1 minute read


We all have or will experience health challenges or difficult transitions in life. Whatwoulditlookliketotrulynotbealoneinthestrugglesweface?Howwouldit feeltobeprayedoverbythoseclosesttoyoubeforeasurgery?Whatwoulditbe liketoworshipwiththemaftersharinginyourstruggle?Redeemer'snewPersonal CareTeamsrespondstothesequestions.

A Personal Care Team is more than a meal delivered. A Personal Care Team shows the Care Recipients that their church community cares for them. Comprised by family, friends from church groups and worship, and members who have the gift of mercy and prayer, a unique Personal Care Team assembles for each Care Recipient.

The Pastor for Congregational Care meets with the Personal Care Team and the Care Recipient together The Care Recipient shares their challenge and needs and everyone receives encouragement and prayer together With a clear timeline of care, each person offers tangible support (meals, texts, visits), then the team disbands after the Care Recipient's needs are met (typically 3-4 weeks). You may be asked to be a part of a Personal Care Team if someone you know from church or a Redeemer member who lives near you needs short-term spiritualandemotionalcare.

Waysyoucanhelpasamemberof aPersonalCareTeam:


Textprayersand encouragement


Knitorcrochetaprayershawl BecomeaCaringCompanion Coordinatethecare

Ifyouareinterestedinbeingcalled upon when a need arises, please completethisform


OpenContinuingEducation: TheCaringWorkofInspiritus

Each month, Redeemer's Stephen Ministers meet for continuing education to ensure quality care.

JoinStephenMinistryinAugustas they welcome Michelle Angalet and learn how compassionate Christian care can extend beyond Redeemer through our ministry partner, Inspiritus

VisitationMinistersbringthe consecratedsacramentof HolyCommunionto membersofRedeemerwho areunabletoattendworship inpersoneverymonth By offeringcommunion,kindly visiting,andsharingour commonfaithVisitation

Minstersareablessingto thosewhomtheyvisitand areblessedbythemin return.Redeemerwillprovide trainingfornewVisitation MinistersonTuesday,August 29thfrom7-8:30pmto preparevolunteerstovisit ourmemberswith confidence

“FromSurvivingtoThriving–LearnhowInspiritus accompanies children, adults and families whose journeys have been interrupted by life’s many unsettling forces, and how faith communitiescanjoinusinthisholywork

Since 2019, Michelle Angalet has served as Inspiritus’ Chief Operating Officer. She is also a deaconintheELCASoutheasternSynod”


Mental Mental Mental Health Health Health


Tableintheatriumthe firstSundayofthe month


Screening Screening atRedeemer atRedeemer atRedeemer

Sunday,August6 10-11am

Findresourcesfor mentalhealth,takean onlineconfidential assessment,share yourstory.





Focusofthemeetingwillbe envisioningministryprioritiesand budgetfor2024

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