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Around Town
FD activities


Recently, members of the North Haven Fire Department, Division 4, conducted a search and rescue practical training at a structure scheduled for demolition. Despite the soaring temperatures, this type of training is crucial. As the local firefighters trained, several residents came out to watch; they asked questions, learned about the department, and were even given a tour of the trucks.
On July 7, NHFD personel visited the Montowese school playground and the Recre-
Full support
Lori’s nursing experience and healthcare experience allows her to holistically look at the school community and see things that may not be visible from a strictly “numbers” perspective. She advocates intensely for the special needs community and uses her voice regularly during public comment at Board of Education meetings.
I have seen all three of these women work collaboratively throughout the past year.
ation Department Day Camp. Firefighters performed demonstrations and showed the youngsters the tools of the trade, including the Jaws of Life.
Arrests on the rise

At the North Haven Police Commission’s June 27 meeting, police chief Kevin Glenn shared local crime statistics from the past two years. Numbers show calls for service are down from last year, while motor vehicle stops and arrests are up. Glenn gave the commission a general update about the department and said the NHPD anticipates starting its Citizens Police Academy in October.
They are meticulous planners and pay high attention to details, acting with integrity in all that they do.

All three of these women are moms of children in the district and have essential perspectives on a wide array of issues that affect the public schools.
This team will do great things for our town. This I know.
I am thrilled to cast my vote in November for this great slate of candidates and hope you too vote for Lori, Thais and Amanda.
Jamie Buller Krzmarzick
Joyce C. Budrow Senior Center
Painting. The Senior Center’s Oil and Acrylic Painting class is held Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. through Sept. 26. To learn more, and to register, call 203-239-5432.

Walk at Wharton Brook. Kick off your Tuesday with a walk around Wharton Brook, located off Rt. 5. Meet in the parking lot at the entrance at 9 a.m. Remember to bring water, and wear sneakers, as some terrain may be uneven. If you plan on walking with us, contact the office at 203-2395432 the Monday prior.

Teen Tech Support. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 3:30 p.m., through Aug. 24. Learn how to get the most out of your phone, laptop or tablet. Our volunteers can help with general device use and special topics like setting up email accounts, browsing the internet, resetting passwords, and more. Register for a 30-minute session. Call 203-239-5432.
Honey bee presentation. Thursday, July 20 at 11 a.m. Join beekeeper Ray Sola for this fun and informative presentation. Local honey will be available for purchase. To reserve a seat, call 203-2395432.
Healthy Brain Series. Thursdays in August, 11 a.m. to noon. Residents age 60plus are invited to attend this complimentary, fiveweek series. Topics include activites to help challenge your mind, the importance of diet, nutrition, sleep and finding meaningful engagements. Presented by dementia specialist Angela Christie, of Hartford Healthcare Center for Healthy Aging. RSVP by Thursday, July 20. Call 203-239-5432.
Summer gathering. Celebrate “National Beer Day” with friends Friday, Aug. 4, 3 p.m., at Twelve Percent Beer Project, 342 State St. Indoor/ outdoor seating available. A pizza truck will be on site, or bring your own picnic. RSVP by Friday, July 21. Call 203239-5432.