Recruitment Matters - May 2015

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Recruitment Matters Issue 34 May 2015

100 signees before Christmas: GRC gets ready for next level The REC’s flagship Good Recruitment Campaign (GRC) wants more than 100 organisations signed up before 2016. The campaign is preparing new ventures, with an allpurpose online hub to open by mid-year. The hub will house a wide range of information, including research and white paper reports, webinars, videos and blogs. It will also feature social media venues designed to replicate the kind of discussions that take place during live GRC events. The GRC was launched in April 2014 to promote good practice in recruitment. GRC charter signees pledge to use REC member agencies when hiring staff, and to enact hiring practices consistent with the REC’s own charter. Sixty-six organisations joined the campaign in its first year, including McDonald’s, Penguin Random House and Arsenal Football Club. REC head of strategic projects Steve Othen says

What’s inside The 2-3 Intelligence and REC Talk The conquering candidate, recruiters are growing and fighting recruitment’s corner

your 4-5 Charting course Could signing up to a charter be just what your brand needs?

the GRC is keen to grow its community. “We had the charter that signatories signed up to, but we want to offer a place for people to interact and share ideas,” he says. REC members will also have access to the hub, which Othen predicts will spur conversations between agencies and clients. “Like the GRC itself, it’s a conversation piece that members can have with their clients, and they can talk about candidate experience, diversity, feedback. They can then redirect them to the hub and suggest they sign

up to the campaign,” he says. Senior vice-president of people at McDonald’s UK Jez Langhorn says the GRC has given the company the tools it needs to improve its recruitment practices. “At McDonald’s, we want to attract and retain people with the right attitude to fulfil their potential and I’m particularly proud of the development opportunities, benefits and flexible working we offer at all levels to help our people do this,” he says. “We look forward to working with REC on this and encourage more businesses to support the campaign.”

6Legal lowdown

HMRC has introduced new regulations on reporting for all temporary workers. Are you up to date with the new requirements?

Institute of 7 Recruitment Professionals James Goddard from Monarch Digital Recruitment and Julia Robertson, CEO of Impellam Group

and 8Events Training An apprentice in recruitment speaks about his experience RM p1-MAY-A.indd 23

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Leading the Industry

the intelligence Nina Mguni, senior researcher at the REC, explains Getting good people to apply for jobs is becoming harder. And this will have an impact on organisations’ bottom lines. In the March 2015 labour market statistics, the number of recorded vacancies reached an all-time high. As of November 2014-January 2015, there were 723,000 vacancies, up from 582,000 vacancies in the same period last year. In terms of supply, the number of people that are actively seeking work per vacancy has fallen. In November to January 2014, there were four unemployed people for every vacancy, but a year later this ratio stands at 2.6 people. The results are also illustrated in the REC/KPMG/Markit Report on Jobs. Our data shows that in the last year, recruiters report that permanent and temporary availability is worse when compared to the previous month. The search for suitable candidates will be difficult given the reduction in the pool of candidates actively looking for a role, and the contraction in the number of candidates. According to LinkedIn’s data from its ‘UK Recruiting Trends Report’ in 2015, just under 50% of talent acquisition leaders cite competition as the main obstacle to attracting the best talent. In response, 57% of companies source passive candidates. This may seem

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high, but this is within the context of a global average of 61% of companies, while 72% of companies in the USA source passive candidates. Ensuring a positive candidate experience is one way in which employers can ensure that they have a competitive advantage to source candidates. Data from the Candidate experience (CandE) awards is useful instruction on what employers should be thinking about. Their report finds that winners of the 2013 CandE awards were more likely to set clear expectations for the time to apply a role, details on privacy obligations, screening questions and to provide feedback on the process. The CandE awards report also finds that approximately one in three candidates (31%) would be willing to speak out publicly about a negative experience. This is clearly not only an issue for just the resourcing team. In a report by Boston Consulting Group, improved recruiting, onboarding and employer branding can lead to just over three times an increase in revenue growth; and profit margin will increase by two. If this is the future, the challenge will be to accurately define who the candidate is and what they are looking for in a new role.

■ Upper quartile ■ Median ■ Lower quartile 40 30 20 %

The conquering candidate

Fig 1: RIB members employee growth

10 0

-10 -20

Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Dec Jan 13 14 15

Recruiters are growing For the last few months we have talked about the strong revenue growth that recruiters have been achieving. This month we are focusing on the recruiters themselves. Figure 1 shows the growth rate in the number of employees for RIB members. The median employer is showing employee growth of 14%, a few percentage points lower than revenue growth. Indeed three-quarters of RIB members are growing their own employee headcount by at least 3% compared with last year. A quarter of RIB members are growing their headcount by more than a stunning 32% compared with last year. The last few months have not only been good for recruitment companies, but also for the individual recruiters working in them. • Chris Ansell is chief financial officer at Recruitment Industry Benchmarking (RIB). The RIB Index provides bespoke confidential reports on industry trends. See; info@ribindex. com: 020 8544 9807. The RIB is a strategic partner of the REC.

Register for TREC 2015 Now in its second year, the Talent Recruitment & Employment Conference (TREC) will once again provide a unique conference programme designed and driven by market participants, ensuring topical and genuine debates, led by senior speakers. TREC 2015 will provide an overview of key emerging market trends, new challenges and opportunities in this dynamic sector. The event features debate and networking opportunities with senior European professionals from HR, Talent, Operations, Procurement and Recruitment. • For more information, visit 13/04/2015 16:49

Leading the Industry

Tom Hadley, director of policy and professional services at the REC

The golden thread of good recruitment

The View

We’ve taken part in a flurry of high-profile events over the past month or so, using platforms in the UK and in Europe to spread the word to employers and policy makers about the positive contribution our industry makes. A golden thread running through the various discussions has been the omni-importance of good recruitment practice. The recent Freight Transport Association (FTA) summit to address the driver shortage crisis is a case in point. Over 600 delegates at the Richo Arena in Coventry (bizarrely, now home to the London Wasps rugby team) discussed policy measures to bring more people into the sector – including insurance, better funding for training and campaigns to promote careers in the sector. We took the opportunity to explain how employers can better manage their recruitment process: policy changes in themselves will not make a difference if hiring criteria is not prioritised. We had similar debates about social workers at an event in Stevenage, and about NHS staffing challenges in Peterborough. The acute shortages of nurses, doctors and social workers are well documented. Yes, we need the right balance between substantive and agency staff but we also need to recognise that effectively sourcing and managing flexible staff is part of the solution. Meanwhile… over in Brussels my colleague Steve Othen (who manages the REC’s Good Recruitment Campaign) took part in a European Commission seminar on public/private sector partnership and effective labour market policies. Our collaborative work with the DWP is seen as an example of good practice at EU level, and discussions in Brussels focused on the idea that labour market policies in areas such as youth unemployment, inclusion and diversity or longterm unemployment can only succeed if there is a parallel focus on the way that employers hire staff. Other recent events have included speaking at the DHL Supply Chain event in Birmingham. The theme here was compliance and good practice through the supply chain – a priority that both myself and my fellow speaker from the TUC were happy to endorse! This applies in the UK and across global markets, a point which was also brought home at a seminar I took part in over in Turin, Italy, as part of the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) work to help national business federations from around the world to ramp up their campaigning activities. At the heart of any successful business is the quality and drive of the people that work there, and the way that the hiring process is managed to bring in people with the right values and skills is key to the reputation of any employer. Good recruitment is going global!

We are getting close to the general election and it still looks too close to call. The impact on the recruitment industry over the next five years is likely to be significant whoever wins, and the role of the REC in promoting the industry and fighting its corner is going to become even more critical. We have just published a book of essays by leading economists and thinkers called Building the best jobs market in the world: the expert view. This publication is important because it defines the UK’s dynamic and successful jobs market as the key to economic success. It goes further in explaining that a well-functioning jobs market is a precursor to prosperity for all. You can download it for free at We decided to seek the views and opinions not just of those who have similar ideas to us about the labour market, but of a wide spectrum of commentators. Many will be surprised to see Frances O’Grady of the TUC, Danny Blanchflower – a left leaning economist, the Joseph Roundtree Foundation, as well as Labour peer Baroness Prosser, Brendan Barber, Demos and the Work Foundation in an REC publication. We feel that the success of our labour market is being taken for granted by many and criticised unfairly by some. We have record employment, the highest ever participation by women in our jobs market and unemployment falling faster than ever before. Our employment rate of 73.3% and unemployment rate of just 5.7% is the envy of most other developed economies. So while we don’t agree with all the views of those that contributed to the book, it’s clear the politicians need to think long and hard about how to nurture and further develop our jobs market in the period before and after the election. The REC is apolitical; we will work with whoever is elected by the British people on 7 May. However, we have very clear and strong ideas about how to make our jobs market even better and of course we will continue to make ourselves heard. You can all help us do this by talking to your prospective MPs about the importance of the recruitment industry and the part it plays to deliver a flexible and agile jobs market. If you want to help us do this go to and register. In the meantime you can rest assured that the REC is talking, promoting and explaining the impact that the recruitment industry has on employers, by helping them get the people they need to be successful, and on individuals who we help find work and often their dream job. Jobs transform lives – that’s why the REC will be fighting to achieve the best jobs market in the world.

• You can follow Tom on Twitter @hadleyscomment

• If you want to keep in touch daily, follow me on twitter @kevingreenrec RM p3-MAY-A.indd 25

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The Big Talking Point

Brand: no other word simultaneously usly excites and terrifies businesses. Building ding a brand is part and parcel of growth h and almost a vital as putting a product in n front of a customer. A study by Harvard’s Business School hool in 2005 described the process of brandandbuilding as “inherently uncontrollable, ble, driven as much by the cultures and consumers that own them”. But are there methods businesses can deploy to put them on the best foot? A company may stretch out its name ame ng through sponsorships, merchandising and social media. But what’s often overlooked is the spirit of goodwill. That’s why some organisations are taking the pledge… literally.

Good for community, good for business In 2013, Birmingham businesses joined ned forces with its city council to launch h the Birmingham Business Charter for Social ocial Responsibility. The Charter aimed to o boost the local economy by rewarding ing local businesses who worked with one another. “But it isn’t just about workers and d their pay packet,” explains Birmingham city ity councillor Stewart Stacey. “Businesses es m and other suppliers will benefit from improved workforce motivation and d hat productivity. And the social value that the charter seeks to obtain from ourr contractual arrangements will benefit fit all our communities.” will Councillor Stacey says the goodwill generated by the charter raises awareness as well as spirits, both keyy ingredients in fostering brand awareness. eness. There is also a lot to be said for leveraging off others. By pledging to o sign a charter, a business finds their name me up p in lights with a number of high-profile affiliates. And that says nothing of the gravitas of working alongside the public sector too.

Keeping the house tidy Signing a charter can also help a business manage its internal operations. The principles behind a charter can offer insight and guidance for mapping out plans and doing things better. It can

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Charter Course: Why signing up to a campaign will aid your brand Could signing up to a charter be what your brand needs? Recruitment Matters editor Michael Oliver explains

offer tools and resources that businesses ha e had access to. to might not have “We have worked hard on a number of workshops this year on how to interview, how to manage a candidate’s toolkit so they’ve got a suite of tools; so we’ve got a consistent recruitment method and a process that is consistent with a good candidate experience,” says Adrian Wightman, resourcing team manager at RWE npower. RWE npower is one of 60 signees of the Recruitment & Employment

Confederation’s Good Recruitment Campaign charter (see also p1). It aims to promote positive recruiting experiences by giving signees everything they need to hire by the book. Wightman says the campaign has been vital in sharpening npower’s hiring practices. “The danger is hiring managers rely on intuition,” he says. “Clearly, that’s not a 13/04/2015 16:50

Talking the talk of the GRC Businesses across the country are signing up to the Good Recruitment Campaign. Here’s what some of them have to say about the charter… We at The HR Lounge and HR Society are committed to good practice in recruitment and are delighted to sign the Good Recruitment Campaign charter to demonstrate this publicly. The principals are things that we strive to do every day in our business. We wish the campaign every success. Angela O’Connor, chief executive, The HR Lounge and president The HR Society Dixons Retail is very proud to be on the advisory panel with the REC and to have been a part of the Good Recruitment Campaign. Dixons fully supports the principles outlined in the charter both from our company resourcing strategy and through the partners we work with. We have worked to create an aspirational charter that will support all types and sizes of organisations build their own goals towards best practice. Bridget Hutchinson, head of resourcing & employer brand, Dixons Retail A consumer-centric approach to candidate engagement is essential for success. The majority of candidates will not be successful with their application, therefore rejection capability must be as good as selection capability. The Good Recruitment Campaign has candidate experience at its heart. Paul Maxin, head of talent and Resourcing, FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) It is important to our future success that we have skilled and capable individuals working in ‘The Arsenal Way’ and the Good Recruitment Campaign makes absolute sense. Karen Ann Allchurch, HR director, Arsenal Football Club good place to be when you’re wanting to deliver a good candidate experience. It’s about standardising the experience, and improving the selection experience so we’re hiring the best possible candidate. “The GRC has given us the next level. It has given us a different set of tools to use and evolve our processes, and make them more in-house.”

Making things automatic Signing a charter sets the benchmark and enables a business to latch its brand onto something meaningful. But how long RM p4-5-MAY-A.indd 27

The REC’s Good Recruitment Campaign backs up exactly what we have always tried to do at Yell, namely put the candidate at the heart of everything we do and ensure that recruitment is a two-way process where values and objectives are aligned. Andrew Groves, head of recruitment, CSR and wellbeing, Yell We have joined the Good Recruitment Campaign as we feel strongly that it echoes the principles and approach we take towards recruitment at all levels of our business. At McDonald’s we want to attract and retain people with the right attitude to fulfil their potential, and I’m particularly proud of the development opportunities, benefits and flexible working we offer at all levels to help our people do this. We look forward to working with REC on this and encourage more businesses to support the campaign. Jez Langhorn, senior VP of people, McDonald’s UK Our people are our greatest asset and so ensuring that we acquire and develop the very best talent is critical to our future performance and growth. We are fully supportive of the Good Recruitment Campaign and all that it stands for – at its core it is a responsible and candidate-centric approach, which we strive to demonstrate in every single interaction we have. Ben Lamont, talent and diversity director, Kellogg’s We know that competitive advantage lies in the quality of your people. So improving recruitment and resourcing practice is not only the right thing to do, but makes good business sense. The CBI is proud to support the Good Recruitment Campaign and we encourage other employers to get on board. John Cridland, director general, CBI

should organisations push for others to sign things like pledges and charters. Not for long, believe it or not. The goal of any charter would be for it to become ingrained in the practices of its signees, so much so they cease to need it. “Something like this shouldn’t be needed in the future – but once you get a certain threshold of people sign up to it, they will have to because everybody will be there,” says the director of Rethink Recruitment Michael Bennett. “For me, the principles of the GRC are

fairly fundamental and I don’t think any company will look at that and say no to it. Every organisation should’ve been doing it any way, but it almost becomes a stamp that everybody should have.” Bennett hopes that campaigns like the GRC loosen the reins of “promotion and push”. The mere idea of not signing up would be counterproductive. “You have to have the kitemarks to do business; once it becomes the standard, everybody does it, but we’re clearly got a long way to go and it needs to be maintained.”

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Legal Update

PAYE reporting requirements By the time we have gone to print the Income Tax (Pay as you Earn) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2015 would have come into effect. These regulations require the ‘Specified Intermediary’ to report on all temporary workers not appearing on their Real-Time Information (RTI) report. So the reporting party will have to report on all temporary workers working through intermediaries such as umbrella companies, personal service companies, CIS intermediaries, partnerships, whether incorporated in the UK or overseas, and operating as sole traders. The regulations set out the information required, but this is further explained in HMRC guidance.

What information is required? The report will contain the following: • Temporary worker details: Name, address and National Insurance number (or if the temporary worker does not have one, their date of birth and gender). • Intermediary details: The reporting template lists six categories of intermediary (A to F); the reporting party must choose the most appropriate one. The report must also include: o Whether the intermediary has deducted PAYE and NICs for the temporary worker and reported this via RTI. o If the intermediary has not deducted PAYE and NICs: • the trading name, address and unique Who has to report? taxpayer reference number of the The Specified Intermediary is the party intermediary; with the contract with the end-user client. • the gross amount that the intermediary This could be the employment business has been paid for the temporary worker’s but in longer supply chains it will be a services (inc. whether VAT has been vendor or managed service provider. charged) and the currency in which it Importantly, when acting as a second tier was paid (only £ sterling or Euros are supplier though the employment business acceptable for reporting purposes). will not have the reporting obligation itself, • The start and end date (if known) of each it will have to pass the relevant information assignment. up to the reporting party. Similarly, the intermediary through whom the When is the information required? temporary worker works will have to pass Reports must be submitted on a quarterly the required information over to enable basis, starting from 5 August 2015, reporting the reporting party to meet its statutory on the period 6 April to 5 July 2015. obligation. Penalties will apply for failing to report or

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for repeatedly submitting incomplete or inaccurate reports. What will this mean for supply chains? REC expects that where intermediaries or 2nd tier suppliers fail to provide the full information required, or accurate information, they will lose contracts. The reporting party will not tolerate parties further down the supply chain failing to provide the required information on time. We also expect that the reporting parties will reduce the number of intermediaries they permit temporary workers to work through whilst they will also impose more onerous audit provisions in their contracts.

Further information: REC Legal has produced a suite of materials for members including updated model contracts, factsheets which can be supplied to temporary workers and their intermediaries and a new data sharing agreement. These are all available here: https:// legal-guide/PAYE-and-NICs . Members can also access the legal helpline, Mon to Fri 8.30am to 5.30pm. HMRC advice is available here: https://www. employment-intermediaries-reportingrequirements 13/04/2015 16:51


Behind the scenes at the Institute of Recruitment Professionals James Goddard is the head of digital at Monarch Digital Recruitment, and was the top student in December 2014’s Level 3 Cert RP exams Congratulations on being top student. How has your year been so far? It’s been a great year. I was over the moon to get the certificate, but to find that I had come out on top was a double boost. What made you want to recruit for the digital sector? It was something I came to in 2009 when the market was quite challenging. It was a great sector in London in terms of companies looking to strengthen their digital presence. Since then, I’ve made it my sole specialism. Why did you choose the Level 3 Certificate in Recruitment Practice? I manage a team now, and I have people come to me with questions all the time. I know a lot of information through experience, but I wanted to have the authority to say if things were correct or not in the eye of the UK’s leading body for recruiters. And how did you find the course? It was a lot more challenging than I thought. You can’t take a crack at that exam without some solid revision. But I think I’m a better recruiter because of it and I can now tell people whether something is correct or incorrect across the board. Whether it’s a question on diversity, or all the way to recruitment law, I feel confident enough to give solid answers. Would you recommend the course? It’s something I really would recommend to other recruiters. You can use it in every part of your working day, and it’s really nice to have a professional certificate in recruitment. Our industry is often seen as quite cowboy in behaviour, but courses like the certificate really swing things towards a more professional outlook. That can only be a good thing.

What I know Julia Robertson is the chief executive of Impellam Group Value hard work Hard work is the key to success in this industry. Obviously you need some skills and abilities. The reason I am able to do the job I’m doing now is because I have the experience, I understand recruiters, I know all the tricks – I invented some of them – and my judgement is pretty good. Caring is key You have to care about customers, you have to care about candidates and you have to care about getting that mix right. I’ve never lost that. If I go on a client pitch, I care about winning it. If I’ve got a staff member in a difficult situation, I care about the outcome and how they’re feeling. I think in a people business you need to care. Add value The way forward is to provide fulfilling work for people. Fulfilled people, with a sense of purpose, are more productive and are better temporary workers for our customers, and our customers will be prepared to pay a decent margin and help us make an honest profit. Taking the High Road We know our cost base very well, we’re very efficient, but we know where we can deliver a good service and where we can’t. It’s very important to us that we work with customers who treat their workers well. It’s important from an ethical perspective, but also from an economic one as well. If a customer treats our candidates well, they stay there longer and we don’t get the churn and level of replacement. Take digital seriously Getting it right in a digital age is important, because the candidate’s voice can be heard. In blogs and in chatrooms that talk about brands, we do know that the majority of candidates get a poor experience from the recruitment industry. We’ve got to think about all those people who the recruitment industry doesn’t touch or place and examine how we’re dealing with that. To hear the full interview with Julia Robertson, subscribe to the REC’s Scale Up podcast in iTunes.

To keep up to date with everything the Institute of Recruitment Professionals is doing, please visit RM p7-MAY-A.indd 29

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Events and training

Not only is an apprenticeship in recruitment an opportunity to grow your workforce, it’s great for fostering young talent. We spoke with recruitment apprentice Moe Rahman from IG Education to find out what being an apprentice is all about Recruitment Matters: What’s your background? Moe: Before I started I was in college, and had done a diploma in business, which was at level two. Before that, I was in secondary education. I was doing the core subjects, and the option I took was an engineering diploma, which I completed but after I finished school. However, I lost interest in engineering and wanted to go into the business side of things, which made me want to look at recruitment. RM: How did you find being an apprentice? M: At first, I thought being an apprentice would be like being in college, but a couple of weeks in I realised that apprentices do the same sort of work as everyone else. It doesn’t hold you back unless it intimidates you. You can do as much as an apprentice as your colleagues – you’re not treated like you’re some kind of school kid. You’re supported, and everybody is really helpful. RM: What were some of the highlights of your apprenticeship? M: I was surprised – you’d never think an apprentice would have so much

responsibility. Just because you’re an apprentice, doesn’t mean you’re held back and stuck in the same routine. I’m expected to do the same as everyone else. Within one or two weeks I was doing what everyone else was doing. I think doing it is better than sitting in a classroom and learning how to do it. An apprenticeship is a much better approach. RM: How do you feel about a career in recruitment? M: I think it’s different in terms of the sectors to choose from. If one day I decided I wanted to try something different, recruitment is an industry where change is possible. I’m constantly getting emails about job opportunities specialising in recruitment in other sectors. If you want to grow within a sector, you can. RM: Would you recommend an apprenticeship to someone else? M: I have recommended it to quite a few people already. To find out more about taking on an apprentice in recruitment, visit https:// recruitment-apprenticeships

Building the best jobs market in the world The UK labour market has undergone significant change in the last decade and we believe this will only accelerate over the next few years. The REC feels strongly that the UK’s dynamic labour market is a real competitive advantage and must be nurtured and protected. To explore this, we invited a group of labour market experts to contribute to a

book of essays about how we can achieve our important ambition. This has resulted in our latest piece of research: Building the best jobs market in the world: the expert view. We have 24 highprofile contributors including economists, trade unionists, academics, members of the House of Lords and business leaders. Download your free copy at expertview

Recruitment Matters The official magazine of The Recruitment & Employment Confederation Dorset House, 1st Floor, 27-45 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NT Tel: 020 7009 2100

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PAYE webinar available From 6 April, new HMRC reporting arrangements for non-RTI workers come into force. HMRC have confirmed the exact information recruitment agencies will be required to submit in their quarterly reports. In a welcomed move, HMRC accepted the concerns of recruiters and reduced the information it will require from intermediaries. The REC, in conjunction with HMRC, has produced a webinar detailing everything agencies need to know about the new arrangements. Visit legalwebinars to watch.

Did you know? • The REC is the only recruitment body that has an in-house legal team. • The REC Legal Services comprises three solicitors, four legal advisors, and one legal executive. • Our solicitors have more than 10 years’ experience each. • The REC legal offering includes the online legal guide that comprises 960 frequently asked questions, a model document library with 80 model documents and 20 factsheets, guides and tables. • We now offer monthly legal newsletters, alternating every month: the six-page Legal bulletin, and two-page Legal bitesize. • We work closely with the REC’s policy team, as well as HMRC, NEST Pensions and the Crown Commercial Service. • There was a 32.5% increase in queries to the Legal Helpline in 2014. • We respond to 80% of queries immediately, 95% within a day, and the remainder within four days. To access the REC’s legal services, visit

Membership Department: Membership: 020 7009 2100. Customer Services: 020 7009 2100 Publishers: Redactive Publishing Ltd, 17 Britton Street, London EC1M 5TP. Tel: 020 7880 6200. Publisher: Aaron Nicholls Tel: 020 7880 8547 Editorial: Editor Michael Oliver Tel: 020 7009 2173. Production Editor: Vanessa Townsend Production: Production Executive: Rachel Young. Tel: 020 7880 6209 Printing: Printed by Woodford Litho © 2015 Recruitment Matters. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, neither REC, Redactive Publishing Ltd nor the authors can accept liability for errors or omissions. Views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the REC or Redactive Publishing Ltd. No responsibility can be accepted for unsolicited manuscripts or transparencies. No reproduction in whole or part without written permission. 13/04/2015 16:52

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