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March 11 Lions’ drive supporting several causes
Press Release
The North Haven Lions Club will be collecting diapers, wipes and pull-ups as well as incontinence and feminine products Saturday, March 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St. New and opened packages will be accepted. Donated items will benefit The Diaper Bank of Connecticut. Located here in North Haven, The Diaper Bank provides items to families in need throughout the state.

In addition, the Lions will continue our collection of non-perishable canned and boxed items for local food banks. Items such as peanut butter and jelly, cold and hot cereals, mayonnaise, canned fruits and vegetables, soups and chili, broth, rice, pasta and sauce, canned chicken and tuna, coffee and tea, juice and nuts are always appreciated.
This is also a good time to drop off your no-longerneeded eyeglasses. Lions collect usable eyeglasses to support the Lions Recycle for Sight Program.
We are also happy to accept blankets, towels and dog and cat food/treats for The Animal Haven in North Haven.
The North Haven Leo Club is collecting clean bottles and cans with redemption value, and the proceeds will be donated to a charitable cause.
The North Haven Lions Club has been serving the community since 1952. Concern for hunger, vision, the environment, childhood cancer and diabetes awareness are Lions Clubs International’s primary goals. For more information about our service activities, and to be part of something meaningful, contact the North Haven Lions at NorthHavenLionsClub@gmail.com.