7 minute read

Analysers and automation



CC Clinical chemistry C Cytopathology HT Haemotology & transfusion science H Histopathology I Immunology MV Microbiology & virology MG Molecular pathology & genomics

ABBOTT T: 01628 773355 E: lisa.harrison@abbott.com W: www.corelaboratory.abbott/int/en/home Key contact: Lisa Harrison CC HT

AB SCIENTIFIC LTD T: 020 8396 6171 E: info@abscientifi c.com W: www.abscientifi c.com Key contact: Nigel Baron HT MV AB Scientifi c partner with leading suppliers from around the world to provide Innovative products across all of Pathology. Molecular Testing, molecular controls, serology controls, Haematology controls, Clinical Chemistry controls are among these products as well as the new Rapid Gel Test for Blood Grouping and Antibody Screening and the SQA-Vision for true Automated Andrology testing.


T: 01403 210400 E: uksales@aicompanies.co.uk W: www.aicompanies.co.uk Key contact: Jim Smith CC MV Advanced Instruments is trusted in laboratories worldwide. Chemistry labs depend on our easy-to-use osmometers that provide accurate and precise results with secure and effi cient electronic data management. Microbiology labs have confi dence in our Advanced ™ Anoxomat ® III anaerobic jar system because it effi ciently achieves desired environments in just a few minutes. AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES LDA UK LIMITED T: 08457 125292 E: customercare_uk@agilent.com W: www.agilent.com

A. MENARINI DIAGNOSTICS T: 01189 444100 E: enquiries@menarinidiag.co.uk W: www.menarinidiag.co.uk Key contact: Charlotte Hughes


ASPECT SCIENTIFIC T: 01829 824825 E: info@aspectscientifi c.com W: aspectscientifi c.com CC I Aspect Scientifi c specialise in ELISA Automation Systems and offer the market leading Dynex Technologies range of instrumentation capable of automating any ELISA assay and any level of workload, from single plates to 12 plates simultaneously. Combining fl exible, open and convenient instrumentation with our comprehensive technical service and support to automate your microplate assays.

We also supply the extensive, high-quality range of EKF Stanbio Clinical Chemistry reagents which can be automated with many chemistry analysers, including our Altair 240 random access analyser.

BECKMAN COULTER T: 01494 441181 E: infouk@beckman.com W: www.beckmancoulter.com CC HT At Beckman Coulter Diagnostics, we are dedicated to advancing and optimising the clinical laboratory. For more than 80 years, we have been a trusted partner—helping laboratory and other healthcare professionals provide better patient care by delivering the accurate diagnostic information they need—when they need it. We do challenging work on a global scale, invest in growing our associates’ careers and embrace continuous improvement. Moving healthcare forward is our passion and what we do every day.

BIOMERIEUX UK LTD T: 01256 461881 E: ukmarketing@biomerieux.com W: biomerieux.com Key contact: Marketing Manager MV MG Biomerieux - Amid a constantly evolving and changing customer environment, bioMérieux is able to adapt and tailor it’s Total Microbiology Solution according to your specifi c needs. By partnering with you and enabling your laboratory, through increased automation and improved data management, bioMérieux are helping to support the drive towards greater working effi ciencies of healthcare structures, to increase laboratory workfl ow and productivity, optimise costs and positively impact the patient pathway.

BIO-RAD LABORATORIES LTD T: 01923 471301 E: Contact_NorthEurope@bio-rad.com W: www.bio-rad.com CEPHEID T: 01628 564000 E: sales@cepheideurope.co.uk W: www.cepheid.com Key contact: Georgina Timson


DON WHITLEY SCIENTIFIC LTD T: 01274 595728 E: sales@dwscientifi c.co.uk W: www.dwscientifi c.com Key contact: Steve Robertson

ELITECH UK LTD T: 01442 869320 E: sales@elitechuk.com W: www.elitechgroup.com Key contact: Lee Roberts

ELKAY LABORATORY PRODUCTS (UK) LTD T: 01256 811118 E: sales@elkaylabs.com W: www.elkaylabs.com Key contact: Robin Conway CC MG

FUJIFILM UK LTD T: 01234 572209 E: louise.barlow@fujifi lm.com W: www.fujimed.co.uk Key contact: Louise Barlow CC MV Fujifi lm offers a complete point of care solution, combining dry chemistry and haematology. The portfolio covers all POC testing needs with real-time lab results in a clinical environment. The NX700 and NX500 are dri-chemistry analysers, one offering multi-sample processing and the other a compact solution. The IMMUNO AG2 is a rapid diagnostic test system for infl uenza A and B, RSV and adenovirus, and to complete the portfolio the Swelab fully automated analyser provides a full range of haematology testing.

GRIFOLS UK LIMITED T: 01223 395709 E: ukdiagnostic@grifols.com W: www.grifols.com/en/home Key contact: Pat Lynch

HOLOGIC LTD T: 01619 462200 E: euinfo@hologic.com W: www.hologic.com Key contact: Rhian Thorburn


IMMUCOR T: 0330 333 8742 E: uk-sales@immucor.com W: www.immucor.com Key contact: Shabir Ahmed

INTEGRATED SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LTD T: 01962 807 600 E: info@intsoftsol.com W: www.iss-lims.com Key contact: Volker Harms

LAUNCH DIAGNOSTICS LIMITED T: 01474 874426 E: enquiries@launchdiagnostics.com W: launchdiagnostics.com Key contact: Anne McGurk I MV Launch Diagnostics is a leading supplier of diagnostic innovation providing solutions for many Pathology disciplines including Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Virology. Partnering world leading manufacturers, such as Fast Track Diagnostics, Meridian Bioscience, Orgentec, Liofi lchem and others, Launch supplies high quality diagnostic reagents, instruments and services to the Health Service pathology departments in the UK and Europe and through ACCUSAY Diagnostics in Ireland. LEICA BIOSYSTEMS T: 01908 577640 E: support.uk@leicabiosystems.com W: www.leicabiosystems.com Key contact: Linda Svensson

LGC STANDARDS T: 020 8943 8480 E: uksales@lgcgroup.com W: www.lgcstandards.com/GB/en

NOVA BIOMEDICAL U.K. T: 01928 704040 E: info@novabiomedical.co.uk W: www.novabio.us

ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS T: 01628 485122 E: ocduk@orthoclinicaldiagnostics.com W: www.orthoclinical.com Key contact: Sophie Callsen



OXFORD BIOSYSTEMS LTD T: 01235 431390 E: sales@oxfordbiosystems.com W: www.oxfordbiosystems.com Key contact: Fiona Alcock HT MV Oxford Biosystems supplies an extensive range of products and technologies for the clinical laboratory. Our product range includes analysers for haematology and point of care, as well as an extensive range of kits and reagents for microbiology, specialist biochemistry, haematology and immunology. We offer our customers an excellent level of customer service and our products are sourced from innovative organisations with proven track records in the development and manufacture of high quality products.

PRO-LAB DIAGNOSTICS T: 01513 531613 E: uksupport@pro-lab.com W: www.pro-lab.co.uk

PROMEGA UK LTD T: 02380 760225 E: ukcustserve@promega.com W: www.promega.co.uk MG Promega UK Ltd supplies clinical research and diagnostic laboratories with a wide range of reagent kits and instruments for the following applications: nucleic acid extraction (both manual and automated), nucleic acid quantitation, PCR amplifi cation (including end point and qPCR), chimerism analysis, microsatellite instability (MSI) diagnosis and Next Generation Sequencing. Promega also supplies custom reagents in the above application areas to manufacturers of diagnostic kits.

QIAGEN T: 0161 2041100 E: customercare-us@qiagen.com W: www.qiagen.com MV MG QIAGEN is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions to transform biological materials into valuable molecular insights. QIAGEN sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood, tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules visible and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these together in seamless and cost-effective molecular testing workfl ows. Further information can be found at www.qiagen.com. QUADRATECH DIAGNOSTICS LTD T: 033 3321 2371 E: info@quadratech.co.uk W: www.quadratech.co.uk Key contact: Graham Jones


RADIOMETER LIMITED T: 01293 517599 E: sales@radiometer.co.uk W: www.radiometer.co.uk CC HT Key contact: Sandra Feilman, Managing Director Radiometer is the world’s leading provider of technologically advanced acute care solutions that simplify and automate all phases of acute care testing. We help to offer solutions for blood gas analysis and sampling, immunoassay testing, haematology, diabetes and Data Management software. New and fi rst to market globally, Creatinine and Urea on a compact blood gas platform, highly improving effi ciency in acute care testing plus new solutions in Sepsis detection/treatment.

RANDOX LABORATORIES LTD T: 02894 422413 E: marketing@randox.com W: www.randox.com CC MV Randox is committed to developing revolutionary diagnostic products designed to improve health globally including clinical chemistry analysers, immunoassay analysers in addition to high quality fi rst and open channel reagents. Comprising third party controls, inter-laboratory data management and the world’s largest global EQA scheme, the Randox Quality Control package is the most comprehensive available, with the recent addition of QC and EQA for molecular infectious disease testing.

ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS T: 01444 256000 E: burgesshill.ivd@roche.com W: www.roche.co.uk Key contact: Ross Reynolds CC MG Roche Diagnostics is the UK’s leading provider of in vitro diagnostic tests. Our solutions ensure accurate diagnoses and can detect the risk of disease, predict how a disease may progress, and enable enhanced treatment decisions. Our tests also enable clinicians and patients to monitor the treatment of chronic conditions.

SEBIA T: 01276 600636 E: info@sebia.co.uk W: www.sebia.com/en-UK Key contact: Kayleigh Kirk


SEROSEP LTD T: +44 (0) 129 388 9215 E: info@serosep.com W: www.serosep.com Key Contact: Allin Winter Serosep Ltd manufactures of the EntericBio® molecular system. With no requirement for nucleic acid extraction/purifi cation, the easy to use system can process 1 - 48 specimens in less than 3 hrs and up to 276 specimens in under 8 hours. EntericBio provides a complete and fl exible modular menu for the detection of bacterial, viral and antibiotic resistance targets direct from faecal specimens. Serosep are excited to introduce enhanced sample tracking capabilities coupled with customised analysis software to further simplify and enhance the EntericBio user experience. SHIMADZU T: 01908 552209 E: info@shimadzu.co.uk W: www.shimadzu.co.uk Key Contact: Patty Pan

SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS LTD T: 01787 880022 E: customercare.gb@siemens-healthineers.com W: www.healthcare.siemens.co.uk

STAGO UK LTD T: 08450 540614 E: stago-uk@stago.com W: www.stago-uk.com

SYSMEX UK LTD T: 0333 320 3460 E: sales@sysmex.co.uk W: www.sysmex.co.uk Key contact: Andy Foster

THERMO FISHER DIAGNOSTICS T: 01928 534400 E: sales.ap.uk@thermo.com W: www.thermofi sher.com/pathology Key contact: Helen Johnstone


TOSOH BIOSCIENCE LTD T: 01527 592901 E: info.diag.uk@tosoh.com W: www.diagnostics.eu.tosohbioscience.com Key contact: Stephanie Shaw CC HT

WERFEN LTD Key contact: Richard Hames T: 01925 810141 E: sales.uk@werfen.com W: werfen.co.uk

WOODLEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY LTD T: 01204 669033 E: paulc@woodleyequipment.com W: www.woodleyequipment.com Key contact: Customer Services


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