As part of its ongoing efforts to reduce tree-related power outages across the state, Eversource is addressing trees that threaten electric reliability in 131 communities this year. In Berlin, the energy company is trimming or removing trees along 55 miles of town roads.
“Trees continue to be the primary cause of power outages, especially during a storm, so identifying weak, diseased and hazardous trees along town roads and trimming or removing them before they cause a problem is critical,” said Eversource Director of Vegetation Management Sean Redding. “While we all love our trees, we have seen firsthand the damage they can cause to the electric system. Our comprehensive and consistent tree trimming program helps to improve day-to-day reliability during all types of
weather and we continue to see fewer power outages where this work has been done – that’s why this work is so vital.”
Tree work is underway and expected to be complete by the end of December. Roads where work is being done include the Berlin Turnpike, Main and Mill Streets, as well as Beckley, Middletown, North Colony, Savage Hill and Worthington Ridge Roads.
The energy company is closely coordinating its plan with community leaders and communicating with property owners to explain details of the work and their option to keep the wood cut on their property. As a reminder, all contractors carry proper identification, will never ask to enter a private residence, and there is no cost to the property owner for
•the intended purpose,
•named beneficiaries and trustees,
Talking with clients about the legacy they wish to leave behind is an essential part of my job as a financial advisor. How do they want to share their wealth with loved ones and charities that matter to them? What values do they want to pass down and what financial goals do they want to support for their children and grandchildren? How can they transfer their assets in a tax-efficient and planful manner? These are some of the many questions we cover in the course of these conversations.
If you find yourself asking similar questions about your own legacy, it may be time to think about whether a trust would make sense for your situation. Read on for a primer on how trusts work and their key benefits.
In the simplest terms, trusts are legal entities that hold assets for the benefit of another. Trusts have three core components. A grantor is someone who creates and typically funds the trust. A beneficiary is someone who receives benefits from the trust assets, such as income, principal, or the right to use property (like a home). A trustee is someone who holds the legal title and manages the trust assets according to its terms. The trustee can be the grantor, another person considered qualified to handle trust administration, or an institution, such as a bank.
When the grantor sets up a trust, they specify:
•provisions about when and what benefits/distributions each beneficiary will receive,
•the trustee’s duties, and
•when the trust will end.
Key trust attributes
Trusts might take effect while you’re living or upon your death. Here is a brief overview of the most common types of trusts:
Living trusts, as the name implies, are established and funded during the grantor’s lifetime. The assets in a living trust can remain available for the grantor’s use and benefit during their lifetime, and usually pass to beneficiaries only after the grantor’s passing. Similar to a will, a living trust provides the grantor broad discretion to specify how assets are distributed to the named beneficiaries. For example, a beneficiary may need to reach a specified age before receiving assets from the trust. Because assets held within a living trust typically avoid probate upon the grantor’s passing, they may be transferred with less delay and expense. The trust’s assets and terms typically remain confidential among beneficiaries, as compared to the public disclosure usually involved with probate.
A testamentary trust is established at your death based on instructions laid out in your will. A trustee is identified who will manage assets on behalf of the trust’s beneficiaries. After the will
goes through probate, designated assets are shifted into the trust. The grantor can specify in advance how trust assets should be managed and how they are to be distributed to beneficiaries.
Trusts can be revocable or irrevocable. Only trusts that are established during the grantor’s lifetime might remain fully revocable. This allows the grantor to alter the trust or even cancel it altogether if desired. While that flexibility can be beneficial, there are no immediate tax advantages and no creditor protection for assets held in the trust.
An irrevocable trust typically limits the grantor from making any meaningful changes to the trust. When established, the grantor often gives up ownership and control of the assets contributed to the trust. While this might involve making a taxable gift, this type of trust can be potentially advantageous from a tax 2 perspective and for protecting assets from creditors. Note that testamentary trusts are generally irrevocable and cannot be changed except in very limited circumstances, such as a court amendment.
Keep in mind that trusts are not just for those with significant wealth. Anybody seeking to preserve assets for children or grandchildren, avoid the expense and delay of probate, maintain greater privacy about their estate or protect assets from creditors
I have served on the Berlin Board of Education since 2015, under four different Board Chairs, and working with two superintendents. Over the course of my tenure, I have gained a greater understanding of our community and the school system. I am an individual who has devoted time to service and volunteerism since I was in middle school.
In addition to my current service on the Board of Education, I serve on the Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory Council for the Connecticut Department of Social Services, the Department of Developmental Disabilities Institutional Review Board, and the Connecticut Alliance to Benefit Law Enforcement.
Professionally, I pursued the path of service, having
worked within public schools and in a private practice as a helping professional. Currently, I am a full professor and the founding director of the Center of Excellence for Teaching and Learning at Southern Connecticut State University. Working within the College of Education for the nearly 14 years, I have had the privilege of educating budding professionals in the fields of school psychology, school counseling, and clinical mental health.
Previously, I worked within the Center for Behavioral Education and Research at the University of Connecticut, serving in the role of Implementation Coordinator for Positive Behavioral Supports in six urban districts. I am a licensed psychologist, a state and nationally certi-
fied school psychologist, and a certified school administrator. I have lived in Berlin for nearly 16 years, with my husband, a public school teacher, and our three children. In my free time, I enjoy exploring the outdoors with my children.
Core among my beliefs is the idea that service is privilege. Hence, listening to the voices of those we serve is imperative to effectively serving the communities we share. As a member of the Berlin Board of Education, I actively seek to understand the diverse needs of our community and work collaboratively with key stakeholders to advance the mission of our schools. Supporting our students, educators, and families in the pursuit of excellence means committing oneself to continuous learn-
Election Day is set for Tuesday, Nov. 7. Between now and then, anyone seeking to submit a letter to the editor regarding an election-related issue or a political endorsement is asked to limit their letters to 200 words. Any letters that exceed this word limit risk not being published prior to the election.
Also, all letters are subject to review for content and appropriatness and can be rejected if determined to not meet the standards set forth for both. While we will endeavor to print all letters submitted, publication is not guaranteed as it will be dependent on space limitations.
ing and approaching challenges in an open-minded manner. Creating multiple pathways for all students to succeed is essential to the betterment not only of schools, but our town and society overall. Cultivating relationships, developing share understanding, and actively working to advance positive change are critical to the continuous improvement of a school system and the community it serves.
I am dedicated to these practices. I hope you will support me as I seek another term on our Board.
This is the fiscal policy being followed by the Republican led Council since they took over majority control in 2015. They inherited substantial debt, $108 M, which is well over the $40 M recommended by financial rating agencies. Currently debt
stands at $64 M. If we stay on course, we will reach our goal by 2026.
We’ve tightened our belts on spending, but largely reckless spending. During this time, we still made $36M in capital improvements for our town. The focus has been on town infrastructure and safety. We’ve continued to make progress on our 20year road and bridge improvement plan. We’ve dedicated money for the modernization of our Police and Fire Department fleet (new cruisers and Fire Trucks that
were desperately needed). And funding and work has begun on upgrading the HVAC systems at our 3 elementary schools.
I’m asking you, as a Board of Finance Member, to “stay the course.” Reelect Mayor Mark Kaczynski and the rest of the Republican Team and let’s finish the job they started. They have the Vision and the Leadership Skills to get the Results we need.
Earlier this year, an article was written by local officials addressing rising crime in the area. Newly enacted laws, coming from state and national levels, were/are “handcuffing” the police from doing their job safely and effectively, allowing criminals to increase their activities.
This is happening all over the country. An example of
this is CVS announcing a shutdown of hundreds of stores nationwide due to high crime overwhelming stores and employees. Add to this, laws passed to hinder prosecution and /or DA’s pursuing lighter sentences or, at times, none at all, and it is a recipe for higher crime everywhere. One of the Democrats MAIN policies in the last election was to Defund the Police.
This election is drawing near. Please, vote accordingly, and make your town safe again.
Berlin has partnered with AFAB Recycling LLC, a Connecticut-based textile recycling company.
Residents are encouraged to drop off unwanted clothing and shoes at the Transfer Station, 19 Town Farm Lane, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon.
Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin was a special visitor at the Berlin Democrats’ “Cookout the Vote” / Meet the Candidates event on Oct. 1. At the event were Mark Pruzin, candidate for Town Council; Bronin; Joann AngelicoStetson, candidate for mayor; and Peter Rosso, current member of the Berlin Town Council and candidate for reelection.
University of Hartford, W. Hartford has graduated Katarzyna Szablowski, Ash-
ley Golebiewski, Kathryn Lowe, Elizabeth DeVylder, Kelsey Kwasnik, Jada Wilson at its commencement.
Once the class settled down, Cartiera briefly spoke about Quintanilla’s life and then proceeded to show videos of and about the singer. Next, she encouraged the eighthgraders to dance along to Quintanilla’s “Como La Flor,” fully immersing students in the lesson.
“We are learning so much through the activities and videos,” said Olivia Mokhiver, a sixth-grade student at Saint Paul School. “It’s very fun. And sometimes it’s hands-on learning. It’s really fun she is a very good teacher. She taught us a lot in just a few weeks. I’m really glad she’s teaching us.”
Cartiera celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with her students in many ways, from
creative lesson plans, cooking and dancing. She teaches students about notable Latinos and Latinas like Gloria Estefan, Frida Kahlo and Sonia Sotomayor every day. Last week, Cartiera dressed as Kahlo for her lesson about the Mexican painter.
“My goal as a teacher, I want them to enjoy Spanish,” said Cartiera, who lives in Berlin.
“I want them to know that Spanish is not just about memorizing grammatical rules. It’s also about learning the rich Latin culture. So that’s why I love Hispanic Heritage Month, so that they can see the contributions of the famous Latinos. Some of them have passed away. Some of them are still alive. And they need to know how they have contributed to this country.”
“The kids find her very kind and creative,” said Jill
Conaway, the principal at Saint Paul School who grew up in Wallingford. “And I think that they’re finding that they learn a lot. Not just about the language but about the culture. And so we’re really blessed to have her.”
For Hispanic Heritage Month, which is from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15, Cartiera decorated her classroom with various cultural items like papel picado, colorful banners made of paper or plastic, cut with intricate designs, and flags representing multiple Spanish-speaking countries.
“I think it’s very enriching for the students,” Conaway said. “We’re blessed that she’s a Hispanic teacher, and she has an insight into the culture and the language that is really enriching for kindergarten through eighth-grade students. So I feel like we’re just really lucky to have her and she’s very creative in her lessons anyway, but being even more so delving into her rich Hispanic culture during Heritage Month.”
Cartiera teaches Spanish class once a week for kindergarten through fifth grade and four times a week for middle school grades sixth through eighth. In her class, she discusses the 21 Spanish-
speaking countries in addition to teaching the Spanish language. Every week, she focuses on teaching her students about a new country.
She said she often pulls from her own experiences as a Latina, having been born in Ecuador, to teach her students about the Latin culture
and challenges Latinos often face.
“I want (my students) to know what the Latin culture is about, and I want them to get to know me as well, because I was born in South America in Ecuador,” Cartiera said. “And I want
From A1
this work.
Residents with questions about the roadside work can contact the Town of Berlin’s Department of Public Works at 860-828-7022 or Eversource arborist John Dyckman at (860) 665-3931. Inquiries about roadside tree work can also be directed to Eversource at (844) 275-3302 or by email at treeCT@Eversource.com.
them to understand how I grew up and my living conditions. I grew up in the projects, and it was rough. I was the first one in my family that went to college. So I want them to understand some of us Latinos have real struggles and I want them to appreciate what they have, their families, their values and how they’re being raised and to understand that the outside world, it’s not easy. Some of us really have to work hard for it.”
Cartiera was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and came to the United States when she was a year old. She grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., until fifth grade. She said it was challenging growing up with Spanish being her first language and only speaking it at home. In applying for college, she said she had no help from anyone and applied for grants and scholarships to help her afford it. She said she began her profession because she
“felt that passion” to teach.
“I figured I speak Spanish. I’m pretty good at it; why not teach it, right?” Cartiera said. “So little by little, I discovered that this is so cool. This is my passion. So I started developing different kinds of activities and plans every year. ”
She started teaching at Cromwell Middle School in 2006 until 2020, at the start of the pandemic. Then, she stayed home with her infant son. Cartiera, who is also a parent of a student at Saint Paul School, occasionally substituted for the former Spanish teacher the past two years. When the former Spanish teacher left to take another teaching position, Conaway hired Cartiera fulltime before this school year.
“I just knew that she was an excellent teacher, based on her subbing experience, and she’s a great parent, and the family is just a big asset to the school,” Conaway said.
“I brought her in for an interview and knew immediately she was who we want-
ed, and she was thrilled to be able to be part of the permanent staff,” Conaway added.
Saint Paul School is inviting current and prospective families to meet Cartiera and other teachers while visiting the classrooms at Saint Paul School at its open house event on Oct. 15 from 1 to 3 p.m.
On Saturday, Sept. 30, Kensington-Berlin Foundation and Rotary celebrated the Fifth Annual First Responders Appreciation Breakfast attended by Berlin Police Department, Berlin Firefighters and Hartford Healthcare HuntersAmbulanceServices.
The Fire Administrator’s Office for the Town of Berlin reports the following incidents for the week of September 24.
•September 24: Route 9 south near Exit 31: Motor vehicle accident – Companies 1 and 2
•September 24: Berlin Turnpike north near Ramp F: Motor vehicle accident – Company 3
•September 24: 000 block of Kenton Street: Assistance call –Company 2
•September 25: 000 block of
From A2
may want to explore the advantages trusts can offer. Trusts are complex and there are fees associated with setting them up. Consult an experienced financial advisor and an estate attorney to review your situation and consider whether a trust makes sense for your estate plan.
Jeffrey T. Jolly, CFP ® is a Private Wealth Advisor and Sr. Vice President with Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Advisors, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. in North Haven, CT. He specializes in feebased financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 18 years. To contact him, (203) 407-8188 ext. 330 or visit his office located at 250 State St, E-1 North Haven, CT 06473.
Frontage Road: Fire alarm –Companies 1, 2, 3 and 4
•September 25: 100 block of Main Street, East Berlin: Assistance call – Companies 1 and 3
•September 25: 000 block of Upson Street: Assistance call –Company 2
•September 25: Route 9 north near exit 33: Motor vehicle accident – Companies 1 and 2
•September 26: 100 block of Grove Hill: Assistance call –Companies 2 and 4
•September 26: 700 block of Spruce Brook Road: Motor vehicle accident – Companies 1, 2 and 3
•September 26: Mill Street and Worthington Ridge: Car fire –Companies 1, 2 and 3
•September 26: 1300 block of Berlin Turnpike: Car fire – Companies 1 and 3
•September 27: 400 block of Fieldstone Crossing: Assist Animal Control – Companies 2 and 3
•September 28: 000 block of
Meeting House Drive: Assistance call – Companies 2 and 4
•September 28: Berlin Turnpike near Ramp E: Motor vehicle accident – Company 3
•September 28: Route 9 south near the New Britain city line: Motor vehicle accident – Companies 1 and 2
•September 29: 1100 block of Farmington Avenue: Motor vehicle accident – Company 3
•September 29: 200 block of Kensington Road: Fire alarm –Companies 2, 3 and 4
•September 30: Berlin Turnpike near Ramp G: Motor vehicle accident – Company 3
•September 30: 200 block of Alling Street: Assistance call –Company 2
Fire Company Designations: 1. East Berlin 2. Kensington 3. Berlin 4. South Kensington
Boxes to Boots, an organization that is collecting items to be included in care packages being sent to our troops overseas will be holding an Open House on Saturday, Oct. 14, between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 28 Chamberlain Hwy.
Stop by to see what we’re all about and to drop off a do-
Boxes To Boots Headquarters is scheduled to be open Tuesday nights, 5 to 8 p.m. You can also schedule a drop off by contacting Trish (860-338-8307) or Andra (475-306-2607.)
Items needed include Skippy or Jif Peanut Butter To Go
cups, small packs of sunflower seeds, nuts, salty snacks, Slim Jims, small packs of beef jerky (that can fit into vest pocket), water enhancers, energy or granola Bars (Clif, Lara, Luna, Kind), oatmeal packets, K cups, tuna in a pouch, snack size bags crackers, Pringles, goldfish, cookies, fruit snack, M&Ms, sour patch kids, mi-
The upcoming municipal elections provide an opportunity to elect leaders who will listen. Help the Berlin Democratic Town Committee with that mission, and make Berlin an even better place to live and work. For more information about the Berlin DTC, individuals should contact the group at berlindemocrats@gmail.com or P.O. Box 93, 62 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037.
All Registrars of Voters’ offices in Connecticut have scheduled statewide voter registration sessions on Oct. 31, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Nov. 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
These are the last registration sessions for admission of electors who have turned
crowave popcorn, sunscreen, deodorant, stress balls, fidget spinners, travel size board games.
Check us out on Facebook to get the complete list of items needed or visit our website https://boxestoboots.org/ itemsneeded.
Donations may also be dropped off at Mia Bella, 883
18, become a US citizen, or moved to Connecticut since Nov. 1 of this year.
Registration sessions are also open to members of the Armed Forces, and former Armed Forces members who have been discharged within the calendar year. Call your local Registrars’ of Voters office for details.
These voter registration sessions will take place in accordance with CGS (Sec 9-16 & 9-17).
Friday, Oct. 20. Singles 80’s to today dance at Polish American Club, 541 N. Main St., Bristol from 7 to 11 p.m. Enjoy the sounds of this fabulous music played by our DJ Cadillac Jack. This is always fun! Be sure to come and bring your friends. You
Farmington Avenue; SIN Fitness, 131 Webster Square Road; Berlin Town Hall (Rotunda), 240 Kensington Road,; Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road; and Powerhouse Gym, 99 Webster Square Road. Any questions, contact Kristin Gauvin at boxestoboots@gmail.com or (860) 348- 3130.
can purchase food at the open kitchen from 7 to 9 p.m. Dress casual and door prizes. Admission $17. For info, call Gail 860-463-6906. Sponsored by Singles Social Connections.
The Berlin Veterans Commission’s “Veterans Digital Wall of Honor,” located in Town Hall, is dedicated to “All Who Proudly Served and Sacrificed to Protect Our Country.” Berlin residents and their immediate family, past and present, who have served or are currently serving can be put up on the wall. Contact Peter Galgano at petergalgano@comcast.net or 860-604-7258.
The Berlin Republican Town Committee is currently running their Fifth Annual Raffle. Those who would like to purchase paper tickets, contact Andra (milleal@comcast.net) at 860-670-5131 or Lecia (Leciajp@comcast.net) at 860-209-4199.
First and Second Prizes are $500 Visa Gift Cards. Third Prize is $300 Value Restaurant Gift Cards. Fourth Prize is a Samsung Galaxy Go Chromebook. Fifth Prize are Beats Earbuds, and Sixth Prize is a Ring Video Doorbell 4.
The drawing will be Thursday, Oct. 12, at 6 p.m., at American Legion Post 68, 154 Porters Pass, Berlin.
The Berlin Public Works Department wishes to inform residents of the following curbside leaf collection dates. Leaves will be picked up on, or near, your trash day during the weeks of October 30 – November 3; November 13 - 17; and November 27 - December 1.
Residents wishing to have
All Town departments will be closed on Monday, Oct. 9, in observance of Columbus Day. Refuse/recycling collection schedule will remain normal.
The Robert B. Dornfried Sr. Lifetime Volunteerism Award is bestowed upon a resident “who is dedicated to a lifetime of community volunteerism, civic duty and extraordinary service.” Visit berlinvolunteerfund.com.
State law provides a reimbursement program for renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room or living in cooperative housing, or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. Visit portal.ct.gov/OPM.
The Berlin High School All Night Graduation Committee is hosting a Clothing Drive on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Berlin High School at the Gymnasium entrance.
Rain or shine! Contactless! Drive up and drive off. No need to get out of your car. Place clean items in large plastic bags. We accept usable, clean clothing for men, women, and kids of all sea-
leaves picked up at the curb, must put them in biodegradable brown paper bags and leave them at the curb on their regular trash day during the specified week.
Plastic bags are not permitted. Keep all leaf bags well away from your automated trash container. Grass clip-
pings, yard waste and twigs cannot be mixed with leaves. Do not rake leaves into the gutter. This is a violation of the Berlin anti-litter ordinance, and subject to a fine. Those who wish to dispose of leaves on their own, may bring them to the drop-off area at 19 Town Farm Lane
(off Massirio drive), Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., on Saturday’s through October from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., and extended Saturday hours October 21 and 28, and November (4,11, and 18) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m..
Please see the Town’s website for Saturday hours
throughout the winter. All bags and containers must be emptied and removed from the drop-off area inside the Transfer Station (19 Town Farm Lane).
The Transfer Station will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 23), and Friday, November 24.
sons and sizes. Used shoes (packaged separately please). Accessories such as handbags, ties, hats and gloves. Household items such as pillows, blankets, quilts, sheets, table linens and towels. Stuffed animals and bikes are welcome too! No toys or books please. All proceeds will be used to celebrate the Berlin High School Class of 2024 Graduation in June.
For more information, contact Rosanna Zup (rosan-
nazup@gmail.com) or Dina Palmese (dpalmese@comcast.net)
Sign up to receive emergency alerts and community notifications on berlinct.gov. Options are: Emergency Alerts (weather related closings, fire, flood, etc.); Town Updates (town-wide nonemergency communications, announcements, elections, referendums, etc.); Public
Works (road and bridge construction, trash, utilities, water, sewer, etc.); Community Related (Community Center, Senior Center, Parks & Recreation, Social Services).
McGee students and staff celebrated the first spirit day of the school year with a “green out” in celebration of Start with Hello day, an awareness campaign created by the Sandy Hook Promise foundation which brings attention to the negative impacts of social isolation in schools. The Start with Hello program focuses on teaching empathy and empowering students to end social isolation by following three easy steps.
Step 1: See Someone Alone Students learn how to recognize the signs of loneliness and social isolation
Step 2: Reach Out and Help Students learn ways to help others feel included Step 3: Start with Hello Students learn how to break the ice and start up a conversation We hope all students at McGee will make efforts this school year to practice the steps of the Start with Hello program and work together towards making McGee an inclusive school community for all students.
American Legion Post 68 has been serving Berlin veterans since 1947. For more infor-
mation, email Post Commander Vin Trigila at v_trig@yahoo.com or send a message to Post 68 via Facebook.
Established in 2002, the Commission for Persons with Disabilities is charged with serving as an advisory board to the Town of Berlin for the enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act and assisting the community with meeting its responsibilities for residents with disabilities.
The Commission for Persons with Disabilities meets on a bi-monthly basis.
Are you interested in supporting Mayor Mark Kaczynski and the Republican candidates in the Municipal Election on Nov. 7?
You can show your support by volunteering to work on the campaign.
If interested, email us at info@berlingop.org.
For their many years of support to organizations around Berlin including Boxes to Boots, The Ryan T. Lee Foundation, American Legion Post 68 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10732, among many others, Karen and Cliff Cote were recently awarded the Town of Berlin “Lifetime Volunteer Award.” The award was presented during a ceremony at the VFW on Sept. 19. The award is presented annually to those who have dedicated themselves to selfless service and an unending desire to help others has left a mark withinBerlinandbeyond.
In December of 2021, the Town of Berlin passed a new leash ordinance that requires dogs to be always on leashes on public property. This includes all town parks and public sidewalks. Animal Control Officers are issuing written infractions. The fine for violation of this ordinance is $100. For more information regarding the leash ordinance, refer to the municipal website.
Preservation Connecticut is a statewide nonprofit historic preservation organization, established in 1975 by a Special Act of the Connecticut General Assembly as the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation. Visit preservationct.org.
Submitted photo
Members of the Berlin Democratic Party officially opened their headquarters for the November election on Sunday, Oct. 1. The headquarters is located at 1227 Farmington Ave. Pictured are Mark Pruzin, candidate for Town Council; Denise McNair, candidate for the Board of Finance; Carol Yorker and Bruce Laroche.
In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at myrecordjournal. com/berlin-requester
Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Berlin Citizen to your home or business, will end. HELP
Paintings, Oriental Rugs, Hooked Rugs, Quilts, Sterling, Pottery, Glassware, Post Cards, Old Toys, Dolls & Berlin, CT Items
Water/Sewer bills have been mailed to all residents of the Worthington Fire District. All persons liable to pay Water/Sewer Fees in to the Worthington Fire District of the Town of Berlin, CT, are hereby notified that payments for the OCTOBER 2023 Water/Sewer Billing Cycle are due and payable in full on or before November 1, 2023. SAID CHARGES SHALL BECOME DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID/POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2023.
Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month shall be charged from October 1, 2023 if not paid on or before Wednesday, November 1, 2023, subject to a minimum interest charge of $2.00.
Any person who is liable for these charges and who does not receive a bill(s) should contact the Worthington Fire District Office at once, by phone at 860-828-5630.
Lynn J. Ferrelli, Tax Collector OFFICE HOURS:
Mon–Thurs: 7:30am–3:30pm Worthington Fire District Friday:7:30am–12:30pm 1400 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, CT 06037
www.wfdwater.com – Online Bill Pay
For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc.
Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm.
The Assessor’s Office would like to remind taxpayers of the local ordinance which allows a tax exemption of a motor vehicle that is specially equipped or modified for handicapped or medically incapacitated persons for the exclusive purpose of transporting such persons.
(CGS §12-81c) For purposes of this ordinance, vehicles owned by private nursing homes or similar health organizations are not exempt on the grounds that said organizations are paid for said services.
A vehicle is deemed to have been specially equipped or modified for transporting handicapped or medically incapacitated persons if the vehicle is registered in the name of a person with a State of Connecticut handicapped parking permit and alterations to the vehicle include one or more of the following: special hand controls, lifts, ramps, special seating or stretchers, significant modifications to accommodate medical equipment such as oxygen or mechanical respirators, and other similar significant alterations. A vehicle is deemed to be used exclusively for transporting handicapped or medically incapacitated persons when use of the vehicle is for no other purpose except for transporting handicapped or medically incapacitated persons.
Persons desiring said exemption shall make application to the Town Assessor for determination whether an exemption is allowed. Applications must be filed annually October 1st to October 31st
Call the Assessors Office with any questions at 860 – 828 – 7039.
Notice of Application
This is to give notice that I, MICHAEL CONLON 106 W RIDGE DR WEST HARTFORD, CT 06117-2048
Have filed an application placarded 10/02/2023 with the Department of Consumer Protection for a CAFE LIQUOR PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises at 841 BERLIN TPKE BERLIN CT 06037-2444
The business will be owned by:. CONLON STRYKERS LLC
Entertainment will consist of: Live Bands, Karaoke
Objections must be filed by: 11-13-2023 Visit: https://portal. ct.gov/remon strance for more information
FIREPLACE - 2nd grade, Not premium, irregular sizes that reflect the price, $150 a cord. Call Bob, (203) 415-0723.
ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, musical instruments, signs, arcade games, cameras, pre 1970 sports memorabilia, plus more. One item or entire estate contents. Call 860718-5132.
ANTIQUES WANTEDComic books, toys, adv. signs, military items, motorcyles, mini bikes, etc. All items considered, appraisal & estate sale services, incl. clean-outs. 40 years exp. Call or text, Gary at 203-237-4124.
BUYING ALL - Costume Jewelry, Old Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Sterling Flatware, In Any Condition. Please Call Jude M. Dichele @ (203) 8681816.
BUYING MACHINIST TOOLBOXES - Tools & tooling, contents of machine shops, home workshops and small lathes. Call anytime 860-985-5760
WANTED - Old & New.
“I Pay Top Cash For Your Grandma’s Costume Jewelry Stash!” Julie, 203-443-9602.
GRASSY HILL AUCTIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Connecticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: Antiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Musical Instruments (Saxophones, Trumpets, Violins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Machinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Photographs, Old Postcards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewelry, Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uniforms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Fountain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Winchester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Native American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hotwheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Furniture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Autographs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience.
Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816 - Grassy HillAuctions.com
TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
WALLINGFORD - North Main St., superior location, 2nd fl., 5 rms. w/ attic space, smoke free. 2 mo. sec. dep & refs., a must see! $1,800 mo. 203-213-6888.
Screened Topsoil $30/ per yd; 2.5” screened gravel, $18 per yd; Sand$18 per yd; Millings-$22 per yd; Screened Millings $30 per yd; $100 minimum delivery. No pickup truck service. Minimum 16 yd pickup at our yard. Call Jim @ 860-9824819 for delivery
1, 2,
ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAIDVintage Electronics, Musical Instruments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Guitars, Audio Equipment, Antiques. 860-707-9350
ALWAYS BUYING OLD TOOLS - Old, used, and antique hand tools wanted. MACHINIST, woodworking, engraving, and workbench hand tools. Hunting equipment and firearms also of interest. Fair and honest offers made in your home. Please call with confidence Cory (860) 322-4367.
WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214.
The Town of Wallingford Water Division is seeking qualified applicants to perform semi-skilled work disassembling, cleaning, testing, calibrating and repairing all types of water meters utilized in the water distribution system. Applicants should possess a H.S., trade school, vocational school, or H.S. equivalency diploma, plus 1 year of experience as a maintainer/laborer in a water utility, or in the construction or plumbing field, or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Must possess and maintain a valid State of Connecticut Motor Vehicle Operator’s License. Wages: $23.71 to $28.73 hourly. The Town offers an excellent fringe benefits package that includes pension plan, paid sick and vacation time, medical insurance, life insurance, 13 paid holidays, and a deferred compensation plan. Applications may be downloaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page and can be mailed to the Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492, or emailed to: wlfdhr@ wallingfordct.gov. The closing date will be the date the 50th application or resume is received or October 17, 2023 whichever occurs first. Phone: (203) 294-2080; Fax: (203) 294-2084. EOE
Needed for Southington/ Meriden/Berlin/Rocky Hill - Must be 21yrs or older and possess a driver’s license for at least 3yrs – Paid training to acquire CDL license and endorsements available –The opportunity to bring your children to work, No
Childcare$$ - Contact Sheila at New Britain Transportation (860) 8280511 ext. 221 or visit us at, 257 Woodlawn Rd., Berlin, CT
The Town of Wallingford is seeking responsible candidates to perform 911, police, fire and EMS emergency dispatching duties. Must be able to work under stressful conditions and be able to type information with a high rate of speed and accuracy. Must be able to work all three shifts including weekends and holidays and be able to work additional shifts beyond the regular shift schedule. Requires a H.S. or business school diploma with courses in typing and 2 years of responsible office work experience. Wages: $23.72 ~ $28.28 hourly plus shift differential and excellent fringe benefits. Closing date is October 16, 2023, or the date of receipt of the 50th application, whichever occurs first.
Apply: Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main St., Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page and emailed to wlfdhr@wallingfordct.gov.
Phone: 203-294-2080, Fax: 203-294-2084. EOE.
GARY WODATCHDemolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430
Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093
HOUSECLEANINGHousekeeper. Offices. Have many years of exper. Refs. 203 4999992, (203) 630-7921.
Sm House $75; Med. House $95; Lrg House, $120. Oven/Fridge free. 16 years exp. Refs. Fabiana, 203.565.7745.
Give some new life to your old decks and porches. We can repair or replace stairs, deck boards, railings. We also construct new decks. HIC#647093 Insured. Call Bill for a free estimate, (203) 901-2136.
TEC ELECTRICAL Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome. 203.237.2122
If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127
Fully ins. Free Estimate. Call Ed, We’ll take it to the dump for you!
Ext. & Int. Painting. Sheetrock.Popcorn Repair. Wallpaper Remv’l. Decks. 25 yrs exp. Free est. Sr. disc. #0656136. Ins. 860.538.5520
Insurance claim.storm damage.roofing.siding. gutter.chimney flashing. Office:203.754.3071
Stormshieldct@gmail. com HIC.0664452
GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free estimate.
Ct. Reg. #578887
HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, #640689, 203.427.7828.
Let Us BEAR Your Junk! Junk Removal in CT
ALEX EUROPEAN MASONRY - 30 yrs. exp. Patios, ret. walls, steps, brick, stone, chimneys. Lic#580443. 203-2320257 or 860-810-4196.
MOBILE WASH Chemicals safe for house & plants. House wash, roof cleaning, decks. 25 yrs. exp. Sr Disc. #0656136 Ins. 860.538.5520
Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279
Roof Repair or Replacement, Chimney Repair, Skylight Replacement. Free est. CT #0651199 (860) 877-3006
Perfect time to overseed and plantings. Complete lawn maint. & tree work.
Hedge trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397. 860.558.5430
Your moving and storage specialists. Call for a free estimate. 833-668-3978.
Gutters Cleaned Painting Int. & Ext. Free Ests. Ins. Refs. Rodrigo, (203) 565-7745.
GARY WODATCH - Tree Removal. All calls returned. CT# 620397. Quick courteous service. 860-558-5430.
JM Lawn Care Lawn Mowing, Fall Cleanup, tree service, snow plowing. 860.796.8168
JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - Spring CleanUps, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, pruning hedges & shrubs, & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today for free estimate, 203-213-6528.