NHPD warns of ID scammers
Citizen report
Criminal activity within the unemployment system, using data obtained by fraudsters, is an issue law enforcement officials across the country are combating.
July 20 was First Responders Night at Dunkin’ Park, home of the Hartford Yard Goats, and the evening included a tribute to fallen North Haven firefighter Matthias “Matt” Wirtz Jr., who died in the line of duty on Dec. 26, 2022, and Bristol police officers Dustin DeMonte and Alex Hamzy, who were killed responding to a domestic violence call on Oct. 12, 2022. DeMonte was a resident of North Haven.

North Haven Fire Department, Facebook
The North Haven Police Department has seen an increase in this type of identity theft as well.
"If you receive a letter in the mail from the Department of Labor regarding unemployment benefits which you did not file for, contact your local police and file a police report to document it," the NHPD stated in a recent social media post. "You also
should advise your employer as well (they will receive a letter also)."
The NHPD advises reporting unemployment fraud with the Connecticut Department of Labor, which has a webpage for doing so.
"Fraud incidents like this can be very frustrating to deal with, especially if suspects actually receive benefits on your behalf," the North Haven police said. "With a quick response and closely monitoring your credit, you can mitigate the hassle and inconvenience this may cause."
See Scammers, A24
Financial literacy graduation requirement becomes law

Citizen report
Beginning this fall, with the Class of 2027, public high school students in Connecticut will be required to complete a halfcredit course in personal financial management and financial literacy in order to graduate. The legislation was approved in the
Senate by a vote of 35 to 1 and in the House of Representatives, 138 to 12. Gov. Ned Lamont signed the bill into law on July 19.
Deputy Republican Leader Paul Cicarella (R-North Haven) and Chief Deputy Republican Leader Henri Martin (R-Bristol) ap-
plauded the signing of the bipartisan S.B. 1165. The lawmakers proposed the concept of financial literacy for high school students in an earlier bill, S.B. 18.
“Thank you to the Governor for signing this legislation for the benefit of Connecticut’s future workforce. The first step to a
successful career is understanding the value of a dollar, and the cause and effects of how you spend your money. This is exactly why I joined Senator Martin to research and introduce this concept last year,” said Cicarella.
See Financial literacy, A2

Learn Italian
Do you remember your grandparents talking to you in Italian? Do you want to pass that tradition on to your children? Join “Mamma” Saturday mornings at La Bottega, 10 Church St. Teach your children the beauty of the Italian language and Italian culture. Visit labotteganhv.com for details.

Camera club
The North Haven Camera Club season runs from September to June, and new members are always welcome. The club has beginner, intermediate and Master levels, allowing members to learn at their own pace. For more information, visit northhavencameraclub.com or email northhavencameraclub@ gmail.com.
Beautification Awards
The North Haven Garden Club invites the public to nominate properties to be considered for its annual Beautification Awards. The club looks for gardens, primarily in the front of a property, demonstrating: color coordination, organization, design and arrangement. Email dsch59@aol.com or camoo67@gmail.com.

Financial literacy

“We had the privilege of engaging with numerous students, school counselors and educators to craft a proposal that will work,” said Cicarella. “I was astonished that a significant number of young people are unfamiliar with the expenses related to essentials like their phone bill or groceries. This new law will equip them to navigate financial challenges with confidence and avoid the burden of debt. Entering adulthood without debt will pave the way for their prosperity in the state.”
Martin echoed those remarks, stating, “Our children are our future, and giving them real-life building blocks and knowledge to
Tip line
In response to growing statewide complaints of a spike in so-called street takeover events, the FBI rolled out a tip line for residents to report instances of mass gatherings in parking lots and roadways.

Residents looking to report a street takeover are encouraged to call 1-800-CALL-FBI and select the “Connecticut Street Takeovers” option from an operator, or visit the website fbi.gov/cttakeovertips.

La Leche League
La Leche League of Hamden/North Haven meets the second Wednesday of the month at Grace & St. Peter’s Church, 2927 Dixwell Ave., Hamden.
RSVP to Anne.M@LLLCT.org. Attendees from all towns in the greater New Haven area are welcome.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut is an affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ameri ca, the 119-year-old national youth mentor ing organization. Learn more visiting ct bigs.org.

maintain financial stability will prepare them for their future.” He added, “Less than half of all Americans have more than $1,000 in their savings. It is imperative that we begin introducing financial literacy to our students in their teenage years, teaching them the fundamentals of finance.”
The Connecticut State Board of Education will provide curriculum and resources to help local school boards develop the finance-related courses, which must include instruction on banking, investing, savings, the handling of personal finance matters and the impact of using credit cards and debit cards.

“Personal financial manage ment is one of the most im portant instructional tools that we can give young people to achieve economic independence and stability throughout their lives,” said Ned Lamont, “and requiring it to graduate from high school is simply common sense. ”

The Democratic governor continued: “This course will help give every student a better shot at financial success, particularly those who are not fortunate enough to be given the opportunity or the resources to receive this kind of instruction at home. Financial education is as important as math, science and reading. I am proud to sign this bill into law, and I thank the overwhelming majority of legislators who sent it to my desk.”
In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at: myrecordjournal. com/north-haven-requester.

Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your
Citizen to your home or business, will end.

Paddle for the Sound competition starts July 29

Press Release
Save the Sound is back for its eighth year of Paddle for the Sound, a nineday fundraising competition.
Paddle for the Sound celebrates the rivers, lakes, ocean and all greenspaces that make the Long Island Sound region truly spectacular. From July 29 to Aug. 6, take to the water with your favorite activity
Preservation Connecticut
Preservation Connecticut is a statewide nonprofit historic preservation organization, established in 1975 by a Special Act of the Connecticut General Assembly as the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation. For over four decades, Preservation Connecticut has championed the protection of community assets all over the state. For more information, visit preservationct.org.
tracker turned on. Participants can paddle in any watercraft, from selfselected launch points, tracking their miles each time out. Take screenshots of the distance traveled on each excursion and send them to the Paddle for the Sound team.
Winners will be announced and prizes awarded for total distance paddled over the duration of the event.

Marines sought
The Marine Corps League, Hardware City Detachment, New Britain CT is actively looking for new members. You do not have to live in New Britain to be a member. The Hardware City Detachment regularly supports local veterans and their families in need, and participates in many local celebrations and remembrances. The Hardware City Detachment meets the first Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., at the
Participants can register up until Friday, Aug. 4 at savethesound.org/ paddle. Your support keeps your Long Island Soundkeeper on the water tracking down pollution at its source, prevents trash from making its way into our waterways, protects our native and migratory fish species, and so much more. And you make it happen just by getting outside on the water this summer!
Berlin VFW, 152 Massirio Dr. For more information, contact Sal V. Sena Sr. (860-6146188, 4mermarine69@ gmail.com) or Al Urso (860747-0677, alurso@cox.net).
Renters rebate

State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room or living in cooperative
Save the Sound works for a cleaner, healthier, and more vibrant Long Island Sound. The organization’s success is based on scientific knowledge, legal expertise, and thousands of ordinary people teaming up to achieve results that benefit the environment for current and future generations.
Learn more at savethesound.org.
housing, or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. Applications are accepted through Oct. 1. Visit portal.ct.gov/OPM.

Wreaths Across America is a nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. The group’s mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at thousands of veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.
For details on how to volunteer or sponsor a wreath, visit wreathsacrossamerica.org.
North Haven food bank
The North Haven Community Services Food Bank has a constant need for: mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, coffee, tea, tuna, soup, Chef Boyardee products, instant mashed potatoes, cookies, crackers, macaroni and cheese, protein and granola bars, trail mix, nuts, jerky, peanut butter and graham crackers, dried fruit, fruit snacks, fruit cups, canned fruit, applesauce, juice boxes, pudding cups, peanut butter, jelly, Pop Tarts, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix and syrup.
Items can be dropped off at the Community Services office, Town Hall Annex Building, 5 Linsley St., Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Joyce C. Budrow Senior Center
Game day. Join fellow seniors every Thursday to play dominoes. Novice players are welcome. For more information, call 203-239-5432.
Painting. The Senior Center’s Oil and Acrylic Painting class is held Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. through Sept. 26. To learn more, and to register, call 203-239-5432.
Walk at Wharton Brook. Kick off your Tuesday with a walk around Wharton Brook, located off Route 5. Meet in the parking lot at the entrance at 9 a.m. Remember to bring water, and wear sneakers, as some terrain may be uneven. If you plan on walking with us, contact the office at 203-2395432 the Monday prior.
Teen Tech Support. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 3:30 p.m., through Aug. 24. Learn how to get the most out of your phone, laptop or tablet. Our volunteers can help with general device use and special topics like setting up email accounts, browsing the internet, resetting passwords, and more. Register for a 30-minute session. Call 203-239-5432.
Great slate
I write to you today in full support of the North Haven Board of Education candidacy of three exceptional members of our community: Lori Mansur, Thais Moore and Amanda Gabriele.
As someone who has worked in education and workforce development for more than 20 years, I know how important strong, competent leadership is in ensuring our educators and students have the tools and resources they need to develop and achieve ambitious goals.
As the parent of a child beginning kindergarten in the fall, I’m navigating North Haven’s public school system and understand the challenges we face and the

fears parents grapple with every morning when our children walk out of our doors. I know how critical it is that our schools be a place where all children can thrive; where career paths are accessible and endless for our future craftspeople, bricklayers, engineers and PhDs, and for jobs of the future that haven’t yet been dreamed up. Now, more than ever, the people we choose to sit on the BOE matter.
I appreciate Lori’s presence and thoughtful comment at BOE meetings. And I have already directly benefited from various tools and resources Amanda has developed. Thais and Amanda’s accessibility, fierce advocacy for all students and commitment to accountability and transparency has eased my first-day-of-school jitters.
Letters to the Editor
North Haven is an even better place to live because of Lori, Thais and Amanda’s leadership. I can’t wait to cast my vote for this great slate of candidates.

Outstanding candidates
I am writing to share my full support for Amanda Gabriele, Lori Mansur and Thais Moore as outstanding candidates for the North Haven Board of Education. While education has become increasingly politicized in recent years, this North Haven BOE team is exceptional in its ability to work positively and collaboratively, across party lines.
Amanda and Thais have a proven track record of listen-
ing and responding to stakeholders, and combining the expressed feedback of our community with their experience and expertise to support and create curriculum and policies that are in the best interests of all stakeholders.

Amanda has demonstrated consistent, outstanding budgetary analysis, which benefits all taxpayers, whether or not they have students in school. And Thais has been a voice for change and was instrumental in encouraging a new perspective on our school calendar, to ensure that students of all backgrounds would be able to participate in the observance of their high holidays without fear of missing important activities at school. Thais and Amanda have consistently demonstrated that they are able to uphold
outstanding values and ideals while working in positive and productive collaboration with others.

Lori is a registered nurse, and is passionate about sharing her expertise with the BOE regardng the health of the whole child and special education issues.
I encourage everyone to visit the Empowering North Haven website (empoweringnorthhaven.org) to learn more about this incredible team and to view our upcoming events. Meet the Empowering North Haven team, and experience the knowledge, experience and positivity that make Amanda, Thais and Lori exceptional educational leaders and public servants!
Jennifer CecarelliLetters Policy
Email Letters to the Editor to news@thenorthhavencitizen.com. Letters are limited to 300 words. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so the paper can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.
Tick disease increasing

Press Release

Tick season is here. And along with Lyme disease there is another tick-borne illness – babesiosis – rearing its ugly head.

“Babesiosis is another tickborne disease that we hear about, in addition to Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and others,” stated Dr. Bobbi Pritt, director of the Mayo Clinic Clinical Parasitology Laboratory. “Babesiosis is a parasitic disease transmitted by ticks. It’s caused primarily by Babesia microti in the U.S., and that’s transmitted by the same tick that transmits Lyme disease.”
The most common symptoms of babesiosis are a combination of: severe flu-like symptoms such as a high fever (up to 104 degrees), chills and sweats, particularly night sweats; general discomfort or feeling unwell; intense headache; muscle and joint pain; loss of appetite; nausea; fatigue.
These symptoms can appear within one to nine weeks, or even several months after a person has been infected.

Some people with babesiosis experience no symptoms.

To avoid tick bites, Dr. Pritt recommends the “ABCs” of prevention:

Avoid – You want to avoid the areas where ticks are found. In the northeast, that means areas in the woods where there’s brush, leaf litter and tall grass; Bug spray – Use it when you’re outdoors and think you’re going to be exposed to tick bites or mosquito bites; Cover up –Wear protective clothing. If you have clothing over your skin, ticks won’t be able to bite you.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using a bug spray that contains DEET (30 percent) or picaridin. You also could use bug spray that has oil of lemon eucalyptus in it.

529s and saving for college

When is the right time to start saving for your child’s education? The short answer is: As soon as possible.
College tuition continues to rise, with few signs of slowing down. If you plan to help your children with the cost of attending college, it’s best to start saving when they are young and time is on your side. The following are some strategies to help tackle this important financial goal.
Fund a 529 plan

529 plans, named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, are one of the most popular investment vehicles American families use to save for education ex-

penses. The funds can be applied to most accredited colleges, graduate programs, professional and trade schools (limited to $10,000 per year for K-12 schooling). For federal income tax purposes, your contributions to a 529 plan are not tax deductible; however, your earnings are permitted to grow tax free. Additionally, you will not be taxed at the federal level (and in most cases, at the state level) if the money is eventually withdrawn and applied to eligible higher education expenses.
As you consider if a 529 plan is right for your family, consider the following tips for funding one of these savings accounts:
1. Calculate the amount of education expenses needed. First, decide how much you and your child would each like to contribute to his or her education, and estimate college expenses accordingly. Savings put aside in a 529 plan can be for tuition, school fees, room and board, internet access, re-
quired technology (i.e., a laptop or printer) and textbooks. Be sure to include the cost of these items when calculating the amount you need to save.
2. Save automatically, increase the amount over time. Most 529 plans make it easy to consistently save by allowing you to make automated contributions. As your financial priorities change, such as when you’re no longer paying for daycare or your spouse goes back to work, consider boosting your monthly savings. However, don’t neglect your own financial future. Contributions to your own retirement plan should take priority over saving for a child’s college tuition.
3. Increase savings with gifts from friends or family. When your child is young, apply monetary holiday or birthday gifts from friends and family to your college savings fund. A small gift today will be given the chance to potentially grow and could make a significant dif-
See Jolly, A23

Dating later in life
People are living longer, a reality that can be traced to a number of factors, including advancements in medicine and greater dissemination of information regarding preventive health care. According to data from the United Nations Population Division, the average life expectancy in the United States is 81.65 for women and 76.61 for men. Canada has even higher life expectancies, at 84.74 for women and 81.15 for men.
As people live longer, some may outlive their significant others and ultimately find themselves once again interested in sharing experiences with a special someone. Seniors ready to re-enter the dating pool may find that things are quite different from what they experienced as naïve teenagers or young adults. Dating used to be about hanging out with friends and meeting people at shared events, such as school dances or work parties or even while enjoying a night out with friends.
Nowadays, dating often begins in cyberspace. This can be confusing and anxiety-inducing for adults who didn’t grow up with technology guiding their every move.
According to a report in The Atlantic, more than one-third of baby boomers are not currently married, and this generation has had higher rates of separation and divorce and lower rates of marriage than the generations that preceded them. Many boomers have years ahead of them to devote to new relationships. Here’s what they may want to know before navigating twenty-first century dating waters.
You’re not in this alone | While online dating may be portrayed as a young person’s game, plenty of older adults are now finding connections online. In fact, many different dating apps are geared toward the senior set, including SeniorMatch, eHarmony, Singles50, OKCupid, and Silver Singles, among others.
You have more time for fun | As a senior, you may have more time to devote to recreation and leisure. This can be a great opportunity to get out and meet someone who shares your passions and interests.
Online dating has its advantages | While online dating apps and websites may have certain things working against them, particularly if their algorithms for pairing people are not finetuned, they also can be helpful. Online dating can expand social circles beyond local neighborhoods or even states, provinces or countries. You’re casting your net over a much larger body of water. Furthermore, dating app profiles typically spell out exactly what another person is seeking, which can save seniors from having to revisit awkward dating moments from years past. Seniors may have to navigate new waters in modern dating. But with a good mindset and a little persistence, it is possible for seniors to find a special someone in cyberspace.

Tailor-made gifts for folks on-the-go
Seniors and older adults did not seem to get the memo regarding inflation. As the world continues to navigate a cost-of-living increase, internal data from Bank of America indicates that Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) and Traditionalists (individuals born between 1928 and 1945) are spending more while younger generations are cutting back. Between May 2021 and May 2022, spending by Traditionalists increased by more than 5 percent while Baby Boomer spending rose by 2.2 percent. That uptick occurred while younger generations’ spending fell by 1.5 percent.
Seniors seem to be on the go, and that’s something holiday shoppers can keep in mind as they look for gifts for their aging parents, grandparents and others. With that in mind, shoppers can consider these gifts that align well with the lifestyles of seniors who are out and about and making the most of their free time.
Golf clubs or additional golf gear | Data from the National Golf Foundation indicated that more than 34 million people in the United States played golf in 2019, and 15 percent of those players were 65 and over. A new set of custom-fit clubs can help seniors take their

game to the next level. Such clubs can be expensive, so they make a great tandem gift from children and grandchildren who pool their resources. If new clubs are not necessary or too costly, a single club, such as a new driver or putter, makes for a great gift as well. Gear like a new golf bag, new spikes and new course-friendly attire also makes a great gift for seniors who love the links.
Travel gifts | The 2023 AARP Travel Trends survey found that 85 percent of older travelers rank travel in their top three priorities for discretionary spending. The appeal of travel has not worn off for modern seniors, and shoppers can keep that in mind this holiday season. New luggage, travel miles earned through a credit
card, unique experiences at senior travelers’ next destination, air tags that can keep track of luggage, and a world travel adapter that can convert plugs in any country across the globe are just a few of the many travel gifts shoppers can give on-the-go seniors this December.

Exercise gear | The National Council on Aging notes that adults who exercise after turning 65 continue to reap the same rewards that improve quality of life among younger men and women. In addition to boosting immunity, exercising after 65 continues to improve mood so long as seniors stay the course. Exercise gear, including attire and appropriate footwear, can reduce injury risk and help seniors feel more comfortable while breaking a sweat.
Spa session | All that activity is good for the body, but so is a little post-activity rest and relaxation. A day at the spa, where seniors can get a massage, take a mental break and address minor aches and pains can be just the thing seniors need to recover in time for their next excursion.
Any number of gifts can make this holiday season even more special for modern seniors who continue to get up and go each day.
How the body changes with age
Time waits for no person, and with aging comes many changes, many of which manifest physically. The following are some components of healthy aging that go beyond graying hair and wrinkling skin.

Bones, joints and muscles
According to the Mayo Clinic, with age bones may become thinner and more fragile. Joints will lose their flexibility, while muscles lose mass and strength, endurance and flexibility. These changes may be accompanied by a loss of stability that can result in balance issues or falls. It’s common for the body frame to shrink, and a person may lose a few inches from his or her height.

A doctor may suggest a bone-density test or supplementation with calcium and vitamin D to keep bones as strong as possible. Physical activity that includes strength training can help keep muscles strong and flexible.
Body fat | As muscle mass diminishes, body fat can increase. The Merck Manual indicates that, by age 75, the percentage of body fat typically doubles compared with what it was during young adulthood. The distribution of fat also changes, which can adjust the shape of the torso.
Heart | Organs in the body also age, and cells begin to die off, making those organs work less efficiently. The heart is one such organ
that changes with age. It pumps more than 2.5 million beats during one’s lifetime. As a person gets older, blood vessels lose their elasticity, and the heart has to work harder to circulate blood throughout the body, reports Johnson Memorial Health. Exercise can help keep the heart as strong as possible.

Urinary tract and kidneys

The kidneys become smaller as a person ages, which means they may not be able to filter urine as effectively. Urinary incontinence may occur due to hormonal changes or because of an enlarged prostate. Furthermore, the bladder may become less elastic, leading to an urge to urinate more frequently.

Memory and thinking
Older adults experience changes to the brain as they age. Minor effects on memory or thinking skills are common and not usually cause for worry. Staying mentally active by reading, playing word games and engaging in hobbies can help. Following a routine and making lists (as multi-tasking may become challenging) are some additional ways to address memory issues. These are just some of the changes that can come with aging. Generally speaking, exercising, using the brain and adhering to a balanced, healthy diet can help keep the body functioning well into one’s golden years.
Since 1945, Connecticut individuals, families, and business owners have turned to us for sound legal guidance. You can trust us to serve your complex needs – for you, your family, and your business.
Highlights of the latest exercise guidelines

Since 2008, the Physical Activity Guidelines have been a vital resource for health professionals and policy makers, serving as a foundation for physical activity and education programs. These guidelines, established and periodically adjusted by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, include recommendations for individuals ages three and over. A full breakdown of the latest guidelines can be found at Health.gov, but the following are some highlights pertaining to various groups.
Preschool-aged children
The ODPHP notes that children between the ages of three and five should be physically active throughout the day to enhance their growth and development. Caregivers are urged to encourage active play that includes activities of various types.

Children and adolescents

Children between the ages of six and 17 should engage in 60 minutes or more per day of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic physical activity. Kids in this age group also should engage in vigorous-intensity physical activity at least three days per week. Regimens also should include muscle-strengthening activities and bone-strengthening activities at least three days per week.
Adults | The ODPHP urges adults to sit less and move more. The most substantial health benefits can be gained by engaging in at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity or between 75 minutes and 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. Any equivalent combination of the two can suffice as well. Muscle-strengthening activities also should be part of adults’ fitness regimens. These activities should help to strengthen all the major muscle groups, and adults should aspire to engage in them at least two days per week.

Older adults | Older adults who can still follow the guidelines designed for younger adults can continue to do so. But the ODPHP recommends that older adults also incorporate multicomponent physical activity in their workout regimens. This can include balance training to complement aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. Older adults also are urged to discuss with their physicians how any chronic conditions they may have can affect their ability to safely engage in physical activity.
The Physical Activity Guidelines can serve as a useful resource for people of all ages as they look to live a healthy lifestyle.

The Arbors & The Ivy
Our Story - A Family Business | Assisted Living Near You In CT & MA

The Arbors Assisted Living’s 25th Anniversary as part of the senior living industry is on the horizon— but twenty-five years isn’t the entire story. Our story actually began in 1966, when our grandparents founded E.A. Gralia Construction. They built more than 5,500 housing units, as well as schools, hotels, nursing homes and several elderly housing developments. Years later, our parents, the family business’ second generation, founded The Arbors Assisted Living Communities and took our company head on into the emergent senior living industry.
As a family, we all grew up in the business, and were all born and raised in East Longmeadow and Longmeadow, MA. We started young, working summers at our various senior housing properties doing landscaping, office work, and activities with the residents. As we advanced into college, we all worked in every single department of our family’s business, spending months upon months learning the ins and outs of every aspect of what we do in our communities. We spent time working at every site and every business. Our business skills evolved over the years, and in 2016, our generation took the reins.
We are Family
While assisted living has evolved immensely over the years, we have held true to who we are. Our goal is to welcome our residents into our family, treat them like family, and give them a truly wonderful experience in their golden years.
At The Arbors and The Ivy, we offer assisted living, independent living, respite stays and memory care support
Our buildings are warm, inviting and home-like. Each of our residents has their own private apartment with a full kitchenette, private bathroom, living room and bedroom.
Assisted living needs are diverse
Assisted living needs are diverse and vary from person to person, so each resident receives an individualized
service care plan designed for them. Assisted living is a smart option for those who could benefit from assistance with everyday tasks such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals and managing medications offered.
efits the mind, body and soul of our residents. We promote a lifestyle of health and wellness, with programs that benefit brain health, physical fitness and more. Our residents create friendships and find cama-
We know how overwhelming and stressful caregiving can be There are so many options these days for seniors, and it can be challenging to know where to begin, what is most important, what questions to ask, how to afford it, how to have the conversation with your loved one, amongst so many other questions and concerns. We have spent years fine-tuning answers to all of these questions and creating processes to make this confusing and foreign experience easier on you and your loved one.
Doing your research and comparing options is a key part of the process
Our website is a great resource filled with blogs, guides and educational resources to answer any questions you may have. Our communities have educated and experienced Marketing Directors to assist you through all aspects of the process.
Ask resources that you trust about finding the right place, and check out reviews, like this one for The Ivy Assisted Living Residential Community in Watertown, CT “When I went on a tour to find care for my parents, I loved it so much I asked to be a volunteer! It’s an amazing community and it has the most loving and caring staff. It’s a truly unique, homey, fun environment. A beautiful addition to Watertown! So many activities, a beautiful setting, dining, and everything you could wish for. A++!”
Our staff members are dedicated to meeting the individualized needs of each resident 24/7. Our communities are designed to provide opportunities for residents to enjoy a life they choose, while still experiencing the comforts of home. We provide a variety of living options, amenities, assistance, services, dining options, social programs, and customized care.
There is a lot to be said for socialization
We believe in creating an engaging, stimulating environment that ben-
raderie, which provides a quality of life that they might not otherwise experience.
The Arbors and The Ivy also offer respite services for short-term or trial stays
Whether you need a break from caregiving, need somewhere safe after a rehabilitation stay, or are just unsure if assisted living is right for you, we have fully furnished apartments that are move-in ready!

Here’s another review from current resident Steve M. “The Ivy is the perfect place for me! Everyone is so friendly! I find the living arrangements beyond my expectations, very clean and well-kept community. I love my brand-new spacious apartment with tall ceilings and lots of sunlight. I appreciate the outstanding & caring staff in the restaurant’s

dining room, also at the front desk concierge, and the wonderful housekeeping team. The food is excellent, I didn’t eat this well before I got here! I’m an independent living resident and appreciate all that The Ivy at Watertown offers in such a beautiful setting; I didn’t believe it until I saw it! Overall, I have to say it is beyond my wildest dreams, I never thought senior living would be this good!”
We’ve experienced it all
After a lifetime spent in the family business and in the senior living industry, it feels like we have
seen and experienced everything. Our goal is to use what we have learned, along with our strong family values and determined work ethic, to help other families in need. Being there for your loved one in the later stages of their life is so important, but it looks different for each family.

Fifty six years later, the passion our grandparents and parents had for this family business is still strong in each of us. We have dedicated our lives to perfecting this craft and we believe our love and dedication for what we do can be felt in our communities. We have not only solidified
our company’s place in the ever-growing senior living industry, but we have also left our mark as the rare third generation of a family business. For that, we couldn’t be more proud.

Learn More About The Ivy at Watertown

Request information, schedule a tour or contact contact Stephanie Vollaro at (860) 483-8141

Let Our Family Take Care Of Yours!
The Ivy at Watertown is the newest assisted living residential community from The Arbors & The Ivy family-owned communities. We would be delighted to schedule a visit with you to see our amazing community. At The Ivy at Watertown, you’ll enjoy active senior living! All your needs for dining, housekeeping, personal care, and maintenance are included. We have a Beauty Salon/Barber Shop, Exercise Room, Movie Theater, Outdoor Courtyard and Walking Paths on the premises. Why wait to make a move? Now is the time to enjoy a full compliment of supportive services, time with new friends, and a full social calendar with engaging activities and entertainment.

RV buyers’ guide
Arecreational vehicle, also known as an RV or a camper, can be a worthwhile investment for people who want to travel at their leisure. RVs offer the benefit of traversing the open road without having to sacrifice the comforts of home.
In addition to choosing the right vehicle, RV owners must learn maintenance, how to drive a large vehicle, towing, and campsite etiquette. Buying an RV is a long-term investment. These pointers can help the purchase go smoothly.

New or used?
Purchasing a used RV can help people save money. However, upgrades and repairs may be costly. New RVs have the latest technology and no risk of prior wear and tear. Insurance premiums will be higher for a new vehicle, and a new purchase can be expensive depending on the features chosen.
Figure out features and size
Take a hard look at what you are seeking in a camper. Do you want something that is just an alternative to tent camping? Are you interested in an RV that can sleep a crowd? Do you have a tow hitch and a vehicle capable of towing an RV? These questions and more will determine the style and size of the RV that’s right for you. Class A RVs are large, busshaped rigs between 20 and 45 feet in length. Class B are sleeper vans and are smaller than Class A. Class C rigs offer size but driveability and are built into a regular truck chassis. For trailer-style RVs, the options are foldable trailers, travel trailers, toy haulers, and fifth wheel trailers. They vary in size and features; but you’ll need a truck to tow them.

Usage frequency
When considering an RV, think about how often it will be used and where it will be stored when not in
use. Garage storage may be challenging on a larger rig, and some housing communities frown upon parking RVs in driveways. This may affect the size you choose as well as the features you need, according to KOA, the RV camp site leader.

Secure financing

As with other vehicles, shop around for the best rates on financing; you
don’t necessarily need to go with the dealer. Also, when buying a trade-in or used rig, hire a third-party inspector to go over systems to ensure they’re in working order. These are just a few things to consider when looking to purchase an RV. Buyers should do their homework to get a vacation vehicle that fits their needs and budgets.

Qualities to look for in a post-retirement job

The notion of relaxing on a beach all day in one’s golden years is still a retirement dream for millions of adults across the globe. But many individuals also harbor a desire to keep working after retiring. Whether it’s a volunteering gig or a part-time job retirees are looking for, certain qualities can make an opportunity uniquely suited to a post-retirement job.
Flexibility | Retirees may be looking to contribute to their communities or simply earn a little spending money, but they will likely still want the freedom to travel or spend time with their families whenever they choose. So flexibility is something to look for in a post-retirement job. This is what makes consultant work so attractive to retirees. In-person hours may not be required of consultants, who can then offer their input while visiting their grandchildren or traveling the world.
Socialization | Though the ability to work from home can make it easier for retirees to earn some extra money, some seniors aren’t concerned about their finances but want to work so they can get out of the house. In that case, look for a job that offers the opportunity to socialize and meet new people. Socializing as an older adult is a great way to fend off loneliness. In addition, one study published in 2007 in the journal of the American Public Health Association found that social support networks have a positive effect on cognition among older adults. So a post-retirement job that enables retirees to socialize could delay or reduce the severity of
age-related cognitive decline. Engagement | A job seniors find engaging also is more likely to pro vide the types of benefits seniors are looking for in post-retirement work. For example, researchers at Boston College’s Sloan Center on Aging and Work found that seniors who find a job or volunteering opportunity truly engaging are more likely to benefit psychologically from those experiences than those whose post-retirement work is not engaging. If seniors find themselves simply going through the motions with their post-retirement work, they can look for opportunities that they can be more enthusiastic about.
Pressure-free | Regardless of what retirees did for a living prior to calling it a career, chances are they dealt with work-related stress. In fact, the American Stress Institute reports that 83 percent of workers in the United States suffer from work-related stress, while Statistics Canada reports that 62 percent of Canadian workers say work is their main source of stress. After a lifetime of confronting work-related stress, individuals who want to work in retirement should look for pressure-free opportunities. This is an important quality, as the ASI indicates that stress has been linked to increased rates of heart attack, hypertension and other disorders. The right post-retirement job may differ from what individuals looked for during their careers. Various qualities can combine to make for a post-retirement gig that benefits seniors in myriad ways.
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Common mid-career challenges and what to do about them
Around the time they turn 50, many professionals face similar challenges that can lead them to question much about their professional lives. The following challenges won’t affect every person over 50, but recognition of them could help mid-career professionals make the most of their remaining years in the workforce.

Motivation | Professional motivation can wane by the time many professionals reach 50. At this point in their careers, professionals may have decades of experience in a given field, and some may have reached management level within their firms. That combination of lengthy experience and achievement can make it hard to stay motivated, especially for professionals who feel they’ve gotten as high up the ladder as they can get in their companies. In such instances, individuals can ask themselves what they want next. Identifying professional goals can provide the motivation to go and achieve them. That spark can reignite the passion that helped mid-career professionals get where they are today.

Hesitancy | The pressure to provide for a family, coupled with responsibilities to colleagues at the office, can make some professionals hesitant to pursue professional changes that could positively affect their lives. Individuals who want to make a change but

are hesitant to do so can devote considerable effort to finding a solution. For example, professionals over 50 who feel a career change is in order can begin taking small steps to make that a reality. Doing so while continuing to work ensures personal and professional obligations are met and gets individuals on the road to change they think will provide more fulfillment than their current careers.

Underutilization | Mid-career professionals who feel they’re underutilized at work may feel helpless to remedy their situations. Professionals can look for opportunities to do more. Offer to help when new work projects arise or mentor younger colleagues just starting out.
Mid-career challenges unique to their situations could await professionals over 50. Recognition of these challenges and a willingness to overcome them could lead to greater professional satisfaction.

Travel opportunities
Retirement provides individuals with ample time to engage in activities they enjoy. Many seniors spend that newfound free time relaxing and seeing the sights. Seniors are a travel-friendly demographic. The World Tourism Organization says that, in 1999, more than 593 million international travelers were age 60 years and older. Seniors are projected to take two billion trips annually by 2050. As Baby Boomers and Generation Xers continue to retire, a larger portion of the overall population will have time to travel.
When seniors plan trips, they have many ways to get around in style.
How to organize a social club
The early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic taught the world many lessons, not the least of which was how easy it can be take socializing for granted. Lockdown was a big part of life during the early days of the pandemic, as people were forced to stay home from work and school and remain largely isolated, even from their own friends and family members.
The sense of isolation that many people developed during those early days of the pandemic likely didn’t come as a surprise to medical researchers, particularly those who have studied the effects of isolation on aging populations. The National Institute on Aging indicates that social isolation and loneliness are linked to depression as well as a host of other negative health outcomes, including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and cognitive decline.
Social clubs can be a great way for adults over 50 to avoid isolation and loneliness. Such clubs can provide opportunities to connect with individuals who share similar interests, laying the foundation for new friendships that can be hard to develop in midlife.
Perhaps the best thing about social clubs is that anyone can start one. These tips can help individuals over 50 start social clubs that appeal to locals who are on the lookout for fun ways to meet new people.

Think of a hobby unique to your location
One of the best ways to attract other locals is to find a hobby that caters to residents in your area. For example, coastal residents may want
to start a local fishing club, while city dwellers may draw more interest starting a club focused on local museums or restaurants. Take all comers | Individuals over 50 may aspire to meet people in situations similar to their own, but they should still allow anyone interested in their club to join. Adults in the early stages of midlife (i.e., their thirties and forties) are often too busy with their personal and professional lives to make much time for social clubs, so it’s likely that those interested will be 50 or older. But accepting all who are interested can increases the chances of starting a diverse and engaging group.
Spread the word | Meetup (meetup.com) has been facilitating connections for two decades, making it a great place to start a group for people with shared interests. In addition to utilizing a service like Meetup, founders can spread the word through their social media apps and create fliers to post on public boards at local community centers and libraries. Find a public place to get together | It’s best to avoid hosting club events and meetings at a private residence, including your own. Instead, prior to starting the club, look around for meeting places, which can include local churches, libraries or community centers. Ask about reserving spaces for meetings and look for places that are accessible for all people, including those with mobility issues. Starting a social club can be a great way for individuals over 50 to meet new people and explore new or existing passions.
Cruising | Cruise ships depart from ports across the world and travelers can choose from an array of itineraries. People can travel on cruises that are at sea for as few as three to five days to others that are out for weeks at a time. One reason seniors enjoy cruising is because it’s all-inclusive with little extra planning required. Step aboard a cruise ship and enjoy a floating hotel complete with food, lodging, entertainment, shopping, gambling, and much more. Organized excursions at ports of call can add to the thrill of cruising.
Guided tours | Escorted tours are another option seniors may want to consider. By working with reputable tour operators, seniors can engage in affordable, safe and comfortable tours via bus, train or other modes of travel. Tour companies take the work out of the trips by handling the details and showcasing the best locales. Tour experts know when to schedule meals and sightseeing to avoid the crowds so that everyone can sit back and relax on their adventures.
RV excursions | RV-friendly campsites and parks enable travelers to mingle with each other, providing affordable and fun ways to travel.
Timeshares | The timeshare model enables buyers to purchase the right to use particular homes, condos, hotel rooms, resorts, or other accommodations for specific periods of time. For example, some timeshare agreements are for one week each year in a designated location. Seniors with more time on their hands may want to revisit timeshare agreements to increase the frequency in which they can use properties or to find timeshare companies that enable swapping properties with others so that different locales can be enjoyed.
Visiting family | Retirees may aspire to spend more time with family members who do not live nearby. Families may want to consider mother-daughter residences or properties with small guest hous-
es so that seniors can stay in the residences when visiting but have some privacy at the same time. Seniors have many travel options, and retirement is the ideal time to get out and enjoy time away from home.

How to make a charity a beneficiary
Giving to charity can be a rewarding endeavor that makes a difference in the lives of people in need. Many people donate throughout their lives, and some people may want to impart a more lasting legacy by continuing to support a charity even after they have passed away. Incorporating a charity into an estate plan is a great way to continue giving after you pass away. Individuals may not know how to make charities beneficiaries in their wills. A financial planner, attorney or accountant can answer the more complex questions individuals have about naming charities as beneficiaries in a will. In the meantime, this general guide can serve as a solid foundation for individuals who want to give back in their w ills.
Most people think of beneficiaries as loved ones, but a beneficiary can be any person or entity one chooses to leave money to, including nonprofit organizations. It’s relatively the same process to name a charity as a beneficiary as it is an individual. According to the resource Trust & Will, first identify the charity that will be

supported, including getting its Employer Identification Number or Taxpayer Identification Number. Next, determine which type of gift to make, which may be a predetermined financial contribution, a gift of property, or other assets like stocks. For large donations like real estate or cars, it may be best to contact the charity in advance to ensure they are able to accept such gifts. Finally, be sure to include your wishes in an estate plan. A qualified attorney can help clients draft a will that spells out their wishes in detail. Keep in mind that charities also can be named as beneficiaries on life insurance policies or individual retirement accounts. They also can be listed on bank accounts. Again, people are urged to discuss all options with estate planners to ensure their plans fully reflect their wishes.

When naming a charity as a beneficiary, it can be wise to inform family members and other beneficiaries so no one is caught off guard upon your death. This way the charitable gift is not held up by delays in executing the will.

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North Haven's free concert series, Music Under the Stars, takes place Tuesday nights, 7 p.m., on the town green. On Aug. 1, the modern country act American Honey takes the stage. The remaining concert lineup for 2023: Tuesday, Aug. 8: Jukebox 45 Showband (oldies from the 50s and 60s); Tuesday, Aug. 15: Raise Your Hands (Bon Jovi tribute); Tuesday, Aug. 22: Avenue Groove (rhythm & blues/funk); Tuesday, Aug. 29: Worlds Apart (Journeytribute);Tuesday,Sept.5:Primetime(partyband). American Honey, Facebook

From A1According to a press release from the CT Department of Labor: "During the pandemic, stolen identities were available on the dark web for about one dollar. Criminals are still mining this resource to purchase names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, and other personal information that they use to apply for credit cards, bank loans, and unemployment benefits."
The CTDOL said Connecticut’s unemployment system is receiving several thousand claims per day, and around 75 percent of those are flagged as fraudulent.
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