Friday, August 28, 2020
Volume 15, Number 23
A week of sprints, waiting & wonder Conditioning sessions resume as CIAC and the Department of Public Health tackle their differences in opinion By Greg Lederer Record-Journal staff
CHESHIRE — In their hopeful journey to return to play amid the coronavirus pandemic, Connecticut high school athletes and coaches received positive news this week. After having in-person activities suspended for 10 days, the CIAC allowed teams to resume non-contact conditioning workouts on Monday.
comes Saturday. By then, they should have an update on the future course of the season. “Our teams restarted conditioning on Tuesday,” said Cheshire Athletic Director Steve Trifone. “The coaches were anxious to get back at it. As long as the weather holds up, we See Fall sports, A4
“We are pleased that we could restart the conditioning we’ve done since July 6,” CIAC Executive Director Glenn Lungarini said Tuesday. “We are also on the same page with DPH that we can start skill work on Saturday.”
The transition to skill-work practices
Aaron Flaum, Record-Journal
NORTH HAVEN HEALTH & RACQUET North Haven Health & Racquet, 100 Elm St. Google Earth ©2020
It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks for North Haven Health & Racquet, a staple in the town for decades. Recently, the fitness club alerted members
By Matthew Zabierek Record-Journal staff
The state’s largest teachers union is calling for Connecticut to follow other neighboring states by pushing the start of school back two weeks until midSeptember, but the union representing Meriden teachers is taking a differing stance.
Town working to find new operator for club By Sean Krofssik Record-Journal staff
Teachers unions disagree on delaying start of school
via email that the Elm Street business was closing. On Monday, Aug. 17, the club’s owners offered to donate the North Haven Health & Racquet facility to the Town of North Haven. See Club, A2
The Connecticut Education Association, which boasts more than 160 local affiliates, released its own school reopening guidelines last week. It recommended delaying the start of school by two weeks or until mid-September to “to improve and expand remote learning.”
“Starting school in August with very high temperatures and humidity, no air conditioning in most classrooms, and trying to enforce maskwearing for five or more hours in those conditions is not practicable. Instead, use the time to refine and provide training for enhanced distance learning,” CEA’s Safe Learning Plan reads. Rhode Island and Massachusetts recently decided to push the start of school back a couple of weeks, the plan notes. CEA affiliates around the state include unions in Wallingford, Southington, Cheshire, Berlin, Plainville, North Haven, Middlefield and Durham. Teachers in See Unions, A3
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
Club From A1
“I want you to know that there is a ray of hope for reopening the club!” NHHR general manager Tricia Tagliatela said in an email. “First Selectman Mike Freda and the officials of the Town of North Haven have always been gracious when dealing with NHHR. My family has offered to gift NHHR to the Town of North Haven.”
“There are a number of interested parties that would
Freda said he wants to help continue what the family has delivered for nearly a half century.
“As with many other family businesses, we have been hard-pressed to meet the competition of national chains,” Tagliatela continued. “COVID-19 added greatly to the strain.”
“My goal is that it is kept as a tennis facility, exercise facility and a facility that is open to the entire community,” the first selectman said. “Whether it be for cardio, weightlifting, tennis, pickleball – whatever the activities that are there – it’s very important to me that it stays open to everybody.” The Tagliatela’s and Freda plan to meet again soon. “We made this offer because it has always been my wish
Patrick Frawley, 29, was Frawley charged with second-degree burglary and criminal mischief. 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450
“This is part of the Tagliatela legacy as well,” Freda added. “They have done a lot in terms of philanthropic work throughout the years and I want to help them get a positive outcome.”
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The club has been in the family for 46 years. “In 1974, my father, Louis F. Tagliatela Sr., was an enthusiastic tennis player,” Tricia Tagliatela said. “He was tired of driving to Derby to get a court. Being an entrepreneur, he decided to build an eight-court facility in North Haven where his friends and family could
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Police responded to a home on Centerbrook Road around 11:30 p.m. after two women called 911 to report they heard a loud noise and found a man standing in the living room, according to a post on the police depart-
“The reality of this is COVID has really affected their business very negatively, and the same thing with all of the health clubs and gyms in the state and the country,” Freda said. “My goal is to continue
NORTH HAVEN — A man faces charges after police said two women heard a loud noise and found a man in their living room late Tuesday night, Aug. 18.
Eventually, the name was changed to North Haven Health & Racquet.
to work with the family and continue to bring in interested parties and find a solution by early September – at the latest.
Police: Man broke into home, found by K-9 By Lauren Sellew Record-Journal staff
play. We named it the Court Club.”
The club’s owners met with Freda recently and progress was made.
that the club would be available to serve the people of the community for tennis and fitness,” Tagliatela said. “This means that if the Town of North Haven accepts the gift of the club, it will have a list of operators willing to open the club quickly. This would also give the staff the opportunity for reemployment.
The club, which draws members from throughout the area, offers more than 75,000 square feet of cardio and weight equipment, six tennis courts, five racquetball courts, a basketball court, track, a group exercise and spinning studio and other ameneties.
like to purchase it and there is a possibility of it being donated,” Freda said. “We’re still trying to work that out in terms of who can take it over … The intricate part of this is we own the land and the Tagliatela family owns the building and the equipment. It’s a long-term ground lease that was established back in 1974.”
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WWW.GOTTREEZ.COM The North Haven Citizen (USPS 023-595) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450
The North Haven Citizen |
Unions From A1
Meriden are represented by the American Federation of Teachers Connecticut, a statewide labor federation with more than 90 local unions throughout the state. Lauren Mancini-Averitt, president of the Meriden Federation of Teachers, doesn’t agree with the call to push the start of school back. “We’ve done everything to make this opening as safe as we can, and we all know it comes with risk. But it will in two weeks from now, too,” she said. Meriden’s first full day of school for students is scheduled for Sept. 8, with halfdays scheduled for Sept. 3 and 4.
did not explicitly call for delaying the start of school, however. Matt O’Connor, a spokesman for AFT Connecticut, said the organization’s 13 requested safety requirements “leaves room” for local unions to demand delaying the start of school if a district isn’t able to meet any of the 13 requirements. Those requirements include policies for masks, social distancing, air filtration systems, and contact tracing, among other things. CEA’s 15-page Safe Learning Plan also included several recommendations, including implementing all-remote learning for districts that have a moderate or high infection rate or an inability to
Friday, August 28, 2020
maintain social distancing; upgrading air filtration system to improve air quality; implementing a school-centered contact tracing program; and providing testing for all students and adults with results in 24 hours or less. “The state must revise school reopening plans to protect our school communities, especially in light of new reports confirming that children can readily transmit COVID-19 and may be drivers of the pandemic,” CEA President Jeff Leake said in a statement. “Remote learning is still the safest option. Any return to the classroom requires additional precautions, including strict social distancing and access to COVID-19 testing, that are not currently included in the state plan.”
Rob Blanchard, a spokesman for the governor’s office, wrote in an emailed statement that the state is trying to ensure “we do not have a lost year of education” by putting in place “plans and guidelines that keep students and staff safe, while also doing our best to provide our young people with access to an education that prepares them for the future. “After schools closed last spring, 176,000 Connecticut students did not log on for a single day of distance learning,” Blanchard continued. “Although we’ve since taken significant steps to equip students to learn from home, we also know that nothing com-
A few days after CEA released its detailed reopening recommendations, the American Federation of Teachers Connecticut distributed a list of 13 “safety principles” for reopening, which included a lot of the same safety measures that CEA is lobbying for. The list
“Maintaining a spirit of collaboration is what got us to this point and we know we cannot do this without our dedicated teachers,” Yazbak said in a statement. See Unions, A4
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“Districts have spent an exorbitant amount of money, and a two-week push back for the districts that don’t have any money, it’s not going to help them,” ManciniAveritt said. “This plan has cost Meriden Public Schools and other districts a massive amount of money, and that two weeks is just going to make it so that we spend even more.”
Peter Yazbak, a spokesman for the state Department of Education, said the state is providing a total of $266 million in reopening financial aid to districts, which he noted is one of the largest perpupil funding plans in the country.
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At a meeting last month, Meriden education officials told the city’s Board of Education that their plan to reopen schools is estimated to cost $2.3 million.
pares to safe, high-quality, inperson education with the nation’s best teachers and other education professionals.”
For cash-strapped districts with fewer resources, like Meriden, Mancini-Averitt said delaying the start of school may not be ideal because it could lead to more spending. “The two weeks does not help with the fact that there’s a huge disparity in the state of Connecticut between the have and have-not districts,’ she said.
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
Fall sports From A1
will work out with social distancing. It (the process) is one day at a time.” The conditioning announcements came after the CIAC Board of Control met on Sunday. Starting on July 6, CIAC had allowed teams to participate in conditioning cohorts of limited numbers, but after the Connecticut Department of Public Health sent them a letter recommending, among other things, a two-week break to put the focus on the return to school, the athletic governing body chose to take a pause from their fall plan on Aug. 14. In collaborating with DPH last week, the CIAC received the state’s blessing to pick up their practice plan for the fall season. To align with National Federation of High School guidelines, cohort workouts are currently limited to 10 athletes per session. “We are pleased that we
could restart the conditioning we’ve done since July 6,” CIAC Executive Director Glenn Lungarini said in an interview Tuesday. “We are also on the same page with DPH that we can start skill work on Saturday. Non-contact activities lowers the risk in sports (for COVID).” In another update from Sunday’s meeting, the CIAC said that if any sport is canceled this fall, it won’t be moved to another season in the 2020-21 academic year.
would be more restricted than what we have at this time,” Lungarini explained.
derstand the different guidelines set for high school athletics and club sports.
In advising the CIAC, DPH has expressed concern about playing girls volleyball and football. In their first letter sent on Aug. 13, the organization recommended that those sports be canceled or moved to next year.
“The state right now allows for sports like club volleyball to play, but DPH disagrees that it should be played indoors (in high school),” explained Lungarini. “At this point, there are inconsistencies that we want to work out. We are hoping to have more discussions on that this week.”
In sending a second letter on Sunday, DPH said they would consider advocating for volleyball being played outdoors, as well as football “Looking at where we are playing in a 7-on-7 format to and what we know (medical- take out the risk of line play ly) at this time, we think the and tackling. best opportunity to offer For their possibility of sports is right now,” stated spreading coronavirus, volLungarini. “After we spoke leyball and football are claswith our medical experts sified as moderate and high and DPH, we feel that the risk sports, respectively. future is in doubt.” “I think those recommendaLungarini added that when students return to school for tions come from the work of the National Federation of in-person instruction this High Schools,” said Lungarifall, officials expect that the ni. “Those are certainly move would have a negative items that we will talk about impact on COVID metrics. with our committees.” “Looking at the winter and early spring (of next year), it Lungarini said that the CIAC is currently working to unis more likely that activities
In the CIAC plan established on July 30, cross country, field hockey, soccer, girls swim and dive, and girls volleyball teams are able to play up to 12 regular-season contests, while football teams are allowed to have six games. If the health metrics are good, a tournament ex-
Unions From A3
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perience could end the season in early November. “We want to be as direct and clear in our messaging as possible,” said Lungarini. “Everything in our plan is fluid and can change at any time.” Lungarini said that he understands the frustration of athletes, coaches, and administrators, who are hoping to receive a concrete plan for the 2020 season. “We have learned through this experience that there is no final plan with COVID,” explained Lungarini. “We are confident that today we are conditioning and if the numbers stay the way we are, we will do it again tomorrow.”
ing the Governor and state’s commitment to having their backs throughout this process.” 203-317-2279 Twitter: @matthewzabierek
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
Drought conditions one factor in trees turning early By Jessica Simms Special to the Record-Journal
Autumn is just around the corner and a big part of the transition is the changing colors of tree leaves. Leaves change color because of physiological stress, according to C. Thomas Philbrick, professor of biology at Western Connecticut State University. “The day length is changing in the fall, so there’s less Leaves turning yellow along light, so that’s a stress,” Westfield Road in Meriden. Philbrick said. “It’s getting colder in the fall, there could This year, some trees have be more disease in the fall, so lots of things. Any type of been changing color earstress will cause the leaves to ly for a few reasons. One is the extreme lack of rain this change color because when Basement Waterproofing Services civreS are gnifoorpretsummer. aW tnemesaB they change color,sethey Castle Craig is seen here on East Peak in Meriden. The extreme drynessOver this is experience. reabsorbing the chlorophyll, 36 summer Years combined .ecneirepxe denibmoc“...the sraeY 63rainfall revO for the sumone reason some trees’ leaves are already changing colors. so thePumps, yellows and the reds Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump , s p m u P p m u S , * e e t n a r a u G n e t t i r W e l b a r efbeen snarT yclose lluF to eight mer has Photos by Dave Zajac, Record-Journal and stuff show through.” inches below normal,” said
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It’s “kind of like being stuck in the wilderness and not having any food and you’re trying to preserve your energy for another day,” he said. “That’s basically what the trees are doing.” The recent tropical storm has also triggered some early change in foliage. The intermittent heavy rain has also been a factor. The trimming of trees after the storm also puts a lot of stress on trees. “Another thing that I’ve no-
See Trees, A8
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
Local man gets 2½ years in fatal DUI case
From A6
By Lauren Sellew Record-Journal staff
ticed is a lot of this has happened on trees that have been trimmed,” Lessor said.
MERIDEN — A North Haven man was sentenced to 30 months in prison in connection with a fatal crash on Interstate-691 in 2018.
Lastly, bug infestations and pests can also impact trees.
Georgios Kattis, 38, of 18 Chapman Court, North Haven, was charged in May 2019 with second-degree manslaughter, first-degree reckless endangerment, driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, reckless driving, driving the wrong way on a highway,
There is some good news, however. “You’re getting more trees that are extremely stressed from the drought so the problem is we will continue to see fewer (mature) trees around, but of course, the circle of life is also giving opportunity for new trees so the next generation of trees in the coming years will take over,” Lessor said.
aged Nissan with Kattis sitting in the driver’s seat, conscious and alert, according He previously pled nolo con- to Kattis’ arrest warrant. tendre to second-degree manslaughter. A plea of nolo A woman in the passenger contendre means that Kattis seat, identified as Marieta Morchadze, suffered a major is not contesting the charge. A judge made a find- head injury and was pronounced dead at the scene, ing of guilty and last week Kattis was sentenced to the warrant said. 10 years in prison, suspended after 30 months, followed The driver of the other vehicle involved, a tractor-trailer, by five years probation. told police that after he On May 29, 2018, police repassed the exit 5 off-ramp he sponded to a two-vehicle saw a vehicle on the right crash on I-691 by exit 5. Poshoulder of the road driving lice found a heavily damthe wrong way without its failure to wear seatbelt and failure to display lights.
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Kattis’ medical records showed he had a blood alcohol level above the legal limit of .08 and also had methadone and morphine in his blood at the time. Kattis told police he drank three alcoholic beverages an hour before the crash, the warrant said.
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lights on, the warrant said. The truck driver tried to move left to avoid a collision but the car struck the passenger side of his truck.
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
In Brief Camera club
Garden Clubs Annual Poetry Contest, which is open to The North Haven Camera North Haven students in Club will host online presen- kindergarten through ninth tations on the first Tuesday grade. The contest theme is of the month and competi"Adventures In The Garden." tions on the third Tuesday of For more information, email the month. For more, or mation, visit Interested find The North Haven Garden Club on Facebook. in attending a meeting or joining the club? Email northhavencameraclub@ Beautification
Fall Festival canceled Due to COVID-19, the North Haven Garden Club’s first annual Fall Festival has been cancelled. The club is a non-profit organization which relies solely on fundraising efforts.
Poetry contest The North Haven Garden Club Youth Program is participating in The National
The North Haven Garden Club Civic Committee invites public participation in its annual Beautification Awards. The club will award private and/or business properties for their gardening and beautification efforts in town. Do you know of a property which should be considered for the 2020 award? Email, or find The North Haven Garden Club on Facebook.
Donations sought
Locals in college
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The North Haven food bank has a constant need for: mayo, ketchup, mustard, coffee, tea, tuna, soup, Chef Boyardee products, instant mashed potatoes, cookies, crackers, macaroni and cheese, protein bars, granola bars, trail mix, nuts, jerky, peanut butter crackers, graham crackers, dried fruit, Fruit Roll-Ups, fruit snacks, fruit cups, applesauce, pudding cups, peanut butter, jelly, Pop Tarts, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, syrup, juice boxes and canned fruit. Items can be dropped off at the Department of Community Services office at the Town Hall Annex.
Bryant University, Smithfield, R.I., awarded Madeline Miranda with a bachelor’s degree in communications, and Mackenzie Quinn with a bachelor’s
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The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
How have you been affected by COVID-19?
SWEET DONATION Knights of Columbus - North Haven Father James F. Donaher Council 3733 presented ACES ACCESS with the proceeds from the Knights’ recent Tootsie Roll fundraiser. ACES ACCESS provides job training and placement and life skills activities for developmentally challenged adults. For more information, call 203234-1344 or visit Pictured: Blaise L. Vece, Grand Knight, K of C 3733; Evelyn Rossetti-Ryan, ACES Chief of ACCESS & Outreach; and Paul A. Caiafa, Trustee, K of C 3733.
The Town of North Haven has created a long-term recovery committee to help address the community’s needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to assess the behavioral, economic, social and emotional impacts and the needs of the North Haven community as a result of the COVID19 outbreak, the committee has created a brief and anonymous survey that residents are welcome to complete. Survey results will inform immediate, longterm and ongoing actions the town can take to address the impact of COVID-19 on residents. The survey can be taken online at nhcovid19survey. Paper copies of the survey are available through Tuesday, Sept. 8 at the following locations: Memorial Town Hall, 18 Church St.; Town Hall Annex Building, 5 Linsley St.; North Haven Senior Center, 189 Pool Road; the Department of Recreation, 7 Linsley St.; and the North Haven Memorial Library, 17 Elm St. Completed surveys can be dropped off at any of these locations. For more information on how to obtain a copy of the survey, call 203-606-5127.
30 Cemeteries to serve you.
Providing a place of Prayer, Peace and Serenity for families and friends.
— Press Release
Letters Policy
All Saints Cemetery, North Haven 203-239-2557 | Mount Saint Peter’s Cemetery, Derby 203-735-8026 Saint Lawrence Cemetery, West Haven 203-624-3980 | Saint John’s Cemetery, Wallingford 203-237-3226 Sacred Heart Cemetery, Meriden 203-237-3226 |
Email letters to news@; or mail to 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450. Letters are limited to 300 words. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We do not list names of people, organizations and businesses being thanked. Names of businesses are not allowed. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication the following Friday.
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
Bank breaks ground on new branch location At the invitation of the Quinnipiac and Greater New Haven Chambers of Commerce, Guilford Savings Bank officially broke ground on its latest branch office at the intersection of Washington and Blakeslee avenues in North Haven. Leaders from both chambers joined representatives from The New Haven Group, PhaseZero and Guilford Savings Bank to turn the soil at the construction site.
Anticipated to open in early 2021, this newly-designed branch office will be the seventh location for Guilford Savings Bank with full-service banking centers currently in Old Saybrook, Madison, North Madison, Guilford and Branford. Established in 1875, Guilford Savings Bank made headlines recently by donating $100,000 to four regional community foundations in the early days of the pandemic.
Pictured: Gary Ciarleglio - Senior Director of Sales & Marketing - Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce; Kyle Eagleson - 1st EVP, Chief Financial Officer; Timothy Geelan - President /CEO; Shalonta Ford - VP Retail Banking Officer; Michael J. Freda - First Selectman North Haven; Renee Pallenberg - SVP Director of Marketing and Cash — Press Release Management; Ray Andrewsen - Director of Membership Services - Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce.
Make sure your voice is heard
To participate in the general election, you must be a U.S. Citizen, resident of Connecticut and 18 by Nov. 3, 2020. The easiest way to register is online, using a CT driver’s license or another DMV-issued ID at If you do not have a DMVissued ID, you may also register by mail using the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. Download a registration form in English or Spanish at and mail it to your local registrar’s office. You may also register in person if they are open.
Pre-pandemic are mentee Mitch Williams, from Plainville, and his mentor Steve Signor, from North Haven. The two are hoping to generate more great mentoring relationships, just like their own 9-year match, by spreading the word about 50 For Fall, the new Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters male mentor recruitment campaign. Learn more at
For more information about special circumstances or to See Elections, A13 Economical and Affordable Burial & Cremation Economical & Affordable Burial Services Proudly Serving Our Community for Four Generations
Help avoid sewer system blockages coronavirus pandemic.
items down their toilets.
The Department of Public Works is working closely with Veolia North America, which operates and maintains the town’s wastewater treatment plant, to educate people about the need to avoid flushing inappropriate
Veolia workers have noticed a significant increase in backups and blockages in the town’s sanitary sewer system and collection network, which can pose a risk See Sewer, A13
Washington Memorial Funeral Home Owner & Director John Iacobucci
Established 1994 Pre-Planning and Title 19 Specialists
4 Washington Ave., North Haven 203-239-6000
The Town of North Haven is asking residents to avoid flushing disposable hand wipes and other inappropriate items (disposable gloves, towels, etc.) into the town’s sewer lines and sanitary sewer system as people practice sanitation guidelines to combat the ongoing
Exceptional Service & Respect at a Difficult Time
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
in Gift Cards Purchased to Local Businesses so far!
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Get Trusted Local News Support Local Businesses Support Local Journalism Limited Time Offer. To Subscribe go to: Thank You for Supporting your Local Newspaper and Local Businesses! 232047+v2
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
School district receives credit union grant American Eagle Financial Credit Union continued its long-standing support of public schools in Connecticut with its donation of eight $1,000 grants to each of the school districts in its service area: Bloomfield, Cromwell, East Hartford, Enfield,
Sewer From A11
Town officials believe the recent buildup of sanitation wipes and gloves is connected to stepped-up efforts on the part of residents to comply with guidelines for avoiding the coronavirus. Officials said they continue to encourage the use of wipes for this purpose, but ask residents to dispose of used wipes in their trash bins, rather than flushing them.
— Press Release
Elections From A11
The $8,000 donation was made through the American Eagle Donor Advised Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.
GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-317-2312
“In these uncertain times, we want to make sure that students, their families, teachers and administrators know that American Eagle continues its education funding that is focused on making the classroom experience, whether in person or
online, as valuable as possible,” said Dean Marchessault, president and chief executive officer of American Eagle Financial Credit Union. The grants from American Eagle will be used to help
Since 1867 We Are Proud To Be Your Local News and Advertising Source
— Press Release
Interested in Classified Advertising? Call Us.
AURORA TREE REMOVAL Bucket Truck/Crane/Climbing Stump Grinding • Chipping • Lot Clearing • Tree & Shrub Installation • Storm Damage Clean-ups
Owner on Every Job • Free Estimates Fully Insured Contractor’s Lic #558031
Major Credit Cards Accepted
Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat.
Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.
Find great local eats - Adelphia Café 476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.
Athena II Diner
320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 203.239.0663 Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available.
obtain an absentee ballot application, visit The registration deadline is Oct. 27 for the Nov. 3 election. For information about candidates visit Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive a letter in the mail confirming your registration and where you will go to vote.
the school districts purchase and provide classroom supplies to students and teachers during the 2020-2021 school year. The area of greatest need will be determined by each school district.
Colony Diner
611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 Wallingford’s place to go for oldfashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day.
Duchess of Wallingford 124 Church St. Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 265-9431 Duchess -of-Wallingford/119682821380599 Celebrating Over 25 Years in Wallingford! Our Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner.
to the town’s wastewater management system and require costly repairs, both for homeowners and the town. Although many so-called “disposable” hand wipes are advertised as being safe for flushing, in reality, they regularly cause backups in the sanitary sewer system and contribute to buildups of foreign materials.
Manchester, Middletown, North Haven and Vernon.
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
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Delivery Routes Available
LOOKING FOR LAWYER - to sue Hyundai Motor America. BRAND NEW CAR; HYUNDAI dealer said nothing wrong? Call 203-314-6647, MERIDEN, CT
Routes available in the following towns: MERIDEN • WALLINGFORD • SOUTHINGTON CHESHIRE • MIDDLETOWN • DURHAM Make extra cash before you go to work making early morning newspaper deliveries using your own vehicle. NO experience necessary.· Must be able to deliver early mornings, 7 days a week starting at 2:00a.m. MUST be dependable, able to read a map and a route list with specific delivery instructions. We will demonstrate the route to you. Routes average 1.5 to 3 hours daily. No collections required. Not Temp Work, Long Term Contracts.
Furniture WALL UNIT - Wood with shelves & storage, exc. cond., $100 firm. Call 203-235-9867.
Lawn and Garden
Call Vinny @ 860-846-6399
Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Classified ad can help track it down.
Highly skilled mechanic needed in the repair and maintenance of all plant equipment to include pumping station equipment and motor before 11 a.m. and start tomorrow vehicles for the Town of Wallingford SewENERGY er Division. Requires Autos Wanted graduation from a high EFFICIENCY & school/trade school and Conservation MATERIALS 4 years experience in the DISTRIBUTION Specialist repair and maintenance Screened Topsoil $25/ of mechanical equipper yd; Sand-$15 per The Town of Wallingford, Electric Division is ment. Must obtain a CDL yd; Millings-$10 per yd; Class B motor vehicle Screened Millings $30 seeking a professional per yd; Clean Fill $8 individual to administer, operator license within 6 per yd: $100 minimum coordinate, and manage months of employment. $29.15 to $34.18 per delivery. No pickup truck the Division’s Energy hour plus an excellent service. Minimum 16 yd Conservation and Load CASH PAID For any pickup at our yard. Call fringe benefit package. Management (CLM) Toyota any condition, Apply to: Department of Jim @ 860-982-4819 for programs. The position running or not, crashed delivery requires a bachelor de- Human Resources, Town okay. Will take other of Wallingford, 45 South gree from a recognized makes and models. PREMIUM Main Street, Wallingford, university in business, (203) 600-4431. CT 06492. Fax #: (203) SCREENED engineering, public 294-2084. Closing date TOPSOIL administration or related will be September 15, Motorcyles and ATVs field, plus three (3) years $25/yard delivered, of increasingly responsi- 2020 or the date the 50th 3 yd, $100 min. delivery application is received, Call Jim 860-982-4819 WILL PAY CASH - For old ble energy conservation, whichever occurs first. motorcycles, mini bikes program management, EOE. & go carts. Gary, (860) customer service or pubTop Soil, Compost 558-5430. lic relations experience FOR SALE. Catering to SKIDDER OPERATOR OR any combination of small deliveries. Call Bob - 2-3 yrs exp. Larry’s relevant work experience (203) 415-0723 Land Clearing. Transand education. Must port. & driver’s license possess and maintain a must. 203-630-6468. Miscellaneous For Sale a valid State of Connecticut Motor Vehicle TRUCK Operator’s License. Sal- DRIVERS 2 DESKS - Tables, cups, ary: $68,954 - $88,226 Geremia Greenhouse is barbells, books, mugs, paintings, candles, looking for customer annually including an toys, and much more. friendly individuals to excellent fringe benefit 203-213-2821. drive a 26’ box truck to package. Apply to: make deliveries of live Department Human plants. A valid driver’s Sporting Goods and Resources, Town of Walllicense and clean drivHealth ing record is required. ingford, 45 South Main CDL is desired but not Street, Wallingford, CT required. If interested, PISTOL PERMIT - Cer06492. Phone #: (203) please visit our Main tification, for groups of 294-2080 Fax #: (203) Office, Mon.-Fri., at 415 4 or less, masks req’d, 294-2084. The closing Barnes Road, Walling1 session only, $140. date will be September ford, CT, 9-12 p.m. (203) 415-1144. 22, 2020. EOE. FACEBOOK.COM/ RECORDJOURNAL NEWSPAPER TWITTER.COM/ RECORD_JOURNAL INSTAGRAM.COM/ RECORDJOURNAL
Stores and Offices For Rent
Wanted To Buy
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Wood Fuel Heating Equipment
TREE LENGTH MERIDEN - 550 sf. reno. 5 rm. office. Private KIT FIREWOOD & BA. Prof. bldg. at 95 East Main St. $671/mo. CALL FOR DETAILS 203-238-2149 Call 203-440-9966.
Wanted To Buy
1,2,3 Items or an Estate GRASSY HILL AUC$$$ CASH $$$ TIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic Todd Shamock & Basement Cleanout Estate Sale Service Company is Always Costume Jewelry, Buying and providing Antiques, Dolls, Toys, services all over ConPaintings,Meriden Items necticut. These are just 203-494-1695 a FEW of the things we are looking for: AnA1 “I PAY TOP CASH tiques, Collectibles, WANTED Individual For Your Grandma’s Old/ Vintage Toys, Mufirearms, collections & Costume Jewelry sical Instruments (SaxStash” Vintage, Anophones, Trumpets, Vi- estates including military tique, Napier, Costume olins, Flutes, Clarinets, & related items.Federally Jewelry Lots Wanted. Trombone & SO MUCH licensed firearms dealer. Julie 203-443-9602. MORE) Advertising Gunsmith, appraisals, Items, Wristwatches Richard Pleines, (860) AARON’S BUYING (Broken or Not), Pocket 663-2214. Old Machinist Tools, Watches, Tools (MaLathes, BenchTools, chinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Hand Tools & more. Clocks, Oil Paintings, (203) 525-0608. Old Signs, Old Photographs, Old PostALWAYS BUYING cards, Brewery Items, CASH PAID Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Vintage Electronics, Dispensers, Costume Musical InstruJewelry, Broken Jewelments, Amps, Ham ry, Gold & Silver JewelEquipment, HiFi, ry, Gold & Silver Coins, Radios, CB, GuiFind litters Military Items, Swords tars, Audio Equip& Bayonets, Helmets & ment, Antiques. of critters Patches, Medals & Uni860-707-9350 forms, Pocket Knives, in our Lighters & Pipes, Fountain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Classifieds. ANTIQUES - Always Items, Religious Items, buying old; Toys, Industrial Items, Winmilitary, jewelry, art, chester Items, Sikorsky watches, musical Items, Pratt & Whitney instruments, signs, Items, Colt Items, Naarcade games, tive American Items, cameras, pre 1970 Vintage Electronics, sports memorabilSlot Cars, Toy Trucks, ia, plus more. One Matchbox & Hotitem or entire estate wheels, Barbie’s, Folk contents. Call 860Art, Statues, Bronzes, 718-5132. Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Furniture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Print Subscribers... Sports Cards & AutoActivate your digital graphs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please access today: give us a call at your earliest convenience. Grassy Hill Auctions /allaccess 203-868-1816 - Grassy BUYING MACHINIST TOOLBOXES - Tools & tooling, contents of Turn Your Unwanted Items into machine shops, home workshops and small lathes. Call anytime 860-985-5760 203-238-1953
Newspaper Delivery
$400-$600 every 2 weeks+ Tips (Depending on area)
Is hiring Drivers & Retail Staff. Flexible Hours & Sundays off. Looking for high school students or older. 16 years old for retail & 18 years old for drivers. Please come to 240 Atwater Street in Plantsville to fill out an application.
Wanted To Buy
The North Haven Citizen |
Friday, August 28, 2020
Businesses & Services Attics and Basements Cleaned
Home Improvements
Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome. 203.237.2122
Specializing in roofing, siding, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, basement remodeling. Senior citizen discount Insured. Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Junk Removal
If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127
GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free estimate. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
Get Listed. Get Calls. Get Results. Masonry
Tree Services
LUNO MASONRY - We deal in all types of masonry, repairs & new projects. Refs. avail. Free ests. Lic. HIC0643330 & Ins. Call 203.770.9273.
Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430
Electrical Services
CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YARD Clean-ups* FREE ESTIMATES. LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218.
Accepting Comm. & IF YOU Mention Resid. lawn & grounds This Ad maintenance, hydroseedSPRING Yard ing, new lawn install., 25 Clean-Ups yrs. exp., Mbr BBB Brush, branches, leaves, 203.634.0211;605.0616 storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** COMM. & RES. - Lawn mowing, hedge trim- Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc ming, mulching, retaining walls, patios, walkWE CAN REMOVE ways, much more. Free ANYTHING Est. 203.687.0936 Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218
FALL IS HERE! Perfect time to overseed, and plantings. Complete lawn maint. & tree work.
Classifieds Open 8:30–5 Monday thru Friday. Call Us.
Handyperson HOME DOCTOR - 48 years exp. in all trades, we do small odd jobs to remodeling, former US Navy, 15 years, Senior discount. Ins. #640689, 203.427.7828.
HAVE DUMP TRUCK. Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Attics, basements, garages, appliances & more. Any questions?
Home Improvements
A & A LAWN CARE HEDGE TRIMMING Tree, Shrub, Brush & AHEARN BUILDERS Mowing, mulch, gutter Additions, Decks, Siding, Debris Removal, attics & cleaning, brush removal, Doors, Windows, Rebsmts. cleaned, dumpdump runs, comm./res. HIC0622783. modeling. 860.346.0409 ster rental. 203.427.3039.
JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - Storm Damage Clean-Ups, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, pruning, hedges & trees, & all your landscape needs. Res.& comm. Lic. #616311. Call today, 203 213-6528.
W. BOOBER MASONRY Over 35 Years Experience Roofing.Siding.Gutters. All Types of Masonry Skylights. Chimney ReCT License #626708 pair. Flashing. #0649808 (203) 235-4139 203.510.3830.
Moving and Storage
RT RELOCATION Your moving and storage specialists. Call for a free estimate. 833-668-3978.
GEORGE J MACK & SONS - Servicing the Meriden area since 1922. Toilet, faucet, sink & drain repairs. Water heater replaceMasonry ments. 15% Sr citizen disc. Member of BBB. 203-238-2820. ALEX MASONRY - 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. #580443. Power Washing 203-232-0257 or 203596-0652 A-1 QUALITY POWERWASHING Low Rates Call Dennis 203.630.0008
ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DECKS & REMODELING. 203-639-0032 email: info@ gonzalezconstruction Fully Licensed & Insured Reg #577319
Looking for a friend?
Find litters of critters in Classifieds.
Painting Int. & Ext. Free Ests. Ins. Refs. Rodrigo, (203) 565-7745.
POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279
GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-235-1661
JIMMY’S MASONRY Over 28 years of exp. Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893.
Specializing in tree removal, trimming, chipping & grinding. Call for free estimate. 203-945-1808.
Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential & commercial roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
The North Haven Citizen |
Don’t Get Taken To Don’t Get The Cleaners Taken To Don’t Get Don’t Get The Cleaners Don’t Get Taken To Don’t Get Taken To Taken To Taken To The Cleaners The Cleaners The Cleaners
Friday, August 28, 2020
The Cleaners
When I moved here from Ireland, I got taken to the cleaners for
When I moved here from Ireland, I got taken to the cleaners for
customers a trustworthy, no worries experience with top of the line workmanship unheard of 100% MONEY trustworthy,and no an worries experience with BACK top ofGUARANTEE! the line workmanship
When moved here of from Ireland, I got BACK taken to the cleaners for andI an unheard 100% MONEY GUARANTEE! When I moved here fromSAVE Ireland, I got taken to the cleaners for UP TO
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When I moved here fromno Ireland, I got taken to the cleaners customers a trustworthy, worries experience with top offor the line customers a trustworthy, no worries experience with top of the line workmanship and unheard of 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! SAVE UP TO MONEY customers aan trustworthy, no worries experience with top of the line workmanship andan unheard of 100% BACK GUARANTEE! ON ANY NEW PROJECT
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