Recharge Asia Magazine June 2013

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p72 p70

CONTENTS/ 目录 13 69



ISSUE 110 JUNE 2013

2013 年 06 月

总第 110

Message from the Publisher 卷首语


Canon Announces Resolution of Patent Infringement Dispute 佳能宣布解决专利侵权纠纷



The Frugals Launch to Help Find Lowest Price on Printer Ink Frugals 推出 网站,帮助寻找最低价打印机墨水


Brother Takes On the Corporate Printing Market with New Printer 兄弟公司推出新款打印机,瞄准企业打印市场


InfoTrends:商用喷墨到底是谁的选择? InfoTrends:Who will Choose Commercial Inkjet?


富士施乐将继续在中国推进本地化服务 Fuji Xerox will Continue to Advance the Localization Service in China


柯达退出破产保护 公司控制权交给债主 Kodak Quits Bankruptcy Protection and Hands Company Control Rights to Creditors


全球印刷总量略有增长 新兴国家较为集中 Total Printing Volume Achieved Modest Growth Globally, with Concentration in Emerging Countries


Mobile Printing Goes Mainstream 移动印刷走向主流


6 Billion Mobile Phone Subscribers, and Counting

By Ken Noreikis

By Steve Weedon

全球移动手机用户持续增加,目前已达 60 亿


Why Asia Pacific's Mobile Market is the One to Watch Today 今天为什么要关注亚太移动市场


软件系统在打印外包服务(MPS)行业的应用 Application of Software System in the MPS field

Show Time! / 展会热点


RechargExpo Thailand 2013 2013 年泰国国际办公耗材展


ITEX National Conference and Expo 2013 Receives High Marks from the Exhibitors and Attendees 参展商及与会人员高度评价拉斯维加斯 2013ITEX 展会


Recommendation and Introduction of Part of RechargExpo Thailand 2013 Exhibitors 2013 年 RechargExpo 泰国展部分特色展商推介


Recommendation and Introduction of Part of RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2013 Exhibitors 2013 年印度尼西亚耗材展部分特色展商推介


泰国攻略:参加 8 月 RechargExpo 泰国展览——签证、旅游、 商务必备参考 Visa, Travel and Business Reference for Participants of RechargeExpo Thailand 2013



中国感光鼓发展历程的见证者与参与者 Development History of China's OPC Drum



Diamond Dispersions Delivers 32% Year on Year Growth in First Half Diamond Dispersions 与去年上半年相比实现 32% 业务增长


Ninestar Seeks Exemption from GEO 纳思达寻求免除普遍排除令的限制


Discover Imaging Products Ltd-Announces Appointment of Iberian Agents Discover Imaging Products 公司任命新的伊比利亚销售经理



奔图进军墨西哥市场 Pantum Explores the Mexican market


HP Announces Malaysian Embargo of Approximately $200,000 worth of Counterfeit Supplies 马来西亚查获价值约 20 万美元假冒惠普耗材


天威创新技术 SmarTact 获广东专利奖 Print-Rite Awarded Guangdong Patent Prize for Its Innovative Technology SmarTact


Lexmark again named a leader in Quocirca MPS Vendor Landscape 利盟公司蝉联“欧洲打印管理服务领导者”称号


激打风暴骤起,奔图为用户挺身而出 As Competition Intensifies in Laser Markets, Pantum Stands up for Customers

Industrial inkjet printing spend to hit $7.4bn by 2017


国家办公设备及耗材质量监督检验中心顺利通过 CNAS 组织的 复评审暨扩荐评审 National Inspection Center for Office Equipment and Consumbles Passes Review of Expansion


全国复印机械标准化技术委员会资讯 Information from National Technical Committee for Sandardization in Copying Machines



40 74

Shifting Chinese Online Ad Spends From Baidu To Video

By Curt Keller

BCC 报告:2017 亚太成全球最大喷墨市场


Funai Starts Handling Reins of Lexmark's Inkjet Business 船井电机开始接管利盟喷墨业务


IDC Names Ricoh Market Share Leader in U.S. High-Speed Inkjet Placements for Five Years Running IDC 连续五年授予理光美国高速喷墨市场领导者称号

US Office Tel 1-626-569-8238 Fex 1-860-606-9068



Ninestar Releases Lexmark 150 series compatible inkjet cartridges 纳思达推出利盟 150 系列通用墨盒


Ninestar releases patented compatibles with chip for Canon 550/551/451/351 series cartridges 纳思达发布适用于佳能 550/551/451/351 系列墨盒的新款通用 专利配件


Color Imaging Introduces 100% New Compatible Color Toner Cartridges for Ricoh Color MP C3001/C3501/C2800/C3300 Series MFPs Color Imaging 公司推出适用于理光彩色 MP C3001/C3501/ C2800/C3300 系列多功能机的 100% 全新兼容彩色碳粉墨盒


OCP announces the release of inks for HP Officejet Pro X series printers OCP 宣布推出 HP Officejet Pro X 系列打印机用墨水


创新突破,彩色世界尽在眼前——APS 推出全线彩色 OPC 系 列 APS Releases Full Series of Color OPC


苏州恒久强势推出正电性产品 Suzhou Goldengreen Vigorously Releases Electropositivity Products


广州博艺数码科技有限公司推出亮光颜料墨水系列 Guangzhou Boye Digital Technology Co., Ltd Releases Light Pigment Ink Series


艾派克全球首发四款可替代芯片 APEX Launches Four Replaceable Chips


艾派克兼容 EPSON S30680 系列弱溶剂墨水 / 墨盒 APEX ECO-solvent Inks/Cartridges Compatible with EPSON S30680 Series


传美讯超优抗 UV 染料墨水,让您留住永远的一刻! TrendVision UV Pigment Ink Keeps Your Memories Longer


54 54

Lexmark introduces next-generation MX6500e to create complete, configurable MFP 利盟推出下一代 MX6500e,打造具有可配置属性的多功能一体 机 Canon U.S.A. Enhances Enterprise Workflow with uniFLOW v5.2 Print and Scan Management Software 佳能美国推出打印与扫描管理软件 uniFLOW v5.2,完善企业工 作流程

56 90

Ricoh is Recognized by FTSE4Good Index Series for Tenth Year 理光连续第十年入选“富时社会责任指数”


Konica Minolta to Unveil New Inkjet Textile Printer "Nassenger PRO120" at ShanghaiTex 2013 柯尼卡美能达在 2013 上海国际纺织展上推出新款喷墨纺织印刷 机 Nassenger PRO120"

China Office Tel 86-10-5126-5580

Fex 86-10-5885-8747


柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 4700P 系列打印机上市 定义桌面式高效办 公 Konica Minolta bizhub 4700P Series Appears on the Market, Defining Efficient Desktop Office


佳能发布 iR6200 系列生产型高速数码复合机 Canon Releases High Speed Digital MFP iR6200 Series


佳能上调对 2013 年预期 Canon Raises 2013 Expectation


柯尼卡美能达 A3 复合机连续 3 年蝉联 BLI" 年度 A3 杰出全系列 产品 " 奖 Konica Minolta A3 MFP Receives BLI Annual A3 Outstanding Product Prize for 3 Years in a Row


兄弟推出“悦省”系列新品 Brother Releases New Series Products "Yuesheng"

MPS AND MOBILE PRINT / 文印管理服务和移动打印前瞻


SkyDesk Print Enables Printing Files From iOS Mobile Devices iOS 系统移动设备可通过 SkyDesk Print 应用程序实现文件打印


59 100

Roland Introduces New SOLJET PRO4 XF-640, Its Fastest, Most Advanced Wide-Format Printer to Date 罗兰推出全新 SOLJET PRO4 XF-640 迄今为止最快、最强的 宽幅打印机


全新彩色宽幅工程机 —— RICOH MP CW2200SP 闪耀登场 RICOH MP CW2200SP, Brand New Color Wide Engineering Machine, Debuts in China



Exclusive IE12 Quality Control Process for Color Toner Cartridges 彩色硒鼓专有 IE12 质量控制流程


Instructions for Installing the Universal Conversion Cover for By Mike Josiah Use in Lexmark T-Series 利盟 T- 系列打印机通用转换面板安装说明



惠普在马来西亚缴获大量假冒耗材 HP Announces Malaysian Embargo of Approximately $200,000 worth of Counterfeit Supplies 出口收汇核销单的规定不再执行 Rules on Verification Sheet will not be Implemented 3D 打印技术给美国控枪带来新挑战 3D Printing Technology Poses New Challenge for US Gun Control


顺德区高宝为雅安灾民捐献爱心 Shunde Cobol Offers Donations to Ya'an Victims 日本预测:全球数字印刷机销量将下滑 Forecast from Japan: Global Sales of Digital Printers to Decline

Contributors Editor’s Note: We, at Recharge Asia, welcome comments to any of our editorials or content. Send comments, including sender’s name, address & phone number to: Sunny Sun, Publisher, via email to

Ken Noreikis

Ken Noreikis Vice President Sales and Marketing, PrinterOn Ken Noreikis, vice president sales and marketing, is a senior sales executive with 25 years of sales and marketing experience in the technology industry. He started with Spicer and PrinterOn in 2006 as vice president sales and marketing for both divisions with overall responsibility for revenue and market and product strategy. In addition to his strong sales and marketing experience, he has significant experience managing cross-functional teams focused on go to market strategy, product management and product development. Noreikis is currently responsible for sales, marketing, product management and product development. In addition to his strong sales and marketing experience, he has significant experience managing crossfunctional teams focused on go to market strategy, product management and product development. Noreikis is currently responsible for sales, marketing, product management and product development. Read his article “Mobile Printing Goes Mainstream? ” p14

Steve Weedon

Steve Weedon CEO, Discover Imaging Products Ltd. Steve has had a varied career in the imaging industry since 1973. He has held senior management positions with such companies as, Nashua, Kalle Infotec, Katun Corp, and Gestetner, before starting The Recycler Trade Magazine in 1992 and the first European cartridge remanufacturing trade show that same year. In 1994, Steve joined Static Control to head the European operations. After 18 years with Static Control, Steve has now moved on to become CEO of his own global imaging supplies company, Discover Imaging Products Limited. Read his article “6 Billion Mobile Phone Subscribers, and Counting? ” p18

Curt Keller

Curt Keller CEO and founder of Benchmark Email Curt Keller is CEO and founder of one of the world’s leading, Web-based email marketing services, Benchmark Email. While Benchmark’s client base ranges from work-at-home travel agents to large, multinational companies, Mr. Keller remains fiercely dedicated to addressing the email and online marketing challenges facing small and mid-sized businesses. A pioneer in the realm of permission-based marketing, Mr. Keller started Benchmark Email in early 2004 and quickly grew the Southern California-based company from a three-person operation to a major International player with services for people in India, China, South America, Germany and Japan. Benchmark currently remains a member of two of the industry’s most exclusive consortium, the Email Sender & Provider Coalition and A vocal advocate for good, industry-wide email marketing practices and standards, Mr. Keller is a regular blogger for Allbusiness. com and, as well as a regular contributor to Recharge Asia Magazine. Read his article “Shifting Chinese Online Ad Spends From Baidu To Video” p33

Mike Josiah

Mike Josiah Technical Director of UniNet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. Read his article “Instructions for installing the Universal Conversion Cover for use in Lexmark T-Series” p62


Message from the Publisher

My Dear Readers: There are only a limited number of months in a year. Twelve to be exact. As publishers of a trade magazine, this leaves us with the age-old frustration of “too much to cover, too little time”. We have many topics we would like to share with you that we look forward to in the coming issues—the ever-popular social media channels that enter both into our personal and our business lives; the mobile devices, of which most of us have one or two, that submerge us in a whirlpool of information; how all these social setting changes have altered the behavior of printing and its corresponding consumption of printing consumables and effect on our businesses; and many, many more. Our dedicated editorial team has been working diligently to cover these topics and more over the coming months. Stay tuned… In thinking about the various topics in our rapidly changing world I also wonder, does the world in which you live ever seem to be transformed into a place that becomes foreign to you? Change is a norm, a given. It has been presented to many generations before us, and there is no exception for this second decade of the new millennium. We must not fear or avoid change, we must flexibly adapt and adjust to the changes around us. And we must find the strategy that fits into our plan for business growth. Adversity and tough times enable one to build a strong character and to develop a hunger that will drive us to accomplish the impossible. In this issue, we have worked to address some of this. Be sure to read Mobile Printing Goes Mainstream on p. 14, 6 Billion Mobile Phone Subscribers, and Counting on p. 18, Why Asia Pacific’s Mobile Market is the One to Watch Today on p. 22, and Shifting Chinese Online Ad Spends From Baidu To Video on p. 33. As a final thought, let’s cherish and embrace change because it offers the opportunity to advance and get the best of human intelligence! Happy reading!

Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher




110 Issue June 2013

110 Issue June 2013



FEATURE ARTICLES It's Getting Cloudy in Print


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110 Issue June 2013

110 Issue June 2013



FEATURE ARTICLES 6 Billion Mobile Phone Subscribers, and Counting


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110 Issue June 2013





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110 Issue June 2013

RechargExpo Thailand 2013 Organizer: RechargeAsia Magazine Date of Exhibition: 28-30 August 2013 Venue of Exhibition: IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand About RechargExpo Thailand 2013 RechargExpo Thailand is a B-to-B printing exhibition focused on showcasing printers, copiers, and consumables in the office printing industry. RechargExpo aims to gather all suppliers, distributors, and resellers around the globe in a single venue – the IMPACT Center in Bangkok, Thailand – from August 28 to 30.

“We have stronger consumer power, we have minimum-wage hikes across the Southeast Asian region – which is supportive of consumer demand – and investment is picking up,” said Enrico Tanuwidjaja, a Singapore-based economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. “The momentum of the positive growth is likely to continue in 2013 and if exports recovery comes much sooner, the outlook is brighter in this region.”

Why Thailand? Thailand, also known as the "Land of Smiles,” is a country populated with polite, courteous, kind, and humble people. Buddhism is the most prevalent religion (92% of Thais are Buddhist) in the nation, influencing virtually every aspect of the local lifestyle and culture. The people in the country naturally tend to do business in a warm and friendly manner. Located in the heart of the Southeast Asian mainland, Thailand is considered the most strategic gateway to Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. As such, it can be confidently said that your business will excel and grow rapidly when in this region. CNN Money has reported on Thailand’s forward-moving economy, which has posted an impressive gross domestic product growth of 18.9% - which is higher than the figures reached by the country in previous years. With this development, Thailand is poised to become one of the fast-growing countries in the Southeast Asian market.

This economic growth is expected to bring an increase in business activities. Because of this, demand for printing and its consumables is on solid ground for growth in the marketplace. The government's 40-billion-baht Tang Tua Dai Fund, which helps new entrepreneurs set up shop, is expected to spur sales of laser printers, growing 7-10% or equivalent to approximately 500,000 units in 2013. In 2012, sales of laser printers grew by 5% - or up to 450,000-460,000 units – propelled by demand from government projects. What Do We Bring to the Industry?


RechargExpo brings regional aftermarket professionals together and facilitates further growth by gaining more market share from OEMs. The event aims to promote product value and quality, and discourage blind competition based purely on pricing. Our goal as organizers is to develop RechargExpo as a platform for promoting industry growth as a whole and facilitate increased


110 Issue June 2013 communication and rapport among dealers, distributors, resellers, and manufacturers. RechargExpo requires a concerted effort from various players in the industry. Please come and join us as we bring you closer to the booming business growth Southeast Asian regions are known for. Your business will benefit greatly from your participation and involvement.

on copiers, printers, and consumables.

How Do We Promote? We have engaged our local Thai partners in promoting RechargExpo via all media channels that are available to us – press conference, direct mail, tele-fax, print media, SMS, social media (including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Weibo, and WeChat), and e-mail. We use both traditional and modern media channels in spreading the word to ensure optimal participation. We also call on your support and invite you to be the first of the thousands who will sign up for the RechargExpo event - http://

It also includes the following favorable features: • A new B to B platform that lets you engage in face- to-face interaction with local resellers and distributors. • A potential for having good purchasing power under the rapid growth of Thailand economy. • An easy way to do business with prospects from neighboring countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, the Philippines, Myanmar, Australia and so on. • An opportunity to visit a top tourist destination – Bangkok – which will leave you a lasting impression both in business and pleasure Rates for Booth Reservations

How Can You Benefit? Some have voiced concerns about compromising local Thai businesses with the participation of Chinese manufacturing companies in this exhibition. While we do acknowledge this concern, we believe there is no need to worry because this event will leave a positive impact on local businesses. RechargExpo comes with the backbone support needed by businesses to help them excel. We are confident that more business opportunities will open up due to increased flow of information, as well as face-to-face interactions and communication. This results to increased opportunities for profit and winning more manufacturing support in the growing marketplace. Scope of Exhibition • Copiers and printing devices • Consumables for printers and copiers • Ink cartridges, toner cartridges, ribbons, toner, ink, and CISS • Chips, OPC drums, rollers, sleeves, empties, and other components • Office equipment and supplies manufacturing, renovation, filling, testing equipment and tools • Photo paper, register paper, color inkjet paper, thermal paper, and other office printing papers • Large format and spray printing products and technology • Digital imaging equipment and consumables In summary, RechargExpo Thailand 2013 is: The only professional exhibition in the region having special focus

If paid before 15 June 2013: Standard booth: $250/sq m. Space only: $225/ sq m. If paid after 15 June 2013: Standard booth: $270/sq m. Space only: $245/sq m. A standard booth includes lighting, a desk, a basket, and two folding chairs. Sponsorship and Show Guide Advertising Opportunities All rates are in USD and are as follows: Inside front cover (210*285MM) - $1500 Inside back cover (210*285MM) - $1500 Inside (210*285MM) - $1200 Back cover (210*285MM) - $1800 Show Badge - $1950 Show Bag - $1950 Lanyard - $2000 We strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to participate in this event by either reserving booth space or registering to attend the exhibition. We, as event organizers, will ensure your exhibition experience is a most fulfilling one and is marked by an increase in the number of new business contacts. Contact us: Beijing office Tel: +86-10-5126-5580 Fax: +86-10-5885-8747

USA office Tel: 1-626-569-8238 Fax: 1-860-606-9068



110 Issue June 2013

ITEX National Conference and Expo 2013 Receives High Marks from the Exhibitors and Attendees Las Vegas, NV - April 30, 2013 - Thousands of office dealers, VARs, system integrators, IT professionals and resellers, looking to invest and improve tools, technologies and processes gathered at The Rio in Las Vegas, Nevada for the 13th annual ITEX National Expo & Conference, recognized as the industry's premier event for the Channel. The feedback from attendees and exhibitors was overwhelmingly positive for the Expo, Conference Program, and Networking Opportunities. "We had several new features for this year's event including additions to our Conference program, new Tech Zones on the Expo floor, as well as an exciting Welcome Reception hosted by our Diamond Sponsor Continuum, all of which were enjoyed by attendees and exhibitors alike," said Wendy Loew, ITEX Event Director. "The conference sessions, exhibit floor, and reception were all buzzing with industryleading vendors interacting with some of the channel's top dealers, resellers, and VARs. We thank all of our sponsors, speakers, exhibitors and attendees for making the event so successful." The 2013 ITEX Conference opened on Tuesday, April 16th with two Tutorials providing a deep dive into topics such as IT, Cloud, Mobility, Managed Services, Business Process Automation, and Vertical Markets including Healthcare, Legal, and Security IT. Spanning across Wednesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 18, the Conference continued with comprehensive education tracks focused on Automate: Document & Workflow Solutions; Deliver: Competitive Service & Supplies; Engage: Sales & Marketing Strategies; Evolve: Hybrid & Beyond Tactics; and Interact: Intelligent IT Services. The ITEX Expo F loor opened on Wednesday, April 17th with over 140 exhibits, and several featured areas, including Tech Zones, Resource Center (sponsored by Memjet), and an imageSource Live Theater offering free education to Expo attendees. The Managed Services Zone showcased the industry's leading managed services vendors including Autotask, Breezy, CompTIA, Continuum, Crexendo, N-Able


Technologies, OKI Data Americas, Inc., Tech Data, ModernOffice Suite, Tigerpaw S of t ware, and X antĂŠ.The Document Management & Workflow Solutions Zone showcased leading vendors inc luding DocuClass, DocuWare, ELO Digital Office, Fujitsu, Ingram Micro, Kodak, L exmark, LSSP Corporation, Nuance Communications, PSIGEN Software, and Webbstone. In addition to the exhibits, imageSource Magazine awarded nine businesses with the magazine's 2013 Perfect Image Award for outstanding achievement. The national awards were presented by imageSource Editor-in-Chief and ITEX Conference Director, Sand Sinclair. Dealer of the Year was presented to Impact Networking; Other winners included Flo-Tech; Stratix Systems; Marco, Inc.; CVI Digital Solutions; Modern Office Methods; Coordinated Business Systems; PERRY proTech; and Advance The Document Specialists. "We are extremely pleased with the welldeserved recognition that these dealers and resellers receive from being a recipient of an imageSource Perfect Image Award," said Sinclair. "The fact is there are multiple business professionals doing good business today, and those that are recognized as being outstanding in creating valuable programs, processes and services, is something to be highly acknowledged." Since 2000, ITEX has been the event that unites the industry-delivering solid education through Power Hour sessions, Strategy Forums, showcasing products, awarding dealers, partnering with concurrent events, and providing networking opportunities. The tangible tools that ITEX delivers affect businesses today-along with its future tomorrow. ITEX is co-presented by imageSource, the definitive resource for the office channel. To see a recap of the 2013 event, visit the ITEX 2013 Highlights Reel. Heard from attendees and exhibitors: "ITEX 2013 set a new standard of excellence. The organizing team did a great job of offering relevant, forward-looking education sessions that not only informed, but energized attendees. The benefits of ITEX 2013 will--literally--be felt around

the world. I look forward to being a part of it again next year."- Dave Westlake, President, Print Command LLC "Content was excellent." - Dan Larkin, Managed Services Sales Manager, Marco "This seminar took some of the fear away from approaching Managed IT." - Kevin Horner, President, PTS Office Systems, Inc. "I thought the ITEX program this year was excellent and well attended." - Frank Topinka, NPRN "I really liked this year's ITEX. The traffic was consistent throughout the event." Susan Neimes, ENX Magazine "We had a really great experience at ITEX this year. ITEX is always a very well executed and hosted event." - Michelle Speranza, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, LEAF "We are always looking for new shows and opportunities. We find that the ITEX show is really a nice return on investment. For this current year, we've had not only decent volume as far as number of leads, but the quality has been really high with succinct action items that need to be addressed when we get back to the office. We really endorse the ITEX show and look forward to being at ITEX 2014." - Rob Turner, Fujitsu "We've been coming to ITEX for many many years. This is my sixth ITEX. It's been a very valuable event for us. We'll be back next year!" - Debbie Sheldon, Smart Power Systems PRODUCED AND MANAGED BY: Be sure to mark your calendar for ITEX 2014 National Expo & Conference scheduled for March 11-13, 2014 at the Rio Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. ITEX National Expo & Conference is produced and managed by Questex Media Group LLC, a global, diversified business-to-business integrated media and information provider, headquartered in Newton, MA. www. For further information, contact: Amy Riemer Media Relations 978-475-4441 (office) 978-502-4895 (cell)

110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

Recommendation and Introduction of Part of RechargExpo Thailand 2013 Exhibitors 2013 年 RechargExpo 泰国展部分特色展商推介 Nanjing Teshine Imaging Technologies Co., Ltd 南京新天兴影像科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D004 Main Products/ 主营产品:Toners 墨粉 Jiashan Tianxiang Modern Office Appliance Co.,Ltd. 嘉善天翔现代办公用品有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: A003 Main Products/ 主营产品:Ink cartridges, toner cartridges and ribbons 色带、墨盒、晒鼓 Nanjing Stylo Office Supplies Co.,Ltd. 南京金世家办公用品有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B018 Main Products/ 主营产品:Digital duplicator ink, master roll, and toner cartridge 速印机油墨,版纸 Lanjie Parts Co., Ltd. 北京兰杰商用机器厂 Website: Booth No./ 展位号:B027 Main Products/ 主营产品:Parts 配件 Axis Globe Co., Ltd.(Thailand) 泰国旭语实业发展有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D008 Main Products/ 主营产品:Empty ink cartridge 空墨盒 Allrich Consulting (HK) Co., Ltd. 深圳市安信达科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: A006 Main Products/ 主营产品:Parts, Print heads and Sprayers 配件 Zhuhai Hongderongye Electronics Co., Ltd. 珠海弘德荣业电子有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: A007 Main Products/ 主营产品:Wiper Blade and Doctor Blade 打印机、复印机刮刀、 刮板 Wuhan Pointrole Information Technology Col., Ltd. 武汉宝特龙信息科技有限公司 Website:


Booth No./ 展位号: D006 Main Products/ 主营产品:Toner 碳粉 Integral International GmbH Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B034 Main Products/ 主营产品:Toner 碳粉 Huzhou Fulihua Printer Ribbon Co., Ltd. 湖州富丽华色带有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号:B044 Main Products/ 主营产品:Ribbons 色带 Xiamen O-Atronic Computer Material Co., Ltd. 厦门文仪电脑材料有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B036 Main Products/ 主营产品:Millboard and Ink 版纸、油墨 Nikko Group Pte. Ltd. Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B046 Main Products/ 主营产品:Parts, imaging supplies and toners 配件、影像 耗材、碳粉 Prime Success Company Limited (PSC) Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D011 Main Products/ 主营产品:Ink cartridges 墨盒 Misiland Paper Industrial Co., Ltd. 南京美西兰纸业有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D013 Main Products/ 主营产品:Paper 纸张 Nanchang Printer Color Technology Co., Ltd. 南昌印彩电子科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B032 Main Products/ 主营产品:Chips 芯片 Ningbo Sea-hill Printer Consumable Co., Ltd. 宁波熙合打印机耗材有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B030 Main Products/ 主营产品:Parts 配件 B.K.S. OA MARKETING LTD,PARTNERSHIP(Thailand)

B.K.S. OA MARKETING LTD,PARTNERSHIP Website: No./ 展位号: A001/A002 Main Products/ 主营产品:


EOP21 Pte. Ltd Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B043 Main Products/ 主营产品:Toner, Starter, Developer & Spare Parts 碳粉、 显影剂、配件 HOLOGIC HITEC-IMAGING GMBH(AEG) Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B035 Main Products/ 主营产品: OPC DRUM 有机感光鼓 Shenzhen Hueway Technology Co., Ltd. 深圳市优锐科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B017 Main Products/ 主营产品:Cartridges 墨 盒、硒鼓、连供、色带 Nanjing Oracle Digital Technology Co., Ltd 南京甲骨文数码科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B061 Main Products/ 主营产品:Photo paper 相片纸 Zhuhai Aicon Image Co., Ltd. 珠海市益高打印耗材有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D003 Main Products/ 主营产品: Consumables, cartridges, ribbons, inkjet paper and photo paper 耗材、硒鼓、墨盒、 色带、喷墨纸、相纸 Shanghia ITR Compurer Supplies., Ltd. 上海宜达胜电脑用品有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B053 Main Products/ 主营产品:Ribbons 色带 Zhongshan MaiCheng Printer Equipment Co., Ltd. 中山迈城打印设备有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B015/B014 Main Products/ 主营产品: Laser printer consumables 激光打印机耗材


110 Issue June 2013

Shenzhen Coolcolor Technology Co., Ltd. 深圳市绘美源科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B076 Main Products/ 主营产品:Printer consumables 连供、外瓶、墨盒、墨水、 相纸、热转印 The Turbon Group(Thailand) Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B052 Main Products/ 主营产品:Compatible laser toner supplies 通用激光打印耗材 Zhuhai Ninestar Image Tech. Ltd 珠海纳思达电子科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D007B Main Products/ 主营产品:Whole series

of printing consumables 全系列打印耗材 产品 Guangzhou Fusica Digital Co.,Ltd 广州奥达数码产品有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D007A Main Products/ 主营产品:Cartridges , toners and parts 硒鼓、碳粉、零配件 Zhuhai Top-print Technology Co., Ltd 珠海市凌印科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号:D012 Main Products/ 主营产品:Inkjet/Toner cartridges 墨盒、硒鼓、碳粉盒

parts 碳粉、芯片等全系列耗材产品 Jinjiang Yindeli Office Consumables Trading Co., Ltd. 晋江印得利办公耗材制造有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B064 Main Products/ 主营产品:Toner, Ribbon, Color Toner, Developer, Drum Unit 碳粉、色带、显影剂、感光鼓 Guangzhou Zhonno Electronic Technology Co., Ltd 广州众诺耗材电子科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B009 Main Products/ 主营产品: Chips 芯片

UniNet Imaging Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D005 Main Products/ 主营产品:Toner, chips,

Recommendation and Introduction of Part of RechargExpo Southeast Asia 2013 Exhibitors 2013 年印度尼西亚耗材展部分特色展商推介 PT. Malindo Imaging Technologies(MIT) Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D013 Main Products/ 主营产品:Inks 墨水 Smart CISS Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D008 Main Products/ 主营产品:Printer consumables 打印机耗材 Cangzhou ASC Toner Production Ltd. 沧州艾斯克粉业制造有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B041 Main Products/ 主营产品:Toners 碳粉 Kano Copier & Printer Parts / Silvertex Industries Website: Booth No./ 展位号: A001 Main Products/ 主营产品:COPIER & PRINTER PARTS 复印机、打印机配件 Jiashan Tianxiang Modern Office Appliance Co.,Ltd. 嘉善天翔现代办公用品有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B039 Main Products/ 主营产品:Ink cartridges, toner cartridges and ribbons 色带、墨盒、晒鼓

Allrich Consulting (HK) Co., Ltd. 深圳市安信达科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: A010 Main Products/ 主营产品:Parts, Print heads and Sprayers 配件

Beijing Zheng Ci Printer Technology Co., Ltd. 北京正慈打印机技术有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: B027 Main Products/ 主营产品:Parts 配件

Zhuhai Huacai Printing Supplies Co., Ltd. 珠海华彩打印耗材有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号:B034 Main Products/ 主营产品:Inks 墨水

Zhuhai Aicon Image Co. Ltd. 珠海市益高打印耗材有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号:B043 Main Products/ 主营产品: Consumables, cartridges, ribbons, inkjet paper and photo paper 耗材、硒鼓、墨盒、 色带、喷墨纸、相纸

JiaXing YAZHONG Ribbon Co., Ltd. 嘉兴亚中色带有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: C001 Main Products/ 主营产品:Printer ribbons, Toner cartridges, inkjet cartridges 色带、粉盒、墨盒 Zhuhai Hongderongye Electronics Co., Ltd. 珠海弘德荣业电子有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: A002 Main Products/ 主营产品:Wiper Blade and Doctor Blade 打印机、复印机刮刀、 刮板

Zhuhai Top-print Technology Co., Ltd 珠海市凌印科技有限公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D012 Main Products/ 主营产品:Inkjet/Toner cartridges 墨盒、硒鼓、碳粉盒 Tianjin Zhonghuan TCOA Electronics Company Ltd. 天津市复印设备公司 Website: Booth No./ 展位号: D001 Main Products/ 主营产品:Consumables 耗材




110 Issue June 2013


110 Issue June 2013

Shifting Chinese Online Ad Spends From Baidu To Video By Curt Keller

Curt Keller CEO and founder of Benchmark Email Curt Keller is CEO and founder of one of the world’s leading, Web-based email marketing services, Benchmark Email. While Benchmark’s client base ranges from work-at-home travel agents to large, multinational companies, Mr. Keller remains fiercely dedicated to addressing the email and online marketing challenges facing small and mid-sized businesses. A pioneer in the realm of permission-based marketing, Mr. Keller started Benchmark Email in early 2004 and quickly grew the Southern California-based company from a three-person operation to a major International player with ser vices for people in India, China, South America, Germany and Japan. Benchmark currently remains a member of two of the industry’s most exclusive consortium, the Email Sender & Provider Coalition and A vocal advocate for good, industry-wide email marketing practices and standards, Mr. Keller is a regular blogger for and, as well as a regular contributor to Recharge Asia Magazine.

If you were running a company which was held the unquestioned leading role or effective semi-monopoly over the ever-burgeoning internet activities of over 1.3 billion people it would seem as if the world would be your oyster and you could look forward to a hyperbolic and essentially eternal upward spiral of success and cubic money. Although China’s Baidu is in that role, most of the news that’s been recently issuing from the Baidu Campus in Beijing’s Haidian District has been anything but encouraging. Even though it’s the 5th most visited website in the world and it owns more than three quarters of all Chinese internet searches, its stock has been undergoing a Facebook-ian plunge due to its inability to field credible mobile search options. In this swiftly changing marketplace should digital print technology and consumables marketers still count on Baidu to provide massive Chinese traffic or is it time to move on to greener pastures?


MARKET TRENDS Shifting Chinese Online Ad Spends From Baidu To Video

110 Issue June 2013 coutinued

Chinese mobile users = US, UK & Canada combined population Three out of every four internet users in China are now mobile, resulting in a smartphone and tablet population which is considerably larger than the entire population of the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom combined. When the market is expanded to include the Chinese population which has already utilized a cell phone in order to send a message or make a voice call, that number increases to 1.11 billion which adds the equivalent of the entire population of Europe to the previous number. The sheer overwhelming size of this market is not going unnoticed among digital print technology and consumables marketers, as it is safe to say that there are precious few Asianfocused companies in this market sector which are not already concentrating their resources and efforts on reaching this vast online population. 14 x American Airlines’ total earnings just in R&D Since the departure of Google from the Chinese market, Baidu has consolidated its position to become the Googleplex of China and thus has commanded a lion’s share of the attention and budgets from digital print technology and consumables marketers. However, while Baidu sat in its considerable laurels the tiny Qihoo 360 competitor snuck up and grabbed 10% of mobile search market share… almost overnight. This challenge to Baidu’s previously impenetrable market position shocked the management of the Chinese search engine giant to boost its R&D spend by 70% to $112 million a quarter. To put that into a bit of out-of-cyberspace perspective, that’s 14 times as much as American Airlines earned in the first quarter of 2013. When you essentially harness the economic equivalent of 14 national airlines in a bid to beat back a challenge from a company that barely a year ago was nothing more than a third party online seller of antivirus and security utilities, you know that you’ve got a real challenge on your hands.


Both Baidu & Facebook have failed to adequately monetize mobile While it can confidently be stated that Baidu’s executives never show up at corporate meetings wearing Zuckerbergarian hoodies, there are a number of parallels that can be drawn between Baidu and the equally inauspicious stock market performance of social media juggernaut Facebook. Both companies have profoundly failed in concocting any aspect of an effective monetization strategy for the mobile market and thus have allowed smaller and more agile (or more creative) competitors to commandeer market share which by all rights should have belonged to the established giants. An old boys network reliance on protectionism There are prevailing factors in this equation which do differentiate the nuts and bolts of the structures between these two online megacompanies, in that while Facebook’s problems are largely due to an appalling lack of vision and awkward incapacity to step beyond its strictly conventional social media roots, Baidu’s performance is handicapped by antiquated and feeble search algorithms from a previous decade and its “old boys network” reliance on extensive protections issuing from the Beijing government which are supposed to be tacit but are China’s worst kept secret.



Baidu + = Largest Chinese video platform… maybe At least Baidu is doing something right in its confrontation with another major competitor which has recently been taking it to the Chinese Laundry. Youku-Tudou (say it with a drawl and it even sounds like YouTube) has taken on a leading market position in China’s increasingly influential online video field and Baidu is fighting back through a $370 million acquisition of video platform By merging this competitor with its existing video offerings such as iQiyi, Baidu can now indisputably claim that it is the largest video platform in China. Well…. almost indisputably, as in the release of information regarding the takeover there wasn’t a single statistic listed to substantiate that claim. Chinese video ad spend 23 times greater than the Super Bowl



With Chinese viewers racking up nearly five billion hours of streaming video each and every month, one thing that absolutely can’t be disputed is that it presents an almost inconceivably lucrative platform for digital print technology and consumables marketers to tap. According to


110 Issue June 2013


a recent report by McKinsey & Company, the average time the Chinese internet user spends in watching online streaming content is more than double that of their U.S. counterparts. Video in China is now responsible for nearly 20% of total online ad spends and this number is nearly doubling each year: A trend which could see Chinese video ad spends reach the point where it is responsible for half of all online marketing budgets by 2015. In fact by that date the online video advertising market is expected to reach a value of over 30 billion yuan or nearly 5 billion dollars. To put that into an American perspective that figure is equivalent to the total ad spends on the Super Bowl multiplied by twenty-three! 85% of all Chinese video viewers are under 40


The age when online video in China was dominated by pirated content is fading away to nothing more than a historical memory as 7.6 percent of all Chinese online media viewers have already watched video content that they had to pay for and more than a quarter of all mobile users have stated that they would have no qualms in paying to view video content in the future. Given that fully 85% of all viewers of online video content in China are aged under 40, this represents an opportunity for the provision of high quality, professionally produced content which is unmatched anywhere in the world. Digital print technology and consumables marketers can certainly take advantage of this colossal audience by exploring popular video content advertising opportunities and targeting the specific demographics that best fit their marketing needs. Chinese online video viewers react positively to ads According to a recent study by Sinomonitor, conventional television viewing time has dropped by 63% after using online video sites, showing that the trend is clearly going away from the static viewing paradigm of traditional television. Most importantly for digital print technology and consumables marketers, online video advertising among Chinese viewers demonstrates higher brand awareness, greater product understanding, and a stronger preference as well as an purchasing intention than those not exposed to online video ads. Advertising placed on related video content showed that product understanding increased by 187%, purchase intention by 130% and brand preference by 110%. This rapidly growing online video market in China represents a powerful opportunity for digital print technology and consumables marketers to achieve successful product awareness relationships with hundreds of millions of potential customers. The question should now be not whether to make room in your advertising budgets for Chinese video spends, but how best to invest those funds to achieve your optimal return on investment.




HP Announces Malaysian Embargo of Approximately $200,000 worth of Counterfeit Supplies Malaysian authorities have seized 2,000 counterfeit toner cartridges and printing supplies estimated to be worth no less than RM540,000 or US $181,000. HP reports that the seizure did not involve any arrests yet as investigation is still underway. HP’s statement also said that the probe is anticipated to reveal who are involved in manufacturing, buying, and supplying the said components. Jimmy Kwok, HP Asia Pacific and Japan's anti-counterfeit manager, made this statement regarding the seizure: "HP appreciates the commitment and support of the Malaysian authorities in protecting consumers and businesses against the illegal actions of counterfeiters, who deceive customers into thinking they are buying genuine goods.” Generally, an item considered to be counterfeit appears identical to the original product. Counterfeit printing supplies include refilled cartridges containing inferior inks and toners passed off as coming from big brands like HP. Kwok spoke about the dangers of using counterfeit supplies, which include risks ranging from inferior print quality to machine damage. With these consequences in view, Kwok reiterated HP’s continued collaboration with local law enforcement officials in fighting the illegal practice of manufacturing, distributing, and selling counterfeit HP collaterals in order to “protect our customers.” "The diligence of the HP anti-counterfeiting program in the Asia Pacific region has resulted in law enforcement agencies successfully confiscating more than 25 million units of counterfeit cartridges and components in the last four years," Kwok said. "On a global level, HP maintains an aggressive approach to anticounterfeiting and has conducted more than 4,600 investigations in 88 countries over the last four years. This activity has resulted in the seizure of more than 36 million units of counterfeit printing cartridges and components worldwide over the same period," he continued. HP has improved its anti-counterfeiting measures as part of its goal to combat the illegal manufacturing and distribution of fake HP products. The technology solutions giant has used state-of-theart strategies to aid consumers in determining the authenticity of HP cartridges and supplies and avoid buying fraudulent ones. In the Asia Pacific region, all genuine HP cartridges come in packaging having color-shifting security seals. Customers should be able to see an “OK” mark when tilting the product’s box from front to back, as well as from right to left. They should also be able to detect a tick mark moving in the same direction when tilting the box right to left, as well as shifting it from front to back. Aside from the special color-shifting features, HP has also included QR codes in security seals. This lets customers authenticate the product via mobile devices. HP also provides additional information on using security seals and other authentication tips at their official website.


110 Issue June 2013

Lexmark again named a leader in Quocirca MPS Vendor Landscape LEXINGTON, Ky., May 16, 2013 / -- Lexmark International, Inc. (NYSE: LXK) announced it has again been positioned as a leader in managed print services (MPS) by leading European-based industry analyst firm Quocirca. In the firm's report, Managed Print Ser vices Landscape, 2013, Lexmark achieved the highest scores possible in the areas of MPS strategy, geographical reach, document workflow and mobile printing support, among others. The report, which provides an independent evaluation of MPS providers, indicates that integration with business processes is becoming increasingly important, a strength of Lexmark's bolstered by its eight software company acquisitions since 2010. Quocirca raises this point as a key differentiator for Lexmark that should help the company drive broader MPS engagements that encompass advanced document workflow. Quocirca also notes Lexmark's solutions expertise in regard to the company's vertical market focus, stating that "Lexmark shines in the depth of its industry solutions portfolio." Lexmark has long had a reputation as a well established player in the MPS market, and is known for providing holistic MPS offerings to large, multinational enterprises distributed across the globe. The report indicates Lexmark dominates the market when it comes to integrated industry solutions across a range of vertical markets. Quocirca defines a market leader as a provider that leads the MPS market in both strategic vision and depth of service offering. Leaders have made significant investments in their service portfolio and infrastructure and are supported by strong delivery capabilities. Supporting Quote: "Lexmark combines its industry expertise, customer intimacy and knowledge of business processes to deliver holistic, impactful MPS solutions to its customers," said Marty Canning, Lexmark executive vice president and president of Imaging Solutions and Services. "Quocirca's recognition confirms Lexmark's leadership and proven track record of providing MPS for many large companies all over the world with best-in-class solutions, services and innovative technology to transform business processes and help them grow their business." Source: Lexmark International, Inc.

110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

What is marketing? Marketing is a set of strategies and techniques focused on getting found. The way companies market their products and services are evolving rapidly. Inbound marketing is at the core. We live in a world now where prospects exert much greater control over the buying process than ever before. What is the reason for this change? Simply put -- it is the internet. The internet has fundamentally changed the way people find, discover, share and shop. Here are some facts: • 50% of US residents are online • 75% of US adults are online • 33% of US consumers spend at least 3 hours daily online • 46% of daily searches (Google, Bing, Yahoo) are for a product or service Capturing the attention of your prospect is vital to the future growth of any business. Here are some of the strategies necessary for an effective marketing strategy. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Key facts: • Worldwide 88,000,000,000 searches per month are performed on Google • 70% of the links search users click on are organic - not paid • 75% never scroll past the first page of results With the tremendous amount of searches performed, it is important to optimize your website. Key facts: • • • •

40% of US companies blog for marketing purposes B2C bloggers generate 88% more leads than those who don't B2B bloggers generate 67% more leads than those who don't 67% of marketers say their company blog is critical to their business Blogging helps your customers better understand what you do.

Social Media Key facts: • 93% of US adult internet users are on Facebook • 35% of marketers say Facebook is important to their business Having active social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Linked In is no longer a "nice to have." It is a "must have." Lead Generation Key Facts: • According to Focus, an advertising agency in Florida, it is only in the last third of the sales process that prospects want to engage with a sales representative. • According to an MIT study with Inside, 78% of sales that start with a web inquiry goes to the company that responds first. Sales leads generated from SEO Marketing, blogging and social media are nurtured leads. According to Demand Gen Report, nurtured leads produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads. According to Forrester Research, companies that excel at lead nurturing are able to generate 50% more "sales ready" leads at a 33% lower cost per lead. Lead nurturing campaigns can help a business educate and build relationships with non-sales-ready leads in an effective way by mapping content to the different stages of the sales process.


110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

Funai Starts Handling Reins of Lexmark’s Inkjet Business CEBU CITY - Funai Electric Co. Ltd., which bought Lexmark’s inkjet printer technology in April this year for $100 million, has begun taking over the physical facilities and employees involved in the manufacture of inkjetrelated products of Lexmark International, Inc. in Mactan, Phiippines on May 1. The Japanese manufacturer of consumer electronics, which is also Lexmark’s OEM and supplier of inkjet hardware, exercised its ownership of 1,500 patents and development resources related to inkjet technology by its takeover of the Mactan plant. The said three-hectare facility, which is situated within the Mactan Economic Zone 2, primarily produces inkjet cartridges. This take over comes at the heels of Funai’s April 2 acquisition, which took place no more than a year after Lexmark revealed its plans to close the Mactan plant and move out of the inkjet industry by the year 2015. Aside from the turnover of R&D resources and patents, the agreement included the transfer of properties related to the inkjet operations, such as building, equipment, land, shares, and even the employees under the Mactan Lexmark International (Philippines) facility. The acquisition, which is said to be finalized by June this year, will realize Funai’s long-standing plan to produce inkjet supplies under its own brand. However, the Japanese manufacturer will still continue producing inkjet collaterals for existing customers of Lexmark, which has pledged to continue giving warranty and technical support to its clients.

Industrial inkjet printing spend to hit $7.4bn by 2017 By 2017, the market is projected to approach $7.4bn after increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.8% since 2012, according to a new study by BCC Research. The report, Emerging Inkjet Printing Technologies, Applications and Global Markets, reveals that inks and other functional fluids accounted for nearly 70% of the industrial inkjet market in 2011 and 2012, a percentage that is expected to increase to more than 74% in 2017. Print heads and other printer hardware make up the remainder. Analyses of the main segments of the industrial inkjet market include product decoration, electronics, medicine and life sciences, 3-D printing, and energy. Inkjet printing is beginning to have an impact on other types of applications, such as food flavorings and fragrances, chemicals, and optics, but the demand for inkjet hardware and consumables in these segments is too small to estimate reliably and is likely to have little impact on overall sales between 2011 and 2017. The Asia-Pacific region is the largest geographical market for industrial inkjet technologies. Between 2012 and 2017, Asia-Pacific’s share of the market should grow from 47% to 53%. Europe and North America are the second- and third-largest geographical markets, respectively, both with around 19% to 20% of the market in 2011 and 2012. By 2017, Europe’s share seems set to decline to 16%, while the North American share drops to 15%.


IDC Names Ricoh Market Share Leader in U.S. HighSpeed Inkjet Placements for Five Years Running Ricoh Production Print Solutions (Ricoh), a leading provider of digital output solutions, today announced that it has been named a Leader in an IDC MarketScape and Vendor Shares report, both focused on the high-speed inkjet continuous feed market. For the fifth consecutive year, Ricoh’s InfoPrint 5000 production print platform has been named the high-speed inkjet market share leader in the United States, according to IDC’s U.S. Production Printer and MFP 2012 Vendor Shares (Doc#: 240258, March 2013). Within the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide High-Speed Inkjet Web Press 2013 Vendor Analysis (Doc#: 240577), April 2013, Ricoh was also named a worldwide Leader. “The InfoPrint 5000 continues to hold the top US market share for high-speed inkjet according to our yearly analysis and we anticipate the industry momentum for worldwide total engine shipments to continue,” said Amy Machado, senior analyst in IDC’s Hardcopy Peripheral Group. “We realize that low cost per page, speed, and reliability of inkjet web presses are becoming more critical in shaping the future for high volume print and mailing applications and Ricoh’s InfoPrint 5000 platform addresses each of these factors.” This IDC MarketScape is the first leveraging the unique MarketScape methodology focused on the highspeed inkjet printer market. The Vendor Shares analysis estimates the U.S. continuous feed printer market, among others, and found a large increase in color devices that are capable of handling multi-million page volumes on a monthly basis. “Our on-going industry leadership is one of the key accomplishments we pride ourselves on at Ricoh. And recognition of the InfoPrint 5000’s success from an international leader like IDC is a strong validation of our market-focused strategy,” said George Promis, vice president, Production Solutions & Technology Alliances, Ricoh. “We will continue to leverage our extensive skills, experience and technology to help businesses worldwide excel and deliver value-added services to their clients.” In the past year, the InfoPrint 5000 family achieved a variety of milestones to add to these most recent rankings, including the printing of nearly 40 billion production impressions worldwide, using up to 50 percent less power than other inkjet systems and more. To read more about the InfoPrint 5000 family, please visit Source:

Source: Procurement Leaders

110 Issue June 2013




Canon Announces Resolution of Patent Infringement Dispute MELVILLE, N.Y., May 2, 2013 – Canon today announced the resolution of a patent contempt proceeding as it relates to Direct Billing International, Inc. d/b/a On February 6, 2013, Canon filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York seeking an order holding Direct Billing International, among others, in contempt for violation of a stipulation, consent judgment and permanent injunction previously entered in the case of Canon Inc. v. Ninestar Image Int'l, Ltd. et al., Case No. 1:10-cv-04999-RWS. In its motion, Canon alleged that Direct Billing International had continued to sell toner cartridges, including photosensitive drums, that the permanent injunction prohibits it from selling. To resolve the contempt motion, Direct Billing International has stipulated to a contempt order finding it in contempt for having violated the permanent injunction through its sale of at least the products identified in Canon's motion papers. The contempt order also directs Direct Billing International to pay to Canon its entire profits derived from its violations. Throughout the development, sales and marketing process, Canon respects the intellectual property of other companies and individuals and expects others to similarly respect Canon's intellectual property rights. Canon remains committed to pursuing legal enforcement against those who do not respect Canon's intellectual property.

110 Issue June 2013

The Frugals Launch to Help Find Lowest Price on Printer Ink The Frugals family of money-saving websites recently launched, a comparative marketplace designed to help users find the best price on printer ink. The site features inventory from the top online sellers of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) ink, as well as refurbished and remanufactured cartridges. Site visitors select the make, model and printer series to quickly find the right cartridge at the best available online price. In addition to ink cartridges, Inkjet Willy provides instant price comparison for toner, ribbon, drum kits and more. With nearly $10 billion spent on ink cartridges in 2012, there’s a demonstrated need for savings on replacement ink. “The markup on printer ink is unreal,” says CEO of The Frugals, Luke Knowles. “Buying replacement cartridges that cost more than the printer itself is robbery. This was the basis for creating Inkjet Willy; to fight the injustice of ink prices and make finding cheap printer ink as simple as possible for consumers.” In addition to making it easier to compare prices for replacement ink, Inkjet Willy is offering a 10-percent discount to site visitors with an exclusive coupon code. Shoppers can use the code WILLY10 during checkout through any of the site’s online sellers to receive additional savings. In line with Inkjet Willy’s mission to help shoppers find the lowest price on printer ink, site creators also compiled the following tips to help consumers save even more money: 1. Shop smarter It seems the least expensive printers are the ones that require the highest-priced ink replacement. Make sure to factor in the cost of the ink cartridges before making a printer purchase. 2. Go digital Find ways to digitally use information instead of printing. For example, consumers can make documents prepared on Google Drive available offline for access via a mobile device, even without a Wi-Fi connection. 3. Adjust printer settings Adjust the default printer settings on the computer to print “fast draft” black-and-white. Then manually adjust these settings when printing photos or in color. In the long run, however, this default will help consumers save ink without much effort. 4. Try refurbished In addition to manufacturer’s cartridges, Inkjet Willy features refurbished and remanufactured options. These cartridges are compatible with popular printers and cost a fraction of the OEM versions. 5. Recycle cartridges Buying recycled cartridges is a great way to save money and the planet. Consumers can even earn credits by bringing used cartridges to Staples which offers $2 for every cartridge (up to 10 per month). Shoppers can then use accrued credits toward future purchases. About The Frugals The Frugals are a family of super-powered websites filled with the most reliable pennypinching tools and advice, including Coupon Sherpa, Gift Card Granny, Mr. Free Stuff and Mrs. Sweepstakes. Though each website is distinct, they are forever bound by their devotion to the singular purpose of protecting mere mortals from overspending. Each costumed crusader is rooted in the pages of a modern-day, consumer-minded comic book, where high costs are a constant threat to the forces of sensible spending. Read the full story at Read more:



Source: Frugals

110 Issue June 2013




Brother Takes On the Corporate Printing Market with New Printer Brother, a heavyweight in the electronic equipment manufacturing industry, unveiled its newest printer model – one that boasts of low-cost high speed printing capabilities perfect for businesses. The HL-S7000 series, officially launched early this month in New Zealand, is seen to break the stereotype on inkjets being better suited to homebased users and entrepreneurs. This is based the fact that the cost of the consumables involved do not stand up to the fiscal requirements of businesses needing high volume printing outputs. The new Brother printer, nicknamed “Cobra,” marries inkjet technology with high-speed printing, enabling businesses to take advantage of the economy of inkjet while enjoying super-fast performance that’s up to par with current corporate document production requirements. It boasts of an output of 100 pages per minute and a meager 1 cent cost for each A4 black page printed. These features make the HL-S7000 series unique and the first of its kind in the world. The revolutionary model has two variations: wireless and network. It also is not sold through retail but through the business-focused sales team of the Japan-based printer manufacturer. Currently, the new machines are being tested by a number of Brother’s corporate clients, some of which have acquired the said printers as early as September last year.

110 Issue June 2013

Diamond Dispersions Delivers 32% Year on Year Growth in First Half March 2013 proves record month for sales Global inkjet specialists, Diamond Dispersions, have delivered growth of 32 percent year-on-year for the first half of their financial year (September 2012 August 2013). During the first quarter of 2013, sales were up 47 percent on the same quarter in 2012 and March proved to be a record month for sales in the company’s history. Explains Diamond’s finance director, Craig Jones: “Demand for our dye sublimation dispersions continues to increase with new and existing customers across the world placing orders with us. “After three years of developing key relationships in South America, our work in Brazil, particularly in the textile industry, has really taken off. South Korea also remains a very strong market for us.” Continues Craig: “In response to increasing customer demand for our dispersions and pigments, we are working to put a capital expenditure plan in place. Whilst we still have plenty of spare production capacity to meet current demand, investment in a new plant will be required to enable us to meet anticipated future growth. “At the same time, we are currently in the process of recruiting new lab staff and will also be looking to add to our production team over the coming months.” Concludes Craig: “Demand for wide format inks, industrial inkjets and textile dispersed dyes and pigments is increasing daily and Diamond, as one of the fastest growing companies in the industry, is a leading player.” Source: Diamond Dispersions

Ninestar Seeks Exemption from GEO Ninestar has posted objections to the General Exclusion Order (GEO) that might be granted to Canon by America’s International Trade Commission (ITC). The GEO concerns the twisted prism gear projection couplings used in most HP and Canon all-in-one toner cartridges. Canon holds two patents on these unusual designs: U.S. 5,903,803 and 6,128,454. Ninestar seeks to ensure that its products are not affected by the GEO. It notes that the ITC has limited GEOs with exemptions in the past by specifying that the GEO does not apply to products imported and manufactured abroad by various entities, and the firm believes its products should be exempted in this way as they are using a workaround gear design. Ninestar was a respondent in a previous ITC complaint in which Canon alleged infringement of the same ‘803 and ‘454 patents. Canon and Ninestar settled and agreed to a consent order/permanent injunction. Ninestar has since developed a workaround gear design that it claims does not infringe. More information, please visit Source: Ninestar


110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

Discover Imaging Products Ltd – Announces Appointment of Iberian Agents.

G&G Holds Welcome Ceremony for its Russian Agent

Discover Imaging Products Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of JOSÉ LUIS OLIVEIRA as Sales Manager for I beria. Jose and his related Team will be directly representing the full range of Discover Imaging Products to Spanish and Portuguese Ink & Laser Remanufacturing companies. Jose has been active within the remanufacturing industry since 2005 when he headed up the Smart Cartridge activities for the Iberian Market as their Master Franchisor for the region. Through his experience managing and supporting the 50+ stores he learnt quickly the challenges and indeed requirements for this demanding Industry. With this experience he and his team are now perfectly placed to support and develop the Discover Imaging range of products to the Iberian customers. Ian Copsey – Business Development Director (Europe) quotes, “Jose has a wealth of experience within not just our industry but IT-based products in general. I am certain Jose and his Iberian based staff will quickly become a key asset in supporting the Spanish and Portuguese customers. With revolutionary new products like the exciting New Age Chemical Polymerized Colour Toner for HP Printers it is critical we have local experienced and capable staff able to explain this new type of material. I am pleased we can now directly support this important market.” Jose can be contacted on Land Line (+351) 214 003 655 Mobile (+351) 919 456 119 UK Mobile +44 (0) 744 619 5448 Email – SKYPE : jlosmartpt Discover Imaging Products Limited is a consortium of high quality product manufacturers, Industry veterans and technical experts, who offer high quality products at lower prices, because they do not have the "empire costs ' that burdens traditional distributors.

In April, ROSCO, the key agent of the G&G brand in the Russian market, visited G&G headquarters in Zhuhai, China. There were twenty members in this visiting team including G&G resellers in Russia. The travel to China is an award given to those resellers for the success of G&G in Russian market. The ceremony held was named “Welcome ROSCO Family”. During the ceremony, Mr. Scott Zang, the president of Ninestar, welcomed and thanked everybody’s effort in promoting G&G. The “Give me five” hand print ceremony and Gala lunch attracted much interest The welcome won high praise from the ROSCO Family. ROSCO is a famous company with a very good reputation in the Russian market. It has more than 20 years of experience in the distribution of IT products. Now, ROSCO provides formal delivery of the leading brand in computers, consumables, networking equipment, photogr aphic and video equipment. The cooperation between G&G and ROSCO started at the beginning of 2012. Their vast experience in IT products enabled them to become the exclusive agent of G&G in Russia.


110 Issue June 2013




Ninestar Releases patented compatibles with chip for Canon 550/551/451/351 series cartridges April 25th, 2013, Ninestar announces the release of new patented compatibles for Canon 550/551/451/351/251/651/751 series cartridges. And Ninestar also claims that it is the first player to launch the patented compatibles with chip in the aftermarket. Canon released a series of all-in-one printers last September. The Canon 550/551 series is an upgrade from Canon 525/526 series. Only four months after launching, the printer has had amazing sales with 700,000 units. This means great opportunities for the `compatible cartridges. The printers are mainly sold in EMEA, North America, Oceania, Japan and Asia markets. The Canon 550/551 series are positioned as star products f or the sales year of 2013. To meet the potential great demand from the market, Ninestar developed the fourth generation chip for the compatibles. Ninestar also applied high quality ink to ensure the quality of star products and generate brilliant printing performance. More information, please visit


110 Issue June 2013

Ninestar Releases Lexmark 150 series compatible inkjet cartridges Four months of R&D after Lexmark launched a series MFPs including Lexmark Pro 715 and Pro 915 (North America/ Europe/Oceania/Africa & South Africa), Ninestar’s Lexmark 150 replacement inkjet cartridge for the series is available now and ready for orders. Lexmark sold its inkjet business to Funai Electronics at the beginning of 2013, including 1500 US and world patents, and the ink production facility in the Philippines. However, Tomonori Hayashi, President of Funai Electronics has declared that all the technical and after service of Lexmark will be successively provided by Funai Electronic and the previous ink supply will be continued under the new name. It is also expected that there are over 330 thousand Lexmark 150 series printers in the global market. Ninestar‘s compatible inkjet cartridge will penetrate the market with the following advantages: • First to market • Patented structure ensures security • High quality ink brings brilliant output performance • Higher page yield than that of the OEMs For more information, please visit

110 Issue June 2013




Color Imaging Introduces 100% New Compatible Color Toner Cartridges for Ricoh Color MP C3001/ C3501/C2800/C3300 Series MFPs No rc ro s s , G A . – C o l o r I m a g i n g, I n c . introduced 100% new compatible color toner cartridges for the Ricoh MP C3001, C3501, Lanier LD630C, LD635C, LD528C, LD533C Gestetner MP C2800, C3300, MP C2800, C3300 and SavinC9130, C9135, C9130, C9135 color MFPs. Color Imaging continues to expand its product offerings that provide solutions to the cost per copy pressures that exist in the business color environment. This Color Imaging toner has been extensively tested to ensure OEM compatibility and comparable print quality, yield, component wear and adhesion. Color Imaging is dedicated to providing excellent after sale technical and customer support. Since the company and its R&D and manufacturing facility is located in the USA, technical support resources are readily available. CONTACT COLOR IMAGING, INC. • Toll free phone 800-783-1090 / Fax 800783-9010 • Phone 770-840-1090 / Fax 770-840-6846 • Email: • Visit: Source: Color Imaging

110 Issue June 2013

OCP announces the release of inks for HP Officejet Pro X series printers “The office market has traditionally been dominated by laser-based technology, but the introduction of page-wide inkjet devices with robust speed, print quality, and paper handling capabilities from a market leader like HP could really change how customers view inkjet technology.” —— Cathy Martin, Info Trends HP just recently released two single function (Officejet Pro x451dn, x551dw) and two multifunction printers (Officejet Pro x476dn, x576dw), using HP’s PageWide Technology, enabling single pass prints with speed of up to 70 ppm in General Office quality mode. It is said to deliver high quality prints at up to two times the speed and half the printing cost of laser. HP PageWide cartridges No. 970 and 971 are single ink cartridges and contain allpigment inks that are said to be vibrant, water-resistant, and will last for decades. HP talks about printing of up to 9,200 pages with the XL black ink cartridge and up to 6,000 pages with the extended-life color cartridge. OCP´s R&D department developed brand new Pigment inks for the HP 970 and 971 cartridges giving OEM like properties. A complete list of the new OCP inks is shown below:

1. Based on published fastest print speeds for the HP X551dw and X576dw models compared to laser and inkjet color desktop MFPs <$1000 USD and printers <$800 USD validated by WirthConsulting. org Jan. 2013. For more information, see 2. Cost per page (CPP) claim is based on the majority of color laser MFPs <$1,000 USD MSRP and color laser printers <$800 USD MSRP as of March 2012, ISO yield based on continuous printing in default mode based on market share as reported by IDC as of Q1 2012. CPP comparisons for laser supplies are based on published specifications of the manufacturers’ highest-capacity cartridges. CPP based on HP 970XL/971XL ink cartridges' estimated street price. For more information, see learnaboutsupplies.

As already known from former HP cartridges, the new HP 970 / 971 cartridges are also equipped with a chip which is recognized by the printer. A replacement chip as well as a reset solution currently does not exist. Up to now we don’t have information about if or when such a solution will be available.

Samples are - as always - available upon request. For individual samples and quantities please inform us about your detailed demand.


110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

UNINET LAUNCHES NEW MULTIPURPOSE X GENERATION COLOR TONER FORMULA FOR USE IN HP CP2025, 2320, 2020, UNINET RELEASES ABSOLUTE BLACK TONER & COMPONENTS 1525, 1518, 1215, CM1415, 1312 FOR USE IN LEXMARK X 850, 852, 854 MFP L os Angeles, CA - UniNet R&D has qualified current X Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly releases Absolute Black® toner and components qualified for use in the Lexmark X 850, 852, 854 MFP monochrome printer series. The Lexmark X850e is a 35ppm monochrome multifunction printer targeted at high volume applications with a recommended monthly usage of up to 40,000 pages. This MFP engine features printing, copying, scanning and faxing functions, in addition to a variety of paper handling options. Toner cartridges are rated at 30,000 pages and the drum cartridge at 48,000 pages. This cartridge is categorized as "Easy to Remanufacture" since toner is easily refilled via the fill plug on the cartridge. UniNet offers a complete remanufacturing solution for these cartridges.

Generation® Color Toner Formula for use in HP CP2025 to work on the HP CP2320, 2025, 2020,1525, 1518, 1215, and CM1415, 1312 using all OEM and UniNet components. This latest toner release is a new multipurpose formula featuring higher gloss levels, improved fusing, and color matching characteristics to mimic the performance of newly released printer and MFP models from HP and others. This new multipurpose toner formula is by far the lowest cost solution when used on all OEM components. Just like most UniNet toners, this formula does not cause excessive wear on critical components such as the doctor blade or rollers as seen on other aftermarket toners. This is a trend for most new color laser machines being released as they compete with inkjets and try to deliver near photographic quality printing.

UNINET RELEASES ABSOLUTE COLOR TONER & COMPONENTS UNINET PROUDLY UNVEILS NEW LOOK UNINEWS FOR USE IN XEROX PHASER E-NEWSLETTER FORMAT 6700 Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly releases Absolute Color® toner and components qualified for use in the Xerox Phaser 6700 color printer series. The Phaser 6700 is a recent color laser printer release from Xerox featuring a blazing 47ppm print speed. Targeted for large workgroups, it includes a high duty cycle of 100,000 pages per month. This machine is impressive; duplexing comes standard and additional paper trays are optional. OEM toner cartridges come in two versions: standard yield of 7,100 pages for black; 5,000 pages for color; and high capacity versions of 18,000 for the black and 12,000 pages for the colors. Imaging units are separate and dedicated for each color. These are rated at 50,000 pages each.

Los Angeles, CA - UniNet proudly announces the new format debut of its weekly UniNews E-Newsletter. The new UniNews is designed to provide its subscribers with an improved, seamless and friendly user experience, in addition to streamline the information resources UniNet offers to the aftermarket imaging industry. Features comprise its customary new product of the week, latest releases, ready-to-view remanufacturing instructions, product trends and more, right to the email box. New additions include capabilities to access UniNet's complete range of products and services by engine or by remanufacturing components. To subscribe to UniNews, simply click on the "Subscribe to UniNews" link at As usual, UniNet encourages formulating comments and questions at For further information, please contact UniNet at + 1 (424) 675-3300 or visit

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110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

Lexmark introduces next-generation MX6500e to create complete, configurable MFP NewsByte – April 30, 2013 – Lexmark International, Inc. (NYSE: LXK) today announced its new Lexmark MX6500e Multifunction Option that expands the capabilities of the company’s awardwinning workgroup monochrome printers to create a powerful multifunction system that meets customers’ demanding capture, copy and finishing needs. The Lexmark MX6500e Multifunction Option easily combines with Lexmark’s MS710 Series* and MS810 Series*of monochrome laser printers with a modular design that adapts to the layout of a facility or office to enable workflow efficiency. Users can conveniently position the device closest to where the work is performed, including lower heights for easier accessibility and serviceability. T h e L e x m a rk M X 6 5 0 0 e M u l t i f u n c t i on Option features peak performance and advanced functionality to increase user productivity: • Accessible through the 10.2-inch color touch screen, premium business solutions such as Barcode Discovery, Scan to Network Premium and Scan to SharePoint simplify work processes • Delivers reliable performance for high-volume scanning of up to 5,000 pages per day • Handles a wide variety of media with the rugged automatic document feeder – from rigid ID cards to thin, carbonless paper • Scans two-sided documents very quickly, up to 86 images per minute • Protects sensitive data with standard network security protocols, data encryption and disk wiping capabilities For more information on Lexmark, please visit www. Source:

Canon U.S.A. Enhances Enterprise Workflow with uniFLOW v5.2 Print and Scan Management Software MELVILLE, N.Y., May 15, 2013 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, announced the release of uniFLOW v5.2 print and scan management software, offering improved installation and usability, fully integrated print room management, and enhanced mobile and cloud printing capabilities, including support for Google Cloud Print™. Canon's exclusive uniFLOW software provides businesses the ability to consolidate enterprise output management into a single, unified platform for device management, secure printing, document routing and accounting, mobile solutions and cloud capabilities. uniFLOW v5.2 adds production printing modules that enable organizations to manage and utilize their corporate reprographic departments (CRD) in conjunction with their office print and scan infrastructure from one platform. "More than 1,000 improvements were made to the uniFLOW platform based on customer feedback and real-world implementations," said Sam Yoshida, vice president and general manager, Marketing, Business Imaging Solutions Group, Canon U.S.A. "By incorporating print management, scanning workflow, mobile printing and CRD processes into one solution, uniFLOW v5.2 may help customers save on the additional training, IT infrastructure, and support costs that would likely be needed if those functions were implemented separately." New features and benefits of uniFLOW v5.2 include: • Improved Usability: End-users of uniFLOW will now see a more intuitive interface, featuring a streamlined platform that allows IT administrators to more easily configure the system through wizards without having to rely on additional support. The new Quick Start screen will take the installer, step-by-step, through the entire configuration process, simplifying setup of even the most complicated workflows. • New Print Room/CRD Integration: With new print room management features, uniFLOW v5.2 provides a complete, single platform solution to help organizations manage both their office print and scan infrastructure and their in-house print room operations. These features allow operators to manage their entire print room, controlling tasks that range from job submission to intake. Print volume can be more effectively managed by automatically rerouting large print jobs from office multifunction devices to a central print room. Additionally, integration with the optional Océ PRISMAprepare document preparation software can help print room operators streamline the make-ready process. • Enhanced Mobile/Cloud Support: uniFLOW's existing mobile printing functionality has been further improved by providing new ways for mobile users to submit print jobs from their devices. uniFLOW 5.2 now includes support for the Google Cloud Print service, allowing customers who have purchased Google Chromebook PCs to print securely and have their jobs accounted for in the same way as other Windows or Mac users. Jobs can be submitted to Google Cloud Print from any PC running Google ChromeTM as well as Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. • Enhanced Scanning Functionality: Scanning has been an integral part of uniFLOW since version 5.0, and with uniFLOW v5.2, many improvements have been implemented based on customer feedback. In this release the SharePoint connection has been greatly improved, and the capability to browse and scan into any system that supports the WebDAV protocol, which is used by many document management systems, has been added. uniFLOW v5.2 is available through Canon Authorized Dealers and Canon Solutions America. For more information please visit Source:


110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

Ricoh is Recognized by FTSE4Good Index Series for Tenth Year Tokyo, May 2, 2013— Ricoh has been recognized by the F TSE4Good Index Series for the tenth consecutive year. The award follows an analysis of Ricoh's global corporate social responsibility activities. The assessment is conducted by EIRIS or Experts in Responsible Investment Solutions (London). In particular Ricoh was recognized for its environmental management, human and labor rights, supply chain labor standards, corporate governance and countering bribery. The FTSE4Good selection criteria have been designed to reflect a broad consensus on what constitutes good corporate responsibility practice globally. Using a widespread market consultation process, the criteria are regularly revised to ensure that they continue to reflect standards of responsible business practice, and developments in socially responsible investment as they evolve. "As globalization progresses, our society faces an increasing number of challenges that are diverse in nature, impacting society, the economy and the global environment. Ricoh possesses a wide range of global resources and supports activities that set out solve these complicated social concerns while also achieving corporate growth." said Mariko Azuma, Corporate Vice President, Ricoh Company, Ltd. "What's more Ricoh has been committed to sustainable environmental management for decades. We have long term goals and targets to reduce our environmental impacts and at the same time create economic value for our investors, clients and employees. We also foster technological development and environmental conservation activities at each stage of our products' lifecycle. Through these measures, we are building a business model with low environmental impact in cooperation with our customers and corporate partners. We are also committed to providing environmentally responsible products and services, with a view to helping reduce the environmental impact of society as a whole." Visit Ricoh "Environment" site and "CSR" site to find out more. Source: Ricoh


Konica Minolta to Unveil New Inkjet Textile Printer "Nassenger PRO120" at ShanghaiTex 2013 Tokyo (May 16, 2013) - Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) will be unveiling for the first time a new inkjet textile printer, the Nassenger PRO120, at ShanghaiTex 2013, an international textile and garment machinery exhibition to be held at Shanghai, China, from June 10 through June 13. As the third model in the Nassenger PRO series, the new, high-performance Nassenger PRO120 has the maximum print speed of 120m2 per hour, twice as fast as that of the popular model, the Nassenger PRO60 introduced last year. Equipped with high-density, independently-driven, water-based inkjet printheads, the Nassenger PRO120 is optimized for sample manufacturing to production in small lots. Konica Minolta’s unique Automatic Printhead Maintenance System supports smooth, continuous printing for long hours of or through night-time operation, contributing to stable print quality and labor-saving for operators. With optional dryer and textile winder, the Nassenger PRO120 offers comprehensive inkjet printing solutions from unwinding, printing, drying through winding. With a small footprint of approximately 15m2, the new model is compact to install within limited space in the manufacturing floor. The nine-color ink lineup has been designed so that the textile design and its brilliant colors will take advantage of digital printing into high-quality output. Digital inkjet textile printing has been drawing interest and seeing new needs, as manufacturing sectors in China look to adding values and increasing productivity. Building on its top-tier position in the European market, as well as for future development in China and other countries in Asia, Konica Minolta enhances the Nassenger PRO series with the addition of the Nassenger PRO120 as its mid-range-speed model utilizing the company’s strengths to meet the needs for sample to full-fledged production with high quality. The Nassenger PRO120 will be unveiled at ShanghaiTex 2013 ( June 10 through June 13, Shanghai, China) and later be exhibited at FESPA 2013, an international digital printing equipment exhibition to be held at London, the U.K., from June 25 through June 29. Major Features of the Nassenger PRO120 1. High-density 1024-nozzle independently-driven inkjet printheads 2. Maximum Print Speed of 120m2/hour 3. Konica Minolta’s unique Automatic Printhead Maintenance System 4. Reinforcement of extended continuous Print Support Functions 5. 9-color ink lineup with high-capacity 5-liter bottle of each color 6. Maximum print width of 1,850mm For more information, please visit: Source:

110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013


SkyDesk Print Enables Printing Files From iOS Mobile Devices Facilitates Communications in Mobile Work With the Free-of-Charge App TOKYO, May 9, 2013 — Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. today begins offering a free-of-charge application for iOS mobile devices: SkyDesk Print that enables one to print files stored in SkyDesk Docs— an application for online document sharing and management of the SkyDesk Services — through Fuji Xerox's Net Print service or multifunction devices/printers at offices. SkyDesk Docs is an application for iOS mobile devices, which allows users to view various documents and files stored and managed on the cloud, as well as to upload image files in their mobile devices to the cloud. By offering an application for iOS mobile devices in addition to the previously launched application for Android™ OS mobile devices, more SkyDesk Services users can print files from their mobile devices. Linking with Net Print to respond to mobile printing needs Through Fuji Xerox's Net Print service, users can print files viewed with SkyDesk Print from multi-use copiers installed at approximately 15,200 Seven-Eleven stores across Japan. This answers to the printing needs that emerge during mobile work on smartphones. Printing from multifunction devices and printers at offices By linkage with Print Utility for iOS, a free-of-charge application for printing with multifunction devices and printers from iOS devices via a wireless LAN network, users can now directly print filesNote6on the mobile devices from SkyDesk Print. Viewing and printing DocuWorks files Additionally, in response to customers' request, SkyDesk Print offers a function for viewing DocuWorks files stored in SkyDesk Docs, thereby enabling users to print those DocuWorks files. Linkage between SkyDesk Print and other applications




110 Issue June 2013


Roland Introduces New SOLJET PRO4 XF-640, Its Fastest, Most Advanced Wide-Format Printer to Date Hamamatsu, Japan, April 2, 2013 — Roland DG Corporation, the leading worldwide provider of wideformat inkjet printers and printer/cutters for professional durable graphics, has introduced the 64-inch SOLJET PRO4 XF-640, the company's fastest wide-format printer to date. The XF-640 incorporates next generation dual print heads and redesigned take-up and pinch roller systems, plus a host of other advanced features for high quality imaging at a maximum print speed of 102m2/h (1,098 sqft./hr.). "Today, more than ever, high-speed large format printers are in demand across developed countries and emerging markets alike," said Katsuo Ikehata, Roland DG research and development manager. "W hile high volume production is the goal for many of these businesses, quality imaging is equally important. The SOLJET PRO4 XF-640 answers this need in the marketplace by combining exceptional print quality with reliable, high-speed performance." Designed for both indoor and outdoor applications, the XF-640 is the ideal production tool for signs, banners, vehicle wraps, window graphics, POP displays, trade show graphics, posters and more. With the XF-640, new advanced print control technology incorporates the industry's most advanced print head in a staggered design for maximum productivity. The dual mirrored CMYK ink configuration virtually eliminates banding for consistent color imaging when handling large graphic files. The new heads are also designed to fire high levels of ink for added density and rich, saturated colors. Roland’s newest eco-solvent ink, ECO-SOL MAX2, dries quickly and delivers an expanded color gamut for exceptional image quality. The XF-640 features a robust architecture with several new performance upgrades. Durable construction of its unique bearing rail and frame firmly support and stabilize the head assembly for highly precise ink droplet delivery. A total of 16 pinch rollers and a new grit roller system ensure flawless media feeding. Additionally, a redesigned media take-up system and heater maximize productivity by reducing the amount of time required for printing and drying graphics during high-speed, volume production. Like the rest of the Roland printer line, the XF-640 is easy to operate. A redesigned front-loading ink cartridge unit provides easy ink access while minimizing the functional printer footprint. A latched maintenance cover protects the print head assembly and opens automatically at the touch of a button for easy cleaning. With the XF640, media loading levers are positioned in both the front and back for maximum convenience. Special media brackets support even the heaviest media rolls as they are loaded into place.

SOLJET PRO4 XF-640 Features: • Built for high-speed production and outstanding image quality - New head control technology drives the industry's latest print heads, staggered to achieve print speeds up to 102m2/h (1,098 sqft./hr.) - Mirrored CMYK ink configuration ensures consistent imaging at top speeds - Roland Intelligent Pass Control® precisely controls dot placement between passes for exceptional images, virtually free of banding • New ECO-SOL MAX2 ink produces rich, vibrant colors - Increased ink coverage allows for high-density printing, even in the fastest mode - Durable, scratch resistant and virtually odorless - Supports coated and uncoated media - Fast, consistent drying across prints for even colors and sharp images and text - Environmentally friendly with no nickel compounds • Durable construction of rail and frame stabilizes head movement for precise ink droplets • New media take-up system for long, unattended production runs - Redesigned for exceptional results at high print speeds - New supply bar supports eliminate distortion - New dancer roller device stabilizes media handling • Redesigned heater supports quality high-speed printing with the take-up system - Ensures even drying across every inch of the graphic • New AC servo motor supports extended production runs • Easy operation ensures maximum productivity from the very first print - Front loading ink cartridges are easy to access - Media loading levers are located in both the front and back of the printer for maximum convenience - Automated, latched maintenance cover opens at the touch of a button for easy cleaning • New version of Roland VersaWorks® - Features built-in PANTONE® spot color libraries to streamline the conversion process from PANTONE® to CMYK colors - Includes a predictive ink calculator which estimates the amount of ink needed for each job • Roland OnSupport enables unattended printing by sending text or email messages to a smart phone or remote computer when a print job is completed or ink is running low Source: Roland DG



110 Issue June 2013

Exclusive IE12 Quality Control Process for Color Toner Cartridges By Laura Fan/ Jason Zhou from G&G The ever competitive aftermarket has been bringing the profit margin for black toner cartridges down, so more and more players are turning their eyes to the color toner cartridge business. Statistics show that the remanufactured color cartridge market is growing rapidly but the technologies and processes used to ensure quality and stability are still a difficult part for them. For the color cartridge quality, color performance and stability (0% toner leakage) are the critical points. Only those companies which provide qualit y products with reasonable prices can win the market. The remanufactured color cartridge challenge is overcoming the supply-chain, technical, process and quality-control issues. In order to provide the customers with stable and reliable color cartridges, G&G developed its exclusive IE12 quality control process. The IE12 is an integration of G&G’s R&D strength and quality oriented spirit that is able to bring 0% toner leakage and OEM-equivalent printing quality and experience. 1. Sort & Grade Fu l l i n c om i n g raw materials inspection under rigorous standards. The empties are sorted and graded, including appearance sorting and first full printing test. 2. Split & Clean The empty cartridges are dismantled by specified tools and equipment. The cartridges are completely cleaned to avoid toner contamination. 3. Matching test E x t e n s i v e matching tests are conducted in different extreme environments and the postlifec yc le test to make sure all the replaced components work coordinately.


4 . Pe r f o r m a n c e test All the key parts inc luding OPC, Wiper Blade, Doctor Blade, Magnetic Roller and PCR are tested by advanced new equipment. 5. Sand blasting and Re-coating E ve r y d a m a g e d Roller or OPC is sand blasted or recoated to ensure they can perform well during the next lifecycle. 6. Sealing Each cartridge is sealed with a sealing strip and inspected by new advanced equipment and testing processes for tightness to avoid toner leakage. 7. Toner filling and vacuuming Automatic toner filling process in isolated space and every cartridge is vacuumed to make sure no toner leakage. 8. Assembly A l l t h e components are assembled and mutually inspected by using new specified technologies and advanced equipment. 9. 100% Post testing Every cartridge is tested for printing on the production line, and this is the second full printing test.

10. Sampling test Every production batch is sample tested at a 2% rate and the samples will undergo 200 pages printing test. The sampling rate may even raises to 5% for certain special orders. 11. Cleaning The cartridges are c leaned and relabeled by specially designed equipment. 12. Packaging Each cartridge is antistatic and moisture proof packaged to ensure the best protection for the OPC. About G&G G&G is world leading consumables brand made by Ninestar, the industry sole OneStop Solution provider of printing products. As a creator of global branded consumables, G&G is dedicated in providing the best products and services to build a world class brand. Now G&G is seeking agents in the worldwide markets. If you have any problems about the article, please contact : Laura/Marketing Manager Tel: +86 756 8539059 E-mail: Jason/PR Specialist Tel: +86 756 6258789 E-mail:

110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

Instructions for installing the Universal Conversion Cover for use in Lexmark T-Series By Mike Josiah, Technical Director of UniNet Imaging

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certif ication committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. With the newer Lexmark T630/T640 cores so hard to find these days, this universal conversion cover will allow you to use inexpensive Optra S or Optra T cores to make any model you want, including 100% universal cartridges when using Universal replacement chips**. The universal conversion cover for use in Lexmark T-Series transforms all models from the Optra S (4059) through the T644. This conversion cover makes it possible to convert a worldwide universal cartridge that will work in the T520/T620/T630/ T640, as well as all the various brands that use these engines (over 100 different models worldwide!). Check with your vendor for chip availability. Best of all, you only need to produce two cartridges: a high yield, or extra high yield that will work in every model in this series, as well as in any region of the world. There is also a slot on the top of the conversion cover to install an Optra T chip (4069) if needed. **NOTE: US customers must combine empties that were first sold in the US.

3. Universal replacement chip 4. Recovery blade 5. Universal shipping lock 6. New long life drum 7. New wiper blade 8. New doctor bar (optional) 9. New developer roller (optional) 10. Lint free cloths

Required Tools

1. IMPORTANT: Before starting, take a pair of pliers and break off the side plastic tabs as shown. If this is not done, the plastic will block the electrical contacts on the toner hopper from making contact with the printer and print defects will result. (Figures 1 & 2) 2. Start with an Optra S or Optra T cartridge (you can use any cartridge here, but these are the least expensive). Remove and install the wiper blade foam seals, install a new recovery blade, wiper blade

1. Toner approved vacuum 2. A small screwdriver (common style) 3. A Phillips head screwdriver 4. Pliers 5. Spring hook 6. Lint free cloths Supplies Required 1. Universal conversion cover for use in Lexmark T-Series 2. New toner for use in Lexmark S and T series printers


Universal Patented Specifications Afermarket Universal Conversion Cover* presented in this article is protected by U.S. Patents: 7,068,954/7,106,993/7,113,710/7,136,607/ 7,136,608/7,257,356/7,356,279/7,447,464/ 7,512,360/7,643,773. Aftermarket Universal Replacement Chip* presented in this article is protected by U.S. Patents: 7,187,874/7,286,774/7,356,279/7,088,9 28/7,254,346/7,551,859. Other U.S. and patents outside the U.S. pending. This aftermarket Universal Replacement Chip works in all brands and models of Lexmark printers in the T520, T620, T630 and T640 families of printers (except MICR). *Non-Lexmark product.

Figure 1

Figure 2 and drum. Use the OEM drum axle 3. Remove the two toner hopper springs from the OEM cartridge, and install them into the universal conversion cover. (Figure 3)

Figure 3

110 Issue June 2013




110 Issue June 2013

Instructions for installing the Universal Conversion Cover for use in Lexmark T-Series

4. Clean out any remaining toner from the OEM hopper. Clean and/or replace the developer roller and doctor bar. Install the toner to match the chip yield you will be installing. Follow your normal procedures here. 5. Slide the left side of the OEM toner hopper into the universal conversion cover. Make sure that the white wheel slides under the retaining hook of the conversion cover and that the shipping lock peg of the OEM toner hopper fits into the hole on the conversion cover. (Figures 4 & 5)


place or one of the shipping lock pegs is not in the conversion cover hole. (Figure 10) 9. Install the universal chip for use in T520/620/630/640 on the side and Optra T on the top. (Figures 11 & 12)

Figure 7 7. Using a spring hook, Install the two springs from the universal conversion cover to each side of the OEM toner hopper. (Figures 8 & 9) Figure 11

Figure 4

Figure 8 Figure 12 10. Install the universal conversion cover shipping lock. (Figures 13 & 14)

Figure 5 6. On the opposite side of the conversion cover, pull the right side wall out with one hand and use your other hand to snap the OEM hopper in place until the white wheel clicks and locks under the retaining hook. On the backside, make sure the shipping lock peg fits into the hole on the conversion cover. (Figures 6 & 7)

Figure 6


Figure 9 8. Make sure the bottom edge of the OEM toner hopper is parallel to the OPC drum. If this edge is NOT parallel, then one of the white wheels is not properly locked in

Figure 10

Figure 13

Figure 14

110 Issue June 2013





2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期




Message from the Publisher 亲爱的读者朋友们, 你们好! 8 月 28-30 日,我们《亚洲再生业》(RechargeAsia)杂志将在泰国曼谷 举办 2013 RechargExpo 泰国国际办公打印耗材展。我想借此机会与大家一起 分享一下我对于泰国印刷行业及的了解。 泰国印刷业历史悠久,最早可追溯至拉马国王四世(King Rama IV)统 治时期,他对于印刷行业的大力支持为该行业在泰国的发展奠定了坚实的基 础。1836 年,美国传教士布兰得利博士的到来,加速了泰国印刷行业的发 展。 泰国印刷业的历史成就,使其成为了东南亚最为活跃的印刷中心之一。 今天,泰国在全球舞台上,已成为一个非常重要的印刷行业中心,为全世界的客户提供高品质的服务。 为了能够保证质量并加强竞争力,泰国印刷行业采用最好的纸张、墨水与设备。加上行业与政府提供的持 续的支持,印刷公司与生产企业能够为其客户提供可靠地服务与高质量的印刷。作为质量控制的一个组成部分, 泰国打印机厂家坚持达到各项国际标准。大多数出口公司都通过了 ISO 900 及其他国际标准认证。海外市场的 大门变得越来越宽阔,泰国打印行业受到了更多国际客户的认可与支持。 此外,泰国印刷业联合会(The Thai Printing Federation)成立于 1993 年。它应若干印刷行业组织的要求 而成立,目的是协调政府部门和印刷企业及行业组织之间的关系。联合会是泰国印刷业组织的领头人,它将印 刷业的相关组织整合在一起,集中向政府反映各协会成员的诉求,使他们的问题得到政府和公众的重视。 联合会的宗旨是 :维护会员的正当权益 ;经政府和国家机构授权,协调和解决印刷业及相关行业在税收、 人力资源和技术发展等方面的问题 ;支持开展印刷业及相关行业的职业培训和专业教育 ;帮助并组织会员参与 印刷业及相关行业的推广活动。 目前,联合会拥有 9 个成员协会。联合会的副会长由各成员协会指派,各协会轮流任命联合会的会长,会 长任期一年。 希望以上信息,能够有助于您更好地了解泰国印刷行业。此外,为有效推动我们在泰国曼谷的办公耗材展 览在当地的影响力,我们亚洲再生业(RechargeAsia)美国总部的 Sunny 和中国分公司的 Eric 在泰国当地伙 伴 AXIS GLOBAL 和 Impact 的协助下,近期到泰国实地考察了泰国复印机、打印机市场的需求,收到了有效 的客人反馈,泰国当地企业对于本次国际性的办公耗材展非常期待,也给主办单位提了很多建议,对于我们如 何办好本次泰国展览有很大的帮助。关于此次实地考察,Eric 撰写了一篇非常实用的《进驻泰国攻略——参加 8 月 RechargExpo 泰国展览,签证、旅游、商务必备参考》(P.72 页),相信可以有助于您制定更好的泰国行程 计划。 解伟先 亚洲再生业(RechargeAsia)中国编辑部



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Application of Software System in the MPS field

软件系统在打印外包服务(MPS)行业的应用 打印外包服务(MPS)在国内是一

打印设备管理:PW 软件可自动搜索





多样:多年从事 OA 行业,从复印机外





服务商 B 是一家大型通用耗材生产

从卖硬件向卖服务转型过来的;从 IT 设

设备状态监控:PW 软件对纳入设备




攻大中型政府、企业客户。B 在竞争客















而这是 B 无法依靠人力投入来解决的(分

经验为客户服务,把客户从繁琐、昂贵 的文印设备管理中解脱出来。 打印外包服务的起步门槛不高:只

邮件提醒:PW 软件也可按用户设置







打印量管理:PW 软件可精确记录每















采用乐印 PW 系统后,前面提到的









PW 系统的作用:

点应用了乐印的 PW 软件后,客户各分


服务商 A 在东北的一个地级市做打




上一览无余,然后通过 B 在各地的合作



伙伴就可快速处理。而 PW 的打印量统

得日益紧迫。乐印在 2012 年推出的打印

式是坐等 + 巡检,主要是等客户来电话

计功能(可每日统计),则让 B 能够提

集中监控管理软件 Print Watcher(以下



简称“PW 软件”),就是专为打印外包

另外就是技术工程师定期(3 个月一



客户在内部服务器上安装乐印 PW





经常出现这种情况:当工程师到了客 户那里,才发现客户已经换了服务商 了(合同在这里起不了太大作用)。 在试用了乐印的 PW 系统后,通过邮 件能在 2 小时内发现客户端的机器故 障,简单的直接通过电话就解决了, 复杂的可以派工程师过去,客户的满 意度明显上了一个档次。而且,通过



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

让客户的高端设备不再因缺件而停工。 服务商 C 的主要业务是为大中型企业提供驻地文印外 包服务(在客户办公场所设立文印中心,提供排版、打印、 复印、装订等全套文印服务)。这些客户的行政部门从降低 成本、提升服务水平的目的出发,每年或每 2 年都要对合同 重新招标。面对其它虎视眈眈的竞争对手,要想保留住老客 户,除了价格比拼外,为客户提供更多的增值服务也是一个 关键点。由于大部分客户除文印中心外,都还保留了各部门 自用的打印、复印设备,提升这一块的管理效率也是客户非 常关心的(这些设备并不在驻地文印外包合同范围内,都是 由客户自行采购耗材和维修服务的)。在 2013 年初,C 在 竞标一家老客户的驻地服务时,免费向客户提供了乐印 PW 软件。客户经过试用,内部的 IT 部门对软件给了很高的评 价(设备故障早发现,主动解决,内部员工的投诉大幅减少), C 的合同也顺利续签! 这三个案例是我们在 PW 软件推广中最有代表性的,它 们的成功应用让我们对 PW 软件的前景充满信心。在与各地 服务商伙伴的沟通中,我们也收集了很多更深入的需求和建 议,将在后续不断改进完善。我们的目标,是让全国从事打 印外包服务的朋友们,坐在自己的办公室里,就能够及时、 准确地了解到客户文印设备的工作状况和打印量,从而能主 动、高效地满足客户需求,并从中收获丰厚的利润!

联系:北京乐印神州科技有限公司 网址 电话:010-62964001 技术支持热线:400-600-3960



展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Visa, Travel and Business Reference for Participants of RechargeExpo Thailand 2013

泰国攻略:参加 8 月 RechargExpo 泰国展览 ——签证、旅游、商务必备参考 为有效推动 2013 年 8 月 28-30 号在泰国曼谷的办公耗

个家庭不少于 20,000 泰铢。

材展览在当地的影响力,本次展览会的主办方 RechargeAsia

二、 电 话 拨 打: 在 泰 国 拨 中 国 电 话 需 要 拨 打 00986 或

Magazine 于 2013 年 4 月 27-5 月 3 号,前往泰国进行了商务

00486+ 中国电话号码;在泰国拨本地拨 0+ 本地号;在中国拨

考察和客人拜访工作。主办单位美国总部的 Sunny 和中国分公

泰国的号需要拨打 0066+ 本地号码。

司的 Eric 在泰国当地伙伴 AXIS GLOBAL 和 Impact 的协助下, 行程安排非常丰富,收获颇丰。通过考察对泰国复印机、打印 机市场的需求有更深切的认识。通过走访客人,大量发布展览 会的信息,收到了有效的客人反馈,泰国当地企业对于本次国 际性的办公耗材展非常期待,也给主办单位提了很多建议,对 于我们如何办好本次泰国展览有很大的帮助。 以下为 8 月泰国耗材展的主办单位前往泰国的一些体验, 分享给各位即将或计划前往泰国的朋友:

三、关于文化、旅游、购物: 泰国是个以佛教信仰为主的国度,大街上随处可见供奉的 佛像;泰国非常国际化,很开明的国度,文化很包容,这一点 从泰国的影视节目中也可以看到。 在泰国,非常忌讳摸别人的头部;跟朋友或客人说再见时 要双手合十。 在购物点的时候,当地人忌讳中国人用脚指东西,这样做 会导致他们很生气。 在泰国驾车是右侧行使,基本上都很文明礼貌,不存在抢 车道的现象。 泰国是旅游、度假的天堂;很多欧美人退休后在当地开始 新的生活。在泰国旅游有两个事情不应错过:观看人妖表演和 前往巴提雅游览海边。 关于货币兑换:目前泰珠一直在升值,可以在机场兑换或 找当地的朋友兑换泰珠。

一、签证注意事项: 1、中国海关的要求:持中国护照的公民个人前往泰国必须 提前签证;持有第三国的签证的中国公民,在泰国证明期间是 路过的可放行;中国公民跟团,参加正规的旅行社,可以前往 泰国;没有提前签证,又不跟团的个人,不能单独前往泰国。 2、泰国警察总署规定有关申请落地签证者的资格和范围: 持有泰国政府批准国家的护照者; 有完整和有效期不少于 6 个月的护照; 到泰国旅游期限不超过 15 天; 必须持有 15 天内之确认回程机票; 必须告之正确和可供查询的泰国地址; 有不超过六个月拍摄之 4(宽)*6(高)公分照片一张。 如没有提供照片,在机场可以拍摄,拍照费用为 100 泰铢; 非泰国佛历 2522 年(西元 1979 年)移民法按第 12 条所 述外国人禁止入境之条件; 落地签证费每人 1000 泰铢; 入境时个人必须身有外币价值不少于 10,000 泰铢,如一


展会热点 / SHOW TIME

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

四、关于当地的耗材市场: 2013 年泰国政府机关对打印机、复印机的采购量迅速加 大,并且政策上大量扶植再制造耗材行业;在全球市场普遍 不景气的情况下,泰国市场的打印机、复印机销量持续上涨, 并且初步呈现规模。泰国的空盒回收也 关于当地耗材商家,他们希望本次前往泰国参加展览的 中国厂家不要去那边打价格战,以不损害当地企业的利益为 前提;不展出假冒、伪劣产品;争取市场实现良性发展。 目 前 泰 国 本 地 的 耗 材 企 业 如 COMBAX,KING OF TONER,BKS OA,BANGBON SYSTEM,Brilliantek,TURBON,DR TONER,AXIS 等都将顷力加盟本次展览;

本次展览会得到我们在泰国的合作伙伴 IMPACT,AXIS 及 泰国国际会议展览局 TCEB 的大力支持。主办单位计划在 6、 7、8 月集中在泰国地区加大对本次展览会的宣传推广,并计 划组织泰国打印机再制造行业协会成立和筹办本次展览会的 发布会等活动。

关于前往泰国参展、赞助、旅游等事宜,请电话 010-5126-5580 或访问

More than 4,000 Booths Reserved for the Third ChinaEurasia Expo


记者 28 日从国务院新闻办公室举行的发布会上获悉:第 三届中国—亚欧博览会将于 9 月 2 日至 7 日在新疆乌鲁木齐 市举办,主题为“开放互信,共谋发展”。本届博览会展览 总面积 8.9 万平方米,设置展位 4282 个,将举办中国—亚欧 经济发展合作论坛。 来源:人民日报


市场动态 / MARKET TRENDS Industrial inkjet printing spend to hit $7.4bn by 2017

BCC 报告:2017 亚太成全球最大 喷墨市场

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

InfoTrends: Who will Choose Commercial Inkjet?

InfoTrends:商用喷墨到底是谁的选择? InfoTrends 发起了一个名为“喷墨打印是否会改变美国办公模式 ?”的调查, 根据调查结果,InfoTrends 做出预测:到 2016 年,商用喷墨打印将占据美国打印 市场的 56%,激光打印占 44%。 这个数字震惊了业界。美国人为什么会选择喷墨打印而放弃激光打印?我们觉 得,这里面有很多方面的原因。这其中最为重要的就是打印上的开销。对比商用喷 墨,传统的激光打印机有三大缺陷:机器价格贵、打印成本高、使用功耗高。而这 几乎是激光打印这种技术先天性的,根本看不到价格降下来的希望。因为激光打印 天生就比喷墨的产品结构上复杂,墨粉盒制造起来工艺繁复,打印定影的功耗动辄 几百瓦,高速产品一千瓦以上。

据 BCC 研究报告,2012 年全球的 产业喷墨打印硬件及耗材市值达 19 亿 美元,预计在 2017 年将达 74 亿美元。 研究显示,在 2011 年和 2012 年中, 墨水盒和其他功能性液体的市场份额为 70%,预计在 2017 年将达 74%。 同时,亚太地区为产业喷墨技术的 最 大 市 场。 于 2012 年 至 2017 年 间, 亚太地区的市场份额预计会从 47% 攀

喷墨的成本低?很多入门级喷墨用户并不这么认为,但是到了商用喷墨领域, 则完全是两码事。因为激光打印的碳粉,定义了商用产品的耗材必须要达到几千张 乃至更多的耐用性。对于喷墨打印而言,就是一个把墨盒容量做大的事情。而喷墨 打印的墨盒和墨水的生产成本,可是要远低于激光打印,并且工作的时候功耗也更低。 至于打印质量,桌面打印技术诞生已经有三十多年了,从来都不是问题,问题 在于:商用设备要求高可靠性,目前我们还得不到惠普这么些年来商用喷墨产品的 返修状况的数字,这个数字我们认为惠普也不可能公布,这是不传之秘。而其它的 企业,如果想进入这个领域,则需要进行一番摸索。惠普的 Pro X 系列是颠覆性的 商用产品,我们认为它的颠覆性不仅仅在于 70 页每分钟的最高速度,最为重要的 是这款产品在可靠性做出的大胆探索 - 它内部有保养盒,用来降低墨水、纸屑造成

升至 53%。 在 2011 年 到 2012 年, 欧 洲 和 北 美是第二及第三大的市场,其市场份额 约 为 19% 至 20%。 到 2017 年, 欧 洲 的市场份额将有可能跌至 16%,而北美 的市场份额将降到 15%。 来源:中关村在线

的堵头几率。 今年是 2013 年,惠普的 Pro X 刚刚上市,到了 2016 年,恰好是这一代高速 商喷产品三年的检验期限,这三年足够惠普收集到足够多的用户反馈,通过这些用 户反馈来判断产品的优点和要解决的问题。一旦大考通过,我们相信很快就会有类 似 Flow MFP 这种功能复杂、管理能力强大的商用喷墨产品上市。到了那个时候, 相信喷墨打印的产品线不会比激光打印的产品线孱弱,而应该是更强。 在股票市场上,惠普的股价已经有好几年不让投资者振奋了,如果商用喷墨领 域大有可为,相信一定会带动惠普股价的上涨,过去的 IPG(Image and Printing Group,成像及打印集团 ),今天的 PPS(Printer and Personal System,打印及个 人系统集团),都应该是决定惠普股价涨跌的核心支柱,如果看好商喷,不妨立即 持有:因为这个地球上,能做好激光打印产品的企业很多,能做好喷墨打印产品的 企业真没几个。 来源:中关村在线


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

市场动态 / MARKET TRENDS A Brief Report of the 13th ReChina Asia Expo



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Fuji Xerox will Continue to Advance the Localization Service in China


Kodak Quits Bankruptcy Protection and Hands Company Control Rights to Creditors

柯达退出破产 保护 公司控制权 交给债主

“2013 财年,富士施乐将继续深入推










4 月 22 日,富士施乐高级副总裁、富













富士施乐高级副总裁、富士施乐中国高级 管理委员会总代表 徐正刚




有 3.75 亿美元,它将持有重组后


柯达新普通股的 85%。

" 和很多企业不同,富士施乐一直看好

如果在柯达退出第 11 条破产


保护时公司值 4.41 亿美元,债券

同进步。" 徐正刚介绍,截至 2013 年 3 月底,

持有者控制的股份相当于 3.7485

富士施乐 80% 以上的产品均在中国生产。

亿美元。剩余的 15% 股份值 6615

2012 年,中国经济增速放缓,但是富 士施乐依然呈增长趋势,虽没有达到预期


万美元,它归无担保债权人所有, 无担保债权人拥有 16-22 亿美元。



根据协议,柯达退休人员拥有 6.35



亿美元,它也会分走 15% 股份的











四大举措深耕中国市场 过去的一年,IT 产业整体形势不容乐

China Print 展会上,富士施乐将带来偏向


柯达 CEO 彭安乐( Antonio M.








第一的领先地位;在 A3 数码复合机市场出







念:" 以人为本,以客为先 ",从自身做起,


在 退 出 破 产 时, 柯 达 预 计 有



8.15 亿美元现金和现金等价物。

的每一个评价。富士施乐秉承 "CSR 即是


柯达曾预计明年底达到 5.81 亿美

经营 " 的理念,做中国社会的好企业公民,

元,预计时有 4.41 亿美元,预计


到 2017 年达 16.25 亿美元。

能取得这样的成绩,徐正刚认为,得 益于富士施乐深耕中国市场的决心和切实

另据了解,2013 年,富士施乐还成立


了新的服务公司,徐正刚表示在 2015 年的


1000 亿日元任务中,新的服务公司将达到








2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期




2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Development History of China's OPC Drum

中国感光鼓发展历程的见证者与参与者 ——访佛山市南海天映办公设备厂总经理贺少敏 佛山市南海天映办公设备厂(Foshan Nanhai TianYing


Office Equipment Factory)是一家专门从事有机光电导体


(OPC)的研发和生产的业内知名厂商。公司于 2005 年由


其总经理贺少敏一手创建,经过多年的发展,目前可生产复 印机鼓芯型号超过 50 种,打印机鼓芯型号接近 70 种,年产 量达到 400 万只,产品畅销国内外。 科班出身,抓住机遇,创办南海天映 1988 年,贺少敏毕业于天津大学精密仪器系光学仪器专 业,毕业后一直从事复印机和打印机的感光鼓的制造和研发, 参与了中国最早 的 OPC 鼓生产线的引进。从上世纪 90 年代 的硒合金感光鼓到现在的有机光导体,可以说见证了中国感 光鼓的发展历程。 面对严酷的外部环境,南海天映通过强化内部管理,努 力提高生产效率和产品的合格率,减低生产的成本,并且针 对客户的需求,开发出适合不同市场的产品,来提高销量。 例如,现在的打印和复印都在向高速和彩色方面发展,南海 天映已经开发出了多种型号的彩色复印机鼓芯,产品上市以 来,受到了海内外广大客户的青睐,市场反应很好。 此外,根据市场的具体变化,目前南海天映计划尽量避 开竞争最激烈的 HP 系列鼓芯,加大力度推广兄弟系列,京 瓷系列以及其他的一些彩色打印机和复印机鼓芯。 回顾这些年这些年通用耗材行业的发展,作为南海天映 办公设备厂的创始人与领头人,贺少敏最深切地感受到了“中 国制造”的强大。2002 年之前中国还没有能力制造 OPC, 本世纪头十年,中国,尤其是珠江三角洲地区,通用耗 材行业蓬勃发展。2005 年,贺少敏敏锐地感觉到中国感光鼓 市场的巨大发展潜力,毅然辞职,创办了佛山市南海天映办 公设备厂,专门从事 OPC 鼓芯的研发和生产。当时,国内能 够生产 OPC 的厂家屈指可数,所有设备基本都是进口,国内 根本没办法生产。在贺总经理的带领一下,南海天映通过自 身努力,研发制造了一条半自动的生产线。工厂创办初期,

市场需要的产品都是日本和美国的厂家生产。经过最近十年 的发展,现在中国的 OPC 产量已经超过了台湾、韩国,尽管 他们起步比我们早。而且将 OPC 的价格降低了百分之八十, 极大地推动了通用耗材的发展。当然,我们国家目前还缺少 自己品牌的打印机和复印机,造成了我们只能生产通用耗材, 难以和欧美、日本的企业竞争,这些都需要国内的有识、有 志之士一起共同努力。

主要生产 3906、7115 等型号的鼓芯,产品质量也不是很稳定, 但是通过不断努力完善生产工艺,产品门类逐渐齐全,产品 质量也日益成熟稳定,最终得到了国内外市场的认可接受。 目前,工厂的产品主要分成两大类,复印机用和打印机用, 产品大部分销往国外市场,小部分在中国国内销售。 立足产品质量,扩大产品门类,积极应对市场变化 今天,全球经济复苏依然乏力,尤其是中国的出口企业


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

CEO 之路 / CEO ON THE GO 市场动态 /MARKETING TRENDS Total Printing Volume Achieved Modest Growth Globally, with Concentration in Emerging Countries

全球印刷总量略有增长 新兴国家较为集中 目前,虽然全球的印刷总量略有增长,但主要反映在新兴 国家,那里人民的文化和富裕程度的不断提高,促进了印刷需 求量增加。确切地说,包装、标签和薄膜印刷从中获利不少。 从高宝行销资料来看,商业和报纸轮转印刷机订购总量由 2006 年的 19 亿欧元跌至 2011 年的 5 亿欧元。根据修订的预测, 高宝期望在今后几年保持较低水准的少量增长。对此,高宝必 须拿出相应的措施来应对德国萎缩的印刷市场,如围绕价格便 宜的机型扩大印刷机的品种。

据了解,在香港、巴西、加拿大和卢森堡等地,现在有 些报社想延长他们现有设备的使用寿命,他们认为完全没有必 要花很多钱购置新机器,可以采取各种措施,如减少印刷纸 带宽度或提高印刷品质,提供新的附加装置或配备新操纵台 Pecom 印刷控制中心。 日前,高斯在马来西亚的星洲日报集团实施了一个改造项 目,给 32 页单幅面的印刷塔增加新的机器控制装置,这样可 以满足今后 10 年的要求。 瑞典的联线装订设备制造商 Tolerans(托莱兰)开辟了使 小报带有冲孔拇指检索的可能性,以便容易查找各章节。该解 决方案由安装在纸带订本机中的两个冲切滚筒组成。冲切的尺 寸和形状可变。这些使报纸产品美观、富有想像力或实用的解 决方案是报纸印刷厂期望达到的最佳水准。 来源:中印网


企业近况 / COMPANY CLOSE-UP Pantum Explores the Mexican market

奔图进军墨西哥市场 近期,奔图在墨西哥城举办首场发布会,宣布进军墨西哥

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Print-Rite Awarded Guangdong Patent Prize for Its Innovative Technology SmarTact

天威创新技术 SmarTact 获广东专利奖

市场。奔图为该地区市场制定了积极的战略计划,以期在 2016 年跻身该区五大打印机品牌的行列。奔图将专注零售、IT 产品分 销及 BTA,为 SOHO 和 SMB 用户服务。 奔图总裁汪东颖称,奔图非常高兴能进驻墨西哥市场。他说 在国际市场上的成功案例为这次业务拓展提供了很多参考,能满 足全球与我们休戚与共的战略伙伴及用户的需求。 奔图已选定 BARQ.COM 作为该区的零售商。同时将在 4 月 份与联想合作宣传活动,使用联想手提电脑连接奔图打印机,为

广东省人社厅、省知识产权局近日公布了 2013 年度广东专利奖表彰名单,珠海市 7 项专利榜上有名, 其中天威飞马打印耗材有限公司 SmarTact 处理盒获 得广东专利奖优秀奖。 天威全球首创的 SmarTact 技术突围了原装跳动 式显影专利群,使得全新通用耗材进入占据打印机 市场份额 60% 的跳动式显影打印机市场成为可能, 开启了通用耗材品类拓展的历史新一页。这项技术

用户提供直接的体验。 此外,奔图还与 IT 产品分销商 Data Product 合作开发了 IT 分销渠道。Data Product 在这方面的丰富经验将促进奔图尽快融

不仅具有行业突破性质,应用了其研发生产的产品 投入市场后更产生了轰动效应,体现出技术水平高, 资源能耗低,综合效益好的特点,因而得以从省内


上百万件有效专利中脱颖而出。 天 威 全 球 首 创 的 SmarTact 技术突围了原装跳 动式显影专利群,使得全新 通用耗材进入占据打印机市 场份额 60% 的跳动式显影打 印机市场成为可能,开启了 通用耗材品类拓展的历史新 一页。

奔图高级副总裁 Alex Li 在接受采访时说道:“墨西哥市场 潜力很大。一直以来是奔图的战略市场。”他表示奔图对将来在

天威全球首创的 天威 SmarTact 技术的科 SmarTact 技术发布时 研成果在向商品化、产业化推 曾引起业界轰动 进方面不遗余力,“SmarTact 技术接触式显影鼓粉盒研发及产业化”项目曾经入 选了 2012 年国家火炬计划立项项目名单,作为“产

该地区市场的发展充满信心。 出席发布会的中国驻墨西哥大使馆经济商业顾问陈先生评价 道:“中墨建交 40 年来双边贸易额高达 367.76 亿元。墨西哥是 中国在拉丁美洲的第二大贸易伙伴。奔图进驻墨西哥市场的举动 十分激动人心,必将进一步巩固两国之间的贸易关系。” 共有 60 人出席此次发布会,其中包括技术、市场和金融 领 域 的 媒 体, 及 该 地 区 行 业 内 最 具 权 威 性 的 两 个 媒 体,Info Channel 和 Canales TI。中央电视台也对这场盛事作了相关报道。

业化示范项目”立项,媒体赞誉为“珠海市加快自 主创新,加速专利产业化的优秀实例。” 截止至本届,珠海市一共有 20 项专利获得广东 专利奖,天威飞马是获奖主力军。天威的厚积薄发 源自于不断积累雄厚的科技创新实力,截至 2013 年 3 月 31 日,天威在全球登记申请的专利数合计 2032 件,在总量、质量上位列全球打印机通用耗材领域 第一位。



来源 : 天威耗材


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

As Competition Intensifies in Laser Markets, Pantum Stands up for Customers

激打风暴骤起,奔图为用户挺身而出 近期,国产自主核心技术的激光打




推出了入门级激光打印机 499 元的产品,






激光打印机价格直接下探到 499 元,还








激打风暴骤起 “没想到,在 3 月的第三周,奔图 正式拉开‘奔三风暴’的活动后,线上 销售节节攀升,用户需求的突然释放, 在一些系统原本两周的备货在第一天就 将近售罄,最终紧急调货才保证活动的 连续执行。”奔图电子商务部经理赵哲 说到,“奔图今年前三个月线上的销售 同比增长超过 2000%,凭借健康经济、 稳定可靠的特性,厚积而薄发,为中国 市场用户带来前所未有的超高性价的打 印选择!” 就在“奔三风暴”骤起的同时,国 内某激光打印品牌大佬由于线上的销量

语权,也就是说,如果非要说这是一场 战役的话,那么主动权在我们手中。” 奔图科技市场总监郭云峰,在谈到奔图 入门级激光打印机 P1000L 促销时说到。 笔者也看到,在购买奔图产品的用 户评价中(京东用户评价),“支持国产, 打印速度快、性价比高”是使用最多的

为用户而战 “中国用户在激光打印机领域,长 期遭受了不公正的待遇,作为国产自主 品牌,奔图有义务,也有责任来改变中 国用户的不公正待遇。”奔图科技市场 总监郭云峰在谈到用户时说到,“虽然 市场领先者的优势确实存在,而且看上 去好像不可逾越,但这并不意味着后来 者奔图将失去所有的机会,只要真正的 为用户着想,采取合适策略,就可以将 不利条件转变为有利条件,在市场上占 有一席之地。” 奔图在 2013 年,已经在围绕用户而

词汇,这皆因奔图拥有自主核心的技术 优势和整机制造能力,而国内大部分国 产 激 光 打 印 品 牌, 其 产 品 由 于 是 OEM (贴牌),产品的竞争优势并不明显, “某品牌线上推出的 499 元产品,但每 天却限量 20 台,用户点开活动页面之后 永远是原价,这就很说明问题么!”某 电商资深专家说道,“在激光打印领域,

构建全新的产业链条。“奔图构建的全 新产业链,其核心是降低用户的打印成 本,不但要降低用户的整机成本,关键 是要降低用户的耗材成本,也就是二次 使用成本,彻底堵上用户掉进‘成本陷阱’ 的黑洞。”郭云峰谈到,也正因为奔图 有全产业链的技术积累和资源整合优势, 才有能力给客户性价比更高的选择。 为用户而战,就是要敢于向市场领 先者挑战,即使举起“价格屠刀”,也 在所不惜。“狭路相逢勇者胜”,只要 心里装着用户,真正的为用户着想,就 没有过不去的坎,也没有过不去的“火 焰山”。 来源:奔图科技

联系我们: 北京招展中心:










2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

National Inspection Center for Office Equipment and Consumbles Passes Review of Expansion

国家办公设备及耗材质量 监督检验中心 顺利通过 CNAS 组织的 复评审暨扩项评审 近日,国家办公设备及耗材质量监督检验中心顺利 通过 CNAS 组织的复评审暨扩项评审,标志着国家办公 设备及耗材质量监督检验中心资质能力得以持续,在组 织结构、质量管理体系、设备、环境设施、人员能力水 平、检测技术方面以及检验产品能力范围得到新的提升, 也标志着中心在实验室建设方面迈上了一个新台阶。 在原有复印机、打印机、扫描仪、投影机及耗材等 56 个产品的基础上,新增了液晶前投影机、行式打印机、 鼓粉盒、彩色墨粉、非磁性显影剂、显影磁辊、清洁刮 板七个产品以及商务票据印刷、平板印刷及 ROHS 项目 的环境标志检验;电工电子产品部分环境试验的能力认 可和授权;认可授权范围基本涵盖了办公设备及耗材产 品的安全特性、质量特性、环境标志、节能标志等项目。 国家办公设备及耗材质量监督检验中心暨机械工业 办公自动化设备检验所,成立于 1988 年,是目前国内唯 一专业从事办公设备及耗材质量检验和仲裁的第三方检 验机构。长期以来始终秉承科学、公正、准确、高效的 质量方针和第三方公正实验室的职业道德规范,热诚为 国内外客户提供标准、检测、认证、技术咨询等全方位 服务。 国家办公设备质检中心是国家认监委指定的强制性 产品质量认证检验机构、是中国质量认证中心 (CQC) 的 签约实验室、中环联合认证中心 ( 环境标志产品 ) 签约实 验室、是中国能效标识管理中心签约的复印机和打印机 能效标识检验标定实验室。 授权的产品检验范围分别包括整机:复印机 ( 静电复 印机、数字式复印机、彩色复印机及多功能复印设备 )、 打印机 ( 激光打印机、喷墨打印机、针式打印机、热打印 机及行式打印机 )、扫描仪 ( 平板扫描仪、馈纸式扫描仪、 滚筒式扫描仪 )、投影仪 ( 数码投影机、液晶投影机、液 晶前投影机 )、数字式一体化速印机、印刷机 ( 平版印刷机、 小胶印机 )、重氮复印机、文件粉碎机、文本装订机、折 页机、切纸机等整机产品。消耗材料:复印纸、鼓粉盒(新



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

品 / 再生、打印机用 / 复印机用)、喷墨盒、 喷墨墨水、油墨 ( 胶印油墨、凹印油墨、 柔印油墨 )、黑色墨粉、彩色墨粉、载 体等。零部件:硒鼓、opc 光导鼓、刮板、 显影磁辊、充电辊、涂氟塑料定影辊、 硅橡胶定影压力辊等。 国家办公设备质检中心除检测、认

Information from National Technical Committee for Sandardization in Copying Machines

全国复印机械标准化技术委员会资讯 按照复标委标准制修订计划,目前有 7 项国家标准正在启动阶段,正在面向 全行业征集国家标准起草工作组成员,欢迎各相关单位报名参加。拟制定的 7 项 国家标准为:彩色复印品图像光泽均匀性的检验方法、复印机标称分辨率在输出




墨粉制造过程及产品环境保护要求、墨粉中 TVOC 及苯、苯乙烯的测定方法、用



为客户提供带电量测试仪、定影牢固度 唯一评价仪器摩擦试验机、粉体松装密 度测试仪等专用测试仪器。

新标准发布 全国复标委归口的 5 个国家标准在最近一年(2012.4~2013.4)获准发布实施。 这些标准是:GB/T 28625-2012 《彩色复印机测试版》、GB/T 28626-2012《彩

地址:天津市红桥区昌图道 7 号 (天津复印技术研究所内) 邮编:300131 电话:022-26669142、26669144、 26669189 传真:022-26669144 HTTP://

色复印机图像质量评价方法》、GB/T 29300-2012《干式物理法(粉碎法)彩 色墨粉》、GB/T 29301-2012《静电复印(包括多功能)设备用鼓粉盒》、GB/ T13963-2012《静电复印(包括多功能)设备术语》。 彩色复印机测试版 为了配合彩色复印机图像质量评价方法、干式物理法(粉碎法)彩色墨粉、 静电复印(包括多功能)设备用鼓粉盒标准的贯彻实施,复标委制作了彩色复印 机测试版。



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

APS Releases Full Series of Color OPC

创新突破,彩色世界尽在眼前 —APS 推出全线彩色 OPC 系列 APS 将德国严谨的工艺及天威创新理念完美融合,推出 的系列高品质彩色 OPC,图片质量可与 OEM 媲美。如 HP CP5225,各色密度指标非常接近 OEM,耗粉量低,转印率 高,页产量更高于 OEM 30%。此外,包括 HP CP5225 在内 的系列 OPC 涂层耐磨性好,打印寿命结束后涂层平均磨损只 有 2um,肉眼几乎无法看出磨损。

随着彩色激光市场的逐步扩大,彩色硒鼓耗材的研发与 生产成为各大耗材企业的重点项目。天威旗下知名 OPC 厂家 上海阿格感光材料有限公司(APS),将重心转移到彩色鼓 系列的开发和生产上,目前已成功推出 HP & Canon 的全线 彩 色 OPC, 包 括 HP CP1025,HP CP3525,HP CP5225、 HP1025,HP1215,HP2600,HP3525,HP4525, HP3700,HP3800,HP4600,HP4700,HP5500,HP5225 等产品,良好的性能和高质量的品质受到客户的一致好评。

自 2004 年成立至今,APS 通过多年的努力,目前已发 展成国内生产用于激光打印机感光鼓的主导厂家之一,为办 公用图像处理及其它信息工业提供强有力的技术支持。APS 高度重视自有知识产权的研发,既有原始知识产权方面的创 新,又有技术改革创新,拥有多项专利技术。 详细产品信息请致电给销售人员咨询。 联系方式: 上海阿格感光材料有限公司 地址:上海市嘉定工业区北和公路 1300 号一号 电话:021-69169933 网址


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期



新品快讯 / NEW PRODUCTS EXPRESS Suzhou Goldengreen Vigorously Releases Electropositivity Products

苏州恒久强势推出正电性产品 4 月 23 日,上海展览中心,第十一届亚洲打印耗材展正火热

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Guangzhou Boye Digital Technology Co., Ltd Releases Light Pigment Ink Series

广州博艺数码科技有限公司 推出亮光颜料墨水系列

举行,参展的各家企业技术人员、领导及前来赴会的专家、学者 和耗材行业协会人士,齐聚展馆报告厅,共同见证苏州恒久光电 科技股份有限公司正电性产品的隆重推出。 苏州恒久研发团队历经数年潜心钻研,在功能材料、成型工 艺、镀液配方、印品性能等方面进行了深入的探讨和无数次试验、 检测,攻克了正电性产品的技术难点,如热力学不稳定性,相分离, 易结晶等等问题,终于取得突破性进展。此次推出的 DR350、 DR420、DR3100 等正电性系列产品,直径有 24mm 和 30mm 两 种规格,适用于黑白、彩色激光打印机、数码复印机系列。产品 外观以暗红色为主,表面光洁亮丽,色泽均一,无论是在 OEM 硒 鼓中,还是在兼容市场主流品牌的硒鼓中,印品性能如黑度、底灰、 分辨率、重影等均达到 OEM 或市场主流产品品牌的标准。在环境 适应性和寿命测试过程中,黑度均能保持在原始值的 90% 以上, 可望打破正电性产品依赖进口的局面。 苏州恒久期冀正电性产品的推出,进一步加强与碳粉、硒鼓 及相关配件厂家的合作,共谋发展。会议同期还介绍了苏州恒久 开 发 的 适 用 于 三 星 415、6060、3560 及 利 盟 230、310、 东 芝 163、美能达 5430 和爱普生 2180、理光 SP100 等系列新产品。 苏州恒久现有 6 条高度自动化产线,七线、八线的建设目前 已经开始,预计到年底恒久年总产能将提升至 3300 万支,届时恒 久将专线生产管径大于 60mm 的 OPC 和正电性 OPC 产品,将进 一步拓展产品种类,提高非常规管径和正电性产品产量。 新品推介会上,苏州恒久的市场营销副总刘至、技术副总张

广州博艺数码科技有限公司日前推出亮光颜料墨水系 列,可达到黑色不消光,百年不褪色的使用效果,获得市场 广泛好评。 亮光颜料墨水特点: 1.创新性的改进颜料墨水性能,黑色已经做到不会产 生消光现象,不会死黑一片了。 2.彩色增强了整体的艳丽和光亮度,打印后整体相片 有了光泽,可以和染料墨一比艳丽度。 3.色彩真实,可不使用 ICC 就能获得满意的色彩效果 .非常适合较高要求的照相馆使用。 4.纯颜料墨水,无勾兑染料,性质稳定,防水,耐光 能力强,不堵头,室内 100 年不褪色! 主要产品型号为:

培兴、公司董事长余荣清还分别介绍了苏州恒久的成长过程,技 术发展、品质保证体系以及公司未来的发展规划。与会者亦就各 自关注的问题及技术交流与合作进行了探讨。会场气氛十分踊跃。 来源:苏州恒久

包装规格: 100ml/ 瓶 ,500ml/ 瓶 ,1Kg/ 瓶 ,5Kg/ 桶 ,25Kg/ 桶


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期



新品快讯 / NEW PRODUCTS EXPRESS APEX Launches Four Replaceable Chips

艾派克全球首发四款可替代芯片 挑战技术难度,紧跟 OEM 芯片技术更新步伐 产品性能稳定,功能模块在数量和质量上均可与 OEM 媲美 采用 ASIC 集成电路技术设计,有效规避 OEM 固件升级风险

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

APEX ECO-solvent Inks/Cartridges Compatible with EPSON S30680 Series

艾派克兼容 EPSON S30680 系列弱溶剂 墨水 / 墨盒 艾派克从单一芯片供应现升级成为中国

佳能四代 四月,艾派克再一次成为全球首位推出佳能可替代芯片的耗材配件厂商。 此次推出佳能四代系列具有与 OEM 相同的尺寸,芯片适用于 PGI-450/CLI451、PGI-550/CLI-551、BCI-350/BCI-351 等 系 列; 其 适 用 的 打 印 机 型 号 有 Canon Pixma ip 7230/7240/7250; Canon Pixma MG5430/54405450;Canon

耗材配件的整合者。产品囊括:芯片、辊、 OPC、刮刀、碳粉、墨水以及大幅面墨盒。 日 前, 艾 派 克 在 国 内 首 先 推 出 适 用 于 EPSON S30680/S50680 系列环保弱溶剂墨 水及可循环使用的兼容墨盒,此系列墨水具

Pixma MG6330/6340/6350 等。 佳能四代是佳能公司推出的新系列打印机,此系列打印机节能环保,增加 了自动开关机功能;降低墨盒更换频率,配备高容量墨盒,比低容量墨盒节约 约 30% 使用成本;使用方便快捷,增强了 Wifi 功能,支持平板电脑及智能手机 的打印外的 Google 云打印、Pixma 云链接、Facebook 直接打印等功能;打印 速度更快,ISO 打印速度提高到 15/10ipm;外形更薄高度更低,能有效节约空间。

有良好的介质兼容性,高清晰图像输出;连 续性好,对打印头无损伤;低气味,符合欧 盟最新 REACH 法规;快干性好,耐刮擦; 耐候性极佳及其墨盒采用通用卡位和可填充 功能设计!

此次艾派克同时推出的还有利盟 150/150XL、200/200XL 系列可替代芯片, 其适用于 Lexmark Pro 715/915/S315/S415/S515;Lexmark Office Edge Pro5500/5500t/4000/4400/4400t;Dell V525w/V725w 等系列打印机。 艾 派 克 针 对 利 盟 310/410/510 等 新 系 列 打 印 机 在 第 一 时 间 研 发 出 可 替 代 芯 片 产 品, 其 可 以 适 用 的 利盟喷墨 150/200 系列 机

有:Lexmark CS310/410/510; CX310/410/510;

MS310/410/510/610/710/711/810/811/812; Lexmark MX310/410/510 等以及 Dell B2360dn/B3460dn/ B3465dn 等。 利盟 310/410/510 系列是利盟公司推出的新机型,其特点是:处理器速度

新品墨盒容量为 700ML,可应用于室内 外广告、车身贴、墙纸、工业领域应用、无




欲了解更多新品信息,请联系艾派克: 0756-3333768

研发的 Unison Toner 碳粉,可以与其他 影印部件分开使用。这样就能够让这些 影印部件的使用寿命得到延长。Unison Toner 还可以节约定影所需的能量,用户 无需手动去调整设备以达到打印的最大 容量,能为用户节约使用成本,也更易

利盟激光 310/410/510 系列

为市场所接受。 兄弟 MFC-J 4410 DW/4510 DW/4610 DW、DCP-J4210N 等系列可替代 芯片即将上市! 具体适用型号,以及更多新品信息请联系艾派克: 电话:0756-3333768 传真:0756-3333029 邮箱



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期




2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Ricoh is Recognized by FTSE4Good Index Series for Tenth Year

新品快讯 /NEW PRODUCTS EXPRESS TrendVision UV Pigment Ink Keeps Your Memories Longer

传美讯超优抗 UV 染料墨水, 让您留住永远的一刻!

理光连续第十年入选“富时 社会责任指数”

应用范围:可取代所有普通染料墨水打印 传 美 讯 UV 染 料 墨 水 专 业 适 用 于 EPSON、 CANON、HP 等喷墨打印机的高端染料墨水,较一般染 料墨水,具有更好的抗 UV 和抗臭氧性能,打印的图片

(2013 年 5 月 3 日,东京讯)今年,全球领先的数字办




“富时社会责任指数”(FTSE4Good Index Series)。该项


结果是由英国(伦敦)伦理投资研究组织 EIRIS 进行评估后得

传美讯 UV 染料墨水所用的染料采用优质进口原料, 是经过特殊处理的具有极强的化学稳定性的染料,在我

出的。理光尤其因在环境管理、人权和劳工权、供应链劳工标 准、企业治理和反贿赂等领域的卓越表现而得到认可。




构成企业社会责任良好实践的组成要素。EIRIS 采用一种广泛





产品特点:1、抗 UV 能力佳,环保;



理光企业副总裁 Mariko Azuma 表示:“随着全球化的发






各种全球资源,可为那些旨在解决这些复杂的社会问题同时实 现企业增长的各种活动提供支持。” “数十年来,理光始终致力于可持续环境管理。为此,理 光制定了减小环境影响的长期目标,不断为投资者、客户和员 工创造经济价值。此外,理光还大力推动在产品生命周期各个 阶段的技术开发和环境保护活动。通过这些举措,理光与客户 和企业合作伙伴共同建立了环境影响较低的商业发展模式。与 此同时,理光也在不断致力于提供对环境负责任的产品和服务, 旨在减小我们的产品和服务对整个社会的环境影响。” 如需了解更多信息,敬请访问理光网站中的“Enviroment (环境)”和“CSR(企业社会责任)”栏目。 来源:


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期




2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Konica Minolta bizhub 4700P Series Appears on the Market, Defining Efficient Desktop Office

柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 4700P 系列打印机上市 定义桌面式高效办公 "A3+A4" 的办公设备应用模式是柯

核高速 CPU,加上可扩展至 1280M 的内



念,即通过 A3 幅面复合机与 A4 幅面打





节约纸张。最大 2300 页的进纸容量,用






bizhub 4700P 系列帮助用户节省打印作





柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 3300P 黑白高速打 印机,高效绿色办公的选择


为了方便 A3 产品用户同样便捷地

商, 柯 尼 卡 美 能 达 不 仅 拥 有 强 大 的 A3

管 理 A4 设 备, 实 现 "A3+A4" 的 办 公 理


复合机产品线,其 A4 产品阵营同样不



可 小 觑。 近 期 全 球 同 步 推 出 的 bizhub

A3 设备通用驱动,并可加载办公软件,

的 5-10 人 工 作 组, 选 购 一 台 bizhub

4700P/4000P/3300P 黑白中高速打印机

配合柯尼卡美能达的 PSES(PageScope



Enterprise Suite)管理套件,能够实现



与 A3 管理系统的无缝连接,方便企业 IT

另外,bizhub 4700P 系列产品均支




于中小型用户或者企业级办公组集中处 理黑白文档的打印。

亮点二:直观设计,操作简单轻松上手 人性化直观设计是该新品系列的另 一大亮点。机身前触式设计,让用户只 需简单拉出或推入动作就能够轻松更换 耗材、补充纸张。直观易懂的 LED 操作 面板,2.4 英寸的彩色 LCD 中文显示屏, 为商务范十足的产品设计增添了豪华舒

户可以选择 ECO 模式,达到省电、节粉、

回收计划耗材可享受售价方面的优惠, 同时需要把用完的耗材返还给厂商进行 循环再利用。 更多 " 回收计划碳粉盒 " 信息可参考柯尼 卡美能达官方网站 http://www.konicaminolta. html


适的操作体验。前置 USB 接口为临时文 件的快捷打印提供了方便。另外,备受 柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 4000P 黑白高速打 印机助力高效办公

好评的 MyTab 功能让打印流程更加简单 易行,无论是单双面还是小册子打印,

亮点一:完善配置,打造 360°高效办




全面升级的高效配置是该新品系列 最 大 的 亮 点 之 一。 以 bizhub 4700P 为

亮点三:绿色升级,倡导环保办公新风 尚

例,打印速度提升至每分钟 47 页,非常

绿 色 产 品 也 是 未 来 办 公 的 方 向。

适合 20 人以上企业级工作组的集中打印

bizhub 4700P 系列除了标配双面或多合


一打印(MyTab 设置)减少碳粉和纸张

预热时间,就绪状态下首页输出仅需 6.5


秒,减少了等待时间。标配 800MHz 双

降到更低的 0.5W。有更多环保需求的用


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期




2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Canon Releases High Speed Digital MFP iR6200 Series

佳能发布 iR6200 系列生产型高速数码复合机 2013 年 5 月 8 日,佳能(中国)有限公司宣布推出全新 第二代智简高速数码复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255。定位于 大印量生产型设备的三款新产品分别拥有每分钟 75/65/55 页高 生产力输出以及业界遥遥领先的超长 600 万页感光鼓寿命,同 时凭借一流的工作稳定性及易用性,将助力用户进一步削减高 文印量需求下的 TCO(Total Cost of Owner,整体拥有成本), 在提供精细图像质量的基础上,为企业文印中心、政府、教育、 医疗和咨询等诸多需要密集型批量打印的行业提供了高效率、 高可靠性选择。 佳能第二代智简高速数码复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 的面市,也进一步完善了佳能数码复合机产品线。在面对用户 需求日益复杂化、专业化的新商业环境下,佳能也将通过对自 身全产品线数码复合机产品以及解决方案软件产品进一步的有 机整合,为用户提供整体化办公方案,帮助用户在商业中创造 更高附加价值,真正构筑用户所需的“智慧办公室”。

方面实力的提升来实现这一目标。 600 万页感光鼓寿命成就一流稳定性 由于高速数码复合机拥有大印量、高强度的使用特点,因 此用户对于设备的稳定性会格外关注。佳能第二代智简高速数 码复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 拥有 600 万页 A-Si 非晶硅 感光鼓使用寿命,在行业内拥有绝对优势,用户不仅可以实现 更长的使用寿命,同时更能实现使用终生免更换感光鼓,使以 往后期昂贵的感光鼓更换费用降至为零,这将对 CPP(单页输 出成本)的降低起到明显作用。 除了业界遥遥领先的使用寿命外,在输出质量上,佳能 第 二 代 智 简 高 速 数 码 复 合 机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 也 保 持一贯稳定的高质量,由于采用了以往应用于佳能专业领域 imagePRESS 系列数码印刷设备中的 ZIMA 芯片,使还原输出 的文本及图像更加清晰平滑,并保持始终如一的高品质,使用 户在长期的使用过程中无需担心文印品质下降或起伏而为业务 带来的负面影响。 为用户创建放心安全的文印环境同样是长期稳定使用的一 项基本保障。该系列新品均标配了 160GB 硬盘,并可选择扩 容至 1TB。硬盘的可移动式设计确保重要数据可以随时从数码 复合机上转移至更为安全的位置上,当然,该系列还同样提供 了全新的硬盘数据清除功能,通过三重清除操作彻底删除重要 信息。此外,用户还可选配扫描追踪锁定、移动硬盘支持等安 全文印相关应用。 高速连续输出成就强大生产力

佳能第二代智简 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 高速数码复合机 TCO(整体拥有成本),用户选择高速数码复合机的核心指标

面对越来越宝贵的时间成本,相信任何一位用户都不希望 因为文印设备生产力的制约而造成成本的增加或商业机会的流



逐年增加。据 IDC 数据显示,近年来国内高速数码复合机始终

第二代智简数码复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 不仅分别提


供 75/65/55 页 / 分钟高速输出能力,同时在输入方面,三款产




成双面扫描,使双面高速扫描速度提升至最高 200 页 / 分钟,


同时输稿器容量增加至 300 页,这两项指标均为业界领先,因

TCO 整体拥有成本的角度向用户给出了答案。面对长期高负荷、




业长期发展中保持持久竞争力将变得极为重要,因而 TCO 整




标。佳能第二代智简高速数码复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255

复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 的双主板系统架构。基础主板

正是将如何降低 TCO 整体拥有成本作为产品研发过程中的一






2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

高品质。此外,该系列在标配 4200 页纸张容量基础上,还提


供选配的 A3 及 A4 纸仓,以及最大纸张承载 7700 张的惊人能力。

可以将公司标识、电话等信息上传至主菜单中,进一步拉近了 使用上的亲近感。 该系列在开启“快速启动模式”后,待机状态下仅需 7 秒 即可开始工作,而从电源开启或睡眠模式中唤醒进入工作状态, 也仅需 30 秒,对于如文印中心等需要大量多任务的用户来说, 可以有效提升文印效率。同时 USB 存储介质在接入位置变得更 为顺手的同时,也可以实现在设备睡眠模式下被自动识别,进 一步优化了操作流程。 沿承绿色环保优质 DNA 佳能第二代智简数码复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 继续 沿承佳能办公设备在绿色环保方面的优质 DNA,在睡眠模式下 能耗仅为 0.9w。而对于用户使用率较高的装订组件,也采用了 最新的低噪音设计,较以往产品,每一个组件可减少 10% 的工 作噪音。 与其它佳能智简数码复合机一样,该系列也采用了生物塑 料或可再生塑料,其中可再生塑料可以有效的减少 CO2 的排放,

个性化设计成就出色易用性 面对高度专业化的生产型高速数码复合机,如何更加简单 快速化地完成操作流程正在成为用户新的需求点。佳能第二代

在减少 94% 的 CO2 排放量的同时可以达到业界第一的 5V 的 阻燃等级。 来源:佳能(中国)

智简数码复合机 iR-ADV 6275/6265/6255 标配了更易操作的 8.4 英寸可调节触摸式液晶屏,当然用户还可选择尺寸更大的 10.4 英寸垂直控制面板,两款屏幕均配备触屏笔,进一步完善 了用户的体验感受。其多语言环境用户界面如今可以令用户根 据个人喜好,对菜单和背景色进行个性化设置,或者将一系列


OEM 聚焦 / OEM UPDATE Canon Raises 2013 Expectation

佳能上调对 2013 年预期

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Fuji Xerox will Continue to Advance Strategy of China

富士施乐将继续深入推进 中国战略

2013 年 4 月 24 日,佳能集团发布了 2013 年第一季度 财报。财报显示,受日圆大幅走低导致海外经营费用拉升以

(2013 年 4 月 22 日,北京)今天,富士施乐(中国)



但销售利润同比上升 0.2 个百分点,总营业额达到 86.88 亿


美元。同时,由于对 2013 年后 3 个季度的市场预计乐观,

要演讲。他详细回顾了 2012 财年富士施乐履行中国成长战略

因此将全年营收预期调高了 14.4%,达到 3 兆 9800 亿日圆。


2013 年 第 一 季 度, 佳 能 集 团 办 公 产 品 领 域 销 售 额


增 长 6%, 达 到 49.38 亿 美 元。 其 增 长 点 表 现 在, 受


imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200/C2200 系 列 的 带 动, 彩


色数码复合机的销售业绩表现出色,奥西 VarioPrint 135 系

2012 年 , 中国经济增长放缓,富士施乐(中国)却依然




市场第一的领先地位;在 A3 数码复合机市场出现新装机量负



影像系统领域总销售额达到 31.71 亿美元,同比下降 1.8%,这一领域中。虽然小型数码相机受到市场低迷和智能

增长并位居市场第一;此外,在最新的客户满意度调查中, 富士施乐(中国)的客户综合满意度以及各项指标均排名第一。


徐正刚指出,在过去的 2012 财年,富士施乐坚持中国战












二、调整运营架构、整合优势资源:提升富士施乐大中 华区地位,将其调整为直接向总部汇报的三大主要运营机构

售额仅为 7.99 亿美元。 财报预计全球经济将在下半年呈逐步复苏趋势。尤其是



乐服务 ( 中国 ) 有限公司;向富士施乐实业发展(中国)有限

济增长。受益于此,佳能调高了对于 2013 年全年营业额预


期的同时,对于纯利润增长也给出了增长 29.1% 的预期。分 析指出,佳能彩色数码复合机和激光打印机的需求预计将会 出现适度增长;数码单反相机销售在新兴经济体持续升温的 同时发达国家的用户领域将进一步扩大,因此预计其需求在 全球都将出现强劲增长趋势;存储器以及大型平板显示器的 市场投资都将在下半年逐步复苏。 本文汇率按照 1 美元等于 94 日圆(东京外汇市场 2013 年 3 月 29 日大致汇率)计算。

三、完善采购体系:继续强化在华可持续发展的价值链、 整合采购部门。 四、优化业务基础架构:成立开发与制造中国办公室、 设立中国认证中心等。 2013 财年,富士施乐将继续深入推进中国战略。为推动 富士施乐在中国市场的进一步发展,徐正刚先生提出了新的 发展目标——将富士施乐(中国)打造成为一家拥有卓越企 业品质的优秀公司,在精耕市场的同时更好地融入社会,为 中国社会的可持续发展贡献力量。为实现这一目标,徐正刚


强调富士施乐要在中国市场精耕细作,并以客户为中心,成 为客户的优秀业务伙伴。同时,富士施乐还要秉承“CSR 即 是经营”的理念,做中国社会的好公民、更好地履行企业社 会责任。 来源:富士施乐


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期




2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Konica Minolta A3 MFP Receives BLI Annual A3 Outstanding Product Prize for 3 Years in a Row

柯尼卡美能达 A3 复合机连续 3 年蝉联 BLI " 年度 A3 杰出全系列产品 " 奖 随着中小企业日常办公设备采购需求增加,专业的企业 采购人员在明确办公需求后往往通过网络媒体获取产品基本信 息,在产品比对过程中,权威评测机构的测试报告会作为重要 的参考资料。多年来,精明的办公设备企业采购员们对全球著 名的权威办公设备独立评测机——BLI" 买家实验室 "(Buyers Laboratory LLC)发布的详细测试报告信赖有嘉,其成为办公 设备采购风向标的主要原因在于产品获得 BLI 年度评奖并非易

达彩色及黑白数码复合 机产品。" 高效能高品质荣获赞誉 对 于 单 品 的 评 测, BLI 保持一如既往的严苛 标 准。 评 测 时 间 跨 度 长 达 2 个 月, 全 面 考 量 设

事。 难能可贵的是,2013 年 BLI 年度评选中,柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 系列 A3 幅面彩色及黑白数码复合机产品传承优良基因, 第三次蝉联 BLI"A3 多功能复合机年度杰出全系列产品 " 奖。面 对柯尼卡美能达产品线卓越的表现,BLI 主编 Daria Hoffman 评价道:" 柯尼卡美能达连续三年卫冕 BLI' 年度杰出全系列产 品 ' 奖几乎是史无前例的。在过去近 10 年中,柯尼卡美能达是 唯一获此殊荣的厂商,即使在 26 年的评奖历程中,也仅有两 家厂商做到,柯尼卡美能达就是其中之一。"

备的可靠性、图像品质、 生 产 力、 易 用 性、 扫 描 功 能、 网 络 连 接 性 和 综 合 价 值 等。 每 年 BLI" 年 度杰出全系列产品 " 只颁 发给年度最优秀产品线, 柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 系列 A3 幅面 这 无 疑 是 BLI 给 予 柯 尼 数码复合机荣获 BLI"2013 年度杰出 全系列产品 " 奖 卡美能达 bizhub 系列的 最高荣誉。 高品质的色彩还原力也是柯尼卡美能达领先于其他厂商突 出优势之一,对此 BLI 同样给予了高度评价。由于产品选配双 面同步扫描自动输稿器,在速度测试中,获奖产品单面及双面 扫描速度都是首屈一指的。在个性化文档解决方案中,用户可 以根据自身需求轻松升级所需要的功能,降低不必要的成本和 总体管理成本。高级产品编辑 George Mikolay 还补充道 " 获奖 产品配备的 80 页骑马钉修整器的容量,在年度评选参评的产 品中远远高于其他竞争对手。"

柯尼卡美能达办公系统(中国)有限公司市场部部长凌芸女士 接受 BLI 颁奖 全明星产品悉数荣耀登场 众所周知,在 BLI 年度之选中评判的重要内容就是该厂 商的产品线是否足够丰富,柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 系列中获奖 产 品, 包 含 5 款 A3 幅 面 彩 色 数 码 复 合 机 速 度 段 从 36ppm75ppm 分 别 为 bizhubC364/C454/C554/C654/C754; 及 7 款 A3 幅面黑白复合机 bizhub 223/283/363/423/552/652/751 涵盖 了 22ppm-75ppm 的速度段。另外,bizhub C224 及 bizhub C284 也获得 BLI 的 " 强烈推荐 " 评级。 " 柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 全系列产品中 14 款产品受到强烈 推荐并同时获奖,证明柯尼卡美能达 A3 幅面数码复合机具备 了高出其它同级别复合机产品的竞争力," BLI 的 A3 复合机 高 级 产 品 编 辑 George Mikolay 如 此 评 价 道:" 在 22ppm 至

不断创新只为更人性化体验 无论是备受赞誉的 "MyTab" 驱动界面定制功能,还是作为 行业内第一家提供生物识别认证的厂商,柯尼卡美能达不断追 求创新。此次,柯尼卡美能达 bizhub 产品系列独具匠心的操作 面板设计给 BLI 产品编辑留下了深刻的印象,也将成为又一大 突破创新的经典案例。全新的操作面板,具有如同平板电脑等 智能设备的操作体验方式,用户可以灵活的切换他们所需要的 界面,大大方便用户的操作视角习惯,带来人性化体验。 在 产 品 单 项 奖 方 面, 柯 尼 卡 美 能 达 bizhub C364/C454/ C554 还 分 获 31-40ppm、41-50ppm、51-60ppm 速 度 段 "A3 彩色多功能复合机杰出产品奖 ",显示了其在彩色领域的绝 对优势。 来源:

75ppm 任何速度段中,用户几乎都能寻找到适合的柯尼卡美能


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期



OEM 聚焦 / OEM UPDATE Brother Releases New Series Products "Yuesheng"

兄弟推出“悦省”系列新品 兄弟公司 5 月在中国首先发布了能够同时满足以上需求的 产品——黑白激光机“悦省”系列:单功能 HL-1118、三合一 DCP-1518、四合一 MFC-1813 和 MFC-1818。下面我们一 起来看看它们是如何满足这些需求的。

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

大幅面打印机资讯 /WIDE FORMAT PRINTING RICOH MP CW2200SP, Brand New Color Wide Engineering Machine, Debuts in China

全新彩色宽幅工程机 —— RICOH MP CW2200SP 闪耀登场

不要卡纸!——顺!悦省系列全线产品采用了新型的防卡 纸技术,使得打印操作更加流畅。兄弟此次在悦省系列上做了 5 方面的技术改进来达到产品具备减少卡纸机率的功能。1、在 撮纸的部位增加为两个辊轴,分别是撮纸辊和分离辊。运用压 力的作用达到减少多页进纸的效果。2、机身内的辊轴外采用 防静电的橡胶,防止辊轴由于静电吸附太多纸屑而造成打滑无 法正常撮纸。3、宽度导块由普通的 100mm 加升至 160mm, 确保纸张不会由于歪斜打印而造成卡纸。4、纸张的走纸通道 缩减至 220mm,使得纸张走纸更快更顺畅。5、在出纸部分, 采用了防卷曲系统,确保纸张更平整。以上 5 点就是悦省系列 产品在机身对防卡纸所做的改变。所以在您购买了悦省系列的 任何一款产品您都可以省去很多卡纸的烦恼。 耗材便宜!——省!悦省系列的耗材依旧延续了兄弟激光 产品的特色:鼓粉分离。您可以在耗材耗尽时,仅需要更换墨 粉盒,而不需要更换硒鼓。因为悦省系列随机赠送的是 1500 页的墨粉盒和 10000 页的硒鼓。而且悦省系列支持节墨模式打 印。您肯定有这样的疑问,节墨模式会不会影响我的打印效果? 不会,兄弟的节墨模式是减少墨点的大小,而不是减少墨点的

(2013 年 4 月 25 日,上海讯)引领打印速度、色彩质 量、易用性和生产力之潮流的 RICOH MP CW2200SP 在中国 正式上市。RICOH MP CW2200SP 采用商务而沉稳的深灰色 调,典雅的外观设计,适合各类应用环境,无缝结合复印 / 打 印 / 扫描等功能,人性化的自定义主画面功能,将宽幅工程机 打印水平提升到一个新的高度。无论在工作效率、稳定性、 多功能以及节能环保等各方面都无可挑剔,提供完美的彩色 大幅面输出解决方案。 更高效率 ,多功能一体 RICOH MP CW2200SP 标配彩色打印 / 彩色复印 / 彩色 扫描功能,输出速度极快,黑白达到 3.2ppm (A1)、彩色 1.1ppm(A1)的输出速度,配备 1200*1200dpi 高精度的打 印分辨率,展现更多细节,纤毫毕现。支持 A0+ 幅面的彩色 扫描功能,最大打印长度可达 15 米,使建筑、建造、工程、 规划、地理信息行业的用户都能轻松应对大量繁复的文档工 作。除了常用功能以外,额外标配了 PS 打印卡,USB/SD 卡 直接打印等功能。

数量。所以,您可以完全不必担忧它的打印质量。轻轻松松就 可达到节约耗材的目的。 外观时尚小巧!——巧!悦省系列改变了以往的走纸方 式,所以本次的悦省系列相对以往兄弟的激光产品体积缩小了, 外观颜色以百搭的灰白色为主色调,操作面板则使用的是大方 的黑色,使得整体外观更显简单大方。无论摆放在办公场所还 是您心爱的家中都可以与之和谐搭配出一道美丽的风景线。 操作请“傻瓜化”!——易!悦省系列在一体机上标配了 10 汉字 *2 行中 / 英文液晶显示,任何操作都可以依靠它的提 示轻松完成。另外,本次推出的一体机产品均带有身份证双面 复印一键式按键,在四合一的 MFC-1813 和 MFC-1818 上增 加了一个收传真手动还是自动的按键,省去您很多不必要的步 骤,仅需一键即可完成操作,让更多功能得以使用! 集了这么多优势的悦省系列黑白激光机还拥有 20 页 / 分钟 的打印速度 ! 无论您是商务办公还是家庭办公,必有一款是您 的正确之选!

来源: 来源:



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

Roland Introduces New SOLJET PRO4 XF-640, Its Fastest, Most Advanced Wide-Format Printer to Date

罗兰推出全新 SOLJET PRO4 XF-640 迄今为止最快、最强的宽幅打印机 Roland DG ( 罗兰 ) 公司, 世界领先的宽幅喷墨写真机和


喷 / 切一体机供应商,致力于创造专业、持久的图像。 64 英寸

按钮的同时会自动打开。 XF-640 的介质安装杆前后都有,达

的 SOLJET PRO4 X F -640 是罗兰公司目前最快的宽幅喷墨打


印机。 XF-640 包括了下一代的持久耐用喷头和重新设计的收 纸和压纸盘系统,加上一系列的高级特性,它可以在最快高达 102 平米 / 小时 (1,098 平方英尺 / 小时 .) 的速度下依然保持高 质量的画面。 “如今,对告诉大幅打印机的需求在大量的国家地区和新 兴市场中达到了前所未有的高度。” Roland DG( 罗兰 ) 公司 的开发部经理 Katsuo Ikehata 说,“产能是商业的主要目的, 画面质量也同样重要。 SOLJET PRO4 XF-640 通过将无以伦 比的打印质量和可靠高速的速度相融合来回应市场的需求。” XF-640 同时为户内和户外应用设计,对于标识、横幅、 车贴、橱窗装饰、 POP 展示牌、贸易展览图像、海报等来说, 它是非常理想的工具。有了 XF-640, 先进的打印控制技术将行 业最先进的打印头交错排列。镜像 CMYK 墨水设置消除了打印 深浅道,使得在打印大幅图像时获得更一致的色彩。新型打印 头同时也是为喷出高级墨水而设计,为了增加高密度、丰富和 饱和的色彩。 Roland 的最新弱溶剂墨水, ECO-SOL MAX2, 能够快速干燥并展现更大的色域以获得无以伦比的图像质量。 XF-640 有一个强健的构造,拥有众多的升级版设置。耐 用的结构使得它拥有独特的耐用横杆和结实框架,可以支持和 稳定喷头做出高度精准地喷出墨滴。全部 16 个压紧轮和新的 砂辊系统保证了完美的介质输送。此外,一个全新设计的收纸 系统和加热设备通过最小化打印和干燥的时间,将产能提高到 最大化。

SOLJET PRO4 XF-640 特性: ● 为 高速生产而制造,有着无以伦比的图像质量 o 以全新喷头控制技术驾驭行业内最先进打印喷头,打印速度 高达 102 平米 / 小时( 1.098 平方英尺 / 小时) o 镜像 CMYK 墨水设置保证全速打印下图像的一致性 o Roland Intelligent Pass Control ® 精确点控制技术消除打印 深浅道,获得高质量图像 ● 新的 ECO-SOL MAX2 墨水创造丰富、充满生气的颜色 o 增加了墨水覆盖范围,在高速下依然创造高浓度的打印质量 o 持久、耐划伤和几乎无气味 o 支持有涂层和无涂层的介质 o 无论是色彩还是轮廓清晰的图片和文字,都可以快速、一致 干燥 o 环保,无镍化合物 ● 耐久的框架结构稳定喷头的移动以获得精准的墨滴 ● 新的介质收集系统可以完成长时间无人控制的批量生产 o 全新设计以获得无以伦比的高打印速度 o 全新供应条消除变形 o 全新调节辊设备稳定了介质操作 ● 全新设计的打印头支持高质高速的打印,并且有收纸系统 o 保证图像彻底干燥 ● 全新交流伺服电机支持扩大生产量 ● 易于操作一开始就将产能最大化

XF-640 同罗兰其他的产品一样, XF-640 易于操作。全新设计的 前置墨盒提供了简便的墨水输入并且最小化了功能性的打印痕

o 前置墨盒易于安装 o XF-640 的介质安装杆前后都有,达到最佳便利性。特殊的 介质支架支持哪怕是最重的介质卷。 o 一个带锁定的保护罩保护了喷头组合并且在按下简便清洁按 钮的同时会自动打开。 ● 新版 Roland VersaWorks 软件 o 内置潘通专色数据库将潘通和 CMYK 色彩之间的转化过程 流畅化 o 包括可预见的墨水计算,可以估算出每个工作所需要的墨水 量 ● Roland OnSupport 确保无人照看的打印任务,当任务完成 或墨水量低时可以发送短信或邮件到只能手机或者远程电脑 来源:Roland DG ( 罗兰 )



2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

惠普在马来西亚缴获大量假冒 耗材 HP Announces Malaysian Embargo of Approximately $200,000 worth of Counterfeit Supplies 马来西亚相关部门近日查获逾 2,000 个假冒惠普硒鼓, 总值 181,300 美元。目前尚未逮捕任何相关负责人。 据惠普称,目前相关部门正在就涉案实体的下游客户、 上游供应商及相关制售假设施进行调查。 惠普亚太地区及日本 打假活动总负责人 Jimmy Kwok 代表惠普向马来西亚

3D 打印技术给美国控枪带来 新挑战 3D Printing Technology Poses New Challenge for US Gun Control 现年 30 岁的雷诺尔近日就在的自己的卧室使用 3D 打印 机打印出来了一把 AR -15 的来复枪。这把枪是用一个咖啡 机大小的 3D 打印机和弹药库零件组装出来的。这位软件工程 师说他不打算打印任何被政府取缔的东西,但就像许多其他 枪支拥有者一样 , 他对桑迪胡克小学事件后的控枪风潮感到紧 张,因为这可能会侵犯他所拥有的第二修正案的权利。 几小时大功告成


“3D 打印机提供了一个





Jimmy Kwok 说道: “使


用假冒打印耗材会导致低 惠普的 Jimmy Kowk 负责在亚太 劣的打印质量和打印机停 地区打击假冒耗材 机现象。我们将继续与当 地部门合作,打击假冒产品,以保护我们的客户。” Kwok 还透露,4 年来,惠普在亚太地区的打假行动到目 前为止成功查获 2,500 万件假冒惠普耗材和零部件。 原文地址 : 来源:中关村在线

法案一般限制在枪支售卖和 携带上,但没有人会管你在 自己的家里制造什么东西。”雷诺尔说。 尽管 3D 打印枪支在工艺上仍然处于初级阶段 , 但技术专 家 , 持枪权利的支持者和枪支安全倡导者说 3D 打印技术已经 对奥巴马的全面枪支管制法案构成了挑战。“很明显 , 这已经 成了一个噩梦 ,”拉里·普拉特 ,“枪支拥有者”组织的执行 董事说,“一旦 3D 打印技术成熟起来,任何控枪法案都将面 临新的挑战。”

出口收汇核销单的规定 不再执行 Rules on Verification Sheet will not be Implemented 4 月 1 日起,国家税务总局发布的《出口货物劳务增值 税和消费税管理办法》(国家税务总局公告 2012 年第 24 号) 已经开始实施。 根据《公告》第五条第三项,为适应货物贸易外汇管理 制度改革,《管理办法》中涉及出口收汇核销单的规定不再 执行。 实际工作中,外向型印刷企业为保证自身利益多以信用 证形式承接国外订单,本来出口收汇的时间就较长,在收到 银行收汇水单后再到外汇管理局进行出口收汇核销,然后才 能到税务机关进行出口退(免)税申报。 此次《公告》取消出口收汇核销单及废止有关申报表中 外汇核销单的内容,不仅避免了外汇管理局与银行间的重复 工作,也能够极大缩短企业出口退(免)税申报时间,进而 加速企业的资金周转。


来源: 广州日报

雄起芦山,奔图第一时间 向地震灾区捐赠 Pantum Donates at the First Time 4 月 20 日,四川省雅安市发生 7.0 级左右地震,作为国 产自主核心技术的激光打印机制造企业,在获知地震消息后, 奔图全体员工心系灾区,第一时间做出反应,决定向地震灾 区捐赠 300 台价值 50 万元的奔图激光打印机及耗材,为抗震 救灾及灾后重建做出企业应有的社会贡献。 作为具有高度社会责任感的民族企业,奔图多年来始终 坚持自主创新的奋斗精神,不断推动中国激光打印机的研发 实力,而当灾难发生后,第一时间伸出援助之手,也充分体 现出中华民族万众一心、众志成城的民族之情,一方有难, 八方支援,雄起雅安,大爱无疆! 奔图将与社会各界人士一起祈福雅安! 来源:奔图科技


2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

顺德区高宝为雅安灾民捐献爱心 Shunde Cobol Offers Donations to Ya'an Victims 4 月 20 日雅安发生了里氏 7.0 级的大地震,震源深度约


13 千米,对当地群众生命财产造成重大损失。灾情发生后,




捐到的全部款项用于购买 500 包大米,并运送到广东省红十 字会,为灾区的人民尽一点锦薄之力。

日本预测:全球数字印刷机 销量将下滑 Forecast from Japan: Global Sales of Digital Printers to Decline 近日,据日本商务机械和信息系统产业协会公布的 《世界办公机械预测报告》显示,2012 年日本和世界 数字印刷机的销售量比上年略有下降,预计 2013 年和 2014 年仍将继续减少。业内专家分析,今后几年世界数 字印刷机销量下降的原因,一方面是市场趋于饱和,另 一方面是由于复印机印刷费用不断下降和性能提高,增 强了与数字印刷机的竞争能力。 预测报告显示,单张纸印刷机、数字印刷机、复印机、 数据投影仪、电子计算器、电子词典、电子收款机、碎纸机、 电子黑板和时间记录器等 10 类办公机械,2012 年总销 售额同比减幅为 4%,预计 2013 年和 2014 年将分别同 比降幅为 1.3% 和 1%。 今后几年全球数字印刷机销量将下降。根据预测报 告统计数据,除日本厂商外,中国生产企业的数字印刷 机的年销售量在 3000~4000 台。




2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期





2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期





2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期

2013 年 06 月 总第 110 期




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