Digital Event Consulting

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Digital Events - we all know the benefits and we're beginning to understand how they work, but are we really maximising them to their full potential? When it comes to webinars and webcasts it's no longer enough to pick a topic, find a great presenter and then cross your fingers that everyone will turn up. We want more, and we're now asking ourselves... "How successful is my webinar program?" "Are we delivering the best online user experience possible?" Digital Event Consulting is a Success Program that aligns your webinars and webcasts with your organisational strategy. It's about creating memorable online programs, capturing your desired audience and then converting your goals into success.

We understand that everyone's Digital Event journey is different. Maybe you're just beginning, or maybe you've been trying the same programs for a few years and are looking to change the outcome. Either way, our Consulting Sessions are designed to make your program a success. They're half day face to face sessions based in Sydney and Melbourne and they're all about you. We research what you're currently doing, understand your business objectives and then get everyone together for four hours of strategy, brainstorming and interactivity. Who get's involved? - Event Organiser - CEO - Marketing - Customer or Member

WHY? In 2016 our research showed that in order for an online presenter to engage - passion, enthusiasm and knowledge were the main skills required. For many years, registrations, attendees and feedback has been the main measure of success for organisations hosting Digital Events. It's time we look at things a little differently. Yes, technology is important and of course feedback is a necessary measure - but we need to start thinking of our Digital Events as part of our overall organisational strategy. Digital Event Consulting is about taking your webinar and webcast programs to the next level. Let's end one off webinars and start nurturing and building your community.

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