Reality Magazine January/February 2022

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s liturgy important? Oh my goodness, yes! But you would expect a liturgist to say that. It wasn't until I studied at the National Liturgy Centre in Maynooth that I realised how much there is to know and how much most of us don't know about the liturgy of the church. The biggest revelation for me was learning about the evolution of the Mass through a journey of 2,000 years to the major reforms of the 20th century. The story fascinated me. After all, we need to know our history, for it gives us our identity. Seeing how the liturgy had been dominated by the clergy for so many centuries made me realise how tremendously privileged we are to live in the post-Vatican II church. We have the opportunity that our forebears never had to immerse ourselves into the full mystery of the Eucharist. Their worship depended on blind faith and a certain amount of fear, but we can enter into the liturgy in a way that, for 1,500 years, Christians could not even have imagined. Someone said that it takes at least 100 years for church reforms to take effect, so we have a way to go. It's a pity that so much effort and foresight went into Sacrosanctum Concillium (Vatican II's document on the liturgy), yet its implementation has been lacklustre. There is work to do.


SOURCE AND SUMMIT: GOOD LITURGY BRINGS US CLOSER TO GOD. "In the earthly liturgy, we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims… Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; at the same time, it is the font from which all her power flows." (SC 10) Taking part in the Eucharist is the most important thing we can do as baptised Christians. It is the greatest source of our sanctification and is the pinnacle of our Christian lives. It has the power to sanctify, transform and change. That's all we really need to know. God does not expect us all to be theologians, but the more we immerse ourselves in the liturgy by understanding it, listening, singing, praying and offering ourselves, the more graces we will receive, and the more we will become like Christ. MYSTAGOGICAL CATECHESIS: GOOD LITURGY IS A FORETASTE OF HEAVEN "Faith grows when it is well expressed in celebration. Good celebrations foster and nourish faith. Poor celebrations may weaken and destroy it." (Music in Catholic Worship 6) When we gather, we are the mystical Body of Christ, and we become one with him through signs and symbols perceptible to the senses. In the liturgy, Christ is present, doing

his saving work for us. Good liturgy teaches us in mystagogical ways, so it absolutely matters that we pay attention to every aspect of the liturgical action and the environment. If we hide or clutter signs and symbols, their meaning may be weakened, lost, or even changed. The altar is the most essential and significant symbol because it signifies Christ. Therefore, it must be made of worthy material, be permanent and not cluttered or concealed by any other objects. Flowers (real, not artificial) should add beauty but not dominate. Vessels, vestments and artwork should add beauty. Incense and candles speak of prayer, holiness and help create a sacred space. Music is essential and 'greater than any other art.' The ambo should be suitably dignified, reflecting its importance as the place of proclamation. The Book of the Gospels should be carried high in procession, reminding us of the importance of what we are about to hear. The choreography of the liturgy also matters. During Mass, the processions, the incensations and general movement all need practising because they create a dignity, drama, and sense of the sacred to the ritual action. It isn't everyday action; it is unique and should reflect the glories of the heavenly liturgy. These signs and symbols in our buildings and our liturgies are a foretaste of heaven.

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