To Your Health! Back to Basics
Managing the stRess Mess A GPS to navigate the road to relaxation By L AURIE SULLIVAN
urn off those stress machines and follow the road to relaxation. That’s right, take a break and turn off those iPads, iPods, iPhones, Kindles and other electronic gear and pick a path that can lead the way to lessen the tension of work and the demands of family life. It doesn’t have to take that much time to achieve. Some stress relievers take only 15 minutes a day and others might take up to an hour once or twice a week or once a month but worth every minute to relax your body and mind. Many people find it hard to relax, even when they have the time to do so. There are executives who go on vacation, but who check their work emails every five minutes. On weekends, instead of relaxing, taking in a ballgame or playing in one, are you checking those endless emails? Work sometimes encroaches on weekends, but often it’s just a habit. And that includes people who work late because their days could have been better organized. Couldn’t resist playing Words with Friends or had to check the sports scores on ESPN? I’m talking to all of you. We’re all programmed to live our lives, jam packing everything we can into our day. And the result? S-T-R-ES-S! Well, there are lots of choices out there that will help you slow your life down a bit — enough to rid yourself of the stress that keeps you up at night. Turning off the stress machine that powers many of our lives can give you more energy for the stuff you want and need to do. Acupuncture and massage: nirvana!
James Silverman is an acupuncturist and massage therapist with an office in Mount Kisco. He sees patients who sometimes have specific pain issues that are stress related, such as migraines and back pain. He explained that the whole idea of acupuncture is the “qi of energy.” “I usually tell people the Nei Jing, the old classic book of Oriental medicine says, ‘Where there is no flow, there is pain; when there is flow there is no pain,” he said. Silverman looks at the tongue first and checks the meridian points. “Pain is usually caused by stress in the system,” Silverman said. “Something in the body stagnated it. When
implify your plate and feed good health. As nutritional science keeps developing, it still supports the basics — the most healthful diet is based on vegetables, fruit and whole grains in their whole food forms. High-quality protein and healthy fats are a necessary complement, but neither should dominate the diet as they often do in Western culture. The benefits of simple, healthy eating are manifold. A well-rounded, plant-based diet has the power to “achieve better health and reduce the risk for chronic disease,” said registered dietitian Allison Cecere. Cecere has been in practice for 18 years, with a master’s of science in clinical nutrition. Her practice, Nutrition Therapy and Educational Services, is in Bedford Hills. “People tend to overcomplicate diet and nutrition,” she said. “We need to refocus on how simple the strategies can be.” “The first step is to eliminate or minimize highly processed foods from the diet,” Cecere continued. “After that, the focus is on plant-based food sources — the very foods for which human physiologies were designed. It is something we have been advocating for years as the cornerstone of healthy eating. But new research has exciting evidence that supports this, particularly in the area of bioactive food components that exist in plantbased foods.” Beyond vitamins and minerals, bioactive food components, or phytochemicals, are unique chemical substances that offer far-reaching protective health benefits. They work to support various body systems at the cellular level, which optimize biological performance and reduce the risk or acceleration of chronic disease. “Bioactive components are a complex science, but basically they work through antioxidant pathways to maintain the health and integrity of DNA, favorably regulate hormones and hormone response, reduce inflammation, protect cell-signaling pathways and enhance apoptosis pathways,” Cecere said. Apoptosis refers to the body’s automatic programming to kill and eliminate atypical cells — an important area of cancer research. “The research of bioactive food components is very exciting in the areas of cardiovascular disease, cancer and any inflammatory-based disease. When people understand the significant health benefits they can achieve just from making better dietary choices, there is no better motivation,” Cecere said. To achieve maximum advantage of bioactive food components, consumers should expose themselves to high concentrations in whole food plant forms. “Whole foods” refers to the concept of eating food in a state that is closest to how the food looked when it was picked or harvested. Vegetables and fruit
Seven or more servings of fruit or vegetables per day are recommended. (A fruit/vegetable serving size is 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw.) Since each fruit or vegetable family contains different phytochemicals with unique benefits, “eat the rainbow” for good variety. Overall intake should include more vegetables than fruit. Citrus
Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit possess bioactive components called terpenes, which have an antioxidant effect and help regulate hormones. In addition to the fruit flesh, the peel is also highly concentrated in terpenes and should be used in creative ways. Cecere suggests including zest in daily meal plans by adding it to cereal, yogurt, salads, whole grain dishes, fish preparations and pastas. “Of course, use only organic citrus to reduce your exposure to toxic pesticide residues,” she said. continued on page 6a
continued on page 7a
InSIDe: Working out: What fitness plan works for you? ....................... 2A Spray-on skin cells: They could make wrinkles a thing of the past ................................... 3A Bad eating habits: When, why and how to control them ......... 4A
OXYgen: Better breathing, better living
ost people laughed when the media claimed that Michael Jackson took his naps in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. “What an eccentric,” many said. But years later, that very technology, along with other forms of oxygen supplementation, is starting to creep into the mainstream, from major hospitals to alternative health centers, and even into the home. Why is that? A person can survive up to eight weeks without food, as long as seven days with no water, but only three minutes in the absence of oxygen. Not only must we breathe it in to perfuse our cells, tissues and organs, but our other tools for survival incorporate it as well. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. Add carbon and you’ve got carbohydrates. The addition of nitrogen gives us protein. And carbohydrates work with oxygen to produce the energy we use to function. Thus, some scientists have long theorized that the volume of oxygen we take in must influence our health in major ways. But don’t we get enough oxygen naturally? Some of those same scientists don’t
believe we do. The average oxygen content of ambient air today is approximately 21 percent. We know that air bubbles trapped in fossilized amber contain about 38 percent. This means that, since prehistoric times, there has been a near 50 percent drop in the average oxygen content of the air we breathe. Some speculate that life on Earth today is much smaller in size and stature for this very reason. Of course, most of us are happy to live without giant cockroaches and dinosaurs, but the idea that oxygen supported such enormous tissue growth in the past hints at just how influential it is on cells and tissues, beyond its ability to keep us breathing. It also suggests that oxygen levels in the air have been on the decline since life on Earth began, and that the current levels may not be optimal. Many of the health habits and environments we hear about — quitting smoking, exercising, fresh air, saunas, eating whole foods and drinking water — also increase our blood oxygen levels, and there is increasing evidence that low blood oxygen levels are usually present with disease, though scientists are debating CONTINUED ON PAGE 5A
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FRiday, ocTobeR 19, 2012
Your Health!
WORKIng OUT: What fitness plan works for you? Weighing in on building muscle, burning calories By EVE MARX
t’s that time of year when everyone is crazy busy and food — especially holiday food — becomes a terrible temptation. Starting with Halloween (Oh, the candy!) and running straight through Thanksgiving (Pumpkin pie! Stuffing!), Christmas (Cookies!), Hanukkah (Latkes with sour cream!) and right through the New Year (Alcohol!), finding the time, not to mention the motivation, to hit the gym can be frustrating. Donna Singer, with business partner Elle Jardin, co-owns and operates the Center for Movement, a classical Pilates studio. “We’ve been in Scarsdale since 1998,” Singer said. “Plus we have two locations in Manhattan on the Upper East Side.” The Center for Movement is a faithful adherent to the undiluted Joseph Pilates approach to training. “We have an elite team of classical Joseph Pilates certified instructors,” Singer said. While clients come in for strength training, muscle toning and weight loss, the overall goal Singer and Jardin set for their clients is mindful movement. “Mindful movement leads to a better overall appearance,” Singer said. “From the time you take your first class, you’ll notice an improvement in your posture. Your stomach is pulled in. You’ll stand taller and sit straighter. Best of all, you’ll immediately look and feel better.” Pilates, Singer said, is not an aerobic program, which many people believe is critical for losing weight. Aerobics are great, she said, but she said that as one becomes more proficient in the traditional Pilates method, it becomes an anaerobic exercise. Why? “Because you’re continuously moving,” she said. Anaerobic exercise is any exercise intense enough to trigger anaerobic metabolism. This form of exercise has successfully been used for decades by athletes in non-endurance sports as a way to enhance speed, strength and power. Anaerobic training leads to greater performance within short duration, high intensity activities, which is Pilates in a nutshell. “The beauty of Pilates is you don’t need a Pilates studio to do it,” Singer said. “There are many floor exercises to do at home. If you invest in learning the technique and do the exercises properly, Pilates is a training system you can do for your entire life.”
Singer said she advises clients when they leave the studio to be mindful of their posture at all times: “The main thing I tell them is, ‘Don’t slouch.’ Slouching takes less energy than holding yourself upright. Always stand tall. Always keep your stomach tucked in and engaged. Don’t ignore your core. You’ll burn more calories even if you’re standing still if you remember these things.” People in Manhattan have an advantage over those in the suburbs in that they’re out and about walking. In the suburbs, people tend to spend more time in their cars. Singer said that even if you’re doing tons of driving, never fear, you can still burn calories. “While you’re driving, keep your stomach pulled in, and your shoulders pushed back,” she advised. “The most important thing is not to slouch in your seat. You can practice postural improvements even behind the wheel. Good posture really burns calories. An active, strong body in any case will burn more calories than someone who is slouching or slumping.” She also advises sneaking in a couple of stretches throughout the day. “Keep your body flexible and supple,” Singer said. “Small movements will make a huge difference in your overall appearance.” Gabriela Saint Denis is a Pilates instructor/personal trainer in Katonah. Her studio is in her home on Mustato Road. A Pilates instructor and personal trainer for 11 years, Saint Denis offers clients something she calls “embellished Pilates.” “I’m a believer in core training,” Saint Denis said. Her method is not the strict Joseph Pilates discipline, but her own hybrid. “I take Pilates exercises that are founded on physiology, and add my own style of core training to it,” she said. Her regime is an individually tailored fusion of core training Pilates exercises combined with strength training. Saint Denis also teaches a class she calls Barre Sculpt, based on the Lotte Berk method. “This method has evolved over time,” Saint Denis said. “It’s the Lotte Berk method, but with some changes in the movements.” “I’m also all about lengthening muscles,” she said, not being a fan of bulk. “The truth is that any exercise you choose to do will help you lose weight, put on muscle, and burn fat; the secret is about making a commitment. Any discipline of training will work, but you have to stick with it. Then you have to watch your nutrition.” Saint Denis said the most difficult thing for most people is maintaining their commitment. “It matters less what you do, than that you keep on doing it,” she said. “If you are committed to an exercise routine that you like, that it’s convenient for you to do
IntroducIng the brIstal
and get to, you will lose weight and tone up. And once you start gaining affirmations, you’re more likely to keep on doing it, and watch what you put in your mouth.” She said even a simple routine like daily walking will pay off, “Although if you’re only walking, you’ll need to add some resistance training to your routine and also watch your caloric intake.” Saint Denis said the most important thing is to not let anything interfere with your commitment: “You have to stay with it.” Anthony Tarricone of Equalize Fitness in Yonkers said there are basically two kinds of workouts if you want to lose weight and gain strength and you have to do both if you want results. “There’s the anaerobic workout which burns fat and builds muscle, and there’s aerobic for your heart and circulation,” he said. “If your goal is losing weight, you want to warm up your core before your anaerobic workout by putting 15 or 20 minutes in on the treadmill.” Before you can burn fat, you must burn sugar. “Once the sugar is gone, you can burn the fatty acids. We call this a metabolic workout.” He said the problem for most people is they won’t push themselves. “We have a saying here,” Tarricone said. “It’s ‘get comfortable with being uncomfortable.’ We want to get your heart rate up (with prior medical approval of course) to 180 beats per minute for anywhere from 45 seconds to two minutes. That burns sugar. Then we take you back down to a heart rate of 120 and then back to 180 again. It’s ‘burn,’ then ‘rest,’ then ‘burn’ again. Typically most people on their own don’t get to the point where they’re burning sugar because they don’t push themselves.” Tarricone said that his Equalize Fitness is a gym that takes responsibility for getting clients in shape. He has worked with people who are morbidly obese, whose organs aren’t able to function efficiently, and who can barely walk because they are so out of shape and overweight. Under his gym’s tutelage, one man lost over 120 pounds and is now able to play with his grandchildren. “We’re a gym that’s known for getting results,” Tarricone said. “If you want results, come to us.” Tarricone is a huge fan of the metabolic workout in no small part because it’s brief. “The actual workout is 20 minutes,” he said. “The class is 45 minutes in total because we build in time for the warm up and the cool down. The beautiful thing is that after 20 minutes of serious exertion, the body will continue to burn fat for the next two days. If you do this workout twice a week, you will see results very quickly.”
More, more, more! Been working out for years and seeing less results for your efforts? Exercise experts advise you push yourself a little harder to put your body to work. Making your workout a little harder really isn’t that hard. Training experts suggest you include these simple additions to your regular routine: • Carry light dumb bells on the treadmill and do one minute sets of curls, standing shoulder presses and triceps kickbacks. • Do heel raises and wall sits after your run to stretch your hamstrings and strengthen your quads and glutes. • This winter, shovel your own driveway. • While you’re watching TV, jump rope. — EVE M ARX
To Your Health! News Notes
Head lice: nuisance or health issue? By DALE LONGWORTH
When my daughter contracted head lice in 1996, I had no idea on how to treat it the proper way. My primary concern was getting my whole house cleaned from top to bottom, which included throwing away unnecessary items that I thought would be carrying lice or their eggs. At the time I did not have the accurate education on how to get rid of head lice, which led to my daughter having it six times for three months. I felt I would never see the end to this lice nuisance, but I did manage to get rid of these pesky parasites in my daughter’s hair. This led me to educate others, give consultations and treat thousands of children and their families for 15 years as the Lice Expert of Dobbs Ferry/Westchester. As a Professional Lice Expert since 1997, I have spent the majority of my time making sure that every parent knows all the important lice facts and prevention measures about head lice in today’s society. I believe the best way to prevent lice is to educate yourself and your child about how to avoid contracting them.” Here is a list of lice facts and prevention that every parent should know. Head lice facts
Head lice are small, wingless parasitic insects about the size of a sesame seed. Diagnosis is often made on the basis of finding lice eggs. Eggs are tiny, grayish white, tan or brown ovals that are glued very tightly to the side of a hair shaft on an angle. These eggs cannot wash off or be blown away. It takes some effort to remove them from the hair shaft and when removed by hand, they turn brown. Eggs may be found throughout the hair, but often are seen at the nape of the neck, behind the ears and at the crown of the head. Head lice can move around and crawl very quickly. However, it is not true that they jump or fly. The lice bug feeds from the blood on the scalp of the head several times a day. The nits are what the female louse lays and she can lay 3-10 eggs a continued on page 5a
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I see myself in a whole new light, now that I live at The Bristal. “Ever since selling War Bonds during WWII, I’ve always been an activist. I believe in standing up for your rights. Though the story of my life has been a dream come true, when I came to The Bristal, a whole new chapter opened up before me. Especially during elections, where I help fellow residents consider candidates that value senior issues. I help get out the vote — our vote. Then, after heated political debate, we cool off with a cocktail, enjoy the pool, putt a few holes, play some cards... and do a little more debating. Cause that’s what friends do.” What keeps Terry so fired up? Tune in at thebristal.com/lifestories
s Terry, Resident of The Bristal
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FRiday, ocTobeR 19, 2012
To Your Health! , The RecoRd-Review
Page 3a
sPRaY-On sKin CeLLs: They could make wrinkles a thing of the past sample might be taken from behind the ear, or at the nape of the neck. The size and thickness of skin required would be about equal to two postage stamps. Skin grafts, on the other hand, require quite a bit of skin to be removed, followed by significant time and skill to prepare, which leaves a greater window for further discomfort and infection. And no one offers skin grafting for minor cosmetic procedures either. Several researchers and companies are working on developing spray-on skin technologies. Avita Medical and Healthpoint are in the lead, with Avita’s product already approved for marketing and sale in Europe, Canada and Australia for wound, plastic, reconstructive, burn and cosmetic procedures.
e have come a long way when it comes to filling in those pesky wrinkles and grooves that come with age. Today, we can get a series of injections at lunchtime and still have time for a turkey on rye. Or we can opt for a mini peel on the fly. And the results of these and other procedures can last for many months. Sometime soon, though, we may be able to have our own cultured skin cells sprayed right into those wrinkles, literally turning back the clock on our skin to a younger age. Spray-on skin, patented under the name ReCell, is a culturing treatment originally developed for burn victims, developed by scientist Marie Stoner and plastic surgeon Dr. Fiona Wood of Perth, Western Australia. While previous techniques of skin culturing took 21 days to produce enough cells to cover large burns, ReCell does it in five. Wood’s research found that scarring can be dramatically reduced when it can be replaced within 10 days of injury. Wood is aiming at “scarless woundless healing.” Back in 1993, Wood established a company called Clinical Cell Culture to commercialize the procedure. Her inspiration had been a schoolteacher who arrived at Royal Perth Hospital the previous year with burns over 90 percent of his body. Wood employed fairly new American cultured skin techniques to save his life, working long nights in the lab with scientist Stoner. The two women wondered whether they could improve and speed up the process by spraying skin on instead of growing it on sheets that had to be transferred. The technology harnesses the regenerative capabilities of our skin, enabling a surgeon to collect a tiny sample of the patient’s own skin, and to then re-apply these skin cells through a spray, for rapid healing and a return to original pigmentation and texture. The spray-on cell suspension contains just the right mix of cell types to: promote healing (keratinocytes), reinforce skin structure (fibroblasts) and reintroduce normal color (melanocytes). The resulting film is thin at first, but the cells quickly multiply, forming an even layer of new skin within days. The result is far more natural look-
Cosmetic applications
ing than a graft. An American company, Healthpoint Biotherapeutics, is simultaneously developing a spray-on skin technology. Their spray was first tested on 228 people suffering from leg ulcers — painful open wounds that are often slow to heal. The findings, published in the Lancet, showed rapid healing of ulcers treated with ReCell. Experts are saying that, even if the cost of the spray is lower, a much shorter healing time with greater success rates inevitably saves money. Researchers said the size of the wound “began to decrease rapidly” almost immediately after the spray was applied. In those patients who received the spray treatment, 70 percent were healed after only three months, while only 46 percent of those receiving other treatments were healed. Collecting the skin cells from a patient is far less invasive than a skin graft. What this means is that not only will a patient’s original wound heal better and faster, but there is also no need to create
a new wound where a graft would otherwise be taken from. In addition, the spray-on solution can be available to the patient immediately, as the skin-cell collection process is quick, easy and instant. A thin small sample of skin will be taken, usually from a discreet area of the body, and cells will be cultivated from that and combined in the spray. The biopsy is always taken from an area with similar consistency, texture and color to the area being treated to ensure consistency. If wrinkles or acne scars on the face are being treated, for instance, a tiny
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Specializing in non-operative treatments: PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), viscosupplementation and steroidal injections for sports injuries, back and neck pain, arthritis and other conditions. REsIdEncy Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY FEllowshIp Spine and Sports Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY
Current cosmetic procedures often involve the removal of our top layer of skin — whether exfoliating or burning away wrinkles, skin blotches or other imperfections. Many people are very happy with chemical peels, laser resurfacing and dermabrasion, but they can also cause redness, irritation or even new scarring. In the future, spray-on skin might be used in conjunction with these methods, as a sort of polish and final touch, or it might be used on its own, because wrinkles are, in fact, a form of injury to the skin themselves. The application of color skin cells (melanocytes) may be used to even out skin color and tone. The biopsy and spray-on skin procedures don’t require sophisticated instruments or significant time. Researchers believe there is a very minimal chance of adverse side effects because a patient’s own cells are being used. And for something as minimal as wrinkles, the desired effects could take only three to five days to manifest. More complicated healing might take three to six months, but the final results of treatment would be permanent. It all sounds a bit like beauty science fiction, but if all goes well, spray-on skin cells could be available for leg ulcers, burn treatment and, yes, cosmetic reconstruction, in just a few short years. For those of us who are dreaming of looking just a little bit younger, this may be one of the few instances when we’d actually like to speed up time instead of slowing it down.
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Page 4A ThE Record-Review , To
Your Health!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Bad eating habits:
When, why and how to control them
t’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your ice cream is? Chances are it’s right there by your side, in a bowl with a spoon. Being in the habit of eating certain foods at certain times of the day or when dealing with specific circumstances is something most of us know all too well. But habits can change, particularly if we know why they began in the first place. Linda Arpino of Life Focus Nutrition Centers in Rye Brook and Stamford, Conn., has been in practice in Westchester County for more than 25 years and Connecticut for three years. A registered dietitian and certified dietician/nutritionist, Arpino said there “definitely are triggers why we choose certain foods at certain times of the day. We learn as infants that some foods make us feel good, and the hormonal response to certain foods certainly does play into that.” What we eat and why we eat those things, especially under times of stress, is important to recognize if habits are to change. “People making the transition of removing alcohol, drugs or any addictive substance from their lives sometimes will
increase their cravings for sugar, whether it be through soda, candy or sweetened cereals,” Arpino said. “It’s the same with people who are under stress. We learn early in life that a baby bottle in the mouth makes us feel better when we cry; we get a lollipop when we have a cut. Children learn very early what makes them feel good, and under what circumstances.” Asking each patient to keep a food log is a very helpful way to document just how much is eaten and when, Arpino said, adding, “It lets dieticians assess food choices and the moods related to those choices. And if I have a patient with an eating disorder, there’s certainly a journaling component along with the food log.” Therapy may be required in certain circumstances, including restrictive or compulsive eating, which, Arpino said, may be triggered by some sort of emotional distress, undisclosed lifelong trauma, like a sexual abuse. “It helps to work with a therapist if a person can’t identify the obvious — he’s feeling depressed over a life circumstance and is making himself feel better through food,” she said. “Food’s a medication that’s used by the general population, particularly in difficult times like these. We’re inundated every single day with how the economy is plummeting out. There are all
these tense things that can make us feel unstable at times, and that is connected to how we and when we eat.” To change one’s eating habits for the better, Arpino suggests we “focus on eating three food groups three times a day. Fill up half the plate with vegetables and fruits, with proteins of higher fiber. Eating more plant-based proteins is better for us.” Arpino noted that in order to live more healthfully, “You’re always striving to have low glycemic load meals,” and that, in addition to adopting positive eating styles, can be done by incorporating more positive habits, producing “positive hormones from exercise, meditation, relaxation, even prayer. They all can help in keeping homeostasis in the body.” Not that reaching the goal of eating healthfully is easy, she acknowledged, thanks to food manufacturers who have “spent billions on research centered on what consumers will eat more of. It’s proven that people who drink diet soda gain more weight — it’s the sensation of sweetness and satiety that is not achieved, and it makes people want to eat more.” Bodies can be programmed to enjoy different kinds of tastes; however, the earlier the better, “We have to be sensitive to the fact that young children, especially, should not be consuming a lot of high sugar foods,” Arpino said. “The more you have, the more you want, and it is an addictive thing.” Sharon Farber, Ph.D., practices in Hastings-on-Hudson and specializes in the treatment of people with eating disorders, including children and adolescents. She sees children as young as age 5 whose eating habits are not normal and might, for example, claim that they cannot consume any fat. That said, the rates of obesity in children and adults keep climbing and climbing and climbing all over the United States, Dr. Farber said, adding “this is not the case in other countries, as I understand it.” Farber cited government officials who acknowledge obesity as the No. 1 public health issue in the country, adding to the indictment of the food industry creating products that are meant to be “super-palatable, absolutely delicious. And people become addicted to them.” Portion size matters, too, Farber said: “People think it’s normal to go to the movies and sit down with a tub of popcorn that could probably fill a bathtub, along with a cup of soda that’s the equivalent of a quart. I’m exaggerating, of course, but we really don’t need to eat and drink that much.” Triggers for overeating “are emotional,” she said. “People eat for emotional reasons, and they eat the same way others smoke pot or shoot heroin. It’s a way for them to feel better, at least temporarily.” Changing one’s eating habits “requires a lot of work on the part of the patients,”
Farber said. “I can provide certain tools they can use, things they can do instead when they have the impulse to eat. They need to understand that the impulse is not going to last forever, so if they can ride it out, they can get past it. It’s kind of like a wave that comes in very strong at the beach; once the wave breaks it just flows out and it’s easy to get through.” Farber endorses the concept of mindful eating, using tools in group sessions such as having each patient carefully unwrap a small piece of chocolate, then look at it before putting it in the mouth. Patients are instructed not to bite or chew the chocolate, but instead let it melt slowly in the mouth. “My patients were amazed at how much they enjoyed that little piece of chocolate, because they really allowed themselves to savor it,” she said. Farber’s advice to parents hoping to encourage healthy eating is to vary the foods offered to children. “Just keep putting out different foods for them to taste, different flavors, different textures, and don’t make a big deal about candy and cookies,” she said. “Don’t exclude them, but then again, don’t have loads of them around, because going from one extreme or another with food is what leads to eating disorders.” Certified nutritionist and cancer coach Kathleen Schoen, MS, CNS, is a resident of Katonah. She said there’s a science behind what people eat and when they eat it, mostly due to the hormones that trigger when we eat and regulate the brain to signal when we’re full and should stop eating. “People don’t choose to overeat and be obese,” Schoen said. “Our hormones get altered by diet and by stress, which along with emotional eating plays a huge role in most people’s weight.” In terms of the different kinds of foodrelated disorders, most people overeat, while others choose to eat too little or nothing at all. Schoen cited the concept of “positive eating,” noting it most typically takes place at “celebrations where your favorite food makes you think of a warm, comfortable environment.” “This is not always bad,” she said, “but too much of it is bad.” Schoen advises patients to keep a food and emotions diary “so we know what triggers it when they do overindulge. One entry might be something like. ‘I got into a fight with my husband and ate a box of cookies.’” In her practice, Schoen works with clients to help them realize “it’s not only about the food but realizing when those triggers hit. If you can recognize when you’re upset or having emotional eating you can then stop picking up the food — try meditation, take away, remove yourself from the situation. If you’re used to comforting yourself with ice cream or chocolate before it’s time to get ready for bed, I might suggest trying a cup of berries or some chamomile tea to treat yourself.”
To Your Health! To Y our Health! is a special section of
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Thomas O’Halloran Barbara Yeaker Marilyn Petrosa ©2012 The Record, Llc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without publisher’s written permission
Friday, October 19, 2012
To Your Health! , ThE Record-REview
The amount of oxygen in our atmosphere is only one consideration. Diet is also key. Junk food, usually low in oxygen itself, forces our bodies to use up more of its oxygen reserves than usual to oxidize things like sugar and preservatives and metabolize what few nutrients may be left. Complex carbohydrates, though, are high in oxygen. Poor food choices can lead to post-eating fatigue. Food is fuel. It is supposed to give us more energy, not sap it out of us. Medications and physical and emotional stress can all deplete oxygen as well. We can all increase our oxygen through lifestyle changes, but some conditions warrant more intensive oxygen strategies. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. The air pressure is raised up to
three times higher than normal air pressure so that far more oxygen fills the lungs. The blood then carries this oxygen throughout the body, stimulating the release of growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing. Currently, said Dr. Arthur Turken, medical director of wound care and hyperbaric medicine at Northern Westchester Hospital, “It is a well-established treatment for wound care, failing skin grafts and radiation post care,� all of which have positive results. Other on-label conditions that can be treated include serious infections, CO2 poisoning and decompression sickness. The hospital has had their hyperbaric department for about a year and a half. There have been many claims that hyperbaric oxygen improves Alzheimer’s disease, Par-
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Prevention of head lice
Girls with long hair should wear their
The new war on drugs — here at home Dr. Ross Fishman
The war on drugs is failing for many reasons. One of them is that the drug abuse and drug dependence on the rise is not a result of cocaine or marijuana being smuggled into our country. No, the fastest growing problem is home grown and it is hitting our young people the hardest. The misuse of and addiction to prescription
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Telephone: 914-597-2556
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` +CH<H&t HC Z < CHq
pain medications is the latest craze, fad and potential epidemic to impact our society. Teenagers and young adults are discovering the short-term benefits and longterm consequences of trying something new. These medications are available because pharmaceutical companies are overproducing them, physicians are overprescribing them, Internet pharmacies are peddling them and poorly monitored medicine cabinets in our homes are leaving them exposed for the taking. Pain medications such as Hydrocodone, Oxycontin, Oxycodone, Percocet, Roxycodone, Opana and a few others have hit the streets big time. At Innovative Health Systems, our fastest growing patient population comprises teenagers and young adults from 16-22. They are initiated to these medications innocently enough in a couple of ways. Many are introduced by their physicians treating back pain or sports injuries; others get their first doses from dentists to alleviate the pain of root canals or wisdom tooth surgery. Still others are merely looking for â&#x20AC;&#x153;something differentâ&#x20AC;? and may blindly follow a friendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s invitation to â&#x20AC;&#x153;try this!â&#x20AC;? Not a week goes by during which my clinic receives one or more phone calls from people who desperately want to get on Suboxone, the miracle medication that, when used properly, stops the cycle of addiction in its tracks. At Innovative Health Systems, our outpatient chemical dependency clinic in White Plains since 1985, we started a specialized Suboxone program to help people address this serious problem from which there is no easy escape. Although the majority of these patients are teens and young adults, we assist adults of various ages. Following a standard induction procedure, we transition these patients off these illegally obtained medications on to a prescribed
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medication with phenomenal properties. What does Suboxone do? It reduces cravings for their previous drugs of choice, it blocks the effects of the drugs they were abusing, it does not produce a â&#x20AC;&#x153;high,â&#x20AC;? it &sh s* BX]O]?Â&#x152; eliminates the need to buy illegal and ex Ă&#x2014;ĥĸAĂ&#x2014;ĸ 0AŠšĂ&#x2014;ÂŤÄĄ ĂŁĹ?Ä&#x201A;ĂŁĂ&#x2014;Ä&#x2030; eĂŁĂ&#x2018;Ä&#x201A; !0/- xĂ°ÂŁĂ°Ĺą pensive pain medications and it allows pa`B Z. B CÄšZC q C q Z` Z`ZHeC ZHeC `B`B`B tients to begin a return to somewhat norZ. B CÄšZ Z. B CÄšZ C q Z` ZHeC Z. B CÄšZ C q Z` ZHeC mal functioning. ` +CH<H&tHC HCZ < Z < CHq CHq ` +CH<H&t ` +CH<H&t HC Z < CHq ` +CH<H&t HC Z < CHq â&#x20AC;&#x153;Somewhatâ&#x20AC;? means that the abuse of these pain medications either begins as a Z. B CÄšZ C q Z` ZHeC Z. B CÄšZ C q Z` ZHeC ` +CH<H&t HC Z < CHq response to, or results in, various emotion` +CH<H&t HC Z < CHq al and relationship problems. Whatever Z. B CÄšZ C q Z` ZHeC & h s* BX]O]?Â&#x152; &shs* BX]O]?Â&#x152; s* BX]O]?Â&#x152; the antecedents or the consequences are, C q` +CH<H&t &sh HC Z < CHq Z. B CÄšZ Z` ZHeC &sh s* BX]O]?Â&#x152; Ă&#x2014;ĥĸAĂ&#x2014;ĸ 0AŠšĂ&#x2014;ÂŤÄĄ
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To relieve we use back pain, To relieve pain,available. we use back every tool every tool available. Except one. Except one.
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Westchesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Leading Head Lice Removal Services
Telephone: 914-597-2133
`` V Mamaroneck
day. It only takes 7-10 days for that nit to hatch and then develop into an adult bug within 12 days after hatching. Once it mates with another adult bug, it can then lay more nits (sometimes 100 or more eggs in a 14day cycle). The louse bug can then live up to 35 days on a host. However, head lice cannot live for more than 24-36 hours away from its human host. A child who has head lice will have constant scratching or complaints of an itchy scalp, especially on the back of the neck or crown of the head. Sometimes, children might have excessive scratching of the head during their sleep. However, not everyone will necessarily itch. There also may be red pin dot marks or a rash along the nape of the neck or behind the ears. Other symptoms might include a tickling feeling in the hair or tiny scabs throughout the scalp of the head. Remember the head that has lice is the most important thing, not the house. The nits are not contagious or transmittable. It is the lice bug that is contagious because it travels from head to head. Lice and their nits cannot be drowned, especially in chlorinated water. They need to be suffocated, removed by hand or combed out. Special shampoos like the over-the-counter pesticides are not 100 percent effective and can be toxic. Combing is the essential key to getting rid of lice and their nits. Depending on the infestation, an infected individual should be combed out every other day for 8-14 days with conditioner and baking soda. A professional metal-toothed lice comb, not plastic, should be used to remove all the lice and their eggs. Head lice cannot thrive on household pets.
hair up and off the shoulders if possible so it is less likely to come in contact with someone elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair or clothing. Make sure your child knows not to share brushes, combs, hats, headphones, bike helmets and any other articles that can transmit head lice. Use hair sprays or gels to make the hair a deterrent and stiff. Lice love clean hair. Other preventive methods are using leave-in spray conditioners with tea tree, lavender, coconut, peppermint and rosemary oils in them. Blow-drying the hair as often as possible is very important because lice do not like high heat. Teach your child to avoid head-tohead contact. If your child does come in contact with someone with head lice, check your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair every other day for 14 days in natural light outside or good lighting inside to see if there are any eggs glued on an angle to a piece of hair. If you are not sure if your child has lice, you can ask the school nurse or a lice professional to check for you. Dale Longworth can be contacted at 424-1367, dlong2758@aol.com or www. liceoffinc.com.
â&#x20AC;˘Driver Evaluation Program â&#x20AC;˘Cardiac Rehab â&#x20AC;˘Memory Evaluation
â&#x20AC;˘Physical Therapy â&#x20AC;˘Occupational Therapy â&#x20AC;˘Speech Therapy
To Your Health! News Notes continued from page 2A
â&#x20AC;˘Orthopedic â&#x20AC;˘Joint Replacement â&#x20AC;˘Cardio-Pulmonary â&#x20AC;˘Amputee
Burke offers comprehensive in-patient acute rehabilitation programs providing three hours of therapy per day, unlike sub acute facilities that only provide about one hour a day.
Hospital grade hyperbaric oxygen units employ oxygen tanks.
In-Patient Rehabilitation Programs
which came first, the disease or the deprivation. Dr. Otto Warburg, a German biochemist who won the Nobel Prize for his cancer research, was convinced that malignant cells can only proliferate in bodies that are oxygen deficient. He further found that cancer cells are severely inhibited in an oxygen-rich environment. Molecular biologist and geneticist Dr. Stephen Levine also concluded from his research that lack of oxygen in human cells and tissue may be a common underlying cause of many diseases. Oxygen proponent Dr. Norman McVea believes that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;More than anything else, good health and well-being is dependent on the maximum production, maintenance and flow of energy, which is produced by oxygen. Oxidation is the key to proper metabolic function, correct circulation, assimilation, digestion and elimination. It helps purify the blood, keeping it free from cellular waste build-up. Sufficient oxygen gives the body the ability to rebuild itself and strengthen its immune system, our natural defense against disease. It also has a calming and stabilizing effect on the operation of the nervous system.â&#x20AC;? The Townsend Letter for Doctors once asked, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If deficiencies of less vital elements such as vitamins, minerals and enzymes can rob the human body of its health and vitality, how much more damage must result from a deficiency of oxygen, the element universally acknowledged to be the most vital to life?â&#x20AC;?
Burke Rehabilitation A Name You Can Trust
continued from page 1A
kinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disease, cerebral palsy, cancer and even ADHD. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The possibilities for neurologic application are intriguing,â&#x20AC;? Turken said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The indications for hyperbaric oxygen will probably be expanded quite a bit in 20 years.â&#x20AC;? Right now, he explained, the hospital can only offer on-label treatment, within reason: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have many inquiries from people who want to have hyperbaric treatment for off-label illnesses or conditions, and we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take their money until these other indications are proven and approved by the FDA.â&#x20AC;? That doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop individuals from going to alternative medicine centers for the treatment, or even from buying lower-cost home units that extract oxygen from ambient air in the room. The well-known health guru Dr. Mehmet Oz advocates using hyperbaric oxygen to simply extend longevity. The home units in particular, because they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use pure oxygen, are considered very safe. Those who use them claim recovery from illness, as well as greater fitness and energy. Since the smallest portable hyperbaric units start at $5,000, they are not exactly mainstream retail. Those who are determined to buy a little more oxygen though can purchase oxygenated water, canned or liquid oxygen, or home inhalation units. Some people socialize at oxygen bars, where they ingest various flavors of O2 together. Few doctors advocate these treatments, though they arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t likely dangerous for most of us. For now, the least expensive and most widely approved ways to get a little extra O2 are still the old fashioned ones â&#x20AC;&#x201D; exercise, water, fresh air and nutritionally rich whole foods.
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dietician, cardiologist, and geriatrist, to name a few.
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Page 6A ThE Record-Review , To
Your Health!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Back to Basics: Best nutrition comes from simple foods continued from page 1A
Tomatoes are another nutritionally potent fruit. In addition to vitamin C, tomatoes contain lycopene, a member of the carotenoid phytochemical family. Carotenoids have antioxidant effects targeting prostate cancer, breast cancer and cardiovascular health. Because lycopene is bound to a fibrous matrix in tomatoes, lycopene must be liberated through heat. Therefore it is most concentrated in cooked preparations such as tomato sauce or even ketchup. “Another interesting thing about lycopene is that it needs fat for its transportation,” Cecere said. “Just think about how perfect tomato sauce, made with olive oil, is for that.” Berries and grapes
Vibrant red grapes and berries are identified as a “super food” category. They are rich in vitamins, fiber, ellagic acid (an antioxidant) and resveratrol. Resveratrol is a flavonoid that has been shown to improve cardiovascular health and to influence hormone response, an area of special interest to hormone-related cancer research. Increase berry intake by adding them to yogurt and cereal and eating homemade chutneys and jams with protein or whole grain bread. Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables stand out for their role in stimulating the body’s own detoxification system through bioactive components called isothiocyanates, which are abundant in broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard, mustard greens, bok choy, turnips, radishes and kale. “Going beyond an antioxidant effect, isothiocyanates have the power to induce a detoxification response,” Cecere said. “Our bodies possess the capability to [expel toxins] if we support this role. Isothiocyanates enhance the process and promote efficiency. They’re a ‘biggie’ in any discussion of bioactive food; but they are sensitive to heat, so raw, stir-fried, lightly roasted or steamed preparations of cruciferous vegetables are best.” But the benefit of cruciferous vegetables doesn’t stop there. This powerhouse group favorably influences hormone levels and supports the communication pathways of apoptosis (the programmed action of cell death for malignant or unwanted cells.) Allium vegetables
Garlic, onions, leeks and chives contain the enzyme allicin, an organosulfur compound with natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning properties. These properties play a positive role in cardiovascular disease, inflammatory diseases, bacterial conditions and other chronic conditions. Because allicin needs time to activate, Cecere recommends chopping allium vegetables to liberate the enzyme, and allowing them to stand for 10 minutes before subjecting them to heat. “My motto with these is ‘chop and stop,’” she said. Whole grains
Whole grains and seeds are another important category of plant-based foods. Four
servings of whole grains per day are recommended. (A whole grain serving is defined as 1/2 cup cooked.) Whole grains are complex, high-fiber, phytochemical-rich carbohydrates. As such, they may help to better regulate blood sugar levels and sustain energy over a period of time. “There is a difference between true whole grain and ‘whole gain’ commercially prepared products, such as whole grain bread and whole grain pasta,” cautioned Cecere. “Avoid manufactured products. Focus, instead, on whole grains as they exist in nature.” The important distinction is that many manufactured products rely on nutrientstripped milled grains. Brown rice, rolled oats, bulgur wheat, rye, quinoa, corn, millet and buckwheat are delicious, versatile options. Cooked, these whole grains are a “blank canvas.” They can be served as a side dish, in place of potatoes or white rice; or they can be transformed into a variety of flavorful meals through the addition of protein, vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, spices and oils. Hearkening back to indigenous ancient cultures, whole grains lend themselves well to Mediterranean or Middle Eastern preparations. Cecere recommends: “Bulgur wheat is a good starting point for many people looking to introduce whole grains into their diet. With a cooking time of 15 minutes, bulgur wheat is convenient, and it has a subtle mild taste. It might already be familiar to people through its common use in tabouleh [a grain salad containing vegetables, olive oil, mint and parsley.]” Protein
Most Americans eat more animal protein than their bodies need and, from a nutritional standpoint, most of it is the wrong kind of protein. The consumption of red meat (including beef, pork, lamb and their derivative products) should be generally reduced, while consumption of high-quality lean protein should be increased. High-quality lean protein sources include eggs, white meat poultry, soy and fish, especially deep cold-water fish that are rich in long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids. Beans and lentils are also good sources of plant-based protein and should contribute to overall protein intake.
If red meat is to be eaten, grass-fed, organic varieties are best. According to Marti Wolfson, of Blum Center for Health in Rye Brook, most commercial cattle are fed a poor diet of corn to stimulate a greater production of inflammatory saturated fats in their bodies. If humans consume beef or dairy products from these animals, the same inflammatory fats transfer to the human body and increase inflammation. In contrast, “grass-fed cattle have a much better diet of high-quality Omega-3 fats,” Wolfson said. “These healthier fats pass to humans who eat their meat.” Eggs
The simple egg is one of nature’s perfect packages. High in vitamins A, E and B12, lutein, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, calcium and choline, eggs also contain “the full complement of essential amino acids in the right amounts — giving them the highest-quality protein a food can possess,” Cecere said. The nutrient-dense egg supports cognitive and cardiovascular health and proper functioning of the nervous system. Concerns over cholesterol in eggs yolks have been reconsidered for the general population. Unless there is an existing blood lipid disorder, doctors recommend a safe consumption of up to three whole eggs per week, and after that, egg whites. “We have learned it’s not really the egg itself but what we do to the egg that has the greatest impact on blood lipids [cholesterol],” Cecere said. “Saturated fat from butter or bacon plays a much bigger role than the egg itself.” She recommends serving “breakfast for dinner” or adding hard-boiled eggs to grain dishes and salads. Legumes and seeds
Wonderful sources of plant-based protein are legumes, including chickpeas, lentils, black beans, garbanzo beans, pinto beans, navy beans and black-eyed peas. These foods are high in fiber, support satiety and slow the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the blood stream. Because protein from legumes is incomplete, it should be supplemented with protein from nuts, seeds, grains or dairy. Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame or flax seeds are healthful and com-
monly available. Likewise with pecans, Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, peanuts and cashews. Cecere recommends eating one legume-based dinner each week to lower red meat intake and increase bean and lentil consumption. At cooking and nutrition classes at the Blum Center for Health, Wolfson stresses the importance of healthy protein and fat at every meal and snack. She suggests swapping prepared snacks for homemade trail mix, hummus or bean dip in order to increase plant-based protein intake. For protein-enhanced meals, nuts can be thrown into salads or chopped into whole grain dishes. “Protein is important because it helps keep your blood sugar at an even level throughout the day. If there’s too much fluctuation in blood sugar, you’ll feel tired and sluggish. Protein also helps to keep your body feeling full, which is helpful with weight control,” Wolfson said. Yogurt
Another source of protein is found in dairy products — for example, milk, hard cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt. Yogurt is the best choice because its inherent fermentation process also makes it rich in probiotics. Probiotics add beneficial live bacteria to the gut to help keep harmful microorganisms in check, positively influence immune function and support digestion and nutrient absorption. While all yogurt contains probiotic bacteria in its production, look for labels that state “live active cultures” to make sure yogurt’s probiotic benefits will still be viable in the finished product. For people who eat dairy, Cecere recommends 6-12 ounces of plain low-fat or nonfat yogurt per day. Fish
Deep cold-water fish are an excellent source of protein because they are particularly high in Omega-3 essential fatty acids. These fish species include tuna, salmon, sardines, Atlantic cod, halibut and char. Because the Omega-3 DHA and EPA fats already exist in all cell membranes, the consumption of cold-water fatty fish exerts powerful biological effects in cells. Particularly, Omega-3 benefits have been shown to play a positive role in cognitive functioning, inflammatory-based disorders, growth and development, heart disease and cancer risk. Mercury and toxin levels are a growing concern for some fish species, so it is best to check updated recommendations regarding safe consumption on the Environmental Protection Agency website (www.epa.gov). The American Heart Association recommends two 3-4-ounce servings of a variety of fatty fish per week. Because of possible toxicity concerns, they advise limiting consumption, per fish type, to no more than 7 ounces per week — and, overall, to a maximum of 12 ounces per week of a variety of fish types. Herbs and spices
Herbs and spices are important components of any diet, not only for their unique flavors, but also for their proactive benefits with respect to disease. “Spices are full of cancer-fighting chemicals,” Wolfson said.
“They have anti-inflammatory effects and hormone balancing effects. They are immune-boosting and detoxifying. Yet, herbs and spices are two of the most important things we forget to use.” Every pantry should contain organic versions of cumin, coriander, turmeric, curry, chili, paprika, fennel seed and cinnamon — as well as herbs such as oregano, rosemary, sage, basil, parsley and cilantro. “Get in the habit of adding spices and herbs to your cooking as flavoring. Mix them into dips and dressings; add them to soups, stews and whole grain dishes; snip fresh herbs into salads,” Wolfson recommended. “Make it a point to try one new recipe per week that uses an unfamiliar spice or one that you don’t eat very often.” Since jarred spices lose aroma and potency after about 12 months, Wolfson recommends replacing spices yearly to make sure their powerful properties are offering the best benefits.
To Your Health! News Notes
Drug-less ADHD relief in Westchester
“Starting with a well-stocked kitchen is the first step in transforming your health through good nutrition,” Wolfson said. In addition to a variety of fresh herbs and spices, a healthful pantry should include a variety of whole grains and dry legumes. These might include quinoa, bulgur, brown rice, buckwheat noodles, rolled oats, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans and split peas. Good oils — such as olive, coconut, sesame and walnut — are important staples for cooking and flavoring. A variety of nuts, nut butters, seeds and organic unsweetened dried fruits can be kept in the pantry or, in the case of nuts and seeds, in the freezer. For unplanned meals, the freezer should also contain a stock of organic chicken, grass-fed beef and salmon filets. The refrigerator should be a colorful cornucopia of seasonal organic fruits and vegetables. Local organic sources are the best choices for peak ripeness and low toxicity. “I recommend planning out a week’s worth of meals on a Sunday and going food shopping twice a week,” Wolfson said. “Some people think you have to go everyday for food to be really fresh; but for most things, twice a week is fine. Otherwise, you’re running to the store all the time, and it can feel like it’s taking over. Instead, it should be manageable yet mindful.” Cecere agrees with Wolfson’s practical approach. In terms of dietary change, Cecere takes a linear approach with clients: “I see where a client is at through a dietary analysis, and we work from there. I identify where there might be inadequacies, and we work to increase foods that are underrepresented. If someone doesn’t eat any fruit or vegetables, we work to introduce just one or two servings per day at the beginning. However, if someone is already eating two to three servings per day, we try to make it even better. My philosophy is, ‘Some is better than none,’ and we always work to improve from the baseline. My goal is to teach people to think about food in a more meaningful way and to make at least one meaningful choice about it each day.”
Optimal Health and Development Center, with offices in Larchmont and Mount Kisco, now offers a holistic approach to help people manage the challenges associated with ADHD. Optimal Health and Development Center is a certified “SHINE for Doctors: Special Help for Integrating Neurological Experience” practice that combines ADHD expertise, chiropractic alignment, neurological assessment with exercise and nutrition counseling. ADHD is typically characterized by impulsivity, inattentiveness and hyperactivity — characteristics that make it hard for those with this trait to reach their highest potential. Dr. Edward Hallowell (www.drhallowell. com) considers ADHD to be a trait, not a disability. When managed effectively, those with ADHD have accomplished extraordinary successes, but if undiagnosed or untreated, ADHD can wreck lives. Dr. Hallowell says that having ADHD is like having a Ferrari engine for a brain, but with bicycle brakes. In keeping with this analogy, Dr. Seth Pearl, of Optimal Health and Development Center (www.DrSethPearl.com) says, “We teach children and adults with ADHD how to strengthen their ‘brakes’ while also giving their bodies and ‘engines’ a tune-up. Medication is not the only answer.” Recent studies indicate that the use of medication to help manage ADHD is on the rise, however, many people with ADHD prefer a holistic, alternative approach and are already familiar with Dr. Hallowell and his New York Times best-selling book, “Delivered from Distraction.” Dr. Pearl will combine Dr. Hallowell’s strengths-based approach by first identifying the unique gifts inherent in everyone, and then tailoring their proven chiropractic techniques to help the person with ADHD achieve their full potential. More information on the SHINE program can found at http://www.shinefordoctors.com. Dr. Pearl, D.C., offers non-invasive chiropractic care that not only provides pain relief, but also offers wellness-based care which can help to improve your overall health and prevent future issues from occurring. Dr. Hallowell, M.D., is a child and adult psychiatrist, best-selling author, world-renowned speaker and leading authority in the field of ADHD. He was a faculty member at Harvard Medical School for over 20 years, graduated from Harvard College and Tulane School of Medicine. He has been featured on Dr. Oz, Oprah, Good Morning America and interviewed for The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine and many other publications.
geon at ONS in Greenwich Office Park. He is fellowship-trained and specializes in the treatment of spinal disorders, including operative and non-operative treatment of scoliosis. • Hands On, a seminar on common hand conditions and their solutions on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 6:30 p.m. by Vitale Attend a presentation and discussion on common conditions affecting the hand and wrist, including carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, arthritis of the fingers and wrist, common forms of tendonitis of the wrist and Dupyutren’s contractures of the fingers. Learn about common misconceptions as well as treatments for these maladies which affect millions of people each year in the U.S. Vitale is a specialist in the operative and non-operative management of hand, wrist, forearm and elbow disorders. He graduated from Tufts University and earned a doctorate in medicine and a master’s degree in public health from Columbia University. He completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and then received fellowship training in hand
surgery at the Mayo Clinic. • Non-operative Treatments for Neck and Back Pain on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 6:30 p.m. by Kessel When physical therapy and oral antiinflammatory medications fail to resolve a spine-related problem, some patients achieve significant relief from a spinal injection. Injection therapy is a way of delivering anti-inflammatory medication directly to the injured area of the spine. ONS physiatrist Kessel uses steroidal and nonsteroidal injections to help patients return to their normal lifestyle. Learn how these treatments are given, who is benefited most and what to expect from interventional therapy. Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery Specialists (ONS) is an advanced multispecialty orthopedic and neurosurgery practice in Fairfield and Westchester counties. ONS physicians provide expertise in the full spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, sports medicine, minimally invasive orthopedic, spine and brain surgery, joint replacement and trauma. For more information, visit www.onsmd.com or call (203) 869-1145.
Well-stocked pantry
To Your Health! News Notes
ONS offers free patient education in Greenwich Physicians at Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery Specialists (ONS) in Greenwich, Conn., will present four health talks on topics ranging from non-operative treatments for musculoskeletal pain to common conditions of the hand and wrist. The talks will be given by physiatrist Tamar Kessel, M.D., neurosurgeon Scott Simon, M.D., and hand and wrist specialist Mark Vitale, M.D. ONS’s patient education programs are designed to raise awareness of viable solutions to common health issues as well as recent medical advances that are available in the Greenwich community. ONS programs support a national emphasis that encourages individuals to be actively involved in their own health care by providing reliable health information to help patients make informed medical decisions. All programs are held in the Noble Conference Center at Greenwich Hospital and are presented free of charge. Registration is required. To register, call
Greenwich Hospital at (203) 863-4277 or (888) 305-9253 or register online at www.greenwichhospital.org. For more information, visit www.onsmd.com. Following is the fall schedule of talks: • Ultrasound Guided Injections: Targeting Pain with Precision on Thursday, Oct. 25, at 6:30 p.m. by Kessel Injection therapies for musculoskeletal injuries like PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), viscosupplementation and steroidal injections can now be administered with even greater accuracy using ultrasound. Ultrasound uses sound waves to provide high-resolution images of tendons, ligaments, muscles and nerves and allows doctors better visualization of the site of damage and inflammation, improved visualization and has been shown to improve treatment results for some types of injections. Kessel will discuss the advantages of using ultrasound with interventional treatments to address problems from sports injuries in young athletes to arthritis in aging baby boomers. Kessel graduated from Cornell University and earned her medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Dr. Tamar Kessel
Dr. Mark Vitale
After completing a residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at New York Presbyterian Hospital of Columbia and Cornell, she received fellowship training in spine and sports medicine at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. • Adult Spinal Deformity Evaluation and Management on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 6:30 p.m. by Simon Learn about new technologies that are being used to evaluate and manage spinal deformity and about the latest surgi-
Dr. Scott Simon
cal and nonsurgical treatment options. As people with spinal deformities like scoliosis, kyphosis or spondylolisthesis age, symptoms often worsen. For severe deformities of the spine associated with pain, functional impairment or severe cosmetic deformity, spine stabilization surgery may be a good option. Dr. Simon will also discuss the use of an intra-operative CT scan at Greenwich Hospital to improve alignment of surgical devises. Simon is a board-certified neurosur-
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FRiday, ocTobeR 19, 2012
To Your Health! , The RecoRd-Review
Page 7a
the stRess Mess: A GPS to navigate the road to relaxation continued from page 1a
the system is freed up and allowed to go back to its normal state, then relaxation occurs. When there’s tension in your life, shoulders are hunched up to your ears, headaches can be caused.” This stagnation of muscles not moving can also cause irritable bowel syndrome. “People have so many ailments,” Silverman noted. “Specific areas including in vitro support, gynecologic issues, sinus issues. Pain is the biggest one.” He explained that the master point placement is the Yn Tang for healing these ailments, with the needles placed right between the eyebrows. Acupuncture needles are put in various parts of the body depending on the ailment, allowing endorphins to be sent out which then send out tiny little punctures. The body recognizes it and a healing response takes place, sending out an anti-inflammatory response. And when needles are put in a specific part of the body, it’s working on another part of the body. Silverman earned a master’s of science, then attended acupuncture school to get his state certification and later got his state certification as a massage therapist. He said that for people who have injuries, the injured area has tension and the process of acupuncture “releases tensions and brings you to rest and relaxation and heals those areas of pain.” So much so, he said, that when patients get off the table they are relaxed, feeling really well. In order to receive the lasting effects of these treatments he recommends having six to 10 sessions. Silverman said the effect is cumulative, with some people coming for maintenance. Pathway to sleep
With acupuncture, Silverman said people find better sleep: “People say it helps them sleep after the third session. The body knows how to normalize itself. It just needs a little help, like a clogged sink. People just don’t know how to do it. The practitioner just helps it along. People are there to help themselves.” Some of his acupuncture patients come for massage as well, explaining that he has an eclectic group of clients. If massage patients are comfortable with needles, he might recommend acupuncture. Some come for both. He spends an hour and a half with his clients. He does trigger point and deep tissue massage that helps muscles stretch and helps
patients relax. Silverman, who gets massages and practices yoga himself, said that every modality has its benefits: “I don’t think any one is the best. If someone has a specific injury, you want to use the right tool for that job. You wouldn’t want to use a hammer for putting in a screw.” Meditation tapes: short and sweet
On the other end of the spectrum that can set you on the path to relaxation is a short 15-minute a day meditation CD developed by Claire McDermott of Hastings. She used to meditate for 45 minutes a day and found it too time consuming and felt it would be easier for people to stay with for a shorter amount of time. McDermott, who teaches second grade in Yonkers, created a CD series, “Taking Care of Tension,” targeted to specific audiences. The CDs are sold on her website (www.takingcareoftension. com) for $13.95 and are guided meditations with soothing background music. “I prefer [meditating in] the morning or when I come home from work,” McDermott said. “It’s meant to fit into your schedule. The important fact is that you can fit 15 minutes into your day so you can calm down and let go of the challenges of your day. Your body calms down, your mind calms down after you meditate and relax. It impacts how you respond to stress.” The CDs start with breathing exercises and continuous narratives, helping you focus on your breath for about three minutes; then you go on to the next step. “Like anything, you have to practice. Practicing every day is very beneficial,” McDermott explained. “It’s challenging and it takes a while to quiet the mind. As I say to people, give it 15 minutes and keep practicing it and you’ll see a difference. People just have to focus on 15 minutes. I think it’s a manageable time that people can fit into their schedule.” She noted that meditation is very helpful to your health — it lowers your heart rate and stress level all around, aids digestion and “definitely helps with sleep.” As a teacher, McDermott conferred with colleagues about developing a CD targeted at them, so there is one just for teachers. For medical and physical illness there is “Taking Care of Tension for Medical Patients,” as well as one for health care professionals and caregivers. The list of CDs runs the gamut from CDs for brides and students to veterans, boomers and working mothers. Accord-
ing to McDermott’s website, “The purpose of ‘Taking Care of Tension’ is to acknowledge and recognize each person’s individual source of stress and address it with a personalized message with relaxation exercises and soothing music.” McDermott, who has a master’s in education specializing in learning disabilities, started the business three years ago. She has 21 years’ teaching experience and 10 years’ experience working in a major medical center as a health care professional. For the past 10 years, she has done relaxation exercises and meditation. She said it doesn’t matter when you meditate. “The important message is the benefits to your mind and body,” McDermott said. “Some people like to do it in the mornings because it sets the tone for the day or then again after work after a hectic day.” Finding balance
You don’t have to spend a week or a weekend at a spa to achieve a newfound balance that leaves you feeling relaxed
and beautiful inside and out. A visit to Allison Adamiak’s Balance Day Spa at 280 Mamaroneck Ave. in White Plains can take you there in an hour. She draws clients from all over Westchester, Connecticut, New Jersey and Manhattan, with 15 percent of her clientele being males. Adamiak, whose spa has been open for two years, has a total of 10 years in the business. She is a licensed aesthetician and works by herself, focusing her undivided attention on one client at a time. The spa offers different kinds of facials, waxing and aromatherapy; hand-applied bronzing, lash and brow tinting; makeup application; and ear candling using beeswax to remove earwax. A lot of her business is waxing (personal grooming). “When you look better, you feel better,” Adamiak said, noting that her treatments are a nonmedical approach to skin care. She sells the skin care products she uses, including YonKa from Paris, which has been around since the
1950s, but is difficult to get. Adamiak also uses Eve Taylor of London, which she said is “pretty hard to come upon.” She also mails products to her customers on request. According to her website, www.balance-dayspa.com, clients can choose from a half dozen types of facials tailored to their needs, including a “quench facial” that’s a super-hydrating, anti-aging facial — “the answer to a dehydrated skin’s prayers.” Another anti-aging facial is the “wisdom facial,” which gives immediate visible results. Adamiak said the balance facial, which costs $100, is the basic European facial. For some of the facials she adds massage, which helps people feel more rested, makes them feel rejuvenated and helps them sleep better. Adamiak offers her clients “true therapeutic aromatherapy,” explaining that no two batches of the essential oils that mix into the carrier oil are alike, giving clients the benefit of not developing a tolerance to it, which would lower its effectiveness. Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy that treats the mind, body and spirit. When asked why someone would want aromatherapy, Adamiak said it works to calm the body down. “It penetrates the body quickly and it lets the body relax,” she explained. “It works on the dermal level; it’s not just to clear the skin.” For fall she offers fruit acid peels, which is good for resurfacing the skin, acne and wrinkles. The peels are offered in series with a three-week half series and the full six-week series. Peels are $75 each. “It helps clear the sinuses,” she said. “It’s pretty awesome.” Several of the treatments include foot reflexology. And does she suggest other ways to relax? Adamiak teaches yoga in addition to running her spa and recommends it for deep breathing and stretching. She said she named the spa Balance Day Spa because “you need to find balance in your life. Find what works for you to achieve balance. You need to take some time out for yourself and if you do you can be more available to others, your family and kids.” Healthy, strong, relaxed
Long practicing student and certified Iyengar teacher Nancy Kardon of Scarsdale trained in her 20s as a dancer and has a degree in psychology. She has been teaching Iyengar yoga since 1994 and in 2000 she built a home studio. Kardon
has made many trips to India to study with Iyangar, the founder of this type of yoga, who is now 91. She has already signed up to make the trip to India again in 2014. Kardon described yoga as a cultivation of mindfulness that evolves over time — a way of living that promotes being healthy and strong. She said the postures should be steady and relaxed. “If there’s too much effort, there’s tension,” she said. “People are so used to sweating and working out. Yoga is an alert type of relaxation.” Kardon said yoga is about finding equilibrium and balance, “We learn how to soften.” Yoga is a discipline that takes focus. The word “asanas” literally means “posture” or “seat” that gives you the idea of balance. “We’re working to find the steadiness, just like our lives so that we can be steady when all our buttons are pushed,” Kardon offered. “Yoga is about quieting the mind from all the information that is ping-ponging all over the place. We work with asanas, quieting the senses.” She went on to say that some people don’t know how to let go into the state of quietness and fidget during “quiet time” at the end of class. Kardon pointed out that yoga is not just about self-improvement and being healthy and living longer — it promotes accepting ourselves and learning to work with other people in a “more loving way.” Kardon said her students take her classes to relax and exercise: “I think they come for balance. Doctors recommend it.” So does she recommend any other way to relax? “In our supermarket mentality, like worker bees, offering to do so many things, you have to choose a path. The path is the goal,” Kardon said. “You can’t deepen your practice doing too many things. Choose one or two. We’re always wanting to be better than we are. It doesn’t mean we have to give up our curiosity. We have to keep learning and learning.” With so many paths to follow to find relaxation, use your inner GPS to find what works best for you — and make it work. After all, you deserve it!
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Friday, October 19, 2012