Volume 24, Number 37
September15, 2022www.berlincitizen.com
who has seen this building over the past five to 10 years knows it literally just sat there, and there
By Nicole Zappone
Most Insurances Accepted Welcoming New Patients! SPECIALIZING IN IMPLANTS, INVISALIGN, DENTURES, AND MORE! 300 New Britain Rd • Berlin, CT 06037 860-609-6167 • KatzFamilyDentalCare.com Mówimypolsku!po R247283_V18

"Berlin is my home. It's really good to come back and give back to the commu nity and fill a void in the market," said Gallo, who played golf at Berlin High and then at Central Connecticut State Univer sity before competing professionally, around the world, for about 15 years.
‘Full Circle Golf’ finds its niche
See Artisan, A6
Artisan Building & Remodel ing now occupies 230 Dem ing Road, and Economic De velopment Director Chris Edge could not be more "Everyonehappy.
See A17 Britain, Plainville
The 2022 Berlin Fair's four-day run begins today, Sept. 15, and the weekend weather is looking just fine. WFSB.com states, "The 3rd weekend of September appears to feature tranquil, dry and mostly sunny weather with temperatures trending a bit milder (seasonably so, back in the mid to upper 70s over the 2-day period).”
Kyle Gallo, one of Berlin's all-time great golfers, has opened an indoor training fa cility in town, Full Circle Golf, located at 170 Deming Road. Full Circle offers virtu al golf, club fittings and lessons, and boasts five instructors with a combined 200 years of playing experience.
and Southington communities for over 30 years. COMFORTABLEDENTISTRY
File photo
The Citizen
By Nicole Zappone The Citizen
A drab, brick building which sat vacant for years has new life, and a fresh look.
Business breathes new life into aging building
were no more than two cars in the parking lot," Edge said. "This wonderful family has helped not just to change the look of this building, but the feel of the Businessbuilding."owner
Brandon Buchanan started working as a carpenter in 2009, fresh out of Cromwell High School. He built Artisan Building & Remodeling from the ground up.

Michael DMD
Pictured: Tom Campanelli, of Berlin, shows Paul Cousino, 5, of Terryville, a baby chickenatthe2018BerlinFair.

Photos by Nicole Zappone
Providing highly-skilled, compassionate, affordable Dental Care to the Berlin, New
Cromwell High School alum Brandon Buchanan built Artisan Building & Remodeling from the ground up. The business recently relocated to 230 Deming Road.

attendance spoke against the idea, except for one, imagine our surprise when we read this off-leash area had been approved.
And, does Berlin even need a leash-free area? The town is comprised mainly of sin gle-family homes with yards. What percent of the population has dogs, but no yard?
This year Denise McNair is a candidate for State Representative. Her service to Berlin as Town Manager earned praise from commu nity leaders and members of both political parties. She worked effectively, made the difficult decisions and helped move Berlin forward.
Letters to the Editor about the upcoming election are limited to 100 words. Non-polit ical letters are limited to 300 words. Also, candidates are welcome to submit commen taries for publication of 500 words or less.
Letters to the Editor
Email letters/commentaries to news@the
My impression is that Denise is a commonsense, practical, problem-solver, and I think that is what Berlin residents want in their representatives.
Don DeFronzo, former State Senator
Flawed process
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA2 Thursday,September15,2022
Nikki A. Sambitsky
Why did one person’s opinion at the public hearing matter more than all the rest?
Further, East Berlin is not centrally located, and the intersection between Savage Hill and Spruce Brook is dangerous.
Diane Napert-Houle and Louis Houle
None of this lends itself to an ideal location for a leash-free dog area.
there is an abundance of wildlife at the location, including ground nesting birds, bunnies, deer, and at least one bobcat.
berlincitizen.com. The Citizen will print on ly one letter/commentary per person each month. Letters/commentaries must be sub mitted by 5 p.m. on Friday to be considered for publication the following Thursday.
In our opinion, this was not a true public hearing, since the voices of the people were not heeded. It was just a formality. The deci sion had already been made.
State Rep. Donna Veach has done a fantastic job representing Berlin and Southington over the past two years. When communities across the state experienced an influx in car thefts, it was Donna and her fellow Republi cans who fought to do something about it. And when gas prices were rising to all-time highs, Donna and her colleagues put pres sure on the governor to finally do something about it. We need more lawmakers like Don na Veach, someone who truly represents the people they serve.
Letters to the Editor, A8 860-225-1534 • Kensington, CT RileyPlumbingCompany.com06037 For 35 years, our family taking care of your family! R247327v3 LIC# 0203782 How Can We Make You Smile Today! R254007 BERLIN STONE & MULCH TOPSOIL FIREWOOD MULCH 510860.223.0633ChristianLn,Berlin,CT06037berlinstoneandmulch.com 5% MulchOff Deliver!We 860.978.5600 • ServicesROOFrlconstruction06051@hotmail.comRLConstructionLLCCT.com•NewBritainANDDECKREPAIRSANDREPLACEMENTinclude: New Construction • Framing Window Replacement • Gutters Hardwood and Laminated Floors Shingle Roofing Install and Repair and much more! 100%SatisfactionWarranty. License 0621076 • Monday - Fri 8 - 8 pm Sat 8 - 12 • Follow us on FB and Twitter R254394v2Free Estimates Serving all of CT visit our website Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Nicole Zappone Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener Creative Director — Erik Allison ADVERTISING: Jeff Guerrette— Marketing Consultant 475-313-4669 | jguerrette@rjmediagroup.com NEWS / SPORTS: (203) 317-2245 | news@theberlincitizen.com www.berlincitizen.com 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 The Berlin Citizen (ISSN 1525-1780, USPS 017-666) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450Circulation Department — 203-634-3933

Guidelines regarding political submissions
We attended a Town Council public hearing in July in which the leash-free area at Pistol Creek was discussed. Since every person in
We're disappointed, not just in the outcome, but in the process as well.
Strong, effective
I had the honor of representing Berlin in the State Senate for eight years. It's a great com munity with a strong bi-partisan tradition and a deep respect for public service and Berlinprofessionalism.deservesstrong and effective repre sentation in Hartford.
An off-leash area impacts a small percent age of the population, but costs every Berlin Attaxpayer.samecouncil meeting in July, the Visiting Nurse Association, and how its expenses could be reduced, was discussed. The VNA is something most every Berlin resident will use at some point. Why not put the money being spent on the leash-free area toward the VNA, or re-paving the trails and rebuilding the bridges at Pistol Creek?
True representative
Those speaking against the Pistol Creek lo cation had valid points: The dog park would not be adjacent to the road; and the area is multi-use you'll see children learning to ride bikes, skateboarders, people on horse back, senior citizens, and those with disabil
BERLIN Thanks to a pow er game directed by 6-foot-3, 205-pound QB Lorenzo Miele and a monster night by wide receiver Josh Grimm, Berlin defeated Platt 38-28 Friday night in a CCC crossover game at Sage Park. Grimm, a hockey player in only his second year of foot ball, caught three TD passes, including one on an option pass from running back To by GrimmLavender.alsobooted a 31yard field goal to open the scoring in the first quar

FOOTBALL: Redcoats drop Platt in Week 1
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A3

See Football, A10
89 Harding St., Berlin, CT 860-829-7377 KENSINGTONAUTOSERVICELTD. • Full Service & Repairs, Diagnostics & Accessories • 12 Month/12K Mile Warranty • CT State Emissions Testing & Repair Most cars & like trucks, Ask for Details! Over 38 Years of Experience as Your Hometown Repair Shop! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! R247358v2 BEST O F... 20 22 AWARDS AWARDS CarrierForProbateJudge.com /CarrierForProbateJudge Paid for by Carrier for Probate Judge, Joseph Rapisarda, Treasurer. Approved by Mic hael C arrier Paid for by Carrier for Probate Judge, Joseph Rapisarda, Treasurer. Approved by Michael Carrier. R255112 RE-ELECT MICHAEL CARRIER NOVEMBER 8th, 2022 EXPERIENCE, INTEGRITY AND COMPASSION R255042(SCAN QR CODE)

Where this game caught fire was in the second half.
Happy 100th
Record-Journal report

She will be celebrating her 100th with family and friends. Ruth would love to be showered with cards for her big day. Send cards to: Ruth Petrossi 99 Allen St. Rutland, VT 05701


Down 24-7 after giving up two Berlin touchdown pass es in the final 2:37 before the break including an across-the-field backbreaker from Miele to Grimm with 0:02 on the clock in the wake of an interception the visiting Panthers came out of the locker room with a fury. They buckled down on D, recovered an air-mailed punt snap in the
Birthday on Sept. 5th Ruth Petrossi of Berlin, CT.
Ruth relaxing The Pines Rutland, VT.
ter. Miele threw for two TDs and ran for a third.
Berlin High School seniors Noah Arce-Caliskan, Dominic Mongillo and Jameson Urrunaga earned academic honors from the College Board National Recognition Program.

6” Mums $ 5 2/$8 8” Mums $ 8 2/$14 8” Kale $ 8 2/$14 8” Aster $ 8 2/$14 10” Hanging Basket $ 18 2/$32 12” Mums $ 21 2/$40 878 Worthington Ridge Berlin, CT (860)828-6586 Berlin Congregational Church Fall Plant / Tag Sale Saturday Sept. 24th 2022 9:00am - 1:00pm R255014 355ENFIELDTAYLORROAD 4 miles off I-91 / Exit 47E, 1 mile N. on Taylor Rd. CROMWELL610MAINSTREET Just 4 miles South of I-91 / Exit 24 Garden’s Dream Farm YOU DREAM IT, WE GROW IT! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9am-5pm | 860.835.6652 | Look us up on Facebook CT’s Largest Retail Nursery Over 3000 Varieties WE HAVE LARGE OPEN SHOPPING AREAS! Amazing fall decorations. a $30 Purchase* *$30 or Higher. Limit one per customer per day CIT_9-15-21 NOT combinable with other offers. NOT valid on Gift Cards or Prior Purchases. Valid Thru 10-3122 with this ad. Garden’s Dream Farm 2022$5 Off Amazing Selection of Pumpkins! 14’’ TriColor MUMS $24.99 Hardy Mums From 6’’ $5.99 5/$25 Amazing 9’’ Mums $7.99 5/$35 10’’ Hanging Basket Mums $14.99 2/$25 Amazing Selection Fall Perennials 1000s of Shrubs & Trees NOW is a Great time to plant Trees! Huge Selection of Pumpkins and Gourds! MAINTENANCEASPHALTPAVINGCONTRACTORS • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • DRAINAGE • TREE CUTTING & REMOVAL • ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK • BLUE STONE, PATIOS & WALKWAYS FULLY INSURED Licensed Contractor Commercial & Residential FREE ESTIMATES • 7 days a week CT Lic. #579594 (860) 632-9062 DISCOUNTSENIOR MAINTENANCEASPHALTwww.ampavingct.comPAVINGCONTRACTORS DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • DRAINAGE ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK • BLUE STONE, PATIOS & WALKWAYS FULLY INSURED Licensed Contractor Commercial & Residential FREE ESTIMATES • 7 Days a Week 860-632-PAVE (7283) SENIOR DISCOUNTVETERAN& 253122 HOLCOMB Tree Incorporated Pruning, Cabling, TreePlainville,RemovalCT holcombtree@yahoo.com Office: 860-747-2805 Cell: 860-416-0668 Timothy Holcomb Licensed Arborist S-4442 • Est. 1940 • Fully Insured Visit us online at www.holcombtreeinc.com R247196

To be eligible, students must have a GPA of 3.5-plus and have excelled on the PSAT/ NMSQT or PSAT 10, or have earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP Exams.
Berlin High School is proud to announce that Noah Arce-Caliskan, Dominic Mongillo and Jameson Ur runaga have earned aca demic honors from the Col lege Board National Recog nition Program.
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA4 Thursday,September15,2022

Press Release

Berlin High scholars earn national honor

The BHS seniors are recipi ents of the National Hispan ic Recognition Award. This is the first time students from Berlin High have earned this honor.
See Scholars, A5
“We’re thrilled that our stu dents have earned this recognition. We are very proud of them for their hard work, effort and achieve ment in their classrooms and on College Board assess ments,” said Eileen Eustis, Berlin High School Principal.
Dominic Mongillo
The Willard 5K and Fun Run returns for its second year Sunday, Sept. 25 at 1 p.m.
of Upbeat, Habitat for Hu manity, and the Coding Club, and he serves as a math tutor and has compet ed in multiple sports.
Urrunaga is a member of Boy Scout Troop 441 and has held several leadership positions, including Senior Patrol Leader. He is current ly pursuing the rank of Eagle Also,Scout.he has been involved in Berlin High’s Upbeat pro Urrunagagram. plans to pursue a degree in teaching or politi cal science.
From A4
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A5
Come see all that the center has to offer. All are welcome.
Urrunaga has excelled in a rigorous academic program, enrolling in many Advanced Placement and UConn ECE
Scholars Senior Center open house
“My hope is that this recog nition will open doors to various opportunities for Noah, Dominic and Jamie,” Eustis added.
is considering pur suing an engineering degree or, more likely, attending trade school.

Willard run
From advanced and honors to AP and UConn ECE courses, Arce-Caliskan has challenged himself academ ically. He has earned nu merous academic awards and has regularly achieved high honors status. Also, he was a contender for a Scholastic Art Award, and his talents have been recog nized with exhibitions in the district art Arce-Caliskanshow.isa member
Mongillo has taken advan tage of extensive AP and UConn ECE course offerings and has consistently earned high honors status. Also, he has been a member of the bike team, Bike Club and Ski Club, and is a founding member of Berlin High’s new Ultimate Frisbee pro Mongillogram.
Citizens Police Academy classes will be held Wednes day evenings, 6 to 8 p.m., be ginning Sept. 28. Classes runs through Nov. 16. Atten dance is limited to 12 partic ipants. Citizens Police Academy applicants must be at least 18 and live or work in Berlin. A criminal history check will be conducted. Ap plications are available at the Berlin Police Depart ment's dispatch window, and online at berlinpd.org. Application deadline is Wednesday, Sept. 21.
The day will include demon strations, raffles and prizes. Attendees can even take a ride on the Senior Center bus. Continental breakfast will be served from 8 to 10.
In Brief GO MOBILE /Classifieds It’s a daunting task. Call us today. We’ll help you get it done right.
Jameson Urrunaga
In honor of National Senior Center Month, the Berlin Se nior Center will host an open house Saturday, Sept. 24, 8 a.m. to noon.
Police academy
courses while attending both Berlin High and the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts. He has earned high honors status and re ceived the President’s Award for Educational Excellence.
Arce-Caliskan plans to study computer science at UConn and has set his sights on becoming a software de veloper.
The 5K and Fun Run set off from Willard Elementary School, 1088 Norton Road, and prizes will be awarded to the top male and female runner in each age group. Participants are asked to bring a nonperishable food item for the Berlin Food Pantry. The entry fee for the 5K is $25. The Fun Run fee is $15. To register, visit run Berlin/Willard5Ksignup.com/Race/CT/.
Before moving to Deming Road, Buchanan and his team worked out of a cramped space on the Berlin Turnpike. Artisan Building & Remodeling’s new location is "We're8,000-square-feet.happytobehere in Berlin," Buchanan said. "We've grown in size as far as gross, in terms of sales as a business, and people dou bled each year since we've been in business. We now have 20 employees."

Artisan Building & Remodel ing’s website, artisanroofin gct.com, states, “Your roof is the ultimate line of defense

Buchanan’s happy he skipped the traditional high school-to college-to a ca reer route, and advises young people to blaze their own path, as well.
Local officials welcomed Artisan Building & Remodeling to town with a ribbon-cutting ceremony in August.

against the elements, and its replacement or repair should be done with care. We take great pride in every job we take on, from roof re placement and gutters to windows and siding. Be it your house or your business, our team provides excellent service. We’ll work with you every step of the way.”
From A1 Artisan 860-748-0541•phoenicianhi.com Experience Our Professional Difference! 247195 Roofing • Siding • Windows Gutters • Doors • Basement Finishing Kitchen & Bath Remodel • Decks Call for a FREE No Pressure Estimate! Fully Licensed & Insured #582443 32 Chamberlain Hwy, Kensington (860) 829-9090 R247187 Eye Exams • Glasses • Contacts Now Accepting Pediatric Patients! Only the best designers at reasonable prices. Call to schedule an eye exam or to get fitted for contact lenses. Most insurances accepted including United Health Care, Spectera and Husky. Time for Your Eye Exam? Kids Eyewear 50% OFF* *excludes contacts R247968v3
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA6 Thursday,September15,2022

"You don't have to follow the equation that society tells us you have to follow,” Buchanan said. "I know if I could go back to high school, I wouldn't pursue all the college courses. I would have dived right into the trade, because there's a lot of money to be made in trades. There's also a whole awesome lifestyle. I think the stigma of specificallyconstruction,roofing,needs to end, because we're changing people's lives.”
“College just wasn't for me,” Buchanan said. “I tried al most every trade out there and found my passion in Hisconstruction."businessdebuted in 2017. "In 2019, we found our niche and switched our ser vices to exterior service only; specifically roofing, siding, gutters, windows and doors," Buchanan said.

Community Chest

For more information, con tact Joeline Wruck at jwruck@cfgnb.org or 860229-6018 ext. 307.

Sign-up options include: Emergency Alerts (weatherrelated closings, fire, flood, etc.); Town Updates (nonemergency sewer,dates,Worksreferendums,announcements,communications,elections,etc.);Public(constructionuptrash,utilities,water,etc.);CommunityRelated(CommunityCenter,SeniorCenter,Parks&Recreation,SocialServices).
Alert system
The Community Chest of New Britain and Berlin sup ports programs in the health and human services area and considers requests for program grants, general op erating support and seed grants for new programs. The next grant application deadline is Saturday Oct. 15. Questions should be direct ed to Candice Tabone at 860-229-6018 ext. 300 or ctabone@cfgnb.org.
In Brief A Classified ad is an easy way to sell youryourandmerchandise,it’seasyonwallet,too. Honest. Professional. Reliable. Kensington, CT • JMBPlumbingCT.com Lic. # PLM.0287294-P1 and Reg. # HIC.0648888 Like us on Facebook R247507 JASON BORSELLE 860.748.7910 4 years in a row Voted Berlin’s Best Plumber! HIRINGHIRINGP-2’S!P-2’S! R254717 Seeking Hairstylists TO JOIN OUR TEAM marijsalon.com860-846-0675 102 East Main Street | Plainville, CT CONTACT US TO APPLY R254748v3 • Walk in COVID-19 Testing •COVID-19 Vaccines •Comprehensive Medication Reviews • One-on-One Pharmacist Counseling 860.222.9422 170 East Street | Plainville | www.plainvillerx.com M - F: 9 am - 7 pm Sat: 9 am - 2 pm Sun: Closed * Plainville Community When You Call...Plainville Community Pharmacy Delivers! WE PROVIDE OUR PATIENTS WITH: • Weekly Blister Packs for Seniors • Immunizations/Flu Shots • Medical Supplies • Diabetic Supplies and Management Most major insurance plans accepted & affordable co-pays offered Vote for us as your favorite pharmacy! Thanks to you, WE WON! Thank you for your votes and putting your faith in us year after year. We’re always here for you. R249933_V2


Volunteer opportunities are available throughout the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain’s fourtown service area Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and Southington. Volunteer op portunities can be found at cfgnb.org.
Sign up to receive emergency alerts and community notifi cations at berlinct.gov.

TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A7

Providing compassionate,highly-skilled,affordable Dental Care to the Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and Southington communities for over 30 years. Michael Katz, DMD R247289 300 New Britain Rd • Berlin, CT 06037 860-609-6167 • KatzFamilyDentalCare.com Most Insurances AcceptedNewWelcomingPatients!SPECIALIZINGINIMPLANTS & COMFORTABLEINVISALIGNDENTISTRY Join us for a FREE virtual class Diabetes and your CallREGISTRATIONfeetREQUIRED:1.855.HHC.HERE(1.855.442.4373) or go to HartfordHealthCare.org/VirtualClasses After you register, you’ll receive an email with easy instructions on joining the virtual class. Join our interactive class to learn about: ■ Common causes and symptoms of diabetic foot ulcers ■ When to seek medical attention ■ Self-care, prevention, and treatment options ■ Plus, LIVE Q&A with the expert! Thurs., Sept. 22 | AnthonyPRESENTER12–1pm:Babigian,DPM Board certified in podiatry Board certified in foot surgery R254346

TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA8 Thursday,September15,2022
In Brief
Only by electing Republi cans like Lou Arata, repre senting Berlin, Cheshire and Meriden, can Connecticut once again prosper. Demo crat elected officials no longer represent our Ameri can values. Everything wrong with this state can be put at the feet of the decades-long one-party rule.
Vote Republican Lou Ara ta … our state depends on it.
Don’t let the Democrats’ tomfoolery play a fast one on us. If not for federal dol lars, Connecticut would be broke. Democrats will resus citate highway tolls to pay for their out of control spending and pet projects. We need Lou Arata in Hart ford to help restore common sense.
Letters to the Editor
Manny Santos, Meriden
Wall of Honor
The Berlin Veterans Commission’s “Veterans Digital Wall of Honor” is located in the main lobby rotunda of Town Hall. A video slideshow is shown on a 50-inch smart TV and plays in a loop. The Wall of Honor is dedicated to “All Who Proudly Served and Sacrificed to Protect Our Country” and to thank them for the freedoms we have today. Berlin resi dents and their immediate family members, past and pre sent, who have served or are currently serving in the United States military can be put up on the wall. Contact Peter Gal gano at petergalgano@comcast.net or 860-604-7258.
From A2
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A9
Walk to end setshomelessnessoffOct.15
tol, celebrated its fifth an niversary this March.
Press Release
Lace up your walking shoes and head on over to Walnut Hill Park in New Britain on Saturday, Oct. 15 for the 7th Annual Walk Away Home lessness fundraiser spon sored by Family Promise of Central Connecticut. There’s no registration fee. To sign up, go to walk.fpc ct.org. Walkers will collect pledges that they will con tribute to Family Promise.
Family Promise of Central Connecticut, which is sup ported by a network of 18 places of worship in Central Connecticut, including in New Britain, Berlin, Kens ington, Newington and Bris
Since the start of the pan demic, FPCCT has operated its Homeless Prevention Program. The HPP, as it is referred to, focuses on help ing families dealing with housing insecurity. The HPP provides families who are at risk of homelessness a vari ety of supportive services.

Family Promise staff work with each family to ensure that basic needs are met and that they are safely housed or sheltered.

RECORD_JOURNALTWITTER.COM/FACEBOOK.COM/RECORDJOURNALNEWSPAPERINSTAGRAM.COM/RECORDJOURNAL CONNECT WITH SOCIALLYUS Trees & Bushes River Stone All Sizes 3/4" Process • Top Soil • Mulch Sand • Gravel • Salt All types of stone R251141 Berlin PreschoolYMCA • Enroll now in high quality, nurturing preschool • Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack included • New students have a chance to win a free one-year family membership • Find out why our program is the best choice for your family. FIND YOUR CHILD’S BRIGHT FUTURE. FIND YOUR Y. Contact Tina at 203-314-1738 tvalentin@meridenymca.orgornbbymca.org254078

Titled “Re-Energize ReConnect to End Homeless ness,” the family-friendly event will begin at 9:30 and will also feature a disc jock ey, face painting and free snacks. New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart will be the guest of honor.

From A3 Football STUFFSELL?TO Call Us. 203-238-1953

Miele was 13-for-20 for 143 yards, including 6-for-6 on the crucial drive that fin ished the first half after Berlin picked off Robinson at midfield with 2:37 on the
Miele’s touchdown run was from 10 yards out and it came early in the fourth quarter after Berlin recov ered a Platt fumble at the Panther 34.
Dr. Ahmed is proud to join Connecticut’s leading cardiology practice with 10 convenient locations. He welcomes new patients in Wallingford, Middletown, and Glastonbury.

“Lorenzo Miele had a great first half,” Aresimowicz not ed. “Second half, we had some injuries and cramps on the offensive line, but we put in sophomores in some situations and they played really Bottomwell.”line:
TD pass that capped that drive at 0:02, Miele rolled right at the 18 and, close to the sideline, unload ed back across the field to Grimm on the left side of the end zone.
Berlin, 4-6 a year ago, is no 4-6 team
R254400 Wayne Carini Grand Marshal 370 Linwood St • New Britain, CT KlingbergMotorcarSeries.org06052 Saturday, September 24, 2022 8am to 11am New Britain, CT • Family Activities • No Entry Fee (donations encouraged) • No Cut-off Year • Free Coffee & Donut (while they last!) R254721 www.SchmittLandscapingandTree.com Tree LandscapingRemovalStumpGrindingFirewood Fully Licensed & Insured HIC 0649404@SchmittTreeService R252945 & Landscaping FREE Estimates(860) 922-7738 BOSCO PAINTING Aluminum Siding Refinishing • Power Washing alsoWedo CarpentryRepairs!CALLTODAY!TOM 860-306-7927860-828-7710 “Exteriors are my specialty, and interiors my masterpiece!” CT LIC #543233 FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES R229938_v3

And while Platt would close to within 10 one last time on Robinson’s race-to-the-cone scramble from 6 yards out, time was tight by then.
Said Berlin coach Joe Aresi mowicz: “That’s a very good Platt with a great coach that we were scared to dickens about. We knew they were going to be good. We just got some lucky breaks and we got some plays when we could. They took advantage of our mistakes. They made a few that we took advantage of.”
Dr. Ahmed is an interventional cardiologist. He has specialized training in catheter-based procedures interventions for heart disease and conditions affecting the heart and surrounding blood vessels. He also provides routine cardiology care to manage risk factors and improve overall heart health.
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA10 Thursday,September15,2022

Berlin sealed the 38-28 ver dict by recovering the onside kick and running out the fi nal 4½ minutes.
“now.The kids decided early on, last year, in December, that this year was going to be dif ferent,” Aresimowicz said. “They took the lead, they were in the weight room, they did everything and tonight is the pay-off for all their hard work.” Call (860) www.consultingcardiologists.com522-0604
The Redcoats went to the double-wing to do it. A fourth-and-two conversion at the Platt 31 with 1:54 to go was the death knell.
end zone and got a gorgeous in-stride, 71-yard hit from Avery Robinson to Vittorio Church down the sideline to
Robinson-Church bomb with just under eight min utes to play.
Throughout the game, Berlin frequently kept drives alive by converting on third downs. For the game, the Redcoats were 8-for-13.
twice pull to within 10 Eachpoints.Platt score, however, was matched by one from Berlin that pushed the gap back to 17, including a 50yard bust up the gut by Kyle Melville that answered the
Meet Our New Cardiologist: Dr. Zain Ahmed

Open house: The Orchards
Talk to a professional about questions and concerns you may have regarding de mentia, Fridays from 2 to 3 p.m. Join the call at 860-9726338 (Meeting Room 19623#).
Health Repair Services • Hot Water Heaters Heating Systems • Gas Fireplaces & Piping Home Improvement & Remodeling Drain & Sewer Cleaning 860-948-0510 P.O. Box 311231 • Newington, CT 204827-P1 • 5155-SM1 • 39764-S3 • HIC #0625232 R247165 Join us for a FREE virtual class Peripheral artery disease and the impact of smoking REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Call 1.855.HHC.HERE (1.855.442.4373) or go to HartfordHealthCare.org/VirtualClasses After you register, you’ll receive an email with easy instructions on joining the virtual class. Join our interactive class to learn about: ■ Symptoms and risk factors ■ Stages of peripheral artery disease ■ Treatment options, including smoking cessation ■ Plus, LIVE Q&A with the expert! Thurs., Sept. 29 | ChristinaPRESENTER12–1pm:Lakomski, APRN The Hospital of Central Connecticut R254484
Proper posture
Call-in support
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A11

The Virtual Dementia Care giver Support Group meets the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Facilitated by Patty O’Brian, CDP, dementia specialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. Registra tion required. Call 1-855-4424373 or go to HartfordHealth Care.org/VirtualClasses.
Bone, joint health
Caregiver support
This informational session on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 12 to 1 p.m., will cover bone and joint health, the benefits of moving and best exercise practices. Presented by Meghan Pagano, exercise physiologist, Hartford HealthCare GoodLife Fit ness. Registration required: Call 1-855-442-4373 or go to VirHartfordHealthCare.org/tualClasses.

Learn how poor posture can lead to numerous mus cular-skeletal problems, in cluding back pain, neck pain, and joint issues, as well as what you can do to im prove it. Join the class Thurs day, Sept. 15 from 11 a.m. to noon. Presented by Michele Boisvert, exercise physiolo gist, Hartford HealthCare GoodLife Fitness. Registra tion required. Call 1-855442-4373 or go to eHealthCare.org/VirHartfordtualClasss.
The Orchards at Southing ton, an independent and as sisted living community lo cated at 34 Hobart St., will host an open house Thursday, Sept. 22 from 4 to 7 p.m. Registra tion recommended. To re serve a time, call 860-6285656.

Memory loss
Join this virtual class Tues day, Sept. 27 from 1 to 2 p.m. to learn the differ ence between mild forgetful ness and more serious mem ory problems, the causes of memory loss, tips for navigat ing tough conversations about dementia and next steps. Presented by Michelle Wyman, dementia specialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. Registra tion required. Call 1-855-4424373 or go to HartfordHealth Care.org/VirtualClasses.
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA12 Thursday,September15,2022 WALK-IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,50000 Walk-In Tubs Finance Options Available* ONE-TOUCH CONTROLSHANDHELD SHOWER COMFORT & SAFETYLOW THRESHOLD44HYDROTHERAPY JETS FREE An beEvaluationIn-Homewillscheduledatyourearliestconvenience FREE Savings include our AmericanownStandardRightHeightToilet($500VALUE) ✓ EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST Only American Standard has OVER 150 years of experience and o ers the Liberation Walk-In Bathtub ✓ SUPERIOR DESIGN Ultra low easy entry and exit design, wide door, built-in safety bar & textured floor provides a safer bathing experience ✓ PATENTED QUICK DRAIN® TECHNOLOGY ✓ LIFETIME WARRANTY The ONLY Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard ✓ 44 HYDROTHERAPY JETS More than any other tub we’ve seen Discount applied at time of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. *Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Receive a free American Standard Cadet Toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower or Deluxe Shower. O er valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. All o ers subject to change prior to purchase. See www.AmericanStandardBathtubs.com for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty and company information. *CSLB B982796; Su olk NY:5543IH; NYC: HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. Limited Time O er–Call Today! 833-529-0079 MADE IN THEUSA WITHUS & IMPORTEDPARTS &forDesignedpainreliefeasyuse

Owner James Casso, Director “Caring Service with a Gentle Hand” 96 MAIN STREET Phone (860) 828-4730 Kensington, CT 06037www.BerlinMemorial.netFAX (860) 829-6509 Berlin Memorial FUNERAL HOME INC. 1279090Carolyn Smith, Owner James Casso, Director “Caring Service with a Gentle Hand” 96 MAIN STREET Phone (860) 828-4730 Kensington, CT 06037www.BerlinMemorial.netFAX (860) 829-6509 Berlin Memorial FUNERAL HOME INC. 1279090Carolyn Smith, Owner James Casso, Director “Caring Service with a Gentle Hand” 96 MAIN STREET Phone (860) 828-4730 Kensington, CT 06037www.BerlinMemorial.netFAX (860) 829-6509 Berlin Memorial FUNERAL HOME INC. 247355 www.BerlinMemorialFuneralHome.com Funerals • Cremations • Title 19 Family Owned & Operated R255078RogersOrchards.com LIKE US ONSunnymount: 2876 Meriden Waterbury Rd Southington • (203) 879-1206 9-6 PM Shuttle Meadow: 336 Long Bottom Rd. (860)Southington229-4240 • 9-6 PM THIS FRI. SAT. SUN. 10-5 JONAMAC • MCINTOSH • GALA • CORTLAND SWEET CORN3 Varieties of CT Grown Perfect for eating, canning, freezing LAST CALL SWEET JUICY PEACHES PICK YOUR OWN APPLES PIESBakedFresh APPLE CIDER DONUTSFamousOur Honeycrisp • Gala • McIntosh FALL’S APPLESFAVORITE

7. Plan recipes
5. Pick properly
John Diakun, M.S.
4. Know the rules
Courtesy of Caitlin Houston
6. Inspect your apples
Want to make applesauce? Grab yourself a few apples with the brown spots they actually make the best smoothies, too.
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A13
The best time to go apple picking is not when it gets cold, but rather when your desired apples are ready to pick. Apple orchards are most busy on the weekend during the middle of the af ternoon, so go early or late in the day.
A note about photography: some orchards prohibit pho tos while apple picking or re quire permission in advance from the orchard. If you’re going to bring a camera to take pictures of your apple picking adventure, make sure you know the orchard’s rules beforehand.
There is a correct way to pick fruit off of a tree and that’s to twist, not pull. Pulling an apple from a tree can knock off other apples or damage the tree itself.
The apples on the outside of the tree ripen first, so choose the most firm apples without brown spots. Sniff the apple to make sure it smells good (bad smell means rot). Don’t take home any apples with holes or abnormally small apples from the center of the tree, they’re not ripe yet.

My husband laughed at my apple picking outfit, but I dressed specifically for the occasion. Check the weather ahead of time and plan your clothing choices appropri ately. Wear boots or sneak ers since the grass might be wet from dew or smashed apples.
By Caitlin Houston Special to the Record-Journal
3. Dress appropriately
1. Research orchards
It’s important to know which apples to pick. The apples on the outside of the tree ripen first, so choose the most firm apples without brown spots. Don’t take home any apples withholes.
Helpful tips for apple picking
Apple picking in Connecti cut is a must-do fall activity. It is a fun way to spend time with your family and the perfect excuse to learn how to make an apple pie. How ever, it can be stressful tak ing children to an orchard if you don’t know what to ex pect. Use these apple pick ing tips to plan your trip to the orchard.
Some orchards have strict rules for apple picking, so it’s important you inform children before you go. Our orchard allowed one apple for tasting before purchasing what you pick, but some or chards might not allow any samples. Remember not to climb or shake trees and leave your pets at home.

List Your Items To Over 300,000 Local Readers. JOE’S DESIGNSLANDSCAPE 248459Drainagejoeslandscapedesigns.comBerlin,CT•860.918.8806&InstallationofFrench Drains Tree Removal Service Storm Damage • Hardscapes Land Clearing • Mulching • Sprinkler Systems Excavating • Spring & Fall Cleanups Masonry • Install New Planting Beds Full Lawn/Grass Installation Retaining Walls • Stump Grinding General Cleanup Licenced & Insured. US-CT 2442603 NewOPEN!NOWEnglandStone&MulchSupplyLLC Stone - Top Soil - Mulch Hearing Solutions Kensington Hearing Services 211 New Britain Rd. Kensington • (Next to McDonald's) 860-826-6450 Hearing evaluations. Hearing aid fittings, repairs and Medicare,batteries.HMOs,MedicaidClaims John Diakun, M.S. Audiologist overCelebrating20years Hearing Solutions Kensington Hearing Services 211 New Britain Rd. Kensington • (Next to McDonald's) 860-826-6450 Hearing evaluations. Hearing aid fittings, repairs and Medicare,batteries.HMOs,MedicaidClaims

Whether you’re looking to visit an orchard with extra activities (corn maze, hayride, etc.) or fresh pro duce for purchase, each or chard offers something dif ferent. My family chose Drazen Orchard in Cheshire because of its proximity to our home on a rainy a day. However there are three oth er orchards within a 15 mile radius that are just as amaz ing. Research the best apple picking orchard for your needs before you go.
2. Choose best times
Carolyn Smith,

When you’re apple picking it’s easy to quickly fill a bas ket. It’s important to plan what you’ll do with your picked apples so you don’t take home too little/too many. We picked around 25 apples for apple pie (8-10 apples needed), apple crisp (5-6 apples needed), and ev eryday snacking.
Diakun, M.S. Audiologist overCelebrating20years Hearing Solutions Kensington Hearing Services 211 New Britain Rd. Kensington • (Next to McDonald's) 860-826-6450 Hearing evaluations. Hearing aid fittings, repairs and Medicare,batteries.HMOs,MedicaidClaims
Audiologist overCelebrating20years R247169www.kensingtonhearing.com overCelebrating30years ROGERSTREESERVICE Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240 R247166 1279090

Please note the rules of the area as posted at the en trance to the fenced-in area.
Advertising?ClassifiedCallUs. 203-238-1953

Fenced-in, leash-free area is open

Interested in
IT’S ALL HERE! Local Classified Listings. R247210 BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC Basement Waterproofing Services • Over 36 Years Combined Experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in Most Homes. Deal Direct With Owner - No Middle Man, Crawl Spaces HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 D801038_V3 BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com Basement Waterproofing Services Over 36 Years combined experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in most homes. Deal Direct with owner - no middle man. French Drains, Gravity Drains, Landscaping Drainage, Gutter Downspout Drains New BasementEgressBulkheads,andWindows,BasementFinishing EstimatesFREE *written details available upon request HIC.0653192•CALLUS 860-598-8091D801038_V3 BrilliantBasementWaterproofing,LLC www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com BasementWaterproofingServices Over36Yearscombinedexperience. FullyTransferableWrittenGuarantee*,SumpPumps, PumpsEliminatedinmosthomes. DealDirectwithowner-nomiddleman. FrenchDrains,GravityDrains,LandscapingDrainage, GutterDownspoutDrains New Windows,Bulkheads,EgressandBasementBasementFinishingEstimatesFREE written*detailsavailable uponrequest HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 * written details available upon request 247037v2 www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter *For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. **Offer valid at time of estimate o nly. 2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty details. Registration# 0 366920922 CSLB# 1035795 Registration# HIC.0649905 License# CBC056678 License# RCE-51604 Registration# C127230 License# 559544 Suffolk HIC License# 52229-H License# 2102212986 License# 262000022 License# 262000403 License# 2106212946 License# MHIC111225 Registration# 176447 License# 423330 Registration# IR731804 License# 50145 License# 408693 Registration# 13VH09953900 Registration# H-19114 License# 218294 Registration# PA069383 License# 41354 License# 7656 DOPL #10783658-5501 Lice nse# 423330 License# 2705169445 License# LEAFFNW822JZ License# WV056912 1-855-707-0321CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST THE NA TION’ S GUTTER GUARD1 2 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET!1 1Subject to credit approval. Call for details. FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* SENIORS MILITARY!&YOUR PURCHASEENTIRE* + 20%%OFFOFF10 BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE YEAR-ROUND!WELIFETIMEWARRANTYINSTALL R254987

Madison. Run for The Cove supports the Cheshire-based Cove center’s free programs. For more information, visit covect.org/race.
Run for The Cove will take place Sunday, Oct. 9 at Winding Trails in Farming ton and Sunday, Oct. 16 at Hammonasset Beach in
The Cheshire Symphony Or chestra is comprised of ap proximately 50 musicians drawn from many central Connecticut communities. New members are welcome. Visit grouporchestra.orgcheshiresymphonyorfindtheonFacebook.

Run for The Cove
Crisis network
Since the leash ordinance was put in place, our Animal Control officers have been patrolling areas in town speaking to many residents, educating them on the new leash ordinance.
The fenced-in area at Pistol Creek, as designated by the Town Council on July 26 as a leash-free area for dogs, is now open. The area is ap proximately 50,000 square feet, in the middle of the fairway, right in front of the handicap parking lot off Spruce Brook Road.
Control officers will be issuing Written Warnings to individuals who do not have their dogs on leashes on public property. This in cludes the meadow area of Bicentennial Park. Records will be kept of written warn ings issued.
In Brief

All dogs must be on a leash in all other public spaces in Animaltown.

In Connecticut, mental health emergencies and sui cides can be addressed by calling 988 or 211. Either the person in crisis or someone on their behalf can call. The crisis text line 741-741 can also be contacted for help. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers a chat, for those who are un comfortable talking on the phone. They can chat at 988lifeline.org or text NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis coun selor on the crisis text line. The website nami.org also offers resources in Spanish.

Press Release
Cheshire orchestra
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA14 Thursday,September15,2022

social media post.
Berlin police cadets joined more than 100 fellow cadets to help control traffic during a 9/11 memorial ride throughout Fairfield County. Police cadet programs allow young people to learn about law enforcement. "The event was attended by ap proximately 5,000 motorcy cles. Our cadets and offi cers were outstanding in their performance for this 20th year event and are looking forward to next year's event," the Berlin Police Departmentstatedina

WORK 4 Entertainment Stages • CT Beer, Wine, Cider Tasting Tent • Cow Plop Bingo • Pig Racing • 3 Livestock Barns Demolition Derby Monster Trucks • Midway • Fair Food 22September-25,2022 102 ND ANNUAL DurhamFair.comshine on R255090v4 Matt’s Pro Plumbing www.mattsproplumbing.com 860-922-9976 • Fast, dependable, friendly service • Full plumbing & carpentry service • Free estimates over the phone! NO SMALLTOOJOB Includes demo, haul away, plumbing,sub-floor,Kohler fixtures, installations of Kohler tub or shower enclosure, fiberglass units+$3,499Licensed&Insured, Lic# 2 82931 The Bathroom Remodeling Specialist We offer tub and shower conversions If you need a tub or shower replaced, CALL MANTUBTHE 247152 FAIL EMISSIONSYOURTEST? We can diagnose your problem ELECTRONICTUNE-UP$3995$4995$5995 4 CYL 6 CYL 8 CYL SCANENGINETEST $2995 $2995 Does not include repair work. One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. Includes plugs & full inspection. Parts extra. One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22 Most cars. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. 10%SENIORCITIZENDISCOUNT OIL LUBE,CHANGE,&FILTER$2100 Includes free 21 Point Inspection. With coupon only. $20.00 for tire rotation. Expires 12/31/22. AIR$CONDITIONINGSPECIAL7999 Included Up to 2 lbs., check for leaks, evalute and recharge system. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. RICH’S CITGO III 116 MAIN STREET • KENSINGTON, CT • 860-828-1155 Mon–Fri 8AM–6PM, Sat 8AM–Noon • OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FREE DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE • ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF • WE WORK ON FOREIGN & DOMESTIC VEHICLES R247147_V9
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A15


TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA16 Thursday,September15,2022

Kensington Fire-Rescue, 880 Farmington Ave., hosted a ceremony Sunday, Sept. 11 to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attack. The department's 9/11 memorial contains wreckage taken from Ground Zero in New YorkCity. BVFD, Facebook
RECYCLE YOUR NEWSPAPERSOLD Please & Thank you. IT’S ALL HERE! Local Classified Listings. Investment products are not federally or FDIC-insured, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any financial institution, and involve investment risks including possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2022 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Sound advice in uncertain times: call me. Ameriprise Financial has helped clients navigate challenging economic times for over 125 years. Now as always, I’m here to inform and support you with ongoing market updates, investment recommendations and personalized advice to help keep your plans on track and your goals clear. Together, we’ll focus on what matters most to your financial life. Call me today to discuss your goals. Christopher Coppola, CRPC® Financial Advisor Coppola & Associates A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC 203.407.8188 x336 250 State St, Unit E-1 North Haven, CT christopher.x.coppolaameripriseadvisors.com/christopher.coppola@ampf.com06473 R249793_v8 SUDOKU R247969_v3 ROGERSTREESERVICE Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240 R247167

Full Circle celebrated its long-awaited ribbon cutting on Wednesday, Sept. 7.
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A17
"It2021.worked out well, and this is a great traffic spot," Gallo said. "We're close to down town and the Berlin Turn Itpike."didn't take long for golfers to find Full Circle.
255114 Guess the name of our adoptable dogs and cats! 311 Murdock Ave, Meriden, CT 06450 (203) www.meridenhumanesocietyrescue.com238-3650MeridenHumaneSocietySWAGtobeawardedtoarandomparticipant.GuessanytimenowuntilSeptember25thplay our contest online myrecordjournal.com/at:HUMANE

"We ran into it not knowing what to expect, and after about two weeks, we were flooded," Gallo said. "At this point, we were just a virtual golf facility that did lessons. And we held off on the rib bon cutting because we knew our concept and mod el would produce more than just Gallothat."said Full Circle is dif ferent than other indoor golf facilities, which often draw golfers more interested in having a couple of drinks than working on their Fullgame.Circle's five state-of-theart golf simulators combine
Edge added, "I'm excited about this because it’s novel, it's new, and in a communi ty that, one, has two golf courses; and two, anybody that has been here more than two minutes knows, this is a sports-crazy com munity.”
From A1 Golf
high-resolution digital im ages, satellite data, and geo physical data in 3D models for the most realistic virtual golf experience.
Full Circle Golf, 170 Deming Road, can be reached at 475272-1510. For more informa tion, visit fullcirclegolfct.com.
Gallo and business partners Doug O'Leary and John Vi tale purchased the 3,000square-foot Deming Road property last year, and Full Circle Golf opened about two weeks before Christmas
"We do so much more here with everything we offer," Gallo said. "That separates us from everyone else."
Full Circle Golf owners Doug O’Leary, Kyle Gallo and John Vitale. Nicole Zappone, The Citizen
"This is our 61st ribbon cut ting or groundbreaking since COVID started, and I could not be happier because this was a concept that my friend Doug came to me with and said, 'hey, what do you think?' I said let's do it," Economic Development Di rector Chris Edge said. "We worked on some language with the Planning & Zoning office, and we were able to make it happen."

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Substance abuse prevention education program D.A.R.E. Drug Abuse Resistance Education was launched in 1983. Today, through the leadership of D.A.R.E.’s dedicated Board of Directors, and the tireless commitment and hard work of tens of thousands of officers and educators throughout America and around the globe, the non-profit strives each day to achieve its vital mission. To support Berlin D.A.R.E., donations can be sent to: Berlin D.A.R.E. Program 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037, Attn: Det. Ted Fuini.
Absentee ballot eligibility explained
Support D.A.R.E.

other person, or because of the continued presence of a sickness, such as the COVID-19 virus.”
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A19

Secretary of the State Mark Kohler reminds voters of the changes made to the absen tee ballot statutes during this year’s legislative session that expand voter access to absentee ballots. These changes, made in Public Act 22-2 to Connecticut General Statutes 9-135 and 9-137 to closely conform the statuto
Press Release

ry language to the language in article Sixth, Section 7 of the Connecticut Constitu tion, will be in effect for the November election.

“Access to absentee ballots was expanded this year, so voters should be aware that they may now be eligible to vote by absentee ballot,” said Kohler. “Voters are eligi ble to vote by absentee bal
lot if they are unable to go to their polling place on Elec tion Day because of absence from their town for a period of time on Election Day, be cause of a sickness, or be cause of a disability. This in cludes voters who are un able to go to their polling place because of a sickness or physical disability of an
A voter who is a caretaker of an physicalballotpersonimmunocompromisedcanvotebyabsenteeifthesicknessand/ordisabilityoftheper
In Brief
RECYCLE YOUR NEWSPAPERSOLD Please & Thank you. See Ballot, A20 Quality & Style at Great Prices! Custom Suits, Sport Coats, Sport Wear, Formal Wear, Alterations, Shoes, Shirts & Middletown,MIDDLETOWNPants308MainStreetCT06457860-347-2880MERIDEN MALL 470 Lewis Avenue Meriden, CT 203-935-017506451 Over the last 20 years, Ramani’s Menswear has stood out as offering the finest upscale clothing for the discerning gentlemen. We pride ourselves treating our customers with selection an exceptional service.facebook.com/RamanisMeriden/www.ramanis.com 254828 ANSWERSUDOKU CROSSWORDANSWER R247967_v3 In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at myrecordjournal. com/berlin-requester Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Berlin Citizen to your home or business, will end. HELP US HELP YOU, CONTINUE RECEIVING “YOUR” LOCAL WEEKLY. R237811 Coming to your home or business HELP KEEP 130 Lincoln Street Meriden, CT | 203-235-7146 | www.girlsincmeriden.org Call us now at 203-235-7146 to reserve your spot! Visit girlsincmeriden.org for more information BE PART OF THE GIRLS INC EXPERIENCE Classes start Sept. 26th - REGISTER NOW! Dance & Gymnastics Classes 254854v2

TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA20 Thursday,September15,2022

In Brief
Children’s fund
From A19
General Statutes Section 9-3 and is consistent with the state’s Supreme Court deci sion in Fay v. Merrill (338 Conn.1), in which the court held that the determination about whether a voter is un able to appear at the polling place on the day of the elec
selves is not personally sick or Votersdisabled.canrequest an appli cation for an absentee ballot from their town clerk or download an application at myvote.ct.gov/absentee and return it to their town clerk.
tion is made by the individu al voter and that the Con necticut Constitution’s lan guage is sufficiently broad so as to allow for voters to vote by absentee ballot when a specific, identifiable disease or disability is present even when the voter them

Interested in Advertising?ClassifiedCallUs. 203-238-1953 Peter D. L. Kern, President | Broker All the resources of a large firm with local, personalized service. Office Hours: 10:30am-5:00pm (After hours available by Appointment) 24/7 979 Farmington Avenue Berlin, CT 06037 (860) kernmtg.com828-5374 NMLS Company#11142NMLS pkern@kernmtg.com#1827309 Oficial de Prestamo de habla Espanol Todas revelaciones formas son en Inglés. 247174 • FHA Loans - Little as 3.5% down payment • Renovations loans for FHA, VA and Conventional • Multi Family • Jumbo loans with minimum 5% down payment • Portfolio loan - as low as 5% down and no mortgage insurance • VA loans - 100% financing • Conventional loans for as little as 3% down payment • Investment loans - low to no document loans • Loans with Credit issues and credit scores as low as 500 available • Reverse Mortgages All loans are subject to credit approval including credit worthiness. insurability, and ability to provide acceptable collateral. Not all loans or products are available in all states or counties. Kern Mortgage Co., Inc. is not affiliated with any government agency. NMLS 1827309 Mortgage Broker only not a Mortgage Lender or Correspondent Lender Chris Benson Rose 860-690-8869 ERA HART Sargis-Breen Real Estate WE CELEBRATE TALENT! Congratulations to our August Top Producer! BERLIN 1020 Farmington Ave, Unit D • 860-828-8188 NEWINGTON 66 Cedar St #202 • 860-666-5607 WEST HARTFORD 1000 Farmington Ave, Suite 109 • 860-206-0141 R255008 NEWINGTON - Outstanding 4 bedroom Colonial. Open flr. plan..Large eat-in kitchen, dining room w/pocket doors to living room & family room is on main level. Master bdrm with balcony…2nd floor laundry room… dormered 3rd floor adds another 390sq. ft with three rooms. Awesome 25x7 covered front porch. Hot tub…above ground pool and in a great location too… $319,900 Derek JutrasNEW860-883-7091PRICE Cornerstone R eal e state llc R247120v36 NEWINGTON - Move in Ranch…Close to Indian Hill CC..3 bdrms, 1 bth ranch has an eat in kit/living room w/bow window. Hardwod flrs. Recessed lighting in all rooms. Vinyl windows.and fenced in back yard. $269,900 Angie Santoro 860NEW214-6384BRITAIN - This 2 family investment property offers 2 three bedroom units. Shared driveway with off street parking and 2 car garage. Back yard has an area for gardening, patio area and walk down access to finished basement w/laundry hook ups. $319,000 Mark Czerczak 860-883-3229 Office (860) 828-7877 Fax (860) 828-5797 Cell (860) 883-7091 E-mail: djutras@sbcglobal.net “Trust the 951860-828-7877Experts”FarmingtonAve,Berlin,CT Derek Jutras

The Berlin Children’s Fund, managed by community vol unteers in conjunction with the Department of Social and Youth Services, provides financial assistance to local families that cannot afford the full cost of a two-week camping experience. Dona tions may be sent to: The Berlin Children’s Fund, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kens ington Road, Room 12, Kensington, CT 06037. Broker/Owner
Garden Club
Organized in 1955, the Kensington Garden Club operates exclusively on a nonprofit basis for charita ble and educational purpos es, and for the well-being of the community.
An official interpretation of the changes made was is sued under the powers granted to the Secretary of the State by Connecticut
Similarly, a voter who, in the voter’s best judgment, is un able to appear in the polling place because of the contin ued presence of a sickness such as the COVID-19 virus is eligible to vote by absen tee ballot.
The club promotes civic beauty, encourages im provement of public spaces, raises awareness of environ mental concerns and ad vances the art of floral de sign and horticulture. New members are welcome. Contact the group via kens ingtongardenclub.net or Facebook.
son in their care renders the voter unable to appear at their polling place.
“Your Smart Choice in Real Estate” – NEW BRITAIN 185 West Main St, New Britain, CT 860-893-0093 – BERLIN 488 New Britain Rd, Berlin, CT 860-828-1783 – PLAINVILLE 56 Neal Ct, Plainville, CT Sal Calafiore Office: 860-893-0093 Cell: Sal@salcal.com860-604-6718 www. SALCAL .com R247163v9


In Brief
The Congregational Church of Plainville, 130 West Main St., will host its Snowflake Fair Saturday, Nov. 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafters are sought. Call 860-747-1901 or email churchoffice@ucc plainville.org.
Walk fundraiser
Over 25 Years in OurWallingford!Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner.
at Blue Back Square in West TheHartford.Connecticut Walk for 1 in 100 is one of 12 similar events ACHA is hosting na tionwide in 2022 to raise money for outreach, educa tion, research and more. To register, visit walk1in100.org.
Soup Night
Bear talk
Welcome to On The Menu.
Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available.
Wallingford’s place to go for oldfashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals Voted Best Diner running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast all day.

Tickets are available for the Berlin Republican Town Committee's Fourth Annual Raffle. The prizes are: Two $500 Visa Gift Cards, an Oculus Quest 2, $300 in Berlin restaurant gift certifi cates, a Cromebook Laptop, and a $100 Stew Leonard’s Gift Card. The drawing will take place Sunday, Oct. 16, 11 a.m., at The Hungerford Nature Center, 191 Farming ton Ave. Winners need not be present. For raffle tickets, contact Andra (milleal@ comcast.net, 860-670-5131) or Lecia (leciajp@com cast.net, 860-209-4199).
GOP raffle
Bread for Life’s Soup Night will be held Wednesday, Oct. 19, 5 to 7 p.m., at South ington High School. Come and sample delicious soups from local restaurants. Tick ets are $10 for adults, $5 for children under age 8. Tickets must be purchased in ad vance. Email info@southing tonbreadforlife.org.

Athena II Diner 320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 www.athena2diner.com203.239.0663

Let us help you find the perfect place to eat. Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.
The Rotary Club of Kensing ton-Berlin meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at Sliders Bar & Grill, 197 Episcopal Road. For more information about the club, contact John Ro c(elaine@homeswaol.com)man(jcroman2012@orElainePavasariseethoemt.com).
The Adult Congenital Heart Association will hold its an nual Connecticut Walk for 1 in 100 on Saturday, Sept. 17
Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.
Duchess of Wallingford 124 Church Wallingford,St.CT 06492 (203) -of-Wallingford/119682821380599Duchesswww.facebook.com/pages/265-9431
Colony Diner
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A21

Master Conservationist Paul Colburn will present a pro gram on co-existing with bears Thursday, Sept.
The New Britain High School Class of 1971 will hold its 50th reunion Satur day, Sept. 17 at Indian Hill Country Club in Newington. Classmates should email 3265.gmail.comnbhsclassof71.50yrs@orcall860-798-
Snowflake Fair
Rotary Club
A Red Cross blood drive will be held Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Berlin CrossbloodRidge.Church,Congregational878WorthingtonBookatimetogivebyusingtheRedBloodDonorApp,visitingRedCrossBlood.orgorbycalling1-800-733-2767.
476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149
Blood drive
Find great local eats - MenusCT.com
Adelphia Café
611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 colonydiner.com
4 years
1271998 “Quality Service You Can Count On” 247172 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CT Lic. # 180640 Home of High Quality & Low Prices! FREE STORAGE Kensington Dry Cleaners 314 New Britain Road• 860-829-5226Kensington • Dry Cleaning • Shirt Laundering Services • Tailoring & Alterations • Rugs & Leather • Drapes, Quilts & Blankets • Waterproofing 24768v2 SERVICE DIRECTORY
15, 6:30 to 8 p.m., at BerlinPeck Memorial Library, 230 Kensington Road. Register via berlinpeck.org.
INGS - Avoid the hassle of closing or opening your pool, call Steve! (Service all types of pools). 203-506-6329.

Call Jim 860-982-4819
Needed for endorsementsolderHillMeriden/Berlin/RockySouthington/-Mustbe21yrsorandpossessadriv-er’slicenseforatleast3yrs–PaidtrainingtoacquireCDLlicenseandavailable–Theopportunitytobringyourchildrentowork,NoChildcare$$-ContactSheilaatNewBritainTransportation(860)828-0511ext.221orvisitusat,257WoodlawnRd.,Berlin,CT

items considered.
- Comic books to motor bikes.
PREMIER ESTATE JEW ELRY - Is interested in buying your fine jewel ry, watches, coin col lections, silver flatware, and costume jewelry. Call Bill, (203) 4942496.
4124. Top dollar
BUYINGlathes.workshopsmachine&TOOLBOXESMACHINIST-Toolstooling,contentsofshops,homeandsmallCallanytime860-985-5760 1 2 3 4 ALWAYS BUY ING - Antiques and collectibles or entire estates. Call Gary, 475.439.4625.
BUYING ALL - Costume Jewelry, Old Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Sterling Flat ware, In Any Condition. Please Call Jude M. Dichele @ (203) 8681816.
COSTUME JEWELRY WANTED - Old, New, Napier, Etc. “I Pay Top Cash For Your Grand ma’s Costume Jewelry Stash” I’ll come to you, 203-443-9602 Julie.
$30/yard delivered, 3 yd, $100 min. delivery

TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA22 Thursday,September15,2022 248314 Need to Earn Income ASAP? Earn up to $1,200 mo. + Tips! The perfect and easiest part time job - Newspaper Delivery Routes Available - Earn up to $600.00 every Two weeks +Tips (Depending on area) Routes available in the following towns: MERIDEN, WALLINGFORD, SOUTHINGTON/ PLANTSVILLE, CHESHIRE AND MIDDLETOWN Must be 18 or older. Must have valid drivers license, reliable vehicle and be available early mornings. Make extra cash before you go to work making early morning newspaper deliveries using your own vehicle. NO experience necessary. Must able to deliver early mornings, 7 days a week. MUST be dependable, and be able to read a route list with specific delivery instructions. We will demonstrate the route to you. Routes average 1.5 to 3 hours daily. No collections required. Not Temp Work. Retirees, Stay at Home Mom’s, and Veterans are also welcome to apply. Make extra cash to pay rent, mortgage, bills, save money, or a great vacation. Text or call Peter at 860-846-0216 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and start as soon as tomorrow morning.

FREE CLEAN FILL AVAILABLE FOR COST OF PRICEDTRUCKING!PERLOAD DEPENDING ON LOCATION $100 minimum. CALL JIM 860-982-4819 TREE CALLFIREWOODLENGTHFORDETAILS203-238-2149 MERIDEN - Room for rent, utils incl., shared BA. Free Wi-Fi. Call (203) 217-7122. TIMELESS TREASURES ESTATE AUCTIONS - Is looking to purchase es tate contents. We pay cash for single items or entire estates. We are especially interest ed in old toys, military items, costume jewel ry, old swords, sports cards, fine jewelry, old watches, sterling sil ver, dental gold, coin collections, advertising signs, pocket and hunt ing knives & so much more. Estate cleanout services available. 30 years experience. Call Bill (203) 494-2496. BLACK avaliable.PuppiesSHEPHERDGERMANforsale.13weeksold,2malesUptodatewithshots.Veryhealthy.Call860-628-0057forseriousinquiries. ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAIDVintage Electronics, Musical Instru ments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Gui tars, Audio Equip ment, 860-707-9350Antiques. 1,2,3 Items or an Estate $$$ CASH $$$ Todd Shamock Estate Sale Service Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Dolls, Paintings,MeridenToys,Items 203-494-1695 Lookingforafriend? Find litters of critters Classifieds.in Please & Thank you. forLookingafriend? Find litters of critters in Classifieds. Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Classified ad can help track it down. Wood Fuel EquipmentHeating Apartments For Rent Wanted To Buy Rooms For Rent Help Wanted Pets For Sale Wanted To BuyWanted To BuyLawn and MiscellaneousGardenForSaleHelp Wanted Swimming Pools and Spas Lawn and Garden Stores and Offices For Rent Wanted To Buy Autos Wanted Reach over 310,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953Legal Notices& Classifieds RJ MEDIA GROUP | Record-Journal | myrecordjournal.com | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post

SEEKING LECTIBLES All Call Gary at 203-237paidwill beat any price!
Highly skilled mechanic needed in the repair and maintenance of all plant equipment to include pumping station equipment and motor vehicles for the Town of Wallingford Sewer Division. Requires graduation from a high school/trade school and 4 years experience in the repair and maintenance of mechanical equipment. Must obtain a CDL Class B motor vehicle operator license within 6 months of employment. $30.85 to $36.18 per hour plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Application forms may be obtained at the Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from Town of 2084.DepartmentWallingfordofHumanResourcesWebPage.Phone:(203)-294-2080.Fax(203)-294-TheclosingdatewillbeSeptember27,2022orthedatethe50thapplicationisreceived,whicheveroccursfirst.EOE
ADORABLE BICHON MIX PUPPIES - Ready to go after the 10th, 1st shots and wormed. For more info call 603-630-2258

ANTIQUES (203) 415-0723
TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.

- Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, 718-5132.contents.itemia,sportscameras,arcadeinstruments,musicalsigns,games,pre1970memorabilplusmore.OneorentireestateCall860. Top Soil . Compost . . Wood Chips . FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries. Call Bob
OFFICE/DELI SPACE900 sq. ft., with bath room, 521 Broad St., Meriden, call 203-7105022. AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608. TOY ENGLISH BULL DOG PUPS FOR SALE 4 weeks old, 2 girls & 2 boys. Mom & Dad are our babies and are on-site. Serious inqiries $1,500AmericanSHEPHERDSAKC860-883-7689.only.MINIATUREAUSTRALIAN(MiniShepherds).DOB7/8/22.1male,2femalesleft.Readyforpethomes.Priceea.CallCaroleforcontactandinformation475-331-5105. TOP CASH PAID For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 PLANTSVILLE8am-5pm.-1.5rmeffic’ynearI-84,$225wkincls.heat,hw,a/c&appls.Sec.+refreq.Nopets.860-620-0025.
FOR SALE - Horizon Electric Treadmill. Runs well. $100.00. Please call 860-628-
GRASSY HILL AUC TIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Con necticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: An tiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Mu sical Instruments (Sax ophones, Trumpets, Vi olins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Ma chinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Pho tographs, Old Post cards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uni forms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Foun tain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Win chester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Na tive American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hot wheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Fur niture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Auto graphs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience. Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816HillAuctions.comGrassy
WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214.
ROOM FOR RENT - In Meriden, close to downtown & train sta tion. Common kitch en & bathroom. Fully furnished. $200 per week. Please call 860877-9027.
TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comThursday,September15,2022 A23 CARPENTRY Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093 Specializing in roofing, siding, Seniorbasementbathrooms,kitchens,flooring,remodeling.citizendiscountInsured.Freeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937 Insurance gutter.chimneydamage.roofing.siding.claim.stormflashing.Office:203.754.3071Cell:203.510.3830Stormshieldct@gmail.comHIC.0664452 W. BOOBER MASONRYOver 35 Years Experience All Types of Masonry CT License #626708 (203) 235-4139 GARY WODATCH - Tree Removal. All calls re turned. CT#620397 Quick courteous ser vice. Callchippingremoval,Specializing860-558-5430.intreetrimming,&grinding.forfreeestimate. 203-945-1808. JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - Spring CleanUps, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, prun ing, hedges & trees, & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today,203-213-6528.IFYOUMentionThisAdSPRINGYardClean-UpsBrush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN DUMPSTERSr.FREE1EntireANYTHINGREMOVEhousetoitemremoved!ESTIMATESCitizenDiscountLIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817 Painting.comCustomColonialSince ‘99 Lic’d 0630904 & Ins’d Senior Warranty.DiscountFinancing860-306-0270 REMODELING Home improvments, painting, sheetrock, all types of Int./Ext. work. No job too big or 860.719.3953.small. Let Us BEAR Your Junk! Junk Removal in CT POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE #569127EstimatesCallKevin203-440-3279 Yalesville SpecializingConstructioninallphasesofresidential&commercialroofing.SeniorcitizendiscountInsuredFreeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937 GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free Ct.203-440-3535estimate.Reg.#578887 Roof Repair or Replacement, Chimney Repair, Skylight Replacement. Free est. CT #0651199 (860) 877-3006 GARY WODATCH Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, EXPERIENCED860-558-5430CLEANINGSERVICE-Residentialandcommercial,callAnna,860.299.6611.Lic./Ins. HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, 203.427.7828.#640689, PATIOS, WALKWAYS, Stonewalls, Steps, Concrete, Repairs, Etc. Free Ests. arnoldsmasonry.com203.808.6886#0648556 RT CallstorageYourRELOCATIONmovingandspecialists.forafreeestimate.833-668-3978. CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, applianc es, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, DUMPSTERFREEgaragesbasements,&more.*SPRINGYARDClean-ups*ESTIMATES.LIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817 MULCH, BRUSH, Sm. Tree Removal & Overgrown Properties. Comm. & Res. Rick’s Affordable Lawn, 26 yrs exp. 203.530.4447HIC0622783. A&R CLEANOUT SER VICE - Partial or total cleanouts of homes, garages, 203-281-6387Noalso.andhomesbusinesses.basements,WeCleantoptobottomdodemolitionworkFreeestimates.jobtosmallorlarge.or203-623-0166. OVER 28 YEARS EXP Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893. #1 PAINTER’S EDGE MOBILE WASH Chem icals safe for house & plants. House wash, roof cleaning, decks. 25 yrs. exp. Sr Disc. #0656136 Ins. 860.538.5520 #1 PAINTER’S EDGE Ext. & Int. Decks.Sheetrock.PopcornPainting.Repair.WallpaperRemv’l.25yrsexp.Freeest.Sr.disc.#0656136.Ins.860.538.5520TEC ELECTRICAL Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs 203.237.2122Welcome. DON’TGUTTERSWORK If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127 GUTTERS CLEANED Painting Int. & Rodrigo,FreePowerwashingExt.Ests.Ins.Refs.(203)565-7745. GARY WODATCHHedge & tree trimming. Trim overgrown prop erties. Calls returned. #620397. 860.558.5430 ED’S(203)JUNK-OUT494-1526 Fully ins. Free Estimate. Call Ed, we will take it to the dump for you! Open 8:30–5 Monday thru Friday. Call Us. 203-238-1953 Classifieds STUFFTOSELL? Call Us. 203-238-1953 RECORDJOURNALINSTAGRAM.COM/RECORD_JOURNALTWITTER.COM/NEWSPAPERRECORDJOURNALFACEBOOK.COM/ Classifieds Open 8:30–5 Monday thru Friday Call Us. 203-238 1953 Turn Your Unwanted Items into CASH 203-238-1953 RECYCLE YOUR NEWSPAPERSOLD Please & Thank you. Classified ads are the best way to find what you need. They are also the best way to sell your services, goods or items. Call Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 5pm 203-238-1953 Power Washing Businesses & Services 203-238-1953 Get Listed. Get Calls. Get Results. Electrical Services Handyperson Landscaping Home Improvements Junk Removal CleaningGuttersServices Junk Removal Masonry PaintingingWallpaperAttics and Basements Cleaned Moving and StorageGutters Tree Services Carpentry LandscapingHome Improvements Roofing

TheBerlinCitizen|theberlincitizen.comA24 Thursday,September15,2022 1DETAILS OF OFFER: Offer expires 11/30/2022. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Buy one (1) window or entry/patio door, get one (1) window or entry/patio door 40% off, and 12 months $0 money down, $0 monthly payments, 0% interest when you purchase four (4) or more windows or entry/patio doors between 7/1/2022 and 11/30/2022. 40% off windows and entry/patio doors are less than or equal to lowest cost window or entry/patio door in the order. Subject to credit approval. Interest is billed during the promotional period, but all interest is waived if the purchase amount is paid before the expiration of the promotional period. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or familial status. Savings comparison based on purchase of a single unit at list price. Available at participating locations and offer applies throughout the service area. See your local Renewal by Andersen location for details. License number available upon request. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. 2 Values are based on comparison of Renewal by Andersen® double-hung window U-Factor to the U-Factor for clear dual-pane glass non-metal frame default values from the 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code “Glazed Fenestration” Default Tables. "Renewal by Andersen" and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. © 2022 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. RBA12848 *Using U.S. and imported parts. “My overall experience was great. I love the window, and from sales to scheduling, the experience was very good. The installers are highly skilled professionals and I would recommend Renewal by Andersen to all my contacts.” – LYNN F. | RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN CUSTOMER 4.7 OUT OF 5 BASED ON KEEP THE COOL AIR IN AND THE HEAT OUT! Solving your window problems and having a comfortable home is easy and enjoyable when you choose Renewal by Andersen. With this great offer, you save money on your window project – and you’ll also save on high energy bills for years to come! SmartSun Windows and Patio Doors! AND 40%OFF 1 BUY ONE, GET ONE Interest accrues from the date of purchase but is waived if paid in full within 12 months. Minimum purchase of 4. $0 Money Down $0 Interest $0 Monthly Payments for 12 months1 Call844-739-5874byNovember30 for your FREE consultation. RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN CUSTOMER 95,000 + REVIEWS EFFICIENTSUMMERIN the heat out and the cool in. R254128v2