Wallingford policy updates

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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND STUDENT DISCIPLINE The Board of Education promotes the health and well-being of district students by encouraging healthy lifestyles including promoting physical exercise and activity as part of the school day. I. Prohibition on Deprivation of Physical Exercise Period as a Form of Discipline 1. For elementary school students, the Board includes a time of not less than twenty (20) minutes in total, during the school day, to be devoted to physical exercise, except that a planning and placement team (PPT) may develop a different schedule for students requiring special education and related services. 2. In an effort to promote physical exercise, the Board prohibits school employees from disciplining elementary school students by preventing them from participating in the full 20 minutes of time devoted to physical exercise during the regular school day, except in instances where the student’s behavior poses a health and/or safety concern. II. Prohibition on Deprivation of Physical Exercise Period as a Form of Discipline 1. For all students, the Board prohibits school employees from discipling students by requiring students to engage in physical activity as a form of discipline during the regular school day. 2. Definition: For the purposes of this policy, a “school employee” is defined as a teacher, substitute teacher, school administrator, school superintendent, guidance counselor, psychologist, social worker, nurse, physician, school paraprofessional or coach employed by the Board of Education or working in the district schools OR any other individual who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in the district schools pursuant to a contract with the Board. III. Prohibition on Deprivation of Physical Exercise Period as a Form of Discipline Any employee who fails to comply with the requirements of this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Any contracted individual who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in the district and who fails to comply with the requirements of this policy may be subject to having his/her contract for services suspended by the district. Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes: 10-221o Lunch periods. Recess. Boards to adopt policies addressing the limitations of physical exercise 10-221u Board to adopt policies addressing the use of physical activity as discipline

Policy Approved:




STUDENT SUNSCREEN APPLICATION IN SCHOOL The Board of Education permits the application of sunscreen by students within the Wallingford Public Schools, in accordance with State law. Specifically, notwithstanding the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes § 10-212a and the Board’s policy concerning the administration of medication in school, any student who is six years of age or older, may possess and self-apply an over-the-counter sunscreen product while in school prior to engaging in any outdoor activity, provided a written authorization is signed by the student’s parent/guardian and is submitted to the school nurse. Written permission from a health care provider is not necessary. For a student to apply sunscreen prior to engaging in any outdoor activity, the following elements must be met: 1. The student’s parent or guardian must sign the Board’s written authorization and submit the authorization to the school nurse; and 2. The student and the student’s parent or guardian, where applicable, must comply with any individual school procedures concerning the possession and self-application of sunscreen in school. I.

Implementing Procedures 1. Students are allowed to carry and use sunscreen, during school hours, without a physician’s note or prescription on school property or at a school-sponsored activity provided the student’s parent/guardian has provided written authorization to the school nurse. 2. Students/Parents/Guardians are to provide the sunscreen product for school use. The sunscreen must be: a. Clearly marked with the child’s name. b. Replenished by the parent/guardian as needed. c. A product regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for over-the-counter use. 3. Aerosol sunscreens, as well as combined sunscreen and insect repellents are prohibited. 4. The district is not responsible for ensuring that the non-aerosol topical sunscreen product is applied by the student. 5. The sunscreen product is to be stored in the student’s book bag/backpack or other location designated by the teacher. 6. Students are not to share sunscreen with other students. 7. The student must be able to apply his/her own sunscreen. 8. School personnel are not expected to assist students in the application of sunscreen.




STUDENT SUNSCREEN APPLICATION IN SCHOOL Implementing Procedures (continued) 9. Parents/guardians of children with allergies or skin sensitivities should check with a health care provider before providing a sunscreen. Prior to use at school, it is recommended that sunscreen be applied to the child at least once at home to test for any allergic reaction. II. Revocation or Restriction of Permission to Use Sunscreen A school entity may revoke or restrict the possession, application or use of a non-aerosol topical sunscreen product by a student if any of the following occurs: 1. The student fails to comply with the school rules concerning the possession, application or use of the non-aerosol topical sunscreen product. 2. The student shows an unwillingness or inability to safeguard the non-aerosol topical sunscreen product from access by other students. When a school entity revokes or restricts the possession, application or use of a non-aerosol topical sunscreen by a student, a written notice of such action shall be provided to the student’s parent/guardian. Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes: 10-212a Administration of medications in schools, at athletic events and to children in school readiness programs P.A. 19-60 An Act Allowing Students to Apply Sunscreen Prior to Engaging in Outdoor Activities (cf. 5141.21 - Administration of Medication)

Policy Approved:



Name of Child: ________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________ Address of Child: ______________________________________________________________ Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): __________________________________________________ Address of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): _________________________________________________ (if different from child) Connecticut law permits students six (6) years of age or older to possess and self-apply an overthe-counter sunscreen product while in school prior to engaging in any outdoor activity, with signed parent/guardian consent. The Board of Education adopted Policy 5141.214: Student Sunscreen Application in School on ___________________. I, ______________________________ , the parent/guardian of _________________________ Print name of parent/guardian

Print name of student

permit my child to possess and self-apply an over-the-counter sunscreen product while in school prior to engaging in any outdoor activity. I understand and agree that the Wallingford Board of Education assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the possession or application of over-the-counter sunscreen, including but not limited to whether, or the manner in which, the sunscreen is applied; the expiration of the sunscreen; and/or any reaction the student may have to the application of the sunscreen.

______________________________________________ ____________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

Please return this completed form to your child’s teacher or school nurse.




EXPLOITATION / SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment is prohibited in the school system. Sexual harassment may consist of, but is not limited to: 1. Submission to, or rejection of, conduct as the basis of academic decisions affecting the individual. 2. Sexual conduct having a negative purpose or affect upon an individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. 3. Suggestive or obscene letters, notes, invitations, derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, epithets, assault, touching, impeding or blocking movement, leering, gestures, display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, or pictures to exploit a student. 4. Continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome. 5. Coercive sexual behavior used to control, influence, or affect the educational opportunities, grades, and/or learning environment of a student, including promises or threats regarding grades, course admission performance evaluations, or recommendations; enhancement or limitation of student benefits, or services (e.g. scholarships, financial aid, work study job). 6. Inappropriate attention of a sexual nature from peer(s), i.e. student to student, employee to employee. I. Complaint Procedure 1. If a student believes that he/she is being or has been harassed, that person should immediately inform the harasser that his/her behavior is unwelcome, offensive, in poor taste, unprofessional, or highly inappropriate. 2. As soon as a student feels that he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment, he or she should make a written complaint to the appropriate school personnel, or the Principal or his/her designee. The student will be provided a copy of this policy and regulation and made aware of his or her rights. 3. The complaint should state the: (a) Name of complainant; (b) Date of complaint; (c) Date of alleged harassment; (d) Name or names of alleged harasser or harassers; (e) Location where such alleged harassment occurred; (f) Detailed statement of the circumstances constituting the alleged harassment.


5145.5a WALLINGFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Wallingford, Connecticut

EXPLOITATION / SEXUAL HARASSMENT Complaint Procedure (Continued) 4. Any student who makes an oral complaint of harassment to any of the above mentioned personnel will be provided a copy of this regulation and requested to make a written complaint as outlined above. 5. All complaints are to be forwarded immediately to the Principal or designee – unless that individual is the subject of the complaint in which case the complaint should be forwarded directly to the Superintendent or designee. 6. If possible, within five (5) working days of receipt of the complaint, the staff member assigned to investigate the complaint shall commence an effective, thorough, objective and complete investigation. The investigator shall consult with individuals reasonably believed to have relevant information, including the student and the alleged harasser, any witnesses to the conduct, and victims of similar conduct that the investigator reasonably believes may exist. The investigation shall be free of stereotypical assumptions about either party. The investigation shall be carried on discreetly, maintaining confidentiality as possible while still conducting an effective and thorough investigation. Throughout the investigative process, due process rights of the alleged harasser will be protected. 7. The investigator shall make a written report summarizing the results of the investigation and proposed disposition of the matter, and shall provide copies of the complainant, the alleged harasser, and, as appropriate, to others directly concerned. 8. If the student complainant is dissatisfied with the results of an investigation, he or she may file a written appeal to the Superintendent or designee who shall review the investigator’s written report, information collected by the investigator together with the recommended disposition of the complaint to determine whether the alleged conduct constitutes harassment. The Superintendent or designee may also conduct a reasonable investigation, including interviewing the complainant and alleged harasser and any witnesses with relevant information. After completing this review, the Superintendent shall respond as soon as possible in writing to the complainant. If after a thorough investigation, there is reasonable cause to believe that sexual harassment has occurred, the district shall take reasonable actions to ensure the harassment ceases and will not recur. Actions taken in response to findings of harassment may include reassignment, transfer, or disciplinary action, or warnings that appropriate action shall be taken if further acts of harassment or retaliation occur. Copies of this regulation will be distributed to all elementary, middle and high school students.





Legal References:

Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, 42 U.S.C. S2000-e2(a) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Policy Guidance (N-915.035) on Current Issues of Sexual Harassment, Effective 10/15/88 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 34 CFR Section 106 Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v. Vinson 477 US.57 (1986) Connecticut General Statutes: 46a-60 Discriminatory employment practices prohibited Constitution of the State of Connecticut, Article I, Section 20

Regulation Adopted:


Regulation Revised:

10/21/96, 06/19/17


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