Nighthawks improve to 2-1 with rout
By Ellis Santoro Special to the Record-JournalNORTH HAVEN Aready losing 350, Platt ran the ball into the red zone only to see a wall of North Haven de fenders and zeros on the clock Fri day, Sept. 23. A simple tackle would have ended the half right there.
Nighthawks 49 Panthers 0
Instead, the ball carrier fumbled and North Haven's Nicholas Harkins ran the ball 80 yards the other direction for the defensive touchdown. The half ended 42-0 and not much changed after that in this CT High School Football Alliance game be tween the visiting Panthers of the CCC and the Nighthawks of the SCC. North Haven finished off a 490 victory that puts the Nighthawks at 2-1 and Platt at 1-2.
It was about as lopsided as it could get from the start. Platt started with the ball and went 3-and-out, punted and the Nighthawks drove down the field to reach the end zone, as they would on each of their first six drives, plus the one score just before half on defense.
“We came out with a lot of energy,” said North Haven head coach Tony Sagnella. “It really was a little touch-
and-go in the beginning. They were winning some snaps; we were win ning some snaps. But as the half went on, we started to gain a little bit of momentum.”
North Haven's offense featured all rushing plays until its 16th play of the game, when it unleashed the passing game, with a 27-yard strike by quarterback Jeffrey Karavas.
See Football, A11
Michele ZiembaBolduc and her husband, Dave Bolduc, started Fine Fettle Pets out of their home in early 2022. Now, the healthy dog treats they create are sold at Sylvia’s Confection Connection in North Haven.

Nicole Zappone, The Citizen
Husband, wife selling healthy dog treats
By Nicole Zappone The CitizenSince the beginning of the year, Michele Ziemba-Bolduc and her husband, Dave Bolduc, have been busy making dog treats with no sugar or added preservatives.
The North Haven residents’ enter prise is called Fine Fettle Pets.
Recently, the couple announced they were teaming up with Sylvia Cicarelli of Sylvia’s Confection Connection. Now, when dog own ers stop by the Washington Av enue bakery, they can pick up something sweet for their pups, as well.
Michele Ziemba-Bolduc, a special education teacher in Hamden,
said the inspiration for Fine Fettle Pets started in her classroom. When COVID hit, Michele said baking was restricted in school. But she still wanted to teach her students some kitchen skills.
“I have three dogs at home, and I thought, why not make dog treats,” Michele said.
See Treats, A2
North Haven PD utilizing ‘Live911’ technology
Citizen report
In a recent social media post, the North Haven Police Department said it is now "live-streaming 911 emergency calls directly to officers in the field in real time. Officers can now hear the caller’s actual words and voice provid ing the sense of urgency, small details, that may not be otherwise provided, and immediate updates on the situa tion and location. The officer not only hears the incoming emergency, but al so the caller’s location is immediately identified on a map."
This technology, developed by Higher Ground, Inc., is called “Live911.” The NHPD said it is the first agency in Connecticut to implement this pro gram.
"Live911 closes the 911-time gap be tween police call-taker to First Re sponders by allowing officers to imme diately hear incoming 911 emergency calls in their geographical area.
See Police, A2
From A1
“I’m the baker, and Dave is more like the business guy,” she added.
While the treats were made primarily at her home, Michele also did some bak ing at school to teach stu dents how to follow a recipe.
When Michele and Dave dis covered that their own dogs enjoyed these treats, they continued producing them. Soon after, Michele started selling the dog treats at farmers markets and they were a big hit.

“At one of the events we went to, I was glad Dave was with me because so many people came to buy treats,” Michele said. “Normally, I work the booth alone, but there were so many people and dogs buying all sorts of things.”
Fine Fettle Pets offers nine different treats varying in size and shape, and more options are in the works. “I had to go back and make them smaller, so that little dogs could eat them too,” Michele said.
Michele came up with the recipes herself, and worked with state officals to make sure Fine Fettle Pets was do ing things by the books.
“It’s a lengthy process, and each recipe has to be regis tered,” she said. “I have peo
ple begging me to make more recipes, and I tell them they have to wait.”
Dave said the couple's three dogs a black lab, an Aus tralian cattle dog and a Shepard coonhound mix are more than happy to take part in the tasting process.
“Our black lab is a service dog,” Dave pointed out. “We

often take in service dogs from a Long Island program where we take the dogs at eight weeks old and give them back at 18 months old.”
To purchase treats from Fine Fettle Pets, visit Sylvia’s Con fection Connection at 323 Washington Ave., or call 203903-2494.

From A1

Live911 allows the officer to obtain more information for a better response plan and increased de-escalation skills providing better ser vice to the community," the NHPD stated. "Additionally, a feature within Live911 called ‘Campus Alert’ notifies all officers, regardless of

location, immediately if a 911 call occurs on a school campus. If there is an emer gency on a school campus, time is critical, and Live911 provides officers those criti cal seconds that can save lives."
The website states: “When a call is ur gent, and they are free to as sist, officers can see the lo cation of the caller on a map and move in the direction of
the incident giving them a head start and allowing them to develop a response plan while driving to a call. All the while, first respon ders are hearing the ... caller and the call taker, including answers to questions, firsthand descriptions, emotion al tones and background noise on the scene. Live911 improves response times and increases situational awareness like never before.”

Senior Center

Mini Holiday Fair The Se nior Center will host a “Mini” Holiday Fair Nov. 28 through Dec. 5. We are look ing for “once loved” items, in good to excellent condi tion for the Granny’s Attic and jewelry tables. Call 203239-5432 for more informa tion.

Community Café. Why eat alone when you can join friends and neighbors at the Community Café? Beginning this fall, a nutritious hot meal is served Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a suggested do nation of $3. The Community Café is for residents age 60 and over. Call 203-239-5432 for more information.
Fall wreath. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1:30 p.m. Design a fall wreath with the North Haven Garden Club. Cost is $20. Flo ral designer Elaine Cioffi will give step by step instruction on how to create a beauti ful scarecrow wreath. Space is limited. Call 203-239-5432 for more information.
Mini Trip Universal Drive, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 9:30 a.m. Call 203-239-5432 for more information.

Celebrate Oktober fest. Wednesday, Oct. 12 at Krucker’s in Pomona, N.Y. Enjoy a full day of entertain ment, food, and fun at this beautiful resort. Cost is $126. Bus departs the Senior Center at 8:15 a.m. Estimated return, 7 p.m. Call 203-239-5432 for more information.
Aqua Turf trips. “Bob Hope” USO Show! Featuring Bill Johnson, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; “Holiday Fun with The Cartells,” Tues day, Dec. 13, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Trips are $47. Call 203239-5432 for more informa tion.
School News
Locals in college
University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, named Katherine Maturo to its dean’s list for the summer semester.
10 ways to get the most out of fall in New England
By Caitlin Houston Special to the Record-JournalEditor’s note: View links to more information about fall activities in the online version of this story at
Fall has officially started Here are 10 Ways to Enjoy Fall in New England (or where ever you live). Did you know there are 90 days of fall? It officially be gan Thursday and ends on Dec. 21 so we have exactly 90
days to embrace all things au tumn before winter comes.
1. Go Apple Picking
Apple pie, apple crisp, apples with peanut butter there are so many ways to enjoy freshly picked apples. Plan a fun after noon at a “pick your own” farm to stock up on your favorite
Writer Caitlin Houston and her family on a fall hike.

Garden Club program
The North Haven Garden Club presents “Things That Go Bump In The Night” with Ginny Apple, Thursday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., at North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St. When the sun sets, all sorts of crea tures emerge from their hid ing places and begin to hunt, forage and even play. Guests are welcome for a $5 fee. For more information, con tact Italia Avitable at
addition to hayrides and pumpkin-picking, the fami ly-friendly event will feature music and a variety of local vendors selling honey, handmade soaps, beef jerky, mums, and more. There is no fee to attend. Carpooling is encouraged.
Photo talk

Brilliant Basement Waterproofing, LLC

North Haven’s Ravello Farm, 81 Half Mile Road, will host an Oktoberfest on Saturday, Oct. 1, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. In

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The North Haven Camera Club will host award-win ning and nationally-recog nized painter and fine art photographer Mark Battista on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. for two recently-created on line presentations: “Devel oping Creativity” and “Ex ploring Motion and Ges ture.” A North Haven resi dent, Battista has worked as an illustrator, fine artist and
educator for 35 years. To at tend the presentation as a guest, email northhaven

Energy assistance

The Office of Community Services welcomes North Haven residents to call to schedule their appointment to apply for 2022-2023 Con necticut Energy Assistance Program. Phone appoint ments will be conducted Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon. For fur ther details, call Community Services at 203-239-2566 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, Monday through Friday.

BrilliantBasement Waterproofing,LLC

Safe boating
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An in-person, eight-week class offered by New Haven Sail & Power Squadron starts Wednesday, Oct. 12 at West Marine, 33 Business Park Drive, Branford. Classes will be held Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., through Dec. 7. The course covers the basics of coastal and inland naviga
tion for the recreational boater with GPS as a prima ry navigation tool while cov ering enough of traditional techniques so the student will be able to find their way if their GPS fails. Cost is $80 for New Haven Sail & Power Squadron members, $181 for non-members. Class size is limited. For questions and to register, contact Past Com mander Peter DePascale at 203-671-2420 (leave mes sage) or email bath
Eye screening
The North Haven Lions Club, under the auspices of the Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation Lions Eye Health Program, is offer ing a free Pediatric Eye Screening Saturday, Oct. 1, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Mildred A. Wakeley Recreation Cen ter. The screening is for chil dren age 6 months to 4 years. For additional Infor mation, email north
Silk ‘n Sounds
Come sing with Silk ‘ n Sounds as our guest Tues days, Oct. 4 and 11, 7:30 to 9 p.m., at North Haven High School, 221 Elm St. For more information, email eve.rock or call 203314-5326.

Leo Club
Leo Clubs, the youth wing of Lions Clubs International, encourage development of leadership qualities through participation in community service. The North Haven Leo Club welcomes new members, age 12 to 18. Email NorthHavenLeo
Chalk art festival
The Shops at Yale invite pro fessional and amateur artists alike to participate in the Fifth Annual New Haven Chalk Art Festival on Satur day, Oct. 22. Artists will compete for more than $2,000 in gift cards by creat ing a family-friendly 4 footby-4 foot work of art using washable chalk sticks.

There is no entry fee. For more information, and to register, visit theshop
House of Heroes
House of Heroes Connecti cut is a non-profit veterans service organization which provides one-day, no-cost home repairs focusing on safety and accessibility to military and public safety veterans in need. For more information, visit

Lions’ Shred Day is Oct. 15
Press Release

On Saturday, Oct. 15, the North Haven Li ons will be conducting our fourth annual Shred Day with Affordable Solutions Shredding Services at North Haven High School from 9 a.m. to noon.
No appointment is necessary. Just drive in, follow the signs, and sign in. We will re move those old papers, bank statements, medical records, tax forms and receipts that have been accumulating in offices and garages and basements over the past year.
Because we value your concern for securi ty, you will be able to stay until your docu
ments enter the shredding truck.
The charge is $10 per box (copy paper size). Larger boxes are extra. Business and bulk rates are available. For additional in formation, contact northhavenctlions@
In addition to helping improve our envi ronment, we are also continuing our regu lar collection of non-perishable food items and your no-longer-needed eyeglasses.

Net proceeds from our fourth annual Shred Day will benefit our Scholarship Fund, North Haven Lions’ charitable and community activities.
The Thirdannual Scarecrow Contest, acollaboration be tweenthe NorthHavenGarden Club,NorthHaven Parks& Recreation Departmentand North HavenMemorial Library Children’s Department,will take place Oct.22 to Nov.5 on theNorthHavenGreen.Joinin thefunandshowoffyour creative talent by making a scarecrow or two. The contest is opentoeveryone.Registration formsareavailableatthe Parks& Recreation Departmentandatthe library, orby contacting the GardenClub at Sponsors are welcome.

Costume parade
The North Haven Garden Club is adding a fun feature to the Scare crow Contest. A costume parade will be held Saturday, Oct. 29 at 1 p.m. on the North Haven Green. Candy will be handed out. All are welcome. No registration needed. For more information, email
Dance lesson
The Temple Sweethearts Square Dance Club will host a free intro ductory square dance lesson Monday, Oct. 3, 1 to 3 p.m., at the North Haven Park & Recreation Center, 7 Linsley St. Call Jean at 203-234-0665 for more informa tion.
Cheshire orchestra
The Cheshire Symphony Orches tra is comprised of approximately 50 musicians drawn from many central Connecticut communi ties. New members are welcome. Visit cheshiresymphonyorches or find the group on Face book.

Run for The Cove
Run for The Cove will take place Sunday, Oct. 9 at Winding Trails in Farmington and Sunday, Oct. 16 at Hammonasset Beach in Madison. Run for The Cove sup ports the Cheshire-based Cove center’s free programs. For more information, visit
Connecticut crisis network

In Connecticut, mental health emergencies and suicides can be addressed by calling 988 or 211. Either the person in crisis or someone on their behalf can call. The crisis text line 741-741 can al so be contacted for help.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers a chat, for those who are uncomfortable talking on the phone. They can chat at or text NA MI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the crisis text line.
The website also offers resources in Spanish.
US Wealth Management, and D R Clark & Associates, LLC would like to thank our clients, the citizens of North Haven and surrounding towns for your generous donations in support of the North Haven Food Pantry at our 10th Annual Shred Event, held Sept. 17. With the help of our friends and neighbors, we were able to donate hundreds of food items to the pantry.

Letters Policy
Letters to the Editor about the upcoming election are limited to 100 words. Non-political letters are limited to 300 words. Also, candidates are welcome to submit commentaries for publication of 500 words or less. Email letters/ commentaries to The Citizen will print only one letter/commentary per person each month. Letters/commentaries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.
“Frolicking into Fall,” a self-care presentation held at the North Haven Senior Center, focused on caring for oneself, others, and forgiving the sadness that COVID brought us. Attendees thoroughly enjoyed the program and look forward to future talks with presenters Debbie Pausig, LMFT, CT and Kimberly Vertress, Community Liason of Home Care Plus-Community Healthcare and Hospice.
Upcoming events

Saturday, Oct. 1: Vision screening for children age six months to pre-kinder garten, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Mildred A. Wakeley Recre ation Center. For additional information and parent per mission form, contact north
Saturday, Oct. 8: Second Saturday food collection drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St.
Saturday, Oct. 15: The North Haven Lions and Af fordable Solutions Shred ding Services will conduct their annual Shred Day, 9 a.m. to noon, at North Haven High School. No ap pointment necessary. Net proceeds from the event will benefit the Lions’ Scholar ship Fund and charitable and community activities.
Saturday, Nov. 12: Second Saturday food collection

drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St.
Friday, Nov. 18: The Lions Club is sponsoring a Military Whist card game at North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St. Net proceeds from the event will benefit the Lions’ Scholar ship Fund and charitable and community activities. To reserve a seat or a table of four, email north
Saturday, Dec. 10: Second Saturday food collection drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at North Haven Congregational Church, 28 Church St.
For more information about the North Haven Lions Club and its activities, con tact Membership Chair Joan Bennett at lionjoanbennett@ or Service Activi ties Chair Alan Sturtz at northhavenctlions@

kinds of apples. We already went apple picking last week end at an orchard down the street. Read Tips for Apple Picking on my blog before you go.
2. Visit a Fall Festival
Our town has been hosting an annual fall festival called Cele brate Wallingford every first weekend of October since 1986 This year I helped organize the two-day event and I cannot wait for my family to enjoy all that we’ve planned There are plenty of fall festivals all over New England just hit search on something in your area.
3. Find the Perfect Pumpkin
Growing up we always went to the pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin. Nowa days most farms do all the hard work for you and put the best pumpkins out on display. Ei ther way you pick a pumpkin, it's still a fun fall family activity.
4. Take a Hike
The fall is the perfect time to go hiking in New England The bugs are slowly disappearing and the weather is ideal for an adventure in the woods. The best part about hiking in Con necticut is getting to the top of a trail and seeing a colorful view.
5. Do Something Spooky
Wallingford is home to one of Southern New England’s pre miere haunted happen ings: The Trail of Terror. It’s so spooky that I have not walked through it since I was in high school because I don’t like be ing scared. However, if you would enjoy a 45 minute walk through a legendary twisty, winding outdoor haunted trail in the woods this is for you.
6. Try to Not Get Lost in a Corn Maze
One of the most popular things to do during the fall in New England is to walk a corn maze. I can’t recall the last time I got lost in one, but this year I hope to take my girls on an adventure.
Can’t find a corn maze? There are still some sunflower field mazes standing during the fall, too.
7. Go Leaf Peeping in New England
There are so many incredible places to look at leaves around New England some may be right in your own backyard I love to drive around with my daughters and call out the col ors we see on the trees throughout the season. It's re ally amazing when we see the same tree show leaves of mul tiple colors.
These are the top leaf peeping places in Connecticut: Nor folk, Kent, Mohawk State For est, Simsbury, Pachaug State Forest, Mystic and Sleeping Giant.
8. Explore Where You Live
There’s nothing more fun than learning more about where you live Take a drive to see the leaves or animals at a local farm. Put on some rain boots and walk along a local river while admiring the geese fly ing south or the fall foliage.
9. Cook all of the fun fall recipes
One doesn’t have to live in New England to cook up a fun fall recipe. Sweet Potato Turkey Chili, Pumpkin Maca roni and Cheese, countless soups and stoups the options are endless.
10. Start a New Fall Tradition
There’s no better time than now to start a new fall tradition with your loved ones. Whether its homemade pizzas while carving pumpkins, a chili cook-off with friends, or taking a drive to find spooky decora tions around town there is so much to do and see during the fall. As temps cool down and days get shorter, take advan tage of the most beautifully transformative season of the year.
Caitlin Houston is a Walling ford blogger and mom of three who loves sharing all of her fa vorites on the Caitlin Houston Blog. Learn about fun activities at home, family friendly travels, easy recipes and more.
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The 17-month Share Certificate of Deposit (CD) at 3.05% APY is available from September 12 through October 15, 2022, and is exclusively for new funds that are not currently on deposit at Connex. At maturity, the 17-month certificate rolls over to a standard 24-month certificate at the current rate.
Fees may reduce earnings. Subject to change and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Minimum deposit to open is �500. To join Connex you must live, wor�, worship, or attend school in Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, or Fairfield County and have a �25 deposit in your share savings account.
How alternative investments may fit your portfolio
By Jeff JollyThe state of the markets in 2022, where both stocks and bonds experienced declines in the first half of the year, may have you thinking about other investing options. If you’re wondering how to further diversify your portfo lio, alternative investments are one option to consider. They include real estate, commodities, hedge funds, private equity and private debt, and venture capital.
Before you dive in, here’s what you should know about these nonconventional as sets. You should also be sure to seek the advice of a trust ed financial advisor who can help you evaluate your risk tolerance, time horizon and whether alternatives could have a suitable place in your portfolio.
A different kind of investing

Alternatives, as the name implies, are not mainstream investments, and if included in a portfolio, should only make up a small portion of it (no more than 15 to 20 per cent is one rule of thumb, but the appropriate amount may vary).
Commodities can include natural resources such as crude oil, wheat, corn and coffee. Trading typically oc curs on the futures market, which means the invest ments are more complex than typical securities. Real estate includes publiclytraded real estate investment trusts (REITs), which trade on the stock market, or pri vate REITs, which have dif
ferent investment require ments. Investors may also invest directly in land or property.
Private equity, private debt, hedge funds, and venture capital are available to indi vidual investors through professionally-managed funds. These segments of the market were off limits to all but the wealthiest investors and institutions until recent ly. Such assets are more ac cessible today than they were in the past and, like other forms of alternatives, can play a role in your port folio.
The potential benefits of alternatives

The primary benefit of in cluding alternatives in your asset mix is portfolio diversi fication. An effectively diver sified portfolio can help you generate more consistent in vestment performance over time. Historically some types of alternatives have shown the potential to hedge against the negative impact of weaker performance peri ods in stock and bond mar kets. Further, alternatives may be a hedge against higher inflation. These types of assets have the potential to keep closer pace with ris ing living costs.
Potential challenges with alternative investments
Alternative investments are a long-term portfolio position. You need to be certain that you won’t need to liquidate

UConn removes interim tag, names Maric president
Associated PressSTORRS The University of Connecticut’s Board of Trustees removed the inter im tag from Radenka Maric’s title on Wednesday, appoint ing the 56-year-old engineer to be the school’s 17th presi dent.
Maric, who previously served for five years as the school’s vice president for
From A1
Brian Lastomirsky was un covered and ran past the zone defense along the right sideline to catch the ball in the end zone to make the score 14-0.
The second pass came eight offensive plays later: a 22yard floating pass to Salva tore DeMaio. The very next play saw Karavas roll right looking to pass again, but in stead he decided to scram ble. Karavas made a few jukes on the right side of the line, ran nearly backward on his way to the left sideline before finally gaining
research, innovation, and entrepreneurship, became interim president in Febru ary, when Dr. Andrew Ag wunobi left the interim job to become an executive at Humana Inc.
Maric officially succeeds Thomas Katsouleas, who re signed in July 2021 after serving less than two years as UConn’s president. A na tive of the former Yugoslavia,
Maric joined UConn’s facul ty in 2010 and taught in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and the Department of Ma terials Science and Engi neering.
Dan Toscano, chairman of the Board of Trustees, said Maric emerged as the best choice for the job after a na tional search that included more than 150 candidates.
“She is a force of nature: deeply committed to UConn, determined to get results, and all-in when it comes to leading this institu tion into a future that will be defined by success and achievement,” Toscano said at the board meeting.
Maric becomes the first in ternal candidate to be named president since Har ry Hartley in 1990 and is the
school’s second female pres ident. The first, Susan Herb st, preceded Katouleas and served from 2010 to 2019.
“Being named president of the University of Connecti cut is the honor of a life time,” Maric told the Board of Trustees.
“I am proud and humbled to have your confidence and your trust.”
progress and out-running the entire defense to the end zone.
“We're not a spread team, but that doesn't mean we don't work on the passing game, ” Sagnella said. “We're committed to the run, but we look for our opportuni ties to throw the football.”
Those two passes were the only two thrown by North Haven for the entire game. It was all about the traditional North Haven single-wing run game.
North Haven featured directsnap rushes on nearly every play. The first drive featured eight of them, capped off by a 5-yard touchdown run by
Karavas. Karavas ended the game with one passing TD and three rushing TDs.
Meanwhile, North Haven's defense and special teams did their job. As a result, North Haven's offense never started a drive behind its own 38. The Nighthawis started their fifth drive at the opposing 32 thanks to a blocked punt following a 3and-out that included their third sack of the game.
The second half opened with a kickoff return by Jake McCreve that he ran all the way inside the Platt 10 to set up yet another touchdown and promptly stifle the chances of a miraculous sec ond-half comeback by Platt.
The Panthers went 3-andout on three of their five first-half drives. Once, they got off six plays before punt ing.
They used 11 on their bid just before halftime only to see it end with the fumble return.
“They worked their butts off,” Platt head coach Jason Bruenn said of North Haven’s performance. “They’re a no-nonsense, getafter-it type program. We have a lot to learn. Our kids have to learn from the expe rience today.”
Bruenn's offense never got going. Each big throw by quarterback Avery Robinson fell to the ground. Their star running back from last sea
son, Amari Robinson, still had a noticeable cast on his right hand and did not carry the ball. He won’t be at full strength for at least a few more weeks, according to Bruenn.
“He’s a great running back, but it didn’t affect us,” Bruenn said of missing Amari Robinson from the of fense. “Their defense is wellcoached. They take a second fiddle to their offense, but they really shouldn’t.”
North Haven plays host to Shelton Friday night, Sept. 30, the second of four straight home games for the Nighthawks.
Platt, meanwhile, will look to rebound in Plainville.
From A10
assets early to access money committed to alternatives.
In addition, some alterna tives aren’t subject to the same level of regulatory oversight as other securities.
Be certain you fully under stand the nature of the in
vestment you select and the terms of the offering.
It may not be as easy to de termine whether a specific investment is truly appropri ate without significant re search or professional guid ance. To that end, talk to your advisor about how al ternatives can most effec tively be incorporated, and which types are a good fit, for your own portfolio.
Jeff Jolly, CFP, is a Private Wealth Advisor and Sr. Vice President with Ameriprise Fi nancial Services, LLC, in North Haven. He specializes in fee-based financial plan ning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 16 years. Contact him at 203-407-8188 ext. 330.

For over 60 years, Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) has created opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged youth and adults to become successfully independent. CSI is a national leader in the field of human services and is recognized for its commitment to strengthening the communities it serves.
Join Our Team To Make A Real Difference In The Lives Of Others!
Join Our Team To Make A Real Difference In The Lives Of Others!
For over 60 years, Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) has created opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged youth and adults to become successfully independent. CSI is a national leader in the field of human services and is recognized for its commitment to strengthening the communities it serves.
CSI operates residential and community-based services in 11 states and in Canada, referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, and social service agencies. Our CT programs are located in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, Meriden, New London, Norwich, Plainville, Torrington, and Waterbury.
We have a number of positions open and are looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team!
Join Our Team To Make A Real Difference In The Lives Of Others!
For over 60 years, Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) has created opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged youth and adults to become successfully independent. CSI is a national leader in the field of human services and is recognized for its commitment to strengthening the

Join Our Team To Make A Real Difference In The Lives Of Others!
Join Our Team To Make A Real Difference In The Lives Of Others!
CSI operates residential and community-based services in 11 states and in Canada, referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, and social service agencies. Our CT programs are located in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, Meriden, New London, Norwich, Plainville, Torrington,
Explore our rewarding job opportunities at:
Join Our Team To Make A Real Difference In The Lives Of Others!
For over 60 years, Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) has created opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged youth and adults to become successfully independent. CSI is a national leader in the field of human services and is recognized for its commitment to strengthening the communities it serves.
For over 60 years, Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) has created opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged youth and adults to become successfully independent. CSI is a national leader in the field of human services and is recognized for its commitment to strengthening the communities it serves.
We have a number of positions open and are looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team!
CSI operates residential and community-based services in 11 states and in Canada, referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, and social service agencies. Our CT programs are located in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, Meriden, New London, Norwich, Plainville, Torrington, and Waterbury.
For over 60 years, Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) has created opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged youth and adults to become successfully independent. CSI is a national leader in the field of human services and is recognized for its commitment to strengthening the communities it serves.
CSI operates residential and community-based services in 11 states and in Canada, referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, and social service agencies. Our CT programs are located in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, Meriden, New London, Norwich, Plainville, Torrington, and Waterbury.
Explore our rewarding job opportunities
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Stefanowski defends abortion stance in first governor debate
By Susan Haigh Associated PressWe have a number of positions open and are looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team!
We have a number of positions open and are looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team!
one scaring women by mak ing political contributions to anti-abortion candidates, in cluding GOP U.S. Senate nominee Leora Levy.
Explore our rewarding job opportunities at:
CSI operates residential and community-based services in 11 states and in Canada, referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, and social service agencies. Our CT programs are located in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, Meriden, New London, Norwich, Plainville, Torrington, and Waterbury.
CSI operates residential and community-based services in 11 states and in Canada, referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, and social service agencies. Our CT programs are located in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, Meriden, New London, Norwich, Plainville, Torrington, and Waterbury.
Explore our rewarding job opportunities at:
CSI operates residential and community-based services in 11 states and in Canada, referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, and social service agencies. Our CT programs are located in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, Meriden, New London, Norwich, Plainville, Torrington, and Waterbury.
We have a number of positions open and are looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team!
We have a number of positions open and are looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team!
We have a number of positions open and are looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team!
WEST HARTFORD Lag ging in public opinion polling, especially among women, Republican guber natorial candidate Bob Ste fanowski went on the offen sive Tuesday, accusing Democratic Gov. Ned Lam ont of lying that he would pose a risk to Connecticut’s abortion rights law.
In one of the testiest mo ments in the first of two planned gubernatorial de bates, Stefanowski accused Lamont of “trying to scare women ” in order to distract voters on economic issues.
“Actions speak louder than words,” said Lamont, stress ing how there’s no ambigui ty about where he and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz stand on the abortion rights issue. “You can trust us. We’re go ing to fight for your right to choose.”
A recent Quinnipiac Poll showed Lamont leading Ste fanowski among likely wom en voters, by a margin of 63to-35 percentage points. A similar gender gap has ap peared in other public polling.
Explore our rewarding job opportunities at:
Explore our rewarding job opportunities at:
Explore our rewarding job opportunities at:
“I hate to say it. He’s been lying for four months about my position. I can’t say it any clearer: I’m going to protect a woman’s right to choose. I don’t know what else I can say,” said Ste fanowski, who is among a small number of Republican candidates nationally who support abortion rights but have been painted by Democrats as someone vot ers can’t trust.
Lamont countered that Ste fanowski, who supports en acting a parental notification law in Connecticut, is the

Other highlights of Tues day’s debate sponsored by NBC 30 and Telemundo Connecticut include:

Stefanowski, who has made affordability a key piece of his campaign, reiterated his plan to provide tax relief us ing roughly $3 billion of the state’s nearly $6 billion in surplus funds. Among other things, he has called for re pealing the 1% meals tax, re
In this image provided by NBC, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, left, participates in a debate with Republican candidate Bob Stefanowski, center, and Independent Rob Hotaling, right, on Tuesday in West Hartford. Courtesy of NBC Universal via Associated PressFrom A14

ducing the sales tax, extend ing the state’s gas tax holi day through 2023 and insti tuting a state tax deduction for state and local taxes

“It’s unconscionable that we’re sitting on $6 billion when people are out there right now only filling half of their oil tank because they need food,” he said.
Lamont stressed that he signed into law a range of tax cuts that took effect this summer to help taxpayers grapple with inflation. He al so touted efforts to pay down the state’s unfunded pension costs, a move he predicted will ultimately save about $450 million an nually. Lamont also defend ed setting aside billions to protect the state if there is an economic recession.

“I think we do not want to go back to the bad old days when we spent everything we could and hope tomor row will be better, going
from boom to bust,” he said.
Independent candidate Rob Hotaling said he agrees with reducing pension debt, but suggested using a small por tion of the surplus to ad dress the state’s education achievement gap and make infrastructure investments.


A day after their release, La mont touted the state’s new crime data that shows be tween 2020 and 2021 there was a 3% reduction in over all crime. He said it was a positive trend, “despite some fearmongering” voiced by politicians. While he not ed his efforts to fund addi tional training classes of state police troopers and provide more funds for state and local police, Lamont ac knowledged that improve ments can be made.
Stefanowski argued that many residents still don’t feel safe and blamed in part Lamont’s support of a recent police accountability law that he said has “decimated police forces across the state.”

$100M lawsuit filed over injuries suffered by man in police van
By Pat Eaton-Robb Associated Press

Lawyers for Randy Cox, a Black man who was para lyzed from the chest down in June when a police van without seat belts braked suddenly, filed a $100 mil lion lawsuit Tuesday against the city of New Haven.
Cox, 36, was being driven to a police station in the city June 19 for processing on a weapons charge when the driver braked hard, appar ently to avoid a collision, causing Cox to fly headfirst
into the wall of the van, po lice said.
Civil rights attorney Ben Crump said Cox’s legal team is still in talks with the city but filed a federal negligence lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. Dis trict Court to make sure Cox is compensated for his suf fering.
“If we say we respect life and respect Randy Cox’s life ex periences and people like Randy Cox, similarly situat ed, then we have to show that by action, not just by rhetoric,” Crump said.

“Not just say we care about Black lives, but we have an actual duty in New Haven and throughout America to show that we believe Black lives matter.”
In the lawsuit, the city and the officers involved in Cox’s transport are accused of negligence, recklessness, use of excessive force, denial of medical treatment and the intentional infliction of emo tional distress.
Cox’s supporters say the po lice mocked his cries for help after he was injured and accused him of being drunk and faking his in juries.
Police video shows the offi cers dragged him by his feet from the van and placed him in a holding cell at the police department before paramedics finally took him to a hospital.
“The treatment of Mr. Cox while in the custody of the New Haven Police Depart ment was completely unac ceptable, and the City of New Haven is deeply com mitted to doing everything within its power to ensure an incident like this never happens again,” Mayor Justin Elicker said.
LaToya Boomer, Cox’s sister, said, “We don’t want any lip service; we want action. The action can’t come from me, it has to come from the peo ple have those jobs, being the mayor or the police commission or someone with any of those titles. I’ll be waiting.”
The case drew outrage from civil rights advocates like the NAACP, along with compar isons to the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore. Gray, who was also Black, died in 2015 after he suffered a spinal in jury while handcuffed and shackled in a city police van.
Five officers were placed on administrative leave in Cox’s case.
New Haven officials an nounced a series of police reforms this summer stem ming from the case, includ ing eliminating the use of police vans for most prison er transports and using marked police vehicles in stead. They also require offi cers to immediately call for an ambulance to respond to their location if the prisoner requests or appears to need medical aid.
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