Reddam House Sydney Primary Guide

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Reddam House is committed to excellence as we believe that we have a responsibility to develop young people who are proud of their education, their culture and their country

We look upon the ripple of excellence in education as our investment in the future as we believe that education is the catalyst for personal growth, development and achievement


Annual Administration Review takes place at the commencement of Term 4 each year and provides an opportunity for parents of current and new students to finalise matters pertaining to the new school year.

The School will work on the assumption that all enrolled students will stay at Reddam House until they complete their remaining schooling. In other words, their enrolment is automatically continued, and there will be no need to follow any re-enrolment process each year. Should you wish to withdraw your child from the School (that is terminate the enrolment), you must provide at least one term’s written notice to the Principal. Full details of the Notice Period policy can be found in item 34 of this booklet.

During this period, our Admissions department prepares and emails an enrolment pack to the parents of all students. Included in the pack will be information regarding everything you need for the start of the year, such as stationary and book lists, uniform information, IT and parent portal information, contact directory, and our policies and codes of conduct.

Parents of students will need to confirm that the medical, personal, and contact information previously provided is correct, and if so no further action will be required. If any changes need to be made, notice must be given by emailing our Admissions Team

Our Finance Department also prepares and emails a payment arrangement form for each family detailing the tuition fees and the school fee payment options for the new year


During school terms, reception is open from 07:30 to 16:30 Monday to Friday and the administration staff will be available to assist with any queries.

Reception is also open in the school holidays from 9am to 3pm, except over the summer holidays when it is closed.


Please inform the Administrator of any change of address (residential, postal and business), telephone (business, home and mobile) and email at your earliest convenience. Email is utilised to communicate with parents wherever possible. Please ensure that we are in possession of your current email address.


The newsletter is an effective communication tool between the school and the home and is used to communicate important and relevant information for your child. It also provides a picture of the week which has passed through class and subject reports, and photographs. Newsletters are distributed via email every Friday. The newsletter can also be found on the Reddam House website by following the newsletter link on:


At the commencement of each term, parents are issued with a term calendar. Incursions, excursions, assembly class performances, cycle tests, carnivals, music evenings and other events for the term will be indicated in this document. There are, however, occasions when information changes. Any alterations will be communicated to parents via an email at the earliest possible opportunity. We thank you for your understanding that changes do have to be made at times The school calendar can be found on the school website.

6. iSAMS Parent Portal

The Reddam House Parent Portal is a secure place for you to access all information held by the school regarding your child

Through Parent Portal you can:

• View the school calendar and daily bulletins;

• View your child’s academic progress, attendance details and timetable;

• View/Change the school’s records of your contact details;

• View copies of emails sent from the school and,

• Make payments (American Express is now accepted)

We would encourage you to log in to the Parent Portal and check the site on a regular basis to ensure you do not miss any important information.


In order to register for the Parent Portal account, you will be emailed a unique registration code and password. This will happen after your child commences at Reddam House.


Here you will be asked to enter the unique registration code and password. After entering the code and password you will then be asked to create an account, using your personal details.

Once complete, you will be sent an email to confirm your account. As soon as you have registered your account, you can then log in to the Parent Portal using your personal details

You will not need to use the registration code and password again

If you have any difficulties activating your account, please do not hesitate to contact the school office via email at:


Formal academic reports are issued four times a year in the Primary School from Year 1 to Year 6 and three times a year for Kindergarten For Kindergarten, a portfolio-based review of the term’s work replaces the report in Term 3

Each term, K-6 Subject Reports include a course outline for every subject, detailing the content and skills covered during the current term. It provides a broad overview of what has been learned.

Each Subject Report reflects the student’s performance against NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) outcomes. In Kindergarten to Year 2, students are assessed through in-class assessments, with the Common Grade Scale used to

align work samples for formative and summative evaluation In Years 3 to 6, assessments include Cycle Tests in Terms 1 and 3, in-class assessments throughout all terms, and examinations in Terms 2 and 4, all aligned with syllabus outcomes.

Academic Attainment is reflected by the grade awarded through the Common Grade Scale, with descriptors providing specific feedback on the student’s strengths and areas for improvement. In addition to the Common Grade Scale, Academic Progress and Attitudes to Learning are graded using custom descriptors benchmarked against defined expectations and criteria. These custom descriptors highlight the student’s development in subject-specific skills, understanding, effort, focus, participation, study habits, organisation, and behaviour in the classroom.

The teacher writes subject-specific comments in Term 2 and Term 4 to provide detailed feedback on students' progress in each subject. These comments highlight the student’s strengths, areas for improvement, and overall development, offering valuable insight into their learning journey throughout the term

The Attainment Progress Summary on the Year 3-6 report combines all assessment marks from each term, with year group averages displayed alongside Marks are presented as percentages and accompanied by a grade (A-E) based on the student’s achievement relative to syllabus outcomes, as per the A–E Common Grade Scale. The Year Mark, shown in the final column, reflects the overall subject mark for the year, updating each term as new results are added At the bottom of the table, the Student Cumulative Index (SCI) provides a weighted average of all subjects, offering a comprehensive measure of overall performance. In contrast, individual term and examination marks highlight each term's performance. ReddamHouse–PrimarySchoolGuide


All students participate in classes across a diverse range of subjects, including English, Mathematics, Science, HSIE, PDHPE (theory and sport/ballet), Visual Art, Drama, Music, Computers, and Language (French, Mandarin, or Hebrew). Additionally, students attend Values classes, which offer options such as Jewish Studies, Moral Studies, or Bible Studies Students in Years 3–6 also participate in Public Speaking and Media Art In Semester 1, Years 4 and 6 will focus on Digital Technology and Computer Studies, while Years 3 and 5 concentrate on Media Art In Semester 2, the focus shifts, with Years 4 and 6 exploring Media Art and Years 3 and 5 engaging in both Digital Technology and Media Art.


Parent Teacher interviews occur through the year and provide an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teachers, discuss any concerns that you might have, and receive some first-hand feedback on how your child has performed in the term. The invaluable opportunity aims to provide a picture of your child’s academic and social performance.

Meetings are pre-booked online to avoid long queues Parents can book interviews for the times that suit you directly through the interface online To ensure you secure a convenient booking, parents are urged to book early.

Log onto www schoolinterviews com au and enter the school code, which is emailed to parents when bookings open, and then follow these 3 simple steps:

When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically, please remember to check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. You can return to at any time and change your interviews until bookings close. Parents are requested to bring their booking sheet with them on the evening.


From time to time, our students are taken on excursions in and around Sydney. Incursions are also provided for students in various subjects with guest speakers or performers. Incursions and excursions are used to enhance the students’ learning experiences. Some of these are at an additional cost which is debited from your school account


At the start of the year, students in years 4 - 6 are taken on orientation camps with friendship, team building and leadership focus These provide an excellent environment for students to engage with peers, make new friends and learn valuable skills for their age and the demands of the year ahead

During the year, students in Year 5 and 6 attend an educational tour for HSIE to enhance their understanding of the topic being studied in class. These camps bring the content of the curriculum alive. The learning experiences are directly linked to the NESA curriculum outcomes.



08:00 – 08:45

08:45 – 15:00

15:00 – onwards

MONDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

TUESDAY Choir (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

WEDNESDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

THURSDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

FRIDAY Ensemble (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons (ends 2 07 pm)

Co-curricular (Optional) 2 07 pm onwards

Year 1

08:00 – 08:45

08:45 – 15:00

15:00 – onwards

MONDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

TUESDAY Choir (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

WEDNESDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

THURSDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

FRIDAY Ensemble (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons (ends 2 07 pm)

Co-curricular (Optional) 2 07 pm onwards

Year 2

08:00 – 08:45

08:45 – 15:00

15:00 –onwards






Year 3

08:00 – 08:45

08:45 – 15:20

15:20 –onwards

Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons)

Co-curricular (Optional)

Ensemble (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Choir (Compulsory)

Academic school lessons (ends 2 07pm)

Co-curricular (Optional) 2.07pm onwards

Year 4

08:00 – 08:45

08:45 – 15:20

MONDAY Choir (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

TUESDAY Academies (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)


Ensemble (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)


Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

FRIDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons (ends 2 07pm)

Co-curricular (Optional) 2 07pm onwards

15:20 –onwards

MONDAY Choir (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

TUESDAY Academies (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)


Ensemble (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)


Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

FRIDAY Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons (ends 2 07 pm)

Co-curricular (Optional) 2 07 pm onwards

08:00 – 08:45

08:45 – 15:20

15:20 –onwards

Ensemble (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Academies (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

- Sport / Ballet (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

7 45am - 9 50am

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Year 6


08:00 – 08:45

08:45 – 15:20


Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons (ends 2.07 pm)

Co-curricular (Optional) 2.07 pm onwards

15:20 –onwards

Ensemble (Compulsory)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Academies (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Sport / Ballet (Compulsory)

7 45am - 9 50am Compulsory academic lessonsCompulsory academic lessons

Co-curricular (Optional)

Co-curricular (Optional)

Enrichment (Optional)

Compulsory academic lessons (ends 2 07 pm)

Co-curricular (Optional)


The academic timetable follows a 10-day cycle made up of two school weeks Week1 does not necessarily mirror Week 2. Week 1 of any term uses the Week 1 timetable regardless of the day on which it begins. Before school and after school activities remain the same each week.


As late arrivals cause disruption and compromise both teaching and learning, we encourage students to arrive ten to fifteen minutes before the start of the school day In the event of late arrival, please report to the office for a late slip This is an important step in the procedure to ensure that your child is recorded as present on the official roll which is crucial for record keeping, duty of care, health and safety.


A morning holding class is available daily from 7:45 until 08:45 for parents who need to make use of this facility Students should be signed in and out on arrival to and departure from school at all times.


A morning holding class is available for YEARS 1-6 daily from 7:45 for parents who need to make use of this facility. Students will be able to sit and read or play educational games, which are provided by the school, during this time.

Please be advised that no afternoon supervision takes place on the Astroturf. Students who have not been collected by 3:40 will be transferred to the library as a holding space supervised by a sports coach Parents will be charged accordingly


In the event of your child requiring leave from school, please address your request in writing or via email to attendance@reddamhouse com au to obtain permission Students who need to leave school early are required to complete an exit form and must be collected from the EA’s office on the day of early departure


If your child is ill, please notify, preferably by email, our Administration Staff who will mark them absent and inform relevant parties via:

After an infectious illness or when absent for a cycle test or examination, the child must present a medical certificate on returning to school.

Please note that schools are no longer allowed to dispense medication to students without permission.

If your child has nits or head lice please keep him/her at home until the infestation has cleared. As lice are very easily transmitted, it is of paramount importance that children do not return to school until you are sure there are no longer nits or lice present

If your child suffers from anaphylaxis, a detailed medical plan, issued by a medical professional, along with epipen or equivalent must be submitted to the school nurse This should be clearly labelled and have a recent photograph of the student It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the epipen is replaced before expiry Children are also expected to carry their own personal epipen with them in their bag or in their locker.

If your child has asthma, please submit an asthma management plan to the school which clearly specifies the action to be taken by teachers and supervisors should your child need assistance. Please ensure that your child has any puffers required at school with them or handed to the teacher.

If your child has any other medical condition which requires management or treatment, please submit a medical management plan to the school. This should be done by a doctor and all relevant medications / other should be clearly labelled and handed in.


Parent Information Evening meetings are arranged at the beginning of each year to allow parents the opportunity to gain insight into the educational world of their child This valuable insight into your child’s schooling will provide you with the organisational background to support your child positively Various other opportunities will be made available for parents to make contact with staff during the course of the year.


At Reddam House, we aim to build the leadership skills and experiences of our Year 6 students in a number of ways. The Year 6s are all inducted as councilors and form the student leadership group. The students also elect their House Captains who will lead the students in Years K to 6 at the various inter-house events and their Senators who will head up the leadership teams. Further to this, the Year 6s select a leadership portfolio in which they would like to take part at a number of activities and events throughout the year to exercise and build their skills as leaders The portfolios are also overseen by members of staff who are integral to the group as they guide, advise and supervise the students


We believe in an open door policy whereby parents are welcome to make an appointment via Reception to discuss any issues of concern. If you would like to make an appointment to see Mr Warren Garratt, please do so by contacting Mr Jason Corrigan, EA to the Primary Principal. If you would like to meet with a member of staff, please do so by calling Reception or emailing the teacher concerned directly. Please do not engage teachers in quick

chats in the corridor or classrooms before school as this may compromise valuable teaching time


Parents are requested not to enter classrooms or be present on the corridors during school hours. Students who are leaving school early must be collected from Reception Prior to collection, contact must be made with the school detailing the reason for the early departure

If a parent needs to drop off a ‘forgotten’ item, this should be done through reception Parents may not deliver items to their children’s bags, lockers or classrooms.

We request that parents do not accompany their children to classes/lockers from Year 4 onwards to encourage independence.


Reddam prides itself on its uniform which we prefer to refer to as a multiform We have designed the multiform to be practical and eye-catching, whilst at the same time enjoyable to wear. There is no summer or winter uniform. Any items from the multiform can be coordinated with each other throughout the year.

TheUniformShopissituatedat254OxfordStreet,BondiJunction(betweenLeswell Street & Nelson Street). Trading hours will be posted on the website https://reddam-housemyshopifycom/

A link will be provided by the Uniform Shop Manager to make an appointment for a fitting prior to the end of the school year The Uniform Shop is cashless, accepting payment by EFTPOS and credit card (except AMEX).

Payments can also be made over the phone once your order is emailed through; the uniform shop contact number is 8376 3508.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please send an email to:


Long or short sleeved Reddam polo camel shirt

Long or short Reddam navy pants

Reddam navy skort

K-2 Reddam navy pinafore

Reddam navy fleece jacket, v-neck jumper, or cardigan

Reddam camel socks

Black leather school shoes*

Bucket and wide brim hat

Formal (Years 3-6 only)

Reddam tie

Reddam camel socks

Reddam blazer

White collared shirt*

Reddam v-neck jumper (required formal wear for Years K-2)


White and navy polo shirt

Sport shorts or PE skort

House t-shirt (carnivals)

Reddam swimmers

Reddam primary white swim cap

Sport tracksuit

White Reddam socks

White runners*


School bag

Excursion bag

Reddam cap (navy or camel)

Library bag (Years K-2 only)

Chair bag (Years K-4 only)

Pencil case (Years 2-6 only)

Book covers (Years 2-6 only)

Optional Rain jacket


Leotard, tights & ballet shoes*

Ballet kit items are to be purchased from Capezio 90 Bronte Rd, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 (

*These items are not available for purchase at the Reddam House Uniform Shop

Opening hours:

School Term Opening Hours (Weekdays)

Walk-ins 9am - 2pm Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri

Walk-ins 11am-4pm Thursday

(Closed for lunch 12.30pm-1.10pm)

Holiday opening hours are published on the Reddam House website and detailed in the newsletter prior to the last day of school.

Tap Dancing

Tap dancing shoes may be purchased from Bloch Shop 2/25-33 Bronte Rd, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Email:

*These items are not available for purchase at the Reddam House Uniform Shop


Order forms for the Taekwondo uniform can be collected from, and retuned to, the Taekwondo instructor.

*These items are not available for purchase at the Reddam House Uniform Shop


Lost Property will be returned to front reception Parents should visit here should they need to search for a child’s personal item. Jessica will also email families who have labels on their lost property for collection at reception. This process will be supported by the Proudly Reddam Portfolio.

Teachers endeavour to return lost items which have been clearly labelled To this end, please ensure that your child’s personal belongings are all labelled prior to them being used at school. Lunch boxes, drink bottles and other food related items will be discarded after two days for health reasons.


Stationery and Book lists are available in the Enrolment Pack. Orders can be placed online Parents will have the opportunity to select those items they require from the stipulated list Art materials and PDHPE workbooks will be supplied by Reddam House and the cost will be billed to the student’s account

Chair Bags are used by the Year K to 4 students and these will be ordered through the school uniform shop Chair bags, Reddam House pencil cases, and Reddam House A4 book covers are also available from the uniform shop

Mobile phones and smartwatches are not to be used at school at all during school hours. Students in Years 4-6 are permitted to have smartwatches and mobile phones provided they are turned off and stored in their lockers on arrival to school For students who do not have a locker, these must be handed to their class teacher on arrival to school. Any breach of this policy will result in confiscation of the device. The device will be returned at the end of that school day. Should this occur three times, the device will be withheld until the end of the week. All mobile phones must be clearly labelled on the back, and smartwatches should also be easily identifiable if

brought to school. The school takes no responsibility for any loss or damage of any devices confiscated.

Students in Year 4 – 6 must have an iPad or laptop for use in class when needed by the teacher for research. We are moving to a BYOD (bring your own device) culture within the school, which includes IPads at the moment (please replace these with laptops when appropriate) Should you not have a preference, the Reddam IT Department’s suggested device is the Surface Pro. This laptop device is to be stored in the student’s locker and not brought into class, unless needed for research by the teacher This device and any associated cover or keyboard needs to be labelled on the back so that they can be returned even if the device has no charge.

Minimum Requirements for the BYOD Program :

1. While iOS (e.g. Apple iPads) and Android-based devices can be used at school there may be difficulty with connections and a number of applications and tasks may present problems. The use of these devices is discouraged.

2 While all devices meet the minimum system requirements/hardware specifications, the school strongly recommends that students choose a laptop device to ensure that their BYOD maximizes their learning experiences



Keyboard (if not attached)

Keyboard (if not attached) Keyboard

If a student wants to conduct graphic intensive work, The Surface Pro i5 model with 265GB Solid State Drive and 8GB of memory should be purchased instead

The school will provide each student with Office 365 (cloud based Microsoft Office suite), A Google G suite for education account (Cloud based Email and Document creations tools )and mobile device management software All devices prescribed will be configured to connect to our Wi-Fi network and be allowed to access computing resources within school premises whilst having capability to use the Google cloud based storage platform Google Drive

A $150 technology levy will be charged, and will include the costs of all apps, e-books and software tech support


Music at Reddam House plays an integral role in the cultural and academic life of the school. It allows our students to develop intellectual, physical and social strengths and establishes a vital link between individual striving and communal success. Music as a discipline unites academic, artistic and social endeavour as few other subjects are able. It was in this light that our programme was founded and indeed continues to grow.

Reddam House proudly supports dozens of musical ensembles, suited to every level of ability and interest. The programme is compulsory for students from Year 2 until Year 7, and voluntary in other year groups.

All Reddam Primary students attend weekly classroom Music lessons to build and develop their musical fluency, participating in performing, composing and listening activities.


Individual Tuition

Reddam House employs over 35 high calibre instrumental staff to deliver specialised tuition on a number of instruments. Lessons operate on a rotational basis throughout the school day. Fixed lessons are reserved for senior students and those students studying two instruments, where the first rotates. Individual tuition is compulsory for students in Years 2 to 7, and voluntary for other year groups.

Further questions about our individual tuition programme may be directed to the Head of Music (Performance), at

Primary School Curriculum Music

In the classroom, our music students sing, play and move to music, internalising and developing their understanding of pitch, beat and rhythm through a variety of practical and theoretical activities In conjunction with the instrumental and ensemble programme, classroom music offers students experience in a broad range of musical styles and activities, covering everything from popular music and jazz to classical music and sounds from other cultures Although very practical and ‘hands on’, the programme is also designed to ensure that students receive a strong grounding in music theory, notation and musicianship, using Orff and Kodaly methodologies as a foundation for thorough skill development and deeper learning.

Our classroom programme is enhanced further through a range of unique student experiences and workshops provided by organisations such as Musica Viva, Opera Australia, and through our partnership with Inspired by Berklee Through these integrated opportunities, the primary school music programme continues to be one of the most rigorous in the state and moves well beyond levels set by the NSW Education Standards Authority.

Further questions about our academic music programme may be addressed to the Head of Music (Academic), at


Reddam House has a canteen available to students before school, at recess and lunch, and after school until 3:30pm The canteen supplies healthy food daily Recess and lunch orders can be placed online through Flexischools com au and paid for before school, which is especially effective for younger students

Reddam House is a nut-free school. Students must adhere to this policy strictly for health purposes. Students may not bring food from home containing nuts.


An extensive co-curricular programme is in place at Reddam House which offers students many opportunities to take part in sports, art, drama, music and dance activities We encourage students to be active members of the School by participating in a variety of co-curricular activities through the year A full programme of the term's cultural and sporting activities will be issued at the commencement of each term

Some co-curricular activities are provided by external providers and carry a cost. This will be billed to your school account


Various sports are offered at Reddam House each term and students are encouraged to take part in sports every term. Sport provides invaluable opportunities for children to develop fitness, improve health, build physical skills, learn team work strategies and develop communication skills.


Sports practices are indicated in the co-curricular programme and they are scheduled to allow for maximum involvement Some sports teams participate in competitions in and around Sydney after school, in the evenings and on Saturdays.

Reddam House has competitive teams in touch football, soccer, netball, basketball, cricket, tennis and water polo Surfing is offered as part of the academy programme and runs after school on Mondays (Years 3 and 4) and Wednesday (Year 5 and 6)


All students are encouraged to apply a sun protection cream each day prior to arriving at school. Students are required to wear caps/hats whilst engaging in outdoor sporting activities and at breaks each day, particularly during summer. These caps/hats are available from The Reddam House Uniform Shop.


Kool HQ offers this service to parents who require afternoon care for their children. Kool HQ is situated on the school premises and offers structured and fun activities in the afternoon from the close of the school day to 6pm sharp.

Kool HQ can be reached directly via email at and phone on 02 9539 6836.

Afternoon tea is provided and prepared fresh daily on-site All food served is in accordance with the food, nutrition, and dietary requirements of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Special dietary requirements are to be provided by parents and discussed with Kool HQ.

Should you wish for your child to attend Kool HQ, please complete a registration online via will follow up with you with regards to further information required, placement and orientation.

Two weeks’ advanced notice must be given in writing to the Centre Coordinator for any changes or cancellations of permanent bookings

Please inform Kool HQ via email if your child is absent in addition to informing the school

Only authorised persons will be able to collect children from the After School Care Nominations of authorised people may be made on the online enrolment form Changes may be made by contacting the Centre Coordinator via email Should your child be taking part in a Co-Curricular activity, music lesson and/or tutorial before going to After School Care, an Extra-Curricular form must be completed and submitted to the Centre Coordinator. The form details the activity, start and finish time as well as how the child will be arriving and departing the service. These are sent out upon request and available in service. Any changes to activities should be emailed to

Each child who uses the After Care facility is to have the following items packed: spare set of clothes, including underwear; small hand towel if possible; plastic bag for soiled clothes; sun protection cream and a wide brimmed hat. Any toys or games brought to school by your child remain the responsibility of the child. Authorised persons are required to sign children out of After School Care using the iPad available.


Vacation Care is provided by Kool HQ during the school breaks, apart from National Public Holidays. Newsletters are sent out 4-5 weeks before the holiday period with the themed days planned. Vacation Care opening times are 8:30am to 6pm. All children must be enrolled via prior to booking which may be made through the website or through the Kidsoft app. Fees differ from After School Care fees as there is a daily price. Furthermore, excursions and workshops incur an additional cost to the daily fee.

Children are required to bring in a Sunsmart hat, water bottle, morning tea, lunch and enclosed shoes. Morning & Afternoon Tea is provided by Vacation Care and any additional required items will be specified in the Vacation Care newsletters.


Parents of students at Reddam House are required to agree to and sign an agreement with the school Please see addendum B for the terms and conditions of the agreement


Once students have gained entry to Reddam House, they are expected to complete their schooling with Reddam House, and their enrolment is automatically continued. Should parents wish to withdraw the Student from the School at any time, they shall be obliged to give at least one term’s written notice to the principal to this effect In such an event, parents shall be obliged to pay a reasonable cancellation penalty, which shall be equal to one term’s fees If the notice is given in the first week of the student's proposed final term or if the notice is given later than the first week as aforesaid, the cancellation penalty shall be equal to the fees which would have been payable for the term in which the notice is given and for the ensuing term. Notwithstanding the expiry of the term’s notice period, the student shall be entitled to remain at the school for the period in respect of which the cancellation penalty is calculated, subject to compliance with the remaining terms and conditions.


The Discipline Code, Sports Code, Anti-Bullying and Walk-Away Policy are important and fundamental aspects of school life at Reddam House. Parents are required to sign these documents at the time of accepting the enrolment. Copies of the above mentioned documents are included as Addendums at the end of this guide as well as being in the enrolment pack and on the parent portal for easy reference.


The Reddam House diary is a compulsory item for all Year 3 – 6 students The diaries are ordered by the school on your behalf and distributed by the class tutor at the beginning of each year. The cost of the diary will be debited to your school account. Replacement diaries are issued if needed and rebilled.

The diary is a vital communication tool for both parents and teachers. It is required to be brought to school every day and signed by a parent after checking the homework has been completed daily ReddamHouse–PrimarySchoolGuide


The use of lockers for the storing of books and sporting kit is strongly encouraged for students in Years 5 and 6. Every student is issued with a locker at the start of the year and a combination lock is provided to them. Locks that are lost will be replaced at the current replacement cost which will be billed to your school account.



Reddam House encourages and recognises student’s efforts and achievements in a number of ways; formal recognition is the awarding of ‘Colours’. Students in years 3 – 6 are eligible for Colour Awards.


An Honours Award is the highest commendation Reddam offers and is presented to a student who:

● Receives a Cumulative SCI of 93% or above for the academic year

● Represents or is selected to an Australian National Team

● Receives three times the points required for Full Colours in a single year in the Creative Arts disciplines

● Receives three Full Colour Awards for three different disciplines in the academic year

The awards are represented on the school blazer in the below manner:

Team Colours: Bronze scroll

Half Colours: Silver scroll Braiding on the trim of the school blazer (excluding the pockets and cuffs)

Full Colours: Gold scroll Braiding on the trim of the school blazer (including pockets and cuffs)

Honours Award: Honours scroll and an honours blazer (light blue) Awards presented in the Primary School can be worn in the Primary School. Students proceeding to the High School do not carry these awards with them. Their blazer in Year 7 should not include any badges or braiding until they have earned them in the High School.

Academic colours: An Achievement Award is presented to all Kindergarten to Year 2 students reflecting individual achievement, excellent progress, or a positive work attitude.

Academic Effort Certificate: Awarded to students in Year 3 – Year 6 for excellent effort in any given subject.

Academic Progress Certificate: Awarded to students in Year 3 –Year 6 for academic progress in any given subject throughout the year

Academic Excellence Certificates: Awarded to students in Year 3 – Year 6 for academic excellence in any given subject.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals: Awarded to the top three students in any subject in each year group from Year 3 – Year 6.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Dux Awards: Awarded to three students with the highest SCI (Student Cumulative Index) in each year group from Year 3 – Year 6

Bronze Certificate: Awarded to students who achieve an overall SCI (Student Cumulative Index) from 75% to 79 9%

Silver Certificate and Half Colours: Awarded to students who obtain an overall SCI (Student Cumulative Index) from 80% to 84.9%.

Gold Certificate and Full Colours: Awarded to students who obtain an overall SCI (Student Cumulative Index) from 85% to 92.9%.


Team Colours: Awarded to students who have, over a substantial period of time, contributed significantly to Reddam House teams or achieved outstanding results at Reddam carnival events. This award recognises the contribution and commitment of the student to team training and games rather than performances of outstanding merit. Team Colours are only awarded to students in Year 6.

Half Colours: Awarded in recognition of meritorious performances for either Reddam House or a representative team within the community. To be eligible, students must represent: the AICES Sporting Association (or equivalent representative selection from a local area) or ISD in four or more sports during one calendar year.

Full Colours: Awarded to students that have achieved a most outstanding sporting feat representing CIS or equivalent at State or National level.

These accolades are awarded based on information, provided by parents, of a child’s achievements outside of Reddam House Prior to the Sports Awards Evening an online form will be sent out for completion To avoid disappointment, this process must be completed by parents in a detailed and timeously manner

CULTURAL COLOURS The Reddam House Art and Performance Awards were created to reward, acknowledge and encourage Reddam students who have participated and excelled in creative and cultural pursuits. These are prestigious awards that are earned from both individual and group achievement and commitment.

Students accrue points over a number of years based on both effort and achievement, and gain points for achievements inside and outside the parameters of school events

Each discipline has a set of criteria for the awarding of points, which are cumulative over the course of a student’s time in the Primary School and start again in the High School. The benchmarks for colours are outlined below.

Team Colours: 250 points

Half Colours: 500 Points

Full Colours: 1000 Points

Re-Award Full Colours: 1000 Points

Honours: The Honours Award may be awarded in two ways

By receiving three sets of Full Colours across multiple disciplines in one calendar year (for example, Art + Sport + Music, or Academic + Visual Arts + Drama, etc ) or

By receiving 3000 points in a single discipline in a calendar year. This is in line with the Full Academic Honours awarded for an SCI of 93% and above.

Honours may also be re-awarded in subsequent years if the benchmarks outlined above are achieved.

Prior to the awarding RHAP Awards, parents are emailed a form to complete on which they can list their child’s achievements both within and outside of Reddam House School. Please address queries to Mrs Elli Bortolotti on any


The Primary School Houses are: Bondi Bronte Coogee (Red) (Yellow) (Blue)

Various Inter-house competitions are held through the year in sport, music, art, dance and drama. A House Shield is awarded at the end of the year to the most successful house through the year.

As further extension and consolidation of the English and Mathematics academic programme, the students are encouraged to utilise these online digital platforms at home.

Students in Years K - 2 use the Bug Club and Literacy Planet. These online reading platforms utilise traditional and modern fiction and non-fiction texts interactively. They offer easy-to-use levelled print and digital books that engage the children as they learn to read The focus is on promoting comprehension, spelling, critical thinking, discussion and communication skill development

As part of the Mathematics curriculum, all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 participate in the Mathletics program. This web-based learning platform integrates home and school learning via the internet, offering courses and activities aligned with the NSW Mathematics curriculum for all stages. The program incorporates creative activities within the learning strands, providing students with engaging challenges to consolidate and test their mathematical skills and knowledge.


NAPLAN is an annual online, computer-based assessment conducted each March. Students in Years 3 and 5 complete the tests over a three-day period. NAPLAN assesses reading, language conventions, numeracy, and writing.

Computers will be provided to Year 3 students, while Year 5 students will use their own devices Year 5 students must download and install the NAPLAN Locked Down Browser (LDB) prior to the assessment This browser creates a secure testing environment by restricting access to other applications, websites, or functions during the test

The school will provide detailed instructions, including download links and setup guides, to ensure the browser is installed and tested ahead of the test day. Students should also ensure their devices meet the minimum technical requirements and are fully charged before the assessment NAPLAN results are typically distributed to schools and families around August or September each year


Three sports carnivals are held every year for students to come together in their houses and compete in various disciplines.




Term 1

Term 1

Term 3

These carnival days are compulsory and all students are expected to attend and take part

Parents are invited to support their children at these events. Parents are invited to participate in the parents’ races at the various carnivals.

The aim of the day is participation, healthy competition and enjoyment, and at all times these goals should remain the focus. We encourage all students to support their House by taking part in as many events as possible.


Every Tuesday morning before school, students in Year 3 to 6 are encouraged to take part in a sport academy. These include but are not limited to sports such as tennis, basketball, water polo and touch football. The aim of the academy programme is to provide students with another opportunity for sport in the week and to build strength and skills of the competitive school teams.

Students make a selection of enrichments from those on offer which are emailed to parents twice yearly. Once a student commits to an activity, they will remain in that enrichment group for two terms.


Reddam House’s enrichment programme takes place before school on Fridays for Year 3 – 6, and on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for Years K – 2. Students can take part in various enrichment activities such as art, chess, cartooning, hip hop and other creative activities. That aim of the enrichment programme is to enhance the learning experience for students with non-curriculum based activities.

Students make a selection of enrichments from those on offer which are emailed to parents twice yearly. Once a student commits to an activity, they will remain in that enrichment group for two terms 44 FORMAL ASSEMBLIES

Each week, two assemblies are held. The K – 2 assembly takes place on Thursday from 2pm to 3pm and the Year 3 – 6 assembly takes place on Friday from 1pm to 2pm. Every class has an opportunity to perform in a class presentation at assembly at various times in the year These performances are detailed in the term calendar Parents are invited to attend the assembly to watch their child

The Reddam All Stars initiative sees various students invited to play musical instruments and sing at assemblies Parents are notified by email if their child will be performing and are invited to attend.

As assemblies are formal events, we respectfully ask that parents model expected behaviour at a formal event Mobile phones should be put on silent and food/drinks are not permitted.

At times, assemblies may need to be cancelled, rescheduled or altered for some reason. All changes are always made with the best interests of the students. While this may cause some inconvenience to parents and caregivers, we ask that parents and caregivers accept that changes are sometimes made at the last minute and support the decision of the school. Should a change be made, parents and caregivers will be notified by email as timeously as possible.


Years 3 – 6

Every year, the students in Years 3 – 6 are invited to take part in a musical production. This is often the highlight of the year for the students as they have the wonderful opportunity to perform in a professional theatre. The show takes place at NIDA Parade Theatres in Term 3

Any student who would like to take part in the production is given a role in the show. Most often, the shows have large ensemble group scenes to ensure that everyone has a significant part to play. The lead roles are given to students who show superior talent and ability at the auditions and who can make the commitment required for the duration of the rehearsal period.

Auditions for the lead roles are done over a two – three week period in the term prior to the performance. These take place after school and at lunchtimes. Students are given the script and music so that they can prepare an audition piece. Students are all encouraged to take part in the audition process, if not to secure a lead role, then for the experience. The cast is announced at assembly after it has been decided

Rehearsals for the 3 – 6 production take place in the afternoons from 3:30 – 6:00 Monday to Friday from Week 1 of Term 3. However, not every child is required for every rehearsal Specific rehearsal schedules are detailed in the weekly newsletter for your convenience. As the rehearsals depend on the needs of the cast, two weeks’ notice is given for these rehearsals

Weekend rehearsals take place in the month prior to the show. These are also detailed in the newsletter. Weekend rehearsals are compulsory for all cast members.

The cast will also attend a technical and dress rehearsal at NIDA Parade Theatres in the days leading up to the show and/or on show day These are compulsory for all cast members as part of health and safety

Students’ costumes and make-up are arranged by the production team and the cost of these is billed to the school account for convenience

Tickets for the show go on sale approximately two weeks prior to the show through www ticketek com au

Year K - 2

Every year, all students in Years K - 2 take part in a musical production. All students take part in the show, and some are given lead roles. The lead roles are given to students who show superior talent and ability at the auditions and who can make the commitment required for the duration of the rehearsal period.

Auditions for the lead roles are done over a two – three week period in the term prior to the performance These take place during lessons and at lunch and at lunchtimes

The children are called together by the principal and the drama teacher to announce the lead roles. This forms a very important part of the learning process where those children who receive lead roles are taught humility, and those who are unsuccessful are mentored through the process and learn that sometimes, there is someone slightly better suited for that particular role. Parents are urged to share this philosophy and assist their children with dealing with the emotions associated.

Rehearsals for the class scenes take place during school, using the music and drama lessons. Lead characters are expected to take part in afternoon rehearsals from 3:00pm - 5:00pm Monday to Friday from Week 2 of Term 4. However, not every child is required for every rehearsal. Specific rehearsal schedules for the leads are detailed in the weekly newsletter for your convenience As the rehearsals depend on the needs of the cast, a weeks’ notice is given for these rehearsals.

Weekend rehearsals do sometimes take place in the weeks prior to the show These are also detailed in the newsletter

The cast will have a technical and dress rehearsal in the days leading up to the show and/or on show day.

Students’ costumes and make-up are arranged by the production team and the cost of these is billed to the school account for convenience


At Reddam House, charity plays an important role. ‘WE SHALL GIVE BACK’ is our school motto and drives our motivation to support those in need. Throughout the year, the students will take part in a number of charity events which are led by the Year 6 Charity Portfolio members


Students in Years 3–6 complete weekly cycle tests during Terms 1 and 3, while assessments are conducted every term Both cycle tests and assessments are designed to consolidate learning, prepare students for formal exams, and provide regular opportunities to revise and strengthen their understanding An assessment grid will be provided to assist with planning and organisation, ensuring students can manage their workload effectively. The assessment schedule is distributed at the beginning of each term to help students and families stay informed and plan ahead These tools collectively support academic growth by fostering consistent study habits and identifying areas for targeted improvement. If a student misses a cycle test or assessment, there will be no catch-up session. Instead, they will be given the paper to complete at home as a learning exercise, which they can submit to the teacher for marking and feedback However, these will not contribute to the student’s grade, which will be based on their individual average.

48 EXAMINATIONS (Years 3 – 6)

Students in Year 3 through 6 write examinations twice yearly, in June and in November Examinations provide opportunity for formal summative assessment of knowledge, skills and application of content taught through the year. To prepare students for the examinations, revision guides are handed out 4 weeks prior to exams and extensive revision occurs in class. If a student misses an examination there will be no catch-up sessions. Instead, they will be given the paper to complete at home as a learning exercise, which they can submit to the teacher for marking and feedback. However, these will not contribute to the student’s grade, which will be based on their individual average.


Principal Warren Garratt

Deputy Principal Tom Cooper

Deputy Principal Mark Bailey

Head of Curriculum



Jeannine Shainfeld

Karen McManus

Ciara Gavin

Edel Murphy

Jessica Mehta

Sophie Browne

Amy McNally

Ellen O’Boyle

Sandra Graham

Michelle McLauchlin

Kassandra Ellis

warren garratt@reddamhouse com au

jeannine shainfeld@reddamhouse com au

ciara gavin@reddamhouse com au

amy mcnally@reddamhouse com au

sandra graham@reddamhouse com au

kassandra ellis@reddamhouse com au

Gillian Griffiths-Radcliffe

Spencer Clifton

helen chadwick@reddamhouse com au

matthew honeyball@reddamhouse com au

fiona kelly@reddamhouse com au

eliza hansell@reddamhouse com au

sunny rong@reddamhouse com au

6R Toby Key

6R Louisa Brown louisa brown@reddamhouse com au

6E Belinda Lemair belinda.lemair

6E Giselle Denton giselle denton@reddamhouse com au

6D Rob Sheldon

6D Angela Chen angela chen@reddamhouse com au


Irena Shishkova

6M Alicia Nabarro

ART Mark Bailey

Gillian Griffiths-Radcliffe

Linden Coughlin

BALLET Irena Shishkova



Ailish Hannan ailish hannan@reddamhouse com au

Anusha Rajeswaran

Corinne Restuccia

DRAMA Belinda Lemair belinda,

Juliet Mitchell

ENGLISH Giselle Denton

giselle denton@reddamhouse com au

Eliza Hansell

Fiona Kelly fiona kelly@reddamhouse com au

FRENCH Laurence Grenard

Louisa Browne

HEBREW Taryn Zeh

Esther Hirschowitz


Spencer Clifton





Angela Chen

Jeannine Shainfeld

Toby Key

Alicia Nabarro

Gillian Griffiths-Radcliffe

Rebecca Rowden gillian radcliffe@reddamhouse com au

Gary Goldstein

PDHPE Tom Cooper tom cooper@reddamhouse com au

Annabelle Carter

Mark Johnson mark johnson@reddamhouse com au

SCIENCE Rob Sheldon

SUPPORT Rachel Preston

Erin Vink

Sasha Lowenstein

LIBRARY Leah Tansey


Declaration and Acceptance

I/We, the undersigned:

● Agree to abide by the Reddam House Policies and Procedures

● Agree to the Financial Terms and Conditions

● Agree to the Reddam House Privacy Policy

● Consent to our personal information and the personal information of my/our child being disclosed to Inspired Australia Holding Pty Ltd and used by Inspired Australia Holding Pty Ltd to provide the services currently provided by Reddam House in accordance with the Reddam House Privacy Policy.

● Grant permission for this student to participate in educational tours, school excursions, sports and cultural activities and outings as arranged and sanctioned by Reddam House

● Acknowledge that some of the activities will take place away from the school premises including Westfield Shopping Centre and Cooper Park and that Reddam House will take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of this student when engaged in such activities.

● Give permission for this student to travel to and from such venues under the instruction of teachers and staff of Reddam House.

● Consent to Reddam House or its representative authorising any medical treatment

that may be considered necessary for this student

Agree that I/we will be held liable for the payment for all medical treatment authorised by Reddam House or its representative/s arising in the course of sanctioned activities.

In consideration for providing the activities, I/We hereby unconditionally indemnify Reddam House and each of its employees and agents (‘indemnified persons’) against any claim by the student or by myself/ourselves, or by any person on behalf of the student, which may arise against an indemnified person for any loss or injury of any nature whatsoever which may be sustained by the student or by myself/ourselves, whether upon the school premises or otherwise, and whether in the course of the activities or otherwise.

Agree that I/we are responsible for my/our child’s device including laptops, tablets and phones and that Reddam House does not accept any responsibility for damage to those devices. Give permission for our telephone numbers and email addresses to be given to the Class parent list under the provision that this information is not passed on to parties outside my child’s year group


The Reddam House philosophy is structured to create a sense of freedom within which individuality is encouraged, personal growth and self-confidence promoted, and freedom of expression is encouraged. The extent of that freedom is defined by the Discipline Code, and the responsibility is placed on the student to enjoy the freedom within the parameters of this Code Reddam House offers an education without fear The Discipline Code is a partnership between Reddam House, parents and students This code is applicable whilst students and parents/guardians are on the school’s premises, at school functions or on any occasion where they are identifiable as Reddam House students or parents/guardians.


A system of positive discipline is implemented whereby students can earn mini-merits The accumulation of mini-merits leads to recognition and reinforcement of positive behaviour with the awarding thereof. They do not cancel out Demerits.

Contravention of the Discipline Code will result in the awarding demerits.



In recognition of positive effort, attitude and endeavours, as defined by the Heads of School and staff from time to time, mini-merits are earned. They may be accumulated which may lead to further acknowledgements.


Any behaviour which contravenes the discipline code will results in the awarding of demerit points Demerit points are issued according to the Infringement Calculation Notice.

A student who accumulates 10 or 11 points in one year will be suspended

from school for one week. Upon their return, these points remain in force until the end of the calendar year A student can only be suspended once in a calendar year

Any student who accumulates 12 points in one calendar year will be dismissed from the school.

Any offence(s) that results in a student accumulating 12 or more points, without a suspension period taking place, will result in immediate dismissal without one week’s suspension

Continued disruption to learning and failure to complete course requirements a Permanent Academic Demerit (Orange form) will be issued This contributes to the overall demerit system.

Under no circumstances is corporal punishment permitted at the school nor does the school condone corporal punishment carried out beyond the school, including in the home.


We expect students to:

be courteous and well mannered at all times greet teachers and visitors respect teachers, fellow students and the wider community not vandalise or deface or damage school property complete all homework and prepare adequately for tests and exams refrain from the use of foul language pay sufficient attention in class and not disrupt school routine be punctual at all times refrain from unruly behaviour, rough play and/or fighting not bring the school into disrepute behave in an appropriate manner conform to the Computer and Sports Discipline Codes not cheat in tests, examinations or other schoolwork not plagiarise

Contravention of any of the above may lead to four demerits


Personal pride is reflected in the student’s behaviour, attitudes and attire

Every student from Year 3 to Year 12 must wear the official school blazer, as and when required by the School

Students are required to dress in accordance with the uniform stipulated and may not remodel or deface the uniform in any way

Boys must be clean-shaven

Students may not wear make-up

Hair must be clean neat, tidy, appropriately styled and must be the student’s natural hair colour.

Contravention of any of the above may lead to three demerits


A vital aspect of our philosophy is the principle of mutual respect and dignity. Within this framework we will not tolerate any form of discrimination regarding:





Physical appearance

In addition, we will not tolerate any form of:


Fighting, assault or bullying

Sexual harassment

Ethnic or Social origin

Sexual orientation

Verbal abuse


Abuse of staff

Please refer to the Reddam House Anti-Bullying Policy which forms part of this Discipline Code.

Any of the above may lead to eight demerits and/or suspension and/or dismissal and/or counselling intended to increase the student’s awareness of respecting human rights


Absence from school or lessons without valid permission is not tolerated.

The above may lead to four demerits


This includes the defacing or damaging of school property and/or private property. Any vandalism will be charged to the account of the perpetrator.

The above may lead to eight demerits or dismissal



Theft is a criminal offence and instances where students are found to be involved in, or an accomplice to, an act of theft, will be treated very seriously

The above may lead to dismissal


Any form of communication (in or out of school) which brings the name of the school into disrepute will not be tolerated. No person may access, share, edit or produce material which defames the school, any of its employees or any student in the school. This includes electronic communication, social networks, text, graphics, photographs, video or sound or any other media.

Use of the School Network and Internet Access are to be used for teaching and education and is therefore deemed that no account on the Reddam House network is private

Students are expected to access only those Internet sites which conform to normal legal and moral standards and which are deemed to be acceptable according to the ethos of the school.

All students are bound by the code outlined in the Reddam House Computer Centres Acceptable Use Policy.

No mobile phones, iPads or other electronic devices will be allowed into tests and examinations unless it is an examination requirement

Any contravention of the above may lead to eight demerits or dismissal and/or confiscation of the electronic device for a period to be determined by the School.


Students accessing or in possession of inappropriate material whether accessed through the Internet, cellular phones or any other manner is unacceptable.

The above may lead to dismissal


Students smoking/vaping and/or drinking alcohol will not be tolerated.

If a student is found to be in the act of, in possession of, or an accomplice to, smoking or drinking alcohol he/she may be dismissed.


Reddam House will not tolerate any association with drug use or the use of mind-altering substances.

In the interest of safeguarding all students against possible drug possession and/or mind- altering substance possession and/or use, random searching and/or testing on suspicion of possession and/or use may be conducted by the Principal or his/her delegated authority The tests are for the parents’ account

Any student found to be in possession of and/or dealing in and/or using drugs/mind-altering substances or tests positive for the use of drugs/mind-altering substances or anyone who is an accomplice to those in possession of and/or dealing in and/or using drugs/mind altering substances may be dismissed.


No student may be in possession of a dangerous object, weapon, or any item that can cause bodily injury

In the interest of safeguarding all students against dangerous objects, random searching on suspicion of possession may be conducted.

Instances where a student is found to be in possession of a dangerous object, weapons, or items that may cause bodily injury on the school property, will be treated very seriously

The above may lead to dismissal from the school


Any criminal activity or being part thereof may result in dismissal from the School.


A student may be suspended for one week from Reddam House on receipt of 10 demerits in a calendar year. There will be no refund of school fees. The student will assume responsibility for the missed work After returning to school any subsequent infringement of the School’s Code of Conduct may lead to the instant dismissal of that student and that term’s fees will be forfeited.


Reddam House reserves the right to impose alternative sanctions other than that of suspension or dismissal of a student at the sole discretion of the Principal and notwithstanding that there has been no accumulation of demerits. Such discretionary sanctions include the removal of a student from a leadership position or to refuse a student re-entry in the next academic year.


When the Discipline Code is transgressed, the matter may be reported to any or all of the following:

Class Teacher

Tutor Teacher

Year Co-Ordinator

Deputy Principal Principal

Any contravention of the Discipline Code requires full investigation and where necessary will be referred to the Principal.


At various times throughout the year The Principal, Year Co-ordinators and Tutor teachers will speak to ‘students at risk’ about their Discipline Record.

The following Formal Discipline Code Meetings will also take place:

The disciplinary process will be carried out by the Principal (or delegated authority) and each offence will undergo thorough investigation. The decision to impose community service duties, arrange behavior management therapy, dismiss or suspend a student or to impose an alternative discretionary sanction will be at the discretion of the Principal As part of this disciplinary process, meetings with the student/s and parents will take place

Serious offences may result in the immediate suspension/ dismissal of a student pending the outcome of a hearing and thereafter may lead to dismissal


All students are bound by the rules and regulations as laid out in the Discipline Code Any transgression of the Discipline Code may impact on the student’s representation of the School in future academic, cultural, sporting or other events, the eligibility of the student to obtain or retain awards and/or colours, the eligibility of the student to retain a scholarship or bursary and the eligibility of the student to be part of the Junior or Senior Executive Reddam House reserves the right to search students and their property and to confiscate property if necessary. Reddam House also reserves the right to discipline, suspend or dismiss any student at any time, whose behaviour is in contravention of The Discipline Code. Reddam House also reserves the right to discipline any student for conduct not perpetrated on school premises, but which may reasonably be considered to bring the school into disrepute Reddam House is not responsible for the loss of property by students.


All parents and guardians of students agree to adhere to the principles enshrined in the Discipline Code, Anti Bullying Policy and Sports Code (“The Codes”). Reddam House has the right to investigate and resolve any issue pertaining to the conduct of a parent/guardian which may prima facie transgress the Codes and furthermore has the right to impose any reasonable sanction which in the sole discretion of the Head of the School is appropriate in the circumstances, taking into account all relevant interests, including the right to restrict and exclude access to the school premises or grounds and to refuse a student re-entry in the next academic year ReddamHouse–PrimarySchoolGuide

Discipline Code Demerits Points Scheme

Bringing the school into disrepute

Any student found to be in possession of a dangerous weapon on school property may be criminally charged for such possession.

Drugs; Testing positive Counselling Drugs; Testing positive – 2nd offence

Drugs; Possession / Accomplice at school/ in uniform

To be involved in or an accomplice to an act of

Absence from a lesson or school without permission . Unsafe behaviour

Behaviour that has the potential to harm others or themselves . Vandalism including graffiti (demerits and replacement costs)

Defacement or damage of/to school property and/or private property. The account of the student responsible will be charged for restoration.

. Victimisation 1st infringement; refer to the School’s Anti-bullying Policy

Victimisation 2nd infringement; refer to the School’s Anti-bullying Policy.

. Victimisation 3rd infringement; refer to the School’s Anti-bullying Policy.

. Alcohol / Tobacco --- Bringing the school into disrepute In the act of, or acting as an accomplice to smoking tobacco/Vaping or drinking alcohol and in so doing bringing the school into disrepute

Infringement Calculation Notice


The Demerit points listed below are permanent and remain part of an individual’s Discipline Record for one year.


The Demerit points listed below warrant “workable demerits” and may be worked off through the community

Students must wear the multiform each school day Students must wear the formal school uniform to Assembly and other formal functions. Boys must be clean shaven. Hair must be neat, tidy and appropriately styled The student’s appearance must not draw inappropriate attention to themselves.

This includes behaviour that impacts on the learning of other students within the school.


Reddam House School does not tolerate bullying and harassment At Reddam House, courtesy, respect, compassion and co-operation are clear expectations of both students and staff.

Bullying and harassment take many forms, including:

● Verbal harassment – swearing, name calling, put-downs, homophobic remarks, teasing, threatening, spreading rumours, racist remarks, ridiculing in class, comments related to sexuality, abusive or nasty phone calls.

● Physical harm – punching, spitting, kicking, pushing

● Exclusion – deliberately leaving someone out of an activity or ignoring them.

● Extortion – demanding money, food, favours

● Physical gestures – faces, obscene gestures, mimicking to make fun of.

● Written abuse – notes, graffiti, email, text messages.

● Interference with, stealing or damage to personal belongings.

● Intimidation – acts designed to intimidate, frighten, terrorise or deny personal freedom.

● Cyberbullying – writing of material on notice boards, websites, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, blogs etc.


1.1 Anti-Bullying - Walk Away Policy

An individual who feels threatened by any of the above-mentioned acts of physical or psychological bullying is to:

● Ignore the tormentor and immediately walk away.

● Control his or her anger.

● Avoid verbal or physical retaliation.

All instances of bullying must be reported immediately to any teacher, the Principal or the Head of School. Not reporting an incident of bullying is an offence and result in consequences as outlined below.

An individual who has bullied will:

● Meet the Principal/ Head of the School

● Be expelled or suspended at the discretion of the Principal/ Head of School or

● Be issued with demerits according to the Discipline Code Demerits Points Scheme

● Have parents informed

● Receive appropriate intervention

Bullying is not tolerated at Reddam House


The policies, procedures and information within this document apply to the use of Information and Communications Technology at Reddam House including desktop and laptop computers, tablet devices and cellular phones, and any other device deemed by the Administration to fall under this policy. Reddam House filters communication and access to websites using Hardware and Software which complies with International Child Protection Standards

The networks are used for teaching and education and it is therefore deemed that no account on the Reddam House networks is private This applies to any device which is used by anyone to connect to the Reddam House networks. Any user’s network account may be opened at any time for any reason by a designated network supervisor. Any staff member may check any user's communications at any time. Any device which connects to Reddam House networks may be examined by a designated network supervisor at any time.


The use of computer facilities at Reddam House, whether it be access on site or remote access via any device, is a privilege granted by Reddam House. Access to the Internet and networks for the purposes of communication and educational research implies that all users agree to abide by the following rules and conditions.

1. Students are expected to communicate in a meaningful, respectful and mannerly fashion when using email or any other means of electronic communication. This applies to any email software used in the context of school related communication used on the school premises or externally. Racist or sexist sentiments, hate mail, obscene language, profanity or cyber bullying will not be tolerated. No student may initiate or forward any form of Chain email.

2. Any form of communication which brings the name of the school into disrepute will not be tolerated. No person may edit or produce material which denigrates the school, any of its employees or any student in the schools. This includes text, graphics, photographs, video or sound files. Students must report any occurrence of unacceptable communication to a network supervisor

3. Students are expected to access only those Internet sites which conform to normal legal and moral standards and which are deemed to be acceptable according to the ethos of the school.

4.Students should adhere to the rules governing general behaviour throughout the school.

5. Students will be held accountable for their behaviour in communicating with any individual or organisation which is available through links to the Internet. Students must not harass any person or organisation by sending unwanted communications

6. Downloading and uploading of files using school facilities may only be done with permission and under supervision The misuse of school facilities to download or upload video, sound or game files or protected copyrighted data using a school network computer or wireless connection, will result in the immediate suspension of a student’s network account.

7 The use of viruses, Trojans or any method of breaking into Reddam House networks will result in immediate permanent banning from the use of Reddam House network facilities

8 The playing of computer games in school is completely prohibited at all times Subject related educational games may only be used during a timetabled class period under the supervision of the subject teacher Games related sites may not be accessed. Downloading from games sites is not permitted.

9. No students are allowed inside the computer laboratories unless a teacher is present or where specific permission has been granted. There are no exceptions to this rule.

10. Students may not use any account other than their own. Students are not permitted to divulge their password or share accounts. The current default password should be changed as soon as possible after a user’s account has been created.

11. Students may only use a device they are working on. Normally, only one person per device will be allowed Sharing of devices may only occur with permission from the teacher concerned.

12 No transfer media may be brought into the room without permission Any media which are brought into the room must have been checked for viruses using the currently acceptable virus checking software

13. Printing may only occur with the express permission of a teacher.

14 No equipment or furniture may be moved from its current position in the Computer Rooms.

15 No eating or drinking is permitted in the Computer Rooms


1 Devices that are brought to school must be in a fully charged condition It is the responsibility of students to charge their devices each evening.

2 Other than in the case of exceptional circumstances (eg power failure – device left at school overnight etc), students will not be able to charge their device’s battery at school.




1 Inappropriate media may not be used as a screen-saver or background photo


1 Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.

2 Internet games installed on devices at home are not allowed to be played at school, unless permission has been given by the teacher.

3. Students are encouraged to have earphones with them in the event that they require sound on the device in use which will be at the discretion of the teacher


1. Mobile phones are not to be taken into the classroom. - see section 24 STATIONERY, TEXTBOOKS AND DEVICES

2 Use of mobile phones during school hours may result in temporary confiscation



1. Technological device internet access at home is entirely the responsibility of parents and is subject to the structures/rules they have put into place. Parents are encouraged to set appropriate restrictions on internet access and to be vigilant in maintaining these

3 Reddam House takes no responsibility for the levels of accessibility students have to the internet and social media away from its campus, other than to continually instruct, educate and counsel its students with regards to cyber safety


Security and care of an electronic device is both a concern and a priority for 1. both parents and the school.

2 For its part, Reddam House, through its teachers, undertakes to educate its students in the correct use and care of technological devices.

3. It is expected that parents will support the education process by reinforcing the best care practice with their children.

4 Students are responsible for the general care of their devices while travelling between home and school, and also while at school or involved in any school related activity such as camps or excursions.

5. The responsibility of devices in the home situation is a matter to be determined by parents with their child(ren).


1. Students will be taught to save work to a ‘Cloud’ environment using Google Drive

2. Individual teachers will inform parents of their students about storage requirements of the work completed, and how best this may be managed.


Software Installed for Non-School Use

1 Students, under the supervision of their parents, are permitted to load software/Apps on their devices for use at home.

It is assumed that such software/Apps are appropriate in nature; however if deemed unsuitable by the school/teacher, parents will be contacted to discuss the matter


Reddam House views the use of technological devices at home as important as their use in the school setting. Parents therefore have an extremely important role in reinforcing and maintaining the practices of safe use of the device, by:-

1. Talking to their child(ren) about values and the standards that they should follow with regard to the use of the internet – just as they do with the use of all media information sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio and iPods.

2. Establishing clear family rules and procedures regarding the use of technological devices at home designed to protect family members from abuse, overuse and addiction to social media.


The wireless capacity of technological devices enables students to access the internet for information and research and to connect with their peers to communicate and collaborate With this increased capacity to connect comes an increased need for students to understand the ethical and legal (including privacy and copyright) considerations for safe and responsible behaviour online.

To protect students from unsuitable content, Reddam House undertakes to:

1. Monitor, and restrict information stored on or transmitted via Reddam House owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of resources

Provide staff guidance to aid students in doing research and help ensure student compliance of the acceptable use policy


Reddam House places a strong emphasis on students managing their devices and taking responsibility for the way in which they are used Therefore students will undertake to:-

1. Use computers/devices in a responsible and ethical manner.

2 Obtain permission prior to recording and/or posting anyone and/or anything on school property or where Reddam House can be identified.

3. Obey general school rules concerning behaviour and communication that apply to technological device use.

4. Use all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as to not damage school equipment. This “damage” includes, but is not limited to, the loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries or service interruptions caused by the student’s negligence and/or inappropriate behaviour.

5. Contact a teacher/staff member about any security problems they may have encountered

6 Monitor their devices and report any suspicious activity

7. Secure their devices after they have completed working on a task, in order to protect their work and information.


1 It is suggested that parents arrange their own insurance to cover possible damage or theft of their child’s devices.



● Play by the rules, in a spirit of good sportsmanship and accept the official’s decisions at all times.

● Play for your enjoyment and not just to please parents and coaches.

● Refrain from the use of profanities and the verbal abuse of officials and players.

● Refrain from deliberate fouling or provoking opponents or abusing equipment.

● Work hard for yourself, your team and the School.

● Strive to improve your skills and your performance.

● Treat all players as you would like to be treated.

● Respect the rights and dignity of all participants regardless of their ability or background.

● Be modest in success and generous in defeat.

● Communication is paramount. Be sure to notify your coach if you are unable to attend your match.

● Be sure to attend matches in the appropriate uniform.

● Be well prepared with fluid replenishment and appropriate food.

2 2 Parents/Supporters

● Focus upon the player’s efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the game

● Teach your child that an honest committed effort is as important as victory.

● Encourage your child to play according to the rules of the game and spirit of fair play at all times.

● Never ridicule your child or another player for making a mistake or losing a game.

● Remember children are involved in organised sports for their benefit and enjoyment.

● Applaud good play by both teams.

● Raise any concerns you may have with officials through the appropriate channels rather than questioning the official’s judgement and honesty in public.

● Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.

● Recognise the value and importance of coaches and give them your support.

● Refrain from giving advice to either players or coaches in the game.


• All families to pay the tuition fees in advance according to their chosen billing selection. (Annual, Quarterly or Monthly)

• All families to pay all non-tuition fee costs (extras) by the due date noted on your monthly statement sent to your nominated email address.

• Continuation of enrolment for each successive year of study is conditional on fees for current and past years being paid in full

• Principal must be given a full academic term’s notice, in writing, prior to the removal of a student In the absence of such notification a fee equivalent to one term’s fees will be payable

• On termination of enrolment, outstanding school fees are due and payable immediately

• A late fee of $25 per month will be added to your account if your fees have not been paid on time Returned Direct Debits will result in an additional $10 fee

• In the event of consistent outstanding tuition fees, notice may be given requiring the student to be withdrawn from the school pending payment of the outstanding fees and charges Your debt may also be submitted to our debt recovery agency if repayments are not arranged

• Any costs of recovery action being taken by the school will be charged to the outstanding account

• All credit and debit card transactions will incur a 1 2% surcharge

• Late payment of fees will result in: Term report being withheld; Exclusion from extracircular activities & excursion; Cancellation of enrolment

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