n*ffERroDrcoDEDMRGTLT ffi Hall's Bilingual Newspaper
lyman Hall
MexicanGasprices BetterThantheUSA
ESLProgram T;ilffiffiil
Many studentsAt Lyman Hall do not realize that there is an ESL progrirm. ESL stands for lrrglish as a Second Language.This is a pro!;ram that helps us, the studentswho do not speak English. It also helps us to feel comfortablehecausewe all help each ;rtherand we know how "ve felt when we moved from our origi_ nal country to come herc to live in Wallingforr. This year we are 39 ;tudentsin the ESL program. We have stu_ it will be $40.00pesojl By ANa Kelwe ANonrs dents from 9 different For the first time in 17 to work fwo jobs just to countries; 22 are from Today in Mexico years the gas price in pay for gas. Vacations Mexico, 6 from Ecuagas price is cheap- Mexico is cheaper that will also be difficult dor, 3 from puerto Rico, than the USA. In the USA.I think that the for people to take. So 2 from Peru,2 from Inico the gas price is gas price is going to af_ for example when the dia, 1 from Colombia, 75 pesosper gallon fect us becausepeople peoplewant to go at the 1 from Korea, 1 from are not golng to want store or what ever they Haiti, and 1 from the the USA it is $3.99, to travel by car because want to go they need to DominicanRepublic. f we convert it to pesos price ofgas is so expen- pay.
Le Ciel Est PardessusLe Toit By Bgauce.'ounLanny GerHRo ciel est pardessus le
i bleu si calme n arbre est pardessus toit sapalme. clochedansle ciel 'on voit teinte n oiseausur larbre u'on voit sa plainte Dieu, mon Dieu la l e est
mple et tranquille paisibllerumeure de la ville. astu fait toi que t sanscesse is qu'as-tufait toi ta Jeunesse
Viajandoelffi Bv Mrlrssa,Rose,Ju,e,n, visitar la Costadel Sol. Cenrote,ANrouo La Costa del eNoFealaN Solesmuy boM6xico nita y hay muIn Mdxico, there chos turistas. are many good places Puedes nadar to visit like Cancun, en el agua en PuertoVallarta,Acapulla costa y juco, and Cabo Luca. It gar muchos also hix the biggest city juegos. 'Cor-' in the .world, Mdxico rer en la playa Cify. Mdxico is beautiy pescar es ful and the people there muy divertiare friendly. A trip to do. BuceareS Mdxico is an opportumagnifico y el nity to learn about the agua es muy culture and all the beau_ aail.;Unviaje tiful places it has to ofa Espafiaesun fer. A trip to Mdxico is viaje que no one that you will never vas a olvidar! forgetl
Espaia NuevaYork EnEspafrapuedes
ueva bonita. , ciudad oe
en el Parque Central. Hay 6rboles grandes y un grupo grande puede cammar y sacar fo_ tos, Tambi6n, Greenwich Mllage es muy mleresante. Greenwich Mllage tienemuchostiposde cosascomo ropa, comida, instrumentos,y zapatos. A turistas les gusta Grand Central Station. La estaci6n es gigante y tiehe restaurantes, librerfas y otras atracciones. pueden ir al cine a Times Square. Hay muchas peliculas nuevasen el cine como Spider-Man
es muy en Hay muchas York y puedencaminar
Fragile Things BY ADELA ZoRN
Fragile Things es un libro de cuentos pequefros de Neil Gaiman. Gaiman es un auttr de fantasia y muchcs de sus cuentos son de sueffos. Los cuentos en este libro son muy buenos. Mis cuentos favoritosson"A Stuly in Emerald" (es un cuento como los cuentos de Arthur Conan Doyle [autor de SherlockHolmesl y H. P. Lovecraft), "Goiiat"
(un cuento de la pelicula - "The Matrix") "The Problem with Susan" (de "The Chornicles of Narnia") y "Twelve Little Girls" (por un CD de Tori Am o s . ) El libro es muy bueno y los cuentos son es pan t os os , c6micos, inteligentes,e interesantes. Fue el libro de la elecci6nde redactoren el peri6dico de Nueva York. ;Qud bueno!Deberiasleerlo.
I{everBackDown Everyonethoughtthathe was a greatfighter,but he,s The movie Never not. Somegirl invitedhim Back Down is abouta guv to a paffy,but the parry uho likes to fiehr a lot_was in the houseofthe best He getsexpellJd ffom the flghter aroundthere. He school. Then his Mom putshim in anofherschool. went to the party ofthe guy who krew how to make He changeshis mind and him fight. He gorbestup decides6 nor fishr anv_ more. When he-goesio the from the beststreetfighter' new schoolhe m-eetsother He didn,t go to the school fbr a few days' Thenhe peoplewho like to fiehr decidesto go backto fight ioo. Eu..1on. *". *-ut.hwith the guy who beathim ing a video of when he uPo.Hefinally wins in the fought at a football game. By Al,q.vAnrrece
By Lola y Trnsse
Un professor es loco por una esfudiante. Una hora y veintiocho El es obeso con una mlnutos chica que es estudiante. PG-13 El escapade un manico-
mio. El miia a susamigs y a su familia porque dl quiere a ella. Al finai, o 6l la mata?
FindingNemo *Una hora y cuarenta su hijo. El hijo es minutos capturadopor un buzo. G
una nueva amiga, Dory. El padreviaja alrededor del ocdano.lEncuentra El padre nada en a su hijo? Un pescadoy su el ocdano por su hijo hijo viven en el ocdano. y encuentraunos tibuUn dia el padrepierde a rones, mantarayas, y
FrnruRES /-1
L,lenclasy I ecnologla
Bv Camos El verano pasado, un cohete nuevo se Iaru6 de Cape Canaveral, Florida. Su destino: Marte. El buque lleva un robot que aterriz6 a la superficiedel planeta rojo. Esta es la primera misi6n a atenrzar en un casquetepolar. Los casquetesde Marte son el sujeto de discusi6n.
My DaysWithoutYou My days arenot the samewithout you, Eachday getslonger. My daysare not the samewithout you, I needyou by my side. If i don't haveyou, I am nobody. My dayscannotbe calleddays, Sincethe day you left me. By KrEbtER
EntreBastidores: CoachConnors Bv NacsoRusso El entrenador Connors es el entrenador del baloncesto. El ha sido el entrenador por tres affos. Nuestro record :. es J4-J). !,1 Jugo por Branford. Despudsdel colegio, el jug6 en Lasel. El es muy inteligente. El era un estudiante muy bueno. El es maestroa la escuela
Bv Mer-rsse., Rose,JueN,CenLota,ANtowra.y Fe.sreN
ntti Fuy los restos de actorHJathLedgermuri6 el veintinuevede febrero.Fue una muertemuv trasica. la atm6sfera de Marte. personasestabanmuy tristes.Heathes muy famosopor suspartesen ..A Hace millones de affos, Tale" y "BrokebackMountain.,,Todoel mundo lo extraflar6.ipobre Heath! Marte tuvo una atm6sfera muy rica. Los conDominguez tenidos de esta atm6sDominguezteniaochentaafroscuandoel muri6 en su casaa lastres v media.Du_ fera nos pueden decir rte la nochePedromuri6 cuandoestabadurmiendo.pedro eraun padrede dos hijos y queridaesposade Martina Dominguez.pedro era profesora yale y tenia mucho estusi habia vida en Marte. Esta nave espacialva a iantes.Pedrotienedos nietosque se llaman Isabely Juan.La familia do pedro tendr6 funeralel docede octubrea las diez y media. taladraren el casquetey analizarel hielo. Aterthe Builder riz6 a Marte el 25 de the builderdied on May 9, 2008.He was involved in a tragic construction[ccident Mayo rherea building collapsedand his body could no be found. The placewhere the ac_
primaria Roberto Clemente en New Haven. El tiene un doctorado. El es ahora director en New Haven. El quiere mudarsea California el affo pr6ximo. A 6l no le gusta el tiempo frio. El tiene otro afio para ganar el campeonato. IVAMOS A GANAR OTRAVEZ!
identwas will be his gravesite.A funeralwill be held on May l lth at the place of the He was lovedby many childrenand a coupleadults.Our condolencesto all and artiststhat helpedBob cometo life Pansa died on August24, I 990 in a car accidentbecausehe was driving too fast and becausehe was drunk. He died within a few minutesbecauseby the time he got the hospitalthe doctorcould not savehim. He was loved by many peoplebeoause was a goodactor.Therewill be a statuemadeofgold for his greatperforma4ces.He an actorwho helpedpoor peopleand boughtmedicinefor peoplewho were sick.
RealMadrid CelebralaLiga de Espafla Bv CHuyK-rLeor,T.NE dos los aficionados.El Y SoFiA PATEL Midrcoles el 7 juego era una formal! de mayo era una noche dad, porque Real tenia emocionada por Real 78 puntos, una marca Madrid. El equipo cel- invencible. Antes del ebr6 la victoria numero juego, los jugadores de 31 en la Liga de Espafia Barcelona saludaron a en su estadio, el San- los jugadores de Real tiago Bemabdu,con to- Madrid cuandollegaran
Rubi the Telenovela Bv BrI,r:vl PrNoN
Rubi is the name and be weaithy. Aleof a telenovela show. jandro offers her true Sheis a beautiful,wom- love, but sherejectshim By ToNoN&srri an. She is studying at a despitethe fact that she no miraste partido, el El Domingo 4 de university. Rubi is best believeshe is her love. entoncesdeberias Mayo,2008 Real MaRubi then seducesHecverlo. Real Madrid son friends with Maribel a drid gan6la liga. Real young woman with a tor on the day of his de la Madrid batio Osasuna los campeones small defect in her leg. wedding to Maribel be2 a 1 en un juego espe- liga dos aflosconsecutiRubi eventually meets cause, like Maribel, he vos. No hay equipo que ctacular.Real se redujo Maribel's boyfriend, is very wealthy. Rubi de I gol con 5 minutos, puedacompetircon la Hector, and his best finally has the lifestyle y Real marc6 dos veces habilidad del club Real friend Alejandro. jugadores She and money that she's Madrid. Los para ganar.Robben e is driven by a dark am- always dreamedof. She son los mejoresdel Higuain marcaron los bition that will stop at soon leams that money mundo. Ojal6 que Reai dos goles. nothing to get what she isn't everything. Alegane otra vez el afio , Este fue un wants and she wants to jandro is torn between proximo. partido magnifico y si escape from poverty Rubi andMaribel.Final-
RealMadridEs El Campe6n
al campo. Barcelona tenia una oportunidad de tomar el segundo puesto en la liga, pero perdi6 el partido, Para Real el campeonatotermin6, lpero la fiestaapenasha empezado!
ly Alejandro pays Rubi a visit one more time to tell her that it's over. He has chosenMaribel. This telenovela.t'r'asone of the most watched. The telenovela shows that money is not happiness and that love is beautiful. Money can't buy love.
FmruRES FotosPeligrosas de Milev Cvrus
By Gusrevo Re.lanez sociatedwith fire fighr are extremely environByEr_ervevrcslr_ro'viteli tiene solomente The new Peugeot ing, which makes the mentally friendly. Curqumce affos y las fotos Y ALEJANDRA ARNoLD combination between a rently this technology son pocasapropiadas. is the fire truck of the fuel cell car and a fire future presented El mes pasado, at the is very expensive.A lot La fot6grafa dijo engine a bit more logifotos peli grosasde una que, of developrnent work "La foto es un sen- 2002ParisMotor Show. nifia sensacionalMiley cillo, retrato The H2O is basically an cal. is still neededto make cl6sico...y Fuel cell technol- this Cyrus estabanen la re- creoque electricvehiclepowered technology practiesmuy bonita." ogy is seenasa possible vista "Vanity Fair". La La cal, affordable and user fot6grafa era Annie by batteries.What's spefot6grafa pensaba que Leibovitz, cial about it is that its replacementfor the cur- friendly for una persona regular aplas fotos eran muy bo- muy batteries are chargedby rent combustionengine plication. But the work famosapor sus fotechnology. When the nitas. Las fotos eran de tos done by Pepgeot and a de John Lennon con a fuel cell systemwhich ella con su padrey otras Yoko Ono. useshydrogenand oxy- resourcesof oil run out, number of other manufotos nudas con una gen as energy sourc- this century's fuel cells factures Cyrussedisculp6 seemsto make would be the replacemanta. Cyrus dijo que por las day to day use of this fotos y dijo que es and therefore only las fotos eran malenten- era una emits water as a waste ment since the amounts energy souroe vergi.ienza. more feadidas, pero el medio y product,which explains of hydrogen and oxy* time progressgen are virtually limel mundo pensaronque the name of this car. Of :::,. coursewater is also as- itless and emissions
A Taleof Two Cities By JosEPABLo person. Lucie Manette The book A Tale d6s5n,tlove him. of Two Cities is about the FrenchRevolution. Madame There is this lady called pglarge hates Charles Lucie Manettethat finds Damay so she wants to out after 18 years that kill him and all ofhis her father is alive and family. Sydney Carton he just got out of jail. plansto die foi him beThen she falls in love cause he will do any_ with Charles Damay, thing for Lucie. Before but there is also a law- hg dies,he finds his true yer named Sydney Car- lsys. ton, who loves her but This is a very she.doesn't love him. goodbookandlrugg.rt He is an alcoholicbut youreadthisbook-Itis he is still a very good a very romantic story.
Ronaldo! By GsrnRoLlpRy BEeuce;oun Ronaldo de Assis Moreira was born on M a r c h 2 1 , 19 8 0 in Po n o Alegre,Brazil. He is commonly known as Ronaldinho, and is a futbol or soccer player from Brazil. R o n a ld in h o means little Ronaldo. His mother's name is Miguelina, a nurse,and his father's name Joao, a futbol(soccer)player. Ronaldinho had an older brother named Roberto and a sister named Deisi. Ronaldinho maried a girl named Janaina Mendes, and they had a son Joao named after his father, be-
The great soccer younger brother Rodriplayer know as "kakd,' go know as Digdo,who was born in Brazil on has followed him by April 22, 1982. His real (2004) and(200s). name Ronaldois oneof is Rithe few playersto have cardo played for Brazil at evlzecery futbol Level. He has son playedat under15,under dos 17. under 20, tnder 23 and seniorlevel. Ronald- S a n inho becamea naturalized t o s citizen af Spain in Janu- Leite. ary 2001.Now that he is H i s 28 yearsold, he plays on the F.C. BARCELONA ents' names are Simon SOCCERTEAM. Cristiana dos Santos playing for Milan. Kaka Leite andBoscolzecson plays for Italian SerieA PereiraLaite. He has a club A.C Milan and the causehis father died from a heart attack. Among his achievements and accolades, he has been awarded the FIFA world player of the year award twice in
national team. The FIFA namedhim the player of the year in 2007. Kakri began his club career with Sio Pablo at the age ofeight. He signed a contract at 15 then he moved to Italy where he played with Milan. They were the 2003 championsof the league.He is one of the best players of the world.
FmruRES ChilaquilesVerdeso Rojos"Greenor Red Chilaquiles" By GusrevoRelrnrz The aztec$ conbined their leftover torti Ilas with chiles and herbs to crete chilaquiles, witch in their nahuatl language means just that "chiles and herbs in both." Every Mexican cook seems to have their own version ofthis versatile dish, which can be served for almuerszo(brunch) or cena (supper). Chilaquiles can be prepared ahead up to the point of adding the sauce to the fried tortilla pieces. You will need!
Whole chicken breast, about i2oz (3759) 5 cloves garlic I table spoon plus 1 tee spoon of salt Half onion 7 sprigs parsley 6 chiles seranos (or to taste) 1 % pound of tomates verdes, husk removed 1 % ofan onion % cup ofcilantro (coriamder) I table spoon of oil 16 com tortillas preferably day old Oil for frying I small sprig epasote 1 cup of thick cream
(crdme frashie) % cup of crambled queso fresco or quesoaflejo (feta cheese) H ow to make i t!!!! Place the chicken in a large saucepan and add enough water to cover it. Add 2 cloves ofgarlic, i table spoon ofsalt, half onion, and the parsley. Cover and simmer for 20 min or until the chicken is tender and shred the chicken reserving 2 cups of stock. Place the chiles and remaining 3 cloves
of garlic in boiling water haifand cut thehalfinro 3 and cook for 5 min. Add piecesplace% in 1 cm oil the tomatesverdesto a in a largeskillet. When it blonder,add the remain- is very hot add 1/3 ofthe ing onion puree.Add I tortilla piecesandfry, stirteespoonofsalt de cilan- ring constantly', until they tro on I cup-of reserved aregoldento crisp,2 to 4 stock,andprocessbriefly. min. transferto a colander Setaside. repeatuntil all thetortillas arefried, andsetaside. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a skillet, addthe Before serving saucesautdfor 5 min. cor- heat the sauceand add the rectthe seasonings, lower epasote, add the tortillas the heat,cover and cook and stir carefully so as not for 10min. if the mixture to break them. Add the is too thick, dilute with shredded chicken and top morechickenstock. with cream and cheese cook for 2 to 3 min until
Cut the tortillas in the cheese melts. serve andeni ov!!!!
El Tiempo Es un dia buenopara actividades.Algunas nubes pero principalmente hacesol. Ser665 grados
Viernes Martes
Viemes ser6un dia malo. Llover6 para la mayor parte del dia y har6 frio a 50 grados. Mris tibio que viernes,el s6badoser6un dia asi asi. Al_ gunasnubesperono hay posibilidadde lluvia. Ser660 grados. Hay llovizna para la mayor parte del dia, aclar6ndoseoor la tarde.Serdventosode nochey la temperaturaser6j0 grados. Ser6un dia oscuro,con muchaniebla. Las temperafuras altasserdnen los 50. Habrdmuchasnubespero no hav posibilidadde lluvia.
Martesser6un dia muy hermoso.Ser6muy soleadov muy tibio. Ser675 grados.iEs un dia perfecto para una meriendacampestrel Midrcolesno ser6tan soleadocomo el martespero ser6tan tibio. No llover6. Va a serun pocobrumosode noche.La temperaturaser672 grados.
FreruRES I{o16scopos Aries(March21-April 1e) Descansa deltrabajo duro. Taurus(April 20-May 20) Mejorala relaci6ncon alguienlercadeti. Gemini(May2l-June 20)
enunlugar "t;;x'J" Cancer(June 2l-July 22) Come una comida nueva. Leo (July 23-August 22) Olvidate del pasado. Empieza de nuevo hoy. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Llama un amigo viejo. Libra (September23October 22) Mira una peliculacon un amlgo. Scorpio(October23November21) Ve afueray disfruta del clima. Sagittarius(l.Iovember 22-December 2l) Haz ejerciciohoy. Capricom(December 22-lamary 19) Encuentraa un amigo nuevo. Aquarius (Ianuary 20Februaryi8) Rel6jateysalacenar. Pises(February19March 20) Dudrmetetemprano.
La Recetade Tacos By De Krlsry Looms
My nameis Margaritaand I am aboulto graduatebut I am not surewhat I want , I don't know.if I want to continuewith my education and go to col-1^":tll:1tti:. , or ifI want to get a job and take a coupleyearsoff. What shouldI do? Margarita, I think that you shouldcontinuewith your education and not
takea few years do thar,ir tendsto makethem not careaftertaking Y":j:1,1"^lf; :l.n.p*ll. yearsoffand they just continueworking. They forget aU*,,fr" tion and conforminto a working lifestyierathlr thin going "pp.*"ii[, Uu.t1o school.At "? the )ast,ifyou arenot sureyou shouldgo to a iommunity .oti"g" ?o, u few yearsand then nd what you want to do with the restofvour life. -Rudolfa Rudoifa, Mi hermanausadrogas.Ella tienecinco affos.No lo quiero clecirlea mi madre . i madretiene I 9 anos)y no tengoun padre.Tengosolamente seisaiiosy no sd lo que las drogas.?eroun vagome dijo que las drogassonmalas.yo l" i;r;;;;: regalosde Dios. "r.;. -Love Love. Debessalir de tu casa.Tu hermanaes loca y tu madrees muyjoven. (;Elle tiene novio?)Necesitasuna casanueva.A lo mejor debesvivir con el vago.es verdadque vagossonregalos.TambiCn,los vagosson muy guapos. Mi esposoes un vago.
Ingredientes: 1 libra de carnede res, pollo,o pescado 1 cebolla 4-5 clavosde ajo 2 cucharitasde cumino ,'all 2 cucharitas spice" 2 cucharitas polvo de chiles I cucharitasde sal l\2 tazade agua Lo queva encima: 6-8 Tortillas Tomate Lechuga Queso Salsa instrucciones: l.Cocinala came,cebolla, y a.joen una sartdn. 2.Despuds, pon aguay especiasen Ia sartdncon la camey mezclatodo. 3.Ponla camede la sartdn en los tacosy afiadetomate, lechuga,queso,y salsa.
Rudolfa, Yo tengoul problema.Tengoun tigre y un peno. Mi perro est6perdidoy mi no tiene hambre.lCu6l es el problemacon mi tigre y d6nde estrimr peno?
Los tacosson un plato famosode Mdxico.Muchas personascomenlos tacos en el mundo.Tacosson muy popularesen los EstadosUnidosy otros Artistade la Semana: BritneySpears paises.Los tacospueden cocinarcon carnede res, By KreNsn By SanaWozNrxr chico de Texas. La sepescado, o pollo. La receta I like the guitar Britney Spearses muy gundabodaeracon Kevin de los tacosen los Estados n'beautiful fig- famosa.Ella nacioel 2 de Federline. Spearsy Fed- Unidosempez6 en Califorll:n. diciembrede 1981.Va a erlinetienendos hijos. Se nia.Pero,lostacosorigiI like its soundbecause morir pronto. Tienepelo divorciaron. La situaci6n nalmentesehicieronen it is fine rubio. CuandoBritney era es muy triste. Mexico.Los tacossonmuy nifla, estabaen el grupo el Los hijos de Spears f6cilesde cocinary muy I like that I forget my Mickey MouseClub con y Federlinenecesitanuna deliciosos. anguisheswith her JustinTimerlakey Chriscasay ambospadresquitina Aguilera. Spearses erena los hijos. Spearsse I iike the color mejor que Christina, volvi6 loca ahoray FedI like the strings Spearses muy faerline es un padremalo. I like the model mosaporqueella es canSpearsy Federlinequieren tante. Ella es famosapor a los hijosy sepelean Those are my likes lascanciones por los nif,osque tienen. "Ooops...I did it again,"y "Give Me Spearssiempreva a corte I like that my sadness More." Tiene83 millones todoslos dias,perola decrumblesat happiness de ventas.Ella es la octava cisi6n no est6declarada. when I play cantantechicadel mundo. Britney Spears I like this and it will Ahora, Spearsse es muy interesantey va a continuara estaren las follow me for all of my volvi6 loca. Seafeit6 la capeza.Secas6dosveces. noticias. life La primerabodaeracon un
My Guitar
Arroz mexicano f6cil By MqnraGrrrNnrcs I cucharadeaceitevegetal 1 tazade arroz (grano largo) 2%tazw deagua(fria)
2 cucharitas de sai 2 cucharitas de sal de ajo o I cucharita de polvo de ajo % taza de salsa de tomate
ligeramente. Afradeel aguay los otrosingredientesiEsperahastaqueel arrozsecocine.
Instrucciones: En una sartdn cocina el aceite sobre calor mediano. Aflade eI Nrozy
Fondo: El anoz esun plato importanteen la cocina mexicana.El anoz seusa
cocina hasta bronceado
en platos como burritos. Todas las familias tienen una receta fnica por cada plato de anoz. Algunas recetas son picantes y algunas usan legumbres frescas. El arroz se puede servir todos los dias y por ocaslonesespeciales.
Saludr By LoL,c O,\4Enovlc
chineseEarrhq*ffi Bv Canwrq y Jevrn
By SHsyr-e MENDoza
el baloncesto,el voldiHacer ejercicio Apowerful earth- think thosepeopleneed es muy bueno para to- bol, el flrtbol, la nat- quakein Sichuan-China help because a lot of das las personas.Tam- aci6n, el b6isboly m6s destroyeda lot ofhous- them don't have a place son divertidos y popubidn, es muy importante es and schoois, Thou- to live, and they don,t lares. Comer saludable para los nifios. Ejempsands of people died have money'to by food los de drferentestipos es tambi6n muy impor- when this happened.A or clothesfor their famitante. Comer frutas y de ejerci,:ios es coffer lot of cities were affect- lies. I think we can help vegetales es muy bueno o caminar con los amied by this earthquake. them and make them a gos.Si no te gustacami- para todas las personas. People lost their fami- little be happy by sendna"ro coirer, es posible Hacer ejercicioy comer lies, homes andjobs. It ing food, shoes,clothes saludable son dos cojugar deportes. lJugar sasimportantes was so bad, becauseit or maybe a little bit of para set deporteses muy bueno was a big earthquake.I money. para el cuerpoy muy di- sano. vertidoi Deportescomo
Remember 1998, when gasolinewas only a dollar a gallon? Ten years later, we see gas prices rise to four dollars a gallon. Crude oil is becoming scarcet and large cars get less than desirable mileage, thus resulting in the painfully high prices andpeople'scompiaints about them. Gas prices do not look like they are going to decreasein the future, so action needs pIe to be taken immediatev VrcroRAlvanrz ly. The average car REDIENTS inAmerica gets only fifI recipepastry for a 9 inch double crust pie teenmiles to the gallon, 1/2 cup unsaltedbutter so it is no wonder peo3 tablespoonsall-purposeflour ple complain about gas 1/4 cup water prices-one fill-up can l/2 cup white sugar empty a person'swallet. l/2 cup packed brown sugar The best way to reduce GrannySmith apples- peeled,coredand sliced one's need for gasoline RECTiONS is to invest in a hybrid. l Preheatoven to 425 degreesF (220 degreesc). Melt the butter in a saucepan.stir in flour to form a The cost of these new :aste' Add water, white sugarand brown sugar,and bring cars might seem like to a boil. Reducetemperatureand let sima splurge, but their ex'Placethe-bottomcrust in your pan. Fill with apples,moundedslightly. cover cellent gas mileage can with a lattice work of rust' Gently pour the sugarand butter liquid over the crust.pour save thousands of dolsiowly so that it doesnot run off. .Bake 15 minutes in the preheatedoven.Reducethe lars a year. To get better tem-perature to 350 degreesF (175 degreesc). ontinue baking for 35 to 45 minutes,until applesare soft. gas mileage, a person can empty urulecessary {IsroRY Apple pie is part ofAmerican tradition. It is a big part of holidays, especiallyThanksgiv- items from the vehicle, ng.Apple pie was evenpopular during the 1600'sin Europe. have the recommended It very delicious and easyto make; it bemadewithanytypeof apples. you.* buyit in amount of air pressure gr"*f !,";;;;ili,;#,; ""y in the tires, maintain a Wisin y Yandel steadyspeed,and brake sexy movimiento,oye By Alva CaroenaN smoothly. By reducing dondeestael Amor, ahora Wisin y Yandelis a the need for gasoline, yandel very popularreggetonduo. es,sigelo.Wisin the priceswould be less By Isaesl YilToN haveevencollaborated They startedtheir career los episodios recientes of a problem. with intemationallyknowa GeneralHospitales togetherin 1995andhave
beentogethersince,They had won severalawards during the time. Yandel was bom YandelVaguilla Malava Salazaron January- 14-1979andWisin was born JuanLuis Morena on December-l9-1978 someoftheir hits are:there hits includemayorqueyo, nochede sexo,(featuring Anthony Romeo Santosof bachatagroup aventura) rakata,llame pa vertepam pam, pegao,yo te quiero,
artist suchas R. Kelly on burn it up ParisHilton areblind lenny Kravis on breathela promotionsong for absolutevodka Mexican pop group RBD on lento remix and compatriotsla sectaalstartson llora mi Corazon.Therepersonal live Wisin is marriedto YomaraOrtiz andhas one daughterYelena. Yandelis marriedto Edneris Espadaand hastwo sons Adrian Yandeland Derek.
la serie de dramapremiadadel premio emmy. Los criticos dicen que es la mejor telenovela.Es basadaen la tradici6nde pasi6n, encanto,y aventura.Tiene lugar en la ciudadficticia de PuertoCharles,en el nortedel estadode Nueva York. Hay muchas familias destruidasde romancey violencia.Laviolencia que sucedenuncaparar6. Siemprehay genteinocente que se muere. En uno de
alguiendispar6a un chico. Ocurri6porquedl es el hijo de un pandillero. Este programanuncaes abur_ rido. Yo piensoqueesmuy buenoe interesante.Es el tipo de programaque mantienetu atenci6n.