4 Corners Festival 2021

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January 31 - February 7, 2021

We are Grateful to our Funders:

WELCOME As a Festival we felt blessed that we got through our 2020 programme before the Coronavirus pandemic hit. It was not very long into our planning for 2021 that we realised that this year’s festival would be like none of the previous eight.We surmised that the festival might be a hybrid of virtual and gathering but we never imagined that we would be back into lockdown. Yet, we are ready for a locked-down Festival. We believe that the programme you are reading is a strong Festival that will bring Belfast together in these difficult times and do that in ways that will help us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Our theme for 2021 is Breathe. In the times we are living through it has been necessary at times to stop and just breathe. Take a deep breath for some calming relief. But we do not mean Breathe simply as a passive brief break in the Covid-19 difficulties. The Hebrew word for breath is ‘Ruach'. In the very first verses of Genesis Ruach is translated ‘spirit’ and is the very source of life. This is the Spirit of God hovering over the depths, creating a world. We believe that God is still hovering. In 2021 the depths happen to be Coronavirus. So, the 2021 4 Corners Festival will seek to tap into that spirit and breathe hope into our city, fostering creativity and resilience as we respond to the challenges of the pandemic and the grace and imagination that will help us travel through it to a better world beyond. Come and breathe with us. Breathe in for our own need of grace… breathe out for the imagination that our society needs right now. Breathe… Rev Steve Stockman & Fr Martin Magill Co-Chairs and Co-Founders on behalf of the 4 Corners Festival Organising Committee Photo Courtesy of Bernie Brown Programme Design by Malaina Yoder


We had planned a programme of online-only and blended inperson/online events (Covid-19 regulations permitting). However, given the deteriorating situation around the pandemic and the introduction of new tighter restrictions from December 26, 2020 we have decided to proceed on the basis of a festival accessible only on-line. But one still true to 4 Corners’ original vision of inspiring people to cross traditional boundaries. We take health and safety considerations and obligations seriously. Some events will be pre-recorded in strict adherence to the Covid-19 guidance and regulations. All events will be available digitally and we invite you to register to participate by going to our website, 4cornersfestival.com



Breathing Space Feb 1 - Feb 7 | 7:30 AM All are invited to begin the new day by joining us for a period of creative and contemplative prayer conducted by members of the 4 Corners festival committee and associates. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Breathing Space Jan 31 - Feb 6 | 10:00 PM All are invited to end the day by joining us for a period of creative and contemplative prayer led by Jim Deeds. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.

BREATHE OUT HOPE —WITH JOHN PAUL LEDERACH, PÁDRAIG Ó TUAMA & RAQUEL MCKEE Setting the tone for 4 Corners Festival 2021 Sunday, Jan 31 | 7:00 PM Internationally renowned conflict transformation expert Professor John Paul Lederach of the University of Notre Dame (USA), who will be joining us via Zoom from America, leads an evening of reflection on how we can ‘breathe out hope’ in a city and a world grappling with seismic challenges to human relationships. Belfastbased poet and theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama and Jamaican-born poet and singersongwriter Raquel McKee will respond and bring their perspectives on how hope can break through in even the darkest of times. Original music performed by Jonny Fitch. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com. This event is supported by the Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice at QUB.


Learning from the night before Monday, Feb 1 | 12:30 PM (Private Event) Young clergy, seminarians and Master’s students from Queen’s University and the Irish School of Ecumenics (TCD) will be invited to a lunchtime discussion focused on the previous evening’s event, ‘Breathe out Hope’, featuring John Paul Lederach, Pádraig Ó Tuama and Raquel McKee. Participants will gather virtually in small groups to discuss what they learned and the implications of that for their ministries and/or for public theology. The event also will enable them to meet with their counterparts from other denominations in an informal setting, laying the groundwork for future collaborative relationships.


Rough Justice Monday, Feb 1 | 7:30 PM Join us for a screening on Zoom of the short film ROUGH, a dark comedy set in the back streets of post-conflict Belfast. It depicts how justice is enforced not by the police but by a brutal system of so-called punishment attacks, administered by former paramilitaries. Usually, it is young men who bear the brunt, but this time, it is a dog. The film provokes responses around issues including criminal justice, addiction, mental health and socio-economic conditions which will be discussed by a panel including the film’s writer/director, Declan Lawn, producer Louise Gallagher and members of the cast. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Finding resilience within yourself Tuesday, Feb 2 | 11:00 AM The pandemic has tested us all, perhaps especially our young people whose schooling – including examinations - has been plunged into disarray. This on top of the usual but significant pressures with which youngsters must contend. You are invited to access two resilience workshops for young people, one for children around age 11 (primary 7) and the other for the 15-18s, pre-recorded in The Accidental Theatre, Shaftsbury Square, Belfast. The P7 workshop will focus on the message 'You're already enough' and will include vox pop interviews with children of that age. The speaker/facilitator is Paula McKeown, director of the Living Church Office, diocese of Down and Connor. The workshops will be accessible permanently on our website. We will provide worksheets that allow those watching to pause the recording to reflect and discuss. The worksheets will be downloadable via our website. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.

CATCH YOUR BREATH: RESILIENCE PRACTIONERS’ WORKSHOP Sharing notes on how to build inner strength Tuesday, Feb 2 | 2:00 PM Presbyterian minister and Prison Ombudsman Rev Dr Lesley Carroll and a resilience coach (tbc) will conduct a workshop aimed at practitioners helping children and young people deal with mental health issues including suicide ideation, depression, and anxiety disorders in a world struggling to cope with the pandemic, among other things. Anyone working in a teaching environment or in the youth sector is especially invited join this session where techniques will be shared to help equip practitioners to promote resilience among young people in whatever setting including school, church, or domestic. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Discovering our ability to be resilient Tuesday, Feb 2 | 7:30 PM To complete our focus on resilience today, the award-winning broadcaster and journalist Seamus McKee chairs a panel discussion that includes Rev. Richard Carter, Associate Vicar for Mission at St Martin in the Fields, London; Rev Kiran Young Wimberley, an American-born Presbyterian minister and folk singer based in the Corrymeela Community, on the north Antrim coast; and Br Thierry Marteaux, OSB, of the Holy Cross Abbey, Rostrevor, Co. Down. This event will be pre-recorded in St Mary’s University College in west Belfast. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Reflecting on peacebuilding, conflict resolution and reconciliation Wednesday, Feb 3 | 5:00 PM The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice at Queen’s University hosts Professor John Paul Lederach of the University of Notre Dame (USA) ‘In Conversation’ via Zoom with Dr Gladys Ganiel (QUB). Lederach, an internationally acclaimed expert in conflict transformation, will reflect on the most significant advances in conflict transformation over the course of his career; his own research and practice; religion and reconciliation; and the prospects for peacebuilding in Northern Ireland and further afield. Ganiel’s research specialises in religion, conflict and reconciliation. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com. This is an event related to the 4 Corners Festival organised in partnership with the Senator George J Mitchell Institute, QUB.


"I can't breathe" Wednesday, Feb 3 | 7:30 PM The killing of George Floyd, an African American, during an arrest in Minneapolis in May 2020 shocked the world and put renewed focus on racism. It sparked international protests under the banner Black Lives Matter, including here in Belfast. Dr Michael Wardlow, former chief commissioner of the Equality Commission will chair split panel discussions with Adriana Morvaiová, chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Council and founder of Appreciating Cultural Exchange (ACE); Lori GatsiBarnett, chair of Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland (HAPANI); Eileen Chan-Hu, executive director/co-founder of Cultivate Respect, Appreciate Inclusion in Communities in Northern Ireland (CRAICNI); Dr Livingstone Thompson, Minister in Charge, the Moravian Church, Belfast and Sheikh Anwar Mady of the Belfast Islamic Centre. They will address questions such as how the churches here have contributed to the conversation around race and racism; whether race-informed power structures are at play in the churches and what ecclesial inclusion look like. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Exploring new possibilities Thursday, Feb 4 | 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM Young people aged 11-14 years are invited to connect with others across Belfast for games, sports and activities, all in the comfort of their own home. We are delighted to partner with PeacePlayers - NI for a third year to deliver an exciting evening of activities that will allow young people to take a breath from their daily routine and become part of a community of sports enthusiasts for the night. Expect friendly competition, fun and an opportunity to exchange ideas on wellbeing, resilience and community. The event will enable those who have previously been involved in PeacePlayers' programmes to resume friendships. It is also open to young people across the city who have not attended these programmes before. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Fighting domestic abuse Thursday, Feb 4 | 7:30 PM Domestic abuse—so often a hidden evil—soared during the lockdown against the background of the PSNI reporting 32,000 incidents in the year ended last June, the highest figures in fifteen years. An untold number of women, men and children across the country are petrified, holding their breaths because of the impact of domestic violence and abuse. This event emphasises the importance of addressing the needs of victims/survivors and facilitates conversation about what faith communities and others can do to fight domestic violence and bring healing to those affected. Writer and journalist Nicky Cahill chairs a panel discussion comprising Dr Olive Buckley, OBE, a family GP and forensic medical doctor; Detective Superintendent Lindsay Fisher from Public Protection Branch, PSNI, and Rev Alan Lorimer, a chartered psychologist and Methodist minister. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Breathing Inspiration Friday, Feb 5 | 7:30 PM A highlight of recent 4 Corners festivals has been the In-Conversation events with musicians such as Gary Lightbody from Snow Patrol, Ricky Ross from Deacon Blue, Brian Houston and Iain Archer. This year we are thrilled to have Duke Special [aka Peter Wilson.] This Belfast based artist has used his music in rock records and in theatre. He has collaborated with Irish trad band Ulaid and made an album based on Michael Longley poems. Join Steve Stockman in Fitzroy Presbyterian Church as he talks to Duke about what in Belfast breathes inspiration into his muse… and no doubt much more. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Breathing in fresh air Saturday, Feb 6 | 1:00 PM We have had to make some changes for this year’s Wonderful Wander, an event that has come into its own as one of the festival’s big draws in recent years. Our walk celebrates our Belfast City Council parks as the lungs of our city, as shared-spaces to be enjoyed in a healthy way rather than as magnets for anti-social behaviour. Festival committee members Rev David Campton and Jim Deeds will “walk the walk” along an interesting, circuitous route from Ormeau and Botanic parks to City Hall, recording their thoughts and the sounds for a podcast that will be available online. They converse about ideas around ecology and the environment raised by the likes of David Dark, Mary Power, Wendell Berry and Pope Francis. People are invited, when they feel free to do so, to don their headphones or earbuds and walking boots and follow in David’s and Jim’s footsteps, listening to the podcast. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Sharing common experiences Saturday, Feb 6 | 2:00 PM Calling knitters and craft lovers to join us via Zoom to knit and natter and exchange our experiences since that memorable knitting event in Fitzroy Presbyterian Church during last year’s festival. Looking forward to sharing our inspirations from different corners of Belfast. For more information e-mail Irene Jovaras at irenejovaras@gmail.com or Janice Stockman at janicestockman@hotmail.co.uk. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.


Breathing creativity into the city of Belfast Saturday, Feb 6 | 7:30 PM Join us for a celebration of artistic inspiration as embodied in drama, music, poetry, comedy and song. The evening will see a series of short performances curated by The Bright Umbrella Drama Co. which will have been filmed at The Little Theatre, Mountpottinger, East Belfast. Afterwards there will be a live discussion focusing on Breathe, the theme of our festival, and the issues raised in the various events this week and in the earlier performances, including creation, creativity, peace, reconciliation, resilience, racism and domestic abuse. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com. This event is organised in partnership with Bright Umbrella Drama Co. (Artistic Director: Trevor Gill)


The Breath of Belfast Sunday, Feb 7 | 7:30 AM An ecumenical celebration of our city through music, words and contemplation drawing on the gifts and experiences of faiths across the community from all “4 corners” of Belfast. The service will be recorded in the Titanic Dock Café in East Belfast and broadcast on BBC Radio Ulster. All are welcome to join us on a variety of platforms including FM, AM, Digital Radio, BBC Sounds, Freesat and Virgin Media.


Breathing out the breath of God Sunday, Feb 7 | 7:00 PM Our closing event reflects on this—our ninth festival—and gives thanks for it and imagines how we can breathe out the breath of God across our city. Poet Damian Gorman and singer Beki Hemingway will be among the performers. Expect a multimedia event with music, poetry, drama, art, creative worship, and imagination. Further details to follow. To join us, go to our website 4cornersfestival.com.

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON FESTIVAL CONTRIBUTERS Olive Buckley is a forensic medical doctor who was instrumental in the establishment of the Rowan Regional Sexual Assault Referral Centre at Antrim Area Hospital. Nicky Cahill is a writer, broadcaster and journalist based in Belfast. David Campton is a Methodist minister, Superintendent of Belfast Central Mission and a member of the 4 Corners Festival organising committee. Lesley Carroll is a Presbyterian minister and Prison Ombudsman for Northern Ireland. Richard Carter is a priest at St Martin-in-the-Fields in London’s Trafalgar Square and author of The City is my Monastery: A Contemporary Rule of Life. Eileen Chan-Hu is Executive Director/co-founder of Cultivate Respect, Appreciate Inclusion in Communities in Northern Ireland (CRAICNI) and is of Chinese origin and a Belfast native. Jim Deeds is a pastoral worker in Down and Connor, an author and a member of the 4 Corners Festival organising committee. Lindsay Fisher is a senior officer in the public protection branch of the PSNI working with the DOJ in preparing for the implementation of the forthcoming Domestic Abuse Act. Jonny Fitch is a music producer, mixing and mastering engineer, singer and songwriter from Belfast. Louise Gallagher is founder of Gallagher Films, an independent film and television production company in Belfast. Gladys Ganiel is a sociologist of religion at Queen’s University, Belfast, author and member of the 4 Corners Festival organising committee. Lori Gatsi-Barnett is Chair of Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland, a busines owner and social entrepreneur and a native of Harare, Zimbabwe. Damian Gorman is a poet, BAFTA-winning filmmaker, playwright and founder of An Crann/The Tree, a project that enabled people to tell and hear stories of The Troubles. Beki Hemingway is a singer-songwriter now based in Co. Louth, part of an inimitable duet with her husband, guitarist and co-writer Randy Kerkman. Declan Lawn is a screenwriter and director and former Panorama investigative reporter who co-wrote (with Adam Patterson) the BBC TV drama The Salisbury Poisonings.

John Paul Lederach is Professor of International Peacebuilding at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA and has written widely on conflict resolution and mediation. Naomi Long is Minister of Justice in the Northern Ireland Executive, an MLA for East Belfast and leader of the Alliance Party. Alan Lorimer is a Methodist minister and a Counselling Psychologist on the Register of Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) and a registered psychologist with the Psychological Society of Ireland. Anwar Mady is Project Coordinator of Belfast Islamic Centre and a winner of the Northern Ireland Inter-Faith Forum inter-faith award. Thierry Marteaux is a Benedictine monk at Holy Cross Abbey, Rostrevor, Co. Down and one of the foundation community who arrived there from Bec in northern France, in 1998. Adriana Morvaiová is originally from Slovakia, Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Council and a former member of the Equality Commission. Raquel McKee is a teacher, poet, singer-songwriter, dramatist, novelist and storyteller who was born in Jamaica and lives in Belfast. Seamus McKee is one of Northern Ireland’s best-known radio and TV current affairs broadcasters, twice winner of the PPI Broadcaster of the Year ward with the BBC. Paula McKeown is director of the Living Church Office in the diocese of Down and Connor. Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet and theologian who brings interests in language, violence and religion to his work. He is a former Leader of the Corrymeela Community. Adam Patterson is a photojournalist, filmmaker and TV producer of programmes such as BBC’s Panorama and Channel 4’s Unreported World. Duke Special (born Peter Wilson) is a songwriter and performer based in Belfast whose latest studio album, ‘Hallow’, is entirely based on poems by Michael Longley. Steve Stockman is a Presbyterian minister and co-founder/Co-Chair of the 4 Corners Festival. Livingstone Thompson is Minister in Charge, the Moravian Church, Belfast. A native of Jamaica he is diversity and inclusive training specialist at Living Cultural Solutions. Michael Wardlow is Chair of the Northern Ireland Public Sector Chairs’ Forum, Chair of the NI Police Fund and a former Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission. David Westerlund is a consultant, facilitator and coach based in Bellingham, Washington State, United States. Kiran Young Wimberley is an American-born Presbyterian minister, spiritual director and folk singer based in the Corrymeela Community, Co. Antrim.

The 4 Corners Festival seeks to inspire people from across the city to transform it for the peace and prosperity of all. It consists of innovative events designed to entice people out of their own ‘corners’ of the city and into new places where they will encounter new perspectives, new ideas, and new friends. We celebrate our city through music, prayer, storytelling, discussion, and more.

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4cornersfestival.com @4cornersbelfast




We are Grateful to our Funders:

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