North Haven Citizen April 10, 2020

Page 1

Volume 15, Number 3

Head Veterinary Technician Nikki Westman brings beagle Coco, 10, to owners Dan and Pam Flagg, of Wallingford, after a treatment at Meriden Animal Hospital on East Main Street, Monday, April 6. The hospital remains open but is not allowing visitors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal

Local veterinarians making adjustments during crisis

Friday, April 10, 2020

Nearly 8,000 state residents reported as COVID-infected By Michael Gagne Record-Journal staff

vious day's report.

The reported number of deaths associated with COVID-19 reached 277, up from 71 over the previous day. Meanwhile, the number of patients curAs of Tuesday afternoon rently hospitalized with the total number of labora- the disease is now 1,308 tory-confirmed cases patients. statewide reached 7,781, The number of cases according to figures released by the state Depart- around the region continue to rise. In Meriden, 68 ment of Public Health. total cases were reported. That number represented an increase of 875 conSee COVID, A12 firmed cases over the preThe reported number of people who have contracted COVID-19 continues to rise.

By Lauren Sellew Record-Journal staff

for dropping off patients. the doors are locked and Clients are now asked to call there is no entry allowed exonce they are in the parking cept in the case of a euIn order to keep patients, lot. A staff member will then thanasia, said Nancy clients and staff safe, some take the history, come out to Howard, veterinarian techniWe help transform financial advice veterinary practices have get the pet and the owner cian. “People are very unchanged how they are seeing will wait in their vehicle. into financial confidence. derstanding about it,” pets during the current pan- Once the pet is in the room Howard said of the process. demic. with a veterinarian, the docSt. Clair said they are asking At Ameriprise, we walk with you through every stage of life, from tor will call the owner and “In the animal healthcare pet owners to have flexibility planning how to pay for college to planning for retirement. So community, it is our duty to speak with them. Once the and compassion during this together, we can create financial plans that help you meet your serve and take care of them,” visit is completed and they time. He said the initial reac- goals and face the future with confidence. We help transform Dr. James St. Clair, veterinar- are checked out, a staff Jeff Jolly, CFP® financial advice tion to the new procedure ian at Meriden Animal Hos- member will bring the pet intoPrivate financial confidence. among owners was mixed, Wealth Advisor and back outside to the owner’s pital said on Monday. DecontaminationSenior team member Scott McMullen some were understanding Vice President vehicl e. you through every stage of life, At Ameriprise, we walk with you through every of stage of life, from At Ameriprise, we walk with you athrough every stage life, from At Ameriprise, we walk with from sprays down stretcher with hydrogen peroxide to while others thought it was planning how to pay for college to planning for retirement. So Starting about four weeks Root, Borajkiewicz, planning how to pay for college to planning for retirement. So an “over reaction.” The treatment process is prevent the spread of the new coronavirus at Hunter's together, we can create financial plans that help you meet your planning how to pay for college to planning for retirement. So ago Meriden Animal HospiLucarelli Advisors goals andin face the future with confidence. similar at North Haven AniAmbulance Meriden on Wealth April together, financial plans that meet your tal changed their protocols Jeff Jolly, CFP® together, we can create financial plans your we can create A private wealth advisory practice of mal Hospital, adding thatthat help you meet Daveand Zajac, Record-Journal Private Wealth Advisor goals and A13 face the future with confidence. See Vets,

We help transform financial adviceWe help transform financial advice into financial confidence. into financial confidence.

goals andfinancial face theadvice future with confidence. We help transform Jeff Jolly, CFP® into financial confidence.

We help transform financial advice Private Wealth Advisor and into financial confidence.

Ameriprise Financial Senior Vice President Services, Inc.

Jeff Jolly, CFP® Root, Borajkiewicz, 203.407.8188 Private Wealth Advisor and Lucarelli Wealth Advisors A private wealth advisory practice of Senior Vice President Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.


At Ameriprise, we walk with you through every stage of life, from Senior Vice President 203.407.8188 lanning how to pay for college to planning for retirement. So We help transform financial advice Root, Borajkiewicz, ogether, we can create financial plans that help you meet your Lucarelli Wealth Advisors Root, Borajkiewicz, into financial confidence. oals and face the future with confidence. Ameriprise, we walk with you through every stage every of life, from planning howfrom to pay AtAt Ameriprise, stage of life, A private wealth advisory practice of the cerJeff Jolly, CFP® we walk with you through Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns Lucarelli Wealth Advisors for college to planning for retirement. So together, we can create financial plans that At Ameriprise, we walk with you through every stage of life, from Private Wealth planning howAdvisor to payand for college to planning for retirement. So tification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. planning how practice to pay for college retirement. SoCertified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the cer-and CFP help you meet your goals and face the future with confidence. A private wealth advisory of to planning for(with Senior Vicewe President design) in the U.S. Investment advisory tification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™products and CFP and can create financial plans that help youflame meet your together, can create financial plans that help youtogether, meet we your

(with flameavailable design) in the U.S. Investment advisory products and Services, Ameriprise Financial Inc. made through Ameriprise Financial goals Services, and face the future with confidence. services are 203.407.8188 Root, and Borajkiewicz, services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, goals face the future with confidence. ® Jeff Jolly, CFP EST F... Inc., a registered investment adviser. © 2019 Ameriprise Financial, Inc., a registered investment adviser. © 2019 Ameriprise Financial, B O Lucarelli Wealth Advisors Jeff Jolly, CFP® Private Wealth Advisor andAll rights Inc. All rights reserved. (05/19) Inc. reserved. (05/19) AWARDS 203.407.8188 A private wealth advisory practice of Senior Vice President 2 0 1 9 Wealth Advisor and Ameriprise Financial Services,Private Inc. Root, Borajkiewicz, Senior Vice President 203.407.8188 Lucarelli Wealth Advisors

Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Advisors

A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the cer203.407.8188


The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020




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K Y A R OO E L North Haven elementary school staff members miss their students so much that they decided to pay them a visit. On Monday, a caravan of educators rolled through town to say hello to local youngsters, many of whom created uplifting signs for the educators to see. One clever message read: “You’re better teachers than our parents.”


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The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020


North Haven Police Blotter Arrests reported by the North Haven police: March 5 Leonardo Cantres, 47, 15 Shephard St., third floor, New Haven, third-degree criminal trespass, sixth-degree larceny, 8 p.m.

March 9 Luis F. Vargas, 37, 740 Russell St., sixth-degree larceny, 2 p.m. March 13

Daniel Gonsalves, 24, 16 Lighthouse Terrace, New Haven, illegal use of facsimiJodie Lou Mesite, 43, 31 Evle firearm, second-degree ergreen Road, Northford, breach of peace, first-degree disorderly conduct, 2:15 a.m. threatening, second-degree reckless endangerment, 11 March 7 p.m. David Bybel, 32, 151 StanJames K. Capone, 43, 160 dish Ave., second-degree State St., violation of probacriminal mischief, disorderly tion, 12 p.m. conduct, 1:45 a.m.

Jose Torres, 23, 20 Roarke Road, disorderly conduct, third-degree assault, 4:47 p.m. Yamin Rivera, 31, 1298 Hartford Turnpike Apt. 4C, thirddegree assault, 2:15 p.m. March 16

March 26

March 22

March 28

Evelyn Manigault, 33, 31 Mead St., New Haven, sixthdegree larceny, 3:45 p.m.

Nicole M. votto, 34, 77 Hansen Farm Road, disorderly conduct, violation of a protective order, third-degree assault, 10:14 p.m.

Nancy Cheesman, 65, 45 Glen Haven Road, New Wilhelmina Washington, 38, Haven, illegal possession, 3:2 42 Lodge St., New Haven, sixth-degree larceny, 3:45 March 18 p.m. Christopher e. Wimmer, 21, Tyler J. Pina, 20, 30 Janet 61 Chalton Hill Road, Ham- Drive, interfering with offiden, fifth-degree larceny, cers, second-degree breach second-degree breach of of peace, 1:48 p.m.

Rohan Estoria, 19, 15 Tavern Rock Road, Stratford, sixthdegree larceny, 9:58 p.m.

John Frost, 31, 77 Hansen Farm Road, disorderly conduct, third-degree assault, 9:09 p.m.


One dead, one injured in crash on Route 15 NORTH HAVEN — A 22year-old man was killed and another injured in a one-car crash on Route 15 on Saturday.

peace, first-degree stalking, first-degree harassment, violation of a standing criminal protective order, third-degree assault, 9:45 a.m.


Olivo-Figueroa was pronounced dead at Yale New Haven Hospital. A passenger was also taken to Yale New Haven Hospital for treatment of reported minor injuries.



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A Toyota Corolla driven by Jose Gilberto Olivo-Figueroa, Any witnesses are asked to 22, of Bridgeport, went off the right shoulder and struck contact Trooper Jankowski at 203-393-4200. some trees at around 6:36 p.m. between exits 63 and — Lauren Sellew 64, state police said.

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The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020

In Brief Elderly, disabled homeowners

Community grants Refuse collection

The North Haven Rotary Club is accepting applicaDue to the COVID-19 virus, tions for its 2020 community the Governor has issued Ex- grants program. This grant ecutive Order 75 which elim- money comes from club inates the requirement for fundraisers throughout the those that receive Elderly year, and is intended for area and Disabled Homeowners organizations and projects credits to reapply in 2020. that benefit their community.

The credits will automatically be applied to the July 2020 tax bill without reapplication.

Applications must be submitted through the club website — — by April 30.

The North Haven Public Works Department wishes to advise residents that the refuse collection for the week of April 6, which includes Good Friday, will remain unchanged. The Transfer Station on Universal Drive and the Recycling Center on Elm Street will be open on Good Friday.

Neighborhood Assistance Act Applications for the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit Program for 2020 are available in the First Selectman’s office or online at

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Tax deadline The income tax filing date has been pushed back from April 15, to July 15. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

Essay contest North Haven Garden Club Youth Program is participating in The National Garden Clubs High School Essay Contest 2020-2021. The essay topic is "Challenges In Preserving Our Natural Habitats." The contest is open to students in grades 9-12. Essay must be 600-700 words.

The contest theme is "Adventures In The Garden." The contest is open to students in grades K-9.

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The North Haven Republican Town Committee holds monthly meetings the second Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., at its headquarters, 444R Washington Ave. The public is invited to attend. Meetings for April and May were cancelled.

Connecticut’s presidential primary election has been postponed to June 2 to impede the spread of coronavirus. The original primary date was April 28.

North Haven Garden Club Youth Program is participating in The National Garden Clubs Annual Poetry Contest for 2020-2021.


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The North Haven Garden Club Junior Garden Club will be starting up in May. Meetings take place Saturdays at the United Faith Methodist Church. For more information, email

Entries can be emailed to or mailed to NHGC c/o Cindy Golia, 12 Stanton Road, North Haven, CT 06473.

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announced the decision in a tweet Friday, March 20 saying that at President Donald Trump’s direction “we are moving Tax Day from April 15 to July 15. All taxpayers and businesses will have this additional time to file and make payments without interest or penalties.”

Scholarships from the North Haven Garden Club will be awarded to the first, second and third place winner. The national winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

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Five grand prizes and a certificate will be awarded from the North Haven Garden Club along with a certificate from The Federated Garden Clubs of CT. See Briefs, A13


The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020

Thank You First Responders and Healthcare Workers

Please cut out and hang on your door to show your support!

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The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020



Six ways the stimulus package may help you By Jeff Jolly

Dave Zajac, Record-Journal

Len Fasano, a true statesman For years Len Fasano has played the role of underdog, and played it well. The Republican, representing the 34th District of Durham, East, Haven, North Haven and Wallingford, has in recent years been the minority leader in the Connecticut Senate. Democrats have held an overwhelming majority for most of that time, but Fasano has still managed to bring the minority party’s perspective to the fore. Republicans will now face that challenge without

Fasano, who has decided not the battle over tolls, with Reto seek re-election. publicans offering the contention that Connecticut can The 61-year-old was elected manage its transportation to the Senate in 2002, and needs without them. became caucus leader after Democrats have that vast the 2014 election. He won majority, but still there are re-election in 2018 with 58.5 no tolls. percent of the vote, a sign of his continuing popularity in The Republican plan relied on pension liabilities and the district. annual borrowing to fund Connecticut will miss his transportation needs. As the service in the Senate, where Connecticut Mirror recently Fasano has managed to reported, Gov. Ned Lamont strongly present an alterna“rejected it as too risky, but tive view from the minority party. A recent example is

See Fasano, A8



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Penalty-free distributions from retirement accounts R229314

Senator Len Fasano speaks in the Senate on Jan. 9, 2019.

comes. For individuals In response to the sefiling taxes as vere economic fallout singles, the stemming from the reduced COVID-19 pandemic, a amount berecord $2 trillion fiscal gins at an adstimulus package was justed gross enacted at the end of income Jolly March. The wide-rang(AGI) of ing CARES (Coronavirus $75,000 per Aid, Relief and Econom- year and is completely ic Security) Act is dephased out at $99,000. For signed to help ease the joint filers, the reduced financial hardships amount begins at $150,000 many Americans are and payment is eliminated facing. You may be at $198,000. Your AGI will be wondering what, if any, determined by your 2019 tax economic relief is avail- filing (or 2018, if 2019 is unable to you. Here are available). These payments some possible ways you will primarily come via dimay qualify for support. rect deposit within weeks, but when you actually reDirect payments to ceive the rebate may vary many Americans depending on your circumThe CARES Act includes stances. a provision to send Enhanced unemployment most Americans direct compensation payments of $1,200, or $2,400 for joint filers, For those collecting unemplus $500 for each child. ployment benefits, the fedThe amount of the pay- eral government will bump ments will be reduced up your weekly benefit by for those with higher in- $600 for up to four months. Laid off workers who file for unemployment would usually need to wait a week to receive benefits. However, the act now allows for that Buy 4, week to be funded by the Get 1 federal government. Benefits are also extended to selfemployed individuals who All Decorative often don’t qualify for coverage.

If today’s circumstances require you to tap your workplace retirement plan or IRA to meet current financial needs, you may have more flexibility to do so. Affected, eligible participants in workplace retirement plans and IRA owners can take an aggregate distribution in 2020 See Jolly, A8

The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020

Bulk pick-up planned

Help avoid sewer system blockages The Town of North Haven is asking residents to avoid flushing disposable hand wipes and other inappropriate items (disposable gloves, towels, etc.) into the town’s sewer lines and sanitary sewer system as people practice sanitation guidelines to combat the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The Department of Public Works is working closely with Veolia North America, which operates and maintains the town’s wastewater treatment plant, to educate people about the need to avoid flushing inappropriate items down their toilets. Veolia workers have noticed a significant increase in backups and blockages in the town’s sanitary sewer system and collection network, which can pose a risk to the town’s wastewater management system and require costly repairs, both for homeowners and the town.

Although many so-called “disposable” hand wipes are advertised as being safe for flushing, in reality, they regularly cause backups in the sanitary sewer system and contribute to buildups of foreign materials. In some cases they can attach to buildups of grease in the system and create large blockages called “fatbergs.” Town officials believe the recent buildup of sanitation wipes and gloves is connected to stepped-up efforts on the part of residents to comply with guidelines for avoiding the coronavirus. Officials said they continue to encourage the use of wipes for this purpose, but ask residents to dispose of used wipes in their trash bins, rather than flushing them.

The curbside bulk pick-up scheduled for April has been postponed due to concerns related to the COVID-19 virus.

wipes, gloves, towels or other trash down the toilet, even if they’re labeled “flushable.”

Do toss dirty baby, makeup and cleaning wipes, tampons, sanitary pads and condoms into the trash. Do reduce and reuse by using compostable or reusable makeup applicators, like cotton balls, and cleaning supplies, like paper towels. Do recycle finished toilet rolls, cardboard packaging from toothpaste and brushes, and paper packaging from shampoos and shower gels.

Do not use the sink as a toilet or the toilet as a garbage disposal.

Do not flush disposable

-- Press Release

bles, metal ladders, lawn mowers, metal grills, air conditioners, etc).

Note that wood items are not considered bulk. The new dates for the col- Wood items, including lection program will be wooden chairs, tables, the last two full weeks in bookcases, etc., can be inJune: June 15 through June cinerated and therefore 26. Residents can place are picked up along with items at the curb by 5 a.m. weekly curbside sanitation on their designated trash collection as long as collection day. wooden pieces are smaller than four feet. Bulk items include large upholstered items (sofas, Electronics such as televichairs, mattresses, box sions, stereos, computers, springs, love seats, seccopiers, fax machines, tionals and reclining etc., must be brought to the Recycling Center, lochairs), appliances or cated on Elm Street, adja“white goods” (washers, dryers, refrigerators, cent to the North Haven ranges, and dish washers) Racquet Club. and scrap metals (curtain rods, bicycles, metal taSee Bulk, A10

Do not pour grease down kitchen sinks or toilets. Instead, put grease in a sealed non-recyclable container and throw out with regular garbage.

Here are some “Dos and Don’ts” for avoiding backups in the town’s sanitary sewer lines and system:


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We help transform financial advice into financial confidence. At Ameriprise, we walk with you through every stage of life, from planning how to pay for college to planning for retirement. So together, we can create financial plans that help you meet your goals and face the future with confidence. Jeff Jolly, CFP® Private Wealth Advisor and Senior Vice President BEST OF...


2 0 1 Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Advisors A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.





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If you need a tub or shower replaced,

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with flame design) in the U.S. Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., a registered investment adviser. © 2019 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (05/19)


The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020


tion to refund your retirement accounts any or all of the distribution within three From A6 years of the initial withdrawal and adjust your tax liabiliof up to $100,000 from all rety accordingly. tirement accounts without incurring the usual 10 perNo required minimum discent early withdrawal penal- tributions in 2020 ty. The affected participant Those who are required to or IRA owner (including a spouse or dependent) would take minimum distributions need to either be diagnosed (RMDs), can ignore RMD rules this year. RMDs for with COVID-19 or experi2020 are suspended for cerencing adverse financial tain defined contribution consequences that meet a plans and IRAs to help rebroad-set of COVID-19-retirement accounts try to related criteria. cover from stock market Income taxes will still apply losses. Check with your tax to the distribution but can advisor about other options be spread out over three you may have related to years. You also have the op- RMDs.

Tax-deductible charitable contributions As a result of the 2017 tax reform, the vast majority of taxpayers lost their ability to choose itemized deductions due to a dramatic increase in standardized deductions. That eliminated the ability for many to write off charitable contributions on their taxes. The new CARES Act allows for a $300 above-theline deduction for charitable contributions made to 501(c)(3) organizations for taxpayers who take the standard deduction or those who itemize. The deduction applies to cash contributions. The changes go into

effect beginning in the 2020 tax year. The tax savings may be modest, but it helps.

See Jolly, A10


ments came from across the aisle.

From A6

“I am disheartened to hear that Senator Fasano’s time in the state Senate will be coming to an end,” said Senate President Martin M. Looney, a New Haven Democrat, as quoted by the Mirror. “Len is a pillar of the General Assembly and leaves a distinguished legacy as a true statesman of the Connecticut Senate.”

complimented Fasano for coming to the table with the idea.” It’s worth hoping that Republicans can find someone to fill those shoes. One-party rule is a liability when the majority doesn’t have to listen to the minority, and Fasano has battled to keep that liability at bay. It’s a testament to his abilities as a leader that compli-

A true statesman is an apt description. Fasano will be missed.


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The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020



The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020


Concern over equipment as cases rise By Michael Gagne Record-Journal staff

taminate them. Those are a with 6,906 of them having reusable type item,” he said. tested positive to date. Statewide, there Morgan noted the departare 1,221 hospitalizations of ment is trying to reuse pro- patients currently being tective suits as much as treated for COVID-19. possible. But at some point, those would need to be re- Officials reported 17 new COVID-19-related deaths, placed, as well. bringing the state’s total to “The guys are hanging in 206 deaths as of Monday afthere. They’re really motiternoon. vated. At the same time, Maura Esposito, director of they’re worried about takthe Chesprocott Health ing it home to families. So District, said the area is we’re doing everything we running low on N95 masks can to protect them and their families,” Morgan said. and face shields.

As the number of COVID19 infections continues to increase, public safety and health officials are concerned about depleting stockpiles of personal protective equipment for first responders and healthcare workers. “We always will need more,” said Meriden Fire Chief Ken Morgan. “We’re burning through it a lot faster than we normally would.” Midway through last week, Morgan’s department had sufficient supplies of N95 medical masks and Tyvek protective suits, but was running short of respiratory aid equipment, like breathing tanks. “Fortunately we can decon-

More than 1,200 Connecticut residents tested positive for COVID-19, out of approximately 3,400 tests, according to figures released by the state Department of Public Health Monday afternoon. Overall, 26,686 residents were tested for the disease,

While hospitals are the top priority for supplies, other partners, including group homes that work with the state Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, are in need, as well. “They have been looking at us to give those supplies,” Esposito said.

From A7

Supplies have run so low that leaders like Esposito are down to giving out equipment that has expired.

By law, electronics must be recycled. The Recycling Center is available to all North Haven residents. “The curbside bulk pick-up program displays one of many ways the Department of Field Operations is invested in the citizens of North Haven,” Freda stated. “It is an important service that the town is pleased to continue to provide to its residents.”

Esposito urged anyone who has new, unused protective equipment to donate them. For information on where to donate, she recommended calling 211. Shane Lockwood, health director for the PlainvilleSouthington Regional Health District, said the district is also running low on protective equipment.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Department of Field Operations at 203-239-5321, ext. 410.

“We’re managing our stockpile,” Lockwood said, adding, “We’ll get through this. We’ve gotten donations.”

-- Press Release

One business, Hong Kong Kitchen in Southington, donated 1,000 facemasks.

Jolly From A8

See Equipment, A12

A break for those with student loans All federal student loan payments are deferred until September 30, 2020. However, you need to contact your loan provider and inform them that you plan to pause payments as allowed under the CARES Act. There are additional benefits for borrowers and grant recipients as well, so check with your loan provider or school administration for more information.

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Jeff Jolly, CFP, is a Private Wealth Advisor and Sr. Vice President with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. in North Haven. He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 15 years. To contact him, call 203-407-8188 ext. 330, or visit his office at 250 State St. Unit E1.

The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020


How to talk to kids about the pandemic By Mary Ellen Godin Record-Journal staff

ness, maintaining structure and routine, and cultivating an environment of physical and emotional safety.”

MERIDEN — Explaining a life-threatening global pandemic to children can be particularly daunting when the people they rely on for safety and comfort are frightened themselves. “The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has ushered in a period of uncertainty and change across the world, and with that often comes great unease and disruption in the lives of families, including here in greater Meriden,” said Maren Odell, programming and development coordinator for the Child Guidance Clinic for Central Connecticut. “Fortunately, parents, adults, and other community members can have an amazing capacity to mitigate the impact of this trauma on their children and themselves by practicing kind-

The Child Guidance Clinic’s offices are operating remotely and offering telehealth services. If parents have any concerns, they can call the office Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 203-235-5767. A program coordinator is in the office and can assess needs and find support programs. “Our mission is to support this effort with behavioral health services and community outreach that promote wellness as we all navigate this challenging, unknown terrain,” Odell said. “We are all in this together, and together we will be resilient.” The clinic hosted its first community web discussion for parents on Friday. During “Understanding Challenging Behaviors at Home

During COVID-19,” licensed mental health social workers Kristin Lariviere and Samantha West talked about young children’s behavior in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, shared strategies to help families cope and answered questions from parents. The Child Guidance Center of Central Connecticut is offering tips and ideas for parents and caregivers, including staying connected through calls, texts and the internet and making time to focus on your mental health.

Children should be reassured they are safe and encouraged to develop routines while they are at home. “With all the uncertainty we are facing today, the persistent cycle of the earth and nature can be comforting,” read a post on the center’s website. “Consider getting some fresh air and a refresh to your mental health by taking a walk with your kids today and celebrating the start of spring.”

Stephanie Owens and her three children Lucas, 12: Reid, 8; and Cole, 3. Tend to a small garden at their home Wednesday March 25 in 203-317-2255 Glen Allen, Va. Twitter: @Cconnbiz

AP Photo/Steve Helber

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The North Haven Citizen |

Friday, April 10, 2020


ed under the statewide tally.

In Meriden, 188 residents tested for the disease tested negative, according to the In Southington, that number city health department. The stood at 48. Meanwhile, in city has so far reported three Wallingford, 36 cases were deaths associated with the reported, and North Haven disease. had 29. Gov. Ned Lamont, speaking Chesprocott Health District to reporters Tuesday afterofficials reported 38 total noon, noted the number of cases in Cheshire, a figure daily hospitalizations does five cases larger than report- not appear to be rising. The

From A1

latest daily number as of Tuesday was 87. The state has average about 90 hospitalizations over the previous five days.

tals across the state would need “will be dependent upon the degree to which we can flatten the curve.”

The state is still looking to Lamont was cautious in not- ramp up its testing for ing those numbers do not COVID-19. Officials cited establish a trend. new rapid 15-minute tests, including those developed “At least we can say we are by CVS and Abbott Labs, as beginning to flatten out,” La- among the types of tests that mont said. “It gives our hos- will help offer a more clear pitals more capacity. It gives picture of the actual circumthem more time to plan. It stances statewide. gives them more time to make sure they have more Local health officials in ventilators and ICU rooms Meriden have cautioned in the city's most recent update for you. It means that peak maybe somewhat mitigated. that because of limited testThat's only thanks to your ing the number of confirmed strict social distancing.” cases so far reported “is not a precise indication of the The ventilator capacity in actual cases of COVID-19 in hospitals statewide has inour community due to a lack creased to around 1,400, re- of testing.” ported Josh Geballe, chief Shane Lockwood, director operating officer in the Lafor the Plainville-Southingmont administration. ton Regional Health District Geballe said ultimately the was similarly cautious to number of ventilators hospi- note that testing to date for

Equipment From A10

Those will be given to first responders and nursing homes, Lockwood said. The district is accepting donations. Residents and busi-

nesses able to donate supplies can contact the health district by calling 860-2766275. They can also send an email to The number of COVID-19 cases in Lockwood’s district, which also covers Middle-

COVID-19 represents “only a portion of the story.” “We know there's a lot more people who have it,” Lockwood said. The vast majority of people are adhering to social distancing guidances, as officials have urged. “If they're out in the parks, they're going solo,” Lockwood said. “We're going into the peak time. The more we can practice social distancing, the better.” As the region heads into what health experts anticipate will be a peak in the number of cases, “95% of people are doing the right thing,” Lockwood said, while acknowledging there are some people still who will decide against following social distancing guidelines. 203-317-2231 Twitter:@MikeGagneRJ

field, was 56 as of Monday afternoon. It’s not a true representation of how many cases are out there, Lockwood warned. “We know there are many people out there. There are many people out there who have the symptoms but won’t get tested,” he said. David Lowell, executive vice president for Hunter’s Ambulance in Meriden, said for now the medical transportation company has a sufficient supply of personal protective equipment.


However, Lowell expects an uptick in calls for emergency transportation in the coming weeks. “We will be in need of additional supplies and have orders placed so we don’t run out,” Lowell said.


Lowell and others noted the situation is rapidly evolving.



“We are advising our first responders as this rolls on to treat every patient as if they have a COVID-19 infection, so there are no gaps in proper protective equipment,” Lowell said.

The North Haven Citizen |

Vets From A1

Many veterinarian practices are limiting or prioritizing the types of cases they are seeing statewide. Emergency appointments, or mandated vaccines like rabies, are still continuing. St. Clair said they are running on “super zero” for personal protective equipment. He said they started with 50 surgical masks a month ago. Currently the staff member

Friday, April 10, 2020

retrieving pets from vehicles is using a N95 mask, which is switched out every two weeks. Howard and St. Clair said that pet owners should be extra cautious during this time. St. Clair said there is a need for further investigation into the possible transmission between humans and animals.

from pets to people through skin or fur. The most recent case of confirmed animal infection includes a tiger at a zoo in New York that is believed to have contracted the illness from a zookeeper. The association recommends taking preventative measures to avoid personto-person contact.

“I don’t personally see this changing for awhile,” St. According to a recent release Clair said. from the American nary Medical Association, 203-317-2225 there is no current evidence Twitter: @LaurenSellewRJ that the virus can spread

Briefs From A4

Entries are due on or before Jan. 10, 2021. Mail entries to NHGC, c/o Cindy Golia, 12 Stanton Road, North Haven, CT 06473.

most stores. Also, Stop & Shop has created hours specifically geared to accommodate customers 60 and older. Stop & Shop stores will open from 6 to 7:30 a.m. only for customers over the age of 60 who the CDC and local health officials say are most vulnerable.

Shopping announcement Stop & Shop has adjusted its hours of operation to 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. at


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Friday, April 10, 2020

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