This re161the2001.lost3,000YorkZerofromwreckagecontainspictured,9/11department'stopublic11Sunday,creAve.,FarmingtonRescue,Kensingtonattack,theanniversarymarksweekendthe21stof9/11terroristandFire-880willhostamembranceeremonySept.at6p.m.Theisinvitedgatheratthememorial,whichtakenGroundinNewCity.NearlyliveswereonSept.11,AmongvictimswereConnecticutsidents.

SOLEMN ANNIVERSARYWillard races return Sept. 25
By Nicole Zappone
Citizens Police Academy to commence Citizen report
The Citizen
The public will once again have a chance to see the town’s police of ficers in a new light with the return of the Citizens Police Academy.
BVFD, Facebook
Proceeds from the 5K and Fun Run ben efit the Willard Elementary School com munity, helping to provide educational programs and materials for students.
"Participants will have the oppor tunity to meet members of our staff who will teach a variety of topics related to policing, and demonstrate various equipment and technologies," the Berlin PD stated on social media. "It is our hope that the experience will fa miliarize citizens with BPD prac tices, everyday operations and in crease communication between our department and the commu nity we Citizensserve."Police Academy classes will be held Wednesday evenings, 6 to 8 p.m., beginning Sept. 28. Classes runs through Nov. 16. At tendance is limited to 12 partici pants, who will be randomly se lected from the pool of appli Whilecants.

Volume 24, Number 36 Thursday, September8,
The entry fee for the 5K is $25. The Fun Run fee is $15. To register, visit,"TheeventprohealthandwellnessandprovidesgreatopportunitytobringfamiliestheWillardcommunityandBerlinether."
donpe“saGallupeid,Mostople’tevenknowwehaveadiveteamoranATVunit.Therisein popularity of televi sion crime shows has given many a skewed perception of what po See Academy, A12
Participants are asked to bring a non perishable food item for the Berlin Food ThosePantry.donating will receive raffle tickets for a chance to win gift certificates from local restaurants, gift baskets, and more.
The Willard 5K and Fun Run returns for its second year Sunday, Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. Several hundred people took part in the inaugural event.

PTOPreviti,thefundraisingtheforPTOprogram,andwedecidedtobringitbackasecondyear,”saidBreeWillardvicepresident.The5KandFun Run set off from Willard Elementary School, 1088 Norton Road, and prizes will be awarded to the top male and fe male runner in each age group.
Previti said last year’s food collection “was incredibly successful.” People giving cash donations will earn raffle tickets as well.
running the Citizens Police Academy back in 2018, Lt. Drew
“Last year was so successful as it related to
“We have had some tremendous sup port in terms of sponsorship so far,” Previti said, pointing out that it's not too late to join the list of sponsors.
I care that things have gotten harder for working families and want to work to ease their burdens.
I know how easy it is to just say no to spending tax dollars, but I also know how hard it is to say no to a good education, valuable programs and necessary repairs or Goodimprovements.governance is a balancing act which calls for strong leadership; someone who can make tough decisions but who can also act with empathy and compassion. I believe I possess those qualities and would appreci ate your vote on Nov. 8.
Vote McNair
Editor: Denise McNair, Democratic candidate for state represen tative of the 30th District, has served as Berlin's tax collector and town manager, and currently is assistant tax collector for the Kensington Fire District. Her experience as town manager gives her invalu able knowledge of how gov ernment functions an asset sorely needed at the state Willcapitol.the Berlin Democratic Town Committee’s decision to choose McNair be enough to turn around an organiza tion which has floundered? Will it reinvigorate support from local Democrats? Time will tell. Perhaps with Denise McNair at the helm it will be Unaffiliated voter, Peter Zarabozo Re-elect Veach
By Denise McNair
Leadership requires compromise McNair
While going door to door this campaign season, I have been asked repeatedly why I am running for state representative. Given the current state of politics antagonistic at best, a contact sport at its worst voters in Berlin and Southington want to know: “Why would you re-enter the fray? Are you Jokingly,crazy?”
I care that our very system of democracy is being threatened to its core and want to work to ensure our voting process is free, open and accessible to all.
Nina DeDominicis
Letters to the Editor
Guidelines regarding political submissions R247210 860-225-1534 • Kensington, CT RileyPlumbingCompany.com06037 For 35 years, our family taking care of your family! R247327v3 LIC# 0203782 How Can We Make You Smile Today! BOSCO PAINTING Aluminum Siding Refinishing • Power Washing alsoWedo CarpentryRepairs!CALLTODAY!TOM 860-306-7927860-828-7710 “Exteriors are my specialty, and interiors my masterpiece!” CT LIC #543233 FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES R229938_v3 Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Nicole Zappone Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener Creative Director — Erik Allison ADVERTISING: Jeff Guerrette— Marketing Consultant 475-313-4669 | NEWS / SPORTS: (203) 317-2245 | 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 The Berlin Citizen (ISSN 1525-1780, USPS 017-666) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450Circulation Department — 203-634-3933

while the answer to that second question may in fact be a resounding yes, truthfully, I am running to represent the 30th District because I care.
I care that women’s rights have taken a huge step backward and want to work to wards protecting those rights.
TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA2 Thursday, September8, 2022
Editor: In November, state Rep. Donna Veach will once again receive my vote to rep resent the 30th District. In these Donnastampssensetimes,financially-challengingweneedcommon-individuals,notrubbertomoretaxes.Iknowwillcontinuetorepresentme,myfamilyandourbestinterests.

I care when decisions are made along partisan lines, and believe that the only way government can oper ate and deliver on its promises is by acting in good faith and through compromise and hard work.
Letters to the Editor about the upcoming election are limited to 100 words. Non-polit ical letters are limited to 300 words. Also, candidates are welcome to submit commen taries for publication of 500 words or less.
In my years as Town Manag er of Berlin, I worked for and with all residents regardless of their po litical affiliation, and made decisions by working with all parties involved.
Email letters/commentaries to news@the The Citizen will print on ly one letter/commentary per person each month. Letters/commentaries must be sub mitted by 5 p.m. on Friday to be considered for the following Thursday.
Press Release
Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Na tional Guard, Reserves can be put up on the wall. Only one family member needs to be living in, or had lived in, Berlin. We put all family members grouped together from the earliest to the latest time of service (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) The commission is looking for residents to pro vide photos, military history and/or DD 214 (Release from Active Duty). For more information, con tact Peter Galgano at peter cavice.Thankcagalgano@comst.netor860-604-7258.youallforyourserAndGodBlessAmeri!
Veterans sought for Wall of Honor See Eversource, A16 In Brief Picnic notice Town Hall will close at 11 a.m. Friday, Sept. 9 for the Annual Staff Picnic. BerlinPeck Memorial Library will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. The Community Center will close at 11 a.m. The Senior Center will close at 11 a.m. and re-open at 1 p.m. A Classified ad is an easy way to sell youryourandmerchandise,it’seasyonwallet,too. Seeking Hairstylists TO JOIN OUR TEAM marijsalon.com860-846-0675 102 East Main Street | Plainville, CT CONTACT US TO APPLY R254748v2 89 Harding St., Berlin, CT 860-829-7377 KENSINGTONAUTOSERVICELTD. • Full Service & Repairs, Diagnostics & Accessories • 12 Month/12K Mile Warranty • CT State Emissions Testing & Repair Most cars & like trucks, Ask for Details! Over 38 Years of Experience as Your Hometown Repair Shop! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! R247358v2 BEST O F... 20 22 AWARDS AWARDS Tree LandscapingRemovalStumpGrindingFirewood Fully Licensed & Insured HIC 0649404@SchmittTreeService R252945 & Landscaping FREE Estimates(860) 922-7738 ROGERSTREESERVICE Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240 R247167 MUM SALE ST. GABRIEL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 68 Main Street, East Berlin, CT Fri. 9/9 9am - 6pm Sat. 9/10 9am - 6pm Sun. 9/11 10am - 3pm The beautiful selection of mums you’ve come to expect in your favorite colors perfect for your Fall decorating needs. ONE$9WEEKEND!ONEPRICE! R254640

works closely with forestry partners at the University of Connecticut toPress Release
“It has been a hot, dry sum mer and our team of ar borists is seeing telltale signs of stress like weakened branches and early fall col or,” said Eversource Vegeta tion Management Manager for Connecticut Sean Red ding. “We’ve seen the devas tation storms can cause, and trees already in poor health are especially vulnerable to the effects of drought, rais ing even greater concern of them coming down in a storm, possibly taking down electric lines with them and causing power outages. Ad dressing the state of our trees is critically important to ensuring safe, reliable electric service for our cus tomers, and we’re commit ted to collaboration with our communities and property owners as the changing cli mate drives more extreme drought conditions that weaken trees and threaten Eversourcereliability.”
The Berlin Veterans Com mission has a “Veterans Dig ital Wall of Honor” in the main lobby rotunda of Town Hall. The video slideshow is shown on a 50-inch smart TV and plays in a loop.
The drought plaguing the re gion is not only affecting wa ter supplies and burning out lawns, it’s also leaving trees around the state weak and vulnerable with the potential to damage the electric sys tem. As effects of the drought coupled with the ongoing infestation by inva sive insects continue to threaten Connecticut’s land scape, Eversource is working closely with the communi ties it serves to address the hazardous trees along roads across the state that threaten overhead electric lines.
The Wall of Honor is dedi cated to “All Who Proudly Served and Sacrificed to Protect Our Country” and to thank them for the freedoms we have today. Every Berlin resident and their Immediate family members, past and present, who have served or are cur rently serving in the military
Maintaining vegetation, trees a shared responsibility

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A3 FROM EVERSOURCE

MERIDEN Suicide Preven tion Awareness Month take place in September to create alertness and prevent the public health concern re sponsible in the U.S for 45,979 deaths, in 2020, ac cording to the Centers for Disease Control and Preven Dr.tion.J. Craig Allen, medical di rector at Rushford and chief of psychiatry at Midstate Medical Center, explained that nation wide, the highest rates of suicide deaths occur in American Indian and Alaskan natives. The next largest group is the non-His panic white people followed by Blacks and then Hispan ics. Allen noted the ethnic rates change across the country when looking at sui cide attempt for high school students. He said that in 2019, the Youth Risk Behav ior Surveillance System re ported that in Connecticut high school students, the rate See Suicide, A5 Support crisis services
355ENFIELDTAYLORROAD 4 miles off I-91 / Exit 47E, 1 mile N. on Taylor Rd. CROMWELL610MAINSTREET Just 4 miles South of I-91 / Exit 24 Garden’s Dream Farm YOU DREAM IT, WE GROW IT! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9am-5pm | 860.835.6652 | Look us up on Facebook CT’s Largest Retail Nursery Over 3000 Varieties WE HAVE LARGE OPEN SHOPPING AREAS! Amazing fall decorations. a $30 Purchase* *$30 or Higher. Limit one per customer per day CIT_9-08-21 NOT combinable with other offers. NOT valid on Gift Cards or Prior Purchases. Valid Thru 10-3122 with this ad. Garden’s Dream Farm 2022$5 Off Amazing Selection of Pumpkins! 14’’ TriColor MUMS $24.99 Hardy Mums From 6’’ $5.99 5/$25 Amazing 9’’ Mums $7.99 5/$35 10’’ Hanging Basket Mums $14.99 2/$25 Amazing Selection Fall Perennials 1000s of Shrubs & Trees NOW is a Great time to plant Trees! Huge Selection of Pumpkins and Gourds! 860.978.5600 ••NewBritainANDDECKREPAIRSANDREPLACEMENTinclude: New Construction • Framing Window Replacement • Gutters Hardwood and Laminated Floors Shingle Roofing Install and Repair and much more! 100%SatisfactionWarranty. License 0621076 • Monday - Fri 8 - 8 pm Sat 8 - 12 • Follow us on FB and Twitter R254394v2Free Estimates Serving all of CT visit our website Trees & Bushes River Stone All Sizes 3/4" Process • Top Soil • Mulch Sand • Gravel • Salt All types of stone R251141 Repair Services • Hot Water Heaters Heating Systems • Gas Fireplaces & Piping Home Improvement & Remodeling Drain & Sewer Cleaning 860-948-0510 P.O. Box 311231 • Newington, CT 204827-P1 • 5155-SM1 • 39764-S3 • HIC #0625232 R247165

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA4 Thursday, September8, 2022

September is National Suicide Awareness Month

Editor: September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. As a volunteer advocate with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, I am calling on my members of Congress to pass legislation to prevent sui cides and support crisis care. Letters to the Editor Letters, A11

By Karla Record-JournalSantos staff

Bakery • Flowers Will accept entries on Thursday, September 15, 2022 from 1:00-9:00pm on the South side of the Kaminski Building. There will be absolutely NO entries accepted for Bakery or Flowers on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Canned Goods • Vegetables
TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A5 of attempt to suicide was 10 per 100,000 for Hispanics and Latinos, 5.8 per 100,000 for Blacks, and 5.7 per 100,000 for whites. The medical director said the risk of dying by suicide is “greatly increased” for those with access to legal means. “In the United States, the states that have fewer gun laws and greater gun owner ship per citizen, have the highest rates of death by sui cide,” Allen said. Nationally, over 50% of sui cide deaths occur by fire arms; in Connecticut that number is 30%, Allen added. He noted once someone thinking about committing suicide has a gun, the person has less time to reconsider and less room for error.
Dr. Ahmed is an interventional cardiologist. He has specialized training in catheter-based procedures and interventions for heart disease and conditions affecting the heart and surrounding blood vessels. He also provides routine cardiology care to manage risk factors and improve overall heart health.
Preventive factors include access to behavioral health care, strong connections with family, friends and so From A4 Suicide See Suicide, A11
Crisis as a trigger According to Allen, suicide is one of the main topics ad dressed in the behavioral health practice. In the U.S. suicides have increased by nearly 40% between 2000 and 2018, Allen said. He not ed that in Connecticut, more people die from suicides than in homicides and car accidents. “It is a very signif icant public health issue,” he Also,said. there is a trend associ ated to a decrease in sui cides after a national crisis “ocurs.Butwhat’s often seen is that after the crisis is over, the residual damage to the social infrastructure, the psychological infrastructure, even the healthcare infras tructure, creates a rebound and a higher rate of mental health issues including sui cide after those crisis have leveled off or been resolved,” Allen said.
There is a new process for Exhibit for the 2022 Berlin Fair for the following:

Adult Crafts • Needlework • Photography
Wayne Carini Grand Marshal 370 Linwood St • New Britain, CT KlingbergMotorcarSeries.org06052 Saturday, September 24, 2022 8am to 11am New Britain, CT • Family Activities • No Entry Fee (donations encouraged) • No Cut-off Year • Free Coffee & Donut (while they last!) R254721 Call (860) www.consultingcardiologists.com522-0604

Dr. Ahmed is proud to join Connecticut’s leading cardiology practice with 10 convenient locations. He welcomes new patients in Wallingford, Middletown, and Glastonbury.
Will accept entries on Tuesday night, September 13, 2022 from 6:00-9:00pm and Wednesday, September 14, 2022 from 1:00-9:00pm from the North and South side of the Kaminski Building.
Youth Exhibits Will accept entries on Tuesday night, September 13, 2022 from 6:00-9:00pm, Wednesday, September 14, 2022 from 1:00-9:00pm (there will be no Flowers, Vegetables or Bakery accepted on Tuesday or Wednesday) and Thursday September 14, 2022 from 11:00a-8:00pm. For more information please go to

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention re ported that in 2020, suicide was the 15th leading cause of death in Connecticut and the third leading cause of death for people age 10 to 24. According to the organi zation the number of people who died from a suicide in Connecticut in 2020 was 364. Allen said connecticut ranked 45th as a state in terms of suicide deaths. “It’s good to be low, but it’s tragic whenever anyone dies of suicide,” Allen stressed. Prevention tips Suicidal risk factors can be found in individuals who are talking about dying, who are having a dramatic change in the way they behave, be coming socially isolated, in creasing their use of sub stances and becoming more introverted, Allen said.
Meet Our New Cardiologist: Dr. Zain Ahmed

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA6 Thursday, September8, 2022
For Shuthomeowners:offallexcess outdoor lighting from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. during migration cycles. Shut off outdoor decorative lighting and garden lights. “Down shield” all lighting. Use efficient LED lights, which are not as bright. See Birds, A17
5K Run or Walk, Kids Fun Run Online Registration: 5K $25.00, Fun Run $15.00 Register before September 8 and receive a FREE!Berlin/Willard5K Prizes for Top Male and Female In Various Age Groups R254755 Win prizes from local establishments Get a free raffle ticket for every food item donated on the day of the event! Please note that there will be partial street closures on Lower Lane, Patterson Way, School Street, Worthington Ridge, Peter Parley Row and Norton near Willard School 2ndAnnual Sunday September 25, 2022 1:00 PM - Fun Run 1:30 PM - 5K Berlin YMCA Preschool • Enroll now in high quality, nurturing preschool • Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack included • New students have a chance to win a free one-year family membership • Find out why our program is the best choice for your family. FIND YOUR CHILD’S BRIGHT FUTURE. FIND YOUR Y. Contact Tina at 203-314-1738 tvalentin@meridenymca.orgor 254078

Tips to reduce bird strikes
Reducing light pollution key to assisting migratory birds
“The EPA has reported that 90 percent of lighting use in the U.S. today is not need ed,” Meredith Barges said. “This means that we need to rethink our relationship to lighting, especially given the outsized threats to wildlife, human health and the envi Thereronment.”are148 species of birds that breed in or mi grate through Connecticut,
By Joy SpecialVanderLektoTheCitizen
Each year, nearly 1 billion birds are killed flying into Thatwindows.startling statistic comes from the Audubon Society’s Project Safe Flight initiative, one of many bird strike tracking programs helping to raise public awareness and create steps to minimize such bird deaths. Getting the word out on a lo cal and regional level is Lights Out CT. The group’s co-chairs are Meredith Barges, Yale Divinity School (Class of 2023), a student re searcher with the Yale BirdFriendly Building Initiative; and Craig Repasz, who is af filiated with the New Haven Bird Club and the Connecti cut Ornithological Associa Intion.addition to habitat de struction and fragmentation, lighting is a major contribu tor to bird deaths. “Birds are migrating on routes that are millions of years old,” said Repasz. “They evolved migrating in darkness. It was only the light of the stars and moon they would use to navigate, as well as barometric pres sure and the earth’s magnet ic field. So we build cities right underneath them and the light confuses them.” What ends up happening, for example, is that birds waste energy flying in a cir cle around a large, lit-up building. With their energy depleted, they may then crash in that urban setting.
Grab your girlfriends and get together for a large dose of laughter in support of education for heart disease in women. Proceeds benefit the Heart & Vascular Institute’s Women’s Heart Wellness Program. Vaccination mandatory, proof required upon entry. A screening station and social distancing will be in place. Masking encouraged. TICKETS: $ 30 Light appetizers, desserts and beverages included. Thursday,WHEN: September 15 | 6–8 pm REGISTRATION or call 1.855.HHC.HERE (1.855.442.4373) WHERE: The Aqua Turf Club 556 Mulberry Street | Plantsville, CT Registration is limited. Heather Swales, MD Cardiologist,WellnessWomen’sCo-Director,HeartProgram Stephanie Saucier, MD Cardiologist,WellnessWomen’sCo-Director,HeartProgram Kelly MacFarland Award-WinningComedian The evening’s line-up: Sarah Cody WTNH News Anchor Featuring Emcee 254905 Providing compassionate,highly-skilled,affordable Dental Care to the Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and Southington communities for over 30 years. Michael Katz, DMD R247289 300 New Britain Rd • Berlin, CT 06037 860-609-6167 • Most Insurances AcceptedNewWelcomingPatients!SPECIALIZINGINIMPLANTS & COMFORTABLEINVISALIGNDENTISTRY
Ladies’ Night Out! Join us for Pinot & Prevention
Berlin Fair
Tickets are available for the Berlin Republican Town Committee's Fourth Annual Raffle. The prizes are: Two $500 Visa Gift Cards, an Oculus Quest 2, $300 in Berlin restaurant gift certifi cates, a Cromebook Laptop, and a $100 Stew Leonard’s Gift Card. The drawing will take place Sunday, Oct. 16, 11 a.m., at The Hungerford Nature Center, 191 Farming ton Ave. Winners need not be present. For raffle tickets, contact Andra (milleal@, 860-670-5131) or Lecia (leciajp@com, 860-209-4199).

In Brief
TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A7 BDTC

The 2022 Berlin Fair will be open Thursday, Sept. 15 from 4 to 10 p.m.; Friday, Sept. 16 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday, Sept. 17 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sun day, Sept. 18 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is $15 Fri day, Saturday and Sunday. Admission on Thursday is $10. Senior tickets are $10 each day. There is no charge for children age 11 and younger when accompanied by an adult. Also, on Friday, those age 12 to 17 entering the fair before 2 p.m. can do so at no charge. To learn more about the Berlin Fair, go to
“Campaigns and Cocktails,” a fundraiser benefitting the Berlin Democratic Town Committee, will be held Thursday, Sept. 8, 6 to 10 p.m., at Remzi’s restaurant (Timberlin Golf Course, 330 Southington Road). Candi dates Denise McNair (30th House District), Jack Fazzino (83rd House District) and state Sen. Rick Lopes (6th Senate District) are sched uled to attend. A link to pur chase tickets is available on the BDTC’s Facebook page. For more information, email berlindemocrats@ GOP raffle

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA8 Thursday, September8, 2022 Matt’s Pro Plumbing 860-922-9976 • Fast, dependable, friendly service • Full plumbing & carpentry service • Free estimates over the phone! NO SMALLTOOJOB Includes demo, haul away, plumbing,sub-floor,Kohler fixtures, installations of Kohler tub or shower enclosure, fiberglass units+$3,499Licensed&Insured, Lic# 2 82931 The Bathroom Remodeling Specialist We offer tub and shower conversions If you need a tub or shower replaced, CALL MANTUBTHE 247152 R254007 BERLIN STONE & MULCH TOPSOIL FIREWOOD MULCH 510860.223.0633ChristianLn,Berlin, 5% MulchOff Deliver!We VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED Senior Services,TransportationInc. is looking for safe, reliable volunteers willing to use their own car to help some of Berlin, New Britain, Meriden, Wallingford, Southington & Plainville’s elderly residents get to medical appointments in the area. We invite you to help your neighbors! •Drivers:Willbe reimbursed for mileage • Will be given supplemental automobile insurance • Will be given supplemental liability insurance • Must be willing to donate your time at least twice a month and our staff will provide you with a schedule ahead of time SENIOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC Call: 860-224-7117 Online: Email: 89440 R250507• Vaccination Required for All Drivers R247968v2

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A9

Connecticut Radio Information System volunteers are pictured during a reception at the Tunxis Country Club.
Recently, CRIS volunteers were honored for their out standing service at a recep tion held at the Tunxis Country Club in Farmington. Among those recognized was Berlin resident Trisha Beatty, who has provided five years of service to CRIS, which broadcasts from Windsor and five regional studios throughout the state For more information about the Connecticut Radio Infor mation System, visit crisra
Broadcasters celebrated Press Release

Thanks to more than 100 volunteers, the Connecticut Radio Information Sys tem broadcasts audio ver sions of articles published in more than 50 newspapers and magazines 24 hours a day, seven days a week for people who are unable to CRISread. volunteers also record audio versions of classroom materials and children’s magazines, and audio tours for museums.
HOLCOMB Tree Incorporated Pruning, Cabling, TreePlainville,RemovalCT Office: 860-747-2805 Cell: 860-416-0668 Timothy Holcomb Licensed Arborist S-4442 • Est. 1940 • Fully Insured Visit us online at R247196 Honest. Professional. Reliable. Kensington, CT • Lic. # PLM.0287294-P1 and Reg. # HIC.0648888 Like us on Facebook R247507 JASON BORSELLE 860.748.7910 4 years in a row Voted Berlin’s Best Plumber! HIRINGHIRINGP-2’S!P-2’S! Join us for a FREE virtual class Diabetes and your CallREGISTRATIONfeetREQUIRED:1.855.HHC.HERE(1.855.442.4373) or go to After you register, you’ll receive an email with easy instructions on joining the virtual class. Join our interactive class to learn about: ■ Common causes and symptoms of diabetic foot ulcers ■ When to seek medical attention ■ Self-care, prevention, and treatment options ■ Plus, LIVE Q&A with the expert! Thurs., Sept. 22 | AnthonyPRESENTER12–1pm:Babigian,DPM Board certified in podiatry Board certified in foot surgery R254346

JoAnne Mildred Jones
Tommy will be missed by his children and grand/ great children, Thomas J. Andruskiewicz and his wife, Susan, Donna Celella, Gary Andruskiewicz and his wife, Tracy, and his treasured grand/great children, Ashley, Anthony, Chrissy, Andrew, Amelia, Alice and Brinleigh. In addition, Tommy is survived by his brother, John Stankiewicz, his cousin, Alphonse (Al) Labieniec and his wife, Sally, his brother and sisters-in-law from the Glaser family and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his sisters, Elizabeth (Andruskiewicz) Martinelli, Theresa (Stankiewicz) Hamm and Dorothy Stankiewicz, his brotherin-law, Hank Martinelli, his sister-in-law, Maureen Stankiewicz, and several Glaser brother and sisters-in-law.Aspecial gratitude from Tommy’s family is extended to Tommy’s cousin, Al Labieniec, for his spiritual leadership, his in-laws, Laura (Glaser) and her husband, Glenn, and his niece, Karen Poplawski, for their constant support and care of Tommy. All are invited to gather at Tommy’s Celebration of Life at the Plainville Funeral Home, 81 Broad St., Plainville on Saturday, September 10, 2022. Gathering of family and friends to offer expressions of condolences will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Words of Remembrance and Prayer will be shared with family and friends at 11:30 a.m. In honor of Tommy’s service to our country in the United States Marine Corps, full military honors will be accorded at the funeral home. Burial will be held privately at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, Tommy may be remembered with contributions to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105 or by going to www. For online expressions of sympathy or for more information, please visit Tommy’s tribute page at com.PlainvilleFuneralHome.www.
was immaculate for his children and grandchildren to enjoy. He had a love for gardening and worked very hard planting and maintaining his bountiful backyard vegetable garden. Every summer, family and friends waited anxiously for his fresh tomatoes and veggies. He had a passion for collecting and using flashlights and magnifying glasses. He was also an avid daily Hartford Courant, New Britain Herald and Berlin Citizen newspaper reader, 1080 AM listener and Red Sox, Giants and Celtics fan. He was a member of the New Britain Hunting & Fishing Club, the American Legion Post 68 Berlin Club and the Berlin Italian Club.
Thomas R. Andruskiewicz“Tommy”
BERLIN- After a long and courageous battle of cancer, it is with heartfelt sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Father and Papa, Thomas Raymond Andruskiewicz, 88, of Berlin, CT. Born in New Britain, CT, Tommy was the son of the late Joseph Alfred Andruskiewicz and Katherine Mary surefamily.spendingMaintenancefromasEventually,family,heandcarpenterfamily.the“TheinTommyCarlandhistheirinTommydevotedAnneMedal.NationalFirstdischargedCorpstheandamusicalofTreasurertheinBerlinandawasStankiewicz.(Andruskiewicz)(Labieniec)TommyraisedinBerlinonfarmwithhisparentssiblings.HeattendedPublicSchoolsand1952,hegraduatedasVicePresident,Classandmemberthevisualaidsandartsclubs.HehadgreatloveforhiscountryheproudlyservedinUnitedStatesMarineandwashonorablyasaPrivateClassman,earningaDefenseServiceIn1958,hemarriedGlaser,hisloveandwifefor63years.andAnnesettledBerlinandTommybuilthomewiththehelpofuncle,JohnLabieniechisbrother-in-law,Glaser.Together,andAnnesettledtheirforeverhome,ElmStreet,HomeonHill”andraisedtheirTommywasaself-taughtandhandy-maninhisyoungeryears,lovedhuntingwithhissonsanddog.Tommyretiredacarpenter/locksmiththeTownofBerlin-Department.TommyenjoyedtimewithhisHealwaysmadehisin-groundpool

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA10 Thursday, September8, 2022
CUMBERLAND, R.I.JoAnne Mildred (Williams) Jones, formerly of Berlin, CT, ended her journey on Earth and was met in Heaven by her loving husband of 60 years, Arthur William Jones, Jr., on August 20, 2022 at the age of JoAnne89. was born in Chicago on November 29, 1932, the second of three daughters of David and Mildred (Smutzer) Williams. After graduating from East Hartford High School, JoAnne was employed at CL&P until she and Art married in 1954 and settled in Berlin, where they raised their family. JoAnne was a fun, kind, nurturing, and supportive mother, aunt, and grandmother whose life revolved around her family. She created a welcoming home filled with laughter and love, enjoyed decorating for every holiday, and made every birthday special. Her patience was without end. She was a light-hearted, selfless caregiver and rarely had an unkind word for anyone. JoAnne had a soft spot for animals of all types and her home was seldom without pets or caring for strays. She was a long-time member of the Berlin Congregational Church and she and Art sang in the choir for many years. As her children grew, she worked for several years as the children’s librarian at the Berlin Free Library, and in retirement she and Art enjoyed travel and a second home in Florida, until his passing in 2013. In her final years JoAnne made her home with and was lovingly cared for by her daughter Kim and sonin-law Witold Kloczkowski in Cumberland, R.I. JoAnne will be dearly missed by her five children and their spouses Karen (Hal) Oaks of Salem, Arthur William III (Betty) Jones of Tolland, Kimberly (Witold) Kloczkowski of Cumberland, R.I., Sharon (David) Kromas of Rocky Hill, and David (Amy) Jones of Berlin; her grandchildren Troy, Tyler, and Travis Saucier, Arthur William IV and Steven Jones, Keith and Sean Kloczkowski, Nicole and Ryan Chamberland, Morgan Jones, Alysa Cooper, Nanette Dieterle, Sara Mertz, Jen Land, Shannon Duerr, Paige Purvis, several greatgrandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. She also leaves her beloved sister Joyce (Ray) Paradise, sister-in-law Irene Jones all of Newington, and a dear friend, Marion “Pinch” Trudelle. She was pre-deceased by her husband Arthur W. Jones, Jr., her sister and brotherin-law Kathleen and Josef Horacek, and her son-inlaw, Craig Chamberland. A celebration of JoAnne’s life will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at the Berlin Congregational Church, 878 Worthington Ridge, Berlin. There are no calling hours and burial will be at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Berlin Congregational Church.

WOODLAND, CA- Steven Milkey Wright of Woodland, CA, died of natural causes on June 10, 2022. He was born on Feb. 14, 1963, the first child to Patricia Elaine (Kloiber) Milkey and Walter Fred Milkey of New Britain, CT.He was raised in that area, graduating in 1981 from Berlin High School in Berlin, CT. To leave a condolence for the family please visit Rd.,Course,gatheringmemorialimmediatelySteve’sisCT.312Congregational10,Saturday,,September2022,atKensingtonChurch,PercivalAve.,Berlin,Cheerfulcasualattirerecommended.ThecelebrationoflifewillcontinueaftertheservicewithaatTimberlinGolf330SouthingtonBerlin,CT.

#StopSui cide! Adrienne Serra, Wallingford From
I have personally lost loved ones, a boyfriend serving in the military, and a family member who had been diag nosed with bipolar disorder. Sadly, in addition, I also have a family member who had at tempted to die by suicide, as well as a family member who experienced pervasive ha rassment based on disability within the school setting, and also considered ending their Thelife. 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline must be sustainably funded so that confidential, voluntary services by trained counselors are accessible. H.R.7116, the 988 Implemen tation Act, would provide federal funding and guidance to states for 988 crisis ser vices across the nation.
From A5
cial groups, problem solv ing and coping skills, in volvement in various ac tivities such as sports, volunteering initiatives and living life with pur pose and meaning. Art Mongillo, Public In formation Officer at the State Department of Men tal Health and Addiction Services, explained it is important to look for signs, for example, people threatening to hurt them selves and those seeking access to pills or weapons. Mongillo sug gests busy parents to stay connected and to have a conversation about suicide with their children. Know ing what is happening in their life, relationships, school life and anything that could be causing them stress, can help par ents keep an eye on red flags. If an individual has suspicions about another person wanting to commit suicide but the person de nies their intentions, Mongillo said speaking to a professional about it can “help.Don’t wait until it be comes a bigger issue,” Mongillo said.
An alternative to 911 for mental health crises, 988 connects callers to Lifeline centers. These centers de-es calate 98% of crisis calls without dispatching emer gency services. Well-re sourced crisis support sys tems can connect callers with local resources, includ ing someone to talk to (call centers), someone to re spond (mobile crisis teams), and somewhere to go (crisis stabilization centers). We must ensure that every state has the capacity to pro vide comprehensive crisis response services to help save lives. For more information, go to Congress to take action to A4 Letters
Suicide • Save thousands with us, without losing quality professional service, personal attention & meeting all of your family’s needs. • Let us take you to the same church & cemetery as the others, at half the average cost. Luddy – Peterson Our Funeral Home, Our Crematory, Our Care 205 South Main St. New Britain, CT It is an honor & privilege for our family to serve yours. 860-357-4622247213v5 Affordable Funerals, $899 Cremations additional fees may apply FOR MORE DETAILS GO TO pigskin WIN WEEKLY PRIZES! K LaMay’s CheeseburgerSteamedGiftCerts! COMPETE AGAINST LOCAL PARTICIPANTS & WIN GREAT PRIZES! SIGNTODAY!UP pigskin 254574 WE’REBACK! IT’S TIME TO PICK! DYNASTY JEWELERS Your Hometown Jeweler WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR 1064 Farmington Ave., Kensington 860-828-7589 R247354
TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A11


Steven Wright


Our call volume is probably higher than most people think in the Town of Berlin," Citizens Police Academy ap plicants must be at least 18 and live or work in Berlin. A criminal history check will be conducted. Applications are available at the Berlin Police Department's dispatch win dow, and online at berlin Application deadline is Wednesday, Sept. 21.
JOE’S DESIGNSLANDSCAPE 248459Drainagejoeslandscapedesigns.comBerlin,CT•860.918.8806&InstallationofFrench Drains Tree Removal Service Storm Damage • MulchingHardscapes•Sprinkler Systems Excavating • Spring & Fall Cleanups Masonry • Install New Planting Beds Full Lawn/Grass Installation Retaining Walls • Stump Grinding Licenced & Insured. US-CT 2442603 NewOPEN!NOWEnglandStone&MulchSupplyLLC Stone - Top Soil - Mulch SUDOKU 2022 Partner Organization Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450 Tickets: $35 in advance and $40 at the door Must be 21 or older to attend! Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450Your ticket includes wine AND beer samples, as well as delicious food from local restaurants. Come and enjoy music & more! Tickets can be purchased at the following locations: Online - SilverCityBrewfest.eventbrite.comEasterseals:158StateStreet Midstate Chamber of Commerce - 546 S Broad St Suite 2C Girls, Inc -130 Lincoln St Beat the Street -121 S Colony St Bob's Package Store -1426 E Main St For questions, please contact Liz Szymanoski at Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450 Tickets: $35 in advance and $40 at the door Must be 21 or older to attend! Your ticket includes wine AND beer samples, as well as delicious food from local restaurants. Come and enjoy music & more! Tickets can be purchased at the following locations: Online - SilverCityBrewfest.eventbrite.comEasterseals:158StateStreet Midstate Chamber of Commerce - 546 S Broad St Suite 2C 2022 SILVER CITY BREWFEST AND WINE TASTING Presented by: 2022 Partner Organization Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450 Tickets: $35 in advance and $40 at the door Must be 21 or older to attend! 220279

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A13


Learn how poor posture can lead to numerous mus cular-skeletal problems, in cluding back pain, neck pain, and joint issues, as well as what you can do to im prove it. Join the class Thurs day, Sept. 15 from 11 a.m. to noon. Presented by Michele Boisvert, exercise physiolo gist, Hartford HealthCare GoodLife Fitness. Registra tion required. Call 1-855442-4373 or go to
The Orchards at Southing ton, an independent and as sisted living community lo cated at 34 Hobart St., will host an open house Thursday, Sept. 22 from 4 to 7 p.m. Registra tion recommended. To re serve a time, call 860-6285656.
Cedar CommMountainons
Sign up to receive emergency alerts and com munity notifications at Sign-up options include: Emergency Alerts (weatherrelated closings, fire, flood, etc.); Town Up dates (non-emergency communications, an nouncements, elections, referendums, etc.); Public Works (construction updates, trash, utilities, water, sewer, etc.); Community Relat ed (Community Center, Senior Center, Parks & Recreation, Social Services).
The Virtual Dementia Care giver Support Group meets the second Wednesday of the month (Sept. 14) from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Facilitated by Patty O’Brian, CDP, dementia spe cialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Ag ing. Registration required. Call 1-855-442-4373 or go to
Bone, joint health This informational session on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 12 to 1 p.m., will cover bone and joint health, the benefits of moving and best exercise practices. Presented by Meghan Pagano, exercise physiologist, Hartford HealthCare GoodLife Fit ness. Registration required: Call 1-855-442-4373 or go to
In Brief PROVIDE A SERVICE? Get Found. List it here. 130 Lincoln Street Meriden, CT | 203-235-7146 | Call us now at 203-235-7146 to reserve your spot! Visit for more information BE PART OF THE GIRLS INC EXPERIENCE Classes start Sept. 26th - REGISTER NOW! Dance & Gymnastics Classes 254854v2 Quality & Style at Great Prices! Custom Suits, Sport Coats, Sport Wear, Formal Wear, Alterations, Shoes, Shirts & Middletown,MIDDLETOWNPants308MainStreetCT06457860-347-2880MERIDEN MALL 470 Lewis Avenue Meriden, CT 203-935-017506451 Over the last 20 years, Ramani’s Menswear has stood out as offering the finest upscale clothing for the discerning gentlemen. We pride ourselves treating our customers with selection an exceptional 254828 ROGERSTREESERVICE Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240 R247166 MAINTENANCEASPHALTPAVINGCONTRACTORS • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • DRAINAGE • TREE CUTTING & REMOVAL • ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK • BLUE STONE, PATIOS & WALKWAYS FULLY INSURED Licensed Contractor Commercial & Residential FREE ESTIMATES • 7 days a week CT Lic. #579594 (860) 632-9062 DISCOUNTSENIOR MAINTENANCEASPHALTwww.ampavingct.comPAVINGCONTRACTORS DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • DRAINAGE ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK • BLUE STONE, PATIOS & WALKWAYS FULLY INSURED Licensed Contractor Commercial & Residential FREE ESTIMATES • 7 Days a Week 860-632-PAVE (7283) SENIOR DISCOUNTVETERAN& 253122

Health Alert system
The Orchards
Memory loss Join this virtual class Tues day, Sept. 27 from 1 to 2 p.m. to learn the differ ence between mild forgetful ness and more serious mem ory problems, the causes of memory loss, tips for navi gating tough conversations about dementia and next steps. Presented by Michelle Wyman, dementia specialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. Registra tion required. Call 1-855442-4373 or go to
Cedar Mountain Commons, an independent and assisted living community located at 3 John H. Stewart Drive in Newington, will host an open house Wednes day, Sept. 14 from 3 to 7 p.m. Registration recommended. To reserve a time, call 860665-7901.
Caregiver support
Volunteer opportunities opportunities are available throughout the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain’s four-town service area Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and South Volunteerington. opportunities can be found at For more information, contact Joeline Wruck at or 860229-6018 307.

Proper posture

– LYNN F. | RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN CUSTOMER 4.7 OUT OF 5 BASED ON KEEP THE COOL AIR IN AND THE HEAT OUT! Solving your window problems and having a comfortable home is easy and enjoyable when you choose Renewal by Andersen. With this great offer, you save money on your window project – and you’ll also save on high energy bills for years to come! SmartSun Windows and Patio Doors! AND 40%OFF 1 BUY ONE, GET ONE Interest accrues from the date of purchase but is waived if paid in full within 12 months. Minimum purchase of 4. $0 Money Down $0 Interest $0 Monthly Payments for 12 months1 Call844-739-5874byNovember30 for your FREE consultation. RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN CUSTOMER 95,000 + REVIEWS EFFICIENTSUMMERIN the heat out and the cool in. R254128v2

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA14 Thursday, September8, 2022

“My overall experience was great. I love the window, and from sales to scheduling, the experience was very good. The installers are highly skilled professionals and I would recommend Renewal by Andersen to all my contacts.”

1DETAILS OF OFFER: Offer expires 11/30/2022. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Buy one (1) window or entry/patio door, get one (1) window or entry/patio door 40% off, and 12 months $0 money down, $0 monthly payments, 0% interest when you purchase four (4) or more windows or entry/patio doors between 7/1/2022 and 11/30/2022. 40% off windows and entry/patio doors are less than or equal to lowest cost window or entry/patio door in the order. Subject to credit approval. Interest is billed during the promotional period, but all interest is waived if the purchase amount is paid before the expiration of the promotional period. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or familial status. Savings comparison based on purchase of a single unit at list price. Available at participating locations and offer applies throughout the service area. See your local Renewal by Andersen location for details. License number available upon request. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. 2 Values are based on comparison of Renewal by Andersen® double-hung window U-Factor to the U-Factor for clear dual-pane glass non-metal frame default values from the 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code “Glazed Fenestration” Default Tables. "Renewal by Andersen" and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. © 2022 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. RBA12848 *Using U.S. and imported parts.

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A15 FAIL EMISSIONSYOURTEST? We can diagnose your problem ELECTRONICTUNE-UP$3995$4995$5995 4 CYL 6 CYL 8 CYL SCANENGINETEST $2995 $2995 Does not include repair work. One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. Includes plugs & full inspection. Parts extra. One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22 Most cars. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. 10%SENIORCITIZENDISCOUNT OIL LUBE,CHANGE,&FILTER$2100 Includes free 21 Point Inspection. With coupon only. $20.00 for tire rotation. Expires 12/31/22. AIR$CONDITIONINGSPECIAL7999 Included Up to 2 lbs., check for leaks, evalute and recharge system. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. RICH’S CITGO III 116 MAIN STREET • KENSINGTON, CT • 860-828-1155 Mon–Fri 8AM–6PM, Sat 8AM–Noon • OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FREE DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE • ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF • WE WORK ON FOREIGN & DOMESTIC VEHICLES R247147_V9 R254717 LIKE US ONSunnymount: 2876 Meriden Waterbury Rd Southington • (203) 879-1206 9-6 PM Shuttle Meadow: 336 Long Bottom Rd. (860)Southington229-4240 • 9-6 PM THIS FRI. SAT. SUN. 10-5 JONAMAC • MCINTOSH • GALA • HONEYCRISP SWEET CORN3 Varieties of CT Grown Perfect for eating, canning, freezing SWEET JUICY PEACHES PICK YOUR OWN APPLES PIESBakedFresh APPLE CIDER DONUTSFamousOur Honeycrisp • Gala • McIntosh FALL’S APPLESFAVORITE Central Connecticut Lawn Service GrassRoots Lawn Care DEP Reg. #B-0971 Member Berlin Chamber of Commerce & proud sponsors of many community, high school and civic events 176 White Oak Drive • 860-829-2306 visit us at or Rick, Dave & Gary DeGroff • Fertilizing Applications • Lime • Drill Seeding • Tree & Shrub Pruning • Flea & Tick Control • Organic Programs • Grub Preventative • Core Aeration • Bed Weed Control • Insect Spraying • Anti-desiccant/Dormant Oils • Deer Repellant • Crab Grass Preventative Our Lawn and Tree & Shrub Programs offer: Our 32nd year in business! Ask our loyal customers – We provide outstanding customer service and products at affordable prices. Pre-payment discounts Central Connecticut Lawn Service Spring is right around the corner... Residential and Commercial “Big enough to do it right, small enough to care” REALLY! Spring is Right Around the Corner! R250423 32 Years and Still Growing! * Border Patrol - Keep ants & insects out of your home with our excellent Foun dation Spray * Mosquito Spray - with so many Mosquito & virus concerns, you’ll love this service! BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC Basement Waterproofing Services • Over 36 Years Combined Experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in Most Homes. Deal Direct With Owner - No Middle Man, Crawl Spaces HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 Basement Waterproofing Services Over 36 Years combined experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in most homes. Deal Direct with owner - no middle man. French Drains, Gravity Drains, Landscaping Drainage, Gutter Downspout Drains New BasementEgressBulkheads,andWindows,BasementFinishing FREE Estimates *written details available upon request HIC.0653192•CALLUS BasementWaterproofingServices Over36Yearscombinedexperience. FullyTransferableWrittenGuarantee*,SumpPumps, PumpsEliminatedinmosthomes. DealDirectwithowner-nomiddleman. FrenchDrains,GravityDrains,LandscapingDrainage, GutterDownspoutDrains New Windows,Bulkheads,EgressandBasementBasementFinishingFREE Estimates written*detailsavailable uponrequest HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 * written details available upon request 247037v2


NEWINGTON - Outstanding 4 bedroom Colonial. Open flr. plan..Large eat-in kitchen, dining room w/pocket doors to living room & family room is on main level. Master bdrm with balcony…2nd floor laundry room… dormered 3rd floor adds another 390sq. ft with three rooms. Awesome 25x7 covered front porch. Hot tub…above ground pool and in a great location too… $319,900 Derek Jutras


Generator hook up. A golfer’s dream with the golf course right across the street! $269,900 Angie Santoro 860-214-63 Office (860) 828-7877 Fax (860) 828-5797 Cell (860) 883-7091 E-mail: “Trust the 951860-828-7877Experts”FarmingtonAve,Berlin,CT Derek Jutras Broker/Owner Peter D. L. Kern, President | Broker All the resources of a large firm with local, personalized service. Office Hours: 10:30am-5:00pm (After hours available by Appointment) 24/7 979 Farmington Avenue Berlin, CT 06037 (860) kernmtg.com828-5374 NMLS Company#11142NMLS Oficial de Prestamo de habla Espanol Todas revelaciones formas son en Inglés. 247174 • FHA Loans - Little as 3.5% down payment • Renovations loans for FHA, VA and Conventional • Multi Family • Jumbo loans with minimum 5% down payment • Portfolio loan - as low as 5% down and no mortgage insurance • VA loans - 100% financing • Conventional loans for as little as 3% down payment • Investment loans - low to no document loans • Loans with Credit issues and credit scores as low as 500 available • Reverse Mortgages All loans are subject to credit approval including credit worthiness. insurability, and ability to provide acceptable collateral. Not all loans or products are available in all states or counties. Kern Mortgage Co., Inc. is not affiliated with any government agency. NMLS 1827309 Mortgage Broker only not a Mortgage Lender or Correspondent Lender The Joseph F. Scheyd Agency 532 New Britain Road, Kensington For more information call or text: Sheila Rittman 860.681.7236 Kensington’s newest subdivision now offers a must see new construction home nestled at the base of Ragged Mountain. This hard to find one floor living is nestled amongst the trees of town open space land. Hardwood floors, master suite and large entertaining kitchen. New Price of $459,900253868v2 UNDER DEPOSIT SUDOKU ANSWER CROSSWORD ANSWER R247967_v2 Investment products are not federally or FDIC-insured, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any financial institution, and involve investment risks including possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2022 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Sound advice in uncertain times: call me. Ameriprise Financial has helped clients navigate challenging economic times for over 125 years. Now as always, I’m here to inform and support you with ongoing market updates, investment recommendations and personalized advice to help keep your plans on track and your goals clear. Together, we’ll focus on what matters most to your financial life. Call me today to discuss your goals. Christopher Coppola, CRPC® Financial Advisor Coppola & Associates A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC 203.407.8188 x336 250 State St, Unit E-1 North Haven, CT R249793_v8

NEWINGTON - Move-in ready picture perfect ranch with a location that can’t be beat... close to Indian Hill Country Club, an ideal area for long walks or bike rides. This meticulously maintained 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom ranch has an eat-in kitchen, living room w/ large bow window to allow all that natural sunlight in, hardwood floors, recessed lighting in all rooms, vinyl windows, an amazing fenced in backyard w/ a stamped concrete patio and a 1 car heated garage with epoxy flooring. lighting and heat accessible to the shed. Natural gas radiant heat makes this an extremely efficient home.
TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comThursday, September8, 2022 address tree concerns across the state. UConn Associate Extension Professor of Forestry Thomas Worthley says most trees can with stand occasional drought conditions like Connecticut is experiencing, but repeated droughty seasons can be highly stressful for trees. “Current circumstances can result in the loss of trees that are already under stress for other reasons, such as insect infestations, diseases, over crowding, past storm dam age and location factors like already very dry sites,” said “Worthley.Droughtcan also exacer bate some of these stresses. Some trees may enter dor mancy earlier, exhibiting early foliage color change. In general, most trees will pro duce smaller growth rings during drought conditions, thus sequestering less car bon from the atmosphere than in ‘normal’ years. Some loss of limbs or branches might also be expected, pre senting potential hazard sit Eversourceuations.” reminds cus tomers that maintaining veg etation and trees is a shared responsibility between utili ties, communities and prop erty owners. The energy company encourages cus tomers to work with them and give permission when needed to trim or remove trees that are in danger of coming down and could possibly cause power out Customersages. should also check trees on their property for signs of stress, which may include thinning of the crown, loss of foliage and the presence of mushrooms near the base of the tree and call a licensed arborist to as sess the situation.

The energy company regu larly performs maintenance work to clear branches, trees and other vegetation that cause outages or are public safety concerns and works with property owners to help them understand their re sponsibility to maintain their own trees, including keeping branches away from the low er-voltage service wires con necting their homes and businesses to the main utili ty lines on the street. For details on the energy company’s comprehensive vegetation management pro gram, visit 203-317-2312Advertisewithus.
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Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available. Duchess of Wallingford 124 Church Wallingford,St.CT 06492 (203) -of-Wallingford/

Celebrating Over 25 Years in OurWallingford!Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner. Colony Diner 611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 Wallingford’s place to go for oldfashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day. 860-748-0541• Experience Our Professional Difference! 247195 Roofing • Siding • Windows Gutters • Doors • Basement Finishing Kitchen & Bath Remodel • Decks Call for a FREE No Pressure Estimate! Fully Licensed & Insured #582443 In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at myrecordjournal. com/berlin-requester Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Berlin Citizen to your home or business, will end. HELP US HELP YOU, CONTINUE RECEIVING “YOUR” LOCAL WEEKLY. R237811 Coming to your home or business HELP KEEP 1271998 “Quality Service You Can Count On” 247172 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CT Lic. # 180640 MEDIA THAT MOVES YOUR BUSINESS FORWARD >> To advertise, contact Rebekah Larsen at (203) 317-2302 SERVICE DIRECTORY

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A17 including finches, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers, and some blue jays. While blue jays are in the state yearround, some may migrate to Virginia or Pennsylvania to spend the winter, Repasz Rightsaid. now, Lights Out CT aims to educate people on what they can do to mini mize bird window strikes during the fall migration pe riod which runs through October. The next critical period is the spring migra tion which begins April 15. A 2019 Science Journal arti cle found one out of four birds have been lost since the 1970s and that many North American birds are facing serious conservation Repaszthreats.said another study determined that shut ting off lights in 50 percent of a building has a measur able effect on decreasing bird fatalities. He added that bird fatalities also come from them hitting home windows at a second- and third-story level. To make those windows visible to birds, the American Bird Conservancy counsels homeowners to paint them, or use decals or other spe cialty products. For reporting and tracking bird-window collisions, Barges recommends the website The “Yale and New Haven BirdWindow Collisions” section in iNaturalist details sight ings within the city of New Haven and greater New Haven County made by community members and others. Birds cited in the da ta include northern parula, black and white warbler and white-throated sparrow, and strikes have been re ported for at least two dozen birds of each species.
From A6 Birds Business Owner / Service Provider? LIST YOUR SERVICE In Our Business / Service Directory 203-238-1953

Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat. Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Adelphia Café 476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises. Find great local eats - Athena II Diner 320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 www.athena2diner.com203.239.0663

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA18 Thursday, September8, 2022 SCREENEDPREMIUMTOPSOIL $30/yard delivered, 3 yd, $100 min. delivery Call Jim 860-982-4819 OFFICE/DELI SPACE900 sq. ft., with bath room, 521 Broad St., Meriden, call 203-7105022. . Top Soil . Compost . . Wood Chips . FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries. Call Bob (203) 415-0723 ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAIDVintage Electronics, Musical Instru ments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Gui tars, Audio Equip ment, 860-707-9350Antiques. 1947 MERCURY SUPER DELUXE - Flat head V8, 55K orig. miles, restored, very good cond. Asking $34,000. Call (203) 415-6214.
TOP CASH PAID For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm.

TIMELESS TREASURES ESTATE AUCTIONS - Is looking to purchase es tate contents. We pay cash for single items or entire estates. We are especially interest ed in old toys, military items, costume jewel ry, old swords, sports cards, fine jewelry, old watches, sterling sil ver, dental gold, coin collections, advertising signs, pocket and hunt ing knives & so much more. Estate cleanout services available. 30 years experience. Call Bill (203) 494-2496.
HOME Beautiful,SHARINGlrgRanchhome,acrossfromprivategolfcourseoneastsideof Wallingford. Female preferred. $1,500/mo. (475) 323-9481. 1,2,3 Items or an Estate $$$ CASH $$$ Todd Shamock Estate Sale Service Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Dolls, Paintings,MeridenToys,Items 203-494-1695
The Wallingford Police Department is seeking qualified applicants for Police Officer. $1,301.20 weekly plus an excellent fringe benefits package to include a defined benefit pension plan. The written exam and oral exam process will be administered by the South Central Criminal Justice Administration. To apply, candidates must register through the South Central Criminal Justice Administration webpage found under the “Associations” menu applicationwww.policeapps.comatbytheregistration/deadlineofSeptember19,2022.Theregistrationre-quiresafeeof$85.00.EOE
Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816
PLANTSVILLE - 1.5 rm effic’y near I-84, $225 wk incls. heat, hw, a/c & appls. Sec.+ref req. No pets.860-620-0025.

TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
MTD RIDING LAWN MOWER - For sale with bagger. 36” cut. $200 O.B.O. Call (860) 6214965. on SOUTHINGTON/ PLANTSVILLE, CHESHIRE MIDDLETOWN
COSTUME JEWELRY WANTED - Old, New, Napier, Etc. “I Pay Top Cash For Your Grand ma’s Costume Jewelry Stash” I’ll come to you, 203-443-9602 Julie. 1 2 3 4 ALWAYS BUY ING - Antiques and collectibles or entire estates. Call Gary, 475.439.4625.
ROOM FOR RENT - In Meriden, close to downtown & train sta tion. Common kitch en & bathroom. Fully furnished. $200 per week. Please call 860877-9027.
TOY ENGLISH BULL DOG PUPS Division is seeking a responsible and skilled individual to prepare and maintain permanent utility location records. Requires an associate’s degree or equivalent in civil engineering plus two (2) years of progressively responsible experience in the water/sewer utility field, or an $79,210combinationequivalentofeduca-tionandqualifyexpe-riencesubstitutingonayear-for-yearbasis.Salary:$61,909-annually.Plus,anexcellentfringebenefitspackage.Apply:DepartmentofHumanResources,TownofWallingford,45SouthMainStreet,Wallingford,CT06492.FormswillbemaileduponrequestfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesormaybedownloadedfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesWebPage.Phone#:(203)294-2080Fax#:(203)294-2084.ClosingdatewillbeOctober4,2022orthedatethe50thapplicationisreceived,whicheveroccursfirst.EOE. FOR COST OF PRICEDTRUCKING!PERLOAD DEPENDING ON LOCATION $100 minimum. CALL JIM 860-982-4819
CentralCoveringConnecticutsince1867 Thank You for Shopping Local Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a cananamedParrotOliver,Classifiedadhelptrackitdown. List Your Items To Over 300,000 Local Readers. Wanted To BuyLost and Found Apartments For Rent Classic and Antiques Autos Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Houses To Share Wanted To Buy Stores and Offices For Rent Lawn and Garden Wanted To Buy Pets For Sale Wood Fuel EquipmentHeating Wanted To BuyMedical Help Wanted Rooms For Rent Reach over 310,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953Legal Notices& Classifieds RJ MEDIA GROUP | Record-Journal | | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post

Must be 18 or older. Must have valid drivers license, reliable vehicle and be available early mornings. Make extra cash before you go to work making early morning newspaper deliveries using your own vehicle. NO experience necessary. Must able to deliver early mornings, 7 days a week. MUST be dependable, and be able to read a route list with specific delivery instructions. We will demonstrate the route to you. Routes average 1.5 to 3 hours daily. No collections required. Not Temp Work. Retirees, Stay at Home Mom’s, and Veterans are also welcome to apply. Make extra cash to pay rent, mortgage, bills, save money, or a great vacation. Text or call Peter at 860-846-0216 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and start as soon as tomorrow morning.
HillAuctions.comGrassy AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608. SEEKING - A CNA/HHA/ PCA needed to care for a 57yo female with a TBI in her Southington home. Duties include light housekeeping. Please call 860-5150634 for an interview. WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith,
248314 Need to Earn Income ASAP? Earn up to $1,200 mo. + Tips! The perfect and easiest part time job - Newspaper Delivery Routes Available - Earn up to $600.00 every Two weeks +Tips (Depending
AKC MINIATURE AMERICAN SHEPHERDS For sale, Date of birth 7/8/22, AKA Mini Australian Shepherds. 1 male, 5 fe males, 4 tri-color, 2 blue merles. Call Carole for contact and 475-331-5105.information
SEEKING ALL COL LECTIBLES - Comic books to motor bikes. All items considered. Call Gary at 203-2374124. Top dollar paidwill beat any price! IMPOUNDED - Doxi brown/ white vicin ity Berlin Turnpike. Call Berlin Animal Con trol, 860-828-7055. ALWAYS BUYING OLD TOOLS - Old, used & antique hand tools wanted. Cory,Callmaderespectabletoolbenchworkingengraving,Machinist,wood&workhandtools&chests.Fair&offersinyourhome.w/confidence,860.322.4367. ACCELERATEDPROPERTYMANAGEMENT FREE CLEAN FILL AVAILABLE
FOR SALE 4 weeks old, 2 girls & 2 boys. Mom & Dad are our babies and are on-site. Serious inqiries 860-883-7689.only. ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, 718-5132.contents.itemia,sportscameras,arcadeinstruments,musicalsigns,games,pre1970memorabilplusmore.OneorentireestateCall860ENGINEERJUNIORWATER The Town of Wallingford’s Water

GRASSY HILL AUC TIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Con necticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: An tiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Mu sical Instruments (Sax ophones, Trumpets, Vi olins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Ma chinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Pho tographs, Old Post cards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uni forms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Foun tain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Win chester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Na tive American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hot wheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Fur niture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Auto graphs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience.appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214.
area) Routes available in the following towns: MERIDEN, WALLINGFORD,

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, September8, 2022 A19 GARY WODATCH - Tree Removal. All calls re turned. CT#620397 Quick courteous ser vice. 860-558-5430. RT CallstorageYourRELOCATIONmovingandspecialists.forafreeestimate.833-668-3978. TEC ELECTRICAL Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs 203.237.2122Welcome. Let Us BEAR Your Junk! Junk Removal in CT A&R CLEANOUT SER VICE - Partial or total cleanouts of homes, garages, 203-281-6387Noalso.andhomesbusinesses.basements,WeCleantoptobottomdodemolitionworkFreeestimates.jobtosmallorlarge.or203-623-0166. GARY WODATCHHedge & tree trimming. Trim overgrown prop erties. Calls returned. #620397. 860.558.5430 #1 PAINTER’S EDGE Ext. & Int. Decks.Sheetrock.PopcornPainting.Repair.WallpaperRemv’l.25yrsexp.Freeest.Sr.disc.#0656136.Ins.860.538.5520 GUTTERS CLEANED Painting Int. & Rodrigo,FreePowerwashingExt.Ests.Ins.Refs.(203)565-7745. JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - Spring CleanUps, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, prun ing, hedges & trees, & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today, 203-213-6528. HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, 203.427.7828.#640689, CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, applianc es, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, DUMPSTERFREEgaragesbasements,&more.*SPRINGYARDClean-ups*ESTIMATES.LIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817 GARY WODATCH Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 25+yrs.GUTTERS860-558-5430PLUSExp.CalltodayforFreeestimate.203-440-3535Ct.Reg.#578887 MULCH, BRUSH & Sm. Tree Removal, Comm. & Res. Rick’s Affordable Lawn, 26 yrs exp. 203.530.4447HIC0622783. #1 PAINTER’S EDGE MOBILE WASH Chem icals safe for house & plants. House wash, roof cleaning, decks. 25 yrs. exp. Sr Disc. #0656136 Ins. 860.538.5520 OVER 28 YEARS EXP Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893. REMODELING Home improvments, painting, sheetrock, all types of Int./Ext. work. No job too big or 860.719.3953.small. EXPERIENCED CLEAN ING SERVICE - Res idential and com mercial, call Anna, 860.299.6611. Lic./Ins. Specializing in roofing, siding, Seniorbasementbathrooms,kitchens,flooring,remodeling.citizendiscountInsured.Freeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937 Specializing in tree removal, trimming, chipping & grinding. Call for free estimate. 203-945-1808. DON’TGUTTERSWORK If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127 W. BOOBER MASONRYOver 35 Years Experience All Types of Masonry CT License #626708 (203) 235-4139 POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE #569127EstimatesCallKevin203-440-3279 Insurance gutter.chimneydamage.roofing.siding.claim.stormflashing.Office:203.754.3071Cell:203.510.3830Stormshieldct@gmail.comHIC.0664452 ED’S(203)JUNK-OUT494-1526 Fully ins. Free Estimate. Call Ed, we will take it to the dump for you! Yalesville SpecializingConstructioninallphasesofresidential&commercialroofing.SeniorcitizendiscountInsuredFreeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937 IF YOU SPRINGThisMentionAdYardClean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN DUMPSTERSr.FREE1EntireANYTHINGREMOVEhousetoitemremoved!ESTIMATESCitizenDiscountLIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817 Roof Repair or Replacement, Chimney Repair, Skylight Replacement. Free est. CT #0651199 (860) 877-3006 CARPENTRY Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093 A Classified ad is an easy way to sell youryourandmerchandise,it’seasyonwallet,too. STUFFSELL?TO Call Us. 203-238-1953 STUFF TO SELL? Call Us. 203-238-1953 A Classified ad is an easy way to sell youryourandmerchandise,it’seasyonwallet,too. LOOKING FOR A NEW RIDE? Best Selection of Used Vehicles! Classified Section A classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too. Call Monday thru Friday 8:30AM - 5PM 203-238-1953 Carpentry JunkLandscapingRemoval Gutters Roofing Handyperson RoofingPainting Wallpapering Moving and Storage Attics and ElectricalCleanedBasementsServices Home Improvements Power Washing Tree Services Masonry Businesses & Services 203-238-1953 Get Listed. Get Calls. Get Results. Cleaning Services Junk Removal

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA20 Thursday, September8, 2022 WALK-IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,50000 Walk-In Tubs Finance Options Available* ONE-TOUCH CONTROLSHANDHELD SHOWER COMFORT & SAFETYLOW THRESHOLD44HYDROTHERAPY JETS FREE An beEvaluationIn-Homewillscheduledatyourearliestconvenience FREE Savings include our AmericanownStandardRightHeightToilet($500VALUE) ✓ EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST Only American Standard has OVER 150 years of experience and o ers the Liberation Walk-In Bathtub ✓ SUPERIOR DESIGN Ultra low easy entry and exit design, wide door, built-in safety bar & textured floor provides a safer bathing experience ✓ PATENTED QUICK DRAIN® TECHNOLOGY ✓ LIFETIME WARRANTY The ONLY Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard ✓ 44 HYDROTHERAPY JETS More than any other tub we’ve seen Discount applied at time of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. *Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Receive a free American Standard Cadet Toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower or Deluxe Shower. O er valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. All o ers subject to change prior to purchase. See for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty and company information. *CSLB B982796; Su olk NY:5543IH; NYC: HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. Limited Time O er–Call Today! 833-529-0079 MADE IN THEUSA WITHUS & IMPORTEDPARTS &forDesignedpainreliefeasyuse