Berlin Citizen Aug. 8, 2019

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Volume 22, Number 25


Parties pick slates By Devin Leith-Yessian The Citizen

The Democratic and Republican town committees have decided on their slates for November’s municipal elections.

Firefighter Brandon Butler puts a helmet on Ian DeJesus during the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department's open house on Saturday, July 27. Photos by Devin Leith-Yessian, The Citizen

Fire department opens its doors to the public By Devin Leith-Yessian The Citizen

Though the fire-protective jackets went down past their knees and buried their hands in the sleeves, children were happy to waddle around in the garb during the recent open house at Kensington Volunteer Fire Department. Chief Jeff Pajor said this was the department’s first

time opening itself up in this way, and he hopes to continue inviting the public to come in and see its equipment. The chief estimated around 250 people visited the department’s 880 Farmington Ave. headquarters during the event, held Saturday, July 27.

p.m., but was cut short a few minutes by a call. “The idea was kind of community involvement,” Pajor said. “People can see what we have and get a feel for our equipment.”

Visitors didn’t just look at the gear. Guests got to spray a fire hose, albeit with reduced pressure, try The open house was sched- on helmets and clothing, uled to run from 9 a.m. to 2

See KVFD, A10

Councilor Karen Pagliaro was named the Democraticendorsed candidate for mayor and, barring unforeseen primaries, will be facing off against Republican-endorsed incumbent Mark Kaczynski. Pagliaro, who is serving her first term, said she sees a lack of transparency and accountability on the council and would like to see more cooperation between the parties. She also feels infrastructure funding has been shortchanged in recent budgets. The primary issue that Pagliaro wants to work on, however, is school funding. She joined her two Democratic colleagues on the council in voting against reductions to the Board of Education budget by Republican councilors. Kaczynski said he has presided over a council

which promoted economic development and focused on reducing the town’s debt. He said the town has attracted new businesses, including the Acura dealership on the Berlin Turnpike and Forrest Machine and Steel Wrist on Christian Lane. The mayor rebutted accusations that Republican councilors haven’t prioritized infrastructure, pointing out that the police and fire department radio systems were upgraded and the artificial turf at Scalise Field is currently being replaced. The Republicans added Donna Veach to their ticket to replace Councilor Alex Giannone, who decided not to run again because he is unsure if he will still be living in town in two years, according to Republican Town Committee Chairperson Anne Reilly. Councilor Charles Paonessa and Deputy Mayor Brenden Luddy will be seeking re-election. Veach said she hopes to bring the experiences she has gained as a member of local community organizaSee Election, A9

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Forum addresses human trafficking NEWINGTON — Urging motorists to keep their eyes open, a billboard along the Berlin Turnpike warns that human trafficking happens where they live. The billboard’s giant eyes look over a road that has become known for traffickers operating out of by-the-hour motel rooms. Speakers at a Tuesday, July 30 forum hosted by the Newington Rotary Club said it’s an issue that can be found in the most innocuous places. Yvette Young, director of the Anti-Human Trafficking Response Team, a branch of the state Department of Children and Families, said there were 210 cases of children being trafficked or at risk last year. Some of children were as young as 2 years old. “The reality is human trafficking happens in every single part of the state of Connecticut; whether it's a rural community, a suburban community, or an urban community," she said. Young was joined at the forum, held at Saint Mary’s Church, by FBI Supervisory Special Agent Kurt Siuzdak, Lynn Campbell, executive director of the Hartford Diocese’s Office of Catholic Social Justice Ministry, and Stephanie Clark, executive director of Amirah New England, a nonprofit that provides services for trafficking victims. Young said the number of reported cases each year is a fraction of the number of children being trafficked. Smaller still is the number of


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Young said some of the signs of a child being trafficked include unexplained injuries and frequently running away or skipping school. The signs can also be subtle, such as two siblings who teachers noticed were often tired in class. Investigators found that they were being trafficked at night by their parents to do housework. See Trafficking, A6

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"... I don't think we can begin to fathom the level of exploitation that's happening because there's so much fear about disclosing," she said.





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cases that actually are prosecuted – in 2017 there were just nine arrests and one prosecution for child trafficking.


By Devin Leith-Yessian The Citizen


The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Berlin PD cracking down on distracted driving Through Aug. 15, the Berlin police will be out in force looking for distracted drivers as part of the U Drive. U Text. U Pay. Campaign, a high-visibility effort to enforce distracted-driving laws. Drivers are continuously ignoring their responsibilities behind the wheel, and dis-

tracted driving is a growing and deadly threat on our roadways. Berlin police are teaming up with the Connecticut Department of Transportation during the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) National Distracted Driving Awareness Month to make sure all motorists keep their eyes on the road

and their hands on the wheel.

and $500 for third and subsequent offenses.

Distracted driving is a real problem. During this enforcement period, which began Aug. 1, officers will be ticketing anyone who is texting or on their phone while behind the wheel. The bottom line is if you text and drive, you will pay.

According to NHTSA, there were 3,166 people killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers in 2017. While this reflects a 9 percent decrease from 2016 to 2017, there is still much work to be done. In the last six years, 9.5 percent of all fatal crashes involved a distracted driver.

Violating Connecticut’s distracted driving laws can be costly. Drivers who are ticketed for this violation can be fined $150 for a first offense, $300 for a second offense

An analysis by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety of 2009-2012 data found that while more than 80 percent

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The Berlin Police Department, NHTSA, and the Connecticut Department of Transportation urge you to put your phone down when you get behind the wheel. If you need to text, pull over and park your vehicle in a safe place first. Texting while driving is dangerous and illegal. Break the cycle. Remember: U Drive. U Text. U Pay. Remind your family and friends to never text and drive:

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of drivers believed it was completely unacceptable for a motorist to text behind the wheel, more than a third of those same drivers admitted to reading text messages while operating a passenger motor vehicle themselves.

• When you get behind the wheel, be an example to your family and friends by putting your phone away. Texting and driving isn’t trendy “normal” behavior — it’s a selfish, deadly and, oftentimes, illegal activity that could kill you, a loved one, a friend, or a stranger. • In 47 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands, texting while driving is an illegal, ticketable offense. You could end up paying a hefty fine, and could get points on your license. See Distracted, A6

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Thursday, August 8, 2019



The Berlin Citizen |

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019


once, you cannot sell a gun more than once.”

From A3

Siuzdak said traffickers often use social media to groom victims and find customers. Even with cyber technology, aerial surveillance and tactical teams, he often finds his ability to help trafficking survivors is limited.

Most of the trafficking cases she deals with, however, involve children being sold for sex work, often by a family member. Young said trafficking is the second most profitable gang activity.

Many victims are ap“You can sell a child more proached by other traffickers than once,” she said. “You who attempt to coerce them cannot sell a drug more than into further exploitation.

With limited resources, Siuzdak said he’s reliant on groups like Amirah. Clark said the organization is in the process of opening its first residential facility in Connecticut for women who have been trafficked. The homes they operate typically provide shelter for eight women. They are given therapy, job training and a safe place to recover. Connecticut-based organizations, such as The Underground, Love146, and the Salvation Army, have organized volunteers to spread posters about ways to escape from exploitation. They have also brought backpacks filled We Have The

A billboard on the Berlin Turnpike in Newington urges residents to be aware of possible human trafficking. Devin Leith-Yessian, The Citizen

with supplies to people suspected of being trafficked. Next to the speakers was a


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Distracted • If you see something, say something. If your friends text while driving, tell them to stop. Listen to your passengers: If they catch you texting while driving and tell you to put your phone away, put it down. • Remember, when you get behind the wheel, put your phone away. U Drive. U Text. U Pay. -- Press Release


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poster with the phone number for the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-3737888.

From A4




The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019



‘Challenge’ marks 11 years By Devin Leith-Yessian The Citizen

The annual Lineman Challenge returned to Berlin for its 11th year, pitting high school football players from across the state against each other in feats of strength.

More than 200 linemen from 36 teams participated in drills customized to the demands of their particular role.

The real competition came

Berlin’s fourth place finish at the Lineman Challenge was buoyed by a strong showing in the one-man sled relay and agility competitions. Ultimately, the Berlin contingent landed behind Southington (third), SimsSee Linemen, A8

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Contestants were put through a gauntlet of challenges, including a tire flip relay, sled pushing, a running relay with barbell weights and pushing a pickup truck.

John Paul Demko, a former BHS football coach, and the organizer of the event, said a good lineman has to have agility, power and be able to work in sync with the rest of the unit.

While linemen don’t often get recognized for their contributions, Demko hopes that this event gets them some praise for their talent.


The competition was held at Berlin High School Saturday, July 27, taking a year away from its usual home at Sage Park while the artificial turf there is redone.

when the linemen faced off in the tug of war, where six players from each team tried to pull their opponents forward. Bystanders shouted in support of their teammates while they grunted and slid in the mud.

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019


down in stance and you're going to see a guy that weighs just as much or a lot more weight than you. And you're going to have to get low, extend your arms and shoot and drive.”

From A7

bury (second) and Newtown, the overall winner. Offensive and defensive tackle Jake Holmes, a Berlin High School senior, said the drills at the Lineman Challenge are perfect for the full body contact linemen experience in games.

Players compete in tug of war during the Lineman Challenge at Berlin High School on Saturday, July 27. Devin Leith-Yessian, The Citizen

Schools Locals in college Bentley University, Boston, Mass., has named Sara Zlicswewski to its dean’s list for the spring semester. Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y., has awarded a bachelor’s degree in forensic science to Kathleen Molski. Roger Williams University, Bristol, R.I., has awarded Samantha Bilinsky a bachelor’s degree in accounting (cum laude); a bachelor’s degree in international business to Olivia Jacques; a bachelor’s degree in architecture (cum laude) to Marissa Mayo; and a bachelor’s degree in engineering to Gregory Philppon. Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, has awarded Jody Lee Dicicco a bachelor’s degree in business economics and finance (summa cum laude). Corinne Blanchette was named to Sacred Heart University’s dean’s list for the spring semester.

Holmes believes Berlin’s linemen will be its greatest asset this season, with a lot of players showing potential. “I think we have a lot of big guys up front that are able to move and that are able to move people in general,” he said. “So we’re going to use that to our advantage and get our guys the ball.”

"A skills (player) is not going to have to get down, face with the ground, and push two 45-pound plates 25 yards and back,” he said. “But that's a perfect drill for a lineman, because in a real game you're going to get





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The University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., has awarded a bachelor’s degrees in secondary education and English (cum laude) to Alden Machial Cain.

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The Berlin Citizen |

VFW meeting The Auxiliary of Berlin VFW Post 10732 will meet Tuesday, Aug. 13, 6 p.m., at the Post Home on Massirio Drive. All members are invited. Refreshments will be served.

Business networking

Falcon 5K St. Paul Catholic High School will host its 10th Annual Falcon 5K in memory of Michael Walsh, Class of 2007, on Friday, Aug. 16. To register, visit or

Free produce It’s harvest time again at Rich’s Citgo, 116 Main St. Every summer, farm-fresh produce is available for customers at no charge.

Bike Show for Vets The Berlin Fire Department and American Legion Post 68 will host their first annual Bike Show for Vets on Sunday, Aug. 11, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the American Legion, 154 Porters Pass. The event will feature music, food, 50/50 raffle and awards. There is a $20 registration fee per bike. There is no charge for spectators. All proceeds from the Bike Show for Vets will stay within Berlin to help support the town’s veterans.

cer and is a member of the Willard PTO. He feels there is a lack of commuFrom A1 nication between the Board of Education, Board tions to the council. She of Finance, Town Council currently serves as the marand district staff. keting and special events planner at the New Britain “I think there were probaYouth Museum at Hunger- bly better ways to handle ford Park and is a member the machinations around of the Berlin Children’s the budget,” he said. Fund committee. Republicans Steven WilTo fill the council seat beson and David Rogan will ing vacated by Pagliaro, be running for seats on Democrats endorsed the Police Commission Michael Urrunaga, a newonce again, while comer to Berlin politics, Democrats have endorsed who became involved incumbent Ryan Zelek through his concerns about and added John O’Brien the school budget. Counto their slate. cilors Peter Rosso and JoAnn Angelico-Stetson will Board of Finance member Kevin Guite, a Republican, be running on the Demowill not be seeking recratic ticket once again. election. Tim Grady, a Urrunaga works as a promember of the Economic ducer at ESPN. He has Development Commiscoached baseball and socsion, has been endorsed



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Thursday, August 8, 2019

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019


for upkeep of the building and its grounds.

From A1

Wethersfield resident Candace Groll said the open house was a great way to entertain her two children and their friend, who joined them for the firehouse visit. The three lined up for their chance to spray the hose into the woods behind the station before trying on their weight in equipment inside.

climb into engine cabins and even ride in the bucket of the tower truck ladder to get a bird’s eye view of the Farmington Avenue complex. “It’s kind of rewarding to see the town come in … and show off what we do on sometimes a daily basis,” Pajor said. The department also raffled off a ticket to its annual Santa’s Express fundraiser, where parents can drop off Christmas presents and have them delivered by Santa himself aboard a fire engine.

Lieutenant John Nowik helps Jeremy Groll, 6, spray a hose.

“It gives them an inside sight. Instead of just putting out fires, all the details about it,” Groll said. dleithyessian@ 203-317-2317 Twitter: @leith_yessian

Macenna Groll, 8, tries on overalls worn by firefighters.

Pajor said it’s a little-known fact that the company owns its Farmington Avenue headquarters and relies on the winter drive to raise money

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019










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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Interim town manager hits the ground running By Devin Leith-Yessian The Citizen

“I'm enjoying it very much. It's a great group of people here. The staff and everyone in the town have been very warm and welcoming,” he said.

Interim Town Manager Arosha Jayawickrema is wasting no time delving into the town’s governance after his unanimous appointment last month during a Town Council meeting.

Democratic Councilor Peter Rosso said he was surprised how quickly Jayawickrema had familiarized himself with some of the complicated issues the council is addressing, from real estate transactions to financial minutiae.

Jayawickrema said he had been touring the town and speaking to municipal staff and found that there’s a lot of excitement for the projects happening in town. He even highlighted a few changes he’d like to make under his administration during his first council meeting.

“I was impressed with how well-versed he was on every subject,” he said. “I think he’s got his finger on the pulse.”

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His responsibilities at UHart, where he was an administrator since 1998, involved managing financial operations, internal audits, the formation of budgets and overseeing the human resources, payroll, campus safety and information technology departments.

By Lauren Sellew Record-Journal staff

NEW BRITAIN — A man charged in connection with the 2017 murder of a 25year-old hotel clerk appeared in New Britain Superior Court last week.

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Working in Berlin, Jayawickrema said he would like to find ways of reducing the amount of time town employees spend on paperwork and duties tangential to their expertise. “I do think as I give my feedback I want to see if there are ways I can introduce efficiencies. Because the peoSee Manager, A13

The Town Council hired Arosha Jayawickrema, pictured, to serve as interim town manager at its July 9 meeting. Devin Leith-Yessian, The Citizen

Rahheem McDonald, 37, is charged with murder, criminal possession of a firearm, possession of a firearm without a permit and possession of a high-capacity magazine. He is accused in the shooting death of Pratikkumar Ja-

gani, who was found dead at the Days Inn, 2387 Berlin Turnpike, around 2:30 a.m. on July 2, 2017. Jagani, of Berlin, was the night clerk at the hotel. See Case, A13


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“During my time there we had 19 consecutive years of operating surpluses,” he said, while adding value to employee compensation plans and increasing diversity in the student body.

Case for man charged with 2017 murder of hotel clerk in Berlin continued

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Jayawickrema said he’s staying focused on the longterm issues that are most important for townspeople, a mindset he fostered while working as the vice president of finance and administration at the University of Hartford from 2007 through 2018.

Aug. 9

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Letters Policy

From A12

Email letters to; mail to 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to 203-639-0210. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. Letters should be approximately 300 words. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters should be on topics of general interest to the community. We do not list names of people, organizations and businesses being thanked. Names of businesses are not allowed. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday to be considered for publication the following Thursday.

ple I’ve met so far are very talented … and just by design all federal, state, local governments have inner rules and regulations and charters that probably take a little bit more time to get done,” he said. “Perhaps there are better ways we (can) do that and still have oversight.”

Case From A12

Mayor Mark Kaczynski said Jayawickrema’s personable approach gave him the edge during the interview process. While the mayor expects Jayawickrema’s background in finance to be invaluable, much of the job is customer service, bridging the various departments, assisting residents and communicating with businesses.

During the Wednesday, July 31 court appearance, McDonald’s case was continued to Tuesday, Aug. 13, according to the state judicial website. He is held on $2 million bond.

Berlin to get away from Waterbury and people who wanted to harm him, the warrant said. McDonald said when he went up to Jagani there were two children at the front desk, so he told them to go back to their room because he believed a “shootout” was

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Managing the numerous developments in town, particularly the Farmington and Steele project, will likely be the most pressing issues Jayawickrema will be tasked with, Kaczynski said, alongside doing the initial legwork on the budget request submitted by the town manager each year. Kaczynski anticipates the council will begin discussing the hiring of a permanent town manager in September, a process he said will likely take months.

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Town Planner Marek Kozikowski served as the interim town manager while the council looked for someone to fill the position longterm while the search takes place. Diakun, JohnJohn Diakun, M.S.M.S. Audiologist Audiologist

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“When I looked at what they were looking for and looking at my skills from my previous job … there’s a lot of similarities,” to what Berlin was looking for, he said.

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After leaving the University of Hartford, Jayawickrema said he was looking for a different type of work where he could put the skills he developed at the school to good use.

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one from the private sector could also bring in a new perspective, he added.

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The council did discuss that Jayawickrema hasn’t worked in government before. However, councilors agreed that his responsibilities at the University of Hartford were comparable to the kind of work he’ll be doing as the interim town manager, Kaczynski said. Hiring some-

Berlin Memorial

McDonald told police he checked in to the hotel in


going to take place, the warrant said. McDonald said once the children left, he asked Jagani to call 911, but Jagani refused. McDonald told police he believed Jagani was assisting in setting him up, so he shot Jagani.


A short while later, state police discovered McDonald was in custody in North Haven after a collision on the Hartford Turnpike. North Haven police said McDonald struck another car, causing it to roll over and injuring two people. McDonald fled on foot and was found by police walking in the woods.

“He’s very easy to talk to. I think that’s one of the most important things,” Kaczynski said.

Rahheem K. McDonald, of Waterbury.


Police found Jagani behind the clerk’s desk with a gunshot wound to the head. Security video shows McDonald speaking briefly to Jagani before shooting him three times, according to McDonald’s arrest warrant. McDonald was seen on video running from the motel.



The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Legal Notices & Classifieds

Reach over 310,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953

RJ MEDIA GROUP | Record-Journal | | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post Stores and Offices For Automobiles Help Wanted Miscellaneous For Sale Wanted To Buy Wanted To Buy Wanted To Buy Rent 2003 FORD FOCUS WAIT STAFF - With exWAGON - Only 63K perience, Full- or partmiles, keyless entry, time. Call (203) 903PW, very good cond., 7274. $3,600 o.b.o.; 2003 Saturn Vue SUV, only NEWSPAPER DELIVERY 57K miles, AWD, PWROUTES AVAILABLE PL, keyless entry, new$400-$600 - Every 2 er tires, $3,800 o.b.o.; weeks + Tips (Depend2005 Mitsubishi Galant, ing upon area.) only 44K miles, real- Routes available in the ly clean, PW, PL, AC, following towns: Me$3,900 o.b.o. (860) riden, Wallingford, 808-7970. Southington, Cheshire, Middletown, MiddleAutos Wanted field, Durham and Berlin. Make extra cash before you go to work making early morning newspaper deliveries using your own vehicle. NO experience necessary. Must be able to deliver early mornings, 7 days a week starting at 2:00 A.M. MUST be dependable, able to read CASH PAID For any a map and a route list Toyota any condition, with specific delivery running or not, crashed instructions. We will demonstrate the route okay. Will take other to you. Routes average makes and models. 1.5 to 3 hours daily. No (203) 600-4431. collections required. Not Temp Work, Long Help Wanted Term Contracts. Call Vinny at (860) 846BOX TRUCK DRIVER & 6399 before 11 a.m. WAREHOUSING - 4-5 and start tomorrow. days per week, Saturdays necessary, now PRIVATE HOME HEALTH thru January. Good AIDE - $14-$16 per driving record. Able to hour, from 5-9 p.m., lift at least 50 lbs. Reply Monday through Friday. with work experience Call (860) 302-3371. to


Apartments For Rent

Maintenance Workers needed for the Walling- EAST SIDE - 1st flr, ford Public Schools to 2 BRs, gas heat, no work the 2:00 P.M. to 10 smoking, off st prkg. Nice location. CredP.M. shift. Hourly rate: it check, background $19.14 to $23.66 hourly check. Tenant responplus shift differential. sible for utils. $950 mo. Requires some experiCall 203-376-8418. ence in building maintenance work. The closing WALLINGFORD - 1st fl., 2 BRs, w/hkps, $975; date for applications MERIDEN - 1 BR w/hot is August 14, 2019 or water, $750. Call (860) the date we receive the 620-9658. fiftieth (50) application whichever occurs first. WALLINGFORD - 2 BR Townhouse, appls./ Apply: Human Resourclaund. hkp, off st prkg, es Department, Town of no smkg/pets, $1,200 Wallingford, 45 South mo. 203.631.5219. Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492, (203) 294Houses For Rent 2080. EOE.

GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-317-2312

SOUTHINGTON - 75 Homesdale Ave., 6 rms, 4 BRs, 1 BA, $1,500. mo. No pets, no utils. (860) 621-1165.

Rooms For Rent MERIDEN - Clean, Safe Room. 203-605-6522. Utils & fridge incl. Share kitchen/bath. $130 per week + sec.

MERIDEN - Room for rent, utils incl., shared BA. $560 mo. Call (203) 217-7122.

2 RUGS - 5X7, good condition, ASKING $40 for both. (860) 3841183.

Beautiful property. 216 Center St., Wallingford. Great for office! Expertly maint’d. 1000 sqft w/ full bsm’t. $1,200 mo. Currently retail clothing/ print production. shop Contact Ellen at 203-623-7192

Lost and Found

CONSEW - #206RB-1 (Japan) High speed single needle; Compound walking foot/Needle feed with stand and motor. $750 or B/O. SINGER #20U33 (Japan) High speed industrial zig zag machine; Single needle with stand and motor. $500 or B/O. 203-238-1993. HUFFY BIKE - Tulsa Series, good shape, helmet, lock & pump included, $50 for all. (203) 269-8012.

Wood Fuel Heating

LOST CAT - Female, Equipment white and black spots, left behind 4 kittens, TREE LENGTH Laurel Brook Rd., Mid FIREWOOD dlefield, (860) 347CALL FOR DETAILS 0164.


203-238-2149 Wanted To Buy

FREE LEATHER COUCH - Excellent Condition. 1,2,3 Items or an Estate 203 599-8915. $$$CA$H$$$ Todd Shamock Appliances 203.494.1695Estate Sale Service Costume Jewel3 AIR CONDITIONERS - $75 each. 860.620. ry, Antiques, paintings, Meriden-made. 4426. FRIGIDAIRE - 8000 BTU Air Conditioner, excellent condition, 2 years old, $150 obo. 860919-7171.

1-2 ITEMS: China, Silverware, Glass. Furn., 50’s. Whole Estates. 203.238.3499

Lawn and Garden

AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608.

MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION Screened Topsoil $25 per yd; Sand-$15 per yd; Millings-$10 per yd; Screened Millings $14 per yd; Clean Fill $8 per yd: $100 minimum delivery. No pickup truck service. Minimum 16 yd pickup at our yard. Call Jim @ 860-982-4819 for delivery

Top Soil, Compost FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries in Cheshire. Call Bob (203) 415-0723


COLLECTOR OF old NAPIER costume jewelry & memorabilia! HIGHEST CASH PAID (203) 314-1355

ALWAYS BUYING OLD TOOLS. - Wanted old, used and antique hand tools, MACHINIST woodworking, engraving and work bench tools. Additional antique and vintage items may also be of interest. Please call with confidence. Fair offers made in your home. Cory860.322.4367 ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, musical instruments, signs, arcade games, cameras, pre 1970 sports memorabilia, plus more. One item or entire estate contents. Call 860718-5132.

BUYING MACHINIST TOOLBOXES - Tools & tooling, contents of machine shops, home $25/yard delivered, workshops and small 3 yd, $100 min. delivery lathes. Call anytime 860-985-5760 Call Jim 860-982-4819

DEE’S ANTIQUES Buying Collectibles. Jewelry & Silver. China. Glass. Military. Musical. Anything Old & Unusual. Single item to an estate. 203.235.8431.

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GRASSY HILL AUCTIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Connecticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: Antiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, MuWANTED Individual sical Instruments (Saxfirearms, collections & ophones, Trumpets, Vi- estates including military olins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH & related items.Federally MORE) Advertising licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Items, Wristwatches Richard Pleines, (860) (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Ma663-2214. chinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Musical Instruments Clocks, Oil Paintings, Instruction Old Signs, Old Photographs, Old Postcards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewelry, Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uniforms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, FounMusic By Roberta tain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Perform. Instruct voiceall ages+levels. Piano Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Winbegin.-interm. chester Items, Sikorsky 860-406-4676. Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Native American Items, Pets For Sale Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hotwheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Furniture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Autographs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please Yorkies, Yorkipoos, give us a call at your earliest convenience. Old English Bull Grassy Hill Auctions dogs, Shih Tzu’s, 203-868-1816 - Grassy Bengal kittens, $550+ 860.930.4001

Pet Services ATTENTION DOG OWNERS! Obedience Classes Starting July 29th, MONDAY Evenings at Cheshire Park & Rec. 8 week course Beginners - 6:15pm Novices - 7:15pm Pre-Reg online or call Chesh. Park & Rec at 203-272-2743 9-4 AFTER 5pm Call INSTRUCTOR Bruce Giannetti 203-235-4852

***NEED EXTRA CASH?*** Always buying coins, gold, silver, antiques, collectibles, estate & broken or unwanted jewelry. Live auction & estate services. Rick’s Antiques & Coins, 428 N. Colony Rd., Rt. 5, Wlfd. Tag Sales 203.269.9888. ricksantiques BERLIN - Estate Sale, Fri., 8/9 & Sat., 8/10 , 9-3, 51 Bannan Lane, Regency at Berlin.

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Businesses & Services Attics and Basements Cleaned


Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430

Home Improvements


AHEARN BUILDERS Additions, Decks, Siding, Doors, Windows, Remodeling. 860.346.0409


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Electrical Services



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Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237-4283. CT Reg #601060.

CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YARD Clean-ups* FREE ESTIMATES. LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218.


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Power Washing

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Real Estate Services

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If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127



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Tree Services Gary Wodatch LLC Tree Removal All calls returned. CT#620397 Quick courteous service. Office 203-235-7723 Cell 860-558-5430


Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Berlin Citizen |


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