By Karla Record-JournalSantos staff On Wednesday, Aug. 10, Ecuador commemorated its 213th year of inde pendence from Spain and the Comité Cívico Cultural Ecuatoriano is plan ning a local celebration of the patriotic Accordingdate. to Vivian García, of Meri den, and who works with the organi zation, the event will take place Sun day, Aug. 21 at 1120 Quinnipiac Ave., New Haven. It will include a parade, folkloric dance, artists and gastronomy, as a way to highlight traditions. The event welcomes everyone, not just Ecuadori ans, she added. In Ecuador, the commemoration of In dependence Day is held each year at the Palacio de Justicia and is attended by the president and other leaders. The event includes a parade, artists and Garciafolklore.saidpeople celebrate at home by putting out the flag and holding family reunions with traditional food and Othermusic.Ecuadorians take advantage of debforate
Dave Zajac, Record-Journal Barragán,Veronica a cherdishesDayIndependenceEcuadorcelebratelikesBarragánphoto.2021thisbusinessWaoutsidestandsreDurhamsident,herllingfordinAugustfileto’swithfromnativeountry.
By Jessica Record-JournalSimmsstaff
Aaron Record-JourFlaum,nal Ecuadorians IndependencecelebrateDay
A-MAZE-ING VIEW Devanshi Italiya, left, and Nery Avila walk a path through the Lyman Orchards Sunflower Maze in Middlefield on Tuesday. The theme of the maze is “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood,” and it features 350,000 blooming yellow, red, and orange sunflowers. The maze is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. One dollar of every admission goes to support Connecticut Children’sCenterforCancer&BloodDisorders.
The Record-Journal recently polled area candidates run ning for state House and Senate for their views on the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs. Wade, as well as earlier passage of the state’s “Safe Harbor” law. Candidates were asked the 1.following:Wheredo you stand on the Supreme Court’s deci sion to overturn Roe v. Wade and why? 2. Do you agree or disagree Candidates for state House, Senate discuss abortion, Safe Harbor law See Abortion views, A8 See Ecuadorians, A4
Volume 28, Number 32 Friday, August12,

HELP US HELP YOU, CONTINUE RECEIVING “YOUR” LOCAL WEEKLY. R237819 Coming to your home or business HELP KEEP Find us on Since 1973 49 Years’ Experience FREE ESTIMATES Senior Citizen & Veteran Discount • Residential & Commercial Roofing • Roof Inspections • Roof repairs $500 OFF Any Complete Roofing Job over $5,000 $1,000 OFF Any Complete Roofing Job over $10,000 DEE’S ROOFING INC. Must present coupon at time of estimate. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 9/30/22 DEE’S ROOFING INC. Must present coupon at time of estimate. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 9/30/22 Fully Insured | CT. HIC 0511372 AWARDS2021 2021 WINNER BEST ROOFING R253836 Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Nicole Zappone Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener Creative Director — Erik Allison ADVERTISING: Rebekah Larsen— Marketing Consultant 203-317-2302 | NEWS / SPORTS: (203) 317-2245 | 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 Town Times (USPS 021-924) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450
corn maze In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line
TownTimes|towntimes.comA2 Friday,August12,2022 Lyman Orchards and I go way back. Starting when my boys were just tadpoles, we would take advantage of all sorts of events there. Winter fests, strawberry fests, Easter apple hunts, hayrides. You name it, we were there. Not to mention all the apple picking and the blueberry picking and the strawberry picking and the peach pick ing. We were always picking Onesomething.ofmyfondest memo ries is of my younger son, Jordan, on one of those blueberry picking days, lying on his back underneath the bush, just munching away on these delectable treats, one leg crossed over the oth er. I guess he figured it was the best angle for picking that bush clean. That boy had his own way of strawberry picking, too. He would announce that he was going to do his picking down the row a bit, and off he went. When he returned his little cherubic face would be covered with strawberry juice. I don’t think a lot of strawberries made it into his basket, if any. Luckily, the la dy we paid just laughed when she saw him. Well, my boys grew up, as boys tend to do, but my love affair with Lyman Orchards continued. I supervised the Corn Maze for three years, and I had the time of my life. I was the Head Corn Cop, a title I wore proudly. The maze opened on Labor Day weekend, and I spent the few days before that learning all the “ins and outs.”
information, delivery
I had to know that maze like the back of my hand, and I did. I knew those paths frontwards and backwards and every which way. This always amazed me. It was an intuitive thing. I just seemed to always know which way to go. Surprising, because in a car I am completely lost. It is a miracle that I find my way home every day. I do well with corn, not concrete. Every day I loved the fact that my “office” was a corn maze. You can’t be unhappy in a corn maze. You just can’t. I loved being in the great outdoors all day, meet ing the most delightful peo ple. And there were funny moments. Such as the time I was talking to one of the vol unteers and a bird flying over decided to use my head as a Porta Potty. The person I was talking to was trying not to laugh, and to look horrified, but I didn’t see how we could view this as anything but hilarious. She had two pieces of advice for me. One was to be sure to wash my hair when I got home. I think that was a nobrainer. The other was to take comfort in the fact that it was a heads-up (so to speak) that I was coming in to some good fortune. Actually, things did get bet ter after that, but I am think ing maybe the next time that the Powers That Be decide to smile upon me they could skip the bird poop. It’s just a Othersuggestion.funthings. (Well, that last one wasn’t particularly fun.) I got to zip around in a golf cart. You know, you can go pretty fast in those things, relatively speaking. Another perk I was never far away from the bakery that offered up those astounding cream puffs, of which I had many. I learned something valu able, too. There was a lot to do, and often I wished that I could clone myself. There were so many directions I needed to be going in. So I did the only thing that I could do, really. I just fo cused on what was right in front of me. Nothing else. And then I moved on to the next thing. That lesson would stand me in good stead over the years. Whenever I tend to get over whelmed, I ask myself what needs to be done now, in the moment. And then I deal with the next moment and the one after that. Things get Lymandone. Orchards, my boys and I have always loved you, and we always will. Thanks for the wonderful memories. I still can’t pass your corn maze without a good dose of nostalgia. be unhappy in a requester form at myrecordjournal. com/town-times-requester Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester of your Town Times to your home or business, will end.
You can’t

By Sue VanDerzee The GivingDurham-MiddlefieldGardenissporting a bumper crop this year, and we continue to welcome weekly Saturday speakers from 11 a.m. to noon. Hard rain/thunderstorms cancel. Our presenter on Aug. 13 will be Rosalee Lamphier, a Master Gardener and gar den-inspired cook, who will wander around the Giving Garden and share some tips and recipes, as well as tastes, with attendees. On Aug. 20, Joy Starratt of Durham will demonstrate and help attendees create a pounded flower/herb/leaf Joycraft.will provide all materials, but asks you to bring a small hammer if you have one. These talks are free and open to everyone. Please bring your own chair and a sandwich if you’d like and join us in a beautiful place tended entirely by vol unteers and dedicated to ad vancing organic gardening and feeding local families. Drinks provided. And just maybe you would like to come a bit early. While Wednesday work mornings seem to attract a nice group of volunteers, Saturday mornings, from 9 to 11 a.m., have been a bit sparse, and we welcome new and returning volun Noteers.gardening experience necessary. Our manager, Betsy St. John, knows exactly how to use everyone’s skills and will help you find a comfortable task. Come when you can and meet friends new and old. Call Betsy at 860-807-5242 if you have any questions about volunteering. For questions regarding the speaker series, you can call me, Sue, at 860-836-1768.
is: r/ Interested in Advertising?ClassifiedCallUs.
list for the spring semester. Schools RobeRt A. YoR dA n, M.d. SA llY J. IRonS, M.d. RYA n d. SuMMeRA ll, M.d. Cl ARA e . M A nzI M. d. M ARISSA l . GoodnIGht, APR n Dedicated to women, committed to excellence 247644 We reserve the right to limit quantities. We are not responsible for typographical errors. NOW ACCEPTING EBT CARDS MEAT SPECIALS R253811 DELI SPECIALS 860-349-1717 472 MAIN STREET • DURHAM, CT Monday - Friday 7-6pm • Saturday 7-5pm Closed Sunday YOUR LOCAL MARKET USDA Choice Porterhouse Steak ............... $9.99lb USDA Choice New York Strip Steak ....... $10.99lb Fresh Center Cut Pork Chops $2.99lb Fresh Thin Cut Chicken Cutlets $5.49lb Fresh Ground Chuck Hamburger $4.99lb Fresh Italian Sausage $4.49lb Land O’ Lakes American Cheese $4.99lb Krakus Ham $8.49lb Citterio Sopressata $12.99lb Buffalo Style Chicken Breast ...................... $9.49lb Store Turkey................................................... $9.99lb Cooked Salami .............................................. $5.99lb COME TO LINO'S FOR ALL YOUR PICNIC NEEDS! Specials for August 11th - August 17th SUDOKU v2R247966 William J. Witkowski, D.M.D. Allan A. Witkowski, D.M.D. 360 Main 860-349-1123P.O.BoxStreet177Durham,CTWe will submit claims to all insurances 251764103333R John Zyzo, D.M.D.
The Durham Economic De velopment Commission has been working diligently over the last year to pursue the continued interest of a larger grocery store within the town. Some of the work we’ve done is understanding what opportunities exist for eco nomic development along Main Street and engaging property owners with vacant parcels. Survey results will help us continue to work with the property owners and other boards and com missions to bring new busi ness to Durham with the goal of adding to the grand Aslist.a commission, we would like to have your input be fore taking any next steps by Aug. 31. link for the sur vey 203-238-1953 spring semester. Mass., its dean’s
Summer Saturdays at the Giving Garden
Durham EDC seeks public feedback Press Release
named Claire Gavin to
TownTimes|towntimes.comFriday,August12,2022 A3
Locals in college Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, named Brandon Hayward to its president’s list for the
Tufts University, Medford,

For more information about the New Haven Indepen dence Day celebration, visit the Comité Cívico Cultural Ecuatoriano de Connecticut Facebook page ksantos@record-journal.com203-317-2364Twitter:@KarlaSantosNews
From A1 Ecuadorians GO MOBILE /Classifieds There’s no better time than now to discover a beautiful five-star residential community with plentiful amenities and endless opportunities. v2R247965
TownTimes|towntimes.comA4 Friday,August12,2022 the holiday to visit the His toric Center in Quito, filled with cultural events, while others prefer to enjoy the day at the beach. Veronica Barragán, of Durham, said Ecuadorian people enjoy sharing their culinary heritage with oth ers. The coastal region is popular for dishes that com bine seafood and coconut or peanuts, she said. In the highland region, dishes with potato and viscera meat are popular. People in the east ern region use leafs to make fish and cassava dishes. For Barragán, celebrating with Ecuadorian food while in the U.S. is important. Dur ing Holy Week, she prepares a traditional Ecuadorian soup called fanesca, which is made with 12 grains, repre senting the 12 apostles and fish, symbolizing Jesus. In November, for Day of the Diseased, she prepares the Ecuadorian drink “colada morada,” which is made out of purple corn flour, fruits and spices. She serves the drink with bread. Gianina Serrano, of Milford, said she teaches her chil dren to value Ecuadorian music, language and faith, among other traditions. She celebrates some of the Ecuadorian cultural and reli gious holidays and tries to teach others about her cul ture, she said. For Jefferson Ramones, of Meriden, Ecuadorian culture is diverse and its geographi cal location plays a role in certain elements that make the country unique. He said that in a few hours, someone in Ecuador can get to the Andes mountains, the Pacific Ocean and the Ama zon Ramonesrainforest.saidhe works with a lot of Latinos that are not Ecuadorian and when he has the opportunity, he tries to tell them about unique dishes and recently made an Ecuadorian dish for them.

Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Setup Begins at 7:30 a.m. (Rain Date: Sep. 24, 2022)
‘Stuff the Bus’ drive underway
JOIN US for our 2 nd Business Showcase at the Farmer’s Market! Last year was a big HIT with vendors and attendees. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this event to showcase YOUR business. NEW in 2022: Seeking local artists to display and sell their art. Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the Chamber Health & Wellness Council to benefit Camber Education Awards through YBL (Young Business Leaders) & HOLA (Hispanic Outreach Leaders in Action) Midstate Chamber of Commerce | 546 South Broad Street, Suite 2C, Meriden, CT 06450 | 203.235.7901 |
Community Center Blood drive
Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Setup Begins at 7:30 a.m. (Rain Date: Sep. 24, 2022) JOIN US for our 2 nd Business Showcase at the Farmer’s Market! Last year was a big HIT with vendors and attendees. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this event to showcase YOUR business. NEW in 2022: Seeking local artists to display and sell their art. Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the Chamber Health & Wellness Council to benefit Camber Education Awards through YBL (Young Business Leaders) & HOLA (Hispanic Outreach Leaders in Action) Midstate Chamber of Commerce | 546 South Broad Street, Suite 2C, Meriden, CT 06450 | 203.235.7901 |
JOIN US for our 2 nd Business Showcase at the Farmer’s Market! Last year was a big HIT with vendors and attendees. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this event to showcase YOUR business. NEW in 2022: Seeking local artists to display and sell their art. Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the Chamber Health & Wellness Council to benefit Camber Education Awards through YBL (Young Business Leaders) & HOLA (Hispanic Outreach Leaders in Action)
Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Setup Begins at 7:30 a.m. (Rain Date: Sep. 24, 2022) US for our 2 nd Business Showcase at the Farmer’s Market! Last year was a big HIT with vendors and attendees. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this event showcase YOUR business. NEW in 2022: Seeking local artists to display and sell their art. Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the Chamber Health & Wellness Council to benefit Camber Education Awards through YBL (Young Business Leaders) & HOLA (Hispanic Outreach Leaders in Action) REGISTER ASAP TO SECURE YOUR SPACE! DEADLINE IS 8/15/22
Midstate Chamber of Commerce | 546 South Broad Street, Suite 2C, Meriden, CT 06450 | 203.235.7901 |
Press Release With the new school year quickly ap proaching, American Eagle Financial Credit Union is partnering with the United Way for their annual “Stuff the Bus” school supply Throughoutdrive.August, all American Eagle branches will be collecting school supplies from their members, employees and the general public as they try to surpass last year’s collection of 20,000 items. All donated items will be used by the Unit ed Way to supply school classrooms for the 2022-23 school year. Suggested donation items include crayons, erasers, glue sticks, highlighters, markers, pens, No. 2 pencils, pocket folders, sketch books and spiral notebooks. For more information on the United Way’s “Stuff the Bus” program or to make a mon etary donation, visit stuff-the-bus.
& HOLA (Hispanic Outreach Leaders in Action) Midstate Chamber of Commerce | 546 South Broad Street, Suite 2C, Meriden, CT 06450 | 203.235.7901 | R254272 $500 Sponsor (Members Only, Prime Space, Tent Included) $200 Members $135 Non-Profit Members & Artists Non-Members - Includes 1 Year of Chamber Membership BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC Basement Waterproofing Services • Over 36 Years Combined Experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in Most Homes. Deal Direct With Owner - No Middle Man, Crawl Spaces HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 D801038_V3 BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC Basement Waterproofing Services Over 36 Years combined experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in most homes. Deal Direct with owner - no middle man. French Drains, Gravity Drains, Landscaping Drainage, Gutter Downspout Drains New BasementEgressBulkheads,andWindows,BasementFinishing EstimatesFREE *written details available upon request HIC.0653192•CALLUS 860-598-8091D801038_V3 BrilliantBasementWaterproofing,LLC BasementWaterproofingServices Over36Yearscombinedexperience. FullyTransferableWrittenGuarantee*,SumpPumps, PumpsEliminatedinmosthomes. DealDirectwithowner-nomiddleman. FrenchDrains,GravityDrains,LandscapingDrainage, GutterDownspoutDrains New Windows,Bulkheads,EgressandBasementBasementFinishingEstimatesFREE written*detailsavailable uponrequest HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 * written details available upon request 247036v2
Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Setup Begins at 7:30 a.m. (Rain Date: Sep. 24, 2022) JOIN US for our 2 nd Business Showcase at the Farmer’s Market! Last year was a big HIT with vendors and attendees. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this event to showcase YOUR business. NEW in 2022: Seeking local artists to display and sell their art. Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the Chamber Health & Wellness Council to benefit Camber Education Awards through YBL (Young Business Leaders) & HOLA (Hispanic Outreach Leaders in Action) Midstate Chamber of Commerce | 546 South Broad Street, Suite 2C, Meriden, CT 06450 | 203.235.7901 |
Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Setup Begins at 7:30 a.m. (Rain Date: Sep. 24, 2022)
JOIN US for our 2 nd Business Showcase at the Farmer’s Market! Last year was a big HIT with vendors and attendees. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this event to showcase YOUR business. NEW in 2022: Seeking local artists to display and sell their art. Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the Chamber Health & Wellness Council to benefit Camber Education Awards through YBL (Young Business Leaders)
The Lower CT River Council of Governments will host a household hazardous waste collection Saturday, Aug. 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Haddam Elementary School, 272 Saybrook Road, Hig ganum. The collection is open to residents of the RiverCOG region, which in cludes Middlefield and Durham. No commercial or business waste allowed. Cat fundraisTaleser Cat Tales’ annual Cats in the Castle fundraising dinner and silent auction will be held Saturday, Aug. 27, 6 to 10 p.m., at the Aqua Turf Club, Plantsville. For more information, visit cat Farmers Market The Durham Farmers Mar ket has returned for its 14th season. The popular market is held on the town green Thursdays through the end of October. It runs from 3 to 6:30 p.m.
Meals program. The Mon day and Wednesday meals program will be held at the United Churches of Durham, 228 Main St., until Korn School is made available. Call Morgan Perry at 860349-3153 by Wednesday of each week. Knit2gether. Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. New knitters and crocheters welcome. Set-Back, Bridge. Set-Back, Tuesdays at 1 p.m.; Bridge, Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. Food bank. Open Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., by appoint ment only. Dial-a-Ride. This is a curbto-curb service for people in our Thecommunity.costis$7for round-trip transportation. For more in formation, call Middletown Area Transit, 860-346-0212. Zoom exercise classes. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. For Middlefield/Rockfall se niors. Call 860-349-7121 to register.
A Red Cross blood drive will be held Friday, Aug. 12, from 1 to 6 p.m., at St. Colman Church, 170 Hubbard St., Middlefield. Schedule an ap pointment to give using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting RedCross or by calling 1800-733-2767. Concert Classical music returns to Kalmia Gardens at the Gastler Farm, 159 Middle field Road, Durham, Friday, Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. Guests may arrive one hour early to pic nic and tour the extensive gardens. For ticket informa tion, visit kalmiagardenmu HHW collection
Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Setup Begins at 7:30 a.m. (Rain Date: Sep. 24, 2022)
Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:30 am Setup Begins at 7:30 a.m. (Rain Date: JOIN US for our 2 nd Business Showcase at the Farmer’s Market! was a big HIT with vendors and attendees. TAKE ADVANTAGE to showcase YOUR business. NEW in 2022: Seeking local artists to display and sell their Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the Chamber Health & Wellness Camber Education Awards through YBL (Young Business Leaders) (Hispanic Outreach Leaders in Action) TO SECURE YOUR SPACE! DEADLINE IS 8/15/22
TownTimes|towntimes.comFriday,August12,2022 A5

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TownTimes|towntimes.comA6 Friday,August12,2022
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The Town of Durham Public Works Department’s annual chip sealing project was slat ed to begin Wednesday, Aug. 10, weather permitting. The following roads are scheduled: Powder Hill Road, Wheeler Drive, Daisy Lane, Hilltop Drive, Hickory Hill Drive, Guire Road, Shuler Lane and Little Lane. The chip sealing process in volves the laying of oil and stone and is expected to take approximately one week. Residents are reminded to adhere to the posted 15mile-per-hour speed limit on freshly-sealed roads and to use alternate routes during working hours to avoid de Thelays.Public Works Depart ment can be reached at 860349-1816. Help wanted Join a wonderful and dedi cated group of people a few hours a week to help care for homeless cats at Cat Tales’ main shelter. Must be age 15-plus or be accompanied by a parent/guardian. A min imum three-month weekly commitment of two-to-three hours is required. The volunteer application can be found at cat, closures Pickett Lane in Durham will be blocked to through traffic until Sept. 30 for road recon struction (Main Street to Al lyn Brook) and the replace ment of the culvert over Herzig Brook. Through Sept. 30, access to the school campus will be from Main Street (Route 17) only. sought Donations needed for Notre Dame Church’s monthly tag at 272 Main St., Garage No. 1; simply open the door. The church
TownTimes|towntimes.comFriday,August12,2022 A7
PublicDurhamLibrary Youth: C.A.M.P. (Crafts All Month Please). Drop-in crafts for all ages during the month of August. No registration needed. Lemonade & Crafts. Tues day, Aug. 16 at 5 p.m. Campthemed crafts, and lemon ade. For grades 3 to 5. Regis ter at
HikingAdults:and Camping in Connecticut: A Brief Histo ry and Guide. Monday, Aug. 15 at 6 p.m. A talk with Nat uralist Educator Eoin Horn ing-Kane. Register at Movie Matinee. Thursday, Aug. 18 at 2 p.m. “Stillwater,” starring Matt Damon. Rated PG-13. No registration need ed. Book Club. Monday, Sept 12 at 6:30 p.m. “Black Cake” by Charmaine Wilkerson. Reg ister at Levi E. Coe Library Summer reading. Earn points by participating in li brary-related activities. Reach 400 points to be en tered in a drawing for the grand prize. Forms must be submitted by Thursday, Aug. 25.
sales. Items can be dropped off
is not accepting furniture, car seats, cribs, mattresses or oversized items. In Brief Matt’s Pro Plumbing 860-922-9976 • Fast, dependable, friendly service • Full plumbing & carpentry service • Free estimates over the phone! NO SMALLTOOJOB Includes demo, haul away, plumbing,sub-floor,Kohler fixtures, installations of Kohler tub or shower enclosure, fiberglass units+$3,499Licensed&Insured, Lic# 2 82931 The Bathroom Remodeling Specialist We offer tub and shower conversions If you need a tub or shower replaced, CALL MANTUBTHE 247152 shop for fun, personalized necklace ties, bow ties, and pocket squares to fit any occasion or style! R253695
Library Chip sealing
Summer Reading Finale: Make Your Own Ice Cream. Thursday, Aug. 18, 4 and 6 p.m. All ages, with an adult. Register at durhamli

1. “Being a woman and a cancer sur vivor, I valuederstanduntheofbodilyautonomy.TheSupremeCourtdecisionmademebothangryandsad.Women should make decisions about their own bodies. The ruling will especially hurt in dividuals and families who do not have the money to travel hundreds of miles to a state that still respects repro ductive rights. The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade makes this country a more dangerous, less free place for all of us.”
nation whether they want abortion to be legal or not and they kicked it back to the states. That was the deci 2.sion.”“So if you’re for state rights on the first part of the question, you have to be for state rights in the second part of the question. What do I mean by that? So, right now they are saying some states are going to hold peo ple criminally liable or as criminals for going across state lines to have an abor tion. Connecticut has a rule, Safe Harbor Law, that says that we will not help other states in prosecuting these people or an investigation that can lead to prosecution. So again, if I’m all for state rights and Connecticut’s right is to have an abortion, then yes, I agree with the Connecticut State Harbor BecauseLaw. if Connecticut is taking it upon ourselves to say yes, you can have an abortion here, whether I agree with that or not, doesn’t matter. If it is the state law here, again, other states, I respect your law, you will respect our’s … If we’re going to respect state law and the right for each state to make their own de cisions, I don’t expect anoth er state like Texas or Alaba ma or Mississippi or any thing to dictate to Connecti cut what we can or cannot do. And if people want to come to our state for any reason because if you started with abortion, where does it end? Immigration? Gun laws? It’s a slippery slope. So yes if abortion is legal in the state of Connecticut, it is no other state’s business what we do here. Just like I don’t want to dictate to other states how they run their state and what they can or cannot do or what they de cide to do or do not do.”
2. “I voted in support of House Bill 5414 because it seeks to further protect and uphold our Connecticut laws and aims to ensure that no other state dictate policy in CT. I always strive to repre sent the voices of my con stituents and I hear from families everyday about the challenges they are facing here in our state - from record breaking inflation to concerns over public safety. It’s clear that Connecticut’s Roe v. Wade protections are settled law, but what re mains unsettled in our state is how CT is helping all resi dents struggling to make ends meet. My focus in the legislature continues to be
2. “I strongly support Con necticut being a safe harbor state for women seeking abortions, and I’ll continue to vote for those freedoms when I’m in the State Sen ate. Connecticut should be at the forefront in the fight for women’s rights. Women should know that their deci sions about their bodies will be honored here.”
34th Senate (Wallingford, North Haven, Durham, East Haven) Alida Cella, Democrat 1. “Pro-life activists have spent decades focused on taking away a woman’s right to fightlives,aboutwasnancy.endchoosewantanwhyratherchoose,thanawommighttotoapregIfthisreallysavingtheirwould have focused on that. If there was universal access to birth control without a pre scription; if there was uni versal maternal care, and it didn’t cost upwards of $10,000 to have a baby if you are uninsured or underin sured; if there were universal day care, so mothers could continue their schooling or careers after their baby was born and maintain their earning potential; if the min imum wage were raised to a true living wage level so that a single mother with no skills could afford to support her family on her ownthese would absolutely re duce the number of abor tions sought. Instead, this ruling has determined that women with the resources or support who want an abortion will still be able to get one, albeit cost them more; and women and their families without, will be ei ther seeking potentially un safe alternatives, illegal al ternatives, or be subscribed to a continuing spiral of poverty that will be ever harder to escape from - for themselves and the children they are being forced to Ihave.don’t believe pro-life claims and their morality story that they are saving lives; they don’t actually care about those lives. If they did, they’d be interested in help ing the living choose to give life, and not just with fake women’s health clinics cre ated to deceive and con vince women to go to term, and then abandon mothers after the baby is born. They do nothing beyond maybe a few diapers and some for 2.mula.”“Soyes, we need safe har bor laws, privacy laws, and everything else to protect those who want to choose for themselves and deter mine their own future, and not allow that decision to be made for them. I support all laws that protect a woman’s right to choose, to seek help in other states, but even more so, I support all poli cies and laws that would help a mother want to choose life - universal healthcare, universal day care, and higher wages.”
From A1
Abortion views
Hochadel Vollano Cella Cicarella See Abortion views, A11
TownTimes|towntimes.comA8 Friday,August12,2022 with the state’s Safe Harbor Law, which blocks state agencies from assisting in interstate investigations that could hold someone crimi nally or civilly liable for re ceiving abortion services in Connecticut, and why? Here are some responses (Asterisks indicate incum bents): 13th Senate (Meriden, JanMiddletown,Middlefield,Cheshire)Hochadel,Democrat
1. “The Supreme Court’s re cent decision does not change a woman’s right to choose in the state of sanovercodifiedv.tionstheConnewillnecticut,Connorit.Incticut,protecinRoeWadewerewithwhelmingbipartisupport as state law in 1990. This law is not changing in CT, as has been stated and reaffirmed by our state’s Democratic and Republican leaders alike. This is a deeply per sonal and emotional issue and I understand the con cerns we are seeing across the country. Unlike many other states, here in CT pro tections are settled law.”
Joseph Vollano, Republican 1. “The Supreme Court did not necessarily overturn Roe versus Wade. This was an other case that they were taking up about in Alabama and in order to rule correctly on that, Roe versus Wade’s decision had to be erased. So that being said, I do sup port the Supreme Court’s decision and again it’s not based on trol.onItonIttheWadeRoetion.aboutanythingaborSotakeversusoutofequation.couldbeanything.couldbegunconWe could put anything in there that the states have the right to decide on. This was not a case about abortion. This was a case about the consti tution and the states’ rights to make a determination about whether or not abor tion is legal in their state. That’s what this case was all Soabout.again, take out abortion and put any other subject you want in there. My agree ment is the same with the court’s. It is not the federal government’s responsibility If the Congress wants to go pass a bill saying abortion is legal across the board, go do it. Go do it. Democrats had the theSupremeSupremeeralstatedid,themselvesmaketion.bodythatnowhereformakecidedSupremeInstead,tbutwantedandthreewastunityRepublicansandtheynityDemocratsopportunity.hadtheopportuunderObamawhenhadallthreesidestogodothis.Theydidnot.hadanopporwhenGeorgeBushinofficeandhadallbranchestogoaheaddothisandsaytheyabortionbanned,noneofthemhavedonehat.in1970,theCourtwronglydethattheyweregoingtothelawtomakeitOKabortionwhereitisintheconstitutiongivetherightofanytositthereforaborIfthestateswanttothisdeterminationforlikeConnecticutthatisfine.Thisisaissue.ThisisnotafedissueandthatisalltheCourtsaid.TheCourtsaiditisnotfederalgovernment’sresponsibilitytomakethisdeterminationandthatitisuptoeachandeverystatetositthereandmakeadetermi
Paul Cicarella, Republican*

TownTimes|towntimes.comFriday,August12,2022 A9 WALK-IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,50000 Walk-In Tubs Finance Options Available* ONE-TOUCH CONTROLSHANDHELD SHOWER COMFORT & SAFETYLOW THRESHOLD44HYDROTHERAPY JETS FREE An beEvaluationIn-Homewillscheduledatyourearliestconvenience FREE Savings include our AmericanownStandardRightHeightToilet($500VALUE) ✓ EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST Only American Standard has OVER 150 years of experience and o ers the Liberation Walk-In Bathtub ✓ SUPERIOR DESIGN Ultra low easy entry and exit design, wide door, built-in safety bar & textured floor provides a safer bathing experience ✓ PATENTED QUICK DRAIN® TECHNOLOGY ✓ LIFETIME WARRANTY The ONLY Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard ✓ 44 HYDROTHERAPY JETS More than any other tub we’ve seen Discount applied at time of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. *Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Receive a free American Standard Cadet Toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower or Deluxe Shower. O er valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. All o ers subject to change prior to purchase. See for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty and company information. *CSLB B982796; Su olk NY:5543IH; NYC: HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. Limited Time O er–Call Today! 833-529-0079 MADE IN THEUSA WITHUS & IMPORTEDPARTS &forDesignedpainreliefeasyuse

TownTimes|towntimes.comA10 Friday,August12,2022 Media That Moves You >>500 South Broad Street | Meriden, Connecticut | More ways to move you It’s content that moves you, at home and on the go. More Local Coverage More local coverage means more content that’s meaningful to you. News that affects your life. Stories that hit home. The Most Local News covering your town every day More Local Sports stories, photos and results Front Porch News profiling your neighbors every Sunday Local Opinions with editorial pages seven days a week Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Southington & Plainville Citizen | Town Times >>

David Bedell, Green Party 1. “I don’t really know about the constitutional argument but certainly I thinkthaveotherlawscontrolbeshould2.aboraccessshouldwomenhavetotion.”“Onestatenotabletotheinanstate.Ibeenhinking about this. For example, be fore same sex marriage was legal nationwide, I was a jus tice of the peace performing same sex marriages here in Connecticut for people com ing from out of state. I was never sued by another state for performing a service for their citizens. People can travel now from one state to another where marijuana is legal in one state but not the other one. I don’t see that there is a basis to stop peo ple from traveling to another state to do something that is legal in the other state.”
2. “Yes, I agree with CT’s Safe Harbor Law, and I will work to protect it as State Rep. CT is a role model when it comes to protecting women’s right to choose and reproductive rights. Howev er, we cannot take this for granted. We must vote in pro-choice candidates. My opponent is actively working to undermine abortion rights. He is the lawyer for an Arizona organization su ing our state in an effort to chip away at women’s rights. That is terrifying. We must actively seek to protect women in CT, including those who come here for our help. That starts with voting the right people into office.” Republican Craig Fishbein, the incumbent, did not re spond for comment.
From A8 Abortion views HylandBedell List Your Items To Over 300,000 Local Readers. See Abortion views, A13 Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat. Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Adelphia Café 476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises. Find great local eats - Athena II Diner 320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 www.athena2diner.com203.239.0663 Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available. Duchess of Wallingford 124 Church Wallingford,St.CT 06492 (203) -of-Wallingford/ Celebrating Over 25 Years in OurWallingford!Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner. Colony Diner 611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 Wallingford’s place to go for oldfashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day. Schedule your FREE203-706-2030SESSION Don’t miss out on enjoying your retirement! Stay healthy and active with fitness programs for balance, mobility, strength and a long life. Certified personal training and group fitness. Functional and senior specialist. Online, in home and Meriden studio available. 253864v4
90th House (Wallingford, Middlefield) Rebecca Hyland, Democrat 1. “SCOTUS’s decision to overturn Roe is disastrous. It ers,Moreaborandpredangliveswillmoreguaranteeswomenlosetheirthrougherousgnanciesunsafetions.mothdaughters,sisters,andwives will be irreparably harmed by this decision. Even more aggravating is the fact that this will disproportionately affect the middle and lower classes, as well as minorities. This Court is not a democra cy in action, and we must continue to fight against it.”
TownTimes|towntimes.comFriday,August12,2022 A11 focused on helping those most in need, creating op portunity, and making our state more affordable for ev ery family during these chal lenging times.”

TownTimes|towntimes.comA12 Friday,August12,2022
Hartford HealthCare Senior Services is accepting appli cations for a grant-funded six-week program for those seeking a career as a certi fied nursing assistant. The grant funds tuition, books, scrubs and the Con necticut Certified Nurses Aide Exam. Orientation be gins Monday, Aug. 29 and classes begin Tuesday, Sept. This6. free program is the per fect opportunity for those seeking to start a career in healthcare or change ca Applicantsreers. must have their high school diploma, be 18 or older and have their own takes place on Zoom, labs take place in Southington and clinical training takes place in Newington and Southing Spaceton. for the Certified Nurs ing Assistant Program is lim Forited.more information and to receive an application pack et, call 860-406-9050 or email CNAtraining@ ’Rally’ for animals Bikers Against Animal Cruel ty will hold its annual Rally Against Animal Abuse & Ne glect Saturday, Aug. 13, 1 to 6 p.m., at the North Haven Thefairgrounds.eventfeatures live mu sic, pro wrestling, food trucks, vendors, pet adop tion opportunities, and more. Also, pet food, clean ing supplies and blankets/ quilts will be collected for local shelters. Admission is $5. Free museums Through Sept. 5, Connecti cut children age 18 and un der plus one accompanying Connecticut resident adult can visit participating muse ums free of charge through the Connecticut Summer at the Museum program. Participating museums have discretion to administer the program to the best of their ability and according to their Thisneeds.program is geared to wards families exploring to gether, not large camp groups. Summer at the Mu seum is made possible through an investment from the federal COVID-19 recov ery funding Connecticut is receiving from the American Rescue Plan Act. House of Heroes House of Heroes Connecti cut is a non-profit veterans service organization which provides one-day, no-cost home repairs focusing on safety and accessibility to military and public safety veterans in need. For more information, visit 5
In Brief RECORDJOURNALINSTAGRAM.COM/RECORD_JOURNALTWITTER.COM/NEWSPAPERRECORDJOURNALFACEBOOK.COM/ Email letters to Letters are limit ed to 300 words. Town Times will print only one letter per person each Wemonth.reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number. Letters must be submitted by
Nursing program
p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication the following Friday. Letters Policy Andy Golschneider • (860) 349-3549 CT Lic. #HIC 606826 Durham, CT GOLSCHNEIDER PAINTING Over 30 Years Experience Interior Painting R252475v6 Now Scheduling Winter Projects MiddlefieldDurham/ Beautiful Driveways that last! 211654 Quality Driveways Water Problems & Drainage Work Tree & Stump Removal (860) 349-0157 LICENSED & INSURED 40 ExperienceyrsCTREG.#580903 CV PAVING 1283529 Lic# PL204680 R250300253623 SUDOKU ANSWER CROSSWORD ANSWER v2R247964 250776, Middlefield Family Pest Control LLC “Our family serving Your family” OwnedLocallyandOperatedSince1977 Wallingford: (203) 265-7328 Toll Free: (800) 269-0948 www.RidOfBugs.com1287233 Connecticut Business License # B-2045 Connecticut Business License # B-2045##129826R R253341 SERVICE DIRECTORY
WoW hikes Women of the Woods (WoW), a program of Every one Outside, offers monthly hikes in the Durham/Mid dlefield area. In addition to hiking, the group takes the time to ad mire the beauty around us, learn a bit about the flora and fauna, and do some ex ercises to connect with the natural world. Visit

1. “I think I understand the court’s attempt to provide states more authority to gov ern themselves essentiallyundertheconstructionofourU.S.Constitution,butithasobviouslyputalotofstatesintocrisisandIthinkfromapracticalstandpointthat’s just highly problematic for those states that are impact ed by it. So the decision over all, I haven’t read it so the ju risprudence of it I don’t have as much of a comment on being a lawyer, but I think the practical impact of it is significant. Fortunately Con necticut will not feel the legal impact of that decision.”
TownTimes|towntimes.comFriday,August12,2022 A13 86th House (Durham, Guilford, North RepublVincentBranford)Candelora,ican*
Girl Scouts Girl Scouts bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world. Through programs from coast to coast, Girl Scouts of all back grounds and abilities can be unapolo getically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new Backedchallenges.bytrusted adult volunteers, mentors and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them.
Oct. 22 at Bush nell Park in Hartford. Register at Susan G. Komen is the world’s leading non profit breast cancer organization, working to save lives and end breast cancer forever. In Brief Bucket Truck/Crane/Climbing Stump Grinding • Chipping • Lot Clearing • Tree & Shrub Installation • Storm Damage Clean-ups AURORA TREE REMOVAL Owner on Every Job • Free Estimates Fully Insured 203-619-2301 Major Credit Cards AcceptedLicContractor’s#558031 R252073v2 1289953 102794RR236330_V2 860-719-1917 INTERIOR DESIGNS • INSTALLATIONS • RENOVATIONS Kitchens • Baths • Drywall • Painting • Ceilings • Flooring • Interior • Doors HIC 644311 R239353_V2 Your Trusted RAIN ROOFINGGUTTER,&SIDINGExperts! Family Owned & Operated Fully Licensed & Insured HIC #0639693 R253783 36 Commerce Circle, Durham, CT Office06422(860) 852-5857 - Landscape Design - Landscape Install - Hydroseeding - Pavers/Bluestone - Excavation/Grading - Drainage Work - Organic Land Care - Sustainable Landscapes DESIGN • CONSTRUCT • 860-349-1918MAINTAIN R251354 WHITEHOUSE CONSTRUCTION INC. SEPTIC ISSUES? You need someone you can trust to do the digging. Call Randy Whitehouse, 860-349-1904. Paving Gravel Driveway Restoration Top Soil Retaining Walls Drainage Septic Systems Excavator, Backhoe + Dozer Work Light & Heavy Hauling Residential + Commercial Durham, Connecticut | CT Lic. #554559 860-349-1904 | 128992579167-01 R237209v2Paving • Gravel Driveway Restoration • Top Soil • Retaining Walls Drainage • Stump Grinding • Septic Systems • Excavator, Backhoe + Dozer Work • Light & Heavy Hauling • Residential + Commercial R244657v2 DURHAM AUTO PARTS 336 Main Street Durham, CT 860-349-8868 PARTS STORES MEDIA THAT MOVES YOUR BUSINESS FORWARD >> To advertise, contact Rebekah Larsen at (203) 317-2302 SERVICE DIRECTORY
To join Girl Scouts, volunteer, recon nect or donate, visit More than Pink Walk The Susan G. Komen More than Pink Walk will take place
2. “I voted against that legis lation for other reasons. Ironically I think the Safe Harbor Law isn’t keeping with the Supreme Court’s decision about state’s rights. I don’t believe that any state in the union should be able to come after Connecticut residents or activity in the state of Connecticut and try to prosecute that activity. Each state is their own sovereign entity. We respect the laws of each other states with full faith and credit and so I think that is a provision that was passed this year that I was supportive of.” Candelora is running unop posed. From A11 vAbortioniews Candelora RECYCLE YOUR Please & Thank you. Call first Call Before You Dig is a program es tablished to protect the public safety with regard to excavations near un derground facilities by providing a communications link between exca vators, public agencies and public Excavatorsutilities. must contact Call Before You Dig prior to digging, and then CBYD will notify all utilities that might be in the area. To have your utilities located, contact CBYD by calling 811 or 1-800-922-4455.

TownTimes|towntimes.comA14 Friday,August12,2022 ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, 718-5132.contents.itemia,sportscameras,arcadeinstruments,musicalsigns,games,pre1970memorabilplusmore.OneorentireestateCall860SCREENEDPREMIUMTOPSOIL $30/yard delivered, 3 yd, $100 min. delivery Call Jim 860-982-4819 OFFICE SPACE For Rent in Middlefield. 2000 sf on the 3rd fl. Kitchen and bathroom incl. Heat incl. Electric not incl. Call 860-349-1528.Karin: ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAIDVintage Electronics, Musical Instru ments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Gui tars, Audio Equip ment, 860-707-9350Antiques. CALL FRANK, (860) 349-0642 - 3 BR apt., $1,600 mo. in Rockfall, CT. AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608. PORTABLE GENERATOR ONAN K5000 - Looks like new, needs work on engine spark. Call 203 269-8149. APPRAISERPROPERTY Assists the Town Assessor in all phases of the property appraisal function; Applicants must have an A.S. degree in economics, business, finance, real estate or related field plus 3 years of real estate or Wallingford,license.substitutingtionequivalentexperienceappraisalorancombina-ofeducationandqualifyingexperienceonayear-for-yearbasis.Musthaveavaliddriver’sSalary:$33.97-$42.66hourlyplusanexcellentfringebenefitpackage.Apply:DepartmentofHumanResources,TownofWallingford,45SouthMainSt.,CT06492,FormswillbemaileduponrequestfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesormaybedownloadedfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesWebPage.Phone(203)294-2080.Fax:(203)294-2084.Theclosingdatewillbethatdatethe50thapplicationform/resumeisreceived,orAugust29,2022whicheveroccursfirst.EOE 1,2,3 Items or an Estate $$$ CASH $$$ Todd Shamock Estate Sale Service Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Dolls, Paintings,MeridenToys,Items 203-494-1695 SEEKING ALL COL LECTIBLES - Comic books to motor bikes. All items considered. Call Gary at 203-2374124. Top dollar paidwill beat any price! SHIPPER/RECEIVERMon. thru Fri., 8-5 p.m., fax resume for review (203) 269-5485, EMS New England, 65 South Turnpike Rd., Walling ford, (203) 269-1354. . Top Soil . Compost . . Wood Chips . FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries. Call Bob (203) 415-0723 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & ENGINEERING Town of Cheshire seeks highly qualified candidates for senior level availablepublicdirectspositionmanagementthatplans,&coordinatesactivitiesofpub-licworks,parks&grounds,publicproperty&buildingmaintenance,fleetmaintenance,engi-neeringdivisionandwastewatercollection&treatmentfunc-tion.Direct&indirectsupervisionof43em-ployees.FY23budgetof$12.7M.Excellentbenefitpackage.Jobdescription&,M/F/D/V. TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431. FORD EXPEDITION, 1999 - Call 860-3933851. WASTEWATERTREATMENTOPERATOR(S) Town of Cheshire seeks qualified candidates to apply for the open position(s) of Wastewater Treatment Operator at its Wastewater Treatment Plant. Hourly starting rate: $31.74/hr. Excellent benefits. Job descrip tion & information on how to apply available on Town web site,morethanonehirecouldoccurfromthisannounce-ment.Deadlinetoap-is8-15-22.TownofCheshireisanEEOE,M/F/D/V BUYINGlathes.workshopsmachine&TOOLBOXESMACHINIST-Toolstooling,contentsofshops,homeandsmallCallanytime860-985-5760delivery.yd;ScreenedDISTRIBUTIONMATERIALSTopsoil$30/peryd;Sand-$18perMillings-$22peryd;ScreenedMillings$30peryd;$100minimumNopickuptruckservice.Minimum16ydpickupatouryard.CallJim@860-982-4819fordelivery TOP CASH PAID For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm. STIHL - TS410, 12” grind er, extra discs, $600. Call (860) 628-0022. 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Must have valid drivers license, reliable vehicle and be available early mornings. Make extra cash before you go to work making early morning newspaper deliveries using your own vehicle. NO experience necessary. Must able to deliver early mornings, 7 days a week. MUST be dependable, and be able to read a route list with specific delivery instructions. We will demonstrate the route to you. Routes average 1.5 to 3 hours daily. No collections required. Not Temp Work. Retirees, Stay at Home Mom’s, and Veterans are also welcome to apply. Make extra cash to pay rent, mortgage, bills, save money, or a great vacation. Text or call Peter at 860-846-0216 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and start as soon as tomorrow morning.
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Luca, owner of EZLern Driving School in Meri den, said the cost of driving is prompting some teens to “wait.Getting a license, that’s not the major cost,” Luca said. “It’s what happens when you get the license. The automo bile, the gas, the insurance.”
By Jessica Record-JournalSimmsstaff The number of teen drivers has decreased nationally for a variety of reasons, a trend noticed by officials at local driving schools. “These days, people are not motivated to get their li cense,” said Jay Alvarez, owner of Shield Driving School in Meriden. “The younger driver, they don’t want their license. They don’t want that responsibili ty. A lot of the parents are forcing their kids to get their license at 16 because they need them to get a job, they need them to go to practice, they need them to go to Theschool.”National Highway Traf fic Safety Administration re ported that out of the 228.2 million licensed drivers in the United States in 2020, only 11.6 million (5.1%) of them were considered to be young drivers, ages 15 to 20 years old. This is an 8.3% de crease from the young li censed drivers in 2011 and a 4.7% decrease from 2019. Alvarez said the average age of his driving students is mid to late twenties. He has also noticed the number of stu dents in his classes has de creased. “When I first start ed, I was averaging about 20 to 30 kids per class per ses sion,” Alvarez said. “I’m now like 10 to 15, maybe 20 if I’m Dianelucky.”Stanley owns Hig ganum-based Crossroads Driving School, which teach es drivers in various towns, including Wallingford and North Haven. Her school is busy this summer, but she said restrictions on 16 and 17 year old drivers are prompting many teens to wait until they are 18. According to the Connecti cut State DMV Center for Teen Safe Driving, 16 and 17-year-olds can’t get their license until they have had their driver’s permit for at least four months. They also have to complete an eight hour Safe Driving Practices class, a two hour parent/le gal guardian training and 40 hours of practice driving. Once they obtain their li cense after passing a road test and vision test, 16 and 17-year-olds can’t drive alone with friends their own age for a year and can’t drive be tween 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. “I think you are seeing some students waiting until they are 18 so they can just drive without restrictions,” Stanley Insaid.Connecticut, the number of teens getting their learn er’s permit has mostly stayed even in recent years, about 25,000 per year, said Tony Guerrera, deputy com missioner of the state De partment of Motor Vehicles. However, he did notice a slight dip in 2020 when 23,693 teens received a learner’s permit. “People were scared to get into vehicles with other peo ple because of COVID,” Guerrera said. The number of licensed 18year-olds in the country has decreased from 80.4% in 1983 to 61% in 2018, accord ing to Statista. The number of licensed 16year-olds has gone down as well. In 1983, 46.2% of 16year-olds were licensed, but in 2018, only 25.6% of this age group had their driver’s Cynthialicense.
Luca said that she has seen an increase in students be tween the ages of 19 and 21. Older students only have to take an eight hour course. “They come in, they have some driving experience,” Luca said. “We’re just more or less checking them out, making sure that they are ready to take a test.”
TownTimes|towntimes.comA16 Friday,August12,2022
Number of teenage drivers is decreasing
Driving safety
Ira Caplan, co-owner of Lib erty Driving School in Meri den, said the lack of younger students has not changed the way he teaches. Howev er, he has made his students more aware of the dangers of reckless driving. “There’s more reckless drivers out there right now,” Caplan said. “I think due to COVID there were less peo ple on the road and people were driving worse without any consequences. I am see ing more and more of that right Caplannow.”said he stresses the importance of defensive Indriving.2020, there were about 189,950 young drivers in car crashes, according to the YoungNHTSA.drivers, which are 15 to 20 years old, account for 8.5% of all drivers involved in fatal Alvarezaccidents.saidthathe tells his students that it is important to be “aware of your sur roundings at all times.” “Don’t rely on technology, rely on your eyes,” Alvarez said.
Guerrera said teens now have many more transporta tion options, including Uber and Lyft. “Things that weren’t avail able like ten years ago,” Guerrera said. “I think they could be waiting (to drive) a little bit longer and just not concerned about it because they are able to get to point A and point B through dif ferent modes of transporta tion.”
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