Volume 17, Number 33 Friday, August19, 2022www.northhavencitizen.com ANIMAL ADVOCATES North Haven-based Bikers Against Animal Cruelty held its annual Rally Against Animal Abuse & Neglect on Saturday, Aug. 13, at the North Haven fairgrounds. The event featured live music, pro wrestling, food trucks, vendors,petadoptionopportunities,andmore. Nicole Zappone, The Citizen By Thomas Breen New Haven Independent NEW HAVEN The lights are off and the popcorn’s all gone from a decades-old independent movie the ater on Middletown Avenue which new nonprofit owners aim to convert to a bustling campus for affordable early childhood education. Those are the latest developments with the Ciné 4 movie theater prop erty in Quinnipiac Meadows near the North Haven border. According to the city’s online land records database, on Aug. 5, the Friends Center for Children Inc. pur chased the 1.93-acre parking lotCiné 4 closes, education center planned Farewell to ‘Mr. Baseball’ Citizen report Coach Bob DeMayo, who navigated the North Haven High School baseball pro gram for 63 years, has called it a wThecareer.state’sinningesthighschoolbaseballcoach,withmorethan900victoriestohisname,informedhisreturningplayersofhis decision on Aug. DeMayo8. led the NHHS base ball team to five state cham pionships, 21 conference crowns and numerous divi sion titles, and his personal accolades include being named National Coach of the Year, and earning a spot in the National High School Coaches Association Hall of Coach Bob DeMayo ends historic career at North Haven High DeMayo See Mr. Baseball, A7See Ciné 4, A6 Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with plaque design) in the U.S. Jeffrey Jolly, CFP® Financial Advisor & Senior Vice President Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Advisors A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with plaque design) in the U.S. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2021 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Jeffrey Jolly, CFP® Financial Advisor & Senior Vice President Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Advisors A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
Jeffrey Jolly, CFP® Financial Advisor & Senior Vice President Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Advisors A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
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R254290 Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with plaque design) in the U.S. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC.
Take the guesswork out of your retirement plan
Take the guesswork out of your retirement plan. 203.407.8188 x330 250 State St, Unit E-1 North Haven, CT 06473
Jeffrey Jolly, CFP® Financial Advisor & Senior Vice President Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Advisors A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
Take the guesswork out of your retirement plan.

By Jessica Record-JournalSimmsstaff
Former Town Councilor Jer ry Farrell Jr, a local attorney, got to know Seadale when he worked part time at town hall while he was in high school and college. “I think he always tried to cultivate a cheerful ap proachable kind of manner with those that he was in charge of,” Farrell said. “So I have a lot of admiration for that kind of approach.”
Navy vet, past Rotary Club president remembered
“Stan was a person who rep resented the town well and tried to do the best he could for every person and have the office shine as a result,” Dickinson said. Seadale was a member of the First Baptist Church of Wallingford, Gideons Inter national, American Legion Post #73 and was the past president of the Rotary Club of North Haven, according to his obituary. “He was a Godly person,” Er ic Seadale said. “He was very active in church all his life. That was a big part of his Standleylife.” Seadale was also survived by his son Carl Seadale. jsimms@record-journal.com203-317-2279Twitter:@jessica_simms99 Chalk art festival Yale Haven Chalk Art Festival Oct.
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA2 Friday,August19,2022
The World War II Navy veteran retired from the town in 1993. Outside of his work for the town, Seadale was a “caring father,” said his daughter Karen Tarducci. “If you needed something, he was there to give it to you,” Tarducci said. Seadale was born in Glen Cove, New York on Sept. 27, 1927, according to his obitu “ary.Inhis younger life, before I came around, he was a World War II veteran,” said Eric Seadale, Stanley Seadale’s youngest son. “He joined when he was 17. I think it was late in the war, he wanted to sign up and he had to get his father’s per mission to enlist because he wasn’t 18 yet. “He got in there kind of late so he didn’t see any combat action, but he was involved in the Operation Crossroads, which was the atomic bomb testing,” his son added. Stanley Seadale was married to his wife Annette Seadale, who died last year, for 74 years. They lived in New York, Florida and Connecticut, settling down in Wallingford for 30 years, the obit uary said. Seadale served as town per sonnel director for 18 “years.Iknow he did a lot of work in getting the town to do its own testing for jobs rather than relying on standardized test ing,” said Eric Seadale. “I know from what he told me over the years was that he felt that it was important for the town to test so that way they decide specifically the needs for the town.”
The Shops at
on Satur day,
22. Artists will compete for more than $2,000 in gift cards by creating a family-friendly 4 foot-by-4 foot work of art us ing washable chalk sticks. There is no entry fee, and no charge for parking, snacks and chalk. For more information, and to register, visit satyale.com/chalkartheshopt. Photo program Jan Doyle will provide a pre sentation for the Daytime Gardeners of North Haven, and anyone interested in creating “wow” photos of their flowers and gardens using a smartphone, Tues day, Aug. 23, 11 a.m. to noon, at the North Haven Congregational Church on Church Street. Guests are welcome for a $5 Calldonation.203-239-1557 to register for the program. In Brief Residential Commercial Industrial CT #544684Lic. 203-281-6364 LEAKY ROOF? 1272125 AVAILABLEFINANCING100% ESTIMATESFREE •Flat •Gutters•Replacement•Siding•ShinglesRoofsWindows&Covers“CertainTeed” “90% of our work comes from referrals” Call a professional with 30 years experience R247502 247122 Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Nicole Zappone Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener Creative Director — Erik Allison ADVERTISING: Bob Moore — Media Consultant (203) 317-2323 | advertising@thenorthhavencitizen.com NEWS / SPORTS: (203) 317-2245 | news@thenorthhavencitizen.com www.northhavencitizen.com 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 The North Haven Citizen (USPS 023-595) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450
Seadale started as an electri cal engineer before he went into personnel work. He once worked at Cott Bever age, which had a building in New Haven. “He had a lot of fun stories to tell from there,” Tarducci Esaid.ricSeadale said his father was “very conscientious in his job.” “He wanted to get the best class of employees for the town,” his son said. “He wanted to diversify the town a little bit too.”
David Gessert, former Town Council chairman, said Seadale did a good job with “handling the benefits of our “people.”Making sure that Walling ford did what we were sup posed to,” Gessert said. Mayor William Dickinson Jr. described Seadale as “caring and gentle.”
invite pro fessional and amateur artists alike to participate in the Fifth Annual New
Long time town personnel direc tor Stanley Seadale died ear lier this month at the age of Seadale94.“passedawaypeacefully” at Masonicare, accord ing to his obituary.

A non-profit, The Cove Cen ter provides direct services to families who have experi enced the death of a loved one. The Cove has been in operation for 27 years and also provides outreach ser vices to communities and schools, as well as virtual programs for teens, young adults and male caregivers.
Now The Cove is offering services to families who have experienced a close family death due to COVID19. Since COVID-19 was first tracked, more than 11,000 people in Connecticut have died due to the virus or re lated complications. The eight-week session begins Sept. 15 and runs through Dec. 15, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Children will attend four of the sessions. Caregivers will attend all sessions. An application is required for attendance.
Program to help children grieving from COVID loss
Deathcussions.from COVID-19 can result in a variety of impacts on the grief process, accord ing to Gamber. Using a wide range of modalities, the pro gram is designed to support and help heal grieving fami lies. “As part of the intake process, we will ask the fam ilies what kinds of activities they enjoy. This will allow them to have some control over this process,” she said.
“The Cove Center for Griev ing Children understands the impact COVID related deaths has had on so many families here in Connecticut. We are here to support those families,” said Cove’s Execu tive Director Allison Gam ber. “We are grateful to the Brave of Heart Fund, Foun dation of New York Life and Cigna for funding this new Theprogram.”“Confronting COVID” program will run for eight weeks and include a combi nation of activities. These might include music, art, dance, and peer-to-peer dis
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The Cove for Grieving Children will offer a free program at its Cheshire office in September for children and caretakers who lost a family member during the pandemic. Cove facilitator Rosemary Huber is pictured with a client.
The Cove Center for Griev ing Children is offering a free program to help young sters who have lost a close family member, due to the pandemic, cope with the ex perience. “Confronting COVID” will commence in September and provide sup port through a variety of ac tivities geared towards heal Ting.he Cove Center for Griev ing Children has five loca tions throughout the state, including a branch in Cheshire at 1113 South Main St., Suite A. The other sites are in Guilford, New Haven, West Hartford and Meriden.
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A3
Submitted photoSee COVID, A15
By Joy SpecialVanderLektoTheCitizen
A facilitator with The Cove, Rosemary Huber, LPC, said, “I hope families that partici pate in the ‘Confronting COVID’ program will find comfort in community.

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Thiscation.year, two NHHS seniors qualified, Ty Rooney and Michael Brandt. Rooney’s mother, Jodi Fal cigno Rooney, teaches at the high school, and Brandt’s grandmother once worked at Ridge Road School. Ty Rooney plans to study Business Analytics & Sports Management at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, while Michael Brandt expects to study Markets, Innovation and Design at Bucknell Uni versity. Submitted cent grads earn grants Ty Rooney and Jodi Falcigno Rooney.Michael Brandt.
The retired education staff of North Haven meet quar terly for social meetings, and also support NHHS se niors with grants. To qualify, the students must have a relative who worked for, or who currently works for, the North Haven Board of Edu
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA4 Friday,August19,2022

The document in the system will be in a different format, said Rebecca Cavallaro, di rector of pupil services for Southington Public Schools. Southington schools have used a third party vendor’s system, while the new sys tem will be used statewide. “It will really allow for greater consistency across the state and throughout districts,” Cavallaro said. “So if a stu dent moves from Southing ton to Waterbury, that infor mation just carries over and everybody is in the same sys tem, which is kind of cool.”
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The state Department of Education’s Bureau of Spe cial Education partnered with the Massachusettsbased Public Consulting Group on the system, known as CT-SEDS. SEDS stands for Special Educa tion Data System. The project began about two years ago to support “goals and vision of developing a comprehensive statewide special education data sys tem (CT-SEDS) to make available to all of its local school district partners in 2022,” according to the Con necticut State Department of Education’s website.
“The previous forms had lots of information that was writ ten in very small writing,” Carey said. Staff training, glitches The Public Consulting Group provided each school district with training for a certain number of staff members that will train oth er staff. The Wallingford and Cheshire school districts were able to train 15 staff members this summer, while Southington has 25 staff members who are trainers. “During the summer, the state put out multiple train ings. They are virtual,” Carey said. “The staff that were identified to be trainers regis tered and were able to then access the training. So they go through the training and then as a district, we’ll put together a training packet, like a training presentation, and then that will be shared with all the trainers. Then they will be training smaller groups within each building.” Carey said she has noticed some glitches with the pro gram, but said the state is “trying to respond to them in a timely fashion.” “As with any new program there have been many changes as it has been de veloped and implemented,” Turner said. “It will be a learning curve for all staff.”
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A5
System offers access to special education data
By Jessica Record-JournalSimmsstaff
A new online system for spe cial education data, includ ing individualized education plans, is set to launch this school year. The new system promises greater access for parents and school staff and more consistency across school districts.
The new system includes a parent portal so families can access an individualized edu cation plan, or IEP. The lan guage translation feature al lows families to access infor mation in their native lan guage. CT-SEDS will also help planning and placement teams (PPTs) “in navigating the special education pro cess, leading to the develop ment of high quality IEPs for Connecticut’s students,” according to the state Depart ment of education website. “In addition to developing a universal system, the IEP was modified with some signifi cant changes,” said Aimee Turner, assistant superinten dent for special education for Wallingford Public Schools. “The IEP itself is easier to read and much more parent friendly although the content remains the same as the components of the IEP are federally mandated.”
Robin-Anne Carey, director of pupil personnel services for Cheshire Public Schools, said she thinks the new for mat is “more parent-friendly.”

The closure and sale of Ciné 4, meanwhile, mark an end to that independent the ater’s five-decade run. The four-screen independent movie theater opened its doors in 1971. The theater survived the transition from film to digi tal. It reopened following a COVID-19 pandemic-in duced hiatus, and after watching every other noncollege-campus movie the ater in the city, except for the Criterion Cinemas on Temple Street, close up shop as suburban cineplexes, and then at-home streaming ser vices, took over the industry. Now it too has packed up. “There’s a beginning and an end to everything,” secondgeneration Ciné 4 co-owner Stu Soffer told the Indepen dent with a laconic lack of sentimentality during a brief phone interview. “It is what it Heis.”said the movie theater property had been “on the market for a long, long time.” He praised the property’s new owner Schiavone for her plans to breathe new life into the site. “Allyx is a very good person,” he said. “Very knowledge able. Very bright. She’sa good woman and she knows what she’s doing.”
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TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA6 Friday,August19,2022 and-movie theater property from Soffer Associates for $1.3 million. The city last ap praised the property as worth $1,070,900. The property’s new owner a Fair Haven
The program currently oper ates out of locations on East Grand Avenue and Blake Street. It provides full-day childcare services 50 weeks a year for a racially and eco nomically diverse group of children, as well as free housing for its teachers and sliding-scale tuition for par ticipating families.
Schiavone detailed her non profit’s ambitious plans to transform the former movie theater site into a vibrant hub for teaching, learning, and play for young children and their families.
From A1 Ciné 4
screening rooms a commu nity space for watching Asmovies.forthe sea of asphalt parking that currently sur rounds the former movie theater building, Allyx Schi avone, executive director of Friends Center for Children Inc., said that will be trans formed into a “greenspace for our outdoor play grounds” and into other, more aesthetically pleasing outdoor parts of the planned new childcare center’s cam Shepus.added that the Friends Center is currently fundrais ing and applying for grants to help cover the costs of renovating the property.
“The early care education industry is in crisis,” Schi avone told the Independent. “It’s a sector of our commu nity that is underfunded. It’s undervalued. It’s marginal ized The Friends Center has made a commitment to do all that we can do to en sure that children, families and educators thrive in a learning community for in fants, toddlers, and Shepreschoolers.”saidthather organiza tion recognizes the “huge supply and demand issue” of many more New Haveners looking for affordable early childhood education and childcare options than are currently available. And she said that, in order for the Friends Center to meaning fully increase wages in an in dustry that consistently un derpays its workers, “we have to get to a certain scale so that we can have income coming in from a slidingscale tuition that can allow us to raise salaries.” In that vein, she said, the Friends Center is looking to expand in a big way across the Thecity.group plans to expand over the next five years from serving 122 children and employing 39 staff members, to serving 360 children and employing 118 staff mem bers by June 2027.

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TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A7
InFame.2009, the new NHHS baseball field was named in DeMayo’s honor. “I have tried to teach my players the many levels of this marvelous game finetuning their skills for the ba sics and, when possible, in troducing the intricacies which can result in a victory when you have no right to the win,” DeMayo said in a statement released by the NHHS athletics department. DeMayo attended Notre Dame High School and Fordham University, where he was a scholarship base ball player. After college, he signed with the Baltimore Orioles and played minor league ball in the Appalachi an League. His first profes sional at-bat was a grand Whenslam. his playing days were done, DeMayo took a teach ing job at his alma mater, Notre Dame, where he also served as an assistant base ball coach. In 1957, his teaching career brought him to North Haven High, and there he would coach, foot ball, basketball, and, of course, baseball. “I will take with me wonder ful memories of athletes who have played for me, amazing and supportive assistant coaches and administrators … and my family has always been super supportive,” De Mayo said. “[M]y wife, Bette, has been by my side, cheer ing me on my biggest fan by far.” A1 Baseball 290 Haven, CT You must open promotional CD or Money Mar�et between August 1 and August 31, 2022.
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*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The 22-month Share Certificate of Deposit (CD) at 2.50% APY is exclusively for funds that are new to Connex Credit Union. Funds currently on deposit at Connex are not eligible. At maturity, the 22-month certificate rolls over to a standard 24-month certificate at the current rate. Fees may reduce earnings. Subject to change and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Minimum deposit to open is $500.00.

TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA8 Friday,August19,2022 Tax beginsholidaySunday Citizen report Connecticut’s annual Sales Tax Free Week, which runs Sunday, Aug. 21 through Sat urday, Aug. 27, exempts re tail purchases of most cloth ing and footwear priced un der $100 from Connecticut’s 6.35% sales and use tax. “Having this tax-free holiday helps working families stretch their dollar a little bit more during the busy backto-school season, while giv ing businesses an extra boost to their bottom line,” Gov. Ned Lamont said in 2021. “I also encourage ev eryone taking advantage of this tax-free holiday to con sider shopping at some of our locally-owned retailers and support Connecticut ‘s small business community.” The exemption applies to each eligible item costing under $100, regardless of how many of those items a customer purchases. The sales tax holiday, which costs the state about $5 mil lion in lost tax revenue, ap plied to clothing and footwear costing less than $300 per item in past years and was ultimately scaled “back.It’sa great week, we go ev ery year … It does save some money,” Wallingford resident Cheryl Jones said during the 2021 tax holiday while shop ping for clothes with her daughters at Boscov’s at the Meriden Mall. GO MOBILE /Classifieds Come on in and see the entire menu! 203.360.5632 | 82 Westmain St. Meriden Featured Items From Our Menu: Stop in Today and Just Try It! Our Dishes Have The Most Amazing Flavors Offering The Finest CUISINEDOMINICANIn Mangu con los Tres Golpes MofongoCups Chimi R253637 Fish-n-Chips $14.99 Fish Dinner w/ 2 Sides $15.99 Chicken Dinner w/ 2 Sides $14.99 Shrimp Dinner w/ 2 Sides ............. $17.99 Mac & Cheese Galore ................... $10.99 Shrimp (6) & Grits ......................... $16.99 Fish, Grits & Eggs $14.99 Pork Chop Dinner w/ 2 Sides $14.99 Chicken-n-Waffles $14.99 Seafood Platter ............................. $24.99 Fish (2) Shrimp (4) Clam Strips, French Fries Potato Salad ................................... $5.00 Rice $3.50 Corn Bread $1.00 Mac-n-Cheese $6.00 Collard Greens ................................ $5.00 Cabbage.......................................... $5.00 Yams ............................................... $6.00 Corn $3.50 French Fries $3.50 Sweet Potato Fries $4.99 ENTREES Wings(6) $8.99 (12) $14.99 (24) $25.99 Plain, BBQ, Buffalo, Garlic Parmesan, Sweet Chilli, Sweet Teriyaki, Honey Mustard, Honey BBQ, Mojo, Habanero Mango Clam Strips & Fries $14.99 Chicken Strips $9.99 Jumbo Shrimp (6) $14.99 Steak-n-Cheese Egg Rolls (2) ....... $11.99 Soul Egg Rolls (2).......................... $11.99 Egg Rolls stuffed w/ Mac-n-Cheese & Yams Shrimp Egg Rolls (2) ..................... $14.99 Shrimp and Cabbage Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls (2) ....... $11.99 APPETIZER SIDES Scan’s Iced Tea ............................... $2.99 Soda $1.99 Water $1.75 Kool-Aid $2.00 Slushy $2.99 BEVERAGES 2 Tenders & Fries ........................ $8.99 Regular or Sweet Potato Chicken Nuggets & Fries ............ $8.99 Regular or Sweet Potato Mozzarella Sticks (6) .................. $6.99 KIDS MEALS Fish ................................................. $9.99 Fried Whiting Porkchop Sandwich ........................ $9.99 Crispy or Grilled Chicken ................ $9.99 Georgia Hots $7.99 SANDWICHES Add Cheese $1, Add Bacon $2 With this coupon. Expires 12/31/22. Not to be combined with any other offer. Catering and Family Pack age Deals Also Available. Please Call for Details.Closed Mondays • Tue-Sat 12-8pm • Sun 12-6pm 10% OFF YOUR 203.237.1080MEAL 511 W. Main St • Meriden CT R254469v2

The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce was delighted to organize a ribbon cutting ceremony for Trager Reznitsky Insurance located at 127 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT 06473 on May 19, 2022. Insurance can be overwhelming. They create individualized plans that meet the need of their client’s insurance needs. They have expanded their offices and are located in multiple towns. Their North Haven offices is spacious and modern and it’s an easily accessible place and environment to discuss your insurance needs.Their mantra is “family first”. Their mission is their clients. Their clients are family.Formore information contact them at (203) 235-1025 or visit their website at www.tragerreznitsky.com.
The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce has been serving Wallingford North Haven and the surrounding region for years
A to Z Rental Hosts Customer Appreciation Day North Haven, CT – May 25th, 2022 –The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce was delighted to recognize A to Z Rental, a longstanding rental company in the North Haven community, as they held a customer appreciation day to support their clientele. Customers regularly came in and enjoyed an assortment of treats, coffee and gifts provided by the staff to commend their support and dedication to A to Z’s products and services. A to Z Rental provides rental options for concrete tools, lift equipment, earth moving equipment, plumbing tools, tree tools, loaders, industrial space heaters & more! They also offer amusement, party and catering equipment such as tents, tables, chairs, dunk tanks, cotton candy and popcorn machines, coolers, coffee makers, griddles and much more. They are continuously adding inventory! Please visit https://www.atozrentalct. com/ for more information or call (203) 239-4203.
Look what the Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce and North Haven have been up to!
To learn more about becoming a member, member benefits, ribbon cuttings and more, please call the QCC at 203-269-9891 or go to www.quinncham.com R254468
The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce was delighted to organize a ribbon cutting ceremony for Muscle Therapy Wellness Lounge located at 565 Washington Avenue, Suite 1, North Haven, CT 06473 on May 6, 2022. Muscle Therapy Wellness Lounge is #1 in North Haven for those who seek drug-free options for stress and pain relief.Their current services include Infrared Dry Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage, NORMATEC Compression Therapy, Cupping, Thai Yoga Bodywork, Sports Stretch, Back Relaxer Roller Table, muscle contouring, Steam Tent room, and Massage for pain relief. Contact them at (860) 964-6504 and book today to RECHARGE. RESTORE. RECOVER. You can also visit their website at www.muscletherapywellness. com to learn more!
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A9
The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce was delighted to organize a ribbon cutting ceremony for Progressive Diagnostics located at 451 State Street, North Haven, CT 06473 on May 12, 2022Right now Progressive Diagnostics offers COVID-19 and flu testing at their centers. They can also be a laboratory partner in care with doctor’s offices and businesses. They have a wellness center in Shelton, Progressive Institute, that offers outpatient drug and alcohol recovery programs such as Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Recovery Coaching, and therapy. They also have Progressive Health Dynamics which is a medical information technology and treatment analytics company focused on diagnostic and treatment data analysis. To learn more about the services they offer, visit their website at www. progressive-diagnostics.com

Close vaccinecontacts,s The primary vaccine avail able in Connecticut is JYN NEOS. It is administered in two doses over four weeks. A person isn’t fully immunized until 14 days after the sec ond Theredose.are currently 19 mon keypox vaccine distributors in the state. According to the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, the state currently has 6,298 allocated doses of vaccine “available.Theproblem is that we don’t have enough,” Wu Onsaid.Aug. 9, the FDA ap proved emergency use of the available vaccine to extend use. This allows providers to use a smaller dosage be tween the layers of the skin rather than underneath it. Due to the limited supply, vaccine is mainly restricted to close contacts and people with a high risk of exposure. Other vaccine eligible crite ria include men 18 and up, transgender and/or gender non-conforming people who have sex with men and peo ple with multiple sex part nersAccording to DPH, the JYN NEOS vaccine is safe for people with HIV and atopic dermatitis. Although a per son is not infectious until they are symptomatic, Wu recommends those receiving the vaccine quarantine until they are fully immunized to prevent further spread. “Vaccines are not 100%,” he said. “If you were exposed to somebody who had it and you had close physical con tact and you received the vaccines, there’s no guaran tee that you’re not going to get it. So it just really de creases your chances; but, if you develop symptoms, you could also expose somebody else.”
Rivera recommends that people experiencing symp toms rely on their support system to get essentials without leaving quarantine.
Looking to increase monkeypox awareness
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA10 Friday,August19,2022
Local efforts Lea Crown, director of the Meriden Department of Health and Human Services, said her staff is monitoring a handful of monkeypox cases in the Followingcity.the infectious dis ease protocol used for Johnny Rivera discusses his experience with monkeypox as part of a state Department of Public Health webinar to raise public awareness about the disease. See Monkeypox, A12
By Cris Record-JournalVillalonga-Vivonistaff
“I played, I paid,” Rivera said. At the time, his partner showed no symptoms and didn’t have any lesions but complained about feeling Tolethargic.minimize possible expo sure, the DPH recommends washing your hands often, limiting sex partners, avoid ing close skin-to-skin con tact with people who have a monkeypox-like rash and avoiding touching their linens, towels, clothing, fetish gear or sex toys.
“I thought going into it that I was going to do this solo, own my own, like any other problem that you would in your mundane life as an adult. I was rather optimistic that this was only going to last for a week or two,” he said. “Later, it was quite clear that this was going to be a long road and I needed to reach out to people and utilize all the resources I could.”
When Johnny Rivera got his positive monkeypox result, he laughed at his doctor be cause his symptoms were undeniable at that point. The test was just a confirma tion of what he already knew, he said at a webinar hosted last week by the state Department of Public FourHealth.days before getting tested, he found his first le sion on July 11, which he initially thought was an ingrown hair; by the next day, the lesion had engorged and Hehardened.wasalso experiencing other symptoms such as chills, headaches, abdominal cramps and swollen lymph Duringnodes. the hardest part of his illness, he had a fever of up to 102.5 degrees lasting five days, rectal bleeding, nerve pain, cold and hot flashes and exhaustion. On day six, Rivera started finding more lesions. He counted a total of 22. “The lesions were really itchy and bothersome, but they were almost like my last concern,” he explained. “It was almost like these were a reprieve compared to the intense [previous] six days.”
Rivera was one of the first Connecticut residents to contract monkeypox and the numbers have steadily in Ascreased.ofFriday, there were 11,177 confirmed monkey pox cases nationwide, ac cording to the CDC. In Con necticut, 59 cases have been confirmed. President Joe Biden officially declared monkeypox a public health emergency on Aug 4. Dr. Ulysses Wu, director of infectious disease, chief epi demiologist and chief micro bial steward of Hartford Healthcare, said that the rate of increase is more concern ing than the current num bers. “We’ve only had a handful of cases every year in the world,” he said. “So, clearly, this is something that is much bigger than previous years.” How does it spread? A person with monkeypox isn’t infectious until the first symptoms begin showing. After that, the virus can spread in many ways, but the primary method of transmission is through pro longed close contact, like during sex, said Wu. The other transmission methods include respiratory secretion, skin-to-skin con tact with infected body flu ids or lesions and sharing items such as towels and linens. It can also spread through domestic pets, but he explained that these transmission methods are not as concerning. In general, symptoms start within three weeks of expo sure, but symptoms can show Riverasooner.gotthe virus from one of his sexual partners, who he had seen four days be fore. The pair met through the dating app Grindr; this was their second time. He explained that during June, his sexual activity increased.
A person can only be tested for the virus if they have a rash consistent with mon keypox or have had close contact with an infected per son. The DPH states that testing is available at the state Public Health Labora tory and five commercial labs. What to do if you test positive When symptoms begin showing, the CDC recom mends immediately isolating from people and pets until all lesions have healed and a new layer of skin is formed, which can take upwards of a Ifmonth.aperson is required to leave for a medical check-up or an emergency, the DPH recommends wrapping up lesions, wearing long-sleeve shirts and wearing a mask around others. The treatment available for active monkeypox is TPOXX, which is often used to treat chickenpox. TPOXX is still considered an experimental drug but was streamlined by CDC as safe for use. However, Wu said that many people recover without med ication for this strain. The CDC monkeypox web site has an extensive list of recommendations to prevent reinfection while in quaran tine. This includes properly disinfecting tables and countertops, disposing of contaminated waste and cleaning bedding and tow Tels.hose without in-home laundry machines should coordinate with their local public health department.

Las escuelas han añadido servicios para apoyar a los estudiantes que regre san como Guided Pathways Advising, los cuales ayudan a los estudiantes a re inscribirse y a escoger las clases correc tas; también ofrecen consejería gratuita y una nueva plataforma virtual, la cual le provee servicios de tele salud y servicios de salud mental. También hay cuidado de niños disponible, asistencia de transportación, acceso a despensa de alimentos, y personal dedicado para los veteranos, como también personal bilingüe presencial.
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A11 Community colleges have long been the most accessible, affordable high er education option in Connecticut. But mirroring national higher educa tion trends, many students had to put their education on hold in the last few years. The community colleges have invested in ways to help begin, restart or finish college. Many students’ lives changed consid erably during the pandemic, accord ing to Michael Buccilli, Assistant Vice President of Student Success Management for the 12 Connecticut community colleges. “Their families may have grown, they may have left a job or started a new business. People have different reasons for leaving and different reasons for coming back, and we have ways to support them Theall.” campuses have added services to support returning students such as Guided Pathways Advising to help re-enroll and choose the right class es; plus free wellness counseling and a new virtual platform that provides free telehealth and mental health services. Childcare, transportation assistance, food pantry access, plus dedicated veterans and bilingual staff are also on site. Services (AWS). The colleges also offer English as a second language certificates, which can be applied toward academic degrees.
Las 12 universidades se unirán el 1 de julio de 2023, cuando se volverán en CT State Community College. Los estudi antes harán la transición sin inconve nientes a CT State en ese momento, y disfrutarán de los beneficios de las universidades unidas con registros unificados y paquetes de ayuda finan ciera, y la habilidad de tomar cursos en cualquier universidad. Las localidades incluyen Asnuntuck (Enfield), Capital (Hartford), Gateway (New Haven & North Haven), Housatonic (Bridge port), Manchester, Middlesex (Mid dletown & Meriden), Naugatuck Valley (Waterbury & Danbury), Northwestern (Winsted), Norwalk, Quinebaug Valley (Danielson & Willimantic), Three Rivers (Norwich & Groton) y Tunxis (Farm ington). Comunitarias Ayudan a los Estudiantes a Regresar a las Clases este Otoño
For those pursuing a bachelor’s degree, community college credits transfer to all four Connecticut state universities, UConn and most private colleges in CT, plus many others across the U.S., which can cut the overall cost of a college education by more than half. Fall semester starts August 29. Many campuses have Enroll in a Day events on Saturdays and evenings in August. Returning students can also make advising appointments. Visit ct.edu for a campus list and links to websites for Thedetails.12community colleges are merg ing on July 1, 2023 to become CT State Community College. Students will seamlessly transition to CT State at that time and will enjoy the bene fits of a merged college with unified transcripts and financial aid pack ages, plus the ability to take courses at any campus. Locations include Asnuntuck (Enfield), Capital (Hart ford), Gateway (New Haven & North Haven), Housatonic (Bridgeport), Manchester, Middlesex (Middle
Las Universidades
con Mejores Servicios y Horarios más Flexibles SPONSORED CONTENT LIFE’S BUSY. GET BACK ON TRACK WITH LEARNING THAT WORKS FOR YOU! → Flexible course formats and schedules → Dedicated support services → Childcare, transportation, food resources and more! Enroll in your local CT Community College this Fall! The semester begins on Aug. 29. Visit CT.edu/enroll 253235
CT Community Colleges Get Students Back to Class This Fall With Enhanced Services, Flexible Schedules
Para regresar, puede ser que necesite un horario de tiempo medio o de corto tiempo, o un programa que no otorga créditos, pero ofrece credenciales o destrezas para el empleo. El cuidado médico, manufactura y cursos de computación están en alta demanda, incluyendo las certificaciones de Goo gle y Amazon Web Services (AWS). La universidad también ofrece certifica dos de Inglés como Segunda Lengua, la cual se puede aplicar hacia títulos Paraacadémicos.aquellos interesados en completar su título universitario, los créditos de la universidad comunitaria se pueden transferir a las cuatro universidades estatales de Connecticut, a UConn, y la mayoría de las universidades privadas en CT, como también a muchas otras universidades alrededor de los Estados Unidos. Esto puede reducir el costo de la educación universitaria por más de la mitad. El semestre de otoño comienza el 29 de agosto. Muchas de las universidades tienen eventos para Inscribirse en un Día (Enroll in a Day), los sábados, y en las tardes en agosto. Los estudiantes que están regresando también pueden programar citas para recibir orient ación. Visite ct.edu para la lista de las universidades y los enlaces para sus sitios web, para obtener detalles.
Desde hace mucho tiempo, las uni versidades comunitarias han sido la opción de estudios universitarios más accesible y económica en Connecticut. Pero, replicando las tendencias de estu dios universitarios nacionales, muchos estudiantes tuvieron que suspender su educación en los últimos años. Las universidades comunitarias han invertido para ofrecer formas de ayudar a comenzar, reiniciar, o terminar la Launiversidad.vidademuchos estudiantes cambio considerablemente durante la pandemia, según Michael Buccilli, Asistente Vice Presidente de Gestión del Éxito de los Estudiantes para las 12 universidades comunitarias de Con necticut. “Algunas de sus familias han crecido, pueden haber dejado un traba jo o empezado un nuevo negocio. Las personas tienen diferentes razones por dejar los estudios y diferentes razones para regresar, y nosotros siempre tene mos maneras de apoyarlos a todos.”

From A10 Monkeypox Matt’s Pro Plumbing www.mattsproplumbing.com 860-922-9976 • Fast, dependable, friendly service • Full plumbing & carpentry service • Free estimates over the phone! NO SMALLTOOJOB Includes demo, haul away, plumbing,sub-floor,Kohler fixtures, installations of Kohler tub or shower enclosure, fiberglass units+$3,499Licensed&Insured, Lic# 2 82931 The Bathroom Remodeling Specialist We offer tub and shower conversions If you need a tub or shower replaced, CALL MANTUBTHE 247152 v3R247965
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA12 Friday,August19,2022 COVID-19, the department is contact tracing both for people testing positive and any close contacts.
“The [LGBTQ+] community, with good reason, is con cerned that [monkeypox] can be used to stigmatize the gay community and be weaponized against us to strip us of our rights,” Rivera Wusaid.said that one of the best methods of prevention and curbing stigma is through public education and easy access to monkeypox infor “mation.Weare dealing mostly with a group that this is predomi nantly a cohort of [men who have sex with men] and be cause of that a lot of people think that [monkeypox] doesn’t concern them or that this is not a disease that they have to worry about nor do they have to be educated about,” he said. “Public health education only works when everyone is involved.”
tine. Then, the department will reach out to those iden tified as close contacts to check in and make a vaccine Crownreferral.also said they are connecting with other local health departments to find best practices for interview ing and creating workgroups to prevent further spread. “This is obviously a new dis ease for us,” she said.
To better inform LGBTQ+ people about the virus, Rivera documented his per sonal experiences on social media as a public service to other queer people. As a re sult, even his Grindr has be come a platform to educate and Riverainform.alsourges local queer bars to educate their patrons about the virus and its sever “ity.Ifwe could have a Trivia this or that or the other, I don’t see why [monkeypox education] can’t be done in a social setting,” he said. To learn more about mon keypox and vaccine loca tions visit DPH’s monkeypox website. Health Equity Reporter Cris Villalonga-Vivoni is a corps member with Report for America, a national service program that places journal ists into local newsrooms. To learn more about RFA go to www.reportforamerica.org or to donate go to https://bit.ly/ Villalonga-Vivoni3dtcJdS can be reached at 317-2448.record-journal.comcvillalonga@or203-
Crown said if someone tests positive, the department will check in with them to see how they are doing and if they need any essentials un til they are out of quaran
The department is also up dating its numbers daily as more monkeypox informa tion and statistics are re leased on its website and so cial media. Public education to curb LGBTQ+ stigma Rivera, who identifies as gay, said he had received nothing but support during his re covery; however, he recog nizes that is not the case for others in the LGBTQ+ com Accordingmunity. to the DPH, all of the Connecticut cases as of Aug. 8 are people who iden tify as male and almost all identify as LGBTQ+. Howev er, anyone can contract the Riveravirus. explained that one of his friends overheard a group of men making homo phobic remarks in down town Hartford. They re marked that they couldn’t understand why gay men were proud since they were spreading monkeypox.
However, he recognized the importance of getting mon keypox information to the LGBTQ+ community since the virus is circulating cur rently in that community.

TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A13 https://ctbta.rallybound.org/2022-Golf-TournamentConnecticutBrainTumorAlliance10thAnnualGolfTournamentMonday,September26thNewHavenCountryClub PRESENTED BY REGISTER • DONATE • SPONSOR New Haven Country Club 160 Hartford Turnpike, Hamden, CT 06517 In Honor, and In Loving Memory, of Kathleen Berman r254229

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TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA14 Friday,August19,2022
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For more
From A3 COVID Walk for 1 in 100 fundraiser 17 Press Release
COVID-19 has impacted so many, by coming together to talk about the death of a loved one, families can learn about the grief process and leave the group with not on ly a better understanding of grief, but an action plan on how to move forward. Life will never be the same, but we can learn to live with grief and joy side by side.” This program will be held at The Cove’s office in Cheshire and is open to all Connecticut residents. There is no charge. Interested fam ilies can complete an appli cation at covect.org. Call 203-634-0500 for more infor mation.
or to
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A15
Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat. Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Adelphia Café 476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises. Find great local eats - MenusCT.com Athena II Diner 320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 www.athena2diner.com203.239.0663 Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available. Duchess of Wallingford 124 Church Wallingford,St.CT 06492 (203) -of-Wallingford/119682821380599Duchesswww.facebook.com/pages/265-9431 Celebrating Over 25 Years in OurWallingford!Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner. Colony Diner 611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 co lonydiner.com Wallingford’s place to go for oldfashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day. Find us on 203.467.1253www.DeesRoofing.net Since 1973 49 Years’ Experience FREE ESTIMATES Senior Citizen & Veteran Discount • Residential & Commercial Roofing • Roof Inspections • Roof repairs $500 OFF Any Complete Roofing Job over $5,000 $1,000 OFF Any Complete Roofing Job over $10,000 DEE’S ROOFING INC. Must present coupon at time of estimate. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 9/30/22 DEE’S ROOFING INC. Must present coupon at time of estimate. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 9/30/22 Fully Insured | CT. HIC 0511372 AWARDS2021 2021 WINNER BEST ROOFING R253836
The Adult Congenital Heart Association will hold its an nual Connecticut Walk for 1 in 100 on Saturday, Sept. 17 at Blue Back Square in West ACHA,Hartford.the only nonprofit in the country dedicated solely to the unique needs of the more than 2 million adults in the U.S. living with con genital heart disease, has set a goal of 250 walkers and $35,000 raised at this event. Cheshire resident Dr. Robert Elder, a ACHA committee member, said, "I love to be a resource for adults with con genital heart disease and provide information about their unique hearts where others might have chal lenges. One of my favorite as pects of my work is learning the stories of my patients: their early experiences that shaped who they are today.”
Funds generated through the Connecticut Walk will support the Adult Congeni tal Heart Disease Accredita tion Program, which is work ing to elevate and standard ize care for the ACHD popu lation nationwide. In addi tion, Walk for 1 in 100 helps to fund cutting-edge medical research, advocacy efforts and various educational and outreach initiatives. “Walk for 1 in 100 helps to energize our network of con genital heart disease pa tients, supporters, and medi cal professionals in commu nities across the country and to increase knowledge of the specialized care that those born with heart defects need throughout their lifetimes,” said Mark Roeder, ACHA President and CEO. “After we transitioned all our Walk events in 2020 and 2021 to virtual to keep our community safe, we look forward to meeting new friends in-person in all our Walk for 1 in 100 communi ties this year!” details regis ter, visit walk1in100.org.

Senior picnic
SUDOKU ANSWER CROSSWORD ANSWER v3R247964 In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at: myrecordjournal. com/north-haven-requester. Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your North Haven Citizen to your home or business, will end. HELP US HELP YOU, CONTINUE RECEIVING “YOUR” LOCAL WEEKLY. R237823 Coming to your home or business HELP KEEP BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC Basement Waterproofing Services • Over 36 Years Combined Experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in Most Homes. Deal Direct With Owner - No Middle Man, Crawl Spaces HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 D801038_V3 BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com Basement Waterproofing Services Over 36 Years combined experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in most homes. Deal Direct with owner - no middle man. French Drains, Gravity Drains, Landscaping Drainage, Gutter Downspout Drains New BasementEgressBulkheads,andWindows,BasementFinishing EstimatesFREE *written details available upon request HIC.0653192•CALLUS 860-598-8091D801038_V3 BrilliantBasementWaterproofing,LLC www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com BasementWaterproofingServices Over36Yearscombinedexperience. FullyTransferableWrittenGuarantee*,SumpPumps, PumpsEliminatedinmosthomes. DealDirectwithowner-nomiddleman. FrenchDrains,GravityDrains,LandscapingDrainage, GutterDownspoutDrains New Windows,Bulkheads,EgressandBasementBasementFinishingEstimatesFREE written*detailsavailable uponrequest HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 * written details available upon request 247036v2 www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com Live Sale with Christina of The Coveted Stone facebook.com/thecovetedstonellc/ The Coveted Stone 254294 Live Sale at 8pm Friday, September 2nd Featuring Crystals and More Live Facebook Sale coming September 2nd
Hartford HealthCare Senior Services is accepting appli cations for a grant-funded six-week program for those seeking a career as a certi fied nursing assistant. The grant funds tuition, books, scrubs and the Con necticut Certified Nurses Aide Exam. Orientation be gins Monday, Aug. 29 and classes begin Tuesday, Sept. This6. free program is the per fect opportunity for those seeking to start a career in healthcare or change ca reers. Applicants must have their high school diploma, be 18 or older and have their own Classroomtransportation.education takes place on Zoom, labs take place in Southington and clinical training takes place in Newington and Southing Ston.pace for the Certified Nurs ing Assistant Program is lim ited. For more information and to receive an application packet, call 860-406-9050 or email CNAtraining@ hhchealth.org. Free museums Through Sept. 5, Connecti cut children age 18 and un der plus one accompanying Connecticut resident adult can visit participating muse ums free of charge through the Connecticut Summer at the Museum program. Participating museums have discretion to administer the program to the best of their ability and according to their needs. This program is geared towards families ex ploring together, not large camp groups. Summer at the Museum is made possible through an investment from the federal COVID-19 recov ery funding Connecticut is receiving from the American Rescue Plan Act. House of Heroes House of Heroes Connecti cut is a non-profit veterans service organization which provides one-day, no-cost home repairs focusing on safety and accessibility to military and public safety veterans in need. For more information, visit hohct.org. In Brief
TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA16 Friday,August19,2022 Blood drive A Red Cross blood drive will be held Sunday, Aug. 28, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at North Haven Health and Racquet, 100 Elm St. Schedule an ap pointment to give using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting RedCross Blood.org or by calling 1800-733-2767.
The Senior Center picnic will be held Wednesday, Sept. 14, starting at noon. The menu includes hot dogs, burgers, sausage patties, chicken, macaroni & cheese, corn on the cob, clam chow der, and more. The cost is $10. Tickets will be sold through Wednesday, Aug. 31. Stuff the Bus American Eagle Financial Credit Union is partnering with the United Way for their annual “Stuff the Bus” school supply drive. Throughout August, all American Eagle branches will be collecting school supplies from their mem bers, employees and the general public. All donated items will be used by the United Way to supply school classrooms for the 2022-23 school year. For more infor mation on the United Way’s “Stuff the Bus” program or to make a monetary donation, visit unitedwayinc.org/stuffthe-bus. Nursing program

TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A17 ELECTRICIAN Municipal electric utility is seeking a highly skilled stitutelege-levelprotectiverienceelectricianmaintenancewithexten-sivesubstationexpe-tomaintainandrepairtransmissionanddistributionclassswitchgear,bus-work,lightningarrestors,relays,insu-lators,switchespowertransformers,datacircuits,controlsandotherrelatedcompo-nents.Mustbeahighschool/tradeschoolgraduateandhave4years’experienceinthemaintenanceandoperationofelectricutilitysubstationsand/orutilitygradeprotectionandcontrolsystems.Completionofarecognizedfour(4)yearmaintenanceelectricianappren-ticeshipprogrammaysubstitutefortheex-periencerequirement.Two(2)yearsofcol-educationoradvancedtraininginrelatedfieldmaysub-fortwo(2)yearsoftheexperiencerequirement.Mustpossessavalidmotorvehicleoperator’slicenseissuedbytheStateofConnecticutandbeabletoobtainwith6monthsofhireavalidProtectiveSwitchingandTaggingProcedurecertificationfromCONVEXorotherapprovedagency.Wagerate:$37.78to$41.67hourlyplusanexcellentfringeben-efitpackage.Apply:DepartmentofHumanResources,TownofWallingford,45SouthMainStreet,Walling-ford,CT06492.Appli-cationswillbemaileduponrequestfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesormaybedownloadedfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesWebPage.Oremailedto:wlfdhr@wallingfordct.govbytheclosingdateofSeptember14,2022.Phone:(203)294-2080/Fax:(203)294-2084.EOE LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF NORTH HAVEN INLAND WETLANDS COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO RESIDENTS AND TAXPAYERS OF THE TOWN OF NORTH HAVEN AND OTH ER INTERESTED PARTIES: Notice is hereby given that the Inland Wet lands Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at the Mil dred A. Wakeley Recreation and Commu nity Center, 7 Linsley Street, in Room 2 at 7:00 PM., to consider the following applica tion. A copy of this notice is filed in the Town Clerk’s Office. 1. #I22-07 Application of Cabezas-DeAnge lis, LLC, Applicant, SK PT LLC, Owner, rela tive to 410 & 408 Sackett Point Road, (Map 43, Lots 1 & 2), seeking a Permit to Conduct Regulated Activity and a Site Plan Referral. Plan Entitled: Outdoor Storage Yard, P.V. Solar Panel Array and Parking Expansion. Prepared by: Cabezas-DeAngelis, LLC. Dated: 05 May 2022. Scale: 1”=40’. IG-80 Zoning District. Frank H. Bumsted, Chairman R254341 FORD EXPEDITION, 1999 - Call 860-393-
TOP3851.CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
TOP CASH PAID For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm. up to - up route to you. Routes average 1.5 to 3 hours daily. No collections required. Not Temp Work. Retirees, Stay at Home Mom’s, and Veterans are also welcome to apply. Make extra cash to pay rent, mortgage, bills, save money, or a great vacation. Text or call Peter at 860-846-0216 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and start as soon as tomorrow morning. testing lab accepting resumes for F/T and P/T positions assisting in both the bioassay and inorganic sectors. Degree in (biology/chemistry)sciencesre-quired.Resume:EML,Inc.,59N.PlainsRd.,Wallingford,CT06492oremailto:lucy@emlincusa.com
to $600.00 every Two weeks +Tips (Depending on area) Routes available in the following towns: MERIDEN, WALLINGFORD, SOUTHINGTON/ PLANTSVILLE, CHESHIRE AND MIDDLETOWN Must be 18 or older. Must have valid drivers license, reliable vehicle and be available early mornings. Make extra cash before you go to work making early morning newspaper deliveries using your own vehicle. NO experience necessary. Must able to deliver early mornings, 7 days a week. MUST be dependable, and be able to read a route list with specific delivery instructions. We will demonstrate the
The Town of Wallingford is seeking a qualified individual to develop and implement the marketing, business recruitment and retention programs for the Town of Wallingford. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a college or university in economics, business, public administration, planning or related field, plus three (3) years’ experience in municipal Wallingford,Applydevelopmenteconomicofficeoragency,orequivalentcombinationofedu-cationandqualifyingexperiencesubsti-tutingonayear-foryearbasis.Wages:$75,253to96,284annually.TheclosingdateforapplicationsisAugust29,2022.to:DepartmentofHumanResources,TownofWallingford,45SouthMainStreet,CT06492.Applicationmaterialscanbeemailedtowlfdhr@wallingfordct.gov.ApplicationformswillbemaileduponrequestfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesormaybedownloadedfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesWebPage.Phone#:(203)294-2080;Fax#:(203)294-2084.EOE
The Wallingford Fire Department is seeking qualified applicants registration/applicationcom$1,122.64Firefighter/Paramedic.forweeklyplusanexcellentfringebenefitspackage.ThewrittenexamandoralexamprocesswillbeadministeredbytheTownofWallingford.Toapply,candidatesmustregisterthroughthefirefighterapp.,onceonthesitegotofirefighterjobsandlocatethelinkforWallingford.ThedeadlineisSeptember2,2022.Theregistra-tionrequiresafeeof$35.00(onlinewithfirefighterapps.com).EOE
$1,200 mo. + Tips! The perfect and easiest part time job - Newspaper Delivery Routes Available
248314 Need to Earn Income ASAP? Earn
forLookingafriend? Find litters of critters in Classifieds. List. Sell. Repeat. Help Wanted SUVs Help WantedHelp Wanted Autos Wanted Help Wanted Help WantedLegal Notices Reach over 310,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953Legal Notices& Classifieds RJ MEDIA GROUP | Record-Journal | myrecordjournal.com | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post
SERVICECUSTOMERREP FT/PT, Diverse activities including customer service, handling phones, data entry (computer skills a plus) and sample intake. Please send resume and salary requirements to EML, Inc., 59 North Plains Industrial Rd., Wallingford, CT 06492 COURIER P/T (10hrs/wk), reliable with a valid driver’s license, clean record. Some lifting required including coolers. Apply in person between 8-5, M-F at EML, Inc., 59 N. Plains Industrial Rd., Wallingford, CT

TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA18 Friday,August19,2022 ACCELERATEDPROPERTYMANAGEMENT FREE CLEAN FILL AVAILABLE FOR COST OF PRICEDTRUCKING!PERLOAD DEPENDING ON LOCATION $100 minimum. CALL JIM 860-982-4819 . Top Soil . Compost . . Wood Chips . FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries. Call Bob (203) 415-0723 TREE CALLFIREWOODLENGTHFORDETAILS203-238-2149 FREE KITTENS - And Guinea Pig, to good homes only. Call (860) 329-5623. AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608. ALWAYS BUYING OLD TOOLS - Old, used & antique hand tools wanted. Cory,Callmaderespectabletoolbenchworkingengraving,Machinist,wood&workhandtools&chests.Fair&offersinyourhome.w/confidence,860.322.4367. AKC MINIATURE AMERICAN SHEPHERDS For sale, Date of birth 7/8/22, AKA Mini Australian Shepherds. 1 male, 5 fe males, 4 tri-color, 2 blue merles. Call Carole for contact and 475-331-5105.information SEEKING ALL COL LECTIBLES - Comic books to motor bikes. All items considered. Call Gary at 203-2374124. Top dollar paidwill beat any price! ATTENTION DOG OWNERS! MONDAYStartingObedience-ClassesAugust1Evenings at Cheshire Park & Rec. 8 wk class-$125 $135 BruceINSTRUCTORAFTER203.272.2743Chesh.Pre-RegNovicesBeginnersNon-Residents-6:15pm-7:15pmonlineorcallPark&Recat9-45pmCall203-715-1489 1,2,3 Items or an Estate $$$ CASH $$$ Todd Shamock Estate Sale Service Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Dolls, Paintings,MeridenToys,Items 203-494-1695delivery.yd;ScreenedDISTRIBUTIONMATERIALSTopsoil$30/peryd;Sand-$18perMillings-$22peryd;ScreenedMillings$30peryd;$100minimumNopickuptruckservice.Minimum16ydpickupatouryard.CallJim@860-982-4819fordelivery ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, 718-5132.contents.itemia,sportscameras,arcadeinstruments,musicalsigns,games,pre1970memorabilplusmore.OneorentireestateCall860WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214. Black German Shepherd Puppies for sale. 9 weeks old. First shots and vet checked and all are in excellent health. All dewormed. 7 available males and females. 860-628-0057. MERIDEN - Room for rent, utils incl., shared BA. Free Wi-Fi. Call (203) 217-7122. GRASSY HILL AUC TIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Con necticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: An tiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Mu sical Instruments (Sax ophones, Trumpets, Vi olins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Ma chinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Pho tographs, Old Post cards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uni forms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Foun tain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Win chester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Na tive American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hot wheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Fur niture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Auto graphs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience. Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816HillAuctions.comGrassy SCREENEDPREMIUMTOPSOIL $30/yard delivered, 3 yd, $100 min. delivery Call Jim 860-982-4819 ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAIDVintage Electronics, Musical Instru ments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Gui tars, Audio Equip ment, 860-707-9350Antiques. TWIN ELECTRICSIZEBED With adjustable.excellentmattress,condition.HeadandfeetareHaswheelsbutneverputon.Asking$300o.b.o.Call203.634.8948. BUYING860-985-5760TOOLBOXESMACHINIST-Tools&tooling,contentsofmachineshops,homeworkshopsandsmalllathes.Callanytime OFFICE SPACE For Rent in Middlefield. 2000 sf on the 3rd fl. Kitchen and bathroom incl. Heat incl. Electric not incl. Call 860-349-1528.Karin: Classified ads are the best way to find what you need. They are also the best way to sell your services, goods or items. Call Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 5pm 203-238-1953 Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Classified ad can help track it down.RECORD_JOURNALTWITTER.COM/FACEBOOK.COM/RECORDJOURNALNEWSPAPERINSTAGRAM.COM/RECORDJOURNAL CONNECT WITH SOCIALLYUS Welcome to CLASSIFIED Pets For Adoption Wanted To BuyRooms For Rent Wanted To Buy Miscellaneous For Sale Pets For SaleLawn and Garden Lawn and Garden Pet Services Wood Fuel EquipmentHeating Wanted To Buy Stores and Offices For Rent Wanted To Buy Reach over 310,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953Legal Notices& Classifieds RJ MEDIA GROUP | Record-Journal | myrecordjournal.com | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post

TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comFriday,August19,2022 A19 MULCH, BRUSH & Sm. Tree Removal, Comm. & Res. Rick’s Affordable Lawn, 26 yrs exp. 203.530.4447HIC0622783. HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, 203.427.7828.#640689, Let Us BEAR Your Junk! Junk Removal in CT DON’TGUTTERSWORK If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127 POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE #569127EstimatesCallKevin203-440-3279 GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free Ct.203-440-3535estimate.Reg.#578887 #1 PAINTER’S EDGE Ext. & Int. Decks.Sheetrock.PopcornPainting.Repair.WallpaperRemv’l.25yrsexp.Freeest.Sr.disc.#0656136.Ins.860.538.5520 #1 PAINTER’S EDGE MOBILE WASH Chem icals safe for house & plants. House wash, roof cleaning, decks. 25 yrs. exp. Sr Disc. #0656136 Ins. 860.538.5520 Roof Repair or Replacement, Chimney Repair, Skylight Replacement. Free est. CT #0651199 (860) 877-3006 W. BOOBER MASONRYOver 35 Years Experience All Types of Masonry CT License #626708 (203) 235-4139 GARY WODATCH Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430 Specializing in roofing, siding, Seniorbasementbathrooms,kitchens,flooring,remodeling.citizendiscountInsured.Freeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937 Specializing in tree removal, trimming, chipping & grinding. Call for free estimate. 203-945-1808. A&R CLEANOUT SER VICE - Partial or total cleanouts of homes, garages, 203-281-6387Noalso.andhomesbusinesses.basements,WeCleantoptobottomdodemolitionworkFreeestimates.jobtosmallorlarge.or203-623-0166. ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS When quality Counts 3 Year Guarantee Meriden, CT . Fully Ins. Lic.#575852 Yalesville SpecializingConstructioninallphasesofresidential&commercialroofing.SeniorcitizendiscountInsuredFreeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937 Painting.comCustomColonialSince ‘99 Lic’d 0630904 & Ins’d Senior Warranty.DiscountFinancing860-306-0270 Insurance gutter.chimneydamage.roofing.siding.claim.stormflashing.Office:203.754.3071Cell:203.510.3830Stormshieldct@gmail.comHIC.0664452 RT CallstorageYourRELOCATIONmovingandspecialists.forafreeestimate.833-668-3978. PATIOS, WALKWAYS, Stonewalls, Steps, Concrete, Repairs, Etc. Free Ests. arnoldsmasonry.com203.808.6886#0648556 IF YOU SPRINGThisMentionAdYardClean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN DUMPSTERSr.FREE1EntireANYTHINGREMOVEhousetoitemremoved!ESTIMATESCitizenDiscountLIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817 JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - Spring CleanUps, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, prun ing, hedges & trees, & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today, 203-213-6528. A-1 POWERWASHINGQUALITY Low Rates Call 203.630.0008Dennis TEC ELECTRICAL Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs CARPENTRY203.237.2122Welcome.-Sheetrockrepairs,decks,doors,&windows.Freeests.Ins.Call203.592.4242.HIC0565857. OVER 28 YEARS EXP Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893. ED’S(203)JUNK-OUT494-1526 Fully ins. Free Estimate. Call Ed, we will take it to the dump for you! ALEX MASONRY - 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. 203-232-0257#580443.or203-596-0652 CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, applianc es, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, DUMPSTERFREEgaragesbasements,&more.*SPRINGYARDClean-ups*ESTIMATES.LIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING & POWER WASHING. Call today and save a spot to re fresh your home. Lic.& ins. W/ proof of both. Policy # handlingestimates.ReasonableGLP1088962.rates,NOJOBTOSMALL,FreeProfessionallypaintingjobsforover30years.Servicesand100%customersatisfactionguarantee.Call475-307-9983oremaillouisciarleglio@gmail.comforinquiresandfurtherdetails CARPENTRY Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093 Lookingforafriend? Find litters of critters Classifieds.in STUFF TO SELL? Call Us. 203-238-1953 /Classified Local listings online! RECYCLE YOUR NEWSPAPERSOLD Please & Thank you. Call Monday thru Friday 8:30AM - 5PM Handyperson Landscaping Painting Wallpapering AtticsElectricalGuttersServicesandBasementsCleaned Tree Services Junk Removal Paving Businesses & Services 203-238-1953 Get Listed. Get Calls. Get Results. Masonry Painting Wallpapering Roofing Moving and MasonryStorageCarpentry Junk Removal Power Washing Landscaping Home Improvements Power Washing

TheNorthHavenCitizen|northhavencitizen.comA20 Friday,August19,2022 WALK-IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,50000 Walk-In Tubs Finance Options Available* ONE-TOUCH CONTROLSHANDHELD SHOWER COMFORT & SAFETYLOW THRESHOLD44HYDROTHERAPY JETS FREE An beEvaluationIn-Homewillscheduledatyourearliestconvenience FREE Savings include our AmericanownStandardRightHeightToilet($500VALUE) ✓ EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST Only American Standard has OVER 150 years of experience and o ers the Liberation Walk-In Bathtub ✓ SUPERIOR DESIGN Ultra low easy entry and exit design, wide door, built-in safety bar & textured floor provides a safer bathing experience ✓ PATENTED QUICK DRAIN® TECHNOLOGY ✓ LIFETIME WARRANTY The ONLY Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard ✓ 44 HYDROTHERAPY JETS More than any other tub we’ve seen Discount applied at time of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. *Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Receive a free American Standard Cadet Toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower or Deluxe Shower. O er valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. All o ers subject to change prior to purchase. See www.AmericanStandardBathtubs.com for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty and company information. *CSLB B982796; Su olk NY:5543IH; NYC: HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. Limited Time O er–Call Today! 833-529-0079 MADE IN THEUSA WITHUS & IMPORTEDPARTS &forDesignedpainreliefeasyuse