Buckle & Banner - March/April 2021

Page 41


Anderson Heller, Ph.D.

D I R E C T O R O F E D U C AT I O N & JUNIOR PROGRAMS WHAT DO YOU DO AT RED ANGUS? I first came to Red Angus as the junior programs coordinator. That position provided oversight for national junior events, scholarships and the junior board of directors. This past fall, I also took on the role of director of education. Therefore, in addition to the junior activities, I provide direction to advance the organization’s educational efforts’ capacity and success by coordinating training and development for the members and staff. My home office is in Nebraska. BEST ADVICE YOU’VE BEEN GIVEN? When I was in elementary school, my principal wrote “Don’t let your books get in the way of your education.” in my yearbook. As I near turning 50, I’d say that advice has been a central theme to how I’ve lived my life. I am always looking for opportunities to learn from my experiences.

MARCH 2021

APRIL 2021

N o mat t er where I’ ve lived, I’ ve a l w ay s been an Iowa far m gir l. My famil y ’s far m raises club calves, cor n and s e ed beans in nor t h-cent ral Iowa; it was a great place to grow up. I was ve r y act ive in 4-H and FFA, which even tua l l y led to wor king wit h yout h develop m e nt for bot h organizat ions on t he st ate a nd nat ional levels. I did my undergradua te at Iowa S t at e, where I judged on th e meat s and meat animal evaluat ion t eams and ser ved as Block & Br id l e president . My ag ed degree led m e to a high school classroom in Michiga n th e n event ually, I moved into leader shi p a nd organizat ional development in ot h er educat ional set t ings. My ent ire c a re er has been focused on yout h and/o r a dul t educat ion.

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE LIVESTOCK SHOW? AK-SAR-BEN! Today’s event is slightly different from what it used to be, but growing up, I loved AK-SAR-BEN because it was unique. It had zero frills; we slept in bunk beds set up in the jockey dorms adjacent to the arena; in the fall, we showed both feeder calves and bred heifers, and I loved the emphasis that was put on showmanship. WHAT’S AN INTERESTING FACT ABOUT YOU? I love to travel; I’ve been to all 50 states and four other countries – mostly thanks to work I’ve done for the National FFA Organization. VOLUME 3 : ISSUE 1


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