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AI, digital tech and IT
CC Clinical chemistry C Cytopathology HT Haemotology & transfusion science H Histopathology I Immunology MV Microbiology & virology MG Molecular pathology & genomics
ABBOTT T: 01628 773355 W: www.corelaboratory.abbott/us/en/home Key contact: Lisa Harrison
A.MENARINI DIAGNOSTICS T: 01189 444100 E: enquiries@menarinidiag.co.uk W: www.menarinidiag.co.uk Key contact: Charlotte Hughes
CLINISYS T: 01932 581200 E: enquiries@clinisys.co.uk W: www.clinisys.co.uk Key contact: Matthew Fouracre HT MV As the leading European LIMS supplier, CliniSys provides strategically aligned and future-proofed systems, meeting the latest pathology requirements. We have built up a wealth of domain knowledge over our 30 years’ experience in developing and successfully deploying healthcare IT solutions; unmatched in the marketplace. Now
with ICE in our product suite, we are eager to discuss all your pathology and healthcare order communication and result reporting needs.
GENMED T: 03454 502204 E: enquiries@genmed.eu W: www.genmed.eu
HOLOGIC LTD T: 01619 462200 E: euinfo@hologic.com W: www.hologic.com Key contact: Rhian Thorburn
INTEGRATED SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LTD T: 01962 807600 E: sales@intsoftsol.com W: www.iss-lims.com Key contact: Volker Harms CC HT Integrated Software Solutions (ISS), with offi ces in Sydney, Winchester & Salt Lake City, specialises in complete Pathology solutions and integration with Clinical systems.
ISS has a broad experience in clinical laboratory practice and computerisation, with a commitment to 24 hour support and on-going development.
Clinical solutions provided include: Pathology LIMS, Newborn Screening LIMS, Diagnostic Billing, Point of Care Management, System Integration, Electronic Orders, Sample Collection, Blood Transfusion, Mortuary, Anti-Coagulation, QA/QC, Inventory System, Education/Competency system, Incident Management, Image Capture & Management.
TECHNIDATA UK T: 01925 811277 E: uk@technidata-web.com W: www.technidata-web.com/en-gb INTERSYSTEMS T: 01753 855450 E: info@intersystems.com W: www.intersystems.com/uk The laboratory business is under pressure to change. Market consolidation, standardisation, advanced automation, genomic testing, and the increase in point-of-care testing are driving major shifts in where, when, and how testing takes place. To not only survive, but to thrive, laboratories need a new generation of informatics solutions with transformation and interoperability at their core that are designed to manage the lab as an agile, knowledge-driven business.
Go beyond the limits of traditional LIMS, TrakCare Lab Enterprise, a Laboratory Business Management System (LBMS), helps transform a reactive testing and results service into a knowledge-driven, proactive healthcare partner.
LEICA MICROSYSTEMS (UK) LTD / LEICA BIOSYSTEMS E: Team.Europe@leicabiosystems.com W: www.leicabiosystems.com Key contact: Katrin Schiller
NIKON UK LTD T: 020 8247 1717 E: discover.uk@nikon.com W: www.nikon.co.uk/en_GB Key contact: Natalia Alexander
ORTHO CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS T: 071628 485122 E: ocduk@orthoclinicaldiagnostics.com W: www.orthoclinical.com Key contact: Hayley Thomson
ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS T: 01444 256000 E: burgesshill.ivd@roche.com W: www.roche.co.uk