“I think one of the most im portant points was that the kids were coming together as a school community with their teachers, support staff, faculty especially custodi
Volume 28, Number 36 Friday, September9, 2022www.towntimes.com
Each year, nearly 1 billion birds are killed flying into windows. That startling statistic comes from the Audubon Society’s Project Safe Flight initiative, one of
light of the stars and moon they would use to navigate, as well as barometric pres sure and the earth’s magnet ic field. So we build cities right underneath them and the light confuses them.”
Wednesday, Aug. 31 was a hot and humid day, but that didn’t stop local students from having a blast at Cogin chaug Regional High School’s back-to-school car Hostednival. by the school dis trict, and held on the CRHS campus, the carnival offered activities throughout the

Suchy, who did her time in the dunk tank, shared her fa
In addition to habitat de
a student researcher with the Yale Bird-Friendly Build ing Initiative; and Craig Repasz, who is affiliated with the New Haven Bird Club and the Connecticut Or nithological Association.
day; from contests and games, to karaoke and yoga. The National Guard inflat able obstacle course and a dunk tank manned by CRHS Principal Deb Stone and several teachers were popu lar stops as well.
See Carnival, A8 See Birds, A6
By Joy SpecialVanderLektoTownTimes
“Birds are migrating on routes that are millions of years old,” said Repasz. “They evolved migrating in darkness. It was only the
By Nicole Zappone Town Times
al and cafeteria staff, local businesses that donated time and prizes, and parents who donated prizes and vol unteered to run events,” En glish teacher Rebecca Suchy said. “It was a day we really needed after the pandemic and all of the challenges over the last few years.”
struction and fragmentation, lighting is a major contribu tor to bird deaths.
Photos by Nicole Zappone
Reducing light pollution key to assisting migratory birds
Freshmen Finn Healy, Eric Samperi and Alex Augustine pose with Army National Guard Sergeant First Class Jose Quinones, Staff Sergeant Jeffrey Marte and Staff Sergeant Joshua Vinella at the Aug. 31 carnival.

Back-to-school carnival a celebration of normalcy
many bird strike tracking programs helping to raise public awareness and create steps to minimize such bird deaths. Getting the word out on a local and regional level is Lights Out CT. The group’s co-chairs are Meredith Barges, Yale Divinity School,
Freshmen Abigail Francis, Abigail Dunnigan and Ashleynn Pelletier take a “little” rideduringthecarnival.

will take pity on me and come to a screeching halt, thereby allowing me safe passage. Of course they don’t. My obvious signs of disgruntlement were for naught. Nobody was im Whenpressed.Ihave
Dr. Ahmed is an interventional cardiologist. He has specialized training in catheter-based procedures and interventions for heart disease and conditions affecting the heart and surrounding blood vessels. He also provides routine cardiology care to manage risk factors and improve overall heart health.
R254400 Find us on 203.467.1253www.DeesRoofing.net Since 1973 49 Years’ Experience FREE ESTIMATES Senior Citizen & Veteran Discount • Residential & Commercial Roofing • Roof Inspections • Roof repairs $500 OFF Any Complete Roofing Job over $5,000 $1,000 OFF Any Complete Roofing Job over $10,000 DEE’S ROOFING INC. Must present coupon at time of estimate. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 9/30/22 DEE’S ROOFING INC. Must present coupon at time of estimate. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 9/30/22 Fully Insured | CT. HIC 0511372 AWARDS2021 2021 WINNER BEST ROOFING R253836 Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Nicole Zappone Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener Creative Director — Erik Allison ADVERTISING: Rebekah Larsen— Marketing Consultant 203-317-2302 | rlarsen@record-journal.com NEWS / SPORTS: (203) 317-2245 | news@towntimes.com www.towntimes.com 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 Town Times (USPS 021-924) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450Circulation Department — 203-634-3933

My mailbox is across the road and down a bit, and I feel like I am taking my life in my hands when I go to fetch its contents.
I used to think I had plenty of time to make my crossing, that the cars were far enough away, but I now know that was a fallacy. I would be in the middle of the road, with a car bear ing down upon me with alarming speed, and I would be hoping that the driver of said car was in a good mood that day and would not mind, too terribly much, slowing down and not run ning me over.
Call (860) www.consultingcardiologists.com522-0604

Dr. Ahmed is proud to join Connecticut’s leading cardiology practice with 10 convenient locations. He welcomes new patients in Wallingford, Middletown, and Glastonbury.
Meet Our New Cardiologist: Dr. Zain Ahmed

Getting the mail, for me, is a laborious affair.
At some point I am home sick and start praying for a break, even a small one, in the oncoming traffic. I feel like there will never be one.
The reason being, that I live on Madison Road, which, I believe, is home to the Indy 500. It seems that any car going under 90 miles-perhour is just ambling along at a leisurely pace.
Collecting my mail is a harrowing event
TownTimes | towntimes.comA2 Friday, September9, 2022
I just cannot muster, given the obvious perils, the courage to take my life in my hands and retrieve my mail on a daily basis. I usually let it sit there for several days.
finally made it, all in one piece, to the black mailbox sporting the num bers 3-1-9, and I have grabbed its not-so-exciting contents, I must now deal with the issue of returning Thehome.traffic has certainly not let up, not one bit. And the cars are so fast, and I am so slow, that I must wait until there is nothing whatsoever coming my way. Not even a dot on the horizon.
Okay, back to the matter at hand. After grabbing my mail, I am now faced with the task of, again, crossing the road.
See Carr, A3
When I finally make the trek to the other side of the road, I am greeted by junk mail and bills. Which does not give me a great deal of moti vation to make this particu lar Now,pilgrimage.I’mnotproud of this, but sometimes I try to prey on the motorists’ sympa Ithies.throw my hands up in the air and shake my head, showing my obvious frustra tion, in the hopes that they
Now mind you, if I thought for one minute that news of a forthcoming fortune was waiting in that box, I would be happy to climb over the roofs of cars to get there. I am beginning to think, though, that the likelihood of that is nil.
Oh, and the huge volume of cars that go zinging by my house! Every day is like Durham Fair traffic. I try to determine the best time to make my crossing, but there doesn’t seem to be a best time. Apparently, all the people in the world have congregated on my road.
Pepperoni $7.99 lb
Boar’s Head Buffalo Chicken $12.49 lb
Store Baked Turkey $7.99 lb
TO SCHOOL! Specials for September 8th - September 14th

tled, “Stuck by the Side of the Road.”
Finlandia Swiss Cheese $7.99 lb
Store Made Chuck Ground Beef ....
GROWBUSINESSYOUR Advertise with us. 203-317-2312 Wayne Carini Grand Marshal 370 Linwood St • New Britain, CT KlingbergMotorcarSeries.org06052 Saturday, September 24, 2022 8am to 11am New Britain, CT • Family Activities • No Entry Fee (donations encouraged) • No Cut-off Year • Free Coffee & Donut (while they last!) R254721 William J. Witkowski, D.M.D. Allan A. Witkowski, D.M.D. 360 Main 860-349-1123P.O.BoxStreet177Durham,CTWe will submit claims to all insurances 251764103333R John Zyzo, D.M.D. We reserve the right to limit quantities. We are not responsible for typographical errors. NOW ACCEPTING EBT CARDS MEAT SPECIALS R254551 DELI SPECIALS 860-349-1717 472 MAIN STREET • DURHAM, CT Monday - Friday 7-6pm • Saturday 7-5pm Closed Sunday YOUR LOCAL MARKET www.linosmarket.com

Wunderbar Bologna $2.29 lb
In Brief
lb (5lbs or more) ...........................................$4.49 lb
urday, Sept. 24 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Middlefield Community Center, 405 Main St. The event is open to residents of the RiverCOG
Choice Boneless Ribeye Steak ..... $11.99 lb
TownTimes | towntimes.com Friday, September9, 2022 A3
Fresh $4.99
Should I have brought a chair and a good book? A snack perhaps? A tooth brush?Should I have let fam ily and friends know of my whereabouts, in case they come looking for me be cause I am not answering my Perhapsphone?Icould put my time to good use and write my memoirs, which would be ti
Paper shredding
So, dear friends, if you are of a mind to write me a letter, I strongly advise against it. It will be some time before I am able to fetch it.
Boar’s Head Ovengold Turkey................. $11.99 lb
The Lower CT River Council of Governments will host a household hazardous waste collection Saturday, Sept. 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Mid dlesex Community College, 100 Training Hill Road, Mid Thedletown.collection is open to res idents of the RiverCOG re gion, which includes Mid dlefield and Durham.
And if you can’t reach me by phone, don’t be afraid to come looking for me. You know where to find me. I am stuck on the other side of the road.
Choice Sirloin Steak........................ $7.99 lb
Land O’ Lakes American Cheese $4.29 lb

I can’t promise that it would be a good read.
The Lower CT River Council of Governments will host a paper shredding event Sat
Made Beef Sirloin Patties $6.99 lb Country Style Pork Ribs ............................. $1.99 lb Pork
Food drive
Nine houses of worship are banding together to host a “Unity in Faith” food drive for Master’s Manna, a food pantry which serves resi dents from Wallingford, Meriden, Durham, Middle field, Cheshire, East Haven, North Haven, West Haven, Camden, North Branford and Northford. The drive will take place Saturday, Sept. 17, 10 a.m. to noon. Drop off do nations at these Wallingford congregations: First Congre gational Church, Faith Bible Church, First Baptist Church, First United Methodist Church, Most Holy Trinity Parish, St. John the Evange list Episcopal, St. Paul’s Epis copal Church, Wallingford SDA Spanish Church and Zion Lutheran Church.

Slicing Mozzarella $5.99 lb
Store Tenderloin
HHW collection
The Middlefield Volunteer Fire Company invites the public to a ceremony on Sunday, Sept. 11 to remem ber the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. The ceremony will be gin at 6 p.m. at the memorial adjacent to the firehouse at 406 Jackson Hill Road. At tendees are welcome to say few words.
Boar’s Head Honey Maple Ham $11.99 lb
No commercial or business waste allowed. Visit rivercog.org to learn more.

Carr 9/11 remembrance
From A2
region, which includes Durham and Middlefield. No commercial or business shredding allowed. Visit rivercog.org to learn more.
$3.99 lb
355ENFIELDTAYLORROAD 4 miles off I-91 / Exit 47E, 1 mile N. on Taylor Rd. CROMWELL610MAINSTREET Just 4 miles South of I-91 / Exit 24 Garden’s Dream Farm YOU DREAM IT, WE GROW IT! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9am-5pm | 860.835.6652 | Look us up on Facebook CT’s Largest Retail Nursery Over 3000 Varieties WE HAVE LARGE OPEN SHOPPING AREAS! Amazing fall decorations. a $30 Purchase* *$30 or Higher. Limit one per customer per day CIT_9-08-21 NOT combinable with other offers. NOT valid on Gift Cards or Prior Purchases. Valid Thru 10-3122 with this ad. Garden’s Dream Farm 2022$5 Off Amazing Selection of Pumpkins! 14’’ TriColor MUMS $24.99 Hardy Mums From 6’’ $5.99 5/$25 Amazing 9’’ Mums $7.99 5/$35 10’’ Hanging Basket Mums $14.99 2/$25 Amazing Selection Fall Perennials 1000s of Shrubs & Trees NOW is a Great time to plant Trees! Huge Selection of Pumpkins and Gourds! R247968v2

we continue to support can cer patients and the home less with handmade hats, mittens and scarves. We also have our regular categories, which we have expanded.
The Durham Fair Needle work Department is asking the crafty community to help support our local chari ties. There are opportunities as an individual or group to make an Art Bra to support
a family member who had at tempted to die by suicide, as well as a family member who experienced pervasive harass ment based on disability with in the school setting, and also considered ending their life.
September is National Sui cide Prevention Awareness Month. As a volunteer advo cate with the American Foundation for Suicide Pre vention, I am calling on my members of Congress to pass legislation to prevent sui cides and support crisis care.
Crafty people sought
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline must be sustainably funded so that confidential, voluntary services by trained counselors are accessible. H.R.7116, the 988 Implemen tation Act, would provide federal funding and guidance to states for 988 crisis ser vices across the nation.
After the Storm, Inc., or to make a quilt block square that will be made into a Quilt of Valor. Also, there are patterns to make knit or cro chet sensory mitts which support Alzheimer’s patients and autistic children. We al so have patterns to make zippered bags and pillow cases to be given to the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, and
Visit the Needlework page on the Durham Fair website for patterns and more infor mation. The information is also located at the Durham, Middlefield and Wallingford libraries. You can also con tact Debbie Bellemare for details at 860-395-7125 or bellemareda@comcast.net.
Durham Fair Needlework Department
Letters to the Editor
See Letters to the Editor, A5
Crisis services
TownTimes | towntimes.comA4 Friday, September9, 2022
I have personally lost loved ones, a boyfriend serving in the military, and a family member who had been diag nosed with bipolar disorder. Sadly, in addition, I also have
Vote Hyland
R252904 Expires 12/31/22 247269v3

Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, has awarded Jarod Castro a de gree in enviromental studies and economics.
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, N.Y., has awarded Zachary Lemieux a bachelor’s degree in music.
TownTimes | towntimes.com Friday, September9, 2022 A5
Locals in college
An alternative to 911 for mental health crises, 988 connects callers to Lifeline centers. These centers de-es calate 98% of crisis calls without dispatching emer gency services. Well-re sourced crisis support sys tems can connect callers with local resources, includ ing someone to talk to (call centers), someone to re spond (mobile crisis teams), and somewhere to go (crisis stabilization centers).
Letters to the Editor
Adrienne Serra, Wallingford
For more information, go to Joinafsp.org/988.meinurging Congress to take action to #StopSuicide!

From A4
We must ensure that every state has the capacity to pro vide comprehensive crisis response services to help save lives.
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., awarded Calista Dills a bachelor’s degree at commencement in August.
I had an opportunity to speak with Rebecca Hyland, Democratic nominee for the 90th House District. I was very impressed with her knowledge of the law, based on her work as a public de fender; and with her dedica tion to education reform and providing the resources teachers need. Also, I was happy to hear she has a lifelong interest in advancing the needs of the disabled.
When it comes to following her passion, Rebecca has a proven record and will use that force in Hartford to im prove our communities, pro tect our democracy and fight for rights that are threat ened, or which have been taken away.
Peg Shugrue Szymanski
University of St. Joseph, W. Hartford, awarded Ashley Mason a degree in nursing at commencement in August.
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 269-9507 colonydiner.com
Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat. Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste
The “Yale and New Haven Bird-Window Collisions” section in iNaturalist details sightings within the city of New Haven and greater New Haven County made by community members and Birdsothers.cited
Adelphia Café

611 N Colony Road
For reporting and tracking bird-window collisions, Barges recommends the website iNaturalist.org.
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What ends up happening, for example, is that birds waste energy flying in a cir cle around a large, lit-up building. With their energy depleted, they may then crash in that urban setting.
A 2019 Science Journal arti cle found one out of four birds have been lost since the 1970s and that many North American birds are facing serious conservation Repaszthreats.said another study determined that shutting off lights in 50 percent of a building has a measurable effect on decreasing bird fa talities. He added that bird fatalities also come from them hitting home windows at a second- and third-story level. To make those win dows visible to birds, the American Bird Conservancy counsels homeowners to paint them, or use decals or other specialty products.
what they can do to mini mize bird window strikes during the fall migration pe riod which runs through Oc tober. The next critical peri od is the spring migration which begins April 15.
476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473
now, Lights Out CT aims to educate people on
in the data in clude northern parula, black and white warbler and white-throated sparrow, and strikes have been reported for at least two dozen birds of each species.
TownTimes | towntimes.comA6 Friday, September9, 2022
124 Church Wallingford,St.CT 06492 (203) -of-Wallingford/119682821380599Duchesswww.facebook.com/pages/265-9431
Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner.
“The EPA has reported that 90 percent of lighting use in the U.S. today is not need ed,” Meredith Barges said. “This means that we need to rethink our relationship to lighting, especially given the outsized threats to wildlife, human health and the envi Thereronment.”are148 species of birds that breed in or mi grate through Connecticut, including finches, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers, and some blue jays. While blue jays are in the state yearround, some may migrate to Virginia or Pennsylvania to spend the winter, Repasz Rightsaid.
From A1
Celebrating Over 25 Years in OurWallingford!Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner.

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Wallingford’s place to go for oldfashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day.

Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.
Tips for homeowners to reduce bird strikes: Shut brlights,lighting.gardendecorativecduring11outdooroffallexcesslightingfromp.m.to6a.m.,migrationycles.Shutoffoutdoorlightingandlights.DownshieldallUseefficientLEDwhicharenotasight. buds.
Duchess of Wallingford
Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available.

Colony Diner
Athena II Diner
Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Volunteers needed
Women of the Woods (WoW), a program of Every one Outside, offers monthly
If you have a computer, you can go to school. Classes are offered in Middletown and Old Saybrook, and registra tion is ongoings. Call 860343-6044.
GED classes

Food bank
supplies, toothpaste, tooth brushes, pasta, pasta sauce, tuna, and grocery store gift cards.

hikes in the Durham/Mid dlefield area. In addition to hiking, the group takes the time to admire the beauty around us, learn a bit about
TownTimes | towntimes.com Friday, September9, 2022 A7

The Middlefield Food Bank shelves are bare. With the new school year upon us, the Food Bank is in need of the following items: peanut butter, jelly, jam, sandwich/ freezer bags, coffee, tea, crackers, snacks, laundry de tergent, dish soap, cleaning
Join a wonderful and dedi cated group of people a few hours a week to help care for homeless cats at Cat Tales’ main shelter.
the flora and fauna, and do some exercises to connect with the natural world. Visit EveryoneOutside.org.
Must be age 15-plus or be accompanied by a parent/ guardian. A minimum threemonth weekly commitment of two-to-three hours is re Thequired.volunteer application can be found at cat (referenceemail:tion/.talesct.org/shelter-applicaFormoreinformation,info@cattalesct.orgShelterVolunteer).
In Brief
WoW hikes
Durham Middlefield Youth and Family Services needs volunteers to work its apple crisp booth at the Durham Fair. Sign up at signupsched ule.com/dmyfs. All proceeds go directly back into the Durham and Middlefield communities.

Help wanted
ad is an easy way to sell youryourandmerchandise,it’seasyonwallet,too. Central Connecticut Lawn Service GrassRoots Lawn Care DEP Reg. #B-0971 Member Berlin Chamber of Commerce & proud sponsors of many community, high school and civic events 176 White Oak Drive • 860-829-2306 visit us at www.centralctlawnservice.com or ccls1@comcast.net Rick, Dave & Gary DeGroff • Fertilizing Applications • Lime • Drill Seeding • Tree & Shrub Pruning • Flea & Tick Control • Organic Programs • Grub Preventative • Core Aeration • Bed Weed Control • Insect Spraying • Anti-desiccant/Dormant Oils • Deer Repellant • Crab Grass Preventative Our Lawn and Tree & Shrub Programs offer: Our 32nd year in business! Ask our loyal customers – We provide outstanding customer service and products at affordable prices. Pre-payment discounts Central Connecticut Lawn Service Spring is right around the corner... Residential and Commercial “Big enough to do it right, small enough to care” REALLY! Spring is Right Around the Corner! R250423 32 Years and Still Growing! * Border Patrol - Keep ants & insects out of your home with our excellent Foun dation Spray * Mosquito Spray - with so many Mosquito & virus concerns, you’ll love this service! In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at myrecordjournal. com/town-times-requester Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Town Times to your home or business, will end. HELP US HELP YOU, CONTINUE RECEIVING “YOUR” LOCAL WEEKLY. R237819 Coming to your home or business HELP KEEP Quality & Style at Great Prices! Custom Suits, Sport Coats, Sport Wear, Formal Wear, Alterations, Shoes, Shirts & Middletown,MIDDLETOWNPants308MainStreetCT06457860-347-2880MERIDEN MALL 470 Lewis Avenue Meriden, CT 203-935-017506451 Over the last 20 years, Ramani’s Menswear has stood out as offering the finest upscale clothing for the discerning gentlemen. We pride ourselves treating our customers with selection an exceptional service.facebook.com/RamanisMeriden/www.ramanis.com 254828 BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC Basement Waterproofing Services • Over 36 Years Combined Experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in Most Homes. Deal Direct With Owner - No Middle Man, Crawl Spaces HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 D801038_V3 BrilliantWaterproofing,BasementLLC www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com Basement Waterproofing Services Over 36 Years combined experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in most homes. Deal Direct with owner - no middle man. French Drains, Gravity Drains, Landscaping Drainage, Gutter Downspout Drains New BasementEgressBulkheads,andWindows,BasementFinishing EstimatesFREE *written details available upon request HIC.0653192•CALLUS 860-598-8091D801038_V3 BrilliantBasementWaterproofing,LLC www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com BasementWaterproofingServices Over36Yearscombinedexperience. FullyTransferableWrittenGuarantee*,SumpPumps, PumpsEliminatedinmosthomes. DealDirectwithowner-nomiddleman. FrenchDrains,GravityDrains,LandscapingDrainage, GutterDownspoutDrains New Windows,Bulkheads,EgressandBasementBasementFinishingEstimatesFREE written*detailsavailable uponrequest HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 * written details available upon request 247037v2 www.brilliantbasementwaterproofing.com

A Classified

“The last few years have been rough, and I wanted the kids to be able to view school as a positive place to be. I believe the carnival ac complished that and more.”
From A1
Family Consumer Science teacher Jamie Bowman, Spe cial Education teacher Kristi Ullman, and science teacher Lindsay Callahan.
to connect with each other, their teachers, and the com munity as well as have a fun day at school,” Ullman said.
vorite part of the carnival: “Halfway through the na tional anthem, the seniors started singing and swaying together. It brought me to tears,” she said. “To see these young people who have had a normal high school experi ence taken from them actu ally get to bond, to hug, to play, to laugh together all day was pure magic.”

“ence.[I]t’s really nice to be able to give these kids a sense of normalcy and fun at school,” teacher and carnival orga nizer Lindsay Callahan said. “We want our kids to love school, and after the last couple of years, they desper ately needed a day like to day; to just be kids again.”
The indoor-outdoor event included a photo booth and airbrush tattoos, a pep rally and a pie-eating contest won by senior Tyler Warn

CRHS freshman Alexandra McInvale said, “I hope to do this Threeagain.”teachers helped orga nize the carnival event
Health education teacher
“As a teacher and a parent of students at CRHS, I was real ly hoping this day would give the kids an opportunity
TownTimes | towntimes.comA8 Friday, September9, 2022
Robert Bajoros, district Teacher of the Year, echoed that sentiment. “It was a su per fun day,” he said. “It was great to see so many un masked, smiling faces.”
changing the way Americans live be ginning in 2020, and lasting into 2022, the Class of 2023 is finally able to experience a typical high school experi
TownTimes | towntimes.com Friday, September9, 2022 A9 WALK-IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,50000 Walk-In Tubs Finance Options Available* ONE-TOUCH CONTROLSHANDHELD SHOWER COMFORT & SAFETYLOW THRESHOLD44HYDROTHERAPY JETS FREE An beEvaluationIn-Homewillscheduledatyourearliestconvenience FREE Savings include our AmericanownStandardRightHeightToilet($500VALUE) ✓ EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST Only American Standard has OVER 150 years of experience and o ers the Liberation Walk-In Bathtub ✓ SUPERIOR DESIGN Ultra low easy entry and exit design, wide door, built-in safety bar & textured floor provides a safer bathing experience ✓ PATENTED QUICK DRAIN® TECHNOLOGY ✓ LIFETIME WARRANTY The ONLY Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard ✓ 44 HYDROTHERAPY JETS More than any other tub we’ve seen Discount applied at time of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. *Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Receive a free American Standard Cadet Toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower or Deluxe Shower. O er valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. All o ers subject to change prior to purchase. See www.AmericanStandardBathtubs.com for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty and company information. *CSLB B982796; Su olk NY:5543IH; NYC: HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. Limited Time O er–Call Today! 833-529-0079 MADE IN THEUSA WITHUS & IMPORTEDPARTS &forDesignedpainreliefeasyuse

Barrel; Wednesday, Sept. 21, Mohegan Sun Casino. Regis tration required. Call Mid dletown Area Transit, 860346-0212 (press 2).

Items sought
Donations are needed for Notre Dame Church’s monthly tag sales. Items can be dropped off at 272 Main St., Garage No. 1; simply open the door.
The church is not accepting furniture, car seats, cribs, mattresses or oversized
TownTimes | towntimes.com

ings of Klara Tippens” by lo cal author Maia Lynd. Books available at the Levi E. Coe
SUDOKU 2022 Partner Organization Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450 Tickets: $35 in advance and $40 at the door Must be 21 or older to attend! Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450Your ticket includes wine AND beer samples, as well as delicious food from local restaurants. Come and enjoy music & more! Tickets can be purchased at the following locations: Online - SilverCityBrewfest.eventbrite.comEasterseals:158StateStreet Midstate Chamber of Commerce - 546 S Broad St Suite 2C Girls, Inc -130 Lincoln St Beat the Street -121 S Colony St Bob's Package Store -1426 E Main St For questions, please contact Liz Szymanoski at eszymanoski@eswct.com Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450 Tickets: $35 in advance and $40 at the door Must be 21 or older to attend! Your ticket includes wine AND beer samples, as well as delicious food from local restaurants. Come and enjoy music & more! Tickets can be purchased at the following locations: Online - SilverCityBrewfest.eventbrite.comEasterseals:158StateStreet Midstate Chamber of Commerce - 546 S Broad St Suite 2C 2022 SILVER CITY BREWFEST AND WINE TASTING Presented by: 2022 Partner Organization Friday, September 30, 2022 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM At Mountain Mist Outdoor Center 576 High Hill Rd, Meriden, CT 06450 Tickets: $35 in advance and $40 at the door Must be 21 or older to attend! 220279

Community Center
Foot care clinic. Tuesday, Sept 20. Cost is $35. Care provided by Toes on the Go! Registration required, 860349-7121.

AARP Safe Diver Refresher Course. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $20 for AARP members, $25 for non-members. Registration required, 860-349-7121.
Wednesday, Sept. 14, Pick-your-own at Lyman Orchards, lunch at Apple

TownTimes | towntimes.com Friday, September9, 2022 A11



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states that have fewer gun laws and greater gun owner ship per citizen, have the highest rates of death by sui cide,” Allen said.
By Karla Record-JournalSantos staff
MERIDEN Suicide Pre vention Awareness Month take place in September to create alertness and prevent the public health concern responsible in the U.S for 45,979 deaths, in 2020, ac cording to the Centers for Disease Control and Preven
The medical director said the risk of dying by suicide is “greatly increased” for those with access to legal means. “In the United States, the
“ocurs.Butwhat’s often seen is that after the crisis is over, the residual damage to the social infrastructure, the psychological infrastructure, even the healthcare infras tructure, creates a rebound
Craig Allen, medical di rector at Rushford and chief of psychiatry at Midstate Medical Center, explained that nation wide, the highest rates of suicide deaths occur in American Indian and Alaskan natives. The next largest group is the non-His panic white people followed by Blacks and then Hispan ics. Allen noted the ethnic rates change across the country when looking at sui cide attempt for high school students. He said that in 2019, the Youth Risk Behav ior Surveillance System re ported that in Connecticut high school students, the rate of attempt to suicide was 10 per 100,000 for His panics and Latinos, 5.8 per 100,000 for Blacks, and 5.7 per 100,000 for whites.
Nationally, over 50% of sui cide deaths occur by fire arms; in Connecticut that number is 30%, Allen added. He noted once someone thinking about committing suicide has a gun, the per son has less time to recon sider and less room for error.
See Suicide, A13FOR MORE DETAILS GO TO myrecordjournal.com/ pigskin WIN WEEKLY PRIZES! K LaMay’s CheeseburgerSteamedGiftCerts! COMPETE AGAINST LOCAL PARTICIPANTS & WIN GREAT PRIZES! SIGNTODAY!UP myrecordjournal.com/ pigskin 254574 WE’REBACK! IT’S TIME TO PICK! SUDOKU ANSWER CROSSWORD ANSWER R247967_v2

Crisis as a trigger
According to Allen, suicide is one of the main topics ad dressed in the behavioral health practice. In the U.S. suicides have increased by nearly 40% between 2000 and 2018, Allen said. He not ed that in Connecticut, more people die from suicides than in homicides and car accidents. “It is a very signif icant public health issue,” he
TownTimes | towntimes.comA12 Friday, September9, 2022
there is a trend associ ated to a decrease in sui cides after a national crisis
September is National AwarenessSuicideMonth
Suicidal risk factors can be found in individuals who are talking about dying, who are having a dramatic change in the way they behave, be coming socially isolated, in creasing their use of sub stances and becoming more introverted, Allen said.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention re ported that in 2020, suicide was the 15th leading cause of death in Connecticut and the third leading cause of death for people age 10 to 24. According to the organi zation the number of people who died from a suicide in Connecticut in 2020 was 364. Allen said connecticut ranked 45th as a state in terms of suicide deaths. “It’s good to be low, but it’s tragic whenever anyone dies of suicide,” Allen stressed.
TownTimes | towntimes.com Friday, September9, 2022 A13

Prevention tips
From A12
and a higher rate of mental health issues including sui cide after those crisis have leveled off or been resolved,” Allen said.
Preventive factors include access to behavioral health care, strong connections with family, friends and so

See Suicide, A16 BUSINESSGROWYOUR 203-317-2312Advertisewithus. - Landscape Design - Landscape Install - Hydroseeding - Pavers/Bluestone - Excavation/Grading - Drainage Work - Organic Land Care - Sustainable Landscapes DESIGN • CONSTRUCT • 860-349-1918MAINTAIN R251354 860-719-1917 INTERIOR DESIGNS • INSTALLATIONS • RENOVATIONS Kitchens • Baths • Drywall • Painting • Ceilings • Flooring • Interior • Doors lindajoneshomeimprovements@gmail.com HIC 644311 R239353_V2 1283529 Lic# PL204680 R250300 Andy Golschneider • (860) 349-3549 CT Lic. #HIC 606826 Durham, CT GOLSCHNEIDER PAINTING Over 30 Years Experience Interior Painting R254620v6 Now Scheduling Winter Projects R244657v2 DURHAM AUTO PARTS 336 Main Street Durham, CT 860-349-8868 PARTS STORES MiddlefieldDurham/ Beautiful Driveways that last! 211654 Quality Driveways Water Problems & Drainage Work Tree & Stump Removal (860) 349-0157 LICENSED & INSURED 40 ExperienceyrsCTREG.#580903 CV PAVING WHITEHOUSE CONSTRUCTION INC. SEPTIC ISSUES? You need someone you can trust to do the digging. Call Randy Whitehouse, 860-349-1904. Paving Gravel Driveway Restoration Top Soil Retaining Walls Drainage Septic Systems Excavator, Backhoe + Dozer Work Light & Heavy Hauling Residential + Commercial Durham, Connecticut | CT Lic. #554559 860-349-1904 | whitehouseconstructioninc.com 128992579167-01 R237209v2Paving • Gravel Driveway Restoration • Top Soil • Retaining Walls Drainage • Stump Grinding • Septic Systems • Excavator, Backhoe + Dozer Work • Light & Heavy Hauling • Residential + Commercial Your Trusted RAIN ROOFINGGUTTER,&SIDINGExperts! Family Owned & Operated Fully Licensed & Insured HIC #0639693 R253783 36 Commerce Circle, Durham, CT Office06422(860) 852-5857 Websitejoegutterl@gmail.comjoegutter.com 1289953 102794RR236330_V2 Family Pest Control LLC “Our family serving Your family” OwnedLocallyandOperatedSince1977 Wallingford: (203) 265-7328 Toll Free: (800) 269-0948 www.RidOfBugs.com1287233 Connecticut Business License # B-2045 Connecticut Business License # B-2045 Connecticut License # B-2045License # B-2045129826R R254531 R254530, Middlefield MEDIA THAT MOVES YOUR BUSINESS FORWARD >> To advertise, contact Rebekah Larsen at (203) 317-2302 rlarsen@rjmediagroup.com SERVICE DIRECTORY

field, or an
ALWAYS BUYING OLD TOOLS - Old, used & antique hand tools wanted. Cory,Callmaderespectabletoolbenchworkingengraving,Machinist,wood&workhandtools&chests.Fair&offersinyourhome.w/confidence,860.322.4367.
GRASSY HILL AUC TIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Con necticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: An tiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Mu sical Instruments (Sax ophones, Trumpets, Vi olins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Ma chinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Pho tographs, Old Post cards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uni forms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Foun tain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Win chester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Na tive American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hot wheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Fur Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Auto
PLANTSVILLE - 1.5 rm effic’y near I-84, $225 wk incls. heat, hw, a/c & appls. Sec.+ref req. No pets.860-620-0025.

SEEKING ALL COL LECTIBLES - Comic books to motor bikes. All items considered. Call Gary at 203-2374124. Top dollar paidwill beat any price! TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
The Wallingford Police Department is seeking qualified applicants for Police Officer. $1,301.20 weekly plus an excellent fringe benefits package to include a defined benefit pension plan. The written exam and oral exam process will be administered by the South Central Criminal Justice Administration. To apply, candidates must register through the South Central Criminal Justice Administration webpage found under the “Associations” menu applicationwww.policeapps.comatbytheregistration/deadlineofSeptember19,2022.Theregistrationre-quiresafeeof$85.00.EOE
$30/yard Jim 860-982-4819
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in the
ROOM FOR RENT - In Meriden, close to downtown & train sta tion. Common kitch en & bathroom. Fully furnished. $200 per week. Please call 860877-9027.
ford’s Water Division is seeking a responsible and skilled individual to prepare and maintain permanent utility location records. Requires an associate’s degree or equivalent in civil engineering plus two
AKC MINIATURE AMERICAN SHEPHERDS For sale, Date of birth 7/8/22, AKA Mini Australian Shepherds. 1 male, 5 fe males, 4 tri-color, 2 blue merles. Call Carole for contact and 475-331-5105.information bills, save money, or a great vacation.
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WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214.
TIMELESS TREASURES ESTATE AUCTIONS - Is looking to purchase es tate contents. We pay cash for single items or entire estates. We are especially interest ed in old toys, military items, costume jewel ry, old swords, sports cards, fine jewelry, old watches, sterling sil ver, dental gold, coin collections, advertising signs, pocket and hunt ing knives & so much more. Estate cleanout services available. 30 years experience. Call Bill (203) 494-2496.
FOR SALE 4 weeks old, 2 girls & 2 boys. Mom & Dad are our babies and are on-site. Serious inqiries
Text or call Peter at 860-846-0216 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and start as soon as tomorrow morning.
1,2,3 Items or an Estate $$$ CASH $$$ Todd Shamock Estate Sale Service Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Dolls, Paintings,MeridenToys,Items 203-494-1695 BUSINESSGROWYOUR Advertise with us. 203-235-1661 RECYCLE YOUR NEWSPAPERSOLD Please & Thank you. LOOKING FOR A NEW RIDE? Best Selection of Used Vehicles! Classified Section Classifieds Work Help Wanted Wood Fuel EquipmentHeating Wanted To BuyHelp WantedAutos Wanted Wanted To Buy Stores and Offices For Rent Classic and Antiques Lawn and Garden Lawn and Garden Wanted To Buy Rooms For Rent Wanted To BuyMedical Help WantApartmentsed For Rent Pets For Sale Help Wanted Reach over 310,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953Legal Notices& Classifieds RJ MEDIA GROUP | Record-Journal | myrecordjournal.com | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post
1947 MERCURY SUPER DELUXE - Flat head V8, 55K orig. miles, restored, very good cond. Asking $34,000. Call (203) 415-6214.

The Town of Walling(2) of progressively responsible experience water/sewer utility $79,210combinationequivalentofeduca-tionandqualifyexpe-riencesubstitutingonayear-for-yearbasis.Salary:$61,909-annually.Plus,anexcellentfringebenefitspackage.Apply:DepartmentofHumanResources,TownofWallingford,45SouthMainStreet,Wallingford,CT06492.FormswillbemaileduponrequestfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesormaybedownloadedfromtheDepartmentofHumanResourcesWebPage.Phone#:(203)294-2080Fax#:(203)294-2084.ClosingdatewillbeOctober4,2022orthedatethe50thapplicationisreceived,whicheveroccursfirst.EOE.
For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm.


SEEKING - A CNA/HHA/ PCA needed to care for a 57yo female with a TBI in her Southington home. Duties include light housekeeping. Please call 860-5150634 for an interview.
TownTimes | towntimes.comA14 Friday, September9, 2022
COSTUME JEWELRY WANTED - Old, New, Napier, Etc. “I Pay Top Cash For Your Grand ma’s Costume Jewelry Stash” I’ll come to you, 203-443-9602 Julie.

delivered, 3 yd, $100 min. delivery Call
graphs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience. Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816HillAuctions.comGrassy 1 2 3 4 ALWAYS BUY ING - Antiques and collectibles or entire estates. Call Gary, 475.439.4625. ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, 718-5132.contents.itemia,sportscameras,arcadeinstruments,musicalsigns,games,pre1970memorabilplusmore.OneorentireestateCall860AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608. . Top Soil . Compost . . Wood Chips . FOR SALE. Catering to small deliveries. Call Bob (203) 415-0723
OFFICE/DELI SPACE900 sq. ft., with bath room, 521 Broad St., Meriden, call 203-7105022.
Spring CleanUps, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, prun ing, hedges & trees, & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today, 203-213-6528. HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, 203.427.7828.#640689, CARPENTRY Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093 GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free Ct.203-440-3535estimate.Reg.#578887 GUTTERS CLEANED Painting Int. & Rodrigo,FreePowerwashingExt.Ests.Ins.Refs.(203)565-7745. W. BOOBER MASONRYOver 35 Years Experience All Types of Masonry CT License #626708 (203) 235-4139 OVER 28 YEARS EXP Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893. CLEAN & REMOVE Furniture, applianc es, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, SeniorDUMPSTERFREEgaragesbasements,&more.*SPRINGYARDClean-ups*ESTIMATES.LIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817Specializinginroof-ing,siding,kitchens,bathrooms,flooring,basementremodeling.citizendiscountInsured.Freeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937 RT CallstorageYourRELOCATIONmovingandspecialists.forafreeestimate.833-668-3978. ED’S(203)JUNK-OUT494-1526 Fully ins. Free Estimate. Call Ed, we will take it to the dump for you! Specializing in tree removal, trimming, chipping & grinding. Call for free estimate. 203-945-1808. Roof Repair or Replacement, Chimney Repair, Skylight Replacement. Free est. CT #0651199 (860) 877-3006 #1 PAINTER’S EDGE Ext. & Int. Decks.Sheetrock.PopcornPainting.Repair.WallpaperRemv’l.25yrsexp.Freeest.Sr.disc.#0656136.Ins.860.538.5520 MULCH, BRUSH & Sm. Tree Removal, Comm. & Res. Rick’s Affordable Lawn, 26 yrs exp. 203.530.4447HIC0622783. EXPERIENCED CLEAN ING SERVICE - Res idential and com mercial, call Anna, 860.299.6611. Lic./Ins. TEC ELECTRICAL Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs 203.237.2122Welcome. IF YOU SPRINGThisMentionAdYardClean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN DUMPSTERSr.FREE1EntireANYTHINGREMOVEhousetoitemremoved!ESTIMATESCitizenDiscountLIC&INS.RENTALS203-535-9817 GARY WODATCH Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430 REMODELING Home improvments, painting, sheetrock, all types of Int./Ext. work. No job too big or 860.719.3953.small. Yalesville SpecializingConstructioninallphasesofresidential&commercialroofing.SeniorcitizendiscountInsuredFreeest.203-265-5200HIC#0631937Insuranceclaim.stormdamage.roofing.siding.gutter.chimneyflashing.Office:203.754.3071Cell:203.510.3830Stormshieldct@gmail.comHIC.0664452 #1 PAINTER’S EDGE MOBILE WASH Chem icals safe for house & plants. House wash, roof cleaning, decks. 25 yrs. exp. Sr Disc. #0656136 Ins. 860.538.5520 POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE #569127EstimatesCallKevin203-440-3279 DON’TGUTTERSWORK If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. CT# 569127 Let Us BEAR Your Junk! Junk Removal in CT A Classified ad is an easy way to sell youryourandmerchandise,it’seasyonwallet,too. GO MOBILE /Classifieds STUFFTOSELL? Call Us. 203-238-1953 A classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’seasy on your wallet, too. Call Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 5pm • 203-238-1953 Lookingforafriend? Find litters of critters Classifieds.in GROWBUSINESSYOUR Advertisewithus. 203-317-2312Home Improvements Cleaning Services Electrical Services Junk Removal MasonryGutters Junk Removal PaintingPoweringWallpaper-Washing Attics and BasementsGuttersCleaned Roofing Tree Services Moving and Storage Carpentry Handyperson Home Improvements LandscapingMasonry Businesses & Services 203-238-1953 Get Listed. Get Calls. Get Results.

TownTimes | towntimes.com Friday, September9, 2022 A15

TownTimes | towntimes.comA16 Friday, September9, 2022 STUFFSELL?TO Call Us. 203-238-1953

Art Mongillo, Public Infor mation Officer at the State Department of Mental Health and Addiction Ser vices, explained it is impor tant to look for signs, for ex ample, people threatening to hurt themselves and those seeking access to pills or weapons. Mongillo suggests busy parents to stay con nected and to have a conver sation about suicide with their children. Knowing what is happening in their life, relationships, school life and anything that could be causing them stress, can help parents keep an eye on red flags. If an individual has suspicions about another person wanting to commit suicide but the person de nies their intentions, Mongillo said speaking to a professional about it can “help.Don’t
wait until it becomes a bigger issue,” Mongillo said.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers a chat, for those who are un comfortable talking on the
cial groups, problem solving and coping skills, involve ment in various activities such as sports, volunteering initiatives and living life with purpose and meaning.
The board is responsible for various state wide initiatives including the National Sui cide Prevention Lifeline and the Zero Suicide initiative.
phone. They can chat at 988lifeline.org or text NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis coun selor on the crisis text line. The website nami.org also offers resources in Spanish.
Mongillo said that other Support services in Con necticut include the Nation al Alliance for the Mentally Ill and The Connecticut Mental Health Association.

Mongillo explained that among the crisis interven tion resources the state of fers is the Connecticut Sui cide Advisory Board, which has a focus on prevention, intervention and the promo tion of health and wellness.

For more information, visit preventsuicidect.org and rushford.org

From A13 Suicide 860-349-7000 6 Way Road in Middlefield www.execoff.com EXECUTIVE OFFICESEXECUTIVE OFFICESProfessionals Professionals 8635561234405FirstRentMonthFree! R249803 860-349-7000 6 Way Road, Middlefield executiveofficesmfld.com Serving Durham & Middlefield for 26 Years Cosmetic Bonding Gum RootFillingsEmergenciesDenturesCrownsTherapy&Bridges&RepairsCanals Regular Hours: Tues.-Fri. 9 am-6 pm (860) 349-7006 6 Way Road, Middlefield (Near Powder Ridge Ski Area) William J. Lema, D.M.D. William J. Lema, D.M.D. General Family Dentistry • Children & Adults State of the Art Dentistry in a Caring, Small Office Atmosphere Saturday & Evening Appointments Available 6 Way Road, Middlefield (near Blackbird Tavern) 860-349-7006 General Family Dentistry • Children & Adults State of the Art Dentistry in a Caring, Small Office Atmosphere Saturday & Evening Appointments Available • Cosmetic Bonding • Gum Therapy • Crowns & Bridges • Dentures & Repairs • Emergencies • Fillings • Root Canals William J. Lema, D.M.D. William J. Lema, D.M.D. Accepting New Patients Regular Hours: Tues–Fri 9am–6pm R247647 Personable & Compassionate Live-in and Hourly Caregivers are needed for in-home non-medical care for elderly in the area. Flexible schedules, supportive staff, one-on-one care Call us at 860-349-7016248108 Our caregivers are as valuable as our customers Matt’s Pro Plumbing www.mattsproplumbing.com 860-922-9976 • Fast, dependable, friendly service • Full plumbing & carpentry service • Free estimates over the phone! NO SMALLTOOJOB Includes demo, haul away, plumbing,sub-floor,Kohler fixtures, installations of Kohler tub or shower enclosure, fiberglass units+$3,499Licensed&Insured, Lic# 2 82931 The Bathroom Remodeling Specialist We offer tub and shower conversions If you need a tub or shower replaced, CALL MANTUBTHE 247152
In Connecticut, mental health emergencies and sui cides can be addressed by calling 988 or 211. Either the person in crisis or someone on their behalf can call. The crisis text line 741-741 can also be contacted for help.
Available resources