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Here’s to a good night all round By Anthony Wright At one of my previous workplaces, the password to access the actuarial intranet was ‘fun’. Whether the IT department meant this seriously, I shall never know. What I do know is that when actuaries and their guests gather for excellent food and fine wine in majestic surroundings, then a great time is had by all. Tuesday 23 April saw the annual banquet of the Worshipful Company of Actuaries at London’s Mansion House. On arrival, we were escorted up the grand staircase by members of the Edmonton Sea Cadets, whom the company supports, for a drinks reception, before taking our places at dinner. Those who have attended
a recent livery dinner will have seen the company hourglass, which is overturned at the start of the proceedings and runs for the duration of a perfectly timed dinner. This occasion was no exception and, once the timer was set, the evening began, with Master Bill Smith (pictured) proposing the health of the Lord Mayor. We were entertained while we ate by spectacular pipe playing, the musicians calling and answering across the hall from either end of the gallery, high above us, and afterwards by thoughtful, erudite and very amusing speeches. All too soon, the sands of time had run out, and, filled with happy memories of the evening, we made our way home. Why not join us next year?
Swimathon’s grand result On 4 March the 20th Inter Livery Swimathon took place at its usual venue of the RAC Club, Woodcote Park, Epsom. Once again, the Worshipful Company of Actuaries participated, represented by a team of enthusiastic swimmers. The usual format is for five swimmers to each swim 1km and complete the 5km (170 lengths) swim in under two and a half hours. However, this year the WCA team comprised four swimmers: David Hager, Bill Harris, Jay Stewart and Petrea Simmons. The charities supported were the Lord Mayor’s Appeal (this year, the Appeal was raising money for the City Music Foundation, Futures for Kids, The Gifford Wood Appeal, funding the planting of trees in Epping Forest and the conservation of The Harold Samuel Collection of 17thcentury Dutch and Flemish paintings) and the Worshipful Company’s own charity, the Company of Actuaries Charitable Trust, which supports a number of causes. More than £1,000 was raised in sponsorship. After their sterling efforts, Jay, David and Petrea together with other swimmers, enjoyed a well-earned dinner in the Club. They were joined by David’s wife, Jeanette, who not only lent support but was also able to take the team photo.
Charity target drawing closer
Run for your money
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the joint charity campaign being run by The Actuary and the Worshipful Company of Actuaries to raise £1 million through the fundraising activities of actuaries. A massive £780,000 has been raised to date. Please continue to let us know if you have been or are involved in any charitable work or activities so we can keep adding to this total. The winner of the Phiatus award, an award recognising an actuary who has made an impressive contribution to charity, will be announced shortly. Please email Yvonne Wan at or Charles Cowling at
Premier has an actuarial team running in the British 10K London Run on 14 July. We will be raising funds for the charities below and would much appreciate your support. Event details: Cavell Nurses Trust: Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People: / Motability: / teams/premiersbritish10k2013formotability
THE ACTUARY • June 2013
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