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Have you heard of a pizza garden?
North Haven Garden Club's Junior Garden Club would like to share an idea with families looking for something fun to do with your kids this spring. You might just be starting to plan out a garden, so we have a great suggestion for you: How about planting a pizza garden!
What's a pizza garden, you ask? It's a garden that provides all the topping for that fun pizza and movie night with your family. Wouldn’t it be fun to walk out to your yard and gather all the fresh ingredients to make a pizza
(except for the dough), then chop and prepare them for the evening meal?
Design and plant the garden with herbs like basil and oregano, tomatoes for sauce, peppers, spinach, broccoli, onions and any other topping you can want on a fresh pizza. Gets the kids involved to help them understand where their food comes from, the growth cycles of plants, and harvesting – which is the fun part.
Make sure to choose a sunny location for your pizza garden that offers at least six hours of full sun. Your garden can be any size or shape, but we suggest doing a round garden in the shape of a pizza.
Next, get the soil ready. We all know kids love to get their hands dirty, so have them break up clumps of soil and pick out weeds and rocks.
When you are done, add a good top soil for vegetables; about six inches. Then, follow the directions on the seed packet or plant container.
Here's a planting guide to help you with spacing: Tomatoes need at least two feet; bell peppers, space 12 to 15 inches; onions, 4 to 6 inches; basil/rosemary 15 to
In the U.S., women have only been able to get a loan in their own name, without a male co-signer, since the Women's Business Ownership Act of 1988. The federal law overturned state laws that required women to have male relatives sign for business loans, in addition to establishing women’s business centers. Thirty-five years later, there is still a large gap in business ownership, particularly among women and minorities. In Connecticut, minorities made up 22% of workers, but only 13% of business owners, according to the Small Business Administration. Similarly, women made up 48% of workers, but 41% of business owners in 2022.
See Loans, A9 example of a pizza garden.
18 inches; and thyme / oregano, 10 to 12 inches. Tomatoes will need support, so either cage or stake them.
From there, remember to feed and water your pizza garden. And most of all, have fun with your family!