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TYPE OF INCIDENT: Motor Vehicle Collision - Minor to Moderate Injuries DATE OF INCIDENT: 10/23/08 PREPARED BY: Officer Christopher Owen #176 SUMMARY: On Thursday, October 23,2008 at 2024 hours, Officer Balcastro, who was working an extra duty
job at the American Auto Auction located at 419 South Cherry Street infom1ed Wallingford
Police Dispatch of a possible car fire in the parking lot of the auction. Ot1icer Balcastro reported
seeing heavy smoke corning from one of the vehicles in the lot. After further investigation
Officer Balcastro informed Wallingford Police Dispatch there had been a motor vehicle accident
with injuries involving pedestrians and requested a code 1 response by Wallingford Fire Medics.
The responding officers discovered a 1998 Ford Econoline van, vin # j FTNE24L 1WHB51978, a 1992 Mercury Grand Marquis, Yin #2MECM75W8NX733959, and a 2005 Cadillac Deville, vin # IG6KD57Y65U228030 apparently involved in a motor vehicle collision that also involved five pedestrians with injuries ranging from minor to moderate.
Collision Investigation: This was a motor vehicle collision involving five pedestrians and three vehicles that occurred on the private property of 419 South Cherry Street, the American Auto Auction. The collision investigation revealed that Traffic Unit #1, a Ford Econoline, operated by Dennis Katona. Katona was in the process of driving the vehicle into the American Auto Auction for the purposes of the vehicle being displayed to potential buyers. While traveling in a southeasterly direction on the property of 419 South Cherry Street, the Ford Econoline rapidly accelerated. The Ford Econoline continued in southeasterly direction and collided into the left shoulder of Traffic Unit #5, Donald Pinette, with its right side mirror. The Ford continued still in a southeasterly direction colliding into Traffic Unit #4, Fadilj Gjonbalaj, with the left portion of its front end. Gjonbalaj was thrown in an easterly direction landing to the left side of the Ford Econoline. The Ford Econoline continued in a southeasterly direction colliding into the right rear side of Traffic Unit a Mercury Grand Marquis, with the right portion of its front end. The force of the impact caused the rear of the Mercury to rotate in clockwise manner while traveling in a southeasterly direction. The Mercury Grand Marquis subsequently collided into Traffic Unit #6, Christopher Pio, Traffic Unit #7, Wayne Rollins, and Traffic Unit #8, Paul Petrillo with its left side. The Ford Econoline continued in a southeasterly direction colliding into the right rear side of
Traffic Unit #3, a Cadillac Deville, with the left portion of its front end. The force of the impact caused the Cadillac Deville to rotate in clockwise manner while traveling a southeasterly direction. The right side of Cadillac Deville then collided into a cement pillar to northern entrance to the American Auto Auction. The Ford Econoline's forward motion was halted as its front end was pinned against the right rear side of the Cadillac Deville. As a result of the extreme acceleration, the right rear tire freely rotated while the vehicle was stationary. The rotation of the right rear tire against the pavement surface caused the tire to incinerate down wear bars. The incinerated rubber was expelled rearward in a northwesterly direction. A limited on-scene mechanical inspection was conducted on the Ford Econoline's accelerator. The automatic transmission was shifted into neutral and ignition was started. The engine ran at proper idle speed. The accelerator was then pressed multiple times to different acceleration levels and checked for any signs of malfunction. There were no signs of malfunction. From the operator statement, witness accounts, surveillance of the incident, damage profiles of the involved vehicles, and the limited mechanical inspection, the following was concluded: The sole contributing factor in this collision was the error of Dennis Katona inadvertently depressing the accelerator to the Ford Econoline, causing the rapid acceleration and the subsequent collisions. No enforcement action will be taken. Measurcments of the brake pedal in relation to the accelerator were taken at the scene. The accelerator measured 4" lower than the brake pedal while both were at normal height. From the center of the brake pedal to the center of the gas pedal measured 5 1/2". Video surveillance of the entire collision was provided to the Wallingford Police Department by Clay Peters, Operations/IT Manager of the American Auto Auction. Wallingford Police completed the on-scene investigation and cleared from the scene at approximately 2330 hours. Operator #1:
Operator # I was identified as Dennis Katona (08/26/3 1) of39 Western Sands, Wallingford, CT. Katona possessed a current and valid Class 2 Connecticut driver's license number 080420705. Katona had no restrictions or endorsements on his license. At the time of the collision, Katona was not restrained in a seat belt. A query of Katona's driver history through the Department of Motor Vehicle files revealed no motor vehicle violations or suspensions. Operator #1- Injuries:
Katona was complained of left hand pain, but believed he was just "shook up" from the incident. Katona was evaluated at the scene by Wallingford Fire Department Paramedics but refused medical attention. Katona drove himself from the scene. On-scene interview with Katona:
Immediately following the collision, I interviewed Katona who had exited the vehic Ie but remained at the open driver's door. Katona explained he was entering the line of vehicles waiting to enter the auction. His vehicle was traveling at just a few miles an hour when all of a sudden the engine started to race and the vehicle went wild. Katona remembered hitting the brakes as hard as he could but it did not appear to be doing anything. Katona remembered lots of smoke and the engine still racing when the vehicle finally came to a stop. Katona believed with the amount of smoke the radiator must have overheated. Katona explained the entire incident lasted only a few seconds and he could not remember how many people/cars he collided into. Katona appeared to be in good physical health at the time and was aViare of his surroundings and what just happened.
Operator #2: Operator #2 was identified as Christopher Thomas (03/22/76) of 80 Hanover Avenue Apt. #617, Meriden, CT. Thomas possessed a current and valid Class 2 Connecticut driver's license number 156639521. Thomas had no restrictions or endorsements on his license. At the time of the collision, Thomas was not restrained in a seat belt. Thomas explained the collision happened very quickly. He rememrered seeing the Ford out of the corner of his right eye coming at him very fast. The next thing he remembered ,vas the car spinning out and he was thrown about the vehicle. Thomas got out of the vehicle quickly and walked into the garage bay to get to safuty. A query of Thomas' driver history through the Department of Motor Vehicle fi les revealed motor vehicle violations for 14-218a and 14-100a(c)(I) and no suspensions.
Operator #2-Injuries: Thomas appeared to be uninjured, however, was evaluated at the scene by Wallingford Fire Department Paramedics. Thomas was transported by ambulance to Midstate Medical Center as a precaution. He was evaluated at Midstate and rcleased with no apparent injuries at approximately 2330 hours.
Operator #3: Operator #3 was identified as Paschal Chyne Moemeka (04/10/66) of753 Broad Street, Meriden, CT. Moemeka possessed a suspended Class 2 Connecticut driver's license number 167544533 at the time of the collision. His most recent suspension was as of 05/30/07 for 14-227a. Moemeka had no restrictions or endorsements on his license. At the time of the collision, was not restrained in a seat belt. Moemeka only remembered hearing one .big bang and the next thing he realized his vehicle was pinned against the concrete column of the building. A query of driver history through the Department of Motor Vehicle files revealed motor vehicle violations for 14-227a, 14-227b, and 14-215.
Operator #3-Injuries: Moemeka complained of head and neck pain at the seene and was evaluated by Wallingford Fire Medics. Moemeka was transported from the scene by ambulance to Midstate Medical Center. Moemeka was released from Midstate Medical Center at approximately 0130 hours.
First Pedestrian Struck - Traffic Unit #5 - Donald Pinette:
The first pedestrian struck was identified as Donald Pinette (09/02/63) of 95 South Street Ext., Bristol, CT. Pinette remembered hearing squealing and looked over his left shoulder and saw the van coming towards him. Pinette pulled another pedestrian out of the way the Ford just prior to being struck in the left arm/shoulder by the passenger side mirror of the Ford as it passed him. Pinette then ran to the Ford and told Katona to turn off the vehicle. Pinette then went back to where Fadilj was laying and pulled him from under a Chrysler 300M that was still rolling and about to run over his head with the right front tire. as Pinette complained of soreness to his shoulder and arm but refused medical attention at the scene.
Second Pedestrian Injured - Traffic lJnit #4 - Fadilj GjonbaJaj: The second pedestrian injured was identified as fadilj Gjonbalaj (05/30/82) of 160 Charles Street Floor, Waterbury, CT. fadilj sustained head trauma as a result of the collision and was bleeding heavily from his face. fadilj was transported by ambulance to Yale New Haven Hospital where he was diagnosed with a nasal fracture, broken right first rib, bi-Iateral shoulder pain, right knee abrasion, an avulsion to the webbing of his right hand, lower back and neck pain, and a laceration from his lip to nose requiring seven stitches. Due to Fadilj's injuries he was unable to be interviewed at the scene.
Interview with Fadilj: On 10/24/08, I interviewed fadilj at Yale New Haven Hospital. Fadilj explained he did not remember being at the auto auction, and when he woke up in the hospital his first thought was that he crashed his own vehicle.
Third Pedestrian Injured - Traffic Cnit #8 - Paul Petrillo: The third pedestrian injured was identified as Paul Petrillo (09/26/47) of 12 Cella Terrace, North Haven, CT. Petrillo felt pain in his left hand at the scene but refused medical attention at the scene. Petrillo remembered hearing a screech and as he was tuming around he got hit in the "butt" by the Mercury Grand Marquis and fell to the ground.
Fourth Pedestrian Injured - Traffic lJnit #6 - Christopher Pio: The fourth pedestrian injured was identified as Christopher Pio (0~/16/70) of 68 Brightwood Lane, Southington, CT. Pio complained of neck and back pain and sustained abrasions to his left calf and right knee. Pio was evaluated at the scene by Wallingford Medics and was transported by ambulance to Hartford Hospital. Pio was released at approximately 0300 hours. Pio remembered being between garage bays 1 and 2 facing to the south talking with his friend Rollins. Pio heard a loud screech and started to turn around as he was struck by the Mercury Grand Marquis in his "burt", falling to the ground. Pio remembered Rollins fell on top of him while he was on the ground. Pio got to his feet and walked to the cement pillar of the garage bay door and sat down until he was seen by a medic.
Fifth Pedestrian Injured - Traffic lJnit #7 - Wayne Rollins: The fifth pedestrian injured was identified as Wayne Rollins (11110/61) of 186 Wolcott Road, BristoL CT. Rollins complained of back and left elbow pain at the scene. Rollins was evaluated at the scene by Wallingford Fire Medics and refused medical treatment. Rollins did not see the ford coming but remembers hearing a screeching sound just prior to being struck. Rollins remembers landing on top ofPio after the collision and the tire on the Ford spinning after the
Witness #1: Witness # 1 was identified as Emer Gjonbalaj (03/22/79) of 160 Charles Street 3 rd FloOL Waterbury, CT. Enver explained he and his brother Fadilj were located in the north eastern part ofthe lot just to the west of the outside booth used to check vehicles in as they enter the property. Fadilj told Enver he was going inside to get some coffee. Enver explained Fadilj went into the auction near .vhere the coffee was located but never actually got one. Fadilj was exiting the auction walking north through the lot when the accident occurred. Enver was facing the Ford and watched as it accelerated through the crowd of vehicles and people. Enver remembered thinking to himself, "Oh my god, what is this guy doing?" Enver then \\ent to check on Fadilj to make sure he was ok. Enver then found Fadilj lying on the ground near the passenger side of the Chrysler 300M. Enver stayed with Fadilj until he was transported to Yale New Haven Hospital.
Photographs: During the on-scene investigation, numerous photographs were taken. The photographs consisted ofFadilj Gjonbalaj while emergency treatment was being rendered, approach direction fbr the Ford Econoline van, located roadway evidence, overall views of the vehicles at various angles, the brake and accelerator pedal to the Ford Econoline van, and the contact damage areas sustained to the involved vehicles.
Conclusion: As a result of the collision investigation, the sole contributing factor of the collision was determined to be operator error, as Dennis Katona, inadvertently hit the accelerator instead of the brake pedal when he was trying to stop his vehicle. No enforcement action was taken against Katona. End of Report. ********************************************************************** This report signed under penalty of law provided by Connecticut General Statute 53& 157a, False Statements and Reports.
Subscribed and sworn before me on this ~.___day Supervisor: