЛр╛Шр╝ЧреЫра╖сВ╜р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗
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9LJ`JSPUN ;PTLZ сДдр┤╗р╡Р╓Е )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ [OLYLJ`JSLY JVT JU
.\HUNaOV\ /,5./<0 6MMPJL ,X\PWTLU[ JVTWHU` ▌ДсЗдтАлсдз▐втАм╧┐тАл▄МтАмр┤й╨йсВ╜р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗ )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ OORQ JVT
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)LPQPUN 3HUNZO\V +PNP[HS *V 3[K ╨вргарж╜р╢│р╢ЬркЪра╖р╢ФсВ╜р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗ )VV[O 56 ! ) >LIZP[L! ^^^ SHUNZO\VKPNP[HS JVT
тАл╪з█┐тАмсЕврж│р┤Нр╛Шр╝ЧсБгралсЕв▀╛сЙУр╛ХсИпр┐з─нрглр▒░сЫХрж│▄║┘вр║▒сЕз ^^^ YLJOHYNLHZPH JVT
.\HUNaOV\ ;HPQPLaOP`L :LY]PJL *V 3[K ▌ДсЗдр╡пр╕Дрв╢сЗОсБДтАл┌гтАмр╝ИсВ╜р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗ )VV[O 56 ! + >LIZP[L! ^^^ VH JVT
APRIL 2011 ┬З
Participate in RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2011 and Enjoy Government Subsidies
ҝࡎ9LJOHYN,_WV :V\[OLHZ[ (ZPH རൻԣݛҝᅢᆧ҈ڱ๔ ܹჇҝࡎႎ؏ୌ༎Ͽރ܌ғᅢᆧڱሯࣉ҈๔Ͽٍၣࠫഫੈӹ ᇥᄤ഻၄༗Ļҝᅢ9LJOHYN,_WV :V\[OLHZ[ (ZPH ĭቓۢफ़ࠎ֬ ຫჵ֭ᆧ҈ڱ๔h
ಸవĭҝᅾࡅݛྣቛٍĭ၏औ{ᇗ߇ಮ૾ݛތܓᇗུ చ၄դٍ࣑|{ތᇗ߇ಮ૾؛ݛތܓປીၦٍ|݇ׯĭႶݛ ༈ᄅሡഩ৳ਜᇗུచ၄ࡅݛ൯ӎिຑሯࣉhᇗུచ၄ࡅݛ ൯ӎिຑሯࣉႰჇᆮԃᇗུచ၄ҝࡎ࣪ປᅢ߾gಲᆫgࡅݛ ൯ӎ࿎Զࣂgिຑྕྞࡅݛ൯ӎֱࠋh ۆལᆧҮ൦၊ལᆔ؛ᇗུచ၄هᅢ֭դ࣑ᆧҮĭχᅾ u܌िgׯཧ൘Ⴐgज़࿘ܽৠgࡎౄ࡛v֭ჸᄽĭႽ ৷֭ᆮԃਜᇗݛᇗུచ၄िຑࡅݛ൯ӎĭҝიࣱࡅݛᆢĭࢎ ֶࣤ႗ڌཊh ࢄჇ ୕ ᄍऐϿ֭ᇗײ ײϿރ܌ғᅢ߾ ĩႎୌ ࡎպĪඓჇ࣪ປᅢ߾ĭҝᅢ֭ᇗݛచ၄၁फ़ၣརൻ ᇗݛᆧڱ֭܊ᆋ၊ሯࣉ҈๔h ҝᅢచ၄ᄥಚಲҝࡎՖᅢĭࠫཧׁ֚ປࣤીҎׁތ ٢ປࣤીᇾܽҎవԣഫĭҕᆧҎׁތ٢ҕᆧᇾܽҎ ڽᄻഴފచ၄u൯ӎिຑሯࣉvჯĭᄥഴފڽݞᄻ ሯࣉѵڹĭѱ؛ሯࣉ֭൘Ⴐ࣑ྣ࡛h ഫ٢൜Ļ ᇗݛսႎࠗgڷႎࠗރғచ၄ĭफ़χᅾЯൔൈ༭ᄽۀ ֭ᆮԃೀĭཧᇗུచ၄Ͽ܌൱ࠏׁ٢ປࣤીҎԣལପ ሯࣉࡁߋഫhखเഫၣׁۺ٢ᇗུచ၄Ͽ܌൱ࠏׁ ٢ປࣤીҎൔࡅ݇ׯແሡĭ֔र྾ᄥЯལପه഻వĭవ ԣഫh ഫੈӹĻ į చ၄ְ੬ᇗུచ၄ࡅݛ൯ӎिຑሯࣉັᅧ O[[W! ZTLPTKM TVMJVT NV] JU
į࣑ྣཕܹሇҰ į้྇ཕ႓ࠖЯሯਠĭѱഫЙ ҝᅢచ၄ᄥԣལପሯࣉࡁߋഫĭ႓Я֎໒ࠖ Я౮ঋgഫЙ۩gഫལପࠖЯ౮ঋĩཕܹັᅧ༷ᄣĪĭ ѱۀཕܹሯਠh įֱֈഴތѵڹ ሯࣉѵڹ IJį൯ӎिຑሯࣉҘ಄ൡѵ֭ڹ ჸᄽĭᄥལପຣӶ၊۹ᄍĭҝᅢ ֎໒ཧᇗུచ၄Ͽ܌൱ࠏׁ٢ປࣤીҎ ԣལପሯࣉѵڹഫh ijįഫѵڹལପሯࣉĭ႓ ၣ༷ғਠĻ üįᇗུచ၄ࡅݛ൯ӎिຑሯࣉ 92
APRIL 2011
ལପሯࣉѵڹഫў ĩཟࡶັᅧཕܹഫۀ ࡹĪļ ýįࡅݛ൯ӎिຑ ࠋ֭ལପቁࢺЙ۩ĭ ᇾ္ೀЏছĻٶႰᆮ ԣ౮ঋĭ಄֭֬ᇾ္Ӷ ࠣࠫձᄥֱ֭ļ þįൔࡅه഻ٶႰٍ֭ގᆫĩڷႎࡹĪh ЩሇĻ ၊gལପ įၣྕࡎ௩ແᇗྗ֭ײgႎ؏gᇗײgϗվ৮ׁ ౽֭ ᇗײoײႝསރғᅢ߾ĭގڠᇗܹݛჇᇗུ చ၄ݢປҝᅢ֭౽ჟٛĭफ़ၣഫҝᅢٶႰ҈๔hײ൦ ྕࣤ࠾เĭᄥಎ౷ࣤ࠾ൻࣉಽ຺ࠗԒࠔࢨվ֭౮ঋĭచ၄࿒ᄼ ಈྕࡎ௩ҝᅢࢄ൦٬Ӑᇎ֭࿒ᄼh ijįᆮԃೀࠫћሡĻ ᆮԃೀ చ၄ѡ ᆮԃћሡ ჵ ቓۢན صჵ ᅢ໒ ٶᇗg༎ҎײތТূ܅၄ׁࠖᇗུచ၄ ఋׁ౽ᇗུచ၄
ü ᅢ໒ٶᆮԃћሡχૌ۹చ၄ഫ၊۹ћሡᅢ໒ĩ ٢ĭ༷Īࡁĭૌᅁࡎ၊۹ћሡᅢ໒ᆮԃࣉصᅁࡎ ჵĭቓۢҊә ݞ۹ᅢ໒h ý ೊᅢ໒ٶൔࡅᆮԣࣉصә ݞჵֶ֔Ⴧഐඕћሡ ֭ĭχൔࡅᆮԣࣉصᆮԃļ൯ӎिຑሯࣉᆮԃйৰჸᄽഐҊ әݞᆮԃལପྻࣉ ֭صĦh Ĵį؛ལପࡁߋ֭ഴݜࢺފĭࢄݞᇗུచ၄ັᅧ࣑ྣ ܌൝ĭۺҝᅢ֎໒फ़ၣັഐҸĭ؛Ⴧ܌൝ࢺݜႽၘĭफ़ ཧᄥׁ֭ܽৠࠗྣ࣑ܚሮhచ၄ལପഫĭૌ۹ལପۻ ვᆮԃ֭ሯࣉቓۢҊә ݞຫჵಮ૾уļ؛เལପഫĭ ૌ۹ལପۻვᆮԃ֭ሯࣉቓۢҊә ݞຫჵಮ૾уh ĵįЯལପሯࣉႲ༽ᆮԃྕࣤ࠾เׁތࡍݛ౽֭ལପࡁߋh ֚వྡ༷ĭࠚࠦᅥྞྕࡅݛ൯ӎĭ൦చ၄ϭຊ્ ׁ౽ࣉಽ຺ࠗփধ֭চ֭࣪यࡌࠗ߾ĭࠎ֬ᆧڱҕᆧᆮԃ ၘ؛ཕܹచ၄ྣތ၄ধ൦۹ࠦࡌ֭ࠗ߾h ܹჇिຑྕྞࡅݛ൯ӎgԣݛҝᅢ҈๔ֱൡၚֱĭ৻༪Ļ 9LJOHYNL(ZPH 4HNHaPUL )LPQPUN 6MMPJLĻ ߍאĻ ԶᆏĻ ୩ѷ؛ປࣤીऍߍאĻ ᇰ؛ݢປࣤીऍߍאĻ ༸ׁ౽చ၄ ٨၂! O[[W! ZTLPTKM TVMJVT NV] JU MPSLZ O[TS O[TS
APRIL 2011
China Printer Market Foreseen to Continue Decline for the Next Three Years
ჯࡁ໋ধೠ୕ĭᇗݛսႎࠗ൯ӎ݇ಷࢄ༷ࢎ ୕ĭᇗݛ൯ӎܓൺսႎࠗ ຫฃĭй༷ࢎ hൻ܇ا େ၊เࠗӉ֭ႝཡĭսႎࠗ൯ӎ݇ Ҋ߉༷ؖhჯࡁ໋ধೠ୕ĭᇗ֭ݛսႎ ࠗ൯ӎ݇ಷࢄ༷ࢎhიՖĭሪ ྣۺ၄֭༗ߌࢁഩᇷҌ࣑ĭచ၄७ ᇍϿ܌ӶЯ֭ၱൕಸၵᅁౄĭచ၄࠱Ⴐ ߄؛ႎܽৠྣ၄႓Ⴐࢻभ٢ϋ֭ྻ౸ ࢄҊؖᅁࡎh ᄥࠖගེ႓gࠚྻ౸൬٪gީܼ ࣤ࠾ሙঋߵֱاᇟႁႝཡ༷ĭഐϾ ୕൯ӎهᅢሙঋཉނჇ༷Ͼ୕h
ಽgאgเggᆧֱڱԶྣ ၄ĭൻ ୕ܛડྻ౸൬٪֭ႝཡĭ ୕ܛડྻ౸֭ᅁӑႽ٪ߗĭ؛ս ႎ֭ࠗҘܛਐरԣཋਜཉ༷ࢎ"ᄥݛ ࡍվ৷ᆮԃهᅢ౪ࢹେჿۇތഇ၌ਗ໗ ഻ߔֱ࣪ᆧҮ֭ᆮԃތփ༷ĭେჿg ໗഻ֱྣ၄؛սႎ֭ࠗܛડྻ౸ཉᅁ ӑĭᄥᆤเ൯ӎᇗ֭ᅥй၁ཉۢ"ൻ ྣ၄ᇷࡾߵ֭ႝཡĭᇍᄷ၄؛սႎࠗ ֭ྻ౸ਐཕࢨ؛վĭ֔ႶჇಸӐսႎਐ ࢨചĭ؛սႎූ؏ތᇑਐ္֭౸ཕ؛ ࢨֶĭႁՖܛડ֭Ӊᇾ္൦ᇗֶؒӉ h ྣ၄႓Ⴐࢻभ٢ϋ൦ྕࠗუ
൯ӎ݇ԃ࿋༷߉ ୕ĭரଖսႎࠗಷಞ൦սႎ ࠗ൯ӎ֭ᇾ֥Ӊĭ֔ሪ܇اେ၊เ ֭ࠗූهᅢĭఋ൯ӎൺࡇ࿋վ༷ڞ ߉ĭႰ၁ᆦᄥཧྣ၄ልႽ႓Ⴐ٢ཧه ᅢ"ᄥେჿg໗഻gᆧྣֱڱ၄ྻ౸ঁූ ᅁӑ֭ঠ༷ĭࠟ݃սႎ֭ࠗ൯ӎሙঋ ი ୕ཕйઃႽނሏĭ֔ဪൻ܇ا େ၊เࠗӉ֭Ԓࠔĭᅁӑ৷ࡎվ" ൻࣉಽgאgเgႷᆧֱྣ၄Ӊ ߘྕۿօྻ౸ᅁࡎ֭ႝཡĭᆔ൜սႎࠗ ൯ӎ ୕ܓൺ اຫฃĭᅁڞպ ĭӶແ ୕ᇗݛսႎࠗ൯ӎ֭ uྚvӉh ՞Ҋྣ၄֭൯ӎྻ౸౮ঋॉĭࣉ
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ָܬჯࡁĭ໋ধೠ୕սႎࠗ൯ ӎ݇ಷࢄࡇ࿋༷ࢎĭ୕र༷ࢎࢄ؏ڞ ᄥ ቘႿh֦ ୕ĭսႎ֭ࠗ൯ӎ ݇ࢄࢎᇈ ຫฃhᇗݛսႎࠗ൯ ӎࢄӷཋԣၣ༷هᅢ౼Ļ Ⴐ߄؛ரଖ݃ࠟތսႎӉ֭ྻ౸ ߖࢄཧ܇اେ၊เࠗӉሏၕĭႁՖர ଖսႎ֭ࠗ൯ӎྻ౸ࢄࡇ࿋༷ࢎ"ࠟ݃ս ႎࠗ൯ӎ֭ᅁӑ৷၁ࢄҊؖᅁࡎĭ֔ ႶჇࠟ݃սႎ֭ࠗႰ߄ᇾ္൦చ၄࠱Ⴐ ߄ĭႰ߄؛սႎ֭ࠗᇑ္؏ූތ౸ ࢨۢĭႁՖ໋ধࠟ݃սႎࠗ൯ӎߖࢄࡇ ࿋Дԃུڞᅁӑ"ᄥቓࣕ୕ߘྕۿօվ ਐᅁࡎ֭౮ঋ༷ĭᆔ൜սႎ໋ࠗধೠ୕ ֭൯ӎᅁӑశ৷၁ࢄႽࡰh ՞Ⴐ߄ྻ౸֭ѕߌ౼ॉĭሪۺ ྣ၄֭༗ߌࢁഩᇷҌ࣑ĭచ၄७ᇍ Ͽ܌ӶЯ֭ၱൕಸၵᅁౄĭచ၄࠱Ⴐ߄
؛ႎܽৠྣ၄႓Ⴐࢻभ٢ϋ֭ྻ౸ࢄ Ҋؖᅁࡎĭࢻभ٢ϋ֭ႲਤࢄᇷࡾӶແ ᆧڱgࢥცgࣉಽgאg໗഻ֱྣ၄ ᄥҘܛսႎࠗӉ࿒ᄼ܊႓֭ᇟ္ ၏औh ႁՖĭսႎࠗӔᄥ໋ধ֭൯ӎि ຑᇗĭҊ္࣏ۢӉྦྷେgౄߌӉ ྦྷࡖйĭߖ႓ሇᇟԿྕྣ၄႓Ⴐࢻभ٢ ϋĭാڣ༈େ৷ĭ࣑၊Ҍႌ֥ތ൩႓ Ⴐ߄֭ྻ౸ѕߌhᇂႽᆋဪĭսႎࠗӔ Ҕେᄥࠟਣ֭൯ӎࣱᆢᇗࠎ಄اۿႲ h
APRIL 2011 95
Ninestar's "Pilot Program" will Rewrite Market Distribution
۴ᆵ۴هҋuߋࡁݼvࢄ྇ۇ൯ӎ۴ऍ ୕ĭᇗݛսႎރғӉ၄֭൯ ӎ۴ऍه഻ਜᇟ္֭ѕߌhᄥᇗလᆧڱ ܹࠗࡍݛսႎރғ֎؇ٻЏҘ֭ܛᆧҮ ԣฃĭ૾ቊஏރғ֭ဣ۴ᆵ۴ ၣቁ׃ٻ၊֭Ӷࠣبhࢱᇈ୕ ᄍ ׀ĭ۴ᆵ۴ၠ࣑ਜೠ്ا۹ᇟീሹ ᇕ౽֭ᆧڱҘܛପ੫ĭᄥಎݛᆧڱҘܛ ჟൔࡅࠒ܊ਐஎ֦ਜ׃ೠ໒ĭ࣏ՙჇ /7*ތHUVUhᄥࡍݛᆧތڱᇗလᆧڱ ҘٻܛЏᆧҮ֭ႝཡ༷ĭ۴ᆵ۴֭Ӊ ਐվ؏ڞᅁࡎĭࡇ࿋Дԃۢූᅁӑง h ୕ ᄍ ಸĭᇗ׃ݛ၊ฃႢႽ ຣಎሹᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭ЭսႎࠗᄥТ࣠ ಮ૾վ߾พഐ൯هҋĭᆋ൦Ⴖ۴ᆵ۴֭ ଣ܌රᇰݢսႎज़࠷ڂܪႽན܌ර Կྕခ֭هĭ༽ൔཋᇗݛսႎރғӉ ၄ാ࠱ĭѱൔཋਜഐႻսႎࠗ࠷ඔu ֭௭vhज़࠷ՖऐӦۇ׀ѕਜᇗ ૾ݛቊսႎރғuႽ֘ాv֭ऍĭ ۴ᆵ۴၁ႁՖ၊ᄉӶແಎ౷ٛ ၊၊ࡍᅯຣᆤսႎ഻ࠗӉ࠷ඔgიݛ ປஏރғᅧᄥ၊࠷ඔۢ؏֭ݛս ႎރғஏh
ᄥሪսႎރғӉ၄۴ऍ֭ۇѕh ୕ĭ۴ᆵ۴Ҋڽᇡິĭၲಞࡢڽ గਜԿྕ֥ᆤ۹ྣ၄վҌཧవ֭൘ ଉĭ ୕ĭ۴ᆵ۴ࢄᄤࢬᄤ৪ĭධ ؿແĭࡇ࿋ඈ྇ۇѕྣ၄۴ऍ֭ྕԶ hvᇰݢ۴ᆵ۴ගચज़࠷Ⴝན܌රሁ ৠቁࣤৠඅӖೊ൦h
ᇑ൦۴ᆵ۴ஏቓແᇟ္֭ࠖԬ ྦྷᆮӲĭ၁൦۴ᆵ۴ॼ୕اᄈهᅢ֭ ࠇĭׯҊၕྣړuᇑ׃၊vҮઃि ຑ൯ӎĭ൘ఋᄥݛսႎރғ൯ӎ؇ඖ ၊ᇋĭӶऄਜ۴ᆵ۴ᄥݛսႎރғ൯ ӎ֭ੋׁ໒ĭѱႌ૾ቊރғྣ၄֭ هᅢ٢ཧh ᄥ഻Ӊݞӹᇗĭ۴ᆵ۴ಎൔൈ ;84ᇑਐܽৠ༪ĭѱࢺގਜ༽࣑֭ 49700ܽৠࡹĭࢁ৳గਜ၊؛၊ᇑਐ ۽ሾเ༪gӉ ᄥཔұ൳ֱຣഇ ഻֭Ӊܽৠgᇑਐܽ७เ༪ļĭ۴ ᆵ۴က۴ൔൈ :ܽৠĭಚДಸӐ܅ቜ๐ ৰ݇ٛĭౄߌჼ܅ᇑਐၱൕĭДᆫૌ၊ ঃӉେቈॢ߄ྻ౸ĭߖݞਜᇗ ࣪ߔߔ്ݛћᇅӉಲᆫg*,Ӊ υಎಲᆫg֫=<;ݛӉυಎಲᆫތ 96/:ᇑਐಲᆫg્ݛ:;4*ࡅݛ ࠟ݃սႎރғћሡಲᆫֱĭ۴ᆵ۴ૌ၊ ঃӉᇍᄷ܅ၤތᇑरպ֦ਜࡅݛණ ĭຣಎࡅݛގڠႽܹᇑਐgυಎgߔ
૾ቊսႎރғ৭ࣤه֭୕ا്م ᅢĭၠࣤ՞னცఁgهᅢఁĭཧӶඋఁ ત࣑ĭٶᆈၱൕၠࣤबྤĭࡺॊgߔ Д֭ۢᇑஏރғၠӶແ൯ӎ֭ᇾ ੈhၣ۴ᆵ۴ແօў֭ݛஏރғࣕ ୕ধౄᗔగĭልሇႰ߄ྻ౸ĭᇉ৷ແ Ⴐ߄ࡺۿ܊ॊߔۿД֭ۢᇑރғĭ ѱ༽ԣuࢳᄇ ၣഐv֭ߔДৠ ĭແႰ߄࿒ރܛғ܊ਜاဪߌ࿒ ᄼh ࣅ׃ಎݛᆧڱҘࠪܛҘ୕߾ഐĭ ۴ᆵ۴಼ࠎਜu ୕؏ᆧڱҘܛႰ ߔДރғൻߓႚஏvĭਾ۴ᆵ۴ߖЬ ݛ0;ಋືเུྯᄥཔ௧ແu ୕ ؏ቓൻٶᆈߓႚރғஏvrrᆋོ Ӷऄ֭಄֬ĭၘ൦Ⴐ߄ތเ؛۴ᆵ ۴Ӊᇑ֭ቓվಲफ़h uࡍݛཕܹᆧҮׁۺތᆧ֭ڱվ৷ ᆮԃgݛսႎރғӉ၄֭ಎാ࠱g ٶᆈၱൕ֭बྤֱĭᆋོࠚ֭ࠦႁ
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ධؿແĭ۴ᆵ۴هҋߋࡁݼ औлᆈയ۴ᆵ۴Ҙ٨ਜࢻĭྕ ୕ၐ൛ĭ۴ᆵ۴هҋਜuߋࡁݼvĭ ಎ࣑ތൔൈແႰ߄ۢ܊ᇑۢྦྷ ࡖй֭ӉĭቈҊႰ߄֭اဪߌྻ ౸ĭ՞ؿԃ࿋ݛஏսႎރғӉ ၄֭هᅢĭ࣑၊Ҍാݛஏރғᄥ ಎ౷սႎރғӉ၄֭ߍნಋh औ۴ᆵ۴ගચ܌රሁৠቁࣤৠඅӖ ࣂഝĻuߋࡁݼv֭ྗފ൦ၣᇑ ༽Ⴧ൯ӎӉhᇑ༽၊ᆸ൦۴ ᆵ۴ࣱ֭ྗފᆢ৷ĭѱແచ၄֭ࡺॊތ फ़ԃ࿋هᅢ܊ౄվ֭ДᅸhԿྕ ތ႗ৠ၁ࢄԣྕ֭ऐնႌྣ၄ Ӷӑh ᇑׯוࠖݼൎ
Дgࢳେћሡhᇑպ֦ތәᄈਜ၊ོ ݛປսႎࠗஏӔ֭ރғᇑĭѱൻ ֦ਜಎ౷ٶᆈ֭ಲh Կྕಟݼ৷ ᄥսႎඃԣ࠷ඔჟĭ۴ᆵ۴Ҋ ؖԿྕĭਜ૾ቊރғӉ၄֭ࡺॊӶ ӑތӉ၄ാ࠱hແਜࢎֶႰ߄֭൘ႰӶ Яĭ۴ᆵ۴ᄥಎ౷׃၊۹ԣਜሹᇾል ৮࠷ඔ֭uၦࡎڀv༪ਡ༏ܥĭ՞ؿि ఛਜuܰ൜vࡎྕڀօĭແႰ߄ि ъਜ೬gߔДսႎྕօļແਜᅁࡎ ૾ቊރғ֭uႰ؏vĭ۴ᆵ۴िهਜ 5; * ༏ܥĭେ൩ႰჇ اᇝࠟ ݃սႎࠗӉĭӶແಎ౷Ⴐྦྷቓނĭ ௌྦྷቓౄĭ൩Ⴐٛቓ݄֭༏ܥӉ ļແਜࢎֶࠟ݃սႎࠗ൘Ⴐݞӹᇗ֭ ڀٴਐĭ۴ᆵ۴ခهԣਜႎསሏႎۢ պ ၣഐ֭ቓྕ࠷ඔĭպ֦ਜൟࣀ ؒණĭվֶࢎ؏ڞਜ࣪ߔ؛ڀٴᄷӶ ֭ಡĭ۴ᆵ۴༏ܥӶແಎ౷ቓߔД֭ ༏ܥᆵ၊h ႗࣑ූࡎݼ ႗൦ූࡎ֭ݼఞĭ۴ᆵ۴ᄥ႗ เ༪ࢁഩ٢ĭ൛ᇜԃࣤތg ٻ৮ၵܓརĭ࣊୕ĭ۴ᆵ۴ࢄಎ ൔൈu ݼvࠋĭቜແߋࡁݼ ֭ᇟ༬ĭ۴ᆵ۴ࢄಃ֩ቂയᇈمgೠ ࠱൯ӎĭൔൈയ۾༭ቜĭႶ۴ᆵ۴ቁ܌ රgׁ֚ϿൡԱgЯׁࣤྗފތႰ ߄ශ٢৻ĭ࣑ྣܖ֭؛ĭѱྀ ሁٻࢁ৳႗ັખĭهཋ൯ӎྻ ౸ĭۼऔٻތႰ߄ᄥಸӐ႗ ᇗफ़େუ֦֭ۻვᆔࢻྦྷ؛भ٢ ϋĭാ۴ᆵ۴ٻࣱ֭ྗފᆢ৷ĭ ඖ৳۴ᆵ۴ᄥᇜؒႰ߄ᇗໟ֭ܭஏᆱ ଈ؏્ތძ؏h ႽৠႶཕĭሪ uࡁݼ ߋv࣑၊Ҍ࣑֭ތൔൈĭ۴ᆵ۴ࢄແ Ⴐ߄ࡺۿ܊ॊߔДࡖྦྷۢۿތй֭ս ႎރғӉĭ՞ؿാݛஏރғ֭ ൯ӎᅥႽĭᇷҌ୭ሏѱӦۇ׀ѕݛ սႎރғ൯ӎ֭۴ऍĭແ૾ቊރғӉ၄ ֭هᅢᄤ৳ྕ܇h
APRIL 2011 97
Why Does the Old or Used Cartridge Become a Counterfeite's Accomplice
ऀӶསऽޏĭᄀލӶແᄷࡔᆈ֭Ђྪŀ ᇗݛᇑਐЙॄ{ࢫऀٴ༏ܥଖޏ ᇟ഻ࡂ ܅࿅֎֭К৮഻ၱ|၊ᇗĭ ࢫ၊Яຫ৮ْ֭ྕ഻ၱĭऀӶསऽޏ ֭ᄷࡔྣແh൦જ੦Ⴛࠔߵؚ൴ĭ ܅ޙӔ્ೀĭऀٴӶསऽޏgଖߘޏሕ ᇟྕٚߵ൯ӎhࣕఁĭޒЙॄְ {ᆪᇤࢯཋֶࡖߵ൴Ӷསऽޏଖࢫ ޏ ْྕ֚ྣࠒણ|ĭ݃ਜऀٴӶས ऽޏଖׁ༷֭ޏӉ၄ਅ๐ĭᄤ၊ՙ݃ ਜऀӶསऽޏଖ֭ޏᄷࡔgᇍࡔgٜࡔ ྣແh औႽܹගऔཉ൝ĭᇗݛૌ୕Ⴝග
ಞӶਜ၊ᆏ४ĭԱჇຣಎҊफ़७֭ ሙงĭۺᇝuփվ۪vguଦূ ϸvĭuછၞϴࡍ൜v֭ᇍࡔgٜࡍྣ ແĭԑԏሪᆤ۹սႎރғ൯ӎh u၊۹ْྕ֭Ӷསऽޏ৮ೖफ़ၣ պ֦ഐϬჵĭႽ֭फ़ၣպ֦ഐబჵĭؿ ၊۹ْྕ֭ଖޏ৮ೖफ़ၣպ֦ Чĭ ೊՖ֭ۢص৮ೖߵЙĭऄ൦ઽ၊ڌཊ ၁൦ᆼ֭֬ĭঋĭ؛ࡍݛᆋ၊ॾ࡛֭ ܽĭѱҊ൦ԱჇۢงĭվا൦ݛ ປஏచ၄֭ྣແĭᆋᇝսࠔ৷؏।ׯ ္ུ၊ོv၄ಮ൞֦ĭ࡛֭ܽಔ
ᇂେ࿒ᄼજ੦Ⴛࠔؚĭᇂେણۻĭ ؿᆋၘᄥҊሹᆱ֭౮ঋ༷ĭӶແਜᇍ ࡔgٜࡔ֭Ђྪĭᄥܛડྕ֭ ĭఋܛડࡔࠒ֭ࠗۢպ ĭၘ ჃӶਜൻݥᆈĢ ٶᆈ൦֭ܝĢൻ֦ഌݥჃ ֦ۓໆಁĭᄥࢳᆮࢎރĭ೬ߔД֭࣊ ็ĭऀӶསऽޏೊՖकվাٶĭٶ؛ ᆈؿစĭ၁൦Ҋେӽൻ֭ӶЯᆵᣠĭؿ ᇂႽ֭֭ނޛ৮ႰऀӶསऽޏĭ൘ऀӶ སऽޏᆏᆦ֭߰هሹ࠵֭܇େĭᆋဪ؛ ٶᆈg؛ന߾g؛ሹಞ൦၊ࡹഇକ
బຫᆮӶསऽٶ֭ޏਐĭؿӔࡍߵ൴ ֭Ҋ֦ ĭૌ୕վۈႽబຫᆮӶསऽ ࠖޏЯഐЬ֚ቜٴԱৠםĭؿᆋོऀ ӶསऽޏჃЬજ੦Ⴛࠔߵؚ൴ĭࠏੈྣ ׁ༷܅ޙӔĭࠏ֚ቜٴෙਠ࣑ྣԱৠĭ ۻᇍࡔgٜࡔ܊ਜ໙Խĭ၊ᆮུུ֭ ऀӶསऽޏĭᄀލӶແਜᇍᄷuК৮v ֭߯೬ׁփŀٶؿᆈჃᄀލᄥᆋ۹Ӊ ၄ਅ๐ᇗ൦ЂྪჃ൦ൻݥᆈୃŀೊލ ԱᇊҔ൦ᆦಚ֭݇ٛୃŀ
െĭսࠔ৷؏ུ֭ĭۢص৮ೖ֭ႌ ჂĭའҊᇍࡔgٜࡔ଼ĭӶЯฆֶh ऀ࡛ܽؿӶསऽੈޏཧĭၠࣤӶແ ॡҊೀߗ֭ĭପవĭᄥᆋ٢ײ ീᄥಎݛၠࣤ༽ఛh ᄍԢĭײ ീϞҎ৻༷ގĭ݇ٛऀӶསऽ֭ޏ ߵ൴Աᇊ൯ӎĭѱ၊ᆿ્ھׯज़࠷Ⴝ ན܌ර൦ऀӶསऽߵޏ൴ᄤԱᇊ֭ሯᇑ చ၄ĭ՞ؿແ݇ٛऀӶསऽߵޏ൴൯ӎ તԣਜൔᇑྦྷ֭၊Ҍh
ᇍࡔgٜࡔ֭ჿᄥჇऀӶསऽ ߵ֭ޏ൴Աᇊ٢൜ĭႶჇପవऀӶསऽ ߵޏ൴ࠖЯԱჇᆶሙงĭᇉ൘ࠋᄉ ֭જ੦Ⴛࠔؚԑ֚ਜߵ൴֭ᆦ݇ळĭଲ ુೊ࡛ލ७ऀӶསऽߵ֭ޏ൴ੈཧĭሹ
ؿᄥᆤ۹ऀӶསऽޏԱᇊ֭ਅ๐ ᇗĭٶᆈ൦ჿĭऀٴӶསऽޏg ଖۼ֭ޏჿᄥٶᆈ൵ৢĭٶؿᆈ ऀ؛Ӷསऽ֭ޏԱᇊĭᄽཉ֬ݞჇ ֎ĭᄥႰр֭ऀӶསऽޏᇗĭٶᆈ ࠖЯഐҘ಄ᇝ൜ĭ൶ ՙႰрĭ္ુҘ಄ሹྣ ࡎࠏڀᆈᅻል၄ಮჼࡎڀ ᄤ൘ႰĭՖᇝ٢൜ᇟڷ ৮Ⴐ ՙಶםĩજ੦ ߵ൴ಮჼࠖЯҊ൴಄݁ڀ ֭Ӷསऽޏĭ௭ߒйࢨ ကᇟĭ၁ऄ൦၊۹ෙਠ ࡖĪĭਾ၊ᇝ٢൜ऄ൦ᆸ ࢬણםĭٶᆈफ़࿒ᄼ֭ Աᇊ٢൜ѱҊاh ٶؿᆈ࿒ᄼણ֭ם ؛ཨჃйࢨ֎၊ĭᆵవĭ ઊ൦ᆧڱҎࠏᆦ݇ሯ ᇑ֭చ၄ĭఋ֭݇ٛߵ൴ ಃ֩ߖૈႽࢁ৳ĭٶᆈ
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ऀӶསऽޏᇜ഻ߔ൦၊݊ ପవսႎރғ֭sߵ൴tތsᄤᇍ ᄷtĭ൦ᆤ۹ྣ၄هᅢ֭Вߔࢳĭձ ᄥᆦ݇ಃ֩ಔെgћሡٍ݇Ҋࡺಎֱ ĭ൘֬၊ོಮେܜ৮Ⴐ࡛ܽĭ՞ ൡҊٍߵ൴܅ቜĭྡӶਜ၊๐߯೬֭Ӊ ၄ਅhᇗࡁݛࠗྣ၄ྀ߾ރғል၄ໆ ჼ߾ልᆷ߾ڴӑ܉ѦࢬൻࡂᆈҘ٨ Ļuؿ௭ࢻᆋ۹߯೬Ӊ၄ਅ֭৮ࡼĭ ᄽ൦վ৷هᅢᄤ഻ރғĭվ৷هᅢߔ ࣤ࠾ĭվ৷هᅢߔᄤᇍᄷhv uӶསऽޏᇜ഻ߔĭऄ൦ࢻभᆤ ۹ӶསऽޏӉ၄هᅢ֭၊݊ĭઊ ൦՞Ⴐ߄ࢳᄇູܼ֭ࢠ؏ĭߖ൦՞ᆧڱ ࢳᆮࢎރgന߾೬ߔД֭ީܼࢠ؏ĭ ൘Ӷསऽޏ၄ቄཧᇜ഻ߔĭ՞݇ؿٛ ऀӶསऽޏ൯ӎĭࢎֶӶསऽࡖصۢޏ ۴ĭൔཋႲᇑࢳീսႎĭٶ؛ᆈgݛ ࡍശᇈന߾ĭࢄ൦၊ࡹखႽ۲ଉྦྷၱ ၴ֭ൡ౮hv્ھज़࠷Ⴝན܌ර֜ໆඈ ࡂgڴቁҒജ݃࣎֩h ્ھؿज़࠷ࣕఁԣ֭uದऀӶས ऽޏେણళgീళgs഻tళv֭൯ӎ ቜĭఋቓᇜପ֭ऄ൦ແਜӶསऽޏᇜ ഻ߔĭᇂ္ਜऀӶསऽޏ൯ӎĭ Ӷསऽޏuᇜ഻ߔv֭འҔେѕӶ ཋൔĢ
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European Patent War Renewed
ል৮ڎᄤగĭᇥৗၱ༣ಮ oo՞,WZVU֭ ڇል৮ݮॉࡡೀރғ໋֭ধଉᄖ 1HYLR `HUN ࣕಸধĭ ,WZVUᄥᇥ൯ӎվऐఓଐ֟ĭ؛ᇥ഻֭ Ӊތൺࡡೀଖޏᆈվվԣ൵ĭ৽࿋هԣ ڇል৮ಋ ݮĭሙ۩ᆋོൺଖޏಋĭ֥ᇉᇥൺ߫߫ؿ Ҋफ़ᇜಸh ՞ࡡೀӔࡍ࣑ރғྣ၄ि൛ĭࡡೀӔࡍऄތჸሕӔࡍ ྡӶကෝ֭ळ؛ҋऍĭᅦൡҊؖĭ ୕/7֭݁ଖଖޏ ᆵᅦĭ ୕,WZVU֭ଖණӶٻᆵᅦĭ ୕3L_THYRගሻ Ϲಋᆵᅦĭ ୕*HUVU֭ଖߵޏ൴ᆵᅦĭ ୕,WZVU֭ נҸĭ ୕ ᄍ)YV[OLY֭3* ᆵᅦĭ ୕ ᄍ/W ֭/7 ᆵᅦĭᅦൡ՞໋ᇀhሹಞۘि൛֭اޛൺҊᇟ ൲ል৮ĭಲແ൯ӎႽྻ္ऄྣĭ֦ཋᄥ,WZVUՖՙ֭վսԣ ൵h ڇል৮ݮĭᆋ൦,WZVU֭৭ൖഐଶᇈࡡೀތჸሕ ळ؛ၣধĭჸሕӔࡍهԣቓվ֭݇ል৮ᅦൡĭफ़འؿ ᆱĭՖՙ,WZVUᆏ֭൦ࠍਜĭᆏ֭൦္ຟվਜĭൺၠࣤ ֦ۓਜఋᇗ຺֭ࠗĭᄥ౸ྕ֭هᅢࠏᆈ൶ၣh ,WZVU֭ ۩ࣦڇĭቈၣದൟಮॉ֦ჸሕᆤᇕރғ൯ ӎ֭भྗh؛ऐగ֭ል৮֟උ൲؊ᆈĭଲሇࢄׯଉҊ ࣺၢhᇥࡡೀރғ൯ӎၠ֦ࣤਜᇟྕ༩ஏ֭ޱĭࢺ ܚӉࢄਪۢڌཊؿ഻ٍձĭ؛Ⴧࣤ႗ࢺܚӉ֭
ࣤধĭᆋৢၠҊ൦ሑళ֭็พĭؿ൦ԑ֭ࣚࠧೲ੭ ӎhᆋৢۿҊ൦ଲོ֪Ϲᆈ֭ฃĭؿ൦Կྕᆈ֭ฃĭ ᇥ൯ӎ֭ރғӉࢄ߾൦ል৮ӉތჸሕӉ༷็ٻ۴ ऍĭჸሕҊ߾ᄤསၣవ٪ቂࡡೀਜĭೊݜ൦ൺĭ߾ ମሪӉϤሹ࠵ރғ഻֭ၱ්ഐჸሕ֭ؖฃટŀჸሕ ဌৢᇂႽᇥ൯ӎટĭཉಞҊ൦ĭջϋ၊ׯ൦ಎ౷Ģ࿒ᄼል ৮ӉҔ൦၊ԣ੦h ཋᄥ,WZVU֭ ڇል৮ݮೊ,WZVU ୕ ል৮ ොĭ؛ಎ౷ᇡࡡاೀރғӔࡍgօৠޝҊ֬ᅟҬԪۼĭ ֟ݞԱղҬҊ഻ĭ֔൦ߵࣰಞهཋߖႽ၊۹܌රၨ৳ Ҋ֢ĭᆸମሪఞསႯ൞၊϶იᆵځᅦĭѱ뻬ᄈ ౄĭཋᄥ็༷ಮᆱ֩ࢩ5PULZ[HYhඹպތᇡاჸሕ Ӕࡍᄥಎ౷ׁۺᅦࠍҊؖĭಗ၏ಞ৳ĭᄥఋҊྮؖመĭ Ҋ֬Ҋृۓĭ֚֭࣊ል৮ᆵᅦଶ൦ۢ൵֭؛भĭᇂႽख Щࠒᆏࡖൔ֭ል৮Ӊgౄվ֭ል৮ခهؚgٍልࡍ ؚgྮްሯࣉൔ৷֭ۢ൵Ҕେიჸሕؓѩཕࢬؿ৳ჇҊϯᆵ ׁĭҔେս௭ੑؖऍĭރۻғࣤ၊۹υಎ֭ดĭυ ྗ֭ගళh
National Printing Supplies Development Process, from Compatibles to Branded Supplies
ࡡೀރғ֦ஏރғ֭૾ቊսႎރғهᅢ৭ӹ ࣤه֭୕ا്مݞᅢĭᇗ૾ݛቊսႎރғӉ၄ه഻ਜक վ֭ѕߌh૾ቊսႎރғࣤ৭ਜனცఁgهᅢఁĭၠࣤતཧ ਜӶඋఁh՞ि൛ֶ֭ᇑֶࡖg٧٧ᇍ֭uࡡೀރғvࢰ ؕĭሏ֦ᇑ֦֬ᇷҌാ֭uႰރғvࢰؕĭѱቓᇜ ቄཧແႰ߄ߔ܊ДgԿྕgࡺॊgࢳᄇ֭ۢᇑսႎڣ༈ ֭uஏރғvྕࢰؕh ᆋᇝѕߌࡃ൦୕ا്مধႰ߄ྻ౸Ҋؖാ࠱֭щಞࢺ ݜĭ၁เཋਜ૾ቊսႎރғӉ၄ཋࢰ֭ؕહأำᆠhᄥᆋᇝ Ф༷ࣧĭၣ৮ၵແ֥ཧֶ֭ᇑֶࡖuࡡೀރғvࢄ଼ၣԃ࿋ ༷ಈĭؿቄཧልሇႰ߄ྻ౸ĭແႰ߄ۢ܊ᇑսႎڣ༈֭ uஏރғvࢄӶແॢܼ౼h னცఁĻuࡡೀރғvֶᇑֶࡖౕ൯ӎ ഐൟࡈ്ࣼ୕օᇗఁĭሪսႎࠗgڷႎֱࠗӉӶ ແϿ܌൱֭ࠖЯഩЩᆵĭൔࡅྻ౸ތ൯ӎ४֭জվժ഻ ތመվਜսႎރғྣ၄ĭݛؿປஏރғಗၣۢύ֭ࡖ۴ၥ ᇍਜႰ߄֭սႎྻ౸ĭuࡡೀރғv႓ᄖؿ഻ĭҘ಄uաК ݁ڀvguࡔઽݛປஏރғvgu൵܅ቜ٠൜v഻Ӊֱĭ ၏॔uֶᇑֶࡖҮઃvූౕ൯ӎĭᅥ൯ӎh 100
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uࡡೀރғv֭هᅢĭᄥำ֭ׯ৭ൖߔ༷࣪ĭಚൔແ ٶᆈ܊ਜࡎۿєၚ֭սႎރғĭ֔ႶჇቄ֭൦٧g٧ ᇍ੦པĭ၏֭॔൦൵܅ቜ٠൜഻Ӊĭఋ݁ሕ܅ၤgჸғਠҘ ܛgᇑܽৠֱĭरպҊ֦ࡍݛཕܹಲᆫћሡĭӉᇑ֬ Ҋ֦Дᅸhؿuࡡೀރғvֶ֭ӶЯᄖቜĭ൘֬࠷ඔgԿ ྕgᇑֱྕྠ഻Ӊ္֬Ҋ֦ԑٻ൬٪ĭٍቈҊؖѕ ߌാ࠱֭ٶᆈྻ౸ĭӉ၄ാ࠱ᄽӶແਜщಞ౼h هᅢఁĻuႰރғvۢӉԣֶࡖᆼ֭ሏྠఁ ࣑هᅢࢰؕĭࣘܽ૾ቊսႎރғӉ၄ᆤเߖԱჇйࢨ ֶ֭ණĭ֔Ҏݛٻսႎރғచ၄ၠि൛ᇟ൲ሹᇾԿྕል ৮࠷ඔ֭ခࠚތهৎĭᄥ࠷ඔခهഐࡎվሯ৷؏ĭቄԣਜ uֶᇑֶࡖֶ֭ණvᇍᄷ੦པļᇟ൲Ⴐ߄เယތսႎ ᇑ֭ാĭѱࡎౄᇑਐܽ७ࡧތұĭᇷҌঠࣕიݛປஏ ރғ֭गh ࣤࠚ୕اݞৎĭႰރғၠྡӶ၊݇ׯĭ֔ಷԱჇ ۢӉԣgֶࡖᆼ֭ሏྠࢰؕh՞ൡ༆هᅢ֭њ݇ॉĭ ႰރғᇂႽ௭ԿྕĭቄཧखႽࡎۀۢۿᆼ֭ஏߌĭҔେ ݛތປஏރғฃࣱ࠷ĭҔେᆏᆦ֭ແᇗݛႰ߄ۿ܊
APRIL 2011 101
ࡎߔДgԿྕgࡺॊgࢳᄇ֭ۢᇑսႎڣ༈h ӶඋఁĻuஏރғvቈႰ߄ۢᇑսႎྻ౸ ࣕ୕്مধĭᇗݛᇍᄷ၄ਪӉ၄ᆤเാ࠱ĭᇗݛᇍᄷ ቄཧਜᇗݛԿᄷĭஏߌၠӶແӉ၄هᅢ֭ቓۢྡงhؿቜ ແᇗݛᇍᄷ၄၊ڂሸ֭૾ቊսႎރғӉ၄ᄽධᗔగĭၠࣤ ས४נgא൲gྣିא၄၊ဪĭႬཋԣਜႲྶ֭ݛஏĭ ѱແൟࣀಲफ़hቜແ૾ቊսႎރғळஏ֭۴ᆵ۴ĭࣤ ࠚ୕اݞৎĭްࠚВهĭ༽ൔཋਜӉ၄ാ࠱ĭिఛਜஏ ߌ֭ۢࡖᆼᆵ੦h ᄥࡍݛӘࢁഩࢳᄇྠᆧࢳࠫڱᄇྠന߾֭ᆧҮᆿႌ ༷ĭuߔДvތuԿྕvӶແਜ֚࣊օ֭ᇾ࿐ĭ૾ቊս ႎރғ၄ࣤه֭୕ا്مݞᅢĭႰ߄֭ྻ౸၁ၠه഻ਜۼЯ ྦྷ֭ѕߌĭߔДgԿྕgࡺॊgࢳᄇ֭ۢᇑսႎҔ൦ཋࢰ ؕ૾ቊսႎރғӉ၄هᅢ֭ۼЯh ۴ᆵ۴֭սႎރғӉႢႽຣಎሹᇾል৮࠷ඔĭ഻Ӊ܅
ၤպ֦ࡅݛћሡĭᇑυಎໟׯĭڣ༈Ⴧᇗလᆧܹࠗڱgݛ තgႇྣg၌ᄅgࢥცֱվࠗܚgվྣ၄Ⴐ߄ĭၠຣಎେ ቈႰ߄֭ۢᇑսႎྻ౸h۴ᆵ۴ଣ܌රज़࠷Կྕခه ԣਜᇗ׃ݛ၊ฃႢႽຣಎሹᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭Эսႎࠗĭս௭ ਜݛປӔ ֭୕اੑؖĭ༽փᇗݛսႎྣ၄ൔཋਜӉ ၄ാ࠱ĭ۴ᆵ۴၁၊ᄉӶແಎ౷ٛ၊၊ࡍᅯຣᆤս ႎ഻ࠗӉ࠷ඔgიݛປஏރғᅧᄥ၊࠷ඔۢ؏֭ݛ ஏރғh Ⴖuࡡೀރғv֦uႰރғvĭᄤ֦uஏރғvĭ ൦૾ቊஏսႎރғӉ၄ࢺנܚᆤތാ࠱֭щࣤᆵ੦ĭ၁൦ ૾ቊսႎރғӉ၄هᅢ֦ቓۢྡง֭щಞ݊ෛĭ၁൦Ⴐ ߄؛սႎރғచ၄֭ॢܼො౸h૾ቊஏރғᇂႽၣ൯ӎ݇ ແ֥ཧĭᆏᆦቈႰ߄֭սႎྻ౸ĭാஏࡖᆼĭҔେ ܓቛվቛౄ૾ቊսႎރғӉ၄ĭҔେᆏᆦ֭იݛປஏރ ғᄥ൯ӎᇗٻॎh
How Much Selenium is Contained in a Cartridge?
u༏ܥvᇗاݫച༏ŀ ๊ବ ༏ሻ֭၊ݫၴ൦ჵ֭ଈሻĭބڠ൦:Lĭ൦၊ᇝ݃ ֥אғਠhлᆈᆱ֩ᄥᇗݛϿރ܌ғྣ၄ᇗ֭u༏ܥv ൦ᆿႝསࠗఞᇗႰ֭Ӷསऽޏĩ*HY[YPKNLZ ĭ՞ሻݫၴ ഐॉĭ༏ი*HY[YPKNLZ൦؛Ҋഐ֭ބĭቜແᇗٶ֭ݛᆈĭ ೊݜႽಮཧൺӶསऽ܌ݛॼ֭ޏර֭कࠫЯ഻Ӊൺ Ӷསऽ֭ۢޏज़࠷ᇿଈվᇗྠచ၄هĭ֭u༏ܥvᇗ ݫႽاച༏ŀҊᆱ֩ೊߵލջĢᇗݹ֭ݛሻ൦ൟࣀ܌ ಲ֭ቓႲྶ֭ሻᆵ၊ĭେຣ્ሡಚׁўպಱލൡ༆ࠫྣ ແĭႰ߄ડਜ༏ܥሹಞ߾འ֦ఋᇗщႽاޛ༏hೊݜປݛ ಮᄥᇗݛડਜu༏ܥvҸݹႏሻϤu༏ܥvْၺӶႏĭ u༏ܥv൦Ҋ൦႓ۆၺӶu:L +Y\Tvĭؿ:L +Y\T൦ൟ ࣀज़࠷ࣀ܌ಲ֭Ⴐ:LғਠᇍӶ֥݃เఞࡹĭიႏᇗ֭
Ֆўᅓሹᅫࢵё֭{ࣔ ႰಡਠߔތДྠಡਠ|၊ ඈĭᄥۆ၂ᇗߖᆿԣᇟࣉ ඓ؛ಮเ຺֭ݥᇾ္ўཋᄥ ۢ࿁ࠚྦྷĭҊၦஎԣเປļ ؛ோڙgۑgିgലࣤ༪ ތٻ༪߾Ӊ഻ݥh ೊՖॉধĭ༏Ⴝ٥μᇕμᆵ ེൔࡅ൦ၣᇍᆵඔh ֚ٶᆈ౸ᆏׁཧu༏ ܥv഻Ӊᆈԣĭ༏ܥᇗ༏ݫਐ֦׀൦اചŀიಡਠᇗ֭ ནਐ֭ TN RN؛႓֭u༏ܥvᇗ༏ݫਐ֭υಎནਐ൦ا
*HY[YPKNLZ൦ߵൡĭେಮࡍၺոਜટŀའቁҊ߾ ݹႏሻႎոਜϜĢۻሹ࠵ܻၣज़࠷ࠏۢज़࠷܌රଈ֭చ ၄ĭቁҊ߾Ϥ:L +Y\Tი*HY[YPKNLZߋֱބϜh ࢩu༏ܥv൦Ҋ൦Ⴝ၄৮ၵୃŀႁແಮӐᇂ ᆱ֩༏ჵ؛ಮമเႽނԱĭႽ֭ᅫࣂഝಮเݫႽ൩ਐ ֭༏फ़Ⴝ٥μቜႰĭϤ*HY[YPKNLZࢩu༏ܥv൦ແਜނણટŀ ඊҊᆱĭೊݜಮݞਐ༓൴ਜ༏ĭ၁߾ᇗĭᇥಡਠᇍᄷ܅ ၄഻ง࿘ތৠྀ߾ ,;(+ ᄲᄥ ୕ऄ݇ׯਜಡਠᇗଞོ ჵ֭ནਐĩೊ༷ўĪ
ചŀ഻Ӊიൺu༏ܥv֭Ӕսೊߵލջᆋ۹ୃŀ འاග༏ܥ഻Ӊᆈ߾ࢋĭu֭༏ܥᇗҊݫ༏vhೊݜ ٶᆈࢬሪĻuҊݫ༏ແુࢩ༏ܥŀv֦ᆋĭሹӳ൦ ۢज़࠷֭చ၄ऄҊେሹჽఋਜh۽ሪᆱᆈࢩ൦Ҋԣ९ ֭ĭҊᆱ֩༏ܥᇗ൦ږႽ༏၁Ҋԣ९hᇂႽࢯϭญߵ ൴༏ܥᆈ߾ৠᆸటመ֭Ļuѡಮଲુࢩ֚ಞ၁ᆋુࢩĭ ఋൔҊhvႁແҊᆈݞટĢۢज़࠷ાሸ֭చ၄ ऄҊେҊϜĢ лᆈԣ֭൦ကෝ֭ĭᄥӘ֥ߔДࢁഩྥڦന߾֭ ࣊็ĭ഻Ӊu༏ܥvᆈ႓ۆཧٶᆈഺĭ֭༏ܥᇗ֦׀ اݫച༏ĭٶ؛ᆈ֭ࡺॊ൦ږႽႝཡĭೊݜ൦۹؛ന߾ ڽᄻಱ֭చ၄ĭऄ႓ۆཧന߾܌िu༏ܥvᇗ֭༏ݫਐĭѱ ۀႽ൘Ⴐሇၱൡལh
,;(+݇ׯಡਠᇗफ़ᑡ಄ᇟࣉඓᄕ࿀ནਐĩTN RNĪ
APRIL 2011
APRIL 2011 103
Inkjet Printing is Open for Discussion in 2011
୕ரଖսႎႽֈಙ֭࠳ٻ། ୕ĭ؛ரଖսႎ൯ӎఁֈ ુŀվاගಮᄥܼິĭႁແሹ՞ߺ ԣߋօ֭:7;սႎ࠷ඔᆵĭரଖս ႎࠗ၊ᆸԱჇ၊ᇝϾࠉᚯሙงĭࡃૈ Ⴝำѡᆼ֬վඈำඈ֭࠷ඔԿྕĭ၁ૈ Ⴝ൯ӎࠟਣ֭ٙཡh ࠷ඔྕۿ൦ږᄭუ௦ࣨ ႓ۆĭቓࣕ ୕֭ரଖսႎ൯ӎ ൦Ḗಞ֭ĭߺ֭:7;սႎ࠷ඔۻಮ ༷ਜฆݞჇയॡ֭ႎཨhߺ֭:7;ս ႎ࠷ඔ֭Ӷ܇ĭᄥჇఋದரଖսႎࠗӦ ׀ϭຊਜuূվ଼v֭ાሸĭ՞սႎූ ؏gսႎӶЯތսႎໟྦྷׯഐĭൔཋਜ ಎ֭ٮᄉhᆋᇝᇑ֭ٮᄉᆸࢬժ഻ਜ ༈ரଖսႎ഻֭ࠗ֗ĭᆋ၁ದரଖս ႎࠗ׃၊ՙĭᄥሥ༈սႎ൯ӎĭ؛ ࠟ݃սႎࠗྡӶਜື྅h ೊݜ֎֭ମ၊ঃ༈ரଖ սႎࠗތ၊ঃሥࠟ݃սႎ࣑ࠗྣྦྷେ ഐ֭؛йĭ߾هཋĭઊᄥսႎූ ؏gսႎӶЯၥࠏ৽࿋ඃԣഐĭரଖ Ҋઓ༷ڌhശᇈĭᄥࢳᄇେჿgࢎֶރ א٢ĭரଖߖൃۿ၊Ԝhᆋĭऄ൦ :7;ۻփধ֭ྣ၄ѕߌh ᆋᇝकվ֭ѕߌᆵĭ൦৽࿋ ୕֭Ⴆhಞఁ၁഻֗ਜuυ ࢶvսႎ࠷ඔgρ഻)P PURඨޙଖ սႎ࠷ඔgھ൞ൈ֭ҙ೬ரঢ࠷ ඔgρ഻ྕࠗަҙଖණ࠷ඔĭଶᇈ ,WZVU:[`S\Z7YV ྕ֭ඨ ೬ ֭ଖණ༪ഩࡁ࠷ඔֱֱĭᇂ൦ᄥჸ ႽࠖԬᆵഐቛ֭࠷ඔാĭؿҊ൦ߋ օ֭Կྕh႓ۆĭቜແྣ၄՞၄ᆈĭ ࡶᆫਜ߱ߪᆵĭ၏ಞఁֈ൦फ़ၣৠࢻ ֭h Ҋݞৠྦྷধॉĭ၊ᇝߋօ࠷ඔ ֦֭ধĭщಞ߾փধྣ၄Ӊ֭ߘྕۿ օĭफ़ൡൔഐĭପవரଖ࠷ඔ֭փধ֭ ဍ഻&༈ரଖսႎࠗߖૈႽቓᇜᅥ ༈սႎ൯ӎhႁՖĭԪਜ࣑၊Ҍࡎ ౄӉᄥໟྦྷׯഐ֭ўཋᆵປĭ ֭ ரଖսႎྕ߾ࣁږሁࢳࡍݛେࡰஎ֭ ९ބĭແӉᅁࡎ၊ོৰೊሹඨս ႎֱ܇େୃŀєҊେ൘ྣ၄ञѕĭೊ ݜେܜփধོൔߺ֭ഩࡁ࠷ތඔྕۿĭ
APRIL 2011
၁൦ਿಮఁֈތᆚ֭ځh ர൦ږେቄཧ߱ߪ ࠷ඔѕ۲ĭ൶༽เཋᄥரഐĭ ༈ரଖսႎࠗhႁແர൦ரଖ࠷ඔ ۲ྕ֭ቓᆸࢬൻၵᆈh ߺԣሹ࠵֭༈ரଖսႎࠗ ᆵĭρ഻ࠗ၁ԣਜሹ࠵֭༈ ரଖսႎࠗĭѱࢄ༈ரଖ֭ۈቛਜ ࣑၊Ҍ֭ဍഭhρ഻Ҋ࣏ᄥ༈Ͽ܌ սႎࠗᇗĭҘႰਜ༈ரଖ֭ۈĭ ߖࢄሹ࠵ধԣ֭࿘഻༪ਡӉ 4, ĭ4, ၁ಽਜர֭վᆜ႗ ᇗh ؛ჇႰ߄ؿစĭେܛ߅ܜડர ଖսႎ֭ࠗళĭࠎ֬ሥࠟ݃սႎ֭ࠗ ྦྷେݜེތĭᆋᇝྞځྻاစhᆋ၁ ᆸࢬփধਜൺਐ֭ാތ൯ӎಲh ֔ᄥۿແ֭ۢؒ၄႓ႰᇗĭႰ߄؛ர ଖӉ၁ԣਜྕ္֭౸Ļೊֶࢎލ ٖߘۿଖ֭ޏՙŀೊ࣑ލ၊Ҍۢர ଖսႎ֭ࠗໟྦྷׯŀೊލൔཋվਐս ႎŀ ႓ۆĭரᄥሥႰ႓Ⴐᇗĭ ႓ۆ൦ಎൃԣ֭ĭ֔؛ჇልඓႰଶ ᇈచ၄Ⴐ٢ĭரପవ֭࠷ඔߖҊ ቈი݃ࠟތսႎࠗॎޡhႽႰ߄ᆿԣĻ ҘႰҬۨ൜ĭ֭ಚफ़ၣࢎֶӶЯĭ֔ Ֆர֭ඃԣེ֭݃ࠟތݜඃԣ ེݜႽҽगĭႽཉ֭ؖཔĭಞҊႝ ཡҸॉĭ֔اചۻಮࡰ܅ਠ֭ۓबh ဌ༷ĭரफ़ၣᄥූ؏ഐၠࣤૈ ႽቍπĭᆵၣߖҊେ֦݄ٟ֬ಲĭ ൦ߖૈႽದႰ߄ৠࢻႰތሥႰ֭ ҽѡh֚ಞĭೊݜரେ࣑ܜ၊Ҍۢ ሹ࠵֭ໟྦྷׯĭѱ܊վೀਐ֭ރғĭ Ҋ࣏߾ࠎ֬اۿ൯ӎಲĭߖେࠎ֬ۿ ֭ا൯ӎصڂh սႎӶЯେ࣑ږ၊Ҍࢎֶ ՞ ֦ ᄤ֦ཋᄥቓֶ֭ ჵĭࡶᆫਜரଖսႎࠗսႎӶЯ֭ ࡰ׆h႓ۆĭᆋ൦۹ނᆀĭႁແӔ ि൛ሇၱ֦Ⴐ߄ྻ౸֭ቈĭᄥ൯ӎ صڂഐ֭ܒཌh ॑੶ӶЯେ࣑ږ၊Ҍ༷ࢎĭ္ॉ൦
࠷ඔ൘ಞߖ൦ಮແԿᄷhᄥߺԣਜ :7;࠷ඔᆵĭఋ؇ำ֭ଖණ༪ࢺܚ ഩࡁದଖණ֦֬ਜԑٻ৮Ⴐĭᆋ၁֥ᇉ ਜսႎӶЯ֭ࢎֶh୕ ؿĭԿᄷ ჵֶӶЯ֭ࠞĭ၏ಞ൦ߺhఋ ఓ༷֭ߺ+LZRQL[2 Hᄥұ൳༷ĭ֎ ᅮսႎӶЯ࣏ແ ჵĭҊݞᆋ൦ᄥߺ ቛਜଖࡖޏ۴נᆤᆵh ߺᆵవ֭+ ֱֶࡖரଖսႎ ࠗĭఋଖޏൺࡖњᄥϬჵၣഐĭؿ +LZRQL[2 H֬ൺࡖᄥ൯ӎᇗᄇແ ჵቘႿh֚ࡖ۴ቛਜ༷נĭᆤเӶЯሹ ಞ߾ණຄԷֶhႁՖҊ଼ॉԣĭֶӶЯ ֦֭ধĭ:7;࠷ඔ൦൦൛ቜዔᆈĭ֔ᆏ ᆦൔཋ൯ӎቓֶࡖӶЯ֭ĭൔࡅഐߖ൦ ࡖ۴h ჵ֭֎ᅮսႎӶЯၠࣤफ़ၣ ແ݄վٶᆈࢬൻĭࢬ༷ধ֭ĭ൦େ ږൔཋྣ၄ܓൕĭрࣰପవߖᇂႽߺ ၊ࡍେܜቛ֦ೊՖֶ֭սႎӶЯh ਾປĭݛރғ৽ތ࿋܊ଖ༪h ݛރғ৽ތ࿋܊ଖѱҊେ؛ӶЯ࣑၊ ҌࢎֶᄷӶᆸࢬႝཡh൶༽൦ݛଖޏ ֭ൺࡖhପవٗ൦खႽᄤ഻Ӊ࠷ඔ֭ރ ғӔĭৰೊ็ືg۴ᆵ۴ĭఋੈණཔ ቛԣধ֭ӉĭѱҊйߺєၚا ചĭႽ֭ࡖ۴ശᇈߖәԣĭᄥࡖ۴ૈႽ ࢎ֦ቈֶܜᆵవĭᅀુफ़େႝཡᆤ۹ྣ ၄֭ӶЯ༷ୃסŀᇈჇ৽࿋܊ଖĭᆸ֦ ପవແᇀĭ؛Ⴧᆋ۹Ӊ࠷ތඔ֭ໃྱ ොႽه഻ĭఋᄥଖණҘႰތସ݃g ସဦߌֱ٢֭࠷ඔ௦ࣨؓఁٍ ൔཋ௭hೊ൦ĭ၊۹ҊӶඋ֭Ӊĭ ჃณލଶᇈႝཡჸႽ֭սႎӶЯ ୃޡŀ ྣ၄༭ྕތٻ൯ӎ֭िъ ႓ۆĭପవரଖսႎࠗᄥݛ ൯ӎ֭႓ႰߖйࢨႽནhೊݜϤரଖս ႎٻӶѡĭᇷ۹ٻ།֭ߍĭପవ֭ ரଖսႎӉᇾ္ٻແ ۹႓Ⴐ٢Ļ ࡍႰgᅾ႓ႰgሥႰྣތ၄႓ ႰhఋᇗࡍႰЏছ࿘഻႓Ⴐĭఋօў ӉႽߺ+LZRQL[ 2 Hgρ഻֭ 4, ၣࠫࡌେ70?4(P7 ֱĭᅾ ႓ႰᄽႽρ഻:[`S\Z 7OV[V; ࡌେ 70?4(P7 ߺ7OV[V ZTHY[ +
ֱֱĭႰᄽ൦ரĭօўӉႽߺ WYV ĭߺ6MMPJL QL[ 7YV2 BЙ ࡖҝගD ρ഻4, VMMPJL ρ ഻4, VMMPJL ֱֱĭྣ၄႓Ⴐᄽᇾ ္ࠪᇗᄥվڞඃԣֱ٢ĭ,WZVU :[`S\Z 7YV ൦ପవ֭ྕ֭օ ўh ؛Ⴧ ୕ĭ႓ۆԑఁິhႁ ແ ୕ĭரଖսႎྣ၄ၠࣤࣤ৭ਜቈ ֭اܜշᆄތႦĭߖႽુେй ୕ۿਿಮ଼ၣ൬ߐୃŀࡃಞೊՖĭ؛Ⴧ ֭ரଖսႎࠗ൯ӎĭҊ٦ದܓ ఁֈh
4, սႎࠗׯ໒൦࿘༥ྠսႎ ࠗĭၣuડ֬గgႰ֬గvֶ֭൘ႰӶ ЯແҮઃhݢ؛ਐ༥ࠪg൳तgུ Йᇄĭ࿘഻֭սႎӶЯ၊ᆸ൦ࡍӑ॑ ੶֭ᇟh,WZVU 4, ࿘༥ྠரଖս ႎࠗݞәֶ֭ჸሕᆦރғࡖ۴ࣤތ ࠾ൔߺ֭սႎӶЯᆏᆦແࡍӑീళh
၊ঃልແࡍഩࡁ֭սႎࠗĭᄥྦྷେ ഐ֭ᇊफ़ၣದႰ߄ۢූ֭սႎԣᅾ h /7 6MMPJLQL[ սႎࠗ
ࡌେ 07 սႎࠗ
ᆔ؛ଲོ؛սႎഩЩԢఁܛડӶЯ йࢨଁۓgսႎਐࢨվĭࠗ؛ఞྦྷ େᇊ္౸ࢨ֭ۢᇗུచ၄Ⴐ߄ĭߺ
ρ഻4, սႎࠗ
ࡌେPW ֭սႎූ؏ޙϪແૌٻ ᇚ ႏԌĭսႎࠗᆮԃ൵ඨսႎĭ ߔۿДĭߖᄣඨཧ࣑ᇄ܇େĭେࢄ ᇄიᅾսႎᇄሹ౽ٻिধhቜແ
6MMPJLQL[ ரଖࣤսႎࠗĭიࡖ ໒ࠟ݃սႎࠗཕйĭ/7 6MMPJLQL[ फ़ࢳീۢպ ֭֎၂սႎӶЯ େࢳރ ീᄽᄁᄁә ݞĭେܜແႰ߄ࢳീվ ਐ֭Ͽ܌ӶЯތେჿރh
APRIL 2011 105
OEMs Unite to Create Cloud Printing Alliance
*VY[HKV܌රӘ֥6,4ᇍᄷӶ৳ᄑսႎ৻ ಸవ ĭ ᄥ ֫ * ݛL )0;ᅢ ߾ ഐ ĭ Ⴖ *VY[HKV܌රهగӘ֥Ӷ৳ᄑսႎ৻ ĭѱ֦֬ྩׅgւقg-\UR^LYRg ॗୌऽ્େպg࣠Ք્େպތ620ֱჸ ሕచ၄֭ᆮԃhᆋོచ၄మྀװၸ࿎ ҋӶ৳ᄑսႎ৻ĩĩ*SV\K 7YPU[PUN (SSPHUJLĭӳແ*7(Īĭᇃᄥᇍׯᄑ սႎњћሡĭᇾ္ᆔ؛པᇎେ൵ࠗ սႎჟh
औࣂഝĭ৻֭ӑఁପћ൦ࢁ৳ ۺᇝཔսႎ֭ྣ၄њћሡĭЏছᇎ େ൵ࠗսႎg>P-Pսႎތၕսႎֱh *7(ၠࣤიᇗັݛખތᄑڣ༈܊႓ގ ቜࢁ৳սႎћሡh *VY[HKV܌ර൶༤ᆻྣܺ*HYZ[LU 4PJRLSLP[ў൝Ļu৻ࢄແᄑսႎഩ৳ ྕ֭ћሡhႰ߄फ़ၣ൘Ⴐاᇝսႎሕ ᇊĭҊྻ္ܛડำѡ֭ᄑսႎഩЩvh
*VY[HKV܌රߖў൝ࢄာ၊ོᇾ္ >P-P܊႓ࡎĭѱў൝܌රၠࣤခه ԣ၊ᇝႰჇ(UKYVPKg)SHJR)LYY`ၣࠫ P7OVULgP7HKތ0WVK ;V\JOֱP6:ሕᇊ ֭*VY[HKV ܅ቜฃh *L)0;ᅢ߾൦ಎ౷݇ቓվ֭0*; Ӊ၄ു߾oo༗ࠫ࠷ඔѸ߾ ĩ*L)0;Īĭᄥ֫ືݹݛᅢᇗྗऐ ྣh
Epson's New Commercial Black&White Inkjet Printer Boasts Sparkling Debut
ρ഻ޙϪႰரଖսႎྕം်ְӎ ԢՅ֭Т࣠၏ऀڌݭਠĭؿ໒Ⴧ ࣉЗࢯ֭Т࣠৩ࣞࣽדಗಫୁၻӐhᄥ ᆋৢĭ၊ӎᇾແuޙϪԣࠔ ೬໋ ধv֭ ୕ρ഻ޙϪரଖսႎࠗྕ هҋ߾ᆦᄥᇟऐྣh ቜແಎ౷սႎഩЩ֥Ӕĭρ ഻ĩᇗݛĪႽན܌රྕ୕ၐ൛ऄࡼ ༈սႎ൯ӎĭԣఋࠖჇྕ၊օ;ႌ ౫࠷ඔ֭၄ࣀ൶ঃޙϪ༈ரଖսႎྕ ooޙϪரଖսႎࠗ,WZVU 2 ࠫ ޙϪரଖ܇اେ၊เࠗ,WZVU 2 h ᆋঃྕᆸᆿሥྠޙϪࠟ݃սႎ ࠗĭၣuീӶЯgۿ೬v֭ԣႲ ĭແᇗུచ၄Ⴐ߄ޙϪ֞սႎ܊ ਜ֭ނۿሥϿ܌೬սႎࢻभ٢ϋྕ ࿒ᄼhهҋ߾ഐĭρ഻ĩᇗݛĪ٢ ў൝ĭޙϪ༈ரଖսႎ֭ࠗԣ൦ል ແᇗݛ൯ӎਐമׯᇍĭᇃᄥಎቈచ ၄Ⴐ߄Ͽ܌սႎྻ౸֭ĭႌu ೬սႎvྕӞੈh
ρ഻ ϕհሯࡈიਧᇗႦ༽഻هҋ ୕ྕரଖսႎࠗ ልແᇗݛ൯ӎਐമׯᇍ ႌu೬ս ႎvྕ౼ ρ഻ࣤ؛ݞᇗݛ൯ӎ֭ӑఁയ
APRIL 2011
ခࣶĭهཋପవᄥᇗݛሥϿ܌սႎ ྻ౸ᇗĭվҎٻແޙϪЯսႎĭؿཋ Ⴝ֭ࠟ݃սႎࠗಞफ़ၣቈҎ֭ٻႰ ߄ྻ౸ĭ֔၁ۻႰ߄փধਜ၊ོচ ನhৰೊჸሕӶསऽޏփধ֭ۢսႎӶ Яތࠟ݃սႎࠗଞོ܇େٍቈ Ⴐ߄֭ྻ౸hਾປĭࠟ݃սႎࠗ܅ቜ Ӊ഻֭ٴటࠫԡဦ܅֭ۢࢨތቜେރĭ Ҋ࣏ື྅֦൘Ⴐᆈ֭ࡺॊ၁იପవಎ౷ Ә֥֭ࢳେࡰஎ౼Ф֩ؿԈhႢႽሤ ᄈரଖսႎ࠷ඔ֭ρ഻ଁׁһब֦ ᇗݛచ၄Ⴐ߄ሥϿ܌սႎ֭ཋሙĭࣤ ݞ୕శྗခࣶĭޙϪரྕ,WZVU 2 2 ႓ᄖؿ഻h هҋ߾ഐĭಸЯ܅ρ഻ᇱ൜ ߾നႝསࠫ༗Ӊൡ၄ЯҎ൶༤႗ᄖ ܺϕհሯࡈ༽഻ў൝Ļuρ഻ູ֭ אսႎ࠷ඔ൦৮ႰູאᄥսႎӉ ഻֭ࠗྈ৷ধரഥଖණ֭ĭ൦၊ᇝҊ Ӊ഻هಫѱ٬Ӑࢳେĭེ֭ۢսႎ࠷ ඔhvႁՖĭᆋঃρ഻ޙϪரଖս ႎࠗᄥ೬ߔД٢खႽ็ಞ֭࠷ඔႲ hᆦ൦ႶჇᆋལ؇Ⴝ֭սႎ࠷ඔĭᆋ ঃӉ֭܅ቜେ࣏ރແࡖ໒ޙϪࠟ ֭݃ࠗ hೊ୕ ࢄݜᇗݛ൯ӎ ჯࡁൺԣ֭࠱ޙϪࠟ݃ࠗߘӶ ᆋঃޙϪரଖսႎࠗ ĭ࣏Ֆ၊ལࡰ ച֭ทஎ٪ਐĭऄཕ֚ჇЂሁׁ౷اᇝ ਜ ຫक़ඖĩගऔࠫࡁ٢ٍধჿჇ uᇗאݛ৷చ၄৻߾ྀގvĪhਾປĭ ᆋঃӉћ֭ሹඨսႎ܇େĭ फ़ၣվࢳڞᄇᇄᅮĭၣ၊ฃսႎࠗૌ www.rechargeasia.com
ᄍսႎ ၂( ֞ĭఋᇗ Ҙ಄ ඨսႎແৰĭ၊୕ऄࢄࡰചैيඖ ә ݞຫक़ĩගऔࠫࡁ٢ٍধჿჇ uᇗݛ၌ਗັvĪh ׁ౷೬໋֭ধྻ္ૌ၊۹చ၄ތ ૌ၊۹ಮধໃ߁ĭϕհሯࡈ༽഻ў൝ρ ഻ࠪᄥ}ၣྀנచ၄ࠋიׁ౷ߔ ࣪ແପћĭࠚׁࠦᇉ৷Ⴧۢପћ֭ߔ࣪ Д߁ĭቜແ၊ଈᙩ൷ᆷᄻ֭చ၄ࡢ૾܌ ڽగന߾ᄻಱh~֭܌රߔДৠ༷ĭ ᇍׯਜuခهიߔДཕಽ֭ތӉv֭ ܌රߔД٢ᆔhᆋঃӉᆦ൦ቖ՞܌ රߔД٢ᆔ֭ቓྕӉh
,WZVU 2 ޙϪரଖսႎࠗ
,WZVU 2 ޙϪரଖ܇اେ၊เ ሥϿ܌սႎྕ۲ଉ ೬ಎәീսႎ เယ Ֆՙهҋ֭ޙϪரଖսႎࠗ
APRIL 2011 107
ρ഻ޙϪႰரଖսႎྕം်ְӎ ࿋
,WZVU 2 gޙϪரଖ܇اେ၊เࠗ ,WZVU 2 ҘႰྕ၊օ;ႌ౫࠷ඔĭҊ ࣏ᄥӶЯg܇େgූ؏ࠫᇑ٢ಎ әᄈሥྠޙϪࠟ݃սႎࠗĭफ़ၣԑٻ ቈᇗུచ၄؛ჇޙϪ֞սႎ֭ۺᇝ ྻ౸ĭߖႢႽәᄈ֭ࠟ݃ࠗ೬ߔ Дgࡺॊඓྦྷĭແᇗ݄ݛվᇗུచ၄Ⴐ ߄܊ਜ֭ނۿሥϿޙ܌Ϫսႎ֭ಎ ྕࢻभ٢ϋh
ρ഻ĩᇗݛĪႽན܌ර ߣചϪ սႎූ؏٢ĭ,WZVU 2 2 ᄥঁූീଖ൜༷֭սႎූ؏ۢպ ၂ ٻᇚĭ൦ࡖ໒ࠟ݃սႎ֭ࠗ Чļ ൜၁պ ၂ ٻᇚĭႽེۢ܅
ቜེhؿᆋঃӉћࡖ໒ ࠟ݃սႎࠗૈႽ֭ಎᇊႲߌሹඨ սႎ֎ჵĭቄᇄ֩ؓۿĭᄤࢺގ +<9()YP[L <S[YHဆਠଖණঁیำྦྷĭ սຣ၊սਾ၊ĭඨսႎූ؏ۿ ঁh ,WZVU 2 2 ࠗरћᆮ әվೀਐޙ೬ଖ ;ޏĭᆮܓफ़ս ႎ ၂ĭսႎӶЯйࠟ݃ࠗჸሕڀܥ ࢳീ ĭԑࢎٻ ֶރғ൘ႰӶЯh ҘႰ׀Ҏ࣑ᇄഩ ࡁĭ,WZVU 2 ޙ Ϫரଖսႎࠗ ᅮ ֭ᇄޏೀਐᅁࡎਜ ൘Ⴐє৮ྦྷĭࡰച ਜᇄᅮߘۿh Ֆປĭ,WZVU 2 ,WZVU 2 ཕй ࡖ໒ࠟ݃ࠗӉ ၊ћႽཔັખ܇ େĭގڠࡎۿཋօ Ͽྻ܌౸ĭದϿ܌սႎ٢൜ࠋۿh ำѡᆼ֬၊֭൦ĭແਜٶྎۓ ᆈ؛ρ഻֭ಱĭٗᄥ ୕ ᄍ ಸၣవܛડ,WZVU 2 2 ѱᄥρ ഻Ⴐ߄चҎັᅧሇҰ༗֭Ⴐ߄ĭ
फ़རൻྕӑպ୕֭Дྱڣ༈ĭದ Ⴐ߄ԑٻརൻ֦ਜuәӑv֭u೬ս ႎvϿྕ܌เယĭᆋঃӉ֭फ़॔ྦྷ फ़ࡶ၊ϲh ሹ ୕࣑ळᇗݛரսႎࠗ൯ӎ ၣধĭρ഻ቛԣ֭୵৷Ⴝପܓ؊h՞ ୕4,༪ਡӉ֭uఆࡼఒهv֦ ୕u֩vҮઃ֭ࡇ࿋യߌĭ՞ ୕֭uದ;ႌ౫ٮv֦ ୕֭uޙϪ ԣࠔvĭρ഻൛ᇜࣁሤᄈ֭࠷ඔধ ቈྣۺ၄༈Ͽ܌սႎ႓Ⴐĭѱႌ ሪႰரଖսႎ൯ӎ֭هᅢӞੈh ୕ĭ,WZVU 2 2 ঃޙϪ ரྕ֭ಎྕഐ൯ĭದᇗུచ၄Ⴐ߄ फ़ၣᄥДᆫ܅ቜེ֭వ༷ĭႽེ७ ᇍӶЯĭѱࢳࡎۿେߔДh၄ልࡍ ಲແĭ,WZVU 2 ޙϪரଖսႎࠗࠫ ,WZVU 2 ޙϪரଖ܇اେ၊เࠗࢄ Ӷແ༈սႎ൯ӎ֭ߋօӉĭщࢄ ႌهሥϿ܌սႎྕ۲ଉĢ
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4LTQL[࣑ᇗঁࡎݛ൯ӎᇟྕᆤގ ᄥ્*ݛ,:վᅢഐĭ4LTQL[࿎ҋĻ৻འࢄი4LTQL[ࢺ Ӷގቜࠌϼܹ༪ĭܓԣႢႽൟࣀഐቓঁҙ೬սႎ࠷ඔ֭ Ͽ܌սႎഩЩĭѱᄥҊࣺ֭ࢄধ݄ٟཧᇗݛׁ൯ӎĢ 4LTQL[೬ҙսႎ࠷ඔ൦ཋ࣊ൟࣀഐቓྕ೬ҙսႎූ؏֭ Чĭཕ֚Ⴧй೬ҙսႎӉవهᅢ ୕ ᆋ ၱ ໍ ሪ ৭ ࣤ ୕ ᆵ ĭ ϗ վ ৮ ܌ර :PS]LYIYVVR9LZLHYJOခࣶ֭པྦྷரଖսႎ࠷ඔᇜჇӷཋᄥൟ ಮవਜĭؿቓྕ֭ގቜࠌ ϼ൦ধሹᇗ֭ݛ0;कಮ৻འࠪ ĭᆋ൦ږ၁ၱໍሪĭႶߺ gࡌେgρ഻ֱྮघரଖ սႎࠗ൯ӎ֭ஏࢄਪ၊ՙ
൯ӎ֭ѕߌh ¶ธั4LTQL[པྦྷսႎ࠷ඔ Ⴐݞரଖսႎ֭ࠗႾᆱ֩ĭ൯ӎഐᇾੈུ֭ྠࠏ ᆈվڞரଖսႎࠗࠏ၊เࠗĭઊ൦ρ഻ߖ൦ߺgࡌ େĭ൦ݞսႎࢄູུ֭ଖַரഥᄥᇄᅮўྡӶ
ကव֭๏ᅦୃŀᄨҊ֬ ؿᆱĭ֔൦ྕ࠷ඔྕӉ֭ࡎ ĭቁ൦େቈ༘ິॉ֦ Կྕॉ֦ѕߌ֭ྗĭؿ Ⴝࠗ߾ಈࡶᆫྕ࠷ඔփۻႎ
APRIL 2011
སĭؿரഥଖַ֭ĭሪᇄᅮ֭ݗսႎቘႿၕĭ ගଖַχᅾ၊֭ׯஎਡ٢൜ྡӶႝསĭᄥսႎ֭ݞӹᇗĭ սႎიᇄᅮه္഻ࠗྈᄖĭၣսႎ֭ၕތ؏ූ ቄᇄූ؏؛ரଖսႎ֭ࠗྦྷେӉ഻֭ႝཡቓվhଲુ4LTQL[ པྦྷսႎ࠷ඔ൦ᅀဪۢսႎූ؏֭ୃŀ ՞4LTQL[ܺ٢ሯਠᇗĭॉ֦ĭ4LTQL[ᇗ֭4LT൦ ᆿູྠྑ࠷ඔ༪ĭ1L[൦ᆿரଖսႎ࠷ඔhᆋལ࠷ඔႶϗ վ৮၊ࡍଈແ:PS]LYIYVVR9LZLHYJO܌රခࣶਜ Ⴭ୕֭Ӷ ݜĭ൘Ⴐᆋལ࠷ඔᄥϿ܌ᇑਐ֭ҙ೬൜༷ĭफ़ၣൔཋ ၂ ٻᇚ֭սႎූ؏h
4LTQL[սႎ൝ၱ ᄲᄥ ୕ĭ:PS]LYIYVVRᄥهҋᆋལ࠷ඔў൝ĭ࠷ۆ ඔᄥ ୕ࢄЬ႓ႰĭӉࡖ۴ᄥ e ્ჵᆵĭቓۢ սႎٻїແ KWP KWPĭѱჯࡁޙϪսႎ֭ӶЯച Ⴧૌ၂ ્ٻĭҙ၂սႎ֭ӶЯചჇૌ၂ ્ٻhᄥ ୕֦ ୕Ԣĭ֚4LTQL[ჯࡁࢄႽ e ࡍ܌රԣཕ႓Ӊĭ Ҋݞᆸ֦ཋᄥĭቓྕ༗ў൝ĭ৻འࢄᄥ ୕ഐϾ୕ԣ ҘႰ 4LTQL[࠷ඔ֭սႎӉh 4LTQL[ரଖҘႰູࠗא༪ 4,4: ࠷ඔĭቓུҎࡹ ֭ԌղᇂႽ࠳ູhӑ؏ແ TTູ֭ྑफ़७ᇍ ۹ս ႎĭގսႎ֭ং؏იᇄᅮڞДԃ၊ᇉĭ4LTQL[ս ႎࠗ྾ས൯ӎഐվاගரଖսႎࠗ၊ဪቘႿၕh( ڞ ֭սႎᆜਡυሕਜ ۹ູྑĭૌ۹ູྑഐႽ ۹ரଖĭቁܓႽ ۹ரଖhᆋོரଖେܜൔཋ KWP KWP֭սႎ؏ĭ၁ऄ൦ĭ ႏղ֭սႎڞ ྻரԣ ຫ۹ଖַĭۆսႎቓུफ़ၣரԣ ാ֭Ϭၩٻ ᆵ၊֭ଖַhऔۆսႎ֭ࠗଖޏӶЯᇂႽଖٻ്֭ޏ ᆵ၊֦ٻᆵ၊h ᇈჇ4LTQL[࠷ඔიಫه࠷ඔູތאսႎ࠷ඔ֭ҽ ၻĭಷԱჇธัࢰؕĭҊݞ՞ପవၠᅯሯਠধॉĭ 4LTQL[൦؛ரଖսႎ֭၊ᇝজᅢhߺuυࢶսႎv၁൘Ⴐ 4,4:࠷ඔĭ၁Ⴐॼ၂ரĭ֔ᆿћი4LTQL[Ⴝࢨվगh ၁ऄ൦ĭ4LTQL[࠷ඔიߺ߅ٶᇟࣉခ֭هuυࢶսႎv ࠷ඔ၊ׯӹ؏ഐཕසĭսႎ֭ং؏Ҋhᄥսႎݞӹᇗĭ
սႎׯܭҊĭᇂ္ಂᇄᅮඃԣफ़ĭ૩֭ࠪரଖ֬ၣ ེ֭ۢۿரഥଖַĭ֎ؿ၊ቄᇄ֭ࠗྈݞӹࢄෲؓսႎ ĭ՞ؿۢսႎූ؏h ᇈՖĭຣಎਜࢻਜ4LTQL[࠷ඔ֭ႲᄥჇֶӶЯۢ ྦྷେĭᆋᆦ൦ཋօ༈ႎ֭ྻ౸ᄥĭؿ၊ᆸၣধĭ༈ ரଖ࠷ඔუ֦֭௦ࣨᇾ္ࠪᇗᄥྦྷେიӶЯ֭હأഐĭؿ ਾປ၊۹ᇟ္֭॑һႁऄ൦൸ଉიໟྦྷׯĭ֦ପవແᇀĭ ߖૈႽॉ֦ཕܹӉ֭ұ൳ތႰ߄ٙঔĭཋᄥٍۻԣ खႽڣ৷֭ࢺઊh ரଖսႎࠗԪਜսႎᆋ၊ܹࡷҎࡹᆵປĭਾ၊۹ᇟ္ ࡹ൦७ᇍྑhᄥ( ൜༷ĭ္ಂ ۹ரଖĭૌ ரഥ ၩଖַĭఋ७ᇍྑщಞखႽۢ؏֭૩ྦྷhՖປĭ ႰჇսႎ֭ଖණ၁൦ಮܹሇ֭h4LTQL[܌රӳĭແਜ ಚДսႎᇑਐĭ൘Ⴐ4LTQL[սႎ֭սႎ༪ࢄ൘ႰልႰ֭ ଖණhಞଖණ൦ำඁѱልႰ֭ĭ֔იପవ൯ӎഐ֭ଖණૈ ႽЯᇑ֭ҽѡhቓԢ֭4LTQL[ᅾսႎࠗဪࠗ൘Ⴐ֭൦ಡਠ ଖණĭ4LTQL[֭ဆਠଖණᄽࢄი( ᇄரଖᇊ֎ჵ၊గ هҋh औЙ֩ĭሹ՞ ୕ၣধĭ:PS]LYIYVVR9LZLHYJOၠ ᄥ્ݛഫਜ ལል৮ĭ ୕ࠎ֬ਜ્ݛል৮იћऍ <:7;6 ൹ვ֭ ལரଖል৮ĭᄥரଖል৮ගਐ٢ଈਡ م׃ĭ࣏ՙჇ*HUVUhᆋ൦ၱໍሪĭᄥரଖል৮ගਐ٢ĭ :PS]LYIYVVR9LZLHYJOၠࣤେიಫهரଖ࠷ඔႢႽᆈཕॎ ޡhಞؿऔ ୕֭Й֩ĭ4LTQL[սႎᄥቓԢ֭ဪࠗഐᇂ େ൘Ⴐಡਠଖණĭಞ࠷ۆඔᆮԃဆਠଖණĭ֔൦ᄥ֚൘ ႰဆਠଖණѱҊफ़॔ĭခࣶ࣑֭ᅢ֦ཋᄥ൦ږେᆮԃဆਠଖ ණĭᆋ၊ߖҊ֬ؿᆱh ¶վᅦᄥ 4LTQL[ಱଉྕ*,6 ऄᄥ ୕*,:վᅢᆵĭ4LTQL[܌ර״ൡ߾࿎ҋಱଉ వۢ൶༤ᄖ႗ܺ3LU 1 3H\LYԣಱ܌රᇾ༤ࡡ*,6h3LU 1 3H\LYࢄڽᄻܽৠ܌රႽ٢֭ൡ༈ĭѱཧ4LTQL[״ൡ߾ ڽᄻhᄥྕ၊୕ৢĭ 4LTQL[ಮൡഐѕ൦ ږ၁൦ၱໍሪᆋལခ ࣶӶݜ՞࠷ඔሏߌӶ Ӊĭ՞ؿࡱ൯ӎ জᅢ٢ĭ࣊୕ࢄۿ ࡎ࣍௯h ᄥࡎ4LTQL[ వĭ3H\LYಱ્ݛ ۢ܌ර൶༤ᄖ႗ ܺh3H\LYჇ ୕ ᄍࡎۢ܌රĭ ᆵవၠႽ ֭ۢ୕ا ज़࠷ྣ၄՞၄ࣤယh ᄥࡎۢ܌රవĭ 3H\LYಱ:WYPU[ 4LTQL[܌රྕಱ*,6 3LU 1 3H\LY
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4LTQL[࣑ᇗঁࡎݛ൯ӎᇟྕᆤ ގ
5L_[LS܌ර൶༤ᄖ႗ܺhᄥ:WYPU[ތ5L_[LS܌රގѱవĭ 3H\LYಱ:WYPU[܌ර൶༤ᄖ႗ܺh3H\LYჇ ୕ࡎ:WYPU[ ܌රĭಱ܌ݞරا۹֥ᆷ໒ĭЏছ:WYPU[ 7*:Ҏ֭ᇾ ༤hՖປĭߖಱ܌ݞර၄༈ٶތᆈڣ༈Ҏ֭ᇾ༤ĭ ڽᄻӉခهĭ൯ӎൺĭັખᄖྣ࠷ތඔ݇ߋֱ၄༈h ᄥࡎ:WYPU[వĭ3H\LYಱХقվ༎ဤ ྕᄾ༎܌ර֭ *,6hᆵవߖᄥ0)4܌ර܅ቜ୕ا്ݞĭಱ൯ӎൺڽᄻ ಮh3H\LYཋᄥߖ൦ / 9 )SVJR܌ර״ൡ߾֭Ӷჼh 4LTQL[࠷ඔهಮĭ܌රࠌގԿ൛ಮĭཋಱᇾ༤ࡡ൶༤ ࠷ඔܺ2PH :PS]LYIYVVRĻu؛Ⴧ4LTQL[ধĭ3H\LY֭ࡎ खႽৢӹП֭ၱၴh3H\LY༽഻Ⴝሪԣ೬֥֭Ҕେĭᄥिຑ ࡅݛ൯ӎg܌රᄖ႗gهᅢҮઃᇍތׯൺֱ٢Ⴝሪھچ ֭ࣤယhཕେׁނޛЂሁ܌රൔཋಎ֭၄ߌhv 3H\LYĻuཋᄥࡎ4LTQL[ၘ൦၊۹ނࠗh 4LTQL[ᆦԱჇൔཋ၄ߌ֭ࡲഐh܌රႢႽྣاޛ၄༽ ֭࠷ඔĭᆋ൦܌රهᅢቓվ֭ҕھhࡎྞۢޛਜ၊۹ࣤ ယ֭ھچ֥ތؚ၊۹ႢႽނ၄༈ގቜܹ༪֭܌රh େ֥܌රӶ܇ൔཋ၄ߌĭҊهؖᅢመվhv (YNVUH\[යଧܪಋሯ܌රܽৠቁ࡛ࡡ4LTQL[܌ර״ൡ ߾Ӷჼ1HZVU 4HY[PUў൝Ļu3LU 3H\LYࢄۻ4LTQL[܌රփধ ֭ھچᄖྣ࠷ࣤތယh3LUၠᄥ࠷ඔྣ၄Ӯࣗ୕اĭڽᄻݞ ࠳്ၩ્ࣉ֭၄༈h֬ԃ࿋Ҋ࠷֭ؖඔԿྕތೊލिຑ ಎ౷၄༈hv ႶՖॉধĭ4LTQL[ࢄߺ؛gࡌେgρ഻ೠվரଖ սႎࠗჟ֭ౄᆈهగ๏ᅦĭվᅦᄥĭ4LTQL[֭ۢܽѕ ቈၣᆋ၊h
¶4LTQL[۲ଉྦྷႎ൜ औਜࢻĭ4LTQL[ࠪ၊ۇԶࣤܽ൜hҊ൦ሹ࠵ᇍ ᄷᆤฃரଖսႎࠗĭؿ൦Ⴐि٪൜֭࿀फ़ྀၸĭࢄ4LTQL[ފ ྗႌ౫Ҏࡹgࡹࠫރғۻ܊ఋ഻ӉӔࡍhᆋဪ֭൜ ᄥྑgᇾϸgֱ࣬אሸჟѱҊ༖ݰĭ֔൦؛Ⴧսႎࠗ ჟĭᆋߖ൦၊۹hρ഻gࡌେgߺֱஏरႽሹ࠵ ֭ྗފரଖսႎ࠷ඔĭቓᄲ֭ரଖսႎࠗ࠷ඔهᅢᇈ࣊ၠႽ Ⴭ୕ĭؿᄥҘႰྕ࠷ඔ֭սႎӉഐ൯ᆵవĭႽщ္ ธัᆋྕ࠷ඔփধ֭ۇѕތਪ֭๏ᅦh
ҘႰྕ࠷ඔ֭܅ӹဪࠗ వ֭ᇗ֦ĭ4LTQL[սႎ࠷ඔ֭Ⴒ൦ۢූ؏ֶ ӶЯĭᆋ൦༈Ⴐ߄ቓܹሇ֭۹ĭؿೊݜᆋဪ֭Ӊഐ ൯ᆵĭႶჇᆋվႁ֭ۇѕĭႽफ़େದᆤ۹ྣ၄࣑ྕ ࣱ֭ᆢ൜ĭரଖսႎ֭ࠗྦྷେӶЧۢĭսႎӶЯҊ༷ؖ ࢎĭೊݜେփধᆋဪ֭ѕߌĭའᆋ൦ٶᆈ്ٻᄃၱॉ֦ ֭h֔൦ೊݜҘႰྕ࠷ඔ֭սႎࠗᄥଞ၊ ٢Ҋೊ൯ӎഐᇾੈӉĭйೊսႎ ؏g೬ҙᆏൔ؏gໟֱྦྷׯ٢ĭଲુऄ Ⴝफ़େᄥ၊ि൛ЬႰ߄ᓢడĭؿᄤࡇ࿋ ӯԣྕĭ؛Ⴧ൯ӎຑᅢĭۿ൦଼ഐࡎ଼ ਜĭрࣰྕ࠷ඔྕӉЬႰ߄ࢬൻྻ္९ П֭ࠚৎh߾׀֦ؿԣཋଯᇝ౮ঋĭೊݜ ৻འЬငԆԣྕĭଲુߖྻସྗ ֱ֭ֈ࠳۹ᄍh ᆋོ൦4LTQL[ᆋལྕ࠷ඔਪ ֭๏ᅦĭᇈჇ۲ଉྦྷ֭ႎ൜ĭᇾ္ߖ ൦ᆿ4LTQL[ແ6,4Ӕྗފ܊Ҏࡹၣ ࠫ႟ࡹĭቓᇜ൯ӎߖྻ္6,4Ӕಈ னცĭᆋᇝ౮ঋ༷ĭӽ֭ڌཊ္ᄁй ؇ሹခ࠷هඔg؇ሹ഻Ӊսႎུࠗ၊ོĭ ၁େࢳീሯࣉიఁߵЙᇣఁĭ ᆋ၁࿀൦4LTQL[ۻఋӔ࠷܊ඔᆮ ԃ֭ᇾ္ჸႁϜhҊ؛ݞჇଲོའ࣑ ႎ൯ӎĭ֔൦ಔً࠷ྗފඔ֭߾ࠗތӔ ĭᆋᇝ൜֭ԣཋۻ܊ਜ၊۹Ҋ ᆱ൦ڦ൦ࠓ֭ࠗ߾h
APRIL 2011
Canon's New Color MFP Device Comes to Market
ࡌେҙ೬ගચྕࠗގڷൟ ପవĭᄥݛҊ࣏վచ၄ᄲၠႚধ uҙ೬օvĭೊ࣊ᄈধᄈ֭اᇗུచ ၄Ⴐ߄၁ि൛ധቈჇҙ೬Ͽ܌h ࡌେ ࣕఁԣਜ၊ঃཧᇗུచ၄Ⴐ߄༈ ႓Ⴐ֭ᇾੈҙ೬܇اେගચࠗގڷӉ PTHNL9<55,9 * hՖঃӉЬል ࡍྡೀແuؿҊെౄվĭؿҊ െໟࡺvĭఋำफ़໔٬Ӑ༿h ႲߌϿ܌ሯჿ ෲࡰӶЯ
ེۢ܅ቜĭuྻvؿѕ ࡌେPTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬ ܇اେගચ؛ࠗގڷࡹ֭ྻ౸၁൦ uྻv֭ؿhҊ࣏ᆮԃඨgෲ٪g ގا၊ֱاᇝඃԣ٢൜ĭߖफ़ၣൔཋ ޙϪڷႎ ᅮ ٻᇚĭҙ೬ڷႎ ᅮ ٻ ᇚoo࠳Ҋ֦ ऄେڷႎ၊ᅮҙ೬ ࡹĭᆋဪེ֭ۢ܅ቜ फ़ၣൃಱयվا ග֭ಸӐϿ္ྻ܌h
Ⴝེ֭७ᇍϿ܌ӶЯ ࡌେPTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬ا ܇େගચࠗގڷĭࢄቓվඃԣڞནׯ ᄥ( Ԍղၣĭफ़ၣ،य٬щ္ྦྷ֭վ ڞԌղ֭ඃԣĭჃେൃಱӐ֭݇ Ͽྻ܌౸ĭ՞ؿႽེࢳᄇᄖ႗ӶЯh ݞඨgގا၊ඃԣ܇େĭफ़ࢄ ا၂֞ގѱᄥ၊ᅮᇄഐսႎඃԣĭದ Ⴐ߄ᄥ౦ෆᇍቜࢹ౪༑֭༈Я֭ ĭჃେࡰചսႎᅮගĭࢎֶսႎӶ Яh खЩັખսႎ܇େ
ࡌେPTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬ا ܇େගચࠗގڷັݞખսႎ܇େĭܓ རսႎĭ٢єঁࢶႰ߄֭ྻ౸h ߌҨቜݞӹĭ൘ٖᄞѕ֬౦ෆ ࡌେPTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬ا ܇େගચࠗގڷݞћ֭<:)ࢬ९ĭ ൩႓Ⴐ߄༥݀<ݞகձԭgੈ֞ ගऔ֭༥݀ĭफ़ၣᆸࢬսႎࠏᆈձԭ೩ ࡹĭߌਜҊщ္֭Ҩቜݞӹĭ൘ ٖᄞ֭Ͽ܌൱ࡹҨቜѕ֬౦ෆੈӖh
खЩᇎେߌܽৠ܇େ ࡌେPTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬ග ચࠗގڷफ़ၣݞ0+ܽৠĭफ़ၣࠗ؛ఞ ࣑ྣಎӹܽ७hೊĭ൘Ⴐ७ᇍऽܽৠႰ ߄֭൘ႰಋནĭۼऔۺҎҊႰྻ౸؛ ڷႎgսႎg೩g܇්ֱهେ࣑ྣན ׯĭ՞ؿൔཋ֎Ⴝེ֭ӶЯ७ᇍh ගચߖࠗގڷफ़ၣᆮԃႰ߄ݞᄁӹ Ⴐ߄ࣀࡧҸᇄᅮļރғჍਐތഩЩሙ งļ܅ቜ࣑ӹֱഩЩ༗ļܽৠսႎቜ ၄ѱҸॉቜ၄ಸᇅļ՞ିאёࠨׁᆾВ ֱاᇝܽৠ܇େh Կྕज़࠷ĭԿ֥Ͽߔ܌Дڌ ପవĭuֶทvuߔДvၠӶແ֚ ࣊ന߾֭ᇾhሪచ၄؛೬Ͽ֭܌ ၱൕാĭֶทߔД֭Ͽ܌ഩЩၠӶແ చ၄Ҙ֭ܛ൶࿒hࡌେPTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬܇اେගચࠗގڷᆤเࠗമ ഩࡁ࣍ՠႽྠĭࢹႽ৷ooֶۢংᅖ ద֦ނԱĭվվෲࡰਜࠗఞᅥႰ֭४
ގuֶทvϿྕ֭܌ћሡh ࡌେPTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬ ܇اେගચࠗގڷԑٻቈਜᇗུచ ၄Ⴐ߄؛ჇޙϪgҙ೬֭Ͽ܌ඃԣྻ ౸ĭ؛ؿჇԶᆏֱ၊ོ܇େĭႰ߄ᄽफ़ ۼऔሹമ႓Ⴐྻ౸ĭ࣑ྣሹᇾ֭࿒ᄼ ᇊhЯሪခࠫه഻Ӊᆏᆦ൩ގచ၄ Ⴐ߄ሹമهᅢྻ౸֭Ӊແჸᄽĭࡌେ PTHNL9<55,9 * ҙ೬܇اେග ચࠗގڷࣁሡׯ໒ތౄվ֭ငᅢ܇ େĭᄤ၊ՙႎᆫਜࡌେӑఁၣধ݂Ӧ֭ uၣႰ߄ྻ౸ແ֥ཧv֭ஏৠh
Note: If you have any questio n ab ou t th e re ma nu fa ctu rin g technology or if you have oth er pu zz les yo u ne ed to so lve , yo u ma y co nt ac t Re ch ar ge Asia Maga zine for m ore he lp. We als o we lco me yo u to sh ar e yo ur ex pe rie nc e an d remanufacturin g tips.
ೊݜႽಱܹލჇ ᄤ഻٢֭࠷ ඔ फ़ၣ৻༪ ĭࠎ֬Ђ ሁh၁ࢄ٬Ӑ ۢྞ֭ი၊ గٻརܹჇսႎ ރғᄤ഻٢ ֭ࣤယ֬ྗތh Email: news@r echargea
hᄥЏሕғਠ٢ĭࡌେվਐ႓Ⴐྕ ྠߔДЏሕғਠĭიჸধ֭ᇄᇑЏሕ ཕйĭเࠚུۿĭେࢎֶᄖඃՙ ĭĭႁރ܇gғਠg༆ੈӉ഻ ֭مဦߌทஎ٪ਐ၁վվࢎֶĭຣಎڠ
APRIL 2011 111
On Selecting the Technical Line for Recycled Cartridge Production
ܹჇ࿒ᄼӶསऽޏᄤ഻৮Ⴐ֭࠷ඔ੦པ֭ခั ᇗݛၖఞၖў࿘߾ڷႎज़࿘ი܅ӹ࿘߾ ඖݜ Ӷསऽޏᄤ഻၄ၠӶແ୕ݛӉᆼ պගϬၩ֭݇ĭ՞၄ಮჼၠႽග്ຫ ಮ֭ྕྠӉ၄ļඓჇ࠷ඔ૩ࠪྠĭ ჃඓჇী૩ࠪྠӉ၄ļ՞ൡऀӶསऽ ޏҿࢻࠫሕ൦֭ྠী૩ࠪ࠷ඔྠ Ӊ၄ĭؿແӶསऽޏࡷܹ܊ఞғ֭݃ ֥ܥgଖڀgԑݖאgཉႝֱݖӉ၄൦ ࠷֭ྠඔ૩ࠪྠӉ၄h ݃אӶསऽ࠷ྗފ֭ޏඔ൦ࠪӶ࠷ ඔĭఋำ൦ၣࠎ֬ቓႲསེݜແପ ֭h൘֥݃ܥgཋསଖڀgԑאఞֱఞ ࡹ֭࠷ඔҝගద֚ގh ࡡೀgᄤ഻Ӷསऽޏщ྾൩႓ཕ ᇾࠗࢬ९֭࠷ඔ္౸֭వ༷ؿഩࡁ࿒ ᄼ֥݃ܥgଖڀgԑֱݖאఞғࠫཕ߂ ৻ࢺ֭ࢺܚҝගĭ൘Ӊ഻֭སᇑი ჸሕऽޏཕ֚h ֥݃ܥიଖڀ൦܌ᆱ֭Ӷསऽޏ ᇗܹࡷ֭ఞғĭЬ൲ແ֭ۢྠज़࠷Ӊ ĭمᆈ֭ގ൦ӶསऽޏӉ഻ۢᇑ སߥभྦྷׯႁh ՞Ӷསऽޏᄤ഻၄هᅢ֭৭ൖᇗĭ ߾هཋၠາԶ֭ᄤ഻࠷ඔ੦པ൦ ୍۽ሾٍhखเؿစĭऄ൦ᄥჸሕഐ ࠗĩڷႎࠗࠏࠟ݃սႎࠗĪӉഐ൯ၣ ĭ՞ൡऽޏᄤ഻ൡ၄֭చ၄ࠏ۹เၣ ྱऀٴڷऽ֭ޏമڂ௱།ऀऽࠫޏఋ ֭ఞࡹgғਠĭၣऀऽ֭ޏປड़ແࠖ ࡹĭ؛ၦ෭ࡹރĩ֥݃ܥgԑݖאgཉ ႝݖgԶԊઅֱĪࡱۻఞғል၄Ӕ
൦ĻᄥӶඋ֭ݞఁል৮࠷ඔ֭ࠖԬഐ࡙ ࢬഐሹᇾԿྕ࠷ඔĭफ़ྡӶႽሹᇾᆱൕ Ӊಋ֭ྕ࠷ඔĭᄥࠎ֬ል৮൹ಋ၏ٍ Д߁ሹ࠵h ֭ྠൔৰऄ൦ಸЯ࣠Ք્պ܌ර ि֭هӶསऽޏიଖٻޏڀ֭༪ĭ ֭ࠖԬ࠷ඔҘႰਜࡌେࠫߺӶསऽ ޏᇗҘႰ֭Րྦྷ֎ڂ๓ᄉཉႝ࠷ඔĭ ۆuል৮v֭࠷ඔၠӶແል৮Д߁െེ ࠷ඔĭ൘Ⴐᆋဪ࠷ඔҊ߾ܚӶಋhؿ ࣠Ք્պ܌රᄥܥ݃ۓᆋ۹ఞࡹഐႰ֭ ൦ሹᇾԿྕᆄ݉ܥĭიࡌେ܌ර഻Ӊ ֭݉܅֭ܥၤҊĭվվׁࢎֶਜ݉ܥ ഻֭ӉӶЯĭႶჇ݉ܥйႽ֥ࠗ݃ܥସ ଐĭ֭൘Ⴐ൸ଉႽਜޛվۢhᄥ࣠ Ք્պ֭Ӷསऽޏᇗĭߖᅁࡎਜߔྡ܊ ڀઌ࿐࢚ϻሕᇊĭ൘ཉႝ໋ഐڀ֭ܥ ᇟྕიྕࡎ֭ڀरᄓ࢚ϻĭ՞ؿۢਜ ཉႝݞӹໟྦྷׯhՖປĭ࣠Ք્պ഻Ӊ ֭ᆦྦྷ֎ڂՐྦྷयᄀଖڀი ࡌେᆦྦྷଖڀᄥྦྷେҝගഐႽ ਜࢨվۇѕĭࠎ֬ਜል৮ಋĭ ఋପ֭൦٥ᇀჸধიࡌେऽޏ ࡡೀ֭ଖ࣑ڀ֭༪h ቁؿစᆵĭ࣠Ք્պ࿒ᄼ ਜࡌେݞఁል৮࠷ඔቜࠖԬĭ ࡙ࢬഐሹᇾԿྕ࠷ඔĭѕӶሹ ࠵֭ል৮࠷ඔĭఋԿྕᇾ္ เཋਜࢳᄇሯჿৠĭ႓ގਜ օࠫႰ߄֭ྻ౸h
࣑ྣࢺܚԌղұࠃĭྦྷ؛େҝග࣑ྣი ჸሕಎྕఞࡹ֭؛йྦྷұਐĭಞ ٧ჸሕఞғ֭࠷ඔ္౸࣑ྣिهĭଖڀ ᄽҘႰཧଖڀል၄഻ӉӔ෴္ဪ࣑ྣ ഐࠗ൳ယ֭٢ٍ࣑ྣ࿒ᄼhᆋᇝ٢ٍऄ ൦ၠາ՞ൡӶསऽޏచ၄њ࠷ඔ੦ པh࿒ᄼᆋဪ֭੦པिᅢ܅ቜĭӶ܇ ࢨۢĭिهᇣఁؓĭ֔ձᄥሪݥჸሕ Ӕል৮ಋĭႁՖĭᄥಎ౷ٛ ه഻ႁuል৮v֭ຼٍهؿ഻֭ uܺරvh؛ჇའϤᄤ഻ऽޏൡ၄ቛվ ቛౄ֭చ၄ĭ࿒ᄼᆋဪ֭࠷ඔ੦པ൦Ⴝ ຺ཊ֭h ਾ၊ᇝऽޏᄤ഻࠷ඔ੦པ൦࡙ࢬ
ݞഐඕൔৰĭफ़ၣ ࿒ᄼᆋဪ֭࠷ඔ੦པ൦फ़ྣ ֭ĭ֚ಞ࠷ඔ଼؏йଋ୍۽ሾ ္ٍচ଼ོĭ֔Ӷ܇൦फ़ၣ ।֭ׯĭႶჇႽਜሹᇾᆱൕӉ ಋĭफ़ၣແచ၄ࡺॊهᅢ܊ υಎ๐ࡹh ߖႽ၊๐࠷ඔ੦པ൦ಎྕ ֭Կྕ੦པĭ၁ऄ൦ҘႰಎྕ ғਠഩࡁ֭ྕৠӶསऽޏĭ फ़ၣ൦ऽقٍ֭ĭ၁फ़େ Ҋ൦ऽقٍ֭ĭ֔ࢻ္ྻ भނऽޏიᇾ֭ࠗࢬ९h ೊݜ൦ဉ࿋ऽقٍቄ༷ಈĭ
APRIL 2011
ཉႝఞgଖڀᆋོఞғĭଲુԿྕ࠷ඔ ऄщ྾ҘႰၠາል৮ૈႽ࠷֭ۊڷඔ ჟhᇟ൦࿒Ⴐྕғਠĭؿྕఞғщ ྾เཋԣࢳۿᄇሯჿĭࢳۿେࡰஎĭۿ Ⴝ৮Ⴧߔߵ൴৮Ⴐ֭օ္౸ĭྕि ֭هఞғྦྷେߖ္ႲჇၠ၄ߌऽޏ Ⴐఞғ֭ྦྷେĭफ़ࡶ଼؏ཕ֚վĭڌཊ ၁ऄվĭिهᇣఁ၁йࢨӑĭ֔ᆋ๐੦ ၊֒Ӷ܇ĭచ၄߾Ⴝ֭݃వӹhསҘ Ⴐ഻༆ሯჿվແჸਠؿ഻Ӊ֭ଖڀऄ ൦ቄᆋ๐੦པ֭Ӷ܇ธ෴h ֚ಞĭಎྕ֭ԿྕӶསऽޏ၁Ҋ၊ ׯ٬χऽقٍ֭ඹ੦ቄ༷ಈӉĭᄲᄥ ୕ا്مవĭऄႽಮԣ७ᇍփڀאเ ᄥࡂ੫ࣂᇑഐᆸࢬඈ྇ࠏࠃߊሻࠏ སĭ֔၊ᆸ໋େྡӶӉؿ၄ߌĭҊ எԪಮज़࠷࣑֭ҌĭჸধҊେൔཋ ֭འĭ࣊߾Ӷແཋൔh
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The Epson 7800 Large Format Printer Error Code
ρ഻ վڞսႎࠗո༊օચ սႎ֭൘ႰݞӹᇗĭӐӐ߾უ֦ᆋဪࠏᆈଲဪ֭ሙঋĭࠏࠗఞሹമჸႁĭࠏಮແҨቜჸႁĭҊܽଯᇝჸႁႌగ֭ո ༊ĭսႎࠗ߾ཧهԣ൝༗ĭؿᆋོ൝༗ᆦ൦ތսႎࠗੈ֭၊ᇝᇟ္٢൜ĭᇂ္؈ਜᆋོ༗ĭҔ େ؛ܜᆩ༷းĭᆦಚ༊ׁԱৠսႎ֭ࠗܫᅸĭ؈ਜᆋོ༗ĭ၁େದ֭܅ቜࡎۿൡϾ܇Чh ၣ༷൦ᇗரັࡂᆈᆤৠ֭ρ഻ վڞսႎࠗո༊օચ֭ሯਠĭೊݜ൦֭ބྠۆႰ߄ĭѡີਜ൴ҧĢ $սႎࠗሙง $ଖණձਐ $ౕᇄఞ൸ଉ $ࣂᇑౕ؛ᇄఞ֭൸ଉႽ ޛվ֭ႝཡh $gࡹ൸ଉ༗ $ि൛ 4LKPH *V\U[LY :L[[PUNZ
$ໃ߁ཙ $तᇄ T $तᇄ M[ $֎၂ᇄ ၂ $֎၂ᇄ $ۊिఛ $ຣӶսႎ $սႎऄ࿊
$ഩׯফ $##ྕᅁ $Ԫ%% $ഐၕ $༷ၕ $ಚׯ $಄ $ቜ၄ଈӳ
$ᆦᄥ҅ࠎሙง $ٍი࿒ᄼ֭սႎࠗ ࣑ྣh $ଖਐֶ $ໃ߁ཙ࠳ၠ $ໃ߁ཙ౸ $ᇄᅮձਐֶ $ᇟվո༊ $սႎఋ 0 - ගऔ $వۊिఛ $ࢻԪսႎᇄێࢳנ $ऽᇄ $ಔଖ $ಔᇄ $ഩׯϸ $սႎᇄ֩ه഻ո༊ $֎၂ᇄԌղո༊ $֎၂ᇄԣᇄո༊ $ໃ߁ཙၠ $ᇄᅮౕո༊ $౪ࢹո༊ĩްᇄĪ $ᇄᅮո༊ $ᇄᅮບ྄ո༊ $ขగଖҤ۟ێ $ૈႽໃ߁ཙ $ଉਿո༊ $ۊिఛ $اԶۓఞ҅ࠎո༊ $ሹנᆤո༊ $౪ࢹո༊ $ո༊ $ଖޏո༊ $Ҋᆦಚ֭ଖޏ
$ܹцࡂග $ᆦᄥսႎ $໋ሡЩނսႎ $ଖණیᄺ $ࡧҸսႎ $נᆤᇄᅮ໒ᇊ $gࡹ൸ଉ $ሻӢࠗא൸ଉ $ቄᇄࠗא൸ଉ $౪ࢹҎࡹ൸ଉ $ࠗא൸ଉ $ܹц $ໃ߁ཙ༗ $ёބĻ $ಸఁތ
$Ⴐ߄ଈӳ $ᇾࠗଈӳ $ၠ൘Ⴐ 0 $ቜ၄ሙง $ࣂᇑ 0+ $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ 42 $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ * $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ 4 $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ @ $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ 32 $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ 3* $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ 34 $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ 332 $൘Ⴐ֭ଖණ 42
APRIL 2011
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KolionTech Launches New Official Website
ज़৷দܺັഩࡁಎۇϹാ࠱ ಸవĭज़৷দᆦ൜࿎ҋຣӶ؛ఋܺັ^^^ RVSPVU[LJO JVT֭ྕഩࡁhՖՙۇϹgാ࠱ၣᅢ൝֭ނచ၄ྡཨࠫ ࠫ ॢ߄ڣ༈ແᇾĭແज़৷দॢ߄܊ຣഇgᇣ֦gєࢶ֭ಎ ڣ༈h ज़৷দྕܺັഩࡁเཋuܹρׁ౷vߔДৠĭܹ ሇॢ߄ັખྣແ༥݀ĭᄥফପҋऍ݇ߋ٢ࡎۿಮྦྷߌgގ ৠߌh൶၂uᇎେߌಚgv෴܇େ౽gu߾ჼvְ ੬౽gྕಫӉᅢ൝౽gྕໜᇗྗֱĭࡎۿ٢єᆸܼ֭ ັખڣ༈ĭࠦվ֭ാਜॢ߄เယၱ؏h ज़৷দൺࣤৠPYLULў൝ĭ܌රࣕ ঃಫൺӉ Ӷ֭ि٪ྦྷӉॷĭࢄແಎ౷ज़৷দॢ߄ۿ܊Ⴝེ֭ރ ғ൘Ⴐҝ॑hᄇ֭Ӊࣂഝgሡ֭ගऔҝᅾg౪༑֭ Ӊrrࡺಎ֭Ӊගऔ༗ॷ൘֭֬ॢ߄फ़ၣ՞ັ ၂ഐࠎ֭֬اۿӉ༗h ज़৷দ൛ᇜѭӽҽၻߌڣ༈ແ֥ཧĭՖՙۇϹgാ࠱ ֭ྕܺັĭઊ൦༗ҘࠪgሯჿႲgߖ൦܇େिهgഩ
ࡁҋऍĭเཋሪູҊᇈ֭ॢ߄ڣ༈ৠĭແॢ߄փধಎ ྕ֭ރғเယh
Apex Launches New Chips for Canon
οஒॠԣ ࡌେೠօࠫمօәվೀਐࡡೀྑ ࣕఁĭᇰݢοஒॠູאሸႽན܌ර ĩοஒॠĪԣਜ၊ᆸЩൻ၄ఁֈ֭ ࡌେೠօ༪ਡࡡೀྑĭၣࠫۿख൯ӎ ࣱᆢ৷֭ࡌେمօ༪ਡәվೀਐࡡೀྑ h ࡌେೠօսႎࠗ൦ࡌେᄥ ୕ ᄍڂ੬࿋ᄥಎ౷هҋ֭खႽಎ ۢ౪אႝսႎ܇େ֭༪ਡսႎࠗĭ Џছ*HUVUµ970?4( 4. ? ༪ ਡĭ*HUVUµ970?4( 4. ? ༪ ਡĭ*HUVUµ970?4( 4. ? ༪ ਡĭ*HUVUµ970?4( 4. ? ༪ ਡĭ*HUVUµ970?4( 07 ? ༪ ਡĭ*HUVUµ970?4( 0? ? ༪ਡĭ *HUVUµ9 70?<: 4? ?༪ਡֱĭࣁ ᇡྦྷ֭اେႲĭۆ༪ਡսႎࠗ၊ࣤ ԣєЩൻࡍgZVOVུࠫྠϿ܌Ⴐ߄֭ ᩭĭ൯ӎٙཡނޛh οஒॠࣁଁ֭൯ӎһ৷ĭ ූӶ৳ਜۆ༪ਡӉ֭ခུهĭᄥ ୕ ᄍڂӶ܇ခهԣ*HUVUೠօ၊ ՙྦྷྑĭ܊৽ؿgޫປ֯༪ਡ၁ၠ ခهĭҊࣺऄ߾ൟhՖՙ֭*HUVU ೠօӉಷҘႰ༽࣑֭ຣಎ༪٧ᆏ࠷ ඔĭДᆫਜӉྦྷେიჸሕ֭၊ᇉĭѱ
APRIL 2011
ຣಎᅯਜ6,4Ӊᄥࢺܚიӹ࿅٢ ֭ำĭԑٻДᆫਜӉ֭ໟތྦྷׯफ़ ॔ྦྷhؿۼऔ൯ӎྻ౸ĭ؛ປֱܼࡡ ೀྦྷ٢ቛਜ၊נׯᆤĭ൘֬Ӊ֭ࡡ ೀྦྷۿౄh ࡌؿେمօӉĭᄥ၄၁၊ᆸ൦ ྚӉĭοஒॠ֭*HUVUمօ ༪ ਡࡡೀྑĭᅃࣤᄥϾ୕ਿ၄ິӫ କࠫĭପవĭۼऔҊॢ߄֭ྻ౸ĭο ஒॠჃࢄᆋ၊Ӊ࣑ྣਜാ࠱ĭिهਜ ۿख൯ӎࣱᆢ৷֭әվೀਐӉĭແᇜ ؒႰ߄܊ਜࡎۿຣ્֭ࢻभ٢ϋh ᇰݢοஒॠູאሸႽན܌ර൦၊ࡍ ࠪսႎࠗރғྑഩࡁgခهg഻Ӊg ൺჇ၊เ֭ྣ၄ळӔĭႢႽ၄ࣀ ቓಎ֭uࡡೀރғྑเ༪vތuރ ғྑಎߵ൴٢ϋvվӉᆜਡĭ ᇉ৷Ⴧແಎ౷ރғྣ၄ቓखൔ৷֭ࡡೀ ߵތ൴Ӕ܊ቓႲ֭ྑࢻभ٢ϋh ്Ⴭ୕ধĭ၊ᆸѭӽuज़࠷Կྕĭڣ༈ ൯ӎv֭ৠĭࣁྣ၄܌ಲ֭࠷ ඔ༽ൔ৷ތҊྋ֭୵৷ሜ౸ĭӶແྣ ၄ۺվᆱଈރғచ၄uज़࠷Կྕ֭ނ ࠌϼĭރғ഻Ӊ֭ނЂ൵vh
Seinna Announces Elimination of Several Senior Positions
܌ර࿎ҋ૯Ԫ اଈۢܽᆷ༈ սႎज़࠷ڂܪႽན܌රಸవ؛ ປ࿎ҋĭ૯ԪჍᇅީӐ༈ڴቁࣤৠ֭ᆷ ༈hᆵĭ܌රᄤՙ؛ປ࿎ҋĭࣤ ״ൡ߾भׯĭ૯Ԫઍൎތൺቁ࡛ ֭ᆷ༈hᆋ൦ࡇ૯ԪჍᇅީӐ༈ڴ ቁࣤৠ֭ᆷ༈م׃ՙ૯Ԫۢܽᆷ༈ ༗hࢱᇀۨهĭսႎज़࠷ڂܪႽ ན܌රѱ໋ࢻ؛Ԫഐඕۢܽᆷ༈ჸႁ࣑ ྣ࣑၊Ҍࢻ൬h ୕ ᄍ ಸĭज़࠷Ⴝན܌ ර࿎ҋᇗ׃ݛ၊ฃႽ࠷ྗފඔ֭gႽሹ ᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭ࠟ݃սႎࠗᄥᇗݛခهӶ ܇ĭि൛ਜਐߌ഻Ӊh൘ᇗݛӶແಎ ౷׃ශ۹ᅯࠟ݃սႎࠗ࠷ྗފඔĭႽ େ৷ခهᇍᄷࠟ݃սႎ֭ࠗࡍݛh ܹჇ Ӷ৳Ⴧ ୕ ᄍĭᇾ္഻Ӊ ႰӶསऽޏĭѱि൛ခࣶࠟ݃սႎࠗ ֭࠷ඔތཕܹል৮֭ٻ།ࡧތ෴hۼऔ هᅢ݇ߋĭᄥ໋ধ ୕ࢄԣ܇ا େࠟ݃սႎࠗgۢූսႎࠗgҙ೬ࠟ݃ սႎֱࠗಎ༪ਡӉĭ ୕୕Ӊᆼࢄպ ֦Ϭၩჵhࣕ୕ধĭ܌රၠӶແಎ౷ Ⴐࠟ݃սႎރғྣ၄֭ੋచ၄h
Wuhan Dragon Partners with Japan Marubeni to Jointly Build China's Largest Color Toner Production Line
ݹЗำੋన൵ಸЯມޫ৻൵սᄷ߇ᇗቓվ֭ҙ೬ଖڀ഻Ӊཔ ྕ܌රގ႗ގమሻၖ൜ᄥݹऐྣ ಸవĭࢆݹӴᇰݿ഻վࣽדປญ၊ބ๗ĭ֯ࠍᡋ ᡐĭѧॢཁࠪhᇗಸގሯ֭Зޫज़࠷ĩݹĪႽན܌රގ႗ ގమሻၖ൜ᄥᆋৢऐྣh ҝࡶమሻၖ൜֭Ⴝݹ൯൯ໆӐໆgڴ൯ӑᄋႯg൯ ໆӐໆࡂڐՅg൯ಮվڴᇾಱᆪႭྕg൯ᆧྀڴᇾ༤ဟ߇ڹ ֱĭݹဥ౽ໆඈࡂৡൊg౽ӑڊg౽ಮվڴᇾಱݹ ᆍg౽ᆧྀᇾ༤ӯུυֱhߖႽ൯g౽ᆸۺໆgϿgऍ ֥hಸЯມޫᇱ൜߾നᆻྣ״ൡgມޫĩᇗݛĪڴቁօўg ມޫĩഐݢĪႽན܌ර״ൡӑൟ၊ྶᆸ ಮօўҝࡎਜ మሻၖ൜h ݹဥ౽ڴ౽ӑৡဏᇾԃਜమሻၖ൜hᇗ٢օўgЗޫ ज़࠷ĩݹĪႽན܌රቁࣤৠৡอჿgಸ٢օўgЗޫज़࠷ ĩݹĪႽན܌රڴቁࣤৠ౪ ޒᅬީٻѡࣂഝਜގ႗ལପ౮ ঋh
ౄມޫᇱ൜߾ന৻൵ᇍᄷҙ೬ଖڀĭћᇅሪᇗݛսႎғਠ՞ Ֆϭຊਜ၏ন࣑९֭ऍhມޫࠪ࿒ᄼގቜ؛ཨ൦Ⴝሪሹ മ֭ࡖᆼ಄ཧތћሡ֭hࢄၣᆋՙގሯແజࠗĭᄥიक ಮގቜᇗӶӑĭౄߌज़࠷Կྕĭᅥྣ၄࠷ඔ֭ᇍۢĭ ۢ൯ӎᅥႽĭᇷҌࢁ৳ሹ࠵֭ஏhႽ֜ތᆧܹ֭ڱ ྗgᆿ֥ތЂሁĭႽມޫᇱ൜߾ന֭ࠪᆮԃĭྕ֭Зޫ܌ රࢄ߾ၣᅡྕ֭ྡཨgౄվ֭ࠋ৷ᅺ൝ൟಮĭൔཋሹ࠵֭ପ ћh ಸ٢օўgມޫ*/,40?ᇱ൜߾നനӑ๊ۗمׯ၁ᄥ߾ ഐᇉՒh ĭᇗಸײܪශ٢օўഐฃమඏގ႗܌ර{ގ႗ގ |g{ᅫӹ|h ݹ൯൯ໆӐໆgڴ൯ӑᄋႯቓቜᇟ္ࢋߍĻۢޛ ྞҝࡎ࣊็ᇗಸގሯ֭{Зޫज़࠷ĩݹĪႽན܌ර|֭మ ሻၖ൜h൶༽ĭօўݹ൯ໆg൯ᆧ؛ڱধሹᄁ٢֭ಸЯ Ⴞў൝ಫਣߓႚĭ{؛Зޫज़࠷ĩݹĪႽན܌ර|֭మ ሻၖ൜ў൝ಫਣለޗh ಸЯມޫᇱ൜߾ന൦ಸЯ֭վྠቀގനᆵ၊ĭखႽ ୕֭৭ൖĭ൦ൟࣀ ౄచ၄ĭႽњҋಎ౷֭ٻᆮࠗތܚ ၄ັખĭႢႽౄվ֭ሯࣉൔ৷g֭ھچಮҔgࣤယम࠷ތ ඔhݹЗำੋ܌රގሯࢁ৳ྕ܌රĭ၊߾ׯ՞ᇗ࿘ ֦࿀ا၄ᄖቜ٢൜࣑֭ܽ༽ތৠ٢ٍhჯለᇗಸඨ٢ގ ሯӶ܇ĭѱ಄ེ֬࠾֭ࣤނၵh
ᇗ٢ሯօўgݹЗำੋ༗ज़࠷Ⴝན܌ර״ൡӑg Зޫज़࠷ĩݹĪႽན܌ර״ൡӑອਧυهўਜಫ౮ဤၶ֭ ࢋߍhĻՅ็֦ধಸሸৢĭႚধਜᇗಸގሯ֭{З ޫज़࠷ĩݹĪႽན܌ර|֭మሻၖ൜h൶༽ĭօўݹ Зำੋ܌රގތሯ֭ۺ٢ĭཧႽ֦߾֥֭ތধѧў൝ಫ ਣߓႚĭߓႚধሹᄁ٢֭ಸЯႾĭཧႽގۻሯ܅ቜվ৷ ᆮԃ֭࠱ۺ֥ў൝ྎۓĭ୕ا؛ধᆮԃ֭ࣉಽࣀྕތ ໜࣀ֭Ⴞў൝ྎۓĢ ಸЯມޫᇱ൜߾ന൦ൟࣀ ౄచ၄ĭቜແಸЯ֭վྠቀ ގനĭᄥ ୕֭هᅢݞӹᇗĭჇۺჟࠚ࣑ࠦಎ౷ࣤ࠾ هᅢĭఋ၄ࠣႽପܓ؊hიມޫࠪᆵႽሪӑպ്୕ ֭Ⴞގނቜܹ༪ĭݞඨ٢ӑఁ֭າĭӶແཕ߂ྀሁ֭ނ ႾhѱᄥՖݞӹᇗĭ՞മഐ࿘֦ਜ࣑֭ܽ༽اޛ ৠ٢ٍĭۢਜ֭ܽৠණh Зำੋ܌රቜແྣ၄ћሡ֭గҬ֎໒ᆵ၊ĭႢႽ၊Ⴝ ؇৳ሹᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭࠷ඔތӉĭᆋ൦ۆལގሯቓᇟ္֭ފ ྗࠖԬĭގሯལପၣᇗ٢ᆱൕӉಋܪሯĭْिਜଖڀᇍ
ᄥގሯ֭ݞӹᇗĭ౽ໆg౽ᆧڱၣࠫۺႽܹҎĭቛ ਜվਐ֭ڣ༈gྀ܅נቜĭօў൯ໆg൯ᆧྎۓڱh ༘࣊ິࡇ࿋ܹྗྕӶ৳֭uЗޫज़࠷ĩݹĪႽན܌ රvĭࢄuڛഐજĭ්၊ӹvĭЂࢻभ܅ቜᇗ଼֭ ĭ൘ྕ܌රେූӶӑĭቛվቛౄh మሻၖ൜ᄥბᄎ֭ߓഺཹნᇗࢺh
ᄷྣ၄ᇗປގሯᅡྕ֭၊၂hቜແЗำੋ܌රĭେიൟࣀ www.rechargeasia.com
APRIL 2011 117
ײĻሯჿߔ৮Ⴐ ၊็ԿӉᆼ၊ၩ
ߺ ׃၊࠹؏ ࣲ৮ೖйᅁӑ
Shandong: Recycling of Resources Has Output Value of ¥100 Million Yuan Per Day
HP First Quarter Net Profit Rose 16% in 2011
uࡰਐߌପћೊఁൔཋ ᄤ৮Ⴐණࢨվۢ ሯჿߌ܅ቜ Ӷེཉᇿ ߌݥҌيཉࡎঁhvಸవĭײീߔࣤ࠾ი ౪ࢹ഻Ӊ܅ቜ᳥ཋӎࣤယੈ߾ᄥၙණᆂि ീᆧࢳڱେϿᇾ ಱᆪཱི݃Ⴐၣഐශछߍۈছײീߔࣤ࠾ތ౪ࢹ഻Ӊ܅ቜ ಄֭֬Ӷེh ୕ ײീຫჵ.+7େރჯࡁպ֦ ؝ћሡે й ୕༷ࢎ ļ܅၄ܭเٴ༆ቀގ৮Ⴐպ֦ й ୕ۢ ۹Ϭٻļᇾ္ᄤ഻ሯჿߵ൴৮Ⴐպ֦ й ୕ۢ ۹Ϭٻh ୕ ಎീሯჿቀގ ৮Ⴐచ၄ܓ৮Ⴐ܅၄ܭเٴ༆ ຫ ؝৮Ⴐٴట ၩ ৳٢ ৮Ⴐٴණ ຫ ؝ಎീሯჿቀގ৮ႰӉ၄ൔཋӉ Ӊᆼ ၩჵ रૌ็ ၩჵh ײീ֭ᄤᇍᄷగҌᄲ ֭ࣤ୕࠳ࣕݞனცĭၠӶແ܅ቜ ᇗ֭hڷౄ৷gໂӀ৷ᄤᇍᄷࠗهେ৷रպ֦ ຫฃg્ھज़࠷ᄤᇍᄷӶསऽޏେ৷պ֦ ຫᆮh ୕ ײീْྕઅ ຫ๐ йᅁӑ ļᄤᇍᄷఢӢه ࠗ ຫฃ ᅁӑ ļᄤᇍᄷࠟ݃Ӷསऽ ޏຫᆮ ᅁӑ ļᄤᇍᄷঈࠗྈ ฃ า ᅁӑ hಎീൺ ൴ ຫჵၣഐ֭ᄤᇍᄷచ၄ ࡍ ൔཋൺ൴ ၩ ჵ йᅁӑ ļൔཋ৮ත ၩჵ ᅁӑ ļൔཋ৮ ೖ ၩჵ ᅁӑ h ୕ ಎീ܌ҋਜم ࡍሹᄃൔൈ౪ࢹ഻Ӊഴ֎ފ ໒ଈ֎ ܓႽ ࡍݞਜ౪ࢹ഻Ӊഴފယ൴ ఋᇗ ሹᄃഴފ ࡍgౄᇍഴࡍ ފh ࡍ֎໒ൔൈ ֶٶ٢ϋ ۹ ൔൈ ļൔൈᇗ ۢٶ٢ϋ ۹ ൔൈ hൔࡅ ຣӶሯ ၩჵ ୕ൔཋࣤ࠾ེၵ ၩჵ *6+ཬࡰ ؝:6 ཬࡰ ຫࢳ ؝ћે ຫ؝h ࣕಸ ײീಮվgീᆧڱႎهਜ ୕৳ٍ܅ቜࡁߋ {ײീߔࣤ࠾դ࣑๐ৰ|ਡ৳ٍལପ ീৢᆦᄥࠚࠦᆢ ಄ഩ৳ߔࣤ࠾هᅢልལሯࣉ ခࣶࢁ৳դ࣑ߔࣤ࠾هᅢ֭ ಽሯᆧҮh
ಸవĭߺهҋਜ ҕ୕׃၊࠹؏ҕЙhЙ۩ཉ൝ĭ ߺ׃၊࠹؏႗൴ ၩ્ჵĭйಈ୕ఁ֭ ၩ્ჵᅁӑ ļࣲ৮ೖ ၩ્ჵĭйಈ୕ఁ֭ ၩ્ჵᅁӑ hߺ׃၊࠹؏႗൴Ҋࠫ߇ٻࢯق།ჯఁĭم׃؛ ࠹؏֭၄ࠣჯఁ၁Ҋࠫٻ།ჯఁĭդ൘ఋகࡖܪվ༷ڞ סၣഐh ᄥࢱᇈ ᄍ ಸ֭ᆋ၊ҕ࠹ĭߺࣲ֭৮ೖແ ၩ્ ჵĭಈ୕ఁແ ၩ્ჵļߺ׃၊࠹؏ૌܪ൴ၵ ્ ჵĭйಈ୕ఁ֭ૌܪ൴ၵ ્ٻᅁӑ hҊࡁ၊ՙྦྷ ལପĭߺ׃၊࠹؏ૌܪ൴ၵ ્ჵĭйಈ୕ఁ֭ ્ჵᅁӑ ĭᆋ၊၄ࠣәԣٻ།Ֆవჯఁhป೮੦נ Ҹཉ൝ĭٻ།ჯࡁߺ׃၊࠹؏ૌܪ൴ၵ ્ჵh ߺ׃၊࠹؏ࣲ႗൴ແ ၩ્ჵĭйಈ୕ఁ֭ ၩ ્ჵᅁӑ ļҊࡁࠀѕ֭ႝཡĭߺ׃၊࠹؏ࣲ႗ ൴йᅁӑ ĭᆋ၊၄ࠣҊࠫٻ།ჯఁhป೮੦נҸཉ ൝ĭٻ།ჯࡁߺ׃၊࠹؏ࣲ႗൴ ၩ્ჵhߺ׃၊ ࠹؏ᄖ႗৮ೖແ ၩ્ჵĭಈ୕ఁແ ၩ્ჵh χᅾׁჟߋٻĭߺ׃၊࠹؏ধሹ્ᇥ֭႗൴ແ ၩ્ ჵĭйᅁӑ ļধሹᇥgᇗތײ٬ᇥ֭႗൴ແ ၩ્ ჵĭიಈ୕ఁԃļধሹฆ၄༈֭႗൴ແ ၩ્ჵĭ йᅁӑ hҊࡁࠀѕ֭ႝཡĭߺ׃၊࠹؏ধሹ્ᇥ ֭႗൴йᅁӑ ĭধሹᇥgᇗތײ٬ᇥ֭႗൴йᅁӑ ĭধሹฆ၄༈֭႗൴йᅁӑ hߺ׃၊࠹؏ধሹ Ⴧ્ݛၣປ൯ӎ֭႗൴ᄥቁ႗൴ᇗᅥйৰແ ļߺ׃ ၊࠹؏ধሹჇ)90* ࡍݛϠ༎gشઍබgႎ؏ތᇗ֭ ݛ႗൴ йᅁӑ ĭᄥቁ႗൴ᇗᅥйৰແ h χᅾ၄༈Ҏߋٻĭߺ۹ಮ༪ࠪ׃၊࠹؏႗൴ ၩ્ჵĭй༷߉ ĭᄖ႗৮ೖແ ļߺӶས ތսႎࠪ׃၊࠹؏႗൴ ၩ્ჵĭйᅁӑ ĭᄖ႗৮ ೖແ ļߺచ၄ڣ༈ఞgձԭັખҎ׃၊࠹؏႗൴ ၩ્ჵĭйᅁӑ ĭᄖ႗৮ೖແ ļߺڣ ༈Ҏ׃၊࠹؏႗൴ ၩ્ჵĭй༷߉ ĭᄖ႗৮ೖ ແ ļߺࡹҎ׃၊࠹؏႗൴ ၩ્ჵĭйᅁӑ ĭᄖ႗৮ೖແ ļߺࣉಽڣ༈Ҏ׃၊࠹؏႗൴ ၩ્ჵĭйᅁӑ ĭᄖ႗৮ೖແ h
܇اେ၊เࠗᄥ ୕ ࢄ֦֬ӑቈهᅢ Growth of Multifunction Printers Expected to Take Quantum Leap in 2011 ႶჇரଖ၊เࠗތரଖսႎࠗᄥҊ֭ؖෲུࡖҽĭ0+* ў൝ĭᄥ໋ধĭࡍ֭اۿႰ߄ࢄ߾॑੶܇اେ၊เࠗӉ hՖປĭઊ൦֎܇େߖ൦܇اେ֭ࠟ݃սႎࠗӉĭ ᄥྕ֭၊୕ᇗࡇ߾࿋ໟҌهᅢh u֎܇େ֭ரଖսႎࠗ၊ᆸၣধᅥਜսႎӉԣࠒ ਐࣕ၊Ͼ֭صڂĭႵఋ൦ᄥ ୕ᆋဪ֭ࣤ࠾ᅁූ٪ߗ֭ վߔ༷࣪ĭվاගႰ߄࿒ᄼࢳᄇिᆮĭ࿒ᄼਜࢨແєၚ֭ 118
APRIL 2011
Ӊhᅢິ໋ধĭ֎܇େரଖսႎ֭ࠗྻ౸ࢄ߾ࡰĭٶ ᆈࢄ߾࿒ᄼ܇େۿແ܇ا֭ھچେӉĭઊ൦׃၊ՙ ܛડ֭Ⴐ߄ߖ൦ၠࣤ൘ႰݞཕܹӉ֭Ҙܛᆈh0+*ٻ། :\THUNHў൝h uՖປĭӉ֭ߘྕۿօ၁൦ਾ၊۹ႁĭрࣰӉ ೊૈݜႽԣཋᇑਐĭႰ߄Ҋ߾ႁແԣਜྕऄ࣑ྣۿ ߘhၣᆋོᄥ ୕ၠࣤܛડਜ֎܇େսႎ֭ࠗႰ߄վاග Ҋ߾ࢄሹ࠵֭Ӊാ࠱ແ܇اେ၊เࠗh :\THUNHᆿԣh
୕ᇗݛႎඟ܅၄ቁӉᆼ ൔཋ ၩჵ
ྕТဤಎ٢໒֭ރғࢳീ࠷ඔ ۻࡍփধྕเယ
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ᄥࡍݛuДᅁӑgজྻgܚࢺנgᇟ૾഻v֭ᆧҮᆿႌ༷ĭ ᇗݛћమႎඟྣ၄಄֬ਜූهᅢhᇗݛႎඟࠫഩЩఞғ܅ ၄ྀ߾ћమႎඟ߾ٻଈძৠൡӑฒशᗉ Ļ u ୕ݛ ћమ܅၄ቁӉᆼൔཋ ၩჵĭࢨഐ୕ᅁӑ ቘႿ ļћమ Ӊਐպ֦ ၩ٢ĭࢨഐ୕ᅁӑ ቘႿhᆋཉ൝ԣћ మႎඟ൦ႎඟӉ၄ᇗᅁӑቓঁ֭၊۹ྣ၄hv ୕ћమႎඟ࠷ඔތഩЩᄥሹᇾԿྕ٢Ⴝ ۹௭h ၊gரଖගሻ࠷ඔႽ௭ ၣТվ٢ᆦແօў֭చ၄ĭᄥӶ܇ခهரଖගሻႎඟࠗ ֭ࠖԬഐჃခهԣཧћమࠫЏሕႎඟ֭༪ਡӉhฒशᗉ ĭཋᄥҊ݃Тվ٢ᆦେ഻Ӊரଖගሻႎඟࠗĭ၊ݛఋ చ၄၁େ഻Ӊரଖගሻႎඟࠗĭೊൄ֫υgคgྒྷࢁg ੬պֱĭᆋོచ၄ແאݛሸћమgאሸ࡛ܽચ֭هᅢ గ֦ޛվ֭ቜႰh مgאሸћమ 9-0+ ֭႓Ⴐ݄ٛࡎۿٟ ೊ 9-0+ ᄥಈ୕֭ഐݢൟѸ߾ഐվஒႰӎhପవĭאሸћ మၠӶ܇႓ႰᄥТ࣠ϕᄖ߾gഐݢൟѸ߾gشઍබ ׁ๕Ӣg܌Ӣgྣৡћమֱh ೠgႽሹᇾခ֭هӉ ू߇݃ႎඟज़࠷Ⴝན܌රሹᇾခهਜ ހೄྦྷඖ ᆳϹĭѱ٪൯ӎ " ఋခހ ֭هೄྦྷϹ၁࣑ᇗ൳ࢰ ؕĭӉࢄ٪൯ӎhᆋ۹ལପ֭ခهӶ߾ࢄ܇փ ݛೄϹႎඟӉ၄ཧගሻߌാ࠱hฒशᗉ Ļ uೄྦྷϹ൦ႎћమ ഩЩႰ֭ĭݞಈᆋᇝϹғഩЩ൦ૈႽ֭ĭຣಎ၏࣑॔९ĭ Ьݛປᆱଈஏ܌රೊ،ЁgϠබֱڗੑؖhཋᄥᆋഩ Щݛେۦԣধĭ൦Ҋ֬ਜ֭hv ශgӶЯվࢳڞᄇ ഩЩᇍᄷၩָႎඟࠗྈ ഐ ݢႽན܌රिهਜ၊ᇝྕ ࠷ඔĭႰ܌ۆර֭ഩЩႎඟћమफ़ၣҊႰҊیĭେࢳീғ ਠ e hฒशᗉĭခ֭هᆋᇝഩЩގڠཋᄥݛ ࡍӘ֥֭ࢳେࡰஎ္౸ĭߖେࡰചғਠ֭൘Ⴐਐh ୕൦u്مvिऍᆵ୕ĭћమྣ၄၁ࢄႚধྕ֭ هᅢ४hฒशᗉำѡ֦୕࣊ࡍݛԣฃ֭ཕܹᆧҮႵఋ൦ ࢎֶ࣑९ႎܹࠗතĭۻћమྣ၄փধਜࠗނუh Ļ uཋ ᄥແਜගሻႎඟ֭هᅢĭ࣑ݛ९֭ගሻႎඟܹࠗතත ՞ ࢎ֦ ĭೄϹႎඟܹ֭ࠗතත՞ ࢎ֦ ĭ ఋପ֭ऄ൦ແਜᆋ٢࠷ඔ֭هᅢhำѡ൦ரଖගሻႎ ඟ֭ࠗரଖĭఋ࣑९ܹතත՞ ࢎ֦ ĭᆋᄥྣ ၄هᅢഐࠎ֬ਜᆧڱᆮԃhv
ྕТဤಎ٢໒֭ރғࢳീ࠷ඔۢތफ़֭॔սႎ࠷ඔĭۻ ᇡاࡍ߄ॢތփধਜֶӶЯgәє৮gۢफ़॔ྦྷ֭ಎ٢ ໒අ൩เယhྕТဤ֭ീᇄսႎ७ᇍ٢ٍᄽफ़ၣࢄࢬ൴֦֭ սႎගऔχᅾ؛႓֭սႎ۴൜༗࣑ྣԱৠĭվվ֭ࡰചਜ Ⴐᇄਐĭແచ၄ࢳീਜӶЯ֭ĭ၁༭ྗׁ߁ކਜন ၣ഻ձ֭ሹಞߔ࣪h ֚వuሹሁႲߺಒvၠӶແᇡࡍᩭ֭Ӊ႗൵ؕh ಞؿĭႰ߄ᄥ൘ႰႲߺಒሹሁսႎഩЩĭफ़େᇂྻ္Ҏٻ սႎ༗ĭࠏᆈᇂମቄ၊ᅮࠏ࠳ᅮսႎᇄĭՖሹሁᇜؒഩ Щಷಞࡇ࿋սႎĭᆋऄࠦվׁᄷӶਜᇄᅮ֭াٶĭ၁ೀၦᄷ Ӷॢ߄۹ಮ༗֭ྌhྕТဤ൜սႎ֭ࠗീᇄ७ᇍ࠷ ඔĭ൘ሹሁսႎഩЩᇂႽᄥ֚వᇄᅮЬ಄ቄҔେսႎ༷၊ ᅮĭՖལል৮࠷ඔઊ൦ۻࡍߖ൦߄ॢۻĭփধਜቓ๔ ྗ֭ڣ༈เယh ਾປĭྕТဤ൜սႎࠗߖफ़ۼऔҋऍĭࢄ٬ ܹࡷሻ࿒ᄼގ൩ུ֭ሻเսႎĭՖᇝսႎ٢൜ᄥࢳീ ރғ֭ĭ൘ۿႽҲՙۓhĭཕ؛൯Ӑࡶ֭ TT Ⴝེսႎং؏ĭྕТဤߖ܊ਜڞսႎ٢൜ĭཕ फ़ၣսႎاۿሻڠĭྕТဤߖႽา֭uຄᇄvս ႎֱۺᇝീᇄ܇େĭफ़ࢳീރғӶЯᄇ h
ࡌେ ࡍ܅ӔႁׁᆙӉ ܅ڷ໋ׯ Canon Halts Operations at 8 Plants After the 9.0 Earthquake औಸЯൡനЙ֩ĭࡌେ܌ර႓א࣠ײ৷܌ර္౸ĭ ᇀਜЏছმ܍ᄥ֭ ࡍ܅Ӕ၄༈hᆋོ܅Ӕٻҋᄥᡞ gՏӴgֱׁ֣ڦ౽hପవĭࡌେಸЯܺັၠְࣤԣ۩܌ĭ ᆋ ࡍ܅Ӕ֭܅ڷಷ໋ಚׯh ᄥᆋ۩܌ڂᇗĭࡌେў൝ܹײၣТ֭ೠࡍൡ༈ᄥᆋՙ ׁᆙᇗൻ֦ਜཉႝཡĭმ܅܍Ӕg܅֣ڦӔൻ෭ကᇟh ೊݜ܅ሙঋ߾ԃ࿋၊۹ᄍၣഐĭ܌රࢄ߾Ҙ಄ЩႰ܅Ӕၣ ࡇ࿋഻ӉhऔჯұĭՖՙࢄ܅ႝཡࡌେЏছගચႝསĭս ႎӉĭၣࠫރғӉֱاལ၄༈഻֭Ӊࠫԣ९h ࣘܽᄥЯՙׁᆙᇗᄭൻਜကᇟ෭െĭࡌେ܌ර၏ಞᄥ ᄍ ಸቜԣभׯĭटঃ ၩಸჵЂሁᄡࣿތᇟࢁ܅ቜh
APRIL 2011 119
ϕ༎0UMV7YPU[ ൶ՙઓ߄ ϗվ৮ Ӊେվڞᅁౄ
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ᆋ൦ુŀᆋҊ൦ඈĭ၁Ҋ൦ቛӶඈࠩᄷྠ֭אሸඈᄏ ؈ఞᆵ֭ຟၱĭᆋ൦၊ฃєྂ൜սႎࠗh
ᆋঃඈЯսႎࠗ൦ഩࡁ 4VVUO^HU 7HYR ֭ࢵቜĭࢄ սႎࠗഩࡁӶਜ၊Я࣍ՠ֭ඈh֚սिඈ၂ᅢ൝ᄥవ ֭ऄ൦၊ฃཔսႎࠗĭफ़ၣݞ൘֭ތєྂഩ Щཕ৽ĭၣєսႎԣۺᇝྻ֭ሯਠĭҨቜ٢ٍ٬Ӑ֭єh սႎ֭ࠗԌղ၁ུޛĭᆄקແඈࠩվུĩ ? ? ހĪ֭սႎࠗफ़ၣದ൘Ⴐᆈ౦ෆྂփĭᇊ֭ౄ৷ אԅ၁େᆮԃ၊ׯӑ֭૯ປࢬאჿ܅ቜhսႎུ֭ࠗࠗ മĭԪਜЩႽӐࡶ֭սႎࢬ९ĭߖᆮԃ <:) ගऔඃĭѱ ഩࡁਜུ֭၉ࣞཉ൝௨ތၦҨቜχ୮hۿЇ֭൦ĭႁແ սႎࠗႽཔගऔࢬ൴Ҏࡹĭߖେݞගऔਅࢬĭࢄ൵ ֱࠗഩЩഐ֭ࡹሯਠ٢єׁսႎԣধh
ᆋဪ၊ঃսႎࠗҊ֔ປྡัĭؿૈႽۺᇝගऔཔ֭ ۂĭफ़ၣࢄϭ٪ᄥಱׁލ٢ĭቛ֦ਜᆏᆦ֭єྂhҊ ܽ൦ᄥࡍৢߖ൦ᄥϿ܌൱ĭᆋ൦၊ࡹࡃႽԿၱჃൔႰ֭ނ ܅खh 120
APRIL 2011
ࡇ:HSTH[܌රႌ࣑ϗվ৮൶ฃϕ༎1L[Z[YLHTႎඟࠗ Ҋࣺ೬ႎඟĭ*VTW\[LYZOHYL܌රჃႌݛ൶ฃ0UMV7YPU[ ႎඟࠗĭᇈՖĭϗվ৮վೀਐҙ೬ගሻႎඟ഻Ӊਐ֬ ֦վ؏ڞۢh ৽࿋ྠۻ܊0UMV7YPU[ ۢූႎඟࠗ൦*VTW\[LYZOHYL ܌රܛડ֭ฃႎඟࠗᆵ၊ĭم׃ฃၠᄥଖقЯٻӔ൘ Ⴐh 0UMV7YPU[ ቓۢႎඟූ؏फ़պ ٻᇚĭૌٻᇚफ़ ຣӶ ၂ಎҙ೬֎ႎඟh ପవĭ:HSTH[ܛડ֭ϕ༎1L[Z[YLHT ႎඟࠗၠ֦ࣤ պఋଖقЯ܅Ӕ܊ණ ೖϹĭਾ၊ฃၠ֦պ༙ୌٻӔh 1L[Z[YLHT ႎඟ( ڞĭఋූ؏फ़պ ၂ ٻ ᇚĭჯࡁૌᄍफ़഻Ӊ ᇈ ၩᅮ( ႎh
ൻׁᆙႝཡ ಸЯ620Ͼ֥เ഻ӉӔӉ Affected by 9.0 Earthquake in Japan, OKI Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant is Shut Down Т࣠ ᄍ ಸ ! ĭಸЯЯᇤ֣ݢࣕۀჟه഻ౄ ਣׁᆙĭѱႌླྀݢهĭఋᇗ໒ჇಸЯײТҎׁ౽֭Ͼ֥เ ܅Ӕൻ֦कվႝཡĭఋᇗ620ĩಸЯԒאట܌රĪൻ֦ႝཡ ቓվĭႶჇगगׁᆙᇗྗगࢨࣕĭԒאట܌ර܍ӴϾ֥ ࡹӔ֭জೣਫ਼Ѳ৸ܽه഻ਜ௭ਢĭൻׁ֦ᆙႝཡପవၠࣤ Ӊh ۆӔ൦Ԓאట֭Ͼ֥เవ܅࿅഻ӉӔĭၣজೣg݃ॡֱ ܅࿅ແᇾhᄥϾ֥เ഻Ӊཔᇗĭࢨແ૩֭൦݃ॡࠗh֚ه ഻ׁᆙĭ߾௭ߒఋ܅ቜ؏hૌ֚Ֆĭ၊϶ྻ္ഩЩӔ ধ܅ӹᇟྕנᆤhቜແ၊ࡍಎ౷഻ӉތൺսႎࠗgԶ ᆏࠗიԶᆏࠗgރғიϿ܌ࡹgϾ֥เიאሸჵఞࡹֱӉ ࢻތभ٢ϋ֭చ၄ĭႶჇۺᇝഩЩर؛Ͼ֥เႽሪྻ౸ĭ ၣЯՙׁᆙफ़େ؛ఓ༷ا๐Ӊཔ഻֭ӉᄷӶႝཡh Ͼ֥เ֭܅ၤၣ ູཔংແᇾh ࣏֭ແ၊ۼ ه֭ ٻᆵ၊hႁؿᇂ္ه഻ႽׁۓᆙĭӐྻᇟྕ ࡧұ݃ॡࠗhႁჍᆙҊؖĭԒאట֭Ͼ֥เ഻ӉӔၠӉĭ ഩЩ෭ߒ౮ঋᆦࡧؕࢰٻҸތࡁᆵᇗh
ރࡍاғచ၄಼ࠎ ᇰݢ൯ज़࿘࠷ඔ࣑Ҍࢊ
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ಸవĭۼऔ{ᇰݢ൯ज़࿘࠷ඔࢊ৫Ͽٍ|ࠫ{ᇰݢ൯ज़ ࿘࠷ඔࢊ৫Ͽٍൔൈ༭ᄽ|֭݇ׯĭᇰݢ൯ज़࿘࠷ඔތል৮ ࢊ৫ໆჼ߾؛ປ܌ҋਜ ୕ᇰݢ൯ज़࿘࠷ඔ࣑Ҍࢊࠎࢊଈ ֎ĭЏছᇰݢοஒॠູאሸႽན܌රལପଈӳແ{<UPZTHY[ ੫ሕᇊࠫྑ|ᄥ֭ރࡍاғచ၄ഫЙལପٻѡᅓ಄ ၊gمgೠֱࢊh ဪ಼ࠎࢊۆལ֭ඹպཕܹڽᄻಮў൝ĭ಼ࠎuᇰݢ ൯ज़࿘࠷ඔ࣑Ҍࢊv൦؛ඹպ൦၊ᇝ।ׯĭ၁൦၊ᇝ ࠟ৫ތяҮhࣁሪҊྋ֭Կྕခهሜ౸ĭඹպࢄᄥԿྕ
ႶᇗݛսႎރғັऐϿ֭ ׃ශࣅuႰ߄ቓ༧ρ֭ս ႎރғ്վஏv௧࿒ĭᄥࣤࠟݞਣ֭ࢠᇷĭ็ື܌ රӄ৻്վஏᆵ൶h
֭֩੦ഐᄤࢬᄤ৪ĭಎिᅢӉ࠷ඔԿྕg႓ႰԿྕgގ ቜԿྕܽތৠԿྕĭಂރғӉ၄࣑Ҍĭሁ৷ᇗރݛғ֭ᅁ ེࠫঁූهᅢh
็ື൛ᇜҘႰჸሕރғӔҘႰ֭ᇑਐћሡĭ3.(g :.(g:;4*ұ൳Й۩ĭཉ൝็ືރғᇑიჸሕཕ֚h็ ືۿ൦ݛ൶ࡍݞ0:6 ᇑਐܽৠเ༪ಲᆫgಎ౷ྣ၄ ൶ࡍݞ8* Ӊυಎเ༪ಲᆫచ၄ĭ՞ჸғਠg ࡹ഻֦Ӊੈӹg܊႓ਅֱۺ۹ߔࢳĭ൛ᇜऊ༽֭ߌࡅݛเ ༪ܽৠĭᄥແ็ືރғ֭ۢᇑ߁ݼhᄥౄվ֭࠷ඔأ ᆮԃ༷ĭ็ືӉႛ֬ਜ݄վٶᆈ֭ᩭh
ປሯሡᇗֶؒݛսႎ൯ӎ Foreign Investments are Aimed at China's Low-End Printing Market ऄᄥۺվսႎ഻ࠗӉచ၄ټټሡᇗݛuҙ೬սႎv൯ ӎᆵࡅĭໟቝҙս൯ӎ׃၊Ϥၝ֭ھ൞ൈվᇗ߇౽ቁҒ ࡡ*,6྿ᆦۘಸవࢬൻል٨ᄤೠౄנĻuཋᄥ္ࠚۿ ֶׁ࣑ࠦؒ൯ӎhvࡂᆈਜࢻ֦ĭҊ࣏၊ཧၣᇗۢؒׯ໒ ֭ھ൞ൈि൛ه৷ֶؒ൯ӎĭߺgࡌେֱվஏ၁ၠ ԣϬჵ࠱սႎ࣑ࠗळֶؒ൯ӎh ၣھ൞ൈແৰĭ࣑ळᇗݛ൯ӎ֭༽ޱᅥ֭൦ ۢؒ൯ӎĭಞཧᇗؒ൯ӎഹhuᄥ഻֭ۢؒӉྠսႎࠗ ഐĭೊݜ՞ൺฃගഐॉĭھ൞ൈ֭ႲѱҊཉĭ֔՞ ൺصধॉĭᅥਜय؛༽ׁ֭໒hv྿ᆦۘў൝Ļuᆋ൦ ႶჇھ൞ൈၣవ֭اۿऒჇᇗؒؒۢތ൯ӎĭ֔൦࣊ ၁္ሜ౸݇ĭ߾ࠦࠚۿຑᅢֶؒ൯ӎhvᄥuࠦࠚۿ ֶ࣑ؒ൯ӎv֭Үઃ༷ĭھ൞ൈၠ༷ׯପћĻ࣊୕ਐ й ୕ᅁӑ ĭ ୕္պ֦ᄥ ୕ਐ֭ࠖԬഐْ ЧĢ ගऔཉ൝ĭ ୕ĭചගҙ೬ࠟ݃Ӊၣ ჵቘႿ ֶ֭ࡖೲ൯ӎĭ֔ࠫ৷؏ѱҊվļ֦ਜ ୕ĭۺվ ஏఒఒ࣑ྣվנ؏ڞᆤĭᇉ൘ ჵቘႿӉගਐࠟᅁĭ ۿႽӔ൳ࢄӉࡖ۴ᄤԿྕֶĭೊߺĭఋօўӉ *7 U൯ӎࡖ۴࣏ ჵĭࡌେgೠྚg৻འֱӔᄥ ჵࡖ໒၁Ⴝཕ႓Ӊԣhu ୕ĭࢎࡖದ৮ ֭ࠞཨऄۿཉਜhvۆಮ൞ดစĻuᆋဪ၊ধĭၠࣤཉ ႝཡུ֦ஏgݛӉஏ֭ၦሙงhv औ༙ĭପవվҎٻӔֶ֭ؒ൯ӎҮઃᇾ္ᄥޙϪսႎ ᇗ༻िĭ୕ ࣕؿĭҙ೬սႎࠗ੬࿋ه৷ᇗֶؒ൯ӎĭࢄიޙ Ϫսႎࠗ܇اތେ၊เࠗ၊֩ᆢبᇗֶؒսႎ൯ӎh
Ӊ༆્ࡖ ۢᇑgֶࡖ໒֭็ືஏᄥ൯ӎഐᅥႽޛվ֭صڂh ᆋಎჿჇ็ືӉ൦഻Ӊ࠷ඔ࣑֭۽ĭ็ືࢁਜஜվ֭ज़ ခࠗܚĭࠚৎਜ֭ھچज़ခӶ࠷ތݜඔል৮ĭପవ็ືݛ ປ֭ል৮ሇҰә ݞལhهል৮ቁਐऊݛྣ൶ਡh
ሇᇟஏႝཡ৷ ᄤ഻ރғ၄္འ՞ჸሕӔ֭ࢤᇗĭሹᇾgԿྕ ൦၄ಮ൞ܓ֭ಲൕĭᆋҊ࣏࣏൦၊छ९ބĭၠࣤಽ ֦็ືಮ֭၉ᆵᇗĭԃ࿋ऐϿਜශࣅ֭u็ືОvսႎރ ғԿྕഩࡁიል৮վĭҊ࣏ᅢ൝ਜᇗݛႰރғྣ၄࠷ඔ ԿྕތᆱൕӉಋ֭Ӷࠣĭؿ؛Ⴐރғྣ၄ۢሹᇾᆱൕ Ӊಋၱൕgࡎঁ࠷ඔԿྕҌيగ֦ਜࠚ֭ࠦቜႰh ሪݛսႎࠗДႽਐ֭ԃ࿋ᅁاĭݛރғ൯ӎ݇ कվĭӶແݛࣤ࠾຺֭ࠗᇟ္Ӊ၄ᆵ၊hቜແಎ౷ ቓվ֭Ⴐރғᇍᄷ֭็ືĭႢႽࣕ ୕اսႎރғᇍ ᄷࣤယgӉәݞຫჍg൯ӎ݇ۊڵಎ౷ĭၘ൦ᆋ ӎᅦᇗ֭ѩĭແᇰݢଶᇈᇗݛׁփধफ़ܼ֭ࣤ࠾ ེၵĭဍ഻ਜاޛཕܹऄ၄ࠗ߾ĭਜཕܹӉ၄֭ه ᅢh Ⴏന߾ᄻಱ ็ື൛ᇜԃԿྕg೬gߔД֭هᅢৠĭ็ືำѡ ࢁ৳ਜގڠచ၄ൔࡅތ0:6 ћሡ္౸֭ߔ࣪ܽৠเ༪ ѱࡎၣԃ࿋࣑ۇh็ືದߔДৠ݂ԴჇӉ഻Ӊ֭ૌ۹ߔ ࢳhჯ٥ಡĭခهg഻Ӊ೬ߔДӉĭၣ೬Ӊႌ֥ ൯ӎٶĭӘ֥೬Ͽ܌h ็ືᄥهᅢĭ֔็ື՞໋ີࡂࡢഐФ֭ڽന߾ᄻಱĭ็ ືᄥྣĭ็ືݞಈ്୕იᇗݛച୕هᅢࠖࣉ߾ၣࠫམ۞ ྣގቜĭᄥᇗ֭ݛচׁ౽ྞࢁѱ൘Ⴐ ༘ິ ུ࿘ļѱྣ്୕uߔДߵ൴ྣvĭߔДԱৠә֭؝ ݞ ރғޏٴh
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