Recharge Asia Magazine December 2013

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CONTENTS/ 目录 11 67




Message from the Publisher 卷首语




Looking back to look forward 回顾过去,展望未来


鼓粉一体式耗材为打印质量护航 Drum-Toner Integrated Consumables Ensure High Printing Quality

By Steve Weedon


18 72 20

India: A Rising Star in the Print Market 印度:您不容错过的未来商机——2014 年 RechargeEXPO 印 度国际办公耗材展介绍 RechargExpo Southeast Asia Indonesia 2013 一同成长,相会在东南亚——印尼展展后报道


2014 年泰国国际办公耗材展——同期举办 2014 年泰国 3D 打 印展 RechargExpo Thailand 2014


想别人所想 , 做别人所难——奥贝卡乐的市场观之二 Market Views of Zhuhai ABColor Digital, Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (Part II)



Marketing To The Fragmented Ethnicities Of The Asia Pacific By Curt Keller Region 亚太地区不同国家区域的营销策略


HP's Authentication Measures Help Identify Counterfeit Products Worldwide 惠普认证措施帮助在全球范围内识别假冒产品


Is a Segmented Hewlett-Packard Company More Valuable? 惠普公司进行分割是福是祸?


HP Fights Counterfeiting in Africa with a Three-Pronged Approach 惠普在非洲三管齐下 打击假冒行为


Patents: Are These of Value for Small Companies? 专利:对于小企业是否有价值?


Lexmark Engineers Change to Improve Capacity to Respond to Business Needs 利盟工程师做出改变,提高业务需要应对能力


英国:新技术助力绿色办公 Britain: New Technology Helps Build Green Offices

December 2013

总第 116

NAND ipl 市场及出口部副总裁谈印度耗材市场 Sanjeev Mahajan: Printing Consumables Market of India 分析:喷墨打印技术在全球的机遇与挑战 Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges for Inkjet Printing Technology Worldwide 换个角度看原装耗材 Take Another Look at OEM Consumables

Why Hewlett-Packard Should Jump onto the 3D Printing Bandwagon 惠普为什么应该进军 3D 打印领域

34 84

HP CEO Announces Company's Mid-2014 3D Printer Release 惠普明年进军 3D 打印市场 : 预计三年后爆发

35 84

Gartner Predicts More 3D Printer Shipments Worldwide in 2014 Gartner:今年 3D 打印机全球出货量将增长 49%

R3 Expo Prague: Successful First-Ever Printer Cartridge Clones Free Event in Central & Eastern Europe 布拉格 R3 展:中东欧最成功的打印机墨盒展


2013 年 12 月


Show Time! / 展会热点

16 70




尊重知识产权 规范行业发展——访天威集团董事长贺良梅 An Interview with He Liangmei, President, Print-Rite



UTec Shares Insights on Intellectual Property with Visitors of RemaxAsia Expo UTec 在珠海展上畅谈知识产权


Ninestar Opens New Factory in Malaysia 纳思达在马来西亚开设新工厂

38 90

Statement for Ed Swartz from Static Control SCC 史丹迪关于埃德·斯沃茨的声明


MSE Voted #1 for Quality Toner Cartridges MSE 在优质硒鼓评选活动中名列第一


Bordeaux Launches Grand Prix Conversion Race at SGIA Expo Bordeaux 在 SGIA 展上开展优惠活动


Bordeaux Brings New Level of Quality & Savings at Viscom Dusseldorf 2013 Bordeaux 在 2013 年德国国际视觉广告技术与标识制作展上将 质量与成本节省提高到新高度


Green Project Teams with TruTag Technologies to Implement Global Brand Protection Green Project 联合 TruTag Technologies 实施全球品牌保护


新起点,大未来:去产业链上游参与竞争——赛纳召开“HELLO FUTURE”高峰论坛 New Facility, New Opportunity—Ninestar Holds "Hello Future" Event

US Office Tel 1-626-569-8238 Fex 1-860-606-9068


EFI 任命 Green 接管亚太业务 EFI Appoints Green to Take over Asia Pacific Business



China Office Tel 86-10-5126-5580

Fex 86-10-5885-8747

三菱重工与富士施乐就文件管理服务业务达成全面合作协议 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Fuji Xerox Reach a Full Cooperation Agreement on File Manager Service

MPS AND MOBILE PRINT / 文印管理服务和移动打印前瞻

44 92

Static Control Launches Aftermarket's Most Comprehensive Offering For Remanufacturing Kyocera® Cartridges SCC 史丹迪发布售后市场最为全面的再生京瓷硒鼓产品


44 92

Replacement Toner & Chips for Lexmark® MS/MX Cartridges Available from Static Control 替换碳粉及芯片适用于利盟 MS/MX 硒鼓 SCC 史丹迪新产品现 已上市

Leading Printer Makers Form Alliance to Enhance Mobile Printing Process 打印机制造巨头联合改进移动打印流程


Managed Print Service Provider Scoops Another Green Award MPS 提供商获得又一项环保大奖


UTEC's Remanufactured and Compatible HP Laser Cartridges Comply with “Non-HP Supply Installed” Chip Requirement UTEC 再生兼容惠普激光粉盒符合“非惠普耗材安装”芯片要 求


Green Project Releases New "GP" Gear, Now Available for Order Green Project 推出“GP”齿轮


Ninestar Successfully Modifies "Non-HP Supply Installed" Chip 纳思达成功更改“非惠普耗材安装”芯片


艾派克近期推出多款新品 APEX Releases Several New Products


传美讯:保持行业领先,全球率先推出兄弟热转印墨水 ! Trendvision Takes the Lead to Release Brother Sublimation Inks



102 103

Dell Introduces Document Hub Storage Feature in Printers 戴尔将文件中心存储功能引入打印机


Canon India Launches Five Inkjet Printers 佳能印度公司推出五款喷墨打印机


Perceptive Software and MPS Divisions Support Lexmark's Q3 Revenues 感知软件和 MPS 部门支持利盟第三季度收入


Xerox Earnings Reports Reveal Increased Involvement in Business Services 施乐财报显示商业服务占比提高


柯尼卡美能达独创环保新技术 引领节能办公新趋势 Konica Minolta Releases Original Environmental Protection Technology


佳能发布 2013 年第三季财报 办公产品领域销售额增长 20.6% Canon Publishes Q3 Earnings Report with a 20.6% Increase in Office Products


定位高端理光发布 MP 系列 A3 多功能复合机 Ricoh Releases MP Series of A3 MFCs

打印机厂商近日向大幅面领域转型 Printer Manufacturers Turn to Wide Format Printing 惠普面向建筑设计推出新大幅面打印机 HP Releases Wide Format Printers for Building Design



Remanufacturing the HP Enterprise 700 M712 Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah

惠普 Enterprise 700 M712 墨盒再生技术



富士施乐全面校园文印管理解决方案 Fuji Xerox Releases Campus Document Management Solutions



惠普与两家通用耗材企业签订协议 HP Signs Agreement with Two Universal Consumables Companies 全球最大造纸成套设备 吃废纸产牛皮瓦楞纸 The Largest Paper Making Complete Equipment Eats Waste Paper and Produces Corrugated Paper 爱普生发布最先进喷墨打印头技术 PrecisionCore Epson Releases Most Advanced Inkjet Printing Head Technology: PrecisionCore


澳大利亚对中国产复印纸展开反倾销调查 Australia Conducts Anti-Dumping Investigation into Copy Paper Made in China 中山市办公耗材行业协会召开成立大会 Zhongshan Office Consumables Industry Association Established 打印机成重庆第二大出口产品 Printer Ranks Second Among Export Products in Chongqing


Editor’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to

Steve Weedon CEO, Discover Imaging Products Ltd. Steve has had a varied career in the imaging industry since 1973. He has held senior management positions with such companies as, Nashua, Kalle Infotec, Katun Corp, and Gestetner, before starting The Recycler Trade Magazine in 1992 and the first European cartridge remanufacturing trade show that same year. In 1994, Steve joined Static Control to head the European operations. After 18 years with Static Control, Steve has now moved on to become CEO of his own global imaging supplies company, Discover Imaging Products Limited. Read his article “Looking back to look forward” p12

Curt Keller CEO and founder of Benchmark Email Curt Keller is CEO and founder of one of the world’s leading, Web-based email marketing services, Benchmark Email. While Benchmark’s client base ranges from work-at-home travel agents to large, multinational companies, Mr. Keller remains fiercely dedicated to addressing the email and online marketing challenges facing small and mid-sized businesses. A pioneer in the realm of permission-based marketing, Mr. Keller started Benchmark Email in early 2004 and quickly grew the Southern Californiabased company from a three-person operation to a major International player with services for people in India, China, South America, Germany and Japan. Benchmark currently remains a member of two of the industry’s most exclusive consortium, the Email Sender & Provider Coalition and A vocal advocate for good, industry-wide email marketing practices and standards, Mr. Keller is a regular blogger for and, as well as a regular contributor to Recharge Asia Magazine. Read his article “Marketing To The Fragmented Ethnicities Of The Asia Pacific Region” p22

Mike Josiah Technical Director of UniNet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. Read his article “Remanufacturing the HP Enterprise 700 M712 Toner Cartridge” p56

Message from the Publisher

My Dear Readers: Before we know it, 2013 will come to its end and it will be time to say goodbye to the old and embrace a new year with new possibilities. Year in and year out, time, like a river running in an irreversible flow, leaves its imprint on our lives. Each passing year brushes us with experiences that have made us stronger, smarter and wiser. This same principle applies to our businesses, our careers, and/or the causes we strive for. In reflecting back on what 2013 meant for each of us and our businesses and recapping what was learned and accomplished, we must take the valuables and move forward. What was the year like for the remanufacturing industry? Throughout, we have tried to be here to cover relevant and timely issues such as growing profits, battling counterfeit products, legal IP struggles with OEMs, and much, much more. In addition to this, we have continuously brought you new opportunities in color, MPS channels and others forpotential new waves of growth. As this year draws to a close, we were delighted to have had the opportunity to chat with a few industry veterans for their views on industry issues and opportunities. The conversation has made us to come to a positive and optimistic conclusion: the possibility of growth still does exist and the volume of printing consumables demand is still $22 billion strong! The key to capturing some of this is inbeing equipped with sufficient skills and resources. These are what we strive to print. Once again, we have compiled a rich issue covering relevant topics. Please enjoy these feature articles: "Looking back to look forward" by Steve Weedon on p. 12; "Marketing To The Fragmented Ethnicities Of The Asia Pacific Region" by Curt Keller on p. 22; and "India: A Rising Star in the Print Market? " on p.16. In this celebratory season of sending off the OLD and welcoming in the NEW, on behalf of the entire RechargeAsia team, I thank you (and kow tow to you) for your support and I wish you continued success in all your business endeavors. All the best,

Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher



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116 Issue December 2013



FEATURE ARTICLES Looking back to look forward by Steve Weedon


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116 Issue December 2013




116 Issue December 2013

RechargExpo Southeast Asia Indonesia 2013

The 2013 RechargExpo Southeast Asia Indonesia was successfully held in partnership with ALL PRINT on November 6-9, 2013 at the Jakarta International Exposition Center. This year’s event has diversified its exhibition profile to include office equipment and supplies, large format printing equipment and supplies, digital press, large format ink and media, and LED light and signage. RechargExpo Southeast Asia Indonesia 2013 was kicked off with a grand opening ceremony beginning with the Indonesian national anthem performed in a beautiful soprano voice. The ceremony was attended by a Industry association representatives from


the surrounding ASEAN countries, Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore. Indonesia, as the fourth most populated country in the world, holds a huge growth potential with enormous printing demand, especially with the recovering global economic outlook. With a steady political system and healthy investment environment, the economic growth is on the fast track, moving steadily forward each year. Although the market is still in its price-sensitive stage, the demand for value is surely on the rise. While the average consumers are still looking for lower priced products, people are still in the habit of printing on paper with a tangible touch. The existingconsumables vo l u m e i s v a s t , a n d h ow a c om p a ny positionsitself in this market will determine how it can successfully break into this earlystaged growing and price-sensitive market. One unique challenge of this market is the hard-to-break-in, previously existing relationships. Business in this region has generally been built upon long-term trust among friends. With economic growth and market influence, we will see a variance to this model and more widespread acceptance to do business with the best supplier who may or may not be a crony. Additionally, the majority of transactions are still conducted in cash, and are not credit based. The consumables market, however, is still

heavily dependent on inkjetsupplies (roughly 90% market share),while laser is on the rise with increasing incomes and small enterprise numbers. According to the IDC, "Out of the total inkjet cartridge market in 2Q12, compatible brands contributed more than 6 million units, which is 71.5% of the total market size. However in terms of value, original products held 77.1% of the total market share". There is ample potential for growth when there is more market transparency and its dealer or distributors are more inclined to accept new comers. Further, due to its price sensitivity, CISS still has a strong hold on market and social media platforms like facebook, wechat, and youtube which are widely used to reach out the end-users. Despite of the challenges imposed by this emerging market, RechargExpo Southeast Asia has taken a lead in exploring this market aimed for more growth in aftermarket products in the future. In conclusion, although 2013 is has been tough year globally in the consumables market and others, Southeast Asia remains an emerging market. This means that there is plenty of room for growth. Through RechargExpo Southeast Asia Indonesia 2013, we have tried our best to draw together our resources to bring our industry the best shot at growing in this region.

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116 Issue December 2013

R3 Expo in Prague: A Successful First-ever Printer Cartridge Clones Free Event in Central and Eastern Europe

Varna, Bulgaria - The first ever gathering of companies active in printer cartridge Recycling, Refill and Remanufacturing – R3 Conference and Mini-Expo, took place in Prague, Czech Republic on October 21-22, 2013. The event was organized by RechargEast and RechargRussia Magazines, the media flagships of the cartridge remanufacturing industry within CEE, Russia and CIS regions. T h e fi r s t E u ro p e a n e d i t i on o f t h e R 3 Conference and Mini-Expo attracted 400+ visitors from 34 countries and exhibitors from 12. During these 2 October days, the attention of the entire sector was focused on Prague, where the top leaders and key industry figures discussed the challenges, shaped main trends and outlined the future of the cartridge remanufacturing market. R3 hosted several parallel events: Amazing 2-day Conference program, Mini-expo, Museum of Clones, Spot the Clone Competition, tech presentations and product launches, the famous R3 Networking Dinner, organized with the kind support of Static Control Components. The R3 Conference represented two days of pure inspiration – that’s how the conference program was evaluated by the attendees. This was probably the most exciting agenda ever focusing on whether the aftermarket of printing supplies can stay clones free, delivered by the


116 Issue December 2013


key-decision makers who shape the future of the sector and raise against the main challenges in front of the printer cartridge remanufacturing industry. On the R3 stage, top representatives from OEMs, empties’ collectors, rechargers and remanufactures and the industry associations provided their views and opinions on the matter. The Mini-Expo include a number of famous industr y campaigns, which showcased their products and services. T he Official Net wo rk ing Dinne r organized with the kind support of Static Control Components was a must-attend event. All the speakers, the senior leadership of some of the most renowned industry companies and organizations, the R3 exhibitors and many others attended the event, which was all focused on networking alongside nice music and pleasant October weather. Static Control in cooperation with the Cz ech Association of Car tr idge Remanufacturers provided the R3 visitors with an unique experience – the Museum of the Printer Cartridge Clones. Some terrifying clone samples were shown as well as information on how to recognize a clone was provided. The visitors also learned more about the potential risk connected when buying clone cartridge. At the end of the two-day event, the Spot the Clone Competition took place. The expo visitors were able to earn valuable prizing through showing their abilities to identify clone cartridges. The next R3 event will be held in 2014. Source:




116 Issue December 2013

116 Issue December 2013



MARKET TRENDS Marketing To The Fragmented Ethnicities Of The Asia Pacific Region


116 Issue December 2013 Continued

116 Issue December 2013




HP’s Authentication Measures Help Identify Counterfeit Products Worldwide

Verifying the authenticity of HP products is now a process that takes only seconds to carry out, thanks to a free application that customers can download and install on their mobile devices or desktop units. This software can detect inconsistencies and advise the customer what to do next.

Aside from this, the American tech giant has also introduced holographic elements in its LaserJet and inkjet print cartridges to certify their authenticity. There also are quick response (QR) codes included in the packaging of the products which customers can validate through the printer maker’s website or a smart phone. These improvements come at the heels of an increase in counterfeiting incidents. Tina Rose, anti-counterfeit Marketing Programme Manager for Europe, Middle East, and Africa Printing and Personal Systems Group, said that this illegal activity are very challenging to businesses everywhere. "Counterfeiters harm manufacturers and customers by consistently undermining business standards and practices. Counterfeiting is bad news for everyone, as it dishonestly generates billions of dollars and threatens the reputation of global brands such as ours. It also harms consumers by creating low quality products with unknown chemicals which damages printers and could harm the environment," she revealed. Rose also shared what HP has done to combat counterfeiting. She stated that from May to August 2013, officials in East Africa, specifically in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Kenya, and Uganda, were able to combat the importation of fake printing


116 Issue December 2013 supplies and hardware from their local markets. East Afr ic an author ities were able to embargo a total of 2,500 fake print cartridges and parts, including 20 counterfeit computer mice. HP extended its gratitude to the officials concerned for their cooperation. "The war against counterfeits is constantly evolving and we remain steadfast in our resolve, which is why we always look for new ways to tackle counterfeiting in our various markets across the world," Rose declared. She also added that the California-based company has assisted in the seizure of nearly 9 million fake items in the last four years. HP did not rely solely on the safeguards it has put into its merchandise. It also took a proactive approach in ensuring that the authenticity o f i t s p ro d u c t s w i l l n o t b e compromised. It has gotten its hands deep in training local police and customs officials in anti-counterfeiting. In fact, the company has trained more than 5,000 of them since November 2008, as well as 13,200 HP partners and 1,500 corporate clients. Although it is nearly i m p o s s i b l e t o m e a s u re t h e exact impact of the issue due to the discreetness of the illegal operations, estimates done by the International Chamber of Commerce show that global losses could amount to $776 billion and may increase to $1.7 trillion in the next two years. "We are increasingly seeing that these people who are out to mislead customers are now targeting hardware like keyboards and computer mice. O ur testing on counter f eit products shows that these products are prone to overheat and some even explode thus risking fires which can cause mass damage and even death," Rose revealed. HP conducted a survey in June this year, revealing that out

of the 800 respondents, only 6% purchased fake products unintentionally. The rest did so with full knowledge – a situation that warrants serious worry. Aside from that, the poll also found that HP is regarded by 78% of the respondents as the printer maker most active in anti-counterfeiting activities. Around 61% also thought of HP as a trusted and important source of information. In East Africa, Tanzania is one of the countries actively leading the fight against counterfeiting. However, it is without its share of challenges. A 2008 report called “Effects of counterfeit goods on the Tanzanian economy: the case of manufacturing sector,” which was prepared by the Economic and Social Research Foundation, showed that this African country has laws that can slow down the process of seizing counterfeit goods. Some of these regulations even have loopholes that counterfeiters can exploit to their advantage. Aside from that, there exists a lack of skills and equipment that will enable the officials concerned to inspect and determine the authenticity of products. Also, there is insufficient customer awareness on the issue of counterfeiting, as well as human resources and finances needed to tackle the said illegal activity. According to current estimates, fake products make up 18% of Tanzania’s overall traded merchandise. These illicit goods were mainl y sourced from Asian nations, such as India, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, and Dubai in U.A.E. Some counterfeit items also came from African countries, including South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, and even Tanzania itself. Estimates for counterfeit items have reached $525 million annually in 2008.

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116 Issue December 2013

Is a Segmented Hewlett-Packard Company

More Valuable?

Some corporations get so massive that one arm is turned into a company or subsidiary, still affiliated in some way to the parent organization. Hewlett-Packard is one of those large companies that could very well take this kind of step. Although there has been no talks yet about making this kind of move, it’s worth analyzing whether such a strategy could work in the American tech giant’s favor, in terms of stock valuation. HP is not only a printer manufacturer – it also produces software, technologies, solutions, and printing supplies for both individual customers, as well as enterprises, ranging from small to large ones. They also serve various sectors in the government, as well as those in education and health, on a global scale. The company is divided into the following segments: PC and Printers, Enterprise Group, Software and Financial Services, and Enterprise Services. If we assess each of these parts and total the value of each, the sum would reach $28, which is definitely higher than the current $21 valuation of the company as a single entity. Now, let’s take a closer look at each segment, beginning with PC and Printers. This unit includes desktops and notebooks for commercial and consumer use, as well as printer hardware and supplies, scanning de vices, media, managed enter pr ise solutions, laserjet and enterprise solutions, and graphics solutions. In a message that Keith Bachman,


BMO Capital Markets analyst, wrote to clients, the expert said that this particular segment is HP’s most valuable one and is responsible for the $12 of each share. This is understandable as the current market for PC faces growing cannibalization by mobile devices. “We think that HP's printing business can generate stable margins even with modestl y dec lining re venues as H P focuses more on multi-function printers and maximizes profitability for its inkjet business,” he added. However, the profit margins for this unit alone would be lesser as it also takes corporate general and administrative (G&A) expenses in consideration. It ’s estimated that HP's printing arm could be valued at $20 billion or more, which is around 55 percent of the company ’s current market value ($40 billion). On the other hand, the PC division contributes a dismal less than $1/ share due to continued decline of PC sales. The most challenged unit is HP's enterprise business due to market share losses in the server division and increased competition. However, its hardware maintenance business is the group that warrants the most concern as it has begun to decline in the previous quarter. "We estimate that HP's hardware business, excluding the maintenance revenues, has about 7%-8% op margins. Despite our concerns, we estimate that HP's enterprise business contributes about $11-$12 per share," Bachman revealed.

The most undervalued one is HP's ser vices business, which involves the provision of outsourcing, consulting, and tech services for apps, infrastructure, and business processes. It currently logs a 3% operating margin, which is notably lower than those registered by its competitors. However, things could improve with the completion of contract run-offs in 2014. "W hile our table reflects that the ser vices business is worth $4 billion currently, we believe that this business could be worth more with stable revenues a n d i m p ro v i n g m a r g i n s , " B ac h m a n observed. The company’s software division, which includes IT management software, security intelligence/risk management solutions, and enterprise information management solutions for structured and unstructured data, currently contributes around $3 per share. For HP's financing segment, the proceeds of the sale of financing receivables and operating leases could serve to pay off financing debt. With that, it will not be able to generate equity value. As of July 2013, HP’s net financing portfolio assets were pegged at $12 billion while gross financing debt was set at $11 billion. Since the California-based company’s last quarterly report, shares have fallen 18% and are trading at a figure 6 times the earnings estimate for 2014. For the past 52 weeks, these have been traded between $11.35 and $27.78.

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HP Fights Counterfeiting in Africa with a Three-Pronged Approach

Custom Excise and Preventive Duty (CEPS) authorities embargoed 20,000 fake HP toner cartridges at the Tema Harbor last year November. HP reported that this large haul was just part of the 9 million fraudulent HP products confiscated worldwide in the last few years. “Counterfeiting is bad news for everyone, as it dishonestly generates billions of dollars and threatens the reputation of global brands such as ours. It also harms consumers by creating low quality products with unknown chemicals which damage printers and could harm the environment,” said Tina Rose, ACF Marketing Program Manager. The impact of counterfeiting on HP’s standards and business practices was the basis of the American corporation’s decision to increase its efforts in addressing this problem. And last year’s embargo was the catalyst that made HP finally create a bold strategy for battling counterfeiting in Africa. The intervention that the printer maker has developed involves three aspects: product packaging, cultivation of awareness, and enforcement. “The war against counterfeiters is constantly evolving and we must remain steadfast in our resolve, which is why we always look for new ways to tackle counterfeiting in our various markets across the world,” explained Rose. Rose revealed that HP has already taken steps to protect its products and safeguard the interest of its consumers by using cutting edge security technology. Original HP LaserJet and inkjet cartridges now have Quick Response (QR) codes and sophisticated holographic components that buyers can easily validate. Rose said consumers can verify the products through the QR codes alone, using an Internet-capable smartphone or by simply checking at the company’s site at Aside from this, the printer manufacturer has also introduced the HP Authentication Software for the verification of LaserJet cartridges. Customers can download the easy-to-use application for free from “Should the software detect anything unusual, it will warn customers with messages and advise users on what to do next,” Rose shared. Tolulope Lawani, HP West Africa’s PPS Marketing Manager, assured that the company will make sure its customers and partners will get only genuine supplies by making its products hard to duplicate and distribute. He also enjoined the public to be prudent in purchasing HP printing supplies to effectively avoid getting counterfeit versions.



116 Issue December 2013

Patents: Are These of Valua for Small Companies? There’s this idea among those in the tech community that patents can lead entrepreneurs to financial success. Some companies built on patented ideas and technology, such as Polaroid and Xerox, have served to reinforce this idea. But for the majority of fledgling companies of today, patents are pretty much worthless. For one, patents are for attacking those who infringe on patented technology. It does not really insulate the patent owner from such offenses. Despite the presence of a patent, it is still likely that technology may be copied or practiced. To protect your invention, process, or idea globally, one will need to get up to 10 patents in different locations around the world. Do know, though, that a patent may only apply to one element or system – in creating a product, you need to consider the patents of the other aspects of your merchandise not covered by the one you have. Some of those things may have patents of their own. What are you to do then? Most of the time, the more workable option is to get a license or just continue with the manufacture and hope that the patent holder for the process, system, or hardware design does not really notice. But what if it’s your intellectual property that has been infringed? Shouldn’t you go after the offending parties? If you do want to have the infringer litigated, expect to shell out up to $5 million and a 5-year wait for the case to be concluded. This is because there are various legal avenues that the defendant can take, which will lengthen the court process. This legal “circus” may make you question the soundness of investing up to $30 thousand dollars in a utility patent.


However, there are scenarios where having patents come in handy. One is when a business involves pharmaceuticals. This is because drugs are based on components that have specific technical aspects and features. For businesses involved in IT, patenting te c h nol o g y works best f or t he l arge corporations. Some even have patent portfolios that are so huge that their competitors are likely to be violating any one of those patents. Such big firms use their patents as a way to weaken competitors and wear them out. However, companies that have been sued for infringement may defend itself by acquiring the firm that owns the patent and also filing a counter suit. W hen big companies collide, what usually happens is that they create a patent pool in order to share their patents exclusively among themselves, barring new competitors. Or, they could do reciprocal licensing or simply make do with a standoff. There is some truth, however, to the premise that patents add value to a company especially when it is in the process of being acquired. The buyer will be paying a certain amount for each patent, although the takings may sometimes not be that significant considering that one has to factor in the legal costs of such a process. There are, however, entities that acquire patents with the intention of using these to secure royalties from companies that have violated provisions concerning those very patents. These entities or companies are sometimes called “patent trolls.” These firms don’t have tangible merchandise and don’t engage in selling, which makes them invulnerable to legal counter attacks. This is one scenario where patents are more

worthwhile to such companies, compared to small businesses.

S o, s h o u l d a s m a l l - s c a l e b u s i n e s s operation eschew patenting altogether? An industry observer suggests that small firms should not use patents as the basis of their business strategy or even raise funds based on intellectual property. Moreover, it’s also sound to file patents for your essential innovations in the United States. However, he cautions against doing anything more than that. In addition, never go af ter a huge company for a patent infringement offense as this is a battle in which most of the benefits will simply go over to the lawyers. Furthermore, you should take note of existing patents that may give your competitors the license to block your operations or entry into a particular market. Finally, do remember that strategies not involving patents can also work in your favor and keep the infringers from copying your own creation. You should include hard-to-replicate aspects to your product or technology, produce innovative improvements at a steady rate, and have a good knowledge of your clients. Boosting your competitive edge will enable you to defend your intellectual property without having to take offending parties to court.

116 Issue December 2013




116 Issue December 2013

Lexmark Engineers Change to Improve Capacity to Respond to Business Needs The American company known for its printers has continued to move away from printer making and is now digging deeper into the world of software-based business solutions and services. But don’t get Lexmark wrong – it’s not abandoning printing just yet. Rather, it’s gearing itself to be more capable of responding to the needs of businesses even as these evolve. They are looking to cater to the needs of not just a particular type of industry but a variety of sectors, such as banks, governments, insurance firms, manufacturing companies, telecommunications providers, and health care institutions. To make this happen, Lexmark innovated its processes and structure so that it can meet changing demands and needs. In this increasingly digitized world, they have seen the necessity in working with data and in including non-hardware solutions in its array of services and products.

Lexmark’s Lexington Software & Firmware Development center is tangible evidence of the company’s efforts to innovate and expand its offerings. It accommodates 400 employees and is about a quarter


of a mile in length. It also is well-appointed and as quiet as a library, thanks to the white noise buffer. The staff work in small groups and on short-term tasks that are very well-defined. This type of work process facilitates fast turnarounds and speedy rates of innovation – a strategy that’s just one of Lexmark’s new developments in its efforts to keep up with the evolving market and the challenges that come with it. Aside from the “scrum” work process, the Kentucky-based corporation has acquired a number of firms that will enrich its range of offerings and extend its reach across geographical boundaries and industries. With this, the company is able to make itself get inside a business’ machinery and work to help it improve its efficiency. This means that Lexmark won’t only be dealing with hardware but also the things that give rise to the need for hardware, like monitoring data – which may not always be in printed-on-paper form. For Lexmark, the underlying strategy is in analyzing business needs and quickly and accurately providing the solutions that will answer those needs. Lexmark’s CEO Paul Rooke shared that the company has "listened to our customers and evolved the company accordingly." In addition, Lexmark VP and General Manager for retail and manufacturing Tim Rowland said that the American corporation aims to have a system that can collect and organize documents, regardless of language, from which they can harvest information that clients need. Angele Boyd, one of IDC’s analysts, observed that Lexmark's strategy is a intelligently executed one. "It's very smart, and not only smart, but they're delivering on the strategy by continuing to make the acquisitions that they have. I think the only challenge for them will be integrating the acquisitions, which they seem to be doing very well and quickly," she revealed.

116 Issue December 2013




Why Hewlett-Packard Should Jump onto the 3D Printing Bandwagon TechZone 360’s Doug Mohney issued this audacious suggestion to the executives running the former number one printer making company in the world: “HP needs to get out of the ‘enterprise’ PC hardware business, and it needs to jump into 3D printing.” His claim is based “HP needs to get out of o n t h e f a c t t h a t the ‘enterprise’ PC hardware H P PC sales have business, and it needs to jump continued to slide and that the powersinto 3D printing.” that-be at HP have never really outlined a clear “narrative” on its future plans for its business printers, desktop, and laptop computers. What HP instead is doing right now, Mahoney observed, is churn out more and more specialized models designed to cater to a particular need in various types of enterprises. This, however, reeks of a lack of strategic thinking on the part of the hallowed company’s executives. Also, it appears that the American printing juggernaut has not factored in the significance of the bring your own device (BYOD) trend, which is gradually taking a bigger share of the desktop hardware pie due to the fact that more people are using portable and mobile gadgets. Instead, HP keeps planning on introducing more incremental products rather than consolidating mobile products such as laptops and notebooks. It may also appear, according to Mohney, that HP has missed the point of instituting economies of scale with its fixation on manufacturing small pieces dedicated to specific products. This would result in less profit per item – something that HP shouldn’t allow considering the persistent profit decline. Mohney ultimately recommended that HP create just one series of laptops for home or business use in order to avoid over exerting itself in manufacturing and supporting a multitude of different models. Aside from that, HP should also move into 3D printing because it is very knowledgeable with traditional printing business models and logistics, which also can apply to printing in 3D. Additionally, HP has the advantage of being a solid, global, and well-recognized brand. Its reputation for quality products is already established, which lessens consumer skepticism and mistrust. It also has a worldwide reach and is able to provide global technical and customer support. Furthermore, the company already has a team of engineers and designers who can be assigned to work on developing 3D printers and oversee their improvement in order to facilitate innovation. Despite HP’s viability for getting into 3D printing, it’s likely that HP will not be moving into this arena anytime soon for as long as it lacks a dynamic leadership and bold vision. For the time being, everyone remains on “wait and see” mode as HP flounders and scrambles after profitability.


116 Issue December 2013

HP CEO Announces Company’s Mid-2014 3D Printer Release At the Canalys Channels Forum in Bangkok, Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman finally revealed the answer to that question festering in the minds of many in the printing world: “Will HP join the 3D printing gold rush?” "We are excited about 3D printing," Whitman announced. "We want to lead this businesses. HP labs is looking at it," she revealed further. She explained that it’s all but natural for the American printer maker to infiltrate the 3D printer market due to its global dominance in the manufacturing of printers. However, she did not give details regarding the form of the said 3D printing machine. She only said that it will utilize “new technology.” Right now, HP is concerned with the timeframe involved in printing an object, as well as the costs. "To print a bottle can take eight to ten hours. That's all very interesting, but it is like watching ice melt," Whitman pointed out. "3D printing is in its infancy. It is a big opportunity and we are all over it. We will have something by the middle of next year," she declared. That "something" HP’s chief is referring to is said to be centered on ser vice providers in order to assist them in setting 3D printing enterprises. Whitman has revealed that the company’s 3D printer making efforts are made to answer this question: “How do we commercialise to print faster, at lower price points, to enable service providers?" Whitman shared that she does not expect this new venture to be a big business – at least not right away. “ These businesses go along, get a little traction, go along, get a little more traction, then hit the knee of the curve,” she explained, adding that the “knee” she referred to may come in about 3 years’ time.


116 Issue December 2013

Gartner Predicts More 3D Printer Shipments Worldwide in 2013 An American market data advisor y agency has projected the rise of 3D printers during the remainder of 2013 due to the speedy development of technology and the introduction of better functioning and higher quality innovations. G a r t n e r, I n c . h a s e s t i m a t e d t h a t worldwide distribution of 3D printer units

costing less than $100,000 may grow up to 49%, which is equivalent to around 56,507 machines. Come 2014, global shipments will even rise higher to 75%, which is about 98,065 units. In 2015, that estimated figure will approximately be doubled. Gartner’s research director, Pete Basiliere, said that the market for 3D printers “has reached its inflection point.” “ While still a nascent market, with hype outpacing the technical realities, the speed of development and rise in buyer interest are pressing hardware, software and service providers to offer easier-to-use tools and materials that produce consistently high-quality results,” Basiliere explained. The agency further declared that end-user spending on 3D printers will hit the $400 million mark in 2013,

which is a 43% improvement on 2012 figures. Meanwhile, business investments in the said product will go beyond $325 million this year, while consumer spending will go over $80 million. The aforementioned percentages are expected to increase even further in 2014 by 62 percent ($669 million). Gartner also estimated that enterprise and consumer spending will reach $536 million and $133 million respectively. Basiliere also revealed that organizations will maximize the potential of 3D printing in manufacturing, laboratory work, and product development even more as these products improve rapidly. Aside from this, consumers will soon be anticipated to act on their curiosity and find more reasons to buy a 3D printer, especially when the said machines become less costly and easier to use.



116 Issue December 2013

UTec Shares its Insights on Intellectual Property with Visitors of RemaxAsia Expo October 25, 2013 - Union Technology International (MCO) Co. Ltd. (“UTec”), global master distributor of Print-Rite imaging products, is delighted to announce the successful conclusion of its seminar “Only the IP Believers Survive” which was held during RemaxAsia Expo in Zhuhai China in October 2013.

As a pioneer of innovation in aftermarket printer consumables, UTec has a mission to promote higher awareness of and respect for intellectual property (“IP”) in the industry. On 18th October, 2013, UTec hosted a seminar on IP and invited visitors of RemaxAsia Expo to attend. Among the speakers of the seminar were industry experts and attorneys, namely Mr. Charles Brewer, President of Actionable Intelligence, Mr. Steven Adkins, Partner at Allen & Overy LLP, USA, and Mr. Simon Raynor, Partner at UrquhartDykes & Lord LLP, UK, who shared their valuable insights on IP related to aftermarket printer consumables. Mr. Arnald Ho, Managing Director of UTec and Chairman of Print-Rite Holdings Ltd, opened the seminar with a presentation on Print-Rite’s IP mission and strategy. “Patent is a strategic tool to sustain growth in the aftermarket industry,” said Mr. Ho. Since 1996 Print-Rite has invested heavily into IP, building up a large portfolio of proprietary technology and products and contributing to a large holding of registered patents which exceeds 2,100 as of October 2013. Original printer makers have become more aggressive worldwide in pursuing infringing products, a message delivered by Mr. Brewer in his analysis “IP lawsuits are changing the playing field”. The economic recession and increasing spread of infringing products are hurting OEM’s consumable revenue and profit. OEM reacted with more aggressive legal actions. The number of ITC 337 investigations in the USA hit a record high and some major lawsuits between OEM and aftermarket were also reported in Europe and other parts of the world. Mr. Adkins, trial lawyer specializing in USITC 337 investigations, shared his experience in handling ITC 337 cases and explained in detail the options available for importers of products affected by a General Exclusion Order (“GEO”), a subject of great interest


to the aftermarket industry after Canon was awarded a GEO by ITC earlier in 2013. “The only way to minimize risk is to sell only non-infringing products and buy from IP-aware manufacturers,” said Mr. Adkins. He further mentioned that the clearance UTec had obtained for its NoTwistTM gear in relation to the patents of the Canon GEO is the strongest he has even seen in his history of handling 337 investigations. Mr. Raynor gave a general introduction on patents and how to minimize the risk of infringement, illustrated by reference to the design of UTec products compared to that of the original cartridges. ”It is difficult for a reseller to tell whether a product is infringing or not and it would be impractical to hire your own lawyer to review each and every product that your purchase. My suggestion is that you should always buy from IP-aware manufacturers as a way to minimize patent infringement risk,” states Mr. Raynor.

UTec can be found on: Alibaba: Global Sources: LinkedIn:

About UTec UTec is a global supplier of high quality printer consumables and offers an extensive range of remanufactured and compatible products for use in laser printers, multifunction machines, copiers, inkjet printers and dot matrix printers. We are at the forefront of innovation with strong capability in R&D and a portfolio of over 2100 registered patents. For more information, please visit www.

116 Issue December 2013




Ninestar Opens New Factory in Malaysia Ninestar, one of the aftermarket's leading manufacturers announces the establishment of a new factory in Malaysia. The new factory will focus on the remanufacture of toner and inkjet cartridges. The factory is set up as an empties collecting, reassembling and logistics all-in-one facility. The action is considered as a part of Ninestar’s strategy on winning a leading position in the remanufacturing industry. The new factory is expected to provide high quality remanufactured products for European and Asia markets. Jackson Wang, CEO of the company, said at the Hello Future Forum, “ This is very helpful for our remanufacturing business. I believe the remanufacturing business will have a big market share in the future. We invest a lot in this field and hope it will help our customers hold more market share.“ The reports also states that SIU, a branch of Ninestar USA, launched an empties recycling website to strengthen the remanufacturing capacity in this region.


115 Issue November 2013

Statement for Ed Swartz from Static Control Ed Swartz was a true entrepreneur, starting a recycling business in Sanford when he was in his 20s. In the 1970s, he sold his business and retired, but retirement didn’t suit him in the least. In 1986, Ed came out of retirement and founded Static Control Components, Inc. Static Control first began manufacturing static shielding products in Ed’s basement, assembling products on his ping pong table. His sons Michael and Bill joined the business in 1987 and 1989, respectively. In 1989, Static Control branched out into providing other products, including those used by the toner cartridge remanufacturing industry. The toner cartridge remanufacturing business at the time was in its infancy. Ed recognized that this new industry needed quality manufactured products if it were to continue to thrive and grow. Over time, Static Control grew into the largest manufacturer of aftermarket imaging systems. Today Static Control manufactures virtually all the components needed to remanufacture a high quality toner or ink cartridge, from the toner to complex electronic circuits. Ed’s vertical integration approach meant that products were designed, engineered and manufactured in-house to ensure the highest quality products for customers around the world. Ed knew the importance of a talented team and early on assembled great talent in many disciplines, from engineering to sales and beyond, in order to continue to advance the cartridge remanufacturing industry. Ed was diagnosed with cancer in 2012. He had earlier turned over dayto-day management of the business to others but remained vitally interested in Static Control and the industry as a whole until his passing. Ed died on November 4, 2013.

116 Issue December 2013




116 Issue December 2013

Bordeaux Launches Grand Prix Conversion Race at SGIA Expo Offering One Year of Free Ink to Printers Who Convert to Bordeaux ink

Orlando, Florida, October 22 2013 – Bordeaux Digital Printink, an industry leader in developing, manufacturing and distributing high quality inks, coatings and solutions for a wide variety of inkjet technologies and applications, announced a special give-away offer to printers that convert to Bordeaux ink from any 3rdparty or OEM ink. The campaign will be branded the Grand Prix Conversion Race and began in SGIA Orlando, Florida, 23-25 October. Bordeaux plans on giving away a free ink set to printers that convert to Bordeaux inks. In addition, converters to Bordeaux ink are automatically eligible to enter in the Grand Prix Conversion Race and a chance to win three exciting prizes. The first prize will go to the 25th ink conversion which will receive a year of Bordeaux ink, the 2nd prize will go to the 50th ink conversion which will win a 9-month supply of Bordeaux ink and the final winner, the 75th converter, will receive the third prize, a 6-month supply of Bordeaux ink Visitors to Bordeaux’s booth received information about the race and witnessed demonstrations of the company’s new environmentally friendly water-based EDEN Dye Sub ink, the Smart Cartridge Solution and Mix & Match FUZE ECO SC ink for Epson® SureColor S® series printers and FUZE ECO NR5 ink with reduced VOCs, increased alcohol resistance and extended shelf life. Bordeaux will also highlight its PLASMA UV & UV Curable LED ink include rigid, flexible and super-flexible versions for diverse UV applications and its CLEAR product line which includes adhesive promoters, Liquid Laminates and Coatings for vehicle and Fleet, Sign & Banner and UV Curable Liquid Coatings for digital press and document finishing.


Visit the Bordeaux website at for more information, rules and limitations or to schedule a meeting & demo. About Bordeaux Digital PrintInk Bordeaux, established in 2000, offers high performance products at lower cost. This improves price performance and enables Bordeaux’s customers to significantly reduce their operating costs while improving the quality of their prints. Bordeaux Digital Printink is one of the worldwide market leaders developing and marketing high quality inks for wide and super wide digital printers such as Roland™, Mimaki™, Mutoh™, HP™ and Seiko™ CP and for all latest printhead technologies such as Xaar, Konica Minolta, Epson and many more. The company's product range includes all types of ink whether Eco, Solvent, UV & UV LED, Textile and Latex inks.


116 Issue December 2013

Bordeaux Brings New Level of Quality and Savings at Viscom Dusseldorf 2013 Company introduces a wide range of new environmentally friendly inks and solutions and extends special offers to visitors Dusseldorf, Germany, 22 October 2013 – Bordeaux Digital Printink, a leading innovator of a wide range of inks and coatings for a variety of demanding inkjet applications, printing technologies and techniques, and its distributor BRS, will showcase its latest wide-format inkjet solutions such as PLASMA UV LED, an environmentally friendly curable rigid, flexible and super flexible ink, at Viscom Dusseldorf, Germany, 7-9 November, in Hall 8B Stand D60. Exclusively at Viscom, BRS will offer a 10% discount to the first 25 visitors who place an order for Bordeaux ECO/Mild/ True solvent inks, UV/UV LED inks, Latex inks, Dye Sub inks as well as the company's impressive range of liquid laminates and coatings for high protection and image enhancement, with a minimum value of 250€.

Bordeaux will demonstrate the versatile and low odor PLASMA ™ UV LED curable ink on a Mimaki 3042™. This highly flexible and durable ink is designed for applications where flexibility, adhesion, durabilit y and chemical resistance is required. The environmentally friendly ink series is compatible with most UV and UV LED printers and printheads. The Bulk Ink System, developed by and Bordeaux will be visible on a Roland™ printer. The environmentally friendly system is geared to print houses that want to reduce printer and ink costs while helping increase productivity and reduce plastic waste. The demonstration will include Bordeaux’s advanced Mix & Match™ ink, FUZE ECO NR5™, for high speed productivity and greater resistance to alcohol and harsh weather conditions. “Our goal at Viscom Dusseldorf is for

all visitors to experience Bordeaux quality inks and discover how our products can help expand their services and increase the potential for greater profit,” says Matthew Reijnders, Director of Sales and Business Development for Bordeaux. “ We look forward to answering questions about how printers can maximize on-demand printing with high media flexibility, faster throughput as well as personalized printing.” BRS, Bordeaux’s distributor in Germany, will display Bordeaux’s large range of cost effective solutions that offer high quality printing and valuable productivity solutions in Hall 8B stand D60. The solutions are suited to a wide variety of substrates and media.



116 Issue December 2013

Green Project Teams with TruTag Technologies to Implement Global Brand Protection HONOLULU, HI and HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA– October 28, 2013 – TruTag Technologies, Inc., the developer of a covert authentication platform to address the trillion dollar global market for brand protection, and Green Project, Inc., an international manufacturer and leading supplier of remanufactured inkjet and toner cartridge products, announce that Green Project will institute a worldwide security program to protect its innovative products using TruTag’s product authentication solution. With TruTag’s covert technology solution, Green Project has instituted the marking of its products to ensure the protection of branded products worldwide. The terms of the deal are confidential, but TruTag will license its technology for use by Green Project and provide additional services to ensure continued protection in all markets for all covered products. TruTag® microtags are inert, edible, serializable, and can integrate into the very fabric of a product, independent of packaging and labels, much like fingerprints on a human being. Millions of optical patterns can be embedded into a ‘TruTag’, which is a dust-sized particle less than the width of a human hair. “We’ve worked many years engineering and building an innovative product line and we want the market to know we are serious about protecting our intellectual property,” said Roy Fan, CEO of Green Project. “With everything becoming globalized, we believe it is important to safeguard our inventions and strong brand in the marketplace,” Fan added. “We have worked with TruTag to

apply this authentication system in a simple and cost-effective manner to our products, and we will utilize this awardwinning technology platform to help monitor our suppl y chain and ensure our customers receive genuine product of the highest quality.” Kent Mansfield, P r e s i d e n t o f Tr u Ta g commented, “I am extremely pleased TruTag is partnering with Green Project, a company devoted to delivering the highest quality ink and toner products while also remaining committed to innovative recycling initiatives. Since TruTag’s solution utilizes biologically inert material and is safe for the environment—in fact, our silica microtags are edible and can be used for food and medical products—



our security platform fits well with Green Project’s environmentally-friendly product line.” Added Mansfield, “We salute Green Project for its proactive approach to product protection. We are delighted to help an innovative, eco-friendly company like Green Project provide brand protection for its quality products.” About Green Project: Based in Hacienda Heights, California, USA, Green Project Inc. is a fast-growing organization that specializes in recycling ink and toner cartridges. The company provides products for all of the major manufacturers of inkjet printers, including inkjet cartridges and laser toners. The company has a strong environmental orientation and has chosen to focus on providing recycled products, thus saving the earth from further environmental harm caused by discarded inkjet cartridges and used ink. More information is available at or http://








116 Issue December 2013




116 Issue December 2013

Static Control Launches Aftermarket’s Most Comprehensive Offering For Remanufacturing Kyocera® Cartridges SANFORD, NC – (October 28, 2013) – Static Control has launched more than 800 products for use in over 250 monochrome and color toner cartridges used in Kyocera® printers. “This release comes after a year of dedicated research, development and manufacturing to provide the best-to-market solutions for remanufacturers,” said Erwin Pijpers, Senior Vice President of Sales for Static Control. Static Control’s complete systems include toners, replacement chips, waste bottles, grid cleaners, hopper caps, cartridge seals, tools and packaging options. Extended yield chips are also available, which report accurate toner low/toner out messaging when used in combination with Static Control’s toner, a huge advantage in MPS environments due to the lower cost per printed page. Kyocera drum and developer units have high page counts meaning end users can replace up to 70 toner cartridges before replacing the units. Therefore, the aftermarket development process for a replacement Kyocera system was unique because a single full life test can be up to 300,000 pages long. Static Control’s toner is less abrasive than other aftermarket toners, eliminating premature failures of costly drum and developer units and ensuring these units will last their expected life cycle. Toner compatibility is especially important in these printers, as toner from the previous cycle mixes with toner from the next cartridge. Static Control’s toner uses a proprietary formula and is compatible with the OEM toner, eliminating backgrounding and other mixing defects seen in other aftermarket offerings. The toner also offers excellent transfer efficiency, which prevents premature overfilling of the waste bins or bottles, a catastrophic print failure.

Replacement Toner & Chips for Lexmark® MS/MX Cartridges Available from Static Control SANFORD, NC – (October 15, 2013) –Static Control now offers toner and chips for more than 200 toner cartridges used in the most recently released Lexmark MS/MX series and related Dell® printers. Static Control’s Odyssey toner is formulated and manufactured to be compatible with the OEM toner and has the correct transfer efficiency, eliminating mixing issues and overfilling of the waste bin. Toner compatibility is especially important in these printers, as toner from the previous cycle mixes with toner from the next cartridge. The two cartridge cores used in these printer families can be remanufactured for use in a wide range of printers and page yields; all that is needed is the correct toner fill weight and chip. The 200+ replacement chips released are also engineered, designed and manufactured inhouse, and offer an IP-safe solution for remanufacturers. “Static Control has a long, established track record of protecting our customers from IP issues,” said Erwin Pijpers, Senior Vice President of Sales for Static Control. “We take careful consideration of IP throughout our research, engineering and manufacturing processes.”

Please contact a Static Control sales representative for product codes and further information. For more information regarding this and other Static Control products, contact a Static Control sales representative: US Headquarters: Toll-Free: +1-800-488-2426 US Headquarters: Tel: +1-919-774-3808 Europe Headquarters: Tel: +44-118-923-8800 Asia Headquarters: Tel: +852-2427-6011 Visit: Visit: Visit: Static Control is the largest manufacturer of aftermarket imaging systems and components supporting genuine cartridge remanufacturers within the global laser and ink jet industry. Sales and distribution facilities are located worldwide. Research, development, engineering and manufacturing as well as global distribution are located at Static Control’s world headquarters in Sanford, North Carolina, USA. Static Control manufactures in-house more than 10,000 imaging products and offers a product catalog of more than 14,000 imaging products to the aftermarket industry. © Static Control Components, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. The stylized S, Static Control and Odyssey are registered trademarks of Static Control Components, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.


116 Issue December 2013


UTEC’s Remanufactured and Compatible HP Laser Cartridges Comply with “NonHP Supply Installed” Chip Requirement November 12, 2013 - Union Technology International (Macao Commercial Offshore) Company Limited (“UTEC”), the master global distributor of Print-Rite imaging products, is pleased to annonce that the existing chips in both our remanufactured cartridges and our new SmarTact compatible toner cartridges intended for use in the Hewlett-Packard printers identified in HP's “Technical white paper: Aftermarket Chips for HP Laserjet Printers”, have all been successfully modified to display “Non-HP Supply Installed,” and fully comply with the latest requirements of HP as announced in the white paper. Our modifications were done prior to the public announcement of HP’s white paper, and our clients should feel confident that the continued use of our products in these printers is in conformance with the policies stated by HP. As an industry leader in the development of compatible imaging supplies products, UTEC is committed to respecting intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, trademarks and technical know-how, and to selling IP-safe products. Print-Rite brand products have themselves been awarded numerous patents for their innovations, with patents and pending applications totaling over 2,100 worldwide through September 2013. For further information, please contact UTec at UTec can be found on: Alibaba: Global Sources: UTEC is independently owned and operated, and is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, Hewlett-Packard or any other original equipment manufacturer. “Hewlett-Packard” and “HP” and its variants, are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company LinkedIn: About UTec UTec is a global supplier of high quality printer consumables and offers an extensive range of remanufactured and compatible products for use in laser printers, multifunction machines, copiers, inkjet printers and dot matrix printers. We are at the forefront of innovation with strong capability in R&D and a portfolio of over 2100 registered patents. For more information, please visit www.



Green Project Releases New “GP” Gear Now Available to Order LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov.20, 2013 –Green Project, Inc., an innovative and environmentally dedicated supplier of remanufactured ink and toner cartridges, announces that after years of research and design it now has available its “GP” gear technology for replacement OPC drums. The unique design and features of the “GP” gear is not only different, but also takes into consideration the need for the high quality print that consumers expect. “This has been a work in progress for the past few years and I am happy to say that we now have a solution for our replacement Canon and HP Toner cartridges,” said Joseph Wu, President of Green Project. “The focus was not to rush and make a quick gear, but to design the gear properly so that the print quality is ensured and that our gear does not damage the printer with prolonged use.” The “GP” gear has also been inspected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection without any objection and is now available for importation. Each “GP” gear also contains special markings as well as a bright green coloration for quick and easy identification so that there is no confusion for these special gears. The “GP” gear design avoids infringing Canon’s 803 and 405 patents and is also patent pending in the US and other countries. Green Project will offer the “GP” gear in most of their popular monochrome and color toner cartridges. The “GP” gear also incorporates a covert authentication platform developed by TruTag Technologies, Inc. that will ensure that the gear is not copied and knocked off. This security program is important in helping Green Project’s customer know that they are receiving the true “GP” Gear. If you are interested in Green Project’s toner products, please contact Green Project for more information on how Green Project makes it easy and safe. Green Project, Inc. Based in Hacienda Heights, Calif., Green Project Inc. is a company that specializes in recycling ink and toner cartridges. The company provides products for all of the major manufacturers of inkjet printers, including inkjet cartridges and laser toners. The company has a strong environmental orientation and has chosen to focus on providing recycled products, thus saving the earth from further environmental harm caused by discarded inkjet cartridges and used ink. More information is available at


116 Issue December 2013

Ninestar Successfully Modifies “Non-HP Supply Installed” Chip

Ninestar Image Tech Limited, a sales subsidiary of the Seine Group, has completed chip modifications to display a “Non-HP Supply Installed” message in regards to HP’s white paper. I n r e s p o n s e t o H P ’s w h i t e p a p e r discussion, Ninestar began its engineering change in June with its 05A, 55X and 530A toner cartridges for use with HP printers. With such a change, the display status screen or supply status page will not recognize a Ninestar cartridge as a genuine HP product when it is installed but rather represent it as a non-HP product. This change does not impact print quality. Since then, Ninestar has extended its message change plan to cover other models of cartridges. HP‘s “Technical white paper: Aftermarket chips for HP laser jet printers” shows the recommended changes to avoid brand misidentification. The paper indicates, “for many years, HP printers have provided a message to end users when a toner cartridge is installed in the printer, stating either ‘genuine HP supply installed’ or ‘non-HP supply installed’”. HP also says that all new HP printers launching in and after 2014 will support this messaging. Ninestar will continue the R&D of new chip solutions in the future and provide IP-safe compatible products to global customers. Ninestar respects the intellectual property rights of OEM’s and develops independent technology using a strong R&D team and thousands of patents.

116 Issue December 2013




Los Angeles, CA-UniNet R&D has qualified New X Generation® Multipurpose Black Toner Formula for use in HP P4014, 4015, 4515, M4555, M603, 602, 601 monochrome printer series. This is a Multipurpose Toner formula (MPT) designed to work on this series of similar designed printers from HP. When the original P4014/4015/4515 printers were first released, remanufacturers discovered that toner was critical in these higher speed machines. It took the aftermarket some time before an acceptable toner became available, mainly due to fusing issues. Over time, toner manufactures improved their products, and now an MPT type toner is available to work in the older 4014/4015/4515 printers, as well as the newer M4555 MFP and the M603 printer generations. This multipurpose toner formula has been qualified to work with all UniNet and OEM components. It also represents the lowest cost solution product when using all OEM components, and provides improved fusing and great page yield. MPT toners allow remanufacturers to reduce their costs, inventories and warehousing requirements.


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet R&D has qualified Absolute Black® Multipurpose Toner Formula for use in HP P1005, 1006, 107, 1102, 1505, 1606 engines. This is a Multipurpose Toner formula (MPT) developed to deliver the highest density printing in the market on both used single cycle OEM drums and new replacement drums. Many remanufacturers around the world still reuse OEM drums in certain market segments. All of the aftermarket toners to date have given “light printing” when combined with used OEM drums. This new toner allows remanufacturers to use the same toner across this series of printer models, regardless if they are reusing OEM drums, or in new cartridge build applications. UniNet Absolute Black® Multipurpose Toner offers higher quality prints at a competitive price, and is qualified to work with all UniNet and OEM components. It also represents the lowest cost solution product when using all OEM components.


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly releases X Generation Color® toner and components qualified for use in the Lexmark C734/736 and X734/736/738 color printer series. The Lexmark printers C734 and C736, along with their multifunction versions X734, X736 and X738 were Lexmark’s top color laser printer/MFPs until their new printer lines were released earlier this year.


116 Issue December 2013 These 30 and 35ppm machines featured 1200 x 1200 print resolution, and were meant for high volume applications. Toner cartridges are available in two versions, the standard yield cartridges are 8K for black and 6K for colors and the high yield cartridges are 12K for black and 10K for the colors.


Los Angeles, CA -UniNet proudly launches X Generation Color® toner and components qualified for use in the Lexmark C950/952 & X950/952 color printer series. The Lexmark C950 printer and the multifunction versions (X950/952/954) are current top of the line color machines. All models are based on the same printer engine, rated 40 - 50 ppm for color, and 45 - 55 ppm for black. These machines are recommended for up to 33,000 pages/month, targeted for large workgroup applications, and feature standard duplexing and a wide variety of featured options for the MFP models. Toner and photoconductor units are supplied as separate items. Toner cartridges are rated at 32,000 pages for black and 22,000 pages for the colors. The photoconductor unit is a singular item, meaning the same unit works in all four colors. This is categorized as an “Easy To Remanufacture” cartridge.


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet R&D has qualified Absolute Black® Toner Formula for use in Ricoh Aficio SP 5200/5210 monochrome printer series. The Ricoh Aficio SP 5200dn, 5210 are recently released monochrome printers featuring print speeds of 47 and 52ppm. Ricoh has also released the MFP versions, also called Aficio SP 5200s, 5210sf and 5210sr. All these models use the same 25K toner cartridge; the SP 5200 HA cartridge. These midrange machines are targeted at medium sized workgroup environments where efficiency and low cost are key considerations. The all in one cartridge design make this an easy addition to a remanufacturers’ product line.


Los Angeles, CA - UniNet has been awarded "Best Customer Support" and "Best Advertising Campaign" at the 2013 Recharger Magazine Readers’ Choice Awards. UniNet also received award nominations for "Quality Leader: Supplies," "Best New Product" and "Best Article." UniNet is thrilled to be recognized by Recharger Magazine and the global remanufacturing industry for these achievements, and takes this opportunity to thank everyone for their continuous support. UniNet offers a complete remanufacturing solution for these cartridges. For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit

116 Issue December 2013




Dell Introduces Document Hub Storage Feature in Printers

Texas-based computer technology company Dell has launched a number of printing machines with cloud capacities. Some of these, including multi-function printers (MFPs), are equipped with a document aggregator designed with SMEs in mind. This cloudbased feature is called Dell Document Hub. The Document Hub will be made available as a free download on a Windows 8 platform. It’s an amalgamation of five cloud-based storage apps – Google Drive, Sharepoint, Box, Microsoft SkyDrive, and Dropbox. All these can be accessed with just a single sign-on. There will be more services included in the said Hub in the near future. Some of the new MFPs installed with this feature will let users print out documents direct from the cloud without hooking the printing machine to a computer. It is also anticipated to be available for various mobile operating systems, which will be announced later. How does Document Hub work? Documents scanned on Dell printers equipped with this could storage feature will be stored into a cloud service of the user’s choice. This process also utilizes optical character recognition (OCR) software, which turns paper documents into formats that allow editing, such as .xls and .doc. However, the OCR feature will no longer be free by the end of March 2014. Dell Imaging Europe’s director of product marketing, Dave McNally, said in an interview with V3 that the American tech company is focusing on small enterprises that are using a collection of cloud services, as well as big corporations having specific needs that required bespoke solutions. “What tends to happen [with SMEs] is they will sign up to a free cloud service, use the limit of that and sign up to another. Before you know it, they have a myriad of cloud services that they need to be able to control,” he explained. He also elaborated that if a client wanted to integrate Document Hub with other cloud-based platforms, Dell will look into the possibility of enabling this integration. McNally clarified that older Dell printer models will not have Document Hub, even as a firmware update. The first Dell-made unit that will have this cloud-based storage feature is the C2665dnf, which retails at £399. On the other hand, the B2375dnf/dfw (£319) and the high-end C7765dn (£4,499) will not have a pre-installed Document Hub, despite the fact that both are new product releases. These machines will be available in the UK from October 24 onwards, while Document Hub will be out starting on November 5.


116 Issue December 2013

Canon India launches five inkjet printers

Canon on Wednesday launched three new cloud-enabled inkjet printers, the flagship Pixma MG7170, the Pixma MG6470, and the Pixma MG3570, as well as two affordable inkjet printers, the Pixma MG2570 and Pixma MG2470. All five printers are meant for the home user, and will be available in the market in November. Canon's announced prices are given in the table below. According to Canon, these new printers are easy to install and use, and equipped with "superior print and scan" features. The three wireless printers mentioned above feature Wi-Fi and smart device connectivity, allowing users to "print-on-the-go" using multiple devices to fire prints off, "anytime, anywhere". The company also envisages users of imaging apps and Web services like Flickr and Dropbox to be able to print directly from their respective interfaces. The new Canon Pixma range introduced at the event comes in a variety of colours, which according to Canon keeps in mind the need of consumers to have a printer which can go with their home décor and still "cater to their day-to-day needs with the latest technology". Speaking at the event, Canon India vice-president Alok Bharadwaj said the Indian arm is aiming to make Rs. 175 crore revenue this year from its printer business, due to the strong demand for inkjet printers, which has led to a 25 percent growth in sales in the segment. Inkjet printers comprise 9 percent of Canon India's total revenue, and the company expects this to grow to 12 percent within the next two years. The imaging giant claims to 29 percent share of the inkjet market in India, and estimates the total size of the segment is roughly Rs. 1,400 crore or 12 lakh units in sales. According to Gartner, total sales of printers and copiers in India was roughly 6.81 lakh units in Q2 2013, which is a 4.7 percent decline year-on-year. Total end-user spending in the same period was $235.4 million, which is a 13 percent decline year-on-year. According to Gartner, HP lead the Indian printer, copier and MFP market in Q2 2013 with a 52 percent share of the market, followed by Canon at 24 percent, Epson at 9 percent, and Samsung at 8 percent.

116 Issue December 2013




Perceptive Software and MPS Divisions Support Lexmark's Q3 Revenues


116 Issue December 2013

Stock analysis company Trefis has bared its projections and inputs on Lexmark International’s Q3 report, which was released on October 23. The American corporation’s earnings for the third quarter of this year have gone beyond expectations and initial projections. The company’s strong results were supported largely by its Perceptive software and managed printer services (MPS) offerings, which both experienced revenue growth. Although Lexmark posted a 2.7% decrease in sales due to the termination of its inkjet business, sales returns went beyond estimated figures. Aside from this, the Kentuckybased company garnered shares that were 4 cents above Wall Street’s projections. Adjusted earnings per share is currently at $0.95. Third quarter revenues were higher than expected because its imaging solutions and services (ISS) division, as well as that of its Perceptive software, did well in the market than anticipated. The former registered a 3% y-o-y result due to an 18% growth in MPS, while the latter’s returns rose 38% to $59 million as a result of increased subscription and license revenues. However, the ISS division also experienced a 5% decline in sales as a consequence of the company’s exit from inkjet. On the bright side, MPS, which is within the ISS division, posted an 18% y-o-y growth, equivalent to $184 million. On the other hand, non-MPS revenues slid down marginally to $569 million while inkjet returns went down 44%. Additionally, Lexmark managed to keep its large workgroup laser hardware market share at 17% and also recorded a 1% sales growth in the same division. The improvement in profit margins may be attributed to revenue growth in businesses having high margins. The exit from the low-margin inkjet printing business proved to be a sound move for Lexmark as it enabled the company to focus on high-margin process management and MPS. Its acquisition of PACSGEAR and Saperion in the last three months helped Lexmark boost Perceptive, which becoming a more important division as the American document solutions company steers itself into becoming an end-to-end solution provider. The current revenue mix yielded a 90 basis point improvement in terms of gross profit margins, which went up 40.8 percent. ISS margins went up 39.6% while Perceptive software margins rose to 71.3% in Q3. Analysts, such as those at Trefis, expect this performance to continue in the future. What pushes Lexmark to focus on Perceptive and MPS is the fact that many consumers opt to reuse and refill cartridges and that imitators continue to produce counterfeit printing products, which affect hardware revenues. Aside from this, there also is more competition coming from big brands such as Canon and HP. As a result of this increased focus on non-hardware solutions, Lexmark is now considered one of the leaders in the MPS business, according to IDC and Gartner. The integration of MPS with Perceptive is seen to boost Lexmark’s position among MPS clients even further. As such, MPS is anticipated to be the most significant revenue driver of Lexmark’s ISS division, especially with the increased demand for MPS. Also, it is projected that the company will get around to seamlessly integrating Perceptive’s solutions with MPS to make this forecasted revenue growth happen. In its report, Trefis estimates a $38 price for Lexmark, which is not different from its current market value. For the upcoming quarter, Lexmark anticipates its revenues to slide 3-5% y-o-y. The company also foresees its shares to hover within the $1.07 to $1.17 range. Furthermore, it also has modified its earnings per share estimates to move within $3.85 to $3.95 range for the remainder of the year.


116 Issue December 2013

Xerox Earnings Reports Reveal Increased Involvement in Business Services Xerox Corporation used to be primarily known for its pioneering work in printing. Now, this business has been pushed more and more into the sidelines as the document company increases its focus on delivering the more in-demand business services. A clear evidence of this shift can be observed from its most recent financial report. Business services, which include processing road toll, operating call centers, and facilitating food stamp transactions, took up 56 cents of each dollar Xerox earns. Previously, it was 55 cents. Last year, it was 51. The company has predicted that by 2017, around 2 of every 3 cents it earns will come from business services. In the last quarter, revenues were flat at $5.26 billion. On the other hand, profits rose 1%, reaching $291 million at 22 cents per share. However, Xerox stocks went down 10.5%. This is likely due to the reduced signings for new work, the company’s announcement that its Q4 profits will be likely to go below analysts’ projections due to pension and restructuring costs, and a decline in business services profit margins.

Kathryn Mikells, Chief Financial Officer, shared that although the signings took a nosedive in Q3, they remain up for the whole 2013. She also added that expectations for Q4 mirror those in the previous year, when document technology sales slid 4%. “The trajectory of the business has stabilized,” Mikells clarified. She further commented that despite the declining trend, the business remains profitable. Technolog y Business Research Inc. analyst Jennifer Hamel noted that Xerox’s foray in to Medicaid and health-care exchanges, including its drive to offshore some functions, is expected to stir up service revenues and hasten the growth of profit margins in the coming year. Although Q3 pr inting equipment revenues dove 3% compared to last year’s figure during the same period, increased demand for color digital printing machines have become the company ’s new sales opportunity. Installations of high-end machines, such as CiPress and iGen, has gone up 14%. At t h e e n d o f Q 3 , X e rox ’s g l o b a l workforce stands at approximately 142,000.

Around 2,200 jobs (majority of which are in North America) have been cut during the same period, resulting in severance payouts costing $38 million. Regarding Xerox’s Q3 developments, CEO of wealth management firm Whitney & Co. Bill Shaheen has this to say: "The company continues to offset flat revenue with reductions in cost structure. Longer term, they need to figure out ways to grow revenue to strengthen their competitive advantage,” he explained. “ The research, development and engineering line item is down 10 percent. Some of that certainly is a result of the mix of sales — more service revenue has less need for developing new technology. But my concern is Xerox has always been a leader in technical development. Continuing to reduce research and development, I believe, will have an adverse effect on their long-term ability to be the leader in sector development.” "They need to figure out ways to expand the revenue line to assure long-term viability of the company," he concluded.



116 Issue December 2013


Leading Printer Makers Form Alliance to Enhance Mobile Printing Process

Managed Print Service Provider Scoops Another Green Award

One of the emerging challenges in mobile printing involves device compatibility. Different Wi-Fi enabled printing machines would require different types of apps that users should download first in order to facilitate mobile printing. This kind of issue can be a thing of the past soon enough, though. And that’s partly thanks to an initiative jumpstarted by a number of the biggest names in the world of printing today. HP, Canon, Xerox, and Samsung have banded together to form Mopria Alliance – a group which aims to simplify and improve the mobile printing experience. This alliance also aims to create and promote mobile printing standards for mobile devices like tablets and smart phones. The founders also intend to engage in print solutions certifications and the user education. The group has also lined up plans to develop a standard print protocol and include embedding print in both mobile OS and apps. Augmenting support for legacy devices and boosting shipment volumes of Wi-Fi enabled print devices, as well as including and promoting near field communication (NFC), are also part of Mopria Alliance’s main objectives. NFC is a notable aspect to the alliance’s goals as it enables mobile devices to communicate with each other without having to download apps or some other mechanism to make them work. Users only need to bring two devices within a few inches of each other in order to establish connection. This greatly simplifies the matter of pairing printers with mobile devices. Aside from the fact that users can enjoy a decidedly simplified mobile printing process, the efforts of Mopria Alliance will also enable them to use business-type printing alternatives that will work well in BYOD settings and have more than one support option for workflows that require multiple connections. For the members of the alliance, especially the new ones, the advantages include compatibility of devices, use of alliance tools, opportunities for customer engagement, provision of device certifications, and the authority to unlock mobile print pages. The IDC sees this alliance as a welcome event as it can streamline mobile printing processes and simplify these experiences for the user. This positive development shows that the printing industry has taken the challenges of mobile printing seriously and has risen to the challenge of aligning printing standards across different types of mobile devices and printer models in order to support the growing demand for mobile printing.

Last month was a momentous one for non-profit organisation (NPO) – greenABLE – and Managed Print Service (MPS) company – greenOFFICE – as they jointly scooped the Recycling award at the 2013 Eco-Logic Awards. The Eco-Logic Awards – which were held at Maropeng, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa – were created to enable both individual and company consumers to participate in looking after our Planet through the conscious use of their consumer spending power. Every product or service purchased by a consumer has an environmental impact, and therefore every consumer is encouraged to look for and purchase products and services that have been produced with most care for and least damage to the Earth and its eco-systems. These Awards – initiated by the Enviropaedia and judged by a panel of highly respected, environmentally aware individuals – investigate a range of products, services and organisations with a view to recognising and rewarding those that have been produced in an eco-logical manner. The Eco-Logic Awards also recognise and reward those individuals, communities and Municipalities who are making a significant contribution toward creating an eco-logically sustainable society and environment. greenABLE and greenOFFICE certainly demonstrate this notion of sustainability – greenOFFICE through its MPS sustainability model (which is ideal for businesses with high print volumes and in need of improved hardware and workflow efficiencies) and greenABLE being the first and only printer cartridge recycling facility in Africa. greenOFFICE helps its consumers achieve environmental savings through the use of remanufactured printer cartridges, a free used-cartridge collection service as well as other offerings in the MPS solution, while greenABLE helps consumers achieve further environmental savings through the responsible recycling of printer cartridges. This Recycling award is a welcomed addition to greenABLE and greenOFFICE’s existing achievements, the latest being greenABLE’s win in the NPO category of this year’s Mail & Guardian ‘Decade Of Greening The Future’ Awards. Their awards are not simply trophies for display, but rather represent greenABLE and greenOFFICE’s ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability in the document/printing environment. After all, business should be more than logical, it should be eco-logical.


Monique Boshi, greenOFFICE Marketing Co-ordinator

116 Issue December 2013




116 Issue December 2013

Remanufacturing the HP Enterprise 700 M712 Toner Cartridge By Mike Josiah, Technical Director of UniNet Imaging

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certif ication committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. The HP Enterprise 700 M712 series of printers are based on a 1200dpi, 40ppm wide format Canon engine. This series replaces the LaserJet M5025 series. As with all the new HP cartridges, these cartridges use a chip to monitor toner low functions. The cartridges available for the M712 are the CF-214A and X The M712 series of printers use an 800 MHz processor and the most basic unit has 512Mb of memory. The entire series has a monthly duty cycle of up to 100,000 pages/month. All models come equipped with HP’s ePrintTM and Apple’s AirPrintTM mobile print technologies. The cartridges for these machines are similar to the older HP-M5025. New replacement end caps to convert an HP-M5025 cartridge to the M712 are now available. Some minor cartridge modifications are needed, but it’s all fairly simple. Separate instructions for the conversion are available. The CF-214A is rated for 10,000 pages and has a list price of $164.99* The CF=214X is rated for 17,500 pages and has a list price of $181.99* Figures A and B show the differences between the A and X cartridges. Note

Figure B

*Pricing as of January 2013. So far the M712 series consists of the following printers: HP Enterprise 700 M712, M712dn, M712xh and the Enterprise 700 M725 Figure 1 shows the pull tab for the seal. This tab prevents the cartridge from being installed unless the seal has been pulled. (Unless the tab has been separated from the seal of course). Figure 1A shows a new cartridge as received.

that the supply hopper on the X is larger. Because of this, you cannot convert an A cartridge to an X. Figures C, D and E show the top side differences between the HP-5200, M5025 and M712 cartridges.

Figure 1

Figure 1A

Figure A


Figure C, D

As with the M5025 cartridges, they have eliminated all the screws that hold the supply hopper end caps on. They are now held on by plastic rivets. This is not too

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116 Issue December 2013

Remanufacturing the HP Enterprise 700 M712 Toner Cartridge

much of a problem, but it is a bit of a pain. Printing test pages and some simple cartridge troubleshooting is covered at the end of the article. Also covered will be how to convert an HP-5200 and (separately) an HP M5025 into an M712 cartridge. This will be at the very end of the article. It has been a while since the theory of a normal monochrome HP cartridge has been covered. So we have included it here. There is really nothing new here, but it can be used as a refresher course. The toner cartridge printing process is best explained as a series of steps or stages. Figure 2 shows the various cartridge parts as they relate to each other, and Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the entire printing process.


Figure 4 Figures 5 & 6.

Figure 5

Figure 2

the amount of toner on the magnetic roller sleeve constant. This blade also causes a static charge to build up on the toner, which helps keep the coating of toner even, and allows easy transfer to the OPC drum. At the same time an AC signal is also placed on the magnetic roller sleeve. This signal decreases the attraction of the toner to the Magnetic Roller sleeve, and increases the repelling action of toner against the areas of the drum that was not exposed to the laser beam. This AC potential improves the density, and contrast of the toner on the printed page. See Figure 2 As the laser exposed areas of the OPC drum approach the magnetic roller, the toner particles are attracted to the drums surface due to the opposite voltage potentials of the toner, and laser exposed surface of the OPC drum. In the fourth or transfer stage the toner image is then transferred to the paper as it passes below the drum by the transfer charge roller, which places a positive charge on the back of the paper. This positive charge causes the negatively charged toner on the drum’s surface to be attracted to the page. The small diameter of the drum, combined with the stiffness of the paper causes the paper to peel away from the drum. See Figure 7

Figure 6

Figure 3 In the first stage, the Primary Charge roller (PCR) places a uniform negative DC Bias voltage on the OPC drum surface. The amount of the negative DC Bias placed on the drum is controlled by the printer’s intensity setting. This process is called conditioning. See Figure 4 In the second stage, the laser beam is fired onto a rotating mirror (scanner). As the mirror rotates, the beam reflects into a set of focusing lens. The beam then strikes the OPC’s surface, leaving a latent electrostatic image on the drum. See


The third stage or developing stage is where the toner image is developed on the drum by the supply chamber, which contains the toner particles. The toner is held to the magnetic roller sleeve by the stationary magnet inside the sleeve, and a DC bias voltage supplied by the high voltage power supply. This DC bias voltage is controlled by the printer’s intensity setting, and causes either more or less toner to be attracted to the drum. This in turn will either increase or decrease the print density. Both the Primary Charge roller and magnetic roller DC Bias voltages are controlled by the printer’s intensity setting. The amount of toner on the magnetic roller sleeve is controlled by the rubber Doctor blade, which uses pressure to keep

Figure 7 In the fifth stage (separation) the paper separates from the drum. The static charge eliminator weakens the attractive forces between the negatively charged drum surface, and the positively charged paper. This prevents toner dropouts onto the paper at low temperatures and humidity and also prevents paper from wrapping around the drum. See Figure 8. In the Sixth or fusing stage the image is then fused on to the paper by the fuser assembly, which is comprised of the upper and lower fuser rollers. The paper


116 Issue December 2013 that were present in the older style laser printers.

Figure 8 passes between a heated ceramic fusing element and a soft lower rubber roller that presses the page up into the upper heating element. The upper heated element then melts the toner into the paper. See Figure 9

Figure 9 In the Seventh (Drum cleaning stage) the OPC drum is cleaned. On average, a p p rox i m a t e l y 9 5 % o f t h e t o n e r i s transferred to the paper during the print cycle. As the drum rotates during printing, the remaining 5% of the toner that is on the OPC drum is cleaned off the drum by the wiper blade. It is then guided into the waste chamber by the recovery blade, and stored in the waste chamber. Once the print cycle has been completed, the Primary Charge Roller will then place an AC voltage across the drum surface that erases any residual charges left on the drum surface. The OPC drum is now ready to be conditioned by the Primary Charge Roller using the negative DC bias voltage, and start the print cycle again. In older systems, a primary corona wire, and a transfer corona wire are used instead of the PCR and transfer roller. These wires do the same job, but demand much more power to do it. The advantages of the Primary Charge Roller systems are that they operate at a lower voltage than the old style corona wire, do not generate ozone, and they also replace the erase lamps

Required Tools Toner approved vacuum. A small Common screwdriver A Phillips head screwdriver Needle nose pliers Flush cutting wire cutters Dremmel tool with side cutting bit. (Hobby rotary saw)- See picture in article Xacto knife with flat chisel type blade. Required Supplies Toner for use in the HP enterprise 700 M712/725 series New OPC Drum New Wiper Blade New Replacement chip New PCR [Optional] New mag. Roller [Optional] New Dr. Blade [Optional] 99% Isopropyl Alcohol Magnetic Roller Cleaner Drum Lubricant Conductive Grease White Lithium grease 1) Remove the drum cover by prying the spring loaded arm, and then carefully pry off the two metal bars out of their holders. The cover must be in the closed position in order to pry off the spring loaded arm. Be careful not to lose the spring! Both of the metal bars should be removed from the front not the end. See Figures 10, 11 & 12

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12 2) Note on each end of the cartridge there are small silver pins. To separate the two halves these pins must be removed. Like the 96A/10A cartridges, these pins cannot be pulled out, or pushed in from the outside of the cartridge (the pins have heads on them). The only way to disassemble the cartridge without damaging it is to push the pins out from the inside. See Figures 13, & 14

Figure 13

Figure 14 3) To remove the pins, 2 small holes must be cut. Cut the holes with the Dremmel tool, and a side cutting bit. See Figures 15, 16, 17, 18, & 19 4) Push the pins out with either a jeweler’s screwdriver, or a modified spring hook. See Figures 20, 21, 21A & 22 5) Separate the two halves See Figure 23 6) On the Waste section, take a common screwdriver and remove the Metal Axle pin/spring loaded cover located on the



116 Issue December 2013

Remanufacturing the HP Enterprise 700 M712 Toner Cartridge


Figure 15

Figure 20

Figure 24

Figure 16

Figure 21

Figure 25

Figure 17

Figure 22

Figure 26

Figure 18

Figure 23

Figure 27

right side of the cartridge. This is the same type of drum axle pin that the 2400 series uses. It comes out easily enough, but be careful as it seems somewhat fragile. See Figures 24 & 25 7) Remove the Photoconductive Drum. See Figure 26 8) Remove the Primary Charge Roller (PCR), by prying it out of the clips on either end. Clean the PCR with your preferred cleaner and place the aside. See Figure 27

9) Remove the wiper blade and 2 screws. See Figure 28 NOTE: Be very careful not to damage or distort the thin Mylar Recovery Blade next to the wiper blade. If this blade is bent or damaged in any way, it should be replaced. 10) Clean out any remaining waste toner. Make sure the foam seals under the wiper blade are clean and not damaged. See Figure 29 11) D ue to the aggressive nature of the toner used in these cartridges, we

Figure 19



116 Issue December 2013

Figure 28

Figure 29 recommend that the Wiper Blade be replaced each cycle. Lightly coat the new blade with you preferred lubricant. Replace the Wiper Blade and 2 screws into the cartridge. See Figure 30

Figure 30 12) Clean the 2 PCR holders, and place a small amount of conductive grease on the black PCR holder, install the PCR. See Figure 31 NOTE: If you are re-using the OEM

Figure 31

drum, proceed on to step 13 If you are replacing the drum, the gears will need to be changed over from the OEM to the new. There are two methods of removing the gears from OPC drums. The first and easiest method is to place the drum in a metal vice approximately 2" back from the gear, and slowly tighten the vice. The gear should pop out easily. This is the only method you can use on the OPC drums which have a weighted slug in the center. If you use this method go on to step #3. The other method is as follows: Required tools and materials: 1- 1/4" x 15" metal rod 1- 1" x 15" Wooden Dowel 1- tube of Super Glue 1 small piece of Emory cloth or sand paper Step #1 Removal of the Drive gear The Drive gear is the gear that has no metal electrical contacts in it. These gears are usually larger than the contact gear. A) Carefully insert the 1/4" metal rod into the center of the gear that has the contacts, or the contact gear. B) Angle the rod so that the rod presses against the edge of the opposite gear. The rod should be touching both the inside of the OPC Drum and the edge of the gear. C) Tap the end of the rod with a hammer, working the rod around the entire edge of the gear, until the gear comes loose. NOTE: Gently heating the ends of the drum with a hair dryer or heat gun on low may cause the glue to soften and ease in the removal process. Just be careful not to use too much heat and melt the gear! Step #2 Removal of the "Contact" Gear A) Insert the 1" wooden Dowel into the gearless end of the drum. B) Tap the dowel with a hammer until the gear comes loose. Step #3 Remove any old adhesive from the gears, and straighten out any damage done to the contact gears' metal contacts. Removing the adhesive can be done with a small sharp common screwdriver. The glue comes off easily. Step #4 Install the Gears on the new drum A) Inspect the metal contacts on the Contact gear. Make sure that the contacts will make proper contact with the inside of the OPC Drum. B) Locate the side of the drum on which you are going to place the contact gear. (On some OPC drums, this is critical - see individual instructions for more information.)

C) Lightly sand the INSIDE of the OPC where the metal parts of the contact gear will meet. This will insure a good electrical contact. D) "Dry fit" the contact gear in the OPC drum and check for a good contact with an Ohm meter. The reading should be a direct short, or no more than 1 or 2 Ohms. NOTE: When checking the contact, place one lead on the drum axle contact and the other on the edge of the drum. This way, you will not have to pierce the coating that is on the OPC surface. Radio Shack carries cheap ohm meters for less than $10, and the sales people will normally be glad to show you how to use it. E) Using the super glue, place a few (34) small drops of glue strategically around the inside edge of the OPC drum. Make sure you leave a blank area for the metal contacts! F) Insert the contact Gear. G) Check for continuity again with the Ohm meter. H) Repeat steps E and F for the drive gear. NOTE: Be very careful not to place the metal contacts in direct contact with the glue, as this will interfere with the proper grounding of the drum, and the cartridge will not print properly, (solid black pages). It is also very important to NOT put any glue on the gear as the chances of it dripping out onto the drum surface and ruining it are high. Placing the glue inside the drum tube works much better. 13) If you are re-using the drum, check to make sure the grease on the drum drive gear and hub is clean. If not remove it and replace. White Lithium grease can be used here. Install the drum. See Figure 32

Figure 32 14) Install the spring in the holder as shown, install on the cartridge and set the tail of the spring so it drops into its slot. See Figures 33 & 34 15) Replace the conductive grease on the end of the drum axle tip, and install on



116 Issue December 2013

Remanufacturing the HP Enterprise 700 M712 Toner Cartridge


tests, proper re-alignment of the end caps on that side is difficult to do. See Figures 37 & 38.

Figure 33

Figure 40 Figure 37

Figure 34

Figure 41

the cartridge. See Figures 35 & 36 Figure 38 18) On the gear side only, take the Xacto knife with the chisel blade, and cut the small plastic rivet off. Insert a small self tapping screw to keep the end cap alignment properly set. Remove the screw. See Figure 39 Figure 42 Figure 35

from the cartridge. See Figure 43.

Figure 39

Figure 36 16) Place the waste chamber aside. 17) On the supply section, the end caps are held in place by a series of plastic rivets. They need to be cut off in order to gain access to the hopper. Only the gear side needs to have the rivets cut. In Figure 38 you see there are more rivets that would need to be removed, and in our preliminary


19) Take the Dremmel tool again and cut away the recessed plastic rivet do not grind through the end cap! To separate the end cap from the cartridge, take a common screwdriver, pry up the end cap and slide the screwdriver against the shoulder. Press the screwdriver against the shoulder until it snaps free. Do the same for the small rivet. See Figures 40, & 41 20) Remove the end cap. Note that the gears stay with it. See Figure 42. 21) Remove the magnetic roller assembly

Figure 43 22) Remove the 2 screws and doctor blade. See Figure 44 23) Clean out any remaining toner. 24) There is no fill hole in these cartridges so it must be filled through the DB slot. Fill the cartridge with toner for use in the M712 cartridge. See Figure 45


116 Issue December 2013

Figure 44

Figure 48

Figure 51

28) Clean the mag roller sleeve with a dedicated mag roller cleaner. 29) Install the mag roller. Turn the stationary magnet so that the keyed end will fit into the end cap. See Figure 49

Figure 45 25) If you want to seal the toner hopper, use your preferred sealing method and install the seal now. 26) Make sure the doctor blade seals are clean. Install the doctor blade and 2 screws. See Figures 46 & 47

Figure 52

Figure 49 30) Install the end cap. Hold it in place with the small self tapping screw used earlier. Drill a hole in the recessed rivet, and install a screw that is approximately ½â€? long. Make sure the screw size matches the drill size. We like to use a #29 drill bit and #8 self tapping screws. See Figures 50 & 51

Figure 53

Figure 46

Figure 54 Figure 50

Figure 47 27) Clean the mag roller contact plate on the end cap that is still on the cartridge. Replace the conductive grease. See Figure 48

31) Place the 2 halves together. Make sure the springs are set, and install the 2 pins. See Figures 52 & 53 32) Install the spring in the drum cover arm as shown. Install the metal bar into the hole and slot. Install the arm. See Figures 54 & 55 33) Release the tail of the spring so

Figure 55



116 Issue December 2013

Remanufacturing the HP Enterprise 700 M712 Toner Cartridge

that the cover closes. See Figure 56

Figure 56 34) Cut the small melted plastic tabs off both sides of the chip. Remove the old chip and replace with a new one. If the chip does not fit tightly you can place a drop of hot glue on each corner to hold it tight. See Figure 57


physically modifying the cartridge by removing some plastic ribs and changing over a drum plate. The process is similar whether converting an HP-5200 or M5025 core, but the actual pieces cut are different. The conversion drum bearing plate is the same for both. The Hp-5200 cores also need a trigger arm. Both parts come with the conversion kit. Please read through the instructions below and make sure proper safety procedures are in place and followed. Converting an HP-M5025 to an M712 cartridge: Supplies needed: Conversion bearing plate Tools needed: Dremel type tool or sturdy razor knife. Good metric ruler 1) Slice off the plastic on the right side as shown in Figures 58 & 59.

Figure 60

Figure 61

Figure 57 Printing Test Prints There are a number of test pages that can be run from the menu. There i s a n “Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n M e n u m a p” , “Configuration Page”, “Supplies Status Page”, “Current Settings page”, and the “PCL or PS font list”. 1) Press the HOME button to open the menus. 2) Open the Administration menu 3) Open the Reports menu 4) Select the name of the report you wish to print and scroll up to the Print option until. 5) Press OK. Cartridge Troubleshooting: Repetitive defect chart: 94mm Drum 58mm Mag 44mm PCR Cartridge core conversion Cartridge conversion is a fairly simple process. The conversion process entails


Figure 58 Figure 62

Figure 59 NOTE: You can use a Dremel type tool or a sturdy razor knife for this process. Just be sure to always cut away from yourself and wear protection on your hands! 2) Slice off the plastic on the left side as shown in Figures 60 & 61. 3) Machine the height of the drum bearing plate rib from 2.5mm to 1.7mm. See Figures 62 & 63 4) Replace the drum bearing plate with the new conversion plate. See Figure 64 5) The trigger arm is not needed when

Figure 63 converting an M5025 core, only when converting a 5200 core. (see below). 6) Follow the remanufacturing instructions above. Converting an HP-5200 to an M712 cartridge: Supplies needed: Conversion bearing plate Tools needed:


116 Issue December 2013 shown in Figures 67 & 68.

of the waste chamber. (Next to the small rib as shown). This arm is present on the M5025 and M712 cores, but not the 5200. See Figure 72

Figure 64 Dremel type tool or sturdy razor knife. Good metric ruler 1) Slice off the plastic on the left side as shown in Figures 65 & 66.

Figure 65

Figure 68 3) Machine the height of the drum bearing plate rib from 2.5mm to 1.7mm. See Figures 69 & 70

Figure 72 6) Follow the remanufacturing instructions above.

Figure 69


Figure 66 NOTE: You can use a Dremel type tool or a sturdy razor knife for this process. Just be sure to always cut away from yourself and wear protection on your hands! 2) Slice off the plastic on the right side as

Figure 70 4) Replace the drum bearing plate with the new conversion plate. See Figure 71

If you hav e any que sti on abo ut the rem anu fac tur ing tec hno log y or if you have other puzzles you need to solve, you may contact Rechar ge Asia Magazine for more help. We als o welcome you to share your experience and remanufactur ing tips.

如果您有任何关于 再生方面的技 术问题 , 您可以联 系 我 们, 获 得 帮助。我们也将非 常高兴的与您 一起分享您关于打 印耗材再生方 面的经验和心得。 Email: news@rechar

Figure 71

Figure 67

5) Install the trigger arm that came with the conversion kit so that the arm and not the base plate is 58mm from the top edge


Message from the Publisher 亲爱的读者朋友们, 你们好! 转瞬间,我们就要和 2013 年说再见,迎接充满希望的 2014 年了。 在刚刚过去的十八届三中全会上,党中央政府提出了未来中国进行全面 深化改革的总纲要,我们有理由期待一个政治更加民主、法律更加公正、 市场更加自由的中国。 上半年,美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)针对佳能案件颁布了普遍排除 令(GEO);下半年,惠普向通用耗材厂商发出了“白皮书”。普遍排除 令并没有给我们行业带来我们所预想的严重负面影响,而是在一定程度 上促进了我们行业向更加规范化的方向发展。SCC、天威、纳思达等行 业领军企业纷纷发表声明,向世界证明其产品的合法性。据统计,国内 通用耗材行业的的专利已达 6000 项,这足以说明我们行业目前对于专利与创新的重视和投入,以及对他人 知识产权的尊重。关于惠普的“白皮书”,芯片厂商也都表示不会对通用耗材行业带来严重影响。 这一年,我们亚洲再生业(RechargeAsia)也收获颇丰,尤其是我们抓住了泰国打印、复印市场蓬勃 发展的巨大开发机遇,在泰国首都曼谷成功举办 RechargExpo Thailand 2013 展览会,得到了全球广大参 展商与观众的一致认可与好评。此次展会的成功举办与 AXIS 团队,IMPACT 展馆全体工作人员的大力支 持密不可分,他们的支持为 RechargExpo 展会首次在泰国成功举办奠定了夯实的基础。此外,今年我们还 成功组织行业企业参加了在新疆举办的第三届中国 - 亚欧博览会,引领我们民族耗材企业登上了这个国际 大舞台。在刚刚过去的 11 月份,我们印尼雅加达还成功举办了东南亚办公耗材展,关于此次展会的详细报 道,请阅读本期文章“一同成长,相会在东南亚”(P72)。 在这辞旧迎新的时刻,我谨代表我们 RechargeAsia 团队全体成员,感谢您多年来对于我们工作的支持 与认可,预祝您在来年取得更大的成功!

解伟先 亚洲再生业(RechargeAsia)中国编辑部


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Drum-Toner Integrated Consumables Ensure High Printing Quality

鼓粉一体式耗材 为打印质量护航 激光打印机和激光多功能一体机是 办公用户最“亲密”的办公助手,而在

















消耗品,因此在打印 TCO( 总体拥有成本 )



中,所占比例超过了 80%,远远超过了


CRG303 鼓粉一体式耗材和联想 LD2020



感光鼓以及 LT2020 碳粉组合为例。佳能



CRG303 京 东 商 城 售 价 为 375 元 / 支,


联想 LD2020 感光鼓以及 LT2020 碳粉的


京东商城售价分别为 589 元和 315 元,

当今激光打印机以及一体机的感光 鼓和碳粉仓分为鼓粉一体和鼓粉分离两 种设计方式,这两种设计如今都已经非 常成熟。鼓粉一体设计是把碳粉仓及感 光鼓等部件设计固定在一起而制成硒鼓, 当碳粉被用尽时,用户直接更换新的硒 鼓,例如佳能的桌面型激光打印机和激 光多功能一体机的耗材大多采用的都是 鼓粉一体设计。而鼓粉分离设计则是将 碳粉仓和感光鼓等部件分别独立开,碳 粉仓和感光鼓在物理上可以分离,理论 上用户在感光鼓的寿命期内只要更换打 空的碳粉仓即可。 鼓粉一体设计助你放心打印

鼓粉一体式耗材维护更简单 除了提供放心可靠的打印质量外, 鼓粉一体式耗材对于普通用户来说还有 一点优势是十分重要的,这就是更换方 便,维护简单。当用户需要更换打印耗 材时,直接取出并放入新耗材即可,可 以大大节省时间,操作的简易性对于任 何用户来说都没有问题。而选择鼓粉分 离式耗材,则需要将墨粉仓从感光鼓上 取下,才能实现耗材更换。虽然说如今 鼓粉分离式耗材在拆装设计上也比较人 性化了,但期间还是有可能由于操作不







七个步骤(充电曝光显影转印定影清洁 清洗)缺一不可,换句话说,感光鼓和 碳粉司职了成像的整个过程。也正是由



根据这三款配件的标称打印量,我们就 可以计算出佳能 CRG303 一体式硒鼓打 印成本为 0.195 元 / 页,联想分体式硒鼓 打印成本为 0.175 元 / 页,两者成本相差 0.02 元 / 页。2 分钱的成本差距相信远没 有人们想象中的那么大,对于用户实际 办公应该不会构成太大的影响。应该说, 二者在打印成本上没有绝对的优劣,用 户只有根据具体机型,全面计算各种耗 材的使用成本,并结合自己的需求,才 能真正达到节省成本的目的。 无疑,无论是鼓粉一体式耗材还是 鼓粉分离式耗材,从技术和制造上来说 都已经相当成熟。而对于更多的普通激 光打印机用户来说,如果从打印质量、 操作维护、成本等几方面综合考虑来说, 也许鼓粉一体式耗材会更加适合。

“打印成本低”一直是鼓粉分离式 耗材的一个宣传重点。虽然鼓粉一体式


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期



展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

India: A Rising Star in the Print Market

印度: 您不容错过的未来商机 ——2014 年 RechargeEXPO 印度国际办公耗材展介绍


Gartner 打印机出货量报告显示,印度第三季度的出货量


相比去年同期下降了 4.7%; 该季度出货量为 760,000 件。不过


印度用户在该季度的整体支出则提高了 31%。在打印机厂商的

的人口超越 10 亿的两个国家。

排行上,前三依然是惠普、佳能和爱普生。其中惠普以 51% 的

金砖五国之一,经济持续高速增长 印度是世界上发展最快的国家之一,经济增长速度引人瞩 目。若以同等购买力来衡量,印度 2011 年国内生产总值 4.457 兆美元,在世界排行第三,仅次于美国、中国。过去数年间印 度的经济成长率达 7.5%,过去十年的时薪也翻倍。自 1985 年 以来,已有 4.31 亿印度人脱离贫穷。根据全球竞争力报告,印 度竞争力居世界第 51 位。全球最大的 15 家资讯科技外包公司 中,有 7 家位于印度,而企业对于外包国家的偏好度仅次于美国。

市场份额继续领跑,他们的出货量为 384,000 件。最近表示要 超越 HP 的佳能,则以 170,000 件的出货量位居第 2。爱普生 和三星分别以 9% 和 8% 的份额位居第三和第四。 据印度《德干先驱报》报道,印度多功能激光打印机市场 增长惊人,增长比率高达 35.3% !在其推动之下,印度硬拷贝 设备市场也随之增长 2%,达到 320 万台。国际知名打印机品 牌纷纷角逐印度市场。综观近几年的印度市场,喷墨打印机市 场呈现总体下滑趋势,但是多功能激光打印机具有单张打印成 本较低等优点,其市场份额呈逐年增长的势头。

世界第二大人口大国,消费市场广阔 印度人口超过 12 亿,是世界上仅次于中国的人口第二大国。 同中国一样,庞大的人口基数决定的印度广阔的消费市场。目 前印度为全球第 11 大消费市场,2030 年将成为第 5 大消费市场。

办公耗材市场潜力巨大,急需挖掘 印度 NAND ipl 市场及出口部副总裁 Sanjeev Mahajan 近 期在接受采访时表示,目前印度的再生耗材市场的生产率较低, 进再生耗材厂的门槛低,2.5 万美金就能开厂,市场机会很大。

英联邦国家,英语为““第二附加官方语言”” 目前印度的官方语言是印地语,英语拥有“第二附加官方 语言”的地位,亦是全国性的通用语言,主要在政治和商业交 往场合使用,英语在教育方面也相当重要,尤其是中等及高等 教育。近年来,印度政府大力投资本国教育。大批能说英语的 人才投入了各行各业。 打印行业蓬勃发展,惠普占据主导地位,激光打印机市场增长 惊人


他认为,再生耗材的价格只有原装产品的 50%,更低的仅有原 装产品 25% 的价格,对消费者的诱惑力非常大。 目前在印度,OEM 厂商占在耗材市场据了 80% 以上的市 场份额,这对于后市场的企业而言有着巨大的发展空间。印度 为新兴市场国家,市场价格敏感度比较高。再生耗材厂商只要 市场运作恰当,在维持较低价格的同时,以过硬的产品质量, 逐渐赢得印度市场的认可,则市场前景不可限量。

展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

展会以及举办场地概述 为促进南亚地区的打印、复印耗材市场的进一步发展, 加强欧美、亚洲企业与南亚企业之间的交流,更加有效的开拓 印度市场,我们《亚洲再生业》(RechargeAsia)杂志社决 定将于 2014 年 3 月 6-8 日在印度首都新德里印度展览中心 (Expocentre Noida)举行印度国际办公耗材展,为参展商、 经销商和广大采购商提供经贸交流的平台。 新德里(NEW DELHI)是印度首都,是全国政治、经济和

展品范围 ◆ 复印机和打印机设备 ◆ 复印机和打印机耗材 ◆ 墨盒、硒鼓、色带、碳粉、墨水及连续供墨系统等耗材用品 ◆ 芯片、感光鼓、各类辊、膜、空盒等配件和原材料 ◆ 办公设备与耗材的制造、翻新、灌装、测试等设备和工具 ◆ 相纸、票据纸、彩喷纸、热敏纸等办公打印用纸 ◆ 大幅面与喷绘印刷产品与技术 ◆ 数码影像设备及耗材





◆ 南亚地区唯一的涵盖复印领域的专业展览会 ◆ 与当地企业合作密切,全新 B2B 平台,可直接接触印度及东南亚当 地经销商和代理商 ◆ 独享快速增长的印度经济所带来的巨大市场购买力 ◆ 中国企业参加此次印度展览可以享受高达 50% 的政府参展补贴




★ 展位收费:标准展位优惠价 1600 元 / 平米,光地 1450 元 / 平米 (2014 年 2 月 1 日之前) ★ 展位收费:标准展位优惠价 1750 元 / 平米,光地 1550 元 / 平米 (2014 年 2 月 1 日之后) ★ 标准展位配置:一张办公桌、两把折叠椅、一个垃圾桶及整体照明灯。

新德里是古老传统和现代化相互结合的一座城市。老德里如一 面历史镜子,展现了印度的古代文明,新德里则是一座里程碑,

的国际机场。 Expocentre Noida 展览中心位于新德里 24 号国道旁边, 是该城市著名的商业中心和居民区,展览中心总面积超过 2 万 平方米,拥有 5 个展厅,以及不同规模大小的会议室,以及超 过 700 个地上地下停车位,是举办 B2B、 B2C 会展最理想的


选择。 3 月初是印度夏天的开始,这时气温适宜,也是举办展会 的合适时节。 探访世界八大奇迹之一、印度最著名的古建筑泰姬陵 泰戈尔说,泰姬陵是“永恒面颊上的一滴眼泪”。 泰姬陵

展会现场手提袋赞助费 10000 元人民币、胸卡 9000 元、挂带 8000 元

在距新德里 200 多公里外的北方邦的阿格拉 (Agra) 城内,人们 誉它为印度的骄傲,称它为世界八大奇迹之一。泰姬陵还被美 国《国家地理·旅行家》杂志评为是“人一生要去的 50 个地方” 之一的人类创造的不朽的“世界奇观”。泰姬陵代表了莫卧儿 建筑成就的高峰,古往今来,多少文人墨客、风流名士歌颂她、 赞美她。据称,泰姬陵最美丽的时候,是朗月当空的夜晚。白 色的大理石陵寝,在月光映照下会发出淡淡的紫色。

联系我们: 北京招展中心: 电话:+86-10-5126-5580 传真:+86-10-5885-8747 邮箱:info@

美国招展中心: 电话:1-626-569-8238 传真:1-860-606-9068 网址


展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

RechargExpo Southeast Asia Indonesia 2013

一同成长,相会在东南亚 ——印尼展展后报道

2013 年 11 月 6 日 至 9 日, 东 南











杂 志 包 括:RechargeAsia magazine,



Print pack, SME, Franchise, Industrial,

LED 灯和标志。本次活动以一个动听的














数量约 1500 人次。







充满信心的从 2010 年到 2013 年印尼展






加国际化的东南亚展会。我们 2014 的展




谢谢! 2014 年印度办公耗材展(3 月 6

资 源 与 合 作 伙 伴 的 帮 助, 为 希 望 开 发

号 到 8 号 ),2014 年 泰 国 展(7 月 24


号到 26 号)。

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

展会热点 / SHOW TIME


展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

RechargExpo Thailand 2014

2014 年泰国国际办公耗材展

——同期举办 2014 年泰国 3D 打印展 IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center Bangkok, Thailand




主办单位 : RechargeAsia Magazine 北京域航鑫会展有限公司 当地合作伙伴:TCEB,AXIS,IMPACT

名 称:2014 年泰国国际办公耗材展 (RechargExpo Thailand 2014) 时 间:2014 年 7 月 24 日 -26 日 地 点:IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand

1、新产品推介会 2、实用操作技术现场演示 3、泰国当地企业工厂参观 4、幸运观众抽奖

四、展会以及举办地概述 为促进东南亚地区的打印、复印耗材市场的进一步发展, 加强欧美、亚洲企业与东南亚企业之间的交流,我们《亚洲再 生业》(RechargeAsia)杂志社决定在 2013 年成功举办的第 一届泰国展的基础上,将于 2014 年 7 月 24-26 日继续在泰国 首都曼谷举行泰国国际办公耗材展,为参展商、经销商和广大 采购商提供经贸交流的平台。

现在各国通用的“曼谷”之名则是当地语言“橄榄村”的转译。 曼谷市内繁忙的水上交通使曼谷有“东方威尼斯”的美称。 我们本次展览联合多家当地企业对东南市场进行强力宣传, 邀请全球观众参加本次国际盛会。 据中国相关法律规定,去泰国参展和参观的人员享受落地 签政策。 泰国政府助力激光打印市场,泰国政府的 Tang Tua Dai 项

泰国,拥有 6520 万人口,是东南亚地区第四大人口国,


国内生产总值达 70 亿美元,并随着其经济的发展,其许多尚

印机方面,这将推动激光打印机市场的发展。预计在 2014 年


激光打印机销量将提高 7-10%,达到 500000 台。

其经济的快速增长,已为广大耗材行业企业设置了巨大的市场 购买潜力的基础。相对于中东 - 东南亚的其他地区的市场,以 及已经受到了无数的市场营销专家深入研究开发的中国和印度 市场而言,泰国的市场目前还没有得到太多的曝光和公布,没 有引起市场追逐者足够的认识。然而正因为如此,它将提供给 所有最早进入该市场领域进行开发的人们,一个远远快于所期 望的利润增长速度。 “曼谷”(Bangkok), 泰国首都,泰国最大城市,为泰国 政治、经济、贸易、交通、文化、科技、教育、与各方面中心。

五、展品范围 ◆ 复印机和打印机设备 ◆ 复印机和打印机耗材 ◆ 墨盒、硒鼓、色带、碳粉、墨水及连续供墨系统等耗材用品 ◆ 芯片、感光鼓、各类辊、膜、空盒等配件和原材料 ◆ 办公设备与耗材的制造、翻新、灌装、测试等设备和工具 ◆ 相纸、票据纸、彩喷纸、热敏纸等办公打印用纸 ◆ 大幅面与喷绘印刷产品与技术 ◆ 数码影像设备及耗材 ◆ 3D 打印

被誉为是“佛教之都”。 泰国人称曼谷为“军贴”,意思是“天


使之城”。将其泰文全称转为拉丁文字,长达 167 个字母,其

◆ 泰国唯一的涵盖复印领域的专业展览会 ◆ 与当地企业合作密切,全新 B2B 平台,可直接接触泰国及东南亚当 地经销商和代理商 ◆ 独享快速增长的泰国经济所带来的巨大市场购买力 ◆ 曼谷的国际地位,每年邀请到东南亚周边国家市场的参展商和观众,

意为:“天使之城、伟大的都市、玉佛的宿处、坚不可摧的城市、 被赠予九块宝石的世界大都会、充满著像似统治转世神之天上 住所的巍峨皇宫,一座由因陀罗给予、毗湿奴建造的大都会”。


展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

影响力遍及马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加坡、越南、印度、菲律宾、 缅甸、澳大利亚等所有东南亚周边国家 ◆ 中国企业参加此次泰国展览可以享受高达 50% 的政府参展补贴 ◆ 泰国曼谷是世界著名的国际旅游城市,在您参加此次展览的同时, 也可以让您尽情体验泰国的异国风情

七、宣传策略 1. 广告直邮:组委会将印制门票、请柬、宣传彩页直接邮 寄给终端销售商,所有这些资料都将以中文,英文和泰语呈现, 确保传递的有效性。 2. 手机短信:多年的东南亚市场开发,使得我们拥有最为 详尽的东南亚区域数据信息库,2014 年我们展会宣传的短信群 发包括了中国、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、美国和越南等,明

的政府补贴。 即将于 2014 年 7 月 24-26 日举办的泰国国际办公耗材展 览会属于境外展会,参展的中国企业也可以享受中国政府提供 的这一资金补贴。具体细节请详洽展会相关销售人员。 九、展位价格 ◆ 展位收费:标准展位优惠价 1600 元 / 平米,光地 1520 元 / 平米 (2014 年 3 月 30 日之前付款)。 ◆ 参展企业于 2014 年 3 月 30 日前定展并付款,按优惠价计算,该日 期之后标展按 1700 元 / 平米,光地按 1620 元 / 平米收取。 ◆ 标准展位配置:一张办公桌、两把折叠椅、一个垃圾桶及整体照明灯。


年我们将进一步扩大短信群发规模; 3. 电话、传真、电邮营销:通过电话沟通、传真邀请、电 邮等方式直接邀请海内外业内人士参会; 4. 刊登行业杂志广告,我们同全球多家影像耗材行业媒体 拥有密切的合作,通过他们将展会的信息发布到全球各地;

展览会现场手提袋赞助费 10000 元人民币 胸卡 9000 元 挂带 8000 元

5. 参加行业展览及会议推广本展览。 6. 加大在泰国当地的宣传和推广。我们不但在泰国当地建 立了展会的工作室,还先后在泰国当地最为知名的几家办公耗 材的行业媒体上面投放英语和泰国当地语言的宣传广告。 八、参展补贴政策 参展 RechargExpo Thailand 2014,最高可获得 3.5 万元

联系我们: 北京招展中心: 电话:+86-10-5126-5580 传真:+86-10-5885-8747 邮箱:info@

美国招展中心: 电话:1-626-569-8238 传真:1-860-606-9068 网址


展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Market Views of Zhuhai ABColor Digital, Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (Part II)

想别人所想 , 做别人所难 ----- 奥贝卡乐的市场观之二 电子商务是一个未来






部分,比如说在中国网络成交额只占零售业的 4.2%。在美国的


话,也差不多,占 4.6%,它增长的速度挺快。但只是整个零售

业对目标市场的答案肯定不一样。 依我的判断,新兴市场必须






占的份额只不过是 16% 左右。虽然这一个新兴市场的出口增长


可能是 40%、50%。但是它不能马上取代整体的传统的欧美市场。


















对?什么渠道最好?因为 每一个渠道都有它的优点和缺点。我






如 果你要获得订单的话,可能不同的渠道有不同的作用。我们




会我们有时候会洽谈生意,但是下面还有一 个很有意思的很多


人也是考虑自己的品牌要建立自己的品牌。但是我们发现 51%

接下来需要考虑你用什么样的推广渠道,所有的推广渠道 去围绕着你的目标买家,让它不停地听到你的声音。所以这是

的受访企业认为展览会是最好的方法去打造自己的品牌,关键 的重要的客户排在首位也是展览会。

一个大的框架。 我们必须承认生意是越来越复杂,生意越来越难做。尽管 如此,必须要明白,今天很多买家不是你的目标对象,甚至于 很多买家的订单你要拒绝,你要说 NO,我不能接受。世界很 复杂,你可以选择你要的是什么买家,但是有一个前提条件你 口袋里应该有一个名单。你应该主动去寻找你想要的买家。不 然的话你怎么可以跟买家说 NO。所以我们必须强调推广的重 要性。 以前推广不是一个老板花很多时间去想的问题。因为那个

不难发现,虽然展会排在首位,但几乎所有企业除了展览 会还做很多其他的推广,所有的推广初忠都是为了曝光自己, 只是展会更直接。










2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

展会热点 / SHOW TIME



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Britain: New Technology Helps Build Green Offices

目前,在英国,每个办公室职员平均每年至少要消耗掉 1 万张 纸用于打印。而采用最新技术则能有效减少人们办公所产生的碳足 迹。通过减少纸张浪费和选择更加环保的技术,每个人都可以为保 护森林和防止气候变暖作出自己的贡献。

打印管理改善碳足迹 所谓打印管理服务,就 是将一个公司的打印业务全 部外包给一个经验丰富的第 三方来完成。比如说施乐公



绿 色 印 刷 公 司


(GreenPrint) 等 企 业 开 发

统。通过制定出一个适用于 所有打印设备和工作流程的

























本格式。这种软件相当于一 据施乐公司估算,他们






户 减 少 50% 的 碳 足 迹。 在


2012 年,打印管理服务给环




上停驶了 30.4 万辆汽车,其


节约的电能可供 23 万个家庭





的绿色印刷软件能够显著提 高纸张的使用效率。它可以 在将印刷活件发送到印刷机 之前去除不必要的图像或文 字,减少纸张浪费。绿色印 刷软件能够通过减少印刷活 件所需要的纸张,最终达到 提高生产效率和减少生产成 本的目标。 这种分析型的软件能帮 助企业评估印刷数量,挖掘 节约成本的机会,并找到最 佳的印刷管理方式。此外, 用户还可以用它来分析库存, 找出使用频率最高和最低的 打印设备,从而更加合理地 分配打印工作。 还有一些软件,例如派 图公司的像素优化技术,能 够在不影响印刷质量的前提 下,通过降低像素来节约油 墨和碳粉。

结合利用数字技术 为了实现环境效益的最 大化,企业必须将数字技术 与传统的打印系统有效地结 合起来。比如说通过使用显 示器、投影仪和智能手机等 设备来降低整体的纸张需求。 会议上所使用的材料也可以 用电脑和手机来展示,而且 修改起来更加快速方便。 现在大热的云技术也可 以用来减少人们对印刷信息 的需求。随着企业文件现在 可以进行远程归档,人们也 不再需要将所有的东西都放 在内部的服务器上了。

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期



市场动态 / MARKET TRENDS Sanjeev Mahajan: Printing Consumables Market of India

NAND ipl 市场及出口部 副总裁谈印度耗材市场

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges for Inkjet Printing Technology Worldwide

分析:喷墨打印技术在全球的机遇 与挑战 目前在新材料上打印的应用成为了喷墨打印的一个全新应用。 CharlesSharp 认为,喷墨技术由技术推动,从 90 年代发展到现在, 喷墨技术有了很大的发展,而在更多的场合喷墨打印也走到了台前, 市场也发生了巨大的变化。 多年以前,很多人无法想象可以用喷墨打印技术实现多种应用。 传统印刷技术开始逐步的转换为基于喷墨的大幅面打印技术。而在服

印度 NAND ipl 市场及出口部 副总裁 Sanjeev Mahajan Sanjeev Mahajan 是印度打印耗材行业的 专家。自 1983 年以来, 他曾在史丹迪(SCC)、 Katun、理光(印度)、 柯达等公司供职。在打 印耗材行业有着很深的见解。他接受说,印度的再生 耗材市场的生产率较低,进再生耗材厂的门槛低,2.5 万美金就能开厂,市场机会很大。 在机会大的同时,挑战也非常大。首先是印度市 场价格敏感,每个用户每年用五个硒鼓,没有足够填 充商,造成浪费。其次,印度腐败问题,市场效率低下, 执法的力度不大,有很多空子可以钻;再次,作为中 国邻国,中国的再生耗材产品众多,价格低廉,对印 度耗材市场的挤压比较大。此外,印度对于再生耗材 市场接受力低,消费者对再生产品不太信任。 在说到挑战后,Sanjeev Mahajan 依然认为再生 耗材在印度市场的机会很大,并给想要进入印度市场 的再生耗材厂商提供了宝贵的意见。他认为,再生耗 材的价格只有原装产品的 50%,更低的仅有原装产品

装设计中,喷墨打印还能提升产品进入市场的速度,改变布料的设计。 在医疗应用上,喷墨打印也有了多种不同的应用。在工业设计上,集 成电路的印刷也可以通过喷墨打印来实现。可以说,喷墨打印为整个 社会的发展起到了巨大的推动作用,今后也有着巨大的市场潜力。此外, 3D 打印也在未来拥有巨大的空间。 CharlesSharp 在现场指出,目前喷墨行业面临的机遇包括:墨水、 硒鼓、媒体发展、系统的整合、软件、应用程序的开放以及服务支持, 并表示包装印刷、纺织印刷、3D 打印、个性化装饰、广告印刷、工业 印刷等存在巨大的市场发展潜力。 CharlesSharp 拥 有 25 年 的 影 像 行 业 经 验, 他 曾 在 业 内 多 家 公 司 担 任 过 高 管, 包 括 TexPressInc. ( 首 席 执 行 官 ), GretagProfessionalImaging ( 全 球 市 场 营 销 副 总 裁 ),Encad,Inc. ( 耗 材 产 品 副 总 裁 ),HuntDigitalImaging ( 总 裁 兼 首 席 运 营 官 ), SentinelImaging ( 副总裁 ),DigitalGraphics ( 总裁兼首席执行官 ) 以 及 IrisGraphics( 原设备制造商及国际销售总监 ) 等。他为不同规模 的影像公司提供战略及技术指导。在窄幅及宽幅成像应用领域,他曾 帮助这些公司研发、发布和运营完整的产品线及建立销售渠道。他于 2001 年创办了 DigitalImageTechnology 公司。这间总部位于圣地亚哥 的咨询公司专注于喷墨打印机、打印耗材及其他影像产品的经营、市场、 销售和技术管理,为数码彩色影像市场的多个领域提供专业的咨询服 务。 来源:迪培思网

25% 的价格,对消费者的诱惑力非常大。在刚进入印 度市场的时候,可以与可信赖的进口商合作,提升质 量和品牌的口碑。供应商、填充上,在印度注意不要 正面的与原生耗材商竞争,这样会逐步被接受。 此外,在印度做再生耗材,量要非常大,价格非 常低,这样进入印度市场,打开局面,一旦进口商确 立信心,才会逐渐提起价格。


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期




2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Take Another Look at OEM Consumables

换个角度看原装耗材 在通用耗材不断发展壮大的今天, 原装厂商不仅拿起知识产权的大棒指向












而每种颜色的墨水含量都小于 2 毫升。







额翻一倍,类似的店商有 200 余家。 是这样的吗?最有利的说法是市场 和客户。很多用户并不知道大部分墨盒 的平均墨水量在大幅缩水。“新生产的 墨盒容量仅为十年前墨盒容量的一小部 分”,使用过的客户反映:“这个量简 直太少了”。


杠。 称为:技术更先进 打印量更多 打印机厂商对它们通过压榨消费者 增加利润的这种说法存在争议,“针对 任何单一的因素去讨论,比如购买价格、 墨盒或者打印机的前期购买成本、单页 打印成本或者墨水容量都不能精准的衡 量打印机的使用成本。”某厂商在一份





卓越的新产业机会——被称为“XL”( 特


大 ) 的设计模式,但是几乎和标准墨盒的

打印每张纸张的成本和 2009 年相比基本



了包含了 5 毫升的黑色墨水量,销售价


格为 13 英镑,但他同样推出了 XL 版本


例如,某品牌 T032 彩色墨盒 ( 发布

的墨盒,拥有接近 16 毫升的墨水量,销


于 2002 年 ) 和 彩 色 墨 盒 T089( 发 布 于

售价格为 20-25 英镑。但是两者的尺寸


2012 年 ) 尺 寸 大 小 一 样。 但 是 T032 包



含了 16 毫升的墨水量,而 T089 仅含有 3.5





佳能的墨盒容量缩减的力度是最小 的,但是仍然有所减少。比如,佳能最近

外一大品牌的墨盒上,十年前,20 英镑

“XL 墨盒是对消费者的一种侮辱,

生产的 PGI-525BK 墨盒,包含了 19 毫升

可以购买包含 42 毫升容量的标准墨盒,


墨水容量,而 2005 年生产的 BCI-3BK,

今天,标准墨盒最高仅有不超过 5 毫升


则含有 26 毫升墨水容量。当然,佳能也

的墨水容量,但是售价却高达 13 英镑。


推出了标准的墨盒和 XL 系列的墨盒。

打开喷墨打印机的墨盒,从内部结 构上看就会发现真相。在墨盒内部,海 绵包裹的墨水容量在逐年的减少,而墨 盒的其余空间处于空置状态。 原装厂商降低价格其该战略:只是 为了促使消费者更为频繁的购买墨盒, 减少墨盒的容量,谎称为降低价格,其 垄断市场行为本质不变。另一面,原装 厂商利用加密芯片技术,继续阻击再制 造行业发展。 英国墨盒再制造联合协会及产业组 织的技术总监克里斯·布鲁克斯直率的 说道:“大品牌打印机厂商尽一切所能,



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

原装墨水容量差距 5 倍 虽然通过改进 技术和先进的打印头 能有效利用墨水提升 印量的说法被人们接 受。但这些改进并不 能证明在墨盒中墨水 的容量比之前减少了 5 倍。另外,打印机 墨水的制造成本比过 去还要低,但是售价 却在增长,可见其中 加价的幅度过大,导 致消费者在墨水上花 费的成本比例要远远 高于 10 年前。 这是一场制造商 ( 惠普,爱普生和佳能 ) 和“再制造商” 之间的激烈战争,“再制造”商的代表人物布鲁克,通过填 充墨盒并打折出售,目前已经占领英国三分之一的墨盒市场, 同时来自中国的假冒墨盒也在涌入该国。 “三大巨头已经看到了逐年被侵蚀的市场份额” 布鲁克 斯说。 “他们不得不做一些更激进的措施。” 三大巨头目前采取的策略是,通过低价出售打印机,通 过低印量的墨盒来赚取利润,比如销售者认为打印机价格便 宜了,购买之后则需要频繁的更换打印机墨盒。比如,十年前, 打印机的价格为 150 英镑,但是,大部分打印机的零售价在 30 英镑以下。 许多新的打印机配备了“启动”墨盒,但是仅包含了非 常少量的墨水容量,消费者购买打印机后仍然需要立即购买 新的墨盒。另外,大部分原装厂商采用嵌入式技术封锁了机 器使用便宜的再生墨盒,“逻辑非常简单,” 斯特德说,“一 旦消费者如果购买了这个品牌的打印机,就必须购买这个品 牌的墨盒,不管这个墨盒要花费多少成本。”



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

HP CEO Announces Company's Mid-2014 3D Printer Release

惠普明年进军 3D 打印市场 : 预计三年后爆发 惠普 CEO Meg Whitman 在今年的“Canalys 渠道论坛”上表示,惠普 将在明年年中正式进军 3D 打印市场。 惠普在打印机领域已耕耘多年,进入 3D 打印领域似乎是很自然的事情。 “我们对 3D 打印备感兴奋,实验室人员已经摩拳擦掌,我们要引领整个行业。” 惠普的研究人员目前首要关注的是 3D 打印的速度问题。Whitman 说: “打 印一个瓶子需要 10 小时,虽然很有趣,但速度实在太慢,就像等冰一点点 融化一样。”同时,降低成本也已经提上日程。 惠普进军 3D 打印市场的策略之一是,帮助 3D 打印服务提供商建立他 们的 3D 打印工作站。她表示,惠普在思考的问题是:“如何以更低的价 格,更快地推进 3D 打印业务的商业化进程?助力服务提供商是可能的路 径。”Whitman 没有透露惠普 3D 打印产品的具体形式,只是说它是一种“全 新的技术”。 另外,按她的预计,3D 打印市场离爆发还有三年时间。

Gartner Predicts More 3D Printer Shipments Worldwide in 80 2014

Gartner:今年 3D 打印机全球出货量将 增长 49%

3D 打印机不再仅仅是工业生产的工


挖掘 3D 打印机的潜力。在未来 18 个月






Gartner 预计,由于竞争和更高的销


售率,3D 打印机的售价将在未来几年下


降。 该 机 构 还 认 为, 到 2015 年, 全 球

今年,3D 打印机的市场总规模将达

50 大跨国零售商将有七家开

到 4.12 亿美元,较 2012 年的 2.88 亿美


据 市 场 研 究 机 构 Gartner 称, 售 价

元增长了 43%。其中,企业在 3D 打印

售 3D 打印机。

低于 10 万美元的 3D 打印机的全球出货

机上的支出为 3.25 亿美元,而消费者在

量将有望在今年增长 49%,至 56,507 台。

这方面的支出为 8700 万美元。


Gartner 认 为,3D 打 印 机 的 出 货

2014 年,3D 打印机的市场总规模

量将在 2014 年继续增长,增幅将达到

将达到 6.69 亿美元,增幅为 62%。其中,

75%,至 98,065 台。

企业在 3D 打印机上的支出为 5.36 亿

Gartner 指出,快速的研发,质量的


提升以及性能的创新是 3D 打印机大受欢

的支出为 1.33 亿美元。


巴 斯 利 尔 评 论 称:

消费者的需求。 Gartner 研 究 总 监 皮 特? 巴 斯 利 尔 (PeteBasiliere) 表 示:“3D 打 印 机 市 场



“由于产品快速成熟, 一些组织将在其实验室、 产品研发和生产过程中

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期




2013 年 11 月 总第 115 期

An Interview with He Liangmei, President, Print-Rite

尊重知识产权 规范行业发展 ——访天威集团董事长贺良梅

2013 年 10 月 18 日,亚洲再生业记者有兴约 见到天威控股集团董事长贺良梅先生,就行业关 注的几个热点问题,进行了友好的拜访,得到贺 良梅先生的热情指导。现将交流的热点问题与同 行共享。

亚洲再生业:近几年因外部的世界经济危机,以及内部价格混战,造成行业 发展的困难,有的公司出现“产量增长,利润下降”局面,您是如何看待这个问题? 天威是如何面对这个挑战的?

贺良梅:天威面对这个行业态势仍然保持相对稳定,但也没有当年快了,也 遇到调整期,竞争激烈嘛!现在市场增长比市场需求快很多。厂家利润下降,是 市场竞争的结果。我买 8 元,你买 5.6 元或 5 元,这就会影响到产品的品质。优 质的产品一定有很好的技术依托,比如产品的专利,没钱搞专利,没钱做研究工作, 品质就会下降,毛利率降低后,利润下滑是整个行业做出来的。抄袭别人的专利, 产生负面效果,现在没人担负这个事,承担这个责任。我们的看法是:1. 自己做好。 2. 行业做好,引导健康的方向。 在中国做有良心企业很难,只要有 1、2 家坚持就好,现在许多家公司做生意 没有底线,如国内民营企业做牛奶,为增加蛋白质的含量,加三聚氰胺,放一点 没问题,今天放一点,明天放一点,放多了就出事了。耗材行业利润下滑是自己 造成的,做生意没有底线,没有道德,最终是要跨掉的。



2013 年 11 月 总第 115 期

亚洲再生业:天威在推动行业发展中做出许多公益事件,如建立了 7 年的专利“天 威杯”有利推动行业正能量发展。2013 年 9 月止,天威的专利共创建 2105 件,所 以近几年耗材行业“337”案件中,天威都没有受到过牵连,仍很好地在国外市场销 售产品。在国内您是如何尊重、执行知识产权,推动行业规范发展的?

贺良梅:天威 70% - 80% 的产品带有专利,新品的开发必须有专利才可以卖出的,这是天威为 了避免侵权风险,制造专利也是为保护自己产品。在近几年中天威一个专利案件没有,但在中国有个 奇怪现象,你不打官司人家认为你是“怕”,打的多反而不怕,越打越成“民族英雄”,这个风气不 对的,有点宣传误导嫌疑。我们要正能量宣传创新意识,把产权放在国家的战略层面上,尊重知识产权, 避免侵权行为,开展创新工作,把自己工作做好。 中国加入 WPO 之后,我们要在行业行为上与国际接轨,维护知识产权,针对侵权行为我们是非 清楚,要正确看待专利的有效性。我们愿意与一切有利于行业发展的公司进行谈判,按我们的专利技 术去做产品,找到共同解决问题的方法,推动行业的进步。

亚洲再生业:当前 3D 打印在社会上很盛行,在珠海展会上也有 专区,您是如何看待这个问题的?以及 3D 的打印市场在哪儿? 贺良梅:3D 打印,首先我们了解它不是新鲜的事物,它存在已久 了,3D 打印主要用途于工业模板的制造,因为软件免费,这样大大降 低了制造成本。其次,3D 用于医疗手术上,解决很多无法实现的难题, 如手指头的断接,下颌的重造等等。最后,3D 进入家庭市场为时过早。 3D 打印与平面打印是两回事,不是一个概念。

亚洲再生业:近几年“云”打印、移动、智能产品许多, 这些对于办公设备耗材产业有一定的影响,你是否可以预测下, 或是我们要做哪些储备能量,转型以适应社会的大发展? 贺良梅:智能化、移动设备对于办公设备耗材冲击,在欧美国家按百分比在下降,办公耗材产品起码 没有以前增长的快了。用于工业打印,在个性化需求上趋向于数码打印,欧美国家在慢慢增长。在中国目 前还没有呈现这个局面,但也受到一定的影响。 如:网络的电子商务在促进贸易的发展,李宁关门 1800 多个实体店,苏宁、国美也在转型营销。现 在做生意不做电子商务就落伍了。做得最好的是年青人,电子商务对他们创业帮助很大,有业绩的也是年 轻人,他们越没钱,灵活性越强,越能成功。大公司上年纪的人不如他们,这是不可逆转的潮流,目前我 们的销售营销模式也要转变。

亚洲再生业:2013 年国家在新疆召开《第三届亚欧博览会》,这是国家的战略方针, 开拓西部区域的市场,新疆是中亚财富的交汇点,和亚欧的贸易走廊,国家要实现东、西 并进的开放战略格局,天威作为行业的领军人,利用国家的平台,把中国的产品带去,实 现民族品牌的优势。您是否考虑明年的加入? 贺良梅:可以了解,把有关材料发给我。



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

New Facility, New Opportunity—Ninestar Holds "Hello Future" Event

新起点,大未来:去产业链上游参与竞争 ——赛纳召开“HELLO FUTURE”高峰论坛 2013 年 10 月 16 日 —19 日, 全 球 最大的打印耗材行业专业展会——珠海






此外,赛纳集团 CEO 汪东颖先生发












园召开了隆重的 “Hello Future” 高峰论坛,



来自全球的 100 多名客户、媒体和行业






是赛纳科技新投入使用的 25 万平方米的













打印品质,这是我们相比高昂的 OEM 耗









2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期



了可喜的成绩,2013 年的中央政府招标


成功中标,从 IDC 的数据来看,目前奔

赛纳新工业园占地 25 万平方米,是






的打印机科技工业园,可容纳 2 万多人 就业。新园区不仅满足了赛纳的产能需

据悉,2013 年是“奔图”打印机业





已经进入了全球 30 多个国家。赛纳已掌


工艺和设备的改进,IT 系统的布局,物
















一步一个脚印走在正确的道路上 赛纳的优异成绩并非因为行业机遇或大势所趋,而是一步一个脚印,坚定地发展起来。赛纳进入兼容墨盒市场时,中国已 经有 100 多家生产商,而且一些规模比较大的公司在这个行业已经耕耘了十多年,所以赛纳并不是拓荒者,但是却以最快的 发展速度获得成功。

2000 年 7 月,赛纳成立,1000 平方米的厂房,三条生产线,一台注塑机,38 个工人, 这些是赛纳当时所有的资产,从墨盒生产起步,在公司最初的三年里,赛纳将所有精力都集

2000 年

中在墨盒产品。 进入 21 世纪,传统原装厂商为了保护其靠耗材赚钱的商业模式,在墨盒上安装智能芯片 以达到垄断市场的目的,这对兼容耗材厂商造成很大困难,要继续生存就必须破解原装芯片, 但是芯片研发难度非常大,需要冒着成千上万次失败的风险。在爱普生和其他原装厂商发起 专利战之前,赛纳就已经预见到自主知识产权的重要性,坚持研发自主技术的芯片。

2001 年

2001 年,赛纳成功发布 T017 墨盒芯片,这是兼容耗材行业的首创,也为赛纳耗材产业 的成功奠定了基础。

2003 年

2003 年,赛纳已经占据了兼容墨盒市场的头把交椅,与此同时,赛纳开始涉足硒鼓业务。

2004 年

2004 年,赛纳搬入现在 130,000 平方米的工业园,并正式宣布生产兼容硒鼓。

在墨盒月销量达到百万,成功占据墨盒市场的领头羊位置以后,赛纳才开始硒鼓业务,在硒鼓月销量达到五十万以后进入 色带市场。在取得兼容耗材行业占据领先位置后,赛纳开始了打印机业务。 从以单一的墨盒起步,到硒鼓、色带生产,最后到打印机的生产研发,在行业率先开始实现产业升级,一步一个脚印的理 念贯穿于赛纳的整个发展过程。



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

EFI Appoints Green to Take over Asia Pacific Business

EFI 任命 Green 接管亚太业务 一直以来 EFI 都着眼于扩大亚太区的 业务,委任行业领军人物作为亚太区新一 任副总裁。 EFI 的 CEO,Guy Gecht 说 道,“ 作 为一直以来秉承着以深入发展与全球顾客 之间的关系来扩大的公司业务这一原则, 我们也要同时确保在 EFI 拥有最具实力的 领导团队。” Streve Green 拥 有 超 过 25 年 的 销 售 Steven Green 先生

和市场营销的行业背景,曾经在 Kodak 担

任亚太区运营总监和副总裁一职,创造出超过 10 亿美元的销售佳绩。 EFI 的资深亚太销售经理 Anthony Parnemann 欢迎 Green 的加 入。他说道,“Green 的专家级的行业知识背景对于在 EFI 工作的我 们而言是一笔可贵的财富,他的上任对我们的业务将会是非常有利的 帮助。” Green 曾 在 Oce,Ricoh 和 Creo 的 销 售、 市 场 和 技 术 服 务 部 门以及管理层面担任过要职。“Steve 将以其丰富的经验,加速我 们的行业技术革新,更好地服务于我们的客户,帮助公司更上一层 楼。”Gecht 补充道。 Green 曾研究生毕业于澳大利亚新南威尔士澳大利亚管理学院的 管理学专业,拥有位于澳大利亚悉尼麦格理管理学院的 MBA 学位。 来源:迪培思网

Statement for Ed Swartz from Static Control

SCC 史丹迪关于埃德·斯沃茨的声明


埃德·斯沃茨是一个真正的企业家,在他 20 多


岁的时候,他在美国桑福德开始了再生业务。在 20

所需要的几乎所有组件,今天的 SCC 史丹迪都在生

世纪 70 年代,他卖掉了自己的生意转而退休,但退


休并不适合他。1986 年,埃德告别退休生活,重新


创办了 Static Control Components (SCC 史丹迪 ) 。






1987 年和 1989 年加入业务。


1989 年,SCC 史丹迪开始提供其他产品,包括

2012 年,埃德被诊断出患有癌症。此前,他已




SCC 史丹迪和整个行业,直至他去世。埃德于 2013


年 11 月 4 日逝世。

SCC 史丹迪成长为最大的售后成像系统制造商。从


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期




2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Static Control Launches Aftermarket’s Most Comprehensive Offering For Remanufacturing Kyocera® Cartridges

SCC 史丹迪发布售后市场 最为全面的再生京瓷硒鼓产品 美国北卡罗莱纳州桑福德市—(2013 年 10 月 28 日)—SCC 史丹迪现已发布 800 余种产品,适用于 250 余款京瓷打印机的 单色和彩色硒鼓。 “为了向再生厂商提供市场最佳解决方案,经过一年专注的研发和制造,此系列现在正式发布。” SCC 史丹迪销售高级副总 裁欧文·皮佩尔斯说道。 SCC 史丹迪的完整系统方案包括碳粉、替换芯片、废粉瓶、栅网清洁器、碳粉密封盖、硒鼓密封条、工具及包装。加大页产 量芯片亦以上市,配合 SCC 史丹迪的碳粉使用,可以精确获得碳粉低、碳粉用尽的报告。SCC 碳粉有更低的每页打印成本,因 此在打印管理服务的市场环境中占有很大优势。 京瓷鼓芯和显影单元寿命很长,在更换它们之前,终端用户可以反复使用高达 70 次硒鼓。因此,售后市场针对替换京瓷系统 的产品开发过程与众不同,因为一次完整的硒鼓生命周期测试可达到 300000 页之长。 SCC 史丹迪的碳粉和其他售后市场的碳粉相比,磨损性更小,消除过早更换昂贵的鼓芯和显影单元的问题,确保这些单元能 够持续使用到预期的生命周期结束。碳粉会从上一打印周期残余混合到下一个硒鼓的碳粉中,因此碳粉的兼容性在这些打印机中 显得尤为重要。SCC 史丹迪的碳粉,为与 OEM 碳粉兼容而研配,消除底灰等在其他售后产品中常见的兼容混合问题。该碳粉还 拥有良好的传送效率,可以防止会导致灾难性打印缺陷的过渡填充废粉仓问题。

Replacement Toner & Chips for Lexmark® MS/MX Cartridges Available from Static Control

替换碳粉及芯片适用于利盟 MS/MX 硒鼓 SCC 史丹迪新产品现已上市 美国北卡罗莱纳州桑福德市—(2013 年 10 月 15 日)—SCC 史丹迪现已上市碳粉和芯片,适用于最近新发布的利盟 MS/MX 系列和相关的戴尔打印机的 200 余种硒鼓。 SCC 史丹迪的奥德赛碳粉,专为能够与 OEM 碳粉兼容而设计生产,拥有良好的传送效率,消除兼容混合问题和过渡填充废 粉仓问题。碳粉会从上一打印周期残余混合到下一个硒鼓的碳粉中,因此碳粉的兼容性在此系列的打印机中显得尤为重要。 这些打印机系列中的两个硒鼓胶件可以经过再生用于更多打印机和页产量,仅需使用正确的碳粉灌粉量和芯片即可。新推出 的 200 余款替换芯片均是由我们自行设计、制造及生产,为所有再生厂商提供一套知识产权安全的解决方案。 “SCC 史丹迪长期建立追踪记录以保护我们的客户远离知识产权纠纷,” SCC 史丹迪销售高级副总裁欧文·皮佩尔斯说道, “我们从研究、制造到生产的整个过程都非常谨慎地对待知识产权问题。” 如需了解产品代码或更多详细信息, 请联系 Static Control 史丹迪销售代表,获取详细信息。 亚洲总部:Tel: +852-2427-6011 珠海销售中心:Tel: +86 - 0756 3320300 400 8838 233 邮箱 网址 Static Control 史丹迪目前是激光及喷墨耗材领域全球最大的制造商及分销商。全力支持真正的墨盒和硒 鼓再生厂商,销售及分销网络遍及全球。Static Control 史丹迪的全球总部位于美国北卡罗来纳州桑福德,自 主研发、设计及生产超过一万种影像产品,并为售后市场提供超过 1.4 万种影像配件产品。 © Static Control Components, Inc. 保 留 所 有 权 利。 固 定 格 式 的 S, Static Control 和 Odyssey 为 Static Control Components, Inc. 的注册商标。所有其他品牌或产品名称为各自公司的注册商标。


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期




2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

APEX Releases Several New Products

艾派克近期推出多款新品 1. 艾 派 克 全 球 首 推



Epson Ⅳ南美区型号芯片

艾 派 克 推 出 Lexmark

C540/544/546 系



8300 系列可替代芯片


● SOC 芯 片 设 计, 具 有 艾


派克 SOC 芯片优势 ●“!”、“×”功能提示

●尺寸和性能都与 OEM 一致




求定制容量 ®

4. 艾派克推出 Epson Ⅲ / Ⅳ芯片复位仪

常测试 ®

2. 艾派克全球首推 Samsung 115/116/203/204 系列可替

● APEX 已推出 EPSON Ⅲ / Ⅳ最优原装芯片复位方案



● SOC 芯片设计,具


有艾派克 SOC 芯片优势

● 性 能 与 OEM 芯 片



无需回收原装墨盒或芯片 ●区域通用性

Trendvision Takes the Lead to Release Brother Sublimation Inks

传美讯:保持行业领先,全球率先推出兄弟热转印墨水 兄弟热转印墨水可以打印并通过设备


转印到有涂层的媒介。传美讯提供四色兄 弟转印墨水。配合压电喷头打印机、热转 印设备和热转印纸,您可以将个性化图案 转印到包袋、马克杯、瓷盘、瓷砖、帐篷、 旗帜等各种促销品以及艺术作品上。传美 讯提供全套热转印相关产品,配合使用效 果成佳,为您免去搜寻之苦。 特点和优点: 明亮而鲜艳的色彩 长期保护喷嘴 普通纸和转印纸均可使用 稳定而持久的打印连续性 适用压电式喷头打印机 应用范围:服装印花、布匹印染、轻 工产品(鞋、帽、箱、包、雨伞、领带)印花、 服装辅料、织带印花等专业领域及广告、 展示、摄影、工艺礼品窗饰布艺、陶瓷工艺、 金属彩印等多种行业。


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期




2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Konica Minolta Releases Original Environmental Protection Technology

柯尼卡美能达独创环保新技术 引领节能办公新趋势 (9 月 26 日,上海)现今,各种地球环境问题正日益突显, 环境污染已成为国家发展和城市建设的一大制约因素,无论是 政府部门还是企事业单位 , 都将可持续发展作为战略性策略,成 为引导企事业单位发展的风向标。众多厂商在革新产品时也越 来越注重环保新技术的研发和环保材料的运用。作为专业的全 球商务增值服务商,柯尼卡美能达在防止全球变暖、构建循环 型社会等环保课题上树立了明确的目标和改善措施,并进行了 一系列独创的环保技术研发,以全球视野引领节能办公新趋势。 变废为宝 独创再生 PC*/PET* 环保塑料技术 再生 PC/PET 环保塑料技术是由柯尼卡美能达独立自主研 发的环保技术。目前,该技术已经广泛运用到柯尼卡美能达数 码复合机产品的生产中。

再生 PC/PET 环保塑料技术被广泛地应用到柯尼卡美能达复 合机产品中 品的成本,对广大用户来说的确是兼顾环保和高性价比、物美 价廉的绝佳选择。 三大绿色活动 全方位推进环保事业 柯尼卡美能达始终将 " 构建可持续发展的地球与社会 " 视为 己任,通过防止地球变暖、构建循环型社会、降低化学物质危 害以及恢复和保护生物多样性这四项环保举措努力降低环境负 荷,并将这些环保举措落实到复合机从生产到再利用的整个生 命周期之中。 2010 年初,柯尼卡美能达对全球生产基地导入了独创的环 保评估制度——绿色工厂认证制度,针对工厂的废弃物排放量 设定了严苛的等级标准。除了绿色工厂认证以外,柯尼卡美能

再生 PC/PET 环保塑料技术展示


柯尼卡美能达通过回收市面上大量流通的 PC/PET 废弃原


材料,如:饮用机专用塑料桶、PET 塑料瓶等,通过柯尼卡美


能达的独创化学技术,成功研发了全新的再生 PC/PET 环保型



通过绿色工厂、绿色产品以及绿色市场这三大 " 绿色活动 ",全

新研发的 PET 环保型塑料(聚合物合金再生 PET)克服了传


统 PET 塑料易损坏、耐火性差、难以注塑成型等缺点,无论从 耐久性、强度、撞击性、阻燃性还是在外观重塑性上,都有着 不俗的表现力。柯尼卡美能达在复合机产品的机身上使用再生 PC/PET 环保型塑料,不仅提高了资源的循环再利用率,而且 作为有效利用 PC/ PET 废弃物的再生环保材料,它的成本比生 物塑料更低,对构建循环型社会有很大的助益。 值得一提的是:这些 PC/PET 废物原材料在中国非常普遍, 所以柯尼卡美能达在中国实现了从废弃原材料回收、环保型塑 料制造到复合机产品生产的一系列环节。在本地实现废弃原材 料回收再利用并实现纯碎的本地化生产,不仅可以提高资源的 再利用率为中国的环保事业做出贡献,而且可以进一步降低产

柯尼卡美能达无锡 " 绿色工厂 " 通过有效的生产管理减少对环 境的负荷 未来,柯尼卡美能达将继续凭借领先的科技工艺,专注用 户需求,不断创新环保技术,为用户打造低碳环保、更具人性 化设计和高效高质的优质绿色产品,以卓越的性能优势引领节 能办公新趋势。 来源:



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Canon Publishes Q3 Earnings Report with a 20.6% Increase in Office Products

佳能发布 2013 年第三季财报 办公产品领域销售额增长 20.6% 2013 年 10 月 24 日,佳能集团发布

面打印机方面,奥西生产的 Océ Color


了 2013 年第三季度财报。财报显示,虽

Stream 3000 系列的销售量稳步增长。









涨 8.2%, 达 到 35.58 亿 美 元。 单 反 数



码 相 机 以 及 可 交 换 镜 头 方 面, 以 EOS



5D Mark Ⅲ 和 EOS 6D/70D 为 代 表 的


团营业额同比增长 14.2% 达到 93.18 亿


该业务领域销售额也实现了同比 2.3% 的



增长,达到 9.70 亿美元。




季度纯利润增长了 17.3%。



2013 年第三季度,佳能集团办公产

销 量 有 所 下 降, 但 是 佳 能 新 发 布 的 博


品 领 域 销 售 额 增 长 20.6%, 达 到 50.39

秀 PowerShot SX275HS 以 及 伊 克 萨 斯



IXUS140/132 等产品具有高倍变焦功能


C5200/C2200 系 列 以 及 生 产 型 复 合 机



ImagePRESS C6010 系列销售持续坚挺。





7.8%,达到 382.65 亿美元的预期。



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

Ricoh Releases MP Series of A3 MFCs

定位高端理光发布 MP 系列 A3 多功能复合机 日 前, 理 光( 中 国 ) 发 布 了 MP

C3003SP 和 C3503SP 分 别 具 备


每 分 钟 30 页 和 35 页 的 黑 白、 彩 色 同

C4503SP/C5503SP/C6003SP 输 出

C6003SP 系列中高端 A3 彩色数码复合

速 输 出 能 力, 黑 白、 彩 色 文 档 扫 描 速

速度分别为每分钟 45 页 /55 页 /60 页,


度也达到了每分钟 80 页。它们的标准



纸 盒 容 量 为 1,200 页, 加 上 选 购 附 件


后,储备纸量高达 4,700 页。

250GB 超大硬盘,在配备同步双面扫描 送稿器(SPDF)后,彩色扫描可达 180 页 / 分(双面)和 110 页 / 分(单面)的 速度。在原有动画指引的基础上,增加 了卡纸 LED 指示灯,更直观的为用户指 引需要清除卡纸的位置。 这些新机型的打印分辨率可以达到 1,200dpix 1,200dpi/2bit。其整体外观更 加时尚和纤巧。继续采用人性化的 “自 定义主画面”功能。 用户可以根据自身 日常办公需求 , 将常用的功能一键自定义 在操作屏幕。同时,采用 9 英寸的超大 彩色触摸屏幕的操控面板。为方便用户 的日常使用,这些机型还采用了纸盘(部 分)的自动回位设计。 理光 MP 系列复印机

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Fuji Xerox Reach a Full Cooperation Agreement on File Manager Service

三菱重工与富士施乐就文件管理服务业务 达成全面合作协议 近日,富士施乐株式会社与三菱重工株式会社(MHI)就文件管理服务达成综 合业务联盟协议,以帮助三菱重工构建完善的打印环境,优化文件管理服务流程。 根据该协议,三菱重工拟将拆分其综合附属公司——RYOIN 有限公司的文件相关业 务,并以此为基础创建一家衍生公司。富士施乐将收购新成立公司的股份,并接管 RYOIN 的文件管理相关业务。这是富士施乐推进价值战略的又一举措。 基于与三菱重工日益增强的合作关系,接手 RYOIN 的文件相关业务后,富士 施乐将最大限度地发挥其在文件管理服务上所积累的专业优势,为三菱重工提供优 质服务,以进一步拓展富士施乐服务业务。 三菱重工正在全力推进企业的改革与精简,这也是该公司中期业务计划的相关 举措之一。通过与富士施乐联合成立新公司,三菱重工期望以最优质的服务提高文 件相关业务的运作效率,并大幅降低成本。


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期




2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

文印管理服务和移动打印前瞻 /MPS AND MOBILE PRINT Fuji Xerox Releases Campus Document Management Solutions

富士施乐全面校园文印管理解决方案 学校也需要文印管理解决方案吗?如果你还停留在教师用 传统方式印试卷、学生到处找打印社打题型和材料的时代 , 那

第一,既能保留传统的考试方式,又无需改变教师和学生 的习惯;


第二 , 易于操作。 只对实体顺序随机调整,去除了考试分


AB 卷,以及分时段、调座位等方式;不需要计算机、多媒体和



有效防作弊 教师更省心 考试作弊是如今令各国教师最头疼的难题,有些国家甚至 动用军犬、安装电子感应设备……但始终都没能找到一种既有 效又方便师生的方式。 针对学校这样的窘境,富士施乐给出了一个更加智慧和便

第三,使用范围广。集成了传统纸卷考试的方式与流程, 不受时间地点限制,对不同规模的考试同样适用; 第四,加大了作弊难度。保证了考核的准确性和公平性, 从根本上解决了学生作弊的问题。 校园一卡通 自助随心印












时还可实现自动统计和自动计费管理。学生只需刷卡,即可通 过操作富士施乐复合机的液晶触摸面板轻松进行自助打印、扫 描和复印,同时可以看到相应的费用及余额,操作非常方便、 简单,不需任何培训。值得一提的是 , 学生不再用携带 U 盘四 处找打印社,只要在连接校园网的宿舍电脑上选择打印,就可 在任意一台富士施乐数码多功能机上刷校园卡进行打印,更加 方便了学生合理有效地安排学习与生活。 长期以来,富士施乐一直致力于利用先进的文件管理解决 方案为不同行业用户提高生产力、创造价值。相信 , 富士施乐 针对校园环境定制的一系列文印解决方案 , 在为广大师生创建 便捷的校园文印环境的同时 , 更将助力各类院校提升数字化教

具体看来,采用富士施乐防作弊文印解决方案优势非常明 显:


学水平、建设数字校园,为数字时代的教育信息化带来全新的 发展契机。

2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期




2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

大幅面打印机资讯 /WIDE FORMAT PRINTING Printer Manufacturers Turn to Wide Format Printing

打印机厂商近日向大幅面领域转型 随着打印市场进入微利时代,一线










利润点要远大于普通办公产品,市场发 展空间巨大。正是意识到这一点,众多 厂商开始涉足大幅面市场。 A3/A4 打印机难逆袭 根据 IDC 报告显示,2012 年第四季

大幅面有大市场 大幅面打印机国内普遍认为,幅宽 超过 24 英寸以上的、长度不限、精度要 求达到 720DPI 甚至更高的分辨率,采用 液态耗材的打印机。目前主要有 42 英寸

度全球打印机市场出货量为 3110 万台,

(B0)、24 英寸(A1+)、44 英寸(B0+)、

相比 2011 年同期下降了 11.2%。从技术

17 英 寸(A2+)、36 英 寸(A0+)、60


英寸、64 英寸等尺寸。



2013 年第一季度国内打印外设市场整体

领域,用户一般分布在 CAD、影像、数

出货量约为 274 万台,与去年同期相比,



2007 年,惠普在上海成立了大幅面 打印机技术研发中心,开发出更适合本 地需求的大幅面打印产品。2011 年 7 月, 惠普宣布进一步扩大其新一代数字印刷 解决方案范围,以强化印刷服务供应商 提供给客户的价值主张,它也是世界上 唯一一家拥有全线耗材方案、全球服务 体系、热发泡和微压电核心技术和全行 业解决方案的公司。 联手奥西 佳能谋求上位 2010 年佳能在华成立了大幅面打印 机事业部,并与照相机、打印机和复印

出货量下滑了 12.4%,销售金额下降了






为 155 万台,同比降幅为 2.4%,喷墨打



印机整体出货量约为 61 万台,同比下滑















另一组数据。根据 IDC 最新发布的






2013 年第一季度中国打印机耗材总出货


量接近 2696.2 万只,与 2012 年第四季


度相比,出货量下降了 8.2%,但同比基


本持平。2013 年第一季度耗材销售额达


到 5.3 亿美元,环比下降 6.0%,同比小


幅下降 0.8%。

两大技术阵营 大幅面打印机在技术上分为两种类 型,一种是热气泡技术,由惠普发明, 是通过加热元件对喷头加热,使墨水腔 内的墨水气化,气泡膨胀,产生的压力 把墨水“挤出”喷嘴,形成喷向打印介 质的墨滴。 另一种是“微压电”打印技术,微


奥西。作为一家有着 130 年历史的 公司,其主营业务为专业打印机,在工 程制图、出版、印刷等行业都有相当高 的市场占有率。


2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

在 2009 年由于打印机和复印机行业属 于资本密集型,而缺乏规模效应的奥西不 断亏损,已尽显疲态。当时佳能出价 7.3 亿

HP Releases Wide Format Printers for Building Design


欧元收购,佳能和奥西在产品上没有重叠, 佳能生产的是日常办公复印机和中低端数 字商务打印机,而奥西关注的是高端和广 告用大尺寸打印机。对于奥西来说,一方 面可以解决发展资金的问题,另一方面也 可以借助佳能的雄厚实力进行力度更大的 市场扩张,而对于一直希望在打印市场有 更大作为的佳能来说,奥西的技术实力令 人垂涎。 爱普生出击家装领域 爱普生是最早在国内推出大幅面打印 机的品牌。时间可以追溯到 1999 年,当时 发布了第一款产品主要面向的是影像行业, 比如新人结婚的照片和大幅面的油画等, 随着产品的不断研发,后来慢慢拓展为印 刷行业,印刷行业很多用户都采用爱普生 做数码打样输出,市场上基本 90% 以上的 用户都会选择爱普生的产品,之后又拓展 至广告行业、图文行业、艺术品复制以及 拓展至一些新兴行业。 爱普生一直掌握着核心技术。目前在 渠道和售后方面优势还是明显的,在影像、 艺术品复制领域拥有庞大的用户群。不过 爱普生已经把目光瞄准到家装市场,在不 少装修展会上都能够看到爱普生的展台, 在欧美、日本和韩国,第三方数据表明家 庭壁纸使用量非常高,但在国内的使用量 还处于非常低的基数,因此发展空间非常 广阔。

11 月 1 日,“智慧城市打印无处不在”——惠普 2013 图形印艺解决方案系 列产品秋季新品媒体沟通会在京举行。中国惠普有限公司打印与信息产品集团大 幅面打印事业部总经理黎兵先生分享了惠普面向建筑设计领域推出的全新产品与 解决方案——HP Designjet T2500 eMFP。 HP Designjet T2500 eMFP 针对 AEC 及地理测绘等在内的建筑细分市场,能 快速、高精度地打印图纸。借助 HP Designjet T2500 eMFP 的扫描功能,设计人 员可以直接实现设计图纸的电子化存档。更为智能的是,T2500 具有消蓝功能, 能令扫描的线条更加清晰可辨。 中域绿色智能城市系统研究院的信息中心主管王福刚先生表示:“惠普 HP Designjet T2500 eMFP 的扫描和复印功能非常便捷,复印功能对于出图室而言很 关键,工程设计用的透明图纸很脆,不容易保存,有了复印功能,可以很快的复 刻破损的图纸,避免因为图纸损坏而延误工作,加速了我们的工作进程。” 全新 HP Designjet T2500 eMFP 还配备创新的双卷筒前端装纸功能,能够轻 松的加载纸张,用户可以在触摸屏上实时监控任务,保证打印作业顺利流畅。另外,

纵观大幅面打印机市场的发展和现状, 无论是用户对输出品质、输出速度、成本 控制等方面的高要求,还是对产品环保性 能等特点的需求,都对设备提供商的技术 提出了更高且更为严格的要求,这是一种 驱动力。相比已经有些饱和的 A3 和 A4 打 印机市场,未来几年的变数会更多,而且 由于面向的用户群对于价格的敏感程度没 那么高,在能够保证利润的前提下,厂商 更愿意投入,使整个领域进入到一个良性 循环的状态。

T2500 配有收纸器,可以让打印出的印品平整有序的掉至纸盒中,免去纸盒杂乱 带来的困扰。 HP Designjet 打印解决方案,搭载了 HP Designjet ePrint & Share 云应用服务, 该应用可以让用户随时随地使用身边的平板电脑、智能手机、笔记本等便携设备或 者通过 ePrinter 触摸屏来读取、查看或者打印大幅面文件。在 HP Designjet ePrint & Share 的帮助下,HP Designjet T2500 eMFP 可以将用户扫描或打印的文件副本 自动存储至云端,用户也可以将 PDF 或其他格式的待打印文件直接以电子邮件的 附件形式发送至 ePrinter 专用电子邮箱地址,轻松进行打印操作。 除 HP Designjet T2500 eMFP 外, 同 步 还 推 出 一 款 大 幅 面 打 印 机 新 品 HP Designjet Z5400 PostScript ePrinter,该机型配有多卷轴,是首款专为图文制作中 心、复印店推出的 ePrinter 解决方案。




2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

惠普与两家通用耗材企业签订 全球最大造纸成套设备 吃废纸 协议 产牛皮瓦楞纸 HP Signs Agreement with Two Universal Consumables Companies 惠 普 近 日 与 Asia Pacific Microsystems (APM) 及 LD Products 就专利纠纷分别签订协议。APM 为总部在台湾的 United Microelectronics 公司的子公司 , 其与惠普的纠纷涉及 惠普的喷墨打印机墨盒。在双方签订的协议中,APM 承认曾 生产侵犯惠普专利的墨盒部件,同意马上停止相应的生产活

The Largest Paper Making Complete Equipment Eats Waste Paper and Produces Corrugated Paper 近日,永丰余造纸 ( 扬州 ) 有限公司三号机试投产。这台 从德国引进的全球最大造纸成套设备,“吃”进废纸产出牛 皮瓦楞纸,一天产能达到 1360 吨,同时升级废水处理系统, 实现“绿色生产”。

动。惠普同意撤销起诉。 惠普与知名通用耗材网络经销商 LD Products 的纠纷则 涉及 LD 涉嫌销售侵权墨盒及错误标示墨盒和硒鼓。惠普与 LD Products 达成协议,后者同意改变惠普通用耗材的销售 操作,并停止销售某些特定的侵权墨盒。双方均同意撤销对 对方的控诉。

爱普生发布最先进喷墨打印头 技术 PrecisionCore 记者在永丰余三号机车间看到,一个长约 300 米的大型

Epson Releases Most Advanced Inkjet Printing Head Technology: PrecisionCore

机器正运转着。“这台由世界造纸机械巨头——德 国 VOITH




造纸成套设备,一个班次只需 7—8 名工人。”永丰余造纸 ( 扬


州 ) 有限公司总经理张学坚介绍,这台机器车速每分钟 1200


米,一天产能高达 1360 吨。

PrecisionCore 延续爱普生久负盛名的输出品质,可满足工业






PrecisionCore 是指爱普生的薄膜压电技术,其中包括全


新的微型 TFP 打印芯片和已用于产品的 TFP 打印头。爱普生


将多年的技术优势与压电材料及高精度 MEMS(微机电系统)

率 从 原 来 的 30%—40%, 提 升 至 70%—80%, 成 本 下 降 了


40%。”此外,3 号机组上线后,每吨纸的生产用水量只要 8

打印头技术。其核心价值之一就是 “精密度”,精密的打印

吨,与国内造一吨纸消耗 10 吨水的标准相比节省两吨,在生



打印。通过 PrecisionCore 新型芯片,可向顾客提供更多商业


印刷所要求的性能。新 PrecisionCore 芯片最关键的特长之一

3 号机组的上线,永丰余建设了最先进的厌氧处理厂,提高工


厂废水处理能力,一天可处理 1800—2000 吨废水。“处理




前处理过的废水达到国家 COD90 标准,已用于公司洗手间




“ 下 一 步, 我 们 计 划 把 废 水 进 一 步 降 低 至 COD40 或

爱普生全球总裁碓井稔表示,PrecisionCore 标志着打印

50。”张学坚解释,标准达到 COD40 或者 50 的废水,基本




化处理,将达到 3 级净化。”



2013 年 12 月 总第 116 期

澳大利亚对中国产复印纸展开 反倾销调查 Australia Conducts Anti-Dumping Investigation into Copy Paper Made in China

中山市办公耗材行业协会召开 成立大会 Zhongshan Office Consumables Industry Association Established

2013 年 10 月 10 日, 澳 大 利 亚 反 倾 销 委 员 会 发 布

2013 年 10

2013/79 号反倾销公告,对原产于中华人民共和国的税则号

月 23 日, 中 山

4802.56.10 和 4802.56.90 项 下 的 复 印 纸 (A4、A3 规 格 ) 展


开反倾销调查,要求涉案企业于 2013 年 11 月 19 号前向澳




为 2012 年 7 月 1 日到 2013 年 6 月 30 日。


据悉,此次反倾销调查申请由澳大利亚造纸有限公司 (Australian Paper Pty Ltd) 提出。

局、广东省中山 市坦洲镇政府党 委负责人及 80 多家会员单位参会,会议特邀中国文化办公设 备制造行业协会、各省市同业协会、国家印刷办公自动化消


耗材料质量监督检测中心派代表出席了会议。 会议选举中山市迪迈模具塑胶有限公司董事长顾耀华先

Printer Ranks Second Among Export Products in Chongqing

生担任第一届中山市办公耗材行业协会会长。中山市京联电 子科技有限公司总经理詹顶新先生担任秘书长。成立仪式上,

2013 年前七个月实现外贸进出口 364.7 亿美元,比上年


同期增长 20.6%。其中,出口 252.3 亿美元,增长 13.4%,


进口 112.4 亿美元,增长 40.6%。


据了解,笔记本、打印机和摩托车是重庆市前七月出口 商品的前三强。 1-7 月,重庆市出口笔记本电脑 2504.2 万台,价值 99.1 亿美元,增长 44.5%。 其次是打印机,出口 940.6 万台,价值 11.7 亿美元,这 也是打印机首次在重庆实现大规模量产。 紧随其后的是摩托车,今年 1-7 月出口 217.1 万辆,价 值 10 亿美元,增长 5%。 除了出口,机电产品仍是进口的主角。进口印刷装订机 械及零件 7 亿美元,增长 2.7 倍。

中山市办公耗材行业协会现注册会员已有 80 多家,其中 30 多家来自中山坦洲,40 多家来自中山市及周边地区,还有 40 多家企业正在申请中。中山市办公耗材行业协会会长顾耀 华先生介绍,办会的目标是促进中山市办公耗材业的联合, 以及与全国同业协会的交流,共同维护企业权益,同时参与 制定有关行业标准,保障会员行业之间公平竞争,搭建政府 企业间的纽带和桥梁。未来,协会将坚持服务宗旨,以打造 品牌活动凸显协会特色。 中山市坦洲镇毗邻珠海这个被业内人士称为世界打印耗 材之都的城市,具有得天独厚的地理优势,很多耗材企业在

2012 年 4 月 17 日,惠普、富士康与重庆签约,决定在

坦洲建立了分支机构,已有 30 多家办公耗材的大中型企业落

渝建一个年产 3000 万台打印机的生产基地。重庆亦表示将借

户建立了生产基地,年产值将近 30 亿,形成了一个可观的具

助惠普建 3000 万台打印机基地的契机,打造 6000 万台打印


机基地,使重庆产量占全球 1/3。5 年内,打印机、墨盒将在 重庆形成 1000 亿元的产业,同时将解决 6 万至 8 万人的就业。 而全球最贵的打印机 300 万元一台的惠普 Indigo 数字印刷机 也将在重庆生产。 中国是全球最大的打印机制造国 , 每年生产打印机 7000 万台,其中 4000 万台为喷墨打印机,也就是全国月产 喷墨打印机的数量为 300 多万台,这其中一半都产自重庆。


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