Volume 18, Number 12
BOE considers renovations, rebuilding & redistricting
Brooke Group Real Estate owner David Brooke and real estate agents Amy Bartolucci, left, and Wynne Lord pose in a new space under construction for Brooke Group Real Estate in the former Clark Brothers Bolt Co. building on Canal Street, March 11.
By Jesse Buchanan Record-Journal staff
Photos by Dave Zajac,
Education officials are considering elementary school plans that include renovations, closures, rebuilding and redistricting.
Brooke Group Real Estate to open new flagship office in former factory By Devin Leith-Yessian Record-Journal staff
A real estate firm with high hopes for downtown and the town in general is moving into the former Clark Brothers Bolt Co. building.
Friday, March 19, 2021
“Our team is a bunch of real estate professionals... we basically partner with people who are doing that next ‘big thing.’ And that's why we chose Southington, because we see it’s a really happening place,” said Morgan Castrogiovanni, an office manag-
er with Brooke Group Real Estate. The company plans to have the new office up and running in the building, which is also home to
Colliers Project Leaders presented options for improving Derynoski, Kelley and Flanders schools, the district’s three oldest elementary buildings. The consultant’s report, given to the Board of Education Thursday, March 11, is up for consideration by an adhoc board subcommittee. No decisions on school changes are imminent. “We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us,” said Terri Carmody, board chairwoman. “We’re talking years here I think.” Colliers presented three scenarios to the board at last week’s meeting.
See Firm, A6
See Schools, A4
Compounce celebrates anniversary, other venues opening soon State residents will soon be able to return to entertainment and sports venues as COVID restrictions ease.
Lake Compounce, 822 Lake Ave., Bristol, was able to open in July last year at 25 percent capacity before the state ordered the amusement park to close in September.
“It’s been a pretty long off season,” said Paige Schmitt, Lake Compounce’s content manager. “We’re so excited to get ready, get everything moving this year. I know ev-
eryone is going to be excited to get out and enjoy the nice summer weather we’ve got coming.” See Venues, A2
By Faith Williams Record-Journal staff
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
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Lake Compounce is seen here on March 11.
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Photos by Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
Venues From A1
On April 2, outdoor amusement parks can open along with other outdoor venues, indoor stadiums and summer camps, according to the state’s website. Festivals can also begin making plans for the upcoming season.
361 Liberty Street, Meriden CT BellaLunaMeriden.com 203.238-1380
Paige Schmitt, content manager, stands in front of the Phobia Phear Coaster at Lake Compounce, last week.
www.southingtoncitizen.com 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450
While still brainstorming on different ways to hold live shows, the theater will be open for indoor and outdoor private rentals as well as two, two-week theater intensives for all ages. The Almira F. Stephan Memorial Playhouse, home to Meriden’s Castle Craig Players, shut its doors in March and although the changes would allow the theater to reopen, Melanie DelSole, president of the community theater group, is unsure if opening would make sense now. “Our theater only (holds) about 60 people,” DelSole said. “It’s awesome that they’re starting to say that we can do something but we aren’t 100 percent sure we’ll be able to.” The theater group is considering outdoor performances as spring approaches, she added.
Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Jesse Buchanan Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener
Screened Topsoil Premium Mulch Decorative Stone Construction Materials We Install & Deliver berlinstoneandmulch.com 510 Christain Ln, Berlin, CT
The team has players from The Venus Vortex, a bright over 24 Connecticut towns. yellow and green, six-story water slide will be making its Like Lake Compounce, the stadium could only open to debut this spring. 25 percent capacity last sea“Everyone also loves the wa- son, which amounted to ter park — which how can about 1,500 fans. However, you not on a hot summer the general manager said day,” Schmitt said. this year the stadium will be able to open up to 50 perThe park also features the cent capacity. Phobia Phear Coaster and Zoomerang ride. In Wallingford, Square Foot Theater, 950 Yale Ave., has The New Britain Bees’ seabeen closed since the beginson will begin soon after a shortened 2020 season. Nor- ning of the pandemic while the indoor tavern has been mally the season starts late May but it was pushed back open since October. to early July last year. The Jared Andrew Brown, the team, part of the Futures theater’s co-founder and exCollegiate Baseball League, ecutive director, announced plays in New Britain Stadion Facebook Live on Thursum at Willow Brook Park. day that the theater would “Our schedule is not out just be opening on March 19. yet,” General Manager Bret “We are so excited to be DeRosa said. “This league open in any capacity,” usually starts at the end of Brown said. “Governor LamMay. So it’s going to start on ont said that we can open at time as opposed to last seahalf capacity and still keep a son.” safe distance.”
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“We have a lot going on in the park,” Schmitt said.
2020 R239552
Lake Compounce also will be celebrating its 175th anniversary and showcasing a new ride.
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Schools From A1
Scenario 1: Renovate all three schools The town could renovate all three elementary schools, leaving the current districting scheme in place. However, this approach is complicated by state reimbursement rules. The town could get education funds to rebuild or renovate schools, with the state giving more than half the money necessary for a renovation. But to receive the money, the school must
meet a space standard ratio of square footage to enrolled students. Colliers consultants said with the current student population, Derynoski wouldn’t qualify for state reimbursement due to low ratios. Flanders also had a low ratio. Kelley was at the minimum for reimbursement. If both Flanders and Kelley were able to qualify for state reimbursement, that would still leave Southington bearing the entire cost of renovating Derynoski. Colliers estimated that school project would cost up to $78 million. Adding the cost of Flanders and Kelley, reno-
vating all three schools would cost the town between $86 million and $107 million.
Scenario 2: Renovate Derynoski, build a new Kelley and close Flanders
der the plan. While this plan only includes work on two schools, it’s still the most expensive of the options.
Like scenario 1, Derynoski’s renovation costs would be borne by the town without state reimbursement. That results in an even higher Derynoski is the largest of the three schools with about overall cost for the town even though Kelley would be 600 students. Flanders and closed. Colliers estimated Kelley have around 300 stuthat between renovating dents each. Derynoski and building a Colliers suggested renovatnew Flanders, the town ing Derynoski and replacing would pay between $87 milKelley with a new school lion and $107.5 million unthat could accommodate 600 der this scenario. students. Flanders would be closed and demolished un-
This plan would cost the town between $57 million and $70 million. New buildings could be built at the Flanders and Kelley sites without disrupting the existing buildings. That would make it an easier and less costly transition than finding alternative locations for students while a school is renovated or torn down and rebuilt.
In 2019, the board hired consultants Milone & MacBroom to study demographic projections and make rec-
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The cheapest of the options has the town replacing Flanders and Kelley schools with new buildings that can accommodate 600 students each. Derynoski wouldn’t be needed and would be closed.
Previous redistricting plans r239640
Scenario 3: Close Derynoski, build new Flanders and Kelley schools
LEARN MORE AT: ourschool.stpaulkensington.org summercamp@stpaulkensington.org 860-828-4343
See Schools, A5
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Letters Policy Email letters to news@thesouthingtoncitizen.com ; mail to 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to 203-639-0210. Letters are limited to 300 words. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not list names of people, organizations and businesses being
thanked. Names of businesses are not allowed. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication the following Friday.
tions and other information before making a decision that will impact the school district for decades.
ommendations about school buildings, including the future need for Kelley and Flanders schools. That company had suggested closing Flanders and redistricting to send students to surrounding schools. Milone & MacBroom concluded that Flanders had the least flexible space of the elementary schools. Zaya Oshana Jr., a school board member and member of the ad-hoc schools subcommittee, said those redistricting plans didn’t address how to update the three elementary schools. He said there are improvements that need to take place. “They need to be brought up to snuff,” Oshana said. “There are issues with each of the schools that need to be addressed in terms of bringing them to where they should be.” Decisions about which option, if any, were chosen are a long way off. Oshana said the district wanted to get updated enrollment projec-
Breast care for the breastfeeding mother Join our interactive class right from the comfort of your phone, computer or tablet and learn more about:
Colleen Clark, board member and subcommittee chairwoman, said Thursday’s presentation was just an introduction to the question of how to improve the schools.
■ ■ ■
“We’re trying to figure out what’s best for the next 20 years and it’s never easy to forecast what the future looks like,” she said.
Breast health Common breast changes and problems Reducing your breast cancer risk Plus, LIVE Q&A with the expert
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The ad hoc subcommittee will continue to meet and consider the options, Clark said.
April Duckworth, MD
jbuchanan@record-journal.com 203-317-2230 Twitter: @JBuchananRJ
Breast surgeon
From A4
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3/5/21 1:23 PM
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
15 North Liberty Street, Southington
Licensed Real Estate Agent Morgan Castrogiovanni stands in a new space under construction for Brooke Group Real Estate in the former Clarke Bros. building next to Kinsmen Brewing Company on Canal Street. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
HAPPY HOUR 4-6pm, Monday-Friday $3 drafts $4 glass wine $5 food specials
From A1
Family Meals
Kinsmen Brewing Co., in around two months.
(serves 4)
The downtown area in particular drew the real estate firm, Castrogiovanni said
Chicken Parm with Ziti......................... $26.95 Ziti with Meatballs................................ $22.95 Fish & Chips with Coleslaw................. $24.95 Add a bottle of wine for $12
“It reminds me a lot of West Hartford’s Blue Back Square — it's got the rail to trail and a lot of new restaurants opening up … there's a lot of life flowing into it,” she said.
Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, White Zinfandel, Moscato, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Pinot Noir.
Brooke Group plans to partner with Kinsmen on client appreciation events, like the annual Thanksgiving Pies and Pints gathering. The company has grown from three employees to 30 in five years, Castrogiovanni said.
MON:........... 50¢ Wings • $2 PIZZA SLICES TUES:.......... $9.95 18” Cheese Pizza $5 Margaritas WED:............ Fish & Chips with Coleslaw $9.95 THURS:....... $5 Martini of the Day FRI & SAT:... $14.95 Baked Stuffed Shrimp SUN:............ $5 Grinders, $5 lb. Boneless Wings, $5 Bloody Mary or Tall Well Drinks
“Our company is growing quickly...We focus a lot on training and our motto is ‘people over profit’ — so we try to treat both our agents and our clients with that mindset,” she said.
Prime Rib 19.95 • Baked Stuffed Shrimp 14.95 Available Friday & Saturday night. Dine in only prices. Add $4 for Takeout.
St. in November 2012, Bruce Staebler — who is also the co-owner of Kinsmen Brewing — has brought an assortment of businesses into the former factory, including FLP Financial, The Forge Functional Fitness and The Network Salon. Staebler also opened Clark Hall adjacent to Kinsmen in 2019 to allow for larger events to be held at the brewery. The hall seats around 200 diners. Castrogiovanni said Brooke Group has been in discussions with Staebler since November. The firm will be moving around 80 percent of its employees to the Southington office, keeping the remaining staff at the Simsbury branch the company got its start in five years ago. The firm’s lead agent in the Southington and Plainville market, Amy Bartolucci, said business has been booming with a strong real estate market and a strong leadership team under founder David Brooke. The company
Since acquiring 409 Canal
See Firm, A7
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Hotel damaged by fire Sunday, remains open
Join us for a free virtual class
By Devin Leith-Yessian Record-Journal staff
rated the state’s forest fire danger level as “high” throughout the weekend and A West Street hotel was a red flag warning was in damaged over the weekend place due to high winds. The when a mulch fire spread to red flag warning advises firea wall of the building and in- fighters that high winds and to a hotel room. dry conditions can make State and local officials warn brush fires erratic. of heightened risk of brush "We've had a busy start to fires due to dry windy condi- the spring fire season, with tions. several brush fires breaking out around the state in the Battalion Chief Glenn Dube past few days," said a DEEP said firefighters responded statement on fire danger reto a reported mulch fire at leased on Saturday. "DEEP around 2:45 p.m. SunForestry and Parks staff were day and found the fire had called to assist local fire deextended from the mulch partments on two separate around the hotel to the side fires yesterday, in Southbury of the building. Firefighters were able to contain the fire and Meriden." to one room of the hotel loThe warning advises resicated at 1081 West St. dents to "obey local laws reOne engine from the Bristol garding open fires, carefully dispose of hot charcoal, and Fire Department provided completely extinguish smokmutual aid on-scene, while ing materials." the Cheshire Fire Department provided mutual covDube said the Marriott fire erage. A firefighter who sufappeared to have been drivfered minor injuries was en by those same conditreated and released back to tions. duty. “The dry conditions and the Dube noted that the state high wind conditions played Department of Energy and a role in the fire’s spread,” he Environmental Protected said.
Firm From A6
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dustry has been crazy. Not only is it a seller’s market I’d say, but a buyers market with interest rates so low,” she said.
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16022_HOCC_Pregnancy and Pandemic webinar_Garozzo_5.188x10.5_kie.indd 1
3/5/21 1:02 PM
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Activist organizes protest at Southington bank By Jesse Buchanan Record-Journal staff
Southington bank workers’ decisions.
A Meriden woman organized a protest outside a TD Bank location on Queen Street Monday after an incident she believes was racial profiling.
“I don’t even know what else to infer,” she said. “I don’t know what made them uncomfortable.”
Gwendolyn Samuel said she tried to withdraw money from her business account March 9 at the Southington branch while traveling to Bristol. Bank workers said they felt uncomfortable giving her the money and declined to make the transaction, according to Samuel. Samuel left the bank and was able to pull money from the account using the ATM outside. She went back into the bank and asked to speak to a manager but left before seeing anyone.
“The security of our customers' accounts is a top priority and we regret that
Senior Transportation Services, Inc. is looking for safe, reliable volunteers willing to use their own car to help some of Berlin, New Britain, Meriden, Wallingford, Southington & Plainville’s elderly residents get to medical appointments in the area.
should not have happened.”
See Bank, A10
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The TD Bank corporate office released a statement Monday in response to the protest, saying the company took the incident seriously Her goal with the protest and that it was under review. was to find a solution and not to attack TD Bank or “At TD Bank, we proudly make the incident into a serve diverse communities racial battle. While most of and customers and do not the bank workers in Southdiscriminate in the services ington were white, that was we provide or the products also true of the location in we offer. We regret that Ms. Samuel did not have a posi- Bristol where she was able to withdraw money. tive experience, which is what we strive to provide. “The pandemic is hurting so We hope to contact her to many people, I just want to understand and address her figure out how we can work concerns,” the statement together,” Samuel said. said. “What happened to me
Submitted by Gwendolyn Samuel
Samuel said bank officials did contact her but that she’s waiting to hear more details about why she wasn’t able to withdraw funds from her account.
Gwendolyn Samuel, a Meriden activist, protests at TD Bank on Queen Street in Southington on March 15.
Samuel, who is Black, later withdrew money from her account at a Bristol TD Bank location. She believes her race played a role in the
On Monday, Samuel made a display with a mock ATM with “blacks only” written on it for the protest. About a dozen other people attended the protest. Samuel said she wanted to keep the protest small and wanted to raise awareness.
the specific reasons why the transaction could not be completed may not have been explained to Ms. Samuel at our Queen Street store in Southington,” bank officials wrote. “Due to privacy concerns, we cannot discuss the account activity of particular customers, although we can confirm that the customer's transaction was completed at another TD store in the vicinity.”
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Buy one Lunch get 2nd Lunch at 1/2 price
TD Bank is seen here on March 15 at 900 Queen St., Southington. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
(of Equal or Lesser Value) One coupon per table. Expires April 2nd.
From A8
“The same experience did not happen to me when I left the Southington one. It’s the culture in there that needs to be addressed,” she said.
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work. Her experience with TD Bank undermines that, Samuel said.
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Samuel has founded several groups including the Connecticut Parents Union, the State of Black Connecticut Alliance and the Meriden Kids Walk Safe Coalition – Safe Routes to School Initiative.
She’s filed a complaint with the Federal Reserve and the banking committee of the General Assembly. Samuel also plans to contact federal legislators who can hold banks accountable. Samuel isn’t calling for a boycott of TD Bank but said she might if change isn’t made.
She said encouraging working families to put their money in banks rather than a mattress is part of her
“I want them to be held accountable which they will, one way or another,” Samuel said. jbuchanan@record-journal.com 203-317-2230 Twitter: @JBuchananRJ
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
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A Residential Household Hazardous Waste Collection will take place Saturday, March 27, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Southington Drive-in (995 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike, Southington). The collection is free to residents of Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, New Britain, Plainville, Plymouth, Prospect, Southington and Wolcott. Bring photo ID for proof of residency. Waste from businesses or contractors will not be accepted. No other hazardous waste collections are scheduled for 2021.
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Father-son contest a split-second event As the days grow longer racers at Mount Southington seem to be getting faster and local skiers are leading the way. In the final races, March 8, of the high school regular season, Faith Richert led the Lady Knights team taking first place in the Slalom. Southington’s Kylie Brino finished fifth among the 165 girls in the event. Emily Forcade finished 73rd in the large field. In the boys race last week, Gavin Crowley was the leading Knight in second place out of the 172 racers followed by teammate Noah Richert in 6th place. Southington’s Connor Keegan finished 73rd with Blue Knight Alexander Landry in the 119th spot.
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In the Donovan Slalom #2 Saturday Declan McNamara beat his dad, Patrick, by one hundredth of a second to take the gold medal. Sean Florian finished 4th in the slalom #2 race. Also Saturday, Annabelle Hayes was the top Mount Southington Ski Team racer in slalom at Mohawk Mountain. Then on Sunday, March 14, the U-16 and U-19 racers from the local team were at Mohawk for a slalom race. Mount Southington’s Alexandra Faucher was the winner finishing first overall and in U16 class. Faith Richert finished in second place and first in U-19 class. Alexandra Hayes was 7th overall and 6th in the U-16 group. Southington’s Grace Mahmood was 10th overall and third among the U-19 racers.
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On Saturday, March 13, the big kids took over the race hill at Mount Southington in the New England Masters Jerry Donovan Memorial Slalom and what had been Jerry’s boys in the opening season of the race program were still on top. In the first of two races, on a perfect spring day in Connecticut, Patrick McNamara – who raced in the pro-
gram at Mount Southington when he was 11 years old – finished first followed by his son Declan in second place. Sean Florian, who also raced with the opening group in the Donovan program finished 5th among the 46 racers.
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Spring high school sports: Back in full, and fully faced
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Mental health and the heart
CIAC releases spring plan; masks not required for athletes competing outdoors By Bryant Carpenter Record-Journal staff
like a long-shuttered window being thrown open — apropos for a day that felt like CHESHIRE — The games are spring. There will be a full coming back in full and the spring 2021 season, commasks, for the most part, are plete with state tournacoming off. ments. The CIAC released its Also, athletes can go back to COVID-19 safety plan last competing without masks so week for the upcoming long as they’re playing outspring season and there were no surprises. It reflects doors — and so long as they want to. Masks in the spring the improving landscape of season are optional. Outthe pandemic, the public door athletes can wear them health threat that still reif they want to. They’re just mains and the precautions not required. that should continue to be taken to ensure a safe seaNot so for boys volleyson. ball, the spring’s lone indoor sport. Like girls volleyball In the big picture, the plan players in the fall and most released March 11 reads
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See CIAC, A14
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
CIAC From A13
athletes here in the winter season, boys volleyball players will be required to compete wearing masks. Whether indoors or outside, the CIAC is requiring masks to be worn at all times by coaches, players, officials, game workers, spectators and by athletes when they’re not in active competition.
Connecticut since the fall of 2019. The 2019-20 winter season was in the midst of the state tournaments when the CIAC halted activities on March 10 amid the emerging pandemic, and the entire 2020 spring season wound up being canceled. Scholastic sports did return in the fall of 2020, but hardly in full. The CIAC canceled tackle football and the other sports played an abbreviated 12-game season that was delayed approximately three weeks to Oct. 1. The postseason was limited to conference events. There were no state tournaments.
against out-of-state opponents, per state order, were not allowed.
(i.e., 10 days), however, must wait the full 14 days prior to returning to athletics.”
This spring, schools can resume playing out-of-conference games, though the CIAC says geographic location should be a primary consideration in scheduling. Also, with the state easing restrictions on sports starting March 19, multi-team events are now OK for the “non-direct contact sports” such as track and golf.
Some rules unveiled last Thursday are sport-specific. Baseball and softball teams, for instance, will keep the game balls they are using on defense and the plate umpire may stand deeper than normal to call balls and strikes.
Some rules in effect for the fall and winter will continue, such as a 14-day quarantine n Pitchers and catchers can period for COVID-19 exposure or positive cases, social start working out on March The same template is being distancing, sanitizing of 20; followed this winter, the start equipment and no handn The full preseason starts of which was delayed to an shake lines. even greater extent when the March 27; The 14-day quarantine for state, facing a second surge n A full 20-game regular seain the coronavirus, suspend- sports remains in effect even though the Connecticut Deed athletic activities from son begins April 10; partment of Public Health Nov. 23 to Jan. 19. has shortened the quarann A full state postseason beIn both fall and winter, con- tine period to 10 days for gins June 1. kids to return to school after tests were largely limited to a positive test or COVID ex“pods” within conferences, Should the spring season divisions dictated by geograposure. come to pass as planned, it phy to limit exposure and will be the first complete “For clarification, it is DPH’s high school sports season in travel. This winter, multiposition that a return to athteam events and games letics should include the full 14-day quarantine period,” the CIAC stated in its spring plan. “This means that a stuProud to serve the community since 1974. dent-athlete may return to in-person instruction after a shorter quarantine period The season is, as expected, a full boat:
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One key paragraph regarding negligence: “Although the District has implemented certain preventative measures consistent with appliBoys lacrosse is shifting to cable rules, regulations, fedthe NCAA-style “both feet on eral and state orders and the ground” faceoffs. No guidance, and guidance more kneeling on the draw. from public health officials related to COVID-19, the Face-offs in girls lacrosse were being reviewed by that District cannot ensure that sport’s CIAC committee and Students participating in Spring Sports and/or their an update is expected. families or others in the StuAs for the number of specta- dent’s household will not tors who can and can’t come become infected with in, there’s no change there. COVID-19. Moreover, the The CIAC leaves it up to inDistrict cannot protect dividual schools and disagainst exposure to or infectricts to set their own polition by COVID-19 that occies. curs due to the actions, The CIAC is recommending omissions and/or negligence teams continue to condition of students or others, including District staff members.” and practice in cohorts for the sake of limiting COVID Looking ahead, the CIAC is spread and the number of hoping to offer a “Summer athletes who might have to Series” for football and quarantine. Cohorting also wrestling, the two sports that helps facilitate contact tracdid not play this school year ing. in Connecticut (at least in a There is a play-at-your-own- CIAC-sanctioned capacity; there were independent risk element to the spring. While the CIAC does not re- football leagues that sprang up last fall). quire or even recommend The “Summer Series,” which been sent to the CIAC’s CALL 860.637.6344 has out-of-season subcommittee OR 860.620.0063 for review, would permit football and wrestling coaches to “engage student$ athletes in education-based and sport skill deMOST HOMES learning velopment opportunities 10% OFF if you during the months of June book by April st and July.”
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their member schools have athletes sign COVID-19 waivers, the spring plan does include “optional language” for school districts that “may decide as a business judgment whether they wish to include a waiver of claims.”
The series would focus on developing leadership skills, sportsmanship, skills and an understanding of the NCAA recruiting process. Regional sites would host, with at least four teams per location, over five days. Each day would feature 2 ½ hours of in-person instruction and two hours of individual skill work and team play. To avoid any conflicts with its out-of-season coaching See CIAC, A15
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
SFD survey needs your input The Southington Fire Department is in the process of developing a strategic plan to guide its efforts on your behalf for the next five years. ESCl's Customer-Centered Strategic Planning methodology has been adopted and utilized by the International Association of Fire Chiefs and numerous other national, regional, and state fire service agencies and associations, as well as hundreds of local fire departments across the United States and Canada.
community concerns, Identify aspects of the organization the community views positively, Provide feedback on a vision for the future, Provide feedback on a mission statement, Provide feedback on the organization's guiding principles. The citizen feedback is shared with an internal planning team, who meets with ESCI facilitators to develop the elements of the strategic plan as follows: Perform an environmental scan utilizing external (customer) and internal (staff ) feedback; Assess organizational strengths and weaknesses; Identify opportunities and potential challenges to the organization; Identify gaps in performance; Establish the organi-
zation's strategic initiatives; Identify mission specific goals within each strategic initiative; Identify the objectives that support each of the goals; Define service outcomes in the form of performance measures and targets; Assign timelines for the accomplishment of each objective and objective coordinators; Identify critical implementation tasks for each objective, if applicable. Your participation is essential for a meaningful analysis. You may access the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SouthingtonCitizenFeedbackSurvey.
This process is being utilized in the development of the Southington Fire Department Strategic Plan, and the The survey will be open uncitizens will provide input in til April 2, 2021. the following areas: Review organizational back— Press release ground, Establish community service priorities, Establish community planning priorities, Identify communiRESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS ty expectations, Identify PAVING
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rules, the CIAC would run the Summer Series. Also, the CIAC has granted wrestling a one-time waiver on its out-of-season coaching rule. Coaches can work with their wrestlers from March 29 to May 29. There won’t, however, be a wrestling season. While the easing of sports restrictions theoretically opens the door to a brief wrestling season, the CIAC conducted a survey and found that 70 percent of its wrestling programs want to stick with the practice-only plan that’s been in place all winter. That plan has been limited to non-contact skill work and conditioning. Starting March 19 and continuing through March 28, contact wrestling practices will be allowed.
The Elderly, Driving and the Law Elderly drivers can be affected by poor eyesight, chronic disease and medication that might impair driving. States won't revoke a driver's license based simply on a driver's age. However, some states put restrictions on license renewals for elderly drivers. Some states require elderly drivers to take a vision test when renewing a license; some monitor older drivers by not allowing drivers over a certain age to renew their licenses by mail. Massachusetts requires drivers older than age 75 to renew licenses in person and pass a vision screening test or submit medical documentation about their vision. Renewals are needed every five years. Some states ask for license renewals every eight years, and in New Mexico, it's every year if you're older than 75. Seven states allow for two-year renewals for older drivers, beginning at age 65 in Connecticut and 85 in Texas and Indiana. All state departments of motor vehicles, highway safety or transportation have an office where a family member or doctor can make a referral about an unsafe driver. The state office will investigate the claim and the driver may have to take a road test. In California, doctors must report patients with dementia or epilepsy. Note that state rules are always changing, so be sure to check your state's relevant agency for the latest rules and requirements. Relinquishing a driver's license in old age is not an easy affair — family members do not enjoy the task of confronting a father or mother with a strong plea to take away their keys to the automobile. But aging can reduce the faculties needed to drive. And then there's cognitive decline, and decreased vision, hearing and motor skills — all can have a disastrous effect on reaction time and coordination. Greater physical, visual or cognitive impairment in the elderly is associated with increased risk of involvement in a crash. Elderly people often use medications that can interfere with driving and be particularly risky in older patients.
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Creating a self-care checklist By Caitlin Houston Special to the Record-Journal
If you struggle to make time for yourself, here are tips for creating a self-care checklist to hold you accountable. So many people talk about “self care” — but do they actually practice it? It seems simple enough to take care of yourself. However, it’s easy to overlook our own needs when we’re busy with work, taking care of our loved ones, or handling whatever life throws our way. Have you ever found yourself unhealthy after a difficult period in your life (like this pandemic)? I am notorious for coming down with a sickness after a stressful time passes. Just recently, I fell ill the first easy day I had after a particularly intense week. My doctor asked if I was taking care of myself and it dawned on me: I often neglect myself. One way to start taking better care of yourSee Blog, A18
Tips to creating a self-care checklist. Caitlin Houston, special to Record-Journal
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Stephen A. Kerelejza PLANTSVILLE- Stephen A. Kerelejza, 76, of the Plantsville section of Southington passed away on Friday, February 26, 2021 at the Midstate Medical Center. He was the loving husband of Barbara (D’Agostino) Kerelejza. He was born February 8, 1945 in New Britain and was the son of the late Stephen and Catherine (Kotyk) Kerelejza. Steve served in the U.S. Navy, where he was stationed on several submarines. He was employed by ATT Wireless for many years until his retirement. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved to hunt, fish, play golf and ride his motorcycle. He was a member of the New Britain Elks Club, Bristol Fish & Game, I.P.I.C of Berlin and The Timberland Country Club. In addition to his wife he leaves his children, Jacqueline Dingle and husband John, Stephen Kerelejza, Chad Boudreau and Ryan Boudreau; a sister Mary Ann Dolling and husband Ulf; nine grandchildren who he
adored, Alia, Josalin, Justin, Grace, John, Trent, Luke, McKenzie and Chase and a great-grandchild Aspen, as well as several nieces and nephews. A Graveside service will be held on Saturday, March 27th at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Cemetery. Burial with military honors will follow. The DellaVecchia Funeral Home, 211 N. Main St., Southington, has been entrusted with the arrangements. For online condolences and directions please visit, www. dellavecchiasouthigton. com
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Utility scams on the rise
Obituaries Judith F. Korin
Anna M. Bednarczyk
SOUTHINGTON- Judith A. (Fish) Korin, 85, of Southington, passed away after a brief illness on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at Southington Care Center. She had been the loving wife of the late Mark R. Korin for over 42 years. Judy was born in Southington on May 12, 1935 to the late J. Hamilton and Hazel Mae (Shepard) Fish and had been a lifelong Southington resident. Alongside her husband Mark, she raised and trained many dogs for field trials, competing throughout the country, having many championships. She was an avid UCONN Women’s basketball fan and a proud UCONN CPTV supporter. Judy loved setback and truly had the gift of gab. For many years, she enjoyed her job at the Southington YMCA and made many friends along the way. Judy is survived by her two daughters, Cris Korin of Litchfield and Jill Korin of San Jose, CA, her brother Ted Fish and Christine Fish of Southington and many nieces and nephews, including her special nephew, Asa Fish of Wethersfield. She is also survived by her friend and adopted son, Gil VanLinter and his wife Marlene of Southington and several friends who will miss her dearly, especially her caregiver, Monica Forrest. In addition
SOUTHINGTON- Anna M. (Longo) Bednarczyk, 86, of Southington, passed away unexpectedly at her home on Wednesday, March 10, 2021. She was the loving wife of the late Richard Bednarczyk for 54 years. Born on January 31, 1935 in Southington to the late Louis and Rose (Mondello) Longo, she had been a lifelong Southington resident. Anna loved her family and was happiest being surrounded by her nieces and nephews, great- nieces and nephews and great-great nieces and nephews. She is survived by her brother, Peter W. Longo and his wife Dolores, nieces and nephews; Rita Longo, Peter L. Longo and his wife Wanda, Michael Longo and Trish Potter and her husband John and several great-nieces and great-nephews. In addition to her husband Richard, Anna was predeceased by her brother Louis Longo, sister, Josephine Voisine and her nephew, Michael Longo. Anna’s family would like to extend a
to her husband Mark, she was predeceased by her sister, Evelyn Rowley and brother, Roger Fish. Judy’s family would like to thank Dr. Ciardella and his entire staff for the concern and care they showed her for many years and also extend their appreciation to the staff at the Hair Expo for the friendship they shared with her over the years. In lieu of flowers, donations in Judy’s memory may be made to the Southington YMCA, Camp Scholarship Fund, 29 High St, Southington, CT 06489. Walk- through calling hours will be held on Saturday March 20, 2021 from 10 - 11 a.m. at the Plantsville Funeral Home, 975 S. Main St, Plantsville. Face coverings and social distancing are required at all times. For online condolences and directions, please visit www. plantsvillefuneralhome. com.
See Taxes, A28
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COVID-19 antibody test results will be available within one to two weeks in the Red Cross Blood Donor App or donor portal at RedCrossBlood.org. A positive antibody test result does not confirm infection or immunity. The Red Cross is not testing See Briefs, A22
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Due to the COVID-19 panments imposed by Sections demic, the State of Connecti- 12-81g, 12-81f, 12-81ii, and cut has issued the following: 12-81jj of the Connecticut General Statutes for taxpayEXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 10: ers who were granted tax Suspension of Reapplication relief benefits pursuant to Filing Requirement for the those sections for the Grand Additional Veterans Tax ReList year 2019 and who are lief Program required to recertify for the The biennial filing require-
special thank you to her cousin Ann Casale for the love and care she provided for her. In lieu of flowers, donations in Anna’s memory may be made to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place - Memphis, TN 38105. Funeral services will be celebrated privately. Plantsville Funeral Home has been entrusted with handling arrangements. For online condolences and directions, please visit www. plantsvillefuneralhome. com.
Throughout the COVID19 pandemic, scammers have increased their calls, texts, emails, and in-person visits to convince Eversource customers to make payments to avoid service disconnection. Customers can verify they are speaking with an Eversource representative by asking for some basic information about their account like the name on the account, the account address, and the exact past due balance. Eversource urges anyone who believes they are a target of improper solicitation to immediately contact local law enforcement. Customers are also encouraged to contact the energy company at l-800-286-2000.
Changes made to tax filing requirements
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Step 2: “What Makes ME Happy?”
From A16
For some, happiness is a day full of spa treatments or cocktails with friends. For others, it can simply mean turning social media notifications on silent for a few hours. When creating your self-care checklist don’t think of things that bring your friends and family joy. Instead, ask yourself: “What makes ME happy?” I love mindless t.v., reading a great book, drinking wine while snacking on Italian bread and cheese. I try to do these things once or twice a week.
self is by creating a self care checklist. A self care checklist is a simple way to establish a routine of setting time aside for yourself on a weekly basis. It’s easy to create and guaranteed to nourish your mind, body, and soul.
Step 1: Set Realistic Goals for Your Self Care Checklist Setting unrealistic goals for self-care is a quick route to self-sabotage. Since I know I don’t have time to exercise every day of the week, I don’t consider exercise a Realistic goals for a daily daily task. Realistic goals for self-care checklist: making my daily self-care checklist the bed, following an am/pm include: making the bed, folskincare routine, and lowing an a.m./p.m. skincare spending time outdoors. routine, and spending time Caitlin Houston, special to The Citizen outdoors.
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Sometimes when parents tell their children to “stand up straight,” their kids strike the military pose of standing at attention. However, standing with the head and shoulders rigidly pulled back and the lower back excessively arched is not good posture. Poor posture strains back muscles and ligaments, while good posture recognizes the natural S-curve of the spine (when viewed from the side). This shape, with the cervical spine curving slightly inward, the thoracic spine curving outward, and the lumbar spine also curving inward like the cervical spine, allows for an even distribution of weight and flexibility of movement. By evaluating a person’s posture, a chiropractor can tell which mechanics of the spine require attention.
Always remind yourself this: we can’t pour from an empty cup. Fill your cup with what makes you happy and always take time for yourself. We only have one body, one mind, and one chance on this Earth, so it’s important to use our time wisely.
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We all know there aren’t enough hours in a day. Consider your personal time and create easily attainable tasks that fit easily into your schedule. I wake up a little bit earlier than everyone in my house during the week. The hour I spend alone drinking my hot coffee is incredibly peaceful and worth the early wake-up call.
Caitlin Houston is a Wallingford blogger and mom of two who loves sharing all of her favorites on the Caitlin Houston Blog.
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If your body has a noticeable postural imbalance, it can have a serious effect on your nervous system and spine over time. A chiropractor can help correct poor posture such as forward head translation or slouching and realign the spine to assure that the body is functioning optimally. To schedule an appointment, please call 860-621-2225. We regularly hear from people who have never been to a chiropractor. If you’ve never had chiropractic care, you may be surprised to learn how it can help you improve your health. Chiropractic is safe and effective for keeping your kids healthy, too! Our office is located at 200 Queen St., Southington. P.S. As we get older and lose height (due to disc changes), it is normal for the curve in the lumbar region of the back to straighten, leading to a slight stoop.
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Step 3: Consider Your Personal Time
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
be ill with COVID-19 postpone donation.
From A17
MERIDEN — Friday, March 19, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Baymont by Wyndham, 275 Research Parkway; Monday, March 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Meriden Church of Christ, 127 East Main St.
donors to diagnose illness, referred to as a diagnostic test. To protect the health and safety of Red Cross staff and donors, it is important that individuals who do not feel well or believe they may
SOUTHINGTON — Friday, March 19, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the First Congregational Church of Southington, 37 Main St.; Wednesday, March 31, from 1 to 6 p.m., Elks Club Lodge 1669, 114 Main St.; Tuesday, March 23, from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Mary Our Queen, 248 Savage St.
WALLINGFORD — Tuesday, March 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Wallingford Elks Lodge, 148 South Main St.
March Artist of the Month The Southington Public Library is proud to showcase Richard Lopatosky as Artist
of the Month for March. Richard is a lifelong resident of Southington. Richard’s love of animals is evident in his photos. He is an avid photographer with a great appreciation for nature. Richard can be contacted at Richard.Lopatosky.photography@gmail.com.
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
April 3 blood drive honors siblings Grace United Methodist Church, in Southington, will host its 15th blood drive in honor of Plainville residents Daniela and Matteo Ciriello on Saturday, April 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Glass Room at the Aqua Turf located at 556 Mulberry St., in Plantsville. The Red Cross will operate the blood drive. Daniela is 8-years-old and was diagnosed with beta thalassemia (Cooley's anemia) when she was 14 months old. Daniela needs blood transfusions every three weeks to live and manage her condition. Matteo is 4-years-old and also was diagnosed at 14 months with the same condition. Fortunately, Matteo's condition is being treated with medication at this time. To make an appointment call 1-800-733-2767 or go to http:// www.redcrossblood.org Use Sponsor Code: Daniela.
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Town settles lawsuit over affordable housing
By Jesse Buchanan Record-Journal staff
Columbus Avenue and Bristol Street.
Robert Hammersley, commission chairman, said changes to the number of allowed units as well as other zoning and parking amendments in the agreement, helped address the town’s The PZC approved an afford- concerns. able housing development downtown early last year but “This is the best settlement the town could get without reduced the number of expending an extraordinary apartments from 30 to 22. Nine of the units are afford- amount of money and probably ending up where we are able as defined by state right now,” he said prior to statute, making the project more difficult for the town to Tuesday’s unanimous vote. deny. During several public hear-
Planning officials settled a lawsuit Tuesday night, agreeing to allow local developer Carl Verderame to build 28 apartment units downtown.
Hunter Build, Verderame’s company, proposed apartments on just under two acres in the middle of a residential block bordered by Liberty Street, Eden Avenue,
ings last year, the commission heard from a host of neighbors and area property owners who opposed the development. Residents objected to the increased
housing density on the residential block, increased traffic and emergency vehicle access. Hammersley said the commission originally reduced the number of units to prevent overflow parking from downtown streets. As part of the agreement, Verderame agreed to build six more parking spaces, bringing the total parking for the project to 72 spaces. The agreement also includes a modification to the site plan to better allow for emergency vehicle access. Hammersley thanked the town attorney Jeremy Taylor for his work on the agreement. See Lawsuit, A28
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Garrison Kunst and the Maloney Spartans strode into the final week of the regular season at 10-0 in the wake of Friday night’s rivalry win over Platt. Kunst had a big game, scoring 21 points, his most in a single game since he torched the Panthers for 22 on opening night. The 6-foot-4 senior is averaging 12.7 points and just under eight rebounds a game. Cool fact: With a 4.72 GPA, he ranks No. 1 in Maloney’s Class of 2021.
After going 5-7 during the regular season, the Wilcox girls basketball team rolled into the Connecticut Technical Conference tournament led by one of its youngest members. Freshman Aliah Biro not only led the Indians in scoring at 8.6 points a game, she was among the team’s leading rebounders. She hit for 12 points, her single-game high during the regular season, against Kaynor Tech and hit for 11 on three occasions.
Lyman Hall freshman Jerick Lagamao hit the pool on Feb. 11 for his first varsity swim meet and won the 200-yard IM and 100-yard backstroke. It was the start of a rookie season that has been nothing short of remarkable. In 10 dual meets, Lagamao won 18 of the 20 individual races coach Donna Neary put him in. Not only that, he registered at least one win in every event – all four freestyles, the IM and the three speciality strokes.
Soon enough, Natalie Reeves will leave Southington behind for Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu. For now, she’s in gymnastics paradise, enjoying a dominant senior season in which she’s won the all-around in every meet in which she’s competed. Her highlights have included a 9.2 on beam and two 9.0’s on floor. Reeves is the favorite to win the allaround this Sunday at the Central Connecticut Conference championships.
If you’re going for a milestone win, you gotta go big. Niklas Vasiljevs and the Cheshire hockey team did just that Monday, beating Branford 7-5 to chalk up the 550th victory in program history. Vasiljevs, just as he has since his sophomore year, led the Rams on offense. The senior captain was involved in all but one goal Monday, enjoying a 2-goal, 4-assist afternoon. That put Vasiljevs at 5 goals and 10 assists on the season.
Platt’s Lady Panthers chalked up two wins inside of the 24 hours last weekend, with Ja’lexia West punching the clock with authority on both occasions. The senior forward scored six points and helped Platt control the interior in Friday night’s 30-22 win at Maloney, then turned around Saturday afternoon and registered a double-double with 13 points and 11 rebounds in a 38-32 win over Rocky Hill. She’s averaging 10.0 ppg.
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Friday, March 19, 2021
Share Your Voice. Shape Our Coverage. Do you have a question or concern about racial equity or discrimination in our community? You ask, we investigate.
A woman and child walk by protesters lying down on North Main Street in Wallingford in solidarity with George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement, Fri., Jun. 5, 2020. | Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
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Friday, March 19, 2021
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Health To navigate the mysteries of Medicare, Hartford HealthCare and Integrated Care Partners is offering a free virtual class, “Medicare 101 – Understanding Your Options,” led by Medicare educators. Upcoming dates: March 18, 22, 24, 25, 29 and 31. Times vary. Registration
is required; call 1-855-4424373 or visit HartfordHealthCare.org/VirtualClasses.
Optimum aging Strategies on maintaining an active and engaged brain is the focus of a free five-part series presented by Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. The Healthy
Brain Series takes place Wednesdays, through March 31, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. A certified dementia specialist will present the program. Registration is required; call 1-855-442-4373 or visit Hartford HealthCare.org/VirtualClasses.
Movement disorders The Chase Family Movement Disorders Center and Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging are offering a caregiver support group for individuals who care for people with movement disorders and other neurodegenerative conditions. This free support group is offered the first and third Tues-
From A24
day of the month, from 10 to 11 a.m. Facilitators are Amanda Brill, LCSW, at the Chase Family Movement Disorder Center, and Jennifer McCaughey, MS, resource coordinator, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. For more information, call Brill at 860-696-4653, or McCaughey at 860-696-4623.
“I think that he did a great job. I think that at the end of the day the town benefits from making this a better application,” he said. Taylor said the commission would have to accept the deal and present it to the court to complete the settlement. Verderame filed his lawsuit against the town less than a month after the commission’s decision last year.
Facebook group A Facebook page specifically for families and caregivers who have questions or comments pertaining to caregiving has been launched by Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. People are welcome to join the “Hart-
State laws restrict a town’s ability to deny affordable housing applications if the town doesn’t meet the state’s benchmark of 10 percent affordable housing. Less than 6 percent of Southington’s housing is considered affordable.
See Health, A29
Since the town doesn’t meet the goal, planners can only deny such applications based on health and safety.
FLANDERS WEST APARTMENTS 1–3 Darling Street, Southington, CT Studio & One Bedroom Apt. Homes Includes Heat/Hot Water, Appliances Computer & Fitness Center Free Meal Program & Activities Free Shuttle Bus Service Affordable Apartments for Qualified Applicants 50 years of age or older. For more info call 860.621.3954 TTY 711 FlandersWestBC.com
jbuchanan@record-journal.com 203-317-2230 Twitter: @JBuchananRJ
Taxes From A17
Grand List year 2021, are suspended and such taxpayers shall automatically maintain their benefits for the next biennial cycle ending in Grand List year 2023.
Suspension of Reapplication Filing Requirement for the Homeowners’ – Elderly/Disabled Circuit Breaker and Freeze Tax Relief Programs
Medicare 101
The biennial filing requirements imposed by sections 12-170aa (e) and (f ), 12170v, 12-170w, 12-129b, 12129c and 12-129n of the Connecticut General Statutes, for taxpayers who were granted tax relief benefits for the Grand List year 2018 and who are required to recertify for the Grand List year 2020, are suspended and such taxpayers shall automatically maintain their benefits for the next biennial cycle.
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
Reflecting on year of uncertainty
Hartford HealthCare, which operates MidState Medical Center in Meriden, had built its first drive-through testing site, put hospital visitation restrictions in place and was worried about its supply of personal protective equipment. But with the first case, medical staff “knew we were in it, and in it in a big way,” said Dr. James Cardon, chief clinical integration officer.
But Flaks had confidence in the size and scope of HHC’s resources and personnel.
The first case at Hartford Hospital was followed by more cases at St. Vincent’s Hospital in hard-hit Fairfield County. The virus had crept into Connecticut through New York and HHC found it needed to divert resources to St. Vincent’s quickly. Staffing and equipment were shifted from other HHC locations, patients were moved to less impacted hospitals. The shifting continued as the virus spread across the state and into central Connecticut.
“It’s remarkable to think of this,” Flaks told reporters Thursday. “This was a year filled with drama, uncertainty, despair, fear and at the same time, triumph and hopefulness.” Hartford HealthCare also operates the Hospital of Central Connecticut with a campus in Southington, along with providing other
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From A28
ford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging Support Group.” Concerns might include behavior changes, transition of care to assisted living, home healthcare, community services or end of life planning. A Center for Healthy Aging professional will oversee the Facebook page to provide helpful answers and resources to support users in their caregiving roles. For more information, call the Center for Healthy Aging at 877-424-4641.
“It was an example of when being a health system mattered,” Flaks said. “We significantly fortified our position in that site. We ensured we were never overwhelmed at St. Vincent’s. We managed the COVID-19 crisis across our 300 or so critical care beds.”
HHC officials also needed to gamble on whether to use its limited PPE stockpile on staff and patients in the hopes the supply line would flow, or protect its resources for the frontline workers. HHC outfitted its workers and patients and built upon its stockpile.
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“It was like being deployed without boot camp,” said Keith Grant, senior system director, who stood with Flaks when the first patient was announced to the press. “It was a very humbling ex-
Hartford HealthCare’s administrators and emergency room personnel spoke with reporters March 11 about the network’s response to the pandemic, the lessons learned after one year, and subsequent improvements in healthcare.
services at sites in Wallingford, Southington and Cheshire.
Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.
Find great local eats - MenusCT.com Adelphia Café 476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.
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Jeff Flaks got the call at 10 p.m. on March 13, 2020 that the first positive COVID19 patient was in the Hartford Hospital emergency room. Despite the network’s preparation, the Hartford HealthCare CEO instantly felt the gravity of what was to come next.
perience. No one anywhere in this country or any country had the right answer.”
By Mary Ellen Godin Record-Journal staff
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, March 19, 2021
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Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430
Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093
Specializing in roofing, siding, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, basement remodeling. Senior citizen discount Insured. Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Electrical Services TEC ELECTRICAL
Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome. 203.237.2122
A Classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise,
and it’s easy on your wallet, too.
CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YARD Clean-ups* FREE ESTIMATES. LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218.
A Classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too.
IF YOU Mention This Ad SPRING Yard Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN REMOVE ANYTHING Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218
ROBERT’S LAWN MAINTENANCE - Weekly and by-weekly lawn mowing, free estimates. 860-808-8368.
GARY WODATCH Hedge & tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397.860-558-5430
Covering Central Connecticut since 1867
GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free estimate. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
SPRING CLEANUPS Tree Removal, Stump Grinding & more! Seasons Prop. Maint. DUMPSTER Rentals avail. 860.719.3953
Since 1867 We Are Proud To Be Your Local News and Advertising Source
Masonry ALEX MASONRY - 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. #580443. 203-232-0257 or 203596-0652
Moving and Storage
RT RELOCATION Your moving and storage specialists. Call for a free estimate. 833-668-3978.
Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential & commercial roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Plumbing GEORGE J MACK & SONS - Servicing the Meriden area since 1922. Toilet, faucet, sink & drain repairs. Water heater replacements. 15% Sr citizen disc. 203-238-2820.
Roofing Tree Services GARY WODATCH - Tree Removal. All calls returned. CT#620397 Quick courteous service. 860-558-5430.
Handyperson Ice Damage Removal. Snow removal from Roof. #0649808 203.510.3830. Financing avail. www. lmconstructionct.com
HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, #640689, 203.427.7828.
Looking for a friend?
Find litters of critters in Classifieds.
Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Classified ad can help track it down.
Call Monday thru Friday 8:30AM - 5PM
JIMMY’S MASONRY Over 28 years of exp. Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893.
Classifieds Open 8:30–5 Monday thru Friday. Call Us.
Specializing in tree removal, trimming, chipping & grinding. Call for free estimate. 203-945-1808.
Friday, March 19, 2021
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
NOMINATE | WIN $250 | VOTE | WIN $250
Nominate Your Favorite Local Businesses! Our Annual Best of Awards reader’s poll is back. This is your chance to nominate and vote for your favorite people, places and businesses in your local area. It’s a great way to support your local businesses. NOMINATE: Nominate your favorite businesses online March 11 through March 21. VOTE: Online voting begins April 15 and ends Sunday, April 25. WIN $250: If you nominate at least 25 businesses you will be entered to win a $250 gift card. A random drawing will take place at the end of the contest. We will also give away a $250 gift card for the voting round!
myrecordjournal.com/BestofAwards Full contest details can be found online. Do your part and support your local favorites!