S&PAProfessional / Spring 2020
S&PANews A round-up of the latest developments in the industry
INDUSTRY SHOULD ‘WORK AND THINK DIFFERENTLY’ By DeeDee Doke Themes of collaboration, inclusion and moving the sport and physical activity sector forward professionally ruled the day at CIMSPA and Quest’s annual conference on 27 February in Derby. Co-joining the two conferences into one day proved a popular choice, with the Pride Park Stadium facilities packed out with sport and physical activity industry delegates to hear from Sport England CEO Tim Hollingsworth, Future Fit Legacy Award winners Joseph Bleetman and Jaina Mistry, and behavioural change advocate David Thomson among other key speakers. Fuelling the theme of
Hollingsworth continued the theme by telling the audience that the sector and industry – or “ecosystem” as he called it – could “no longer transact our way” through navigating the state of play. At Sport England itself, he said: “We have to let go a bit, be a bit less transactional and more focused on outcomes.” By thinking of the sector and industry as an
collaboration was the announcement by CIMSPA CEO Tara Dillon and UK Coaching CEO Mark Gannon that the two organisations have agreed to create a single directory for exercise and fitness professionals. (See CEO’s column, right, and article on p10 ) Sport England’s
ecosystem, Hollingsworth said “you get that sense of co-dependency. We’re very keen for people to know we want to listen and learn.” As the Working Towards An Active Nation strategy in particular has progressed, “we’ve had to learn to work very differently. There are those who feel excluded by that. (But) If I’m honest about our ambition, it is to work and think differently”, he said. Moving forward,
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23/03/2020 17:46