Rechargeasia 159 27 08 2017

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ISSUE 159 | AUGUST 2017



引领色彩,共创未来 — CET 集团全国路演西安站

August 3-6, 2017

February 21-25, 2018





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Message from the Publisher 卷首语

14 08

159th Issue - August 2017

Blockchain To the Rescue: Cybersecurity To Lean More Heavily on the Tech 块链救援: 网络安全在技术上更加重视

Where Do I Even Begin to Start my Digital Business Transformation?

15 10

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35 我国工业喷墨印刷发展迎 来新时刻!

China's Industrial Inkjet Printing Ushers in a Brand New Time!



An In-Depth Understanding of the Internet of Things

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依靠个性化服务打开消费者的市场 Rely on Personalized Service to Open the Consumer Market


印企转型进行时|杭州星晨拿下支付宝标签印刷, 理光 Pro C9100 功不可没! Printing Business Transformation: Huangzhou Xing Cheng Begins to Print Labels for Taobao, Using Richo Pro C9100



IDC: 西殴打印和复印 / 一体机的市场呈现出健康增长


Global Cybersecurity Spending to Hit $93 Bln Next Year 明年全球网络安全的花费预计超过 9300 万

IDC: Western Europe Printer and Copier/MFP Market Sees Healthy Growth





The first HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printer Resides in QingDiao 惠普的第一台 3D 打印机落户于青岛

Mercedes-Benz Introduces 3D Printed Part in Trucks 奔驰介绍 3D 打印卡车零部件

Stratasys on the Right Track Stratasys 步入正轨


ARK Investment Says 3D Printing Will Make Robots Cheaper ARK 投资说 3D 打印会将机器人更

Voodoo Sets Up 3D Printing Farms to Compete with Injection Molding Voodoo 设立 3D 打印农场与注塑模具竞争

Proto Labs Praises HP’s MJF Proto Labs 称赞惠普的多射流融觸 3D


3D 打印为中国邮政发展提供新动力

3D Printing to Provide New Impetus for China’s Postal Service


NIST 用定制 3D 打印机 AMMT 开发金属 3D 打印监测和 计量工具

NIST Uses Customized Metal 3D Print AMMT to Develop Monitoring and Metering Tool


3D 打印或迎来万亿市场

3D Printing Market Could Reach $Trillion


3D 打印高性能墨水材料研究获进展

High Performance Ink Materials in 3D Printing Made Good Progress in Research

Tel: 86-10-5126-5580 Fax: 86-10-5885-8747 Email:

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Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges 再生恵普系列 M652,MFP M681 的操作

By Mike Josiah


3D 打印酵母生物反应器能更好地生产酒精、药物


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3D Printed Biological Yeast Accelerator Better Produce Alcohol, Drugs


美国第一夫人在波兰获赠 3D 打印红色高跟鞋

America First Lady Receiving 3D Printed Red High-Heeled Shoe in Poland



Canon U.S.A. Competes in ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards 美国佳能荣获“ASTORS" 国家安全奖

23 48 24

Fuji Xerox (China) to Accelerate the Transformation of Digital Printing Business 富士施乐 ( 中国 ) 加速数字印刷业务转型

Toshiba Tec Unveils Mobile Printer Delivering Three-Inch Wide Labels and Receipts 东芝揭幕移动打印 3 英寸的标签和收据

OpenPrint LLC Filed Llawsuits Against HP Inc, OKI Data, and Panasonic OpenPrint 起诉惠普,OKI,和松下等公司 =


CIG OPENS NEW COLORADO DISTRIBUTION CENTER Continues to Strategically Expand Distribution Network Across the U.S. ClG 开启科罗拉多州配送中心 , 继续战略式的扩大全 美配送网点

Photizo Group, Inc. is Acquired by Virtulytix Photozo 公司被 Virtulytix 收购


引领色彩 共创未来 — CET 集团全国路演西安站 3Dmate 设计垫提高 3D 打印笔创作的精准确度

3DMATE Design Increases the Accuracy of 3D Pen



China Office:

Tel: 626-569-8238 Email:


US Office:

Leading Color, Together to Create Future CET Group Road Trips, XiAng Station

3D 打印产业频获技术突破大规模生产有望实现

3D Printing Industry Technology is Expected to Accomplish Breakthroughs in large-scale Production


卡内基梅隆大学可伸缩 3D 打印机器人用于搜救任务

Carnegie University Flexible 3D Printing Robot Can Be Used for Rescue Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Roboze 入围 Hello Tomorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Roboze Enters Into Hello Tomorrow


台湾工业院 3D 打印中国人皮肤,用于化妆品、药品测试 ...

Taiwan Industrial Academy 3D Printed Skin to Use in Testing Make-up and Drug


2028 年金属 3D 打印市场预计价值 120 亿美元

3D Metal Printing to Reach $120 Billion in 2018


比利时计划 3 年内建成全 3D 打印房屋

Belgium Plans to Build Full 3D-Printed Houses Within Three Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52


Contributors Mike Josiah Technical Director of UniNet Imaging Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide. Read his article "Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges" p16

Ian Elliott With over 30 years of executive level experience within the printing, imaging and aftermarket industries, Mr. Elliott’s vast portfolio covers sales, distribution, reverse logistics/asset recovery, business development, executive consulting and management services, with a strong focus on manufacturing and logistics. With a 15 year executive tenure within Nu-kote International and now serving as president of Print-Rite North America, Mr. Elliott is well versed in aftermarket manufacturing innovation, patents and intellectual property. Read his article " Where Do I Even Begin to Start my Digital Business Transformation?" p8


PUBLISHER'S MESSAGE Dear Recharge Asia Readers:

August 2017

August is the month for staying calm and cool. For many places in the northern hemisphere, it is not only a time of sweltering heat and soaring temperatures, but a time to refresh and recharge, and to gear up for continued business development in the last quarter of the year. For those of us in the printing industry, this August seems to be busier than normal. According to an IDC study, and confirmed by HP Printer Division's strong numbers, printer and copier players are showing healthy growth as evidenced by strong summer sales and shipments. And this, of course, is a good sign the remanufacturing business as well. While the conventional business model still works, knowledge and know-how of digital transformation will surely be a necessity for most businesses; not only due to increased connectivity among people, but among things. Plus, being connected in a smart way will be the key. Additionally, along with any movement into the digital arena, cyber security must be considered simultaneously. With this in mind, we are committed to bringing you the latest information to make sure you have all the information needed to protect your business and your bottom line. We hope you enjoy this issue. Relish the waning days of summer and happy reading!

Ms. Sunny Sun Publisher



Unshakeable by Tony Robbins Tony Robbins, the performance coach best known for his highenergy speeches, has made a crusade of spreading personal finance education the past couple of years. "Unshakeable," is a much slimmer version of his 2014 book "Money: Master the Game," and is based on 50 interviews with some of the world's greatest investors, like Bridgewater's Ray Dalio and investor Carl Icahn, and features extensive insights from Peter Mallouk. Mallouk was rated the No. 1 wealth adviser in the US by Barron's three times, and brought Robbins into his firm Creative Planning in 2016. "Unshakeable" is a quick read for those new to investing or anyone looking to take their personal finance knowledge to the next level.


159th Issue - August 2017


Where Do I Even Begin to Start

my Digital Business Transformation? BY *"/ &--*055


With over 30 years of executive level experience within the printing, imaging and aftermarket industries, Mr. Elliott’s vast portfolio covers sales, distribution, reverse logistics/asset recovery, business development, executive consulting and management services, with a strong focus on manufacturing and logistics. With a 15 year executive tenure within Nu-kote International and now serving as president of Print-Rite North America, Mr. Elliott is well versed in aftermarket manufacturing innovation, patents and intellectual property.

o survive in the digital world we are all now part of, office products resellers must take steps to enter it and, the longer this is put off, the more urgent it becomes. Digital transformation is not an "opt-out" program for resellers. We know the ongoing switch from analog is not going away and we know resellers, who elect to stay in the analog world, are (sooner or later) destined to fail.

Quick recap! These days it's pretty easy to deploy an e-commerce site with a full complement of office products. It's pretty easy to integrate the technology to link these products to suppliers and to set it up for conducting transactions online. The problem is, that because it's relatively easy to get all this done, this is what has been done and it's what has, unfortunately, failed - many, many times! These actions have proven to be inadequate as a foundation for a digital business transformation.

Why does this strategy fail? Because this effort has all been geared to the final (decision) stage of the buying process and, because it lacks the other elements necessary for a successful digital strategy, it's turned out to be of little to no value.


As we all know, it has become the norm for anyone interested in buying anything to research online first. All of this buyer research transmits intent that correlates to the different stages of the buyer's journey. The fundamental mistake typical office products resellers are making is the failure to create content targeted at the awareness and consideration stages of the buying process. These are the critical stages that must be leveraged to qualify a business in readiness for future buying decisions. The following two requirements are vital to establishing the foundation for a digital business transformation: 1. Developing brand awareness through the process of leveraging high-quality content designed to build web traffic and; 2. Thereby qualifying a business as a potential supplier for when the buyer reaches his or her decision point.

159th Issue - August 2017


The Buyer's Journey is the active research process a potential buyer goes thtough leading up to a purchase

It's really simple, if content for the first two stages is not deployed, there is no foundation to qualify a business for a transaction when a buyer is ready to buy. It used to be the physical, brick and mortar store that qualified a business for potential buyer transactions. As a buyer prepared to buy, the buyer went shopping. There was no online option - they literally went shopping. A poorly maintained or positioned store was (and remains) less likely to transact than a well positioned, well-maintained store. Store owners were thereby heavily incentivized to make the most of their real estate.

What has changed? Very little! In fact, the only part of the buying process that has substantially changed is: 1. The buyer's access to information, and; 2. Fewer buyers leaving their houses or offices to shop. Unfortunately, though, these two changes have profound implications. Instead of investing in brick and mortar and stocking a physical store to run a business, it has become necessary to invest and establish an online presence. It used to only be the biggest players who could afford the highest rents, in the prime locations, and best position themselves to benefit from the highest volumes of foot traffic. Today, however, it's much more of a level playing field. The

vast majority of potential buyers and sellers have access to the internet and, it really doesn't cost any more for the smallest of companies to "rent" some space on the internet, than it does for the largest of companies. As a result, the barriers to establishing a basic website are low and there are now nearly one billion sites proliferating the internet. The issue for business owners has become one of developing awareness for their sites. Unfortunately, there's almost zero chance to have qualified traffic organically arriving and ready to transact without them doing so. It used to be, as buyers, our choice was limited to what was stocked in the local stores we chose to drive to. This gradually changed as, (for example) in its day, the Sears catalog became a huge success because it expanded the product offering and increased consumer choice. The internet has now taken this process to an entirely new level, evolving to provide almost unlimited information and unlimited choice. The problem has always been to stand out from the crowd and a prime location in the High Street used to help accomplish this. Now, the real estate environment has changed and it's no longer the High Street and it's no longer about being able to afford the highest rent. It's about the internet and it's about developing awareness for a website, and its brand, within this new platform of "digital" real estate. This is where every digital transformation must start - with a website and with the realization that it, alone, is not enough to separate anyone from the crowd. Without a comprehensive strategy to develop relevant, qualified traffic, it may just as well not exist.

C CONCLUSIONS S The foundation for a digital transformation must be the company's website and the value proposition that it must communicate. There are technical, content, and automation standards necessary to accomplish these requirements that, based on hundreds of evaluations, appear to be beyond the current understanding, or resources, of most independent office products resellers. Without a strong foundation (website) to build a digital business transformation strategy upon, then attempts to transform will fail. Ask yourself:

• How well does my website perform today? • Shouldn't I test it to learn how strong my existing digital foundation is? • Are you an "analog" reseller or have you already taken the necessary steps to become "digital"? • What are the implications of ignoring the requirements to transform from analog to digital?


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IDC: Western Europe Printer and Copier/MFP Market

Sees Healthy Growth According to research by International Data Corporation (IDC), the Western European printer and copier/multifunction (MFP) market grew by 3.8 percent in the second quarter of compared with the same period a year ago. IDC says there were “positive sales performances in both inkjet and laser markets for units, but value for the laser market was actually down.” Note that in its research, IDC tracks A2–A4 devices, and that hardcopy peripherals include single-function printers, printerbased multifunctional systems (MFPs), and single-function digital copiers (SFDCs). According to IDC, the overall market has been in continuous decline since second-quarter 2015, and in second-quarter 2017, the quarter increased by 173,000 units for a market of almost 4.7 million devices. This “stellar quarter is due to the surprising growth in consumer printing but is relatively in line with forecasts.” Revenues, on the other hand, declined by 5.6 percent. Inkjet revenues, however, increased 1.5 percent. while laser revenues fell by 6.9 percent. Laser market shipments increased by 4.7 percent in secondquarter 2017, but values decreased, indicating that prices are getting lower: a sharp contrast from the positive trend observed last year. ASPs (asking selling prices) for the laser market decreased by 11 percent in second-quarter 2017.


Business-inkjet shipments suffered another decline, a persisting negative trend for the past four quarters, with shipments falling by 5.9 percent in second-quarter 2017. MFP products declined by 5.1 percent in second-quarter 2017 in volume, but grew by 9.7 second-quarter 2017 in value. According to IDC, this is due to an increase in the average selling price of 73 percent for A3 MFPs; the A4 format represents 75.1 percent of business inkjet MFPs. Despite this, business-inkjet MFPs accounted for 89.8 percent of business inkjet shipments in second-quarter 2017, a 0.7 percent increase from last year.

Overall, MFP products accounted for 80.7 percent of all shipments in Western Europe in second-quarter 2017, lower than the 81.4 percent in second-quarter 2016. Laser and inkjet MFPs increased by 2.9 percent, while laser and inkjet printers showed an even stronger performance with a 7.9 percent increase, with shipments generally in line with IDC forecasts. There was small growth in the business market in second-quarter 2017; the market, comprising laser and business inkjet devices, increased by 1.6 percent, but the value decreased by 6 percent. The highest value growth was in 1-20 ppm color devices and 151+ ppm black-and-white devices, “a positive trend that has been seen for more than a year now.”

159th Issue - August 2017

“We have seen poor results in the printing devices market for quite some time, but today we can reveal that the Western European market has grown by 3.6 percent globally Delphine with positive results for both inkjet and Carnet ne laser segments,� commented Delphine DC’s Carnet, senior research analyst in IDC’s Western European Imaging, Hardware Devices, and Document Solutions group. “Leading countries such as Germany and the U.K. are showing double-digit increases. However, we have observed a 6.9 percent decline in laser revenues, which leads us to believe that businesses are feeling the pinch and looking for value for money.�

.BJO IJHIMJHIUT PG UIF SFQPSU JODMVEF The overall Western European hardcopy market grew by 3.8 percent year-over-year in secondquarter 2017, with laser increasing faster than inkjet. Many segments saw significant growth this quarter, with A4 color inkjet printers and A4 color laser MFPs both showing double-digit growth in Western Europe. Business inkjets declined by 5.9 percent, with printers decreasing by 12.6 percent and MFPs by 5.1 percent.


The inkjet consumer market increased by 1.8 percent and business inkjet grew by 1.2 percent, in contrast with the regional average that showed a 5.9 percent decline in this segment. Inkjet MFPs grew by 1.3 percent and laser MFPs increased by 9.9 percent.

ď Ž The United Kingdom The United Kingdom recorded a very strong performance this quarter after many quarters of negative results, with 11.9 percent growth — “way above the regional average.â€? This is said to be due to a 13.8 percent increase in the inkjet market, while the laser market enjoyed equally encouraging results with a 5.2 percent increase. Business inkjet performed better than the Western European average, with only a 3.3 percent decrease. The laser market overall increased, showing a 5.2 percent decrease in shipments but a 6.8 percentdecline in value. The inkjet market grew, especially the A4 segment, which increased by 14.5 percent this quarter, and we saw positive results in A4 laser with an 8.6 percent increase. For more information about IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker in EMEA, contact IDC’s Phil Sargeant at SOURCE:

$PVOUSZ )JHIMJHIUT ď Ž Germany The German market followed the overall Western European positive trend with 10.4 percent growth after almost two years of negative decline. The business-inkjet market performed above the Western European average, with a decrease of 4.9 percent compared with the regional average of 5.9 percent. The inkjet market grew by 7.2 percent, while the laser market in Germany increased by 15.6 percent. This was due to the increase in volume in color laser devices, which grew by 23.6 percent in second-quarter 2017. Multifunction devices increased by 7.1 percent, while printers grew by 20.7 percent. MFPs now represent 73.5 percent of all devices shipped in Germany this quarter, a decline from the 75.7 percent observed a year ago.

ď Ž France The French market performed below the Western European average, showing overall growth of 2.4 percent in second-quarter 2017 over the same period last year. Inkjet increased by 1.7 percent, but laser declined by 4.4 percent.


159th Issue - August 2017



The first HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printer Resides in QingDiao

continue supporting older vehicles with parts that are obsolete and no longer held in stock. Now, 3D printing will enable the company to offer spare parts to its clients much more readily and much more quickly. This has in fact been one of the main attraction points of 3D printing for the automotive and other inventory-burdened industries. mercedes-benz-trucks-innovates-metal-3d-printing/

03 Recently, the first HP multi-jet Fusion 3D printer settled in Qingdao high-tech China 3D printing innovation center. This marks the HP 3D Print Innovation Center officially launched with the infinite three-dimensional technology industry group. Since in June 2017, Hewlett-Packard endtered into the Chinese 3D printing market, not only caused the aerospace, automotive and parts, equipment manufacturing, medical and other industries users of great concern, but also the impact of the 3D printing industry. It is reported that, with the support of Qingdao Municipal Government and Qingdao Hi-tech Zone, China's 3D printing technology industry alliance has set up the largest in China, and has created the "popularization, demonstration and extension, processing service, education and training, online mall, Hatch "as the main body of China 3D printing innovation center. The HP multi-jet smelting 3D printer first settled in Qingdao not only shows that HP's unlimited threedimensional technology industry group's high recognition, but also reflects the HP 3D printing and Qingdao industry combined confidence.


Mercedes-Benz Introduces 3D Printed Part in Trucks

Mercedes-Benz has pioneered 3D printing metal parts in trucks by starting serial production of an aluminum thermostat housing cover for its Unimog line. The company said that the part has been tested for compliance with its strict quality requirements. The innovation will allow Mercedes-Benz to


Stratasys on the Right Track

Stratasys reported an operating loss of $5.1 million for the second quarter of the year last week, down from $17.1 million a year ago in the latest indication that it is moving along the right track by focusing on industrial 3D printing applications after its massive failure with household printers. In evidence of this, the conference call of the company supplied some valuable comments from its executives. Chief executive Ilan Levin, for example, noted that the F123 Series 3D printers that Stratasys launched in February have so far sold over 1,000 to professionals in rapid prototyping and hold significant potential for the future. This new line was responsible for the change in Stratasys’ fortunes over the first half of the year, affecting revenues as it is a low-cost product line but with high value. The fact that it was the change in the product mix that weighed on revenues and gross margins is good news for investors. It would have been worse if the reason was a lowering of selling prices across the product mix. At the same time, Stratasys ventured into 3D printing applications for the aerospace industry – a smart choice in light of a growing number of surveys identifying aerospace as a major growth driver for the 3D printing industry. Even smarter was the offering Stratasys came up with: the Fortus 900mc Aircraft Interiors Certification Solution that would be used to stamp aircraft interior parts at a time when everyone seems to agree that lack of standardization and certification in 3D printing is a big stumbling block along the industry’s way into the mainstream. key-takeaways-from-stratasys-q-earnings-call/ article_74686722-fc3e-581b-80ad-c5f2e26e98e2.html

159th Issue - August 2017


ARK Investment Says 3D Printing Will Make Robots Cheaper

ARK Investment has forecast that the production costs for industrial robots are set to fall by as much as 65% by 2025, thanks in part to the application of 3D printing, as well as to progress with machine learning and computer vision. This will in turn spur greater demand for robotic solutions in industries with no previous history of robot use. Currently, production costs for industrial robots are around $25,000 but by 2025 they will fall to $10,800, the investment management firm’s analysts estimate. This will happen in large part thanks to 3D printing, which will make possible the use of much less and much lighter materials. The amount and weight of materials could fall by 75%, ARK Investment analyst Sam Korus says, without—and this is the main point—affecting the performance of the robot.


Voodoo Sets Up 3D Printing Farms to Compete with Injection Molding


The company’s chief product officer and its CEO wrote in a blog post that automation was the way to reduce costs further, by as much as 90%. Costs, they wrote, come from materials, machines, and labor. Material and machine costs will go down naturally over the next years, so the focus must be on labor. To cut 90% of labor costs, Voodoo launched Project Skywalker: it introduced a robotic arm in a printing farm, initially to collect the printed items from the printbeds and prep the machines for the next run. Although “harvesting” as this activity is called, accounts for just a tenth of total labor costs, automating it has made possible a round-the-clock production cycle, that is, a threefold productivity increase that would reflect on the bottom line. Voodoo-Automates-3D-Printing-to-Take-on-Injection-Molding.aspx


Proto Labs Praises HP’s MJF

HP’s 3D printer made quite a splash when it was showcased officially but so far this splash seemed to be confined to media headlines. Now, a Proto Labs engineer has spoken up about the advantages of the multi jet fusion machine, as the company was one of the first adopters of HP’s latest baby. According to Eric Utley who spoke to MachineDesign, HP’s 3D printer offers some pretty useful things such as multi-color printing in layers. As the item—a gear in this case—wears down, the colors change, so technicians know when it’s time to replace the part. This is supereasy as the HP machine prints the barcode straight on the part, so all you need to do is scan it and order a replacement.

Boston startup Voodoo is using off-the-shelf 3D printers to create a manufacturing process that’s cost competitive with injection molding. The company says it can produce up to 10,000 items in its print farms at costs comparable to injection molding manufacturing. But that’s not all: Voodoo plans to automate this process so there is as little human intervention as possible.

Utley also told the website that the hype around 3D printing is settling down now and actual applications are taking the spotlight. According to him, we have yet to see all that 3D printers can do, which is bound to happen in the near future, accelerating the industry’s progress further. HP’s MJF printer has a special place in the array of 3D printers, offering a combination of high speed, more isotropic material properties, and lower printing costs than comparable powderusing printers. hp-s-latest-3d-printer-has-proto-labs-talking


159th Issue - August 2017


Blockchain To the Rescue:

Cybersecurity To Lean More Heavily on the Tech Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies is being increasingly recognized for its implications in cybersecurity and with a very good reason: the tech is the fruit of years of research in cryptography and security, so the relation is very direct.


customer deployment thanks to its keyless Signature Infrastructure – a blockchainbased alternative to the Public Key Infrastructure.

There is a lot of innovation going on in the blockchain arena, in three areas, among others: real-time cyberattack detection and mitigation, user authentication, and online privacy.

Another notable player in the blockchain field is REMME, which offers its customers user authentication products that do not require a password. This takes out the human factor from the authentication equation, essentially removing one possible cyberattack vector, as so many cyberattacks begin with cracked user passwords. REMME’s central idea is that a decentralized authentication system is safer than a centralized one, so it uses a distributed public key infrastructure with SSL certificates to authenticate users of a system.

lready industries such as real estate, and banking and finance are betting more and more heavily on blockchain but they are by no means the only ones: Lockheed Martin has announced it will use blockchain technology for its cybersecurity solutions, and the impact of this industry could extend to sectors such as education and social media.

Guardtime is one company active in the development of cyberattack detection and mitigation solutions. The companies already the largest blockchain company globally in terms of revenue, workforce, and


Another company that utilizes a decentralized solution is Obsidian, a

provider of security services for messenger services. The company’s decentralized network cannot be controlled or censored by any single source and the metadata from the communication on the network is scattered throughout the blockchain, so it cannot be gathered at any one central point. This cuts the risk of anyone being able to conduct surveillance on exchanges on the network.

With all the advantages blockchain offers, chances are growth in the industry will continue, and cybersecurity applications will expand, especially since it offers users to remove the weakest link from the security chain: humans. omribarzilay/2017/08/21/3-ways-blockchain-isrevolutionizing-cybersecurity/#1a38c0e23349

159th Issue - August 2017


Global Cybersecurity Spending to Hit $93 Bln Next Year The number and frequency of cyberattacks has been growing at a breakneck rate recently, pushing cybersecurity firmly into the spotlight. IT research company Gartner has now predicted that after this year global spending on security solutions reaches $86.4 billion this year, up by 7% from 2016, it will hit $93 billion in 2018. Security services is already the fastestgrowing sector in IT in terms of spending and Gartner’s forecast suggests it keep its top spot in the immediate future, with IT outsourcing, consulting, and implementation the top three growth areas, Forbes notes.

Other cybersecurity experts seem to agree that the spending estimate is conservative, with some noting that it’s not spending as such that should be the focus but what businesses and organizations spend their cybersecurity budgets on. Spending on cybersecurity, a senior executive from Minerva says, should specifically target gaps identified by the company that cannot be closed by existing solutions. In other words, cybersecurity spending must


not only be abundant but also effective. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be very high, Lenny Zeltser says – sometimes it may be sufficient to utilize existing security tools more fully by reconfiguring them or upgrading them to include features currently not in use. tonybradley/2017/08/17/gartner-predictsinformation-security-spending-to-reach-93billion-in-2018/#5913b0643e7f

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Some cybersecurity industry insiders believe Gartner’s estimate is pretty conservative, in light of the rate at which cyberattacks have accelerated, highlight the many problem areas of the digital world. One such insider, Ajay Arora, the chief executive of cybersecurity solutions provider Vera, believes the actual spending growth needs to be an order of magnitude higher than Gartner’s estimate, based on the aggregate losses from security breaches for the last five years and loss projections for the next five years.


159th Issue - August 2017


Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges By Mike Josiah and the Technical Staff at Uninet

Mike Josiah Mike Josiah is the Technical Director at UniNet’s East Coast office, a global distributor of toner, Smartchips, OPC drums, and other toner remanufacturing components. Mr. Josiah is an industry veteran since 1987, and a member of ASTM committee F.05, the STMC Technician Certification committee, as well as an STMC trainer. He and his support team at UniNet contribute with technical articles to industry trade magazines, and conduct seminars at association meetings and tradeshows worldwide.

The 652 series of multifunction color laser printers are based on a 60 ppm black and color 1200 x 1200 Dpi engine, (3600 DPI with RET). The cartridges are an all in one type cartridge that consists of the toner supply, drum, and waste chamber.

cartridges to a specific printer. According to HP this helps prevent theft. Once locked if a cartridge is moved to another machine a “Protected cartridge” message will display. This feature is also off by default on new machines

These machines have a new feature called HP Sure Start. Each printer now regularly checks its operating code and repairs itself from attempted hacks.


Like a few older series of HP printers, these machines also have an anti-theft feature which allows the user to lock a set of

1) Toner approved vacuum. 2) A small screw driver (Common Style) 3) A Phillips head screwdriver 4) Needle Nose Pliers 5) Spring hook 6) Modified sprint hook/Dental probe (See Text).

THE PRINTERS BASED ON THE M652 ENGINE ARE THE: HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652n HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652n HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652dn HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M653dn HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M653x

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M681dh HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M681f HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M681f HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M681z HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M682z

THE CARTRIDGES USED IN THE M652 ENGINE ARE THE: CF450A (Black) 655A CF460X (Black HY) 656X CF451A (Cyan) 655A CF461X (Cyan) 656X CF452A (Yellow) 655A CF462X (Yellow) 656X CF453A (Magenta) 655A CF463X (Magenta) 656X P1B94A (Toner collection unit) * Pricing current as of July 2017.


12,500 pages 27,000 pages 10,500 pages 22,000pages 10,500 pages 22,000 pages 10,500 pages 22,000 pages

$220.99 List* $342.99 List* $274.99 List* $484.99 List* $274.99 List* $484.99 List* $274.99 List* $484.99 List*


for use in the HP M652 series  New replacement chip. Make sure you have the correct color and yield!  New Long Life Drum  New Wiper Blade  Drum Cover  Lint free Cloths  Conductive grease  Isopropyl alcohol  Cotton Swabs 1) Remove the springs from both sides of the cartridge. See Figures 1 & 2 2) With a razor knife, carefully shave the plastic from the heads of the hinge pins on both sides of the cartridge See Figures 3,4,5 & 6 3) Drill a small hole in the top of each side of the cartridge as shown. This hole will enable you to remove the pins. See Figures 7,8,9 & 10 4) With the modified Spring hook/dental probe, insert the bent side into the hole you drilled and push the pins out from each side. See Figures 11 & 12 5) Lift the two halves apart.

See Figure 13

6) On the waste chamber, remove the screw from the drum axle end cap. Remove the end cap. There is no need to remove the opposite side end cap. See Figures 14 & 15

159th Issue - August 2017


Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges


Figure 1

Figure 6

Figure 11

Figure 2

Figure 7

Figure 12

Figure 3

Figure 8

Figure 13

Figure 4

Figure 9

Figure 14

Figure 5

Figure 10

Figure 15


159th Issue - August 2017


Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges 7) Remove the drum.

See Figure 16

8) Remove the PCR.

See Figure 17

9) Remove the two screws from the wiper blade. Slide the razor knife along the back edge of the blade to release it from the glue. Remove the Wiper blade. See Figures 18, 19 & 20.


Figure 16

Figure 22

Figure 17

Figure 23

Figure 18

Figure 24

Figure 19

Figure 25

Figure 20

Figure 26

Figure 21

Figure 27

10) Clean out all the waste toner from the chamber. Try not to get any toner on the WB seal if possible. 11) Clean the felt seals on each end of the wiper blade. If the WB glue has toner on it, clean it off with alcohol and a foam swab. If it does not become sticky again, it needs to be removed and a good silicone caulk used to seal the blade off. GE 100% Silicone and Phenoseal are two good brands for this. Make sure the waste auger turns freely. See Figure 21 12) Install a new or cleaned, lubricated wiper blade and 2 screws. If you removed the WB glue, seal the back edge of the blade with the silicone now. See Figure 22 13) Clean the PCR with your preferred cleaner and install in the cartridge. See Figure 23 14) Install the drum long hub side onto the remaining end cap. Note the new internal drive gear inside the hub. See Figures 24 & 25 15) Clean and replace the conductive grease on the drum axle. Install the end cap and screw. Make sure the augers aligns properly. See Figures 26 & 27 16) Place the waste chamber aside. 17) On the supply chamber, remove the three screws from the gear side end cap. See Figure 28 18) Remove the inner and outer end cap together as one piece. Note that the gears stay in the end cap! See Figure 29 19) On the contact side, remove the 2 screws. Remove the small top end cap with the white gears. See Figures 30 & 31 20) Pry off the larger inner end cap. See Figure 32


159th Issue - August 2017


Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges


Figure 33 Figure 28

Figure 39

Figure 34

Figure 29 Figure 40

Figure 35

22) Remove the two screws from the doctor blade. IMPORTANT: The Right (Gear side) screw uses a LEFT HAND THREAD! Lift the blade up and twist so that it comes free from the cartridge. KEEP THE LEFT HAND THREADED SCREW SEPERATE! See Figures 34 & 35

Figure 30

Figure 36

23) Remove the round white felt washers from both sides of the feed roller to prevent them from being lost. See Figure 36 24) The clear bushing that holds the feed roller in place in previous style cartridges were removable, but in this series it’s glued in place. The only way to clean and fill the supply chamber is to melt a hole in the chamber at this time. See Figure 37

Figure 31 Figure 37

Figure 32

21) Remove the developer roller. See Figure 33

Figure 38

NOTE: These cartridges have a selfremoving seal that is not accessible from the outside of the hopper. To install a seal it looks like the hopper will have to be split. Testing is ongoing for this possibility. 25) Melt a small hole in the supply chamber. Remove all remaining toner and clean the feed roller. Make sure the edges of the hole are flat so there will not be any leaks. See Figures 38, 39 and 40


159th Issue - August 2017


Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges


26) Fill with the correct color of toner for use in the M652 series toner. See Figure 41 27) Place a sealing label over the hole to seal it off. See Figure 42 28) Install the feed roller felt washers. See Figure 43 29) Use the appropriate shims to set the gap. Install the doctor blade and two screws. Make sure the sticky seals on either rend of the blade seal correctly. If the material is no longer sticky clean it with alcohol or replace it with a small amount of silicon. Make sure you use the left handed screw on the on the right (gear side) of the blade! See Figure 44

Figure 46

Figure 41

30) Install the inner contact end cap and screw. See Figure 45 31) Install the cleaned developer roller keyed end to the gear side. (DO not use any chemicals to clean this. A lint free cloth works fine. See Figure 46

Figure 42 Figure 47

32) Set the developer roller shaft and feed roller shafts as shown. (Flat side up). See Figure 47 33) Set the gears inside the end cap so that the two drive gears for these shafts have their flat side also on top. See Figure 48

Figure 43

34) Install the gear end cap and three screws. You might have to turn the gears slightly for the end cap to fit in place. See Figure 49 35) Place the base of the triple gear on the developer roller shaft and fit into the spring assembly on the small end cap. Install the end cap screw. See Figures 50 & 51

Figure 44 Figure 48

36) If the white plastic plate and spring came apart, this is how they should be. See Figure 52 Note that there are no metal contacts on this end cap as you would normally see. The contacts are there, but are now made of conductive plastic. See Figure 53 37) On the waste chamber, remove the chip by prying the locking tab back slightly. See Figure 54 Figure 45


Figure 49

159th Issue - August 2017


Remanufacturing the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 MFP M681 series Black and Color Toner cartridges


Figure 54 Figure 59

Figure 50

Figure 55

Figure 60 Figure 51

Figure 56

Figure 61 38) Remove and replace the chip. Make sure you have the correct color chip for the cartridge color! See Figure 55

Figure 52

Figure 57

39) Place the two halves together. See Figure 56 40) Install the two pins.

See Figures 57 & 58

41) Install the two springs. See Figures 59 & 60

Figure 53

Figure 58

42) Install the drum cover. This cover is important in that it separates the drum and developer roller helping to prevent a flat spot on the developer roller. See Figure 61


159th Issue - August 2017


Canon U.S.A. Competes in ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Canon U.S.A., Inc. is proud to announce that its uniFLOW, imageRUNNER ADVANCE, and imageWARE Secure Audit Manager Express solutions are competing in the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program. The imageRUNNER ADVANCE platform, a line of multifunction print devices, offers a range of security capabilities and options that can help facilitate the confidentiality, accessibility, and availability of information. Its Universal Login Manager application helps users retrieve sensitive prints once he/she authenticates, including sensitive information. To help limit unauthorized distribution of sensitive information, various device functions can be disabled for individual users. Visual and audible original reminder notifications can also alert employees when sensitive documents are left at a device.

$BOPO 6 4 " JNBHF36//&3 "%7"/$& TFSJFT The imageRUNNER ADVANCE series includes copier and printer devices designed to help facilitate the confidentiality, accessibility, and availability of an organization’s intellectual property. It features a security authentication schema. ď Ź Additional multilayered security solutions incorporated into the imageRUNNER ADVANCE platform include: ď Ź HDD Data Encryption can help protect information sent to the device ď Ź HDD Erase can remove latent images after each task


ď Ź HDD Format can remove and overwrite data on the hard drive when the device is retired from use

uniFLOW requires users to identify themselves at a device.

ď Ź IPsec to help provide security features for data as it navigates the network

Its Secure Print functionality allows users to send sensitive documents to network printers from desktops and compatible mobile devices.

ď Ź 0 to provide communication route encryption and enable files to be transmitted to SMB3.0 servers with security features, as well as

When using this function, regardless of how users submit a print job, documents only print when the user is physically standing at the device and authenticates.

ď Ź A Trusted Platform Module, which is a security chip with tamper-resistant hardware to help limit access to passwords and encryption keys

$BOPO 6 4 " VOJ'-08 4PMVUJPO

$BOPO 6 4 " JNBHF8"3& 4FDVSF "VEJU .BOBHFS &YQSFTT The imageWARE Secure Audit Manager Express module is a network device security solution that delivers detailed oversight of an organization’s document-related activities on compatible devices.

The uniFLOW solution can help save organization’s time and money by providing controls over its compatible printer and multifunction printer and scanner fleet. Its Secure Print functionalities and user tracking features help organizations of all sizes limit access to their confidential documents. The uniFLOW platform is an end-toend printing, scanning, and device management solution that can help improve the control and efficiency of imageRUNNER ADVANCE and other compatible multifunctional printer devices, in addition to providing security features. The platform provides business employees the ability to control and monitor access to sensitive information with its enhanced authentication and user tracking features. To help limit unauthorized use of devices,

The imageWARE Secure Audit Manager Express module is available as an optional component within uniFLOW. It is the first Canon solution to capture, archive, and audit the activities and images that occur on Canon solutions, including compatible imageRUNNER ADVANCE devices. It records device activity and can trigger email alerts when specific keywords identified by the administrator are printed, scanned, faxed, copies, or sent to help protect an organization’s intellectual property. By monitoring device-related activities, it may help deter workers from leaking important and valuable information. And if a keyword identified by the administrator is used, the system automatically logs and distributes actionable intelligence to the appropriate parties chosen by the administrator.

159th Issue - August 2017


Fuji Xerox (China) to Accelerate the Transformation of Digital Printing Business In recent years, the Internet economy has shown an explosive development trend, thus promoting the development of various industries, the Chinese printing industry is also taking a leap-style development and change. In this way, Fuji Xerox provides a comprehensive "solution" that includes technology, application and support services. First of all, Fuji Xerox is to match the different printing applications and business. For the market, provide different equipment to meet their business, such as: black and white, color, medium speed, high-speed production, toner technology, and inkjet and so on. Second, Fuji Xerox is not just concerned about the equipment, but more attention to solutions and services. In order to meet the customer's uninterrupted production needs to help customers maximize the return on investment, Fuji Xerox created a unique production-oriented remote service mode, through the Internet for remote monitoring of customer equipment, problems will be early warning, Before the failure, Fuji Xerox will send engineers with the corresponding parts to the customer, so as to ensure that the equipment will not affect the customer downtime due to failure, all-round guarantee that the customer's equipment under the supervision of Fuji Xerox technical engineers under the healthy and transparent operation. Fuji Xerox perfect solution and service, the most critical word is the "value". The first is to enhance the production capacity of enterprises, before they can only output a specific category of products, through the use of Fuji Xerox new equipment, they can output new, different prints, in order to help them improve operational efficiency. Second, Fuji Xerox can also provide them with certification services, so that they have the qualifications, you can go to serve different customers.Fuji Xerox offers these values, and printing companies will develop their own development strategies, will have

a new business process, or expand new business areas and markets to provide some new services to their customers. Fuji Xerox brings the value of customers to new products, new services, or in less time to deliver. And what are these changes to the customers of the printing business? Is able to help its customers to enhance the overall competition and marketing strength, establish a brand image, open up new markets. What does it bring to the end user of the printing company's customers? Have a better customer experience, enhance the user's loyalty to the service and business. This is the value that Fuji Xerox brings to the entire value chain. Fuji Xerox (China) this year launched the slogan is "to change, will change", emphasizing the transformation, so that Fuji Xerox (China) from the equipment suppliers to provide solutions and services transformation, Fuji Xerox also advocated the rapid development of printing enterprises Market environment to take the initiative to change. Fuji Xerox is very willing to discuss business strategy and transformation with customers, of course, Fuji Xerox provides some of the equipment, applications are big direction, for each printing business, must be in accordance with their own conditions, customer resources and future development Direction, to develop their own strategy. Based on Fuji

Xerox's philosophy and market positioning, we hope that Fuji Xerox can become one of the most trusted business partners, Fuji Xerox will always adhering to the "customer first" business purposes, and strictly adhere to the quality management system. "Impression of the former domain see extraordinary" is ChinaPrint2017 Fuji Xerox exhibition theme, once again stressed Fuji Xerox accelerated business transformation of the attitude and determination to promote customers to change the expansion of new business areas, and jointly promote the industry to accelerate the development of printing enterprises and printing Business customers common development. Fuji Xerox witnessed the development of digital printing in the past, starting from the whole industry chain, Fuji Xerox is more concerned about the value of the industry as a whole and enhancement. For digital printing driven by personalized and customized consumption, Fuji Xerox hope that the entire industry chain, each level of customers can enjoy the value of Fuji Xerox equipment and services, the ultimate goal is to allow consumers to feel the digital printing Brought about by the value and benefits, as well as promote the whole industry chain mutual benefit and win-win and harmonious development.


159th Issue - August 2017


Toshiba Tec Unveils Mobile Printer Delivering Three-Inch Wide Labels and Receipts Toshiba Tec Corporation today unveils its B-FP3 mobile printer, which produces three-inch wide receipts and labels. The light and compact, yet robust printer with proven drop-resistant durability delivers crisp and clear labeling. The introduction of Toshiba Tec’s latest product expands the company’s mobile printer line enabling organizations to create two- to fourinch labels and receipts for an array of uses. The newly-minted B-FP3 printer will be available in April 2017*1. The B-FP3 line features two models: one exclusively for printing receipts and another model, which delivers both labels and receipts. Toshiba Tec’s receipt model is also engineered to meet the width specifications of commonly-produced receipts to address organizations’ increasing receipt needs. In combination with mobile POS, Toshiba Tec’s receipt printer further enables pre-order and payments for queue busting applications, especially in the hospitality industry, within retail settings. The B-FP3 is also ideal for DSD (Direct Store Delivery) use. B-FP3 is specially developed for extended use. The printers’ built-in energy saving functionality allows users to print

The development of Toshiba Tec’s B-FP3 printer aligns with the company’s commitment to the environment. The product is certified as one of Toshiba’s “Excellent ECPs (Environmentally Conscious Products),” which is the company’s internal certification awarded only to products achieving the highest level of environmental performance in the industry*4. The B-FP3’s energy-saving sleep mode, which dramatically reduces charging frequency, is a primary reason for the product attaining the certification.

approximately 3.3 rolls of media and complete almost two days of operation on one charge*2. The B-FP3’s print quantity and speed are also improved even when operating in energy saving mode. The B-FP3 is Toshiba’s first printer to comply with the Qi standard, an open interface standard for inductive wireless charging, which does not require battery removal or any external cable connection when charging*3. Intuitive connectivity to smart devices on iOS and Android platforms; an adjustable media holder, simple media swapping; and clearer notifications via a color LCD display further simplify organizations’ use of the new printer.

The new mobile printer is designed and developed with “Together Information” – Toshiba Tec Printing Solutions’ vision of how people and organizations create, record, share, manage and display ideas and data – in mind. This concept is reflected in the global message for the new product: “Connect. Integrate. Simplify. – Technology for every workspace, delivering advanced functionality, ease of use and peace of mind.” Understanding that every industry has unique workflow demands, Toshiba develops barcode printers to meet organizations’ wide ranging labeling needs.

OpenPrint LLC Filed Lawsuits Against HP Inc, OKI Data, and Panasonic OpenPrint LLC filed three lawsuits on August 3rd in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware against HP Inc, OKI Data, and Panasonic for alleged patent infringement. OpenPrint LLC accuses HP Inc. of infringing upon the ‘993 patent with its HP OfficeJet Pro 8600 inkjet print head; it also alleges that the OfficeJet Pro 8600 infringes on the ‘601 patent. OpenPrint also claims that the HP Indigo 12000, HP Indigo 7900, HP Indigo 5900, HP Indigo 50000, HP Indigo 20000, HP Indigo 8000, HP Indigo W7250, HP Indigo S6800p, HP Indigo 30000, HP Indigo 20000, HP Indigo 8000, HP Indigo WS6800, HP Indigo 7r, HP Indigo 6r, and HP Indigo 5r commercial printing presses all infringe on the ‘699 patent.


OpenPrint alleges Oki is infringing on the ‘345 patent, ‘601 patent, and ‘906 patent with the OKI Data MC363dn, MC873dn, ES9465/ ES9475, MB472w, MB492/MB562w, MB760+/MB770+, MC573dn, and MC770+/MC780+ printers. It alleges that Panasonic infringes on the ‘345 patent, ‘906 patent, ‘601 patent, ‘313 patent, ‘ 974 patent, and ‘888 patent with the Panasonic UF-8200 and UF-7200 fax machines. In all three cases, OpenPrint is requesting a jury trial, damages, and legal fees. SOURCE:

159th Issue - August 2017




Continues to Strategically Expand Distribution Network Across the U.S. Chicago, Ill. - August 16, 2017 - Clover Imaging Group (CIG), a global provider of imaging products, services and solutions, announced today the opening of an additional distribution center in Aurora, Colorado. The Colorado distribution center will stock CIG’s entire line of premium imaging supplies and parts and expands CIG’s strategic distribution network, which already includes facilities in Illinois, California, Florida, New Jersey and Texas. CIG will now be able to provide customers in Colorado next day delivery and customers in the entire continental U.S. delivery within 1-2 days. “Adding a distribution center in Colorado enables us to offer our customers the industry’s best availability while increasing operational efficiency. Over the next six months, we will continue to look for opportunities to enhance our distribution network in order to provide our customers greater inventory breadth and depth, and even faster delivery times,” said Eric Martin, President of Clover Imaging Group.

CIG’s Aurora, Colorado, facility will open on August 21, 2017. The facility’s address is 13250 East Smith Road, Unit G, Aurora, CO 80011.

"#065 $-07&3 *."(*/( (3061 Centered around sustainable innovation, Clover Imaging Group (CIG) offers independent dealers, OEMs, and retailers a complete imaging and solutions platform. CIG’s broad array of products and services includes award-winning remanufactured printer cartridges and parts, a comprehensive suite of managed print and technology services, and unparalleled marketing and sales support. Far from its early beginnings as an ink and toner remanufacturer, CIG has evolved into a billion dollar enterprise backed by a world-class engineering, manufacturing and distribution infrastructure. These expansive capabilities enable CIG to provide a level of partnership unsurpassed in the aftermarket imaging space. For more information on CIG, please visit:

Contact: Luke Goldberg, Global EVP Sales and Marketing

Photizo Group, Inc. is Acquired by Virtulytix For 11 years, Photizo Group has been at the forefront of helping clients transform their business models to maximize their market growth in the rapidly evolving and dynamic imaging market. The firm advocated that to survive and thrive, imaging firms need to transform their business models to new service centric models. Photizo Group established a leadership position by being at the forefront of MPS. During the last two years, Photizo Group invested heavily in their own transformation through the development of a Predictive Analytics division led by Scott Hornbuckle. Today we are announcing that Photizo Group is completing its transformation by being acquired by Virtulytix - an advanced analytics firm based in Lexington, Kentucky. Virtulytix provides both “on premise” and “as a Service” advanced analytics solutions which optimize industrial Internet of Things (IoT) enabled fleets by utilizing predictive modeling and other advanced analytics technologies to reduce waste in supply items and logistics chains, reduce service and warranty cost through highly accurate advanced failure prediction, and optimize revenue by maximizing fleet uptime via reducing unplanned service and maintenance events. Virtulytix tools and solutions are currently deployed in the Semiconductor, Imaging, and Nuclear Power industries.

Virtulytix will continue to support Photizo Group’s imaging industry clients by providing consulting and market intelligence services specifically for the imaging industry. The services provided by Photizo Group will continue under Virtulytix including:  Market Intelligence Services, led by Ron Iversen, including the Office Supplies Advisory Service, MPS Advisory Service, Wide Format Forecasts, Ink in the Office Advisory Service, and the Navigator Advisory Service. Virtulytix will continue the model of wrapping high value advisory services including briefings, inquiries, and forecasts, around critical topic areas for the imaging industry; and,  Consulting, led by Mario Diaz, addressing strategic and tactical issues relevant to our clients including traditional subjects such as developing and implementing market penetration and growth plans, strategy development and reviews, new product strategy and development and channel strategies and development. Virtulytix will continue to provide a personalized ‘boutique’ approach to projects we are engaged in around the globe. In addition, Virtulytix brings strong data science and data engineering skills to solving our client’s big data and industrial IoT challenges.



ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

China's Industrial Inkjet Printing Ushers in a Brand New Time!

近期,深圳市兄弟高登集团总裁黄志强先生与爱克发印 艺集团总裁尹澋宏先生(Stefaan Vanhooren)共同签署关于 工业喷墨印刷的战略协议。 中国国务院总理李克强和比利时王国首相夏尔・米歇尔 (Charles Michel)的共同出席签约仪式。表示我国工业喷墨 印刷发展迎来了新的发展时期。 据了解,深圳市兄弟高登集团与爱克发印艺集团于 2010 年成立合资公司,即爱克发印艺亚洲有限公司,旗下包括采 用最新技术的绿色数码版材生产基地——无锡印版工厂,营 业区域涵盖大中华地区和东盟。在过去的 7 年里,合资公司 专注在传统印前领域,优势互补,在印版及菲林市场取得巨 大成功。 近年来,喷墨技术发展迅速,在诸多工业生产领域应用 开始崭露头角,并具有广阔发展空间,比如家装产业中的装 饰面板和地板上的数码打印,时尚产业中天然皮革的数码打 印,服装产业中的织物数码印花,3D 打印,食品包装的数 码打印,多种玻璃制品上的数码打印等等。爱克发印艺集团 自 2004 年即在喷墨领域布局,通过构建喷墨技术研发中心 和一系列的并购,建立了在工业喷墨领域的领先地位。目前 全球超过 20% 的 UV 喷墨印刷品,采用爱克发 UV 油墨印制。 深圳市兄弟高登集团和爱克发印艺集团都坚信工业喷墨

后排左为李克强总理,右为夏尔•米歇尔首相; 前排左为黄志强先生,右为尹澋宏先生

中心及生产基地,利用中国全球工厂的优势,研发生产面向 不同应用的工业喷墨设备,供应全球。

印刷领域的未来发展重心和主要市场都会在中国。基于 7 年

爱克发成立于 1867 年,今年恰逢 150 岁生日。“回首









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An In-Depth Understanding of the Internet of Things

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ˊ ‫ښ‬஝ӡ̣ᤌଌ᧚ᄊឦᮃ Ꭺ௑̽

ηөᝬnj̈ᝠካ኎ ᤈ̏੿షᄊੇ

̗ၷ̀ "5 5 ᤈನᄊᄈ̣ᎿЋ᜻വᄊНՃ


‫ࠄښ‬ဘᄈ̣ᤌଌᄊ 1$ ረү̉ᐏᎪ ௑̽ ̗ၷ̀‫ݠ‬

ᄬҒੈ‫ ښڎ‬.&.4 ͜ਖ٨ᮗ۫ᤇᣗ˞ᗀՑ ˇႍ

*#.njॲᣄnj(PPHMFnj#"5 ᤈನᄊӢ̣Ꮏ᧛ጟѿ͍ˊ

ʽសᮗ۫ᮗЏၷ̗‫˟׸‬᜶ᬷ˗‫ښ‬Ꮏ‫ڎ‬nj ൗฯ֗ெవǍ

ᏫྭᐏᎪࠄဘ ᄊӢ̣ᤌଌ᧚ʷࠀ͘មၷѣʾʷ˔ࢽ௄

Ꮻ‫ښ‬ᤰηᎪፏவ᭧ ੈ‫ڎ‬ᄊӨ˞˟࠮̀ /# *P5 өᝬ


ᄊ҄ࠀ ࣳˁ ࣲ థ̆᭾‫ࡣ᧜ڎ‬щፇ ˁ൥Տ௑


Ө˞˷௧ੈ‫ ڎ‬/# *P5 ᤰηവጸᄊ˟᜶ၷ̗Ԉ‫׸‬Ǎ

ࡏ֗ ऄၹࡏ኎‫ࡏ˔پ‬ጟǍਖᅼࡏԻ̿Ѭ˞ᔇྟଢΙ‫׸‬nj ͜ ਖ٨Ιऄ‫֗׸‬௄ጳവጸԈ‫ ׸‬ᔇྟ֗͜ਖ٨ဗᓬᄬ Ғ ᰴቫ࣊‫˟ڤ‬᜶ᜂ๒ܱࢽ݀Ӵࡐ ‫ڎ‬ЯԈ‫׸‬Ի‫Ͱ˗ښ‬


ቫ ࣊‫ڤ‬Ӵͯ ‫ښ‬ᤰηവጸᮗ۫ ‫ڎ‬ЯԈ‫׸‬Ц‫ܬ‬ʷࠀᄊ

తழፒᝠ ੕ᒰ ࣲ 2 Л

ԧ ࡙఻͘ǍᎪፏࡏ௧ྭᐏᎪᄊηৌᤰ᥋ ˟᜶ႀїܸ

ုྭᐏᎪᛡˊᄱТНՃࣃ ፃ

ᤂ ᖹ‫ં׸‬଍ ࣲ థ ெ ˗‫ڎ‬ႃηࣃ଎ѣ̀

ቊᆡ ࠒ ᜸ᄦᣄ͈न

Лု ᯫ˔ /# *P5 ‫ݓ‬ᯀ థ ெॴ‫ڎ‬ႃη˷଎ѣ̀ ХНՃ ྭᐏᎪ‫ݓ‬ᯀǍࣱԼࡏ௧ྭᐏᎪ̗ˊᩗ˗ᣗ˞᧘ ᜶ᄊʷ ဗ ‫ܱڎ‬ᡑ൦ᣗொ ͮႀ̆ྭᐏᎪጺѬᮗ۫ᣗ ܳ ‫ ڎ‬Я˷๙ဘѣ̀ʷ੻Цద̽᛫ভᄊ͍ˊ ੈ̓ᝣ



ԧnj అ ᑟ ࠒ ࡐnj అ ᑟ ු ᢼ ኎ ͸˔ᮗ۫ ᚸᠫ᧛ᮩ ᣺ ̣ᎿЋǍ ࣲ Л ࣲ ྭ ᐏ Ꭺ ᮗ

˞សᮗ ۫ᄬҒ̯దॢܸቇᫎǍ‫ݠ‬౧࠲Ғʼࡏ᜽˞ྭᐏ

۫ ᚸ ᠫ ᧛ ᮩ ᣺ ̣ Ꮏ ЋǍ ҂

Ꭺᄊ۳ ᆩ఩Ҭ ऄၹࡏѷ௧۳̆ᤈ˨ʽ̗ၷѣᄊʷጇ

ࣲ សᮗ۫ᚸᠫ᧛ᮩ˞


ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

̣Ꮏ Ћ Տඋ‫ܙ‬᫂ Ǎႀ൥Ի᜹ ‫ښ‬᣿ԝӡࣲ˗

ᮃ Ꭺ௑̽ ̗ၷ̀ "5 5 ᤈನᄊᄈ̣ᎿЋ᜻വᄊНՃ


‫ࠄ ښ‬ဘᄈ̣ᤌଌᄊ 1$ ረү̉ᐏᎪ௑̽ ̗ၷ̀‫ݠ‬

ಪ૶ :PMF %FQBSUNFOU ஝૶௭ᇨ .&.4 ֗͜ਖ

*#. njॲᣄnj(PPHMFnj#"5 ᤈನᄊӢ̣Ꮏ᧛ጟѿ͍ˊ

٨࣊‫ڤ‬᜻വ࠲̰ ࣲᄊ ̣ᎿЋ ‫ܙ‬᫂ᒰ

Ꮻ ྭᐏᎪࠄဘᄊӢ̣ᤌଌ᧚ʷࠀ͘មၷѣʾʷ˔ࢽ௄

ࣲᄊ ̣ᎿЋ ‫ܭ‬Ռࣲ‫ܙ‬᫂ဋ $"(3 ᣺ Ǎ

᭜ ͍ˊǍ

᠅ে֧វНՃᮕ฾ ҂ ࣲ ѣ‫׬‬ᆶ͈njᣄ


͈֗፬ՌᝍхவವᄊྭᐏᎪ఩ҬΙऄ‫ࣲ ׸‬ஆКԻ᣺

ࡏ֗ ऄၹࡏ኎‫ࡏ˔پ‬ጟǍਖᅼࡏԻ̿Ѭ˞ᔇྟଢΙ‫׸‬nj

̣ᎿЋ ԻၹѾ๧᣺ ̣ᎿЋǍՏ௑᠅েᮕ

͜ ਖ٨Ιऄ‫֗׸‬௄ጳവጸԈ‫ ׸‬ᔇྟ֗͜ਖ٨ဗᓬᄬ

฾̈఩ҬଢΙ‫׸‬njѬౢ֗ ۳ᆩ᝺ஷᣄ͈Ιऄ‫ྭࠫ࠲׸‬

Ғ ᰴቫ࣊‫˟ڤ‬᜶ᜂ๒ܱࢽ݀Ӵࡐ ‫ڎ‬ЯԈ‫׸‬Ի‫Ͱ˗ښ‬


ቫ ࣊‫ڤ‬Ӵͯ ‫ښ‬ᤰηവጸᮗ۫ ‫ڎ‬ЯԈ‫׸‬Ц‫ܬ‬ʷࠀᄊ ԧ ࡙఻͘ǍᎪፏࡏ௧ྭᐏᎪᄊηৌᤰ᥋ ˟᜶ႀїܸ ࡊኮїᮊТ᪄੿షᄊቊᆡ

Ψᤉ̀ྭᐏᎪᄊԧ࡙ ͮ௧ ‫ښ‬ សᮗ۫˗Κཀྵߛ‫ښ‬ԧ࡙ᄊၫ

ྭᐏᎪᄊҒ᤭ ௧А௚ᄊ ͮ௧ ᥋᡹௧జઉᄊ

ᮙǍᆶ͈வ᭧ ႀ̆͜ਖ٨ ᄊመዝ͕ܳ ࡊኮடʹ࣊‫ڤ‬ ॢܸ ͮ௧‫ܳॢښ‬ጺѬᮗ۫ ˗ ˀ Ц ‫ ܬ‬᜻ വ ͖ ҹ ‫ ڂ‬൥ ੇ వʾଊᄊቇᫎᣗ࠶ǍгᏨ ͜ ਖ٨వᢶᭊ᜶ቊᆡెந ੿షnjၷ

ྭ੿ష኎ʷጇѵ̔Ԣߦሙ ᤈ˷௧ᄬ Ғ͜ਖ ٨˗ᄊʷ˔ᘙीဗᓬǍ

ᤂ ᖹ‫ં׸‬଍ ࣲ థ ெ ˗‫ڎ‬ႃηࣃ଎ѣ̀ Лု ᯫ˔ /# *P5 ‫ݓ‬ᯀ థ ெॴ‫ڎ‬ႃη˷଎ѣ̀ ХНՃ ྭᐏᎪ‫ݓ‬ᯀǍࣱԼࡏ௧ྭᐏᎪ̗ˊᩗ˗ᣗ˞᧘ ᜶ᄊʷ ဗ ‫ܱڎ‬ᡑ൦ᣗொ ͮႀ̆ྭᐏᎪጺѬᮗ۫ᣗ ܳ ‫ ڎ‬Я˷๙ဘѣ̀ʷ੻Цద̽᛫ভᄊ͍ˊ ੈ̓ᝣ ˞សᮗ ۫ᄬҒ̯దॢܸቇᫎǍ‫ݠ‬౧࠲Ғʼࡏ᜽˞ྭᐏ Ꭺᄊ۳ ᆩ఩Ҭ ऄၹࡏѷ௧۳̆ᤈ˨ʽ̗ၷѣᄊʷጇ ѵழ‫ˊ ׸‬വर ᄬҒᤇ‫ښܫ‬ᖰᔏ᫽ ߛ‫͘఻ܳॢښ‬Ǎ ஡ቦ౏ູὉ ,SὉྭᐏᎪᛡˊᆑቃઑշúúྭᐏᎪͻ˞ ࣲҒଢѣᄊഐঐ˞͵ဘ‫ښ‬੦ྐԧ὎

̡ࢺఅᑟܸ֗஝૶ᄊԧ࡙ሮए˷҄͘ጞྭᐏᎪᄊ ԧ࡙ ྭᐏᎪᝍхᄊ௧᝺‫ܬ‬ᐏᎪᄊ᫈ᮥ ᤰ᣿᝺‫ܬ‬ᄊ ᐏᎪ Իࠄဘࠫ᝺‫ܬ‬ᄊೝ฾֗଍҄ ‫ښ‬ᤈ˔᣿ሮ˗̗ၷ ᄊ஝ ૶͘ੇ˞ྭᐏᎪᄊ಩ॷǍ̡ࢺఅᑟܸ֗஝૶ᄊ ੿షੇ ྀᑟ˞஝૶ᠲᑟ Ύ஝૶˞̗ၷԻԫဘᄊ͉ϙ ̰Ꮻ ΨᤉྭᐏᎪ੿షᄊԧ࡙Ǎ ेྭᐏᎪܸ᜻വ˞͍ˊࣜ౏஍ᄞ ྭᐏᎪᄊ߷Л ᫈ᮥ ࠲ੇ˞ʷ˔˟᜶᫈ᮥǍʺྭᄱᤌ௑̽ᄊ᝺‫ܬ‬ᤌଌ ᧚֗ ஝૶᧚ᦐ࠲᣺҂Ғਫ਼ళదᄊᰴए ͜ፒᄊᎪፏ߷ Л᫹ ८ˀᑟ᜸ᄦ‫ݠ‬൥ऋܸᄊᤌଌǍᬔ൥˨ܱ ̈఩Ҭ ˗ᄊ үগᘿલӑኮေவरnjूܸᄊᝠካˁߛϲᑟҧ ˷࠲ ፌဘద߷Лኮေʹጇࣜ౏ࢽܸфѤǍ ፬ʽ ྭᐏᎪ‫ښ‬ˀՏᄊԧ࡙᫽඀͘దˀՏᄊ᫈ᮥ ͮੈ̓ᝣ˞ ᛡˊ˗ᄊၫᮙ˷࠲ੇ˞ྭᐏᎪ͍ˊழᄊ ‫఻ ׸‬Ǎ

ྭᐏᎪ௧̉ᐏᎪᄊܱण ̉ᐏᎪ௧ᤰ᣿˔̡ႃᑨnjረ

ྭᐏᎪᄊӢ̣ ᤌଌ᧚ ࠲͘ϴ ၷѣʾʷ˔ࢽ ௄᭜͍ˊ

үጼቫ኎᝺‫̡࠲ܬ‬ᐏᎪ ॎ ੇᄊʷመЛழᄊ̡ˁ̡ᄊ ᤌ ଌவरǍᏫྭᐏᎪ௧ᤰ᣿͜ ਖ٨njᤰηവጸ֗అᑟ ᔇྟ ΎྭʹᐏᎪǍ̡ዝඈʷ൓ᤌଌ வरᄊஈԫ ᦐ͘ ϴၷѣʷ੻ࢽ ௄᭜‫ی‬ᄊ͍ˊ ‫ښ‬஝ӡ̣ᤌଌ᧚ᄊឦ


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

3D Printing to Provide New Impetus for China’s Postal Service

% ੪ӿ˞˗‫ڎ‬ᥫ஋ԧ࡙ଢΙழүҧ % ੪ӿ‫ښ‬ഐঐथവnjԔ‫ی‬฾តnj ஝ߚ҄ᤵவ᭧ᄊቊѣ͖ҹԣᘔ ᘩᄊࢽܸ໸ҧἻ˞͜ፒᛡˊଢ Ὶழᄊԧ࡙үҧἻ‫˔ܳښ‬ᛡ ˊnjᮗ۫ࣃੇҪԩ४̀ᇨᔵভ ऄၹ஍౧Ǎ % ੪ӿ‫ښ‬ᥫ஋ᮗ۫˞ሙ੿ᆑԧnj ࢺᓨ᝺ᝠnjࢺሮࠄஷ˷ଢῚదҧ੿ షஃ୞Ǎ

ऄၹ ˗‫ڎ‬ᥫ஋ሙߦᆑቃ᜻ѳᬓࠫ % ੪ӿᄊ੿షԔေnjੇ‫ࢺی‬ᓨ኎ᤉᛡ̀ ງКᆑቃἻࣳોඋΓ੪ӿጸᜉ߹ੇᥫ ͈‫ܫ‬ေ˗ॷѬ઴ጇፒവ‫ی‬Ǎ ੇҪᰎ᝽̀Ѿၹ % ੪ӿ఻҄ͻ ᥫ஋᝺‫ܬ‬njֶ̗֗ྭืጇፒവ‫ی‬ᄊద

ᬌͰੇవἻ % ੪ӿᄊፃเভ֗ᰴ஍ভ ࠿˞ѡ௭Ǎ

ࣲ థἻ‫˸ࣞ˟ࠒڎ‬ᤃࣱ ‫͘࢏ ( ښ‬ԧ᛫ᮥ˞ǒѹழ‫ܙ‬᫂᡹य़

஍ভǍѾၹ % ੪ӿᄊࠄʹ෢ᄨവ‫ی‬


С̚ԧ࡙ੇ౧Ǔᄊᝯភ˗ଢ҂Ὁþ %







஍‫ڡ‬ᤉᛡ෤ᤰὊፇՌ % ੪ӿ֗ᘿલ

ʾӭ҂ஆ᠎ᭊ᜶ᒰ࠶ ˔థᄊ௑ᫎἻ

ᭊරǍÿԻ̿ᮕ᜹ % ੪ӿˣᒰட˔





% ੪ӿἻ̩ၹˀ҂ ࠵௑ࡃ҄ͻ߹ੇ




ጻ኎ࢺͻ˗Ἳ‫ک‬ԻώҰ % ੪ӿവ‫ی‬ ᄰ᜺࡙ᇨǍ ཀྵᏫἻ % ੪ӿ‫ښ‬ᥫ஋ᄊऄၹࣳˀ ࡍᬍ̆൥Ǎ






ᤈ̏ˀ̩௧ % ੪ӿˁᥫ஋ሙᆑ

ҬᎪፏἻదᑟҧथቡᡑ۳̆ % ੪ӿ

ᮗ۫ᄊ੿షᇌୣἻ̃ࠄʽἻ % ੪ӿ൤



% ੪ӿ࣊‫ڤ‬ᄊੱܸnj % ੪ӿ఩Ҭ‫׸‬


ᄊ‫֗ܳܙ‬ட˔ % ੪ӿΙऄᩗᄊԧ࡙Ἳ

ᥫ஋అᑟྭื᝺‫(" ݠܬ‬7nj௄̡఻nj



ᬤᅌ੿షᤉ൦Ἳᤠၹ % ੪ӿᄊ



ె ந ˀ ல ˘ ࠝἻ ̿ ৼ ௿nj ̎ ᯱ ᤦ ֗

ᤵ੿షˀՏἻ % ੪ӿˀ̩˞̗ˊӤጟ


4USBUBTZT ˞̽᛫ᄊНՃ଎ѣᄊܳ࠱ื


ᄊҫࢺ҄ᤵࢺᓨἻͮώҰ % ੪ӿԻ

ཽᚸnjረү % ੪ӿܸ֗᜻വᬷᏆӑ



੪ӿ኎੿షἻ‫ښ‬ˀˤᄊళ౏Ἳ % ੪ӿ




ႃᑨnjʷԼ % ੪ӿ఻ἻࡃԻ̿ጸੇ

% ੪ӿᑟܵᣐ౛҄ᤵѣЦద‫ాܭ‬

ͻ˞ʷመЏᤉ҄ᤵ੿ష੤඀Ἳ %







‫ֶ̗ښ‬ᆑԧ˗ἻώҰ % ੪ӿᑟ








ηৌ౏ູ ˗‫ڎ‬ᥫ஋ઑ

% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

NIST Uses Customized Metal 3D Print AMMT to Develop Monitoring and Metering Tool

/*45 ၹࠀ҄ % ੪ӿ఻ "..5 नԧ᧛࡛ % ੪ӿᄣ฾֗ᝠ᧚ࢺЦ ᤃெἻᎿ‫׸ڎ‬Ҭᦊ௃ʾᄊ‫ࠒڎ‬ಖю֗੿షᆑቃਫ਼ἷ/*45Ἰ

ద̀ᤈ̏ηৌἻᆑቃ̡ր੦ᑟᅼ᥋̤˦ನᄊ͜ਖ٨ᑟᝨ %

҄ᤵѣʷԼࠀ҄ % ੪ӿ఻ἻՐ˞þ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵᝠ᧚฾តࣱԼ



न‫͜࠲ݽ‬ਖ٨֗ᄣ฾ጇፒጪК % ੪ӿ఻Ǎੈ̓˷࣏మવద

࡛ % ੪ӿ᣿ሮἻ̰Ꮻࠫសࢺᓨᤉᛡງए֗ࠄ௑ᆑቃǍ


ᤈᮊᆑቃదమϴၷழᄊ᧛࡛ % ੪ӿᄣ฾֗ᝠ᧚ࢺЦἻ



"..5 ᄊࢺͻԔေˁ͜ፒᄊ᧛࡛ % ੪ӿ఻ʷನἻᤈԼ

% ੪ӿ͈ᄊʷ̏੪ӿࡏ˗ፃ࣢͘ѣဘॲ࠵ᄊߘᬩἻᤈ͘࠮




ᝍхᤈ˔᫈ᮥἻ/*45 ᆑቃ̡րᭊ᜶ஆᬷదТ᧛࡛ % ੪ӿ᣿

"..5 ᄊ੪ӿ᣿ሮԻ̿ࠄ௑ξஈἻ௧߹ЛनஊᄊǍ༏Аᄊᤴ


ए֗ҪဋԻ̿଍҄‫ ښ‬L)[Ἳ˷ࡃ௧ឭඈ ॲሚʷ൓ǍᤈನἻ ᆑቃ̡րᑟ४҂ʷ˔ఞˑಫᄊnj੪ӿ᣿ሮவ᭧ᄊԦᯠ॰ဗἻ ̰Ꮻຍം‫̀ڡ‬ᝍԧၷ̤̀˦̿ԣ‫͵ݠ‬ஈᤉǍ ᄬҒἻ"..5 ᑟཽᚸʼመ࣢᜹᧛࡛ዠఴúú᧻njᨔᩆ Ռ᧛֗᪞Ռ᧛Ǎ᧛࡛ % ੪ӿ˗ᄊܸܳ஝᫈ᮥԧၷ‫ښښ‬ዠఴ ཽӑ᫽඀Ἳ‫ڂ‬൥ /*45 ‫ڄ‬᫳хࠀድᆸ฾᧚ѣཽᚸ᧛࡛ᄊພएǍ త‫ݞ‬ᄊ฾᧚வข௧฾᧚̰þཽ෉ÿ˗Ԧ࠱ѣᄊАᄊভ᠏Ǎᤈ ̏Аᄊᮨᓤಪ૶๯ʹ᧛࡛ᄊພएᏫԫӑἻᖍ४ᤈ̏ฉ᫂ᄊ̝ एηৌదҰ̆ᆸࠀྭʹ‫ ښ‬% ੪ӿ௑ᄊພएԫӑǍ ૶ᆑቃ̡րឭἻᑟଢΙᤈ̏ພएԫӑᄊ͜ਖ٨͘ᝨܸܳ ஝ % ੪ӿ఻ၹਗ਼વదᡜܵᄊηৌ౏͖ӑ̵̓ᄊ੪ӿ᣿ሮǍ þੈ̓ᄊతጼᄬᄊ௧ᖍ४ʷ˔Л᭧ᄊ᛫᭧ພए‫ڏ‬Ἳÿᆑቃ̡ ր᛫ᇨǍᄬҒἻ̵̓൤‫ښ‬Ύၹʷመࣜదʷ˔ྲ൴๗ᓤࣀᤩ᪫ ᄊᄱ఻౏฾᧚ʷ̏ᣗ᫂ฉ᫂ᄊ̝एǍ˞̀฾᧚ఞᆁᄊฉ᫂Ἳ ˷ԁ௧ఞᰴພएἻᆑቃ̡ր࠲ᭊ᜶ˀՏᄊចலவขǍ


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

3D Printing Market Could Reach $Trillion

% ੪ӿੋᤁ౏ʺ̣࣊‫ڤ‬ ᄱࠫ̆͜ፒెநᄊԝᬔ ѭҐ ҫࢺ੿షἻ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵ௧᧔ၹెநᤪຒ ግҫᄊவข҄ᤵࠄʹᭆ͈ᄊ੿షἻ௧ ʷመ ᒭʾᏫʽ ᄊ҄ᤵவขἻ ʼ፥ ੪ӿ %1SJOUJOH ࡃ௧ᤈመ੿షᄊ᧘ ᜶ʹဘǍ ૶˗‫ڎ‬ႃߕηৌ̗ˊԧ࡙ᆑቃᬓ ᬓ᫂ဍ᳁̮ፁἻͻ˞ழʷᣃࢺˊ᭩֑ ᄊ᧘᜶ಖঃ˨ʷἻ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵˁηৌᎪ ፏ੿షງएᚸՌἻˁЏᤉెந੿షnj ஝ߚ҄ͻ੿షᄊࠛѭፇՌἻᄬҒࣃፃ ̰ᆑԧᣁՔ̗̀ˊӑऄၹǍ ᄬҒἻ‫ښ‬஋ኖ଎ү ʾἻੈ‫ࣃڎ‬ፃथੇ̀ᣗ ˞߹ؓᄊ̗ˊʹጇἻॎ ੇ̀ʷ੻ऄၹᇨᔵ˗ॷ

黄钦清及工业和信息化部长苗薇 出席杭州国际博览中心开幕式

̗֗ˊӑᄊ۳‫ڡ‬Ǎ ౓ࢷЏ˚ʼ፥ሙ੿ ᐧ͋దᬍНՃࡃ௧‫ښ‬ᤈ






വతܸᄊ % ੪ӿ͍ˊ



% ੪ӿ఻Ǎ

ࠒ̿ % ੪ӿ˞˟ˊᄊ ʽ࣊НՃǍ


ࠫ̆࣊‫ڤ‬ҒఀἻ᳧ ᠋ຍЍ໘ηॷǍ Ғї


ܹѸᯫᮻᄊ $ Ἳ᧗᭧ࡃదʷ̏ᭆ


͈௧ % ੪ӿᄊ ᤇదӜБԧ࣋̀ %

ᄊ આКᆑԧἻॎੇ̀ʷ˔උᣗ

੪ӿᡫ᭯Ǎဘ‫ښ‬ᤇద % ੪ӿᄊྥᴑnj

နЦnjവЦၵᒰဩࠃᯫᯏǍ ‫̵ښ‬ᄺ౏Ἳ ళ౏‫ښ‬ӞႥᮗ۫Ἳ‫ݠ‬٨߾҄ᤵவ᭧Ἳ % ੪ӿᦐԻᑟࠄဘǍ ဘ‫ ښ‬% ੪ӿ ࣃፃႀഐঐ௿ԣἻᤪຒ᣿ບ҂ࠄᬅऄ ၹ᫽඀Ǎᤈ˔̗ˊళ౏Իᑟᤁ౏ʺ̣ ࣊‫ڤ‬Ǎ ૶ˊЯ̡‫̮ܣ‬ፁἻ᧛࡛‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵ ௧ᛡˊతᰴቫ֗తܸ࣊‫ڤ‬ἻӴட˔ᮗ ̗۫ϙ ̿ʽἻᤈ˔ᮗ۫˷ʷᄰ௧ ੈ‫ڎ‬ᄊᆁ౜Ǎ ᧧ድՌ༏Аሙ੿ԧ࡙ Ӓ̛ ద ᬍНՃੰᛡᗉ̃ౄࣹၷᝣ˞Ἳ % ੪ӿ ࣳˀ௧ ᭩͜ፒࢺᓨᄊ֑ἻᏫ௧̡ࠫ ᝺ᝠন፥ᄊԫ᭩Ǎ ӡʼ̋ రᫎἻੈ ̓᜶̰᝺ᝠູ݀ஈԫ͜ፒࢺᓨࠫ᝺ᝠ নਇᄊౌᎈǍழᄊ҄ᤵ੿ష޾ଌ҂౽ ʷ˔ᛡˊʽἻ˷᝵ࡃ͘មၷʷ˔ழᄊ НՃ ޾ଌ҂౽ʷ˔ֶ̗ʽἻԻᑟࡃ ̗͘ၷʷ˔ழ̃ˊᦊੋழ̗ˊǍ ηৌ౏ູ ̡ඟ஋өᎪ


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

High Performance Ink Materials in 3D Printing Made Good Progress in Research

% ੪ӿᰴভᑟ‫ܛ‬ඵెநᆑቃᖍᤉ࡙ ˗‫ڎ‬ሙߦᬓРࢷӑߦྭေᆑቃਫ਼‫ʹڍ‬๧໏‫᧘ࠒڎ‬གࠄ ᰎࠉ᛫ႍ᭧ᆑቃ‫ڄ‬᫳‫ ښ‬% ੪ӿᰴভᑟ‫ܛ‬ඵెநவ᭧ԩ४ ᤉ࡙Ǎ̵̓ԧ࡙̀ % ੪ӿᰴভᑟᐑᦴ̎ᑝАஐಞᑠἻХ ͖पᄊ፬ՌভᑟΎᰴድएnjᰴᏭབྷভnjᰴूए‫ాܭ‬ፇ౞ᭆ ᦊ͈֗఻౞ᄊᄰଌ % ঌᤴੇ‫҄ی‬ᤵੇ˞ԻᑟǍ % ੪ӿ੿షἷሦ‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵἸἻ௧ʷመঌᤴ҄ᤵЦదྲ ൴‫ాܭ‬ፇ౞ᄊЏᤉੇ‫੿ی‬షǍХ˗ἻА‫ڍ‬ӑ % ੪ӿἷ‫ݠ‬ 4-"nj%-1 ኎Ἰ‫ڂ‬੪ӿድएᰴnj੪ӿྭʹ᛫᭧᠏᧚‫ݞ‬Ἳ‫ښ‬ ҄ᤵॎ࿄ྲѿ‫ాܭ‬ἷ‫ݠ‬ቇॷἸ֗ྲѿድጺἷ‫ࢺݠ‬ᓨֶnjᯫ ᯏ኎Ἰᄊᭆᦊ͈வ᭧‫ܬک‬Ԫ‫ڎ‬Яܱ % ੪ӿˊТฌǍཀྵᏫἻ ᄬҒၹ̆А‫ڍ‬ӑ % ੪ӿᄊಞᑠెந˟᜶˞ˉམᦻᑠጇੋ ဗතಞᑠጇ኎ెநἻΎၹសዝಞᑠెந੪ӿᄊੇ‫ښߛ͈ی‬ ఻೚ूएࣀnjᏭᰴພভࣀnj௜ծຳᒟᐺԣᏭӑߦሷࠀভˀ Έ኎ᎥགἻܸܳԶᑟ‫ ښ‬ए̿ʾဗ‫˗ܒ‬ΎၹἻ‫ڂ‬൥Хऄ ၹ˟᜶ࡍᬍ‫ښ‬വ‫ی‬njನ͈֗᝺ᝠᰎ᝽ԣᓨషֶ̗҄ͻἻᏫ ᬲ̿ቊᆡᭆᦊ͈ᄰଌ҄ᤵᄊၫᮙ᫈ᮥǍ‫ڂ‬൥Ἳԧ࡙ᰴভᑟ % ੪ӿ‫ܛ‬ඵెநἻ̰Ꮻ໘ᡜ‫ුښ‬ᢼnjᓈቇᓈܹnjႃߕ኎፬ Ռভᑟ᜶රᣗᰴᮗ۫ᤉᛡࠄᬅऄၹἻࣃੇ˞‫ڎ‬Яܱ % ੪

图 1:DLP 3D 打印聚酰亚胺滤油器网塞及 300oC/3h 高温烘烤实验

ӿᮗ۫᭧˚ᄊ᧘᜶્੍֗ᆑቃ᧘ག˨ʷǍ ᐑᦴ̎ᑝͻ˞ʷመྲመࢺሮెநἻЦద͖पᄊ఻೚ভ





ພ኎፬ՌভᑟА‫ڍ‬ӑ % ੪ӿᐑᦴ̎ᑝ‫ܛ‬ඵἷ4PMWFOU 'SFF

༏А኎ᮗ۫Ǎඓ௄Ⴁ᫈Ἳԧ࡙ᰴভᑟ % ੪ӿᐑᦴ̎ᑝ‫ܛ‬



$IFN " %0* $ 5" "ἸǍស % ੪ӿᐑᦴ


̎ᑝెநဝၕӑᣁԫພएܸ̆ P$Ἳ‫ ښ‬P$ ཌኸ‫ܫ‬ေ



௧ԧ࡙໘ᡜА‫ڍ‬ӑ % ੪ӿ‫ܛ‬ඵ௄໅Ҏ኎ྲ൴᜶රᄊТ᪄Ǎ

ूए ‫ ڏ‬Ἳឭ௚ХЦద͖पᄊᰴພሷࠀভᑟἻԻ‫ښ‬ᣗᰴ ພएʾ᫂రΎၹǍѾၹសಞᑠెந ੪ӿ҄‫ܬ‬ᄊ‫ాܭ‬ፇ౞఻೚ᭆᦊ͈֗ വ‫ ڏ ی‬Ἳదమ‫ښ‬ᓈቇᓈܹnjු ᢼ҄ᤵԣॲႃߕᮗ۫४҂ԧ࡙֗ऄ ၹἻ˞ % ੪ӿЏᤉ҄ᤵ੿ష‫ښ‬ᄱ Тᮗ۫ᄊᰴድएnjᰴᏭབྷভnjᰴू एᄊ‫ాܭ‬ፇ౞ᭆ͈֗఻౞ᄊᄰଌঌ ᤴੇ‫҄ی‬ᤵଢῚழᄊ఻᥅Ǎ ស ࢺ ͻ ४ ҂ ̀ ˗ ሙ ᬓþ ᜵ ᦊ ˨ Аÿ ֗ Р ࢷ ӑ ྭ ਫ਼þ ྲ ᐐ ̡ ੦ ᝠ ѳÿnj ၳ ᐗ ᄵ ᒭ ཀྵ ሙ ߦ ۳ ᧛ 3+;" ֗ၳᐗ௿ᩩྲሙ੿ దᬍНՃᄊஃેǍ

图 2:DLP 3D 打印聚酰亚胺耐高温零部件 ( 轴承、齿轮、变速箱盖等 )/ 模型及成型件表面形貌


ηৌ౏ູὉ˗‫ڎ‬ሙߦᬓРࢷӑߦྭေ ᆑቃਫ਼

% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

3D Printed Biological Yeast Accelerator Better Produce Alcohol, Drugs

% ੪ӿᦸඇၷྭԦऄ٨ᑟఞ‫ݞ‬ ‫ڡ‬ၷ̗ᦥድnjᕲྭ ૶ઑ᥋ἻΎၹʷԼᝡ҄ᄊ % ੪



̀ ᤈ መ ඵ і ᑛ ె ந úú


ἴᄊඵ֗ ἴᄊnj




ᤇ҄ᤵ̀ʷԼ࿘ྲᄊ %



૶ǒፃเߦ̡ǓឭἻ/FMTPO Ӱ‫ܣ‬

ెநᜂ % ੪ӿੇʷࡏࡏᘙᘙ


ᄊಫߕ࿄Ἳతጼᄊፇ౞௧ʷ˔ DN


ᄊቡவʹǍᬤՑἻጌܱА͘࠲ᤈመඵ іᑛፇ౞‫ڍ‬ӑǍཀྵՑἻᆑቃ


థ᣿ԝ̀Ἳ߲Κཀྵ‫ښ‬ၷ̗˳ᧁἻࣳ˅ ෥దϣൣᄊᤜ៶Ǎᙊཀྵ /FMTPO Ӱ‫֗ܣ‬ ̵ᄊ‫ڄ‬᫳ᤇˀᆸࠀ௧̤˦‫ڂ‬ጉ࠮ᒱ̀ ᤈመᤌ፞ԧᦸဘ៶Ἳ̵ͮ̓ឭඵіᑛ

ੇవᄊӑߦֶ֗ʷԼ % ੪

̡ր࠲ᤈ̏ % ੪ӿቡவʹ







% ੪ӿ‫ܛ‬ඵ

ǒፃเߦ̡Ǔក᝷ឭἻ‫ݠ‬౧ᤈመ வขԻ̿ࢺˊӑἻᤌ፞ԧᦸԻᑟ͘ԩ



᪄ ‫ ̆ ښ‬ʷ ˔ %


੪ӿඵіᑛಫߕ ፇ ౞Ǎ/FMTPO Ӱ

̭ܹ̽ᄊ੻᧚‫ܫ‬ေவขἻࣳ˅࠲ࣜ౏ ᝵͖ܳҹǍ

ᦸඇᄊ % ੪ӿၷྭԦऄ٨

ဘ‫ښ‬Ἳ/FMTPO Ӱ‫ܣ‬ԣХ‫ڄ‬᫳࠲˄





௑ ᫎǍ ᣽ ̭Ἳ ‫˔ پ‬


The first HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printer Resides in QingDiao

ᯫԼৼ௿ܳ࠱ืཽᚸ % ੪ӿ఻ᗀਗ਼᭟ࡴ ᤃெἻᯫԼৼ௿ܳ࠱ืཽᚸ % ੪ӿ఻ᗀਗ਼᭟ࡴᰴழ ˗‫ ڎ‬% ੪ӿѹழ˗ॷǍᤈಖঃᅌৼ௿ % ੪ӿѹழ˗ॷ ൤रթү̀ˁ௄ᬍʼ፥ሙ੿̗ˊᬷ‫ڄ‬ᄊງࡏՌͻǍ ৼ௿̆ ࣲ థᤉК˗‫ ڎ‬% ੪ӿ࣊‫ڤ‬Ἳˀ̩ळ ᡑ̀ᓈቇᓈܹnjුᢼԣᭆᦊ͈njᜉ‫҄ܬ‬ᤵnjӞႥ኎ᛡˊၹ ਗ਼ᄊᰴएТฌἻ˷ࠫ % ੪ӿᛡˊᤵੇ̀фѤǍ ૶৙Ἳ‫ښ‬᭟ࡴ࣊஋ऊ֗᭟ࡴᰴழӝᄊஃેʾἻ˗‫ڎ‬ % ੪ӿ੿ష̗ˊᐏᄪဋЏ‫ښ‬᭟ࡴथቡ̀˗‫ڎ‬తܸἻ˅̿ % ੪ӿþሙߦ௿ԣnjᇨᔵ଎ࣹnjҫࢺ఩Ҭnjஔᐲ۲ᝫnj ‫ښ‬ጳ‫ۢ׸‬njѹࠇ߭ӑÿ˞˟ʹᄊ˗‫ ڎ‬% ੪ӿѹழ˗ॷǍ ൥൓ৼ௿ܳ࠱ืཽᚸ % ੪ӿ఻ဋЏᗀਗ਼᭟ࡴˀ̩᛫ ௚̀ৼ௿ࠫ௄ᬍʼ፥ሙ੿̗ˊᬷ‫ڄ‬ᄊᰴएᝣԻἻ˷ʹဘ̀ ৼ௿ࠫ % ੪ӿˁ᭟ࡴ̗ˊፇՌᄊηॷǍ


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

America First Lady Receiving 3D Printed Red High-Heeled Shoe in Poland

Ꮏ‫ڎ‬ኄʷ̡ܻ‫ښ‬ฉР ᖍᡃ % ੪ӿጚᓤᰴᡲ᭯ ᤃరἻᎿ‫ڎ‬঴ፒ‫ס‬ጪॴeྲభ௿୆ኄʷ̡ܻ೏ઢࡉ̎eྲభ௿᝻᫈ฉРӨ෢Ἳ͘᜹ ̀ฉРኄʷ̡ܻᬁҫ‫܉‬eሙে៸၍ొ᣺Ǎːͯኄʷ̡ܻʷᡑ઱᝻̀ฉРతܸᄊሙߦ˗ॷ ‫׎‬ᄇࡉሙߦ˗ॷǍ‫ښ‬ᥧ᧗ἻːՐ‫ߧݙ‬Ք‫̓ݝ‬ᡃ᤟̀ᒭࣂ҄ͻᄊጢঐֶǍ೏ઢࡉ̎ᖍ४ ̀ʷ˔࠵ࢼᄊ % ੪ӿጚᓤᰴᡲ᭯Ἳˁ‫ݝ‬ᄊ %FMQP[P ᤌᛨᜑ᭤࣢ᄱᦡǍ ᔵন‫ښז‬తழጇѵ˗᧔ၹ % ੪ӿ ਓܸѾ௑࠻НՃᔵন‫࡙ז‬ᇨ̀ᒭࣂᄊతழ఩ᜉጇѵἻХ˗᧔ၹ̀ၹ % ੪ӿ఻न ԧᄊᦊ͈Ǎ૶ឭᤈ̏ሗ р᝺ᝠ̽᛫ᅌᔵন‫ ࠫז‬% ੪ӿᄊᯫ൓࠽តǍ తᤃἻΩᎭளНՃ 4IBSF$MPUI नԧѣʷ൜ "11Ἳᝨ % ੪ӿఞࠔ௜டՌ҂௑ ࠻˗Ǎ % ੪ӿവ‫ی‬ः .Z.JOJ'BDUPSZ ၹਗ਼ +PO $MFBWFS ˞ԁ୧ѣᄊᎿ‫ڎ‬үႇྟǒ၌ Б֗ᖆᗔἷ3JDL BOE .PSUZἸǓᄊᝈᓤ 1JDLMF 3JDL ᝺ᝠ̀ʷ˔ % ੪ӿവ‫ی‬Ǎ

3D 打印美国动 画片《瑞克和莫 蒂》中的角色 范思哲在最新系列中采用 3D 打印


Pickle Rick

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

% ੪ӿˇႍ

3DMATE Design Increases the Accuracy of 3D Pen

%NBUF ᝺ᝠۙଢᰴ % ੪ӿ ቸѹͻᄊድюᆸए

‫ܱڎ‬๗ৌઑ᥋Ἳࢺሮ࣎ ,B[ #JHVT ԧဘ̀ʷ

መழᄊ᝺ᝠᝍхவವἻԻ̿ଢᰴ % ੪ӿቸࢺ ᓨᄊድए֗юᆸएǍ %NBUF ௧ʷመ᭩֑ভᄊ

᝺ᝠۙἻࣜ౏̀ʷ˔‫ूܙ‬ᄊ᝺ᝠʹᰎἻᑟ˞ၹਗ਼ଢΙఞ ܳᄊሷࠀভ֗ѹᤵ༧ำভǍ ᤈመࣜదѢയᄊᤩ௚ܸۙ࠵ Y ᔮࠪἻፇՌ̀ ᑟЪࠔՊመࡇࠪᄊ۳వї͵‫ڏ‬ॎǍ % ቸၹਗ਼ᭊ᜶Ϣᄊ ࡃ௧‫ښ‬Ѣയ˗ႇἻ ᤈ̏യ࠲ҫབྷᄊጳెδે‫ͯेᤠښ‬ᎶἻ ࣳ˅ᑟ᫹ൣᏗజǍ #JHVT ᆑቃ̀᝵ܳ % ੪ӿቸᄊၹਗ਼ក᝷Ἳԧဘ᝵ ̡ܳકমᤈመ२੤ႇᄊ᣿ሮ᭤࣢ᬲἻឭॢᬲࠄဘድᆸᄊ ѹͻἻద௑ϋᬔ̀ᑋ˽ᄊ๕Რܱಪవႇˀѣ͊͵ˌ᜵Ǎ ᙊཀྵᇫ̔Ꭺባʽద᝵ܳ৳̡ᄊͻֶἻͮ௿ᤰ̡ၵᒰॢᬲ ႇѣʷ˔ϸನᄊቡவʹǍ %NBUF ࠲ᝨѹͻ᣿ሮԫ४ఞҫదਓ˧Ǎ߲Ꮽᰴ ພἷ ᰴ ᣺ c $ἸἻ ˀ ዥἻ ᤠ ၹ ̆ ᄬ Ғ ࣊ ‫ ڤ‬ʽ ਫ਼ దዝ‫ی‬ᄊጳె֗ % ቸǍ#JHVT ࣃፃ˞߲ԧᡑ̀ʷ‫ڤ‬ ,JDLTUBSUFS ͕ኢἻ߲࠲‫ښ‬ᤃరʽ࣊Ǎ



% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

3D Printing Industry Technology is Expected to Accomplish Breakthroughs in large-scale Production

% ੪ӿ̗ˊᮠᖍ੿షቊ ᆡܸ᜻വၷ̗దమࠄဘ % ੪ӿ੿షᥓԪᄊత ˟᜶ᄊ᠏Ⴁ˨ʷ ௧աЦద ܸ᜻വၷ̗ᄊᑟҧǍᬤᅌ੿ షᄊᤉ൦Ἳ % ੪ӿ᧚̗ᬲ ᮥࣃፃѣဘ̀ᆡтᄊᤜ៶Ἳ Хܸ᜻വၷ̗ˀг௧ᥑᤊᄊ ೕਇἻࣳదమˁѓె҄ᤵѬ ऑઈᇪǍ ម ၷ ʼ ӡ ͸ ࣲ ౏Ἳ % ੪ӿ੿ష˞҄ᤵˊˀல‫݋‬࿹ ᅌழᄊ৳‫؞‬ἻՏ௑˷ʷᄰᥓ ԪᅌՊመ᠏ႡἻХ˗త˟᜶ ᄊ᠏Ⴁ˨ʷ௧ % ੪ӿ௧ա Ц ద ܸ ᜻ വ ၷ ̗ ᄊ ᑟ ҧǍ ࣲ௑ἻᤈመႡᘽᤇ௧ ˊ ႍ ᜺ ག ᄊ ˟ ืὉ උ Ѿ ௑ % ੪ ӿ Н Ճ .BUFSJMJTF ੰ ᛡҞ঴ᜇ %S JS #BSU 7BO EFS 4DIVFSFO ᝣ ˞ ‫ ҄ ె ܙ‬ᤵ ௧ Ԫᬍ҄ᄊἻᤇ෥ద҂᣺ܸ᜻ വၷ̗ᄊ‫ڡ‬൦ὊӒ̛ᓈቇ҄ᤵࢺሮᆑ

࠲ʷመՐ˞ $PTZGMFY ᄊጰጻֶ % ੪

൥ܱἻሙߦࠒ‫ ښ‬% ੪ӿెநᮗ





ᐑ Ռ ྭ ֗ ጰ ጻ ጜ ፥ ҄ ᤵ ጰ ጻ ֶἻ ᣐ


᫽඀Ἳ % ੪ӿ௧‫ښ‬౽̏ྲࠀৱцʾΎ

౛ ࠄ ဘ ᝡ ҄ ӑἻ ᑟ ࣲ ̗ ʺ ͈Ǎ

ܸߦᄊ੿ష̡րΎၹ༏А % ੪ӿ҄


ࣲ̭ థἻᬁᤔ᣺ள֗ % ੪ӿНՃ


$BSCPO ᐏՌᆑԧþᤌ፞๯ʹႍ᭧ၷ̗ÿ






ʹ‫ڍ‬ӑἻཀྵՑἻ % ੪ӿ఻͘࠲ֶ̗ઢ





ᄊྈԔ˨ҹǍ % ੪ӿᄊܸ᜻വၷ̗ੋ

షᄊ᧚̗ᄊᬁᤔ᣺ள % ੪ӿ᭯࠲‫ښ‬




ᤵ % ᆃ‫ܛ‬མจ෭ἻԻ̿ࣟҰ҄ᤵѣ

ཀྵ ᏫἻ ᆁ ᆁ ࣲ ˨ ᫎἻ % ੪ ӿ

ᝍх % ੪ӿ᧚̗ᬲᮥᄊவขܳ

ᤇదᄊ͍ˊ‫ ښ‬% ੪ӿ᝺‫ܬ‬ʽʾ

መ ܳ ನἻ ద ᄊ ‫ ڄ‬᫳ ᤥ હ ̰ ஈ ᤉ ၷ ̗


ࣱ Լ К ੤Ǎ ࣲἻ ᕳ Р ᆑ ቃ ఻ ౞

ԧ࣋̀ .PEFM 0OF តၹ‫ ی‬% ੪ӿ఻Ἳ

5/0 Н࣋̀ᒭࣂ۳̆‫҄ెܙ‬ᤵᄊಁভ

࠲ၹܸ̆੻᧚ % ੪ӿܳመ‫ܭ‬Ռెந

࠲ҫঌ % ੪ӿ੿షᄊЛ᭧ᗀ‫ڡ‬Ǎࡓ௑Ἳ


Ҫᑟ͈Ǎ.PEFM 0OF ᝺‫᧔ܬ‬ၹ۳̆‫ܭ‬

% ੪ӿ࠲ˀгԶ௧͜ፒѓె҄ᤵᄊࣟ




ʽᦐ௧ࠀ҄ᄊἻՏ௑ % ੪ӿᤴएඋ

̿උဘ‫ښ‬ঌ φᄊᤴएၷ̗Ҫᑟ͈Ǎ


͜ፒᄊ࿘ቡ % ੪ӿጇፒঌ̀ φǍ


ॹ࠲‫ ڂ‬% ੪ӿܸ᜻വၷ̗௑̽ᄊ҂




ࢺ ᓨǍ ࣲἻ ᔮ ‫ ڎ‬5BNJDBSF Н Ճ



ࢺˊ᧚ᄊᆃ‫ܛ‬མἻ੪ᆡ̀ᄬҒᆃ‫ܛ‬མ ᧚ᤵᄊ‫ࡍڈ‬Ǎ % ੪ӿ᧚̗ᬲᮥᄊᤪ൦உБ௄Ⴁ

ηৌ౏ູ % ᘺ

% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

Carnegie University Flexible 3D Printing Robot Can Be Used for Rescue Mission

ӵЯ۳೏ᬠܸߦԻͩ ᎖ % ੪ӿ఻٨̡ၹ ̆ଽ஑͊Ҭ

Roboze Enters into Hello Tomorrow


þˇႍ ࠒతѹழᄊງሙ੿ѹˊНՃÿ తᤃἻਓܸѾ % ੪ӿ఻҄ᤵ‫ ׸‬3PCP[F దࣴК‫ࣅڊ‬ ᳪ᭤ᖹѾ఻౞ )FMMP 5PNPSSPX ˡҩᄊѹˊ્੍ᠿᄊþˇ ႍ ࠒతѹழᄊѹˊНՃÿǍ3PCP[F 0OF % ੪ӿ఻̰ ܳ˔Ԡᠿᮊᄬ˗ᜂᤥ̀ѣ౏Ǎ 3PCP[F ᜂʷ˔ႀ౏ᒭ (PPHMF 9njዛХ౤njቇࠇnj ൗᖈᬶ֗ጊ࠷፥኎НՃᄊ̡ጸੇᄊកࠆ‫ڄ‬ᝣࠀ˞ ࠒ ద Ғ ᤭ ᄊ ѹ ˊ Н Ճ ˨ ʷǍ3PCP[F ̿ Х 3PCP[F 0OF ֗ 3PCP[F 0OF % ੪ӿ఻ᗃሦǍː൜఻٨ᦐ௧ ''' ዝ ‫ی‬Ἳ ᑟ ੪ ӿ ӡ መ ˀ Տ ᄊ ె நἻ ӊ ઺ 1&&,njᐑᇏᦻᦳ֗ ࡉ ᴝ Ǎ''' ੿ ష



Њ ᝵ ၹ ਗ਼ ੪ ӿþ ᰴ

Ꮻˀᑟिజ֗ੵజǍͮతᤃἻώҰ % ੪ӿԔ‫ی‬Ἳ





᠜४ܳᄊ % ੪ӿ఻


ʽǍ ဘ ‫ښ‬Ἳ ᤈ ᮊ ੿ þ‫ښ‬᝺ᝠԻ࡙नᄊፇ౞௑Ἳͩ ᎖఻҄ॢదၹǍᤈ̏ፇ౞Ի̿ஆ҂

షࣃፃ४҂Лˇႍ ᄊТฌǍ


3PCP[F ᝍ ᧖


ឭἻ1&&, ֗ 1&* ௧


ᡔጟᐑՌྭἻ‫ ښ‬%

'%. % ੪ ӿ ఻ ᜂ ၹ ౏ ҄ ᤵ

੪ ӿ ˗Ἳ ߲ ̓ ఞ ϸ




நἻ ࣳ ˅ ࠄ ᬅ ʽ Ի




త ጼ Ύ ၹ ᦊ ͈Ǎ త

࿄Ǎᆑቃ̡րᝣ˞Ἳ‫ښ‬ఞ‫ݞ‬ᄊ % ੪ӿ᝺‫ܬ‬ᄊࣟҰʾἻᤈ

ᤃἻ3PCP[F ၹ‫܈‬ந % ੪ӿѣᰴूएᦊ͈ἻཀྵՑፌ߲̓




Roboze One + 400 3D 打印机

ဘ‫ښ‬Ἳ3PCP[F 0OF % ੪ӿ఻ࣃፃ߷ᜉ‫پښ‬


ܸฯʽǍᒭᤈ൜੪ӿ఻଎ѣ̿౏Ἳ3PCP[F ࣃፃ‫ܙ‬᫂̀


ἴǍ(& Л ု ᆑ ቃnj ቇ ࠇnj&MCJU 4ZTUFNTnj.FDBFS


"WJBUJPO (SPVQ ᤈ̏ᛡˊᮗ࠮͍ˊ˷ࠫᤈ൜఻٨ᡂ԰ˀ




)FMMP 5PNPSSPX ੇቡ̆ ࣲἻ௉‫ࣟښ‬Ұþງሙ੿ÿ


ѹˊНՃǍ ࠒతЦѹழভᄊНՃႀѬѿ౏ᒭ ˔ᛡ


ˊᄊҒ ࠒНՃጸੇǍ

ᄊ‫ړ‬ಏʹ˗࡙ͩѣ౏ ԝᝏ҂֗ᡕ᣿ᬪᆾྭǍ



% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

Taiwan Industrial Academy 3D Printed Skin to Use in Testing Make-up and Drug

Լາࢺˊᬓ % ੪ӿ˗‫̡ڎ‬ᄕᐩἻ ၹ̆ӑ‫ֶݣ‬njᕲֶ฾ត ૶̀ᝍἻԼາࢺˊ੿షᆑቃᬓἷ*53*Ἰᄊᆑቃ̡րၹ % ੪ӿ҄ᤵѣ˗‫̡ڎ‬ᄕᐩǍᤈመՌੇᄕᐩੋԻᜂၹ౏฾ត ӑ‫ֶݣ‬njᕲྭ֗ӞႥ᝺‫ܬ‬Ǎ *53* ᄊ Ϥ क ˁ ༏ А ᦊ ᫃ ᄊ ᆑ ቃ ̡ ր Ռ ͻ न ԧ ѣ &1*53*úúʷመሷࠀ֗ᰴ᠏᧚ᄊ̡ᤵ᛫ᄕጸጻἻԻၹ̆ӑ ‫ֶݣ‬฾តǍ*53* ̮ፁឭἻ̵̓҄ᤵѣ൤ᆸᄊ᛫ᄕጸጻἻ̿ ԣࡏˁࡏ˨ᫎᄊѬӑἻӊ઺۳अࡏnj೤ࡏnjᮤዢࡏ֗ᝈ᠏ ࡏǍᤈመ % ੪ӿᄕᐩ˷ЦదᄾࠄᄊࡖᬪҪᑟ֗ᑠ᠏ੇѬǍ ᆑቃ̡րࣃፃតၷ̗̀ʷ੻ᤈನᄊᄕᐩἻХ˗ጞ ἴᤠၹ ̆฾តǍ

*53* ឭἻ̵̓Ύၹʷመᰴድएᄊ % ੪ӿ੿షἻԻ̿ ‫ ښ‬c $ ᄊພएʾ੪ӿ͌ၷᄕᐩǍᄱऄᄊ % ੪ӿ఻దʼ ˔੪ӿ݀Ἳ‫ښ‬੪ӿ᣿ሮ˗ἻԻ̿ᝨᄕᐩþܳನӑÿǍ˞̀ ᆸδጺᑊߛำἻᭊˑಫ଍҄੪ӿ఻ᄊພएǍ *53* ༏А˗ॷᄊʷՐࢺሮ࣎᛫ᇨἻ‫& ښ‬1*53* ᮊᄬ˗Ἳ ̵̓ᦊ᫃ኄʷ൓࠲ % ੪ӿၹ̆Ϥक֗ӞႥᄬᄊǍ۳̆ᤈ ᮊᆑቃἻ*53* ੪ካፙ፞ଊጊ % ੪ӿ‫ښ‬ጸጻࢺሮnjгၷӞ ߦ֗҄ᕲᮗ۫ᄊழԻᑟǍ ࣲ̭ொ̏௑ϋἻ ˗‫ͬڎ‬ᗰᬷ‫ ˷ڄ‬% ੪ӿѣ̎ฯ̡ᄕᐩἻ ̿฾តӑ‫ֶݣ‬Ἳܹࢺᇫࠫ൥ᤉᛡ᣿ઑ᥋Ǎ


ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

% ੪ӿˇႍ

3D Metal Printing to Reach $120 Billion in 2018

ࣲ᧛࡛ % ੪ӿ࣊‫ڤ‬ᮕᝠ͉ ϙ ̣ᎿЋ తᤃἻᆑቃፇ౞ *%5FDI&Y ԧ࣋̀ʷ͋࣊‫ڤ‬ᡖҹ ѬౢઑշἻᮕ฾ឭ % ੪ӿ᧛࡛࣊‫ښ࠲ڤ‬ళ౏ӡࣲЯ ࠄဘ௭ᗃ‫ܙ‬᫂Ǎ҂ ࣲἻស࣊‫ڤ‬ᮕᝠ࠲͉ϙ ̣ᎿЋἻઑշଢ҂̀ &04nj$PODFQU -BTFSnj"SDBN ኎ ܳࠒНՃǍ

ᄬҒἻᄰଌ᧛࡛༏Аདྷፇ௧ʷᮊ˟࠮ভᄊ᧛࡛ % ੪ӿ੿షἻ࣊‫ڤ‬Ӵదဋ˞ ἴἻͮᤈመ࿄цԻᑟ ˀ͘ે፞ܺˤǍ๯গ᧛࡛ොሥnj᧛࡛ ᐑՌྭጳె૘ ѣ֗ႃ᪔ᮕᝠ࠲᫂రӴ૶ܸ᧚ᄊ࣊‫͋ڤ‬ᮩǍ ಪ ૶ ស ઑ շἻ ї ᮊ Т ᪄ ᄊ ዠ ఴ ࣾ ཽ ᚸ ˄ Ѿ ‫ښ‬ ࣲ҂రἻᤈԻᑟ͘࠮ᒱ੪ӿ఻ᄊ͉ಫʾᬌǍፇ Ռᤰ᣿ܳ˔ܸ‫ی‬ஆ᠔ࠄဘᄊ࣊‫ڤ‬டՌἻʷѭͫ˫᛫௚ % ੪ӿ੿ష൤‫ښ‬௭ᇨѣੇྀᄊᤜ៶Ǎ ‫ࣲ ښ‬ἻїࠒНՃ ଎ѣ̀ழᄊ੪ӿ఻੿ షἻ ద మ Б ఩ ʷ ̏ ဘదᄊ᧔ၹᬪᆾἻ ழ੿షࣜ౏̀ఞ Ͱᄊ੪ӿ఻͉ ಫnjఞঌᄊ੪ӿ ᤴएnjఞΧࠂᄊ ెந኎Ǎଢᰴၷ ̗᧚֗ድእၷ̗ ᣿ሮ࠲ܸ​ܸ଎ү࣊ ‫ࠫڤ‬੪ӿ఻֗ెநᄊ ᭊරᄊ‫ܙ‬᫂Ǎ


% ੪ӿˇႍ

ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

Belgium Plans to Build Full 3D-Printed Houses Within Three Years

උѾ௑ᝠѳ ࣲЯथੇЛ % ੪ӿ੝ࡔ % ੪ӿ੿షѹᤵ ࿘ྲ౶౞֗ఞࠄৼᄊ НСͱ੝ᝍхவವᄊ ໸ ҧ ᡕ ౏ ᡕ ௚ ௭Ǎ ᆑ ቃ̡րnjНС᜻ѳᏨnj नԧ̡րᦐ࣏మѾၹ % ੪ ӿ ԣ Х % ੪ ӿ ੿షఞ‫ݞ‬ᄊ౏थᤵ੝ ࡔǍ త ழ ᄊ Γ ߕ ௧ ‫ښ‬ උ Ѿ ௑Ἳ ሓ ᖹ ͍ ˊἻ ᇫ͘ጸጻܸ֗ߦ˨ᫎ ࣃ᣺ੇՌͻ̿࠭රΨ ᤉ % ੪ӿ‫ښ‬ͺРॴள थ ና ᛡ ˊ ᄊ ட ՌǍ ស ᮊᄬᄊʷ˔Т᪄ᄬಖ ௧‫ࣲ ښ‬Яथੇʷऐ ߹Л % ੪ӿᄊ੝ࡔǍ ൗฯͫ˫‫ښ‬Ύၹ % ੪ӿஈԫथናྭᄊ வर̿ԣ౶౞౞ਇੋ ਖᅼவ᭧‫̆ܫ‬ᮗЏ‫ͯڡ‬Ǎ˨Ғੈ̓ఢ



ઑ࠮̀ॴግளᮐࢺˊܸߦἷ 5FDIOJDBM


ஃે˗ॷǍ,BNQ $ ௧Ѿၹ߷ྲӼ௿




ভࢺͻἻХΎၹ $PO1SJOU % ጇፒ‫ښ‬

ѹ Н Ճ 6SCBO % ត ‫ ڏ‬Ѿ ၹ % ੪ ӿ

ʺൗЋᄊழөͻर % ੪ӿᮊᄬन࡙

% ੪ӿຉі‫ژ‬ᄊᆑቃவ᭧ԩ४̀᧘ܸ



ᤉ࡙Ǎ൥ܱἻᤇద˝᳡֗ข‫ڎ‬ᄊ %


੪ӿथናᮊᄬἻ߲̓࠲ᒱҧ̆नԧЛ ழᄊᝍхவವ֗੿షथᤵவขǍ

ழᄊ % ੪ӿ۳ᆩ᝺ஷ࠲߷ᜉ‫ښ‬ 8FTUFSMP ͯ ̆ උ Ѿ ௑ ߷ ྲ Ӽ ௿


ᄵἻ௧ ,BNQ $ ѹழ˗ॷᄊਫ਼‫ڡښ‬Ἳ

ᤵԔ‫ی‬Ἳ % ੪ӿ఻˷࠲‫ښ‬ᮊᄬፇౌ ௑ՔН͕֗‫ˊ׸‬ႍनஊǍ 7BO 3PFZ ᄊ੍႕֗ˊҬԧ࡙঴ ᄣ (FFSU 7FSBDIUFSU ᝣ ˞Ἳ % ੪ ӿ ࠲ΎथናఞҫࠄৼǍ % ੪ӿᓬᄵె நἻᑟູ๗Ᏺ֗ੇవˀԻ଍ᄊ๎ᠠǍ ૶৙ἻඋѾ௑ኄʷ˔߹Л % ੪ӿ੝ ࡔᄊ ࣲᄬಖႀ 1FUFS 1BVM WBO EFO #FSH ᝺ᝠǍ ૶৙ἻඋѾ௑ ࣲЯथੇʷऐ߹ Л % ੪ӿᄊ੝ࡔᮊᄬᄊՌͻ͗ͧӊ ઺Ὁಪྲܸߦἷ(IFOU 6OJWFSTJUZἸnj 5IPNBT .PSF 6OJWFSTJUZ $PMMFHFnj थ ና Н Ճ #FOFFOTnj थ ና ֧ វ Н Ճ 5SJBT "SDIJUFDUFOǍ ηৌ౏ູ % ᘺ


ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

% ੪ӿˇႍ



ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

Rely on Personalized Service to Open the Consumer Market

Κ᭥˔ভӑ఩Ҭ੪ न๗ᠠᏨᄊ࣊‫ڤ‬ ‫ښ‬Ꮏ‫ڎ‬ਫ਼ᮕ฾ᄊþஈԫళ౏ᄊӡܸ੿షÿ˗Ὂ þ˔ ভࠀ҄ÿᜂଆ‫̀ښ‬ᯫͯὊద̡ఢᮕ฾Ὂࠀ҄఩ Ҭ࠲ੇ˞ՊᛡˊతЦదॖ‫־‬ҧᄊ‫ˊ׸‬വरǍ ᤈመѼலˀ௧ቇቂ౏᮳ὊᏫ௧ູᒭ̆๗ᠠᏨᄊ ԫӑᡖҹὊ˷౏ູ̆े̭̉ᐏᎪᄊԧ࡙ဘࠄǍ Γ‫ݠ‬὘‫ࠒښ‬ᜉᛡˊὊட˔ࠒᜉႍᦐԻ̿Ϣ҂Л ࡔࠀ҄Ǎࠀ҄໽௧ʷ൓‫ܭ‬Ա໽̀Ὂᙊཀྵവरॎ Տ᣿ԝὊͮࠄᬅʽԂ௧ၹਗ਼ᄊᭊරଢӤ̀Ὂ˷ ࡃ௧ឭὊဘ‫ښ‬ᄊࠀ҄௧Ὂֶ̗Ὁ˔ভӑǍ ‫ࠒښ‬ᜉ᧗Ὂᦐద‫̏ד‬ᰴጟᄊࠀ҄ᮊᄬքὝ

ʷnjᯱᠿБၬႇ Џ᝺ᝠѣட‫ݓ‬ᔉᓤᄊ‫ڏ‬ವἻᤈመ᝺ᝠˀ̩௧۳̆ʷ‫ڱ‬ၬᆒᄊᔉ ᓤἻᏫ௧̿ʷட˔ቇᫎ˞þႇ౜ÿἻඈ‫ڱ‬ၬᆒᄊᔉᓤԶ௧டʹᄊʷ ˔ЋጉἻਫ਼దၬᆒૃ᠛ՑἻ࡙͘ဘʷ‫ݓ‬டʹᄊႇ᭧Ἳࡃϸʷࣨႇʷ ನǍᤈመ᝺ᝠԻ̿ಪ૶ቇᫎᄊܸ࠵ូடၬᆒ஝᧚Ἳˀ᣿ၬᆒ᝺ᝠ᧗ ᯱᠿБࡐܳǍ

̄njࠀ҄‫ܛإ‬ ોིၹਗ਼ᒭࣂଢΙᄊ‫ڏ‬ವನर౏᝺ᝠၬᆒἻᙊཀྵՏನ௧ࠀ҄Ἳ ֗᝺ᝠ෥దܸܳᄊТጇἻԦᏫੇ˞̀ࢺԈᄊܸͻˊǍဘ‫ښ‬ᄊ੿షԻ ̿ࠄဘ࠲ᰴຍ‫ྟڏ‬ᤉᛡ‫ܛإ‬Ἳᤈదᅌᰴएᄊࠀ҄ভἻࢺԈ͘Զ˞Ϳ ʷ˔̡҄ͻᤈ˔‫ڏ‬ವἻˀ᣿ᦐ௧ၹ̆ႃ᜽ᑀఀ‫ܗੋܗ‬᭧ᜉᯏႇᄊǍ

ʼnj‫ڏ‬ವૃᔉ ᝺ᝠ‫ݞ‬ၹਗ਼᜶රᄊᔉጯἻંՊመˀՏᄊၬᆒѭҟੇᄱऄᄊᔉጯ ᤉᛡૃᔉἻˀՏె᠏ᄊၬᆒૃ᠛ᡑ౏Аปए௧ˀՏᄊἻૃଌՑ̗͘ ၷ᜽ᝀʽᄊຒࡏǍᤈመவरᭊ᜶ѭҟܸ᧚ၬᆒἻ‫ݠ‬౧े‫ڡ‬෥ద᠎̀Ἳ ᤇ௧ၹ̰ࢺԈԧ᠎Ἳͮ௧ੇవᏲᠠౝᰴǍᤈመඵѨѭࢺᓨ˷ӊեХ ˗ἻሯॲᓬᄵੇవἻͮ˷࡛̆ᰴቫࠀ҄ᄊᔵ႙Ǎ



ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

‫پ‬njၬᓨႇ ᤰ᣿‫ܸښ‬౜ʽၹႃᑨ‫إ‬ӿ੿షnjདྷཐࢺᓨἻ࠲ᓨషࠒԔѹͻ ֶੋၹਗ਼ᒭࣂᄊᄱྟၹྲ҄᧕‫إܛ‬ӿ‫ ښ‬11 ౜ʽἻፃདྷཐᏫੇἻЦ దԔѹͻֶੋᄱྟՏ኎᜽ᝀᓨష஍౧ἻᄬҒᤈመၬᓨႇ‫ښ‬ᗜ‫ޛ‬ˠ ᕻၷ̗ᣗܳἻ஍౧ϸ‫ס‬య௑రၬ᭧ʽᄊ᧕ႇǍ



Ιᄊˀ̩௧ၬᆒἻఞ௧ࠀ҄ਖἻˀ̩໘ᡜ̀ၹਗ਼ᄊ˔ভӑᭊ රἻ˷໘ᡜ̵̀̓ᄊᘿᕦॷǍᙊཀྵࠀ҄ॢᎿ‫ݞ‬Ἳͮ௧͉ᨑ˷ ˀ௧௿ᤰ๗ᠠᏨᑟ੾ԪᄊǍ

̞ඟӑ ‫׬‬Ցᄊᔉನ఩ҬἻᑟᝨࠀ҄ఞ᠛ᤃၷำǍ


ᬔ̀֗ *1 ՌͻἻֶྡ‫ښ‬ଢΙࠀ҄఩Ҭ௑ἻԻ̿ఞܳᄊ

þࠀ҄ÿ੪नᄊ௧ᥧ ̡ᄊᨑӊǍࠫ̆Գܱᄊ ᄊ௿





ࠀ҄ӑ఩Ҭࡃ௧ፌၹਗ਼ଢΙఞܳᄊ఩ҬἻᝨၹਗ਼‫ښ‬Ύၹ ֶ̗௑ਖԪ҂ࠀ҄ᄊҧ᧚Ǎ



֗ *1 ՌͻἻ࠲þᰴшÿᣁ૱ੇþ̞ѭÿᯫЏἻ͍ˊԻ


̿֗ᅼՐᄊ *1 ᤉᛡՌͻἻ*1 ̡ྭᦐదʷመ݉ྲᄊ̞ѭਖἻ


ᤰ࣢ᑟࣜ౏ܸ᧚ᄊዠˍǍ֗ *1 Ռͻඋᣗࠔ௜ॖ‫ࠀྲ־‬ၹਗ਼Ἳ


ࣜү఩ҬþࣱඟӑÿǍ తᤃἻ0'0 ӭᢼࡃᖍ४̀࠵᳧̡ᄊ *1 ૿ిἻ଎ѣ̀࠵ ᳧̡ྠӭᢼǍᤈ࠲͘௧ 0'0 ʷ൓᭤࣢ੇҪᄊᖹᩙವΓǍ

҂ఞҫᤠՌܸ͕ᄊவरԝ଎ࣹἻࡍᬍ̆ᰴቫ๗ᠠᏨԝᤉᛡࠀ ҄Ἳ þᤈࡣమᅌᥧࡣᰴÿἻˀϢᗀቇᄊ᝺ਇǍ ͻ˞ҩНᏲెᄊ࠵͕ᛡˊἻ‫ेښ‬Ғழʷᣃᄊԫ᭩˗‫͵ݠ‬

0'0 ˞̤˦͘ᤥ˗࠵᳧̡ք὎૶ѬౢἻ࠵᳧̡ᄊԪ͕

੽҂ᒭࣂᄊࠀͯἻϸࠒᜉᛡˊߦ˸ἻϢ‫ ݞ‬ᄊࠇਗ਼˔ভ

᭤࣢ࣹἻ࡛ܸ͕࡛̆ভᄊ *1 ॎ៶Ἳʽ҂ࣹ‫ڤ‬ᓂᬁ‫ފ‬Ἳʾ҂






ʷᐧᒭથབྷ໽Ǎ ‫* ښ‬1 ᄊᤥહʽἻᯫЏ̀ᝍ *1 ᄊԪ͕ᏆʹἻХ൓੽҂ᒭ ࣂᄊֶྡᄊᆁ౜Ἳᤉᛡԩ᫂ᛪᆁᄊू​ूᐏՌǍ ၬᆒᛡˊन઩‫ڎ‬ᬅӑ࣊‫ࣃڤ‬ፃ௧ܸҹਫ਼ᡖἻ‫ڎ‬Яᄊ੝‫ڡ‬ ̗ᤪຒᩚጋἻళ౏ᄊᩙ‫͋׬‬ᮩܸᦊѬ࠲౏ᒭѣ԰᧚Ǎ‫ښ‬ᤉК ‫ڤܱ࣊ڎ‬௑Ἳ֗ *1 Ռͻ௧ʷ˔ॢ‫ݞ‬ᄊவरἻώႀ *1 ᒭᢶᄊ ॖ‫־‬ҧἻੱܸᒭࣂֶྡᄊ࣊‫ڤ‬ᅼՐएǍ ‫ښ‬ՌͻʽἻԻ԰Ի˭֗຤੆᱒Ыˇႍካ௧ᏥವΓ̀ ̵ ̓ᄊՌͻ۳ᆩ‫̆ښ‬దԥவᄊၹਗ਼Ꮖʹᦐ᭤࣢ܸἻ‫ֶ̗ښ‬ʽ̉ ᄱࠈ͜௄ႡԻ̿ᡑ҂ੱܸԥவֶྡॖ‫־‬ҧᄊͻၹǍ ழ଎ѣՌͻ൜ॢࠔ௜ᤵੇ̗ᑟ᣿ҜἻ࠿Х௧ϸႃ᜽қᤈ መ࣊‫ڤ‬௑஍ᣗᆁᄊ *1Ǎ͍ˊ‫ښ‬଎ࣹ௑ἻԻ̿ᤥહᝡ᠔ੋᏨ‫ڄ‬



ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

Printing Business Transformation: Huangzhou Xing Cheng Begins to Print Labels for Taobao, Using Richo Pro C9100

ӿ͍ᣁ‫ی‬ᤉᛡ௑ᾋ౓ࢷ௡௾૆ʾஃ̷ࠃಖ ኤӿ҅ἻေА 1SP $ ҪˀԻ෥ἰ ஌̃ᤇ᜶̰౓ࢷे‫ڡ‬ʷࠒᗃՐᄊӿҬНՃឭᡑǍ౓ࢷ௡

̮᠏ᤠऄভΈἻIPME ͱ 17$ ˀࣰᑛ੪ӿ


ေА 1SP $ Џᤉᄊ‫ܛ‬ዠᣁӿ੿షˁతழᄊुভᣁ


ӿࣜ੿షἻဘ‫ࠄڤ‬฾ԻͰᒰ एᄊͰພࠀॖἻδ᝽̀


17$ ˀࣰᑛ੪̮᠏Ӭᡕᄊ੪ӿ஍౧Ǎ


Ꮻ 1SP $ ࿘దᄊጮस๯গшԂጇፒᄰଌͯ̆ࠀॖӭ


Ћ˨ՑἻଢӤ 17$ ˀࣰᑛᄊшԂ஍౧Ἳˀ௜ѣဘѣဘӵ



ፒἻᄰ҂ ࣲʽ๒Лӿ࡙ʽଌᝏ҂ေА 1SP $ Ἳ˨Ց ̆ԝࣲ థnjࣲ̭ థՊ᧔᠔̀ʷԼေА 1SP $ Ἳႀ ൥न‫̀ݽ‬ጚጚ༢༢ᄊԻԫ஝૶ಖኤӿ҅ˊҬǍ ӿ᣿˔ভӑᄊ᫹͢ᤝແಖኤnj˷န᣿˔ভᖹᩙᄊᔉನἻ ‫ݠ‬౧ឭᤈ̏ᦐ௧࠵ਓনἻᥧ˦̭ܹ᜶Քܸࠒ̮ፁᄊ᧘ᇔऄၹ Χ௧úúஃ̷ࠃಖኤǍ

ᰴಖюᄊþ஝૶ÿˀ௧ឺᦐԻ̿ӿ ஃ̷ࠃಖኤ௧ૉ‫ࠒ׸‬स᠛‫ښ‬इᩔЦదஃ̷ࠃ᜽ᝀគѿἻ ܸᦊѬ௧ࣜద̄፥ᆊΙܸࠒੳᆊᄊˀࣰᑛ᠛ጮἻᭊ᜶ӿ҅ᄊ ྭநѬːመἻʷመ௧ඈ˔‫ࠒ׸‬ፒʷᄊ᜽ᝀគѿጇፒἻႀ͜ፒ ӿ҅߹ੇἻԳʷመ௧Իԫ஝૶‫౎ݠ‬ॎᆊnj̄፥ᆊᄊӿ҄Ἳᭊ ᜶ႀ஝ᆊӿ҅߹ੇἻ‫ॹࠒ׸‬ᮌЪЦ͜ፒӿ҅֗஝ᆊӿ҅ᑟҧἻ гᏨἻ᜶ᆸδᤈ̏ᆊድю˅ԻᤝແἻʷ౎ጳ౎njʷ˔གӿ҅ ద᫈ᮥࡃ௧þࣀ˨ඓԑἻܿ˨Ӣ᧗ÿἻʷࠒʷᆊἻӿᩲᄊՑ

̃ࠄʽἻᬔ̀ˀࣰᑛᤈመ̮᠏Ἳ1SP $ ᤇԻ̿੪ӿ


HTN HTN ᄊ௿ᤰጮnjጯေጮnj๕ࡏጮἻԻԥ᭧੪


ӿ NN ᄊࣹշ౎ࣨἻၵᒰԻ̿‫ښ‬᪫᭧ጮnjᇓভ᠛nj

஝૶߷Л௧Т᪄ֶ̗఩Ҭ௧ಪవ ஃ̷ࠃᄊ̄፥ᆊ᫂ᄱᦺͫἻྲѿ௧Х˗ᄊቇᆊἷ‫ࠒ׸‬ళ


ᰴ੾ᣒҧnjᰴሷࠀভἻ ࠵௑ԣ௑̷̔


ႀ̆ஃ̷ࠃˊҬ᧚ᄊሷࠀʽӤἻेҒ௡௾ஃ̷ࠃ 17$ ˀ




࢏௑రӭԼ 1SP $ ᄊӿ҅᧚Ի᣺ ʺӿǍ



ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

ᰴѬᣲဋἻᆊʽຍఁ ေА 1SP $ తᰴ EQJ ᄊౕѣ‫ڏ‬ϸֶ᠏Ἳ ௄᝷௧౎ॎᆊᤇ௧̄፥ᆊ኎г࠵ᄊጳ౎֗ጺᓬᦐ ᑟຍఁ᛫ဘǍ

ᓤࣹ۫njᓤ॑ኮေΈἻ߹Ꮏᣥѣþஃ ̷ࠃᗰÿ

ေА 1SP $ Лழࢺᓨᄊࠕᓤ۫ᇏዠˁሷࠀᄊ ᓤ॑᛫ဘἻᣙҰ̿˄ˊᓤ॑ኮေጇፒ $(4 03*4 ᄊ˄ᓤവલ੿షἻ௡௾˄ˊ‫ڄ‬᫳ࠄဘ̀þஃ̷ࠃᗰÿ ‫ښ‬ˀՏ੻൓ᫎᄊӿֶ҅nj‫͜ښ‬ፒˁ஝ᆊӿ҅ˀՏ ᄊࢺᓨ˗४̿ሷࠀᄊnjԻ᧘‫ܭ‬ᄊ߹Ꮏ͜᤬Ǎ

ᬔ൥˨ܱἻੇྀᄊՑ᥋‫ܫ‬ေᑟҧἻ ˷௧౓ࢷ௡௾૆ʾஃ̷ࠃܸӭᄊॹ ᜶౎͈Ὁ ˀ࠶ӿ͍આᠫ஝ᆊӿ҅ᄊᄬಖѺᛲ௧઩࡙˔ভ ӑˊҬἻˁԔదˊҬద఻ፇՌἻᒱҧ˞ጼቫၹਗ਼ଢΙ ʷባरӿ҅ᝍхவವǍᏫ᜶Ϣ҂͜ፒˁ஝ᆊᰴ஍ᚸՌ ᤈʷགἻ˄ˊ‫ ڄ‬᫳ˁ˄ˊ஝ᆊ᝺‫ܬ‬ᎥʷˀԻǍաѷ ࠲ϣ႑‫ښ‬ᛪӭnj੪ನ኎۳వऄၹἻ࠲ܸ​ܸᬌͰ͍̀ˊ ᄊઆᠫ‫ڀ‬ઑἻၵᒰஈԫӿ͍ᄊԧ࡙ᗰ‫ڏ‬Ǎ ౓ࢷ௡௾‫͜ښ‬ፒˁ஝ߚӿ҅ˊҬʽຉՌࢺͻᄊ ဋЏ࠽តࠄဘ̀༧ำᄊnjᰴ஍ᄊၷ̗வरˁ̷̔ևర Ύ४Х‫ښ‬ஃ̷ࠃӿֶˊҬᄊቤ̂˗ᑲᮣᏫѣǍᬤᅌረ ү̉ᐏᎪ੿షˁ͜ፒӿ҅੿షᄊᚸՌἻϸ̄፥ᆊᤈመ Իԫ஝૶ӿ҅࠲᧖ஊఞܸ໸ҧἻᏫေА࠲௧০хᑈᗰ ๒ᄊԻ᭥͗ͧἰ ౏ູὉေА˗‫ڎ‬


ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

Fuji Xerox (China) to Accelerate the Transformation of Digital Printing Business

ࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ ˗‫ ڎ‬ҫᤴ஝ߚӿ҅ˊҬᣁ‫ی‬ ᤃࣲ౏Ἳ̉ᐏᎪፃเնဘѣྐԧरᄊԧ࡙গҹἻᤉᏫ








ᯫЏἻࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭̿ӜᦡˀՏᄊӿ҅ऄၹˁˊҬǍ᧫ࠫ ࣊‫ڤ‬ἻଢΙˀՏᄊ᝺‫ܬ‬ԝᦡՌ̵̓ᄊˊҬἻඋ‫ݠ‬Ὁదᳬᄇᄊnj ॑ᓤᄊnj˗ᤴएᄊnjᰴᤴၷ̗‫ی‬ᄊnjᇏዠ੿షᄊἻᤇద‫ܛإ‬ ᄊ኎኎Ǎ Х൓Ἳࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ਫ਼ТฌᄊࣳˀԶ௧᝺‫ܬ‬ἻఞТฌᝍх வವ֗఩ҬǍ ˞໘ᡜࠇਗ਼ˀᫎலᄊၷ̗ᭊරἻࣟҰࠇਗ਼̗ၷతܸӑ ᄊઆᠫ‫ڀ‬ઑἻࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ѹथ̀࿘దᄊၷ̗‫ی‬ᤊሮ఩ҬവरἻ ᤰ᣿̉ᐏᎪࠫࠇਗ਼᝺‫ܬ‬ᤉᛡᤊሮᄣ଍Ἳ ᥅҂᫈ᮥ͘ଢҒᮕ᝝Ἳ ‫ښ‬᝺‫ܬ‬ѣဘ஌ᬪ̿ҒἻࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ࡃ͘ึࢺሮ࣎ࣜᅌᄱऄᄊᭆ ᦊ͈҂ࠇਗ਼‫ܫ‬Ἳ ̰Ꮻᆸδ᝺‫ܬ‬ˀ͘‫ڂ‬஌ᬪ߼఻ॖ‫ࠇ־‬ਗ਼ˊҬἻ Лவͯδ᝽ࠇਗ਼ᄊ᝺‫ܣࠝښܬ‬ஷ˭੿షࢺሮ࣎ᄊᄣᅖʾϤक ᤩ௚‫ڡ‬ᤂᛡǍ ࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭߹ؓᄊᝍхவವˁ఩ҬἻతТ᪄ᄊː˔ߚࡃ ௧þ͉ϙÿǍ ᯫЏ‫̆ښ‬ଢӤ͍ˊᄊၷ̗ᑟҧἻ̿Ғ̵̓Զᑟᣥѣྲ ࠀዝѿֶ̗Ἳᤰ᣿Ύၹࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ᄊழ᝺‫ܬ‬Ἳ̵̓ΧԻ̿ᣥѣ

దఞ‫ݞ‬ᄊࠇਗ਼ʹᰎἻଢӤၹਗ਼ࠫ఩Ҭ͍֗ˊᄊইបएǍᤈ௧ ࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ፌட˔͉ϙᩗࣜ౏ᄊ͉ϙǍ ࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ἷ˗‫ڎ‬Ἰࣲ̭଎ѣᄊ԰Ղ௧þԝஈԫἻ੦͘ԫÿἻ ूូᣁ‫ی‬ἻΎࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ἷ˗‫ڎ‬Ἰ̰᝺‫ܬ‬Ιऄ‫׸‬ՔଢΙᝍхவ ವˁ఩Ҭᣁ‫ی‬Ἳࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭˷Ϗ࠮ӿ͍҅ˊ‫ښ‬ঌᤴԧ࡙ᄊ࣊‫ڤ‬ ဗ‫ܒ‬ʾ˟үරԫǍࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭᭤࣢ਝਓˁࠇਗ਼ଊᝧˊҬ੍႕֗ ᣁ‫ی‬Ἳेཀྵࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ଢΙᄊʷ̏᝺‫ܬ‬njऄၹᦐ௧ܸᄊவՔἻ ࠫඈʷ˔ӿ͍҅ˊ౏ᝯἻᦐॹᮌ᜶ોིဘ‫ښ‬ᒭᢶᄊ౎͈njࠇ ਗ਼ᠫູᤇదళ౏ԧ࡙வՔἻԝ҄ࠀᒭࣂᄊ੍႕Ǎ۳̆ࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ ˭ᄊေঐ֗࣊‫ͯࠀڤ‬Ἳ࣏మࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭Ի̿ੇ˞ʷ˔తϙ४ࠇ ਗ਼ηᠻᄊˊҬ͗ͧἻࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭˷࠲‫ݽ‬ጼሖ੾þࠇਗ਼ᒰʽÿᄊ ፃᖹ߽௉Ἳࣳ˅ˑಫ‫߶ڲ‬᠏᧚ኮေʹጇǍ þӿᮗҒᛡ۫᜹᭤јÿ௧ $IJOB1SJOU ࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ᄊ Ԡ࡙˟ᮥἻ гʷ൓ूូࠝ‫ܣ‬ஷ˭ҫᤴˊҬᣁ‫ی‬ᄊগएˁхॷἻ Ϗ࠮ࠇਗ਼ʷᡑஈԫ઩࡙ழˊҬᮗ۫Ἳ СՏ଎үᛡˊҫᤴԧ࡙Ἳ ࠄဘӿ͍҅ˊ֗ӿ͍҅ˊࠇਗ਼ᄊСՏԧ࡙Ǎ















ࣲ థ ঴ኄ ర

Leading Color, Together to Create Future - CET Group Road Trips, XiAng Station

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China Sourci



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Chinese Export Commodities Fair 2017






1NjNj2NjNj3NjNj4NjNj5NjNj6NjNj7NjNj8NjNj9Nj 10Nj 11Nj 12Nj 13Nj 14Nj COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2017

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Middle East 2017

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World of Digital Print Expo

ReChina Expo 2017

Central Asia office 2017

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Paperworld China 2017





12Nj 13Nj 14Nj 15Nj 16Nj 17Nj 18Nj 19Nj 20Nj 21Nj 22Nj 23Nj 24Nj 25Nj 26Nj 27Nj 28Nj 29 RemaxWorld Expo 2017

DPS World 2017





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