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DEEP closes swimming areas
The state Department of Energy & Environmental Protection closed three state park swimming areas on Monday including Wharton Brook State Park, which is located on the North HavenWallingford line. The other closures were Wadsworth Falls State Park in Middlefield and Cockaponset State Forest in Chester.
Each week DEEP collects samples of water from a number of swimming areas and beaches. The samples are tested and analyzed at the Department of Public Health Lab for the presence of certain indicator bacteria.
Indicator bacteria are one of the tools used by public health and environmental protection authorities to evaluate the potential for
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contamination of water bodies, but they do not necessarily mean disease-causing pathogens are present.
As of Wednesday morning, eight Connecticut swimming areas were closed by the DEEP, one due to flooding.
Wharton Brook remained on the list. Wadsworth Falls and Cockaponset were listed as open.