The social network
Sustainable simplicity
Time to get connected to off and on-line networking
Inside Catholic charity Cafod’s new building in Lambeth
Third spaces solve the commute puzzle
Ziona Strelitz closed the first day with a discussion of third spaces
CATHY HAYWARD cathy@fm-world.co.uk
Too many people in UK go in for extreme commuting, working too far away from where they live. This leads to stress and exhaustion and people feeling unable to cope with their working lives. Campus-style workplaces
which provide everything from gyms and crèches to running tracks and beauty salons are not the answer – people just want to be at home, or at least closer to home. That was the message from Ziona Strelitz, founder director of ZZA Responsive User Environments, who closed the conference on the
first day by talking about the benefits of third spaces between home and work. “There are strong pulls to the home milieu – kids, partners, passions and pets” she said. But the home itself was not conducive to long-term working. “There is too little space, too many distractions, not enough
structure, it can lead to isolation and loneliness, and an over-reliance on your own judgement.” Meanwhile the workplace also has a pull, offering information exchange, a contrast from home, collaboration, a change of scene, sociability, a sense of belonging, talent spotting, the scope to bounce off ideas, spark to creativity and productivity, and opportunities that flow from being seen. “People still want the workplace and business benefits from physical proximities but big cities challenge this position and they don’t want the long commutes.” The answer, proposed social anthropologist Strelitz, is distributed workplace hubs in local communities. They reduce travel to workplaces, provide professional settings with good technology, a sense of space and belonging and complement corporate offices and home. “They provide the buzz of the face to face and are a strategic solution to mediate urban scale.”
Reducing emissions is about people power People power is the strongest tool in creating an effective energy campaign in the workplace. “It’s always down to people and what they do with the technology in their workplace,” said Debbie Hobbs, practice area leader for European Climate Change, in the second sustainability session yesterday morning. With government targets to reduce carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, the real challenge lies in tackling this in existing buildings, said Hobbs. With the need to comply with the growing raft of legislation
and the importance of protecting the corporate image of a business, people power has never been more important. Following John Kotter’s eight steps to transformation is the way to establish a framework to introduce change, according to Steve Barlow, principal at Environ. The eight steps, taken from the book Leading Change, by leadership guru and author, John Kotter, outline key steps in implementing change across any organisation. “Establish a sense of urgency, and look at the and threats to your business,” said Barlow.
Taking ownership of space is the future After a morning of discussing theories about ways of working, RBS’s head of intelligent working programme Tim Yendell took to the floor to talk about his practical experiences over the past five years taking RBS from a traditional, static workplace to a new way of working. The bank has 5,050 properties in 50 counties totalling 39m sq ft used by 160,000 staff globally. The programme was about getting to grips with how efficiently it used its portfolio. “In 2006 we focused on
developing the process we would use to bring people from having desk ownership to the point they would share space with colleagues.” After two small pilots, Yendell took 4,500 people in London and Edinburgh through the process in the second phase followed by further waves in 2007 and 2009. In 2010 sharing ratio increased fromx1:1.2 to 1:1.5. This has been made possible by technology which allows people to work for any desk in any location, he said.
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5/4/11 20:27:31
FM World Daily Wednesday 6 April 2011
DAVID ARMINAS newsdesk@fm-world.co.uk
The question for all FMs is whether they are operating at peak efficiency in this period of tough economic conditions. “Examine your consciences and ask yourself if you operate at your most efficient,” said Professor Joe Nellis, the first keynote speaker at this year’s Th!nk FM conference. Everyone has a “creative gap”, Nellis told the 200 delegates attending the opening plenary session yesterday morning at the East Midlands Conference Centre on the campus of Nottingham University. “It’s about smarter not harder working, and cutting costs is not sustainable in the long run,” said Nellis, professor of international management economics at Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University. Times are tough, but there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Chancellor
George Osborne stressed in his budget the need for a rebalancing of the economy, away from debt-fuelled consumer spending and the public sector towards investment by the private sector and export growth. But how will he and the private sector achieve this? Importantly for the FM sector, what will be the consequences on contracts and client relations? While it is true that there have been government cuts to public sector spending, he said, at least they are now known, although Nellis expects another £80bn in government cuts by 2016. But, even with the unexpected dip into the negative in the last quarter, GDP growth is expected to rise from now on reaching 2.8 per cent by the end of 2015. Inflation, although now at 4.4 per cent, is expected to drop to around 2 per cent by then as well. This bodes well for UK business, said Nellis. Already the UK has, at 26 per cent, one of the lowest corporate
Tightening belts in lean times
Joe Nellis
Tenants should break a lease – not the bank DAVID ARMINAS
Breaking a lease is much more common, said Beverley Vara, partner at Allen & Overy. In today’s harder economic times many companies are downsizing their overall organisation or consolidating their business divisions. But that means both landlord and tenant are taking a much closer look at the details of how and when a lease can be broken legally. “If you’ve done all the right things, keep evidence of having done it,” she advised
delegates to her session on commercial property portfolio changes. “Don’t assume that the landlord will show up on the day you vacate the premises and say everything is alright.” In one case, the landlord went to a former tenant six months after they had vacated and demanded items be repaired. The former tenant and landlord disagreed, but the tenant ended up settling with a cheque to the landlord. Vara advised tenants to have a professional survey done on the day they vacate.
“Cutting costs by not taking proper advice on this could cost you dearly later.” She said to be aware of the “in-business occupation”, as under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. Leaving even a storage box behind could mean the tenant remains occupying the premises. Often, a tenant will write a cheque for the landlord to do repairs, rather than do the “absolute repair” themselves. Above all, a tenant should keep as much evidence as possible of how they complied with breaking the lease.
Hold the date www.fm-world.co.uk
Editorial Cathy Hayward, David Arminas, Natalie Li, James Richards Design Mark Parry, Daniel Swainsbury Advertising John Nahar, Adam Potter Production Aysha Miah Photography Robert James Egan BIFM liaison Richard Byatt Printing Central Colour © Redactive Publishing Limited, 17 Britton Street, London EC1M 5TP 020 7880 6200 info@redactive.co.uk
FMW Daily p2-3.indd 2
tax regimes in the G7 group of western countries, so it should attract inward investment. And corporate tax is to drop further, to 23 per cent by 2014. Tax breaks for small businesses will continue for at least another year and the government announced 40,000 more apprenticeship schemes. In the session, Nellis said that one of the FM sector’s greatest benefits that supports not only their own growth but the economy as a whole, is the ability to be flexible in their delivery of services. This allows for greater economies of scale and also for greater innovation in delivery. In effect, said Nellis, the FM sector is able to be creative in its use of resources at a time of scarce resources. At Cranfield University, Nellis also holds the position of director of policy, strategy and performance community. He is a member of The Association of MBA’s International Accreditation Advisory Board.
We hope that you enjoyed the conference this year in its new home in Nottingham. Please check the BIFM website for details of upcoming events at www.bifm.org.com
What’s been The cloud the highlight with the of the silver lining conference? Paul Scrivener, creative director, MCM Paul was impressed by the conference’s energy “The comradery, the size, the atmosphere, the sense of shared-spirit was very positive”
Iain Murry from Europa “It’s great to see such creativity all around us. Who would have guessed that the FM industry would have it’s poet! I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the sessions tomorrow.”
Micheal Thompson, delegate “I actually think it’s the best yet. The range of speakers is the widest we’ve had here for years. I’ll be looking forward to the drinks, too.”
Businesses which hosted infrastructure outside of the disaster areas in Japan, New Zealand and Australia are still going, whereas many organisations which had hardware on site went bust. Martin Ferguson, business development director and co-founder of Pedimenta, discussed the benefits of cloud computing for the FM sector yesterday afternoon in Hub 2. “Cloud computing is everything and the kitchen sink. It’s the fridge talking to the laptop, to the kitchen sink – everything connecting but with all the hardware hosted online,” he said. “It means you never have to worry about servers, software or even employing a geek.” The tangible benefits include financial saving, changing business models, and reduced costs by accessing a new workforce or in some cases reducing the number of employees. And the ‘soft’ benefits are also important, he said. You can have a happier workforce because they have the flexibility to work remotely.
5/4/11 20:49:55
Wednesday 6 April 2011 FM World Daily
CATHY HAYWARD Editor, FM World magazine
A successful conference: it’s all about bringing the best of your industry and enjoying the results I spent yesterday chairing Hub 2 at Th!nk FM looking at Future Ways of Working. We heard some fabulous ideas from jelly bean working and using the cloud, to how RBS has spent the past six years supporting its staff to work more ‘intelligently”. But we also heard from Peter Andrew at DEGW arguing that work has left the building. The nature of work has changed, he said, but our offices have not. The modern worker is networked and working everywhere and anywhere but the standard office has become an anachronism, typically supporting process work, whereas third spaces are synonymous with collaboration. It seems to me that knowledge workers are placing a noconfidence vote in the office. They’re complaining that they can’t concentrate because the open-plan design makes it too noisy. They dislike the commute and the rigidity of office life (where you can’t for example pop out to see your child’s assembly). It’s not surprising therefore that some people feel they work better at home: They can concentrate. They achieve a better work-life balance by being able to pop to the gym, see friends, run errands when they want and fit work around it. They can avoid a long stressful commute and therefore work longer. They can work in healthier environments with local control – at home you can open windows, adjust your heating controls and work outside. They have more space and a more comfortable environment. The coffee and food is better and cheaper. But it’s misleading to claim that working at home makes everyone more productive. Certain people thrive in a busy environment and find the solitude of home-working means they can’t concentrate. Others don’t have the willpower to keep working when at home and instead keep up a steady stream of displacement activities. Some work, such as in-depth analysis, might make perfect homeworking material. Other tasks require lots of interaction with other people and so are best done in the office. Which is why Ziona Strelitz’s session yesterday made so much sense. Forget the home and the office, the future of work is in distributed workplace hubs in local communities. They reduce travel to workplaces, provide professional settings with good technology, a sense of space and belonging and complement corporate offices and home. They provide the buzz of the face to face and are a strategic solution to mediate urban scale, Strelitz said. The only problem is that there aren’t enough of them.
Forget the home it’s more about the third spaces
FMW Daily p2-3.indd 3
Breeam is the only measure that counts NATALIE LI
Breaam is fast becoming the industry standard when measuring your buildings environmental impact, said Sophie Hutchinson, sustainability manager at Morgan Lovell yesterday afternoon. “When carrying out any office refurb or fit-out I believe It is a key trigger point for impinging culture change in an organisation,” added Hutchinson. Breeam is used to rate the sustainability of a building, how it is performing and to ensure best practice levels are adhered to. According to Hutchinson it is the leading assessment method in the UK, however similar accreditation can be achieved through Ska and LEED rating. Although some upfront costs are involved and
Clients and suppliers must be upfront
Talking point
can be more expensive than Ska and LEED it is proving a more successful tool in demonstrating best practice is incorporated into buildings.
Out of the ivory tower and into the workplace DAVID ARMINAS newsdesk@fm-world.co.uk
Success in a client-supplier relationship depends on an “alignment of expectations,” said Neil Longley, founding director of consultancy Opale Management Services. This holds true from the general vendor type of relationships to the strategic relationships where clientsupplier relationships will have a higher degree of importance to the overall success of each organisation. At this higher level, brand difference may disappear and the supplier is undistinguishable from the client on site. But right from the start, to put together a successful relationship, a supplier must be upfront about what they can and can’t deliver. “Suppliers must not sell what they don’t do,” Longley told delegates. Otherwise, a supplier’s misplaced hope that it can rise to the challenge could jeopardise the brand image.
LEED rating is the most commonly used rating used in North America. Factors such as having your building close to local amenities, thus saving
money on travel can be priceless in the Breeam pointscoring system. But securing a Breeam adviser from the start is essential in ensuring maximum points and saving costs later down the line, ended Hutchinson. There still remains teething problems with Breeam-in use but and is but evidence shows it is still the best tool to ensure best practice. FM World noted that the display energy certificate for the East Midlands Conference Centre has a rating of D. The normal rating for similar buildings to this is a D rating, according to the DEC. Breeam In-Use is an online self-assessment tool designed to improve a building’s sustainability profile and integration with the existing built environment.
Your company spent millions of pounds and hundreds of man-hours on organisational change and not a lot changed. Why so? What happened? More to the point, asked organisational psychologist Steven Shrago, what didn’t happen? At any one time, around 15 per cent of UK organisations are involved in some form of change management. But many change management projects fail immediately after the change management team has been disbanded, said Shrago. Organisational change is akin to gardening where the gardener only can create conditions for change, and not force change itself, said Shrago, a director of TempoRubato and who has consulted for companies ranging from those in heavy manufacturing to the fashion sector.
“Organisational change is about empowering people to make a change,” he told delegates. In that respect, less work to bring about change is the better move. Be a project manager, he advised, but be aware of the many pitfalls that nullify a change team’s efforts. It is important to consider several “don’t do’s,” Shrago told delegates. FMs will have to get out of their ivory towers, form a steering group and listen well to what employees tell them. There must be a focus on what sort of change is needed to add value to the business, but don’t over-manage the process of change. Leading a change management team shouldn’t be an exercise in keeping spinning plates rotating on sticks. A good leader will empower people to make decisions, and not be overly concerned with the tactics or operational processes that they use to reach the end result.
Don’t be afraid to take tough decisions – every organisation has sacred cows and unwritten rules that must be tackled if change it to happen. Sometimes the sacred cows are as simple as dumping the big gas guzzling cars for senior directors; it may not save much money overall, but the symbolic significance could be outweigh the negligible savings. The best leaders lead by example, so if an FM urges people to collaborate more, they should be seen to be doing just that. Be prepared to be frustrated at the process of change, he said. But also be prepared to acknowledge progress and to be pleased when someone notes that a change is for better, or they are comfortable with it. As with any management position, “leadership is about keeping the possibility that things can be better”, Shrago said.
5/4/11 21:40:46
FM World Daily Wednesday 6 April 2011
CATHY HAYWARD cathy@fm-world.co.uk
Children work and study in bright, dynamic and flexible environments in schools, colleges and universities and have the latest technology on tap; and then they are introduced to the dull, lifeless workplace with rows and rows of desks, bad lighting and little ambience. And the result is that they vote with their feet and don’t use it. That was the message from Peter Andrew, director of strategy at DEGW UK opening Th!nk FM’s Hub Two: Future Ways of Working, yesterday morning. Work, he argued, has left the building. A last-minute replacement for DEGW’s Dr Nigel Oseland, Andrew pointed out that space utilisation surveys show that desks are typically only used for 50 per cent of the time they are available, because people want to work elsewhere – at home, in client sites, coffee shops, trains
and planes or hub spaces. If you can correctly combine people, place and technology, you can create productive, efficient and collaborative environments which are a joy to work in, he said. “But where organisations do embrace other options and create alternative workspaces, they often tend to miss the point, simply removing pedestals while adding lockers and increasing space use without talking about behavioural and cultural change that must go hand-inhand with those projects.” Andrew cited the example of consultancy Accenture where people were crammed around café style tables, preferring that environment and leaving rows of formal desking completely behind. The right type of space was in short supply, while rows of the wrong types of space was unused. Andrew went on to question the whole point of
buildings and workplaces in today’s culture. “Cities want tall buildings because it places them on the global stage,” he said. “But their real point is for social cohesion and collaboration. People want to come together in a building which creates and allows those connections.” Buildings encourage that sense of belonging, he said. Despite the prevalence of people carrying iPods, iPads, laptops and all the high-tech gadgetry, the building can still be that technology hub for complex and specialised hardware and software. Despite all the research and data, workplaces remain low priorities for business leaders, added Andrew citing financial issues, competitive positioning of products and services, and business strategy as examples of what keeps CEOs awake at night. “The frustrating thing is that all those issues are affected by the interplay between people, place and
Resident poet cries: ‘La FM Sans Merci’ After a day of listening to (some very good) speakers presenting in front of PowerPoint slides, it was with some relief that a packed audience saw Neil Usher, the conference’s resident poet, adopt a more collaborative approach to his session, late yesterday afternoon.
Usher, who has more than 20 years experience in FM and property but was speaking in a personal capacity, stood in the middle of Hub 2 and gave a lyrical walk through a typical day in the life of a facilities manager. Knitting together the role of the FM, he described the early wake up when the
security guard calls at 3am to say an alarm’s been tripped but not to worry (and the BlackBerry-induced stress of constant emails which keeps you awake at night) to dealing with protestors with badlyspelled placards marching outside your building to people vomiting in the canteen.
Buildings of the future
Peter Andrew
technology, but the challenge is communicating that to the board.” Andrew called on leaders to stop seeing space as a commodity and start using it as a business tool. He went on to present a case study of Microsoft’s Schipol headquarters in
Holland, describing it as the best workplace in the world because it fits the type of organisation. The technology giant’s move to the new building reduced real estate costs by 30 per cent, increased its revenue by 50 per cent and
attendance was up from 35 per cent to 50 per cent. “The business created a smaller environment with less desks but more people came to it to work there because it was a improved space which better suited the organisation’s values.”
Plant power improves health One plant in the office can reduce absenteeism and create a happier and more positive workplace, according to Thomas Palfreyman, chairman of eFig. Research by Margaret Burchett, author of research: Greening the Great Indoors for Human Health and Wellbeing found that plants can reduce stress and overall negativity among participants with plants in their offices by as much as 60 per cent. Burchett and her team of researchers installed plants
in 55 university offices in two buildings over in Sydney, Australia. “Just one plant per person/12m2 space, can help businesses create a healthy stress-free environment where their employees can remain motivated and perform well,” Palfreyman told delegates. Studies have shown that interior planting can reduce the effects of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). Office buildings can lack ventilation from the outdoors, and volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) can cause adverse health effects, warned Palfreyman. Plants are the greenest way of improving air quality by absorbing the VOCs and to keep the workforce healthy. Palfreyman added that studies have shown that not only do plants make employees feel more at ease and more valued by their employer, but have some benefits in absorbing, diffracting and reflecting sound waves so that noise is reduced.
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30/3/11 16:18:54
5/4/11 19:55:49
Wednesday 6 April 2011 FM World Daily
Saving money and cutting costs
Why outsource? DAVE ARMINAS newsdesk@fm-world.co.uk
Terrorist threats, health epidemics, travel disruptions, natural disasters and environmental concerns all make the world a more difficult place to do business. They create new demands on businesses and their outsourcing contracts must be more adaptable. But these concerns also mean traditional objections to outsourcing have been swept away, Oliver Jones, partner in EC Harris, said in his presentation Mind Stretching Outsourcing. Technology – such as cloud computing and social networking on the internet – has shrunk the world. But this also creates new boundaries and the possibility of radical outsourcing options, said Jones. FMs have moved away from looking at only the square footage saved when outsourcing part of their in-house services. Today’s outsourcing trends include more aggregated contracts. Public sector bodies will continue to look for private sector finance and commercial input. Single-source outsourcing opportunities will continue for hard FM such as M&E, fabric maintenance and energy management. Soft services, such as cleaning, catering and security, also will retain single-source possibilities. Major services such as logistics, distribution, transportation and warehousing also typically outsourced. And there will be more business process outsourcing for back office functions such as accounts and human resources. Examples of major integrated, long-term
Slash and burn cost cutting will save money but only up to a point. Beyond that point, there is a reduction in an organisation’s value, warned Martin Bell, specialist FM adviser to consultancy PwC. Sustained cost savings can best be achieved by explaining to staff what their actions to save money – turning off lights, for example – means in the long run but in terms they can understand. To nurses, the money saved by a cost saving action could mean three additional nurses. FM can take a leaf from the automobile industry and look at integrated supply chains, sometimes called an integrated service chain in FM. Car makers outsource many of their car parts. This is not
Oliver Jones discussing how technologies such as cloud computing are changing the sector
contracts include £400m GCHQ – Government Communications Headquarters – in Cheltenham. A £1.2bn deal over 30 years is handling the FM side of the secretive establishment. In Afghanistan, the US government has outsourced the running of 60 military bases. The strategy increasingly used is a move away from owned assets to managed services, Jones said. Nike, for example, outsources product design, manufacturing, distribution and retail of its clothing lines. In an unusual move, fast-food chain MacDonald’s in some parts of the US has outsourced the handling of orders when people “drivethru” their premises.
Within the public sector, the trend is towards more outsourced local government services, especially as the number of employees shrinks – fewer in-house people to carry out the services. But this also means an opportunity for innovative FMs within local government. The possibility arises of FMs taking an in-house facilities team into a management buyout and improving on the services to the council, Jones said. Three London borough councils are already exploring ways of co-operating. Hammersmith and Fulham, City of Westminster, and Kennsington and Chelsea have joined forces to outsource several FM services. Two of the councils now share a single chief
executive to save money. It is accepted knowledge in many sectors, especially manufacturing, that most companies should consider doing business in China, he said. The value-added advantages have been proven. But there are many examples of good outsourcing here within the UK that show that businesses needn’t look as far away as China, India and other parts of Asia to outsource services, save money and add value to their businesses or organisation. But the one of the biggest obstacles to improved outsourcing will be the skill and aptitude of facilities managers in the UK. They must be brave enough to go down the source road.
just the manufacture but the design, delivery and stockpiling of parts at a car plant, including entire interiors and external light assemblies. Such integration into the manufacture of a vehicle means the supplier is integral to the production of the car. It also means the supplier has a stake in the final product. But it’s important for FMs to understand the implications of cost cutting. To do that, they need proper data. A recent poll in FM World magazine showed that 62 per cent of FMs believe they have the right data to demonstrate the value of facilities management to key organisational stakeholders. But, as one delegate noted, FM’s would say that, wouldn’t they.
Smart thinking about energy NATALIE LI
With a bewilding array of environmental legislation being thrown at FMs of late, Greg Davies, head of service development at Elementus broke down the basics. In the last session in the sustainable hub, Davies presented a lively insight into what compliance means for organisations. “What does compliance mean to you,“ he questioned delegates, “is it something to work with or to?” The Climate Change Act and new building regulations - Davies reeled off just a few of the numerous regulations coming into force. But it was the Carbon Plan
released by DECC in March this year which Davies attempted to review. The Governmentwide plan of action on climate change, including domestic and international activity sets out department by department, actions and deadlines for the next five years. The plan presents ongoing and planned cross-Government action on climate change with specific deadlines providing for both internal accountability and public transparency. The Carbon Plan has been published initially as a ‘draft’ that takes account of the first three UK carbon budgets, which have already been set. Later, Davies said that nonfinancial risk reporting could make a return.
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1/4/11 11:48:19
Wednesday 6 April 2011 FM World Daily
Christine Jones, director of marketing consultancy Tiger Mouth, explains how she has come to accept the power of professional networking both in person and across new media platforms
hen I started my business two-and-a-half years ago, I’d hitherto done everything I could to avoid attending networking events. I had a job and didn’t feel that I needed to meet other marketing people. How dull. What a waste of precious time. I’d also reluctantly signed up for LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter accounts, but hadn’t done much with them and rarely accepted invitations to connect. I didn’t see the point. But then several things happened that completely changed my view of networking, both online and off. First, I came to the realisation that I needed to understand social media to be able to offer a fully-rounded solution to my clients. So I attended a course and immediately ‘got-it’, and became an instant convert. Over the next year, I went to at least ten conferences, with some of the world’s best speakers on the subject and learnt a huge amount about the ethos, the tools and best practice in social media.
I also started attending networking events. At first I hated them. I only got as far as the registration desk at the first event I attended. I looked around at all the people, thought that they probably had bag loads of business cards to hand out – they looked so pumped up, but were probably just nervous too – and decided it wasn’t for me. I did go back the following month though, and slowly built up my confidence of walking into a room of strangers and finding people to connect with. I took the risky decision to channel all of my own marketing through web-based activity, and apart from my website it’s all social media. For me that’s LinkedIn, Ecademy, Twitter and blogging. And it’s working. I would say that 90 per cent of my work comes through LinkedIn, and all of that is backed up by my activity using the other forums. Offline networking is a lot easier too. I’m a committee member of Women in FM and so get the chance to meet some great people and have developed some lovely friendships and working relationships through that. Now I’m a complete advocate for both. The world has changed, almost everything is done online. Recruiters are mostly using LinkedIn to find candidates and if you’re not there, and showing yourself to be well connected, you’re seriously hindering your chances of finding new work, while jobs are scarce and competition is rife. If you run your own business, you need to be found, and you need to have something worthwhile to say. Assuming that most people now start looking for what they want on Google, you’re more likely to be found if you’re active on the social media networks. And it’s not a case of thinking how you can use social media to suit you; you need to think how you are going to change to suit social media. I don’t recognise the old me who thought networking was a waste of time. Through Women in FM, I see like-minded people coming together, having fun, learning, sharing experiences, realising they’re not alone in the problems that they face at work, and are finding support in the people they meet. On Day 2 of the Th!nk FM conference, you can find out a whole lot more about this subject. In Hub 2 at 10.30, Liz Kentish, the FM Coach and I will be presenting on how to raise your personal brand, online and offline for career success. You’ve read some of my story here, but on the day Liz will be talking about her journey, what she did to raise awareness of herself and her business. In less than three years, Liz has become one of the most recognised personalities in facilities management. She’ll talk about the power of asking for help, establishing yourself within a niche, and how being helpful and supportive to your network will help people to love ‘brand you’. I’ll be covering the practical steps you need to take to get started to create and develop an online presence. I’ll look at how social networking has revolutionised how we communicate, the essential tools you need, the premise of building social authority, and some important do’s and don’ts. Do join us for what promises to be a fun and lively look at this new world, which let’s face it; we need to get on board with. We look forward to seeing you. Christine Jones and Liz Kentish present the session Raising your industry profile – On and off-line at 10.30pm today
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5/4/11 15:05:33
FM World Daily Wednesday 6 April 2011
The top floor Pavilion (left) offers views over London and a place to read, eat and relax
International charity Cafod’s new London headquarters is built around a vision of sustainable simplicity. FM World editor Cathy Hayward samples Fairtrade coffee in meeting rooms that used to be PlayStations
hen your organisation’s mission is to Live Simply, it places peculiar pressures on the FM function. But Quentin Padgett has applied that principle in helping Cafod (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) to create its London headquarters, in his role as facilities manager for the charity. The new facility, Romero House in Lambeth, a five-storey, 33,000 sq ft building, was built on an old car park site owned by nearby St George’s Cathedral. The building minimises its impact on the environment by producing around 20 per cent of the energy it uses, saving about £6,000 a year. The majority of its waste is recycled and Padgett has set up systems such as Follow-You printing where staff have to enter a PIN to get their print-outs. Much of its furniture is made from recycled products too: the chairs in the break-out areas are recycled PlayStations, while recycled yoghurt pots make up the kitchen units; the kitchen surfaces used to be yoghurt pots and the meeting rooms chairs are made from recycled seat belts.
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5/4/11 16:53:13
Wednesday 6 April 2011 FM World Daily
The comfy sofas in the canteen area come from the previous office and have simply been re-covered. With an eye on Cafod’s overseas responsibilities, Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar are standard in the kitchen, together with ecofriendly cleaning products. Many of the locations Cafod works in globally are adversely affected by climate change; the charity was determined not to make anything worse, says Padgett.
Community spirit There is an undeniable sense of community at Romero House, (named after Oscar Romero, the archbishop of El Salvador who was shot dead while saying mass having spoken out against the country’s oppressive regime). Living simply means sharing what you have with others – in this case, creating open-plan work environments which make it easier to interact and share knowledge and ideas. The only people in enclosed offices are the video editing team, for noise reasons. Break-out areas and refreshments on split levels encourage people to meet colleagues from other teams. The Pavilion on the top floor, which boasts views over London, is a place to relax, eat lunch, talk to colleagues and browse the small library where staff can borrow books on everything from Catholic social teaching to travel guides and self development.
Get on your bikes The Live Simply philosophy also focuses on how people get to the building. At the old premises Padgett, who was FM at the Labour Party before joining Cafod seven years ago, developed a successful bike storage facility. It followed a staff audit which revealed that 5 per cent of the organisation’s carbon footprint could be attributed to staff’s commuting habits. “We’d set ourselves a target of reducing our carbon footprint by 2.5 per cent each year and realised that supporting more sustainable travel options for our staff would help this.” Twenty bike racks were installed (replacing four parking spaces), and the number of staff who cycled to work doubled to 22 per cent. Staff were also encouraged to walk, which also resulted in an increase (to 7 per cent). In the new building there are no parking facilities (except two for disabled badge holders) as the building is in the congestion charge zone but there is space for 50 bikes (plus shower and changing facilities) and the building is very close to Lambeth North tube station.
Material needs The building itself is wedge shaped, cleverly fitted into a difficult site – another example of living simply. Standing opposite, it’s hard not to make the comparison between Cafod’s green roof and that of the Peabody Trust’s head office next door which is covered in air handling equipment (all Cafod’s heat generating equipment is in the basement because it derives its heat from the ground). The outside of Romero House is clad in a number of materials: untreated sweet chestnut, London stock brick, concrete, zinc and tiling, which represent a diversity echoed inside, with brick, concrete, wooden floors, galvanised steel and carpet all making an appearance. There is a generous amount of meeting space inside, from 10 two-person meeting rooms Quentin Padgett (often used as quiet spaces for one person to
work) to nine rooms holding between four and 20 people. The organisation also shares the 10,000 sq ft conference space next door – Amigo Hall – with the cathedral, which means it spends very little on meeting space. The site was owned by the Diocese of Southwark, and the sale allowed St George’s to transform the Amigo Hall from a rundown church hall to a modern conference space. As you’d expect in a religious organisation, there are quiet spaces. A fourth floor room is a quiet space to pray and reflect. Mass is celebrated every Wednesday morning in the Founders’ Room (which seats 12) and is said twice a day on weekdays in the cathedral next door. The terrace, which stretches around the building and offers stunning views of the London skyline, is a quiet space in winter for staff to take phone calls but a buzzing social area in the summer. Romero House is a world away from the charity’s previous premises which it had worked from for 28 years. The 270 staff were spread across three sites in Brixton, London, in a mixture of stock including a Victorian terraced building and a 1950s build with a 1980s extension – in space which was originally designed for 130. “They were challenging buildings,” says Padgett. “A third of the estate was listed and tricky to manage. All the services in two of them had come to the end of their life and we wanted to work in a more open-plan environment. The quality of the space was very low and disabled access was difficult.”
Long-term planning The charity, which owned the Brixton premises, looked at various options for offices. Director Chris Bain, discovered that the Catholic St George’s Cathedral was looking to sell its adjacent site because its income as a car park had fallen since the congestion charge was introduced. “Selling to Cafod meant that the church retained a link with the site,” says Padgett. The land was purchased in early 2008 and Cafod tendered the work to four architects, eventually choosing Black Architecture because of its sustainable design and credentials. “We wanted a sustainable building and one we could stay in for a long time,” says Padgett. “We were long-term in our costings which allowed us to choose very sustainable systems with a long payback.” A team comprising Padgett and the HR and finance directors was set up, together with an internal staff group of 20 move champions, with the support of assistant FM Byron Jackson. They worked to cut filing by roughly a half in advance of the move and talked through the cultural change implications of working open plan. The building was handed over to Cafod in March this year and the move itself took place over two weekends in May. The servers which support international offices were up and running within three hours. Staff moved in on 10 May and the site was officially opened by Archbishop Vincent Nicholls on 15 July. The new building has the same running costs as the previous premises, but at a much higher quality of provision and lower environmental impact. “We didn’t want to appear as if we’d spent too much, or to look like a flash corporate building. We aimed to create an environment for staff and visitors that would enable them to perform at their best.”
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CAFOD: A GREENER WAY OF OFFICE LIFE omero House is heated and cooled by highly efficient energy pumps connected to eight boreholes dug 125m into the earth. The atrium and office windows maximise daylight, reducing the need for artificial lighting (which takes advantage of movement sensors in certain areas), while roller blinds and the external louvres control glare and shield the building. A natural green sedum roof increases biodiversity by encouraging plants and insects to make it their home, and rainwater collected from the roof is used for toilet flushing. Aerated taps and low water-use fittings mean less water is used overall. The roof-mounted solar panels generate 3,500kWh per year, saving the equivalent of two tonnes of C02. A solar hot water heater provides all hot water. It is double glazed throughout with self-cleaning glass, which Padgett, admits “still needs cleaning, just not as much”. The concrete’s thermal mass stores energy from the ground source system at night to offset the heating or cooling loads the next day. The windows open using winders, supplying fresh air during autumn, spring and summer. During the winter, air is supplied by floor grilles which means staff don’t have to open windows. Trench heaters deliver heat through the floor to offices. The building temperature is kept at around 22-23° throughout the year but rose to 26° over the summer when external temperature hit 32° – still an impressive feat. Padgett is making some tweaks to the layout to further improve air flow. On one floor the storage units are too high which means that air isn’t circulating properly. There are recycling bins in the kitchen and office areas, which recycle flatpacked cardboard, paper, envelopes, plastic bottles, empty aerosols, tin cans and glass jars. In each break-out area there are small green-lidded bins for compostable waste (tea bags, coffee grounds, fruit skins and cores and vegetable peelings). All of this has helped Romero House achieve a Breeam ‘Excellent’ rating.
Quentin Padgett presented a Cafod case study session yesterday in hub 3
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5/4/11 16:54:16
FM World Daily Wednesday 6 April 2011
Legal calendar 2011 March 2011 Proposed amendment to Annex 1 of EC Regulation 689/2008 concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals. This would add a further five substances to Annex 1 of Regulation EC 689/2008 and would amend several other Annex 1 entries and removes one substance from Part 2 of the annex meaning that it no longer requires an explicit consent to export. If adopted, the amendment will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the EU’s Official Journal – in March 2011. Further information: hse.gov.uk/pic/index.htm
April 2011
1st The first sale of allowances for the Carbon Reduction Commitment take place in April. Participants can buy allowances at a fixed price of £12/tCO2. Participants will only have to purchase allowances to cover their forecast emissions for 2011/12. Further information: decc.gov.uk 6th Removal of the Default Retirement Age (DRA) will begin in April 2011, with transitional arrangements covering compulsory retirements until 1 October 2011. National Insurance contributions for employees, employers and the self-employed will increase by 1 per cent (except for those with incomes below £20,000)
Amendment of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (Application Outside Great Britain) Order 2001: The 2009 Variation Order was introduced to ensure that certain high risk offshore work activities (e.g. construction of wind farms beyond our territorial sea) were subject to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA). The 2009 Variation Order had a sunset clause until 5 April 2011. As such work activities are ongoing, and HSE is not yet in a position to introduce a new Order, a 2011 Variation Order is proposed to maintain the current position.
Tweets from the conference
The Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations 2011 updates fee levels and allows for charging for conventional health and safety inspection (in certain circumstances) on Nuclear and COMAH sites and part of the Gas Transportation networks.
Cara_in_Kent I stand corrected!>@Iain_ Murray The #ThinkFM conference tweets peaked at over 24k impressions and number over 300 for the day!
Proposed extension of right to request flexible working to parents of children under 18-years-old; it is currently available only to parents of children under 17, disabled children under 18 and certain carers.Further information: direct.gov.uk
July 2011
31 First annual report and first footprint report for the Carbon Reduction Commitment, both based on the 2010/2011 period, are due. Further information: decc.gov.uk
The Bribery Act creates three potential offences for UK registered organisations: a general offence of offering or receiving bribes; a specific offence of bribing a foreign public official; and an offence of failing to prevent bribery on the corporate’s behalf. Further information: justice.gov.uk/publications/bribery-bill. htm
1 National Minimum Wage changes – rate will be announced in late spring
A new 5% Stamp Duty rate for properties over £1m will be introduced.
The Agency Workers Regulations 2010, which implements the 2008 EU Temporary Agency Workers Directive, comes into force. It provides all agency workers with a right to equal treatment over basic employment and working conditions after 12 weeks in a given job (working time, overtime, holidays, public holidays and pay) compared with their directly recruited counterparts. Further information: legislation.gov.uk/ uksi/2010/93/contents/made
Legislative Reform (Contained Use of Animal Pathogens) Order 2010 (LRO) will extend the general purposes in the Health and Safety at Work Act to protect against risks to animal health arising from work with animal pathogens and those pathogens not being adequately contained and provides the legal mechanism to enable HSE to make regulations in relation to animal pathogens. Further information: hse.gov.uk/legislation/sectionc.htm
The Carbon Reduction Commitment’s first league table will be published. Organisations will then receive the first revenue recycling payment. Further information: decc.gov.uk
The default retirement age will be phased out completely by 1 October. Further information:.bis.gov.uk/retirement-age
HelenVersloot Great day at #thinkfm sometimes difficult to decide between the hubs
FMCoach RT @BIFM_UK: People are prepared to put up with alot for proximity. Despite technology, people still prefer places of work. #thinkfm richardbyatt Where is James Woudhuysen when you need him? He’d have a view on hub working @ #thinkfm cathy_magenta RT @FMXmagazine: Oliver Jones at #ThinkFM asks what can #facilitiesmanagement learn from DynCorp and work in places such as Columbia, Iraq & Afghanistan? FMCoach A superb first day at #thinkfm plenty of time to meet, learn, network - roll on day two! @thinkfmbybifm Looks like we do “extreme commuting” (Strelitz) to engage in “extreme collaboration” (@mattwailling) - #ThinkFM - all a bit extreme for me! lotsaquestions RT @theatreacle: Are “workplace hubs” (Ziona Strelitz at #ThinkFM) as alternative to the office the equivalent of employees working in “the Cloud”?
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5/4/11 21:33:44
Wednesday 6 April 2011 FM World Daily
Facts of the matter All the numbers from this year’s Th!nk FM conference Number of attendees currently 140 including paying and complimentary, not including BIFM staff and speakers Exhibitors -Baxter Storey, moneypenny, HVCA, Trade at Comet, Qube Global Software,MicroGen Renewables, FMX, BIFM
established in: 1985 Number of delegates :191 Number of meeting spaces: 17 Number of seats in the conference theatre: 520 Size of the site: Set within 330 acres of landscaped parkland
Number of speakers over 50
Free parking for up to 350 cars
Number of sessions over 50
The atrium of the East Midlands Centre holds up to 450 guests
Number of years the conference has been going – 18, this is the first Th!nkFM conference East Midlands Centre: Conference centre
The Banqueting Suite is the largest flat-floored area of the East Midlands Conference Centre. It seats up to 550 theatre-style, 588 dining or 676sqm of exhibition space.
EXHIBITOR LIST BEER AND BLUSHES BIFM chair Ian Broadbent’s embarassment at being asked to undress plenary speaker Ziona Strelitz after her microphone got caught in her jacket was the main topic of conversation at the evening reception attended by more than 150 delegates. Broadbent had stammered and blushed on the main stage after Strelitz made her request, causing titters from the audience winding down after a stimulating day. The fantastic venue – a change from last year’s London hotel which had faced criticism for being
underground, was also discussed, together with the new hub format which met wide-ranging approval. The reception preceded an informal evening event which saw guests enjoying a mixture of Chinese and Indian food and free drinks. Later up and coming jazz stars Swingshot, from the Sheffield scene, entertained delegates with music inspired by Ella Fitzgerlad and Frank Sinatra . Magacian Jaimie Raven, who performed at the Queen’s 80th birthday celebrations, had delegates puzzled late into the evening.
Visit BaxterStorey where chef, Lloyd Stoll, will be making a variety of freshly squeezed juices and smoothies. Don’t miss some delicious home bakes to try out. Visit MicroGen Renewables to learn more about Feed In Tariff and the Renewable Heat Incentive.The “MicroGen Renewables” consortium is a new nationwide network of MCS accredited installers of renewable energy technologies whose main aim is to raise awareness of the Feed In Tariff and the Renewable Heat
Incentive. This is a new service to the FM community. Visit the Qube stand to hear more about facilities management software and to hear more about the latest release of Planet Facilities Management Software: Planet 10. Giveaways include brochures and pens. Visit the Moneypenny stand where you can drop your business card off to be in with a chance of winning a case of wine. A draw will take place at the end of the conference. Leafield Environmental VINCI Facilities
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5/4/11 21:39:12
Wednesday 6 April 2011 FM World Daily
Men are from Mars, woman are from ... Nottingham? Here’s a few bon mots to help lift your second day blues… those with a sense of irony may have noticed that this year’s conference took place in a city that is known for having more woman then men. Ironic, because us females are still under-represented in the world of FM. We do make fabulous columnists, but we are best placed in organisations leading teams and achieving business objectives, as the lovely Julie Kortens has proved (who, incidentally, was spotted not wearing her trademark purple outfits – it’s a Channel 4 thing). I daresay many male delegates would agree, having spotted a few of the FM intelligentsia working their magic on the local population last night...
Iain good company
2 3
Isn’t it interesting how many Ian’s there are in Facilities Management? Ian Broadbent, Ian Fielder and Iain Murray to name but a few associated with the BIFM. But how many more are there out there involved in our industry, I wonder? What was it that led these Ian’s to their meteoric rise to stardom in the FM sector? Are there any other unsung famous Ians out there that feel hard done by and unrecognised? Feel free to email felicity@fm-world. co.uk with your full name and I will attempt to bring you into the light!
4 5
8 9
Cheesed off This “bizarre blessing” (another recent description of my very self, thanks to the lovely LinkedIn group, you know who you are) raises her/his lipstick-smeared glass to Nottingham, our host city for this year’s Th!nk conference. On the topic of bizarre, I came to discover that Nottingham (formally known as Snottingham by the Vikings) is not only famous for Robin Hood, Sherwood Forest and once the playground to kings and dukes. But this fair city, well, it hosts its very own Goose Fair. It’s believed the fair dates back more than 700 years and was once said to be Europe’s biggest. Interestingly, in 1764 cheese riots broke out due to the increase of a third on the price of cheese compared with previous years. An attack was launched on stall holders at the fair. Huge chunks of cheese were bowled down the street. Let’s hope the delegates at this year’s conference were better behaved last night… According to Wikipedia (that trusted source) the Goose Fair was cancelled due to the bubonic plague in 1646 and again during the two World Wars in the 20th century. Until 1928 it was held in Old Market Square in Nottingham city centre, but it was moved because of redevelopment of the area.
FMW Daily p12 OBC 0.indd 12
FM World crossword
13 14 15
No prizes, just the satisfaction of demonstrating your knowledge of FM, the conference and our host city
1 South African facilities management organisation 3 Body representing architects in the UK 5 Ian ..... chair of the BIFM 6 The name of the act which prohibits excessive hospitality, that came into force last year 10 First name of the keynote speaker who closed day 1 of the Th!nk FM conference and spoke about third spaces 11 Main sponsor for this year’s Th!nk FM conference 13 The ‘m’ in Breeam
1 The name of the forest which was the legendary hideout of Robin Hood and his merry men 2 The generic name of the anti-inflammatory drug, marketed as Nurofen, which was discovered in our host city of Nottingham 4 The fictional name of FM World’s light-hearted columnist 5 The name of the chemist and beauty product company who’s head office is in Nottingham 7 Social housing maintenance company which went bust last year
5/4/11 21:27:03