Boletín Red de Estudios de Historia de Empresas | Nº 26

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ISSN 1669-7227








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Editores: María Inés Barbero, (UBA) Andrea Lluch (UNLPam - CONICET), Daniel Moyano (UNT - CONICET) y Patricia Olguín (UNCuyo - CONICET)


RED DE ESTUDIOS DE HISTORIA DE EMPRESAS Consejo Asesor de la Red Andrés Regalsky (UNLu – UNTREF - CONICET); Norma Lanciotti (UNR - CONICET); Raúl Jacob (Universidad de la República, Uruguay); Roberto Schmit (UBA - Instituto Emilio Ravignani - UNGS); Sandra Kuntz (El Colegio de México, México)

Colaboradora externa Beatriz Rodríguez-Satizabal (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia)



Business, Governments, and Political Risk in South Asia and Latin America Since 1970 Jones, Geoffrey, and Rachael Comunale Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-102 May 2018 El proyecto Creating Emerging Markets (Harvard Business

This working paper provides a new perspective on how bu-

School) permite consultar más de 120 entrevistas realizadas a

sinesses have responded to political risk in South Asia and

empresarios y empresarias de 21 países. Una buena parte de

Latin America over the last half century. The existing business

ellas (51) se realizaron en países de América Latina (México,

history literature on political risk is focused on the experiences

Brasil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Perú, Chile y Argentina).

of Western multinationals in the 20th century, especially in Nazi Germany and the post-colonial developing world. This

working paper is instead focused on perceptions of political


risk by domestic business leaders active in Latin America and South Asia since the 1970s. Employing data from the

Se trata de la mayor colección de entrevistas a empresarios y

Creating Emerging Markets oral history database developed

empresarias de los llamados países emergentes. En conjunto,

at the Harvard Business School, the working paper identifies

CEM es una valiosa y original herramienta para la investiga-

five major sources of political risk: macroeconomic and po-

ción y la docencia de la historia sobre el desarrollo empresas

licy turbulence, excessive bureaucracy, political instability,

y empresarios de África, Asia, América Latina y el Medio Orien-

corruption, and violence. Employing NVivo coding, marked re-

te. Las entrevistas se encuentran transcriptas y son de acceso

gional differences were identified. Macroeconomic and policy

público mediante el acceso al sitio web (y luego de comple-

turbulence was the biggest perceived source of risk in Latin

tarse un breve formulario). También se han realizado breves

America. Excessive bureaucracy was the biggest source of

videos para poder ser utilizados como material de enseñanza

perceived risk in South Asia. There were regional differences also in how leaders in different regions responded to the same

risk. In both regions business leaders reported having to de-


dicate significant time to navigating government regulations, but interviewees in South Asia frequently reported attempting

Tópicos como innovación, internacionalización, familias em-

to steer clear from highly regulated industries, while many in-

presarias, responsabilidad social, sustentabilidad, liderazgo,

terviewees in Latin America discussed how they adapted to

pobreza, poder y corrupción, entre muchos otros, están cu-

heavier government oversight by forming closer ties or wor-

biertos en las entrevistas. Las entrevistas están concebidas

king relationships with incumbent administrations.

de tal forma puedan ser empleadas en múltiples escenarios, y han sido pensadas para generar un bien colectivo, abordándose una multiplicidad de temas y problemas propios de las economías emergentes. El documento-texto que presentamos hoy en la Sección Debates, autoría de Geoffrey Jones y Rachel Comunale es una muestra de la utilidad y riqueza de

Jones, Geoffrey, and Rachael Comunale “Business, Governments and Political Risk in South Asia and Latin America since 1970.” Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-102, May 2018.

esta colección de entrevistas como recurso para la investigación y la docencia.

LINK AL TEXTO COMPLETO: Jones%20Business,%20Government%20and%20Political%20 Risk_d736498a-0509-45e8-81c0-e30ba53f0b7f.pdf



Claudio Belini, Historia de la industria en la Argentina. De la Independencia a la crisis de 2001, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2017, 496 páginas. Por María Inés Barbero (Universidad de Buenos Aires) Como señala Claudio Belini en la Introducción a su libro, una de las principales controversias entre los historiadores económicos de la Argentina ha girado en torno al problema del “desarrollo fallido del país”, y en dicho debate el carácter trunco e incompleto del proceso de industrialización ha constituido una dimensión central. En ese marco, su obra se propone analizar dicho proceso en perspectiva histórica, desde los comienzos del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Una de las paradojas de la historiografía económica argentina es que, a pesar de la relevancia del tema, contamos con pocas historias de la industria que ofrezcan una síntesis de su trayectoria en el largo plazo. Si bien en los últimos años se han publicado valiosas contribuciones sobre algunas fases de la industrialización, como la de Fernando Rocchi para el período 1870-1930 o la del mismo Belini sobre la industria peronista, pasaron ya más de dos décadas desde la publicación de La industria que supimos conseguir, de Jorge Schvarzer, la última obra de conjunto sobre el tema, en el cual siguen siendo de lectura obligada los libros de Adolfo Dorfman, editados entre las décadas de 1940 y 1980. En este contexto, la Historia de la industria Argentina de Claudio Belini recorre las grandes fases por las que atravesó la industria argentina a lo largo de dos siglos: la tradición artesanal previa al surgimiento de la industria fabril, la primera fase de crecimiento industrial durante la fase agroexportadora, la industrialización por sustitución de importaciones desde la década de 1930 y la reversión de la industrialización desde mediados de la de 1970. Se detiene en particular en los decenios que transcurren entre 1914 y 1974, período de gestación y consolidación de la industrialización sustitutiva, en el que el sector manufacturero se fue transformando en el más dinámico de la economía, impactando a su vez en la conformación tanto de la estructura social como de la vida política del país. El proceso de industrialización es enfocado por Claudio Belini desde una perspectiva integradora, ya que cada capítulo



aborda diversas temáticas, entre las que se incluyen el con-

te el concepto de Industrialización Guiada por el Estado, pro-

texto macroeconómico, el papel de las políticas económicas

puesto por algunos autores para reemplazar al de Industriali-

e industriales, las transformaciones en la estructura sectorial

zación Sustitutiva, poniendo en cambio el énfasis en que las

de la industria, el desempeño de las industrias líderes y re-

políticas industriales recién se iniciaron en la década de 1940.

zagadas, el comportamiento exportador de algunas ramas y

En términos más generales, a lo largo del texto analiza las

los vínculos entre el Estado y el empresariado. Varios de los

luces y sombras del modelo sustitutivo, y si bien reconoce la

capítulos contienen también referencias a los debates que tu-

existencia de problemas estructurales que ya desde la déca-

vieron lugar en distintos momentos del siglo XX acerca del rol

da de 1950 impusieron frenos y barreras a la profundización

que debía desempeñar la industria en la economía argentina y

de la industrialización por sustitución de importaciones, se

de las características que debía asumir el sector manufactu-

diferencia explícitamente de la “leyenda negra”, deteniéndose

rero. En sus propias palabras, intenta “presentar una historia

en los debates sobre el “agotamiento” de la ISI y rescatando el

económica y social de la industrialización en la Argentina”,

proceso de maduración de la industria en la década de 1960

con el fin de “contribuir a explicar nuestro pasado, así como

y comienzos de la de 1970, que contrapone a su vez con la

comprender sus repercusiones sobre el presente”.

desindustrialización que tuvo lugar desde 1976 en adelante.

El producto es una obra rigurosa y documentada, basada tan-

En las conclusiones el autor nos ofrece su propia interpreta-

to en las propias investigaciones del autor como en una exten-

ción sobre los condicionantes del proceso de industrializa-

sa bibliografía, que ofrece una visión de conjunto y actualizada

ción argentina en el largo plazo, entre los cuales destaca la

sobre la trayectoria de la industria argentina en el largo plazo,

dotación de recursos naturales, las políticas públicas y las

con un enfoque que articula las dimensiones macroeconómi-

relaciones entre el Estado y los capitalistas.

ca, sectorial y microeconómica, incorporando gran parte de las contribuciones de los estudios sectoriales y de la historia

Recapitulando, se trata de un trabajo de lectura imprescindible

de empresas, disciplina que ha tenido un gran dinamismo en

para todos aquellos interesados no solo en la historia de la in-

la historiografía local desde la década de 1990.

dustria sino también en el desarrollo de la economía argentina en el largo plazo, que ofrece información y reflexiones sobre

Más allá de la reconstrucción de la trayectoria de la industria

el proceso de industrialización en el transcurso de dos siglos

a lo largo de dos siglos, Claudio Belini incluye en su obra una

y que abre a su vez nuevos interrogantes y nuevos estímulos

serie de reflexiones acerca de cómo enfocar el estudio del

para la investigación.

sector manufacturero, reivindicando las ventajas de las aproximaciones cualitativas (en contraposición a la cliometría) y de la historia comparada, señalando la necesidad de estudiar el caso argentino en el contexto de la industrialización latinoamericana y de los procesos de industrialización muy tardía, aunque esta problemática no es retomada en profundidad ni a lo largo del texto ni en las conclusiones. Otro de los temas desarrollados ampliamente por el autor es el de los alcances y límites de la Industrialización por Sustitución de Importaciones (ISI). A ella están dedicados los capítulos centrales del libro, que recogen los resultados de numerosas investigaciones de las últimas décadas, entre ellas, como ya señalamos, las del autor. Belini nos introduce en primer lugar en los debates sobre la periodización de la ISI, cuyo comienzo sitúa en la década de 1930, retomando una postura clásica y polemizando con los enfoques que consideran que ya se había iniciado en el decenio precedente. También discu-

María Inés Barbero Universidad de Buenos Aires



Grijalva Díaz, Ana Isabel y Gracida Romo, Juan José (coords.), Empresarios, empresas y actividad agrícola en el norte de México: siglo XX, Hermosillo, El Colegio de Sonora, 2017, 242 páginas. Estudio introductorio de Sandra Kuntz Ficker. Por Salvador Calatayud (Universidad de Valencia) El norte de México ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios en las últimas décadas. Estos trabajos han conseguido reconstruir y explicar un modelo de desarrollo agrario que, pese a ser internamente muy diverso, singulariza esta extensa área dentro del campo mexicano y también respecto a buena parte de las agriculturas latinoamericanas. Se trata de un conjunto de actividades agrarias orientadas a los mercados nacional y, sobre todo, exterior, impulsadas por agricultores-empresarios, con innovaciones técnicas importantes y con notables encadenamientos sectoriales. Unas vías de crecimiento agrario que han acabado por impulsar el desarrollo económico general de la zona, por sus efectos sobre la industria y los servicios. Estamos, por tanto, ante un verdadero proceso de desarrollo económico de base agraria, que contrasta con lo sucedido en otros lugares del país. El libro que comentamos se inscribe en esa línea y aporta nuevos testimonios de las transformaciones agrarias acontecidas desde finales del siglo XIX hasta hoy, al tiempo que profundiza en casos ya estudiados con anterioridad. Los seis capítulos nos muestran una gran diversidad de trayectorias históricas, pero con un denominador común integrado por varios elementos fundamentales. En primer lugar, el papel absolutamente central de las iniciativas individuales que son calificadas por los autores como empresariales: sean antiguos hacendados, inversores estadounidenses, nuevos propietarios procedentes de los servicios o agricultores que ascendieron en la escala social, la característica común es la configuración de grandes explotaciones de orientación mercantil y atentas al cambio técnico. En segundo lugar, la conexión con Estados Unidos, sea como destino de los productos o como lugar de origen de muchos de los capitales que, sobre todo en las fases iniciales anteriores a la Revolución, impulsaron la inversión. En tercer lugar, el papel del crédito, fundamental para unas iniciativas que implicaban procesos de transformación del medio físico



y el cultivo a gran escala, con el riesgo derivado de las incerti-

Por su parte, Ernesto Clark documenta con multitud de ejem-

dumbres de los mercados exteriores. Finalmente, el papel del

plos la expansión agraria en el valle del Mayo desde finales

Estado, una cuestión no demasiado explícita en los diversos

del siglo XIX. Con un predominio absoluto del capital local,

artículos, pero que el lector encuentra en muchos aspectos

este caso muestra la transformación de antiguas haciendas

decisivos: desde el apoyo a la innovación técnica, con trans-

en empresas agrarias, así como la aparición de nuevos pro-

ferencias desde las nuevas instituciones agronómicas, hasta

pietarios dedicados a una agricultura comercial diversificada.

la inversión pública en obras hidráulicas para riego. Y también

Todo ello tras la derrota militar de los indígenas mayos, que

la reforma agraria, que afectó de manera muy diferente según

facilitó la ocupación de tierras. Encontramos en este proceso

las estructuras rurales previas, de manera que, si en unos ca-

todos los factores que se dieron también en otros casos estu-

sos el reparto de tierras frenó el desarrollo de la agricultura

diados: las iniciativas de riego (primero mediante canales de

empresarial, en otros impulsó los cambios.

propiedad privada; más tarde con el fuerte impulso estatal); la construcción de sistemas de transporte que articularon el

Podrían señalarse también algunas ausencias en los trabajos

territorio y lo conectaron con los mercados estadouniden-

incluidos: se nos dice poco, por ejemplo, sobre las estructuras

ses; las instituciones financieras, una vez más, imprescindi-

de la propiedad de las zonas donde operaban los empresarios

bles para afrontar una puesta en cultivo rápida de espacios

estudiados y sobre las relaciones de éstos con el resto de

muy extensos; y el papel de las conexiones políticas, en esta

la sociedad rural; o sobre los aspectos laborales, el empleo

ocasión con el presidente Álvaro Obregón como destacado

y las condiciones de trabajo en estas fincas que precisaban


abundante trabajo asalariado. El libro, en este sentido, está centrado en las trayectorias empresariales y es, desde este

En otros casos, el protagonismo de los agricultores mexi-

punto de vista como debe ser juzgado.

canos estuvo precedido por la iniciativa de inversores estadounidenses en los momentos muy iniciales. Así sucedió en

Un modo de acercarse a los diferentes capítulos es distinguir

la región productora de cítricos en la Sierra Madre Oriental.

entre los casos en que predominó el capital nacional y aquellos

Según el trabajo de Eva Rivas, desde finales del siglo XIX, el

donde la relación con el país vecino fue decisiva. Los procesos

naranjo fue sustituyendo otros cultivos en las explotaciones

de desarrollo impulsados enteramente por iniciativas autócto-

de propietarios familiarizados ya con la agricultura comercial.

nas son objeto de dos capítulos dedicados a zonas del estado

Las estructuras de la propiedad existentes (predominio de la

de Sonora. Por un lado, el estudio de Ana I. Grijalva y Juan J.

pequeña y mediana propiedad), más los efectos de las refor-

Gracida sobre la zona litoral cercana a Hermosillo, muestra la

mas agrarias (fijación legal de los límites de las tierras y re-

extensión del cultivo a partir de la colonización de un espacio

ducción del tamaño medio de las explotaciones) favorecieron

desértico y poco aprovechado. Las nuevas tierras puestas en

la difusión del naranjo, a causa de su superior rentabilidad por

cultivo se dedicaron, fundamentalmente al trigo con destino al

hectárea. Sin embargo, el modelo citrícola de California ejerció

mercado interior y, en menor medida, al algodón y todo el pro-

una influencia decisiva en esta zona norteña y se materiali-

ceso requirió un flujo importante de crédito. Esta cuestión es lo

zó en la adopción de las variedades cultivadas en Estados

más relevante del caso. La necesidad de perforar centenares de

Unidos (frente a la naranja criolla, predominante en estados

pozos y dotarlos de maquinaria elevadora, dada la escasez de

como Veracruz y Jalisco y destinada al mercado interior) y en

aguas superficiales, así como los primeros gastos para poner

el empleo de técnicas de manipulado y embalado, que tendían

en marcha las cosechas fueron financiados por una variedad de

a mejorar la calidad y la homogeneidad del fruto. Sin embargo,

instituciones, que iban desde el Banco de México (especialmente

junto a la iniciativa privada de los agricultores de la zona, en la

volcado al estudio de las posibilidades de las aguas subterráneas

expansión del cultivo resultó decisiva la acción estatal, tanto

de la zona) hasta los prestamistas privados relacionados con

en la difusión de las nuevas variedades como en la espinosa

el comercio local, pasando por la banca de desarrollo agrario,

cuestión de las plagas del naranjo. Después de que Estados

las uniones de crédito y los molinos y empresas dedicadas al

Unidos impusiera varias cuarentenas a las exportaciones

desmote del algodón. El resultado fue un incremento importante

mexicanas (en algún caso, como proteccionismo encubierto),

de la producción de trigo, en las décadas inmediatamente ante-

las instituciones agronómicas del país dedicaron esfuerzos al

riores a la irrupción de la revolución verde.

control fitosanitario, en un proceso que dio lugar a una colaboración entre técnicos y entidades de los dos países. Tras la II



Guerra Mundial, la cuestión de la frecuencia de las plagas se

seguido el proceso de mejora enológica que caracteriza desde

resolvió y se aseguró, así, la continuidad de las exportaciones.

hace décadas el sector vinícola en todo el mundo.

Junto a estos casos, el carácter transfronterizo se encuentra

Finalmente, el capítulo de Mario Cerutti, uno de los máximos

en el origen de muchos de los procesos de desarrollo regiona-

impulsores de la nueva visión sobre el modelo agrario del nor-

les. El valle de Mexicali, estudiado por Araceli Almaraz, es un

te de México, plantea el caso de una empresa agroindustrial

buen ejemplo. Aquí, las relaciones entre empresarios de uno

que dio el salto al exterior para convertirse en una multinacio-

y otro lado de la frontera impulsaron el crecimiento de la agri-

nal de la alimentación con presencia en decenas de países.

cultura algodonera y los servicios relacionados con ella, así

El Grupo Maseca (GRUMA) constituye, pues, el ejemplo más

como un proceso de diversificación en un segundo momen-

extremo de éxito del modelo agrario norteño. A partir de un

to. En el inicio del desarrollo de este territorio, poco poblado

pequeño negocio familiar de comercio local en una población

al comenzar el siglo XX, el protagonismo correspondió a un

cercana a la frontera con Estados Unidos en los años 1940,

grupo de empresarios del país vecino. El impulso de nuevas

los González iniciaron la producción de harina de maíz para

áreas de riego en el curso final del río Colorado creaba una

la elaboración de tortillas. El rápido crecimiento de esta activi-

cierta continuidad con las zonas regadas del Valle Imperial, en

dad, muy vinculada a las prácticas alimentarias tradicionales

California. En esta primera etapa, la necesidad de operar en un

del país, estuvo acompañada de importantes mejoras en la

contexto nacional tan diferente del propio hizo que los esta-

elaboración del producto. Además, requirió, como en otros

dounidenses hubieran de establecer vínculos con mexicanos.

casos, el concurso del crédito, a través del fenómeno de las

Bien como intermediarios en la concesión de terrenos, bien

uniones de crédito. Y también la cercanía a personajes políti-

como prestadores de servicios, un grupo de emprendedores

cos, un rasgo que se repite, como hemos visto, en diferentes

nacionales se asociaron con los extranjeros y entraron, cada

lugares y momentos del desarrollo de este modelo agrario.

vez más, como accionistas minoritarios. En un segundo mo-

Centrada ya en Monterrey, la empresa había conquistado ha-

mento, desde la década de 1910, los empresarios mexicanos

cia 1970 el mercado interior, con la creación de multitud de

tomaron una mayor iniciativa e iniciaron negocios propios, a

sociedades y la instalación de plantas por todo el país. A partir

partir muchas veces de lazos familiares amplios. Todo ello en

de ese momento emprendió una internacionalización que fue

el contexto de un auge extraordinario del cultivo del algodón,

también muy rápida, hasta contar en 2010 con 26 plantas en

que se prolongaría hasta finales de los años 1960, al que se

Estados Unidos y otras 33 en países de América, Asia y Eu-

fue sumando el desarrollo de sector alimentario. La principal

ropa. Lo significativo es que este proceso se produjo a partir

conclusión de esta historia es que los lazos establecidos entre

de una empresa formada bajo un mercado interior protegido

grupos estadounidenses y mexicanos resultaron, en opinión

y políticamente mediatizado y a partir de un producto tradi-

de Almaraz, fundamentales para activar procesos de aprendi-

cional, sobre el que se implementó, sin embargo, un cambio

zaje, tanto en el ámbito de la organización empresarial, como

técnico significativo.

en el conocimiento de los mercados exteriores. En definitiva, los diferentes casos recogidos en este libro ofrecen En relación con ello, el capítulo debido a Jesús Méndez estu-

al lector una imagen muy acabada de la complejidad de las dife-

dia la trayectoria de un empresario cuya trayectoria permite

rentes trayectorias de desarrollo agrario que integran el modelo

concretar esta visión de los intercambios transfronterizos.

de la agricultura empresarial del norte mexicano. La multiplici-

Ubicada también en el norte de Baja California, la familia

dad de factores en juego, las peculiaridades de las sociedades

Hussong llegó a la agricultura y la agroindustria tras una tra-

rurales de cada estado y la iniciativa de multitud de propietarios

yectoria amplia en el sector servicios (lo que invertía el en-

emprendedores, configuran este panorama, con los cambios de

cadenamiento más habitual entre sectores productivos). De

la política agraria del Estado central como trasfondo. Un libro,

origen alemán, sus negocios y la formación universitaria se

pues, muy necesario para conocer uno de los procesos de éxito

llevaron a cabo tanto en México como en los Estados Unidos.

agrario más destacados de América Latina.

La entrada en la vitivinicultura, su actividad más destacada en el ámbito agrario, guarda también cierto paralelismo con el pujante modelo californiano del valle de Napa. Las bodegas Hussong, fundamentadas en la propia producción de uva, han

Salvador Calatayud Universidad de Valencia



Orígenes de la globalización bancaria. Experiencias de España y América Latina, Genueve ediciones Daniel Díaz, Andrés Hoyo y Carlos Marichal (eds.) La formación, estructura y funcionamiento de los sistemas financieros modernos tienen una larga tradición en los estudios de historia económica y en los de desarrollo económico. La mayoría de estos análisis, abordados desde una perspectiva histórica, han centrado su atención en experiencias o casos nacionales, y cuando se ha buscado la comparación, en ocasiones se ha puesto el énfasis bien en los aspectos normativos e institucionales de los problemas, bien en una verificación econométrica de la alta asociación entre estructura financiera y crecimiento económico. Similares resultados se han ofrecido por parte de los economistas de la evolución económica para las sociedades de «desarrollo reciente», al constatar la importancia de los factores financieros a la hora de explicar el éxito o el fracaso relativo, en cada país, del proceso de crecimiento económico moderno. En el presente volumen se pretende contribuir a esta amplia discusión, con un enfoque histórico, que centra la atención en la comparación de un número selecto de estudios sobre las trayectorias de bancos de España y América Latina en el largo plazo, desde los orígenes hasta la creación de los bancos centrales y de la banca de desarrollo. DESCARGUE AQUÍ LA INTRODUCCIÓN E ÍNDICE DE TRABAJOS.



EMPRESAS Y EMPRESARIOS EN LA HISTORIA DE CHILE. Tomo 1 (1810-1930). Tomo 2 (19302015), Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile. Manuel Llorca Jaña y Diego Barría A pesar de la importancia de la empresa y su rol social en el desarrollo de nuestro país, no existe una tradición que permita acceder a su historia y evolución. El análisis sobre el rol de los empresarios como sujetos y de las empresas como organizaciones sociales resulta relevante para entender el Chile actual. La historia empresarial en caso alguno pretende ensalzar la figura del empresario, sino más bien entender cómo los mismos, o sus empresas, se comportan. No existe en Chile una cultura empresarial que persiga preservar archivos y dar libre acceso a investigadores sobre su historia, que permitan entenderla y estudiarla. De ahí la falta de bibliografía en castellano sobre el tema. Este es un libro que viene a llenar un vacío historiográfico y que permite promover la investigación y la enseñanza de la historia empresarial en la academia chilena, donde ha sido largamente ignorada y desplazada por la historia social y política de nuestro país.



Argentina será industrial o no cumplirá sus destinos, Ediciones Imago Mundi. Marcelo Rougier y Juan Odisio

Difícilmente pueda ponerse en discusión la importancia de la industria y su relevancia para el desarrollo económico y social. Es más, los términos «desarrollo económico» e «industrialización» han sido muchas veces utilizados como sinónimos. Si bien las relaciones entre estos dos procesos son complejas y pueden discutirse desde diferentes perspectivas no estrictamente económicas, es indudable que la industria tiene un lugar relevante como portadora de las transformaciones que, mediante el avance de la ciencia y la tecnología, incorpora a la actividad económica y social. Este libro, o mejor dicho su proyecto, surgió de una necesidad derivada de la propia práctica de investigación. Luego de estudiar por años políticas, ramas, empresas y empresarios industriales fue quedando cada vez más claro que detrás de los instrumentos y las condiciones sociales y económicas para su despliegue existía un cúmulo de ideas que bien podían considerarse el sustrato de esas políticas, profundamente interpenetradas con las condiciones materiales en las que se desenvolvían las manufacturas. Esas ideas eran expresión de los industriales pero no solo, también de intelectuales, funcionarios, políticos y otros actores sociales, y trasvasaban todo el entramado social. Estas ideas sobre la industria y sus problemas constituían una dimensión de análisis propia, que de algún modo estaba presente en cada abordaje realizado, pero quizá de modo escasamente sistemático. También quedó en evidencia que esa dimensión resultaba de sumo interés para abordar de mejor manera cualquier otra del quehacer manufacturero; no solo como complemento sino como puerta de entrada al análisis de un complejo proceso de la realidad social como lo es la industrialización.



Las obligaciones fundamentales. Crédito y consolidación económica durante el surgimiento de Buenos Aires, Prometeo libros Martín Wasserman

En la sociedad emergente de Buenos Aires del siglo XVII, situada en la frontera hispanoamericana, con tenues resortes económicos y dispositivos institucionales, el sostén de las actividades socio-económicas, los riesgos del comercio y de la circulación de bienes encontraron un lugar clave para su desarrollo en las formas del crédito, que permitieron desenvolver a partir de las mismas las actividades económicas. De allí entonces que, a lo largo de la obra, Wasserman nos presente con notable maestría la naturaleza, las complejas formas y prácticas del crédito presente en las más variadas y cambiantes articulaciones que fueron experimentándose en Buenos Aires en su vinculación con sus múltiples nexos regionales y ultramarinos. El libro ha sido editado como ganador del premio a la mejor tesis en historia económica de la Asociación Argentina de Historia Económica en 2016.



La Educación Técnica en debate. Demandas empresarias, propuestas políticas y participación sindical en la reforma de la modalidad (1932-1945) Hernando Arbelo Tesis de Maestría Institución: FLACSO Argentina Año de defensa: 2018 Directora: Guillermina Tiramonti


corporativas y políticas y del material recogido y los posicio-

Este trabajo analiza las transformaciones en la educación

namientos tomados por los tres principales diarios de circu-

técnica argentina entre la reforma parcial de la Ley 1420 a

lación nacional masiva de la época, que en nuestro período

fines de 1934 y la creación de la Dirección Nacional de Educa-

de estudio canalizaron la discusión hacia la opinión pública

ción Técnica (DNET) y la Comisión Nacional de Aprendizaje y

y definieron su lugar en el Debate apoyando principalmente

Orientación Profesional (CONAOP) entre 1944 y 1945.

los argumentos y discursos de las cámaras empresariales y organizaciones eclesiásticas.

El eje que articula esta investigación es el debate mediático y parlamentario en torno a la modificación de la Ley 11.317

Complementariamente, se realiza una aproximación cuanti-

que regulaba el trabajo de los menores, el cual recorrió toda

tativa a la legislación, normativa, documentos curriculares de

la década y habilitó una discusión más amplia sobre la na-

establecimientos de enseñanza técnica públicos y privados,

turaleza de la enseñanza técnica, enmarcado en una crítica

estadísticas y censos oficiales del período que permiten ob-

más general al Sistema Integrado Público Centralizado Estatal

servar cómo evolucionó esta modalidad a partir del Debate,

(SIPCE), creado y consolidado en nuestro país sobre bases

cuya conclusión fue el establecimiento de una autonomía

liberales y humanistas entre las dos últimas décadas del siglo

institucional novedosa, porque incluía la participación directa

XIX y el primer tercio del XX.

de algunos de los actores involucrados en la discusión, y que condicionará el desarrollo de su propia identidad pedagógica

Teniendo como fondo el cuestionamiento al consenso liberal desencadenado a partir del golpe de Estado de setiembre de 1930 y como marco general al modelo político, económico y social al que condujo dicha crisis, se reconstruyen y contrastan los posicionamientos sobre enseñanza técnica con los que empresarios, sindicatos, partidos políticos y la Iglesia católica participaron en el Debate, así como sus propuestas y proyectos para la reforma de esa modalidad que se discutieron en la opinión pública y el ámbito parlamentario previo al golpe de Estado de junio de 1943. Este ejercicio se realiza a partir de un abordaje cualitativo de editoriales, notas y noticias de sus principales publicaciones

en las siguientes décadas.



New Collection: The James W. Cortada Collection of Information Technology Publications Monday, July 23, 2018 The Hagley Library is pleased to announce the acquisition of the James W. Cortada Collection of Information Technology Publications. This collection consists of an estimated 5,000 titles on the general subject of computers, information technology, society, the internet, and the economic and business issues involving computers from the 1940s through 2017. The collection was shipped to Hagley in 167 boxes from Mr. Cortada’s home in Wisconsin. Cortada worked for IBM for over 38 years in various sales, consulting, management, and executive positions. He holds a Ph.D. from Florida State University and is a self-described first-generation historian of information technology.

He built this collection while writing his histories of the industry including such titles as: Before the Computer: IBM, NCR, Burroughs, and Remington Rand and the Industry they created, 1865-1956 (1993); The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing (2004); Information and the Modern Corporation (2011); The Digital Flood: Diffusion of Information Technology across the United States, Europe, and Asia (2012); and All the Facts: A History of Information in the United States since 1870(2016). His productivity speaks not only to his managerial acumen but also to his pragmatism. “I’m not collecting fine art,” he said. “I’m collecting the story of computing.” Indeed, he collected to inform his thinking about who, why, and how the world managed information since the late nineteenth century. Most of the boxes have not been opened yet, but areas of interest within this collection include manuals and books about information technology; trade business management books; books on the applications of computers; the economics of computing; materials dealing with the global history and use of computing; information society and social issues, internet and media studies; histories of corporations and biographies; and academic and trade histories of computing, telecommunications, and related technologies. The breadth of this collection will provide a foundation for Hagley to build upon while considering other collecting opportunities. Processing such a large collection will keep our catalogers busy for quite some time, but the work had already begun to make this collection available to our researchers. You can follow our progress by searching for this collection within our online catalog (, or you may contact us at if you have any questions.



With this post by Gabriele Cappelli (UAB) on his paper "Was Putnam wrong? The determinants of social capital in Italy around 1900" (Rivista di Storia Economica, a. XXXIII, n. 3, December 2017), we launch a new blog of short summaries from the latest issues of the Rivista di Storia Economica. Full article available here https:// This paper stems from the literature on the link between social capital and long-term regional economic growth in Italy. Rather than this relationship, though, I explore the determinants of the formation of social capital in the last quarter of the 19th century. The paper starts with a brief survey of the various definitions of social capital proposed in the literature. As underlined by many authors, the concept is somehow ambiguous; yet, my work underlines two fundamental features of social capital, shared by most definitions (even those apparently in contradiction): the strength of cooperative norms and mutual trust. These concepts are used as guidelines for estimating indices of social capital that can capture its productive aspects, as discussed by a recent OECD Statistics Working Paper. After this introductory discussion, the paper offers a quick overview of existing studies on the various links between social capital and economic growth – both across Italian regions, and across countries. Despite the broad and expanding literature on the issue, I stress that historical analyses on the determinants of social capital formation are relatively scarce. More information:



Sources in the plural for the history of Latin America. An overview from the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Archives - Part 2 Ilaria Pasotti, Francesca Pino 1. INTRODUCTION


In the last issue of this review1 we provided an overview of the

Sudameris was created by the alliance between BCI and Ban-

documentary sources preserved in the Archivio storico di In-

que de Paris and Pays-Bas (Paribas) in 1910. The relationship

tesa Sanpaolo - Historical Archives of Intesa Sanpaolo Group

between the two banks started at the end of the 19th century,

that could be of interest to business as well as to economic

when BCI, founded in the framework of the Triple Alliance in

and political historians of Latin America2.

1894 with German, Swiss and Austrian capitals5, was participated also by Paribas (1899)6.

Here we consider in depth the part of Intesa Sanpaolo’s archival heritage concerning the Banque Française et Italienne pour

From that moment BCI emancipated itself from the status of

l’Amérique du Sud (Sudameris). Created on the initiative of Ban-

a bank controlled by foreigners to one of a bank with a predo-

ca Commerciale Italiana (BCI), the first among the constituent

minant Italian shareholding, while its initial founders became

banks of Intesa Sanpaolo Group to be in Latin America , Suda-

either peers and allies, in the case of the French7, or competi-

meris established a wide network of branches in the continent

tors, in the case of the Germans8, in its international activities.


in the first half of the 20th century; while having its headquarters in Paris, Sudameris had branches in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Co-

The existing bibliography assists us in the reconstruction of the

lombia, Uruguay and later in Venezuela . Our paper examines the

functional alliance between the French capital and the Italian

years from its foundation until the Second World War in order

commercial penetration that both banks aimed to pursue throu-

to provide some hints on particular kind of documentation that

gh the creation of Sudameris9. In fact, Sudameris came after the


can add new elements to the already existing bibliography on this bank’s history. Besides pointing out some research paths in business history, we will indicate some others concerning the

5  See the most recent description, Pino F., Mignone A., Memorie di valore. Guida ai patrimoni dell’Archivio storico di Intesa Sanpaolo, Hoepli, Milano, 2016, pp. 44-61.

history of major political and economic events. 1  “Sources in the plural for the history of Latin America. An overview from the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Archives - Part 1”, in Boletín-Red de Estudios de Historia de Empresa, diciembre 2017, pp. 22-27. 2  In particular, we described the eldest paper held in the Archives, the journal of Luigi Canzi’s voyage to Latin America in 18591860, and the papers of the International division of Banca Commerciale Italiana (BCI). 3  BCI landed in the Latin American continent in 1906 by acquiring a controlling interest in Banco Commerciale Italo-Brasiliano (firstly known as Banco Commerciale Italiano di São Paulo), established at Giuseppe Puglisi Carbone’s initiative in 1900. Puglisi Carbone was an entrepreneur in the oil sector and owner of the Companhia Uniao dos Rafinadores. After the creation of Sudameris in 1910, in 1919 BCI acquired the shareholding control of Banco Italiano di Lima and, from 1923, it also settled in Ecuador with the assumption of a stake in the Banco Italiano in Guayaquil. See Pasotti I., Pino F., 2017, pp. 23-4. 4

See Pasotti I., Pino F., 2017, p. 24.

6  Paribas was established in 1872 through the union among a group of banking houses from the European haute banque (from Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark), banks (Banque de crédit et de dépôts des Pays-Bas and Banque de Paris) and capitalists; cf. Bussière E., Paribas. Europe and the World, 1872-1992, Fonds Mercator, Antwerp, 1992, pp. 25-8. 7  Before Sudameris, in 1907 - in the context of the development of the electrical and electrotechnical industry in Europe - Paribas and BCI created the holding company AEG-Thompson Houston Italiana (Bussière, 1992, pp. 78-9). In 1911, following the liquidation of the Banque Commerciale Tunisienne, in which BCI had a stake since 1905, they founded, in collaboration with the Société Générale, the Société Générale de l’Afrique du Nord. 8  See for instance Wallich P., Banco Alemán Transatlántico, v. Hase & Koehler Verlag, Eschwege, 1986. 9  Hertner P., “Les débuts de Sudameris, fondée par Paribas et la Banca Commerciale Italiana, 1906-1920”, in Banque et société XIXè-XXIè siècle. Identités croisées. Hommage à Pierre de Longue-



first Paribas’ and BCI’s financial operations undertaken in the La-


tin American continent and sealed a relationship of trust that

A lot of documents still remains to be exploited and indeed the

was expressed in the choice of Sudameris’ managers, starting

records preserved in the Archives can provide new research

from that of the first general director of Sudameris-Brasil, Luigi

perspectives. Here there are some suggestions.


Dapples. A former BCI manager , Dapples became chief of exe11

cutive office (1914-1919) and then vice-president (1919-1923)


of Sudameris . As Dapples, most of the personnel in Sudameris

Starting from the statute15, it is worth considering some as-

branches were Italians; while, the French partner of the Institute

pects that characterized the bank governance. First, the re-

provided mainly the capitals .

cognition of the founders’ rights (Article 16, 44 and 48-50),



a banking practice of German origin that was typical in the Furthermore, this bibliography detailed the difficulties in main-

haute banque, and which will be then eliminated with the first

taining the equilibrium in the governance of Sudameris as well

amendment of the statute in 1921. Second, the acknowled-

as the strategy and the process of the expansion of Sudame-

gement of the profit earned by the bank to its shareholders

ris in the South American continent .

(articles 6 and 47); the dividends paid were thus related to the


risk - that was very high - of the operations undertaken by the mar, Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2016, pp. 51-61. Bussière, 1992, and Di Quirico R., “Il sistema Comit. Le partecipazioni estere della Banca Commerciale Italiana tra il 1918 e il 1931, Rivista di Storia economica, n.s. 12, n.2, 1995, pp. 175-217. 10  In 1893, Paribas took part in the creation of the Banco Nacional do Brasil, that was liquidated in 1898. Later, in 1906-1907, it entrusted, first, Paul Régnet, to prepare a project for the foundation of a bank in Buenos Aires, and, then, its general director, Joseph-Henri Thors, to consider the opening of a bank in Brasil (Hertner, 2016, p. 55). As concerns BCI, see above footnote 3. 11

See Pasotti I., Pino F., 2017, p. 23.

12  At his last Board of directors’ meeting, it was recognized that he was “le meilleur artisan de la prospérité de [l’] Etablissement” (Conti E., “L’opera di Luigi Dapples come uomo di banca”, in Volume jubilaire en l’honneur de Monsieur Louis E.C. Dapples pour son soixante-dixième anniversaire, Vevey, 9 septembre 1937, p. 34). After the experience in Sudameris he was chief of executive office in Nestlé and director in the Board of the Anglo-Swiss Holding Co Ltd, Crédit Suisse and Compagnie Suisse de Réassurance. 13  D’Alessandro M., “Gestire le reti estere. Comit e Credit nei centri finanziari internazionali (1900-1940)”, in Annali di storia dell’impresa, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, vol. 12, pp. 35-69; Piluso G. Toninelli P.A., “L’attività multinazionale delle banche miste italiane: organizzazione, carriere, contabilità”, in Annali di storia dell’impresa, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, pp. 101-28. 14  Brambilla C., “Italian Multinational Banking: Banca Commerciale Italiana and Credito Italiano Between 1930s and 1940s. A Case Study”, in Bonin H. et alt (eds.), Transnational Companies. 19th-20th Centuries, Plage, Parigi, 2002, pp. 437-448; Brambilla C., “Le banche miste all’estero negli anni Trenta”, in Annali di storia dell’impresa, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, pp. 71-100; D’Alessandro M., “L’organizzazione delle reti estere. Comit e Credit nei centri finanziari internazionali (1910-1935)”, in Archivi e imprese, 9, 1998, n. 18, pp. 245-289; Di Quirico R., Le banche italiane all’estero, 1900-1950. Espansione bancaria all’estero e integrazione finanziaria internazionale nell’Italia degli anni tra le due guerre, Epap, Firenze, 2000; Hertner P., 2016; Marianno M., Sudameris Brasil. 80 aňos de trabalho, Sudameris Brasil, San Paolo, 1990; Piluso G., “Le banche miste sui mercati esteri: strategie e geografie di una espansione multinazionale”, in La formazione della

bank. Third, the broad mandate of the Board of directors to the managers of the branches (article 24)16. In fact, the Statute allowed a wide range of activities to the bank; as article 3 states: “[l]a Société, dont le but principal est de favoriser et d’étendre les relations d’affaires entre la France, l’Italie et l’Amérique du Sud, a pour objet de faire, soit pour elle-même, soit pour le compte de tiers ou en participation avec de tiers, en France, en Italie, en Amérique du Sud ou en tout autre pays, toutes opérations de banque, commerciales, financières et industrielles, même immobilières”17. banca centrale in Italia. Atti della giornata di studio in onore di Antonio Confalonieri tenutasi presso l’Università Cattolica, 8 gennaio 1993, Giappichelli, Torino, 1994, pp. 1-39; Piluso G., “Le banche miste in Sud America: strategie, mercati e organizzazioni (1905-1921)”, in Archivi e imprese, 7, 1996, n. 13, pp. 7-59. 15  Archivio storico Intesa Sanpaolo, patrimonio BCI (BCI holdings) (henceforth ASI-BCI), fonds Sofindit, box 170, n. 87, Banque Française et Italienne pour l’Amérique du Sud, Statuts, 1910. 16  These responsibilities included the possibility of creating steering committees, which will be then criticised by the Italian officers, including Guido Colombo (general manager of Sudameris-Argentina from 1923 to 1926; see also footnote 42), as they tended to paralyse the actions of the management in the South American continent (Carte Mattioli (Mattioli papers) (henceforth CM), box 58, folder Colombo Guido, n. 9/all.1, letter by G. Colombo to Raffaele Mattioli, Parigi, 5th September 1933). In the 1941 revision of the statute, this Board of directors’ power will be eliminated. 17  “The Company, whose main purpose is to foster and extend business relations between France, Italy and South America, aims to make, either for itself or on behalf of third parties or in participation with third parties, in France, Italy, South America or any other country, all banking, commercial, financial and industrial affairs, even in real estate sector”, ASI-BCI, fonds Sofindit, box 170, n. 87, Banque Française et Italienne pour l’Amérique du Sud, Statuts, 1910.



While for BCI this broad mandate went beyond its statutory

CIAC was created in July 1924 at the request of the Ambassa-

functions and limits, for Paribas, who was a banque d’affaires,

dor of Italy in Argentina, Count Giuseppe Colli di Felizzano in

it did not.

order to avoid speculative affairs in the settlements of Italian colonies and support the beginning of agricultural activities in


the High Valley of the Rio Negro20. Besides Sudameris, CIAC

RIS IN THE 1920S-1930S

was joined by Banco de Italia and Rio de La Plata and the ma-

Among the activities promoted by Sudameris, we consider

jor Italian navigazione companies. According to its statute, the

those related to the participation in colonization companies

company gave to the settlers both plots of land ready for culti-

and business initiatives in emerging industrial sectors in La-

vation at cost price plus a return on capital and the advances

tin American countries in the 1920s-1930s. Both have not

necessary to start the cultivation (money, work tools, seeds,

yet been studied in proof, but a research on them could give

etc.). After two years the settler could contract with Banco

interesting results: if on the one hand, with the records pre-

Hipotecario Nacional a loan for 80% of the value of his lot, re-

served in the archives of Intesa Sanpaolo the starting phase

payable in 33 years with an interest rate of 7%. The amount of

even of very risky initiatives can be understood, on the other

the mortgage loan was collected, on settler’s behalf, by CIAC,

hand, the records kept in local and national, public or private

which obtained the repayment of most of its credit towards

Latin American archives, can help to trace the development

him and consolidated the payment in a mortgage, secured by

and long-term impact of the same initiatives on political and

a second mortgage payable in seven years with an interest

social institutions, on environment, on markets and technolo-

rate of 7%21.

gy, and so on. Backed by its initial success22, CIAC expanded its business Sudameris participated in the establishment of two coloniza-

with the purchase of additional areas for colonization in 1926

tion companies, the Compañía Italo-Argentina de Coloniza-

and 1928. However, several factors contributed to undermine

cion (CIAC), in Argentina, and the Companhia Paranaense de

the credit mechanism on which it was based between the late

Colonisaçao Esperia, in Brazil. These initiatives were promoted

1920s and the beginning of the 1930s (the worldwide down-

in the context of the substantial Italian migratory flow towards

turn in the prices of agricultural products following the 1929

South America . In the same years, the Italian government

crisis, the underestimation of the costs of the construction of

replaced the Istituto Nazionale per la Colonizzazione e le

infrastructures and the delay of the Argentine government in

Imprese di Lavoro all’Estero (National Institute for Coloniza-

the completion of the indispensable ones, the interruption of

tion and Businesses Abroad) - INCILE with the Istituto per il

the Banco Hipotecario Nacional’s collaboration)23 and brought

Credito del Lavoro all’Estero (Credit Institute for Italian Labor

to Sudameris’ decision to sell its participation to ICLE at the

Abroad) - ICLE in order to support the Italian emigrants’ sett-

end of 193824.


lement. A joint-stock company - with capital underwritten by savings banks, pawnshops, insurance institutions and public credit institutions and also by the emigrants, being 10% of their deposits at the Banco di Napoli and the Banco di Sicilia invested in bonds of the institution -, ICLE funded agricultural

20  ASI-BCI, CM, box 289, folder Zuccoli Giuseppe, n. 56/a all., memorandum on CIAC, with a description of the historical evolution of the program of colonization in the Rio Negro region (until August 1933), and data on the production activities of the colony and the financial report for the year 1932.

settlements that mainly employed Italian workers, provided

21  Ibidem.

advances to individual settlers, collected information on the

22  Among the successful colonization experiences there was the creation of the Villa Regina de Alvear colony in November 1924 (Sergi P., “Un modelo fascista de emigración italiana en Argentina. Así nació Villa Regina en Alto Valle de Rio Negro”, Estudios Migratorio Latinoamericanos, XXV, 72, 2012, pp. 177-99).

possibility of working abroad and, in general, carried out all the financial transactions connected with the emigration (including the collection of savings)19.

23  ASI-BCI, CM, box 170, folder Malagodi Giovanni – Buenos Aires – sue lettere 1941, n. 20, letter by G. Malagodi to R. Mattioli, Buenos Aires, 16th April 1941, and n. 20/all. 18

See Pasotti I., Pino F., 2017, cit.

19  Fauri F., 2009, “Il decollo mancato: nascita e vita travagliata dell’Istituto di credito per il lavoro italiano all’estero”, in Studi Storici, 1, 2009, pp. 257-80.

24  See the minutes of Sudameris Board of directors’ meetings and the extensive records in ASI-BCI, fonds Servizio Estero-Segreteria estero (SE-s), boxes 22-23. See also: ASI-BCI, fonds Segreteria degli Amministratori Delegati Facconi e Mattioli (AD 2), folder 24, n. 1-2;



The same fate will be experienced by Companhia Paranaense

As concerns the promotion of industrial activities, in 1930 Sud-

de Colonisaçao Esperia. Established in 1926 by Sudameris

ameris joined the foundation of the South American Investment

and a group of Brazilian entrepreneurs (mostly of Italian ori-

Company (SAIC), a holding company based in Zurich31. Created

gin), Esperia aimed to colonize the area of Paraná25. There

to take over some activities of the Companhia Mechanica & Im-

are numerous traces on the initiatives undertaken with public

portadora (São Paulo), given a portion of the claims that Suda-


and private local entities for the financing of infrastructures

meris had against that company32, SAIC ought to “participer, par

and the creation of new business companies of Italian origin27.

achat d’actions ou autrement, à des entreprises immobilières, financières, commerciales ou industrielles en tous pays et no-

With ICLE’s entry into the company’s capital in 1928 and the

tamment dans les diverse Républiques de l’Amérique du Sud”33.

subsequent acquisition of its control in 1932, Esperia began a difficult period in its business management which led to a

SAIC had holdings in two companies in the chemical indus-

dispute between the Italian Institute and Sudameris that en-

try - Elekeiroz S.A. (Sao Paulo), which represented almost all

ded with the transfer without any compensation of the bank’s

the assets of the SAIC, and C.ia de Acidos (Rio de Janeiro)

participation to ICLE in 1937 . The affair was personally ma-

- and also in a real estate company - the Central Passagem

naged by Raffaele Mattioli, vice-president of Sudameris and

(Sao Paulo) which had properties in the center of Sao Pau-

managing director of BCI29, who had acted with the intention

lo34. The activity of SAIC, although initially envisaged as broad,

of avoiding troubles in the relationship between BCI and the

was heavily limited by the 1929 world crisis, which had also a

Italian fascist government .

significant impact on the performance of the affiliated com-



panies35. Moreover, during the Second World War, SAIC had to face the problems related to the inclusion of Sudameris in the ASI-BCI, CM, box 237, folder Poli Dino, n. 3/all. e n. 20; ASI-BCI, CM, box 168, folder Malagodi Giovanni, n. 1/a. 25  ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 12, folder 1, n. 1, Diario Official do Estado de S. Paulo, n. 139, 6/7/1926 Statute. In the same folder and in SE-s, box 20, there are the minutes of the Board of directors’ meetings from 1926 to 1932. 26  For example, the partnership with the C.ia Brazileira de Viacao y Commercio for the construction of the railway network in the Paraná area (ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 14, folder 1, n. 1) and with the government of Paraná to finance the S. Francisco bridge (ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 14, folder 1, n. 4). 27  For instance the Productos Alimenticios Torrigiani & Bagliani S.A. por el comercio y la industrialización de productos alimenticios, ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 16, folder 4, n. 1. 28  See in ASI-BCI, SE-s: box 17, folder 1, “Dossier Serena, giugno 1933” for the changes of the company shareholdings; box 18, folder 1 and 2; box 19, folders 1 and 2; box 20, folder 1. 29  Raffaele Mattioli joined BCI in 1925 with the role of chief of the Secretariat of the managing director, Giuseppe Toeplitz. After BCI’s rescue, in 1933 Mattioli was appointed by the new majority shareholder, the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI) (Institute for Industrial Reconstruction), managing director together with Michelangelo Facconi. In 1960 he was appointed president, charge that he kept until his resignation in 1972 (Pino F., “Mattioli, Raffaele”, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 72, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 2009, pp. 312-22). 30  Mattioli had tried the way of a non-formal arbitration with ICLE, but he was opposed by Sudameris’ Board of Directors. Moreover, he had accepted that BCI should take on the payment of the indemnity agreed with ICLE when Sudameris’ participation in Esperia was transferred to ICLE (ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 21, folder 1, n. 1, letter by BCI Central direction to Sudameris Central Direction, Milan, 18th December 1935).

Allies’ black list36. The share of Sudameris in SAIC was finally sold in 1943 to a shareholder of the company, Crédit Suisse37. 31  SAIC is an example of a non-bank financial institution that will have a widespread development after the Second World War. Alongside Sudameris, in 1934 among its shareholders there were the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Italiana - IRI (Institute for Italian Reconstruction), Montecatini, Crédit Suisse, Italo-Belge (Bruxelles) and a group of French and Suisse private personalities. In 1941, the shareholders increased in number, including other private banking entities (e.g. A Sarasin &, Warburg & Co) and bankers and entrepreneurs of various nationalities (ASI-BCI, AD 2, box 10, folder Sudameris-Nogara, n. 1/all.5: “Affaire Saic/Elekeiroz/Acidos”, memorandum on Brasilian affairs of the South American Investment Co., September 1944). 32  ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 24, folder 2, n. 1, Memorandum (Milano, 3rd November 1934). 33  English transl.: “to participate, by purchase of shares or otherwise, in real estate, financial, commercial or industrial enterprises in all countries and in particular in the various Republics of South America”, in ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 24, folder 1, n. 1, Statute. See also box 25. 34  ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 24, folder 2, n. 1, Memorandum (Milano, 3 November 1934). 35  ASI-BCI, SE-s, boxes 24-25, containing the correspondence among Sudameris, SAIC and Elekeiroz and the minutes of the SAIC’s Board of directors’ meetings and the holding company balance sheets. Moreover see ASI-BCI, CM, box 175, folder Malagodi Giovanni, n. 3, correspondence between Guido Lajolo (director of the Elekeiroz) and BCI-Ufficio serico (Silky Office), 1935-1939. 36

ASI-BCI, AD 2, box 10, folder Sudameris-Nogara, n. 1/all.5, cit.

37  Fonds Rappresentanza di Roma (RR), box 45, folder 4, n. 2/ all., “Résumé Historique” on SAIC, January 1944.






Before succeeding Guido Colombo42 as general director at

The years after the 1929 international crisis and those of the

Sudameris, between September 1936 and March 1937, Mala-

Second World War brought important consequences on the

godi carried out an inspection trip to Sudameris branches on

management of Sudameris. The archives records highlight the

behalf of Sudameris Board of directors. The inspection resul-

role played by Giovanni Malagodi , who was general mana-

ted in an extensive report - 274 typed sheets in French - on the

ger of Sudameris since April 1937, first in Paris and then in

organization and the current and prospective earning power

Buenos Aires.

of each branch43.

A close Mattioli’s collaborator at BCI, he had matured and distin-

As it can be seen from the index of the report (see appendix),


guished himself in the Italian bank for his skills of organization

for each country there is an examination of the political, eco-

builder39. In fact he worked with Mattioli in the reform of the inter-

nomic and social aspects as well as its relations with other

nal organization structure of BCI to make the Institute compliant

Latin American countries, and then the analysis of the orga-

with the 1933 Italian banking law which imposed its transfor-

nization and the financial data of the branches. Writing long

mation into an ordinary bank . Not only a banker but also a hu-

reports in the form of memoranda, which dealt with economic

manist, Malagodi, after the experience in Sudameris and some

and financial problems as well as political and social issues,

years spent in Rome still in service in BCI, finally chose politics

was typical of the BCI Economic Research department44. Mo-

and became the head of the Italian Liberal Party41.

reover, we could also note that the scheme recalls and fores-


talls the country reports made by the international organizations such as the World Bank in the second post-war years. In addition to the 1937 report, the extensive correspondence between Malagodi and Mattioli contains further confidential information collected during the trip on the situation of the South American branches and the commercial relations be38  Biographical profile: Orsina G., “Malagodi, Giovanni Francesco”, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 67, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 2006, pp. 710-17. 39  Pino F., “Orizzonte internazionale e ‘leadership’ nelle carte bancarie di Giovanni Malagodi”, in S. Romano, F. Pino, A. Patuelli, V. Zanone, Giovanni Malagodi banchiere, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 2005, pp. 7-45. 40  On his role in the reform of BCI see his writings: “Uomo di banca”, in L’Osservatore Politico-Letterario, settembre 1973, pp. 9-13; “Il salvataggio della Banca Commerciale Italiana nel ricordo di un testimone”, in Toniolo G., Industria e banca nella grande crisi, 1929-1934, Etas, Milano, 1978, pp. 270-83; Profilo di Raffaele Mattioli, Ricciardi, Milano-Napoli, 1984; “Mattioli banchiere”, in AA.VV., La figura e l’opera di Raffaele Mattioli, Ricciardi, Milano, first edition 1980, second edition 1999). On his contribution in the 1930s: G. Malagodi, Dalla crisi allo sviluppo. Scritti per la riorganizzazione delle filiali Comit, 1934-1935, edited by F. Pino e F. Gaido, Nino Aragno, Torino, 2010; on the rescue of Sudameris: Patuelli A., “Novità su Raffaele Mattioli e Giovanni Malagodi”, in Libro Aperto, n.63, ottobre-dicembre 2010, pp. 25-9. 41  Between the end of the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s he joined the Italian delegation in various European organizations (see G. Malagodi, Aprire l’Italia all’aria d’Europa. Il diario europeo (1950-1951), edited by G. Farese, with an introduction by G. Orsina, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2011; R. Ventresca, Prove tecniche di integrazione. L’Italia, l’Oece e la ricostruzione economica internazionale (1947-1953), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2018), while after he was a prominent member of the Italian Liberal Party.

tween the Latin American countries and Italy45. The custom of drafting these reports is maintained over the years when Malagodi directed Sudameris. Moreover, during the Second World War years (often in collaboration with André Cavin, who was general co-director), special attention was given to Latin American countries’ relations with non-continental countries. From these reports we know the political attitude and history of each country and the growing role of the United States which was believed to have a significant impact on the

42  Guido Colombo started his career at BCI in 1906; he was at the Portafoglio Italia department until 1909, when he left the bank for personal reasons. From 1923 he was general manager of Sudameris-Argentina. In 1926 he became general director of Sudameris in Paris, representing the Italian shareholder. He kept the charge until his death on 1st September 1936. 43

ASI-BCI, SE-s, folder 38.

44  Montanari G., “L’Ufficio Studi della Comit nell’organizzazione della banca (1919-1945)”, in Imprese e Storia, n. 24, luglio-dicembre 2001, pp. 337-59. On Antonello Gerbi and the BCI Economic Research department see footnote XX. 45

ASI-BCI, SE-s, box 38.



existing trade between Europe and Latin America46. Therefore,

response to the restrictions imposed by the Allies52 between

we confirm that banking records can be a valuable source for

November 1941 and December 194253.

general and political history. Malagodi was very active to guarantee the continuing ope3.3.2. THE SECOND WORLD WAR YEARS

rations of the bank since its inclusion in the Allies’ blacklist

The impact of the Second World War was more serious than

(1940-1941)54. In the first half of 1940 he had already initiated,

that of the first one47. During the Second World War, in fact,

together with Mattioli, contacts with other banks (e.g. Chase

being France and Italy belligerent on opposite sides, there was

National Bank and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro) to ensure the

the problem of guaranteeing the coexistence of Italian and

coverage of current credits. Then, since the beginning of 1941,

French personnel in the management of Sudameris in order

against the eventuality of an extension of the conflict to the

to safeguard the bank’s operations.

South American continent, he established contacts with go-


vernment authorities that would lead, in Colombia and then In particular, the records preserved in the archive allow to

Brazil, to the creation of committees (Juntas in the Colombian

reconstruct the measures taken by the Board of directors

case, Consultative Conselho in the Brazilian case) made up of

against the risk of a global conflict. Three are worth of men-

leading figures from those countries, who oversaw the affairs

tioning. First, the decision to transfer the general management

of the branches.


from Paris to Buenos Aires, with the creation of the Direction Générale pour l’Amérique du Sud - Digesud (General Directora-

Finally, he made - together with other Digesud collaborators

te for South American Countries) in February 1940 . Second,

(Cavin, Ettore Bottoni and Paolo Marietti) and the support of

the gentlemen agreement between Émile Oudot, president of

the European heads of Sudameris (Oudot and Mattioli) - va-

Sudameris and managing director of Paribas, and Raffaele

rious attempts towards the government and Allied authorities

Mattioli, signed on 4th June 1940, which determined the ‘neu-

to delete the Digesud from the blacklist55.


tralization’ of the staff while establishing a complete loyalty to the bank, the compliance with the laws of the South American countries, and the abstention to any involvement in political issues51. Third, the engagement of the Vatican, through the Swiss holding Profima, in the shareholding of Sudameris in

46  ASI-BCI, fonds Segreteria Estero-Dirigenti (SE-d), box 14, folder 3; box 15, folders 1-3. See also ASI-BCI, boxes 169-172. 47  During the First World War the activities of Sudameris began to increase as early as 1915 and between 1916 and 1920 it resumed its expansion on the continent, see Piluso, 1996, pp. 41-4 and Di Quirico, 2000. 48  In Sudameris, the Board of directors consisted of an equal number of French and Italian administrators. The president, who had a double vote, had always been a Frenchman, while the vice-president was an Italian; the general director was an Italian, coming from the organization of BCI, as well as, as it has already said (see p. XXX), the great majority of the senior staff in the overseas branches in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay. 49  Besides the records kept in the Archives of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, useful and interesting sources can be found by the scholars in the fonds Giovanni Malagodi at the historical archive of Fondazione Luigi Einaudi (Rome). 50  After the German occupation, the administrative offices in Paris had also been moved to Marseilles. 51

ASI-BCI, SE-d, box 14, folder 8.

52  ASI-BCI, SE-d, box 14, folders 9 and10. In the same box see the folders (in particular, 14) with the correspondence among the top managers of Sudameris. Moreover, the correspondence between Mattioli and Bernardino Nogara, the representative of the Holy See Special Administration, who was director of BCI and Sudameris (ASI-BCI, CM, box 213, folder Nogara Bernardino); the records in CM, folder 239, Profima [S.A. Société Immobilière et de Participations - Lausanne] and CM, boxes 173-175, folders Malagodi Giovanni. For a biographical profile of Bernardino Nogara, Pegrari M., “Nogara, Bernardino”, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 78, 2013, pp. available at: http://www., access 9 April 2018; for the history of the Vatican participation in Sudameris: Osio B., “Giovanni Malagodi e il Vaticano”, in Libro Aperto, n. 66, luglio-settembre 2011, p. 177; Malagodi G. F., “L’autobiografia degli anni dell’esilio sudamericano”, con introduzione di A. Patuelli, in Libro Aperto, n. 81, aprile-giugno 2015, pp. 94-102. 53  A second Vatican’s involvement occurred in 1944-1947 in order to halt Paribas’ attempt to control Sudameris by excluding BCI (see CM, box 213, folder Nogara Bernardino, letter by B. Nogara to A. Roncalli, nuncio in Paris, 9th January 1948). 54  See the documentation enclosed by Malagodi in the memorandum he addressed in June 1946 to the American and English ambassadors in Argentina in order to obtain the deletion of Sudameris from the black list, ASI-BCI, CM, box 175, folder Malagodi Giovanni, 2. Malagodi - lista nera, n. 1. e n. 1/all. 55  Cf. the correspondence in ASI-BCI, CM, boxes 170 and 176, folders Malagodi Giovanni.




totalitarianisms with which the countries had to deal with in the


post-war period. Finally the difficulties to live in exile, despite they


were aware of their privileged positions. In this last case it must

On the side of private papers, we must consider the war-ti-

be noted that Malagodi (a Jew from his mother) acted, often at

me correspondence that Malagodi exchanged with another

Mattioli’s request59, as a referee for the Jewish refugees who had

humanist-banker, Antonello Gerbi, head of the BCI Economic

moved to Latin America when anti-Semitic laws were introduced

Research department since 1932, and exiled in Peru due to the

in Italy (1938)60 and in France (1940)61. Among these, Roberto

anti-Semitic laws from 1938 to 194856. Sent by Mattioli to Ban-

Adler, managing director of the Società Italiana di Credito (a bank

co Italiano di Lima to write an essay for the 50th anniversary

controlled by BCI), became well known in the Jewish philanthro-

of its foundation, Gerbi was permanently hired by the bank

pic circles of Buenos Aires (in the Asociación Filantrópica Israe-

in June 1940, with the task of creating a Sección Estudios

lita) and Montevideo (in the Nueva Congregación Israelita)62. In

Ecónomicos. Organised on the model of the BCI Economic

a letter written to support Malagodi’s removal from the blacklist,

Research department, the Sección prepared periodic financial

Adler also mentioned other people helped by the banker, such

reports and memoranda on the Peruvian economy (e.g. the

as Paul Appel, a manager of the Oesterreichische CreditAnstalt,

Vademecum del Inversionista, first issue in 1943).

and “numerosi impiegati israeliti che la Banca Commerciale Italiana ha dovuto licenziare e malgrado la grande difficoltà furono

Gerbi and Malagodi had met at the time of their academic

assunti con posti ragguardevoli” (English transl.:”many Jewish

Law studies in Rome in the early Twenties, and since then

employees that BCI had to lay off and despite the great difficulty

they started to exchange brilliant insights into the history of

they were hired with remarkable positions”)63. Moreover Mattioli

political and philosophical ideas, sharing reading programs

asked Malagodi’s help for Aleardo Borghi, who had been mana-

that they discussed in detail.

ger of the BCI branch in Reggio Emilia64 until November 1938, and Guido Schwarz, who was at the BCI International division

In their correspondence of the war years, the two friends - separated by the cordillera of the Andes - exchanged ideas on their new readings, allowed by the stagnation of the business duties. Furthermore, they expressed their opinions on the dramatic events of the period: the injustice suffered due to the anti-Semitic measures, which marked a manifest deviation from the progressive Enlightenment path of tolerance (“Bisogna raccogliere ogni piccolo segno che ci permette di alimentare la speranza che la ragione tornerà un giorno a illuminare il mondo”; English transl.: “We must gather every little sign that allows us to nourish the hope that Reason will one day return to enlighten the world”57); “il dissolversi del sistema bancario mercantile all’inglese” (English transl.: “the dissolution of the mercantile banking system based on the English model”)58; the legacy of nationalisms and 56  For a biographical account of Gerbi, see: Pertici R., “Gerbi, Antonello”, Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, vol. 53, 1999; Pino F., Montanari G., 2007, Un filosofo in banca. Guida alle carte di Antonello Gerbi, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Roma and the proceedings of the conference: Perassi E., Pino F. (eds), Antonello Gerbi tra vechio e nuovo mondo. Giornata di studi, Milano, 27 febbraio 2007, Cisalpino, Milano, 2009. On Gerbi and Mattioli’s cooperation and friendship see Gerbi S., 2017, Raffaele Mattioli e il filosofo domato, Hoepli, Milano. 57  ASI-BCI, P-Gerbi, box 54, folder Malagodi Giovanni, letter by A. Gerbi to G. Malagodi, Lima, 17th January 1943. 58  ASI-BCI, P-Gerbi, box 54, folder Malagodi Giovanni, letter by A. Gerbi to G. Malagodi, Lima, 15 April 1944.

and then moved to Colombia65. 59  For his contribution to save Jews throughout the Second World War, Mattioli was entitled “honorary Jew”, Hamaui R., Ebrei a Milano. Due secoli di storia fra integrazione e discriminazioni, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2016. 60  Di Quirico R., “La Banca e la razza. Riflessioni sulle conseguenze del varo delle leggi razziali sull’attività delle banche italiane all’estero”, in Pavan I., Schwarz G. (eds), Gli ebrei in Italia tra persecuzione fascista e reintegrazione postbellica, Giuntina, Firenze, 2001, pp. 55-72. See the bibliography on the Italian exiles during the Fascist regime years provided in Bertonha J.F., Fascismo, antifascismo e gli italiani all’estero. Bibliografia orientativa (1922-2015), Quaderni ASEI 13-14, Edizioni Sette Città, Viterbo, 2015. Moreover, on the Jewish refugees in Argentina see Smolensky E.M., Jarach V., Interviews with members of the Italian Jewish community who emigrated to Argentina between 1938 and 1948 to escape racial persecution, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1998. 61  Dreyfus J.-M., Pillages sur ordonnances. Aryanisation et restitution des banques en France, 1940-1953, Fayard, Paris, 2003. 62

ASI-BCI, CM, box 168, folder Malagodi Giovanni, n. 48/all.

63  ASI-BCI, CM, box 175, folder Malagodi Giovanni, n.2/all. S, letter by R. Adler to G. Malagodi, [1945-1946]. On the Jews employed in BCI, Hamaui, R., 2016, pp. 82-7 and on the dismissal of about 70 employees, see Briganti P., “La Banca Commerciale Italiana di fronte ai provvedimenti antiebraici del 1938”, La rassegna mensile di Israel, vol. 80, n. 1 (gennaio-aprile 2014), pp. 59-74. 64  ASI-BCI, CM, box 169, folder Malagodi Buenos Aires 1940 nostre lettere, n. 2. 65

ASI-BCI, CM, box 259, folder Schwarz Guido, n.1; ASI-BCI, CM,



In the private papers of Gerbi kept at the archives, there are

tumn of 194271. In our opinion, for today’s reader they repre-

other important records for the history of Peru and Latin Ame-

sent an interesting source for understanding Peru’s position

rica. Throughout his staying in Peru, Gerbi wrote about twenty

in the geopolitical context of those years; in fact, the letters

among books, articles and pamphlets66, some on Peru67 and

deal with issues concerning political, demographic and social

others that will distinguish him among the specialists of Ame-

history, the conditions of the economy, the local press and fo-

rican studies, like his masterpieces Viejas polemicas sobre el

reign information, the presence of Italians, the consequences

Nuevo Mundo (published in 1943 and 1946) and Disputa del

of the introduction of the blacklist by the Allies.

Nuovo Mondo (1955, edited by Ricciardi, and then translated in English and Spanish)68. Among the writings on Peru, there

From Gerbi’s photographic passion, a further enrichment co-

are also eight letters written in English from 7th July 1941 to

mes from the hundreds of pictures he took on his trip to Peru,

2nd April 1942 for the Office of Inter-American Affairs (OIAA) .

on his arrival in Lima and on his excursions around the capital

The OIAA was created in the early 1940s by the American go-

and in the South of the country. They represent a sort of priva-

vernment and placed under Nelson A. Rockefeller’s direction.

te diary by images72.



The Office was in charge of proposing, in coordination with other governmental and ministerial bodies (in particular with


the State Department), policies supporting the Latin American

This brief overview has brought to the attention the most va-

economy in an anti-Axis function. Although the letters were

rious examples of historical actors and memories dating back

appreciated by the OIAA and spread in a mimeographed edi-

to the first half of the 20th century, in the awareness that there

tion both in the ministerial and international circles, on Gerbi’s

is a lot of new research to be encouraged.

decision they were removed from circulation in the late AuAfter the Second World War, BCI’s support to Italian companies for obtaining big public contracts in Latin America counbox 79, folder Di Veroli Giorgio, n. 12. 66  The writings of the Peruvian years, written in Italian (with the exception of The Japanese in South America) are in ASI-BCI, P-Gerbi, boxes 10-16. 67  The essay, Banco Italiano-Lima, 1889-1939, was published in 1939. Two years later, in 1941, it was published El Perù en marcha. Ensayo de Geografia Economica. From this latter, he began a study for the Oxford University Press of New York, provisionally entitled A Portrait of Peru; yet, for various reasons (among which the financial problems of the publisher, the diminished Americans’ interest in Peru), he did not complete it. Finally, Gerbi wrote The Japanese in South America (1943, with J.F. Normano and edited by the Institut of Pacific Relations). Cf. Pino F., Montanari G., 2007, Un filosofo in banca. Guida alle carte di Antonello Gerbi, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Roma. 68  For a description of the origin and the relevance of this book, see Benzoni M.M., “Genesi e fortuna de La disputa del Nuovo Mondo. Verioni, edizioni e traduzioni di un ‘libro organetto’ (1943-2000)”, in Perassi E., Pino F. (eds), 2009, pp. 119-37. 69  Some letters were written with Alberto Pincherle, who was one of Gerbi’s classmates at the University in Rome. He was an academic professor in History of Christianism and, like Gerbi, was a refugee in Peru (Bonfiglio G., 1998, Dizionario storico-biografico degli italiani in Perù, Il Mulino, Bologna, p. 252). 70  The origins of Gerbi’s collaboration, solicited by Max Ascoli - a classmate of Gerbi at the university in Rome as well and employed in the Bureau of Latin American Research of the Office, are described by Gerbi S., “Nelson Rockefeller e Max Ascoli: l’Office of Inter-American Affairs, la propaganda americana in America Latina e il caso del Perù”, in Camurri R. (ed.), Max Ascoli. Antifascista, intellettuale, giornalista, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012, pp.197-207.

tries was very important. From the minutes of both the Central Management Committee of the bank - that are fully digitized - and the Board of directors of Sudameris we know that advances were made readily available to business such as Olivetti, Franco Tosi, Breda, Dalmine and Fiat. Raffaele Mattioli stood out among the bankers to him contemporaries for urging the promotion of economic development through private entrepreneurial initiatives in late-comers countries such as were those of the Latin American continent. In the awareness that the problem of underdevelopment should be addressed in a global framework, since the end of the 1940s he proposed a plan - involving European, American and Latin American capitals - to enhance the resources of the Amazon basin through the promotion of private entrepreneurial initiatives in the six countries that extended in the area. His original and poignant reflections, endowed with historical perspective, and elaborated in cooperation with his staff, par71  ASI-BCI, P-Gerbi, boxe 11, folder 1. See also the correspondence between Gerbi and Max Ascoli (P-Gerbi, box 47, folder Max Ascoli, n. 2, 4-5). One Gerbi’s letter from Peru has been partially published in ‘Novecento’, n. 4, gennaio-giugno 2001, pp. 150-153. 72  ASI-BCI, P-Gerbi, boxes 76-79. See the description of the photographic albums and samples of the pictures in Pino F., Montanari G., 2007, pp. 146-48.



ticularly with Antonello Gerbi, are now proposed by an Italian

The documentary movie, entitled Sous la Croix du Sud and

publisher, Nino Aragno, in a plurilingual booklet to allow its

produced in three languages (French, Italian and Spanish),

reading outside the Italian public .

traces the history of the Institute and describes its presence


in the Latin American countries. For each country, not only In the post-war period business ties and cultural interconnec-

images of the external and internal banks are shown, but also

tions increased, the financial and banking actors active in the

of its most important economic activities as well as of its geo-

South American continent raised in number with respect to

graphy and folk78.

the pre-war pioneers. Besides BCI, other banks belonging to Intesa Sanpaolo Group that are interesting for Latin American history played an important role. Istituto Mobiliare Italiano (IMI) had a pivotal role in financing Italian exports towards the continent, starting from the first financing to Innocenti for the export of Lambrette in Argentina in 1954, then to Fiat for the construction of the iron and steel paln in Venezuela in 1956-195774, followed by other various operations in the following decades75. Banco di Napoli, after having opened a branch in Buenos Aires in 1930, had a Representative Office in Sao Paulo since 195176. Banco Ambrosiano Veneto opened a Representative Office in Sao Paulo in 197477. Moreover, the kind of documents diversified: besides the banking records, there are also technical-engineering studies, pictures, memoirs and videos. Among the memoirs we mention those written by Jacques Vincenot, who was co-general director of Sudameris from 1956 and then president between 1973 and 1981, when he became honorary president until 2003. The memoir is a testimony of great worth on the governance, internal organization and corporate culture of the Institute. The document, that is unpublished, was personally donated by Vincenot to the archives in 2007. While among the video we call the attention on the documentary movie commissioned by Sudameris on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its foundation in 1960. 73  Mattioli R., Sui programmi di aiuto ai Paesi sottosviluppati, edited by I. Pasotti, with a preface by A. Quadrio Curzio and a foreword by F. Pino, Aragno, Torino, 2018. 74  ASI-patrimonio IMI (holdings IMI) (henceforth ASI-IMI), Carte della Segreteria Organi Statutari (Secretariat of Statutory bodies), Convenzioni estero (Foreign agreements), folder 22, n. 1, Venezuela (Innocenti), 31 dicembre 1955-21 febbraio 1962. 75  For an account of IMI’s activity in the export financing see Sbrana F., Portare l’Italia nel mondo. L’IMI e il credito all’esportazione, 1950-1991, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006. 76 sede/IT-ISP-MAPPAESTERA-0000326, access: 11th May 2018. 77 sede/IT-ISP-MAPPAESTERA-0000394, access: 11th May 2018.

78  VID03476/a-b.



Globalization and De-Globalization: Shifts of Power and Wealth Annual Meeting of the Business History ConferenceHilton Cartagena de Indias,Colombia March 14 – 16, 2019 Proposals due October 1, 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS The theme of the 2019 Business History Conference annual meeting will be “Globalization and DeGlobalization: Shifts of Power and Wealth.” The recent phenomena of the spread of populist and economic nationalist regimes throughout North America, Europe, Asia and elsewhere taking positions against the major trading blocks and the free movement of people and goods make the topic of this conference very timely. The conference aims to concentrate on business history research agendas that enable a nuanced understanding of the phenomena of globalization and de-globalization. The conference theme encourages contributions from a variety of approaches to business history research, covering a broad range of geographies and periods. The program committee of Marcelo Bucheli (co-chair), Andrea Lluch (co-chair), Takafumi Kurosawa, Espen Storli, Laura Sawyer, and Teresa da Silva Lopes (BHC president) invites papers proposals addressing on the following topics, but not limited to: . the contribution of firms and the entrepreneurs to globalization and de-globalization . the role and responsibility of business in shifts of power, wealth and inequality; . the rise of emerging markets and the globalization of firms from those markets; . globalization and environmental and social sustainability; . business and gender during waves of globalization and de-globalization . and risk management during globalization waves While we encourage proposals to take up this theme, papers addressing all other topics will receive equal consideration by the program committee in accordance with BHC policy. Proposals may be submitted for individual papers or for entire panels. Each proposal should include a one-page abstract and one-page curriculum vitae (CV) for each participant. Panel proposals should have a cover letter containing a title, a one-paragraph panel description, and suggestions for a chair and commentator, with contact information for the panel organizer. To submit a proposal go to <http://thebhc. org/2019- bhc-meeting> and click on the link Submit a Paper/Panel Proposal. All sessions take place at the Hilton Hotel Cartagena. Rooms (all suites) are $169/night single and $189/double occupancy (plus tax) and include a full breakfast. General questions regarding the BHC’s 2018 annual meeting may be sent to conference coordinator Roger Horowitz,


The K. Austin Kerr Prize will be awarded for the best first paper delivered by a new scholar at the annual meeting. A “new scholar” is defined as a doctoral candidate or a Ph. D. whose degree is less than three years old. You must nominate your paper for this prize on the proposal submission page where indicated. Please check the appropriate box if your proposal qualifies for inclusion in the Kerr Prize competition. The deadline for receipt of all paper and panel proposals is 1 October 2018. Acceptance letters will be sent by 15 December 2018. Everyone appearing on the program must register for the meeting. Graduate students and recent PhDs (within 3 years of receipt of degree) whose papers are accepted for the meeting may apply for funds to partially defray their travel costs; information will be sent out once the program has been set. The BHC awards the Herman E. Krooss Prize for the best English-language dissertation in business history by a recent Ph.D. in history, economics, business administration, the history of science and technology, sociology, law, communications, and related fields. To be eligible, dissertations must be completed in the three calendar years immediately prior to the 2019 annual meeting, and may only be submitted once for the Krooss prize. After the Krooss committee has reviewed the proposals, it will ask semi-finalists to submit copies of their dissertations. Finalists will present summaries of their dissertations at a plenary session and will receive a partial subsidy of their travel costs to the meeting. Proposals accepted for the Krooss Prize are not eligible for the Kerr Prize. If you wish to apply for this prize please send a cover letter indicating you are applying for the Krooss prize along with a one-page CV and one-page (300 word) dissertation abstract via email to The deadline for proposals for the Krooss prize is 1 October 2018. The BHC Doctoral Colloquium in Business History will be held in conjunction with the BHC annual meeting. This prestigious workshop, funded by Cambridge University Press, will take place in Cartagena Wednesday March 13 and Thursday March 14. Typically limited to ten students, the colloquium is open to early stage doctoral candidates pursuing dissertation research within the broad field of business history, from any relevant discipline. Topics (see link for past examples) may range from the early modern era to the present, and explore societies across the globe. Participants work intensively with a distinguished group of BHC-affiliated scholars (including at least two BHC officers), discussing dissertation proposals, relevant literatures and research strategies, and career trajectories. Applications are due by 1 November 2018 via email to should include: a statement of interest; CV; preliminary or final dissertation prospectus (10-15 pages); and a letter of support from your dissertation supervisor (or prospective supervisor). Questions about the colloquium should be sent to its director, Edward Balleisen, All participants receive a stipend that partially defrays travel costs to the annual meeting. Applicants will receive notification of the selection committee’s decisions by 1 December 2018. On the 14th March 2019 there will be a special workshop on ‘Latin American Business in a Global and Historical Perspective’ which will be in the Spanish and Portuguese languages and aims to attract papers by academics who prefer to present their research in their native languages. The deadline for submissions is 1 October 2018. For more details about the call for papers and the submission process contact Joaquin Viloria De la Hoz (Banco de la República / Central Bank of Colombia) at:




Empresariado en América Latina en Perspectiva Histórica y Global 4 de Marzo de 2019 Hilton Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

(WORKSHOP: LATIN AMERICAN BUSINESS IN A GLOBAL AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE) Auspicia: Business History Conference 2019 “Globalization and De-Globalization: Shifts of Power and Wealth” Organizadores: Banco de la República (Colombia), Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Administración (GHE) (Colombia) LLAMADO A CONTRIBUCIONES: No hay temas predefinidos en esta Convocatoria. Se busca reunir una muestra de la creciente historiografía empresarial sobre América Latina, reveladora de las diversas modalidades, actores, períodos y temáticas de la historia empresarial en esta parte del mundo, así como de la utilización de nuevas fuentes, incluyendo la historia oral. Se priorizarán propuestas de abstracts que representen aportes novedosos y relevantes para la reflexión de la historia empresarial de América Latina en el largo plazo, conducentes a ponencias que presenten análisis interdisciplinarios, miradas internacionales/comparativas. Enviar su propuesta de abstract hasta el 1 de Octubre de 2018. El Comité Científico evaluará las propuestas y a más tardar el 1 de Diciembre notificará si ha sido aceptado. La propuesta de abstract (máximo: una página) debe contener: 1) objetivos de la ponencia, 2) orientación teórica, 3) metodología y 4) fuentes. Agregar además un breve CV (máximo: una página) El idioma del Workshop será español y portugués. Coordinadores: Joaquín Viloria (Colombia), Norma Lanciotti (Argentina), Aurora Gómez Galvarriato (México). Comité Científico: Carlos Dávila, Carlos Gabriel Guimaraes, María Inés Barbero, Rory Miller. Contacto y más información: Joaquín Viloria De la Hoz (Banco de la República / Central Bank of Colombia):



Sexto Congreso Latinoamericano De Historia Economica (CLADHE VI) Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago (Chile) 23-25 julio 2019 SEGUNDA CIRCULAR El sexto Congreso Latino-Americano de Historia Económica (CLADHE VI) se realizará en la ciudad de Santiago, Chile, entre los días 23 y 25 de julio de 2019. Las instituciones organizadoras son las asociaciones de Historia Económica de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Caribe, Colombia, México, Perú y Uruguay, así como las de España y Portugal, en condición de invitadas. La Asociación Chilena de Historia Económica (ACHHE) y la Facultad de Administración y Economía (FAE), de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Usach), con sede en la ciudad de Santiago, son las instituciones anfitrionas. El sitio web del congreso es el siguiente: Los invitamos a visitarlo para mayores antecedentes, incluido el programa general del evento. Los idiomas oficiales de CLADHE VI serán español y portugués; sin embargo, también serán recibidos trabajos en inglés. El congreso será organizado en simposios, mesas redondas y conferencias. La conferencia de apertura estará a cargo de la profesora Jane Humphries (Universidad de Oxford), mientras que la conferencia de cierre será dictada por el profesor Leandro Prados de la Escosura (Universidad Carlos III). Los temas y participantes de las cuatro mesas redondas serán los siguientes: Mesa redonda 1. ¿Pobreza de clio? Invitados: Francesco Boldizzoni , Jörg Baten , Julio Pinto & Luis Bértola. Encargado COL: José Díaz. Mesa redonda 2. ¿Qué rol tienen (o deberían tener) los grandes empresarios en el desarrollo económico de América Latina? Invitados: Ricardo Nazer, Javier Vidal, Erica Salvaj, Arnaldo Dalla Costa. Encargado COL: Diego Barría. Mesa redonda 3. Desafíos de financiamiento de sistemas de seguridad social y políticas de superación de la desigualdad. Invitados: María Dolores Lorenzo, Nora Lustig, Claudia Sanhueza, José Pablo Arellano. Encargada COL: Bernardita Escobar. Mesa redonda 4. ¿Qué puede aportar la historia económica a la formulación de políticas de desarrollo en América Latina? Invitados: José Antonio Ocampo, Sandra Kuntz, Stephen Haber, Ignacio Briones. Encargado COL: Claudio Robles.



RECORDATORIO DE LLAMADO A PRESENTACION DE PROPUESTAS DE SIMPOSIOS Las propuestas de simposios temáticos serán recibidas entre el 1 de Julio y el 15 de agosto de 2018 en la siguiente dirección electrónica:, de acuerdo a lo estipulado en la Circular 1 ( BASES DEL PRIMER PREMIO A LA MEJOR TESIS DOCTORAL EN HISTORIA ECONÓMICA DE AMÉRICA LATINA Adjuntamos a esta circular las Bases del Primer Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Historia Económica de América Latina, Cladhe 2019.

Bases Primer Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Historia Económica de América Latina Cladhe 2019 1. OBJETIVO Las asociaciones de Historia Económica de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Caribe, Colombia, México, Perú y Uruguay, así como las de España y Portugal, en condición de invitadas, crean el Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Historia Económica de América Latina, con el objetivo principal de promover la investigación en historia económica y reconocer las mejores tesis doctorales defendidas en programas de historia económica a nivel mundial. 2. CRITERIOS DE ELEGIBILIDAD 2.1 Podrán postular tesis doctorales que traten sobre temas de Historia Económica de América Latina en general o algún(os) país(es) de América Latina en particular”, defendidas en cualquier universidad del mundo, por un estudiante de cualquier nacionalidad. 2.2 La tesis deberá estar escrita en español, portugués o inglés. 2.3 La tesis tiene que haber sido defendida en el trienio 2016-2018. 3. POSTULACIONES 3.1 Las tesis deberán ser enviadas por el propio autor, en PDF (un solo archivo), a cladhe6@usach. cl, con copia a, antes de las 23.59 horas del 31 de enero del 2019, hora local en Santiago de Chile. 3.2 Junto a la tesis deberá enviarse el formulario de inscripción del anexo 1. 3.3 Deberá enviarse además un documento oficial que pruebe que la tesis fue defendida y aprobada, o bien una carta firmada por el director de la tesis confirmando lo anterior. 3.4 Deberá enviarse un resumen de la tesis de entre 1.500 y 2.000 palabras.



4. PREMIO 4.1 Se entregarán tres premios de US$1000, uno para cada uno de los siguientes periodos: • Premio Tulio Halperín Donghi: Periodo colonial. • Premio Tamás Szmrecsányi: Periodo c.1810-1913. • Premio Carlos Díaz Alejandro: Periodo c.1913-2010. 4.2 A cada ganador se le hará entrega, además, de un diploma. 4.3 Los ganadores serán anunciados el 1 de julio del 2019, y la premiación se realizará en el Cladhe 6. 5. JURADO 5.1 Se crearán tres jurados, uno para cada periodo mencionado en el punto 4. 5.2 Cada jurado estará integrado por 3 miembros, los que serán nombrados por el comité organizador internacional del Cladhe 6. Los miembros del jurado deberán ser, de preferencia, editores o ex editores de las revistas iberoamericanas de historia económica, o cualquier otra personalidad que el comité organizador internacional del Cladhe 6 estime pertinente. 5.3 Cada jurado podrá preseleccionar las tesis a evaluar (en base a los resúmenes recibidos), o bien evaluar todas las tesis postulantes. 5.4 Al anunciar el ganador, cada jurado deberá justificar por qué la tesis premiada resultó ganadora.

2018 CHORD conference on 'Retailing and Distribution in the Eighteenth Century' University of Wolverhampton, UK on 13 September 2018. The programme, together with abstracts, registration details and further information, can be found at: The programme includes: Steven Sanders, Oxford Brookes University The Upholder in the Age of Thomas Chippendale: Upholders as Appraisers, Brokers, and Auctioneers Anna Knutsson, European University Institute Selling British Contraband in Eighteenth Century Sweden Jenni Dixon, BCU From Cabinets to Toy-Shops: Curious Spaces in the Eighteenth-Century Aidan Collins, University of York Defining ‘Traders’ in Bankruptcy Proceedings, 1700-1750


Elisabeth Gernerd Fancy Feathers: the Feather Trade in Britain and the Atlantic World Jessica Davidson, St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford ‘Here mirth and merchandise are mix’d’: Buying and selling at the English provincial fair reconsidered Matthew Mauger, Queen Mary University of London Grocers’ Trade cards and the Cultural Imaginaries of China David Fallon, University of Roehampton Bookselling, Sociable Retailing and Identity by Distribution: The Case of Thomas Payne Serena Dyer, University of Warwick Stitching and Shopping: The Material Literacy of the Consumer Clare Rose, The Royal School of Needlework, London Quilted petticoats in eighteenth century London: genuine and imitation, bought and stolen Jon Stobart, Manchester Metropolitan University Clothing the countryside: textiles and haberdashery in English village shops, c.1660-1720 The conference will be held at the University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton City Campus. The fee is £22. Registration is via the University of Wolverhampton's e-store, at: Or see the conference web-pages, at: Or contact Laura Ugolini, at: Information about CHORD events can also be found here: Prof. Laura Ugolini Professor of History Dept. of History, Politics, War Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Room MH124 Mary Seacole (MH) Building University of Wolverhampton Wolverhampton WV1 1LY



Workshop On Economic History 2018 Ridge December Forum Montevideo, Uruguay / December 7-8, 2018

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Luis Bértola (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) José Antonio Ocampo (Banco de la República de Colombia) Felipe Valencia (University of British Columbia) Invited Keynote speaker Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University, Chicago)

CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE WORKSHOP ON ECONOMIC HISTORY The Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the Workshop on Economic History to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 7-8 December 2018. The workshop is organized together with the 6th Southern Hemisphere Summer School in Economic History, organized by the Economic and social History Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de la República. RIDGE invites to send papers to this economic history workshop on all subjects of economic history provided they are particularly concerned with developing regions. The 2018 workshop will take place within the framework of the 2018 RIDGE December Forum along with the following workshops: • Trade and Firm Dynamics / Growth and Development, December 12-14 (Montevideo, Uruguay) • Financial Stability, December 4-5 (Montevideo, Uruguay) • International Macro, December 6-7 (Montevideo, Uruguay) • Economic History, December 7-8 (Montevideo, Uruguay) • Environmental Economics 10-11 (Montevideo, Uruguay) • Macroeconomics, December 13-14 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)



The RIDGE forums aim at the spreading of high quality research in economics by bringing together prestigious researchers working on the frontier of knowledge to local and regional researchers and policymakers. Participants to this workshop are welcome to attend the other workshops. PAPER SUBMISSION Full papers, written in English, must be submitted for consideration for the workshop via de RIDGE website: Each author can submit and present at most one paper per workshop (submission of papers to other workshops is possible). IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for paper submission: September 28, 2018 (12 AM ET) Notification of organizers decision: October 12, 2018 FURTHER INFORMATION Should you have any questions please contact: For more information about RIDGE see




BUSINESS HISTORY STUDIES NETWORK The Business History Studies Network Bulletin (Boletín de la

that any request for information or proposals for the Bulletin/

Red de Estudios de Historia de Empresas) is issued in Spani-

Review can be made by sending an email to

sh. Its purpose is to provide virtual information and become a

discussion forum for researchers from several fields who are interested in business history. The Bulletin/Review contains

We have now a blog where you can read online or download

two main sections –“Debates” and “Archives”- introducing new

the Bulletin in PDF format:

issues, topics and sources for the study of business history. It also includes a section on bibliographical reviews and current

You can also be view online our Bulletins in the webpage of

information on seminars, lectures, publications, dissertations

the Asociación Mexicana de Historia Económica

and other field-specific materials.


This last number of the Review carries on with the path begun

Or in the webpage of the Asociación Argentina de Historia

in 2004. Following the aim of strengthening the Latin Ameri-


can business historians’ community, from 2010 the Editorial


Committee included international associates. Editors: María Inés Barbero (UBA), Andrea Lluch (UNLPam We reiterate our interest in receiving your suggestions, com-

CONICET), Daniel Moyano (UNT - CONICET) and Patricia Olguín

ments and contributions for future issues. We remind you


BUSINESS HISTORY STUDIES NETWORK Advisory committee: Andrés Regalsky (UNLu – UNTREF - CONICET); Norma Lanciotti (UNR - CONICET); Raúl Jacob (Universidad de la República, Uruguay); Roberto Schmit (UBA - Instituto Emilio Ravignani - UNGS); Sandra Kuntz (El Colegio de México, México). International Collaborator: Beatriz Rodríguez-Satizabal (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia).

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