Ueut ntntEdl'ln S. Henion Chlel ot S:tatf
February25, 2009 Membership ConnecticutChapterof the BlackStateTrooper'sCoalition c/o CaptainJoeDavis DearCoalitionMembership : I recentlyhadoccasion to meetwith yourpresident, CaptainJoeDavis,at whichtime he expressed concernthat issuesraisedat my meetingwith the Connecticut Chapterof the BfackStateTrooper'sCoalition(CTNBSTC)on July2lst,2OO7,have not.beenaddressed. I requested an opportunityto meetwith yourmembership in orderto provideyou wathdetailedinformationregarding the progress that hasbeenmadbsinceour meetingIn July. CaptainDavishasadvisedme that, at thistime,the membership declines to engagein sucha meeting.I am writingto provideyouwith an outlineof fnformationthat may be of interestto you,andI am alsowritingto requestan opportunitytomeâ‚Źtwith the Coalition personally, Membership, to elaborateon the lssuesdiscussed below. First,beforereportingwith regardto the notesthat I madefollowingour meeting,I wouldliketo adviseyou of othereffortsI made,subsequent to meetingwith the Coalition, to obtaininformationandrecommendations relevantto addressing perceived inequitleswithin the Department of PublicSafety. Laterin July,2007,I met,separately, with the Co-Chairs of the Judiciary Committee.I alsomet jointlywith the President of the NMCPandthe Governorof the Stateof Connecticut.In earlyAugust,I met with the Co-Chairs of the ConnecticutChapterof the NationalLatinoPeaceOfficersAssociation (NLPOA) and,asmanyof you know,in early August,I alsoparticipatedin the openforum at the StatePoliceAcademy.In August,I appearedbeforethe Commission on HumanRightsandOpportunities (CHRO)to engagein a similardiscussion with the Executive Boardof that organization. Sincethat time,I havemeg on variousoccasions, with CaptainDavis,with TFCFredAbrams,Presidentof the Men and Page1 of10
Womenfor,.lustice, andwith Sgt.DavidRosado andSgt.LuisRosa,Officersof the Connecticut Chapterofthe,NationalLatinoPeaceOfficersAssociation (NLP9A).I havefoundall of these meetingsto be useful,an opportunityto exchange ideasfreely,andI proposeto continue thesemeetings. l) | wouldliketo addressthe issuesthat wereraisedwhenI met with the Coalitionon July 2L,2007: i) SELECTIONS: Thefirsttopicat the meetingdealtwith the needto enhance recruitingminoritycandidates.Twoof the suggestions madeduringour meeting were: o Recruiters shouldreachout to specificcolleges aswell asthe militaryin order to increaseapplicantdiversity. o A determination shouldbe madeasto whetherTFCDebbieGutierrezwould workwith the Selections Committee to increase Hispanic representation. Sinceour meeting,I haveauthorized the financialexpenseassociated with a tour of selectedcolleges that havea significant minoritypopulation.Therecruitingtrip hasbeen plannedandwill be initiatedaswe enterthe recruitingseason,in full,in the springof 200g. In addition,I havebeenadvisedthat bothTFCDebbieGutierrezandotherrninorityTroopers haveagreedto assistthe recruitersin their workwhenthe recruitingseasonis underway. I shouldafsonotethat the Selections Unithasbeenrevisedsinceour meeting,andls now headedby sgt.WilliamKittle,andalsoincludes TrooperChrisJohnson andTFCWendy Delehanty.Thatunit is planninga recruiterworkshop.I am hopefulthatthe Coalitionwill be weii-representeci at that workshop. It wassuggested that for the writtenexamination, th,e.selections Unitshouldconsider usinga pass/failapproachratherthan relyingupona strictscore.Alternatively, it was requestedthat evenif it werenot possible to relyon a passffailapproach, couldthe resultsof the test be permittedto standfor asmuchasa yearor more? I haveinquiredasto whethera pass/fail approachcanbe used,insteadof selecting the highestscoringcandidates, but havebeenadvisedthat to do so wouldgeneratea protracteddelayin carryingout the selections processand,baseduponthe experience of other policeandfire departments, it wouldnot generatesignificant additionaldiversity w1hin the Department.Thelongerthat a list is permittedto stand,the lesslikelyit isthat lower "highestscoring"individuals, oncethey arecontacted, arestillseekingemploymentafter manymonthsof waitingto be contacted. Onthe otherhand,we haverequested that the Governorauthorizeusto run somewhatsmallerclasses, but more frequently,in an effort to avoidthe "rollercoaster effect" of havingoccasional, but very largeclasses, a practicethat resultsin an excessive numberof Troopersleavingthe Departmentthroughretirementafterthey havecompleted Page2 ofl0
twenty years'service.By havingclasses morefrequently,it is morelikelythat we will reach furtherdownthe scoringon a givenlist,in orderto obtainapplicants. I am awarethat therehasbeenconcernthat reaching, first,to the highestscorerson a giventest hasan adverseimpacton applicants of color. Forexample,concernhasbeen expressed that the two classes drawnoff the applicantlistthat expiredin Novemb er of 2O07 tendedto scoreat the levelof eightyand above.I note,first,that the listthat expiredin November2007wasthe productof recruitingthat took placein 2005. We havemade progress significant slncethen in our recruitingefforts,andI believethat the resultof our more recentrecruitingeffortshasgeneratedthe potentialfor greaterdiversitywhen we beginnew classes in,approximately, Juneof 2008and,approximately, January2O09.For example,the testthat hasgeneratedthe applicantpoolfor thosetwo classes includes the followingdemographic breakdownfor thosewho scoredat the rateof eightyandabove:63 Blackmales,5 Blackfemales,92 Latinomales,10 Latinofemales,14 Asian/Pacific males,and 2 Asian/Pacific females.I notbthat we are alreadyreaching thosewho scored83 or higherfor the classexpectedto start in or around.June 2008.Therefore, the classthat will followthe 120thTrainingTroopwill probabtyincludeapplicants who scoredin the seventles.Indeed, sincethe Governorhasagreedwith our requestto increase the numberof Troopersin the Department,at the rateof twenty per yearfor the nextfive years,beginnlngwith the 120rh TrainingTroop,it is evenmorelikelythat we will reachapplicants who scoredin the sevâ‚Źnties whenwe formulatethe 121straining Troop. Althoughthesestatisticsrevealthat we havea greatdealof distanceto coverwith regardto improvingthe numberof womenwho applyto the Connecticut StatePolice,thereis significant evidence that refutesthe claim,by some,that diversitycanonlybe achievedby usinga pass/failapproach. Another"selections" recommendation isthat we publishthe newsof upcoming examinations in-house sufficientlybeforethe generalpublicannouncement, in orderto permitindividualrecruitmentby membersof the Departmeni.Second,I wasaskedto considerextending the applicationprocessin orderto facilitatemaximumparticipation. Theselattersuggestions are goodones,andthereis no reasonwhythey cannotbe carried out, aslongaswe workin conjunction with the Department of Administrative Services, which process.I wouldnote,first,that the nextexamination drivesthe examination is not scheduled to takeplaceuntil,and in all likelihood, the fallof 2008.thus, lhavenot failedto carryout this recommendation; I havesimplynot hadanopportunityto implementit. In addition,I havemet with the Department of Administrative Services to discuss a varietyof stepsthat canbetakenin an effortto accelerate the applicantprocess.Thereare manywho believethat accelerating process the application will benefitminorityapplicants, who maybe of lower economicmeans,and who thereforecannotaffordto participatein a protracted process. application ia) sPEclALlzED uNlrs : Anotherquestionposedat our meetingwas"why are minoritytrooperstypicallyexcludedfor specialized assignments, exceptfor narcotics?"I wasadvisedat our meeting,that there had beenoccasions on which a minoritytroopermighttestfor a certainpositionandscorenearthe top of the Page3 of l0
list,but duringthe periodof time that the listis in effect,no choicewasmadeoff the list. I inquiredintothis matterand requested that our EqualEmployment Opportunity Manager,BarbaraLynch,conducta minorityreviewof allspecialized unit staffing.She advisesme that our specialized unitsinclude14 blackmales,1.5latinos,5 asianmales,1g whitefemales,andone blackfemale.In addition,thereare7 blackmalesin ourtrafficunit. I understand that all unitsare encouraged to havean activelist at alltimes.Generally, the listsarevalidfor at leastoneyear. Whena Commanding Officerchanges, it istypicalfor that officerto re-advertlse for the unit. Onoccasions, a unitwill not receivethe authorityto be re-staffedif troopsare short-staffed.At this time,virtuallyeveryunit in the Bureauof CriminalInvestigation is seekingadditionalstaffing. lt is essentialthat the Department maintain,asa priority,patrolstrengths.Assigning Troopers to specialized unitsis,with certainexceptions, lesscriticalthan maintaining thosestren4hs.Thereis no quesgonbut that there is widespread interestin obtainingassignment to specialized Units.However,I havebeenadvisedby manyCommanding Officers, andby manyroadTroopers themselves, that they areprofoundlyovenruorked andin needof help. To that end,we haveengagedin substantial effortsto seekto increase the sizeof the Department sothat we canremedythc staffingshortcomings in the Troops.lf we canaccomplish this goal,we will be in a better positionto staffspecialized units. Anothersuggestion relativeto specialized unitswasthat, if we haveindividuals capableof meetingcertainspecialized needs,suchasservingasa translator, whycan,t someonewho is qualifiedon one listfor onespecialized unit be transferredpermanently to the otherspecialized unit wherethe specificneedcanbe utilized?| havelearnedthat the specialized unit selections processis a matterof collective bargaining, andregardless of my wishes,wouldhaveto be addressed with the unionandthroughcollective bargaining. iiil sfncEANfS LIST:At our meetingI wasasked*t yif," lastSergeant,s list was permittedto expirewhenwe hadan opportunityto promoteminoritlesfrom the existinglist. ThelastSergeant's listwasextendedfor a fullthreeyears,whichwas the statutorymaximum. iv) PROMOTIONS TOMA,OR:A questionwasraisedasto the processusedfor Major promotions.I mostrecentlysolicitedthe viewsof all Majors,Lieutenant Colonels andthe Colonel,with regardto a description of the responsibilities that wouldbe carriedout by the two MajorpromotionsI am permittedto make.Thatdiscussion resultedin a description of two job responsibilities that, if they arefilledwith qualifiedindividuals, will broadlybenefitthe Department.I haveinvitedevery CaptainandeveryLieutenant to applyfor eitheror bothof thosepositions.I will interviewall appropriateapplicantsoverthe nexttwo weeks. v) CHIEFS OFSTAFF:Anotherproposalwas that I considera rotationin Chiefsof Staff. Thisis an issuethat is reviewedregularlywithin the CommandStaff,and Page4 of10
whereappropriate, changeswill be shouldbe noted,however,that the learningcurvein the Chiefof Staffassignment is substantial. vi) INTERNAL AFFAIRS: Therewassubstantial regardingInternalAffairs. discussion It wasasserted that lnternalAffairsmatters("lAs")appearto impactminority troopersin a disproportionate number.I conducted an inquirywith regardto this issueandhavedeterminedthe following:2005)29%of all lAsinvolvedminority subjectsand22%o of sustainedlAsinvolvedminoritysubjects;2005)L6%of all lAs involvedminoritysubjectsandt7% of sustained lAsinvolvedminoritysubjects; 2007xtheadventof the "NewDay"policylL3%of all lAsinvolvedminority subjectsandL7o/o of sustainedlAsinvolvedminoritysubjects.A numberof 2O07 casesarestillunderinvestigation, sothe latterfiguremaywell be revisedover ti me . Lt.Col.Duffyis fullyawareof thisissueandis committedto ensuringthat his investigations andconclusions are basedon facts,only,andnot the racialor ethnicoriginsof eitherthe complainants or the subjects. I shouldalsonotethat, in my Troopvisits,someindividuals haveasserted that Troopers areconcerned that the "NewDay"requirement to documentcomplaintshasresultedin a situationin whichtroopersfearthat complaints will be broughtagainstthem,gratuitously, makingTroopersfearfulof carryingout their responsibilities. A numberof troopershave advisedme that the foregoingconcernisthe reasonthat the numberof trafficcitationshas decllnedin istrue that the numberof citationshasdeclined.However,it is not true that Troopersshouldbe overlyfearfulof receiving complaints. ln 2007,therewerea total of elevensustained complaintsassociated with motorvehiclestops.Thisnumbershould be contrasted with the numberof motorvehiclestopsthat-werecarriedout. In 2OO7, troopersissueda total ol L67,523trafficcitations.Thisfigureindicates that a sustained compfaint took placeonceevery15,229motorvehiclestops. Moreover,Troopersare not, precludedfrom promotional absentunusualcircumstances, or transferopportunities simply becausean opencomplaintis on file. At our meetingit wasrecommended that I considercreatinga logof substantiated InternalAffairsinvestigations, without names,but describing the detailsof the incidentand the sanctions imposed.Thiswassuggested it is a systemusedin the militaryandit because achieve deterrent might a affect. I did indeedacceptthis suggestion and,after much review andediting,sucha logwasrecentlyaddedto the Department doesnot showthe precisesanctionimposed,but instead,showsthe sanctionthat couldbe imposed.Thislatter revisionto the proposalwasmadebecause a numberof InternalAffairsinvestigations are give resolvedby stipulation. lf we includedthe stipulateddiscipline on the log we would rise to a claimthat the stipulatedresolutionhasprecedential affect,andstipulations are not intendedto haveprecedential affect. However, thiswasa usefulsuggestion andit hasbeen implemented. Page5 of 10
A specificquestioninvolvingInternalAffairsmattersconcerned a questionof whether CaptainDavis'secretary permitted shouldbe to completetranscripts relativeto Internal Affairsmatters.I inquiredinto thissituationimmediately afterour meeting,anddetermined that therewasno reasonwhy CaptainDavis'secretary couldnot be permittedto complete transcripts, andshedoesso. A questionwasraisedasto why the subjectsof a complaint,leveledat Troopersat the StatePoliceAcademy, did not resultin the Troopersat the Academybeingtransferred,lt was noted that Troopersareoften transferredwhenthere is a Trooperto Trooperconflict. I inquiredintothissituation,andalsoeffecteda significant changeat the Academyby appointingLt.MarkNewlandasthe new Commandant of the Academy.With his appointment, a numberof transferswere madeout of the Academy, and I believe,therefore, that this issueis moot. It wasproposedthat Lieutenants, Colonels andMajorsbe involvedin the resolution of problemsthat arise.Asa generalprinciple,it is my goalthat problemsbe resolvedat the lowestlevel(bottomup). An exceptionto thissituationiswhenan InternalAffairs investigation is required.However,for the mostpart,lt is policythat all issuesbe addressed, ffrst,at the Sergeant level. vii) ASSIGNMENTS ATBCI:Anotherpointraisedat our meetingin Julylsthat we had reacheda situationin BCIin whicha minorityMajorwassupervising a minority Captain, andthe concernexpressed wasthat bothmenweresupervising the least importantunitsin BCl.Asyou know,MajorSamuels hasretiredfrom the Department of PublicSafetyandCaptainDavishaspersonalsupervision overthe unitsat issue.I cannotsubscribe to the proposition that one unit in BCl,or for that matteranywhere in the Department of PublicSafety, is "moreimportant"than anotherunit. viii) PARAMILITARY STRUCTURE: Anotherissueexpressed at our meetingis that there is considerable tensiondueto the paramilitary structureof our organization. lt wasstatedthat managers do not appearto be capableof carryingout patrolduty. Forexample,a lieutenantmightconducta motorvehiclestopbut thenturn the paperworkoverto a Trooperfor wasnoted,further,that managers andTroopersdo not qualifyat the rangeat the sametime. Onesuggestion presented goon patrol,on occasion. wasthat managers Theforegoingsuggestions havea varietyof shouldbe notedthat thereis not total agreement with the propositionthat managers go on patrol. Forexample,when that suggestion wasmadeat our meetingin July,CaptainDavisimmediately indicatedthat he did not believeit wasdesirable.I haveinquiredintothe questionthat managers do not appearto be capableto be carryingout patrolduties,andhavelearnedthat thisproposition may be correctin that, overthe years,patrolduty hasbecomevery specialized, particularly with the adventof NEXGEN. lt may be correctthat a manager,who hasverydifferent responsibilities than doesa Trooper,maynot be asadeptin completing, properly,the paperworkassociated necessary with the motorvehiclestop,aswoulda Trooper.At this Page5 of10
point,it doesnot appeardesirable to me to takeour managers, someof whomare heavily overworked, andtrainthem in NEXGEN sothat theycaneffectmotorvehiclestopsasskillfully asa Trooper.Onthe otherhand,immediately afterour meeting,I directedthat managers andTroopersbe scheduled to qualifyat the firingrangeregardless of rank. At that time,the shootingschedule for the balanceof the yearhadalreadybeenset,but all newschedules will incorporate thischange.In addition,we haveencouraged managers to takea ridealongwith Troopersandwill continueto do so. I havebeenattemptingto schedule a ridealongmyself, andhavetakenotherstepsthat will permitme to obtaina betterviewof the day-to-day responsibilities of a Trooper. ix) COMMISSIONER'S COUNCIL: A finalsuggestion raisedat our meetlngin Julyis that I re-invigorate the "Commissione/s Counsel" that wasset up by Commissioner Spada.I havereceiveda similarsuggestion whenI havevisited varioustroops. In response to this suggestion, I inquiredof the unionasto whethertheywouldbe agreeable to this approach.WhenI did not receivea reply,I wroteto the union,formally requesting their assistance with thls program.Aftera longinterval,in whichI did not receive a replyto my letter,I madea seriesof verbalrequestsregarding thisissue.Ultimately,I was advisedthat the unionis opposedto thisproposition andwouldconsiderfilinga grievancâ‚Ź if I reinstituted,the Commissioner's is my recommendation that the coalltiontakethis matterup with the union. lf it canbe resolvedsothat I canre-establish the council,without interferingwith the collectivebargaining generating or unnecessarily agreement a union grievance, I will be pleasedto takesuchaction. Theforegoingreflectsall of the notesthat I took at our meetingon July21,2Co-7, with a statement of my responses. il) MEMORANDUM OFJULY 31,2007 I receivedan addltional, anonymous submission datedJuly31, 2W7,entitled"lssues on Diversity''.Thatsubmission focusesspecifically on an assertion that, for the pastseveral years,the Connecticut StatePolicehasnot effectively diversified its recruitclasses. Therearefour recommendations in that July31,2007submissions, andI would liketo respondto eachof them. 1. lt wasrecommended that I form a diversified oversightcommitteeto reviewthe final selectionof candidates to eachrecruitclass.As hasalreadybeendiscussed, the Selections Unit is madeup totallyof minorityand protectedclasstroopers. I have requested that additionalminoritytroopersworkwith the Selections Unitwhen recruitingbecomesactivein the springof 2008. In addition,the currentSelections Committeeis chairedby MajorStevenFields,a blackmale,and includes two white females,two white males,anotherblackmaleanda Hispanic male. I believethis does,indeed,constitutea diversified oversightSelections Committee.I havemadeit Page7 of10
i abundantly clearto the Selections Committeethat I am committedto a diversified recruitclass. Bywayof example,I referyouto the factthat the classthat graduated in July20O7 wasin the AcademybeforeI becameCommissioner. Obviously, I hadno role in the composition of that class.Thatgraduating classincludedone blacktrooper.The119s TrainingTroop,whichbeganin November2007,is smaller,at 43,thanwasthe class that graduatedin luly 2O07,whichwasa classof 60 troopers.The119thTraining Troopnow standsat 43 membersandincludes threeblackmales,five Hispanic males, andfour whitefemales.Our abilityto haveevengreaterdiversityin that classwas limitedby the factthat it wasthe productof a listthat wascompletedin 2006. However,numerouseffortsto improvethe diversityof our classes, throughimproved processes, selections arebeingput in place,andaresetforth in the attached memorandumentitled"Effortsto lmproveDiversityin the Connecticut Statepolice" dated January28,2008. 2. A secondsuggestion madein the July31,2007memorandum is that promotionsbe madeon a discretionary basisratherthanmakingsuchpromotionsbasedupon rank orderon the certifiedlist. An examplepresented includes a promotionmadeby formerCommissioner Spada.Thefactthat anyformerCommissioner mayhave placementon the list is of interest,but is not determinative, disregarded of the best wayto proceedin the future. Thereis a divisionof opinion,includinga divisionwithinthe ranksof minority troopers,asto whetherit is desirable to engagein whatis sometimes termed promotions"or, alternatively, "discretionary "skipping" on the list. I havebeen approached by a minoritytrooperwho explained to methat he expended considerable effortsto scorewell on a promotional exam,he did scorewell,andhe specifically andpointedlyrequestedthat I not promglehimthroughthe processof "skipping". Theargumentin favorof "skippin('is that it is a quickwayto achievediversityin commandstaff. I notethat thereis a significant disparitybetweenthe numberof blacktroopersin the commandstaffasopposedto the numbersof Hispanic troopers in the commandstaff,eventhoughtheir numberswithinthe ranksareroughlyequal. However,thereis a priceto be paidfor overcoming suchdisparities throughthe process. Thepriceincludes "skipping" the following:the Department is opento claims of reversediscrimination and accompanying lawsuits.Second, the individuals who scoredwell,andwho arepassedoverfor promotions despitetheir score,become understandably resentful,resultingin damageto the moraleof thoseWhowere skipped.Third,thosewho were promotedthrougha "skipping"processfacethe risk that their credibilityamongthosewhomtheywill supervise hasbeenundermined. As a generalproposition, "skippin('is an undesirable hasbeensuggested to me,instead, that it is moredesirable for thoseseekingpromotionto achievethat goalthroughextended,concentrated studyandachieving highscores. Page8 of10
3. Thememorandum seeksregularreportingfromthe CSPDeputyCommissioner to the Oversight Committee, suchason a quarterlybasis,to reporton particulardiversity measures takenwithinthe.Connecticut StatePolice.As I havediscussed, and asis apparent,I havemet with, not onlyindividuals interestedin selections, but alsowith the Governor, the headof the NAACP, the presidents of minoritytrooper organizations, the CHROand manyothers,to seekinput astOthe bestmeansasto achieveincreased diversitywithinthe Connecticut StatePolice.Someof thoseplans areoutlinedon the attachedreporton "Effortsto lmproveDiversltyin the Connecticut StatePolice". In addition,beyondthe diversitytrainingalreadyin placewithinthisdepartment,t havesoughtadditionaldiversitytrainingandhaverequested manyrecommendations from all of the individuals andentitieswhom I havepreviously listedasto the appropriateindividualor organizations who couldcarryout suchdiversitytraining, with a particularemphasis on diversityissuesin lawenforcement. I receivedseveralsuggestions for diversitytrainersfrom the NMCP,and,at my direction,the AffirmativeActionManagersolicitedall of thoseentitiesto meetwith us in orderto describe,the typeof diversityprogramthat theycouldprovideto this Department.Onlyone of the individuals recommended by the NMCPchoseto respond,andthe one individualwhodid respondhasnot yet qualifiedon the Departmentof AdministrativeServices list for thoseeligibleto be retainedto carryout diversitytraining.However,he is in the process of attemptingto securea placeon that list. In the meantime,the AffirmativeActionManagerhasreachedout to all of the listeddiversitytrainerson the DASlist andinvitedthemto identifyhow their programs canbetailoredto suitthe particular lawenforcement needsof this Department.Thus,the effortto obtainadditionaldiversitytrainingfor this Department, andspecifically tailoredfor this Depa4-ment, is,andhasbeen,underway. 4. Thefourthsuggestion in the July31,2007memorandum callsfor greateremphasis on recruitingqualifiedminoritycandidates. As hasbeendiscussed, andis outlinedon the memorandum regarding the effortsmadeto improvediversityin the Departmentof PublicSafety,a widevarietyof tacticsareeitheralreadyunderway, or are plannedto be executedin the nearfuture,with thisexactgoalin mind. lll) TheCoalition-sponsored forum in August2007generated presentations by a numberof individuals. Thepresentations covereda numberof the topicsthat I havealready discussed in this letter. However,additionaltopics, beyondrecommendations regarding recruiting,meritdiscussion point. at this Froma varietyof perspectives, individuals who appeared at the forumdescribed situationsthat constitutea failureof leadership.In somecases, troopersweretransferred without adequateexplanations asto whythey weretransferred.In anothercase,a sergeant wascriticized for keepingdesirable trainingfor himselfasopposedto thosehe supervised, for Page9 of 10
keepingovertimeassignments to himself,for failingto orientnew membersof hisunit, Other issuesraiseddealtwith the lackof communication withinthe Department. Theissueof shortcomings In leadership is is for that reasonthat l, andmanymembersof the Department, havedevoteda greatdealof efforttoward implernenting leadership trainingat manylevelsin the department.I attacha statementthat outlinessomeof thoseefforts.I thinkit isfair to characterize this needto call,not onlyfor leadership training,but alsofor teamworktraining. I agree,completely, with the followingbasicprinciples:Trueleadership andtrue teamwoikexistwhensupervisors genuinelycareaboutthe success of thosethey supervise. As is apparent,establishing andimplementing leadership andteambuildingprogramsis a long-termeffort. lt is undenrayin the Department, but its success requiressupportand involvementby everymemberof this Department.Leadership trainingis needednot onlyfot supervisors, but alsofor Troopers.Leadership opportunities, andteambuilding opportunltftti, presentthemselves to everyonein this Departmenton a dailybasis. Forexample,I encourage thosewho havean interestin thisissueto meetwith the membersof the Department who attendedthe Leadership TrainlngProgramcarriedout in November2007,Someof thoseindividuals who attendedthe trainingprogramare members of the CTNBSTC andwho alsoappearedat the forum on August5,2W7. I believethat those participated who in the programwill do a betterjob than I can,in thisletter,explaining to you programthat hasbeeninstitutedandthe valueof the program. the natureof the leadership In termsof improvingcommunication, I haveattemptedto communicate with you as often asI canthroughlettersdeliveredto you personally with your paychecks. I visittroopsat everyopportunityandwill continueto do so,andI am atternpting to identifya positionthat mightbe termed"lnternalPublicInformationOffice/',for a personwhoseresponsibility will be ensuringthat allsignificant communications are conveyed to everyaffectedmemberof the Department. your patiencein considering I appreciate the pointsmadein thisletter. I hopethat you will giveme the opportunityto meetwith you to elaborateuponthesepointsandto answer you mayhave.Thankyou for yourconsideration. anyadditionalquestions Sincerely,
Lz,J-{juA. Danaher lll MMISSIONER
Enclosure Cc: BarbaraLynch Sgt.DavidRosado Det.FredAbrams Page10 of 10