Threef - april 2013

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0 april 2013


number ZERO april 2013 Editors: Federica Di Marcello Fausta Lavagna Francesca Vaccari

Photographers: Giovanni Ettore Borzone Marco Vissani Gianluca Zaio

Contributors: Daniela Balzano Alessandra Biagini Silvia Censi Marina Della Pasqua Maria Elena Ghelardi Benedetta Marchi Marina Paris Valentina Petirro Pips Roberta Pisani Valentina Serenthà Vatinee Suvimol Ilaria Ventura Lay out and design Valeria The cover’s picture is by Marina Della Pasqua ©ThreeF. All rights reserved. The content is protected by copyright as a collective work. Each author also owned a copyright on individual texts and images created and is responsable for the content of the article by relevance. It’s forbidden the total or partial reproduction of the material contained in the magazine without prior permission of the editors. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the law.

We, first of all, thank our outstanding contributors. Wherever this adventure may take us, this project would not exist without their precious efforts, without their incredible imagination, without their talenting skills. That’s why each edition will have a special section featuring each of them. As for us, it as our great pleasure to welcome you and to guide you along this unique among-the-senses-journey. Please feel free to enjoy this ride.


ThreeF is happening. Now. Three fs as for: Food, Fancy, Frames. The title itself features what our philosophy is. Food: i.e. throughout all its expressions. Entertainment: the delight we hope to bring you throughout these pages. Photography: the emotions we hope to delight you with just through simple shots. Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, Hearing: these are the five senses which will totally wrap and involve you, granting you simple but warming lifetime emotions. ThreeF will be your guideline and secret path along this sensorial journey. Your eyes will be caught by the beauty of the images. Your tastes will be as awakened by amazing savours. You will feel the pulse and desire to touch these pages, as to grab and capture all the essence. And you know what our challenge is? That of awaking the other two senses!





Cocoa tart with cream cheese and frosted berries

17 25

Tris of patè

by Valentina Petirro by Ilaria Ventura

Wholemeal sandwich bread

by Benedetta Marchi

33 40

Pappardelle pasta with shrimp and orange

42 48 55

Khao Pad (Thai Stir fried rice)


Maple syrup cookies filled with raspberry jam

64 70

Coffee mousse

di Silvia Censi

Tuna steak marinated with mirin by Marina Paris

by Vatinee Suvimol

Buckwheat blinis and pea soup by Marina Della Pasqua

Chocolate filled cookies by Pips by Pips

by Marina Della Pasqua

Meetings: Valeria Fusco


Coffee cake with caramel topping

82 88 94


by Benedetta Marchi by Roberta Pisani

Carbonara spaghetti with wild asparagus by Maria Elena Ghelardi

Shrimp tempura with tentsuyu sauce

100 107 112

Chicken nuggets in teriyaki sauce

121 126 133

Chocolate baguettes

by Valentina Petirro

Thai stir-fry egg noodles by Vatinee Suvimol

Couscous and orange cake by Valentina SerenthĂ by Alessandra Biagini

Meringue cake

by Alessandra Biagini

Apricots and roses tart by Daniela Balzano


by Marina Paris




Cocoa tart with cream cheese and frosted berries

recipe _ Valentina Petirro


photo _ 1,3,4,5 Marco Vissani 2 Valentina Petirro


[img _1]

ThreeF ThreeF

280 gr flour 00 100 gr butter 80 gr sugar + 2 tbps 20 gr dark cocoa 2 tsps baking powder 1 pinch of salt 1 egg + 1 yolk 250 gr philadelphia 125 gr powdered sugar (not vanilled) 250 gr berries

Cocoa tart with cream cheese and frosted berries by Valentina Petirro


Into a bowl pour flour, 80 gr of sugar, cocoa, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Soften the butter in a microwave until nearly melted, then pour it into the bowl with the dry ingredients and add the egg and the yolk. Mix briefly with a fork, then transfer everything onto a floured working surface. Work the dough with your hands until the dough gets soft, smooth and homogeneous. Roll out the dough so to get a thickness of around 1 cm, coat the inside of a light aluminum pan and hole with a fork the bottom of the dough. Cut a foil of baking paper, wrinkle it up with your hands, in order to make it soft and place it over the dough, then place over it something stiff and heavy (like dried vegetables, pieces of pasta or other things in order to create a weight that prevents the dough shell from losing its shape or to grow in excess when in the oven). Bake for about 30 minutes at 180째C. Remove from the oven, remove the paper and all the heavy weighing stuff and allow the pastry to cool. Beat the whipping Philadelphia cheese cream with an electric mixer for a few minutes with icing sugar. Fill the tart with the cream and finish by covering the entire surface with berries, previously mixed in a bowl with two tablespoons of sugar. The sugar will soak partially with the moisture released from the fruits and, when dry, the berries will get a frosted-like appearance. Put the tart in the fridge for at least 4 hours and take it out half an hour before serving.


[img _2]

10 ThreeF






[img _4]



[img _5]



Tris of patè recipe_ Ilaria Ventura


photo_ 6 Marco Vissani 7,10 Ilaria Ventura 8,9,11,12 Gian Ettore Borzone


[img _6]

Swordfish patè


(ingredients for 125 ml)

1 slice of swordfish of 250 g, also frozen 1 a bunch of fresh parsley 1 little carrot, celery and onion 125 gr ricotta cheese 200 ml wine 200 ml water 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil zest of an organic lemon salt and pepper

[img _7]

by Ilaria Ventura


Tris of patè


[img _8]

Boil water with a pinch of salt, wine and vegetables; evaporate the alcohol by boiling steadily a few minutes, then lower the heat slightly and add the fish. Cook 20-25 minutes, then turn off and allow to cool in the pan. Drain the vegetables and chop them quite fine; set aside. Drain the fish, skin it and remove the central bone, cut it into large pieces and put in a blender with plenty of parsley and a little extra virgin olive oil. Blend a few seconds, until the consistency is still dry and coarse. Add ricotta cheese, a little chopped vegetables in the desired amount, salt, pepper and lemon zest. Chop again until it reaches the desired consistency / creaminess.

[img _9]


[img _10]

Country patè (ingredients for 125ml)


a small piece of carrot, celery and onion

50 gr cooked ham 50 gr ham 150 gr sausage 50 gr di ricotta cheese 20 ml brandy or white wine 1 tbsp Parmesan cheese 1 some shelled pistachios 4 green and pink peppercorns 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil

Spring green patè (ingredients for 125ml)

300 gr zucchini cut into chunks 1 garlic clove 1 a piece of leek (about 5 cm) cut into rings few beans already blanched

2 two tbsps grated pecorino cheese 1 sprig of fresh basil 1 crig of fresh mint 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper


fresh rosemary and sage salt and pepper


With a knife or a mixer, chop vegetables quite fine. Brown them in a pan with olive oil, crumbled sausage, herbs and deglaze with brandy. Cook uncovered for 10 minutes so that it rests a little wet, then let it cool. In a food processor transfer pistachios, sausage with vegetables and gravy, add ham, ricotta cheese and Parmesan cheese. Add salt and pepper and blend until desired consistency is reached. Before serving, add the pepper berries by hand.

In a pan, brown the vegetables with olive oil, garlic and a pinch of pepper for a few minutes. They should be browned but not to be crushed. Once the vegetables are cooked, remove garlic and add a pinch of salt. Allow to cool, then put vegetables, cheese and herbs in a food processor and whisk until the mixture reaches the desired creaminess.



[ [ img_11]



[ img_12]

22 ThreeF

Wholemeal sandwich bread

recipe _ Benedetta Marchi


photo _ 13 Marco Vissani 14 Bendetta Marchi 15,16 Federica Di Marcello


[ img_13]


[img _14]

(for one loaf)

100 150 50 350 12 2 1 2

gr manitoba gr spelt flour gr di whole wheat flour gr water approximately gr fresh yeast tbsps extra virgin olive oil tsp muscovado sugar or barley malt tsps integral salt

Mix all the flours in a large bowl. Separately, dissolve the yeast in a cup with sugar and 200g of warm water. Add the dissolved yeast in the center of the flour mixture. Add olive oil and salt, making sure that the salt does not come into direct contact with the yeast. Begin mixing with a fork and add the remaining water slowly. When the dough is firm, begin kneading with your hands. Mix and add water a teaspoon at a time until the dough absorbs it. The dough is ready when it will no longer be any resistance in your hands. As you knead, put on the fire an aluminum pan-without plastic parts-full of water until the water comes to a boil. As the water warms up, form a ball with the dough and place it in a lightly greased bowl. Cover the bowl with a cloth soaked in warm water and wrung out, and place it in the oven off. Put on the lowest shelf of the oven the pan with boiling water. Let rise for half an hour. Take the dough and without working too much, make a loaf and put it in a loaf pan previously lined with parchment paper. Cut the loaf surface as you wish, cover with wet cloth and put it in the oven off for another half an hour. At this point, remove the bread from the oven, cover it with a cloth and turn the oven fan-mode to 200째C leaving the pan with the water in the last shelf. The pan with water will yield a crispy crust. Bake the bread for about an hour until the top is golden and the center is dry by inserting a toothpick. Note: This bread can be kept in paper bag for a week or more.


Wholemeal sandwich bread by Benedetta Marchi 25



[img _15]



[img _16]




Pappardelle pasta with shrimp and orange


[ img_17]



[img _18]



[img _19]


[img _20]

(for 2 serves)

200 400 30 130 2

gr pappardelle pasta gr shrimps gr butter ml orange juice tbsps extra virgin olive oil zest of half an orange zest of half a lemon cilantro

Pappardelle pasta with shrimp and orange by Silvia Censi


salt and pepper


Wipe shrimps and keep aside the heads; chop and cook them in a pan with butter and orange zest. After a few minutes add the orange juice, cook about 10 minutes and filter. Season with salt and pepper and keep aside. Cook pasta and in the meantime also cook the shrimps in a pan with the oil. Drain pasta, pour it into the pan with shrimps and add the orange sauce. Serve with lemon zest and fresh cilantro.



[img _21]

[img _22]



recipe _ Silvia Censi photo _ 17,18,19,20,21,22,23, Silvia Censi

[img _23]

Tuna steak marinated with mirin recipe _ Marina Paris photo _ 24,25,26 Gian Ettore Borzone 27 Marina Paris

Khao Pad (Thai Stir fried rice) ThreeF

recipe _ Vatinee Suvimol 36

photo _ 28,29,30 Vatinee Suvimol



[img _24]



[img _25]



[img _26]

(for 4 serves)

4 100 150 240 2 2 4

tuna fillets ( about 100 g each) * ml mirin ml soy sauce gr rice tablespoons black sesame seeds tablespoons white sesame seeds spinach leaves

Tuna steak marinated with mirin ThreeF ThreeF

by Marina Paris


Cook tuna steaks for 10 seconds in boiling water. Remove from the water and cool in a bowl with water and ice cubes. In this way, cooking will stop and the tuna surface will act as a sponge for the marinade. Place soy sauce and mirin in a bowl, mix, then add tuna steaks and let them rest in the fridge for half a day. Cook the rice covered with two inches of water (no salt) until all the water will be absorbed. Add some water if the rice is too dry and not cooked yet. Wash spinach leaves, then cut into thin strips. Put a little rice in each bowl. Remove the tuna from the marinade, cut each fillet into slices about 1.5 cm thick and arrange them fillets in each bowl. Add a few tablespoons of the marinade, sprinkle with sesame seeds, spinach and serve. * fresh fish must be kept for 4-5 days at -18째C at least before it can be eaten raw



[img _27]

(ingredients for 2)

2 cups of jasmine (or basmati or “thai� rice 2 beaten eggs 1/2 chopped onion 3 branches of chives (chopped) 200 gr of meat (ground or sliced) 1 tablespoon peanut oil (or sesame oil) 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon fish sauce (if not available, add another tablespoon of soy sauce) 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 limes


pepper cilantro (or parsley) Thai chili pepper (optional)


Khao Pad (Thai Stir fried rice) di Vatinee Suvimol Cook the rice (rice can be cooked in the rice cooker or in boiling water). Follow the rice package directions. In a wok, heat the oil and stir fry the onion. Add the rice and half of the chives. After 1 minute, add the meat and, after 2 minutes, the beaten eggs. Stir fry until egg is cooked. Add soy sauce, fish sauce, salt, sugar and pepper and stir well. Turn off the heat, add the rest of the chives and cilantro (or parsley). Serve with chilli pepper and lime juice. * Khao pad is one of the most popular specialities of the Thai cuisine. In Thailand there are different versions, depending on the choice: pork, beef, chicken or shrimp fried rice. Once a chef of Phuket has told me what was his secret for the perfect fried rice? Cook the rice the day before.


[img _28]



[img _29]



[img _30]

46 ThreeF


Buckwheat blinis and pea soup


[img _31]

( for 16 blinis / 4 serves)

100 70 2 100 1 ½

gr wheat flour flour gr buckwheat flou eggs gr whole milk natural yogurt tsp baking soda salt ( for pea soup )

400 gr fresh peas 80 gr heavy cream 2 tbsps ricotta cheese 20 gr extra virgin olive oil


salt and pepper


Buckwheat blinis and pea soup by Marina Della Pasqua Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with yogurt and milk. Add the sifted flours, baking soda and a pinch of salt. Beat the egg whites and add them to the mix. Heat a lightly oiled frying pan, and pour into the pan two tablespoons of batter and bake on both sides. Keep the blinis on each other covered by a towel. For the soup: in a pot with boiling water cook the fresh peas for 5 minutes. Drain, set a couple of tablespoons aside and pour the other in a blender with the heavy cream, ricotta cheese and a pinch of salt and pepper. Blend to obtain a cream. Assemble the dish alternating 4 blinis with a tablespoon of pea soup. Complete with a tablespoon of soup, some peas and a drop of extra virgin olive oil. Serve warm.



[img _32]



[img _33]

[img _34]



recipe _ Marina Della Pasqua photo _ 31 Gianluca Zaio 32,33,34,35 Marina Della Pasqua

[img _35]



Chocolate filled cookies


Maple syrup cookies filled with raspberry jam


[img _36]


[img _37]

220 100 150 100 150 75 20 2

gr all-purpose flour gr sugar gr soft butter gr melted dark chocolate gr honey gr chopped milk chocolate gr cocoa powder tsps baking powder

(for the filling)

200 1

gr icing sugar tsp orange blossom water (optional)

Chocolate filled cookies byPips for biscuits: Sift together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt and set aside. In a bowl, with electric whisk beat butter, honey and sugar until smooth and clear. Add the melted chocolate and beat well. Stir in the dry ingredients and beat well until the mixture is smooth. Finally add chopped milk chocolate. Pre heat the oven to 180째C. With two spoons form the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, then bake for about 12 min. or until the edges slightly browned. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before forming sandwiches. for the filling: pour into a bowl a little milk, water, orange blossom water and start adding the icing sugar, stirring well with a whisk to dissolve any lumps. Once you have a firm and spreadable cream, spread it on a cookie and cover with another. Let the icing harden before serving.






[img _38]



[img _39]


[img _40]

240 100 125 110 2 2 1 ½

gr all-purpose flou gr cane sugar gr maple syrup gr soft butter yolks tsp cocoa powder tsp baking powder tsp salt

Maple syrup cookies filled with raspberry jam by Pips Sift together flour, baking powder, cocoa and salt; add sugar, stir in the butter, maple syrup and yolks. Mix for a few minutes until the dough is firm; add flour if necessary. Wrap the dough in a plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for an hour at least. After this time, preheat the oven to 170° C. Flour a work surface and roll out the dough into a thin sheet. Cut the cookies with a favorite cutter, transfer them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and cook until golden brown (about 12 minutes). Remove from the oven, let cool completely and finally fill them, combining the cookies in pairs of the same size and shape.


raspberry jam




[img _41]

[img _42]



recipe _ Pips photo _ 36,43 Gian Ettore Borzone 37,38,40,41 Pips 39,42 Federica Di Marcello


Coffee mousse recipe _ Marina Della Pasqua


photo _ 44 Marco Vissani 45 Marina Della Pasqua 46 Gian Ettore Borzone 47 Fausta Lavagna




[img _44]

(for 4 people)

300 3 70

gr heavy cream tsps coffee powder for moka muscovado or dark brown sugar


Coffee mousse by Marina Della Pasqua 64

In a saucepan add the heavy cream and coffee powder, mix and put on fire. Let the mix come to boil, immediately remove the saucepan from the heat and let it rest for 20 minutes with the lid closed. After this time add sugar, stir well to dissolve it and then filter through a strainer lined with cheesecloth. Cool completely and let it rest in the fridge for an hour. Filter the emulsion again before pouring it into a siphon, close it, insert the cartridge and shake for one minute. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and then gently pressing the measuring cup, pour the mousse into glasses and serve. If you don’t have a siphon, you can whip the heavy cream using a whisk until it form a sufficiently firm mousse.



[img _45]



[img _46]



[img _47]






[img _48]

Valeria Fusco

author of the blog


43 years, lived with no regrets. A mother, a wife, an architect, a blogger, a communications manager and a ballet dancer missed by chance. These are some of the things about me, not necessarily in the right order.


Incredibly optimistic, tending to hyper, sort of messy, I live my life trying to work out family, job, commitments and leaving no space to normal routine, i.e. my worst enemy. I always look forward to new ideas as Art has an incredibly beneficial effect on me, much more and better than any other medical cure. And I love to appreciate it in all its expressions: with no schemes and concept, I love at the same way and time, classic art and avant-garde theater and I appreciate Bach Preludes as well as Nirvana’s heavy rock. I am the art director of Archiviva, an all-female communication agency. We develop integrated communications strategies and plans for corporations and business, with a particular attention to the web; we organize events of cultural promotion and territorial marketing. A definitely interesting job that takes time and energy but, to be honest, I enjoy it so much for it gives me, every day, new stimulations and inspirations. Of course, I could have never be so committed in all these interests and activities, if I had no one I love to share all this and much more with. Indeed, my parents have always supported me and I owe them the happiness and the determination which accompany me in my every day steps; then there are my husband and my two daughters, what I define as my deep roots in a world that spins far too fast, as the reason and the desire for which I try to run home every single day.


For the rest, there are no certainties, things change and I always try to grasp the positive side of everything, thus accepting new challenges: this is probably the reason why I’ve found myself, in the middle of this life journey of mine, starting and writing a blog.“Ultimo tocco” is a net corner where, more or less seriously, I talk about design, home decor, interior design, communications and more. It’s an experience that has given me the opportunity to compare myself with many people, to establish contacts and recognize natural affinities, beyond any geographic and temporal limits. Till one day, that day, the day I received an e-mail from three blasting foodbloggers asking me to join the design project of a food and atmosphere web magazine. I am no foodblogger but I have put into the play the ingredients I am keen with: lines, shapes, colors and fonts. I’ve mixed them all together, looking for the due balance and now, here I am, talking about that idea, the idea I fell in love with, immediately, at the first sight and at the first glance, ThreeF. [img _49]



[img _50]

[img _51]



sets and brand _ Valeria Fusco designs archiviva comunicazione photo _ 48 Di Vilio - Lanciato (set designed and made at

Belvedere in S.Leucio, Caserta)


49,50,51,52 Valeria Fusco (some brand image designs)



Coffee cake with caramel topping recipe _ Benedetta Marchi


photo _ 53 Gianluca Zaio 54,55 Benedetta Marchi 56 Marco Vissani


[img _53]

(for 8 serves)


500 gr all purpose flour 350 gr di muscovado sugar 200 gr seed oil 200 ml coffee 25 gr cocoa powder 6 uova 50 gr dark chocolate flakes 85% 2 tbsps hazelnuts 2 tbsps almonds 2 tbsps walnuts 3 tbsps oatmeal 1 bag of bio vanilla powder 16 gr bag baking powder 1 pinch of integral salt


(for the caramel topping)

150 50 70

gr demerara sugar gr muscovado sugar ml fresh cream milk as needed

Coffee cake with caramel topping by Benedetta Marchi Beat eggs with sugar, salt and vanilla and mix thoroughly for 5-6 minutes until the mixture is smooth. In a separate bowl, mix flour and the baking powder, sift them and pour in the previous mixture continuing to mix. Then add coffee, little by little, stirring so that it’s blended well. Separately, in a food processor, blend together hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, dark chocolate and oatmeal to obtain a compound similar to muesli. Lined a 22cm diameter springform pan with parchment paper on the bottom, butter and flour the sides and pour in two thirds of the coffee compound. Now, with a teaspoon pour two thirds of the mixture of dried fruit, chocolate and oats (set aside the rest) over the dough to cover it up to 1cm from the edge of the mold. Pour the left mixture over all and form a spiral with a fork so that the grain is mixed unevenly with the dough. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the cake for 50-60 minutes. Do not open the oven before 45 minutes and then check the cooking by dipping a toothpick into the cake (if it comes out clean, the cake is ready). About 15-20 minutes before your cake is ready, prepare the caramel topping. Put demerara and muscovado sugar in a pan with high sides and put it on fire with a flame spreader so that the sugar does not stick. Gradually add fresh cream and let it thicken, stirring constantly. If the mixture thickens too much, add some milk. The consistency should be liquid but not too much. The sauce thickens when cooled, so it’s better to remove it from the heat a bit liquid rather too thick. When the cake is warm, pour over it the caramel topping followed by the muesli grain you kept aside in the previous preparation. The cake is good for breakfast or as simple after dinner.


[img _54]



[img _55]



[img _56]






[img _57]

(ingredients for 4 serves)

300 gr wheat flour 60 gr lard 80 gr water 40 gr milk 1/2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt ( to fill) rocket salad squacquerone cheese




Piadina by Roberta Pisani Combine flour, lard, salt, baking soda, water and milk. Knead to a smooth and hard dough. Cover with a bowl and let rest for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough into a sheet of 3-4mm thick (or more depending on your taste), and cut the piadina with the help of a side plate. Prick the surface of the piadina with a fork and cook a few minutes on both sides on a very hot cast iron pan. Stuff the piadina with squacquerone cheese, ham and rocket salad and serve hot.


[[img ph_57] _58]



[img _59]

[img _60]



recipe _ Roberta Pisani photo _ 57 Gianluca Zaio 58,59,60,61 Roberta Pisani

[img _61]



Carbonara spaghetti with wild asparagus recipe _ Maria Elena Ghelardi


photo _ 62,64,65 Gian Ettore Borzone 63 Maria Elena Ghelardi


[img _62]

(for 4 people)

360 300 80 4

gr spaghetti gr wild asparagus gr pecorino romano cheese eggs (or 4 yolks depending on your preference)


salt and pepper


Carbonara spaghetti with wild asparagus by Maria Elena Ghelardi Thoroughly clean and wash asparagus. Cut them into small pieces separating the tips from the more woody stems. Soak them in a pan with a little cold water without salt and cook for about 5 minutes, then add the tips. Once asparagus are soft and the water is evaporated, let to cool in the pan. Salt water to cook pasta, then cook spaghetti. In the meanwhile, in a large bowl beat eggs (or just yolks) with a pinch of salt, pepper and grated cheese. Remove pasta from the heat once cooked al dente, set aside a ladle of cooking water if the final dish is too dry and then drain spaghetti. Immediately pour pasta in the pan (now warm and fire off) with asparagus and add eggs, stirring quickly. Beaten eggs should never be combined with pasta on fire, to avoid getting a “pancake effect�. In fact the eggs must be joined immediately after draining pasta, trying to avoid them come into contact with too hot pots. If the sauce is too thin, slightly heat all in the pan. If the sauce is too dry add a little cooking water previously set aside. Serve immediately.


[img _63]



[img _64]



[img _65]



Shrimp tempura with tentsuyu sauce recipe _ Marina Paris


photo _ 66,68 Marco Vissani 67 Marina Paris 69 Gian Ettore Borzone


[img _66]



shrimps (for the tempura)

100 gr wheat flour ½ tsp baking powder ½ beaten egg 100-120 ml very cold water peanut oil (for the tentsuyu sauce)

100 2 50 200

ml soy sauce tbsps sugar ml mirin ml water

ThreeF ThreeF

dashi stock per diluire


Shrimp tempura with tentsuyu sauce * by Marina Paris Prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients except dashi stock. Put in microwave at 600 W for 3 minutes. Allow to cool, then dilute with a little dash stock and filter. Peel the shrimp, removing also the black dirt thread along the back and rinse them well. Wipe gently with a paper towel. In the meantime prepare the tempura batter by mixing flour and baking powder in a bowl. In another bowl mix the beaten egg with about 120 ml of ice-cold water, pour into the bowl with flour and mix well until a smooth and thick batter is formed. In a pan heat peanut oil in order to fry shrimps covering them all. When the oil reaches 170°C, dip shrimps in the batter covering them completely, then dip them in the oil and remove once they have changed color, storing them on a paper towel. Serve with the sauce tentsuyu. * in tempura batter there is no salt deliberately. The flavor is given by the soy sauce and dashi.



[img _67]



[img _68]



[img _69]

98 ThreeF


Chicken nuggets in teriyaki sauce


[img _70]

1 chicken breast 50 ml teriyaki sauce 50 ml rice vinegar 1 tbsp sesame seeds 1 tbsp sugar 1 pinch of salt


Chicken nuggets in teriyaki sauce by Valentina Petirro 100

Chop chicken breast rather small. In a small pan toast a tablespoon of sesame seeds and set aside. High heat a frying pan with peanut oil and, when hot stir fry the nuggets until they turn brown. Hot, sautee the nuggets making them quickly browning over the entire surface. When done, add directly into the pan teriyaki sauce, rice vinegar, sugar and a pinch of salt. Keep stir frying the chicken at high heat so to reduce and thicken the sauce and cover the nuggets with the outcoming dark and shiny glazy sauce. Sprinkle the sesame seeds over the nuggets (that have been previously kept aside) and serve warm. Best when served with basmati rice, seasoned with sesame oil and chopped cilantro.


[img _71]



[img _72]

[img _73]



recipe _ Valentina Petirro photo _ 70 Marco Vissani 71 Valentina Petirro 72,73 Gian Ettore Borzone 74 Chiara Nobile

[img _ 74]

104 ThreeF


Thai stir-fry egg noodles




(for 2 people)

180 gr of egg noodles 200 gr of chopped chicken breasts 5 branches of pak choi or herbs or beet coast 2 eggs 2 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons peanut oil (or sesame oil) 3 tablespoons soy sauce 1tablespoon sugar pepper cilantro/parsley.



Thai stir-fry egg noodles by Vatinee Suvimol


[img_77] Noodles are the Eastern version of the most popular Italian pasta. Indeed, it is said that Marco Polo introduced it in Italy on his way back from China. In Thailand, there are different types of noodles according to rice flour, wheat flour or mung bean flour and in different varieties: sen yai are wide flat noodles, sen lek are thin flat rice noodles, and sen mi (also known as rice vermicelli). Therefore, don’t forget when ordering to specify your choice! These are egg noodles stir fried with chicken, vegetables and eggs, ready in just a few minutes.

Soak the noodles into luke warm water for at least 15 minutes or follow package cooking directions. In a wok, heat oil and stir fry the garlic. Add the eggs and stir fry thoroughly. After 1 minute, add the chicken, the vegetables and one tablespoon of soy sauce. Stir fry well then add the drained noodles, other 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, sugar and keep frying till the noodles are done (otherwise keep frying and, if still “hard”, add some water). Finally, season with pepper and garnish with cilantro/parsley. Serve with additional soy sauce according to taste.



[img _78]

[img _79]



recipe _ Vatinee Suvimol _blog a Thai Pianist photo _ 75 Marco Vissani 76,78 Vatinee Suvimol 77,79,80 Fausta Lavagna

[img _80]

110 ThreeF


Couscous and orange cake


[img _81]

( for a 18cm pan)

400 400 100 100 4

gr couscous ml coconut milk gr demerara sugar gr dried coconut eggs zest of two oranges


Couscous and orange cake by Valentina SarenthĂ 112

Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a saucepan heat coconut milk without boiling, then pour it onto the cous cous. Stir well and let it stand covered for 5 minutes. Beat eggs with sugar, add dry coconut and grated orange zest then add everything to the cous cous. Stir the mixture well and pour it into a baking pan lined with parchment paper. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.


[img _82]



[img _83]



[img _84]



[img _85]

[img _86]



recipe _ Valentina Serenthà photo _ 81,82,83,84,85,86,87 Valentina Serenthà

[img _87 ]

118 ThreeF

Chocolate baguettes


Meringue cake 119

[img _88]


250 600 150 30 7 1 2 1

gr warm water gr bread flour gr dark chocolate, cut into small pieces gr extra virgin olive oil gr dry yeast tsp malt tsps salt generous tsp lard (optional)

In a bowl dissolve malt and yeast in the water. Slowly add the flour to the water with one hand and with the other mix until you have a smooth batter. Cover with a cloth, preferably wet and warm, and let rise for about 2 hours. After rest, start to add flour to the dough, add salt, oil, lard and chocolate and continue to mix with the hands, adding flour until you have a smooth and soft dough, but not sticky. Wash a bowl with hot water to make it warm, dry and grease it with oil. Put the dough in the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise in the refrigerator for 24 hours. The day after pull out the dough from the fridge and let it return to room temperature for 3-4 hours. After this time, flour the work surface, pour the dough and gently shape the loaf in a rectangle with your fingertips. Take one side of the rectangle and fold it toward the center, then take the other side and take it to the strip of dough already folded, closing the wallet. Turn the dough and, after enlarged the dough again, repeat the folds avoiding to pinch the dough too much. Cut the dough into smaller portions, give them a long shape and place on a well floured cloth. Dust the baguette with more flour and cover with another towel. Let stand for a few hours in a warm place, away from drafts, then turn the oven to 180째C and bake once the temperature is reached, taking care to put a bowl of water in the oven to increase the moisture. The cooking time varies depending on the thickness of the baguette, it will take 30/40 minutes at least, in any case the baguettes must be well browned on the surface, then they can be churned out.

[img _89]


Chocolate baguettes by Alessandra Biagini 121



[img _90]

[img _91]



recipe _ Alessandra Biagini photo _ 88 Marco Vissani 89,90,91,92, Alessandra Biagini

[img _92]

124 ThreeF

Meringue cake recipe _ Alessandra Biagini


photo _ 93,94,95,96 Alessandra Biagini


[img _93]

250 gr caster sugar 3 eggs whites 2/3 drops of lemon plain chocolate ice cream


Meringue cake by Alessandra Biagini 126

Whip the whites with the help of an electric mixer. While continuing to whisk, gradually add the sugar until the mixture is smooth, firm and glossy. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, place a pastry ring the size you want and with the help of a spatula, pour in a little of the mixture leveling well. Remove the pastry rings and repeat the operation (in another pan if the circle does not fit into the first). Bake at 100째C for about 3 hours. Remove gently the disks from the oven and with the help of a pastry rings fill one with ice cream. Overlap another disk and continue to fill with ice cream until you have a turret. You can make 1, 2 or more layers of ice cream, or using smaller molds you can make single servings. Put the meringue in the freezer and cover with dark melted chocolate before serving.


[img _94]







130 ThreeF

Apricots and roses tart recipe _ Daniela Balzano


photo _ 97,100 Marco Vissani 98,99 Daniela Balzano




[img _98]

(for the filling)

1 kg di apricots 30 gr butter 2 tbsps demerara sugar 1 tbspn rose syrup (for the pastry)

Apricots and roses tart by Daniela Balzano Prepare the pastry using a mixer or kneading by hand. Combine flour, almond flour and sugar. Add cold butter into small pieces and yolk. Work quickly with fingertips to avoid heating the pastry. Add two tablespoons of ice-cold water if the dough becomes too dry. Form a ball, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 45 minutes. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Roll out the dough on a floured work surface and proceed to the lining of a tart mold, buttered and floured. Prick with a fork and bake “in bianco” for 18 minutes. Wash apricots, cut in half and remove stones. Pour rose syrup in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add 30 cl of water, the apricots and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Arrange the apricots on the bottom of the tart, well aligned and slightly crossed. Sprinkle with the cooking syrup. Melt the butter and use it to brush apricots. Sprinkle with demerara sugar and bake for 25 minutes. Serve with vanilla ice cream or a puff of whipped cream.


200 gr all-purpose flour 125 gr butter 50 gr almond powder 2 tsps sugar 1 yolk









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