Nautilus Telegraph November 2017

Page 1

Branching out Full reports from this year’s UK branch meeting 19-22

A fair wind Operators seek partnership on sector safety 23

NL nieuws Vier pagina’s met nieuws uit Nederland 32-35

Volume 50 | Number 11 | November 2017 | £3.50 €3.70

Tiderace starts work at A&P Fleet Auxiliary’s new TideF class support ships, Tiderace, is The second of the Royal

pictured arriving in Falmouth last month to undergo a programme of customisation work at the A&P yard, including the installation of armour, self-defence weaponry and specialist communications systems. Tiderace and sisterships Tidespring, Tidesurge and Tideforce have been designed to refuel Royal Navy vessels at sea — including the new Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers — as well as supporting deployed amphibious, land and air forces close to the shore. Tidespring —which arrived in Cornwall in April — is expected to finish final sea trials shortly, and is due to enter into service before the end of this year. Picture: Gary Davies/Maritime Photographic

Shake-up call for seafarer welfare

Inside F VTS ‘in danger’

Nautilus has hit out at plans to centralise vessel traffic services for some key UK ports — page 40

Research report recommends radical changes in the way maritime charities deliver support


Nautilus is backing the findings of a major new report on UK maritime welfare which recommends radical changes in the way services are organised and delivered to serving and retired seafarers and their families. The 224-page report, which was published to coincide with a two-day Maritime Charities Group conference last month, calls for much greater cooperation and collaboration between welfare organisations if they are to meet the growing challenges of supporting seafarers in the years ahead. The research updates a similar study — Supporting Seafarers and their Families — which was carried out a decade ago and produces revised figures showing current and projected welfare needs within the maritime community. Dr Catherine Walker, one of the report’s authors, said the 2007 report had under-esti-

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mated the size of the seafaring population — by around 50% for the Merchant Navy and 100% for the fishing fleets. New areas of employment, such as superyachts and the windfarm sector, are also increasing seafarer numbers, she added, and there is a need to ‘realign’ the resources given to MN and fishing charities and that received by Royal Navy and Royal Marines’ charities. The study warns that seafarers and their families face many unique or complex needs arising from their work and says that increased support will be required over the next 10 to 20 years in such areas as financial needs, social isolation and loneliness, dementia, limitations on daily life, and long-standing health conditions. The number of ex-MN seafarers over the age of 85 is set to rise by more than 200% over the next two decades, and the report says this will generate a signifi-

cant demand for specialist services and support, as many will have multiple problems. Researchers also highlighted the way in which changes in the shipping industry are fuelling new welfare needs among serving seafarers and their families and they found that two-thirds of maritime welfare charities had reported increased demand in the last decade as a result of the economic downturn and austerity policies. They also found that while many maritime welfare charities are anticipating an increase in demand over the next five years, only 25% believe that the sector is in a ‘good position’ to respond. The study questions whether they should be spending more of their reserves to address the pressure on their services arising from the recent public spending cutbacks. It also warns that seafarers are a relatively invisible workforce and much more must be done to

tackle ‘sea blindness’ that hampers fund-raising work by maritime charities. By 2050, the maritime community of serving and former seafarers and their families is predicted to fall to just over half the current level and the researchers say that this will have an impact on fund-raising, as more than 60% of donors to maritime charies give money on the basis of personal experience. Dr Walker said some good progress had been made on the recommendations made in the 2007 report — but there is also evidence that some of the maritime welfare charities are lagging behind. ‘Time is moving on, and maritime welfare charities need to face some of the fundamental questions raised in both reports before changes in the maritime world and the beneficiary population force your hand,’ she stressed. And she concluded with a

stark warning: ‘It can no longer be “business as usual” — the seismic shifts in the maritime world and society at large cannot fail to impact on maritime welfare charities and the support they provide.’ Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson attended the conference and he welcomed the report. ‘This is essential research that updates the trail-blazing study on supporting seafarers published a decade ago,’ he pointed out. ‘A lot of work has been done since then — not least by the Nautilus Welfare Fund in expanding its Mariners’ Park facilities and launching nationwide caseworker service — but the report rightly identifies the huge scale of the challenges ahead and the need for the maritime charity sector to find even more efficiencies and effective programmes to cope with the growing demands.’ g A full report will appear in next month’s Telegraph.

F Top trainee

Nautilus member Tristan Greaney has won the 2017 UK officer trainee of the year award — page 3 F Rescuer praised

A Nautilus member has been given two prestigious awards for at-sea rescues — pages 28-29

18/10/2017 10:18

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