Monday 27th January:
Tuesday 28th January:
Wednesday 29th January:
Friday 4th April:
Monday 28th April:
Tuesday 29th April:
Monday 9th June:
Friday 27th June:
Friday 18th July:
Monday 21st July:
Tuesday 22nd July:
Friday 19th September:
Tuesday 7th October:
Wednesday 8th October:
Wednesday 3rd December:
Monday 8th December:
Australia Day Holiday
Staff Development Day
Term 1 Student K - 12
Term 1 Ends
Staff Development Day
Term 2 Students K - 12
King's Birthday - School Closed
Term 2 Ends
Staff Development Day
Staff Development Day
Term 3 Students K - 12
Term 3 Ends
Staff Development Day
Term 4 Students K - 12
Term 4 Ends
Teachers' Last Day
Easter Long Weekend Monday: 18th April & 21st April
Anzac Day: 25th April (Term 1 School Holidays)
King’s Birthday Long Weekend: (Monday 9th June)
October Long Weekend: 6th October (Term 3 School Holidays)
Annual Administration Review takes place at the commencement of Term 4 each year and provides an opportunity for parents of current and new students to finalise matters pertaining to the new school year
The School will work on the assumption that all enrolled students will stay at Reddam House until they complete their remaining schooling. In other words, their enrolment is automatically continued, and there will be no need to follow any re-enrolment process each year. Should you wish to withdraw your child from the School (that is terminate the enrolment), you must provide at least one term’s written notice to the Principal Full details of the Notice Period policy can be found in item 35 of this booklet
During this period, our Admissions department prepares and emails an enrolment pack to the parents of all students. Included in the pack will be information regarding everything you need for the start of the year, such as stationary and book lists, uniform information, IT and parent portal information, contact directory, and our policies and codes of conduct.
Parents of students will need to confirm that the medical, personal, and contact information previously provided is correct, and if so no further action will be required. If any changes need to be made, notice must be given by emailing our Admissions Team enrolment@reddamhouse.com.au.
Our Finance Department also prepares and emails a payment arrangement form for each family detailing the tuition fees and the school fee payment options for the new year.
Email is utilised to communicate with parents wherever possible. Please ensure that we are in possession of your current email address. Parents and Caregivers can make changes to their address (residential, postal and business), telephone (business, home and mobile) and email via Parent Portal or by contacting reception.
The newsletter is an important tool between the school and the home. It is used to communicate important and relevant information for your child. Newsletters are distributed via email every Friday.
Please follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and regular posts - @ReddamHouseSydney.
At the commencement of each term, parents are issued with a term calendar Incursions, excursions, assembly, class performances, cycle tests, carnivals, music evenings and other events will be indicated in this document. There are, however, occasions when information changes. Any alterations will be communicated to parents via an email at the earliest possible opportunity. We thank you for your understanding that changes do have to be made at times.
The school administration system is called iSAMS. Parents can access information via the ‘Parent Portal’ through the School Life tab on the menu bar on www sydney reddamhouse com au by using your personal login Official academic reports are issued through iSAMS
Formal academic reports are issued four times a year in the High School and are accessible online through the iSAMS parent portal.
During school terms, reception is open from 07:30 to 16:30 Monday to Friday and the administration staff will be available to assist with any queries. Woollahra reception is also open in the school holidays from 09:00 to 15:00, except during the end of year summer break. 7. TERM CALENDAR 9 FORMAL REPORTS 10. HOMEWORK POLICY 6
Homework is seen by Reddam House as an opportunity
To consolidate or extend learning undertaken during class time. To research long term assignments. To prepare for examinations and tests.
A regular homework regime is seen as beneficial to learning in much the same way as regular exercise is seen to be beneficial to the maintenance of good health. For homework to be beneficial, tasks need to be worthwhile and achievable.
Year 7 and 8 are expected to do approximately 6 hours of homework per week. Year 9 is expected to do 9 hours of homework per week.
No one subject should give more than 20 minutes of homework on any given day for the following day.
Weekly homework is given in Mathematics, Science and English only for year 7 and 8 Year 9 have a reduced number of subjects which does allow for homework to be allocated across all subjects
Where possible homework should be set for the week to allow students to plan their time accordingly. Students must record the homework set by individual teachers in their School Diary.
When homework is not completed, students will be warned and given an opportunity to correct this before an academic demerit is issued. Parents will be notified by the classroom teacher where there are concerns regarding a student’s academic performance. Students are also advised to seek clarification on subject content by meeting with their teacher and attending tutorials regularly.
All assignments need to be booked by the Teacher/Head of Department a year in advance as per the scope and sequence of each subject and stage. This information will be published in a handbook and distributed to students and parents at the beginning of each term. Notifications for these tasks will be distributed to students at least two weeks before the due date or at the beginning of each term.
All research tasks and assignments must be accompanied with information/handout
Briefing students on the outcomes being tested.
Outlining how marks will be awarded.
Outlining expectations of the time the students should set aside for each part of the task.
Outlining the weighting of the task
Detailing whether the assigned task is to be completed individually, in pairs or in groups. At the start of each term students will be informed of the components of their term mark and relative weightings.
Work submitted late will incur the following penalties:
Late assignments lose 10% of the total mark for each day late for a total number of 3 days
A maximum of 40% can be deducted.
Students who fails to submit an assignment will incur a penalty of up to 3 academic demerits The task must be completed to meet Course requirements.
Students must complete and submit their own work. Plagiarism will be explained to students. Students must acknowledge the use of other people’s work (this includes proposed ideas /ideas articulated by experts, academics and/or critics. Plagiarism will result in a zero mark and parents contacted. Work composed at home should be word processed, where possible.
A regular homework regime develops appropriate study skills and is beneficial to learning in the same way as regular exercise is beneficial to the maintenance of good health. For homework to be beneficial, tasks need to be worthwhile and achievable.
Year 10 is expected to:
Complete approximately 15-20 hours of homework per seven day week. No one subject should give more than 40 minutes of homework on any given day for the following day. Homework is set with consideration for other subjects to allow students to plan their time accordingly. Students must record the homework set by individual teachers in their diary. All major assignments need to be booked by the Subject Coordinator with the Head of Curriculum a term in advance (i e ) any task requiring more than 8 hours work
All research tasks and assignments are accompanied with a sheet briefing students on the outcomes being assessed an evaluation sheet showing how marks are awarded an expectation of the time the student should set aside the weighting of the task whether the assigned task is to be completed by the individual, in pairs or in groups At the start of each term, students are informed of the components of their term mark and the relative weightings.
A student who does not have a valid reason for submitting a late hand-in assignment will be penalised at the rate of 20% of the available marks per day. The weekend is counted as one day. An assessment task more than 2 days late will not be accepted unless an extension has been granted or a supplementary task has been approved
Students must complete and submit their own work
Plagiarism will be explained to students. Students must acknowledge when using the work of other people, including an idea proposed/articulated by experts/academics and/or critics.
Plagiarism will result in a zero mark being awarded and parents contacted.
Work composed at home should be word processed, where possible.
11 and 12 students
– Refer to Senior Assessment Booklets
Parent Teacher interviews occur throughout the year and provide an opportunity for you to meet online with your child’s teachers, discuss any concerns that you might have, and receive some first-hand feedback on how your child has performed in the term. The invaluable opportunity aims to provide a picture of your child’s academic and social performance. Meetings are pre-booked online Parents can book interviews for the times that suit them directly through the interface online. To ensure you secure a convenient booking, parents are urged to book early. Log onto www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the school code, which is emailed to parents when bookings open , and then follow these 3 simple steps:
When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically, please remember to check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. You can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au at any time and change your interviews until bookings close. You will enter this virtual meeting via Google Meet through your child's school email account.
At the start of the year, students in years 7 - 9 are taken on orientation camps with friendship, team building and leadership focuses. These provide an excellent environment for students to engage with peers, make new friends and learn valuable skills for their age and the demands of the year ahead.
During the year, students in Year 10 attend a Ski Camp in Term 3 to Thredbo and Year 11 students attend a leadership camp in Term 1 in preparation for the leadership roles in Terms 2 & 3 in Year 11 and Terms 1 & 2 in Year 12.
From time to time, our students are taken on excursions in and around Sydney. Incursions are also provided for students in various subjects with guest speakers or performers. Incursions and excursions are used to enhance the students’ learning experiences. Some of these are at an additional cost which is debited from your school account.
Monday – Thursday Timetable
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
08:00 – 08:54 (Bondi only)
08:50 – 09:59
10:00 – 10:53
10:54 – 11:13
11:14 – 12:05
12:06 – 12:55
12:56 – 13:41 13:42 – 14:35 14:36 – 15:30
Friday Timetable
Period 1
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
08:00 – 08:54 (Bondi only)
08:45 – 09:59 10:00 – 10:53 10:54 – 11:13 11:14 – 12:05 12:06 – 12:55 12:56 – 13:41 13:42 – 14:35
The academic timetable follows a 10 day cycle, made up of two school weeks Week 1 does not necessarily mirror week 2 Week 1 of any term uses the Week 1 timetable regardless of what day it begins on Before school and after school activities remain the same each week
As late arrivals cause disruption and compromise both teaching and learning, we encourage students to arrive ten to fifteen minutes before the start of the school day. In the event of late arrival, please report to Reception for a late slip This is an important step in the procedure to ensure that your child is recorded as present on the official roll, which is crucial for record keeping, duty of care and safety
In the event of your child requiring extended leave from school for a period of time, all extended leave requests need to be addressed to Simon Lees. Please address to Mr. Lees’ Executive Assistant sara.forster@reddamhouse.com.au
If your child is required to leave school early or will be absent for the day you must inform Reception via middleschool attendance@reddamhouse com au (Middle School Year 7-9) or highschool.attendance@reddamhouse.com.au (High School Year 10-12)
Students must sign out from the office on the day of early departure.
Reddam House runs a private shuttle service to assist our students and staff between campuses for lessons. The buses run on the hour. There is also a private morning bus that leaves at 7:50am to take any students from the Woollahra campus to the Bondi campus
Reddam House also provides a morning pick-up service for Senior School students that runs along the eastern beaches from Chifley down south to North Bondi. The bus service has a small weekly fee. Any enquiries for this service please contact Bondi Reception at: reception.bondi@reddamhouse.com.au
If your child is unwell , please notify by email, who will mark your child absent and inform the appropriate parties.
Bondi Reception (Years 10-12)
Woollahra Reception (Years 7-9)
highschool.attendance@reddamhouse.com.au middleschool.attendance@reddamhouse.com.au
After an infectious illness or when absent for a cycle test or examination, your child must provide a medical certificate on returning to school.
Please note that our schools are no longer allowed to dispense medication to students without permission
If your child suffers from anaphylaxis, an ASCIA Anaphylaxis Action Plan , issued by a medical professional, along with an in-date epipen or equivalent adrenaline autoinjector must be submitted to the school nurse. This should be clearly labelled and have a recent photograph of the student. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the epipen is replaced before expiry.
If your child has asthma, please submit an asthma management plan, issued by a medical professional, along with an in-date asthma reliever medication to the school nurse along with a new spacer. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the reliever medication is replaced before expiry.
If your child has any other medical condition which requires management or treatment during school time, please submit a medical management plan to the school nurse. This should be completed by a doctor, and all relevant medications must be clearly labelled and handed to the school nurse
Our school nurse contact details are: reddam.nursing@reddamhouse.com.au
Head lice are easily transmitted from person to person. If your child is found to have a case of headlice, please keep them at home and treat them accordingly. Your child will be allowed to return to school once treatment has commenced.
Parent Information Evening and Cocktail Party are arranged at the beginning of each year to allow parents the opportunity to gain insight into the educational world of their child. This valuable insight into your child’s schooling will provide you with the organisational background to support your child positively. Various other opportunities will be made available for parents to make contact with staff during the course of the year.
At Reddam House, we aim to build the leadership skills and experiences of our Year 7 – 11 students in a number of ways. All the Year 9s are included in a portfolio choice and a leader for each portfolio is elected by their peers. The students also elect their House Captains who will lead them in the various inter-house events. In addition, students elect the chair of each portfolio, both Junior (Year 9) and Senior (Year 11/12) for the Executive, who further elect 3 students to the Junior / Senior judiciary.
We believe in an open-door policy whereby parents are welcome to make an appointment via Reception to discuss any issues of concern. If you would like to make an appointment to see Mr Simon Lees, please do so by contacting the PA to the Principal – Ms Jude Mei-Edwards (Bondi Campus) jude.meiedwards@reddamhouse.com.au or Ms Sara Forster (Woollahra Campus). sara.forster@reddamhouse.com.au
To contact Mr Colin Cawse, Deputy Principal of the High School (Bondi Campus), please use colin cawse@reddamhouse com au
Ms Courtaney Wood, Deputy Principal, (Woollahra Campus) can be contacted at courtaney.wood@reddamhouse.com.au
If you would like to meet with a member of staff, please do so by emailing the teacher concerned directly Please do not engage teachers in quick chats in the corridor or classrooms before school as this may compromise valuable teaching time
School counsellors are available on both campuses for student support
Glynda Blomson glynda.blomson@reddamhousecom.au (Bondi) Susanna Green susanna.green@reddamhouse.com.au (Woollahra)
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10
Year 9
Year 8
Julie Vince
Stewart Dalglish
Laurellen Symonds
Rebecca Morgan
Melanie Pelosi
Ryan Vose
Esti Guinea
Mia Wolfson
Year 7
Jo Karney
Justin Compton
laurellen symonds@reddamhouse com au rebecca.morgan@reddamhouse.com.au
melanie.pelosi@reddamhouse.com.au ryan.vose@reddamhouse.com.au
esti.guinea@reddamhouse.com.au mia.wolfson@reddamhouse.com.au
jo karney@reddamhouse com au justin.compton@reddamhouse.com.au
Simon Lees Principal
Colin Cawse Deputy Principal & Science colin cawse@reddamhouse com au
Stacey Muscat Head of HSIE: Business Studies & Economics stacey muscat@reddamhouse com au Allison Pascoe Business Studies & Economics alison.pascoe@reddamhouse.com.au
Claudia Jones Legal Studies & Career Advisor Year 12 claudia.jones@reddamhouse.com.au
Margarita Kolesnik Commerce Business Studies margarita kolesnik@reddamhouse com au
Liz Collier-Walsh Head of Dance liz collier@reddamhouse com au Emily Knight Dance emily knight@reddamhouse com au Will Hodgson Head of Drama william hodgson@reddamhouse com au
Megan Gilsenan Drama megan.gilsenan@reddamhouse.com.au
Angela di Stefano Head of English angela.distefano@reddamhouse.com.au
Michelle Levitt English michelle levitt@reddamhouse com au
Alicia Mather English alicia mather@reddamhouse com au
Lorne Johnson English lorne johnson@reddamhouse com au Lucy Burke English lucy burke@reddamhouse com au
Phil Francis English & EAL/D phil.francis@reddamhouse.com.au
Audrey Roby Head of French audrey.roby@reddamhouse.com.au
Laura Dignan Head of Geography laura dignan@reddamhouse com au Leah Kronental Hebrew leah kronental@reddamhouse com au
Julie Vince History julie vince@reddamhouse com au Stewart Dalglish History stewart dalglish@reddamhouse com au Ryan Bownds Commerce, Geography, History ryan.bownds@reddamhouse.com.au
Chris D’Souza Computing Technology Software Engineering chris.dsouza@reddamhouse.com.au
Melody Wu Chinese & Literature melody wu@reddamhouse com au Antony Charles Head of Mathematics antony charles@reddamhouse com au Leonard Dawson Mathematics leonard dawson@reddamhouse com au Ori Golan Mathematics ori golan@reddamhouse com au Rebecca Morgan Mathematics rebecca.morgan@reddamhouse.com.au
Tony Simic Mathematics Standard tony.simic@reddamhouse.com.au
Alison Housley Head of Music (Academic) alison housley@reddamhouse com au
Cassandra Ly Music cassandra ly@reddamhouse com au Brendan O’Mahony Music brendan o’mahony@reddamhouse com au Marcus Bortolotti Head of Music (Performance) marcus bortolotti@reddamhouse com au
Elli Bortolotti Curator of Music, Performance & Events elli.bortolotti@reddamhouse.com.au
Benjamin Burton Collaborative Pianist benjamin.burton@reddamhouse.com.au
Cedric Lebescont Head of Physics
Aan Tham Head of Chemistry
Catherine Lowery Head of Biology
Rob Stephenson Science
Claire Cullen Science
Reanna Farley Science reanna farley@reddamhouse com au Tegan Barnett Head of PDHPE tegan barnett@reddamhouse com au Bradley Radcliffe PDHPE bradley radcliffe@reddamhouse com au Laurellen Symonds Head of Visual Arts laurellen symonds@reddamhouse com au Bonita Bub Visual Arts bonita.bub@reddamhouse.com.au
Simon Lees Principal sara forster@reddamhouse com au Courtaney Wood Deputy Principal & Music courtaney wood@reddamhouse com au Margarita Kolesnik Commerce margarita kolesnik@reddamhouse com au Ryan Bownds Commerce ryan bownds@reddamhouse com au Melody Wu Chinese melody.wu@reddamhouse.com.au
Sunny Rong Chinese sunny.rong@reddamhouse.com.au
Angela Chen Chinese angela chen@reddamhouse com au Chris D’Souza Computing Technology chris dsouza@reddamhouse com au Emily Knight Dance / Geography emily knight@reddamhouse com au Will Hodgson Head of Drama william hodgson@reddamhouse com au
Megan Gilsenan Drama megan.gilsenan@reddamhouse.com.au
Gilbert Halcrow Drama / Entrepreneurship gilbert.halcrow@reddamhouse.com.au
Aleshea Houlahan Design & Technology / Digital Media aleshea houlahan@reddamhouse com au
Brittany Staniforth Design & Technology / Entrepreneurship brittany staniforth@reddamhouse com au Anne-Marie Kitching Head of Middle School English anne-marie kitching@reddamhouse com au
Justin Compton English justin compton@reddamhouse com au
Esti Guinea English esti.guinea@reddamhouse.com.au
Kyra Phlilips English kyra-maya.phillips@reddamhouse.com.au
Audrey Roby Head of French audrey roby@reddamhouse com au
Laurence Bachtli French laurence bachtli@reddamhouse com au Louisa Browne French Louisa brown@redddamhouse com au Michael Wakley Geography michael wakley@reddamhouse com au Mia Wolfson History mia.wolfson@reddamhouse.com.au
Leah Kronental Hebrew leah.kronental@reddamhouse.com.au
Rebecca Morgan Head of Middle School Mathematics rebecca morgan@reddamhouse com au Helen Dalakiaris Mathematics helen dalakiaris@reddamhouse com au Noah Armesto Mathematics noah armesto@reddamhouse com au
Marissa Parkes Mathematics marissa parkes@reddamhouse com au Alison Housley Head of Music (Academic) alison.housley@reddamhouse.com.au
Cassandra Ly Music cassandra.ly@reddamhouse.com.au
Brendan O’Mahony Music brendan o’mahony@reddamhouse com au Marcus Bortolotti Head of Music (Performance) marcus bortolotti@reddamhouse com au Elli Bortolotti
Curator of Music, Performance & Events elli bortolotti@reddamhouse com au
Benjamin Burton Collaborative Pianist benjamin burton@reddamhouse com au
Noah Armesto Mathematics noah.armesto@reddamhouse.com.au
Marissa Parkes Mathematics
Alison Housley Head of Music
Cassandra Ly Music
Brendan O’Mahony Music brendan o’mahony@reddamhouse com au Bella Kable PDHPE bella kable@reddamhouse com au Ryan Vose PDHPE ryan.vose@reddamhouse.com.au
Jo Karney Public Speaking jo.karney@reddamhouse.com.au
Reanna Farley Head of Middle School Science reanna farley@reddamhouse com au
Melanie Pelosi Science melanie pelosi@reddamhouse com au
Claire Cullen Science claire cullen@reddamhouse com au Jade Viljoen Science / Mathematics jade viljoen@reddamhouse com au
Laurellen Symonds Head of Visual Arts laurellen.symonds@reddamhouse.com.au
Bonita Bub Visual Arts bonita.bub@reddamhouse.com.au
Adin Milo Visual Arts adin milo@reddamhouse com au
Parents can be present on campus if they have a scheduled meeting with a teacher or school executive member. Upon their arrival, Parents/Carers must sign in at the Main Reception. Parents are requested not to enter classrooms or be present in the corridors during school hours.
If a parent needs to drop off a ‘forgotten’ item, this should be done with Jessica Ceresa at Main Reception.
The school uniform is available from the Reddam House Shop located in Bondi Junction The Shop convener will be available to guide you as to the correct uniform. Parents need to ensure that children always wear the correct uniform and that they are neat and presentable.
Telephone number:
(02) 8376 3508
uniformshop@reddamhouse com au 254 Oxford Street Bondi Junction 2022
Opening hours during school term: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9am to 2pm (closed for Lunch 12:30 – 1pm) Thursday: 11am to 4pm or By Appointment
All information regarding the Uniform Shop can be found on the following link: https://reddam-house.myshopify.com/
We urge parents to label all items of clothing to ensure that lost items can be returned to the rightful owner.
School Uniform
Reddam House long camel pants
Reddam House short camel pants
Reddam House camel skort
Reddam House short sleeve white polo shirt
Reddam House long sleeve white polo shirt
Reddam House navy blue jumper
Reddam House navy blue hoodie
Reddam House white ankle socks
Black leather shoes
Reddam House cap
Reddam House house colour t-shirt
Reddam House sport shorts
Reddam House skort
Reddam House sport tracksuit
Reddam House long camel pants
Reddam House short camel pants
Reddam House camel skort
Reddam House short sleeve white collared(dress)shirt
Reddam House long sleeve white collared (dress)shirt
Reddam House tie
Reddam House blazer
Reddam House white ankle socks
Black leather shoes
Reddam House cap
Every student must wear their full formal uniform to assembly and other formal functions.
House colour t-shirts should only be worn at inter-house events or carnivals and not for sport High School students are to wear their full sport uniform on days that they have sport
Collars on dress shirts must be buttoned with the tie knot positioned at the top of the button.
Boys must be clean shaven.
Skirts must fit correctly and be always buttoned at the waist.
Hair must be neat, tidy, and appropriately styled only using hair bands of the school colours.
One pair of gold/silver earrings may be worn on the lower earlobe of the small sleeper or stud variety. No other jewellery is permitted.
Lost Property can be found:
Bondi Campus -Reception
Woollahra Campus – Level 3 Year Coordinator’s office
Campion Books is our preferred supplier of textbooks. Book lists for each Year group will be included in the annual Parent Handbook (Enrolment Pack). A link to Campion’s website will allow parents to order and pay for their child’s textbooks directly. All book orders must be delivered to the family home address (not the school). The hard copy book automatically comes with a digital version which can be downloaded onto a device Teachers will expect students to have the hard copy textbook for class. The digital version that they download allows them to use that at home and reduce the need to transport heavy books back and forth. Students must have a laptop computer for use in class when needed by the teacher for research. Should you not have a preference, the Reddam IT Department’s suggested device is the Surface Pro. This laptop is to be stored in the student’s locker and not brought into class, unless needed for research by the teacher
Each subject will require a hard copy exercise book (as specified by the teacher) in which to record notes in class and insert handouts etc. We do not want students using their laptops to take notes. Hand writing is a vital and important skill and needs to be practised. Mobile phones are not allowed in the classroom at all. They must be locked in the student’s locker. Should they take them into class, they will be confiscated and returned at the end of that school day and a permanent demerit will be issued. Should this occur three times they will be withheld until the end of the week.
The music department can be contacted on music.secretary@reddamhouse.com.au
Instrumental Programme
Various music ensembles are available for students to participate in before and after school. These include Woollahra Singers, Bondi Singers, String Orchestra, Concert Band, rock bands, jazz bands, and many others. We encourage all students to participate in these groups. Students receive RHAP points in Music for their involvement. Please contact the Music Department for further information.
Instrumental Lessons
Individual tuition is available on a wide range of instruments, including violin, viola, cello, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, tuba, guitar, piano and voice Lessons operate on rotation throughout the school day The weekly music timetable can be found in the Parent Lounge To enrol in individual tuition, please contact the Music Department
Students enjoy many varied performance opportunities throughout the year. These events are advised in the weekly school newsletter.
The canteen has an online ordering system available and must be pre-ordered by 9:00am the morning of through the link below. www.flexischools.com.au
Unfortunately, if an online order has not been submitted by the deadline your child will not have lunch for the day
Collection of their recess or lunch will be from 3 distinct areas per year group
Reddam House is a nut-free school. Students must adhere to this policy strictly for health purposes Students may not bring food from home containing nuts
An extensive co-curricular programme is in place at Reddam House which offers students many opportunities to take part in sports, art, drama, music and dance activities. We encourage students to be active members of the School by participating in a variety of co-curricular activities throughout the year. A full programme of the term's cultural and sporting activities will be issued at the commencement of each term.
Some co-curricular activities are provided by external providers and carry a cost. This will be billed to your school account.
Mr Phil Kable, Head of Sport, can be contacted at phil kable@reddamhouse com au Various sports are offered at Reddam House each term and students are encouraged to take part in sports every term Sport provides invaluable opportunities for children to develop fitness, improve health, build physical skills, learn team work strategies and develop communication skills
Sports practices are indicated in the co-curricular programme and they are scheduled to allow for maximum involvement. Some sports teams participate in competitions in and around Sydney after school, in the evenings and on Saturdays
All students are encouraged to apply sun protection cream each day prior to arriving at school Reddam House caps and hats are available from the Reddam House Uniform Shop
Once students have gained entry to Reddam House, they are expected to complete their schooling with Reddam House, and their enrolment is automatically continued. Should parents wish to withdraw the Student from the School at any time, they shall be obliged to give at least one term’s written notice to the principal to this effect. In such an event, parents shall be obliged to pay a reasonable cancellation penalty, which shall be equal to one term’s fees If the notice is given in the first week of the student's proposed final term or if the notice is given later than the first week as aforesaid, the cancellation penalty shall be equal to the fees which would have been payable for the term in which the notice is given and for the ensuing term Notwithstanding the expiry of the term’s notice period, the student shall be entitled to remain at the school for the period in respect of which the cancellation penalty is calculated, subject to compliance with the remaining terms and conditions.
The Discipline Code, Sports Code, Parent Code of Conduct, Anti-Bullying Policy and Computer and IT Policy are important and fundamental aspects of school life at Reddam House Parents sign their agreement to these at the time of their acceptance of enrolment Links to copies of these policies can be found in item 47 of this booklet. They are also provided in the annual Parent Handbook (Enrolment Pack) and available for viewing at any time on the Parent Portal.
Students can log on to the Student Portal via the Reddam House Gateway (http://www.reddamhouse.com.au/gateway.html) to access their timetable and school calendar, as well as other resources.
The use of lockers for the storing of books and sporting kit is strongly encouraged for all students Every student is issued with a locker at the start of term and a combination lock is provided to them Locks which are lost will be replaced at the current replacement cost which will be billed to your school account
Reddam House encourages and recognises our students’ efforts and achievements in many ways A full break down of our Awards can be found in our Awards booklet.
The High School Houses are:
Bennelong Piper (Yellow) (Blue)
Darling (Red)
Macquarie (Green)
Various Inter-house competitions are held through the year in sport, music, art, dance and drama. A House Shield is awarded at the end of the year to the most successful house through the year.
Two sports carnivals are held every year for students to come together in their houses and compete in various disciplines Swimming in Term 1 and Athletics in Term 3 These carnival days are compulsory, and all students are expected to attend and take part.
The aim of the day is participation, healthy competition and enjoyment and at all times these goals should remain the focus. We encourage all students to support their House by taking part in as many events as possible and wearing their House colours.
National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy takes place in May each year. Students in Year 7 and Year 9 sit these tests over a three-day period. The results are distributed in September / October of that year.
Each week, two assemblies are held. The Year 7 – 9 assembly takes place on Friday from 10am to 11am in Adelaide Hall and the Year 10 – 12 assembly takes place on Friday from 12pm to 1pm on the Bondi Campus. Students wear their formal uniforms for these assemblies.
At Reddam House, charity plays an important role. ‘WE SHALL GIVE BACK’ is our school motto and drives our motivation to support those in need. Throughout the year, the students will take part in several charity events which are led by the Year 9 and 12 Charity Portfolio members. We encourage students who participate in these events to bring their own money to contribute. Those who are not able to provide money on the day will have the charge billed to their school account.
Students in Years 7 - 10 sit weekly standardised cycle tests in all subjects. The aim of these tests is to prepare students for examinations and to provide regular opportunities for students to revise their work. Cycle Tests are written in accordance with a roster provided to the students. Students are expected at school by 8.45am on Fridays.
Catch up cycle test:
A doctor’s note will be required if they miss school the day prior or they can not sit their Cycle Test on Friday. Failure to present a doctor’s certificate or School representation will result in a 10% penalty. Cycle Tests have to be written unless permission from Ms Courtaney Woods (Woollahra Campus) or Mr Colin Cawse (Bondi Campus) is obtained.
Examinations provide opportunity for formal summative assessment of knowledge, skills and application of content taught through the year.
Year 7 -9
Half yearly examinations take place in June and yearly examinations in November.
Year 10-11
Examinations are held in June until the very last day of term and final examinations take place in September for Year 11 and November for Year 10
If a student is away the day before or on the day of an exam, they will require a doctor's certificate so that they can re-sit the exam.
Year 12
Pre trial examinations are in June.
Trial Examinations are in August – September. HSC examinations take place in October.
If a student is away the day before or on the day of an exam, they will require a doctor's certificate so that they can re-sit the exam.
Please see our Student School Diary, Parent Portal and our Website for the below addendums:
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy and Procedures
Child Protection Complaints Management
Child Safe Policy
Enrolment Policies
Student Discipline Policy and Procedures
Link to the Enrolment Pack