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Richland Walks
Wartime Houses
Join us for a walk among the earliest of the alphabet houses: the wartime homes designed by Spokane architect G.A. Pehrson. Meet at the Jefferson Park parking lot on Symons. Distance approximately 2 ¼ miles. Walks are weather permitting.
9301 Sunday, March 19 1:00pm Activity Level 2, Approximately 2 ¼ miles Meet at Jefferson Park Parking Lot No Fee (Pre-Registration Required)
History through the Houses Walk
Join Richland volunteers for a walk through the city’s history—as revealed in its houses. From pre-war to mid-century with a heavy dose of alphabet homes. This easy walk will cover approximately 3 miles. Meet at the corner of Wilson Street and Johnston Ave by Chief Jo Middle School. Walks are weather permitting.
9302 Sunday, April 23 1:00pm Activity Level 1, Approximately 3 miles Meet at Chief Jo Middle School Corner of Wilson Street and Johnston Avenue No Fee (Pre-Registration Required)
Difficulty Scale for all Richland Walks/Hikes
Activity Level 1 – Gentle walking with little elevation change. Pace is very social with breaks. ADA accessible. Activity Level 2 – Moderate walking and elevation change which may include stairs. Pace is consistent with occasional stops. Portions of activity may not be ADA accessible. Activity Level 3 – Moderate to difficult walking and hiking which may include major elevation changes. Pace is brisk with occasional stops. Typically, not ADA accessible.