The RCSLT Annual Report 2009-2010 PART ONE
The RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
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September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
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The trustees’ report and abbreviated accounts will be included with your September mid-month Bulletin Supplement RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
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Turnbull Message from the RCSLT Chair
his is a quote from my service’s ‘feel good file’: “I want to say a big thank you for your help… it has been a massive success, genuinely life-changing stuff”. Recently, a colleague involved in a national project, which took her to a variety of services, told me the experience made her proud to be an SLT. I believe we can also be proud of our professional body, the RCSLT. It plays a crucial role in supporting us all to aspire to and achieve the standards of practice reflected in such comments. In recent years we have witnessed growing professionalism and skill in campaigning and influencing on behalf of members and people with communication support needs. The highly successful justice campaign has resulted in the development of SLT posts in this sector.
Much of the RCSLT’s work during the year – reviewed on pages 4 to 11 – has supported our members and services in facing the financial challenges ahead. Our progress on commissioning guidance is detailed overleaf. The RCSLT has also appointed a renowned public affairs company to support us in developing and implementing the Giving Voice campaign – aimed directly at safeguarding against financial cuts to speech and language therapy. One of the highlights of the past year for me was the honours ceremony in Wales,
where we made our first Assistant Practitioner of the Year Award. All the nominations were of an excellent standard, underlining what an invaluable part of our workforce assistant practitioners are. Also honoured during the year were several senior RCSLT figures – CEO Kamini Gadhok, Ireland Policy Officer Alison McCullough and Ireland Country Councillor Heather Crawford all received MBEs. Congratulations also go to Janet Scott, coordinator of the Scottish Centre for Technology for the Communication Impaired, who received an MBE for services to speech and language therapy in Scotland. As always, our success has been made possible through the hard work and commitment of our officers, trustees, councillors and members who give of
“Our success has been made possible through the hard work of our officers, trustees, councillors and members”
their time and talents in so many ways. I thank you all. I would also like to congratulate our former Director of Policy and Partnerships Nick Smith on his successful election to Westminster. Nick served us well and it is great to know another MP has a good knowledge of speech and language therapy. I extend our gratitude to our patron the Countess of Wessex, our president Sir George Cox and senior life vice president Sir Sigmund Sternberg for their steadfast support of our work. We congratulated John Bercow on his appointment as Speaker of the House and much appreciate his ongoing interest in the RCSLT. As we look forward I know for many of you it will be with some trepidation. I can assure you the RCSLT is absolutely committed to supporting the profession and will be ‘Giving Voice” for its members and those with communication support needs both to governments and in the public arena. ■
RCSLT membership (year-end March) 2010
UK non-practising members
Retired members
Overseas members
Associate members
Total membership
UK practising members
Student members
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
Gadhok Message from the RCSLT CEO
n 2009, the downturn in the economy led to an increasing focus on productivity, value for money and efficiency savings within the public sector. Service cuts, structural changes, service integration and a focus on generic management have impacted heavily on the profession with a loss of uni-professional leadership across many areas. As we went into the 20092010 financial year, the RCSLT committed to identifying how we could position the profession in light of these challenges and show that SLTs are part of the ‘solution’. We also wanted to support local speech and language therapy services to rise to the current challenges, and identify ‘levers’
linked to national and local priorities. For example, in England, we have engaged members on the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) agenda. We were thrilled that five out of the 70 submissions accepted by the Department of Health were from SLTs. These opportunities and the campaigns we have run are essential in highlighting the value of speech and language therapy in improving outcomes for people with communication needs and swallowing disorders, and in making the economic case for investment in services for this vulnerable population. We hope the resources we have produced, including Q-SET and our commissioning guidance, have
“We hope Q-SET and our commissioning guidance have been supporting local services in influencing local decision makers”
been supporting local services in influencing local decision makers, and will continue to do so. We also recognise the importance of supporting our members to use evidencebased practice, for example via our 2010 Research Study Day. In recognition of the need for us to do more at local and national levels in response to the economic challenge, the RCSLT Council approved plans for our Giving Voice campaign, to provide a strong platform to support influencing as we move into more severe public sector funding constraints. We hope this campaign will also provide a springboard for the profession to make the most of the planned National Year of speech, language and communication in 2011. Giving Voice will reinforce the publicity for speech and language therapy for children in England that will emerge from the work of the Communication Champion, Jean Gross. It broadens the scope of Jean’s awareness-raising activity to cover the rest of the UK and include adults as well as children. 2010-2011 will be a challenging year. I promise that the RCSLT team will continue to do everything possible to support members and people who need support with their communication or swallowing. ■
19,196 highest number of unique visitors in October 2009
313,193 total number of visits from April 2009 March 2010
total number of pages visited from April 2009 March 2010
Commissioning guidance The Resource manual for commissioning and planning services for speech, language and communication needs helps service providers to deliver strong financial arguments for the need to invest in services for those with SLCN and swallowing needs. Available on the RCSLT website at: http://tiny.cc/spqgs, it so far covers aphasia, autistic spectrum disorders, cleft lip and palate, dementia, dysarthria, dysphagia, fluency, learning disabilities, speech and language impairment and voice. Further sections are under development.
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
1 April 2009
RCSLT short course approval guide A guide to the RCSLT’s new quality assurance process for the approval of short courses, developed to support members’ continuing professional development and reregistration. Available at: http://tiny.cc/6mwn
2009 -2010
7 April, London
RCSLT Study Day: ‘Working in the criminal justice system’ Introduces therapists to the realities of working in the field, in response to increased interest in criminal justice among the speech and language therapy workforce.
“There has obviously been an enormous amount of work around lobbying politicians, etc. Thank you so much… it’s brilliant to know RCSLT is so proactive”
See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/bpai4
The year at a glance
15 May 2009, London
RCSLT advisers’ Study Day
3 April, Leicester
RCSLT National Student Study Day Annual event includes talks, interactive workshops and opportunities to network with senior RCSLT staff and representatives, and gives future SLTs a sense of what their professional body can do for them. See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/j3wg3
“Gained a great deal, which will reflect in my professional practice”
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
22 April
RCSLT representative Professor James Law gives evidence to Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee on link between speech, language and communication needs and mental health of children and young people. Committee raises need in report. Committee members raise issue in parliamentary questions.
Provides training for RCSLT clinical advisers, who represent the college and the profession by advising fellow members, speaking to the media etc. Guidance for new advisers is followed by a policy update and training from barrister Penny Cooper on providing a professional opinion in court. See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/aaxwa
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
“Good to help us think strategically about our service”
RSCLT CEO Kamini Gadhok receives MBE for services to the allied health professions; RCSLT Ireland Policy Officer Alison McCullough receives MBE for services to speech and language therapy in Northern Ireland.
‘Looking to the future: Ireland members’ day’
See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/i2f7k
1 June 2009
Bulletin special edition on clinical placements encourages speech and language therapy services to host students.
“Excellent opportunity to learn alongside colleagues from other agencies – hope this will become an annual event”
20 May 2009
RCSLT Chair Mary Turnbull chairs the speech and language therapy session at the Primary Care 2009 Conference in Birmingham.
“Excellent training”
Delegate quotes
13 June 2009
30 April, Armagh
Strategic event deepens understanding of and engagement in RCSLT campaigns, and reform and modernisation in the country.
25 June 2009
RCSLT Wales Policy Officer Alison Stroud gives evidence to the Health and Social Services Committee of the National Assembly for Wales enquiry into Stroke Services.
2 June 2009, London
England Policy Conference: ‘Leadership in the joint commissioning of services for children with SLCN - the way forward’ Those responsible for strategic planning in health, education and social services explore effective ways to work jointly in commissioning and providing services for children with SLCN. ee agenda at: S http://tiny.cc/5coj4
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
FEATURE Sub head xx xxxxx 1 August 2009
30 June 2009, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim
Sharing best practice in the SEND Process
‘Locked Up and Locked Out: Communication is the key’
Guidelines for SLTs writing reports for the purposes of a tribunal hearing within the new SENDIST system. Produced with the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice.
Held in partnership with Northern Ireland’s Youth Justice Agency, conference addresses concerns that communication needs of those in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland are not being tackled.
Available online at: http://tiny.cc/4n8nz
See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/idtoo
“ An extremely useful and stimulating conference. Highlighted the importance of inter-agency working in the planning, commissioning and delivery of services”
22 July 2009
Scottish Government commissions RCSLT to manage project to enable people with communication support needs to equally benefit from protections of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007. Toolkit subsequently launched on 3 March 2010.
1 July 2009
1 July 2009
‘Guidance for members on dealing with complaints’ New online guidance on how SLTs should deal with complaints made to the Health Professions Council.
Following lobbying by RCSLT Scotland Policy Officer Kim Hartley on behalf of Communication Forum Scotland, Scottish Government’s Independent Living Strategic Group agrees ‘communication access’ is one of its four priorities for action.
See: http://tiny.cc/g9cnx
1 August 2009
RCSLT launches ‘My career in speech and language therapy’, aimed at those thinking about training to become an SLT, and ‘Starting your career as a speech and language therapist’ – the latest version of the popular resource for students and new graduates. Available online at: http://tiny.cc/njl74
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
FEATURE Sub head xx xxxxx
21 September 2009
Kamini Gadhok represents RCSLT at first meeting of Communications Council, set up to support Government efforts to improve services for children and young people in England with SLCN.
16 September
The RCSLT, Communication Forum Scotland and NHS Health Scotland run joint conference focused on communication support needs. Generates recommendations, since accepted, for NHS Health Translating, Interpreting and Communication Support Action Plan – to be implemented throughout Scotland’s Health Boards.
17 September 2009, Perth
RCSLT Scotland Annual Meeting 2009: ‘Speech and language therapy frontiers’ Presentations by and for SLTs working in Scotland on cutting edge research and innovation.
“One of the best study days I have attended. Excellent presentations, very well focused and topical”
8 October 2009, Cardiff
RCSLT Study Day and AGM: ‘Their services, your responsibilities: Listening to people who need support with communication and swallowing’ Explores public/patient involvement agenda via presentations and interactive sessions. See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/5pfay
30 September 2009
Q-SET analysis
The RCSLT begins publishing regular analyses of services’ responses to our Quality SelfEvaluation Tool. Resource allows teams to evaluate the quality of the services they provide in a structured way. Huge interest from Department of Health and other professional groups.
Joe Anderson talks to delegates in Cardiff about his school experiences
See the analyses at: http://tiny.cc/530ty
23 September 2009, Bristol
Retired members South West Region reception
7 October, Cardiff
RCSLT Honours Ceremony Celebrates outstanding achievements by RCSLT members and others in the field of speech and language therapy.
See the agenda at: http://tiny.cc/qsj8x
“As a newcomer to the academic research world, the sessions encouraging the potential to combine academic and clinical careers were most informative, and encouraging” The 2010 honours ceremony
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
FEATURE Sub head xx xxxxx 5 November 2009, Belfast
‘Sink or Swim: A guide for SLTs to navigate through troubled waters’ RCSLT members working in Ireland enhance their understanding of the political system and how to influence local and national policy.
“Yet another innovative and well-organised RCSLT event. On the button and ahead of the game compared to other AHPs”
See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/90iv5
30 November, Stormont
‘Locked up and Locked out’ report launch Launches report of the 30 June joint RCSLT/Youth Justice Agency conference.
10 November London
Second RCSLT Honours Ceremony
See report at: http://tiny.cc/wk8j4
Presents honours and awards to those unable to come to the main event in Cardiff.
19 November 2009, Cardiff 15 October 2009, London
‘How did I find the time to go to work?’ Retired members of the RCSLT, College of Occupational Therapists and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy find out what is available at their organisations, get financial advice, network and hear from retirees leading inspiring lives.
‘Locked Up and Locked Out: Communication is the key’
24 November
RCSLT and partner organisations meet Scottish Government Minister for Children and Young People, convincing him of the need for a Communication Action Plan for Scotland.
Puts communication needs and the justice system into context in Wales, and invites Welsh stakeholders to explore the issues addressed in Ireland in June. See agenda at: http:// tiny.cc/v0ych
Carwyn Jones, AM
“Very informative day. I work with offenders of all ages on a daily basis and I have never considered these issues in the past”
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
FEATURE Sub head xx xxxxx 31 December 2009
Rampton Hospital SLT Fiona Williamson demonstrates the subtle arts of communication to AHPF Director Paul Hitchcock
RCSLT Councillor for Ireland Heather Crawford receives MBE in the 2010 New Year Honours List for services to speech and Language therapy in Northern Ireland.
2 December 2009, House of Commons
Launch of the Children’s Communication Coalition RCSLT coordinates launch of a new coalition of partners aiming to meet the needs of vulnerable people with communication disability in the justice pathway.
1 January 2010
Bulletin features speech and language therapy services published in phase one of the Department of Heath’s Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Programme.
Mid-December 2009
RCSLT launches next phase of website redesign Regular features are now easier to find and use, and members can take part in online discussion groups on specialisms from AAC to voice.
4 January 2010
RCSLT hosts England Communication Champion Jean Gross.
586, 163
1 December 2009
Guidance on disability issues. RCSLT guidelines for disabled speech and language therapy students and those with professional responsibilities towards them.
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
number of hits on the RCSLT website in December 2009
851, 301
number of hits in January 2010, after redesign launch
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
FEATURE Sub head xx xxxxx
“It was great to see progress being made in Wales. It felt like the start of something great”
26 February 2010, Llandudno
‘Working in partnership with the RCSLT in Wales’ Provides opportunity to inform members about workings of the RCSLT, our Wales Board, and current policy and partnership work in Wales.
February 2010
See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/3gv15
Following RCSLT Wales Policy Officer Alison Stroud’s evidence to the Communities and Culture Committee of the National Assembly for Wales, report recommends Welsh Government enables pilot work to be done on the potential benefits of speech and language therapy for juvenile offenders in custody and on release.
1 March 2010
‘Prosthetic Surgical Voice Restoration: The role of the SLT’ New RCSLT position paper published online. See paper at: http://tiny.cc/9f9k0
10 February 2010
Scotland Policy Officer Kim Hartley meets Scottish Minister for Community Safety and discusses SLCN within the young offender population. As a result of this and local RCSLT lobbying of Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee, a limited amount of speech and language therapy provision is established in Scotland’s only women’s prison.
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
“A fabulous forum for networking. It has inspired me to join RCSLT and continue to pursue training”
5 March 2010, Newcastle Upon Tyne
RCSLT Assistant Practitioners’ Conference
Focuses on the influencing and empowering impact assistant practitioners have within the speech and language therapy workforce. See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/bfnq8
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
FEATURE Sub head xx xxxxx
“Useful and encouraging to an experienced clinician who felt the world of research was too scary”
4 March, Newcastle Upon Tyne
RCSLT Research Study Day: ‘Putting the RCSLT research strategy into practice’ Covers contributing to the research evidence base, demonstrating that practice is increasingly evidence based, and working with HEIs to achieve these aims.
“Sparked off thoughts about own practice and service and making use of evidence-based practice more explicit”
See agenda at: http://tiny.cc/s8fyv
Competition 17 March 2010
RCSLT publishes ‘Call to Action’ reporting results of 2009 RCSLT Scotland Managers Survey. Ten MSPs, covering nine out of 14 health boards, respond by asking parliamentary questions and/ or writing to local health boards for information on speech and language therapy services and expressing concern.
Your chance to win £50 worth of Marks and Spencer tokens* (generously donated by Redactive Media) RCSLT members can win £50 worth of Marks and Spencer tokens by correctly answering the following questions: 1. What was the total RCSLT membership in March 2010? 2. When did the national RCSLT student day take place? 3. Who gave evidence to Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee on the link between speech, language and communication needs and mental health of children and young people? 4. Who received MBEs for services to speech and language therapy in Northern Ireland? 5. Where did the 2009 RCSLT Study Day and AGM take place? 6. Who is the Communication Champion? *Two correct entries will be drawn at random on 1 November 2010. Winners will be notified by post. Send your entries (including your RCSLT membership number) to: RCSLT Annual Report Competition, 2 White Hart Yard, London SE1 1NX. Entries close 31 October 2010. Only one entry per member.
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
10am – 4pm (registration 9.30am) The economic climate is resulting in financial pressures across all public sector services. The RCSLT wants to support its membership to be proactive in showing how the profession can rise to the challenge to meet the productivity, efficiency and value for money agendas across the UK. This exciting event will include presentations and interactive sessions, and feature case studies from RCSLT members from across the UK, who will share ways they have innovated or improved service delivery in light of these challenges.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ■ Paul Carding, Professor of Voice Pathology, University Medical School, Newcastle University, and Clinical Head of the Speech, Voice and Swallowing Department, Freeman University Hospital
■ Derek McGill, Governor, Young Offenders Institution Polmont
DELEGATE FEES (HELD AT 2009 RATES) ■ RCSLT members: £65 inc VAT (£55.32 + VAT) ■ Non-members: £95 inc VAT (£80.85 + VAT) ■ AGM with lunch: £35 inc VAT (£29.79 + VAT) ■ AGM: FREE
WWW.RCSLT.ORG Terms and conditions apply. Places are limited for the study day , Please note only those with full RCSLT membership will be able to vote at the AGM , Fees include refreshments, lunch and materials
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October 2009 | www.rcslt.org
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Member surveys Throughout the year the RCSLT has sought the views of members in order to shape policy and develop services. The following surveys took place during the year April 2009 to March 2010: ■ Returning to practice ■ Health visitor services ■ The RCSLT in Wales ■ Curriculum guidelines ■ Speech and language therapy in the justice system
■ Commissioning pathfinders ■ Cuts/changes to services ■ Draft RCSLT policy statement on SLTs working in consultant roles ■ Joint commissioning ■ Scotland managers’ survey
Consultations Consultations on behalf of the RCSLT from April 2009 to March 2010: Date
Apr 2009
Department of Health
Role of AHPs in neonatal services
Apr 2009
Department of Health
Common Assessment Framework for Adults
May 2009
Healthcare for London
Stroke and major trauma
June 2009
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland Executive
Acquired Brain Injury Action Plan
July 2009
National Offender Management Service
Crossing the communication divide: A toolkit for prison and probation staff working with offenders who experience communication difficulties
Aug 2009
Northern Ireland Office
Special measures
Aug 2009
Department of Health
Healthy Child Programme
Aug 2009
Sentencing Guidelines Council
Overarching principles – Sentencing youths
Aug 2009
NHS Workforce Review Team
Assessment of Workforce Priorities 2009
Sept 2009
Welsh Assembly Government
National Dementia Action Plan for Wales
Sept 2009
Department of Health
Strategy for adults with autistic spectrum conditions
Sept 2009
The Scottish Government
Dementia strategy
Sept 2009
The Scottish Government
Review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003
Sept 2009
House of Commons Health Committee
Commissioning inquiry
Oct 2009
Department of Health
New Horizons: Towards a shared vision for mental health
Oct 2009
Department of Education, Northern Ireland Executive
Special Education Needs and inclusion
Dec 2009
House of Commons Children, Schools and Families Committee
Inquiry into young people not in education, employment or training
Dec 2009
Youth Crime Commission
Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Antisocial Behaviour
Dec 2009
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Jan 2010
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Dementia Quality Standard
Jan 2010
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Stroke Quality Standard
Jan 2010
Department of Health
Direct payment for health care
Jan 2010
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Delirium: draft guideline
Feb 2010
Care Quality Commission
Equality and human rights
Feb 2010
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Management of patients with stroke
Feb 2010
The Scottish Government
Draft guidance on partnership working between allied health professionals and education
Mar 2010
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Stroke rehabilitation
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
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RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
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RCSLT governance and management structures RCSLT HQ
To implement the strategy of the Council and boards, ensure corporate management of HQ and provide secretariat support to boards, committees and Council
Country Councillors
Deputy Chair Hazel Roddam
Chair Mary Turnbull
To develop and maintain communication networks, to reflect members’ interests
To define the strategic direction for the profession and provide professional leadership to implement this strategy. All boards and committees report to Council
Professional Standards and Development Board To ensure professional development at the level of the individual, service and profession, including research and development
Chair Ruth Nieuwenhuis
Northern Ireland Heather Crawford
Membership and Communication Board
Financial and Organisational Resources Board To oversee all financial aspects of RCSLT activity to ensure shortand long-term financial viability
Management Board
Policy and Partnerships Board
To provide leadership for managers and professional advice
To provide membership governance on policy and partnership issues
Chair Margaret Singer Councillor for Research and Development Dr Jan Broomfield
England: vacant
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
To provide guidance in relation to membership matters and communication with members
Scotland Kay Fegan to October 2009
Moira Little from October 2009
Chair Debby Rossiter Chair Bryony Simpson
Chair Marie Gascoigne
Wales Janice Lavelle
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
RCSLT staff structure chart PA to CEO
Chief Executive Officer
Jo Offen
Kamini Gadhok
Director of Membership and Communication
Director of Policy and Partnership
Director of Professional Development
Director of Performance and Contracts
Richard Guy
Nick Smith
Sharon Woolf
Brian Gopsill
Membership Manager
Country Policy Officers
Professional Development Service Manager
Office Manager
Rubana Hussein
Sharon Silvera Interim Customer Services Manager
Bridget RamsayÂ
Jane Mackenzie Scotland
Matthew Adrien, from 15 December 2009
Kim Hartley
Professional Development Standards Manager
Administrative Officer
Customer Service Officers
Dominique Lowenthal
Karen Buckley
Manjula Rathod Jo Blundell Tashika Hinds
Alison Stroud (seconded) Northern Ireland
Professional Development Officer
Facilities Management Assistant
Alison McCullough (seconded)
Mary Weeks
Hollie Donovan
Communications Manager Steven Harulow Deputy Editor
Policy Officers
Grace McCann
Claire Moser Sarah Keegan
Communications Officer Sharon Christopher Interim Communications Officers Anna Boyd from October to December 2009 Garth Turner from February 2010 Events and Marketing Manager Sarah Smithers
Alfred Hanson Finance Officer Vasa Ravendradas
Policy Team Administrative Assistant
Finance Assistant
Vicky Rosser
Balbir Mann
PA to Scotland CPO Mary McFarlane PA to NI CPO Janet Webber
Marketing and Communications Officer
PA to Wales CPO
Digna Bankovska
Linda NashÂ
September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
Financial Controller
RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists 2 White Hart Yard, London SE1 1NX Telephone: 020 7378 1200
Download further copies of this impact report at:
www.rcslt.org Registered Company No. 518344, Registered Charity No. 273724, Scottish Charity No. SC041191 Designed by: Carrie Bremner. Cover illustration by: Peter Scott. Photography by: Geoff Wilson, PA, Alamy and iStock. Printed by Pensord Press Ltd. Š RCSLT, September 2010 September 2010 | www.rcslt.org
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RCSLT Impact Report 2009-2010
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