Volume 22, Number 52
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Housing authority presses for funding assistance By Devin Leith-Yessian The Citizen
"We've been working on this a very long time and I know we're trying our best and The Town Council approved have tried to move this forthe drafting of an applicaward as fast as possible and tion for a $1.5 million grant unfortunately we've had to subsidize the construction many issues in our way and of 50 age-restricted affordfinally perhaps seeing a way able housing units on Perci- forward," said Mayor Mark val Avenue. Kaczynski. The funding comes from the The project would demolish Department of Housing’s the former site of the Community Development Knights of Columbus buildBlock Grant and plays a key ing, adjacent to Percival part in making possible a Field, and replace it with two project that has been buildings with 50 units beplagued by setbacks since it tween them. The current was approved by the Plancost estimates put the entire ning & Zoning Commission project at around $18 milin 2015. Those roadblocks lion, of which $5 million included the discovery of a would remain unaccounted conservation easement on a for should the CDBG grant corner of the land and a and other identified funding state-level shift towards sources be received. funding affordable housing aimed at families rather than The block grant, also known as the Small Cities Program, the elderly.
directs federal funding to projects that renovate or rehabilitate housing for low-and moderate-income persons in municipalities smaller than 50,000 residents, according to the state DOH website. In 2019, the program awarded $13 million to 13 municipalities to improve low income housing by making ADA improvements, roof replacements, fire alarm system upgrades or adding staff to shelter diversion programs.
The grant is awarded via a competitive process, meaning the town might receive less than $1.5 million or nothing at all. Moreover, the criteria for applications listed on the DOH website specify that one of the ineligible activities is the “New construction of permanent residential structures.” See Housing, A12
Southington-based developer Mark Lovley, holding scissors at center, cuts the ribbon for the renaming ceremony of Newport Center @ Farmington Ave., formerly Depot Crossing. Devin Leith-Yessian, The Citizen
Introducing Newport Center @ Farmington Ave. By Devin Leith-Yessian The Citizen
Depot Crossing is no more, having been renamed Newport Center @ Farmington Avenue after a local development firm purchased it last month with the intention of completing the long unfinished commercial space. “We see a great opportunity with that beautiful commercial space on the first level,” said Anthony Valenti, of Newington, who is co-principal of Newport Realty alongside Southington developer Mark Lovley. According to town records, the real estate firm purchased the property in January for $1,250,000.
The Berlin Housing Authority is searching for funding for a plan to demolish the former Knights of Columbus building at 143 Percival Ave. Devin Leith-Yessian, The Citizen
Newport Realty has also been working with the
town to develop three vacant town-owned parcels across Farmington Avenue into five mixed-use buildings with 8,400 square feet of retail space, 10,800 square feet for an office or medical area and 76 market rate apartments. Valenti said the acquisition shows that Newport Realty is willing to put skin in the game and intends to be in Berlin for the long haul. “We’re excited to make Newport Center our first entrance into the market formally and show our town partners, and just residents, that we’re committed to Berlin. We’ve spent hard money and real money on purchasing Newport Center — so we’re in town,” he said. See Development, A9
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Jack Carroll Special to The Citizen
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The trip was organized by the Close UP Foundation. Since 1971, the non-profit has united more than 900,000 students and teachers to engage in civil discourse at some of our country’s most iconic sites.
During their time in D.C., Berlin students visited the White House, the Capitol Building, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, and many more historically-significant landmarks. At each stop, a critical question was raised for the students to discuss. For example, at the Jefferson Memorial, they were asked: “How do the rights outlined in the Founding Documents apply to our view of liberty today?” One highlight of the Washington trip came on “Capitol Hill Day,” when BHS students engaged with U.S. Rep. John Larson, who represents the 1st District, which includes Berlin, and were able to meet with the
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Earlier this month, a group of Berlin High sophomores enrolled in the advanced placement course U.S. Government and Politics spent a week in Washington, D.C. discussing complex political issues with fellow teenagers from across the country.
The BHS students who embarked on the Washington trip were Kyle Carlone, Jonathan D’Amore, Garrett Fallon, Jacob Ferland, Griffin Hilbie, Lindsey Leary, Harrison Lombardi, Sean Malone, David Manafort, Jaime Palmese, Olivia Salina and Jacob Wagner.
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Students spend a week in D.C. discussing big issues
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Berlin High School sophomores in the U.S. Government and Politics AP course are pictured at the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. The trip was organized by the Close UP Foundation, which has united more than 900,000 students and teachers to engage in civil discourse. Photo by John Line
Legislative Correspondent and the Legislative Aide to Connecticut senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal. During their time with Larson, Social Security and its future was a topic of conversation. U.S. Government and Politics teacher John Line accompanied the BHS students to our nation’s capitol. “This is really ‘Government Camp,’” Line said of the experience. “Students are im-
mersed in the Washington D.C. experience, and they consider controversial issues and try to discover some solutions. They are working with students from other states and, in our case, we worked with students from Oklahoma and Texas.”
WILLARD WILLARD SCHOOL PASTA SUPPER WILLARDWILLARD SCHOOLSCHOOL PASTA SUPPER PASTA SUPPER Hosted by the 5th grade Committee Hosted by the 5th grade Committee Hosted by the 5th grade Committee Wednesday March 11, 2020 WednesdayWednesday March (snow11, date2020 March 13,11, 2020) March 2020 (snow date March 13, 2020) (snow date March 13, 2020) Berlin High School Cafeteria Berlin High Berlin SchoolHigh Cafeteria School Cafeteria 5:30pm to 7:30pm 5:30pm to 7:30pm 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Hosted by
Tickets in Advance: Advance: AdultsTickets $8.00 inChildren (3-12) $5.00 Family 4 Pack $20.00 Tickets in Advance: Adults $8.00 Adults Children (3-12) $5.00 Family$5.00 4 Pack $20.00 (2 adults and 2 children) $8.00 Children (3-12) Family 4 Pack $20.00 adults and 2 children) At the(2Door: (2 adults and 2 children) At Adults the Door: $9.00At the Children Door: (3-12) $6.00 Adults $9.00 Adults Children (3-12)Children $6.00 (3-12) $6.00 $9.00
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE PUBLIC ● Pasta Dinner hosted by the 5th OPEN gradeTO students th ● Pasta Dinner hosted by the 5 pasta grade(gluten students th o Includes will students be available), meatballs, breadsticks, salad, ● Pasta Dinner hosted by the 5free grade
Berlin H
(gluten free be available), meatballs, breadsticks, salad, Line added, “We’d also likeo Includes pasta beverage andwill dessert o Includes pasta (gluten free will be available), meatballs, breadsticks, salad, beverage dessert to give a shout out to the Li- beverage and●dessert RAFFLEand (prizes for the whole family and 50/50) and FAMILY FUN! (prizes for the(prizes whole for family 50/50) and FAMILY FUN! PERFORMANCE BY McGee CAST MEMBERS OF FOOTLOOSE AT 6PM!! ● ● RAFFLE the and whole family and 50/50) and FAMILY FUN! ons Club, who has helped us● ●RAFFLE PERFORMANCE BY McGee CAST MEMBERS OFonFOOTLOOSE AT 6PM!! (Tickets willCAST be sale for $15 each) ● PERFORMANCE BY McGee MEMBERS OF FOOTLOOSE AT 6PM!! with the cost in the past with (Tickets will be on sale for $15 each) (Tickets will be on sale for $15 each) All proceeds to benefit the Willard School PTO! a donation.” All proceeds to benefit the Willard School PTO!
All proceeds to benefit the Willard School PTO!
To order your advance tickets, please return the form below along with your payment to the school in an To order your advance tickets, envelope please return the “Pasta form below alongPlease with your to the school in anPTO. makepayment checkswith payable Willard To order your advance labeled tickets, please Supper”. return the form below along your to payment to the school in an envelope labeled “Pasta Supper”. Please make checks payable to Willard PTO. Please contact Melissa Urrunaga at melissaurrunaga@gmail.com any questions. envelope labeled “Pasta Supper”. Please make checks payablewith to Willard PTO. Please contact Melissa Urrunaga at melissaurrunaga@gmail.com with any questions. Willard Pasta Supper Please contact Melissa Urrunaga at School melissaurrunaga@gmail.com with any questions.
Jack Carroll is a Berlin High School senior.
Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Devin Leith-Yessian Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener
Willard School Pasta Supper Willard School Pasta Supper
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Adults $
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
In Brief Remembering downtown
Dinner prices: adults $10, children age 3 to 8 $5. For more information, call 860The Berlin Historical Soci- 881-8143. ety’s StoryShare, “Remembering Kensington VFW Craft Show Downtown,” will be held The VFW Craft Show will Thursday, Feb. 27, 6 to 8 take place Saturday, April p.m., at the Berlin High 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 152 School video amphitheMassirio Drive. Shop handater. Registration is remade crafts, coffee, baked quired for this free progoods, and more. Admisgram. Call 860-828-8135. sion is free.
Dinner fundraiser The Connecticut Association of Schools, through its Celebration of the Arts Festival, recognizes two students in the highest grade level of each of the elementary schools in the state who have excelled in the areas of visual and performing arts while displaying high levels of citizenship and cooperative skills. On Tuesday Feb. 11, Berlin’s student honorees attended the CAS awards ceremony at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington. Pictured are Adrian Grabek and Elaina Markowski (Griswold), Diamond Colon (Hubbard) and Ava Barbagallo and Ava Gombotz (Willard). Safa Syed (Hubbard) is not pictured.
Schools Locals in college Bentley University, Waltham, Mass., has named Sara Zliczewski to its dean’s list for the fall semester.
See Briefs, A4
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The New Britain Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department will host a job fair Wednesday, March 5, 2 to 5 p.m., at New Britain City Hall
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Western New England University, Springfield, Mass., has named Danielle Skates, Emily Cooney and Benjamin Kennure to its dean’s list for the fall semester.
Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953
The public is invited to an all-you-can-eat pasta supper Saturday, March 7, 5 to 8 p.m., at St. Paul School 461 Alling St. The dinner benefits Boy Scout Troop 44.
Western New England University, Springfield, Mass., has named Emily Dymczyk and Nicole Veronesi to its president’s list for the fall semester.
Job fair
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Dulcimer concert
Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St., will present an afternoon with Ted Yoder (Room 504), 27 West Main and his creative rendering of St. Information about several contemporary and classical part-time and seasonal posimusic on the dulcimer Suntions will be available. For day, March 15 at 4 p.m. Remore information, call 860freshments will follow the 826-3360. concert. Child care will be available.
From A3
Umpire clinic
Book sale
Berlin Little League will host an umpire clinic for those age 13 and up Sunday, April 5, 6 to 6:45 p.m., at the Bill Petit complex. Returning umpires must contact Jim Marturano at 860490-4152.
Fill a bag with books for $5 at the East Berlin Library Wednesdays, 9 to 11:30 a.m. The library, located at 80 Main St., in the fire house building, is open Mondays and Thursdays, 3 to 7 p.m.
Library Tea Berlin Free Library, 834 Worthington Ridge, will host a Library Tea Saturday, April 18, 2 to 4 p.m. Tickets are $12. Call 860-828-3344.
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son Murphy Semenuk (Class of 2002), Matt Carasiti (Class of 2009), and the 1999 and 2000 BHS wrestling teams. The Hall of Fame Class of 2020 will be inducted on Sunday, April 26 at the Aqua Turf in Plantsville. For more information, visit bhshalloffame.org.
Hall of Fame The Berlin High School Athletic Hall of Fame has unveiled its Class of 2020. The Hall of Fame inductees are: Steve Baccaro (Class of 1947), Phil Perretta (Class of 1961), John Steurer (Class of 1980), Cynthia Gozzo Dastoli (Class of 1990), Robert Manzo (Class of 1990), Alli-
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Neighbors app By working in collaboration with the Neighbors app by Ring, the Berlin Police Department can improve its ability to address community concerns and increase community engagement in fighting crime and addressing neighborhood problems. Download the free Neighbors app on iOS or Android, join your neighborhood, and use the app to monitor neighborhood activity, share crime and safety-related videos, photos and text-based posts, and receive real-time safety alerts from your neighbors, the BPD and the Ring team.
Social worker
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Social work services are available at Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Social worker/community liaison Tara Skiparis is available Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. She can assist with counseling resources, employment and unemployment resources, navigating state insurance options, energy and housing assistance resources.
Wall of Honor
The Berlin Veterans Digital Wall of Honor, located in the rotunda of Town Hall, is “Dedicated To All Who Proudly Served To Protect Our Country." Residents and/or their immediate family members who have served, or who are currently serving in the military, are welcome to be included on the Veterans Digital Wall of Honor. Bring information to the Town Manager’s Office, or call Peter Galgano at 860604-7258. See Briefs, A13
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Wallingford woman earns HR scholarship Jeanette Mondi-Birney of Wallingford was recently awarded the Andy Thiede HR Certification Scholarship. Mondi-Birney is the Manager of HR and Administration at G&G Beverage Distributors, a Wallingford company with approximately 75 employees. With a passion for human resources, and a desire to give back to the profession, Berlin resident Andy Thiede created this scholarship in 2016 to help offset the expense of certification for HR
colleagues. Thiede believes that her memberships in the Human Resource Association of Central Connecticut and SHRM have significantly contributed to her career success. She has been a member of both organizations for more than 20 years, and holds SPHR and SHRMSCP certifications. Thiede has awarded seven scholarships, and will continue this program through 2020, and hopefully beyond. -- Press Release
Berlin Lions Club members Ken Scheer and Dan Daigle present a check in the amount of $7,740 to Denise Hornbecker and Brian Vance from Channel 3 Kid’s Camp. The endowment represents donations by fair-goers during the 2018 and 2019 Berlin Fair.
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In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at myrecordjournal. secondstreet.com/Berlin-Citizen-Requester. Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Berlin Citizen to your home or business, will end.
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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Hall of Fame inductees: Steve Baccaro, Phil Perretta The Berlin High School Athletic Hall of Fame will celebrate its Class of 2020 on Sunday, April 26 at the Aqua Turf in Plantsville. The inductees are: Steve Baccaro (Class of 1947), Phil Perretta (Class of 1961), John Steurer (Class of 1980), Cynthia Gozzo Dastoli (Class of 1990), Robert Manzo (Class of 1990), Allison Murphy Semenuk (Class of 2002), Matt Carasiti (Class of 2009), and the 1999 and 2000 BHS wrestling teams.
well as good scholarship and sportsmanship.
Baccaro was a four-year letterman in baseball, basketball and football. He was the captain of the football team his senior year when Berlin set a new team record, winning five games while losing just two under new coach Bill Gibney.
After high school, Baccaro played for the New Britain Machine in the Industrial League and the Mohawks in the Berlin town league. He also played golf for New Britain Machine and was a member of the Knights of Columbus bowling league.
Phil Perretta, Class of 1961 Perretta was a four-year varsity athlete in both football and basketball. He was captain of the football team his senior year when he received the Babe Ruth Award for best athlete in the class.
See Hall, A8
Baccaro married his high Baccaro was the first recipischool sweetheart, Louise ent of the Richard Patterson Sokolowski, who was a Award, which takes into con- cheerleader while Baccaro sideration outstanding abili- was playing. ty in the field of sports, as
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Perretta’s interest in athletics began in 1954 when he was a pitcher on the Cubs with Berlin Little League. That year the team went 7-1 and won the town championship. Perretta later competed in what was then the Alumni League and in the Hartford Twilight League.
For more information, visit bhshalloffame.org.
Steve Baccaro, Class of 1947
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Contact Katie at 860.828.6559
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
In 1968, Perretta spent two weeks in Mexico City and was in the arena when John Carlos and Tommy Smith
From A7
After high school, Perretta played with a local softball team and in a town basketball league with fellow Hall of Fame members Bob McCann and Tony Legnani.
Hall of Fame inductees Steve Baccaro (Class of 1947) and Phil Perretta (Class of 1961).
Perretta was always interested in the Summer Olympics, so in 1964 he spent two weeks in Tokyo where he saw Bob Hayes compete. Hayes went on to play for the Dallas Cowboys. Perretta’s biggest thrill was being able to dine with Jessie Owens, one of the greatest athletes of all time.
Senior Bowling Feb. 7
Senior bowlers are welcome to play Fridays 9 a.m. at Jan Bennett - 198; Nick Nesci Lucky Lanes, 1782 Berlin - 187; Dennis Derose - 163; Turnpike. Ferd Brochu - 159; Eileen Kozlowski - 152.
Letters Policy
Feb. 14 Mike Koval - 193; Ferd Brochu - 171; Irene Willametz - 171; Gene Lemery - 169; Nick Nesci 160; Buzz Brazee - 159; Eileen Kozlowski - 151.
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Wound care – what to know
put up their fist for the black power movement. He also saw Bob Beamen shatter the long jump record.
Email letters to news@theberlincitizen.com; mail to 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to 203-6390210. Letters are limited to 300 words. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not list names of people, organizations and businesses being thanked. Names of businesses are not allowed. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. Friday to be considered for publication the following Thursday.
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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Development From A1
Economic Development Director Chris Edge said he’s already working with Newport to find commercial tenants that would fit the space, which he believes lends itself to restaurants, professional services or specialized medical offices, like a clinic or doctor’s office. “They have already said they’re going to be investing money in the ground floor, which has been the biggest
Thursday, February 27, 2020
thing lacking,” Edge said. “ … Their goal is happy tenants, happy landlords, no vacancies.” After the building was largely completed around 2014, the 16 apartments on the upper floors were rented out by the Hartford-based housing non-profit CIL. The organization, however, was unsuccessful in finding businesses to move into the 9,520 square feet of commercial space on the first floor, which was never finished.
Citing their experience in the construction industry, Edge said he’s confident Newport will fare better than CIL — which specializes in residential development — in finding commercial tenants since they’ll be able to cut out the middleman and manage the buildout directly. Valenti said Newport is paying close attention to the market for commercial space in Berlin and is advertising a rate of $15 per square foot, which he said is less than what CIL was ask-
ing. The space can either be sold as one large unit or divided into as many as five to rent out or sell as commercial condominiums. Valenti said the firm is focusing on searching for small businesses as tenants, which has been their model in other properties they manage in West Hartford and Southington. “We’re the guys that love to work with mom and pop tenants,” he said.
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To advertise your restaurant to 269,000 weekly readers Call us 203-317-2312
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Lamont says truck tolls off the table: ‘I’ve lost patience’ By Mark Pazniokas and Keith M. Phaneuf © The Connecticut Mirror
“Don’t say, ‘I can’t make up my mind, I need another week, I need another week, I need another week,’ ” LamGov. Ned Lamont effectively ont told reporters in a hastily gave up last week on Senate called press conference Democrats ever calling a Wednesday, Feb. 19 after promised vote on truck tolls, legislative leaders left his ofscolding fellow Democrats fice, refusing to comment. and telling reporters his ad- “I’ve heard that for a year, ministration was ready to ex- and I’ve lost patience.” plore alternative funding Senate President Pro Tem sources for transportation. But Senate Democratic lead- Martin M. Looney, D-New Haven, cancelled a vote that ers protested they would have been ready to vote this had been tentatively planned for Thursday, Feb. week, a claim Lamont did 20, blaming a 30-hour filinot find credible.
buster threatened by Republicans as reason to once again pause and regroup. Republicans said that was pretext; Democrats didn’t have the necessary votes for passage.
“‘We’re going to vote on Thursday.’ Everybody said that to me not less than five Lamont, a Democrat who took office a year ago, said it days ago,” Lamont said. “Here it is, Thursday is towas hard to believe the morrow, and they said, ‘Not Democratic majority ever yet, maybe next week.’ I’ve would be ready to vote, deheard that in this building spite claims by Looney and for the last year, and I think House Speaker Joe Aresimowicz, D-Berlin, that each you’ve all heard it for 30 years. This is a place that could deliver a victory — if only the other chamber went specializes in kicking the can down the road, and I don’t accept it.”
UConn students' arrest over slur prompts review of ridicule law By Dave Collins Associated Press
HARTFORD — Free speech concerns that were raised following the arrests of two University of Connecticut students accused of saying a racial slur have led state legislators to consider repealing a century-old law that bans ridicule based on race, religion or nationality. The episode on campus involving two white students in October was recorded on video and sparked protests against racism. Many people
applauded their arrests, but civil liberties groups condemned them as an affront to First Amendment rights. Police said the students, Jarred Karal and Ryan Mucaj, uttered the racial slur several times while walking through the parking lot of a campus apartment complex and were recorded by a black student. They said that they were playing a game that involved saying offensive words and that it was not directed at anyone in particular.
They were charged under a 1917 law that makes it a misdemeanor for anyone who “ridicules or holds up to contempt any person or class of persons, on account of the creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race of such person or class of persons.” A bill before the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee would repeal the law, which has been criticized by law professors around the country and other groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, which said the students’ conduct was offensive but not criminal.
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first, or somehow could simultaneously take up sections of a plan to charge tractor trailers tolls on a dozen highway bridges.
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The Republican minority leaders, Sen. Len Fasano of North Haven and Rep.
Themis Klarides of Derby, said the issue of tolls was almost certainly dead for the rest of a three-month session that ends May 6. Fasano said legislators were ready to tackle other issues and set aside a fight that had “sucked the oxygen” out of the Capitol. Dave Roche, the president of the Connecticut Building Trades, said the Democratic majority was outmaneuvered by Republicans and had failed construction workers. He said Fasano was correct when he repeatedly said that Senate Democrats did not have the votes for passage.
Bill aims to combat ‘lunch shaming’ By Michael Gagne Record-Journal staff
State lawmakers are weighing a proposed bill to limit the embarrassment faced by students whose unpaid school lunch debts add up. That embarrassment is commonly referred to as “lunch shaming.” The phrase evokes images of school cafeteria employees replacing a student’s preferred hot meal with a cold meal, such as a cheese sandwich, in front of peers. Meanwhile, local school officials, reached last week, maintain their current policies do not constitute lunch shaming.
The legislation would also allow school districts to collect donations to pay off meal debts. A review of local policies on meal payments and debts found most do not call for alternative meals.
State Rep. Mary Mushinsky, D-Wallingford, is one of the bill’s co-sponsors. Mushinsky described practices like meal substitutions as unnecessary and even hurtful toward children. “They are just kids, this happens through no fault of their own. Sometimes, parents don’t have enough money to pay for school lunches,” Mushinsky said. The purpose of the legislation would be to codify into law language ensuring “no child goes hungry and to avoid the embarrassment and hunger that would fall on the child,” Mushinsky said. Connecticut’s Child Advocate Sarah Eagan recently testified before the legislature’s Committee on Children in favor of the proposed law. She described having a safe place to live and adequate food as “basics” for children.
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Obituaries Alfred A. Nocera BERLINAlfred A. Nocera, 92, of Berlin, passed away peacefully at home on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020. He was the widower of Louise (Wood) Nocera. Born in Berlin, he was the son of the late Russell and Rose (Fortuna) Nocera. Alfred was formerly employed as a brick layer and stone mason before retiring, and opening an Antique Shop in Berlin. He was a U. S. Army Veteran, serving in both WWII and Korea as a Bandsman. He was dubbed “Hot Lips” by his comrades in the 8th Army Band for his exceptional trumpeting abilities. Alfred served as President of the Berlin Art League, was a member of the American Legion, the Berlin Volunteer Fire Department, Brick Layers Union, Berlin Bowling League, and the Musician’s Union. Surviving are “His Girl” of 13 years, Angela Pace of Plainville, his four daughters Karen Martinelli and husband Joseph of Berlin, Sharon Young and husband Raymond of Mechanicsville, VA, Diana Steinson and husband Michael of Berlin, and Beverly Sic and fiance James Hirvela of Long Island, NY, ten grandchildren; six great-grandchildren and
Faith Wellspring Church
222 Lincoln St. Sunday service, 10 a.m, with children’s program for newborn to age 12. For more information, call 860-2250661 or visit wellspring.net.
Prince of Peace
1103 Chamberlain Highway, Kensington Sunday worship – 10 a.m. 860-828-5079. pastor@popkensington.org.
Berlin Congregational
Sunday worship, 10 a.m., with communion on the first Sunday of the month. Tot Time – Thursdays, 10 a.m. Birth to age 5. 860828-6586.
several nieces and nephews. Thank you and God bless all his many friends and McDonald’s employees at his “home away from home”, McDonald’s of Kensington. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, Feb. 27, at 9 am at EricksonHansen Funeral Home of Berlin/Porter’s, 111 Chamberlain Hwy, Kensington, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 am at St. Paul’s Church. Burial with military honors will be in Maple Cemetery. Calling hours were held on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020 from 6-8 pm at the funeral home. Please share a memory of Alfred with the family in the online guest book @www. e r i c ks o n h a n s e n b e r lin. com.
Saint Gabriel’s
68 Main St. East Berlin; Holy Communion – 9 a.m.; Bible study Tuesday – noon to 2 p.m.; Sunday Eucharist – 9 a.m. Saint Gabriel’s is a community fellowship, preaching, teaching, caring, family-friendly church. 860-828-3735.
Bethany Covenant
785 Mill St. Sunday Worship, 9:30 a.m., followed by Christian Formation Classes for all ages at 11 a.m. 860-8283637, bethanycovenant.org.
Kensington Congregational
Sunday worship, 10 a.m. Child care and Sunday school are
available during worship services. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 11 a.m.
Kensington United
103 Hotchkiss St. Sunday worship, 9 a.m. 860-828-4222.
St. Paul Church
485 Alling St., Kensington. Mass schedule – Saturdays, 4 p.m.; Sundays, 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m. and noon. 860-828-0331.
Sacred Heart
48 Cottage St. Mass is scheduled for Sundays, 9:30 a.m. 860828-0331.
United Methodist
139 Main St. Sunday services, 10 a.m.
*For more Local Events visit our Things To Do Calendar at myrecordjournal.com/ things-to-do
Thursday Rob Zappulla Big Band Jazz Ensemble: Feb. 27, 7:30 9:30 p.m. Free. Casa Mia at the Hawthorne, 2421 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin. Sit & Knit: Feb. 27, 1 p.m. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road, Berlin.
called into a studio to rerecord a line of dialogue for her film. $37. Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31-33 Webster Square Road, Berlin. 860-8291248, ctcabaret@msn.com.
Yummy Comfort Foods Culinary Class for Kids: Feb. 27, 6 - 7:30 p.m. $20. Stew Leonard's of Newington, 3475 Berlin Turnpike.
Mother Goose on the Loose: Feb. 28, 10:30 a.m. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road, Berlin.
Movie Matinee: Judy: Feb. 28, 1- 3 p.m. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road, Berlin.
Saturday Goat Cuddle Therapy: Feb. 29, 1 - 2:30 p.m. $20. Bradley Mountain See Things, A13
Affordable Funerals, $899 Cremations
Looped: A new comedy: Feb. 28, 8 - 10 p.m. Hilarity ensues as celebrated actress Tallulah Bankhead is
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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Housing Cornerstone
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of intent signaling their support for providing the loan if it’s necessary to ensure the project is fully financed.
BERLIN - 12 Canoe Birch, Unit #12. 2400sq.ft Townhouse Condo at Silver Lake. 3Bdrms 2.5bths with 2car garage. Open flr.pln w/custom cabinets. Formal DR.2 story LR w/ gas fp and hardwood flrs. $324,900 Derek Jutras 860-883-7091 OPEN SUN 1–3
Other funding sources include $4.2 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credit proceeds, $4 million from the Connecticut Department of Housing and $3.2 million from the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority. To close the remaining $5 million gap, housing authority chairman Joe Bajorski is seeking a $2 million interestfree loan from the town, which would be repaid over the course of 50 years. The Town Council discussed signing a non-binding letter
Councilor Charles Paonessa noted that no other municipality in Connecticut has exBajorski said he’s pursuing tended a loan to a housing other federal and state authority to build such a grants with the aim of secur- project, based on informaing the remaining $3 million tion from Bajorski and the town’s attorney, Jeffrey needed for the project and ideally the additional $2 mil- Donofrio. lion to make a loan from the "No town has loaned montown unnecessary. ey, but other towns have un"It is my goal to get the town dertaken, say like the city of Hartford has undertaken the out of this project in its entirety. If I can come up with construction of a parking garage ... other towns have another $2 million, I will done infrastructure imcome up with another $2 provements, road improvemillion and you guys don't have to be involved at all. If I ments, things like that. So monies have been paid, but can come up with $1 million, then your contribution nobody's ever really extended a loan that we could find," Bajorski said.
NEW BRITAIN - 220 McClintock St. Beautifully remodeled ranch style home. Open flr. pln. w/ref. hrdwd flrs. LR w/bow wnd. New cab. Granite counter tops SS spplic. 3 bdrms 2 bths. Fully fin. Lower level w/full bth. Family room w/ fireplace. $224,900 Kelly Mazza 860-550-5626 NEW PRICE
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Paonessa also questioned the cost of the project, which comes out to around $370,000 per unit, and noted that the town had already paid into the project to a degree by purchasing the land in 2002, with the eventual intention of deeding it over to the housing authority.
"The construction costs of these units are quite a bit higher than most of the other units in the state," he said. Since the project relies in part on money from the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority and state dollars, the Berlin Housing Authority is required to follow guidelines set by both, which raise the cost of development. Zoning regulations also limit the size of the buildings, which prevents the development from offsetting those costs by adding additional units to increase rent revenue down the line. “ … it's not a large project. There are some design standards that go into that, so things that I might do or a private contractor might do to design that building — that I might not do — the state mandates that we do,” Bajorski said. “There's certain environmental laws that go in there; the prevailing wage law — that's close to $2 million in costs."
Peter D. L. Kern,
PLAINVILLE - Premiere 55+ adult community. This beautiful home features 2000sq.ft. of living space. 2 bdrms 2.5baths. Open flr. pln. Hardwood flrs. LR w/recessed lights and gas fireplace. Sliders to private deck. 1st. flr. Master bdrm w/walk in closets. Full bsmt for storage. C/A central vac. And oversized 2 car garage. $289,900 Angie Santoro 860-214-6384
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$225,000 830 BERLIN TURNPIKE, BERLIN. CT Location, Location, Location! Prime location on the busy Berlin Turnpike, with plenty of parking and the huge bonus of having a rear entrance on Worthington Ridge, to avoid having to turn around on the Turnpike. There are so many possibilities for this property. It has been home to an insurance agency for decades, and would be a great location for any type of professional offices, medical, retail, spa, daycare, etc. The town guidelines for the space use are in the attachments. A Must See!!!
$124,900 0 OVERHILL RD, BERLIN. CT Come build your dream home on almost 3 acres. Approved building lot, possible subdivide.
$329,900 56 HOTCHKISS DR, BRISTOL. CT Come enjoy an Oasis in your own back yard! Beautifully manicured park like grounds, fenced in rear yard with plenty of privacy, heated in-ground pool, stamped concrete patio surrounded by exquisite landscaping, fountains, cabana, gazebo, fire pit and more. Meticulously maintained Raised Ranch, with new roof, updated baths & kitchen with granite. Central Air, 3 bedrooms, 3 plus car garage, new driveway and more!
$339,900 73 LIDO RD, FARMINGTON. CT Nestled on Lake Garda. Enjoy the water views right from your deck. This home offers open floor plan with cathedral ceilings, dining room with French doors to a huge deck, 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, hardwood floors throughout, newer roof, boiler, and more! A Must See!!!
$368,000 24 PLAZA AVE, SOUTHINGTON, CT Sprawling and beautiful 2000 square-foot ranch located in a quiet neighborhood. 4 bedroom and 2 full baths. Huge two car oversize garage. New siding, New roof and brand-new garage doors. Totally renovated inside and out with a huge master bedroom with an ensuite bathroom walk in tile shower and double vanity sink. Custom kitchen with granite countertops. Central Air. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout the house. The yard has been totally re-landscaped. Option available
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All loans are subject to credit approval including credit worthiness. insurability, and ability to provide acceptable collateral. Not all loans or products are available in all states or counties. Kern Mortgage Co., Inc. is not affiliated with any government agency. NMLS 1827309
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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Farm, 537 Shuttle Meadow Road, Southington. 860-3854628. help@bradleymountainfarm.com. Goats n Pajamas: Feb. 29, 4 - 5:30 p.m. $15. Bradley Mountain Farm, 537 Shuttle Meadow Road, Southington. 860-385-4628. help@ bradleymountainfarm.com. Hip Hop Hamilton and the Rest of America's Founding Fathers: Feb. 29, 1 p.m. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road, Berlin. Junior Farmers: Feb. 29, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. $25. Bradley Mountain Farm, 537 Shuttle Meadow Road, Southington. 860-3854628. help@bradleymountainfarm.com.
Nzinga's Daughters Underground Railroad Performance: Feb. 29, 10 - 11 a.m. New Britain Public Library, 20 High St., New Britain.
Mindfulness and Breathing Workshop: March 3, 6:30 p.m. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road, Berlin.
Wiggles & Giggles: March 3, 10:30 a.m. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road, Berlin.
Goat Cuddle Therapy: March 1, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $20. Bradley Mountain Farm, 537 Shuttle Meadow
Briefs From A4
Heroes Walk Memorial bricks are being sold for the “Heroes Walk” at the Berlin Veterans Memorial Park on Veterans Way. Each brick honors a veteran, living or deceased, who served in the nation’s military.
Memorial brick applications are available on the Town of Berlin’s Veterans Commission web page. Applications are also available at the Town Clerk’s and the Town Manager’s office. Mail the form and check to: Town of Berlin, Attn: Veterans Commission, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037.
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Looped: A new comedy: Feb. 29, 8 - 10 p.m. Hilarity ensues as celebrated actress Tallulah Bankhead is called into a studio to rerecord a line of dialogue for
Road, Southington. 860-3854628. help@bradleymountainfarm.com.
From A11
her film. $37. Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31-33 Webster Square Road, Berlin. 860-8291248, ctcabaret@msn.com.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
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Thursday, February 27, 2020
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Lost and Found LOST BUICK CAR KEYS - East Main St., Meriden, Cox, Dunkin, Job Lot, Reward. (203) 6995419.
CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
Water Treatment & Pumping Supervisor Water Division is seeking a qualified individual to direct and supervise all phases of operations and maintenance of the Town’s water treatment plants, pumping stations, and wells. Applicants must have an associate degree in engineering or chemistry, plus four (4) years of progressively responsible experience with at least two (2) years as a supervisor in the operation of a municipal water treatment and pumping system or an equivalent combination of education and qualifying experience. State of Connecticut Department of Health Services Class IV Water Treatment Plant Operator and Class II Distribution System Operator Certification, or the ability to obtain within the six-(6) month probationary period. Must also have and maintain a valid Connecticut Driver’s License. Salary $67,668 - $86,581, plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Apply: Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. The closing date will be March 10, 2020 or the date we receive the 50th application whichever occurs first. EOE
THE BERLIN POLICE DEPT. - Has found a duffle bag in the area of Redwood Lane. If you or someone you know has lost a duffle bag containing items in this area, please contact Officer DePinto at 860-828-7080. You will need to describe the bag and the contents to claim it.
Lawn and Garden
FREE FILL - Wallingford. WILL PAY CASH - For old Must come with own motorcycles, mini bikes truck, owner will load. & go carts. Gary, (860) Call Rob 203-913-4221 558-5430. for details
DEE’S ANTIQUES Buying Collectibles. Open 8–5 Monday Jewelry & Silver. thru Friday. Call Us. China. Glass. Military. Musical. Anything Old 203-238-1953 & Unusual. Single item to an estate. SERVWanted To Buy ING COMMUNITY & FAMILY RESPECTFULLY 1,2,3 Items or an Estate FOR OVER 50 YEARS. $$$CA$H$$$ Call 203-235-8431 Todd Shamock 203-4941695 Estate Sale Service Costume Jewelry, Antiques, paintings, Meriden-made.
1-2 ITEMS: China, Silverware, Glass. Furn., 50’s. Whole Estates. 203.238.3499
AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608.
ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAID Vintage Electronics, Musical Instruments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Guitars, Audio Equipment, Antiques. 860-707-9350
Wanted To Buy
Pets For Sale SHEPHERD/BOXER PUPPIES - 3 females, 4 mos., $350 ea. negotiable. Serious inquiries & good homes only. 203213-3704.
***NEED EXTRA CASH?*** Always buying coins, gold, silver, antiques, collectibles, estate & broken or unwanted jewelry. Live auction & estate services. Rick’s Antiques & Coins, 428 N. Colony Rd., Rt. 5, Wlfd. 203.269.9888. ricksantiques andcoins.com
VALENTINE MALTESE PUPPIES 2 females, $1,000 a piece. (860) 329-5623.
Looking for a friend? Find litters of critters in Classifieds.
WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214. Business Owner / Service Provider?
In Our Business / Service Directory
WANTED - Old antique, Napier, new & junk jewelry. I pay top cash for your Grandma’s Costume Jewelry Stash. Julie 203.443.9602.
Yorkies, Yorkipoos, Old English Bull dogs, Malti poo puppies, Frenchies, $950+. 860.930.4001.
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Businesses & Services Attics and Basements Cleaned GARY WODATCH
Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430
Home Improvements
Carpentry REPAIR OR REPLACE - Porches, decks, windows, hatchway doors, railings. Work done by owner. Free est., lic. #578107, insured. 203238-1449. See web: marceljcharpentier.com
Electrical Services TEC ELECTRICAL
Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome. 203.237.2122
AHEARN BUILDERS Additions, Decks, Siding, Doors, Windows, Remodeling. 860.346.0409
Specializing in roofing, siding, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, basement remodeling. Senior citizen discount Insured. Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Junk Removal A&R CLEANOUT SERVICE - Removing contents of homes, attics, garages, basements, businesses. Reasonable. 203-281-6387.
IF YOU Mention This Ad SPRING Yard Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN REMOVE ANYTHING Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218
Handyperson AAA - Handyman Service. If it’s broken, If it’s cracked, If it’s rotted, WE CAN FIX IT. One call does it all, 30 yrs exp. Patrick (860) 3789813, HIC.0657465. HOME DOCTOR - 48 years exp. in all trades, we do small odd jobs to remodeling, former US Navy, 15 years, Senior discount. Ins. #640689, 203.427.7828.
HAVE DUMP TRUCK. Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Attics, basements, garages, appliances & more. Any questions?
GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-317-2312
Roofing.Siding.Gutters. Skylights. Chimney Repair. Flashing. #0649808 203.510.3830. lmmasonryconstruction.com
CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YARD Clean-ups* FREE ESTIMATES. LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218.
Get Listed. Get Results.
Tree Services
GEORGE J MACK & SONS - Servicing the Meriden area since 1922. Toilet, faucet, sink & drain repairs. Water heater replacements. 15% Sr citizen disc. Member of BBB. 203-238-2820.
ALEX MASONRY - 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. #580443. 203-232-0257 or 203596-0652
GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free estimate. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
JIMMY’S MASONRY Over 28 years of exp. Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893.
ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DECKS & REMODELING. 203-639-0032 email: info@ gonzalezconstruction llc.com Fully Licensed & Insured Reg #577319
Specializing in tree removal, trimming, chipping & grinding. Call for free estimate. 203-945-1808.
Right candidate. Right skills. Find what you’re looking for, with CTjobs.com. As Connecticut’s most comprehensive online job board, CTjobs.com attracts the most qualified local job seekers in almost every category throughout the state. With thousands of career candidate profiles, it’s the one place to find the employees you need.
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LOCAL MASON ALL TYPES OF MASONRY WORK Stonewalls, Sidewalks, Patios, Retaining Walls, Chimney Fireplace, Old Job Repairs. 203-695-2689. tomorismasonry@ gmail.com CT LIC 0641435
Moving and Storage
Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential & commercial roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Tree Services
RT RELOCATION GARY WODATCH - Tree Your moving and Removal. All calls re storage specialists. turned. CT#620397 Call for a free estimate. Quick courteous ser 833-668-3978. vice. 860-558-5430.
[Publisher Name] is a partner of CTjobs.com.
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
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